Based On Annex 2B.6 To Deped Order No. 42, S. 2016 Daily Lesson Log Senior High School
Based On Annex 2B.6 To Deped Order No. 42, S. 2016 Daily Lesson Log Senior High School
Based On Annex 2B.6 To Deped Order No. 42, S. 2016 Daily Lesson Log Senior High School
Pre-Colonial Period
Spanish Colonial Period
Nationalistic Period
(the teacher will provide examples)
E. Discussing concepts and American Colonial Period
practicing new skills #2 Japanese Colonial Period
Contemporary Period
(the teacher will provide
F. Developing mastery The teacher will divide the class
(Leads to Formative into small groups. Then he will
Assessment 3) provide each student with a
literary text from a specific
period. After which, he will
Instruct the students to read the
text and write a critical analysis
focusing on the contributions of
the local writer to the
development of regional literary
After the activity, ask the
students the following questions: