Safflower Research On Goats
Safflower Research On Goats
Safflower Research On Goats
~ 1998 ~
The Pharma Innovation Journal
~ 1999 ~
The Pharma Innovation Journal
ovulation of dominant follicle via LH surge, efficient were observed to be outstanding as this study was conducted
luteinization and improved luteal function, which leads to in postpartum period of the goats, with safflower oil
formation of good sized CL (Beck et al. 1996) [3]. This supplementation as a source of n-6 PUFAs. The n-6 PUFAs
increases progesterone production and compensates for are associated with higher Prostaglandins (PGF2α) production
possible luteal insufficiency during early pregnancy and (Thatcher and Staples, 2000) [25], which cause early onset of
stimulates embryonic development (Cam et al. 2002) [6]. estrus by luteolysis of the mature Corpus Luteum (Burke et
Hence, no embryonic loss might have resulted in higher al. 1996) [5]. But, the GnRH given by ovsynch on mating day
pregnancy rate in present group. prevents possible luteal insufficiency and stimulates
Estrus induction rate and conception rates in the present group embryonic development during early pregnancy.
Table 1: Estrus induction rate (%), Onset of estrus (hr), Duration of estrus (hr) and Conception rates (%) in different groups
Sl. No. of No. of animals Estrus Induction Onset of Duration of No. of animals Pregnancy rate at
No. animals induced to estrus rate (%) Estrus (hr) Estrus (hr) conceived induced estrus (%)
1 Group 1 (T0) 8 8 100 % 62.25 ± 1.66 38.25 ± 1.21 4 50 %
2 Group 2 (T1) 8 8 100 % 49.625 ± 1.48 46.125 ± 0.89 6 75 %
3 Group 3 (T2) 8 8 100 % 41.25 ± 1.71 42.75 ± 3.50 8 100 %
~ 2001 ~