Slidesaver - App VMQJWR
Slidesaver - App VMQJWR
Slidesaver - App VMQJWR
(10-05-2018 to 10-07-2018)
Rajasthan Technical University (RTU), KOTA
A.nnoxuro•XXlll(P) 1.
lsm;lr,g a.noct11umm1utses th aue,,smentof thee:t1.1den:'& profoi.:11i0-l'lolpe"onalityc.
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' \ (II) Problem 11.0.1..!ng riblllly ! , _. .
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\. This roting choclmu;itbe sent to PrlnciR.ilof thePolytec:Mlc:-C og<sby U'I&·rrolnlno tab•
11$hmen1Ul'lefor $Oalod CO'IO-fthl'OU1Jh lhi;i t,nJne,es, •
1 10 6 ,nus, bo (IIIOd by·o1tlc:o of th•?1indpal·of Polyteclmie ColMsgo bofotoh ncling cw
io tho,-i 1U.llnoolrfdupllcflte. afld,1ho tudentU'lllnoo mu11!.buU1ted to
bl'ingtmekOf'IUcopy of tne she«11und'cr ;ie.oled C0\1 1 :sndthet must bo h:inded aw;r to
Headof Oep11r1ment.
l. J-JtorM)u nbo hM:lod ovor to I.he:i! anl. ifr Wrcd, bul0photocopy
(,u, d b yS en1) of th!!Iaamq muttbakepttn r&cord,
P h'io;,n.s Poer'
Gov1. Engineering college, Ajmcr
Industrial tniining offered by public works dcpartmcn1 Ajmcr was fortumllc opportunily ror
me. during my fourth year of under graduation it helped me to apply my theoretical
knowledge gained during1heunivcrsily academic programme intoreal world indus1ria)
based execution nnd experience professional construc1ion process ii helped me 10 enhance
my skill and 10 enrich my indus1rial knowledge by keeping me upc.Ul1c wi1h the
h11es11cchnologies this opportunity is extremely helped me to expose into and cnvironmcm
where I could think as a civil engineer.
I hod my training experience from I0th muy 10 I0th July 2018 al P.IV.D. Ajmcr
This repon documents con1ains 1hc knowledge and experience i have gained through my
industrial training at PWD Ajmcr.
The Public \Vorks Department has a glorious history in the dcvclopmcn1 of 1.hc suue
since prc•indcpcndencc. The department is mainly entrusted with construction and
maintenance of Roads. Bridges and Govt. buildings. The de1>nnmcnt also ac1s as
Technical Advisor 10 the Staie Oovemmenl in these matters.
The Public Works Dcparuner11 being the oldcs1engineering dcpanmcm of lln: Suue. has
its well woven network even below 1cnsile level \Vhich enables the P,\V,D. to ensure the
execution of a v:iricty or jobs/tasks anywhere in thestate.
Tomi rood length being maintained by the dcpanmcnt is more than 20I064 KM. 11,c
Dcpanmem :ilso maintains Srnte buildings nil over & outside. The current
:innual budget allocation to 1hc dcpanmcm for cons1n1c1ion & mainicnancc ac1ivi1ics isover
Rs 1000 Crorcs.
Main Functions: -
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FJfune1 Loatlonot sitie
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3-1' +4-
Figure3 shelntodi.ctl.on(b)
Fin,tFloor l2'36774 00
TOTAL 8829054.00
Furniture US 1802000.00
TOTAL 12259886,00
TOTAL 126$S178.00
P- WOCi1ySIii>0n V
:,no .-111'
I '
- -
BUILDlNG: • Pcnnanenl or temporary s1ruc1ure enclosed within e:xccrior wnlls and a roof.
and including nll attached ap1>aratus, equipment, and fixtures that cannot be removed
without cutting i1110 ceiling. floors. or wolls.
I. Assembly Buildings
2. Business Buildings
3. Educational Buildings
4. Fac1ory Buildings
5. Hazardous Building
6. lnstitutionnl Buildings
7. Mercanlilc Building.,
S. Residential Buildings
9. S1oragc Buildings
10. U1ili1y & Miscellaneous
I. Assembly Buildings
In this,ype of buildings people gnther forsome reason. TI1ese reasons cnn be any types.
Such as social J)urposc. religious purpose,pairiotic purpose or simply recreation purpose,.
his 1ypc of buildings is-
Cinema hall
Swimming 1>00I
Prnycr hall.etc.
2 Business Building
This type of buildings is used for providing various types of services. Below are this type of
buildings -
Dispcnsari 'S and clinic
Insurance agencies
Fire station
Police s1a1ion, c1c.
3 Educational Buildings
This type of buildings constructed for various activ·ilies in primary. secondary or college level
educational sys1cm. ExamJ>le of this type of buildings are -
Training ins1itutc,
Daycare centre., etc.
4 Eac1orv Buildings
In 1his 1ype ol' buildings. productsnre assembled or processed or fobrica1cd or repaired. For
Power plom
Laundries etc.
5 Hazardous Buildings
This type of buildings is used to produce or storage highly n:unmablc or 1oxic ma1cri:1ls
(Don·t be confused wi1h fac1ory building). Such as fireworks. hydrogen peroxide, cyanide.
6 lnstituliom,I Buildings
Alt..hough this type of buildings provide facility of sleeping accommodation these are not
included in residential buildings. lnsti1Utional buildings are those where people are
ph)18ically unable 10 le.ave wilhout ussismnce.
Followings arc lhc inst..itutionol buildings-
Infants care
homes Old homes
Nursing homes
Prisons. etc.
7 Mercantile Buildines
8 Residential buildings
All those buildings with sleeping uccommoda1ion facility arc called rcsidcntiol buildings.
Following arc example of residential buildings -
Private Houses
9 Storage Buildings
Individual footings are one or the 1110s1 si1111,le and common typesof foundations. These are
used when 1hc load oflhe building is oarTicd by columns. Usually. each column will have its
uwn fooling. 1l1c lboting is just a square or rectangular pad of toncrc1c on which the column
sits.To get o very rough idcu of the size of the footing, the engineer will takethe totul loud on
1he column and divide i1 by1he safe bearingcnpnci1y (SBC) of 1hc soil. for exa1111>le, if a
column has a vertical load of IOT. and 1he S13C of the soil is IOT/m2, 1hen the area of1he
footing will be 1m2. In practice, the designer will look 01 many 01hcr foctors before prcpnring
Individual footings nre usually connected by a plinth beam. a horizontal be-am 1h01 is buih a1
ground or below ground level.
I) \Vhen there is a layer of weak soil at 1hc surface. This layer cannot sup1>ort lhc
weight of the building. so the loads of the building have to by)>llss this layer and be
transferred to the layer ofstronger soil or rock that is below t11c weak layer.
2) \Vhen a building hns very heavy, concentrated load!i:, such -as in a high rise
stnicture. Pile foundations are capable ofuiking higher loads than Foo1ings.
There ,ire two types of pile foundmions, coch of which works in i1s own wny,
Friction Piles:
Friction piles work on a different principle. The pile transfer,; tho loud of the building to the
soil across the full height of the pile, by friction. l1l other words. the entire surface of1he pile.
which is cylindrical in shape. works10 transfer the forces10 the soil.
To \lisualise hO\Y this works. imagine you are pushing a solid metal rod ofsay4min
diameter intoa tub of frozen ice<:ream. Once you have pushed it in, it is strong enough to
support some load. The greater the cmbl."<lmcnt depth in the ice cream, the more loud it
con suppor1. This is very similar to how a friction pile works. In a friction pile, the amount
of load a pile can sup1,ort is direclly proponionntc 10 iL,; length.
Breadth of lintel isgenerally equals to the breadth of wall. In case of metric unit. it is
nommlly cqunls to I0cm, 15cm, 20cm etc. \Vhilc, in tasc of FPS system it isconsider as61".
9''. 12·• etc.
Thickness of lintel should not be less than I0cm (4.5'') and ma imu111thickness of
lintel should not be more rhun i1s bre1:1d1h.
Sun shade isa slob that iscast on the top of doors and windows. Sun shade protects doors and
windows from sun and rain. Sun shade iscast monolithicallywith the lintel.
A dOOI' isa moving stl'\lc1urc used to block ofl and nllow access10, 911 entrance 10 OI'
wiihin on enclosed space.such as a building or vehicle. Dool'S nonnolly consist oro panel
thnt swings on hinges on the edge, but there arc also doors that slide or spin inside of a
A window is an opening ina wall.door, roof or vehicle that allows the pali;s.agc oflight
and. if not closed or sealed, air and sound.
They also lcll me abom the material used in constmction of first noor of our building like w/c
ratio in concrete, grade of concrete which was u. ed for consrmction work, types of bricks etc
4.1 CEi\lliNT:
Cemeni was lirsidiscovered by an English brick layer nnmcd Joseph Aspdin in 1824. He
called ii Ponland cement for the reason that the cement he discovcn:d resembled the
lime litonc found in Ponl:md. There are many other types of cement. 1"he approximate
composition of Pon land cement is given below
nuucrinl Composition
I. Lime (Cao) 60-70%
2. Silica (Si02) 20-25%
The t\lnction of cement is to combine with water and to fonn ccmen1paste. This pnste first
sets i.e. it becomes fi,•msi\lld1hen hardens due10 chemical reaction. called hydrntion.
be1wccn 1hc cement and water. On scuing & hardening. the cement binds the aggregate
1ogcthcr in10 a Slone like hard mass & 1hus provides strcn,gth. dur.tbilily & water•Lighten
to the concrete. Quality of cement is based on grndc of cement. There arc diITer-:nt types
Grade which use in construction work. These are given below.
• 33 Gmde ore is used for general constn1ction works like plastering and finishing
works in normal environmcn1nl condi1ions. However. hs use is vinunlly phased ou1
• Coming 10 the 43 Grade OPC. it is the most commonly used grade for
home cons1n1ction. h hos its applications in plnstcring. finishing works.
foundations., brick work. und compound wall and so on. It has morestrength
development than ll1c 33 Gmdc cement.
• 53 Gmde OPC develops strength very fast. High rise building constructions use
53 grade cement. This is applicable for usein s1n1ctures where high-Grade concrete is
Aggreg:ttes are small 1>ieccs of broken stones: in irregular size and shapes. Neat ce1nent is
very rnrely used in cons1n1c1ion works since it is liable 10shrink 100 much and
become cracks on.scning, Mor,-ovcr, it will be costly 10 use neut ccmcn1 in
cons1ruc1.ion wol'k. Therefore ccmcn1 is mixed with some incn strong & durable
hard materials.
They also reduce ll1c cost of concrete because tJ1cy arc comparative much cheaper us
cement. There are two types of aggregates
I .Fine Aggrcga1e
2. Coarse Aggl'cga1c
The a_ggrcgate. which pass through 4. 75 mm. I.S. sieveand en1ircly retain on 75 micron
(.07Smm) I.S. sieve is known as fine aggrcgalc.
wutc.r. These aggregates increuse the strength orbonding in aggreglllcs. Coarse aggregates
arc used in con.scmction of phm cement concrete (PCC), founda1ion. beams and columns
At 1hc site con1rac1or usedcoarse aggrcga1e of size I Omni & 20mm which wns
grndcd and checked th..:ir strength and f.lackfocss index etc. and many tests pcrfom1.;.'(( on
nggrcg-atcs for size,shape. texture, strength. and m:my other tests like los angclcs, impact
v:tlue test,specific gravity etc. were1>erfom1ed.
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Concrete forcons1ruc1ion work is defined by difictenl gmdcs as the rotio of cement:sand:
coarse oggrega1e.
The principle of gntding is that the smaller particles will fill up the voids between
largt.:. particles. This results in the mosl economical use of cement paste for filling the
voids & binding together the aggregate in the prcpatation of concrete.
Thus proper grading of line & coarse aggregate in concrete mix: produces a dense
concre1e wi1.h less quumity of cement,
At our construction site the grade of concrete which was used in R.C.C
slnb, Column, Beams was M20. Ra1io forccmem : sand: coarse aggregate was I:1.5:3
The nuuerittl ,\1hich is used 10 develops ll good bond with concrc1c in order 10 incrcosc its
tensilestrength is known as rcinlbrccment. Steel bars nre highly strong in tension,
Reinforcement works as a tension member because concrete is strong in compression ond
week in tension so reinforcement resists 1hc1cnsilc stresses in 1he concrete members.
A1 the si1e<:<m1ro.::1or was using1he high s1rcngth steel bars and T.M.T. (Thcnno
Mcchunicully Treated) bars of diameter S mm, IO mm,12mm. 16 mm & 25 mm ilS J>Cr
requiremem of design in column, beams. slabs.
4.3 \YATER:
h is an important ingrcdiem of concrete because il combines with cement and fonns o
binding paste. The paste thus formed fills up the voids of the sand and coorsc aggregate
bringing them into close adhesion. We should check pH value of water, TDS, sodium
potassium carbonate and bicarbonates, chloride.content, c::ilciurn chloride. sodium s-ulphide.
sodium hydroxide and should be pcrfonn various 1cs1s before using i1 in constn1c1ion work.
In our project source of wo1er is o 1ubc well which is already there in construc1ion
site.llte quality or water is good for purpose of constmction work and can be useU for
drinking purpose ulso.
4.4 R.C.C.
Though plain cement concrCh! has high compressive s1rcng1h and its 1cnsilc SLrcngth is
relatively low. Nonnnlly, the tensile strcngd1of a concrete is about I0% to 15% of ils
compressive strength. Hence if a beam is made up of plain cement concrete. it hns a very low
load carrying capacity. So there is need 10 use reinforced concrete which have more tensile
strc11g1h than plain concrete. And plnin concre1e's behaviour is brittle bu1 reinforced concrete
is ductile in behaviour so i1sserviceabili<y is good. So R.C.C is proforn.'d for co11s1ruc1io11
work. In our prOj(.-C•t we nlso u.sed reinforced concrete thon plain concrete in construction
of beams. columns. und slabs.
• Steel Cylinder
• Sieves(l2.5mm,10mm)
• me1al measure
• Tamping Rod
• Bulnnce (0· 10kg)
• Oven(3000c)
• Coll\pression 1es1ing Machine (2000KN) .
I. The cylindrical s1cel cup is filled with 3 cc1uol layers ofnggregme andeach layer is
tnmped 25 strokes by therounded endof tamping rodand the surplus aggregu1c struck
The wholeassembly is then placed between the platens of testing machine ond londed
ot n unifonn rate so as to reach a load of 40 tones in 10 minutes.
5. The load is 1he11 released and all aggreg,ue is removed from 1he cup and sie,,ed on
2.36 mm.
IS sieve u111l1 no fur1hcr significant amount passes in one minu1c.
6.11,e fr'Jction passing thesieve is weighed to anaccumcy of 0.1g(WB).
Aggregate C,·ushing Vuluc: (\Vl!/\VA) *100
(i") Add 1wo more layers insimilar that cylinder is full.
The test sampleconsistsof clean aggrcgotc.s dried in oven at J05° - 110°C. 111csample
should confom110 any of the grading shown in table I.
(i) Sclec1 the grading 10 beused in the test such that it conforms10 1hc grading to be
used in cous1nic1ion. 10 themuximurn cx1cn1possible.
(ii) Tukc Skg of sample ror gmding A. 8. C & D und IO kg for gradingE. F & G.
(iii) Choose thenbrasivc charge usper Table 2 depending ongrndingof nggreg_mcs.
(iv) Place the aggregates and abrasive charge on the cylinder and fix the cover.
(v) Rotate the machine m a speed of 30 - 33 revolutions per minute. The number or
revolutions is 500 for grading A, 8, C & D and 1000 for gradb1g E, F & G. Tbe
muchinc should bebalanced anddriven such that there is uniform peripheral speed.
(vi) 1l1c machine isstopped after thedesired number ofrevolutionsand motcrfal
is discharged to a tray.
(vii) The entire stone dust issieved on I.70 111111 IS sieve.
(\•iii) l11e materiol coarser than 1.7mm siie is weighed corTCCI 10 one gram.
• Original weight of agi,'l'cgatc sample= \VI g
• Weight of aggregate sample rcmined = W2 g
• Weight pnssing I.7mm IS sieve =s WI - \V2 g
Abrasion Value• (WI - W2 ) /WI X I 00
Shope of particle:
I. Rounded (river gravel)
2. Flaky (lominatC<Irock)
3. Elongated
4. Angular( cmshcd rock)
• A naky particle is the one. whose least dimension (thickness) is than 0.6 times the
• mean size.
• TI1cse arc 1he materials of which the 1hickness is small as compared to the other two
• dimensions.
• Limit of Oaky paniclcs in the mixes is 30%. lf1he nnky p,1nicles are greater than 30%
• then the aggrega1c is considered undesirable lbr the imcndcd tise.
Fl:okincss Index:
II is the pcrccn1ogc by weigh, of flaky particles in• sample.
• Procedure for Flakiness Index:
• Pcrfonn the sieve analysis on 1he g.ivcn uggreg-utc sample
• The aggregates arc then ammgcd i111hc into u number of closely limited particle size
• groups •stored on the test sieves intoa number of closely limited paniclc size groups
- 2½'•-2•·, I ½•'-¾"&1/2"-3/81•
• Each group (fraction) is weighed and tested for thickness on npproprfate openingof
• the thickness gauge by possing each pnniclc through slot of spcciticd thickness along
• least dimension.
• TI1c weight of puniclcs pas.,;ing 1hc thickness gauge is recorded for each frnc1ion. This
• is the weight of naky paniclcs.
• 111c flakiness index is calculated by expressing the weight of lluky particles as a
• percentage of total weight of the sample.
These are the particles having length considerably larger thnn the other two dimensions and
it is the particle whose greater dimension is 1.S1imes its mean size.
Limh ofclonga1cd particles in the 111ixcs is 45%. Thus. if the elongated paniclcs arc greater
tlllln 45%. then the.tggrcgmc is considered undcsiroble for the intended use.
Elongation lndoJ:
II is the percentage by weight of elongated particles in a sample. Tiui Elongated index is
calculated by expressing the weight of Elongated particles as percentage of total wcighr of the
• bout 2kg of the uggrcg-ute sample is washed thoroughly to remove lines. drained and
• placed in 1he wire basketand immersed in dis1illccl water al a 1cin1>craturc between 22
• J20C with a cover of ot least 50 mm or water abo,,c the top or the basket
• Immediately uftcr the immersion the cntnippcd air is removed trom the sample
by lifting
• the basket containing it 25 mm above the base of the tank and allowing it to drop
25 times
• at the raic of about one drop 1>er sc-cond. The basket and 1he aggregate
• should remain complc-tely immersed in wa1cr fora period of24±0.5 hours afterwards.
• Tbe boskct imd the sample arc then weighed while suspended in water a1 o
temperature of
• 22 to 320C. TI1c weight is noted whilesuspended in water{WI) g.
• 111c basket and the aggregate are then removed from water and allowed to drain for
a few
• minutes. aOer which the aggregates nre1ransferrcd to one of the dry absorbent clo1hes.
• The empty basket is then rc1unted 10 the1ank ofwate.r,jolled 25 1imes and wcighis in
• 1va1er (1112) g.
• ll1c aggregmcs placed in the dry absorbent clothes arc surface dried till nofur1hcr
• moisture could be removed by this clothe.
• 1l1cn the aggregate is tronsfcrrcd to 1hc second dry cloth spread in n single luyer.
• and allowed to dry for at le 1s1 IOminutesuntil lhe oggrcgatcs are completely surface
• I() 10 60minu1es dryingmay beneeded. The surface dried aggregate is then weighed
• W3g.
• 11,c aggregate is placed In ashallow Lmy and kepi in no oven mainmincd at a
• of I IOOC for 24 hours. fl is then removed from the oven cooled in air tight
container and
• weighed W4 g.
Reprcsenuuivc smnplcs of concrc1e shall be taken nnd used for cas1ing cubes 15
I. The concreteshall be filled into the moulds in lnyers approxima1cly 5 cm deep. It would
be distributed evenly and cornpac1ed either by vibration or by hnnd tamping. After 1he1op
layer has been com1>acted. 1hc surfoce of concrete shnll be finished level with 1hc 101> of
the mould using A 1rowcl: and covered with a gloss phatc 10 prevent evaporation.
2. 11,c specimen shall be stored at site for 24+ ½ h under damp mauing or sack. AIler thn1.
1hc smnplos shull be stored in clean water al 27+20C; until the time of lest. The ends of nil
cylindrical specimens1..ha1 are not plane within 0.05 mm shall be capped.
3. Jus1 prior to testing. the cylindrical spcei,ncn shall be cap11cd with Sulphur mix1urc
comprising 3 p11r1s Sulphur 10 I p,;1n ofi11cn filler such as fire clay.
4. Specimen shall be tested immediately on removal from wotcr and while they arc still
in wet condi1ion.
5. The bearingsurface of the testing specimen shall be wiped clean and any loose material
removed from the surface. In 1he case of cubes. 1he specimen shall be placed in the
machine in such a manner that the lond cube as cast. that is. not to the IOJ> 011d bouom.
6. Align1hc axis oflhe specimen with 1he steel plntcs1 do not use ar1y packing.
7. The load shall be applied slowly withou1 shock and increased con1inuously at a rate
of approximately 140 kg/ until the resistance of the specimen to the increased
load breaks down and no greater load can be susmined. The maximum load ap1>licd to
1hc specimen shall 1hen be recorded and any un\1sual features noted at the time
oCfoilure brou,gh1 out in the report.
8. Compr<'Ssive s1rengll1 (kg/cm2) = \Vf / A
• A pressure gauge to measure input pressure and a thcnnom 1er to measure ambient
• tcmpcrnturc.
• Duta acquisition equipment 10 record, ut suitable intervals of time. the pressure,
• volumetric now of water intoand out of the concre1c specimen and the ambient
• temperature
1. Obtain s1ltn1')les of hardened concrete of ap11ro1')riate diameter from existing structures
by diaJnond core drillingor from moulded specimens. The specimensshall be 1>rcparcd in
ttccordancc wi1h AS IO12. Usinga diamond sow cu1 u sc.-c1ion orthe sample10 ullow
:1pproximmcly 2mm clearance al c.ach end ofLhc Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV)
silicone nibbcr scaJ. The tc-st sample should have a minimum length o1'2.5 times the
maximum aggregate size.1"he cut section will be the test sample-.
2. . Condi1ion 1he1csi sample in accordance wi1h AASMTO T277 lo a Snluroled Surfoce Ory
s1a1e. delc1ing the section referring IO 1hc use of epoxy resins.
3. fill thevoids that arc 2mm or greater in diamc1cr that occur on the sides of the
tcSI sample with plasticine or a similar nrntcrial.
4. Measure a.nd record ,he mas-s of the Lest s-ample to tho nearest 0.1g 1md the diameter (D)
and leng1h (L) of1he sample10 the nearest I mrn.
5. Seal 1he tcs1 sample within the pcm1eame1cr cell.
6. Ensure thal the pcnncnmctcr ap1>armus is completely filled wi1h de-aired water
and contriins no air pockets or bubbles.
7. Ap1>ly n constant pressure hend of water to the innow side of 1he pcnneamcter c.ell and
E<1uipment's used:
• Slump cone.
• Scale for measurement.
• Tempingrod (s1ccl)
I. The mold forthc slump 1cs1 is a frustum of a cone. 300 mm ( 12 in) of heigh!.
The base is 200 mm (Sin) in diameter and ii has a smaller opening m the top of 100
nuu (4 in).
2. The base is placed on asmoo1h surracc and 1hc comaincr is filled with concrete
in three layers. whose work.nbilily is to be1esh:d .
J. Each layer is icmpcd 25 limes wi1h asiandard 16 mm (5/8 in) diamc1cr s1ecl rod,
rounded at the end.
4. When the mold is completely tilled with concrete. the1op surfuce is stmck off
(leveled wi1h mould tOJ) 01>ening) by mc.a11s of screening nnd rolling motion of the
temping rod.
S. The mould mus1be firmly held ngainst its base during the entire operation so
1h01 it could not move due to the pouring of concrete and this can be done by
means of handles or foot - rests brazed 10 the mould.
6. lmmedialely after filling iscompleted and the concrete is leveled, the cone isslowly
• rake put specimen for curing iank, Clean i1 with Water
• Moke a 5cm Mark vc11icallyt on SJ>Ccimcn on either ends.
• Specimen shall be placed in machine such a way1ha11hc load shall be applied 10 1he
• upper mos1surface os c.ast in mould.
• 1l1t:axis of the sp1.-cim¢n shall be curcfully nligned with the oxis of the loadingdevice
• Load shall be applied continuously and withoul shock.
• The load shall be increased until the specimen foils and load apJ>lied is recorded n1 1hc
• failure.
The process of carrying Liteconcrete mix from the pk1cc of it's mixing to final position of
deposition is tcnned as trnnsponation of concrete. There arc many methods of
trnnsportmion as mentioned below•
Tn:111spor1 of concrc1e by pans
Transpon of concrete by wheel bMrows
Transpon of concrete by tipping Lorries
Trnnsport of concrete by pumps
Transpon of concrete by beltconveyors
Al this sile belt conveyors ,verc used.
\Vhcn lhc concrete hos beenplaced. it shows a very loose s1ruc1ure. \Veused dense
concrc1e for constn1ction work, because i1have more strength 1han loose concrete so
compaction afier placing of concre1e is necess:lry. Mence, it must be compacted 10remove
the t1ir bubbles and voids so as to make it denseandsolid concrete to obtain a high su-
ength. There are two method• of compnction.
1. Manuol compaction
2. Mcchanica.1 compaction
There are four types ormechanical vibr.notS whichur used in concre1c con\paclion
Generally in large projccls mechanical compac1ors arc used . There are various mechanical
compnclors which uses according10 requircmcm as m.-cdlc andscreed vibralorsneeded to
compact the column nnd noor respcc1ivcly.
A1 our construction site mainly 2 vibrators arc used forcompuction which was
needle vibnuor andsurface vibnnor.
h's:, plas1i, building material (such11s;- mixtureofccnH:111. Jimc, or gypsum plusrcr
with snnd and water) thut hMdcns nnd is used in masoory or plo.stering.
I. Cement Mormr
2. Lime Mortar
3. Surkhi Monur
4. Guugcd Mortar
5. Mud Monar
At work site cement monar is used:rnd I:6 rntios are used to prepare cemeni monar.
On 1he bnsis or quali1y and 1>erfonnance of brick is classified in 1hree 1)ar1s
Class A bricks were used at site for wall masonry
There are four types bond which are used in wall ma onry work
I. S1re1cher bond
2. Header bond
3. English bond
4. Flemish bond
In our project stretcher bond is used insingle brick wall and Flemish bond is used in double
brick wall which arc dcscrib<:d below.
I. Streicher bond
Longer narrow face of 1hc brick is cnJlcd as s1re1chcr BSshown in the eleva1ion of figure
below. Streicher bond, alsocnllcd ns runningbond. is cre:ned when bricks arc laid with only
theirst-rctchcrs showing. overlapping. midway wi1h the courses of bricks below and above.
(a) EleYallon 1, 3, s...Courses
(bl Plan
2. Flemish Bond
Flemish bond. also known as Du1ch bond. is crcaicd by laying ullcma1c headers and
stretchers in a single course. The next course of brick is Jnid such 1h:11 header lies in the
middle of I.he stretcher in the course below, i.e. I.he altcmotc hc:1ders of ench course arc
centered on the stretcher of course below. Every ahenrnre course of Flemish bond slarts with
header at 1hc comer.
The scaffolding is a tcmpor.try structure which is used in building operations to support
platfom1s for workmen . structural material and appliances required during construction at
raised heights nonnally more 1han l.5 mCl'cr .This lemporary fonn work is useful in
cons1n1c1ion. demoli1ion. maintenance and repair works. Scaftblding is erec1ed either on one
or both sides orthe wnll. For ordinary work scaffolding muy be erected on one side only but
for all superior quality works it must be provided on b-Oth sides of wall. The height of the
scaffolding con be adjusted with the progress of the work. Mostly timber scaflblding is
used due to economy.
Types of scaffolding or scaffold-
Single scanolding
Donblc scaffolding
Ladder scaffolding
Cantilever scolTolding
Steel scalToldiog
Suspended scalToldins
Trc-.tle scaffolding
Wooden gantries
formwork is temporary or per1111mc111 moulds into which concrete or similar materials arc
poured. In the conte,',I of concrete construction. the folse work SUJ>pon.s the shuuering
Shuttering or fonn work is the tcnn used for 1cmpornry timber, plywood. metal or other
material used to provide support to wet concrete mix till il gets strength for self support. h
provides suppons to horizontal. vertical and inclined surfaces or also provides support to cast
concrete according to required shape and size.The fonn work also produces desired fini h
Shuucring or fonn work should be strong enough 10 suppon the weight of wet concrete mix
and the pressure for placing 3nd compacting concrete inside or on lh..: top of fom1
work/shuttering. Itshould be rigid to prevent any dcnection in surface after laying cement
concrete and be also suffi-cieru tight to prevcnl loss ofwa1cr and monar fom, cement
concre1e. Shm1ering should be easy in handlin£. erection at si1c and easy10 remove
when ccmcn1 concrete is sullicicnt hard.
I. $reel Shunering
2. Wooden Planks Shuucring
3. Tcmpomry Brick Masonry Shuucring
Steel shuttering
Steel shut!ering pla1c is the best t)1>e of shuttering because this is wa1er tigh1 shuttering which
can bear the load of cement concrete placed on it This shunering can be used for horizontal.
vertical or any other shopc required for the work. It gives levelled surfi1ce which has good
appearance. 111is shuttering gives good appcamncc and pauem work according 10
arohitccturnl drawings. If the plaster is required. the thickness of plaster will be less. B ing
water 1ight shuHcring_. t11e strength ofconcrete withsteel shuttering is compamtivcly higher.
is a type of folsework the temporary strucrnrc upon which the sloncs of an arch or vault
are laid during construction. Unril the keystone is inserted an arch has no strength and
needs the cciuring 10 keep the voussoirs in 1hcir COITCCI relative positions. A simple
cen1ering wilhout a trnss is called u common centering. The cross piece connc.-c1ing ccn1cring
Ii-tunes are called a Ing.
The centring is normi1lly mnde of wood timbers. which was a straig_htforward
structure in u simple arch or vault. but with more com1,lex shapes, involving double
curvuwrc. such as a small dome or 1hc bolllC•shupcd Ouc.-s of the ki1chc.ns of some
Nonnun· period houses: clay or stmdboundby u weak limemortarmix could be usl.'tl.
Materials such as wooden buHicsi pipc.-s. props. jacks which support both shuttering &
centering nreknown as Staging.
Fizurc U wntcring11ndm)ling
i1is n s1ruc1ural member cons1n1c1cd to 1ransfer 1he loads from slab to column it serves
as a com1cc1or lO save the column from sliding ounvnrds. Basically beams are rigid
structural members designed lo c1\ny and transfer the tronsvcrse loads ( londs pcrpendiculor
to ils longitudin11I ax:is) across space 10 supporting elcmcn1s. Reinforced concrete beams
arc commonly used in construction as it provide extra tensile strength, and J>ro\les lo be
,,, Uli'R
Types of beam
a) Jois1-Whcn provided in buildings to support roofs, tl1cy :ire called joists.
b) Girder• a large beam supponing a number of joists.
c) Spandrels• cx1crior beams at lloor level of building. which carry port of the lloor load and
that of the exterior wall arc called spandrels.
d) Purlins- beam which carry roof load in trusses.
e) Lintels- which su1>pon the loads from 1he masonry over the openings.
Column i.s a supponing pillar and a structural elemenl which transfer the upcoming load and
il•s self-weight to the hard soil through lbundation or a column is defined as a venical
compression member which is moinly subjeetcd 10 oxial loads nnd 1hc cffecLive or
which exceeds three times its lrncral dimension. Failure occurs when the stresses due to
direct axial loads exceeds the compressive strength of the material avnilablc in the cross
section. On the other hand, an eccentric Jond can produce bending and results in uneven
distribution of stress.
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Dlta11t of t•o,0"10::.
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Conslniction process..
STEP..l grid lines arc drawn to dimensions ( to dclcnninc the where !he column would be
STEJ>-2 layout work is then carried ou,.
• • • I
Plucingof rcinforccmcn1for roof:-
hnroduction with nssis1nn1 Mr. lndcr Murjhtrni, He 1old me about our \
Vorksi1c. This was Revenue research und Tmining Institute, Ajmcr.
Training is assigned nl RRTI Ajmcr, a research and training institute for revenue board.
Blue prinl. plan and elevation were given 10 me.
l111roduction willl the comractor Shree Praveen Yad.av.
Till the joining dntc the work orground lloar was co111plc1cd and the brick masonry on P'
floor was going on.
Introduction with the equipments. material, tcsl pcrfonncd ond nbout the work completed
before joining.
Week (2)
\Ve saw the details of the columns which were previously cons1n1c1cd.
• Brick mnsoory work like:consLruction of roorn wall was in progress.
\Ve snw the temporary stn1cturcs like scaffolding
\Vcck (3)
Brick masonry was still in progress
Gain prac1ical knowledge abou1types of brick. bond used in 1nasonry and monar e1c.
Limels were consin1c1cd n1the s1aning of the week.
Weck (4)
The brick masonry work completed for the wnlls.
Curing of walls look place for the entire week.
Cons1mc1ion of smircasc is sinned andreinforcement was laid.
Weck (5)
We saw thebeam details of theproposed rooms & stores a, RRTI cun,pus.
\Vork.s:likeShuucring, ccn1cring andstuging were started.
\Yeck (6)
\Yeck (7 & 8)
Placing of reinforcement for slabs wns
completed. Additional work like site clearance
for parking.
Additional masonry was in progress.
We studied differcm 1hings at 1roining time, These arc given as foll0\\ ing.
A$ per my trnining rcpon I have conclude 1hat, during lns160 days I am familiar
with the construction of brick masonry & mortar prcparution and ol11er works
under a Public works department's project. Brick masonry is provided to transfer
the load of stnicture to foundation. All though maximum load of building comes on
columns and beams.
Various things which couldn'1 luwc been possible 1hoorc1iC'ally were possible to
Interaction with workers and and local public was alsoa grcal experience
• RCC- 1$(456)2000
• STEEL-IS(S00)2007