Introductory Matters
Jeremiah 9:23-24 Thus says the Lord, “Let not a wise man boast of his
wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man
boast of his riches; 24 but let him who boasts boast of this, that he
understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness,
justice, and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,” declares
the Lord.
This study will be helpful for the new Christian or anyone who needs to get a
handle on the essential elements of the doctrine of God. It will also benefit
those looking for a review of these essentials, perhaps for Sunday school
teachers in the preparation of material for their classes, or for those training
The Bible gives witness to two facts regarding the knowledge God.
The fact that God is knowable is evidenced by the very gift of the Bible as
God’s revelation of Himself to man, but note also the following passages:
John 14:7 If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from
now on you know Him, and have seen Him.
John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true
God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.
1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us
understanding, in order that we might know Him who is true, and we are in
Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.
The following are a few of the false views about God. These are either a
product of rationalization or the failure of men to accept the Word of God by
faith or both. They are the gropings of the human mind that operate on
negative volition and as unaided by faith and God’s revelation (cf. Rom.
1:18-20). These systems reveal the truth of 1 Corinthians 2:14.
But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they
are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are
spiritually appraised.
• Atheism:
Atheism is open and positive denial of the existence of God (Ps. 14:1). The
word atheism comes from a + theos which means no God. It does not refer
to a mere ignorance of God, but applies to one who considers himself
informed on the claims and evidence for the existence of God and who
emphatically denies them.
(1) The Absolute Atheist. This is one who denies the absolute existence of
God. Here is the person who argues and says “I have examined all the facts
as to the existence of God and I deny them as proving His existence.”
(2) The Providential Atheist. This is the person who simply doubts the
existence of God, but firmly denies His providential dealings and the care of
God for the things of this world. However, this person in effect denies the
being of God for he strips Him of His omnipotence, wisdom, mercy, justice
and righteousness. Why? Because of their desire to be uncontrolled in their
lust patterns. This kind of atheist is sometimes called a Deist. In every
atheist there is a moral twist (see Ps. 14:1f). He denies God because he
wants freedom from any responsibility for his sin. He is like the person who
does not want to come to the light because his deeds are evil (John 3:19-20).
• Agnosticism:
This word comes from a + gnosis which means “not knowing.” This school of
thought does not deny the existence of God, only that there are no sufficient
grounds (i.e., rational proof or empirical proof) that God exists—or that if God
does exist He can be known. In reality it is an unwillingness to accept any of
the sources of the knowledge of God (innate, tradition, nature, revelation),
and an unwillingness to act in faith. Instead, it says I cannot know.
• Materialism:
This is the system which tries to explain everything by physical causes which
can be observed and understood. It denies and excludes any spiritual
causes. Materialism is closely related to empiricism.
• Polytheism:
Polytheism is a system of theology which believes in many gods. It has been
claimed by unbelievers and by many evolutionists that all men were first
polytheists and then evolved to monotheism. But the Bible shows that
polytheism is a product not of evolution but devolution and degeneration.
The idea found in evolution that monotheism, or the belief in one God, is a
refinement of polytheism is contrary to the record of the Bible and even
recent discoveries archaeologically. Scripture shows that polytheism is the
product of man turning away from God and is specifically related to the
deceptions of Satan as it is found in the false religions of the world.
Polytheism is in no way similar to the biblical doctrine of the trinity which
teaches that God is three in personality, but one in essence.
• Pantheism:
This is the belief that God is in everything and that everything is God. This
system confuses God with nature, matter with Spirit, and the creation with
the Creator. Also, pantheism must not be confused with the omnipresence of
God. The Bible teaches that God is everywhere, but not in everything. God as
Creator is independent of, distinct, and separate from the creation.
• Deism:
The term “deism” is from the Latin word deus, meaning God, and is closely
allied to the Greek word theos. This system acknowledges that there is a
God, that He is personal, infinite, holy, and the Creator of all things, but
denies that He sustains the universe. The Deist says that God just put things
into motion. He is the Creator but not the Sustainer. Deism rejects the
Scriptures, anything supernatural, and the idea that God is providentially
working in this world.
• Tritheism:
This is the doctrine that the Godhead consists of three independent Gods.
This is a false view of the doctrine of the trinity, or better, triunity. Tritheism
misses the oneness of the triunity of God.
There are many other false systems such as Positivism, Monism, Dualism,
and Pluralism, but the plethora of these false systems simply show the
futility of what the soulish mind can come up with when it tries to operate
apart from the divine revelation of God. It is inconceivable, then, that God
would leave man without a revelation of Himself.
The naturalistic arguments which debate the existence of God engender
various philosophies. From these inconclusive and questionable theories the
spiritual mind turns with relief to the complete, satisfying, and authoritative
revelation of God set forth in the Bible.5
Can a person prove that God exists? No, not really, but if we believe in the
existence of God, we should be able to give reasonable evidences for why we
believe what we believe. This section is designed to help us do that as well
as aid in thinking about some of the ramifications of believing in the
existence of God.
The message of the Bible, or the gospel, is always equated with truth and it
is presented as the opposite of error. Further, the Bible teaches us that man
can know the truth and that God holds man responsible to know it. God
plainly holds men responsible for not receiving and believing the truth (Rom.
1:18; 2:8; 2 Thess 2:10-12). Such verses would be meaningless unless there
was some kind of clear and objective evidence by which men could come to
a knowledge and conviction of the truth. If such were not the case, God
would not hold man responsible for there would be no way to tell truth from
Many like to make the claim there is no absolute truth or that you cannot
know the truth. They claim you really cannot know truth unless it can be
verified by observable scientific testing and data. Morally, philosophically,
and theologically, everything is simply relative. This is agnosticism, but the
agnostic’s position is really unsupported by the evidence.
It is not that man cannot believe—it is that he “will not believe.” Jesus
pointed the Pharisees to this as the root of the problem. “You refuse to come
to me,” he told them, “that you may have life” (John 5:40). He makes it
abundantly clear that moral commitment leads to a solution of the
intellectual problem. “If any man’s will is to do his will, he shall know whether
the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority”
(John 7:17). Alleged intellectual problems are often a smoke screen covering
moral rebellion.
A student once told me I had satisfactorily answered all his questions, “Are
you going to become a Christian?” I asked. “No,” he replied. Puzzled, I asked,
“Why not?” He admitted, “Frankly, because it would mess up the way I’m
living.” He realized that the real issue for him was not intellectual but moral.
The question is often asked, “If Christianity is rational and true, why is it that
most educated people don’t believe it?” The answer is simple. They don’t
believe it for the very same reason that most uneducated don’t believe it.
They don’t want to believe it. It’s not a matter of brain power, for there are
outstanding Christians in every field of the arts and sciences. It is primarily a
matter of will.
Then why do we bother with giving answers and evidence for the existence
of God or any other area that is questioned? First, because the Bible tells us
to be “ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account
for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (1 Pet. 3:15).
The reason for this is because people do have genuine doubts and questions
and they deserve solid evidence.
John Stott struck a balance when he said, “We cannot pander to a man’s
intellectual arrogance, but we must cater to his intellectual integrity.”
Can we prove, then, that God exists? No! Not in the same way that you can
prove something by scientific method in the laboratory by observable and
repeatable experiments. However, observable data for the existence of God
does exist. It exists in such degree and clarity that to deny it, one must deny
his rational processes because of a bias against the supernatural and the
issue of the moral twist spoken of earlier.
We must be clear from the outset that it is not possible to “prove” God in the
scientific method sense of the word. But it can be said with equal emphasis
that you can’t “prove” Napoleon by the scientific method. The reason lies in
the nature of history itself and in the limitations of the scientific method, it
must be repeatable … But history in its very nature is non-repeatable. No
one can “rerun” the beginning of the universe or bring Napoleon back or
repeat the assassination of Lincoln or the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. But the
fact that these events can’t be “proved” by repetition does not disprove their
reality as events.
There are many real things outside the scope of the scientific method as a
means of verification … To insist that God be “proved” by the scientific
method is like insisting that a telephone be used to measure radioactivity. It
simply wasn’t made for that.
Ryrie writes:
General revelation includes all that God has revealed in the world around us,
including man, while special revelation includes various means He used to
communicate His message in what was codified in the Bible. General
revelation is sometimes called natural theology and special revelation is
called revealed theology. But, of course, what is revealed in nature is also
revealed in theology. Some writers use the labels prelapsarian for general
revelation and postlapsarian or soteric for special revelation. However, both
general and special revelation are (a) from God and (b) about God.
(1) It is general in its scope in that it witnesses to all people as the following
passages suggest:
Matthew 5:45 in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven;
for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain
on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Acts 14:17 and yet He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did
good and gave you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your
hearts with food and gladness.
The following arguments are drawn from natural revelation, from the world
around us, in contrast to the revealed or supernatural revelation of the
Scripture. This is bonafide evidence for God-consciousness as the Apostle
Paul shows in Romans 1:19-20. The basic idea of these arguments is that as
we study the world in which we live one can reasonably conclude that there
must be a God. In the final analysis, however, one only comes to this
conclusion by the perception of faith. Why? Because in spite of the evidence,
one does not see God; one sees only the evidence of God, but not God
Illustration: When a man walking through the woods finds the tracks of a
deer that has passed there only hours before, he knows that a deer was
there because of the evidence of the tracks even though he does not see the
deer. So (as with the tracks of the deer) we may know that God exists by the
tracks He has left everywhere in the world.
Though it becomes defiled and seared by sin (1 Tim. 4:2; Tit. 1:15), to some
degree all men have that faculty called conscience with its constant impulse
to choose the right and leave the wrong. Society and government are based
on this recognition of virtue and truth, but where does that come from? The
only logical explanation is the existence of a God whose ways are holy, just,
and good. A material universe without God as Supreme Governor would of
necessity lack moral values and distinctions.
This argument is generally considered the most profound and Keyser in his
book, A System of Christian Evidences, has an excellent statement:
We can not think of the relative without also thinking of an absolute.
We can not think of the derived without also thinking of the underived. We
can not think of the dependent without also thinking of the independent. We
can not think of the imperfect without also thinking of the perfect. We can
not think of the finite without also thinking of the infinite.
Now, if these concepts are not true, and there is no perfect, absolute, infinite
Being, then man’s thinking, in its deepest constitution is null and void. If that
were true, all our thinking would be insane and futile. Can we believe that? 13
Sometimes this argument is called, The Religious or General Argument with
the argument going something like this: Since the belief in God and
supernatural beings is universal even among the most backward tribes, it
must therefore come from within man, it is something innate. The question
is, could it have come from civilization or even from education when people
all over the world possess it whether they are civilized and educated or not?
The logical answer is no.
Then, where could such an idea come from if there is no God? There is
always something to satisfy the desires which are common to the whole
human race.
There is food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, and a God for the thirsty
soul. Stated in the form of a syllogism the argument is as follows:
• Major Premise: An intuitive and universal belief among men must be
• Minor Premise: The belief that there is a God is universal and
intuitive among men.
• Therefore: The belief that there is a God is true.
There are some very interesting facts regarding the universal belief in God.
(1) More than 90 percent of the religions of the world acknowledge the
existence of one supreme being and some even anticipate God’s redeeming
(2) In every case, this monotheistic belief predated other forms of worship or
beliefs and heathenistic practices. This is true the world over on every
Little writes:
• Biblical Theism
Biblical theism refers to what the Bible has to say about the reality, essence,
and works of God, and it draws upon the marvelous revelation of God as it is
found in the Holy Bible.
The Bible clearly reveals the existence of God who has all the attributes
properly recognized in Deity.
No doubt the strongest evidence for God’s existence in the Bible comes from
the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Let it be stated clearly again here by way of
introduction, to deny the existence of the God of the Bible is to repudiate the
Christ of Scripture.
The Son of God was the great Revealer of God. God also revealed Himself in
the words of Scripture and in the miraculous deeds recorded there. Added to
these evidences of His revelation it must also be said He reveals Himself to
the believing heart through the personal experience of the Holy Spirit who
“beareth witness with our spirits” (Rom. 8:16).
The revelation of God in the Bible reveals His infinite love and grace. But like
His revelation in nature, apart from the illuminating ministry of the Holy
Spirit the message will not be believed or understood. 17
The big question is what does the fact of the existence of God means to us
as human beings?
First, the knowledge of the existence of God means that man is put
here by design. It means that while all God’s creatures have purpose, due
to man’s particular uniqueness among the creatures of God, man has special
purpose and meaning. We are not merely the product of time plus chance or
some impersonal force. We are each the result of a personal God who
created us for Himself with meaning and purpose. But the details of this
purpose are found only in the Bible, God’s special revelation of Himself.
Creation of course cannot and does not reveal this. Creation’s primary role is
to give man the evidence and basis for God-consciousness (Ps. 19:1-6; Rom.
Sadly, most people, even with the conviction that God exists, live like
practical atheists, as though God does not exist or as though He is indifferent
to man. One of the reasons for this is the principle found in two passages:
the principle of God’s patience and slowness to act against man’s sin.
Psalm 50:21 These things you have done, and I kept silence; You thought
that I was just like you; I will reprove you, and state the case in order before
your eyes.
So far we have learned that there is one God- the Creator of the world.
But a careful study of the Scriptures will show that God exists in three
Persons, that is, a Godhead manifested in three Persons.
2. The baptismal formula in Matthew 28:19, "Go ye therefore and teach all
nations, baptizing them in the
Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
3. The benediction in 2 Corinthian 13:14, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God, and
the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Amen."
4. The creation of man uses plural terms: Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us
make man in Our image, after
our likeness: and let them have dominion."
2. WATER - Revealed in three forms - liquid, ice and steam yet all three have
the same chemical formula,
3. LIGHT - Red heat rays that are invisible, picturing the Father, yellow light
rays that are seen picturing
the Son, blue chemical rays that are seen by their effects, picturing the
It must be emphasized that the Trinity remains a mystery and that no single
illustration can possibly explain everything. God is infinite and we are finite.
To attempt a philosophical explanation of the tri-unity of God is an attempt
to put the facts of the infinite in finite terms.
1. IN CREATION - God the Father spoke, Genesis 1:3 "And God said, Let there
be light. God the Son
was the Word spoken, John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word." God the
Holy Spirit moved upon the face
of the waters, Genesis 1:2.
2. IN THE INCARNATION - God the Father gave His only Son, John 3:16.
God the Son was born into the world, Luke 2:11.
God the Spirit came upon Mary to cause conception. Luke 1:35.
4. IN SALVATION - God the Father received the prodigal from the far country,
Luke 15:22. The Father
welcomes the sinner, forgives him, supplies robe, ring and a feast.
God the Son is the Shepherd that goes to seek the lost sheep, Luke 15:4.
God the Spirit seals the new convert, Ephesian 1:13.
6. IN PRAYER - God the Father is the One who receives the requests, John
God the Son is the One in whose Name we pray, John 16:23.
God the Spirit directs us in our request, Romans 8:26.