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Bioactive Materials
journal homepage: www.sciencedirect.com/journal/bioactive-materials
Keywords: Hydrogels are three-dimensional platforms that serve as substitutes for native extracellular matrix. These ma
Adaptable hydrogel terials are starting to play important roles in regenerative medicine because of their similarities to native matrix
Dynamic mechanical microenvironment in water content and flexibility. It would be very advantagoues for researchers to be able to regulate cell behavior
Supramolecular chemistry
and fate with specific hydrogels that have tunable mechanical properties as biophysical cues. Recent de
Dynamic covalent chemistry
Yes-associated protein
velopments in dynamic chemistry have yielded designs of adaptable hydrogels that mimic dynamic nature of
extracellular matrix. The current review provides a comprehensive overview for adaptable hydrogel in regen
erative medicine as follows. First, we outline strategies to design adaptable hydrogel network with reversible
linkages according to previous findings in supramolecular chemistry and dynamic covalent chemistry. Next, we
describe the mechanism of dynamic mechanical microenvironment influence cell behaviors and fate, including
how stress relaxation influences on cell behavior and how mechanosignals regulate matrix remodeling. Finally,
we highlight techniques such as bioprinting which utilize adaptable hydrogel in regenerative medicine. We
conclude by discussing the limitations and challenges for adaptable hydrogel, and we present perspectives for
future studies.
1. Introduction (ECM) that goes beyond immutable physical support. We need ECM that
provides chemical and physical dynamsism, in order to control cell
The limited innate capacity for self-regeneration of human beings behavior, cell fate, and cell growth [12].
caused wide attention to tissue regeneration, and propelled the advances Hydrogel is an efficient three-dimensional material for tissue engi
of regenerative medicine which could replace or repair diseased tissue or neering because of its high water content and flexibility, which allows it
organs. Despite the inherent challenges, in recent decates, successes in to mimic native ECM. Benefiting from the aqueous state close to phys
cell and biomateirals for regenerative medicine has led to practical ap iological condition, hydrogel could provide biomimetic microenviron
plications like artificial skin [1], ear-shaped cartilage [2], bone recon ment [13]. The similar stiffness of hydrogel and soft tissue is also
struction [3,4], nerve regeneration [5], etc. Furthermore, some beneficial to tissue regeneration [14]. At the early-stage studies of
commercialized products for stem cell therapy [6–8] and numerous regenerative medicine, covalent hydrogels were dominant; these
candidates in clinical trials [9–11] have been developed. However, included glutaraldehyde (GA) crosslinked poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA)
further advances in tissue regeneration will require extracellular matrix and chitosan [15], photo-crosslinked methacrylated gelatin (GelMA)
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Z. Mao), [email protected] (C. Gao).
Received 24 August 2020; Received in revised form 14 October 2020; Accepted 28 October 2020
Available online 10 November 2020
2452-199X/© 2020 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Z. Tong et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 1375–1387
[16], and transglutaminases crosslinked fibrinogen [17], etc. Such co has provided plenty of non-covalent interactions to obtain reversible
valent crosslinked hydrogels are stable but lack of the necessary dy linkages, including macrocyclic host–guest interactions, hydrogen
namic for cell expansion, ECM remodeling and other cell behaviors. bonds, electrostatic interactions, and hydrophobic interactions. Also,
Thus, researchers turned their attention to degradable polymers which dynamic covalent chemistry provides several options, including
could impart dynamic changes for cell proliferation and tissue regen reversible Diels–Alder reactions, hydrazone bonds, thioester exchanges,
eration [18,19]. Such hydrogels based on degradable polymers can boronate bonds, etc.
adapt to cell culture in terms of ECM chemistry, mechanical properties,
cell type, crosslinking density, and adhesion ligand density [20]. How 2.1. Non-covalent interactions
ever, the tradeoff between mechanical loss due to degradation and
required physical support decides the limitation of irreversible change of 2.1.1. Macrocyclic host–guest interactions
degradable covalently crosslinked hydrogel. Macrocyclic host-guest complexation is a kind of non-covalent
In recent decades, adaptable hydrogels with reversible linkages have interaction which consists of macrocyclic host such as cyclodextrin
become able to mimic the dynamic changes of native ECM. Native ECM (CD) or cucurbit[n]uril (CB[n]s), and paired guests including specific
is dynamic with stress relaxation and be remodeled and to provide dy small molecules and linear polymers. The combination form of macro
namic mechanics to cells [21,22]. However, conventional hydrogels cyclic host-guest complex could be “pendant” or “threading” architec
with irreversible linkages are static which own finite stress relaxation ture (Fig. 1a and b).
and could hardly be remodeled without degradation. Advances in su The “pendant” means the host or guest molecule was decorated with
pramolecular chemistry and dynamic covalent chemistry provide op functional groups on the polymer chains. The host and guest could be
portunities to develop reversible linkages for hydrogels with paired, according to specific combinations, and typical equilibrium
self-healing, shear thinning, and fast stress relaxation properties to binding constants of specific pairs have been summarized in some re
supply dynamic physical cues [23,24]. Further studies focus on spatial views [28,29]. Because of the relatively weak interaction and rapid
dynamics (plasticity that enables remodeling) and mechanical dynamics formation, hydrogels with “pendant” host-guest interactions are prone
(stress relaxation that provides biophysical signals) of matrices with to shear thinning and can sometimes be injected. Specific pairs present
reversible linkages [25]. For the purposes of our review, we define various stimulus responses (thermal, pH, light, ion and redox) because of
adaptable hydrogel for tissue engineering as polymer networks with the mutative formation and deformation [30].
adaptable linkages that can be broken and re-formed in a reversible Cyclodextrin is one kind of macrocyclic saccharide with a cavity, and
manner without external triggers [26]. it could be divided into three kinds (α, β and γ) according to the number
Previous reviews have outlined the types of reversible linkages of units. Because of the poor solubility, β-cyclodextrin can be more easily
which could be utilized to fabricate adaptable hydrogels. Previous re purified after modification compared to α-, and γ-cyclodextrin.
views have also discussed the applications of adaptable hydrogels in bio- β-cyclodextrin is widely studied because it has good equilibrium asso
printing and tissue engineering [26,27]. However, the literature has ciation constants and widely-available derivatives [31]. Rodell and
lacked a systematic summary of how to utilize those reversible linkages Burdick et al. have reported their systematic research on hyaluronic acid
to build dynamic networks to accomplish specific influences on cell (HA) hydrogel based on host-guest interactions modified with host
behavior. In this review, we summarizes recent advances in (1) revers (β-cyclodextrin) and guest (adamantine or azobenzene) [32,33]. Such
ible linkages which could be utilized to construct adaptable hydrogels; host-guest hydrogels have properties such as shear-thinning, self-healing
(2) the influences of hydrogel stress relaxation and spatial plasticity on and injectability. Furthermore, to make the hydrogels more tunable, a
cell behavior and fate; (3) practical applications of adaptable hydrogels secondary network with covalent crosslink was developed (Fig. 1c) [34,
in the field of tissue regeneration. We discuss the rational design of 35]. Additionally, limited chemical cross-linking was adopted to address
adaptable networks that provide biophysical cues to achieve hydrogels the reduced stability of adaptable hydrogels with reversible linkages.
for regeneration of different tissues/organs. Finally, we conclude the Feng et al. reported preassembled host-guest complexation based on
limitation of adaptable hydrogels and perspective developments. gelation and acrylate β-cyclodextrin to fabricate stable adaptable
hydrogels [36,37]. The tailored degradation and molecule release
2. Reversible linkages for adaptable hydrogels respond to proteases, and they are ensured by dithiol peptide crosslinker
[38]. Such peptide was able to cleave the matrix metalloproteinase and
Adaptable hydrogels are designed to provide mechanical and spatial accomplish cell invasion in the process of tissue regeneration. Practical
dynamic, which plays an important role during cell proliferation, dif applications including gene therapy, stem cell therapy and 3D print were
ferentiation, and immigration as well as tissue regeneration. Thus also attempted [39,40].
adaptable hydrogels must provide a physical scaffold to maintain the Cucurbit[n]uril (CB[n], n = 5–8, 10) has a similar structure to
structural integrity of multicellular organisms, and also serve as a cyclodextrin, but it has been limited by several factors: it is insoluble, it
reservoir for biochemical and biophysical signals to support cell sur lacks a homologous series of different-sized hosts, and it is unable to
vival, organization, and differentiation. Three characteristics of adapt access CB[n] derivatives [41]. So far, only a few hydrogels consisting of
able hydrogels are required for these hydrogels: they must be easy to CB [6] and CB [8] have been reported for stem cell therapy or drug
remodel, instantaneously reversible, and they must feature fast stress delivery, even though CB[n] has high affinity to specific guest mole
relaxation. . The remodeling of the matrix is important for cell expan cules, high selectivity, and strong binding interactions [42,43]. As
sion, and migration, which cannot be achieved by traditional hydrogel shown in Fig. 1a, host-guest interactions based on cucurbit[n]uril could
networks. The instantaneous reversibility could allow for injectability, include functional group as cyclodextrin, but also linkers for more than
and it could maintain hydrogel stability as physical support even with one guest moiety.
multiple deformations. Lastly, fast stress relaxation is a newly discov The “threading” architecture, also called rotaxane, means the linear
ered regulator to cell behavior that could reflect specific mechanosignals polymer, such as poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO), poly (ε-caprolactone)
to cells, and this makes adaptable hydrogels different from conventional (PCL), or poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) serves as a guest molecule that
irreversible hydrogels. passes through the cavity of host molecule. When the linear polymer
In the design of adaptable materials, in addition to the common passes through the cavity of macrocyclic host molecules, the latter could
molecular weight, stoichiometry of reactive functional groups and slide along the guest polymer chain causing flexibility. Such a structure
crosslink density, reversible linkage between molecular chains is exhibit flexible dynamism without breaking, which is essentially
essential. The degree of equilibrium reversibility is the key to balance different from most reversible hydrogels.
stability and mechanical dynamic. In the past, supramolecular chemistry Highlighted in dynamic hydrogels, sliding hydrogels with rotaxane
Z. Tong et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 1375–1387
architecture represent both stability and mobility. Even though sliding formed without chemical modification [47]. As shown in Fig. 2a, TA
hydrogels are ideal strengthen material with complex dynamic, most plays a role as a “molecular glue”, a new mode of reversible action in
reported ones were not biocompatible. Yang et al. [44] made sliding phosphodiester bonds, which is different from the crosslinking that uses
hydrogels for constructing synthetic stem cell niches (Fig. 1d). Molec complementary sequences. Shin et al. [48] reported gallol-derived
ular mobilities of sliding hydrogel render the hydrogel network more hydrogel; such reversible hydrogen bonds would transform to covalent
adaptable, giving stem cells the freedom to respond to soluble factors bonds after oxidation, in a process that may last several hours. As a
and to adjust their behavior accordingly. result, such hydrogels could only be adaptable in a short time for cell
encapsulation and 3D bio-printing. The self-healing of supramolecular
2.1.2. Hydrogen bonds hydrogels also provides opportunities to print multiple materials and
Hydrogen bonds are ubiquitous secondary interactions which could complex structures at high resolutions [49].
be destroyed easily due to weak bond energy. Multiple hydrogen bonds Nucleotides, famous for Watson Crick base pairing, are the basic
could form dynamic reversible hydrogels. The large overall association components of genetic substrates. DNA hydrogels could be crosslinked
constant ensures such hydrogels remain reliable and adaptable for tissue under physiological conditions via efficient ligase-mediated reactions
engineering. In the proceeding of regenerative materials, substrates with [50]. As shown in Fig. 2b, the functional group (single-stranded DNA or
multiple hydrogen bonds, including polyphenols, nucleotides, and specific base pairing) modified on the polymer chains could be available
β-sheets of peptides, were adopted to fabricate adaptable hydrogels. to design adaptable hydrogels [51,52].
Polyphenols, also called vegetable tannins, have more than one hy Ureido pyrimidinone (UPy) could form self-complementary dimers
droxyl group on a benzene ring. They can form hydrogen bonds with via quadruple hydrogen bonds. However, the strong affinity of UPy di
themselves, protein, or DNA [45]. Plenty of works have reported mers for this kind of bonding can only be retained in hydrophobic mi
bio-adhesive polyphenols in tissue engineering [46]. With reversible yet croenvironments, which are not biocompatible; thus, the application of
strong interaction between DNA and tannic acid (TA), hydrogel was UPy based hydrogel in tissue engineering was a challenge [50,53]. Block
Z. Tong et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 1375–1387
copolymerization or graft with hydrophilic polymer (Fig. 2c i) may supramolecular interactions [71]. Additionally, as shown in Fig. 3b,
overcome the limited application of UPy in aqueous condition [54,55]. Mg2+ could stabilize hydrogels by modified with bisphosphonate, which
Another strategy is to crosslink the micelle of amphiphilic copolymer could adapt cell culture and promote a physiological response [72].
with UPy units (Fig. 2c ii) [56]. Polyelectrolyte hydrogels have been formed via electrostatic in
β-Sheets are common motifs of protein secondary structure. They teractions, which have advantages including solubility, quick gelation,
consist of β-strands with more than two backbone hydrogen bonds. protection for bioactive moluecles, and response stimulation [73–75].
Among biomaterials in tissue engineering, several natural proteins and The quick gelation needs to be utilized skillfully such as through layer by
programmable peptides could form hydrogels via β-sheets. Mechanical layer self-assembly; random mixture would cause unexpected precipi
properties and gelation of natural materials (silk and collagen I) are tation. As shown in Fig. 3c, polyelectrolyte complexes consist of alginate
largely dictated by domains of β-sheet peptide assemblies. Also, syn and polylysine were built stepwise with a DNA template [76].
thetic peptides, including MAX1 (β-hairpin peptide), RADA16 and
(FEFEFKFK)2-OH, etc., have been designed and programmed to fabri 2.1.4. Hydrophobic interaction
cate hydrogels for tissue engineering [57–59]. Due to the weak inter Derived by the entropic increase, amphiphilic molecules could
action of β-sheets, composition of such synthetic peptide hydrogels assemble by burying the hydrophobic faces away from aqueous envi
based on β-sheets and supporting matrix are reliable in practical appli ronment. Amphiphilic block polymers and coiled-coil peptides are
cation [60]. Researchers describe general rheological analysis [61] and common candidates for adaptable hydrogels assembled via hydrophobic
tutorials [62] which highlights the impact of the conditions used for interaction.
peptide assembly on the formation and mechanical properties of the Amphiphilic block polymers could consist of synthetic polymers,
corresponding hydrogels. polypeptides, or grafted derivatives of former two compounds. As shown
in Fig. 4a, amphiphilic polypeptide KmLn could be synthesized by a block
2.1.3. Electrostatic interaction of hydrophilic polylysine (K) and hydrophobic polyleucine (L), in which
Electrostatic interaction is a molecular interaction between cationic m and n represent unit number of polylysine and polyleucine [77].
and anionic electric charges. Based on electrostatic interaction, hydro Synthetic polymers like hydrophilic polyethylene glycol (PEG) are often
gels could be formed between polyelectrolytes, or between multivalent blocked with hydrophobic polymers like polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) to
cationic and anionic polymers. Most natural macromolecules (e.g. build amphiphilic block polymers [78]. Besides, amphiphilic polymers
alginate, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulphate, etc.) are anionic, and poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) are popular for fabricating adaptable
they could assemble with cationic polyelectrolyte (e.g. chitin, chitosan, hydrogels for cell culture, release, and separation [79,80].
polylysine or synthetic polymers) or crosslinks with multivalent cations Coiled-coil peptides are structural sequences common in fibrous
(Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, etc.) [63,64]. proteins, which consists of more than two α-helices [81]. Typically, the
Alginate-Ca2+ is widely applied in tissue engineering because it is primary structure of the α-helices consists of (a-b-c-d-e-f-g) n, where “a”
easy to form and control (Fig. 3a) [65,66]. The mechanical properties of
alginate hydrogels have been studied according to the influences of
mechanical signals on cell behavior and fate (see 3.1 for detail). In the
progress of additive manufacturing, 3D bioprinting can combine stem
cells, and other materials to create complex bio-hybrid structures for
various applications [67,68]. The easy and rapid access to digital design
and fabrication propels practical application in tissue engineering such
as bone/cartilage regeneration, and cardiovascular diseases. Adaptable
hydrogels were also developed as bio-inks, because of their dynamic and
shear-thinning features. In recent decades, adaptable hydrogels have
been printed by extrusion technique. Such technique allows high cell
density with low cost, but it is hindered by slow speed and moderate
resolution compared to other techniques (inkjet, laser-assisted, and
stereolithography) [69]. Alginate expansion lattices for neural progen
itor cells were extrusion-printed via stepwise crosslinking. The
first-stage crosslink gave pre-printed hydrogels proper stiffness that
could support cells and allow for injection, and second-stage crosslink
formed a robust and stable lattice [70]. Another more common strategy Fig. 4. Schematic of a shear-thinning hydrogel formed by coiled-coil self-as
for bio-printing is photo-crosslink extruded bio-ink with UV light. Stable sembly and reinforced through temperature-responsive aggregation of poly (N-
isopropylacrylamide) [84]. Copyright (2013) Wiley.
and precise structure was achieved by covalent cross-linking or
Z. Tong et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 1375–1387
and “d” are usually occupied by hydrophobic amino acids, such as group and hydrazine could be formed rapidly under physiological con
leucine and valine, “e” and “g” are occupied by charged residues [82]. ditions. Under neutral pH-, the formation and hydrolysis rate of aliphatic
Similar to functional groups, adaptable hydrogels could be formed by aldehyde-derived hydrazones are much faster than that of aromatic
self-assembly of polymers grafted with coiled-coil peptides, or by aldehyde-derived hydrazones. Hdrogels crosslinked completely with
crosslink of micelles that consist of peptide-grafted polymers with aliphatic aldehyde-derived hydrazones have rapid mechanical relaxa
reactive groups [83]. As shown in Fig. 4b. elastin-like peptide/protein is tion, which is more conducive to cell spreading and migration [91].
another kind of peptide that could form adaptable hydrogels by Hydrogels based on hydrazone bonds feature rapid geletion and
self-assemble via hydrophobic interaction [84]. pH-responsive degradation. They have been widely studied in different
applications including cell delivery and drug release [92–96].
2.2. Dynamic covalent linkages
2.2.3. Schiff base bonds
Dynamic covalent bonds are a class of reversible chemical bonds that The Schiff base is produced from the reaction between aldehyde
can be broken and reformed under equilibrium conditions. From the groups or ketone and amines. Due to the harsh reaction conditions of
safety consideration, toxic catalysts or relatively extreme conditions ketone and amine, only aldehyde groups could be applied for biological
such as temperature and pH reversible reactions are not available for material. The self-healing property of Schiff base is based on rapid
adaptive tissue regenerative materials. Table 1 shows the dynamic co dissociation and recombination without external stimuli. Aliphatic
valent bonds that have been studied, including Diels-Alder reactions, Schiff bases are typically more suitable for cell growth because of the
hydrazine bonds, Schiff bases, hydrazine bonds, thioesters, borate es easier reversible breakage [97,98]. Because of the wide range of sub
ters, and disulfide bonds. stances which have aldehyde groups or ketone and amines, hydrogels
based on Schiff base are common. Furthermore, with ε-polylysine and
2.2.1. Reversible Diels–Alder reaction aldehyde groups modified Pluronic F127, Wang et al. reported a method
The Diels-Alder (DA) reaction is a click chemistry with high selec to fabricate adapatble hydrogels based on micelles and ε-polylysine
tivity and good yield, without any by-products. DA reactions can occur assembled nanoparticles [99]. Similarly, Zhou et al. reported
in a liquid physiological environment, and the equilibrium of the reac polypeptide-based hybrid nanosystems with mutifunctions based on
tion can be controlled by temperature. In past studies, reversible DA Schiff base reaction between -polylysine and aldehyde groups modified
reactions required high temperatures (above 100 ◦ C) which are un Pluronic F127 [100].
suitable for the physiological environment [85]. However, recent
studies have found that furan and maleimide can undergo reversible DA 2.2.4. Thioester
reaction at 37 ◦ C, which can be used for tissue engineering [86]. With Thioesters (e.g. coenzyme A) are widely used in biosynthesis, and
disulfide bonds that contain norborene and methylphenyltetrazine, their exchange rate in aqueous solution depends on the nucleophilicity
Delplace et al. designed inverse electron-demand DA reactions which and protonation state of sulfide. The formation of alkyl thioesters ex
could happen under physiological conditions (pH and temperature) ceeds the competitive hydrolysis reaction at physiological pH. Changes
[87]. However the gelation based on inverse electron-demand DA re in pH and reactant metering can modulate thioester exchange to yield
actions is still slow (over 30 min) with pH 5.5 which is not sutiable for thioester-based adaptable hydrogel [101,102].
most cells. Two alternative strategies could be adpoted: (1) replacing the
furan diene with an even more electron-rich cyclic diene, such as a 2.2.5. Boronate bonds
fulvene, would further enhance the reaction rate of the DA reaction [88, The reaction between boric acid and diol compounds could produce
89], or (2) adopting additional weak linkages like thermosensitive dynamic boronate bonds, which are common in biofilms of bacteria that
furyl-modified hydroxypropyl chitin (FGE-HPCH) to stablize the combine carbohydrates with lectin. Phenylboronic acid (PBA), also
hydrogels before DA reaction is accomplished [90]. called “synthetic lectin”, was applied to mimic chemical structure of
lectins in bacteria and obtain self-healing materials [103]. However, its
2.2.2. Hydrazone bonds primary/secondary amines are toxic, and PBA needs to be modified to a
The hydrazone bonds produced from the reaction between aldehyde polymer backbone at a pH lower than the physiological environment. By
Table 1
Dynamic covalent bonds applied for adaptable hydrogel.
Kind Chemical Reaction Ref
Reversible Diels–Alder Reaction [85–90]
Hydrazone Bonds [91–96, 111, 122, 172, 173]
boronate bonds [104]
Disulfide Bonds [107]
Z. Tong et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 1375–1387
synthesizing monomers with PBA, adaptable hydrogels could be formed interface structure [118,119]. However, how to maintain stemness in 3D
under physiological conditions [104]. Additionally, numerous attempts culture is still difficult.
have been made to improve the arylboronic acid/diol binding affinity by Besides of stiffness and degradability, stress relaxation of adaptable
lowering the pKa of the boronic acid. Wu et al. reported nopoldiol, a hydrogels with reversible linkages has inspired researchers to study the
rigid unnatural cisdiol that provides fast, stable, and bioorthogonal influence of dynamic mechanical environments on stem cells [111,120].
binding with arylboronic acids to build novel type of network with Different from the constant elastic modulus of hydrogels with irrevers
acid/polyol resistance, fast gelation [105]. The cis-diol moiety on fura ible linkages, the dynamic elastic modulus of adaptable hydrogels with
nose ring of guanosine can also react with borates or boronates via reversible linkages is enabled by fast stress relaxation. Max et al. utilized
boronic acid-diol complexation, and this property is usually used to alginate hydrogels crosslinked with electrostatic interaction to set a
improve the stability of guanosine-based hydrogels [106]. series of hydrogels with different stress relaxation rates to verify their
influences on the maintenance of stemness [121]. As a result, gene
2.2.6. Disulfide bonds expression of human cortical neuron progenitors (hNPC) and MSCs
In living organisms, disulfide bonds formed by the thiol side chains of showed sensitvity to the stress relaxation of alginate hydrogel.
cysteine residues play a key role in protein folding and assembly. Furthermore, fast stress relaxation of adaptable hydrogels is consistant
Although the thiol is not active in its reduced state and the formation of with native ECM, which caused hydrogels with reversible linkages are
the disulfide requires oxidant, the mild reaction condition is biocom more similar to native ECM than those hydrogels with irreversible
patible. Potential limitations of this cross-linking mechanism involve an linkages. The reversible and dynamic network of adaptable hydrogels
off-target reaction with a protein that may interfere with its biological was also proven to be helpful for ECM remodeling like native ECM, and
activity. In addition, it may exhibit poor stability in the presence of a would permit cell spreading and cell-cell contact [122,123].
reductant like glutathione [107].
3.2. Cell secretome regulation
3. Adaptable hydrogel’s effect on cells
In the progress of cell proliferation and tissue regeneration, secretion
Protection is the major aim of hydrogel for cell encapsulation, mostly plays an important role in cell behavior and cell fate [124,125]. Stem
in terms of immunoisolation. Immuno-privilege is an essential difficulty cells could influence tissue regeneration not only by cell proliferation
that cell therapy must face, which requires a protective barrier to ensure but also by cell secretome regulation [126,127]. Secretome from
high cell viability in vivo. Additional multiple functions have also been mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) includes a great variety of cytokines and
proposed for cell encapsulation systems, such as exchange bioactive chemokines, which have been shown to play important roles in tissue
substances [108,109]. Hydrogels are common matrix for 3D cell repair and regeneration. Therapies with the application of secretome
encapsulation because of their hydrophilicity, injectability, etc (Fig. 5c). have a superior safety profile compared to live cell administration [128,
In comparison to conventional hydrogels, most adaptable hydrogels are 129].
injectable and self-healing through reversible linkages, which provide The constant stiffness of materials was hypothesized to facilitate the
better protection of encapsulated cells through dissipating shear/com regulation of stem cell secretome [130]. With engineered recombinant
press force. As shown in Fig. 5a and b, adaptable hydrogel could dissi proteins, which crosslinked with tunable stiffness, the stem cell secre
pate force when sheared or pressed [110,111]. Additionally, the tome was regulated in situ [124]. Such an adaptable design of “shear-
successful and easy access to cell encapsulation was the basement of thinning hydrogels for injectable encapsulation and long-term delivery”
further bio-printing, tissue regeneration and other applications. In terms was named “SHIELD”, and applied to culture human adipose-derived
of bio-printing, the shear-thinning hydrogel with reversile linkages stem cells (hASCs). Two stages of gelation were adopted to form
could prevent cell sediment, which is common in conventional covlant SHIELD: (1) weak gelation of peptide assemble, ands (2) strong gelation
hydrogel such as GelMA, PEGDA, etc. [112]. of a thermoresponsive PNIPAM. The series of hydrogels were named as
In past decades, strategies including adding bioactive factors and “SHIELD-n”, in which n represnets content of PNIPAM. As shown in
designing materials surface and interface, have been developed to Fig. 6a, gene expression and secreted paracrine factors of cells cultured
regulate or guide cell behavior and fate for tissue engineering. However, SHIELD- 1.25 and SHIELD-2.5 hydrogels were proven in higher level. As
in recent years, dynamic physical cues were discovered to have essential a result, enhanced secretome of hASCs cultured in SHIELD hydrogels
effects in maintenance of stemness, cell secretome regulation, and cell could lead to better angiogenic function of hMVECs. As shown in Fig. 6b.
spread, expansion, migration, and differentiation. Significantly more network junctions and loops were observed in hASCs
cultured in SHIELD than those cultured in basal media.
3.1. Maintenance of stemness
3.3. Cell spreading, expansion and migration
Maintenance of stemness and further differentiation potential of
stem cells is critical for clinical application [113,114]. Substrates with As a basic physical quality, stress relaxation is a matrix biophysical
high stiffness were proven to be helpful for directional differentiation of signal related to cell behaviors such as cell spreading, fiber remodeling,
stem cells, which would cause loss of stemness [115–117]. Previous focal adhesion formation, volume expansion, and migration [131,132].
studies focus on matrix stiffness, topological morphology, and other Both physical and dynamic chemical crosslinked adaptable networks
Z. Tong et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 1375–1387
Fig. 6. a) i. Confocal 3D projection images of hASCs within Matrigel sandwiches stained with DAPI (blue) for cell nuclei and rhodamine phalloidin (red) for F-actin
cytoskeleton after 2 days exposure to various media treatments. ii. Relative mRNA expression of hASCs within SHIELD at day 14 post injection. b). Relative growth
factor concentration of collected media conditioned by hASCs within SHIELD at day 14 post injection. *p < 0.05, n = 4 [124]. Copyright (2016) Wiley.
were studied as regulators of cell spreading. Compared with constant responses (activation/inhibition). Such responses result from ECM
elastic modulus and static spatial architecture of hydrogels with irre remodeling and biophysical signals, and further decide cell fates. Spe
versible linkages, hydrogels with reversible linkages show stress relax cifically speaking, native ECM mainly consists on collagen which shows
ation and plasticity [132]. The stress relaxation of adaptable hydrogels fast stress relaxing and could be easily remodeled (Fig. 7a). Adaptable
contributes to biophysical signals to integrin that guides cell behavior hydrogels with reversible linakges present similar stress relaxing with
including spreading and expansion. On the contrary, the static me collegan which could provide dynamic mechanical environment for
chanical environment is responsible for inhibited focal adhesion for
mation and further cell spreading and expansion [122]. As a result,
restriction of expansion by hydrogels with slow stress relaxation with
diminishes in osteogenesis. Beyond the knowledge of
protease-dependent and pores or channels required migration, the
adaptable network allows cells to migrate through confining matrix
without protease [133].
Z. Tong et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 1375–1387
cells. However, non-degradable covalent networks are elasctic and host-guest interaction, and slowly released in vivo. After several weeks,
provide constant mechnical environment which is not adaptable for obvious degradation could be seen in microgel morphology. As shown in
cells. Also, spatial ECM remodeling is important for cells. As shown in Fig. 8a, the cleavable microgel was cleared in the MI condition, while
Fig. 7b and c,.the activation of YAP/TAZ, maturation of FA and F-actin large aggregates of partially degraded microgels remained in the healthy
remodeling are impacted by the mechnical environment. Compared to condition. Across all conditions, stable microgels remained present with
elastic hydrogels, cells cultured in stress relax hydrogels present acti spherical, nondegraded morphologies throughout the duration of the
vated YAP/TAZ, and further cell volume expansion and spread (Fig. 7d) three weeks study. As shown in Fig. 8b, quantified microgel presence at
[104]. the two weeks time point by measuring the fluorescence intensity and
Additionally, more pathways have been studied. For instance, vol area of both microgel types in order to provide a metric of material mass
ume expansion controls nuclear localization of RUNX2 (Runt-related and volume in the injection site. Cleavable material normalized fluo
transcription factor 2), but not YAP, was demonstrated to promote rescence intensity in the MI condition was ~40% in the no MI condition
osteogenesis in 3D culture [132]. and cleavable material normalized area was ~20% of the normalized
area in the no MI condition. This indicated preferential degradation of
4. Application of adaptable hydrogel cleavable microgels in the MI condition. There were no significant dif
ferences in stable microgel fluorescence intensity between conditions.
4.1. Cardiac regeneration after myocardial infarction Relative to the no MI condition, there was a small decrease in the
amount of stable normalized microgel area in the MI group, possibly
Myocardial infarctions are the leading cause of mortality in heart indicating increased dispersion of the stable microgels in the tissue after
diseases. These infarctions result in permanent loss of contractile car MI, likely due to increased cellular invasion as the cleavable microgels
diomyocytes (native muscle cells in the heart). The major challenge to were degraded.
heart regeneration is the limited capacity for renewal of cardiomyocytes
in the adult heart [142]. In the past, various hydrogels have been
4.2. Bone regeneration
developed for treating myocardial infarction, which still could not meet
the complex demands of heart tissue repair. Most covalent crosslinked
Bone defect is a common clinical disease which raised numerous
hydrogel could not cover the entire surface area of tissues with irregular
strategies including implantation, transplantation and cellular therapy,
surfaces or those that are heavily folded. The gelation of conventional
etc. Bian and his colleagues [144,145] have reported several works that
hydrogels with irreversible linkages is uncontrollable, which means fast
applied adaptable hydrogel to bone regeneration. Bone regeneration is
gelation brings difficulty to operation and slow gelation would cause
an important kind of tissue regeneration, but the bones must be very
failed retention of cells or drugs. Furthermore, the brittle and/or unable
hard. One way to meet this strength requirement through hydrogels is by
to accommodate the dynamic movement of tissues in the body. Staple
dual crosslinking [145].
ton et al. reported supramolecular polymeric hydrogels composed of
Feng et al. reported their work on gelatin hydrogels based on host-
dodecyl (C12)-modified hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and poly
guest interactions to assist bone regeneration [36]. As shown in
(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(lactic acid) nanoparticles as an effective
Fig. 9a, the host-guest macromer (HGM) hydrogels are crosslinked by
post-operative pericardial adhesion barrier [143]. Such supramolecular
supramolecular interaction between cyclodextrin and aromatic residues
polymeric hydrogels could be injected and self-heal rapidly to reversibly
of gelatin. Injetablility and plasticity could be attributed to the revers
transition from viscous flow back to a solid-like barrier, allowing the
ible linkages, which enable minimally invasive therapy and cell infil
hydrogels to quickly adhere and settle on the target tissue. Compared to
tration. To compare the difference of cell infiltration in reversible and
irreversible cardiac adhesions, supramolecular polymeric hydrogels
irreversible linkages. HGM hydrogels and methacrylated gelatin
showed better retention and remodeling that suit soft tissue. Addition
(MeGel) hydrogels were adpoted to culture hMSCs (Fig. 9b) with SDF-1α
ally, adaptable hydrogels might be helpful to accomplish heart regen
gradient. Fig. 9c revealed that HGM hydrogels could enable cell infil
eration by cellular therapy or gene delivery. Burdick and his colleagues
tration and migration because of the reversible nature while MeGel
[38] developed an adaptable hydrogel with shear-thinning and
inhibited cell infiltration.
self-healing properties based on macrocyclic host-guest complexation.
Bisphosphonate-magnesium (Mg2+) coordination was also utilized to
Such an adaptable hydrogel is composed of adamantine modified hy
obtain adaptable hydrogels which could be infiltrated by cells or regu
aluronic acid (HA) microgel and cyclodextrin modified HA with gran
late differentiation [72]. Dexamethasone phosphate-laden hydrogels
ular structure. Besides of injectablity, stress relaxation, and plasticity,
based on pamidronate-grafted hyaluronic acid crosslinked with mag
the granular structure could be designed to control porosity of hydrogels
nesium ion (HA-Pam-Mg-DexP) were formed by
for cell invasion.
bisphosphonate-magnesium coordination. As a result, self-healing and
Furthermore, they applied such guest–host HA hydrogels to sus
improved mechanical properties could be found in their adaptable
tained miRNA delivery to promote cardiomyocyte proliferation and
hydrogels. Further design for osteogenic differentiation regulation was
functional regeneration after ischemic injury [39]. MicroRNA mimic
related to release of magnesium ions and dexamethasone, which was
(miR-302) modified with cholesterol was assembled into hydrogel via
catalyzed by activation of alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Such injectable
Z. Tong et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 1375–1387
Z. Tong et al. Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 1375–1387
spatiotemporal and mechanical dynamic on cell behavior has been a Appendix A. Supplementary data
rewarding object of inquiry. Two especially important factors for desi
gining these adaptable hydrogels are fast stress relaxation and easy Supplementary data related to this article can be found at https://doi
remodeling capacity. Ease of remodeling is ensstional for maintenance .org/10.1016/j.bioactmat.2020.10.029.
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