What Is Tax ?: Types of Taxes
What Is Tax ?: Types of Taxes
What Is Tax ?: Types of Taxes
What is tax ?
A tax is a mandatory payment or change collected by local,state,and
national govrements from individuals or business to cover the costs of
general government services,goods,and activities. Or it is compulsory
finansial charge or some other type of leavy imposed on a tax payer (an
individual or legal intity) by a govermntal organization in ordre to fund
govremente spending and varios public expenditure (regional,loca,or,
Types of Taxes
There are several very common types of taxes:-
Classification of taxes
Direct and indirect taxation
Tax base
A tax base is the total amount of property, consumption, assets,
transactions, income or other sorts of economic activity that is
subject to taxation by an authority such as the government while a
narrow tax base is considerd to be non-neutral and inefficient,a
broad tax is known for reducing tax administration costs allowing for
more revenune to be raised at lower rates.
Other economic activity