Major Poject Report

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Major Project



Submitted by


Under the Guidance


Prof. Prashanth K.
Assistant Professor
Department of MCA
RV College of Engineering®
Bengaluru – 560059

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree

(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)

Bengaluru– 560059

Certified that the project work titled “FACE RECOGNITION WITH REALTIME DATABASE”
carried out by VIVEK KUMAR, USN: 1RD19MCA38, a bonafide student of RV College of
Engineering®, Bengalurusubmitted in partial fulfilment for the award of Master of Computer
Applicationsof RVCollege of Engineering®, Bengaluru affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belagavi during the year 2023-24.It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated
for internal assessment have been incorporated in the report deposited in the departmental library. The
project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirement in respect of project work
prescribed for the said degree.

Prof. Prashanth K. Dr. Andhe Dharani Dr. K. N. Subramanya

Assistant Professor Professor and Director Principal
Department of MCA Department of MCA RVCE, Bengaluru–59
RVCE, Bengaluru –59 RVCE, Bengaluru–59

(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)

Bengaluru– 560059


I, VIVEK KUMAR, student of sixth semester MCA in Department

of Master of Computer Applications, RV College of Engineering®,

Bengaluru declare that the project titled “FACE RECOGNITION WITH

REALTIME DATABASE” has been carried out by me. It has been

submitted in partial fulfilment of the course requirements for the

award of degree in Master of Computer Applications of RV

College of Engineering®, Bengaluru affiliated to Visvesvaraya

Technological University, Belagavi during the academic year 2023-

24. The matter embodied in this report has not been submitted to any

other university or institution for the award of any other degree or


Date of Submission: Signature of the Student

Student Name: VIVEK KUMAR

Department of Master of Computer Applications
RV College of Engineering®


I would like to express my special thanks to Dr. K. N.

Subramanya, the Principal of RV College Of Engineering,
Bengaluru for his warm support throughout the course.

I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Andhe Dharani.

Director, for providing me with adequate facilities, ways and
means by which I am able to complete this seminar.

I would like to thank the project coordinator Prashanth K.,

Assistant Professor. Department of MCA, for their constant co-
operation, encouragement and support. Without their wise counsel
and guidance, it would have been impossible to complete the
project in this manner.

I would like to extend my gratitude to the faculty of the

Department of MCA for their constructive support and co-
operation at cach and every juncture of the project.

I would like to thank my parents and friends for their

tremendous support throughout my educational carrier till now. I
would also like to thank them for their faith that they have in me.

Finally I would also like to express my gratitude to RV

College of Engineering for providing me with all the required
facilities without which the project would not have been possible.

Department of MCA
RV College of Engineering®


In this study, a system for real-time face recognition was built using the
Open Face tools of the Open CV library. The article describes the methodology
for creating the system and the results of its testing. The Open CV library has
various modules that perform many tasks. In this paper, Open CV modules were
used for face recognition in images and face identification in real time. In
addition, It was used to detect a person by the front of his face. After performing
the face measurements were obtained using the image encoding method. A
convolution neural network was then used to identify people's faces using the
SVM linear classifier algorithm.

OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency and with a strong

focus on real-time applications. So, it’s perfect for real-time face recognition
using a camera.Real-time face detection technology is a type of biometric
software that uses mathematical algorithms to identify individuals based on their
unique facial characteristics. These characteristics can include height, width, the
distance between the eyes, nose shape, and others.

Based on the results, the developed Face Recognition System application

performs satisfactorily, with an accuracy rate (recognition ability) of more than
90% under conducive conditions such as good lighting ambience, sufficient
distance from the camera, using the same camera for training and recognition
and etc.

Table of Contents


Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables Iv
List of Figures v

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1Project Description

1.2Company Profile

Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1Literature Survey

2.2Existing and Proposed
2.3 Tools and Technologies
2.4 Hardware and Software
Chapter 3: Software Requirement Specifications
3.2General Description
3.3Functional Requirement
3.4External Interfaces Requirements
3.5 Non-Functional Requirements
3.6Design Constraints
3.7Other Requirements (If applicable)

Chapter 4: System Design
4.1System Perspective /Architectural Design
4.2Context Diagram
Chapter 5: Detailed Design
5.1System Design
5.2Detailed design
Chapter 6:Implementation
6.1 Code Snippets / PDL
6.2 Implementation
Chapter 7: Explanation Code
7.1 Code
7.2 Testing and Validations
Chapter 8: Conclusion
Chapter 9: Future Enhancements

List of Figures
Sl. No Feature Information
1 Overview

2 Setup

3 Webcam
4 Graphics

5 Encoding Generator

6 Database Setup
7 Add Data to the Database

8 Upload Images to the Database

9 Download User Data

10 Update Attendance
11 Check if already Marked
12 Loading

List of Tables

Sl. No. Table Name Page No.

2.1 Hardware Requirements 08
2.2 Software Requirements 08
7.1 Unit Test I 12
7.2 Unit Test II 13
7.3 Integration Test 14
7.5 System Testing 16

Face Recognition System

A brief description about the project and the project domain overview has been mentioned in
this chapter.

1.1 Project Description

Face recognition called biometric systems that automatically identifies or verifies a
person's identity using his/her facial features and expressions. It is widely used to identify
passports and driver’s licenses carrying individuals even if they are not aware that a face
recognition system is autonomously checking their identity [1, 2]. Face recognition
software has many application in the modern world such as logging in on to a computer
using facial verification as a password, gaming, people tagging, security and so on . The
current Face Recognition Systems and applications in the market have deficiencies that
range from reliability problems, reduced recognition accuracies in certain environment,
complicated feature extraction, high setup costs and performance issues. However, the
demand for a robust Face Recognition System (FRS) applicable across various industrial
uses, organizations and the public is increasing dramatically.

There are many previous works on Face Recognition Security Systems but a robust
solution that will address the deficiencies of the current FRS remains elusive. In this
research, Face recognition algorithms were used to The application presented in this study
captures images of people’s faces using cameras and saves the images as training set into
a database. Then, it uses the saved images as the training set to train the system to
recognize a particular person in real time whenever he/she comes in front of the camera.
This new system has additional advantages that includes, easy to setup & install, high
portability and low startup costs. This project was done with this fantastic “Open Source
Computer Vision Library”, the OpenCV. On this tutorial, we will be focusing on Python,
but I also tested the code on my Mac and it also works fine.

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Face Recognition System

OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency and with a strong focus on real-
time applications. So, it’s perfect for real-time face recognition using a camera.

Real-time face detection technology is a type of biometric software that uses mathematical
algorithms to identify individuals based on their unique facial characteristics. These
characteristics can include height, width, the distance between the eyes, nose shape, and

There are two main types of face recognition technology: 2D and 3D. 2D face
recognition technology uses images taken from flat surfaces, such as a driver’s license or a
passport photo.

Recognition of a human face in an image is the main and key in the tasks of
recognizing emotions and automatically tracking people moving in the field of view of the
camera. The problem of optimal search and identification of a human face, based on
cybernetic vision systems, can be considered both in the light of the classical problem of
perception, and in the light of new methods. The issue of localization and face recognition
was studied at the early stages of computer vision.

1.2 Introduction to OpenCV

Now that we understand just how useful computer vision applications are, let’s
examine a popular tool used to implement them. OpenCV is a computer vision library that
supports programming languages like Python, C++, and Java.
The package was initially created by Intel in 1999 and was later made open-source and
released to the public.
OpenCV allows developers and non-mathematicians to build computer vision
applications easily without having to code them from scratch. The library has over 2,500
algorithms that allow users to perform tasks like face recognition and object detection.

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Face Recognition System

This chapter gives an overview about literature survey of the project paln with
outcome, existing and proposed system with feasibility study, technologies used in the project
and motivation to take up the project.

2.1 Literature survey

There is a rapid advancement in the area of recognition and biometric security

systems over the years and the research development growth is not slowing down at all. In
1964-1965, Bledsoe, along with Helen Chan and Charles Bisson, made a significant
breakthrough when they use computers to recognize human faces [1]. Currently, there are
several works and projects in the field of artificial intelligence or biometrics in particular
such as the face detection security system used by the German Federal Police Department in
Frankfurt Rhein-Main international airport [2]. However, there are still many lingering
issues that needs to be resolved.

In the Face Recognition (FR) domain, various different methods were presented
and applied is one of the first successful and strongest approaches in the FR domain
[3]. This method takes a whole image as a vector and uses it to generate statistical
information. It combines all image vectors together and forms an image matrix and then
eigenvectors of this matrix will be calculated. The face images can then be expressed as a
linear solution.Another successful approach [4] is for facial feature extraction. The LBP
operator merges a region in the image and assigns a value as a central pixel.

In 2012 N. Kar [5] introduced an automated attendance management system using

face recognition technique which used the Principal Component Analysis To implementation
the system, use two libraries such OpenCV is a computer vision library and FLTK(Light Tool
Kit. Both of this libraries helped the development such as OpenCV support algorithm[6] and
FLTK [7] used to design the interface. In the system, there are Request Matching and Adding
New fact to Database. In Request Matching, the first step is open the camera and snap the
photo after the extraction the frontal face. The next step is recognizing the face with the
training data and project the extracted face onto the Principal Component Analysis.

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Face Recognition System

Jyotshana Kanti [8] proposed a smart attendance marking system which combines two
differencing algorithms such Principal Component Analysis and Artificial Neural Network.
The purpose of the author is to solve the traditional attendance marking system and to resolve
the time-consuming. In the system implement with Principal Component Analysis, it does an
extraction and identify the similarities of the face database and acquire images. Artificial
Neural Network is used to solve the problem of the input data or learn from the input data,
and the expect value. In the system implemented by the author using back propagation
algorithm and combines with mathematical function to perform in that system. As a result,
written by the author research, it shows that the system can use to recognize in a different

[9] Student Attendance System using Face Recognition: Samridhi Dev, Tushar
Patnaikb(2020) In this paper the system was tested on three different algorithms out of which
the KNN algorithm proved to be better with the accuracy of 99.27 %. The system was tested
on various conditions which include illumination, head movements, expressions, the distance
of students from the camera. The system stands up to the expectations even when the image
contains faces with beards and spectacles and without beard and spectacles. proposed system
evinced to be magnificent to recognize faces having two years of difference.

In [18] Kawaguchi introduced a lecture attendance system with a new method called
continuous monitoring, and the student’s attendance marked automatically by the camera
which captures the photo of a student in the class. The architecture of the system is simple
since two cameras equipped with the wall of the class. The first one is a capturing camera
used to capture the image student in the class and the second camera is sensor camera is used
to getting the seat of a student inside the class and the camera capturing will snap the image of
the student. The system compares the picture taking from a camera capturing images and
faces in the database done much time to perfect the attendance.

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Face Recognition System

2.2 Existing and Proposed System

This paper proposes the design of a face recognition system based on immune inspired
anomaly detection using intelligent agents with symbiotic relationships. Based on the
reviewed literature, the advantages of the aforementioned technologies will synergise to
create an effective system in scenarios where a person's details are not as important as
maintaining a current representation of their face and detecting anomalous individuals. The
paper discusses the working of the individual agents and their symbiotic relationships in the
proposed model. Two example scenarios illustrate how the proposed system may be
implemented to take advantage of the characteristics of immune inspired anomaly detection.

Face recognition is a method to identify or verify the identity of an individual using their face.
Face recognition has been used for various applications such as automatic classroom
attendance management system in [1], surveillance of access restricted zones including living
spaces for intruder detection in [2], recognition of celebrities in public space [3], recognition
of house inmates by networked home automation system in [4] and many more.

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Face Recognition System

2.3 Tools and Technologies used

Tools and technology are a broad concept that encompasses the development
techniques, programming languages and supporting tools that may be used in software
development. The proposed system also includes different tools, since a project requires
different technologies to develop it. That is,

i. PyCharm

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the Python language.

PyCharm allows the different packages to be mounted. Boto is an OpenCV to be installed on
python. Boto3 allows details to be fetched. If the project is developed in the AWS cloud as
soon as the build team selects OpenCV from the interface, it will redirect the code to the
PyCharm where it is ready and required to provide access key credentials for details.

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Face Recognition System

ii FireBase

Firebase is an app development platform that helps you build and grow apps and
games users love. Backed by Google and trusted by millions of businesses around the world.

Firebase provides detailed documentation and cross-platform app development

SDKs, to help you build and ship apps for iOS, Android, the web, Flutter, Unity, and C++.

The Firebase Android SDKs for Authentication, Cloud Firestore, Crashlytics,

Crashlytics NDK, and Firebase ML have been updated. For more details, check out the
latest Android Release Notes. To get started with Firebase in Android, see Add Firebase to
your Android Project.

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Face Recognition System

2.4 Hardware and Software Requirement

The most common set of parameters specified by any operating system or software

program is physical computer assets, also known as hardware. All computer applications must

have certain hardware components or other software resources on a computer for effective

use. Such preconditions are known as hardware and software requirements. The solution also

requires some of those specifications to make it run smoothly. They are.

Table 2.1: Hardware requirement

System Tools
Processor Dual Core
Hard Disk 40GB
RAM 512 MB

Table 2.2 Software Requirement

System Tools
Operating System Windows 7 & above
Front End Pycharm
Programming Python
Tools PyCharm
Cloud Firebase

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Face Recognition System



The chapter provides details of the general description, functional requirements, non
functional requirements, various assumptions made, performance requirements, external user
interface and all the design constraints

3.1 Introduction

The chapter provides details of the general description, functional requirements, non
functional requirements, various assumptions made, performance requirements, external user
interface and all the design constraints

Software requirement specification (SRS) gives complete depiction to decrease time,

cost and work done in development and maintenance. SRS tells how the proposed system
should behave and interact with user and the environment in which it is built. Factors like
response time, accuracy, availability, reliability and maintainability


 There are many previous works on Face Recognition Security Systems but a robust
solution that will address the deficiencies of the current FRS remains elusive. In this
research, Face recognition algorithms were used to The application presented in this
study captures images of people’s faces using cameras and saves the images as
training set into a database

 This new system has additional advantages that includes, easy to setup &
install, high portability and low startup costs. This project was done with this
fantastic “Open Source Computer Vision Library”, the OpenCV. On this
tutorial, we will be focusing on Python, but I also tested the code on my Mac
and it also works fine

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Face Recognition System

3.2 General Description

This section explains about the proper description about the project. To present detail
description about Cloud access system for User and Admin to manage it. It explains the purpose and
features of the project undertaken and the interfaces of the system and what system will do and
constraint which it operates on

Product Perspective

The system provides the following features:

 Central repository: Cloud infrastructure serves as a central repository for digital file storage,
and is easy to use, Manage, find and share files, and archive them
 Self-service: Cloud This program will help individuals build their own FDRT. This
application don't need a dedicated and knowledge person
 Save time: The application allows us to reduce required time by avoiding repetitive activities
and reducing human effort. And avoid human errors

Product Function

The product functions are as follows:

 Automatically fetch the details of the OpenCV

 Automatically retrieve data of Face Detection projects
 Provide secured Page
 Details of the project will be available easily by executing one code

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Face Recognition System

3.3 Function Requirements

The functional requirements for a system describe what the system should do. These
requirements depend on the type of software being developed; the general approach taken by
the organization when writing requirements. The functional system requirements describe the
system function in detail, its inputs and outputs, exceptions and so on. Functional
requirements are as follows:

• Time delay is minimized

• Extracts the eye features efficiently

• Provides faster GUI interaction

• Face Detection.

• Face recognition

Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements, as the name suggests, are requirements that are not
directly concerned with the specific functions delivered by the system. They may relate to
emergent system properties such as reliability, response time and store occupancy.
Alternatively, they may define constraints on the system such as capabilities of I/O devices
and the data representations used in system interfaces. The non-functional requirements are as

• Provide easy interface for physically challenged and disabled people

• Provides maximum accuracy

• Handles errors efficiently

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Face Recognition System

3.4 External Interface Requirement

 User interface
o The Application solution user interface offers the option to build a
Python Project
 Hardware Interface
o The application can run on any system but first it is to be installed on
the system where is being used as it is a stand-alone application
 Software Interface
o The application makes use of the Pycharm, so the python is to be
available Editer is also required
3.5 Design Constraints

Standard compliance

 The application has been developed using Pycharm in Windows

 environment Pycharm is used to develop the user interface of the application
 is used to fetch the details of the projects
 Only the relevant data of the projects can be retrieved

Hardware limitations

 Hard disk required for the project must be minimum 20GB

 Quad-core processor or better is recommended
 Minimum of 2GB RAM

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Face Recognition System

This chapter gives a detailed system level design and details of system perspective,
Block diagram, Context diagram, module specification and data flow diagram.

4.1 System Perspective /Architectural Design

The system design gives the general description of the system perspective, which
comprises of the problem specification and context diagram.

Problem Specification

Cloud computing is a type of computing that does not rely on local servers or personal
computers for application management but on shared computing resources. When a project is
developed, a document is created for the internal use which include all the critical details of
the particular project called as " Face Recognition with Real Time Database ". Face
Recognition with Real Time Database automation involves automatically gathering project
information to reduce human effort and save time. The project is developed over the Firebase.
The built team must project by providing script for project. Once the FRWRTD is created, it
will be forwarded to the other team for the future use. The data is secured because without the
access details can be view. The automation will help in avoiding the repetitive task and evade
the human error.

Architecture Diagram

An architectural diagram is a visual representation of a set of ideas which form

component of an architecture, including its concepts, elements and components. Several types
of architecture diagrams are available, such as software architecture diagram, system
architecture diagram, application architecture diagram, security diagram etc.Explains the
project's architecture. The build is the person responsible for creating the Face Recognition
with Real Time Database. Login to the Firebase console , and pick the cloud provider the
project is developed into.

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Face Recognition System

4.1 Architecture Diagram of the Project

Figure 4.2 Block Diagram of Project

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Face Recognition System

4.2 Context Diagram

The Context Diagram describes the system as a single high-level mechanism and
displays the relationship of the system with other external entities. It shows the interaction as
system input and system output that is used by the users. Context Diagram does not provide
information about the timing, sequencing or synchronization of processes such as parallel or
sequential processes.

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Face Recognition System


This chapter gives the detailed explanation of the system design with use case
diagram, activity diagram and all the data flow diagrams. It also explains the detailed design
of the systems implementation and the methodology used.

5.1 System Design

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Face Recognition System

Libraries / functions used – details

The libraries used are:

1) Face Detection and Data Gathering

2) Train the Recognizer

3) Face Recognition

4) Face Detection and Data Gathering

A bio-metric software application capable of distinctively verifying or identifying a

person by analyzing and comparing patterns based on the person’s facial shapes is referred to
as face recognition. Another term used for facial recognition is face recognition. There is
increasing interest in other areas of use although it is mostly used for security purposes.
Lately, the face recognition technology has got noteworthy attention. It has potential for a
wide range of application. These application can be related to other enterprises and law
enforcement. Facial Recognition Data Collection is an important part of the entire process.

1) Train the Recognizer

Training and face recognition are done next. code does
everything.Face detection is the process of finding or locating one or more human faces in a
frame or image. Haar-like feature algorithm by Viola and Jones is used for face detection. In
Haar features, all human faces share some common properties.The project was tested on
Windows using OpenCV 2.4.10. The following shell script installs all dependencies required
for OpenCV and also install OpenCV 2.4.10.This will start the training, and the camera will
open up. Accuracy depends on the number of data sets as well as the quality and lighting

2) Face Recognition

Face detection and Face Recognition are often used interchangeably but these are
quite different. In fact, Face detection is just part of Face Recognition. Face recognition is a
method of identifying or verifying the identity of an individual using their face. There are
various algorithms that can do face recognition but their accuracy might vary. Here I am
going to describe how we do face recognition using deep learning.In fact here is an article,
Face Recognition Python which shows how to implement Face Recognition.

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Face Recognition System

Module Implement

#importing libraries

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Face Recognition System

5.1 Performance evaluation and analysis of the model


VIVEK KUMAR Used Face Python3, PyCharm Identify 98.8% - 99.2%
Recognition Community Edition individuals base
Dataset 2022.3.2,FireBase on their unique
(FireBase) facial

After implementation it is observed that Identify individuals base on their unique

facial characteristics is a quit algorithm for the Particular problem statement because the
accuracy is 98.8% - 99.2% .In dentify individuals base on their unique face Reorganization
there have functionality to change the Facial Detection , based on that accuracy Rate can be
decreased or increased.

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Face Recognition System


This chapter gives the explanation of front design of the system and the
implementation screenshots.

6.1 Implementation Screenshots

Figure 6.1 Main Page

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Face Recognition System

Figure 6.2 Display the attendance

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Face Recognition System

Figure 6.3 Cloud Selection

Figure 6.4 PyCharm Application

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Face Recognition System

Figure 6.5 Main Display

Figure 6.6 Marked Attendance

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Face Recognition System

6.3 Attendance Screenshots

6.4 Student Profile

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Face Recognition System

7.2 Output Screenshot

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Face Recognition System


By face recognition system we can fulfil the purpose of security. Detection of face is
done by image processing. Here we use Open CV with programming language Python.

Initially camera will capture the image and face detection algorithm will detect the
face in image. Then recognition algorithm is applied on this detected part. In this project we
have developed based face recognition system.

To achieve this goal computers must be able to reliably identify nearby people in a
manner that fits naturally within the pattern of normal human interactions. They must not
require special interactions and must conform to human intuitions about when recognition is

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Face Recognition System


Some industries have been harder hit than others by the COVID-19 pandemic and this
has meant that they have had to adapt much quicker and pivot to the use of new technologies
in order to prepare for the world opening up again.

Facial recognition devices are already being tested or implemented for airport
protection, and it is reported that their faceprint has now been produced by more than half the
United States populace. Information may be collected and processed by a facial recognition
program, and a person does not even recognize it. Then, a hacker might reach the details, and
the knowledge of a person would propagate without even realizing it. Government entities or
marketers may use this data to monitor individuals too. Worse still, a false positive may
include a person for a crime they are not.

Authentication systems: Various devices like mobile phones or even ATMs work
using facial recognition, thus making getting access or verification quicker and hassle free.

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Face Recognition System


[1] AdinMoseUllm97 “Adini, Y., Moses, Y., and Ullman, S. (July 1997).” Face Recognition: The
Problem of Compensating for Changes in Illumination Direction IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 19(7):721-732.

[2.] AibaOhueOshi93. “Aibara, T., Ohue, K., and Oshita, Y. (1993).” Human face profile recognition
by a P-Fourier descriptor Optical Engineering, 32(4):861-863.

[3] AlliElli92. “Allinson, N.M. and Ellis, A.W. (1992).” Face recognition: Combining cognitive
psychology and image engineering Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal, 4:291-300.

[4] Baro79 “Baron, R.J. (1979).” A bibliography on face recognition. The SISTM Quaterly
Incorporating the Brain Theory Newsletter, II(3):27-36.

[5] Baro81 “Baron, R.J. (1981).” Mechanisms of human facial recognition International Journal of
Man-Machine Studies, 15(2):137-178.

[6] BartSejn98. “Bartlett, M.S. and Sejnowski, T.J. (1998).” Learning viewpoint invariant face
representations from visual experience in an attractor network Network: Computation in Neural
Systems, 9(3):399-417. (.edu-abstract.html)

[7] BelhHespKrie97 “Belhumeur, P.N., Hespanha, J.P., and Kriegman, D.J. (July 1997). Eigenfaces
vs. Fisherfaces: Recognition Using Class Specific Linear Projection IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 19(7):711-720.

[8] BiedKalo97. “Biederman, I. and Kalocsai, P. (1997).” Neurocomputational Bases of Object and
Face Recognition Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 352:1203-

[9] BrucBurtCraw92. “Bruce, V., Burton, A.M., and Craw, I.G. (1992).” Modelling face recognition

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 335:121-128.

[10] BrunFala95. “Brunelli, R. and Falavigna, D. (October 1995).” Person Recognition Using
Multiple Cues IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine In telligence, 17(10):955-966.

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