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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


SY 2023-2024

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ___________________

Grade Level and Section: _________________________________ Date: ____________________
Directions: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following is an impending sign for rainfall-induced landslide?

A. Lower water levels of the creeks.
B. Trees are swaying with the wind.
C. New cracks at the foundations of buildings and houses.
D. Unusual noises, such as breaking trees, or knocking boulders together.

2. The Juan Corporation wants to create a subdivision overlooking the sea. They acquired
a good sum of land on a mountain slope near the bay but before they can proceed with
construction, they need to cut down all the trees in the area. What do you think will happen
if torrential rain pours after all the trees were cut down?
A. Soil erosion due to drought can seemingly transpire.
B. A sinkhole might happen due to the area is covered in limestone.
C. La Niña is prevalent during the typhoon season thus creating more torrential rain
over the coming months.
D. A rainfall-induced landslide might happen because the area where the trees are was
already a slope. Removing the trees and vegetation may increase the risk for landslide.

3. What refers to a natural depression or hole caused by some form of collapse of the surface
layer of the ground?
A. sinkhole C. man-made sinkholes
B. landslide D. earthquake-induced landslides

4. Which is not an impending sign for rainfall-induced landslide?

A. Rapid rise in water levels of the creeks.
B. New cracks at the foundations of buildings and houses.
C. A slight rumbling sound that rises in amplitude is noticeable.
D. Unusual noises, such as breaking trees, or knocking boulders together.

5. What is the usual cause of natural sinkholes?

A. deforestation C. man-made forest fire
B. chemical explosion D. physical and chemical erosion

6. What does a rainfall-induced landslide mean?

A. The shaking of earth causes the ground to open.
B. An opening of earth like sinkhole over a limestone.
C. An eruption of lava or magma that flows down the crater of the volcano.
D. The soil, rock, and other debris sliding down the slope due to torrential rainfall.

7. What type of sinkhole occurs when the bedrock is covered by a deep layer of soil and earth
then the bedrock erodes resulting into a hole?
A. sinkhole C. cover collapse sinkhole
B. solution sinkhole D. cover subsidence sinkhole
8. How can a geological hazard map help us?
A. The map can give out a color-coded design.
B. This can indicate mining potential in the area.
C. It can tell whether your area is low or highly susceptible to a disaster.
D. The map potential be the way to identify where can you spend your next vacation.

9. How can we assure the safety of our home from sinkholes and landslides?
A. Survey the area for any slope with few vegetation.
B. Dig a hole to check if the soil is made up of limestone.
C. Check the house for cracks or any depression around the house.
D. Call the local authorities and experts to check if the area is susceptible for
sinkholes and landslides.

10. What should we do AFTER a landslide?

A. Have an emergency preparedness plan.
B. Check the house for damage while landslide is falling.
C. Move away from the path of a landslide or debris flow.
D. Stay away from the slide area, there might be another landslide.

11. What is the use of a legend in a map?

A. It gives life to the map.
B. It just serves as a decoration.
C. It serves as a color palette to the map.
D. It describes the indicated color/symbol in the map for interpretation.

12. Can we do construction on an area where a landslide has occurred?

A. Yes, because it can serve as memorabilia of what happened in the area.
B. No, because the mud has taken over the area. It will be hard to
transport materials.
C. Yes, because the land already removed the withered soils therefore leaving the
stable soil.
D. No, because the area is already vulnerable to landslide. An event like that could
occur again.

13. How can a geological hazard map benefit a community?

A. The map potentially can be the way to identify where a typhoon can hit the area.
B. It can tell whether your area is low or highly susceptible to a geological
C. This can indicate mining potential in the area therefore increasing the wealth of the
D. The map can give out a color-coded design that increases the mental health
capacity of the community.

14. Which of the following instruments can be used to track typhoons and cloud masses
which may bring thunderstorms?
A. Doppler radar C. Theodolite
B. Radiosonde D. Weather surveillance radar
15. Which of the following information may be obtained from a storm surge hazard map?
A. Path of a typhoon
B. Wind speed and force of impact
C. The possible time that the storm surge will hit.
D. Possible height of wave that can hit the surface.

16.What information does a hazard map provide a community?

A. Possible hazards that can hit the area
B. Areas where people can relocate or evacuate
C. Areas that are vulnerable and safe to a hazard
D. All of the above.

17.Which of the following may be observed in an approaching thunderstorm?
A. column of clouds B. heavy rainfall C. high lying clouds D. saturated ground
18.Which is a sign of an impending typhoon?
A. receding water C. drop-in temperature
B. continuous rainfall D. rapid rise of water level

19.What would be observed in the ocean before a typhoon or thunderstorm?

A. calm waters B. heavy rainfall C. ocean swell D. radio static
20.How should combustible materials be stored?
A. Label all materials.
B. Wipe any spilled substance.
C. Keep them in a cool and dry place.
D. Both A and C.

21.Which of the following shows a proper practice in using electrical devices?

A. The cord should be hung up when not in use.
B. Avoid using faulty electrical equipment.
C. Keep heating equipment at a good distance from each other.
D. All of the above.
A. fire B. fuel C. heat D. oxygen

22. What element of the fire triangle is played by the wooden sticks in a bonfire?

23. What element of the fire triangle is removed when water is sprayed to an open flame?

24. What does fire require to burn?

A. flame B. fuel C. nitrogen D. smoke

25. Which element/s would be needed for a fire to continue burning?

A. fuel B. oxygen C. heat D. All of the above

26.Which of the following should NOT be done when cooking?

A. Use a small pan. C. Leave the pan with a lid.
B. Use many pans at once. D. Leave the stove unattended.

27.In using a fire extinguisher, what does PASS stand for?

A. Pull, Aim, Shoot, Stay C. Plunge, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
B. Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep D. Plunge, Address, Shoot, Sweep

28.Which is a written document that includes the action to be taken by all staff in
the event of fire and the arrangements for calling the fire brigade?
A. Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan C. Fire Alarms
B. Fire Escapes D. Fire Extinguishers

29.What is the first thing you must do if you discover a fire?

A. Raise the alarm. C. Get out of the building.
B. Call the fire brigade. D. Try to extinguish the fire.

30.How do we execute the "Alarm” step in the RACE protocol?

A. Call the emergency hotline C. Break the alarm glass
B. Activating a pull station alarm box D. A and B

31.How does one prepare for a fire emergency?

A. Practice fire drills.
B. Know the evacuation plan.
C. Be familiar with the location of the assembly.
D. All of the above.
32.What will you do if you are escaping from a building during a fire or
another emergency?
A. Open doors that feel hot.
B. Walk towards slippery floors.
C. Wait around to gather your belongings.
D. Don’t use the elevators or escape to the roof.

33.Which among the following has the responsibility in securing the scene,
preserving life, and treating the wounded?
A. all citizens.
B. first responders.
C. mental health professionals.
D. social workers who specialize in crisis management

34. Which of the following includes the actions and measures taken after a disaster to
rebuild, restore or improve the living conditions of the affected community while
reducing the risks of disaster?
A. adaptation B. recovery C. resilience D. rehabilitation

35. Which is the systematic process of using all available manpower and resources to
implement various methods to lessen the impacts of hazards and the likelihood of a
A. Disaster C. Disaster Risk and Reduction
B. Disaster Risk D. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

36.What is the importance of a family emergency plan?

A. It will enable the family to anticipate the risk of disasters.
B. It will enable the family to be ready for all types of emergencies.
C. The family will have a personal sense of safety, security, and sound peace of mind.
D. All of the above.

37.How will a DRRM plan materialize in the community?

A. The DRRM programs must only involve the local government.
B. There must be reactive efforts among all members of the community.
C. There must be proactive efforts among all members of the community.
D. All of the above.

38.Which is one of the key principles of disaster risk reduction and management
(DRRM) plan?
A. The DRRM plan prioritizes the culture of prevention.
B. The DRRM plan prioritizes only the people who are most at risk.
C. The main goal of the DRRM plan is to attain zero (0) occurrence of disaster
in the country.
D.All of the above.

39.How do you prepare an emergency preparedness plan as a family?

A. Create a family communication plan.
B. Only adults and elders are involved in the planning.
C. Start gathering information during the post-hazard situation.
D. Make a family emergency supply kit once a disaster is reported in the news.

40.What part of the family disaster preparedness plan must be known by each family
member to properly respond during a disaster?
A. Preparation of an emergency supply kit.
B. Deciding on the safest and best evacuation route.
C. Ways on how to make your house more resilient to disasters.
D. Identifying the part of your house that could be hazardous in case of a
disaster to implement counteracting measures.

41. Which of the following DRRM measures involve risk assessment in your family
emergency preparedness plan?
A. Preparation of an emergency supply kit.
B. Deciding on the safest and best evacuation route.
C. Identifying the part of your house that could be hazardous in case
of a disaster to implement counteracting measures.
D. Both B and C.

42. What DRRM intervention is part of improving the resilience of infrastructures?

A. disaster preparedness C. disaster recovery
B. disaster prevention D. disaster response

43. How is disaster response conducted in emergency planning and management?

A. Houses are rebuilt and repaired.
B. Assessment of damages, losses, and needs.
C. Increasing the level of awareness of communities.
D. Integration and coordination of Search, Rescue,
and Retrieval (SRR) operations.

44. Which of the following is the role of DOST in DRRM?

A. It advocates for the implementation of the building code.
B. It institutionalizes forecasting and early warning systems.
C. It convenes regional and local DRRM Councils for development policies.
D. It develops rules, regulations, and guidelines on redesigning and
retrofitting infrastructures based on the building code.
45.What must be developed by NDRRMC to provide an all-hazard, comprehensive, and
interagency community-based approach to DRRM?
A. A Republic Act that addresses and prioritizes DRRM.
B. A City Ordinance that addresses and prioritizes DRRM.
C. An international agreement with other countries that address DRRM.
D. A National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework

46. Under which executive department is the National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Council (NDRRRMC) a part of?
A. Department of Education (DepEd)
B. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
C. Department of National Defense (DND)
D. Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

47. Which council will take the lead for disaster response, rehabilitation, and recovery, if
three (3) barangays are affected by a flood caused by a habagat?
A. Barangay DRRM Committee C. National DRRM Council
B. City or Municipal DRRM Council D. Regional DRRM Council

48. How much water is recommended per person for a 3-day supply
during evacuation?
A. 1gallon B. 3 gallons C. 6 gallons D. 10 gallons

49. Which of the following additional item in the survival kit is needed during
a pandemic caused by an airborne pathogen?
A. antibiotic B. bandage C. N95 mask D. whistle

50. What is the use of first aid antiseptic?

A. To prevent skin infections.
B. To treat minor cuts or scrapes.
C. Slows down or stops the growth of microorganisms on the external
surfaces of the body.

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