Edel Quinn
Edel Quinn
Edel Quinn
Edel Quinn
Brendan Comerford SJ, writer, author and retreat director,
recounts the life of a well-known Legionary of Mary. His book,
Disciple of Courage forthcoming by Messenger Publications.
‘She was terribly impressive, very girl- They moved around because Edel’s
ish but a very refreshing experience.’ father, Charles, worked for the then
‘She is like a wild bird. You cannot National Bank, eventually being
keep her in a cage.’ So said Frank promoted to manger of the National
Duff, founder of The Legion of Mary, Bank in Tralee. Edel’s mother, Louise,
about Edel Quinn. But who was Edel attended Mass every day and used
Quinn? to take Edel with her, giving Edel the
Edel Quinn was born near Kanturk foundation of a habit that was to last
in County Cork in 1907. Over the first all her life.
ten years of her life, she lived in five In the summer of 1923, Edel was
different towns throughout Ireland in approaching her sixteenth birthday.
a family of three sisters and a brother. Her parents decided to send her to
was enthusiastic about this idea. Carmelite convent. Her last surviving
Because of Edel’s health, Duff faced a letter was written to Frank Duff on
barrage of criticism. He was accused 9 May 1944, three days before her
of sending Edel to her death. Duff death. Edel died on 12 May 1944 and
remained firm and so Edel arrived in was buried in the same cemetery in
Nairobi, Kenya in November 1936. Nairobi as Bishop Joseph Shanahan.
One of the problems that Edel quickly More than 600 of Edel’s letters still
encountered was the difficulty of get- survive and they enable us to follow
ting white, brown and black people her movements in Africa in great
to work together. In Nairobi, she tells detail. Another major source is the
us that she received staunch support testimony given by eye witnesses for
from Fr Tom Maher, an Irish Spiritan. her canonisation process during the
She wrote of him, ‘He is a very zealous period 1963 to 1971. The words love,
priest and also very practical and joy, peace appear in almost every
shrewd.’ Fr Tom happened to testimony.
be a cousin of my father, ©Fernan
The late Belgian Cardinal
and Edel’s description of do
V/ Léon-Joseph Suenens of
him is very accurate! Brussels-Malines wrote