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Is vacation the best way
to relax?
A. Discuss these questions with your classmates.
1. What do you do on vacation? Where do you go?
2. Look at the photo. Is this a vacation you would take?
Why or why not?
@® B. Listen to The Q Classroom online. Then complete the chart.
Pico aces
Marcus Ores CONo
‘Sophy ves |DNo
Felix Ces (No
Yuna OYes OONo
FQUFRACTICE) Go to the online discussion board to discuss the
Unit Question with your classmates. Practice > Unit 3 > Activity 1
Read the articles, Gather information and ideas to write a short paragraph about the
best way to relax.READING 1
The corpus shows that
is/are likely to is often
used in academic writing
to show a cause.
Stressed people are
likey to have health
Exercise is ikely
torelox a person.
‘ord Psa cade Lexicon
Managing Life and Work
You are going to read a blog post about vacations. Use the blog post to gather
information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.
A. VOCABULARY Here are some words from Reading 1. Read the sentences.
Circle the answer that best matches the meaning of each underlined word.
1. People come back from vacation more relaxed. Vacations reduce stress.
a. create b. lower
2, She has a good attitude about work. She believes work is important, but itis
not everything.
a. wayofthinking —_b. way of reading
3. Exercise has many henefits. It feels good, and it keeps you healthy.
a. bad results b. good results
4. When you travel, you can discover new ways to think and eat.
a, forget about b. learn about
5. His trip to Turkey was a positive experience. He was happy he went.
a. bad b. good
6. Successful employees work hard to improve.
a. dobetter b. goon vacation
7. In Canada, employees work an average of 36 hours a week.
a. usual amount b. a large amount
8. After a long vacation, workers are likely to be more creative.
a. are probably b. arenever
iQUPRAETICE) Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.
Practice > Unit 3 > Activities 2-3
4G UNIT3 Is vacation the best way to relax?B. PREVIEW Look at the headings in the blog post and answer the questions.
1. What is the name of the blog?
2. Who wrote the blog post?
3. Whatis the title of this blog post?
€. QUICK WRITE What are the benefits of a short vacation? What are the
benefits of a long vacation? Write a few sentences. Remember to use this
section for your Unit Assignment.
Underline the most
Important information = WORK WITH THE READING
ina reading text. After
youread the text, J) A, INVESTIGATE Read the blog post and gather intormation about the best
study the parts you
underlined. This helps
you remember the
information in the text.
way to relax.
Q signing
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Is a short vacation better than a long one?
We all know vacations are good for our health. Regular vacations reduce heart
attacks in men and women. But which kind of vacation is better: one long vacation
or several short ones?
2 _ Here is information from research studies. Read about the benefits of each kind
of vacation. Then decide which kind of vacation is best for you,
3 International travel has big benefits. For example, people who travel abroad!
‘are more creative when they come home. When people visit other countries, they
discover different ways people live. Thie roculte in moro oroative thinking and better
4 Some studies show that people do not sleep well until day two or three of their
vacation. After day two or day three, they sleep well for the whole vacation. They also
‘sleep well for one week after vacation. A long vacation means better sleep for more days.
READING 1 475 Traveling on vacation can be stressful. It takes time and money to travel. If you
have a long vacation, you get more days of relaxation for your days of travel stress.
6 If there is a problem at work during your vacation, your coworkers are more likely
to take care of the problem. They are not likely to wait for you. The result? You have
less work when you come back,
7 Studies discovered that people enjoy planning their
vacation as much as they enjoy taking the vacation.
Ifyou plan four short vacations a year, you can
‘experience the fun of planning four different times.
8 Many people do NOT call the office during
a short vacation. People on long vacations are
more likely to check email and worry about work. Peorinmaiay ser
For example, France has the highast number of began vacation:
vacation days (an average of 30 days a year).
Italso has the highest number of people who check their work email (93%).
9 Vacations improve our attitude about our lives, our families, and ourselves.
When we get back to work, we quickly forget all those positive feelings. Taking
several short vacations a year helps you feel positive about your life more often.
10 Weall have very busy lives. Family, school, and work schedules are full. It is
ditticutt to tind a whole week wnen everyone can go on vacation. A shurl vacation is
easier to fit in to our busy schedules. The busier we are, the more important it is to
connect with friends and family on vacation.
ier Lean Lc}
tee eke
Americans 1.7 weeks
48 UNIT3 Is vacation the best way to relax?B. IDENTIFY What is the main idea of the blog? Check (7) one.
C Short vacations are better than long vacations.
C Long vacations are better than short vacations.
Ci Short and long vacations have different benefits.
CAI! vacations have the same benefits.
Identifying pros and cons
‘When you compare, itis helpful to list the pros (reasons for) and
cons (reasons against) doing something.
Travel Abroad on Vacation
Pros Cons
+ Ican discover new ways todo things. |+ It takes too long,
IQ\PRAGTICE) Go online to watch the Critical Thinking Video and check
your comprehension. Practice > Unit 3 Activity 4
C. IDENTIFY Reread the article. List the pros and cons of each type of
vacation. Compare your answers with the class.
1D. EVALUATE Look at all your pros and cons. Which reasons are most important
to you? Put a star (ik) next to the most important reason in each list.
READING! 49.EXTEND Which do you prefer, long or short vacations? Why? Choose one
reason from the article to support your answer.
F, SYNTHESIZE Look back at your Quick Write on page 47. Add anything you
learned about the benefits of taking short and long vacations.
iQUPRACTICE) Go online for additional reading and comprehension.
Practice > Unit 3 > Activity 5
A. EXTEND Discuss the questions in a group. Look back at your Qt
on page 47 as you think about what you learned.
1. The blog post talks about the benefits of taking a vacation. What benefits do
you hope for when you take a vacation? Circle three and discuss your choices.
a. discover new places d. reduce heart attacks
b. get better sleep ¢. feel good about life
¢, connect with family and friends f. get away from work or school
2, What is your idea of a great vacation? Where do you want to go? What do you
want to do?
B. CREATE Choose one of the questions from Activity A and write a response.
My response:
50 UNIT3 Is vacation the best way to relax?eo Ree Caen ur Reed
Many texts you read have charts, graphs, or tables in them. Charts, graphs, and
tables are very useful because they give a lot of information in a small space.
‘They also make it easier to understand a text,
SS al
apiechart bar graph
Its important to look at charts, graphs, and tables when you preview and skim
a text. Here are some tips.
‘+ Read the title and headings to get the main idea.
* Look at the numbers. To find details, scan for only the numbers that you want
to know about.
A. INTERPRET Look at the bar graph in Reading 1 on page 48, Answer the
1, Whatis the title? __
2. Who took the longest summer vacations?
3. How long was the average summer vacation for Americans?
4. How long was the average summer vacation for Brazilians?