NANBullGrndRndsFrontal With Cover
NANBullGrndRndsFrontal With Cover
NANBullGrndRndsFrontal With Cover
New CPT Codes for Health and Behavior Assessment and Intervention Debut
(information taken largely from 12-21-01 memo written by Marilyn Richmond and Russ Newman, Ph.D., J.D. from The Medicare Task Force and Medical Information Network) The Current Procedures Terminology manual (CPT), which lists the codes used to document procedures for billing purposes, has been modified to include six new codes which will allow more precise characterization of assessment and intervention services provided to individuals without psychiatric diagnoses. Particularly relevant to the fields of health psychology and neuropsychology, these new codes provide more flexibility and accuracy in documenting professional activities that vary from those of the stereotypical psychological practice. The new codes are as follows:
CPT Code
96150 96151 96152 96153 96154 96155
Health and behavior Re-assessment Health and behavior Health and behavior Health and behavior Health and behavior assessment intervention intervention intervention intervention individual group of 8 family w/ patient family w/o patient
These codes are based on units of 15 minutes of service; thus, one would bill for three units for providing 45 minutes of service. This flexibility is particularly helpful in inpatient and rehabilitation settings, where the standard hourly billing convention often does not apply. Also particularly relevant for neuropsychologists is the ability to bill for time spent with a patients family. This interaction is often critical to address the referral or consultation question, as there are often instances in inpatient and medical settings that the referred individual is simply unable to interact or provide important information (e.g., aphasia, confusional states). Federal reimbursement for these services will be drawn from funds from medical services rather than from funds for psychiatric services. This is an important recognition of the fact that many of the Issue Contents: valuable services psychologists provide are not page 3 limited to individuals with psychiatric diagnoses. From the President ............................... Development and implementation of these codes took several years and involved the combined efforts of the Interdivisional Healthcare Committee and the Practice Directorate of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Antonio Puente and Dr. Jim Georgoulakis played important roles in
Professional Affairs and Info Office ....... page 4 Unbundling 96117: Coding Issues. .... page 5 Board Member Bios.............. ............... page 6 2001 NAN Award Recipients ................ page 7 Grand Rounds..... ................................. page 8 Summary of Minutes, Board Meeting .... page 12 Meeting Announcements ...................... page 18
Winter 2002
Grand Rounds:
Frontal Lobe Syndromes Following Neurological Insult
Michael F. Martelli, Ph.D. Andrew W. Siegal, Ph.D. Nathan Zasler, MD. Three distinct clinical syndromes have been discussed as occurring as sequelae of lesions of the frontal lobes (Cummings, 1985). The present paper focuses on two of these three syndromes. The pseudopsychopathic syndrome, characterized by impulsive, disinhibited behavior, in which inappropriate jocularity and phasically elevated mood fluctuations which are situationally inappropriate, has been described in association with orbitofrontal lesions (Blumer & Benson, 1975; Luria, 1966; Cummings, 1985; Goldberg, 2000). A pseudodepressed syndrome, characterized by behavioral inertia, with primary deficits in executive functions at the stage of initiation, is associated with lesions of the dorsolateral or lateral convexital surfaces of the frontal lobes. Both syndromes are associated with losses of set in which loss of the abstract attitude and subsequent concreteness of thinking (Goldstein, 1942), along with perseverative motoric performances (Luria, 1966; Goldstein, 1942; Cummings, 1985; Goldberg, 2000), are observed.
Case Study #1: Pseudopsychopathic / Disinhibited / Orbitofrontal Syndrome Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Background: Mr. OF is a 43-year-old white, right handed, married male, one year status post a head-on motor vehicle accident (MVA) with a semi truck in which he sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) which produced an initial Glasgow Coma Scale score of 12, associated retrograde amnesia of approximately 12 hours, and estimated anterograde amnesia of approximately 2 weeks. In addition to numerous limb and torso fractures,he showed lacerations of face, lip and nose, thus documenting frontal impact. Assessment: OF was referred for neuropsychological evaluation following report of dramatic behavioral changes noted after his return to work. This gentleman, who has a Masters Degree in Engineering and had previously earned security clearance as a high level defense industry engineer/ systems analyst, was reported to have had persistent and significant changes in personality and behavior that were underestimated by self report as compared to reports of his wife (Varney, 1999; Sbordone, Seyranian, & Ruff, 2000). These included excesses of joking, laughter, gregariousness and flirtation, sexual disinhibition and inappropriate behavior, and sudden mood changes. These were perhaps best exemplified by his wifes report that coworkers would complain and query about why he was now so flippant, flirtatious, rude, excessively talkative and lacking in social graces. Neuropsychologic test data demonstrated only minor abnormalities. The most striking single finding in this gentleman, who still showed above average intellectual abilities, was a release of inhibition noted on Lurias competing motor programs test, a go-no go task. More important, however, was the quality of his behavioral presentation. Qualitatively, he showed silly behaviors and silly affect and inappropriate jocularity (Witzelsucht) throughout the testing. This intensified during tasks that were more challenging, sometimes making it difficult to determine the seriousness of his responses. Report of a hospital employee during the patients
Winter 2002
ticipation of social cues and boundaries, and reading this information in order to deliberately modulate his social behaviors; (c) assistance with increasing appreciation of internal emotional state red flags as they relate to his social behavior, and incorporating this information to adjust or accommodate deliberate behavioral self control responses emitted very early in interpersonal situations; II. Interventive pharmacology for reducing arousal states and/or buttressing behavioral control/inhibitory mechanisms; III. Behavioral-ecological strategies designed to reduce arousal states and facilitate increased selfmonitoring and behavioral self-control, in addition to resistance to distraction; IV Medi. cal, pharmacologic and behavioral interventions, used adjunctively with behavioral-ecological interventions aimed at (a) reducing levels of extraneous stimuli, (b) minimizing environmental complexity, and (c) reducing potentially catastrophic consequences for impulsive actions at home and at work.
Case Study #2: Pseudodepressed / Dorsolateral Syndrome Following Anterior Communicating Artery Stroke
Background: Dr. DL is 52y/o, doctoral level high school principle who sustained an Anterior Communicating Artery (ACoA) aneurysm rupture that produced three week coma and inability to return to work. Premorbidly, DL worked 50 - 55 hours per week, and engaged in activities with children, yard work, weekend activities, etc., and was reported to have a slightly above average activity level. He was seen 1.5 years status post aneurysm hemorrhage. By the time DL was seen, his wife was trying a virtual last ditch effort to avoid divorce. DL would not get out of bed until early afternoon and would return to bed after getting up and completing only one or two poorly executed grooming or washing tasks. He would not shave, cut his nails, or get a haircut. When queried about his behavior changes, he minimized his deficits by explaining I got no get up and go...its too hard...just let me sit here a while....
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identify motivating appetitive interest rewards. Only a few rewards could be identified at first: foot massage, home made chocolate cream pie, sex, etc. Over a couple months, a list of approximately 20 was identified, with increased activity being associated with identifying new motivating rewards. His wife rated the difficulty of providing rewards, and the results were compiled into a simple multiplication calculation (i.e., desirability X difficulty on 1-10 rating scale). This system produced points awarded for performed activities that could be exchanged for appetitive satisfaction. A sample Task Analysis and Contingency Management program is posted in the NAN website along with this issue of the Bulletin ( A proliferation in the number of activities, increasing from an average of about 10 per week pre-program (with requirement of considerable effort and cueing) to an agreed quota of 50 per week, usually with minimal cueing, resulted after implementation. DL became semi-autonomous with activity completion, usually needing only minimal supervision from his wife (e.g., occasional calls, reminders about chores that could be completed). At times, more intense supervision, cues, and phone call reminders were required. Significantly, every change in routine (e.g., holidays) produced regression and return for a booster treatment session. As the behavioral management strategies were adopted by his family, a reduced need for formal intervention was noted. Eventually, his family devised a contingency wherein DL could self-initiate by increasing activities back to quota to avoid hour long drives for neuropsychological appointments. References:
Blumer, D., & Benson, D.F. (1975). Personality changes with frontal and temporal lobe lesions. In D.F. Benson & D. Blumer (Eds.), Psychiatric Aspects of Neurologic Disease, 151-169. New York: Grune & Stratton. Cummings, J. L. (1985). Clinical Neuropsychiatry. New York: Grune & Stratton. Goldberg, E. (2000). The Executive Brain NY.
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Puente - from page 5
New York: Oxford University Press. Goldstein, K. (1942). After Effects of Brain Injuries in Man. New York: Grune & Stratton. Logan, G.D. (1985). Skill and automaticity: Relations, implications and future directions. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 39, 367-386. Luria, A.R. (1996). Higher Cortical Functions in Man, New York: Basic Books, 1996. Martelli, M.F. (2000). A Behavioral Protocol for Increasing Initiation and Activity. Rehabilitation Psychology News, 27, 2, 12-13. Martelli, M.F., Liljedahl, E.L., & Zasler, N.D. (2000). The Habit Retraining Model and Methodology: Skills Retraining Following Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation. Presented at the Williamsburg Traumatic Brain Injury Conference, 24th Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, VA. ( MFMartelliPhD/page6.html) Sbordone, R.J., Seyranian, G.D., & Ruff, R.M. (2000). The use of significant others to enhance the detection of malingerers from traumatically brain injured patients. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 15 (6), 465-477. Schmitter-Edgecombe, M., & Berlinger, L. (2001). Acquisition of skilled visual search performance following severe closed-head injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 7, 615-630. Varney, N. (1999). Posttraumatic anosmia and orbitofrontal lobe injury. In N. Varney & R. Roberts (Eds.), The Evaluation and Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Direct correspondence to: Michael F. Martelli, Ph.D. Concussion Care Center of Virginia 10120 W. Broad St., Ste. G & H Glen Allen, VA 23060 TEL: (804) 270-5484 FAX: (804) 270-1220 [email protected]
mean I will not be able to collect as much? The answer to both of these questions is No. Remember, 96117 exists today as a technical code. The goal of code splitting is not to devalue the technical code, but rather to add a professional code that would reflect our professional expenses over and above those incorporated into the technical code. As no professional expenses are incorporated into 96117 as it now exists, a professional code would presumably be reimbursed at a higher rate, whereas the technical code would remain constant. Summary The coding and reimbursement process is highly volatile and in a constant state of evolution. The American Psychological Association through its Practice Directorate and the National Academy of Neuropsychology through its Professional Affairs and Information Office are closely monitoring and working on these issues. As an example two separate meetings have been held with committees or panels of the AMA (with CMS representation) during the first week in February. One of the primary purposes of NANs new office to provide monthly up-dates through its web site as to these and related developments. Information regarding individual, state, or regional shifts is always welcomed.
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