Financial Markets and Services

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Master of Business Administration (MBA)


FINA7001 Financial Markets and Services
3 0 0 0 0 3

Pre-requisite Financial Management



Course Description:

To provide the student an overview of financial markets and services in India and to
familiarize them with important fee and fund based financial services in India. To make
learner understand modern financial markets. Central themes are the structure of
financial markets, their pricing function, the interaction between financial markets and
macro-economic conditions, and the process of innovation and regulation in these
market. To familiarize student for the study in market efficiency and the interaction
between government policies and financial market. The course will consider the stress
on financial instruments, markets in which they are traded, and attendant structures.

Course Educational Objectives:

• Understand what a financial system is and does, and the distinct functions of each
• Understand some important financial instruments and the economic principles
underlying their use
• Able to understand credit rating mechanism and working of mutual funds.

UNIT 1 Structure of Financial System 10 hours

role of Financial System in Economic Development – Financial Markets and Financial
Instruments – Money Markets - Bond Markets - Mortgage Markets - Stock Markets -
Foreign Exchange Markets - Derivative Securities Markets – Role of SEBI – Secondary

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Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Market Operations – Regulation – Functions of Stock Exchanges – Listing – Formalities

– Financial Services Sector Problems and Reforms.
UNIT 2 Financial Services 10 hours
Concept, Nature and Scope of Financial Services – Regulatory Frame Work of Financial
Services – Growth of Financial Services in India – Merchant Banking – Meaning-Types
– Responsibilities of Merchant Bankers – Role of Merchant Bankers in Issue
Management – Regulation of Merchant Banking in India. Wealth Management System
UNIT 3 Venture Capital 15 hours
Growth of Venture Capital in India – Financing Pattern under Venture Capital – Legal
Aspects and Guidelines for Venture Capital, Leasing – types of Leases – Evaluation of
Leasing Option Vs. Borrowing. Hire Purchase Vs. Leasing (NP in Leasing
UNIT 4 Credit Rating 5 hours
Meaning, Functions – Debt Rating System of CRISIL, ICRA and CARE. Factoring,
Forfeiting and Bill Discounting – Types of Factoring Arrangements – Factoring in the
Indian Context; (NP in Factoring)
UNIT 5 Mutual Funds 5 hours
Concept and Objectives, Functions and Portfolio Classification, Organization and
Management, Guidelines for Mutual Funds, Working of Public and Private Mutual
Funds in India. Debt Securitization – Concept and Application – De-mat Services-need
and Operations-role of NSDL and CSDL. NAV calculation – Sharpe, Jensen, Treynor

Text Books:

• Bhole&Mahakud, Financial Institutions and Market, TMH, New Delhi

• V.A.Avadhani, Marketing of Financial Services, Himalayas Publishers, Mumbai


• DK Murthy, and Venugopal, Indian Financial System, IK Int Pub House

• Anthony Saunders and MM Cornett, Fin Markets &Institutions,TMH, New Delhi
• PUNIThavathy Pandian, Financial Markets and Services, Vikas, New Delhi
• Vasanth Desai, Financial Markets & Financial Services, Himalaya, Mumbai
• eir Khan – Financial Institutions and Markets, Oxford Press.

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Master of Business Administration (MBA)

• Madura, Financial Markets & Institutions, Cengage, New Delhi

Course Outcomes:

• Analyse & Apply knowledge of Financial Systems and markets

• Analyse and Apply Various Financial and various Merchant Banking Services and their
• Analyse Leasing types and Evaluate leasing vs. buying
• Analyse Credit Rating systems and evaluate Factoring services
• Understand and Mutual funds and types and evaluate NAV calculations models.

CO-PO Mapping:

CO1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
CO2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
CO3 0 3 0 1 0 1 0
CO4 1 3 0 1 0 1 0
CO5 1 2 0 1 0 1 0
Note: 1 - Low Correlation 2 - Medium Correlation 3 - High Correlation
BOS : 19th,May,2022 ACADEMIC
SDG No. & 8&9
SDG:8- Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG:9- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG Justification:
Knowledge on financial markets and services related to 8 & 9 SDGs, as subject deal with
factors contributing to economic growth, industrial investments, Innovations and
infrastructure development.


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