F CoreW 18 PEP AkasiaBagus

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Core Workshop, Jakarta 16-17 October 2018



W. L. Ambarwati*
D. M. Sulistyo*
M. Fajar*

ABSTRACT Vuggy and mouldic are the main porosity in A-2

well, it ranges from 1.20 % to 26 %, the permeability
Akasia Bagus structure is a discoveries in Cemara – ranges from 0.0001 md to 481 md, and the density
Tugu Area, located in North West Java Basin. ranges from 2.70 to 2.74 g/cc. The porosity system
Exploration activity within this structure had begun in A-3 well is mainly vuggy with intercrystalline
since 1994 with 2D seismic acquisition, followed by pores, cementation and compaction during
exploration well on 2009, 3D seismic acquisition on diagenetic stage were the determining factor that
2011, and continued with delineation wells on 2014 reduce the porosity (3.7 % to 9 %), permeability
and 2016. In general, Akasia Bagus structure possess ranges from 0.025 md to 5.28 md, and the density
multiple vertical reservoir layer especially in Upper ranges from 2.70 to 2.79 g/cc.
Cibulakan Formation, among them is carbonate
reservoir known as Z-16. Keywords : Carbonate, North West Java Basin,
diagenesis, Z-16, Upper Cibulakan Formation.
The Z-16 layer is a limestone reservoir with 111 m
gross thickness, this contains porous zone as thick as INTRODUCTION
54 m, the accoustic impedance inversion of this layer
shows a facies barrier between the Akasia Bagus The Akasia Bagus Structure is located in the southern
Structure and the other structures to the north, which part of Jatibarang Sub-Basin and directly adjacent to
also confirm the difference of fluid contact between the Cipunegara Sub-Basin in the west and south
those two structures. (Figure 1). Jatibarang and Cipunegara Sub-Basins
are interpreted formed during the Eocene - Oligocene
For this paper writer used one seismic composite and Period through a dextral strike slip mechanism. This
inverted seismic section, three Wells data and displacement formed a pull-apart basin and local
laboratory analysis results from A-1, A-2, and A-3 high in several places. Cipunegara Sub-Basin is also
wells. Two conventional core and rotary sidewall interpreted to be the kitchen that generates
core samples from A-2 and A-3 wells were used for hydrocarbon to all Cipunegara areas including the
routine core analysis, while the special core analysis Akasia Bagus Structure.
only perform on selected conventional core plug
from A-2 Well. The tectonostratigraphy of sediment filling in
Northwest Java Basin can be divided into three (3)
From FMI analysis it is known that the lateral facies units (Figure 2) ; synrift deposits, postrift deposits,
development within the Z-16 layer in A-3 well is and back arc deposits. Synrift deposits phase are
more complex compare to A-1 and A-2 wells, marked by the development of strain tectonic
characterized by the thickening of limestones (extension) represent by graben or half graben with
sediments. The lateral facies distribution in A-2 well North – South direction. Conformable with the basin
dominated by the red algae, and large foram as development processes, successively the Jatibarang
fragments embedded in grain supported matrix Formation/Pre Talang Eq are deposited on Late
(packstone-grainstone) (Dunham., 1962), while the Eocene – Early Oligocene, followed by lower
Z-16 layer in A-3 well showed that the original Talangakar deposits on Late Oligocene.
matrix is replaced by dolomite. Dissolution,
dolomitization, and the formation of stylolite become Post Rift deposits marked by the dominance of sea
diagenetic stage markers that indicate the level rise wherein the tectonic processes are less.
mesogenesis stage.

* East Area Exploration, PT Pertamina EP

© IPA, 2018 – 42nd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2018

Upper Talangakar Formation were deposited on density properties. The pore volumes (porosity) were
Early Miocene, marked the beginning of these cycle. measured with Boyle’s Law method, by using gas
helium that passed through the samples and the
Baturaja Formation were sedimented above the pressure were monitored until stable. The
Talangakar Formation characterized by limestones permeability measurements were made using
that grow unsteady state pulse decay technique, the methods
in high area with intercalated claystone. On top of being used to determine are; air and Klinkenberg
Baturaja Formation, Cibulakan Formation were method. The porosity and permeability are measured
deposited, charaterized by the dominance presence at ambient condition (500 psig) and Net Overburden
of claystone intercalated with (NOB) condition (3000 psig).
sandstone and limestone.
Special core analysis only performed on selected
Back arc phase is the results of emplacement from conventional core plug samples of A-2 Well at
Java Volcanic Arc, it is shown by the deposition of carbonate Z-16 interval to measure the reservoir
volcanic breccia and lava of Jampang Formation properties (Table 2).
observed in the Southern Mountain of West Java
area, during this period the basin changes from the
rift basin to the back arc basin. Sedimentation in the RESULT AND DISCUSSION
southern part of the basin is dominated by volcanic
materials, while in the North West Java Basin Initially the Z-16 layer in Akasia Bagus Structure
sedimentation begins with fine clastic sediments and was interpreted as a large reeefal carbonate structure,
carbonates (Parigi Formation and lower section of however after proven drilling of A-3 well, it is shown
Cisubuh Formation), ended with fluvial deposits that there are compartments differences, especially
(Upper Cisubuh Formation), it is a manifestation of the oil water contact (OWC) limit is far from the oil
the uplifting in the south. zone boundary in Gantar (Figure 3). Judging from the
seismic section there is no fracture separating the
compartment, indicating that the carbonate reefal
DATA AND METHODOLOGY development which likely to be form at different
stages of deposition. Between Z-16 and Middle
Three Pertamina EP wells from Akasia Bagus Cibulakan can be distinguished from changes in
structure in North West Java Basin are being used; strong reflector seismic characters, Based on
A-1, A-2 and A-3. All of the wells are covered the petrophysical evaluation of the Middle Cibulakan
Early Miocene age of Carbonate (Z-16) interval. The level, limestone lithology has undergone a
three exploration wells were sampled for dolomitization process into dolostone, and it has the
petrography, XRD, SEM, biostratigraphy, Routine characteristics of tight porosity.
Core Analysis and Special Core Analysis.
In addition the Z-16 also developed a localized multi
Rotary sidewall cores and cuttings from A-1 Well layers reefal carbonate. The presence of these layers
were taken for biostratigraphy and petrography can’t be seen with normal seismic section, therefore
analysis in Z-16 interval, meanwhile the the accoustic impedance attributes are used to see
conventional core and rotary sidewall cores from A- the reservoir porosity within the Z-16. Results from
2 and A-3 wells were sampled for Routine and Accoustic Impedances from A-3 and A-1 wells,
Special Core, Petrography, XRD and SEM analysis shows that the lower zone of Z-16 tends to be a
in Z-16 interval (Table 1) tighter carbonate in A-1 well compared to A-3 well
(Figure 4). These results also inline with the
Quantitative biostratigraphy analysis of small & petrography results, which shows that the Carbonate
larger foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton and Facies that develop in the Akasia Bagus are Red
palynology, performed in sediment samples of A-1 Algae, Large Foram and in some places Coral and
well, are used to determine the age and depositional Mollusks. The presence of those biota above are
environment of the Early Miocene Carbonate (Z-16) indicating a Limestone reef facies, whilst the rare
interval. presence of Miliolid Fossils and Plangton Forams
indicating that the position of the reef are closer to
Rotary sidewall core and conventional core plug the back reef
samples from A-2 and A-3 wells were used to
perform a routine core analysis to measure the The geological model of Akasia Bagus Structure is
porosity, permeability, fluids saturation and grain based on seismic characters, biostratigraphic data,

© IPA, 2018 – 42nd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2018

and petrographic data. At the time of Z-16 exponent “n” ranged from 1.99 to 2.05 with average
deposition, the position of Akasia Bagus Structure is value of 2.02 (table. 4)
on the shelf margin while the coastline is in the
northern part of this structure (Figure 5). In the CONCLUSION
northern part there is Cemara Field which is also
deposited a limestone, only the carbonate facies are In Early Miocene age there are two carbonate facies
worse because too many mudstone content. Open that developed in Akasia Bagus Structure; Core reef
marine are in the west and south in accordance with which characterized by the presence of Red Algae,
the formation of the Cipunegara basin in the area. large Foram, Coral and Mollusks. The other one is
During the regression period, part of the open marine reef facies that characterized by the presence of
area in the south was uplifted, so that it had almost milliolids Fossils and Plangton Forams.
the same level as the northern region, this is
characterized by the relative thickness of the rock In terms of Z-16 layer, it has different
layer, eventhough in the northern region which was characacteristics depending on the wells position, In
close to the land had been affected by clastic A-1 well the lower zone of Z-16 tends to be tight,
sedimentary rocks. This is characterized by the while the same layer in A-3 well is not. The thin
development of sandstone reservoirs in the Cemara section petrographic analysis from core data also
Area while in the Akasia Bagus Area still developing shows that Z-16 have several phases and undergoes
carbonate build up alternate with shale (Figure 5). early to advanced diagenesis processes that affect
reservoir quality and diagenesis processes including
Carbonate facies are determined from thin section the mineral dissolution in form of aragonite and
petrographic. The results shows a facies differences recrystallization in form of dolomite.
from A-2 and A-3 wells in Z-16 interval. In A-2 well,
the pore types mainly consists of vuggy and moldic,
the other types are intraparticle, interparticle, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
intercrystalline and microfractures. The porosity is
controlled by significant proportion of matrix Writer would like to say thank you to the
content, recrystallization, cementation and Management team of PT. Pertamina EP for the
compaction during diagenetic stage. The late stage support and permission to publish this paper,
dissolution of calcite cement and matrix produce especially to the Vice President of East Area
secondary vuggy and moldic porosity (Figure 6). Exploration; Mr. Muharram Panguringseng, Vice
President West Area Exploration; Mr. Tri Widyo
Based on Routine Core Analysis results, there are Kunto, Exploration Regional & Study Senior
two types of Limestone Facies in Z-16 interval of Manager; Mr. Agung Prasetyo, Jawa Exploration
Akasia Bagus Structure. The physical properties Senior Manager; Mohamad Wahyudin, and to all
from A-2 well Core showing good properties with colleagues in Regional & Study in general.
porosity ranges from 1.20 % to 26 %, permeability
ranges from 0.001 md to 481 md and the density REFERENCES
ranges from 2.70 to 2.74 g/cc. Meanwhile, the
physical properties from A-3 well Core showing Dunham, R.J. 1962. Classification of Carbonate
poor properties with porosity ranges from 3.7% to Rocks According to Depositin Textures. In:
9%, permeability ranges from 0.025 md to 5.28 md Classification of Carbonate Rocks, W. E. Ham (Ed.).
and the density ranges from 2.70 to 2.79 g/cc AAPG Memoir No.1, Tulsa, OK, pp. 108-121.
(Graphic 1 & 2).

In the A-3 well, the porosity system mainly consists PT. Pertamina EP., 2014. Laporan Penentuan Status
of vuggy, accompanied with rare intercrystalline Eksplorasi struktur Akasia Bagus. PT. Pertamina
pores. The recrystallization, cementation compaction EP. Jakarta
and dolomitization during diagenetic stage were the
controlling factor that reduced porosity & Usman, T.K.,Yuliandri, I., Panguringseng, M.J.,
permeability in A-3 well samples. Sadirsan, W.S., Priambodo, D., 2011. New Concept
of Paleogene Basin Evolution of Northern West Java.
Special Core Analysis results of A-2 well showed Proceeding JCM Makassar.
that the individual cementation of porosity exponent
“m” ranged from 1.97 to 2.01 with an average value
of 1.99 (Table. 3) and the individual saturation

© IPA, 2018 – 42nd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2018

Table 1. List of laboratorium analysis in Early Table 2. List of Special Core analysis in Early
Miocene Z-16 samples Miocene Z-16 samples of ABG-Y Well

Air-brine capillary pressure by porous

Routine Core Special Core
Well Sample Type Depth Petrography XRD SEM Biostratigraphy
Analysis Analysis Sample ID

permeability [kw/kg] endpoint only

Liquid permeability as function of
SWC 1772   

Unsteady state water-gas relative

Unsteady state gas-water relative
Unsteady state water-oil relative
   

Formation factor at overburden

Resistivity index at overburden

distribution – Free Water Level

SWC 1787,5

Mercury Injection & pore size

Unsteady state gas-oil relative

SWC 1792    
SWC 1835   
A-1 SWC 1857,5  
Cuttings 1794-1796  

Rock compressibility
permeability [kw/ko]

permeability [kg/kw]
permeability [kg/ko]
1816-1818    

volume throughput

Amott wettability
Cuttings 1820-1822   Well
Cuttings 1824-1826   (m)

Seal capacity
1910,7 
1911,52 
1911,82 
1912,7 

1913,6 
1914,2 
Conventional Core Plug
1915,5    1914,6 - - - - - - √ √ √ - - -
1916  1914,6 - - - - - - - - - √ √ -
1916,45 
1917,5 
1915,1 √ √ √ - √ √ - - - - - -
1917,9  1915,1 - - - √ - - - - - - - -
1918,4  1915,2 - - - - - - √ √ √ - - -
1919,3 
1865,75 1915,2 - - - - - - - - - √ √ -
1866 1918,4 √ √ √ - √ √ - - - - - -

1866,3 1918,4 - - - √ - - - - - - - -
1866,65   
1867,4 1918,45 - - - - - - √ √ √ - - -
1867,85 1918,45 - - - - - - - - - √ √ -
Coventional Core Plug 1919,3 √ √ √ - √ √ - - - - - -
1868,9 
1869,25 1919,3 - - - √ - - - - - - - -
1869,65 1919,4 - - - - - - √ √ √ - - -
1919,4 - - - - - - - - - √ √ -
1872,05   
A-3 1872,42
SWC 1769,00  
SWC 1774,00 
SWC 1805,80  
SWC 1839,00 
SWC 1856,00  
SWC 1883,50  
SWC 1891,00 
SWC 1908,50  
SWC 1922,00 
SWC 1932,50 
SWC 1973,80 
SWC 2026,00  

Table.3 m values of A-2 Well Core samples Table.4 n values of A-2 Well Core samples
Sample Depth Horizontal Formation Porosity Depth Horizontal Formation Porosity Brine Resistivity Saturation
Permeability Porosity Resistivity Exponent Saturation Index Exponent
Permeability Porosity Resistivity Exponent to Air, Factor Fraction
to Air, Factor at NOB at NOB
meter md fraction F m Vp I n
at NOB at NOB 1.000 - -
ID meter md fraction F m 0.459 4.778 2.01
1913.30 317 0.231 17.89 1.97 0.362 7.725 2.01
111 1913.30 317 0.231 17.89 1.97
0.288 12.004 2.00
115 1914.50 18.8 0.162 37.84 1.99 0.234 17.965 1.99
117 1915.10 126 0.220 20.24 1.98 1.000 - -
0.636 2.491 2.02
128 1918.40 12.1 0.173 33.62 2.00 1914.50 18.8 0.162 37.84 1.99 0.522 3.727 2.02
131 1919.30 2.88 0.142 50.25 2.01 0.400 6.442 2.03
0.288 12.312 2.02
1.000 - -
0.542 3.421 2.01
1915.10 126 0.22 20.24 1.98 0.441 5.24 2.02
0.344 8.71 2.03
0.264 14.79 2.02
1.000 - -
0.556 3.286 2.03
1918.40 12.1 0.173 33.62 2.00 0.462 4.769 2.02
0.419 5.851 2.03
0.377 7.347 2.04
1.000 - -
0.579 3.055 2.04
1919.30 2.88 0.142 50.25 2.01 0.516 3.847 2.04
0.476 4.588 2.05
0.424 5.790 2.05

© IPA, 2018 – 42nd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2018

Graphic.1 Porosity values of A-2 and A-3 wells Graphic.2 Permeability values of A-2 and A-3
Core samples wells Core samples

Figure 1 - Study Area Location

© IPA, 2018 – 42nd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2018

Figure 2 - Tectonostratigraphy of Northwest Java Basin

© IPA, 2018 – 42nd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2018

Figure 3 - Carbonate Reefal development at differet stages of development from Z-16 Layer

© IPA, 2018 – 42nd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2018

Figure 4 - Accoustic Impedance cross section in TWT showing Z-16 facies differences From Akasia Bagus
– G- W Structures.

Figure 5 - TWT seismic cross section showing the time during the Z-16 deposition.

© IPA, 2018 – 42nd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2018

Figure 6 - Carbonate Facies differences from G-13, A-3, A-1, and A-2 Wells in Z-16 Interval.

© IPA, 2018 – 42nd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2018

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