0 Digital Machines
0 Digital Machines
0 Digital Machines
ISSN : 2962-8328
E-ISSN : 2962-6323
Pp : 43-59
Volume 1 No 2 2022
The rapid development of information technology and the internet has
contributed to major changes in the banking service industry. Service quality is an
important factor that supports customer satisfaction. This study aims to determine
the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction. This research uses quantitative
methods. The research population is the customers of the BCA Bank Panakkukang
Main Branch Office, Makassar, totaling 200 customers with the sampling technique,
saturated sampling so that the research sample is 200 customers. Data were
collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using simple regression with the help
of SPSS software, the variables in the study were service quality (X) and customer
satisfaction (Y). The results of the study show that the service uses a digital machine
at PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk. Panakkukang Makassar has an effect on customer
satisfaction. This provides a good response to customer satisfaction in services using
digital banking machines. With the dimensions of service quality consisting of
Reliability, Tangibles, Responsiveness, and Assurance it is found that service quality
using digital machines has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.
Keywords: service quality, customer satisfaction.
The rapid development of information technology and the internet has brought
major changes to the banking service industry. Since it was first used by a banking
company from Japan (Sumitomo Bank) in 1997, digital bank services have continued
to progress until now (Deha, 2022). In this digitalization era, banking services in
Indonesia also offer many advantages and conveniences for customers (customers)
through the presence of various types of sophisticated digital machine features.
Various digitalization efforts were carried out by the four largest national
banks in order to support the quality of their services which are interesting for
further study. PT Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk (BNI), for example, is
Service Quality
Kotler and Keller (2013) define service quality as "Quality is the totality of
features and a characteristics of a product or service that bears on I'ts ability to
satisfy stated or implied needs. "Service quality is the totality of the characteristics
and characteristics of a particular product or service, including its ability to provide
a sense of satisfaction or need indirectly. Lewis and Booms in Tjiptono and Chandra
(2011) define service quality as a measure of how well a product or service provided
Customer Satisfaction
According to Kotler and Keller (2013) customer satisfaction is a feeling that
reflects one's assessment of perceived product performance in relation to
expectations. Assuming that if the performance drops below expectations,
customers tend to be disappointed. If performance matches expectations, the
customer will be satisfied. Whereas if it exceeds both, the customer feels happy.
Customer satisfaction is a prelude to repurchasing by consumers and triggering
consumer retention which ultimately benefits the company. Consumer satisfaction
can provide many advantages for companies where one of the most important is
enabling the achievement of customer loyalty (Lovelock et al 2005:395).
Zeithaml and Bitner (1996) divided five factors that can affect the level of customer
satisfaction (customer satisfaction). These include product and service features,
consumer emotions, attributions for service success or failure, perceptions of equity
and fairness, and factors other consumers.
Frame Work
Research Approach
This study used a quantitative research approach because it obtained data in
the form of numbers, the data was obtained from primary data (qualitative) then
quantified and analyzed to test the proposed hypothesis.
Population or Sample
The population of customers who use BCA digital machine services who have
used the three e-Service services, Digital Customer Service, and STAR Teller for the
last 2 years who live (domicile) in Makassar City is 200 people. The sampling
technique used is side saturation. Saturated sampling is a sampling technique when
all members of the population are used as samples. The reason for choosing the
saturated sampling technique is because the sample studied is the entire population
and to generalize research with small errors. This sampling helps researchers in
statistical calculations by determining the relationship between the two variables.
The data analysis model in this study uses simple linear regression with the help of
SPSS for Windows software.
Keterangan :
Based on the results of the validity test, the 9 statement items used to
measure service quality variables have a significance value of <0.05 or an rxy value
> 0.1388 so that all questions in the questionnaire on question items on service
quality variables are valid.
Table 3
Customer Satisfaction Variable Validity Test Results
Number Variable Prob Sig Result
1 Y.1 0,536 0,000 Valid
2 Y.2 0,652 0,000 Valid
3 Y.3 0,296 0,000 Valid
4 Y.4 0,632 0,000 Valid
5 Y.5 0,607 0,000 Valid
6 Y.6 0,619 0,000 Valid
Based on the results of the validity test, the 8 statement items used to
measure customer satisfaction variables have a significance value of <0.05 or rxy
value > 0.1388 so that all questions in the questionnaire on question items on
customer satisfaction variables are valid.
From Table 4 above it can be seen that the coefficient of Cronbach's Alpha >
0.60 so that all questions in the questionnaire on the variables of service quality and
customer satisfaction are reliable.
Variable Description
Table 5
Description Answer Variable Service Quality
STS (1) TS (2) N (3) S (4) SS (5) Mean
F % F % F % F % F %
Tangible 0 0,0% 5 2,5% 25 12,5% 95 47,5% 75 37,5% 4,14
Responsiveness 0 0,0% 0 0,0% 65 32,5% 75 37,5% 60 30% 4,13
Assurance 0 0,0% 9 4,5% 51 25,5% 66 33% 74 37% 4,04
Reliability 1 0,5% 7 3,5% 44 22% 67 33,5% 81 40,5% 4,04
Source: SPSS Data Processing Results, 2022
Based on table 5, it can be seen that the respondent’s answers regarding service
quality (X) are as follows:
Table 6
Description of Respondents' Answers Variable Customer Satisfaction
STS (1) TS (2) N (3) S (4) SS (5) Mean
F % F % F % F % F %
Expectations 1 0,5% 5 2,5% 15 7,5% 69 34,5 110 55% 4,0
Interest in
Reusing 1 0,5% 8 4% 77 38,5% 50 25% 72 36% 4,04
Recommend 1 0,5% 6 3% 60 30% 83 41,5% 50 25% 3,96
Source: SPSS Data Processing Results, 2022
Table 7
Simple Linear Regression
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 16.862 1.708
Service Quality .409 .046 .534
Source: SPSS Data Processing Results, 2022
Y= 16,862 + 0,409
Based on the results of data analysis and the regression equation, it can be
concluded about the following:
1. A constant value of 16.862 indicates the pure value of the customer
satisfaction variable (Y) without being influenced by independent
2. The regression value of the service quality variable is 0.409 indicating that
there is a contribution to the service quality variable, meaning that if the
service quality variable is increased by 1 (one) unit, it will be followed by
a strengthening of the customer satisfaction variable of 0.409
T- test (Partial)
Table 8
T test results
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 16.862 1.708 9.874 .000
Service Quality .409 .046 .534 8.898 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction
Source: SPSS Data Processing Results, 2022
Partial test (t test) is used to see the effect of the independent variables on the
dependent variable. From table 8 it can be seen that the t statistic value is 8.898 >
1.65 so it is concluded that the service quality variable influences customer
satisfaction. This can also be seen from the significance value of 0.000 <0.05 which
indicates that the service quality variable has a positive and significant effect on
customer satisfaction.
Based on the results of the research that has been carried out through the t test
statistical variable service quality found a value of 8.898 > 1.65 and also a
significance value of fault 0.000 <0.05, this shows that the service quality variable
has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. From the statement
of results, it can be seen that the variable of service quality has an influence on PT.
Bank Central Asia, Tbk Panakkukang Makassar branch. So from this statement the
research hypothesis can be accepted.
This means that the service quality variable using digital machines has a
positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction at PT. Bank Central
Asia, Tbk Panakkukang Makassar branch. This means that with the good quality
of bank employee service to customers, customers are also satisfied to use PT.
Bank Central Asia, Tbk Panakkukang Makassar branch.
Service quality basically influences the company's development in responding
to future business challenges. Thus the company must pay attention to everything
related to the quality of the service. This is also inseparable from the employees
in the company in providing good service to customers. Thus in the end it will be
able to improve the quality of the company and the targets and future plans of the
company can run well.
Services through digital machines that exist in PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk.
Panakkukang Makassar has received a good response from its customers.
Customers have fulfilled their satisfaction with the digital services available at the
Bank. The better the bank provides services through digital machines to
customers, of course, it will increase customer satisfaction when using PT. Bank
Central Asia Tbk. Panakkukang Makassar.
The results of this study are supported by research conducted by (Aditya
Rachman 2020) with the title Analysis of Service Quality in the Context of
Increasing Customer Satisfaction at the People's Bank (BRI) Belitung Banjarmasin
Unit. The results showed that there was a significant effect of service quality on
customer satisfaction at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Belitung Unit. The effect of
service quality on customer satisfaction at Bank Rayat Indonesia (BRI) Belitung
unit proves that the appearance of physical facilities such as the location and
layout of the room, the availability of parking lots, cleanliness, tidiness, room
comfort, completeness of communication equipment, and the appearance of Bank
Rakyat Indonesia employees (BRI) Belitung Unit provides convenience for
customers. Steps that must be considered one of them. Appearance of physical
facilities such as locations that are easy to see or easy to find, employees have
modern communication tools, so customers can easily contact them.
The results of this study are also supported by research that has been carried
out by Nawangasari & Putri (2020) which states that e-service has an influence
on customer or customer satisfaction. From services through e-services that
provide convenience for customers or customers, of course, it will have a good
impact on the satisfaction of these customers and will give a good image to the
bank. The results of this study are in line with the results of research that has been
carried out by Narita & Fauzi (2022) which states that virtual customer service
has an influence on customer or customer satisfaction. The use of virtual customer
Based on the analysis results or research results that have been obtained
from testing and have been interpreted, it can be concluded that digital machine
services include e service machines, STAR Teller and Digital Customer Service have
a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction at PT. Bank Central Asia,
Tbk Panakkukang Makassar branch. This provides a good response to customer
satisfaction in banking digital machine services. From the values of the four
dimensions of the research variables consisting of Reliability, Tangibles,
Responsiveness, and Assurance, it was found that the reliability and assurance
scores were the lowest with a mean of 4.04. Even though the statement is still
approved, there are still some respondents who disagree on the service in the
dimensions of reliability and assurance. From these two dimensions, it still needs to
be improved in terms of the ability to provide reliable and accurate services such as
ensuring guarantees and certainty that the settlement of banking transaction needs
can be entrusted to be completed on digital machines with more efficient times and
prices even though customers make transactions online. independently on a
machine without an attendant which is not very common, especially for customers
who are not familiar with using digital machine technology. This is seen as important
in order to increase banking credibility in solving problems experienced by
customers in utilizing the digital machine service facilities that have been provided.
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