KVK Kondepi New Estimate.06.08.2024
KVK Kondepi New Estimate.06.08.2024
KVK Kondepi New Estimate.06.08.2024
S. As per
No. Agreement
Sl. SoR
No. ITEM Page CFMS Code Item code Rate CFMS Code Labour Unit
1 Supply, laying, jointing 101.60 mm dia
SWG pipe
a) up to 1524mm (5') depth 186 MAT-01667 BMW-A.01 419.000 1 RM
b) up to 914.40mm (3') depth 186 MAT-01668 BMW-A.02 417.000 1 RM
2 Supply, laying, jointing 152.40mm dia
SWG pipe
a) up to 1524mm (5') depth 186 MAT-01669 BMW-A.03 620.000 1 RM
b) up to 914.40mm (3') depth 186 MAT-01670 BMW-A.04 609.000 1 RM
3 Labour charges for laying , jointing ,
testing SWG pipes up to 914.40mm (3') 186 LAB-00411 BMW-A.05 LAB-00411 260.00 1 RM
4 Labour charges for laying , jointing ,
testing SWG pipes up to 1524mm (5') 186 LAB-00412 BMW-A.06 LAB-00412 323.00 1 RM
Supply of 203.20mm (8") dia SWG pipe 187 MAT-01677 BMW-A.17 448.000 1 RM
6 Supply of 254mm (10") dia SWG pipe 187 MAT-01678 BMW-A.18 821.000 1 RM
7 Supply of 300mm (12") dia SWG pipe 187 MAT-01679 BMW-A.19 1183.000 1 RM
8 150mm x 100mm SWG gully trap 189 MAT-01732 BMW-A.72 533.000 1 Each
76.20mm (3") CI Nahany trap 1st quality 194 MAT-01775 BMW-C.41,42 302.000 LAB-00163 57.00 1 Each
Flat back Wash hand basin 1st quality
196, 197 MAT-01798 BMW-D.24,28 1736.000 LAB-00170 362.00 1 Each
550mmx400mm-single CP Pillar cock
27 Angle stop cock 12.70mm heavy duty 198 MAT-01812 BMW-E.05,06 453.000 LAB-00178 49.00 1 Each
28 12.70mm NP bib tap(long body) heavy
198 MAT-01813 BMW-E.07,08 387.000 LAB-00179 33.00 1 Each
29 12.70mm NP bib tap(short body) heavy
198 MAT-01814 BMW-E.09,10 248.000 LAB-00180 33.00 1 Each
30 S&F 31.75mm brass plumber union 198 MAT-01815 BMW-E.11,12 68.000 LAB-00181 16.00 1 Each
31 12.7mm dia. NP push cock 199 MAT-01826 BMW-E.29 259.000 1 Each
WS & SA SoR 2023-24 : Page-5
Sl. SoR
No. ITEM Page CFMS Code Item code Rate CFMS Code Labour Unit
32 GM peet valves
a) 15mm NB 200 MAT-01847 BMW-F.21,22 604.000 LAB-00197 50.00 1 Each
b) 20mm NB 200 MAT-01846 BMW-F.19,20 812.000 LAB-00196 50.00 1 Each
c) 25mm NB 200 MAT-01845 BMW-F.17,18 1165.000 LAB-00195 50.00 1 Each
d) 32mm NB 200 MAT-01848 BMW-F.23,24 1768.000 LAB-00198 43.00 1 Each
e) 40mm NB 200 MAT-01849 BMW-F.25,26 2389.000 LAB-00199 75.00 1 Each
f) 50mm NB 200 MAT-01850 BMW-F.27,28 3498.000 LAB-00200 101.00 1 Each
g) 65mm NB 200 MAT-01851 BMW-F.29,30 5398.000 LAB-00201 120.00 1 Each
h) 80mm NB 200 MAT-01852 BMW-F.31,32 7995.000 LAB-00202 149.00 1 Each
33 S& F Nominal Bore GI pipe Medium
Grade properties & weight
a) 15mm Nominal bore 202 MAT-05243 BMW-F.79,80 199.000 LAB-00233 46.00 1 RM
b) 20mm Nominal bore 202 MAT-05244 BMW-F.81,82 220.000 LAB-00235 46.00 1 RM
c) 25mm Nominal bore 202, 203 MAT-05245 BMW-F.83,84 286.000 LAB-00237 46.00 1 RM
d) 32mm Nominal bore 203 MAT-05246 BMW-F.85,86 398.000 LAB-00239 46.00 1 RM
e) 40mm Nominal bore 203 MAT-05247 BMW-F.87,88 444.000 LAB-00241 50.00 1 RM
f) 50mm Nominal bore 203 MAT-05248 BMW-F.89,90 484.000 LAB-00243 76.00 1 RM
34 65mm Tata or Zenith make or
203 MAT-01870 BMW-F.91 837.000 1 RM
35 S & F 12.70 x 152.00 mm NP shower BMW-
203 MAT-01875 179.000 LAB-00248 22.00 1 Each
rose heavy F.100,101
Sl. SoR
No. ITEM Page CFMS Code Item code Rate CFMS Code Labour Unit
54 CI frame and cover for gully traps 216 MAT-02181 BMW-I.65,66 122.000 LAB-00291 40.00 1 Each
55 S&F TV shap mirror with plastic frame
217 MAT-02206 BMW-I.105,106 502.000 LAB-00306 132.00 1 Each
size 609.60mm x 457.20mm
56 Supplying & fixing stainless steel sink
size 36" x 18" (914.4x457.2mm) 1 mm 218 MAT-02213 BMW-I.119,120 7175.000 LAB-00313 574.00 1 Each
thick with accessories
57 Supplying & fixing stainless steel sink
size 20" x 18" x 8"
218 MAT-02215 BMW-I.123,124 5142.000 MAT-02216 509.00 1 Each
(508x457.2x203.20mm) 1 mm thick with
58 Supplying & fixing white glazed
porcelain channel 4" x 24" (101.6 x 218 MAT-02217 BMW-I.125 522.000 1 Each
59 Supplying & fixing steel surgical long
elbow action handle 12.7mm dia bib 218 MAT-02218 BMW-I.126 946.000 1 Each
60 Oval shape basin white (520x410mm)
218 MAT-02221 BMW-I.129 2371.000 1 Each
parry or equivalent
61 15 mm bib tap with flange Chromeum
219 MAT-02232 BMW-I.140 1644.000 1 Each
plated Jaquar make queen series
62 Chrome plated bib cock cum health
faucet jaquar make queen series 219 MAT-02233 BMW-I.141 4166.000 1 Each
Chrome plated
63 Chrome plated bib cock cum health
faucet jaquar make queen series Ivory 219 MAT-02234 BMW-I.142 7006.000 1 Each
64 Soap dish Jaquar make queen series
220 MAT-02251 BMW-I.159 1602.000 1 Each
Chrome plated
65 Soap dish Jaquar make queen series
220 MAT-02255 BMW-I.163 1214.000 1 Each
Ivory Gold
66 Towel ring Jaquar make Queen series
220 MAT-02256 BMW-I.164 1982.000 1 Each
Ivory Gold
67 Towel coat hook Jaquar make Queen
220 MAT-02257 BMW-I.165 902.000 1 Each
series Chrome plated
68 Bib cock Jaquar Continental series,
220 MAT-02263 BMW-I.171 902.000 1 Each
Chrome Finish
69 Towel rail 24 " Jaquar make Continental
221 MAT-02278 BMW-I.186 1549.000 1 Each
series Chrome finish
70 CPVC Pipes
15.90mm OD pipe - SDR 13.5 224 MAT-02312 BMW-I.220 59.000 1 RM
22.20mm OD pipe - SDR 13.5 MAT-02313 BMW-I.221 94.000 1 RM
28.60mm OD pipe - SDR 13.5 MAT-02314 BMW-I.222 136.000 1 RM
34.90mm OD pipe - SDR 13.5 MAT-02315 BMW-I.223 214.000 1 RM
41.30mm OD pipe - SDR 13.5 MAT-02316 BMW-I.224 295.000 1 RM
54.00mm OD pipe - SDR 13.5 MAT-02317 BMW-I.225 485.000 1 RM
15.90mm OD pipe - SDR 11 MAT-02318 BMW-I.226 68.000 1 RM
22.20mm OD pipe - SDR 11 MAT-02319 BMW-I.227 103.000 1 RM
28.60mm OD pipe - SDR 11 MAT-02320 BMW-I.228 160.000 1 RM
34.90mm OD pipe - SDR 11 MAT-02321 BMW-I.229 254.000 1 RM
41.30mm OD pipe - SDR 11 MAT-02322 BMW-I.230 348.000 1 RM
54.00mm OD pipe - SDR 11 MAT-02323 BMW-I.231 535.000 1 RM
Sl. SoR
No. ITEM Page CFMS Code Item code Rate CFMS Code Labour Unit
4 Slotting charges for 175mm dia PVC
117 Table 38 367.500 1 RM
blue casing pipe
2 Filling with carted gravel in trenches,sides of foundations and basement with initial lead
in layers not exceeding 15cm thick,watering and ramming including cost and
conveyance of water to work site and all operaitonal,incidental, labour charges,hire
charges of T&P etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for fnished item of
work(APSS NO.309&310)
3 Supply and placing of the Design Mix Concrete M 25 grade corresponding to IS 456
with cement content of 380 kgs per 1 cum of concrete using weigh batcher / mixer with
20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate - as per IS
383 - 1970 and IS 2386 Part 1 to Part 8) from approved quarry including cost and
conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water
etc., to site, centering using casurina ballies, bamboos, wooden reapers, runners,
wood posts, wall plates etc., including all operational, incidental and labour charges
such as weigh batching, machine mixing, lifting of concrete manually, laying concrete,
vibrating, curing , overheads & contractors profit etc., complete but excluding cost of
steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 402)
Unsupported Height of 3.66 M
2.50 / Sqm 12488 31220
4 Brick masonry for panel walls in superstructure with CM (1:8) prop: (Cement :
Sand) using common burnt clay bricks of class as per Table- I of IS:1077-1992,
Non- Modular or traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms from approved source having
minimum crushing strength of 40 Kg/Sqcm. including cost and conveyance of all
materials like cement, screened sand, bricks, water etc., to site, labour charges, like
mixing cement mortar, scaffolding charges, constructing masonry, lift charges, curing,
etc.,and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS No.
501 & 504).
Page 8 of 92
S.No. Description of items Qty Rate Amount
First Floor 1.00 / Mts 86154 86154
5 Supply and fixing powder coated aluminium fully glazed swing door as per the
approved drawing with fixed fan light of 400mm height at top door using aluminium
sections of 101.60 mmm x 44.45mm , 3.18 mm thick for frame and door shutter made
of styles , top and middle rail of 47.62mm x 44.45mm , 3.18 mm thick and bottom rail
of 114.30mm x 44.45 mm , 3.18mm thick,powder coating of alluminium sections 25mm
microns thick, 5 mm thick plain float glass fitted with suitable aluminium glazing clips
and rubber beading in fan light portion, double shutters fitted with 5mm thick frosted /
ground glass in the top half and MDF Board: interior-Both Side Laminated -12 mm thick
in the bottom half fitted with suitable aluminium glazing clips and rubber
beading,shutters mounted on double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand
manufacture IS : 6315 marked , Hardwyn make M-3000 for doors including cost of
cutting floors as required , embedding in floors
and SS cover plates with brass pivot and sigle piece MS Sheet outer box with slide
plate etc.complete (Weight Capacity up to 130 Kgs) as approved by Engineer-in-
Charge including supply and fixing ISI marked powder coated aluminium fixtures of
3 Nos. of butt hinges (IS:205) of 150mm long(for each shutter), 4 Nos.tower bolts
10mm bolt (IS:204) 300mm long , 4 Nos.alluminium handles (IS:208) 150mm dia and 2
Nos. aldrops (IS:2681) 300mm long including labour charges for manufacturing door ,
fixing the door with required No. of screws etc., including overheads & contractors
profit complete for finished item of work. (The Aluminium section used shall be
standard make confirming to IS 1948 – 1961) and as approved by the Engineer)
(2000mm x 2400mm)
and SS cover plates with brass pivot and sigle piece MS Sheet outer box with slide
plate etc.complete( Weight Capacity up to 130 Kgs ) as approved by Engineer-in-
Charge including supply and fixing ISI marked powder coated aluminium fixtures of
3 Nos. of butt hinges (IS:205) of 150mm long(for each shutter), 2 Nos.tower bolts
10mm bolt (IS:204) 300mm long , 1 Nos.alluminium handles (IS:208) 150mm dia and 1
Nos. aldrops (IS:2681) 300mm long including labour charges for manufacturing door ,
fixing the door with required No. of screws etc., including overheads & contractors
profit complete for finished item of work. (The Aluminium section used shall be
standard make confirming to IS 1948 – 1961) and as approved by the Engineer)
(1000mm x 2100mm)
Page 9 of 92
S.No. Description of items Qty Rate Amount
fixing 6 Nos. MS Z hold fasts of size 300 mm x 40 mm x 5mm including cost of ISI
marked Aluminium fixtures of 3 Nos. butt hinges (IS:205) 150mm long, 1 No. aldrop
(IS:2681) 300mm long, 1 No. tower bolt (IS:204) of 200 mm x 10 mm dia at top , 2 Nos.
150 mm long handles (IS:208), 1 No. door stopper and 1 No. Rubber / Nylon door stop
bushes including fixing the fixtures to door with required number of screws, bolt and
nuts including labour charges for fixing the frame in position, fixing the shutter to the
frame etc., including overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work
as per APSS 1001 & 1002 (The vertical frame of door shall be embedded in flooring for
a depth of not less than 10 mm) (1000mm x 2100mm)
1 No. tower bolt (IS:204) of 150 mm x 10mm dia, 2 Nos. 125mm long handles
(IS:208),1 No. Rubber / Nylon door stop bushes including PVC door cladding 1.50mm
thick to the flush doors shutters pasted with Fevicol complete as per direction of
Engineer –in – charge, manufacturers specification and drawing to full height of the
shutter inside including labour charges for fixing the frame in position, fixing the
shutter to the frame etc., including overheads & contractors profit complete for finished
item of work as per APSS 1001 & 1002. (The vertical frame of door shall be embedded
in flooring for deth of not less than 10mm) (800mm x 2100mm)
After fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished wall shall be filled with
weather proof silicon sealant over backer rod of required size and of approved quality,
all complete as per approved drawing & direction of Engineer-in-Charge inclusive of
cost of Single / double glass panes and silicon sealant. Note: For uPVC frame, sash
and mullion extruded profiles minus 5%tolerance in dimension i.e. in depth & width of
profile shall be acceptable.Variation in profile dimension in higher side shall be
accepted. But, no extra payment on this account shall be made.
Fixed windows / Ventilators made of (small series) frame 47 x 50mm & mullion 47 x
68 mm both having wall thickness of 1.9 ±0.2 mm and single glazing bead of
appropriate dimension.
4.86 / Sqm 7335 35648
Page 10 of 92
S.No. Description of items Qty Rate Amount
10 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour sliding glazed window upto
1.50 m in height dimension comprising of uPVC multi-chambered frame with in-built
roller track and sash extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick
galvanized mild steel section made from roll forming process of required length (shape
& size according to uPVCprofile), appropriate dimension of uPVC extruded glazing
beads and uPVC extruded interlocks, EPDM gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy (white powder
coated) touch locks with hook, zinc alloy body with single nylon rollers (weight bearing
capacity to be 40 kg), G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mmsize for fixing frame to finished wall and
necessary stainless steel screwsetc. Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and
fusion welded at all corners, including drilling of holes for fixing hardware and drainage
ofwater etc. After fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent finishedwall shall
be filled with weather proof silicon sealent over backer rod of required size and of
approved quality, all complete as per approved drawing & direction of Engineer-in-
Charge inclusive of cost of Single / double glass panes, wire mesh and silicon sealent .
Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e.
in depth & width of profile shall be acceptable.Variation in profile dimension in higher
side shall be accepted but no extra payment on this account shall be made.
Two track two panels sliding window made of frame 67 x 50 mm & sash 46 x 62
mm both having wall thickness of 2.3 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing bead / double
glazing bead of appropriate dimension (Area of window up to 1.75 sqm).
Page 11 of 92
S.No. Description of items Qty Rate Amount
14 Supplying and fixing of Pre-painted Galvalume Trapezoidal Profile Roofing
sheets with 0.50mm thickness, Coating: Alu-Zinc coating AZ150 GSM. Tensile
Strength: 550 MPA. Paint coating: Regular Modified Polyester painting. Painting
Thickness (Top): 18 to 20 Microns, (Bottom): 5 to 7 Microns. Sheet Width: 1.020,
Length: Maximum 12 Meters with Regular Range Colours fixed with G.I ‘J’ bolts & nuts
8 mm dia with bitumen & G.I limpet washers filled with white lead & including a coat of
approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint on over lapping of sheets
complete (up to a pitch of 600) etc., complete, excluding the cost of purlins, rafters,
trusses including cost and conveyance of all materials , labour charges , overheads
and contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors.
Page 12 of 92
S.No. Description of items Qty Rate Amount
19 Flooring with 16 mm to 18 mm thick high polished granite stone slabs black
colour as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge set over base coat of cement mortar
(1:8) , 20mm thick using screened sand over CC bed already laid including neat grey
cement slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3 Kg per sqm and jointed neatly
with white cement paste mixed with pigment of matching shade to full depth including
cost and conveyance of all materials like cement , sand , water , granite slabs etc., to
work site and all operational, incidental labour & lift charges, half rounding the edge ,
polishing charges, cost of base coat and overheads & contractors profit complete for
finished item of work (S.S.701 & special)
Page 13 of 92
S.No. Description of items Qty Rate Amount
a Unsupported Height of 3.66M 100.00 / Sqm 470 47000
b Unsupported Height of 3.66M to 7.32M 20.00 / Sqm 514 10280
c Unsupported Height of 7.32M to 10.98M 20.00 / Sqm 558 11160
c Unsupported Height of 10.98M to 11.975M 20.00 / Sqm 602 12040
25 Providing impervious coat to exposed RCC roof slab surfaces to required slopes
with CM (1:3) prop. using screened sand 20mm thick (average) mixed with integral
cement water proofing admixture confirming to IS: 2645-2003 manufactured by reputed
manufacturers as approved by Engineer-in-charge at 100ml per one bag of cement,
laid over roof slab when it is green, finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement
and thread lining at regular intervals of 45cmx45cm including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, sand, water proofing compound, water etc., to site,
operational, incidental, and labour charges for mixing mortar, laying, lift charges,
rendering smooth and thread lining, curing including rounding off junctions of wall and
slab etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS
No. 901 & 903).
30 Providing and applying Wall putty of White Cement or Polymer or Cement based
of average 1 to 2 mm thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and
smooth after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt and remains of loose
powdered materials, applying emery paper, Sand the surface, clean & wipe off loose
dust, applying knifing paste filler by putty knife / muslin pad, air dry for 2 - 3 hrs, sand
with 180 and 320 No., emery paper for the surface preparation including cost and
conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges,
over heads and contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors for
internal walls
Page 14 of 92
S.No. Description of items Qty Rate Amount
31 Painting two coats with synthetic enamel paint Grade-II VOC (Volatile Organic
Compound) content less than 50 grams/litre over primer coat of red oxide to new
iron work including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, incidental, operational
and all labour charges etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished
item of work in all floors. (SS No. 1201, 1212 & 1207).
Page 15 of 92
Name of the Work: Completion of In-Complete Kreeda Vikas Kendra (KVK) in Government
High School at Kondepi (V&M) in Prakasam district.
Detailed Estimate
Sl.No. Desrciption of Item Nos. Quantity Units
Length Breadth Depth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I. Civil Work :
1 Earth work excavation for foundations (Manual Means) of buildings in ordinary rock ( not requiring
blasting ) and depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10m and depth up to 3m including all
operational,incidental, labour charges such as shoring, sheeting, planking, strutting etc., and overheads
& contractors profit complete for finished item of work excluding dewatering charges etc., as per SS 20
B(APSS 308)
2 Filling with carted gravel in trenches,sides of foundations and basement with initial lead in layers not
exceeding 15cm thick,watering and ramming including cost and conveyance of water to work site and
all operaitonal,incidental, labour charges,hire charges of T&P etc., and overheads & contractors profit
complete for fnished item of work(APSS NO.309&310)
3 Supply and placing of the Design Mix Concrete M 25 grade corresponding to IS 456 with cement
content of 380 kgs per 1 cum of concrete using weigh batcher / mixer with 20mm size graded machine
crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate - as per IS 383 - 1970 and IS 2386 Part 1 to Part 8) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand)
coarse aggregate, water etc., to site, centering using casurina ballies, bamboos, wooden reapers,
runners, wood posts, wall plates etc., including all operational, incidental and labour charges such as
weigh batching, machine mixing, lifting of concrete manually, laying concrete, vibrating, curing ,
overheads & contractors profit etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for
finished item of work (APSS No. 402)
For Columns
Unsupported Height of 3.66 M 1 x 4 0.3 0.6 3.2 2.50 Cum
4 Brick masonry for panel walls in superstructure with CM (1:8) prop: (Cement : Sand) using
common burnt clay bricks of class as per Table- I of IS:1077-1992, Non- Modular or traditional size
23 x 11 x 7 cms from approved source having minimum crushing strength of 40 Kg/Sqcm. including
cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, screened sand, bricks, water etc., to site, labour
charges, like mixing cement mortar, scaffolding charges, constructing masonry, lift charges, curing,
etc.,and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS No. 501 & 504).
Page 16 of 92
5 Plain Cement Concrete M 20 nominal mix using 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite
metal (coarse aggregate - as per IS 383 - 1970 and IS 2386 Part 1 to Part 8) from approved quarry
using concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum) capacity including cost and conveyance of all materials
like cement, fine aggregate(sand), coarse aggregate, water etc. to site including all charges centering,
labour charges such as weigh batching, machine mixing, hire charges of concrete mixer, centering
charges, laying concrete in position, curing etc., & lift charges , and overheads & contractors profit for
finished item of work. (APSS No. 402) for below flooring in Indoor Hall
6 Providing Mild steel (MS) steel bars (Fe 250 grade as per IS 432) of different diameters including
labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with
cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG,
forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings, including cost and
conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars
including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour
charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying etc., and overheads & contractors profit
complete for finished item of work.( APSS No.126)
and SS cover plates with brass pivot and sigle piece MS Sheet outer box with slide plate etc.complete
(Weight Capacity up to 130 Kgs) as approved by Engineer-in-Charge including supply and fixing
ISI marked powder coated aluminium fixtures of 3 Nos. of butt hinges (IS:205) of 150mm long(for
each shutter), 4 Nos.tower bolts 10mm bolt (IS:204) 300mm long , 4 Nos.alluminium handles (IS:208)
150mm dia and 2 Nos. aldrops (IS:2681) 300mm long including labour charges for manufacturing door
, fixing the door with required No. of screws etc., including overheads & contractors profit complete for
finished item of work. (The Aluminium section used shall be standard make confirming to IS 1948 –
1961) and as approved by the Engineer) (2000mm x 2400mm)
Page 17 of 92
and SS cover plates with brass pivot and sigle piece MS Sheet outer box with slide plate
etc.complete( Weight Capacity up to 130 Kgs ) as approved by Engineer-in-Charge including supply
and fixing ISI marked powder coated aluminium fixtures of 3 Nos. of butt hinges (IS:205) of 150mm
long(for each shutter), 2 Nos.tower bolts 10mm bolt (IS:204) 300mm long , 1 Nos.alluminium handles
(IS:208) 150mm dia and 1 Nos. aldrops (IS:2681) 300mm long including labour charges for
manufacturing door , fixing the door with required No. of screws etc., including overheads &
contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (The Aluminium section used shall be standard
make confirming to IS 1948 – 1961) and as approved by the Engineer) (1000mm x 2100mm)
fixing 6 Nos. MS Z hold fasts of size 300 mm x 40 mm x 5mm including cost of ISI marked Aluminium
fixtures of 3 Nos. butt hinges (IS:205) 150mm long, 1 No. aldrop (IS:2681) 300mm long, 1 No. tower
bolt (IS:204) of 200 mm x 10 mm dia at top , 2 Nos. 150 mm long handles (IS:208), 1 No. door stopper
and 1 No. Rubber / Nylon door stop bushes including fixing the fixtures to door with required number
of screws, bolt and nuts including labour charges for fixing the frame in position, fixing the shutter to the
frame etc., including overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work as per APSS
1001 & 1002 (The vertical frame of door shall be embedded in flooring for a depth of not less than 10
mm) (1000mm x 2100mm)
1 No. tower bolt (IS:204) of 150 mm x 10mm dia, 2 Nos. 125mm long handles (IS:208),1 No. Rubber /
Nylon door stop bushes including PVC door cladding 1.50mm thick to the flush doors shutters pasted
with Fevicol complete as per direction of Engineer –in – charge, manufacturers specification and
drawing to full height of the shutter inside including labour charges for fixing the frame in position,
fixing the shutter to the frame etc., including overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item
of work as per APSS 1001 & 1002. (The vertical frame of door shall be embedded in flooring for deth
of not less than 10mm) (800mm x 2100mm)
Page 18 of 92
11 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour fixed glazed windows / Ventilators
comprising of uPVC multi chambered frame and mullion (where ever required) extruded profiles duly
reinforced with 1.60± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild steel section made from roll forming process of
required length (shape & size according to uPVC profile), uPVC extruded glazing beads of appropriate
dimension, EPDM gasket,G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame to finished wall, plastic
packers, plastic caps and necessary stainless steel screws etc. Profileof frame shall be mitred cut and
fusion welded at all corners, mullion (if required) shall be also fusion welded including drilling of holes
for fixing hardware and drainage of water etc.
After fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished wall shall be filled with weather proof
silicon sealant over backer rod of required size and of approved quality, all complete as per approved
drawing & direction of Engineer-in-Charge inclusive of cost of Single / double glass panes and silicon
sealant. Note: For uPVC frame, sash and mullion extruded profiles minus 5%tolerance in dimension i.e.
in depth & width of profile shall be acceptable.Variation in profile dimension in higher side shall be
accepted. But, no extra payment on this account shall be made
Fixed windows / Ventilators made of (small series) frame 47 x 50mm & mullion 47 x 68 mm both having
wall thickness of 1.9 ±0.2 mm and single glazing bead of appropriate dimension.
Two track two panels sliding window made of frame 67 x 50 mm & sash 46 x 62 mm both having
wall thickness of 2.3 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing bead / double glazing bead of appropriate dimension
(Area of window up to 1.75 sqm).
Page 19 of 92
At back side lovers 4 x 1 250.00 1000.00
Coach Room 1 x 1 200.00 200.00
2700.00 Kgs
14 Supplying and fixing of teak wood flooring using mill run grate / certified better grade teak wood as
per drawing over the teak wood runners of size 65mmx40mm placed at 275mm C/C over the polythene
sheet acting as vapour barrior and fixing teak wood reapers(plancks) of 19mm thick including cost of
teak wood reapers (plancks), runners, polythene sheet, fitting with steel pins and rubbers shokers etc.,
and supply and applying Poly-Urethane water proof polish glossy/matt finish to the wooden flooring
duly cleaning the surface and applying emery paper, sand the wood with 180 no, emery paper and
then with 320 no., emery paper, clean & wipe off loose dust, applying suitable knifing paste filler/wood
filler by putty knife/ muslin pad, air dry for 2-3 hrs, sand with 180 and 320 no. emery paper, applying
two component wood sealer, after the surface preparation applying one coat of approv ed spraying PU
thinner (for spraying) / applying one coat of approved brushing PU thinner or general purpose thinner
(for brushing) and apply one coat of PU by brush or spray, air dry overnight, sand again with 180 Nos
emery paper and removing dust, applying second coat of PU, air dry overnight, sand again with 180
nos. emery paper and removing dust, applying second coat of PU, air drying 4 - 6 hrs, sand with 320
no emery paper, and applying (either with spray or brush) two coats of approved brand PU including
cost & labour charges for laying strips, frizes for parquest flooring continuously shaped, tonged,
grooved, rebratred, chamfered, rejointed, beeded moulded, rounded along of any its edges, ends or
facer, etc., emery papers, cost of thinner & PU of approved brands such as Jenson & Nichosln, Asian
paints, Berger paints or equivalent etc., including cost, conveyance etc., complete for finished item of
1 x 1 12.00 12.00
12.00 MTS
16 Supplying and fixing of Pre-painted Galvalume Trapezoidal Profile Roofing sheets with 0.50mm
thickness, Coating: Alu-Zinc coating AZ150 GSM. Tensile Strength: 550 MPA. Paint coating:
Regular Modified Polyester painting. Painting Thickness (Top): 18 to 20 Microns, (Bottom): 5 to 7
Microns. Sheet Width: 1.020, Length: Maximum 12 Meters with Regular Range Colours fixed with G.I
‘J’ bolts & nuts 8 mm dia with bitumen & G.I limpet washers filled with white lead & including a coat of
approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint on over lapping of sheets complete (up to a
pitch of 600) etc., complete, excluding the cost of purlins, rafters, trusses including cost and
conveyance of all materials , labour charges , overheads and contractors profit etc., complete for
finished item of work in all floors.
Page 20 of 92
Multi purpose hall 1 x 1 14.42 6.00 86.52
Care taker 1 x 1 6.00 3.72 22.32
Deduct Toilet 1 x 1 1.50 1.20 -1.80
RHS Covered lobby 1 x 1 6.90 3.61 24.91
Boys Changes Room 1 x 1 4.06 3.20 12.99
Lobby 1 x 1 3.20 1.83 5.86
Coach Room 1 x 1 6.00 3.61 21.66
Deduct Toilet 1 x 1 1.50 1.20 -1.80
Boys Changes Room 1 x 1 4.06 3.20 12.99
Lobby 1 x 1 3.20 1.83 5.86
at changes sides 1 x 1 22.20 0.90 19.98
250.00 Sqm
18 Flooring with non-skid red or white full body Ceramic floor tiles of size 300 mm x 300 mm and
thickness between 7-8 mm 1st quality conforming to IS:13711, IS:13712, IS:13630 (Parts 1 to 15) of
any colour and finish in all shades and designs as approved by Engineer-in-charge, set over base coat
of cement mortar (1:8), 12mm thick using screened sand over CC bed already laid or RCC roof slab,
including neat cement slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3 Kgs per sqm & jointed neatly with
white cement paste to full depth mixed with pigment of matching shade, including cost of all materials
like cement, screened sand , water and tiles etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for
finished item of work. (APSS No.701 & 707)
Page 21 of 92
20 Providing window sills with 16 mm to 18 mm thick high polished granite stone slabs black colour as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge set over base coat of cement mortar (1:8) , 20mm thick using
screened sand over CC bed already laid including neat grey cement slurry of honey like consistency
spread @ 3.3 Kg per sqm and jointed neatly with white cement paste mixed with pigment of matching
shade to full depth including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement , sand , water , granite
slabs etc., to work site and all operational, incidental labour & lift charges, half rounding the edge ,
polishing charges, cost of base coat and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of
work (S.S.701 & special)
Page 22 of 92
Coach Room 1 x 1 17.42 17.42
Girls Changes Room 1 x 1 13.52 13.52
lobby 1 x 1 7.86 7.86
134.68 RM
24 Ornamental ceiling plastering 12mm thick single coat in CM (1:5) using screened sand including cost
and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water etc., to site and all operational, incidental
charges on materials and including cost of all labour charges for mixing mortar, finishing, curing as
directed by Engineer-in-charge etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of
work.(SS 901,903 & 904)
Page 23 of 92
1 x 1 60 60
60 Sqm
28 Providing impervious coat to exposed RCC roof slab surfaces to required slopes with CM (1:3) prop.
using screened sand 20mm thick (average) mixed with integral cement water proofing admixture
confirming to IS: 2645-2003 manufactured by reputed manufacturers as approved by Engineer-in-
charge at 100ml per one bag of cement, laid over roof slab when it is green, finished smooth with a
floating coat of neat cement and thread lining at regular intervals of 45cmx45cm including cost and
conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water proofing compound, water etc., to site,
operational, incidental, and labour charges for mixing mortar, laying, lift charges, rendering smooth and
thread lining, curing including rounding off junctions of wall and slab etc., and overheads & contractors
profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS No. 901 & 903).
1 x 1 310 310
310 Sqm
30 Supply & application of one coat water based cement primer of interior grade I and two coats of acrylic
emulsion paint having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less than 50 grams/litre for internal
walls including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, incidental, operational and all labour
charges etc.,and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work in all floors.
1 x 1 2000 2000
2000 Sqm
31 Supply & application of one coat water based cement primer of exterior grade II and two coats of
acrylic exterior emulsion paint having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less than 50
grams/litre for exterior walls including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, incidental,
operational and all labour charges etc.,and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of
work in all floors.
1 x 1 1500 1500
1500 Sqm
32 Providing and applying exterior texture of average 2 to 3 mm thickness over plastered surface to
prepare the surface even and smooth after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt and
remains of loose powdered materials, applying emery paper, Sand the surface, clean & wipe off loose
dust, applying putty/ texture paint filler by putty knife / muslin pad, air dry for 2 - 3 hrs for the surface
preparation including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental,
labour charges, scaffolding charges, overheads and contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of
work in all floors for external walls
1 x 1 200 200
200 Sqm
33 Providing and applying Wall putty of White Cement or Polymer or Cement based of average 1 to 2 mm
thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth after thoroughly brushing the
surface to remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials, applying emery paper, Sand the
surface, clean & wipe off loose dust, applying knifing paste filler by putty knife / muslin pad, air dry for 2
- 3 hrs, sand with 180 and 320 No., emery paper for the surface preparation including cost and
conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges, over heads and
contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors for internal walls
1 x 1 1500 1500
1500 Sqm
Page 24 of 92
34 Painting two coats with synthetic enamel paint Grade-II VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less
than 50 grams/litre over primer coat of red oxide to new iron work including cost and conveyance of all
materials to site, incidental, operational and all labour charges etc., and overheads & contractors profit
complete for finished item of work in all floors. (SS No. 1201, 1212 & 1207).
1 x 1 150 150
150 Sqm
31 Supplying and fixing of stainless steel (grade 304) hand railing as per approved drawing with top rail of
50mm dia pipe and 2mm thick medium class and vertical posts of 25mm dia and 1.6mm thick medium
class 1 No for each step fixed with base plate of 25mm dia using bonding agent and anchor fastner
and welding, drilling of 25mm dia holes with pneumatic compressor for fixing railing, buffing, polishing
all members of the railing thouroughly , lacquer finishing to present seamless finish including cost and
conveyance of all materials, electrodes, welding charges, cost of all consumables, labour charges ,
overheads & contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of work.
1 x 6 5.00 30.00
30.00 RM
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-26
D A T A ( SoR 2023-24)
Name of the Work: Construction of Kreeda Vikas Kendra (KVK)in Government High School at Komarolu (V&M) in Prakasam
CEMENT MORTAR PER CUM CM (1:2) CM (1:3) CM (1:4) CM (1:5) CM (1:6) CM (1:8)
Cost of Sand for Plastering (1.05 cum ) 1265.57 1265.57 1265.57 1265.57 1265.57 1265.57
Cost of cement 3038.40 2025.60 1519.20 1215.36 1012.80 759.60
Mazdoor ( Unskilled ) for mixing mortar ( 0.20 Nos.) 112.00 112.00 112.00 112.00 112.00 112.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate per Cum 4415.97 3403.17 2896.77 2592.93 2390.37 2137.17
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Dismantling, clearing away and carefully stacking useful materials for re-use and disposal of unserviceable materials with 100m
1 lead as directed by Executive Engineer duly taking actual premeasurements before dismantling including all labour charges ,
overheads & contractor profit etc., complete
a) Brick masonry
Mazdoor(unskilled) 0.409 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 229.04
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 229.04 0.00
Rate per 1 cum 229.04
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 229.04 31.18
Rate per 1 cum 260.22
say 260
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-27
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Rate per 1 cum 3104.87
say 3105
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-28
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Rate as per SoR 10.00 sqm 82.00 10 sqm 82.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 82.00 0.00
Rate per 10 sqm 82.00
Rate per 1 sqm 8.20
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 8.20 1.12
Rate per 1 sqm 9.32
say 9
Clean removal of lime plaster from walls and raking out joints
l) 20mm deep or from terraced roof and raking out joints 100 mm
Rate as per SoR 10.00 sqm 60.00 10 sqm 60.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 60.00 0.00
Rate per 10 sqm 60.00
Rate per 1 sqm 6.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 6.00 0.82
Rate per 1 sqm 6.82
say 7
Clean removal of cement plaster from walls and raking out joint
200 mm deep
Rate as per SoR 10.00 sqm 74.00 10 sqm 74.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 74.00 0.00
Rate per 10 sqm 74.00
Rate per 1 sqm 7.40
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 7.40 1.01
Rate per 1 sqm 8.41
say 8
Dismantling doors , windows and clear storey windows, Ventilators etc., ( wood or steel ) shutters including Chowkhats ,
2 architraves,hold fasts and other attachments etc., and stacking them within 100m lead including labour charge etc., and
overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work
a) Not exceeding 3 sqm in area :
Details of cost per each :
2nd class mason 0.10 Nos. 605.00 1 No. 60.50
Mazdoor(Male) 0.20 Nos. 560.00 1 No. 112.00
2nd class Blacksmith 0.05 Nos. 605.00 1 No. 30.25
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 202.75 0.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 202.75 27.60
Cost per each 230.35
Say 230
Dismantling of existing dilapidated buildings including items like un-reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, brick masonry,
3 stone masonry etc., using Dozer (D 50) including all hire, operational, incidental, labour charges and overheads & contractors
profit etc. complete finished item of work
Page 28 of 92
CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-29
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Earth work excavation for foundations (Manual Means) of buildings, septic tank, sump, compound wall in ordinary soils
and depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10m and depth up to 3m including all operational,incidental, labour charges such
as shoring, sheeting, planking, strutting etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work excluding
dewatering charges etc., as per SS 20 B(APSS 308)
Ordinary Soil - Manual Means up to 3m depth
Unit : 1 cum
Taking output : 10.00 cum
a) Labour
Mazdoor ( Unskilled) 3.64 Nos. 560.00 1 No. 2038.40
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 2038.40 0.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 2038.40 277.53
Cost for 10 cum ( a+b+c) 2315.93
Rate per cum (a+b+c) / 10 231.59
Rate per 1 cum Say 232
Earth work excavation for foundations (Mechanical Means) for buildings in ordinary soils and depositing on bank for all lifts
and with an initial lead of 10m and up to 3m depth including all operational,incidental, labour charges such as shoring,
sheeting, planking, strutting etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work excluding dewatering
charges etc., as per SS 20 B(APSS 308)
Ordinary Soil - Mechanical Means up to 3m depth
Unit : 1 cum
Taking output : 240.00 cum
a) Labour
Mazdoor ( Unskilled) 8.32 Nos. 560.00 1 No. 4659.20
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 4659.20 0.00
b) Machinery
Shovel 0.85 cum 110hp 6.00 hours 3213.10 1 Hour 19278.60
Crew charges 6.00 hours 348.40 1 Hour 2090.40
Add MA on crew charges 0.00 2090.40 0.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 26028.20 3543.74
Cost for 240 cum ( a+b+c+d) 29571.94
Rate per 1 cum (a+b+c+d) / 240 123.22
Say 123
Earth work excavation for foundations (Mechanical Means) for buildings in ordinary soils and depositing on bank for all lifts
and with an initial lead of 10m and 3m to 6m depth including all operational,incidental, labour charges such as shoring,
sheeting, planking, strutting etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work excluding dewatering
charges etc., as per SS 20 B(APSS 308)
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-30
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Earth work excavation for foundations (Manual Means) of buildings in ordinary rock ( not requiring blasting ) and
depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10m and depth up to 3m including all operational,incidental, labour charges such as
shoring, sheeting, planking, strutting etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work excluding
dewatering charges etc., as per SS 20 B(APSS 308)
Earth work excavation for foundations (Mechanical Means) for buildings in ordinary rock (not requiring blasting) and
depositing on bank for all lifts and with an initial lead of 10m and up to 3m depth including all operational,incidental, labour
charges such as shoring, sheeting, planking, strutting etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work
excluding dewatering charges etc., as per SS 20 B(APSS 308)
Earth work excavation for foundations for buildings in hard rock (requiring blasting) and depositing on bank for all lifts and
with an initial lead of 10m and up to 3m depth including all operational,incidental, labour charges such as shoring, sheeting,
planking, strutting etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work excluding dewatering charges etc.,
as per SS 20 B(APSS 308)
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-31
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Add MA on crew charges 0.00 1297.30 0.00
Gelatin 80% 3.50 Kgs 68.00 1 Kg 238.00
Detonator electric 14 Nos. 12.00 1 No. 168.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 8306.25 1130.90
Cost for 10 cum ( a+b+c+d) 9437.15
Rate per 1 cum (a+b+c+d) / 10 943.71
Rate per 1 cum Say 944
Earth work excavation for foundations for buildings in hard rock (blasting prohibited) and depositing on bank for all lifts
and with an initial lead of 10m and up to 3m depth including all operational,incidental, labour charges such as shoring,
sheeting, planking, strutting etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work excluding dewatering
charges etc., as per SS 20 B(APSS 308)
Conveyance of un-useful excavated earth to a distance of 5 KM for disposal including hire charges of T & P, labour charges
etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work.
Rate as per SoR 1 cum 99.40 1 cum 99.40
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 99.40 13.53
Rate per 1 cum Say 113
Pre construction Anti termite treatment is a process in which chemical toxic to subterrean tremites is apply/ inject into soil
during early stage of building Construction 2. Treatement of soil Beneath the building and around the foundations conduct and
chemical use as per BIS - IS 6313 (Part -2) 2013 code specification & CIB RC registered termiticide which creates a continuous
chemical barrier beneath the building which kills or repels terminates & impervious to tremite entry 3. Imidacloprid 30.5% SC (IS
63131) dissolve 2.1 Ml/1 liter of water and apply emulsion/solution @ 7.5 Litres/Square meter (Sqm) of internal, external vertical
8 surface of the colums, plinth beams (Back filling) walls and floor junction, external perimeters, along reatining wall @ 5.0
Liters/Sqm of the horizontal surface of basement top surface of the basement filling below flooring bed (Plinth) & @ 2.0 Litres/
Line meter at expansion joints. The substructure of a depth of 500mm around coulmns & 300mm deep around plinth beams,
basements & floor filling area including excavation channel along the wall & rodding etc. cost & Conveyance of all materials to the
site, cost of labour for sparying, rodding, overheads and contractor profit etc. complete for furnished item of work as per the
approval of the Engineer-in-charge
Unit : 1 sqm
Rate as per SoR 1 sqm 172.00 1 sqm 172.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 172.00 23.42
Rate per 1 sqm 195.42
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-32
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Filling with carted gravel in trenches,sides of foundations and basement with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15cm
2 thick,watering and ramming including cost and conveyance of water to work site and all operaitonal,incidental, labour charges,hire
charges of T&P etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for fnished item of work(APSS NO.309&310)
Unit : 1 cum
Taking output 6.00 cum
a) Labour
Mazdoor ( Unskilled ) 0.31 Nos. 560.00 1 No. 173.60
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 173.60 0.00
b)Material :
Gravel 6.00 cum 254.40 1 cum 1526.40
Add for water @ 1% 0.01 1700.00 17.00
Rate per 6 cum 1717.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 1717.00 233.77
Rate per 1 cum 325.13
Say 325
Filling with carted coarse sand in trenches, sides of foundations and basement with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15cm
3 thick,watering and ramming including cost and conveyance of water to work site and all peraitonal,incidental ,labour charges,hire
charges of T&P etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for fnished item of work(APSS NO.309&310)
Unit : 1 cum
Taking output 6.00 cum
a) Labour
Mazdoor ( Unskilled ) 0.31 Nos. 560.00 1 No. 173.60
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 173.60 0.00
b)Material :
Coarse sand for filling 6.00 cum 944.30 1 cum 5665.80
Add for water @ 1% 0.01 5839.40 58.39
Rate per 6 cum 5897.79
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 5897.79 802.98
Rate per 1 cum 6700.78
Say 1117
Filling with useful available excavated earth (excluding rock) with a lead of 50 m in trenches, sides of foundations and
basement with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15cm thick, watering and ramming including cost and conveyance of water to
work site and all operaitonal, incidental, labour charges, hire charges of T&P etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete
for fnished item of work (APSS NO.309&310)
Unit : 1 cum
Taking output : 6.00 cum
a) Labour
Mazdoor ( Unskilled ) 0.31 Nos. 560.00 1 No. 173.60
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 173.60 0.00
Add for water @ 1% 0.01 173.60 1.74
Rate per 6 cum (a+b+c) 175.34
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 175.34 23.87
Rate per 1 cum 33.20
Say 33
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-33
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Plain Cement Concrete (1:4:8) (cement: fine aggregate: Coarse aggregate) for foundations using coarse aggregate 40mm
size hard , machine crushed granite from approved quarry using concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum) capacity including cost
5 and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water etc. to site including all charges for machine mixing
and hire charges of concrete mixer, laying concrete in foundations and under flooring bed, ramming in 15 cm layers finishing top
surface to the required level curing etc.,and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS No. 402)
Unit : 1 cum
Cement 162.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 683.64
Coarse aggregate 40mm 0.90 Cum 1587.70 1 Cum 1428.93
Fine aggregate ( Sand ) 0.45 Cum 1089.30 1 Cum 490.19
Water(including for curing) 1.20 kl 99.00 1 kl 118.80
Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum)capacity 1.00 hour 190.60 1 hour 190.60
Crew charges 1.00 hour 327.60 1 hour 327.60
Add MA on crew charges 0.00 327.60 0.00
1st class mason 0.10 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 67.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) 1.39 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 778.40
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 845.40 0.00
Rate per 1 cum 4085.16
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 4085.16 556.19
Rate per 1 cum 4641.35
Say 4641
Plain Cement Concrete (1:5:10) (cement: fine aggregate: Coarse aggregate) for foundations and under flooring bed using
coarse aggregate 40mm size hard , machine crushed granite from approved quarry using concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8
cum) capacity including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water etc. to site including all
charges for machine mixing and hire charges of concrete mixer, laying concrete in foundations and under flooring bed, ramming
in 15 cm layers finishing top surface to the required level curing etc.,and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item
of work. (APSS No. 402)
Unit : 1 cum
Cement 129.60 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 546.91
Coarse aggregate 40mm 0.90 Cum 1587.70 1 Cum 1428.93
Fine aggregate ( Sand ) 0.45 Cum 1089.30 1 Cum 490.19
Water(including for curing) 1.20 kl 99.00 1 kl 118.80
Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum) capacity 1.00 hour 190.60 1 hour 190.60
Crew charges 1.00 hour 327.60 1 hour 327.60
Add MA on crew charges 0.00 327.60 0.00
1st class mason 0.10 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 67.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) 1.39 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 778.40
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 845.40 0.00
Rate per 1 cum 3948.43
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 3948.43 537.58
Rate per 1 cum 4486.01
Say 4486
Random Rubble stone masonry in CM (1:8) prop: (Cement: Sand) using hard other than granite stones carted from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, screened sand, water, stones etc., from approved
quarry, to site, including labour for cutting stones to required size and shape, mixing, of cement, mortar, construction, curing
etc.,and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work in foundation and basement. (APSS No. 601 & 615)
Unit = 1 cum
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-34
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Cement 59.40 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 250.67
Rough stone (OTG) 1.10 Cum 497.55 1 Cum 547.31
Fine aggregate(sand) 0.33 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 397.75
1st class mason 1.20 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 804.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) 2.00 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 1120.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1924.00 0.00
Add water charges 0.01 3119.72 31.20
Rate per 1 cum 3150.92
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 3150.92 429.00
Rate per 1 cum 3579.92
Say 3580
Random Rubble stone masonry in CM (1:8) prop: (Cement: Sand) using hard granite stones carted from approved quarry
including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, screened sand, water, stones etc., from approved quarry, to site
including labour for cutting stones to required size and shape, mixing, of cement, mortar, construction, curing etc.,and overheads
& contractors profit complete for finished item of work in foundation and basement. (APSS No. 601 & 615)
Unit = 1 cum
Cement 59.40 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 250.67
Rough stone (HBG) 1.10 Cum 404.70 1 Cum 445.17
Fine aggregate(sand) 0.33 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 397.75
1st class mason 1.20 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 804.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) 2.00 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 1120.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1924.00 0.00
Add water charges 0.01 3017.59 30.18
Rate per 1 cum 3047.76
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 3047.76 414.95
Rate per 1 cum 3462.72
Say 3463
Vibrated Plain Cement Concrete (1:3:6) nominal mix using 40mm size machine crushed hard granite metal and 20mm graded
machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) in (2:1) ratio from approved quarry using concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 /
8 0.8 cum) capacity including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate, water etc.
to site, all charges for mixing and hire charges of concrete mixer, centering charges, laying concrete in position, vibrating, curing,
centering charges, overheads & contractors profit etc.,for finished item of work for footings and basement .
Unit : 1cum
HBG 40mm size metal 0.60 Cum 1587.70 1 Cum 952.62
HBG 20mm size graded metal 0.30 Cum 2012.76 1 Cum 603.83
Sand 0.45 Cum 1089.30 1 Cum 490.19
Cement 220.00 Kgs 4220.00 1 MT 928.40
Water(including for curing) 1.20 kl 99.00 1 kl 118.80
Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum) capacity 1.00 hour 190.60 1 hour 190.60
Crew Charges 1.00 hour 327.60 1 hour 327.60
Add MA on crew charges 0.00 327.60 0.00
Needle vibrator 40mm ( petrol ) 1.00 hours 38.60 1 hour 38.60
Crew charges 1.00 hours 235.80 1 hour 235.80
Add MA on crew charges 0.00 235.80 0.00
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-35
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
1st class mason 0.10 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 67.00
Mazdoor (Unskilled) 1.39 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 778.40
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 845.40 0.00
Hire charges for Centering & Scaffolding 1.00 Cum 67.00 1 Cum 67.00
Centering & Scaffolding (Labour) 1.00 Cum 363.00 1 Cum 363.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 363.00 0.00
Rate for 1 cum 5161.83
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 5161.83 702.78
Rate per 1 cum 5864.62
Say 5865
Supply and placing of the Design Mix Concrete M 25 grade corresponding to IS 456 with cement content of 380 kgs per 1
cum of concrete using weigh batcher / mixer with 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate -
as per IS 383 - 1970 and IS 2386 Part 1 to Part 8) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
9 cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site, centering using steel scaffolding pipes , jack props ,
wallers , foot plates , brackets , steel centering plates etc., including all operational, incidental and labour charges such as
weigh batching, machine mixing, lifting of concrete manually, laying concrete, vibrating, curing etc., and overheads & contractors
profit complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 402)
a Footings
Rate for Design mix M 25 1.00 Cum 7952.37 1 Cum 7952.37
Hire charges of centering and scaffolding 1.00 Cum 301.00 1 Cum 301.00
Labour charges 1.00 Cum 672.00 1 Cum 672.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 672.00 0.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 8925.37 1215.19
Rate per 1 cum 10140.56
Say 10141
b Column pedestals
Rate for Design mix M 25 1.00 Cum 7952.37 1 Cum 7952.37
Hire charges of centering and scaffolding 1.00 Cum 343.00 1 Cum 343.00
Labour charges 1.00 Cum 1069.00 1 Cum 1069.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1069.00 0.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 9364.37 1274.96
Rate per 1 cum 10639.33
Say 10639
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-36
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
c Plinth Beams
Rate for Design mix M 25 1.00 Cum 7952.37 1 Cum 7952.37
Hire charges of centering and scaffolding 1.00 Cum 726.50 1 Cum 726.50
Labour charges 1.00 Cum 810.00 1 Cum 810.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 810.00 0.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 9488.87 1291.91
Rate per 1 cum 10780.78
Say 10781
d Base slab for Sump / Septic tank :
Rate for Design mix M 25 1.00 Cum 7952.37 1 Cum 7952.37
Hire charges of centering and scaffolding 1.00 Cum 67.00 1 Cum 67.00
Labour charges 1.00 Cum 363.00 1 Cum 363.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 363.00 0.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 8382.37 1141.26
Rate per 1 cum 9523.63
Say 9524
Supply and placing of the Design Mix Concrete M 25 grade corresponding to IS 456 with cement content of 380 kgs per 1
cum of concrete using weigh batcher / mixer with 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate -
as per IS 383 - 1970 and IS 2386 Part 1 to Part 8) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
10 cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site, centering using casurina ballies, bamboos, wooden
reapers, runners, wood posts, wall plates etc., including all operational, incidental and labour charges such as weigh batching,
machine mixing, lifting of concrete manually, laying concrete, vibrating, curing , overheads & contractors profit etc., complete but
excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 402)
un supported height up to 3.66 m
Rate for other Floors F1 F2 F3
Rate as above 8474.65 8474.65 8474.65
Hire charges of centering and scaffolding 249.00 249.00 249.00
Labour charges 1871.00 2058.00 2245.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lift charges of materials(Manual) 0.00 334.89 669.79
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate per 1 cum 10594.65 11116.54 11638.43
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 1442.46 1513.52 1584.57
Rate per 1 cum 12037.11 12630.06 13223.00
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-37
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Say 12037 12630 13223
Rate for other Floors F1 F2 F3
Rate as above 8474.65 8474.65 8474.65
Hire charges of centering and scaffolding 826.00 826.00 826.00
Labour charges 1332.00 1465.00 1598.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lift charges of materials(Manual) 0.00 334.89 669.79
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate per 1 cum 10632.65 11100.54 11568.43
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 1447.63 1511.34 1575.04
Rate per 1 cum 12080.28 12611.88 13143.47
Say 12080 12612 13143
i) 150mm thick side walls
Cost of M 25 design mix 0.15 cum 8474.65 1.00 cum 1271.20
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-38
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Supply and placing of the Design Mix Concrete M 25 grade corresponding to IS 456 with cement content of 380 kgs per 1
cum of concrete using weigh batcher / mixer with 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate -
as per IS 383 - 1970 and IS 2386 Part 1 to Part 8) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
6 cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site, centering using casurina ballies, bamboos, wooden
reapers, runners, wood posts, wall plates etc., including all operational, incidental and labour charges such as weigh batching,
machine mixing, lifting of concrete manually, laying concrete, vibrating, curing , overheads & contractors profit etc., complete but
excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 402)
un supported height up to 3.66 m
Rate for other Floors F1 F2 F3
Rate as above 5930.44 5930.44 5930.44
Hire charges of centering and scaffolding 1458.00 1458.00 1458.00
Labour , lift charges for scaffolding 1569.00 1726.00 1883.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lift charges of materials(Manual) 0.00 184.85 369.70
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate for 1 cum 8957.44 9299.29 9641.13
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 1219.56 1266.1 1312.64
Rate per 1 cum 10177.00 10565.39 10953.77
Say 10177 10565 10954
a) Roof Slabs 125mm thick :
un supported height up to 3.66 m
Rate for Design mix M 25 0.125 Cum 5930.44 1 Cum 741.30
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-39
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
un supported height up to 3.66 m
Rate for other Floors F1 F2 F3
Rate as above 889.57 889.57 889.57
Hire charges of centering and scaffolding 165.00 165.00 165.00
Lift charges for scaffolding 186.00 205.00 223.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lift charges of materials(Manual) 0.00 27.73 55.45
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate per 1 sqm 1240.57 1287.29 1333.02
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 168.9 175.26 181.49
Rate per 1 sqm 1409.47 1462.55 1514.51
Say 1409 1463 1515
Supply and placing of the Design Mix Concrete M 25 grade corresponding to IS 456 with cement content of 380 kgs per 1
cum of concrete using weigh batcher / mixer with 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate -
as per IS 383 - 1970 and IS 2386 Part 1 to Part 8) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like
cement, fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate, water etc., to site, centering using casurina ballies , bamboos , wooden reapers
, runners , wood posts , wall plates etc., for 60cm wide sun-shades 7.5cm thick at fixed end and 5cm thick at free end with
an average thickness of 6.25cm including all operational, incidental and labour charges such as weigh batching, machine
mixing, lifting of concrete manually, laying concrete, curing, overheads & contractors profit complete etc., but excluding cost of
steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 402, 403 & 903)
Cement 380.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 1603.60
20mm HBG graded metal 0.80 Cum 2012.76 1 Cum 1610.21
Sand 0.40 Cum 1089.30 1 Cum 435.72
1st class Mason 0.067 Nos 670.00 1 Each 44.89
2nd class Mason 0.133 Nos 605.00 1 Each 80.47
Mazdoor (both men&women) 3.077 Nos 560.00 1 Each 1723.12
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-40
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1848.48 0.00
Batching plant 0.50 cum 0.308 hours 238.60 1 hour 73.49
Crew charges 0.308 hours 505.30 1 hour 155.63
Add MA on crew charges 0.00 155.63 0.00
Water(including for curing) 1.20 kl 99.00 1 kl 118.80
Rate per 1 cum 5845.92
Brick masonry for panel walls in superstructure with CM (1:8) prop: (Cement : Sand) using common burnt clay bricks of
class as per Table- I of IS:1077-1992, Non- Modular or traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms from approved source having minimum
1 crushing strength of 40 Kg/Sqcm. including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, screened sand, bricks, water etc., to
site, labour charges, like mixing cement mortar, scaffolding charges, constructing masonry, lift charges, curing, etc.,and
overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS No. 501 & 504).
Unit : 1cum
Cement 36.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 151.92
Common burnt clay bricks 23x11x7cms 512 Nos 8971.40 1000 Nos 4593.36
Fine aggregate ( Sand ) 0.20 cu.m. 1205.30 1 cu.m. 241.06
1st class mason 0.24 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 160.80
2nd class mason 0.56 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 338.80
Mazdoor (Unskilled) 1.89 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 1058.40
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1558.00 0.00
water charges @ 1% 0.01 6544.34 65.44
Rate per 1 cum 6609.78
a Up to basement
Rate as worked out above 1.00 Cum 6609.78 1 Cum 6609.78
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 6609.78 899.92
Rate per 1 cum 7509.70
Say 7510
b) Superstructure :
i) un supported height up to 3.66 m
Rate for other Floors F1 F2 F3 F4
Rate as worked out above 6609.78 6609.78 6609.78 6609.78
Hire charges for Access Scaffolding 46.87 46.87 46.87 46.87
Labour charges for scaffolding 367.91 526.87 685.74 844.65
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lift charges ( Page 131 of Std. Data ) 0.00 155.80 311.60 467.40
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate per 1 cum 7024.56 7339.32 7653.99 7968.70
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 956.39 999.25 1042.09 1084.94
Rate per 1 cum 7980.95 8338.57 8696.08 9053.64
Say 7981 8339 8696 9054
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-41
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Reinforced Brick Masonry for partition walls (11.0 cm thick) in CM (1:4) prop. (Cement : Sand) using common burnt clay
bricks of class as per Table- I of IS:1077-1992, Non- Modular or traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms from approved source having
minimum crushing strength of 40 Kg/Sq.cm and placing 2 Nos. of 6mm M.S plain rods in every third layer with free ends of the
2 reinforcement pegged into mortar joints of main brick walls where applicable including cost and conveyance of all materials like
cement, steel, sand, bricks, water etc., to site, all operational, incidental charges such as labour charges for mixing cement
mortar, scaffolding charges, constructing masonry, lift charges, curing, etc., and overheads & contractors profit but excluding cost
of steel and its fabrication charges complete for finished item of work. (APSS No. of 501 & 509)
Unit - 10sqm
Common burnt clay bricks 23x11x7cms 512 Nos. 8971.40 1000 Nos. 4593.36
Cement 72.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 303.84
Fine aggregate ( Sand ) 0.21 cu.m. 1205.30 1 cu.m. 253.11
1st class mason 0.60 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 402.00
2nd class mason 0.60 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 363.00
Mazdoor (Unskilled) 2.75 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 1540.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 2305.00 0.00
water charges @ 1% 0.01 7455.31 74.55
Rate per 10 sqm 7529.86
Rate per 1 sqm 752.99
Plain Cement Concrete M 20 nominal mix using 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate - as
per IS 383 - 1970 and IS 2386 Part 1 to Part 8) from approved quarry using concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum) capacity
including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate(sand), coarse aggregate, water etc. to site including all
charges centering, labour charges such as weigh batching, machine mixing, hire charges of concrete mixer, centering charges,
laying concrete in position, curing etc., & lift charges , and overheads & contractors profit for finished item of work. (APSS No.
402) for below flooring in Indoor Hall
Unit : 1cum
HBG 20mm size metal 0.90 Cum 2012.76 1 Cum 1811.48
Sand 0.45 Cum 1089.30 1 Cum 490.19
Cement 330.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 1392.60
Water ( including for curing ) 1.20 Kl 99.00 1 Kl 118.80
Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum)capacity 1.00 hour 190.60 1 hour 190.60
Crew Charges 1.00 hour 327.60 1 hour 327.60
Add MA on crew charges 0.00 327.60 0.00
Needle vibrator 40mm ( petrol ) 1.00 hours 38.60 1 hour 38.60
Crew charges 1.00 hours 235.80 1 hour 235.80
Add MA on crew charges 0.00 235.80 0.00
1st class mason 0.100 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 67.00
Mazdoor (Unskilled) 1.390 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 778.40
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 845.40 0.00
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-42
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Rate per 1 cum 5451.07
Rate for other Floors F1 F2 F3 F4
Cost of M 20 nominal mix 5451.00 5451.00 5451.00 5451.00
Hire charges of centering and scaffolding 67.00 67.00 67.00 67.00
Lift charges for scaffolding 363.00 399.30 435.60 471.90
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lift charges ( Page 131 of Std. Data ) 0.00 84.54 169.08 253.62
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate per 1 cum 5881.00 6001.84 6122.68 6243.52
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 800.70 817.15 833.60 850.06
Rate per 1 cum 6681.70 6818.99 6956.28 7093.58
Say 6682 6819 6956 7094
Providing Mild steel (MS) steel bars (Fe 250 grade as per IS 432) of different diameters including labour charges for
straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size
and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and
drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars
including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting,
bending, placing in position, tying etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work.( APSS No.126)
Unit - 1 MT
a) Material
Mild steel bars including 5% for overlaps and wastage 1.05 MT 60000.00 1 MT 63000.00
Binding wire 6.00 Kgs 70.00 1 Kgs 420.00
Labour for cutting, bending, shifting to site, tying and
placing in position
1st class Blacksmith / Barbender 3.00 Nos. 800.00 1 Each 2400.00
2nd class Blacksmith / Barbender 7.00 Nos. 630.00 1 Each 4410.00
Mazdoor(Unskilled) 10.00 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 5600.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 12410.00 0.00
Ornamental ceiling plastering 12mm thick single coat in CM (1:5) using screened sand including cost and conveyance of all
materials like cement, sand, water etc., to site and all operational, incidental charges on materials and including cost of all labour
charges for mixing mortar, finishing, curing as directed by Engineer-in-charge etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete
for finished item of work.(SS 901,903 & 904)
Unit : 10 sqm
Cement 43.20 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 182.30
Fine aggregate ( Sand ) 0.15 cu.m. 1205.30 1 cu.m. 180.80
1st Class Mason 0.45 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 301.50
2nd Class Mason 1.05 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 635.25
Mazdoor (Unskilled) 2.80 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 1568.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 2504.75 0.00
water charges @ 1% 0.01 2867.85 28.68
Rate per 10 sqm 2896.53
Rate per 1 sqm 289.65
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-43
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Hire charges for Access Scaffolding 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57
Labour charges for scaffolding 16.94 24.04 31.13 38.23
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lift charges ( Page 131 of Std. Data ) 0.00 25.05 50.10 75.14
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate per 1 sqm 309.16 341.31 373.45 405.59
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 42.09 46.47 50.85 55.22
Rate per 1 sqm 351.25 387.78 424.30 460.81
Say 351 388 424 461
Plastering 12mm thick in two coats using screened sand with base coat of 8mm thick in CM (1:6) and top coat of 4mm thick in
CM (1:4) with dubara sponge finishing including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water etc., to site and all
6 operational, incidental charges on materials and including cost of all labour charges for mixing mortar, finishing, scaffolding, lift
charges, curing, including cutting grooves as directed by Engineer - in - charge etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete
for finished item of work. (SS 901,903 & 904)
Unit : 10 sqm
Base coat in CM(1:6) , 8mm thick
Cement 26.40 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 111.41
Fine aggregate (Sand) 0.11 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 132.58
Top coat in CM(1:4) , 4mm thick
Cement 14.40 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 60.77
Fine aggregate (Sand) 0.04 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 48.21
1st Class Mason 0.63 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 422.10
2nd Class Mason 1.47 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 889.35
Mazdoor (Unskilled) 3.90 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 2184.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 3495.45 0.00
water charges @ 1% 0.01 3848.42 38.48
Rate per 10 sqm 3886.91
Rate per 1 sqm 388.69
Plastering 12mm thick single coat in CM(1:5) using screened sand including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement,
sand, water etc., to site and all operational, incidental charges on materials and including cost of all labour charges for mixing
mortar, finishing, curing as directed by Engineer-in-charge etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of
work (SS 901,903 & 904)
Unit : 10 sqm
Cement 43.20 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 182.30
Fine aggregate ( Sand ) 0.15 cu.m. 1205.30 1 cu.m. 180.80
1st Class Mason 0.45 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 301.50
2nd Class Mason 1.05 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 635.25
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-44
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Rate per 10 sqm 2896.53
Rate per 1 sqm 289.65
a) up to basement
Rate as worked out above 1.00 sqm 289.65 1 sqm 289.65
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 289.65 39.44
Rate per 1 sqm 329.09
Say 329
b) Superstructure
Rate for other Floors F1 F2 F3 F4
Rate as worked out above 289.65 289.65 289.65 289.65
Hire charges for Access Scaffolding 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08
Labour charges for scaffolding 8.47 12.12 15.77 19.43
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lift charges ( Page 131 of Std. Data ) 0.00 34.95 69.91 104.86
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate per 1 sqm 299.20 337.80 376.41 415.02
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 40.74 45.99 51.25 56.51
Rate per 1 sqm 339.94 383.79 427.66 471.53
Say 340 384 428 472
Plastering 20mm thick in two coats using screened sand with base coat of 16mm thick in CM(1:6) and top coat of 4mm thick in
CM(1:4) with dubara sponge finishing including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water etc., to site and all
7 operational, incidental charges on materials and including cost of all labour charges for mixing mortar, finishing, scaffolding, lift
charges, curing, including cutting grooves as directed by Engineer-in-charge etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for
finished item of work .(SS 901,903 & 904)
Unit : 10 sqm
Base coat in CM(1:6) , 16mm thick
Cement 43.20 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 182.30
Fine aggregate (Sand) 0.18 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 216.95
Top coat in CM(1:4) , 4mm thick
Cement 14.40 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 60.77
Fine aggregate (Sand) 0.04 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 48.21
1st Class Mason 0.63 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 422.10
2nd Class Mason 1.47 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 889.35
Mazdoor (Unskilled) 3.90 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 2184.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 3495.45 0.00
water charges @ 1% 0.01 4003.69 40.04
Rate per 10 sqm 4043.72
Rate per 1 sqm 404.37
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-45
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Providing impervious coat to exposed RCC roof slab surfaces to required slopes with CM (1:3) prop. using screened sand
20mm thick (average) mixed with integral cement water proofing admixture confirming to IS: 2645-2003 manufactured by reputed
manufacturers as approved by Engineer-in-charge at 100ml per one bag of cement, laid over roof slab when it is green, finished
8 smooth with a floating coat of neat cement and thread lining at regular intervals of 45cmx45cm including cost and conveyance of
all materials like cement, sand, water proofing compound, water etc., to site, operational, incidental, and labour charges for mixing
mortar, laying, lift charges, rendering smooth and thread lining, curing including rounding off junctions of wall and slab etc., and
overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS No. 901 & 903).
Unit : 10 sqm
Cement 100.80 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 425.38
Fine aggregate (Sand) 0.21 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 253.11
Integral cement water proofing admixture 0.20 Ltrs 213.00 1.00 Ltrs 42.60
1st Class Mason 0.66 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 442.20
2nd Class Mason 1.54 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 931.70
Mazdoor (Unskilled) 3.70 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 2072.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 3445.90 0.00
water charges @ 1% 0.01 4166.99 41.67
Rate per 10 sqm 4208.66
Flooring with non-skid red or white full body Ceramic floor tiles of size 300 mm x 300 mm and thickness between 7-8 mm
1st quality conforming to IS:13711, IS:13712, IS:13630 (Parts 1 to 15) of any colour and finish in all shades and designs as
approved by Engineer-in-charge, set over base coat of cement mortar (1:8), 12mm thick using screened sand over CC bed
already laid or RCC roof slab, including neat cement slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3 Kgs per sqm & jointed neatly
with white cement paste to full depth mixed with pigment of matching shade, including cost of all materials like cement, screened
sand , water and tiles etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS No.701 & 707)
Unit = 10 sqm.
Ceramic tiles 7 to 8mm thick (300mm x 300mm) 10.50 sqm 396.40 1 sqm 4162.20
Cement for CM(1:8) proportion for base coat 21.60 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 91.15
Cement for slurry 33.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 139.26
White Cement 2.00 Kgs 31.00 1 Kg 62.00
Sand for CM(1:8) 0.12 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 144.64
Mason 1st class 0.96 Nos 670.00 1 Each 643.20
Mason 2nd class 2.24 Nos 605.00 1 Each 1355.20
Mazdoor(un skilled) 3.30 Nos 560.00 1 Each 1848.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 3846.40 0.00
Add water charges 1% 0.01 8445.65 84.46
Rate for 10 sqm 8530.10
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-46
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Flooring with non-skid Double charged / multi charged stain free full body porcelain vitrified tiles with double layer
pigment of size 600 x 600 mm and thickness between 8-10 mm 1st quality conforming to IS:13711, IS:13712, IS:13630 (Parts 1
to 15) of any colour and finish in all shades and designs with borders and design as per the approved flooring pattern as directed
by the Engineer-In -Charge, laying tiles using spacers of 2mm thick, set over a base coat of CM (1:8) prop. 12mm thick using
10 screened sand over CC bed already laid or RCC roof slab , including neat cement slurry of honey like consistancy spread @ 3.3
kgs per sqm. and jointed neately with white cement paste to full depth mixed with pigment of matching shade including cost and
conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water, tiles, white cement etc., to site (excluding cost of C.C. bed) including
cost of base coat and all labour charges for mixing of cement mortar, laying tiles to required slope as directed by the
Engineer- in-charge etc.,and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS No.701 & 707)
Unit = 10 sqm.
Vitrified tiles 8 to 10mm thick of size 600mm x 600mm 10.50 sqm 625.00 1 sqm 6562.50
Cement for CM(1:8)proportion for base coat 21.60 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 91.15
Cement for slurry 33.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 139.26
White Cement 6.00 Kgs 31.00 1 Kg 186.00
Sand for CM(1:8) 0.12 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 144.64
Mason 1st class 0.96 Nos 670.00 1 Each 643.20
Mason 2nd class 2.24 Nos 605.00 1 Each 1355.20
Mazdoor(un skilled) 3.30 Nos 560.00 1 Each 1848.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 3846.40 0.00
Add water charges 1% 0.01 10969.95 109.70
Rate for 10 sqm 11079.65
Providing window sills with 16 mm to 18 mm thick high polished granite stone slabs black colour as approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge set over base coat of cement mortar (1:8) , 20mm thick using screened sand over CC bed already laid
including neat grey cement slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3 Kg per sqm and jointed neatly with white cement paste
mixed with pigment of matching shade to full depth including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement , sand , water ,
granite slabs etc., to work site and all operational, incidental labour & lift charges, half rounding the edge , polishing charges, cost
of base coat and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work (S.S.701 & special)
Unit = 10 sqm.
High polished granite slabs black 16 to 18mm thick 10.50 sqm 2100.00 1 sqm 22050.00
Cement for CM(1:8) for base coat 36.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 151.92
Cement for slurry 33.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 139.26
White cement for jointing 6.00 Kgs 31.00 1 Kg 186.00
Sand for CM(1:8) 0.20 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 241.06
Mason 1st class 3.00 Nos 670.00 1 Each 2010.00
Mason 2nd class 1.00 Nos 605.00 1 Each 605.00
Mazdoor(un skilled) 8.00 Nos 560.00 1 Each 4480.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 7095.00 0.00
Machine cutting charges 43.48 RM 21.00 1 RM 913.08
Half rounding the edges 43.48 RM 385.00 1 RM 16739.80
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 7061.15 0.00
Add water charges 1% 0.01 47516.12 475.16
Rate for 10 sqm 47991.28
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-47
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
47991.28 48700.78 49410.28 50119.78
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 6534.01 6630.61 6727.21 6823.81
Rate per 10 sqm 54525.29 55331.39 56137.49 56943.59
Rate per 1 sqm 5452.53 5533.14 5613.75 5694.36
Say 5453 5533 5614 5694
Flooring with 16 mm to 18 mm thick high polished granite stone slabs black colour and other regular as approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge set over base coat of cement mortar (1:8) , 20mm thick using screened sand over CC bed already laid
including neat grey cement slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3 Kg per sqm and jointed neatly with white cement paste
mixed with pigment of matching shade to full depth including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement , sand , water ,
granite slabs etc., to work site and all operational, incidental labour & lift charges, half rounding the edge , polishing charges, cost
of base coat and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work (S.S.701 & special)
Unit = 10 sqm.
High polished granite slabs black 16 to 18mm thick 10.50 sqm 2500.00 1 sqm 26250.00
Cement for CM(1:8) for base coat 36.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 151.92
Cement for slurry 33.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 139.26
White cement for jointing 6.00 Kgs 31.00 1 Kg 186.00
Sand for CM(1:8) 0.20 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 241.06
Mason 1st class 3.00 Nos 670.00 1 Each 2010.00
Mason 2nd class 1.00 Nos 605.00 1 Each 605.00
Mazdoor(un skilled) 8.00 Nos 560.00 1 Each 4480.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 7095.00 0.00
Machine cutting charges 43.48 RM 21.00 1 RM 913.08
Half rounding the edges 43.48 RM 385.00 1 RM 16739.80
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 7061.15 0.00
Add water charges 1% 0.01 51716.12 517.16
Rate for 10 sqm 52233.28
Providing 16 mm to 18 mm thick high polished leather finish granite stone slabs (steel grey or pearl black) with borders
and design as per the pattern approved by the Engineer-in-Charge of length not less than 2.43 mts set over base coat of cement
mortar (1:5) , 12mm thick using screened sand over CC bed already laid or RCC roof slab including neat grey cement slurry of
honey like consistency spread @ 3.3 Kg per sqm and jointed neatly with white cement paste mixed with pigment of matching
shade to full depth including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement , sand , water , granite slabs etc., to work site and
all operational, incidental labour & lift charges, full rounding the edges of treads , providing 3 grooves of size 2mm x 1mm for the
full length of treads , polishing charges, cost of base coat and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work
for treads and risers (S.S.701 & special)
a) Treads of 0.30m wide :
Unit = 10 sqm.
High polished granite slabs other than black 16 to 18mm
10.50 sqm 2500.00 1 sqm 26250.00
Cement for CM(1:5) for base coat 34.56 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 145.84
Cement for slurry 33.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 139.26
White cement for jointing 6.00 Kgs 31.00 1 Kg 186.00
Sand for CM(1:5) 0.12 Cum 1205.30 1 Cum 144.64
Mason 1st class 3.00 Nos 670.00 1 Each 2010.00
Mason 2nd class 1.00 Nos 605.00 1 Each 605.00
Mazdoor(un skilled) 8.00 Nos 560.00 1 Each 4480.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 7095.00 0.00
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-48
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Machine cutting charges 33.33 RM 21.00 1 RM 699.93
Full rounding the edges 33.33 RM 499.00 1 RM 16631.67
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 6932.64 0.00
Add water charges 1% 0.01 51292.34 512.92
Rate for 10 sqm 51805.26
Providing skirting 10 cm height with Double charged / multi charged stain free full body porcelain vitrified tiles with
double layer pigment of Size 600 x 600 mm and thickness between 8-10 mm of any colour and finish in all shades and designs,
length equal to flooring tiles, flushed to wall surface to set over base coat of CM(1:5) 12 mm thick using screened sand with
cement slurry of honey like consistency spread at the rate of 3.30 kgs per sqm and jointing with white cement paste mixed with
pigment of matching shade to full depth, including cost of all materials like tiles, cement, sand and water etc.,and overheads &
contractors profit complete for finished item of work.(APSS No.701 &707)
Unit = 10 sqm
Cost of vitrified tiles 8-10mm thick 10.50 sqm 625.00 1 sqm 6562.50
Sand for CM(1:5) base coat 0.12 cum 1205.30 1 cum 144.64
Cement for CM(1:5) base coat 34.56 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 145.84
Cement for slurry 33.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 139.26
White cement for jointing & pointing 2.00 Kgs 31.00 1 Kg 62.00
Mason 1st class 0.96 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 643.20
Mason 2nd class 2.24 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 1355.20
Mazdoor(unskilled) 3.30 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 1848.00
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-49
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 3846.40 0.00
Add water charges 1% 0.01 10900.64 109.01
Rate for 10 sqm 11009.65
Providing dadooing with glazed full body porcelain wall tiles of size 300mm x 600 mm with any type of design texture such
as marble finish, wooden, bamboo, stone finishes etc., scratch less, stain free and thickness between 6-8 mm 1st quality
conforming to IS:13711, IS:13712, IS:13630 (Parts 1 to 15) of any colour and finish in all shades and designs with borders and
15 design as per the approved pattern as approved by Engineer-in-Charge flushed to wall surface set over base coat of CM(1:5)
12 mm thick using screened sand with cement slurry of honey like consistency spread at the rate of 3.30 kgs per sqm and jointing
with white cement paste mixed with pigment of matching shade to full depth, including cost of all materials like tiles, cement, sand
and water etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work.
Unit = 10 sqm
Cost of porcelain wall tiles 10.50 sqm 597.00 1 sqm 6268.50
Sand for CM(1:5) base coat 0.12 cum 1205.30 1 cum 144.64
Cement for CM(1:5) base coat 34.56 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 145.84
Cement for slurry 33.00 Kgs 4220.00 1000 Kgs 139.26
White cement for jointing & pointing 2.00 Kgs 31.00 1 Kg 62.00
Mason 1st class 0.96 Nos. 670.00 1 Each 643.20
Mason 2nd class 2.24 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 1355.20
Mazdoor(unskilled) 3.30 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 1848.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 3846.40 0.00
Add water charges 1% 0.01 10606.64 106.07
Rate for 10 sqm 10712.71
Supplying and fixing of stainless steel (grade 304) hand railing as per approved drawing with top rail of 50mm dia pipe and
2mm thick medium class and vertical posts of 25mm dia and 1.6mm thick medium class 1 No for each step fixed with base plate
of 25mm dia using bonding agent and anchor fastner and welding, drilling of 25mm dia holes with pneumatic compressor for
fixing railing, buffing, polishing all members of the railing thouroughly , lacquer finishing to present seamless finish including cost
and conveyance of all materials, electrodes, welding charges, cost of all consumables, labour charges , overheads & contractors
profit etc., complete for finished item of work.
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-50
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Base Plate 25mm dia. 13 Nos. 30.00 1 Each 390.00
Add for anchor bars 13 Nos. 30.00 1 No 390.00
Add for bonding 13 Nos. 15.00 1 No 195.00
Rate per 1 RM 3069.07
Rate per 1 sqm 3410.07
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 3410.07 464.28
say 3874
Providing 110 mm Dia ISI marked PVC down water take pipes with single socket , 2.5mm thick 4.0 kg/sq.cm pressure of ISI
marked including cost of necessary PVC Bends, couplers, shoes, iron / PVC clamps and all other accessories and fixing in
position including cost and conveyance of all materials, operational & incidental charges including all labour charges for fixing at
site etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS No. 1328)
White washing two coats with white cement to ceiling to give an even shade after thouroughly brushing the surface to remove
18 all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials including cost of all materials , labour charges and incidental such as
scaffolding , lift charges etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work in all floors.
Unit : 10 sqm
White cement 2.00 kgs 31.00 1 kgs 62.00
Painter 1st class 0.063 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 47.25
Painter 2nd class 0.147 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 88.93
Mazdoor(unskilled) 0.32 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 179.20
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 315.39 0.00
Sundries including brushes , ladders etc., @ 1% 1% 377.39 3.77
Rate per 10 sqm 381.16
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 381.16 51.89
Rate per 10 sqm 433.05
Rate per 1 sqm 43.31
Say 43
Providing and applying Wall putty of White Cement or Polymer or Cement based of average 1 to 2 mm thickness over
plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt and remains of
loose powdered materials, applying emery paper, Sand the surface, clean & wipe off loose dust, applying knifing paste filler by
putty knife / muslin pad, air dry for 2 - 3 hrs, sand with 180 and 320 No., emery paper for the surface preparation including cost
and conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges, over heads and contractors profit etc.,
complete for finished item of work in all floors for internal walls
Unit = 10 sqm
wall putty 23.00 Kgs 606.00 20 Kg 696.90
Painter 1st class 0.273 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 204.75
Painter 2nd class 0.637 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 385.39
Mazdoor 0.91 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 509.60
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1099.74 0.00
Sundries for emery papers, fillers, knife etc., @ 1% 0.01 1796.64 17.97
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 1814.60 247.06
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-51
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Rate per 10 sqm 2061.66
Rate per 1 sqm 206.17
Say 206
Providing and applying exterior texture of average 2 to 3 mm thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and
smooth after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials, applying emery paper,
Sand the surface, clean & wipe off loose dust, applying putty/ texture paint filler by putty knife / muslin pad, air dry for 2 - 3 hrs
for the surface preparation including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental, labour
charges, scaffolding charges, overheads and contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors for external
Unit = 10 sqm
exterior texture 34.50 Kgs 839.00 25 Kg 1157.82
Painter 1st class 0.273 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 204.75
Painter 2nd class 0.637 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 385.39
Mazdoor 0.91 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 509.60
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1099.74 0.00
Sundries for emery papers, fillers, knife etc., @ 1% 0.01 2257.56 22.58
Hire charges for Access Scaffolding 10 sqm 1.08 1 sqm 10.80
Labour charges for scaffolding 10 sqm 8.47 1 sqm 84.70
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 84.70 0.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 2375.63 323.44
Rate per 10 sqm 2699.07
Rate per 1 sqm 269.91
Say 270
Painting to new walls with 2 coats of Acrylic based Oil bound Washable Distemper having VOC content less than 50
grams/litre over promer coat using white cemnt as approved by Engineer-In-Charge, making 3 coats in all to give an even shade
21 after thourughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials, including cost and conveyance
of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for
finished item of work as per APSS 911 for internal walls in all floors.
Unit = 10 sqm
Cost of white cement 0.50 Kg 31.00 1 Kg 15.50
Painter 1st class 0.08 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 60.00
Painter 2nd class 0.19 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 114.95
Cost of washable oil bound distemper 1.70 Ltrs 85.00 1 Ltr 144.50
Painter 1st class 0.36 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 270.00
Painter 2nd class 0.84 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 508.20
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 953.15 0.00
Sundries including brushes , ladders etc., @ 1% 0.01 1113.15 11.13
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 1124.28 153.07
Rate per 10 sqm 1277.35
Rate per 1 sqm 127.74
Say 128
Painting to old walls with 2 coats of Acrylic based Oil bound Washable Distemper having VOC content less than 50
grams/litre as approved by Engineer-In-Charge, to give an even shade after thourughly brushing the old surface to remove all
22 dirt and remains of loose powdered materials, including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational,
incidental, labour charges etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work as per APSS 911 for
internal walls in all floors.
Unit = 10 sqm
Cost of washable oil bound distemper 1.70 Ltrs 85.00 1 Ltr 144.50
Painter 1st class 0.36 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 270.00
Painter 2nd class 0.84 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 508.20
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 778.20 0.00
Sundries including brushes , ladders etc., @ 1% 0.01 922.70 9.23
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 931.93 126.88
Rate per 10 sqm 1058.81
Rate per 1 sqm 105.88
Say 106
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-52
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Painting to new walls with 2 coats of water proof cement paint of shade as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge over a base
coat of aproved white cement base coat making 3 coats in all to give an even shade after thourughly brushing the surface to
23 remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials, including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and all
operational, incidental, labour charges etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work as per SS 912
in all floors
Cost of white cement for base coat 1.00 Kgs 31.00 1 Kgs 31.00
Painter 1st class 0.08 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 60.00
Painter 2nd class 0.19 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 114.95
Water proof cement paint 2.00 Kgs 1069.00 25 Kgs 85.52
Painter 1st class 0.15 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 112.50
Painter 2nd class 0.35 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 211.75
Mazdoor(unskilled) 1.50 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 840.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1339.20 0.00
Sundries including brushes , ladders etc., @ 1% 0.01 1455.72 14.56
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 1470.28 200.18
Rate per 10 sqm 1670.46
Rate per 1 sqm 167.05
Say 167
Painting to old walls with 2 coats of water proof cement paint of shade as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge to give an
even shade after thourughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials, including cost and
conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges etc., and overheads & contractors profit
complete for finished item of work as per SS 912 in all floors.
Supply & application of one coat water based cement primer of interior grade I and two coats of acrylic emulsion paint
having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less than 50 grams/litre for internal walls including cost and conveyance of all
materials to site, incidental, operational and all labour charges etc.,and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item
of work in all floors.
Unit 10 sqm.
A. Materials:-
Cost of cement primer interior grade I 1.00 Kg 173.00 1 Kg 173.00
Painter 1st class 0.21 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 157.50
Painter 2nd class 0.49 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 296.45
Acrylic emulsion paint 0.80 Ltrs 201.00 1 Ltrs 160.80
Painter 1st class 0.36 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 270.00
Painter 2nd class 0.84 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 508.20
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1232.15 0.00
Sundries including brushes , ladders etc., @ 1% 0.01 1565.95 15.66
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 1581.61 215.34
Rate per 10 sqm 1796.95
Rate per 1 sqm 179.69
Say 180
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-53
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Supply & application of one coat water based cement primer of exterior grade II and two coats of acrylic exterior
emulsion paint having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less than 50 grams/litre for exterior walls including cost and
conveyance of all materials to site, incidental, operational and all labour charges etc.,and overheads & contractors profit
complete for finished item of work in all floors.
Unit 10 sqm.
A. Materials:-
Cost of cement primer exterior grade II 1.00 Kg 201.00 1 Kg 201.00
Painter 1st class 0.21 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 157.50
Painter 2nd class 0.49 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 296.45
Acrylic emulsion paint 0.80 Ltrs 231.00 1 Ltrs 184.80
Painter 1st class 0.21 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 157.50
Painter 2nd class 0.49 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 296.45
Mazdoor(Unskilled) 1.50 Nos. 560.00 1 Each 840.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1747.90 0.00
Sundries including brushes , ladders etc., @ 1% 0.01 2133.70 21.34
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 2155.04 293.41
Rate per 10 sqm 2448.45
Rate per 1 sqm 244.84
Say 245
Providing and applying water proof wall putty of white cement or polymer or cement based of average 1 to 2 mm thickness
over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt and
remains of loose powdered materials, applying emery paper, Sand the surface, clean & wipe off loose dust, applying knifing paste
filler by putty knife / muslin pad, air dry for 2 - 3 hrs, sand with 180 and 320 No., emery paper for the surface preparation,
22 applying one coat of cement primer of interior grade-1 and two coats of poy-urethane paint (MRF) of light green or light
blue colour with 1mm thickness with anti fungal and anti bacterial chemical resistance durable and non particle shedding
including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges, over heads and
contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors for internal walls and ceiling of Operation Theatre and
labour rooms.
Unit = 10 Sqm
c) poly-urethane paint 2 coats
Cost of poly-urethane Paint 1.35 Ltr 523.00 1 Ltr 706.05
Thinner for poly -Urethane paint 1.35 Ltr 113.00 1 Ltr 152.55
1st Class Painter 0.36 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 270.00
2nd Class Painter 0.84 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 508.20
Helper 0.84 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 508.20
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 778.20 0.00
Sundries including brushes , ladders etc., @ 1% 0.01 2145.00 21.45
Total (a+b+c) 2166.45
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 2166.45 294.96
Rate per 10 sqm 2461.41
Rate per 1 sqm 246.14
Say 246
Painting two coats with synthetic enamel paint Grade-II VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less than 50
grams/litre over primer coat of red oxide to new iron work including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, incidental,
operational and all labour charges etc., and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work in all floors. (SS No.
1201, 1212 & 1207).
Unit : 10 sqm
Red oxide primer 0.70 Ltr 160.00 1 Ltr 112.00
Cost of Synthetic Enamel Paint 1.10 Ltr 281.00 1 Ltr 309.10
for primer coat
1st Class Painter 0.21 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 157.50
2nd Class Painter 0.49 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 296.45
for enamel painting
1st Class Painter 0.33 Nos. 750.00 1 Each 247.50
2nd Class Painter 0.77 Nos. 605.00 1 Each 465.85
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1167.30 0.00
Sundries including brushes , ladders etc., @ 1% 0.01 1588.40 15.88
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 1604.28 218.42
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CIVIL DATA 2023-24 : Page-54
S. No. Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Rate per 10 sqm 1822.71
Rate per 1 sqm 182.27
Say 182
Supplying and fixing of Pre-painted Galvalume Trapezoidal Profile Roofing sheets with 0.50mm thickness, Coating: Alu-
Zinc coating AZ150 GSM. Tensile Strength: 550 MPA. Paint coating: Regular Modified Polyester painting. Painting Thickness
(Top): 18 to 20 Microns, (Bottom): 5 to 7 Microns. Sheet Width: 1.020, Length: Maximum 12 Meters with Regular Range Colours
24 fixed with G.I ‘J’ bolts & nuts 8 mm dia with bitumen & G.I limpet washers filled with white lead & including a coat of approved
steel primer and two coats of approved paint on over lapping of sheets complete (up to a pitch of 600) etc., complete, excluding
the cost of purlins, rafters, trusses including cost and conveyance of all materials , labour charges , overheads and contractors
profit etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors.
Unit : 10 sqm
Galvalume sheet 0.50mm thick 10.50 sqm 407.00 1 sqm 4273.50
G.I scam bolts & nuts 2 x 27 (laps) x 17 = 884 47.91 Nos. 6.00 1 No. 287.46
Limpet washers (for scam & ‘J’ bolts) 91.82 Nos. 2.00 1 No. 183.64
Bitumen washers 91.82 Nos. 2.00 1 No. 183.64
For roofing
Carpenter II class 0.84 Nos. 605.00 1 No. 508.20
Man mazdoor (beldar) 0.91 Nos. 560.00 1 No. 509.60
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 1017.80 0.00
Rate per 10 sqm 6428.94
Rate per 1 sqm 642.89
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 642.89 87.53
Rate per 1 sqm 730.42
Say 730
Page 54 of 92
Name of the Work: Completion of In-Complete Kreeda Vikas Kendra (KVK) in Government High School at Kondepi (V&M) in
Prakasam district.
Page 55 of 92
S.No. Description of items Qty Rate Amount
6 Supplying and fixing European Water Closet of 1st quality conforming to IS:2556-
Part-2-1973 of white glazed with 'S' trap,supplying and fixing best Indian make plastic
seat and lid for European water closets with rubber or plastic Buffers as per IS 2548-
1996 and 10 litres capacity single flush PVC low level cistern with internal
components and fixed using required size of nails and screws, angle stop cock
12.70mm dia. first quality Indian make heavy duty, 12mm PVC connections with brass
union nuts CP coated including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, overheads
& contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of work for all floors.
Page 56 of 92
S.No. Description of items Qty Rate Amount
b 34.90mm OD pipe 100.00 / RM 289 28900
c 41.30mm OD pipe 100.00 / RM 395 39500
14 Supplying and fixing white glazed flat back Bowl urinals of size 440 mm x 265
mm x 315 mm with integral flushing rim fixed with screws complete Indian make
(HSW/Parry/Neycer) conforming to IS:2556-1995 as approved by Engineer-in-charge,
including supply and fixing 12.7mm PVC connection with brass plumber union nuts CP
coated, 12.70mm push cock 1st quality of approved make , 31.75 mm dia PVC flexible
waste pipe of 914.4 mm length of Ist quality including cost and conveyance of all
materials to site, labour charges , overheads & contractors profit complete for finished
item of work for all floors.
Page 57 of 92
A Name of the Work: Construction of Kreeda Vikas Kendra (KVK)in Government High
School at Komarolu (V&M) in Prakasam district.
D Allowances
1 Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00
2 Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615
Water charges
Type of Habitation 1 1 for Rural
2 for Urban
Name of the Work: Construction of Kreeda Vikas Kendra (KVK)in Government High School at Komarolu (V&M) in Prakasam district.
LEAD CHART (COMMON SoR 2023-2024) (Cement - Nov, 2022 & Steel - May, 2024 rates)
Reference S.No./
Cost Convey- MA
Sl. Source of to SSR Item Lead in Looading Unloading
Description Unit excluding ance Total
No. Materials page Code KM charges charges
seigniorage Charges
number No.
charges 0%
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Ordinary Portland Cement 43 / 53
1 1 MT 4220.00 4220.00
2 Reinforcement steel Fe - 500 / 500 D 1 MT 61000.00 61000.00
3 Mild steel bars 1 MT 60000.00 60000.00
4 Structural steel 1 MT 60000.00 60000.00
5 MS flats 1 MT 62000.00 62000.00
6 Sand (un-screened) K.Bitragunta 12 27(a) 1 Cum 31.00 605.00 484.30 1089.30
7 Sand (unscreened) for filling K.Bitragunta 12 27(b) 1 Cum 31.00 460.00 484.30 944.30
8 Sand (screened for mortar, plastering K.Bitragunta 12 28 1 Cum 31.00 721.00 484.30 1205.30
Common burnt clay bricks
9 Valivetipadu 11 BMT-A.01 1000 Nos 26.00 8164.00 661.40 73.00 73.00 0.00 8971.40
12 Aggregates 40mm nominal size (HBG) 28 M - 055 1 Cum 41.00 1000.00 587.70 1587.70
13 Aggregates 25mm nominal size (HBG) 28 M - 054 1 Cum 41.00 1555.00 587.70 2142.70
14 Aggregates 20mm nominal size (HBG) 28 M - 053 1 Cum 41.00 1622.00 587.70 2209.70
Reference S.No./
Cost Convey- MA
Sl. Source of to SSR Item Lead in Looading Unloading
Description Unit excluding ance Total
No. Materials page Code KM charges charges
seigniorage Charges
number No.
charges 0%
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Aggregates 13.20 / 12.50mm nominal Ramatheetth
15 27 M - 052 1 Cum 41.00 1306.00 587.70 1893.70
size (HBG) am
16 Aggregates 10mm nominal size (HBG) 27 M - 051 1 Cum 41.00 1109.00 587.70 1696.70
17 Aggregates 6mm nominal size (HBG) 27 M - 050 1 Cum 41.00 896.00 587.70 1483.70
(Part II)
18 Rough Stone (OTG) Roads & 1 1 Cum 21.00 171.45 326.10 497.55
(Part II)
19 Rough Stone (HBG) Local Roads & 12 1 Cum 5.00 309.00 95.70 404.70
20 Gravel / Quarry spall Local 0 M - 008 1 Cum 5.00 155.00 99.40 254.40
51 Mild Steel Tubes & pipes of all diameters 26 MAT-00871 BMT-F.04 84.00 1 Kg
Stainless Steel Tubes, sections, plates, sheets,
52 27 MAT-00872 BMT-F.06 445.00 1 Kg
pipes of all sizes
Common SoR 2023-24 - Page : 10
105 Water based Cement Primer of Interior Grade- 1 63 MAT-01073 BMT-J.01 173.00 1 Kg
106 Water based Cement Primer of Exterior Grade- 2 63 MAT-01074 BMT-J.02 201.00 1 Kg
107 Red oxide Primer Paint Grade-I 63 MAT-01075 BMT-J.03 160.00 1 Ltr
108 Zinc Chromate Yellow Oxide Iron Primer paint 63 MAT-01076 BMT-J.04 220.00 1 Ltr
109 Wood primer 63 MAT-01077 BMT-J.05 176.00 1 Ltr
110 Putty for wood work 63 MAT-01079 BMT-J.07 143.00 1 Kg
111 Spirit 64 MAT-01082 BMT-J.10 97.00 1 Ltr
112 Linseed Oil 64 MAT-01083 BMT-J.11 61.00 1 Ltr
113 Thinner for Melamine polish 64 MAT-01084 BMT-J.12 154.00 1 Ltr
114 French Polish 64 MAT-01086 BMT-J.14 220.00 1 Ltr.
115 Melamine Polish 65 MAT-01088 BMT-J.16 336.00 1 Ltr.
116 Interior grade Poly -Urethene polish 65 MAT-01089 BMT-J.17 768.00 1 Ltr.
117 Exterior grade Poly -Urethene polish 65 MAT-01090 BMT-J.18 878.00 1 Ltr.
118 Acrylic based Oil bound Washable Distemper 64 MAT-01093 BMT-J.21 85.00 1 Kg
119 Water proof Cement paint 64 MAT-01095 BMT-J.23 54.00 1 Kg
120 Acrylic interior emulsion paint 64 MAT-01097 BMT-J.24 201.00 1 Ltr
121 Acrylic exterior emulsion paint 64 MAT-01107 BMT-J.34 231.00 1 Ltr
131 Laminate sheets - Glossy finish: 1mm thick 72 MAT-01205 BMT-L.21 396.00 1 Sqm
132 Laminate sheets - Mat finish: 1mm thick 72 MAT-01208 BMT-L.24 415.00 1 Sqm
133 12.5mm Gypboard Tiles 595mm x 595mm 73 MAT-01236 BMT-M.01 285.00 1 Sqm
134 Gypsom board plain sheets 12.5mm thick 73 MAT-01238 BMT-M.03 233.00 1 Sqm
135 GI Ceiling Angle - 25mm x 10mm x 0.55mm 78 MAT-01239 BMT-M.04 80.00 1 RM
GI Ceiling section - 51.5mm x 26mm x 10.5mm x
136 78 MAT-01240 BMT-M.05 110.00 1 RM
0.55mm thick
Intermediate section - 45mm x 15mm x 15mm x
137 78 MAT-01241 BMT-M.06 81.00 1 RM
Perimeter channel - 20mm x 27mm x 30mm
138 78 MAT-01242 BMT-M.07 72.00 1 RM
(web) of 0.55mm thick
139 GI Angle - Precoated - 25mm x 25mm x0.7mm 78 MAT-01243 BMT-M.08 65.00 1 RM
GI pre coated - T section - 24mm x 38mm x
140 78 MAT-01245 BMT-M.10 63.00 1 RM
0.7mm thick
Hotdipped GI Angle - Precoated - Grid -
141 78 MAT-01246 BMT-M.11 38.00 1 RM
Polyster painted GI - T section 24x32mm and MAT-01247 &
142 78 BMT-M.12 & 13 52.50 1 RM
24x25mm (sub-cross Tee) MAT-01248
143 Polyster painted GI-T Section - 24mm x 27mm 78 MAT-01249 BMT-M.14 51.00 1 RM
MAT-01418 ,
a) Top hung 149 MAT-01419, BMT-P.10, 11 , 12 7477.00 1 Sqm
MAT-01421 ,
b) Fixed louvered 149 MAT-01422, BMT-P.13,14,15 5115.00 1 Sqm
189 Dismantling
a) Stone masonry in cement mortar 153 MAT-01498 BMT-S.01 547.00 1 Cum
b) Flat stone in roof or floors including lifting : 153 MAT-01500 BMT-S.03 200.00 10 Sqm
Pan tiled or Mangalore tiled roof with out roof
c) 153 MAT-01501 BMT-S.04 167.00 10 Sqm
timbers :
d) Wrought and framed timber in roofs or floors 153 MAT-01503 BMT-S.06 289.00 1 Cum
e) Old lime mortar plaster 153 MAT-01504 BMT-S.07 66.00 10 Sqm
Common SoR 2023-24 - Page : 15
Material hire Labour
202 Hire charges for Access Scaffolding to SSR Unit
charges charges
A) Brick Masonry / Stone Maasonry
a) 1st floor 179 10.78 84.62 1 Sqm
b) 2nd floor 10.78 121.18 1 Sqm
c) 3rd floor 10.78 157.72 1 Sqm
d) 4th floor 10.78 194.27 1 Sqm
e) 5th floor 10.78 230.81 1 Sqm
f) 6th floor 10.78 267.35 1 Sqm
g) 7th floor 10.78 303.88 1 Sqm
h) 8th floor 10.78 340.43 1 Sqm
B) Plastering to walls
a) 1st floor 180 1.08 8.47 1 Sqm
b) 2nd floor 1.08 12.12 1 Sqm
c) 3rd floor 1.08 15.77 1 Sqm
d) 4th floor 1.08 19.43 1 Sqm
e) 5th floor 1.08 23.08 1 Sqm
f) 6th floor 1.08 26.73 1 Sqm
Common SoR 2023-24 - Page : 17
204 HIRE CHARGES FOR CENTERING&SCAFFOLDING-centering using Steel scaffolding pipes , jack props , wallers , Foot plates , brackets , steel centering plates etc.,
Reference Material hire
Labour charges Unit
to SoR charges
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor
a) Footings 179 301.00 672.00 1 Cum
b) Bed blocks, Bands 67.00 363.00 399.30 435.60 471.90 508.20 544.50 580.80 617.10 1 Cum
c) Pedestals 343.00 1069.00 1 Cum
d) Plinth beams 726.50 810.00 1 Cum
205 HIRE CHARGES FOR CENTERING & SCAFFOLDING -Unsupported height of 3.66M - for Steel scaffolding pipes, jack Props, Steel Centering Plates,etc.,
Reference Material hire
Labour charges Unit
to SoR charges
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor
a) Lintels 179 & 181 1233.00 1720.00 1892.00 2064.00 2236.00 ###
2408.00 2580.00 2752.00 2924.00 1 Cum
b) Sunshades of any width 243.00 264.00 290.00 317.00 343.00 370.00 396.00 422.00 449.00 1 Sqm ###
c) Columns 371.00 2415.00 2657.00 2898.00 3140.00 ###
3381.00 3623.00 3864.00 4106.00 1 Cum
d) Beams 2179.00 2027.00 2230.00 2432.00 2635.00 ###
2838.00 3041.00 3243.00 3446.00 1 Cum
e) RCC roof slabs upto 150 mm depth 247.00 241.00 265.00 289.00 313.00 337.00 362.00 386.00 410.00 1 Sqm ###
f) RCC slabs upto 150-300 mm depth 254.00 248.00 273.00 298.00 322.00 347.00 372.00 397.00 422.00 1 Sqm ###
g) Shear walls, RCC walls, Water tank walls 472.00 510.00 561.00 612.00 663.00 714.00 765.00 816.00 867.00 1 Sqm ###
Note: - Centering & scaffolding charges for steel scaffolding with pipes, jack props, steel centring plates for unsupported heights of every 610 mm
height above 3.66 M, may be allowed at 16.666% more than the basic material hire charges and relevant labour charges of the applicable floor and
206 HIRE CHARGES FOR CENTERING & SCAFFOLDING -Unsupported height of 3.66M - Casurina Ballies , Bamboos , Wooden Reapers ,
Runners , Wood Posts , Wall
Reference Plates etc.,
Material hire
Labour charges Unit
to SoR charges
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor
a) Lintels 179 & 182 826.00 ###
1332.00 1465.00 1598.00 1732.00 1865.00 1998.00 2131.00 2264.00 1 Cum
b) Sunshades of any width 163.00 204.00 224.00 245.00 265.00 ###
286.00 306.00 326.00 347.00 1 Sqm
c) Columns 249.00 ###
1871.00 2058.00 2245.00 2432.00 2619.00 2807.00 2994.00 3181.00 1 Cum
d) Beams 1458.00 ###
1569.00 1726.00 1883.00 2040.00 2197.00 2354.00 2510.00 2667.00 1 Cum
e) RCC roof slabs upto 150 mm depth 165.00 186.00 205.00 223.00 242.00 ###
260.00 279.00 298.00 316.00 1 Sqm
f) RCC slabs upto 150-300 mm depth 170.00 193.00 212.00 232.00 251.00 ###
270.00 290.00 309.00 328.00 1 Sqm
211 (WS&S
207 PVC Clamps(110mm dia) MAT-01993 BMW-G.106 17.00 1 Each
Common SoR
208 Bar bender 6 LAB-00001 I-1 800.00 1 Each
Common SoR 2023-24 - Page : 19
Cost of Materials :
222 Binding wire 11 MAT-00003 3 70.00 1 Kg
223 Detonator electric 12 MAT-00021 21 12.00 1 No.
224 Sand (un-screened for concrete items) 12 MAT-00027 27(a) 605.00 1 Cum
225 Sand (unscreened) for filling 12 MAT-00028 27(b) 460.00 1 Cum
226 Sand(screened for mortar, plastering items) 12 MAT-00029 28 721.00 1 Cum
227 Impervious Water proof compound 14 MAT-00081 80 90.00 1 Kg
228 Gravel / Quarry spall 25 MAT-00177 M - 008 155.00 1 Cum
229 Coarse graded Granular sub-base Material 2.36
mm & below 26 MAT-00191 M - 022 567.00 1 Cum
230 Coarse graded Granular sub-base Material 9.5
mm to 4.75mm 26 MAT-00194 M - 025 678.00 1 Cum
231 Aggregates 6mm nominal size (HBG) 27 MAT-00215 M - 050 896.00 1 Cum
232 Aggregates 10mm nominal size (HBG) 27 MAT-00216 M - 051 1109.00 1 Cum
Aggregates 13.20 / 12.50mm nominal size (HBG) 27 MAT-00217 M - 052 1306.00 1 Cum
234 Aggregates 20mm nominal size (HBG) 28 MAT-00218 M - 053 1622.00 1 Cum
235 Aggregates 25mm nominal size (HBG) 28 MAT-00219 M - 054 1555.00 1 Cum
236 Aggregates 40mm nominal size (HBG) 28 MAT-00220 M - 055 1000.00 1 Cum
237 Bentonite 28 MAT-00235 M - 071 9.00 1 Kg
238 Gelatin 80% 30 MAT-00264 M - 104 68.00 1 Kg
239 Water charges(Urban) 35 MAT-00332 M - 189(a) 131.00 1 KL
240 Water charges(Rural) 35 MAT-00333 M - 189(b) 99.00 1 KL
Common SoR 2023-24 - Page : 20
Common SoR
241 Reference Hire &
Machinery Charges to SoR Fuel Total
number charges
a) Agitator car / Transit mixer 2 cum 43 HIR-00001& LAB-00317 1 2266.70 1 Hour HIR-00135 418.10 2684.80
b) Air compressor 7 cmm ( diesel) 43 HIR-00003& LAB-00319 3 1459.30 1 Hour HIR-00137 314.50 1773.80
c) Batching plant 0.50 cum (6 cum/hour) 43 HIR-00009& LAB-00325 9 238.60 1 Hour HIR-00144 505.30 743.90
d) Batching plant 2x1.00 cum(15-20 cum/hour) 43 HIR-00010& LAB-00326 10 775.80 1 Hour HIR-00145 505.30 1281.10
Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum)capacity 43 HIR-00016, 15 & LAB-00329 16 1 Hour HIR-00150 327.60 518.20
f) Jack hammer 44 HIR-00039 39 19.10 1 Hour HIR-00173 491.40 510.50
g) Needle vibrator 40mm( petrol) 44 HIR-00040& LAB-00352 40 38.60 1 Hour HIR-00174 235.80 274.40
i) Shovel 0.85 cum 110hp 45 HIR-00052& LAB-00362 52 3213.10 1 Hour HIR-00186 348.40 3561.50
j) Lift charges of materials(Winch 35HP- Electric) 46 HIR-00066& LAB-00372 66 348.30 1 Hour HIR-00200 393.10 741.40
k) Concrete placer pump (25 cum/hr)(Electric) 46 HIR-00071& LAB-00375 71 1458.30 1 Hour HIR-00205 245.70 1704.00
b) Labour charges for aluminium doors ( S.No.11 of Page No. 396 of SoR 2011-12 )
1st class carpenter 0.099 Nos. 750.00 Each 74.25
2nd class carpenter 0.198 Nos. 605.00 Each 119.79
Power Saw Cutter -Hand Operated -Operator 0.099 Nos. 750.00 Each 74.25
Power Drill -Hand Operated -Operator 0.099 Nos. 750.00 Each 74.25
c) Labour charges for aluminium sliding windows ( S.No.10 of Page No. 395 of SoR 2011-12 )
1st class carpenter 0.096 Nos. 750.00 Each 72.00
2nd class carpenter 0.289 Nos. 605.00 Each 174.85
Power Saw Cutter -Hand Operated -Operator 0.096 Nos. 750.00 Each 72.00
Power Drill -Hand Operated -Operator 0.096 Nos. 750.00 Each 72.00
d) Labour charges for aluminium partitions partly glazed ( S.No.8 of Page No. 394 of SoR 2011-12 )
1st class carpenter 0.434 Nos. 750.00 Each 325.50
2nd class carpenter 0.434 Nos. 605.00 Each 262.57
Power Saw Cutter -Hand Operated -Operator 0.043 Nos. 750.00 Each 32.25
Power Drill -Hand Operated -Operator 0.058 Nos. 750.00 Each 43.50
e) Labour charges for aluminium casement windows ( S.No.9 of Page No. 394 of SoR 2011-12 )
1st class carpenter 0.100 Nos. 750.00 Each 75.00
Joinery data 2023-24 - Page : 23
2nd class carpenter 0.300 Nos. 605.00 Each 181.50
Power Saw Cutter -Hand Operated -Operator 0.100 Nos. 750.00 Each 75.00
Power Drill -Hand Operated -Operator 0.100 Nos. 750.00 Each 75.00
S.No. Description of item Quantity Rate Unit Amount
1 Supply and fixing doors as per drawings with medium teak wood frame of section 100mm x 65 mm and ISI
marked flush door shutters of 30 mm thick single shutter with bond wood solid block board type Core having cross
bands and face veneers, hot pressed bonded with water proof phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin factory made
conforming to IS 2202-1991 (Part-I) both sides commercial ply with internal lipping on all sides, fixing 1mm thick mat
finish laminated sheet to full width and height of the flush shutter both sides including cost and conveyance to
site of teak wood frame, flush shutter, laminated sheet including supply and
fixing 6 Nos. MS Z hold fasts of size 300 mm x 40 mm x 5mm including cost of ISI marked Aluminium fixtures of 3
Nos. butt hinges (IS:205) 150mm long, 1 No. aldrop (IS:2681) 300mm long, 1 No. tower bolt (IS:204) of 200 mm x 10
mm dia at top , 2 Nos. 150 mm long handles (IS:208), 1 No. door stopper and 1 No. Rubber / Nylon door stop bushes
including fixing the fixtures to door with required number of screws, bolt and nuts including labour charges for fixing
the frame in position, fixing the shutter to the frame etc., including overheads & contractors profit complete for finished
item of work as per APSS 1001 & 1002 (The vertical frame of door shall be embedded in flooring for a depth of not
less than 10 mm) (1000mm x 2100mm)
Size : 1.00m x 2.10m 2.10 sqm
Quantity analysis
Outer frame - Vertical 2 x 2.11
= 4.22 x 0.10 x 0.065 0.02743 cum
Outer frame - Horizontal 1 x 1.00
= 1.00 x 0.10 x 0.065 0.00650 cum
0.03393 cum
Cost analysis
Cost of medium TW frame 2 m to 3m length 0.02743 cum 96183.50 1 cum 2638.31
Cost of medium TW frame up to 2 m length 0.00650 cum 85499.00 1 cum 555.74
Cost of 30 mm thick flush shutter 1.845 sqm 1410.00 1 sqm 2601.45
Cost of 1mm thick mat finish laminated sheet 3.69 sqm 415.00 1 sqm 1531.35
Labour charges for fixing laminated sheet 100.00
Cost of MS Z hold fasts 6 Nos. 39.00 Each 234.00
Joinery data 2023-24 - Page : 24
S.No. Description of item Quantity Rate Unit Amount
Cost of Aluminium tower bolt 200mm long 1 No. 114.00 Each 114.00
Cost of Aluminium butt hinges 150mm long 3 Nos. 144.00 Each 432.00
Cost of Aluminium aldrop 300mm long 1 No. 350.00 Each 350.00
Cost of Aluminium handle 150mm long 2 Nos. 122.00 Each 244.00
Cost of Aluminium door stopper 1 No. 64.00 Each 64.00
Cost of Rubber / Nylon door stop bushes 1 No. 11.00 Each 11.00
Labour charges for frame work 0.0339 cum 16406.45 1 cum 556.67
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 556.67 0.00
Labour charges for fixing flush door shutter to
the frame , fixing the fixtures to the shutter 1.845 sqm 463.00 1 sqm 854.24
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 854.24 0.00
Add for nails & screws etc. 1.79
Rate for 2.10 sqm 10288.55
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 10288.55 1400.79
Rate for 1 sqm 5566.35
Say 5566
2 Supply and fixing doors as per drawings with medium teak wood frame of section 100mm x 65mm and ISI marked
flush door shutter of 30mm thick single shutter with bond wood solid block board type Core having cross bands and
face veneers, hot pressed bonded with water proof phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin factory made conforming to IS
2202-1991 (Part-I) both sides commercial ply with internal lipping on all sides including cost and conveyance to site of
medium teak wood door frame, flush shutter, including suply and fixing 6 Nos. MS Z hold fasts of size 300mm x
40mm x 5mm including ISI marked Aluminium fixtures 3 Nos. butt hinges (IS:205) of 150mm long, 1 No. aldrop
(IS:2681) 250 mm long,
1 No. tower bolt (IS:204) of 150 mm x 10mm dia, 2 Nos. 125mm long handles (IS:208),1 No. Rubber / Nylon door stop
bushes including PVC door cladding 1.50mm thick to the flush doors shutters pasted with Fevicol complete as per
direction of Engineer –in – charge, manufacturers specification and drawing to full height of the shutter inside
including labour charges for fixing the frame in position, fixing the shutter to the frame etc., including overheads &
contractors profit complete for finished item of work as per APSS 1001 & 1002. (The vertical frame of door shall be
embedded in flooring for deth of not less than 10mm) (800mm x 2100mm)
Quantity analysis Size : 0.80m x 2.10m 1.68 sqm
Outer frame - Vertical 2 x 2.11
= 4.22 x 0.10 x 0.065 0.02743 cum
Outer frame - Horizontal 1 x 0.80
= 0.80 x 0.10 x 0.065 0.00520 cum
0.03263 cum
Cost analysis
Cost of medium TW frame 2 m to 3m length 0.02743 cum 96183.50 1 cum 2638.31
Cost of medium TW frame up to 2 m length 0.00520 cum 85499.00 1 cum 444.59
Cost of 30 mm thick flush shutter 1.435 sqm 1410.00 1 sqm 2023.35
Cost of MS Z hold fasts 6 Nos. 39.00 Each 234.00
Cost of Aluminium tower bolt 150mm long 1 No. 87.00 Each 87.00
Cost of Aluminium butt hinges 150mm long 3 Nos. 144.00 Each 432.00
Cost of Aluminium aldrop 250mm long 1 No. 331.00 Each 331.00
Cost of Aluminium handle 125mm long 1 No. 107.00 Each 107.00
Cost of Rubber / Nylon door stop bushes 1 No. 11.00 Each 11.00
Labour charges for frame work 0.0326 cum 16406.45 1 cum 535.34
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 535.34 0.00
Labour charges for fixing flush door shutter to
the frame , fixing the fixtures to the shutter 1.435 sqm 463.00 1 sqm 664.41
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 664.41 0.00
PVC cladding to flush shutters 1.50mm thick 1.435 sqm 415.00 1 sqm 595.53
Add for nails & screws etc. 4.87
Rate for 1.68 sqm 8108.40
Joinery data 2023-24 - Page : 25
S.No. Description of item Quantity Rate Unit Amount
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 8108.40 1103.96
Rate for 1 sqm 5483.55
Say 5484
3 Supply and fixing powder coated aluminium fully glazed swing door as per the approved drawing with fixed fan
light of 400mm height at top door using aluminium sections of 101.60 mmm x 44.45mm , 3.18 mm thick for frame and
door shutter made of styles , top and middle rail of 47.62mm x 44.45mm , 3.18 mm thick and bottom rail of 114.30mm
x 44.45 mm , 3.18mm thick,powder coating of alluminium sections 25mm microns thick, 5 mm thick plain float glass
fitted with suitable aluminium glazing clips and rubber beading in fan light portion, double shutters fitted with 5mm
thick frosted / ground glass in the top half and MDF Board: interior-Both Side Laminated -12 mm thick in the
bottom half fitted with suitable aluminium glazing clips and rubber beading,shutters mounted on double action
hydraulic floor spring of approved brand manufacture IS : 6315 marked , Hardwyn make M-3000 for doors including
cost of cutting floors as required , embedding in floors
and SS cover plates with brass pivot and sigle piece MS Sheet outer box with slide plate etc.complete (Weight
Capacity up to 130 Kgs) as approved by Engineer-in-Charge including supply and fixing ISI marked powder coated
aluminium fixtures of 3 Nos. of butt hinges (IS:205) of 150mm long(for each shutter), 4 Nos.tower bolts 10mm bolt
(IS:204) 300mm long , 4 Nos.alluminium handles (IS:208) 150mm dia and 2 Nos. aldrops (IS:2681) 300mm long
including labour charges for manufacturing door , fixing the door with required No. of screws etc., including overheads
& contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (The Aluminium section used shall be standard make
confirming to IS 1948 – 1961) and as approved by the Engineer) (2000mm x 2400mm)
Quantity analysis Size : 2.00m x 2.40m 4.80 sqm
Outer frame (101.60 x 44.45, 3.18mm thick) 2 x 2.00 + 2 x 2.40 8.80 RM
Mullions (101.60 x 44.45, 3.18mm thick) 1 x 0.40 0.40 RM
9.20 RM
= 9.70 RM @ 2.404 Kgs / RM 22.117 Kgs.
Shutters, styles and rails(47.62mm x 44.45mm ,
3.18 mm thick) 4 x 2.10 + 2 x 2 x 1.00 12.40 RM
= 12.40 RM @1.501 Kgs/ RM 18.612 Kgs.
Bottom rails (114.30 x 44.45. 3.18mm thick) 2 x 1.00 2.00 RM
= 2.00 RM @ 2.646 Kgs / RM 5.292 Kgs.
2 x 2 x 2(1.00+0.50) +
2 x 2 x 2(1.00+1.20) +
Glazing clips 2 x 2 x 2(1.00+0.90) 44.80 RM
= 44.80 RM @ 0.101 Kgs /RM 4.525 Kgs.
50.546 Kgs.
5mm thick plain glass 2 x 1.00 x 0.50 1.00 sqm.
5mm thick ground glass 2 x 1.00 x 1.20 2.40 sqm.
MDF Board: interior-Both Side Laminated -
12 mm thick 2 x 1.00 x 0.90 1.80 sqm.
Rubber beading 2 x 2(1.00+0.40)+2 x 2(1.00+1.20) 14.40 RM
Cost analysis
A.Material :
Cost of powder coated Al. sections 50.546 Kgs. 337.00 1 Kg. 17034.00
Cost of 5mm thick plain glass 1.00 sqm 634.00 1 sqm 634.00
5mm thick ground
MDF Board: glass Side Laminated -
interior-Both 2.40 sqm 750.00 1 sqm 1800.00
12 mm thick 1.80 sqm 750.00 1 sqm 1350.00
Cost of rubber beading 14.40 RM 2.00 1 RM 28.80
Cost of floor springs 2 Nos. 4123.00 Each 8246.00
Cost of Aluminium butt hinges 150mm long 6 Nos. 144.00 Each 864.00
Cost of Al. tower bolts 300mm 4 Nos. 166.00 Each 664.00
Cost of Al. round handles 150mm dia. 4 Nos. 122.00 Each 488.00
Cost of Al. aldrops 300mm 2 Nos. 350.00 Each 700.00
B.Labour charges 4.80 sqm 789.58 1 sqm 3789.97
Add for Screws, Nails, Nuts, Bolts etc., LS 0.30
Rate per 5.20 sqm 35599.07
Joinery data 2023-24 - Page : 26
S.No. Description of item Quantity Rate Unit Amount
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 35599.07 4846.81
Rate per 1 sqm 8426.23
Say 8426
4 Supply and fixing powder coated aluminium fully glazed swing door as per the approved drawing with using
aluminium sections of 101.60 mmm x 44.45mm , 3.18 mm thick for frame and door shutter made of styles , top and
middle rail of 47.62mm x 44.45mm , 3.18 mm thick and bottom rail of 114.30mm x 44.45 mm , 3.18mm thick,powder
coating of alluminium sections 25mm microns thick, 5 mm thick plain float glass fitted with suitable aluminium glazing
clips and rubber beading in fan light portion, Single shutters fitted with 5mm thick frosted / ground glass in the
top half and MDF Board: interior-Both Side Laminated -12 mm thick in the bottom half fitted with suitable
aluminium glazing clips and rubber beading,shutters mounted on double action hydraulic floor spring of approved
brand manufacture IS : 6315 marked , Hardwyn make M-3000 for doors including cost of cutting floors as required ,
embedding in floors
and SS cover plates with brass pivot and sigle piece MS Sheet outer box with slide plate etc.complete( Weight
Capacity up to 130 Kgs ) as approved by Engineer-in-Charge including supply and fixing ISI marked powder coated
aluminium fixtures of 3 Nos. of butt hinges (IS:205) of 150mm long(for each shutter), 2 Nos.tower bolts 10mm bolt
(IS:204) 300mm long , 1 Nos.alluminium handles (IS:208) 150mm dia and 1 Nos. aldrops (IS:2681) 300mm long
including labour charges for manufacturing door , fixing the door with required No. of screws etc., including overheads
& contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (The Aluminium section used shall be standard make
confirming to IS 1948 – 1961) and as approved by the Engineer) (1000mm x 2100mm)
Quantity analysis Size : 1.00m x 2.10m 2.10 sqm
Outer frame (101.60 x 44.45, 3.18mm thick) 1 x 1.00 + 2 x 2.10 5.20 RM
5.20 RM
= 5.70 RM @ 2.404 Kgs / RM 12.501 Kgs.
Shutters, styles and rails(47.62mm x 44.45mm ,
3.18 mm thick) 2 x 2.10 + 1 x 1 x 0.85 5.05 RM
= 5.05 RM @1.501 Kgs/ RM 7.580 Kgs.
Bottom rails (114.30 x 44.45. 3.18mm thick) 1 x 0.85 0.85 RM
= 0.85 RM @ 2.646 Kgs / RM 2.249 Kgs.
1 x 2 x 2(0.85+0.90) +
1 x 2 x 2(0.85+1.10)
Glazing clips 14.80 RM
=14.80 RM @ 0.101 Kgs /RM 1.495 Kgs.
23.825 Kgs.
5mm thick plain glass 1 x 0.85 x 0.90 0.77 sqm.
MDF Board: interior-Both Side Laminated -
12 mm thick 1 x 0.85 x 1.10 0.94 sqm.
Rubber beading 2 x 2(0.85+1.100) 7.80 RM
Cost analysis
A.Material :
Cost of powder coated Al. sections 23.83 Kgs. 337.00 1 Kgs. 8029.03
MDF of 5mminterior-Both
Board: thick plain glass
Side Laminated - 0.77 sqm 634.00 1 sqm 485.01
12 mm thick 0.94 sqm 750.00 1 sqm 701.25
Cost of rubber beading 7.80 RM 2.00 1 RM 15.60
Cost of floor springs 1 Nos. 4123.00 Each 4123.00
Cost of Aluminium butt hinges 150mm long 3 Nos. 144.00 Each 432.00
Cost of Al. tower bolts 300mm 2 Nos. 166.00 Each 332.00
Cost of Al. round handles 150mm dia. 1 Nos. 122.00 Each 122.00
Cost of Al. aldrops 300mm 1 Nos. 350.00 Each 350.00
B.Labour charges 2.10 sqm 789.58 1 sqm 1658.11
Add for Screws, Nails, Nuts, Bolts etc., LS 1.31
Rate per 3.90 sqm 16249.31
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 16249.31 2212.34
Rate per 1 sqm 8791.26
Joinery data 2023-24 - Page : 27
S.No. Description of item Quantity Rate Unit Amount
Say 8791
5 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour sliding glazed window upto 1.50 m in height dimension
comprising of uPVC multi-chambered frame with in-built roller track and sash extruded profiles duly reinforced with
1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild steel section made from roll forming process of required length (shape & size
according to uPVCprofile), appropriate dimension of uPVC extruded glazing beads and uPVC extruded interlocks,
EPDM gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy (white powder coated) touch locks with hook, zinc alloy body with single nylon
rollers (weight bearing capacity to be 40 kg), G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mmsize for fixing frame to finished wall and
necessary stainless steel screwsetc. Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and fusion welded at all corners,
including drilling of holes for fixing hardware and drainage ofwater etc. After fixing frame the gap between frame and
adjacent finishedwall shall be filled with weather proof silicon sealent over backer rod of required size and of approved
quality, all complete as per approved drawing & direction of Engineer-in-Charge inclusive of cost of Single / double
glass panes, wire mesh and silicon sealent . Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles minus 5% tolerance in
dimension i.e. in depth & width of profile shall be acceptable.Variation in profile dimension in higher side shall be
accepted but no extra payment on this account shall be made.
Two track two panels sliding window made of frame 67 x 50 mm & sash 46 x 62 mm both having wall thickness of
2.3 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing bead / double glazing bead of appropriate dimension (Area of window up to 1.75
Rate as per SoR 1.00 sqm 6698.00 1.00 sqm 6698.00
Deduct cost of 5mm thick plain float glass 1.00 sqm 634.00 1 sqm -634.00
Add cost of 4mm thick pin headed glass 1.00 sqm 370.00 1 sqm 370.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 6434.00 875.99
Rate per 1 sqm 7309.99
Say 7310
6 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour fixed glazed windows / Ventilators comprising of uPVC
multi chambered frame and mullion (where ever required) extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60± 0.2 mm thick
galvanized mild steel section made from roll forming process of required length (shape & size according to uPVC
profile), uPVC extruded glazing beads of appropriate dimension, EPDM gasket,G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for
fixing frame to finished wall, plastic packers, plastic caps and necessary stainless steel screws etc. Profileof frame
shall be mitred cut and fusion welded at all corners, mullion (if required) shall be also fusion welded including drilling of
holes for fixing hardware and drainage of water etc.
After fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon sealant
over backer rod of required size and of approved quality, all complete as per approved drawing & direction of
Engineer-in-Charge inclusive of cost of Single / double glass panes and silicon sealant. Note: For uPVC frame, sash
and mullion extruded profiles minus 5%tolerance in dimension i.e. in depth & width of profile shall be
acceptable.Variation in profile dimension in higher side shall be accepted. But, no extra payment on this account shall
be made.
Fixed windows / Ventilators made of (small series) frame 47 x 50mm & mullion 47 x 68 mm both having wall
thickness of 1.9 ±0.2 mm and single glazing bead of appropriate dimension.
Rate as per SoR 1.00 sqm 6456.00 1.00 sqm 6456.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 6456.00 878.98
Rate for 1 sqm 7334.98
Say 7335
7 Supplying and fixing of MS doors, grill to windows / in open court yards using MS angles, flat, square bars
including cost and conveyance of all materials, cutting, bending, welding, all operational charges, labour charges,
overheads and contractor profit etc., complete for finished item of work.
Cost of steel 1.05 Kgs 60000.00 1000 Kgs 63.00
Labour charges for fabrication of steel 1.00 Kgs 33.00 1 Kg 33.00
Labour charges for fixing 1.00 6.00 6.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 19.20 0.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 102.00 13.89
Rate per 1 Kg Say 116
Joinery data 2023-24 - Page : 28
S.No. Description of item Quantity Rate Unit Amount
8 Supplying, fabricating, hoisting,erecting in position structural steel works comprising of trusses, lattice girders,
brackets, column, bracing, rafters and other connected works with necessary joints, channels, angles, I-section,
plates, bolts and nuts, washers as showin in the detailed approved drawings including cutting, welding, hoisting,
erecting in position and fixing by using chain pulley blocks, Derek pole arrangements and cranes etc., complete in
position including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges for fabrication erection at site work for all
heights, overheads and contractor profit etc., complete as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
Joinery data 2023-24 - Page : 29
S.No. Description of item Quantity Rate Unit Amount
9 Supplying and fixing of teak wood flooring using mill run grate / certified better grade teak wood as per drawing over
the teak wood runners of size 65mmx40mm placed at 275mm C/C over the polythene sheet acting as vapour barrior
and fixing teak wood reapers(plancks) of 19mm thick including cost of teak wood reapers (plancks), runners,
polythene sheet, fitting with steel pins and rubbers shokers etc., and supply and applying Poly-Urethane water proof
polish glossy/matt finish to the wooden flooring duly cleaning the surface and applying emery paper, sand the wood
with 180 no, emery paper and then with 320 no., emery paper, clean & wipe off loose dust, applying suitable knifing
paste filler/wood filler by putty knife/ muslin pad, air dry for 2-3 hrs, sand with 180 and 320 no. emery paper, applying
two component wood sealer, after the surface preparation applying one coat of approv ed spraying PU thinner (for
spraying) / applying one coat of approved brushing PU thinner or general purpose thinner (for brushing) and apply one
coat of PU by brush or spray, air dry overnight, sand again with 180 Nos emery paper and removing dust, applying
second coat of PU, air dry overnight, sand again with 180 nos. emery paper and removing dust, applying second coat
of PU, air drying 4 - 6 hrs, sand with 320 no emery paper, and applying (either with spray or brush) two coats of
approved brand PU including cost & labour charges for laying strips, frizes for parquest flooring continuously shaped,
tonged, grooved, rebratred, chamfered, rejointed, beeded moulded, rounded along of any its edges, ends or facer,
etc., emery papers, cost of thinner & PU of approved brands such as Jenson & Nichosln, Asian paints, Berger paints
or equivalent etc., including cost, conveyance etc., complete for finished item of work.
Joinery data 2023-24 - Page : 30
S.No. Description of item Quantity Rate Unit Amount
10 Supplying and fixing of teak wood flooring using mill run grate / certified better grade teak wood as per drawing over
the teak wood runners of size 65mmx40mm placed at 275mm C/C over the polythene sheet acting as vapour barrior
and fixing teak wood reapers(plancks) of 19mm thick including cost of teak wood reapers (plancks), runners,
polythene sheet, fitting with steel pins and rubbers shokers etc., and supply and applying Poly-Urethane water proof
polish glossy/matt finish to the wooden flooring duly cleaning the surface and applying emery paper, sand the wood
with 180 no, emery paper and then with 320 no., emery paper, clean & wipe off loose dust, applying suitable knifing
paste filler/wood filler by putty knife/ muslin pad, air dry for 2-3 hrs, sand with 180 and 320 no. emery paper, applying
two component wood sealer, after the surface preparation applying one coat of approv ed spraying PU thinner (for
spraying) / applying one coat of approved brushing PU thinner or general purpose thinner (for brushing) and apply one
coat of PU by brush or spray, air dry overnight, sand again with 180 Nos emery paper and removing dust, applying
second coat of PU, air dry overnight, sand again with 180 nos. emery paper and removing dust, applying second coat
of PU, air drying 4 - 6 hrs, sand with 320 no emery paper, and applying (either with spray or brush) two coats of
approved brand PU including cost & labour charges for laying strips, frizes for parquest flooring continuously shaped,
tonged, grooved, rebratred, chamfered, rejointed, beeded moulded, rounded along of any its edges, ends or facer,
etc., emery papers, cost of thinner & PU of approved brands such as Jenson & Nichosln, Asian paints, Berger paints
or equivalent etc., including cost, conveyance etc., complete for finished item of work.
Rate of teak wood flooring as above 1.00 Sqm 6370.00 1 Sqm 6370.00
Cost of Poly urethane water proof polish 1.00 Sqm 1140.00 1 Sqm 1140.00
Rate per 1Sqm 7510.00
WS & SA DATA 2023-24 - Page : 31
2 Constructing 904.0 mm (3’0”) dia brick masonry inspection chamber as per IS - 4111: Part-1:1986 with
cement mortar (1:6) prop using 2nd Class Clay Bricks of 225 mm thick from approved source having a
minimum crushing strength of 5 N/sq.mm including plastering with cement mortar 1:3 prop; ½” thick both
inside and outside fitted with 20” dia RCC manhole covers and frames including excavating pits up to a
depth of 1524 mm (5'-0") in all sorts of soils (exculding rock) and laying cement conrete (1:4:8) 150 mm
thick using 40 mm HBG Metal and P.C.C. 1:2:4 benching and channel 100 mm thick as per Standard
specification and including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, bricks, water etc., to site
and all incidental and operational, labour charges like mixing cement mortar, constructing masonry, lift
charges, curing , overheads & contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of work as per Standard
3 Constructing 457.2 mm x 457.2 mm (1'6"x1'6") brick in CM 1:6 prop. Masonry. Inspection chamber
upto 914.4 mm (3'0") and fitted with light weight 457.2 mm x 457.2 mm (1'6"x1'6") C.I frame and cover of 20
Kg including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, bricks, water etc., to site and all
incidental and operational, labour charges like mixing cement mortar, constructing masonry, lift charges,
curing , overheads & contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of work as per Standard specification.
4 Supplying and fixing of SWG Gully traps 150mm x 100mm of ISI make confirming to IS 651 & 4127 with
C.I grating & constructing cement brick masonry in CM (1:6) prop., intermediate chamber and fitted with
304.8 mm X 288.6 mm (12"x9") C.I Frame with hinged cover of standard make as approved including cost
and conveyance of all materials to site, labour charges, overheads & contractors profit etc., complete for
finished item of work.
6 Supplying and fixing European Water Closet of 1st quality conforming to IS:2556-Part-2-1973 of white
glazed with 'S' trap,supplying and fixing best Indian make plastic seat and lid for European water closets
with rubber or plastic Buffers as per IS 2548-1996 and 10 litres capacity single flush PVC low level cistern
with internal components and fixed using required size of nails and screws, angle stop cock 12.70mm dia.
first quality Indian make heavy duty, 12mm PVC connections with brass union nuts CP coated including cost
and conveyance of all materials to site, overheads & contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of
work for all floors.
7 Supplying and fixing Indian make Flat Back Wash Hand Basin 1st quality conforming to IS:2556-Part-
4:1972 of size 550mm x 400mm with 32 mm nominal size C.P. Fitting with parallel pipe thread conforming
to IS:2963-1979 and fitted with 15 mm nominal bore Chromium Plated Pillar Tap of 1st quality Indian make
heavy duty complete with standard CI brackets including wooden blocks ,1 No.12.70mm PVC connection
with brass union nuts CP coated , angle stop cock 12.70mm dia. first quality Indian make heavy duty,
31.75mm dia. PVC flexible waste pipe 914.4mm length of 1st quality including cost and conveyance of all
materials to site, labour charges , overheads & contractors profit for finished item of work
8 Supplying and fixing NP soap dish heavy type of approved make ISI quality with NP screws etc.,
complete including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges for fixing , overheads & contractors
profit for finished item of work in all floors
9 Supplying and fixing TV shape mirror with plastic frame of size 609.6mm x 457.2mm , plywood back
with NP screws 1st quality including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges , overheads &
contractors profit for finished item of work in all floors.
10 Supplying and fixing of 25.4mm dia , 609.6mm long aluminium anodized towel rods with brackets and
aluminium screws including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges , overheads & contractors
profit for finished item of work.
Rate as per SoR 1 No. 162.00 Each 162.00
Add for MAA @ 20% 0.00 50.00 0.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 162.00 22.06
Rate per Each say 184
11 Supplying and fixing NP bib taps of size 12.70mm dia of Indian make heavy duty (long body) as
approved by the Engineer-In-Charge including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges ,
overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work in all floors.
12 Supplying and fixing of SWR PVC pipes (Prince/Sudhakar/Kisan/Supreme or any ISI brand) 4 Kg/Sq.cm.
and fixing all special such as plain bends, off sets, door bends, single junctions, double junctions as per site
requirement, fixing with PVC clamps if necessary with required number of Bombay nails including cost and
conveyance of all materials to site, labour charges, overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item
of work at all floor levels. (APSS No. 1302 1319 & 1326)
a) 75mm dia
Data for 6 RM
Cost of 75mm dia pipe 6.00 RM 236.00 3 RM 472.00
Cost of PVC clamps 3 Nos. 15.00 Each 45.00
Labour charges 6.00 RM 79.00 1 RM 474.00
Rate per 1 RM 165.17
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 165.17 22.49
say 188
c) 110mm dia
Data for 6 RM
Cost of 110mm dia pipe 6.00 RM 447.00 3 RM 894.00
Cost of PVC clamps 3 Nos. 17.00 Each 51.00
Labour charges 6 RM 79.00 1 RM 474.00
Rate per 1 RM 236.50
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 236.50 32.20
say 269
d) 160mm dia
Data for 6 RM
Cost of 160mm dia pipe 6.00 RM 1066.00 3 RM 2132.00
Cost of PVC clamps 3 Nos. 33.00 Each 99.00
Labour charges 6 RM 79.00 1 RM 474.00
Rate per 1 RM 450.83
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 450.83 61.38
say 512
13 Supply and fixing of Ashirvad/ Ajay/ Astral Flowguard or equivalent CPVC Pipes and Fittings SDR 11
to meet the requirement of ASTM-D 2846 and are produced in CTS (Copper Tube Sizes 1/2" to 2") for hot
and cold water (IS 15778:2007) including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, labour charges for
fixing, overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work at all floor levels.
a) 15.90mm OD pipe
Rate as per SoR 1 No. 68.00 Each 68.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 68.00 9.26
Rate per 1 RM 77.26
say 77
b) 22.20mm OD pipe
Rate as per SoR 1 No. 103.00 Each 103.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 103.00 14.02
Rate per 1 RM 117.02
say 117
WS & SA DATA 2023-24 - Page : 35
d) 34.90mm OD pipe
Rate as per SoR 1 No. 254.00 Each 254.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 254.00 34.58
Rate per 1 RM 288.58
say 289
e) 41.30mm OD pipe
Rate as per SoR 1 No. 348.00 Each 348.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 348.00 47.38
Rate per 1 RM 395.38
say 395
f) 54.00mm OD pipe
Rate as per SoR 1 No. 535.00 Each 535.00
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 535.00 72.84
Rate per 1 RM 607.84
say 608
14 Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels)polyetheylene water storage tank with double
layer approved brand and manufacture with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary
holes for inlet and outlets and over flow pipes but without fittings and base support for tanks including cost
and conveyance of all materials and labour charges , overheads & contractors profit complete for finished
item of work.
15 Supplying and fixing white glazed flat back Bowl urinals of size 440 mm x 265 mm x 315 mm with
integral flushing rim fixed with screws complete Indian make (HSW/Parry/Neycer) conforming to IS:2556-
1995 as approved by Engineer-in-charge, including supply and fixing 12.7mm PVC connection with brass
plumber union nuts CP coated, 12.70mm push cock 1st quality of approved make , 31.75 mm dia PVC
flexible waste pipe of 914.4 mm length of Ist quality including cost and conveyance of all materials to site,
labour charges , overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work for all floors.
17 Construction of brick masonry support for GI pipe of size 304.80mm x 228.60mm x 228.60 mm in CM
(1:8) prop including plastering and finishing with 12mm thick in CM (1:5) including cost and conveyance of
all materials and all labour charges, overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work for all