1st Quarterly Examination in Science 5

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Department of Education

Region III
Division of City Schools
East District
Sitio Mangga, Pulungbulu, Angeles City


SY 2023-2024

NAME: _____________________________________________________ SCORE: ______________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________________________ DATE:


Directions: Read and understand each statement carefully. Choose the

best answer among the choices. Write the letter of your response on the
answer sheet.

1. What is matter?
a. everything around us c. anything that has mass and volume
b. anything that has mass d. anything that has volume

2. Which of the following is an example of gas? is:

a. a rock c. a pencil
b. milk d. carbon dioxide (CO2)

3. Which of the following is NOT a state of matter?

a. solid c. liquid
b. gas d. mass

4. Mother was cooking spaghetti last night. The water got so hot that steam floated
up from the pan. Steam is an example of what state of matter?
a. gas c. food
b. solid d. liquid

5. Which of the following properties best describe the eggs?

a. soft c. bendable
b. smooth d. breakable

6. Which human activity causes the most harmful change in the natural
a. riding a bicycle. c. using a solar energy.
b. swimming in the beach. d. cutting down trees in the forest.

7. Which action will result in a product with a new set of properties?

a. cutting wood c. making popcorn
b. breaking mirror d. shredding news paper

8. Which actively will greatly contribute to climate change?

a. Planting trees c. Burning of trash
b. Conserving energy d. Recycling materials

9. Which is not an effect of acid rain?

a. It dissolves the minerals found in leaves of plants and trees.
b. It washes away the nutrients from the soil.
c. It cleans building and factories.
d. It kills fishes and aquatic plants.

10. What do you call the deterioration of the ozone layer of the atmosphere due to
a. acid rain c. depletion of the ozone layer
b. global warming d. pollution
11. What do you call the condition of the contaminated air brought by smoke and
fumes emitted by vehicles, power plants and factories.
a. water pollution c. pollution
b. land pollution d. air pollution

12. A pupil reaches one hand into a bag filled with objects. The pupil feels the
objects but does not look into the bag. Which property of the objects can the pupil
most likely identify?
a. ability to conduct electricity c. color
b. ability to reflect light d. shape

13. A pupil has a ball of clay that sinks when placed in a pan of water. Which
property should he or she change to make the clay float?
a. color c. mass
b. shape d. texture

14. What do you call the property of matter that is defined as the ability to shine by
reflecting light?
a. luster c. malleability
b. color d. solubility

15. Which is an example of physical change?

a. water freezes to ice c. naphthalene balls turn to vapor
b. burning wood turns to ash d. Both a and c

16. What kind of change does matter go through if its composition does not change
but its form does?
a. physical change c. chemical change
b. environmental change d. none of the above

17. What are the characteristics of physical change?

a. change in size b. change in shape
c. change in phase d. all of them

18. What kind of change does a burning match undergo?

a. chemical change c. physical property
b. physical change d. chemical property

19.What happens as liquid water becomes ice?

a. It does not change states.
b. It changes from a liquid to a solid.
c. It changes from a solid to a gas.
d. It changes from a gas to a solid.

20. Which of the following is an example of chemical change?

a. an old car rusting c. throwing a rock
b. cutting a piece of paper d. crushing a can

21. Which statement is true about physical change?

a. It does not change a material’s composition.
b. It does not change a material’s size and shape.
c. It does not involve the physical properties of matter.
d. It does not involve matter.

22. Which is a physical change?

a. burning toast c. rusting bicycle
b. fireworks exploding d. freezing chocolate-covered strawberries

23. Which is true about chemical change?

a. It is reversible.
b. It produces new materials.
c. It changes only a material’s color and odor.
d. It does not change a material’s size and shape.

24. Which shows a chemical change?

a. burning candle c. burning a piece or paper
b. chewing a piece of bread d. melting a piece of chocolate

25. Which process involves a physical change?

a. frying an egg c. digestion
b. photosynthesis d. water cycle

26. What do we mean by evaporation?

a. It is when liquid turn into gas. c. It is when liquid turn into solid.
b. It is when liquid turn into plasma. d. It is when liquid turn into liquid.

27. Which of the following is not a phase change?

a. solidification b. sublimation c. saturation d. condensation

28. How do consumers encourage to reduce their waste?

a. Purchasing in bulk c. Switching to re-useable
b. Buying items with less packaging d. All of the above

29. Instead of buying juice boxes for lunch, buy a large container of juice and use a
washable single serving container to take it to school. What 5R’s technique is
employed in this scenario?
a. reduce c. recycle
b. reuse d. recover

30. Which of the following shows the correct list of 5R’s of waste management?
a. Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Repaint, Rewrite
b. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Restart, Recalibrate
c. Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Recover, Repair
d. Refuse, Refuge, Recycle, Repair, Recover

31. What does to reuse things means?

a. Minimize the strain on the environment.
b. Help municipal waste management.
c. Both a and b option.
d. Be difficult and time consuming

32. Which of the following is a recyclable material?

a. Aluminum c. Glass
b. Cardboard d. All of the above

33. Serena has grown older, so her mother decided to donate her used clothes to
the victims of the typhoon in Samar. What waste management did Serena’s mother
a. Reuse c. Repair
b. Reduce d. Recycle

34. Which of the following shows the proper way to recycle?

a. Scrap papers from the classroom might be turned into paper bags.
b. Buy items in refillable containers.
c. Use cloth bags or baskets when you buy groceries/market.
d. Use both sides of paper in printing.

35. Plastic is commonly used as soft drinks container. What material can you use as
a substitute for plastic?
a. empty cans c. used cups
b. empty bottles d. folded papers

36. In his class, Mr. Ibarra told his pupils to reuse papers instead of throwing it in
the trash bin. How should they do it?
a. Make an origami. c. Give to your classmate.
b. Use it as scrap paper in math. d. Never mind the advice of the teacher.
37. Some materials are normally useful even after serving its original purpose. What
will do you do to empty container at home?
a. Place it inside the cabinet. c. Burn it.
b. Use it as a lunch box. d. Make a trash bin out of it.

38. You have a lot of small clothes in your cabinet. You have noticed that your friend used
old attires. Is it right to share the clothes that you are not using anymore?
a. Yes, because he is my friend.
b. Yes, instead of storing the clothes, they will be a useful again.
c. No, it is a gift from my parents.
d. No, I will burn it.

39. Which of the following cannot be reused?

a. woods c. aluminum cans
b. paper d. paint brush

40. What 5R’s technique is practice in this situation?

Avoiding to buy disposable items such as plastic cups and plates.
a. reuse c. recycle
b. reduce d. repair

41. What 5R’s waste management technique is employed when waste is turn into
useful item?
a. recycle c. reduce
b. repair d. reuse

42. Tenten is collecting used empty plastic bottles for her science project. She plans
to make a star out of these bottles. What is Tenten trying to do?
a. repair c. recycle
b. reduce d. reuse

43. Which is not a recyclable material?

a. old newspapers c. disposable cups
b. used clothes d. sachet of coffee

44. Which trash bin will you put a broken glass?

a. b. c. d.


45. Which is not made from a recyclable material?

a. c.

b. d.

46. Which material cannot be reused?

a. b. c. d.

Evaluate the following pictures.

47. Which of the following does not show the proper way of repairing an appliance
or a furniture?
a. c.

b. d.

48. Which does not illustrate the proper way of recovering waste materials?

a. c.

b. d.

49. Which of the following does not show the proper way to reduce waste products?

a. c.

b. d.

For number 50. Create a design of

a recyclable item from a single-use
plastic bottle. Draw your design in
the space provided.

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