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Many people believe that the Masadaverse doesn't have any R>F
transcendence. I'm here to prove why is it wrong.
So, I don't really see how these dimensions wouldn't have any R>F
transcendences and qualitative superiority.

I can even go further using the Paradise Lost explanation of the

Quintessence and his relation with the Sefiros.

Another thing we can say about Shinza Bansho's gaps is that the gaps
between different Laws and Taikyoku values are actually what could be
defined as “1-A gap” using the CSAP Tiering System, which already
qualifies the verse for Tier 1-A or higher

Before saying stuff like “Taikyoku transcendences equals to dimensional

gaps”, here:
This already debunks them being dimensional gaps since Soujirou’s slash
basically cuts through higher dimensions and still couldn't affect Akuro
because of Taikyoku

人界の穴とはよく言ったもの。彼は現世の何者とも交わらぬまま、 ただ一人の宙を見ている特異点に他ならない。
It is often said that he is a hole in the human world. He is nothing more
than a singularity looking into space, alone, disconnected by anything in
the world.

Yakou, with his Taikyoku, was disconnected from anything in the world,
which is the same thing that Akuro was as said in the scan above.
Basically, as you can see from the scans in the doc above, Taikyoku
(would like to point out that it was a colourless type one too) transcends
the concept of space and all the concepts of the Creation making the user
a living Singularity that resides in an higher plane of existence and sees
everything below as a mandala (there are various representation of this,
not necessarily a mandala, but always as something like a drawing). As we
can see with Ryuusui looking at the Godou World of Yakou, she says that
she feels trapped in a narrow sense of space (which is contradictory since
that Place transcends the concept of space), but then we see that the
world of Yakou is beyond comprehension and that what Ryuusui feels is
her trying to define something intangible from her plane of existence,
therefore making the difference between Taikyoku the same as the one
between a dimensioned object and a beyond-dimensional one, supported
by the fact that Yakou calls everything below him as “ants” (for example in
the scan below) but also says that everything above him views him as an
ant, making higher Taikyoku seeing lower Taikyoku in the same way as 1
Taikyoku sees something with 0 Taikyoku, therefore qualifying Taikyoku
differences as 1-A gaps using CSAP
Now, let’s put consistency into this

Reinhard states that destroying the Laws of the universe allows the
destroyer to transcend them
What does this mean? Simple, if you kill a dude, you transcend him + his

Now, Laws are literal concepts. Here the evidence for it

When Yakou says that everything has a Law, he means literally
everything, including animals, objects and abstract things too
The fact that she’s referring to Taikyoku is also consistent trough the fact
that she says that the strongest “colors” at that time were the Gold
(Reinhard) and Silver (Karl)
Which is consistent trough this
And also because Reinhard and Mercurius have the highest
value in Ikabey;

The Yakou scans already prove Laws being abstract concepts

Not convinced yet? I got what you need

Literally stated

So, Laws are abstract concepts. Now, as said before, you can transcend
those concepts while yourself embodies a concept since, as again stated
in the scans before, everything has a Law and Craving, and the concept of
space is also mentioned to exist within the verse, meaning there's a
conceptual ladder that also transcend the concept of space as a basilar
concept. Why is it a basilar concept? Well, when Yakou was talking about
his world and how he sees what's below him, he referred to the Creation
which is the normal multiverse of the Shinza Bansho franchise and also the
lowest layers of the cosmology. With the concept of space being in the
Creation, this means that anyone who significantly transcends Creation
with the gap described earlier (the Taikyoku gap) makes the character
automatically 1-A or higher according to the CSAP Tiering System.

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