Safflower Research On Goats

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2022; SP-11(4): 1997-2001

ISSN (E): 2277-7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23 Effect of supplementation of safflower oil in Ovsynch
TPI 2022; SP-11(4): 1997-2001
© 2022 TPI on conception rate of postpartum Bidri goats
Received: 22-02-2022
Accepted: 25-03-2022 Ravikiran, Bijurkar RG, Tandle MK, Biradar US, Suranagi MD,
Ravikiran Ramachandra B and Srikant K
Postgraduate Student,
Department of Veterinary
Gynaecology and Obstetrics,
The study was conducted to find out the effect of safflower oil supplementation combined with Ovsynch
Veterinary College, Bidar, India
estrus synchronization protocol in postpartum Bidri goats. Twenty-four full term pregnant goats were
Bijurkar RG selected and divided into 3 groups (n=8). From day of kidding, all the 3 groups were fed with concentrate
Professor and Head, Department feed (250 gm/day/doe) for 30 days. Group one (T0) was kept control and maintained on concentrate feed
of Veterinary Gynaecology and without additional supplementation. Treatment groups – Group 2 (T1) and Group 3 (T2) received
Obstetrics, Veterinary College, safflower oil supplementation at the rate of 30 gm and 50 gm/day/doe respectively, for 30 days. Ovsynch
Bidar, India (G-P-G) estrous synchronization protocol was carried in all 3 groups from day 16 postpartum. All
animals received a I/M inj of GnRH @ 4 mcg on day 16 post kidding and I/M inj of PGF2α @ 250 mcg
Tandle MK on day 23; Upon observing of estrus signs, does were allowed for natural mating. All the animals
Professor and Director of received second, I/M inj of GnRH @ 4 mcg on day 25 (48 hours after PGF2α injection). Estrus induction
Instruction (PGS), KVAFSU, rates for all the 3 groups were 100 %. Conception rates for T0, T1 and T2 were 50%, 75% and 100%
Bidar, India respectively. Based on conception rate, it was noticed that safflower oil supplementation augmented
conception rates in both Group 2 (T1) and Group 3 (T2). It was concluded that Group 3, which received
Biradar US
50-gram safflower oil + Ovsynch had better efficiency in increasing conception rate of postpartum Bidri
Professor (Retd.), Department of
Livestock Farm Complex, does.
Veterinary College, Bidar, India
Keywords: Bidri Goats, Ovsynch, Safflower oil, Estrus synchronization
Suranagi MD
Professor and Head, Department Introduction
of Statistics, Veterinary College, Goats are commonly considered as poor man’s ATM, where M can be attributed to money,
Bidar, India
meat, milk, manure etc. Good quality hide can also be profitably extracted from goats after the
Ramachandra B slaughter. They are also regarded as “poor man’s cow” because of their milk that is sufficient
Professor and Head, Department for a small family. Goat farming contributes about 8.5% to livestock GDP and plays an
of Animal Nutrition, Veterinary important role in Indian economy. It ensures self-employment and acts as a cushion in distress
College, Bidar, India situations like drought and famine.
The necessity of good nutrition for better reproductive function is a universal fact. Harsh
Srikant K
Professor, Department of environmental conditions, lack of pasture land for grazing, nutritional deficiencies (Kennedy et
Veterinary Physiology and al. 1994) [15] and prolonged postpartum anestrus period (Wagenmaker et al. 2009) [26] are the
Biochemistry, Veterinary major hurdles for poor economic returns experienced by the rural goat farmers. Controlled
College, Bidar, India reproduction is a valuable tool in goat farming. The actual profitability of goat rearing depends
on the exploitation of fertility potential. Positive effects of oil supplementations on animal
reproduction are well documented. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) (also called Kusum,
Kusumbha, Kardi etc.,) is one such oil seed plant with rich source of one of two essential fatty
acids – “Omega – 6 PUFA”, the Linoliec Acid (LA) up to about 70 to 80 % (GRDC, 2010).
The current study is aimed to increase kid crop of goats by reducing the postpartum period of
Bidri goats by supplementation of safflower oil and Ovsynch protocol.

Material and Method

Twenty-four healthy full term pregnant does of age about 3 – 4 years old were selected for this
study. They were allowed for grazing during day time from morning 10.30 AM to evening
5.30 PM. All the does were dewormed Fenbendazole (PANACUR®, MSD) @7.5mg/Kg body
Corresponding Author weight. These animals were randomly divided into three groups. Number of animals in each
Ravikiran group was eight. All animals were stall fed during night time and were housed in sheds. Ad
Postgraduate Student, libitum clean drinking water was made available.
Department of Veterinary
Gynaecology and Obstetrics,
Veterinary College, Bidar, India
~ 1997 ~
The Pharma Innovation Journal

Treatment Regimen Turkey respectively. Walkden-Brown and Bocquier, (2000)

Group 1 – T0 (n=8) [27]
suggested that availability of energy has a key influence
Each animal received 250 g of concentrated pellet. Ovsynch on reproductive performance due to sensitivity of the
(GnRH-PGF2α-GnRH) estrous synchronization protocol was reproductive axis to adequacy of nutrition and metabolic
carried from day 16. Animals were observed for estrus signs reserves.
daily morning and evening. Estrus detected animals were left Present findings for onset of estrus (62.25 ± 1.66 hr) were
with bucks for natural mating. delayed than Holtz et al. (2008) [14], Nur et al. (2013) [20] and
Alemat (2017) [2] who recorded the onset of estrus in ovsynch
was 40.4 hr, 30.9 hr and 34.97±3.74 hr respectively. Further,
the delayed onset of estrus may be due to lower body
condition as said by (Freitas et al. 2004) [9], who noticed that
lower body condition of postpartum animals lead to prolonged
onset of estrus, delayed post-partum anoestrus period, that
reflects compromised response to estrus synchronization and
Group 2 – T1 (n=8) the low level fertility.
Duration of estrus in present study (38.25 ± 1.21 hr) was
Each animal received 250g of concentrated pellet feed hand found to be in accordance with findings of Pujar et al. (2016)
mixed with additional 30g of safflower oil, for 30 days. who observed mean duration of estrus in Osmanabadi
Ovsynch (GnRH-PGF2α-GnRH) estrous synchronization goats as 38.00 ± 5.0 hr in ovsynch. Similalrly, Holtz et al.
protocol was carried from day 16. Later animals were (2008) [14] reported duration of estrus in lactating Boer does
observed for estrus signs daily morning and evening. Estrus treated with ovsynch was 40.4 hr.
detected animals were left with bucks for natural mating. Conception rate in present study (50%) was closer to the
results of Holtz et al. (2008) [14] and Panicker et al. (2015) [21]
where, both of them recorded 58 % conception rate under
ovsynch in Boer goats and Malabari goats respectively.
Estrus induction and conception rates in the present study
were observed to be favorable as this study was conducted in
postpartum period of the goats. Nasciment et al. (2014) [18]
demonstrated supplementation of energy rich diet promoted
reduced number of days for uterine involution, return to
Group 3 – T2 (n=8) postpartum ovarian activity and estrus onset in goats of
Each animal received 250g of concentrated pellet feed hand
mixed with additional 50g of safflower oil, for 30 days. Concentrates + 30 g Safflower Oil + Ovsynch – Group 2 (T1)
Ovsynch (GnRH-PGF2α-GnRH) estrous synchronization
protocol was carried from day 16. Animals were observed for In this group, numbers of animals were 8 and these animals
estrus signs daily morning and evening. Estrus detected were allowed to feed uniformly mixed 250 g of concentrate
animals were left with bucks for natural mating. feed and 30 g Safflower oil/day/doe daily for 30 days post
kidding. Ovsynch (GnRH-PGF2α-GnRH) estrus
synchronization protocol was carried from day 16 post-
In this group, all animals responded to ovsynch and exhibited
estrus. Hence, the estrus induction rate was 100 percent.
Estrus signs were observed after 49.62 ± 1.48 hr,
approximately 2 days after administration of PGF2α on 23rd
day with the range of 42-54 hr.
Results and Discussion Duration of estrus in these animals was 46.125 ± 0.89 hr with
Concentrates + Ovsynch – Group 1 (T0) the range of 42 – 48 hr. 6 animals were found to be pregnant
In this group, total 8 does were allowed to feed 250 gm of out of 8, diagnosed by ultrasound scanning after 45 days post
concentrate feed /day/doe up to 30 days post kidding. mating and thus conception rate was 75.00 %.
Ovsynch (GnRH-PGF2α-GnRH) estrous synchronization Estrus induction rate in present study (100%) was found to be
protocol was carried from day 16 post-partum. All the animals similar to the findings of Deshmukh et al. (2017) [8] under
were responded to Ovsynch and exhibited estrus. Hence, the ovsynch on postpartum day 60 in crossbred cows fed with n-6
estrus induction rate was 100%. Estrus signs were observed PUFA rich Soyabean oil. However, Grant et al. (2003) [11]
after 62.25 ± 1.66 hr, approximately 3 days after reported 50% estrus induction by single GnRH – PGF2α
administration of PGF2α on 23rd day with the range of 60-72 synchronization on day 40 postpartum in cows supplemented
hr. Duration of estrus in these animals was found to be 38.25 with safflower seeds. The elevated serum cholesterol due to n-
± 1.21 hr with the range of 36 – 42 hr. Here, 4 animals were 6 PUFA supplementation results in higher steroidogenesis
pregnant, diagnosed by ultrasonography scanning after 45 (Needleman et al. 1986) [19] that produces increased estrogen
days. Thus conception rate was 50.00 %. (Staples et al. 1998) [24] and subsequently higher estrus
Present findings regarding estrus induction were found to be induction rates are achieved. Walkden-Brown and Bocquier,
similar to findings of Holtz et al. (2008) [14] and Cinar et al. (2000) [27] suggested that availability of energy has a key
(2017) [7], both of them found 100% estrus induction rate by influence on reproductive performance due to sensitivity of
Ovsynch protocol in Boer goats of Germany and Hair goats of the reproductive axis to adequacy of nutrition and metabolic

~ 1998 ~
The Pharma Innovation Journal

reserves. were allowed to feed on uniformly mixed 250 gm of

Present findings for onset of estrus (49.62 ± 1.48 hr) are concentrate feed and 50 g Safflower oil /day/doe daily for 30
closer to Holtz et al. (2008) [14] who recorded the onset of days post kidding. Ovsynch (GnRH-PGF2α-GnRH) estrous
estrus in ovsynch as 44.8 hr. Burke et al. (1996) [5], noticed synchronization protocol was carried from day 16 post
onset of estrus was one day shorter when intravenously partum.
infused with n-6 PUFA rich olive oil, than n-3 PUFA rich In this group, all animals responded to ovsynch and exhibited
soybean oil in ewes. estrus. Hence, the estrus induction rate was 100%. Estrus
Duration of estrus in present study was found to be 46.12 ± signs were observed after 41.25 ± 1.71 hr, approximately 2
0.89 hr with the range of about 36-42 hr. Present findings are days after administration of PGF2α on 23rd day, with the range
closer to findings of Holtz et al. (2008) [14] and Riaz (2012) of 36 - 48 hr. Duration of estrus in these animals was found to
who reported duration of estrus under ovsynch was 40.4 hr in be 42.75 ± 3.50 hr with the range of 36 – 48 hr. All the 8
lactating Boer does and 44.7 ± 4.9 in Beetal and Dwarf does animals which were expressed heat found pregnant, diagnosed
respevtively. Present findings were found to be higher than by ultrasonography scanning after 45th day post natural
Nur et al. (2013) [20] and Alemat (2017) [2] who found lower mating. Thus, conception rate was 100.00 %.
duration of estrus about 29.4 hr in Saanen goats and 27.35 ± Present findings regarding estrus induction rate were found to
5.14 hr in local goats of Ethiopia respectively. Whereas, be similar to findings of Deshmukh et al. (2017) [8] who
Kusina et al. (2000) [16] witnessed that African goats reported under ovsynch in n-6 PUFA rich Soyabean oil fed
maintained on pasture with low body score, found no cross bred cows. While, Grant et al. (2003) [11] reported 50%
differences in reproductive response. The supplementation of estrus induction by single GnRH – PGF2α synchronization on
n-6 PUFA delays the pre-ovulatory estrodiol release needed day 40 postpartum in cows supplemented with safflower
for ovulation, which may increase the duration of estrus seeds. The elevated serum cholesterol due to n-6 PUFA
(Zachut et al. 2010) [28]. The probable delayed ovulation might supplementation results in higher steroidogenesis (Needleman
be countered by GnRH given on day of mating, which ensures et al. 1986) [19] that produces increased estrogen (Staples et al.
ovulation of dominant follicle via LH surge (Beck et al. 1996) 1998) [24] and subsequently higher estrus induction rates are
. Conception rate in present group (75%) was found to be achieved. Walkden-Brown and Bocquier, (2000) [27] suggested
higher than Holtz et al. (2008) [14] and Panicker et al. (2015) that availability of energy has a key influence on reproductive
where, both of them recorded 58% conception rates under performance due to sensitivity of the reproductive axis to
ovsynch in Boer goats and Malabari goats respectively. adequacy of nutrition and metabolic reserves.
Similarly, Pujar et al. (2016) [22] documented 66.66% Present findings for onset of estrus (41.25 ± 1.71 hr) in
pregnancy rate in Osmanabadi goats. However, our findings present group were found to be closer to findings of Burke et
were found to be lower than Cinar et al, (2017) [7] who al. (1996) [5], who noticed onset of estrus was one day shorter
reported higher pregnancy rate about 85% by ovsynch in Hair when intravenously infused with n-6 PUFA rich olive oil,
goats during breeding season. Higher conception rates were than n-3 rich soybean oil in ewes.
recorded in goats with longer duration of estrus (Panicker et Duration of estrus in present study (42.75 ± 3.50 hr) was
al. 2015) [21], which might have lead to increased exposure of found to be with the range of about 36 - 48 hr. Present
estrus goats to natural mating by Bucks. Higher pregnancy findings were found to be closer with findings of Holtz et al.
rate in present group might be due to supplementation of n-6 (2008) [14], who reported duration of estrus in lactating does
PUFAs through safflower oil. Staples et al. (1998) [24], treated with ovsynch was 40.4 hr and Akusu et al. (1986) [1],
Funston (2004) [10] and Hess et al. (2008) [13] observed the who observed duration of estrus ranging from 10 to 48 hours
improvement in pregnancy rates of cows supplemented with in West African dwarf goats. Duration of estrus in present
fat. Further, Improvement in pregnancy rates was noticed by findings were longer than Nur et al. (2013) [20] and Alemat
Lopes et al. (2009) [17] in n-6 PUFA supplemented Bos indicus (2017) [2] who found lower duration of estrus about 29.4 hour
cows of Nellore. However, the specific effects of n-6 PUFAs in Saanen goats and 27.35 ± 5.14 hr in local goats of Ethiopia
on pregnancy rates in ruminants are variable (Gulliver et al. respectively. The supplementation of n-6 PUFA delays the
2012) [12]. pre-ovulatory estrodiol release needed for ovulation, which
Estrus induction rate and conception rates in the present study may increase the duration of estrus (Zachut et al. 2010) [28].
were observed to be desirable as this study was conducted in Conception rate in present group (100%) was higher than that
postpartum period of the goats, with safflower oil of Cinar et al. (2017) [7], who reported 85% pregnancy rate by
supplementation as a source of n-6 PUFAs. These n-6 PUFAs ovsynch in Hair goats. Similarly, present findings were higher
are associated with higher Prostaglandins - PGF2α (Thatcher than Holtz et al. (2008) [14] and Panicker et al. (2015) [21]
and Staples, 2000) [25], which cause early onset of estrus by where, both recorded 58 % conception rates under ovsynch in
luteolysis of mature corpus luteum (Burke et al. 1996) [5]. Boer goats and Malabari goats respectively. Further, Pujar et
Buendia et al. (2015) concluded that addition of safflower al. (2016) [22] documented 66.66% pregnancy rate in
seeds in diets of finishing cattle improved feed intake and dry Osmanabadi goats. Staples et al. (1998) [24], Funtson (2004)
matter digestibility with positive effects on ruminal and Hess et al. (2008) [13] witnessed the improvement in
fermentation, which positively reflected on conception rates. pregnancy rates of cows supplemented with fat. Higher
Further, Nasciment et al. (2014) [18] demonstrated pregnancy rate in the present group might be due to
supplementation of energy rich diet promoted reduced supplementation of n-6 PUFAs through safflower oil. Lopes
number of days for uterine involution, return to postpartum et al. (2009) [17], noticed improvement in pregnancy rates
ovarian activity and early estrus onset in goats of Brazil. when Bos indicus cows of Nellore received n-6 PUFAs. In
contrast (Hess et al. 2008) [13] observed supplementation of n-
Concentrates + 50 g Safflower Oil + Ovsynch – Group 3 (T2) 6 PUFAs lead to lower pregnancy rates in beef cows, which
was due to higher luteolytic PGF2α produced from n-6 PUFA
In this group, numbers of animals were 8 and these animals diets. The GnRH given on day of mating in ovsynch ensures

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The Pharma Innovation Journal

ovulation of dominant follicle via LH surge, efficient were observed to be outstanding as this study was conducted
luteinization and improved luteal function, which leads to in postpartum period of the goats, with safflower oil
formation of good sized CL (Beck et al. 1996) [3]. This supplementation as a source of n-6 PUFAs. The n-6 PUFAs
increases progesterone production and compensates for are associated with higher Prostaglandins (PGF2α) production
possible luteal insufficiency during early pregnancy and (Thatcher and Staples, 2000) [25], which cause early onset of
stimulates embryonic development (Cam et al. 2002) [6]. estrus by luteolysis of the mature Corpus Luteum (Burke et
Hence, no embryonic loss might have resulted in higher al. 1996) [5]. But, the GnRH given by ovsynch on mating day
pregnancy rate in present group. prevents possible luteal insufficiency and stimulates
Estrus induction rate and conception rates in the present group embryonic development during early pregnancy.

Table 1: Estrus induction rate (%), Onset of estrus (hr), Duration of estrus (hr) and Conception rates (%) in different groups
Sl. No. of No. of animals Estrus Induction Onset of Duration of No. of animals Pregnancy rate at
No. animals induced to estrus rate (%) Estrus (hr) Estrus (hr) conceived induced estrus (%)
1 Group 1 (T0) 8 8 100 % 62.25 ± 1.66 38.25 ± 1.21 4 50 %
2 Group 2 (T1) 8 8 100 % 49.625 ± 1.48 46.125 ± 0.89 6 75 %
3 Group 3 (T2) 8 8 100 % 41.25 ± 1.71 42.75 ± 3.50 8 100 %

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