1.4 Employee Injury

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Employee Injury

What will be done and who will do it?

New employees must:

● Review this procedure.

● Be trained by a team leader.
● Sign the training checklist.

Employees should contact your supervisor in the event of any accident or medical
emergency which requires more than basic first-aid (band-aids or other sterile
bandages for non-severe cuts, scrapes, or burns).

Steps are as follows:

● Contact KVCC Public Safety - dial 4911 from any college phone.
● Stay on the phone until instructed to hang up.
● Be prepared to give as much information as possible.
● Questions you will be asked:
o Your location (building and room number).
o Nature of injury.
o Cause of injury.
o Any hazards that may be present.
● Stay with the victim until Public Safety arrives.

If blood or bodily fluids are spilled:

● Contain the affected area:

o Discontinue food preparation if presence of blood or bodily fluid creates
an immediate food safety risk.
o Block off the area until cleanup and disinfection are complete.
o Allow only employees and custodial staff designated to clean and
disinfect blood and bodily fluids in the affected area
● Once given the "ALL CLEAR" by Public Safety discard contaminated and
potentially contaminated foods (refer to SOP - Disposal of Contaminated
● Wash, clean, and sanitize all potentially contaminated food contact surfaces
(refer to SOP - Cleaning and Sanitizing Food Contact Surfaces).
● Complete an incident report.
Who will make sure it's done and how?

● Team leaders are expected to adhere to this procedure for all employee

How should problems be fixed?

● Team leaders must immediately re-train and counsel employees who

improperly or inadequately follow the procedures as outlined here.
● Team leaders must notify the director of any issues that can't be solved
through training and counseling.

What records will be kept?

● Completed training checklist.

● Incident Reports.

By Randall Davis, Food Hub & Food

Created(Date): 6/30/16
: Safety Coordinator
By Randall Davis, Food Hub & Food
Last Revised: 6/30/16
: Safety Coordinator

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