Apex 303 Ecoclean 1
Apex 303 Ecoclean 1
Apex 303 Ecoclean 1
Mixed in different concentrations, this product can be used
ECOCLEAN for many purposes.
• General marine cleaning: removal of grease, oil, sludge,
carbon deposits, polymer compounds, general dirt and
formula grime, vegetable and animal oils and greases.
• As an engine room cleaner: for cleaning paintwork, as a
carbon remover, to soak tanks, for ultrasonic and high-
pressure cleaning.
• APEX-303 ECOCLEAN can be used to clean the cargo
tank of vegetables, fish, animals, mineral oils,
petroleum-based chemicals, hydrocarbon freeing of
cargo tanks and for the cleaning of double bottoms,
deep tanks, bilges etc.
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If necessary, the product can be used neat or dilution up
to 25%. Spray on the surface to be cleaned and allow
soaking for approx. 30 minutes before washing off with
plenty of water. Best results are obtained when the
solution is heated up until 40°C - 60°C.
Approval: The composition meets the criteria for not
being harmful to the marine environment according to
MARPOL Annex V and may be discharged into the sea
when used to clean cargo holds and external surfaces on
Appearance : Clear Liquid
Relative Density : 0.98 – 1.08
Form : Liquid
pH : 9.5 – 10.5
Important information:
Apex chemicals Safety Data Sheets are available. Safety Data Sheets contain health and safety information for
proper products handling procedures to protect your employees. Our Safety Data Sheets should be read and
understood by all of your supervisory personnel and employees before using.
To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. It is the
user’s obligation to evaluate and use this product safely and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. The
above-named supplier and its vendor make no other warranty or representations of any kind or implied,
concerning the product including no implied warranty of merchantability. The product is offered solely for your
consideration, investigation and verification. No license or immunity under any patents is granted or implied.
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