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MTH 104 PQ 1

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College of Science Engineering and Technology

Faculty of Basic and Applied
Department of Mathematical Sciences
2022/2023 Rain Semester B.Sc. Degree Examination
MTH 104:-General
Mathematics IlI
Instruction: Attempt all
Writ: your matric aumber quetioas
on both your questiot paper and yuur aawet aeet
Date: uiy. 202S Time Allowed: 1Hs, 30 ins. Max mark 70
1, The leagth of the tangent drawn from the point (2,
-1) to the circle 3z² + 3y²+4z+2y +6 0 is?
A. 23.3o D. 1
- t6 centricity e is Such that e>1, it is cailed?
A Eilpse B. Cirele C Hyperbola D. Parabola
3 An explosion breaks a rock into three parts in a horizontal plane. Two of them go
of at right angles to esch other.
The ftt part of mass 1kg tnoves with a speed of 12n/s and the second part of mass
2kg moves with Sri/s speed
tl thir! a: lies off with a/s speed, then its mass is
A. 31g B. Tkg C. 5kg D. 12kg . 14kg
4 The eçuation of the ellipee with vertices (t5, 0) and focus (t3,0) is?
A. * 1B. + =1C.+=1
3 Tae eguation to ti.e tang ent at the point (4, 6) to the parabola y*=9z
A4y lz - 1 - B. 4: - 3y + 12 0C.4y+ 3z- 12 =0D. 4y +3z +12 =0
Tir tigeite to the elipse 4? + 3y? 1, which are perpeadicular to tàe line 3r - 4y+5 = 0 are
55. 4e+3y ±/7 C. 2r+ 5y = iV7D. 4z+3y =t/
? ient ne nin Aand B have Dositiou vtors A 21+j+k and B= 8f +6j +k. The positiva rctu: Dh.ch
Ivid AE ia tir tatio 4:1 is?
* 6j -kb 4 +4j - 2k C. -6j+kD +5j + k
b t n 2 j - 3k and b -3i+ 6; + 2i:, the scalar product of a and b is?
3# 7C 14 D'i5
ccioT a and b ie en the wiiting platue, then c, which is the vector product of a and b is away from the writing
ate vraards the writer's.?
ase t Right haud C. Left band D. Legs
le he ranitude of velocity ls the
A altotn velocity B. Speed C. Acceleratio: D. Displacenent
1: 1ta Atlot, of ayectot r of a paracie at a time t isr= (t-4?)i +5( +21)). Fid the velocity of tie pariicle

12 A oe u projer ied vertlcally upwatts Lrom the top of atower 100:a higlh at an initia! welocity of 23rn/s aa
ti tcee pasth pot of projectios afer Ssec o its way down. The time at which the stone is 1Sa abovn the
A 43sec or 068TKe B 32ssec or 9 572sec O. 3.335sec or 0.bsec D. 0.55sec or 0.2sec
1S A boy ot nan 2g lins ca a nootia plane incine! at au Angde 35° 1o thehorizontal. The forco scting up the
Lae 1Orn/
A1X13)4)4vD 30N
1 dra lane traat e k nd 5kg are ated upan ty a leht inextensibie string which s paded Cver a

Sh a puiey iBe two bodis hang teeiy. The system ia nsot froza tet when tbe boty of Skg u2n abom ta
torizonial ground.Take g= 1On/s². What is the sccelerst on of the body of n Sk
A. m/s B. mc. mD.
15. A force 5i + 12j Inoves from 4,9 to 7, 13. The work done is -?
A. 70J B. 60J C. 65JD. 13J

t6. Aserond pendulum has its length L ?

A. 2n B. 2ln C. -Im D. In E. 20u
17 Tlhe displacenent of a puticle is giv, by z 6 - . Find ite veiocity after 2secs.
A. n/s B. 21n/s C. -m/sD. Im/s E. 12n/
the process of catching is to be cottpieted
18. A pla;et catcies ball of mass 150gn moving at a rste af 20m/s. 1f
of the player?
in .lsec What is the force exerted by the bali on the hatds
A.3000.N B. 300N C. 305N D. 0.3N E. 30N
the ground. Find its velocity abonw tbe
19. A bal is tossad with 10m/s vertical velocity from a podiun 20m above
Rtoutd a: Lime t.
A10-St)mys B (10-9.6:)m/ C. 10-9.8t)n/a D (10+ 9.8:)mm/s subjected E None of these
deTibes the moticn ofa body to rravitational attracticn
20. The onhaear diterential equatior. which,
-G0B. +G 0C. +Gr=0D.+M-0E Noue of thee
A. elocity of 11 n/s, cotatisa
of 30 fon the gourd with an initial
2! À hl: of nas 100 g. projxted at an angle
raaximum height attalned?
due ta gavity is g 10m/s, what is the
A. 1Sa B. 1.9im C. 2 53n D. 1.Sn E 3.52n
A(-1.5,3), B(6, -2) and C(-3.4) is?
22 The ati of the shnpe fot tned hy the points ui E. None of these
units2.-1.243 sgaute units D. 1.5 sgaure
.d qnJie Lnits B. 0.8 sgnure is the velocity V(t) of the elet cou?
E1. Thn pitun eioctran is givea by re 3ti -4t?i+ 2k. What
I-ti R3: Ns C. i+ 8j D. 3i+ Sti E.
is riven (a- b)z+ (c- d)y =-.
24 Ft the ytaclent of the ine whoe oquatian
3k is
25 The length of a vector aeit2j+
1 V0 7 C. i2 D -6.6) And (-2,3), hea the
value oi " i?A
sgunt joiaieg the points
i o traiejot of tat
fot s
-12 8. i2 15 D, -15
gave it a displsceneut of 2i + 6j. The workdone ty the
os a particle and
27 A t(e F= 3i +3j cted

nsts P. 30t+ntts C.
35units D. 36units
+e ?
y-itatercepts and the gradient of the line whose oquation is
What is tte
*l,-B -c-3DaGd .E. F 4i + 2j acted on a body and gave &
displacenent of 2i +6j. The work done
9Twu futces P i3j
twa fors i?
y the zru'tat o tle
25uuts P 56unita C. 5]uits D 36unils
by a hss of 5ky ralsed
through 8m is
0. The potent ial energy gritied
A. 500JB 300 C 200J y 3.5m/s is?
as of 4kg moviug at a velocity of
31 The kinetic cegy of
D 195J
A. 256J B243J C. 203J 2C -2 D. 4
Lnltial velocity, if S - 3t 2t +3 A. -4B.
32. Find te momentum of 63kgn1/a
velocdty of a body baving a mus of 9kg and linear
33 Calcalate the
Sm/s D 10m/a of the
A Gra/ B. Tm/s C
stated to increase by S0 The correponding increAse in the momentua
34 The kipetic etetcy ot a boly
body wil te a=
120 D. 130
A 100B 110

Page 2
4roe of 39btpez A. in 35. A. -37. directicn
A. 36. A.The 35.
A."00m/ 0. this
n A When unit the A 500Nm
Iunat 1f 13Ns
wögit B. iL bnlut5N-s
itnpulsive cat the Tw impulse lkg A
oppositeif aanentunn
.ac ch 4Nthe B. a B. crashes
collision 9. iaelastic
B. The B
weiztag ongh of 2units
force 2uata 25Ns
e 9ND, tope .
5u/s mass 0.1N B. 0Nm loss drops
naa force? acts direction.against C.
an stich at

C. C. spheres
in 35Ns on
5m -C.03N 5gm C.
e. l0kg l 50n/s C. 3uraits
oa 3units 250Nm of kinetic vertically
5N n is for a
Cukm/h it is a a
nas from kept
ired ball 0.1 5 The wail. body of D,bail
f HOves?novee 9. D. D. energymasses 45,Ns
c of 6N this on D. ofseconds
4units mass incrcases D. during onto
a from - 4units
100g D. eud? 0.5n/s
50kn/h frictionles
mass 1000Nm
a D. initial
of when 10kg the
gun 1.2N 150g E. E. contact
2.5km the from they ech loor
fwith E. 5units
velocity 5units
a 2nls of for car
&hr surface maas -E 10units colide move wil witha
y E.smootl: 0.l is
5kg. sec, 1500kg. at be
n/hr and 2.5N- collisjon to iswith speed
of rs. it 25
a produces
s What units velocities of
Later, is 25m/s.
of the l5m/s in
5 an the s 5 of
inas Ns velocityacceleration seCs, I
average and 15m/s
of appLed then
250kg of the
the the and
is to of force 5n/s with
ote 20rn/s.
lacod uzzle exerted an
after actingrespectively
its if initial
u the collision
ends What on
the recol on
the speed
en Wha: is
autonobtie is is? in
veiocty the of
2.orn/sec the
s 10.n/s.
value sane
at ia
A.50.inforceTie is A.-49. A47. A40 -A. 44. éxperieLced i 4 42. iension
The The
A: 48 46. A.14. A.0rebOunts th
-()z What V3B. Fiud IfG.0 Ihe
0.15zl0 A Aa
. the force 1N wagon , B. in
compo:nt B. .
B. iror vaiocity
12.0 V5C. is the distance 28.0 2.5 dist wit. ie 4Nthe
B. - of iC.
dist C. C.ance 3.Ns 50 tie btae ball weizhing
opposite to is the C.ope
pendulum, wih
-()C. proportional distance C.
ance 5.0 vGD. 1ON Ok 3N
5.0 V2D. between between dyres B baltsam.havtng
e which D.
F D.
between 9.0
V?E. V3 0.98z10 is D. ungle, a l000kg 5NE.
angular acted L00N2)N E. Ciúkm/hr
-()z tfor -mgsinÛ ofabetween 16
E.two E.tw o mass moves?
sinall to 3.points
0 moves 6N
angular Vi3 two 2.points 0 - on If
displucernent 3Ns tae of
displacement D txo points a
-() C.
body 100g 50kTm/h
displacementsinple points (2,1) (r,
1. 5z10
period-ofcontact D.
O(4,3) 3) of
and and on
E. D. (3,-2)
-mass a
pendulum velocity Smooth
None the The and (P, (-z, 3Ns
5g E.
component force B. and the 8) 2) D. which be45kn/hr
of The is
is rails.
these is (8, points
7 2.5z10
5 ween of
negative 10). find is 1Om/s
propotional at the Later,
F. is comnon find x? rest -
3Ns wali
can directly colides a
because the for aNd imass
te E.
to value an
equvaiently to
prcportionai the 0.75z10-3Ns interval the with of
angular .... ball 250ka
lines of the
P? is
of3 0.1 wall is
displacernent 2z-y placed
written seconds, second. st
angular an i
s...? 4 the
and then What angle
displacement wagon.
None +y= impulse ; of
the 300
of force and Whar
2 s

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