ICS2104 OOP Manual

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P.O. Box 62000, 00200

Nairobi, Kenya
Course Description
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming. Abstraction (data, control) and ab-
stract data types. Objects and instances, Classes and hierarchy via composition and
derivation (inheritance). Early and late binding, The concepts of Information Hid-
ing and access modifiers, Encapsulation and Polymorphism. Constructors and De-
structor. Friend functions. Inline functions, Virtual functions. Operator overloading
and function overloading. Files and Database connectivity. Concepts demonstrated
using C++.

BIT 2104 Introduction to Programming and Algorithms

Course Purpose
This course is intended to highlight the abstract notion of object-oriented program-
ming and code reuse

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

• Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of OOP

• Illustrate good object-oriented programming skills

• Differentiate the capabilities and limitations of Java/C++

• Develop a two tire application that communicate with a database

Instruction methodology
computers, textbooks, appropriate software

Assessment information
The module will be assessed as follows;

• 10% of marks from two (2) assignments to be submitted online

• 20% of marks from one written CAT to be administered at JKUAT main cam-
pus or one of the approved centres

• 70% of marks from written Examination to be administered at JKUAT main

campus or one of the approved centres

Course Textbooks
• David Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell (5th Edition), O’Reilly Press,

• Matt Weisfeld, 2009, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition, ,


• Malik, D. S. 2002, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, Course Technology, Canada

• Pappas, H. Chris and Murray, William, H. 1996, C/C++ Programmer’s Guide,

BPB Publications, New Delhi

Reference Textbooks
• Flanagan, D. (2005). Java in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference. O’Reilly
(5th ed.).

• Flanagan, D. (2004). Java examples in a nutshell : a tutorial companion to

Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly (3rd ed.)

Course Journals
• JOOP - Journal of Object-oriented Programming Publications.

• Journal: Object Oriented Systems, 2000.

Reference Journals
• Journal: ACM Computing Surveys - CSUR , vol. 43, no. 3 2011.

• Journal of Programming Language.


1 Introduction Object-Oriented Programs 1

1.1 Introduction to object-oriented programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Fundamental Object-Oriented Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Writing an Object-Oriented Program using a High-level Language . 4

2 The Basics of an Object-Oriented Program Written in C++ 7

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 The basics of a C++ Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Input and Output Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 Classes and Objects 14

3.1 Introduction to Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2 Declaring a class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3 Defining Member Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.4 Creating objects from a class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.5 Accessing class members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4 Friend Functions, Static Functions and Constant Functions 21

4.1 A Friend Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.1.1 Making an External Function a Friend Function . . . . . . . 21
4.1.2 Making a Member Function a Friend Function . . . . . . . . 23
4.1.3 Making all Member Functions to be Friends . . . . . . . . . 24
4.2 const member function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.3 static member function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5 Constructors and Destructors 28

5.1 Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28


5.2 Declaration of Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

5.3 Calling Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.4 Types of Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.4.1 A Default Constructor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.4.2 Parameterized constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.4.3 Copy constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.5 Destructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

6 Storage classes 34
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.2 Auto storage specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.3 The register storage class specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.4 The static storage class specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.5 The extern storage class specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

7 Inheritance 38
7.1 Introduction to inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
7.2 Redefining and Overloading Member Functions of the Base Class . 41
7.3 Constructors of Derived and Base classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
7.4 Virtual Functions and Pure Virtual Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

8 Operator Overloading 45
8.1 Operator Overloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
8.2 Operation Overloading Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
8.3 Overloading Binary Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
8.3.1 Overloading + operator using a member function . . . . . . 46
8.3.2 Overloading + operator using a non-member function . . . . 48
8.4 Overloading Unary Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
8.4.1 Overloading pre-increment/decrement operators using mem-
ber functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
8.5 Overloading pre-increment/decrement operators using a non-member
function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
8.6 Overloading post-increment/decrement operators using member func-
tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


8.7 Overloading post-increment/decrement operators using non-member

function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
8.8 Overloading stream insertion (<<) and extraction (>>) operators . . 57
8.8.1 Overloading the stream insertion (<<) operators . . . . . . . 57

9 Template 62
9.1 Introduction to Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
9.2 Function Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
9.3 Class Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

10 Files and Streams 69

10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
10.2 Stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
10.3 opening a file using constructor function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
10.4 Using open() function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
10.5 Checking for successful opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
10.6 Closing a file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
10.7 Input from and output to a file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
10.8 Detecting end of a file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
10.9 File pointers and function for manipulating file pointers . . . . . . . 72
Solutions to Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Introduction Object-Oriented Programs

Learning outcomes
Upon completing this topic you should be able to:

• Define object-oriented concepts that includes classes, objects, encasulation,

message passing encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance

• Differentiate an object-oriented programs and an object-oriented program-

ming language

• Describe properties of object-oriented programs

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

1.1. Introduction to object-oriented programs

Object-oriented programs(OOPs) are programs that are made of objects.
These objects interact with one another to achieve specific objectives.
Objects interact with one another through message passing.
The objects make up an OOP are instantiated from classes.
Classes are building blocks of OOPs. As compared to structured programs, object-
oriented programs are easier to develop and maintain.
Object oriented programming is the process of developing an object-oriented pro-
The programming languages that are used in writing object-oriented programs are
referred to as object-oriented programming languages

1.2. Fundamental Object-Oriented Concepts

Fundamental object-oriented concepts includes:- objects, classes, inheritance, en-
capsulation, message passing, information hiding, abstraction and polymorphism.

• Object

An object is:
a) A run-time entity and it consume computer memory
b) An instance of a class.
c) An entity that has state, behavior and identity.

• Class

A class is
a) A template that is used to construct objects.
b) A collection of objects that have similar state and behavior.
c) A collection of objects of similar type.

• Inheritance

Inheritance is the ability to define new classes from already existing classes. This
is a powerful concept in programming. It facilitates development of programs that
are of high quality.
A class that is defined, created or derived from another class is referred to as a
sub-class, child class or a derived class.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

A class that is used to create or derive another class is referred to as a super-class,

base or a parent-class.
There are four types of inheritance:
a) single inheritance: A sub-class has one parent class
b) multiple inheritance: A sub-class has more than one parent class. There are some
languages such as Java that does not support multiple inheritance.
c) mult-level inheritance: A sub-class has one parent class and the parent class is a
sub-class of another parent class
d) hybrid inheritance: It is a combination of single-inheritance, multiple inheritance
and mult-level inheritance.
A class that is derived from another class inherits properties of the base class.
There are some languages e.g. Java that does not support m

• Encapsulation

Encapsulation is:
a) enclosing state and behavior of an object.
b) putting together state and behavior of objects in single unit.
Encapsulation is implemented through the use of classes.

• Information hiding

Information hiding is prevention of state and behavior of an object from direct ac-
cess by other object. Information hiding is implemented through the use of access
specifiers that includes: private, public and protected. private, public and protected
are keywords

• Abstraction

Abstraction is the act of showing only the general properties of an object leaving
out the detailed properties. Abstration useful when designing complex programs.
A class is an example of an abstract data type(ADT)

• Message passing

Message passing is the way objects interact with one another in an object-oriented
program. Objects interact by sending messages to one another. For example, if
“person” and “window” are two objects in an object-oriented program, the “person”
object may send a message to the “window” requesting it to close.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

A message is a request for something to be done. Message passing has the following
a) The name of the object that the message is being sent to
b) The name of the message
c) Information that the receiver of the message requires in order to respond to the

• Polymorphism

Polymorphism is the ability of two or more objects to respond differently when

they are sent the same message. For example, the window and the door objects can
be sent close message. However, the way the window object will respond to that
message will be different from the way the door object will respond to the same

1.3. Writing an Object-Oriented Program using a High-level Language

The following are steps that are followed in order to execute an object-oriented
program written in a high-level language

1. First, a text-editor is used to create a program in a high-level language such

as Java or C++. The program is written following syntax and semantics of
the language being used. This program is referred to as source code. The
program source code is saved.

2. The source-code is compiled using a compiler. The compiler checks the

source code for syntax errors, and if no error is found, it translate the pro-
gram into equivalent machine code.

3. Linker combine machine code produced by the compiler with machine code
from the libraries included in the program to produce an executable file.

4. The executable file is loaded into the main memory for execution. This is
done by a program referred to as loader.

Revision Questions

E XERCISE 1.  Differentiate an object and a class

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Example . Define a compiler

Solution: A compiler is a program that checks for syntax errors and translate pro-
gram source code into machine code

E XERCISE 2.  Compare and contrast an object-oriented program and a structured

E XERCISE 3.  Explain how inheritance improve quality of a program
E XERCISE 4.  Explain the importance of polymorphism and encapsulation

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

References and Additional Reading Materials

• David Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell (5th Edition), O’Reilly Press,

• Matt Weisfeld, 2009, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition, ,


• Malik, D. S. 2002, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, Course Technology, Canada

• Pappas, H. Chris and Murray, William, H. 1996, C/C++ Programmer’s Guide,

BPB Publications, New Delhi

• Flanagan, D. (2005). Java in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference. O’Reilly

(5th ed.).

• Flanagan, D. (2004). Java examples in a nutshell : a tutorial companion to

Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly (3rd ed.)

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

The Basics of an Object-Oriented Program Written in C++

Learning outcomes
Upon completing this topic you should be able to:

• Write basic C++ programs

• Explain the importance of comments

• List main sections of a C++ program

• Differentiate between user-defined and programmers’ defined classes and


• Explain why software are tested.

2.1. Introduction
C++ programs consists of functions and classes.
Some of these functions and classes are predefined while others are programmers’
It is advisable to use as many pre-defined classes and functions as possible in a
Programs that uses pre-defined functions and classes are of better quality than those
that are made of programmers’s defined classes and functions. Pre-defined func-
tions and classes are stored in header files.
All C++ programs have main() method. This is the first method that is called by the
operating system when the program starting executing.
C++ programming language is a case sensitive language, and therefore the main()
function must be written in lower case.

2.2. The basics of a C++ Program

Below are examples of C++ programs.
Example 1: An example of a program that has a function
F i l e name : F i r s t . cpp

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Table 2.1: Output from the above program

D e s c r i p t i o n : This program d e m o n s t r a t e s
t h e minimum number and t y p e
of s t a t e m e n t s necessary to
w r i t e a s i m p l e C++ p r o g r a m .
======================================== ∗ /
# i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m . h>
void p r i n t ( void ) ;
i n t main ( v o i d )
print ();
return 0;
void p r i n t ( void ){
c o u t < <" H e l l o w o r l d " << e n d l ;

• Comments

The above program begins with a comment block.

Comments are used to explain what the program source code is doing.
They make it easier for other programmers especially those that are in charge of
maintaining the program to understand it better.
In C++, comments begins with /* notations and ends with */ notations. Everything

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

between these notations is ignored by the compiler. It is advisable to comment

every line of source code.
/*This is my first C++ program */
One can also use //(two forward slashes) notations to comment a line. In that case
everything after these notations is ignored by the compiler.
int speed;//store speed of the car

• Header Files

The next statement in the program is: #include<iostream.h> This statement is known
as a pre-processor directive. It instructs the pre-processor to retrieve the code stored
in iostream.h file and insert it at the point of #include statements. All files that have
.h extensions are officially called header files.

• Function Declaration

Function declaration (also referred to as function prototype) provide function inter-

face to the compiler.
The interface of a function consists of following information

1. Return type of function

2. Name of function

3. The number and types of items to be passed to the function.

Return type of function identifies the type of data that a function returns to its caller.
For example, a function can return to its caller a value of type int. In that case, int
is the return type of the function.
A function that does not return any data to its caller has void as its return type.
The name of function is any meaningful identifier as long as it not a reserved word.
The syntax of a function prototype is:
return_type_of_function name_of_function(list_of_parameters);
Note that the function prototype end with a semi-colon.
For example: int find_area(int length, int width);
Function prototype can be written with parameter names and without parameter

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

For example: Without parameter names: int find_area(int, int); With parameter
names: int find_area(int length, int width); For a function that do not have parame-
ters, void keyword is used in place of parameter list For example: void find_area(void);
A function prototype let the compiler get to know the types of parameters, the num-
ber of parameters and order of parameters that a function will use. This information
enables it to detect type mismatch. Type mismatch is a situation whereby a function
is passed values that do not match with the type, the number order of the values that
a function expect. For a complex program, it is advisable to have all function pro-
totypes in separate header files. However, for simple programs function prototypes
can be included within the body of the program

• main() method

The remainder of the program is made of definition of the main() function. Function
definition has two pieces of information: a header and a body. The header provides
the function return type, the function name, followed by parentheses.
return type is the type of the value a function returns to its caller. The main()
function has int as its return type. The int value that main() function returns to
the operation system indicates whether the program has executed successfully or
not. It can return either zero(0) or one(1). Zero indicate successful execution of the
program and one indicate unsuccessful execution of the program.
The main() method is written in two forms:

• Form 1

int main(void) {
return 0;

• Form 2

int main(int argc, char *argc) {

return 0
The function body contains the statements to be executed when the function is
called. These statements are enclosed in braces ( { and }). In the case of the main()

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

function, it has two statements to be executed when it is called. cout<<“Hello

world”<<endl. The first statement print “Hello world” on the screen. The last state-
ment instruct main() function to return an integer (0) to the operating system.

• Function Definitions

Function definition has the following properties:

1. return type of function: this is the type of the value that the function returns to
the caller. If the function does not return any value to the caller, its return is void
2. function name: this is the name of the function
3. list of parameters: this is a list of the type of parameters, the number of parame-
ters and the order of parameters that the function expect from the caller
4. function body: this is a list of the statements that are to be executed when the
function is called. The function body is enclosed within opening and closing curly
braces ( {, }).
Function definition differs from function prototype in the following ways:

• Function definition must have names of parameters but function prototype

must not have names of parameters

• Function definition has function body while function prototype does not have
function body

The syntax for a function definition is return_type_of_function name_of_function(list_of_parameters)

{ //function body }

2.3. Testing
The main objective of testing a program is to uncover and remove errors. A suc-
cessful software test is the one that has enables one to uncover and remove errors in
a program. An error is a mistake that a program make when writing program source
code. Thare are different types of errors

• syntac errors( also known as compiler errors): Wrong use of the syntax rules.
These errors are easily detected by the compiler. A program that has syntax
errors does not compile

• run-time errors: These are errors that are uncovered when the program is

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

• logical errors: These errors are as a result of wrong logic. They are the most
difficult errors to uncover.

2.4. Input and Output Operations

In C++, input and output operations are performed using predefined cout and cin
objects. These objects are defined in iostream.h standard library. cout print strings
on the screen while cin reads inputs from the keyboard. The general format of cout
and cin calling them is:

• cin>>memory_location1>>memory_location2>>...;

cout is an object of type ostream that links a program to a standard output de-
vice(monitor), while cin is object of type istream which links a program with stan-
dard input device(keyboard).
The << operator insert characters into the cout for display while the >> operator
extract characters from the cin object and store them in memory locations. >>
operator is referred to as extraction operator while << operator is referred to as
insertion operator

Revision Questions

E XERCISE 5.  Explain why comments are important in a program

Example . Briefly explain the role of main() method
Solution: The main() method is the one that enables a program to start running. It
is the first method that is called by the operating system 

E XERCISE 6.  Explain the importance of hearder files

E XERCISE 7.  C++ is case sensitive.Explain the phrase “case sensitive”
E XERCISE 8.  Differentiate between syntax errors and semantics

References and Additional Reading Materials

• David Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell (5th Edition), O’Reilly Press,

• Matt Weisfeld, 2009, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition, ,


ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

• Malik, D. S. 2002, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, Course Technology, Canada

• Pappas, H. Chris and Murray, William, H. 1996, C/C++ Programmer’s Guide,

BPB Publications, New Delhi

• Flanagan, D. (2005). Java in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference. O’Reilly

(5th ed.).

• Flanagan, D. (2004). Java examples in a nutshell : a tutorial companion to

Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly (3rd ed.)

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Classes and Objects

Learning outcomes
Upon completing this topic you should be able to:

• Declare a class

• Differentiate between member variables and member functions

• Define member functions

• Create objects from a class

• Acess data members

3.1. Introduction to Classes

Classes are fundamental building blocks of object-oriented programs.
A class binds data and functions together.
The data and functions of a class are its members.
The data members and member functions details are controlled using private, public
and protected keywords.
private, public and protected keywords are also referred to as access specifier and
are always followed by a colon (:).
The private section of a class has data members and member functions that are
available only within the class(except by friend functions).
The public section makes the data members and member functions within it to be
available to all class members and to the other classes members and applications.
The protected section has data members and member functions that are available to
the class itself and any other derived class.
The beginning of each section is marked by keywords private:, public: and pro-
tected: By default data members and member functions are private.
Normally the data members are put in the private section of a class and the member
functions are put in the public section.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

3.2. Declaring a class

Specifying the data members and member functions of a class is known as declaring
a class.
The syntax for defining a class is:
c l a s s class_name
private :
d a t a _ t y p e member1 ;
d a t a _ t y p e member2 ;
. . .
d a t a _ t y p e membern
public :
method f u n c t i o n 1 ;
method f u n c t i o n 2 ;
. . .
Example :
class Rectangle
private :
int length ;
i n t width ;
public :
void print_dimension ( void ) ;
The class definition begins with class keyword followed by the name of the class.
The name of a class is an identifier and it is not supposed to be a reserved word.
The body of a class is enclosed within the opening curly brace ({) and closing curly
brace (}). The closing curly brace is terminated by a semi-colon (;). The body of a
class consists of data members and member functions.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

3.3. Defining Member Functions

There are two ways of defining member functions. a) Inside the class definition b)
outside the class definition

• Definition a member function outside a class definition

The members functions declared within a class can be defined outside a class.
The definitions of these functions are just the same as definition of the normal func-
tions( functions that are not members of a class). But unlike normal functions mem-
ber functions defined outside a class definition are qualified with the name of the
class that they belong to. The name of the class and the member function are sepa-
rated using the scope resolution operator(: :).
The syntax of defining a member function outside a class is:
return-type class-name :: function-name (parameter list) { function body }
For instance, consider the print_dimension function declared in the Rectangle class
above. It may be defined as follows: void Rectangle :: print_dimension(void)
cout<<The Length is: “<<length <<”cm\n” <<”The width is : “<<width <<”cm\n”

• Definition a member function inside a class definition

Member functions can be defined within a class definition. Still consider the find_area()
function declared in the class Rectangle above.
This function can be defined in the class as shown below.
class Rectangle
int length;
int width;
void print_dimension(void)
cout<<”The Length is: “<<length <<”cm\n” <<”The width is : “<<width <<”cm\n”<<endl;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I


3.4. Creating objects from a class

Once a class has been defined, it can be instantiated.
Instantiating a class is creating an object from a class.
The objects that are created are the ones that are used to call member functions of
the class.
A class that can be instantiated is referred to as a concrete class.
There are those classes that can not be instantiated.
Such classes have at least one member a pure virtual function. Such classes are
referred to as abstract classes.
The syntax for instantiated a class is:

• Form 1

class-name variable-name;
Rectangle rect1;
b) Form 2
class-name variable-name(arguments);
Rectangle rect2(4, 5);
The above two statements creates a class variables rect1 and rect2 of type Rectan-
gle. A class variable is an object. In that case rect1and rect2 are objects of type

3.5. Accessing class members

All private data members are accessible only by class member functions( this re-
striction does not apply to friend functions).
It is illegal to have a statement for example within the main method that accesses
the value stored in data member.
External functions access private data members by calling public members of a
class. The syntax for doing this is
object-name. function-name( arguments);

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

This is what is referred to as message passing. The receiver of the message is

object-name. The name of the message is function-name. The information that is
passed to the object in order for the object to respond to the message is “arguments”
Below is an example of a C++ program that is made of a class
/* ————————————————————————————————
This program demonstrates the use classes in a
C++ program
class Rectangle
int length;
int width;
Rectangle(int l, int w);
void print_dimension(void);
int main(void)
{ Rectangle rect1(5, 3);
return 0;
/* ————————————————————————————————
Definition of Rectangle member function
Rectangle :: Rectangle(int l, int w)

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

/* ————————————————————————————————
Definition of print_dimension member function
void Rectangle :: print_dimension(void)
cout<<”The Length is: “<<length <<”cm\n” <<”The width is : “<<width <<”cm\n”
If you compile and execute this program, the output is
The Length is: 5cm The width is : 4cm

Revision Questions

E XERCISE 9.  Differentiate Rectangle rect1; and Rectangle rect2()

Example . Differentiate between function declaration and function definition
Solution: Function declaration is only function header while function definition has
function header and function body 

E XERCISE 10.  Differentiate data members and member functions

E XERCISE 11.  Explain the use private, protected and public keywords
E XERCISE 12.  Explain the difference between internal and external definition
of member functions

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

References and Additional Reading Materials

• David Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell (5th Edition), O’Reilly Press,

• Matt Weisfeld, 2009, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition, ,


• Malik, D. S. 2002, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, Course Technology, Canada

• Pappas, H. Chris and Murray, William, H. 1996, C/C++ Programmer’s Guide,

BPB Publications, New Delhi

• Flanagan, D. (2005). Java in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference. O’Reilly

(5th ed.).

• Flanagan, D. (2004). Java examples in a nutshell : a tutorial companion to

Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly (3rd ed.)

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Friend Functions, Static Functions and Constant Functions

Learning outcomes
Upon completing this topic you should be able to:

• Differentiate a friend function, a static function and a constant function

• Use friend functions, static functions and constant functions

4.1. A Friend Function

A friend function is a function that is not a member of a class (also known as
external functions) but it can access data members of the class just like members
function of that class.

4.1.1. Making an External Function a Friend Function

An external function is made a friend function by preceding its declaration with
friend keyword as shown below:
c l a s s Account

private :
. . .
public :
f r i e n d void compute_tax ( Account ) ;
. . .

• compute_tax() function is not a member function of Account class. The re-

served word friend make this function to behavior like a member function of
Account class

• it can not be called using an object of Account class. Therefore, it is called

just like a normal function.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

• Because compute_tax() function is not a member of Account class, it can ac-

cess Account class data members through the use of Account object. There-
fore its argument should be an object of type Account

• compute_tax() can be declared in any section of Account class(private, public

and protected sections)

The program below demonstrates the use of friend function

Example . cpp T h i s p r o g r a m
demonstrates the use of f r i e n d f u n c t i o n s
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ∗ /
# i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m . h>
c l a s s Example
private :
int x;
int y;
public :
Example ( i n t x1 , i n t y1 )
x=x1 ;
y=y1 ;
f r i e n d v o i d p r i n t _ v a l u e ( Example ) ;
v o i d p r i n t _ v a l u e ( Example e )
c o u t <<The v a l u e s a r e <<e . x << and
<<e . y<< e n d l ;
i n t main ( v o i d )
Example myExample ( 1 0 , 3 0 ) ;
p r i n t _ v a l u e ( myExample ) ;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Table 4.1: Output from the above program

return 0;

4.1.2. Making a Member Function a Friend Function

There are member functions of a class that are friend to other classes.
That means these member functions are able to access data members of that classes
as if they are member functions of those classes.
Such member functions are made friend to class as shown below
c l a s s c l a s s −name1
private :
. . .
public :
. . .
f r i e n d r e t u r n −t y p e c l a s s −name2 : :
f u n c t i o n −name ( ) ;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

class B
private :
. . .
public :
. . .
f r i e n d i n t A : : y (B b ) ;

• friend is a reserved word

• int is the return-type of the function y()

• A is the class that y() function is a member of

• :: scope resolution operators

• y() is the function that is being made a friend of B class.

• y() function behavior as if is a class B member function.

4.1.3. Making all Member Functions to be Friends

All the member functions of a class can be made to be friend to another class.
For example:
class B {
friend class A ;
where all A class member functions are now friends to class B

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

4.2. const member function

A const member function is a member function that does not modify data members
in a class.
The reserved word const is appended at the end of the function declaration and
function definition as shown below
/ / function declaration
void func ( ) const ;
/ / function definitions
void func ( ) const
f u n c t i o n body

4.3. static member function

A static member function is a member function that has been declared with the
static keyword.
A static member function can access only a static variable and it is called using the
name of class separated with scope resolution operators.
The syntax of declaring and calling a static member function is
a) declaring a class with static member function
c l a s s c l a s s −name
private :
. . .
public :
. . .
s t a t i c r e t u r n −t y p e f u n c t i o n −name ( )
f u n c t i o n body
b) syntax of calling a static member

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

r e t u r n −t y p e f u n c t i o n −name ( )
c l a s s −name : : s t a t i c f u n c t i o n −name ( ) ;

Revision Questions

E XERCISE 13.  Explain why friend functions are passed object of the class that
they have been to be a friend of
Example . Differentiate a member function and a friend function
Solution: A member function can access the data members of a class without using
an object while a friend function can only use an object to be able to access the data

E XERCISE 14.  Explain any FOUR characteristics of friend functions

E XERCISE 15.  Show how a member function can be made a friend function
E XERCISE 16.  Differentiate static member functions and constant menber func-

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

References and Additional Reading Materials

• David Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell (5th Edition), O’Reilly Press,

• Matt Weisfeld, 2009, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition, ,


• Malik, D. S. 2002, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, Course Technology, Canada

• Pappas, H. Chris and Murray, William, H. 1996, C/C++ Programmer’s Guide,

BPB Publications, New Delhi

• Flanagan, D. (2005). Java in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference. O’Reilly

(5th ed.).

• Flanagan, D. (2004). Java examples in a nutshell : a tutorial companion to

Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly (3rd ed.)

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Constructors and Destructors

Learning outcomes
Upon completing this topic you should be able to:

• Differentiate constructor and destructor

• List characteristics of constructor and destructor

• use constructors and destructors

5.1. Constructors
A constructor is a member function that is used for creating objects and initializing
the states of the objects.
A constructor has the following characteristics:

• Its is the same as the name of the class within which it has been declared

• It is called automatically

• It does not have return type

• It is always declared within the public section of a class

• It is not inherited vi. A constructor can not be made virtual

• The address of the memory location occupied by a constructor can not be


5.2. Declaration of Constructors

A constructor is declared and defined as follows:
class Rectangle
int length;
int width;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Rectangle(int l, int w); //declaration of constructor
}; //definition of constructor
Rectangle::Rectangle(int l, int w)

5.3. Calling Constructors

Since a constructor is always declared within the public section of a class, it is
accessible from external functions( these are functions that are not members of the
class that has the class).
For example the main method can call the constructor in the Rectangle class above
as shown below.
Rectangle rect1(6, 5);
This statement is a call to Rectangle constructor in a class called Rectangle. The
constructor is also passed two integer values, i.e. 6 and 5. The constructor will
construct the object and 6 and 5 values will be used as the initial state of the object.
The object that will be created will be referenced by rect1 variable. If we now want
to pass a message to the object that has been created in Rectangle class, we have
to use rect1 to refer to the object as shown below rect1.find_area(); rect1 is our
reference to the object created and find_area() is the message that we are passing to
our object. rect1 refers to the object created.

5.4. Types of Constructors

There are three types of constructors:

• Default constructors

• Copy constructors

• Parameterized constructors

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

5.4.1. A Default Constructor

A default constructor is a constructor that is not passed any arguments when it is
called. A default constructor can be created automatically by the compiler. For
example, the default constructor for Rectangle class above is :
class Rectangle
private: . . .
}; //definition of default constructor
Note that the body of this constructor is empty. Now if we have a statement shown
below within the main method
int main(void) {
Rectangle rect1;
return 0;
Statement Rectangle rect1; in the above main method is a call to the default. In
that case if the Rectangle class do not have the default constructor the compiler will
create one automatically.

5.4.2. Parameterized constructors

Parameterized constructors are constructors that are passed arguments when they
are called. Unlike default constructors, parameterized constructors are not created
automatically by the compiler if they are not defined in a class. And these construc-
tors must be defined. For example:
class Rectangle
int length;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

int width;
Rectangle(int l, int w);
}; //definition of a parameterized constructor Rectangle::Rectangle(int l, int w) {
length=l; width=w; }
There are two ways of passing arguments to parameteized constructors when they
are called: by calling the constructor explicitly and by calling the constructor im-
plicitly. For example Rectangle rect1= Rectangle( 6, 5); //explicit call Rectangle
rect1(6, 5); //implicit call Implicit call is the one that is normally used.

5.4.3. Copy constructors

Copy constructors are constructors that used to create and initialize an object us-
ing another object. For example Rectangle rect1(6, 5); //a call to a parameterized
constructor Rectangle rect2(rect1); // a call to a copy constructor to create and ini-
tialized rect2 object //using rect1 object

5.5. Destructors
A destructor is a member function that is used to free a location that is held by an
object for use by another object.
An object is deleted when the flow of control leaves the scope within which it has
been created.
A destructor has the following properties

• Its name is the same as the name of the class

• Its name is preceded by a tilde (~) character

• It is not passed arguments and it does not have return type not even void

• It is called implicitly

• A class can have only one destructor

• A destructor can not be overloaded

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

For example
cout<<”An object has been destroyed “<<endl;
Note that just like other member functions, constructors can have default arguments
and they can be overloaded.

Revision Questions

E XERCISE 17.  Differentiate a constructor and a destructor

Example . List any FOUR characteristics of a destructor
a) It is not passed any arguments
b) Its name is the same as a class and it is preceded by tilde (~) symbol.
c) It is called automatically
d) It does not have return types

E XERCISE 18.  Explain why a constructor is public and has no return type
E XERCISE 19.  Differentiate a default constructor, a copy constructor and pa-
rameterized constructor
E XERCISE 20.  Explain the difference between the following two statement:
Car myCar(200);
Car yourCar;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

References and Additional Reading Materials

• David Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell (5th Edition), O’Reilly Press,

• Matt Weisfeld, 2009, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition, ,


• Malik, D. S. 2002, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, Course Technology, Canada

• Pappas, H. Chris and Murray, William, H. 1996, C/C++ Programmer’s Guide,

BPB Publications, New Delhi

• Flanagan, D. (2005). Java in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference. O’Reilly

(5th ed.).

• Flanagan, D. (2004). Java examples in a nutshell : a tutorial companion to

Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly (3rd ed.)

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Storage classes

Learning outcomes
Upon completing this topic you should be able to:

• Differentiate between scope and lifetime of an object

• Use register, auto, static and extern keywords

• List limitations of register variables

6.1. Introduction
In C++, just like in C, variables and functions have scope and lifetime.
The scope ( also referred to as visibility) of a variable or a function is a portion of
a program in which it is accessible while the lifetime of a variable or a function is
the duration of time that it exist during the execution of the program. Information
about scope and lifetime of variables and functions is provided by preceding their
declaration with the following storage class specifiers:

• auto

• register

• static

• extern

Auto, register, static and extern are keywords.

6.2. Auto storage specifier

All local variables are by default auto. That means they need not be declared with
the keyword auto. Since
auto int x;
} is equivalent to
int x;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

All local variables are created and destroyed automatically.
The word auto is derived from their automatic creation and destruction.
All local variables are created when the block within which they have declared is
entered and destroyed when the block is exited. Parameters behavior like local
variables and therefore they are created and destroyed automatically.
Only local variables are associated with the auto storage class specifier.
Local variables and parameters have local lifetime and they are visible only in the
block of code they have been declared.

6.3. The register storage class specifier

All local variables and parameters are stored in computer memory. However, a
compiler can be requested to allocate memory to a local variable and a parameter
in the system’ register. Examples:
register int product=1;
for (register int i=1; i<10; i++)
It is possible that the register is not available. In that case the variable is treated like
a local variable. Register variables are quickly accessed and therefore the program
runs faster. Since registers are limited only a few variables that are frequently ac-
cessed need to be stored in the registers. Register variables have the same lifetime
and visibility as auto variables.
Some restriction on register variables
a). Only local variables and parameters can be declared with register storage class

6.4. The static storage class specifier

Static variables and functions are declared using static specifier, for example:
static int count=0;
Static variables have global lifetime. This means that they are created when the
program start executing and remain in existence during the entire period of execu-
tion. But they are visible only within the block in which they have been declared.
Unlike auto variables, static variables are not destroyed after the block in which
they are declared has been exited. This means that they keep their values when the

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

block in which they are declared is exited. Variables that have global lifetime are
automatically initialization with zero.
Static keyword can also precede declaration of global variables. A global variable
is a variables that has been declared outside all the functions in a program.
In C++, functions can not be declared within other functions. Function can not be
declared at internal(local) level. All functions are declared at external(global) level
and therefore their their declaration can be preceded with static keyword. A static
function is only accessible within source file that it has been declared. Functions in
the same source file can call static functions but not functions in other source files.
Thereafter different source files can have static functions that have the same name.

6.5. The extern storage class specifier

local variables that have been declared with extern keyword are references to vari-
ables with the same name and data type that have been declared later in same file or
in a different file.

Revision Questions

E XERCISE 21.  Differentiate scope and lifetime of a variable

Example . Explain why scope and lifetime of variables and functions are impor-
Solution: Scope and lifetime of variables enables a program to have the same func-
tions and variables without risking name collision

E XERCISE 22.  Explain why a function can not be declared with auto and register
E XERCISE 23.  Differentiate static and extern storage classes
E XERCISE 24.  Explain the difference between external storage and internal stor-

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

References and Additional Readings

• David Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell (5th Edition), O’Reilly Press,

• Matt Weisfeld, 2009, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition, ,


• Malik, D. S. 2002, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, Course Technology, Canada

• Pappas, H. Chris and Murray, William, H. 1996, C/C++ Programmer’s Guide,

BPB Publications, New Delhi

• Flanagan, D. (2005). Java in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference. O’Reilly

(5th ed.).

• Flanagan, D. (2004). Java examples in a nutshell : a tutorial companion to

Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly (3rd ed.)

1. .

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I


Learning outcomes
Upon completing this topic you should be able to:

• Define inheritance and composition

• Implement inheritance and composition

• Differentiate derived class and base class

• Explain three types of inheritance: public, protected and private

7.1. Introduction to inheritance

Inheritance is an “is-a” relationship. For example, a car is a vehicle.
In object-oriented programming, inheritance enables one to create a class from an-
other class. The new class is referred to as a derived class, sub-class or a child class.
The existing class is referred to as a base class, parent class or a super class. The
derived class inherits properties of the base class. Inheritance can be either a single
inheritance or a multiple inheritance. In single inheritance, the derived class has
only one base class while in multiple inheritance the derived class has more than
one base class.
In the above diagram, Vehicle is the base class. The classes car and lorry are derived
from vehicle. Every car, every lorry is a vehicle.
If we have a class Vehice defined, to specify that class Car is derived from Vehicle
class, we use the following syntax:
class Car:public Vehicle
Where class and public are keywords. public keyword is a member access specifier.
It specify that all public members of the class Vehicle are derived as public members

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Table 7.1: Inheritance Hierarchy

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

by the Car class. This means that public members of the class Vehicle become
public members of the class Car.
Consider the following definition of Car class
class Car: private Vehicle
In this case, the public members of Vehicle class become the private members of
the Car class.
The above definition of Car class is equivalent to the definition shown below.
class Car: Vehicle
The general format of defining a derived class is:
class className: memberAccessSpecifier baseClassName
where memberAccessSpecifier is public, protected or private. When no member-
AccessSpecifier is indicated, it is assumed to be private.
private members of base class can not be inherited by the derived class
public members of base class can be inherited by derived class either as public or
private members of the derived class
Derived class has additional members
Derived class can redefine public members of the base class

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

7.2. Redefining and Overloading Member Functions of the Base Class

Redefining a member function is having a member function in the derived class that
has the same name and the same set of parameters as another member function in
the base class. However, if the base class and derived class have members functions
that have the same name but different sets of parameters, then this is fuunction over
loading in the derived class.

7.3. Constructors of Derived and Base classes

Constructors initialize data members of a class. When a derived class is defined, it
inherits the members of the base class, but it can not access private data members
of the base class. When a derived class object is constructed, it must automatically
execute one of the constructors of the base class. This means that the constructor of
the derived class object must trigger execution of the constructor of the base class
object. In that case, a call to the base class constructor is specified in the derived
class constructor as shown below.
baseClassConstructor(arguments) {
derivedClass::derivedClass(int x, int y, char w, int one):
baseClass(x, y) {

7.4. Virtual Functions and Pure Virtual Functions

A virtual function is a function that is bound with its call at run-time(also known
as dynamic binding). The compiler does not generate the code to call a specific
function. But instead it generate enough information to enable run-time system to
generate the code for appropriate function call.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

virtual functions are only declared in the base class with the keyword virtual.
the calledclass that has been created or derived from another class can have a func-
tion that has been inherited from the based class having been redefined. Example

c l a s s Base {
public :
v i r t u a l void p r i n t ( ) {
c o u t < <" T h i s i s b a s e c l a s s "<< e n d l ;
A pure virtual function behaves just like a virtual function. However, it does not
have the body. It is declared in a base class. A class that has a pure virtual function
can not be instantiated. Such a class is also referred to as a abstract class. The
general format of declaring a pure virtual function is shown below:
virtual return-type function-name(parameters)=0;
virtual void print(void)=0;
A class that is derived from an abstract class must defined pure virtual functions in
the base class. Otherwise the derived class will also be an abstract class.

Revision Questions

E XERCISE 25.  Explain the difference between private and protected members
of a class
Example . Mark the following statements as true or false
a) The constructor of the derived class specify a call to the constructor of the base
class in the heading of defining derived class constructor
b) Inheritance is “has a” relation
c) public members of a base class can be inherited either as public or private by the
derived class
d) When initializing the objects of the derived class, the constructor of the base
class is executed last
Solution: a) true b) false c) true d) false 

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

E XERCISE 26.  Explain briefly why constructors are not inherited

E XERCISE 27.  Differentiate overloading and redefining member functions
E XERCISE 28.  Explain importance of inheritance

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

References and Additional Reading Materials

• David Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell (5th Edition), O’Reilly Press,

• Matt Weisfeld, 2009, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition, ,


• Malik, D. S. 2002, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, Course Technology, Canada

• Pappas, H. Chris and Murray, William, H. 1996, C/C++ Programmer’s Guide,

BPB Publications, New Delhi

• Flanagan, D. (2005). Java in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference. O’Reilly

(5th ed.).

• Flanagan, D. (2004). Java examples in a nutshell : a tutorial companion to

Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly (3rd ed.)


ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Operator Overloading

Learning outcomes
Upon completing this topic you should be able to:

8.1. Operator Overloading

Operator overloading is a mechanism of making user-defined data types to behavior
like built-in types. For example, using in-build data types, line 3 below is legal.
int x=10; //line 1
int y=20; //line 2
int z=x+y; //line 3
However, using user-defined data types, line 3 below can not be understood by the
Rectangle rect1(4, 6); //line 1
Rectangle rect2(5, 9); //line 2
Rectangle rect3=rect1+rect2; //line 3
Line 3 will be compiled successfully only if plus(+) operator is overloaded. If the
plus(+) operator is overloaded we can be able to add two objects as shown below.
Rectangle rect1(10);
Rectangle rect2(30);
Rectangle rect3=rect1+rect2;

8.2. Operation Overloading Function

In order to overload an operator, we must write a function to do that. Such a func-
tion is referred to as an operator overloading function. The name of an operator
overloading function, is reserved word “operator” followed by the operator to over-
load. For example, to overload <=(less than or equal to ) operator we must write a
function with the following name: operator<=
The syntax for declaring an operator overloading function is
return-type operator operator-symbol(parameters);
Note the following operators can not be overloaded:
a) .
b) .*

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

c) ?:
d) sizeof
An operator overloading function may be either a member function or a non-member
Non-member operator overloading functions are made to be friend function so that
they can access data members of other classes.

8.3. Overloading Binary Operators

Binary operators are those operators that requires at least two operands.
For example:
+, -, and *
Let us now look an example of how to overload +(plus) operator

8.3.1. Overloading + operator using a member function

The name of the operator overloading function in this case is: operator+()
Recall operator is a reserved word and it is followed by the name of the operator
being overloaded, which is + in this case
Now let us assume we have the following statements:
Rectangle rect1(6); //line 1
Rectangle rect2(7); //line 2
Rectangle rect3=rect1+rect2; // line 3
In line 3, we are adding two objects i.e. rect1 and rect2 and the result is assigned to
variable rect3 of type Rectangle.
The two objects are of type Rectangle.
If our operator overloading function is a member of Rectangle class,
line 3 will be interpreted by the compiler as shown:
Rectangle rect3=rect1.operator+(rect2);
Note that on the right side of the assignment operator(=), we now have a message
operator+ being passed to rect1 object and the object is also being passed argument
Ideally what we have is a call to a function called operator+() that is being passed
rect2 value.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

And since the function is a member of Rectangle class, we have to call it using an
object that has been created from Rectangle class. Note also that operator+ function
must return a value which has to be assigned to rect3 variable.
This value is an object of type Rectangle.
Note that the compiler can not interpret line 3 as shown below Rectangle rect3=rect2.operator+(rect1);
Let us now write a complete program that as our operator+() function defined.
R e c t a n g l e . cpp T h i s p r o g r a m d e m o n s t r a t e s how b i n a r y
operators are overloaded
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ∗ /
# i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m . h>
class Rectangle
private :
int length ;
public :
Rectangle ( i n t ) ;
void p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void ) ;
R e c t a n g l e o p e r a t o r +( R e c t a n g l e ) ;
/ / defining constructor outside
the class declaration
Rectangle : : Rectangle ( i n t l )
{ length=l ;
/ / defining operator overloading
function outside the class declaration
R e c t a n g l e R e c t a n g l e : : o p e r a t o r +( R e c t a n g l e r )
Rectangle rect ;
rect . length=length+r . length ; return rect ;
void Rectangle : : p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void )

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

c o u t <<The l e n g t h i s : < < l e n g t h << e n d l ;

i n t main ( v o i d )
Rectangle rect1 ( 6 ) ;
Rectangle rect2 ( 7 ) ;
Rectangle rect3 = rect1 + rect2 ;
rect1 . print_value ();
rect2 . print_value ();
rect3 . print_value ();
return 0;
If you compile and execute this program, it will print the following on the screen
The l e n g t h i s 6
The l e n g t h i s 7
The l e n g t h i s 13
Note that the syntax of defining an operator overloading function is the same as the
syntax of defining other member functions.

8.3.2. Overloading + operator using a non-member function

Let us now see how to overload + operator using a non- member function.
Since the function is a not a member function, it must be a friend function in order
for it to access data members.
Consider the three statements below.
Rectangle rect1(6); //line 1
Rectangle rect2(7); //line 2
Rectangle rect3=rect1+rect2; // line 3
Since we are overload + operator using a non-member function, the compiler will
interpret line 3 as shown below Rectangle rect3=operator+(rect1, rect2);
Note that now the two objects are passed as arguments to the operator overloading
The operator overloading function returns a value of type Rectangle.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Let now write a complete program demonstrating how + operator is overloaded

using non member function.
R e c t a n g l e . cpp T h i s p r o g r a m d e m o n s t r a t e s how b i n a r y
operators are overloaded
∗ / # i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m . h>
class Rectangle
private :
int length ;
public :
Rectangle ( i n t ) ;
void p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void ) ;
f r i e n d R e c t a n g l e o p e r a t o r +( R e c t a n g l e ) ;
}; / / defining constructor outside
the class declaration
Rectangle : : Rectangle ( i n t l )
{ length=l ;
/ / defining operator overloading function
outside the class declaration
R e c t a n g l e o p e r a t o r + ( R e c t a n g l e r1 , R e c t a n g l e r 2 )
Rectangle rect ;
r e c t . length =r1 . length +r2 . length ;
return rect ;
void Rectangle : : p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void )
c o u t <<The l e n g t h i s : < < l e n g t h << e n d l ;
i n t main ( v o i d )

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Rectangle rect1 ( 6 ) ;
Rectangle rect2 ( 7 ) ;
Rectangle rect3 = rect1 + rect2 ;
rect1 . print_value ();
rect2 . print_value ();
rect3 . print_value ();
return 0;
If you compile and execute this program, it will produce the following output on
the screen
The l e n g t h i s 6
The l e n g t h i s 7
The l e n g t h i s 13

8.4. Overloading Unary Operators

Unary operators operators are associated with only one operand.
Increment and decrement operators are examples of unary operators.
These operators are overloaded just like binary operators.
The overloading function can be either a member function or a non-member func-
Increment and decrement operators can be either pre-or post decerement and incre-
ment operators

8.4.1. Overloading pre-increment/decrement operators using member func-

Consider the statement shown below:
Square square1(20); //line 1
Square square2=++square1; //line 2
Since we are overloading ++ operator using a member function line 2 will be inter-
preted by the compiler as follows: Square square2=square1.operator++();
What is on the right side of assignment operator (=) is a call to operator++() func-

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

In an object-oriented program it is message passing. square1 is the object sent the

message, and operator++ is the message being passed.
Below is an example of a program that shows how pre-increment operation is over-
loaded using a member function
R e c t a n g l e . cpp T h i s p r o g r a m d e m o n s t r a t e s how b i n a r y
operators are overloaded
∗ / # i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m . h>
class Rectangle
private :
int length ;
public :
Rectangle ( i n t ) ;
void p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void ) ;
Rectangle operator ++();
}; / / defining constructor outside the class declaration
Rectangle : : Rectangle ( i n t l )
{ length=l ;
/ / defining operator overloading function
outside the class declaration Rectangle Rectangle
: : o p e r a t o r ++()
l e n g t h ++;
return ∗ this ;
void Rectangle : : p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void )
c o u t < <" The l e n g t h i s :" < < l e n g t h << e n d l ;
i n t main ( v o i d )

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Rectangle rect1 ( 6 ) ;
R e c t a n g l e r e c t 2 =++ r e c t 1 ;
rect1 . print_value ();
rect2 . print_value ();
return 0;
If you compile and execute this program, it will output the following on the screen.
The length is 7
The length is 7

8.5. Overloading pre-increment/decrement operators using a non-member func-

Consider the statement shown below:
Square square1(20); //line 1
Square square2=++square1; //line 2
Since we are overloading ++ operator using a non-member function line 2 will be
interpreted by the compiler as follows: Square square2=operator++(square1);
What is on the right side of assignment operator (=) is a call to operator++() func-
In an object-oriented program it is referred to as message passing.
square1 is the object that is passed to the operator++() method.
Below is an example of a program that shows how pre-increment operation is over-
loaded using a non member function
R e c t a n g l e . cpp T h i s p r o g r a m d e m o n s t r a t e s
how b i n a r y o p e r a t o r s a r e o v e r l o a d e d
∗ / # i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m . h>
class Rectangle
private :
int length ;
public :

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Rectangle ( i n t ) ;
void p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void ) ;
friend Rectangle operator ++();
/ / defining constructor outside the class declaration
Rectangle : : Rectangle ( i n t l )
length=l ;
/ / defining operator overloading function
outside the class declaration
R e c t a n g l e o p e r a t o r ++( R e c t a n g l e r e c t )
( r e c t . length )++;
return ∗ rect ;
void Rectangle : : p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void )
c o u t < <" The l e n g t h i s :" < < l e n g t h << e n d l ;
i n t main ( v o i d )
Rectangle rect1 ( 6 ) ;
R e c t a n g l e r e c t 2 =++ r e c t 1 ;
rect1 . print_value ();
rect2 . print_value ();
return 0;
If you compile and execute this program, it will output the following on the screen.
The length is 7
The length is 7

8.6. Overloading post-increment/decrement operators using member functions

Consider the statement shown below:

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Square square1(20); //line 1

Square square2=square1++; //line 2
Since we are overloading ++ operator using a member function line 2 will be inter-
preted by the compiler as follows: Square square2=square1.operator++(0);
What is on the right side of assignment operator (=) is a call to operator++() func-
In an object-oriented program it is message passing. Zero (0) is a value that is sent
to operator++() function.
Zero (0) is an argument that is used to distinguish between pre and post decremen-
t/increment operators.
Zero (0) has no other use.
In fact it is referred to as a dummy parameter.
Below is an example of a program that shows how post-increment operation is
overloaded using a member function
R e c t a n g l e . cpp T h i s p r o g r a m d e m o n s t r a t e s
how b i n a r y
operators are overloaded
∗ / # i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m . h>
class Rectangle
private :
int length ;
public :
Rectangle ( i n t ) ;
void p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void ) ;
R e c t a n g l e o p e r a t o r ++( i n t ) ;
/ / defining constructor outside the class declaration
Rectangle : : Rectangle ( i n t l )
length=l ;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

/ / defining operator overloading function

outside the class declaration
R e c t a n g l e R e c t a n g l e : : o p e r a t o r ++( i n t dummy )
R e c t a n g l e temp =∗ t h i s ;
l e n g t h ++;
r e t u r n temp ;
void Rectangle : : p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void )
c o u t <<The l e n g t h i s : < < l e n g t h << e n d l ;
i n t main ( v o i d )
Rectangle rect1 ( 6 ) ;
R e c t a n g l e r e c t 2 = r e c t 1 ++;
rect1 . print_value ();
rect2 . print_value ();
return 0;
If you compile and execute this program, it will output the following on the screen.
The length is7
The length is 8

8.7. Overloading post-increment/decrement operators using non-member func-

Consider the statement shown below:
Square square1(20); //line 1
Square square2=square1++; //line 2
Since we are overloading ++ operator using a non-member function line 2 will be
interpreted by the compiler as follows: Square square2=operator++(square1, 0);
What is on the right side of assignment operator (=) is a call to operator++() func-
In an object-oriented program it is message passing.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

square1 and zero (0) are values that are sent to operator++() function. Zero (0) is
used to distinguish between pre and post decrement/increment operator overload-
Zero (0) has no other use.
Below is an example of a program that shows how post-increment operation is
overloaded using a non-member function
R e c t a n g l e . cpp T h i s p r o g r a m d e m o n s t r a t e s
how u n a r y o p e r a t o r
is overloaded
∗ / # i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m . h>
class Rectangle
private :
int length ;
public :
Rectangle ( i n t ) ;
void p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void ) ;
f r i e n d R e c t a n g l e o p e r a t o r ++( R e c t a n g l e , i n t ) ;
/ / defining constructor outside the class declaration
Rectangle : : Rectangle ( i n t l )
length=l ;
/ / defining operator overloading function outside
the class declaration Rectangle operator
++( R e c t a n g l e r e c t , i n t dummy )
R e c t a n g l e temp =∗ t h i s ;
( r e c t . length )++;
r e t u r n temp ;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

void Rectangle : : p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void )

c o u t <<The l e n g t h i s : < < l e n g t h << e n d l ;
i n t main ( v o i d )
Rectangle rect1 ( 6 ) ;
R e c t a n g l e r e c t 2 = r e c t 1 ++;
rect1 . print_value ();
rect2 . print_value ();
return 0;
If you compile and execute this program, it will output the following on the screen.
The length is 7
The length is 8

8.8. Overloading stream insertion (<<) and extraction (>>) operators

Stream insertion(<<) and extraction (>>) operators are overloaded using non-member

8.8.1. Overloading the stream insertion (<<) operators

Suppose our insertion(<<) operator is being overloaded for Rectangle class.
Consider the following statements:
Rectangle rect; //line 1
cin>>rect; //line 2
cout<<rect; //line 3
Line 2 will be interpreted as follows by the compiler as:
operation>>(cin, rect);
This statement is a call to operator>>() function and the function is passed two
arguments: cin and rect.
Line 3 will be interpreted as follows by the compiler as:
operator<<(cout, rect);
This is a call to operator<<() function and the function is passed two arguments:
cout and rect.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

1. cin and cout are objects of type istream and ostream respective.
2. operators<<() and operator>>() functions return objects of type ostream and
istream respectively.
Below is an example of a program, that demonstrates how insertion (<<) and ex-
traction (>>) operators are overloaded
/ ∗ −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
o v e r l o a d . cpp T h i s p r o g r a m d e m o n s t r a t e s
how t o o v e r l o a d i n s e r t i o n ( < <)
and e x t r a c t i o n ( > >) o p e r a t o r s
\ # i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m . h>
class Rectangle
private :
int length ;
public :
Rectangle ( i n t ) ;
f r i e n d o s t r e a m& o p e r a t o r <<
( o s t r e a m& o u t p u t , R e c t a n g l e r e c t 1 ) ;
f r i e n d i s t r e a m& o p e r a t o r >>
( i s t r e a m& i n p u t , R e c t a n g l e r e c t 2 ) ;
/ / defining constructor outside the class declaration
Rectangle : : Rectangle ( i n t l )
length=l ;
/ / defining operator overloading
function outside the class declaration
o s t r e a m& o p e r a t o r s < <( o s t r e a m& o u t p u t ,
Rectangle rect1 )

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

o u t p u t << r e c t 1 . l e n g t h << e n d l ; r e t u r n o u t p u t ;
i s t r e a m& o p e r a t o r s < <( i s t r e a m& i n p u t , R e c t a n g l e r e c t 2 )
r e c t 2 >> r e c t 2 . l e n g t h ;
return input ;
i n t main ( v o i d )
Rectangle rect1 ( 6 ) ;
c o u t <<The v a l u e i s << r e c t 1 << e n d l ;
c o u t << E n t e r a v a l u e : ;
c i n >> r e c t 1 c o u t <<The v a l u e i s << r e c t 1 << e n d l ;
return 0;
If you compile and execute this program, the following will be displayed on the
computer screen.
The value is 6 Enter a value: 10 The value is 10

Revision Questions

E XERCISE 29.  Define “friend function”

Example .
Suppose that the operator << is to be overlaode for a user-defined class called mys-
tery. Why must << operator be overloaded using a friend operator overloading
Solution: The leftmost operand of << is an object of type ostream, and therefore
since the class is of type mystery an object of type ostream can not be used to call
the operator overloading function. This object has to be passed to the function as an
argument. In that case the operator overlaoding function must be a friend operator
overlaoding function 

E XERCISE 30.  List any FOUR characteristics of a friend function

E XERCISE 31.  Explain the use of “this” keyword

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

E XERCISE 32.  Consider the following:

Rectangle rect(4,6); //line 1
cout<<rect; //line 2
show how the compiler will interprete line 2

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

References and Additional Reading Materials

• David Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell (5th Edition), O’Reilly Press,

• Matt Weisfeld, 2009, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition, ,


• Malik, D. S. 2002, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, Course Technology, Canada

• Pappas, H. Chris and Murray, William, H. 1996, C/C++ Programmer’s Guide,

BPB Publications, New Delhi

• Flanagan, D. (2005). Java in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference. O’Reilly

(5th ed.).

• Flanagan, D. (2004). Java examples in a nutshell : a tutorial companion to

Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly (3rd ed.)

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I


Learning outcomes
Upon completing this topic you should be able to:

• Define template

• Differentiate between template and overloading

• Declare class template and function template

• Use templates

9.1. Introduction to Templates

Template is the fundation of generic programming. In generic programming, pro-
grammers define general classes and functions. template is a family of either classes
or functions.
What is a template?
A template is a family of functions and classes. In creation of either a class or
a function template, one writes only a single code from where other classes or
functions are created.

9.2. Function Template

A function template is a family of functions. For example, if we want to swap
integer, characters and floating points, we can overload swap() function as shown
/ / t o swap i n t e g e r s
i n t swap ( i n t ∗ a , i n t ∗b )
i n t temp =∗ a ;
∗ a =∗b ;
∗ b=temp ;
/ / t o swap c h a r a c t e r s

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

c h a r swap ( c h a r ∗ a , c h a r ∗b )
c h a r temp =∗ a ;
∗ a =∗b ;
∗ b=temp ;
/ / t o v a l u e t h a t have decimal p o i n t s
d o u b l e swap ( d o u b l e ∗ a , d o u b l e ∗b )
d o u b l e temp =∗ a ;
∗ a =∗b ;
∗ b=temp ;
We have now defined three functions called swap. One function swaps values of
type int, the other swaps values of type char while the other swaps values of type
double. We have done that by overloading swap() function. However, the three
functions swap the values in the same way. In such a case instead of writing these
three functions, we could have written a function template and from this template
we can create these three function. This is a powerful concepts. In that case we can
create a swap function from our template that can be used to swap any data.
The syntax of declaring function template is:
template <class Type>
Type is an identifier that is used to specify the following:
a) Type of arguments that will be passed to the function.
b) The return of the function
c) To declare variables within the function
For example
t e m p l a t e < c l a s s Type >
Type l a r g e r ( Type x , Type y )
i f ( x >= y )
return x;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

return y;
where template and class are reserved words.
Now we have declared a set of functions that are passed two arguments and return
the larger argument.
The types of parameters have not been specified.
This means we can pass to the larger() functions two arguments of the any data
Below is a program that shows how function templates are used.
t e m p l a t e . cpp T h i s p r o g r a m d e m o n s t r a t e s
how f u n c t i o n t e m p l a t e i s u s e d −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
# i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m . h>
/ / function template declaration
t e m p l a t e < c l a s s Type >
Type l a r g e r ( Type x , Type y ) ;

i n t main ( v o i d )
c o u t << p r i n t t h e l a r g e r v a l u e << l a r g e r ( 2 0 , 30) < < e n d l ;
c o u t << p r i n t t h e l a r g e r v a l u e << l a r g e r ( ’A’ , ’B’ ) < < e n d l ;
c o u t << p r i n t t h e l a r g e r v a l u e << l a r g e r ( 3 . 2 3 , 3.15) < < e n d l ;
return 0;
t e m p l a t e < c l a s s Type >
Type l a r g e r ( Type x , Type y )
i f ( x >= y )
return x;
return y;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

If you compile and execute this program it will display the following on the screen:
print the larger value 30
print the larger value B
print the larger value 3.23

9.3. Class Template

Like function template, class template enable one to define a set of code that can be
used to create several classes.
The syntax for creating class template is
template<class Type>
class declaration
For example:
t e m p l a t e < c l a s s Type >
c l a s s Number
private :
Type x ;
public :
Number ( Type ) ;
void p r i n t _ v a l u e ( void ) ;
i n t main ( v o i d )
Number< i n t > num1 ( 2 0 ) ;
Number< c h a r >num2 ( ’A ’ ) ;
Number< f l o a t >num3 ( 3 . 1 4 ) ;
num1 . p r i n t _ v a l u e ( ) ;
num2 . p r i n t _ v a l u e ( ) ;
num3 . p r i n t _ v a l u e ( ) ;
return 0;
/ / d e f i n i n g Number o u t s i d e t h e c l a s s d e c l a r a t i o n
t e m p l a t e < c l a s s Type >
Numbe<Type > r : : Number ( Type t y p e )

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

x= t y p e ;
/ / defining print_value outside the class declaration
t e m p l a t e < c l a s s Type >
v o i d Number<Type > : : p r i n t _ v a l u e ( v o i d )
c o u t <<The v a l u e i s <<x<< e n d l ;
If you compile and execute this program it will print the following on the screen
The value is 20 The value is A The value is 3.14

Revision Questions

E XERCISE 33.  Suppose cType is a class template and func is a member function
of cType. Show the heading of the function definition of func
Example . Suppose cType is a class template, which can take int as a parameter.
Explain what the statement below means. cType<int> y;
Solution: it declares y to be an object of the type cType, and the type passed to the
class cType is int 

E XERCISE 34.  Find the error(s) in the following code.

template < c l a s s type >
class Strange
s t r a n g e < i n t > s1 ;
s t r a n g e <type > s2 ;

E XERCISE 35.  Consider the following declaration:

template<class type>
class strange

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

type a;
type b;
Write a statement that declares sobj to be an object of the type strange such that the
private data members a nd b are of type int
E XERCISE 36.  Consider the definition of the following function template
template <class type>
type surprise(type x, type y)
return x+y;
What is the output of the following statement
a) cout<<surprise(5, 7)<<endl;
string str1=”sunny”;
string str2=”day”;
cout<<surprise(str1, str2)<<endl;

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

References and Additional Reading Materials

• David Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell (5th Edition), O’Reilly Press,

• Matt Weisfeld, 2009, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition, ,


• Malik, D. S. 2002, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, Course Technology, Canada

• Pappas, H. Chris and Murray, William, H. 1996, C/C++ Programmer’s Guide,

BPB Publications, New Delhi

• Flanagan, D. (2005). Java in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference. O’Reilly

(5th ed.).

• Flanagan, D. (2004). Java examples in a nutshell : a tutorial companion to

Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly (3rd ed.)

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Files and Streams

Learning Outcomes
Upon completing this topic, you should be able to:

• Define a file and a stream

• Differentiate an input file stream and an output file stream

• Use streams to process data in files

10.1. Introduction
Many programs use large data sets that is stored in secondary memory
The data is stored in files.
There are two basic types of files:

• Text files: The data in the file are characters

• Binary files: The data in the file are in binary form

Files can alse be grouped into:

• Sequential files: The data is accessed in the order in which it is stored

• Random files: The data is accessed randomly

10.2. Stream
A stream is a sequence of characters. It is the one that links a program to a file. In
object-oriented programs, stream are objects. In C++ streams are objects of type
fstream. fstream is the name of a class that is stored in fstream.h file.
An object of type fstream is declared as shown below:
fstream inputFile;
fstream outputFile;
fstream is a keyword
inputFile and outputFile are names of the streams that are to be linked to files.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Connecting a file with a stream

Connecting a file to a stream is known as opening a file,

• using a constructor function

• using open member function

10.3. opening a file using constructor function.

The syntax of opening a file using constructor is:
fstream FstreamName(“file_name”, opening_mode);
fstream is a reserved word
file_name is the name of the file being opened
opening_mode specifies whether a stream is being used for input, output or both
It can be one of the following specifiers:

• ios:: in open for reading

• ios::out open for writing

• ios::app append at the end of the file

• ios::ate go to the end of the file

• ios::binary open as a binary file

For example:
fstream outputfile(“myfile1.cpp”, ios::out); //output file,
fstream inputfile(“myfile2.cpp”, ios::in); //input file.
myfile1.cpp and myfile2.cpp are the names of files that are being opened.
ios::in and ios::out are file open modes for reading and writing respectively.
myfile1.cpp is opened for reading and myfile2.cpp is opened for writing

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

10.4. Using open() function

The syntax to open a file using open() function is
FstreamName.open(“file_name”, open_mode);
For example.
fstream myfile; //line 1
myfile.open(“Data1.cpp”, ios::out); //line 2
where line 1 is a call to the default constructor in fstream class. fstream is a reserved
word. In line 2 open() is a member function of fstream class. It is being called
using myfile reference variable. Data1.cpp is the argument that is being passed to
the open() function. It is the name of the file that is opened. ios::out is the file open
mode. Note that the second argument when opening a file using either a constructor
or an open() is file open mode.
A file can be opened in more than one file mode. This is done by combing modes us-
ing bitwise OR operator (|). For example file1.open(“myFile.cpp”, ios::in|ios::binary);

10.5. Checking for successful opening

It is always advisable to check whether a file has been opened successful before
carrying out any operation on the file. There are many things that can make opening
of a file to fail. For example, a file could be in a different directory or it could not
be existing at all. Any attempt to carry out any operation on a file that has not been
opened properly will fail.
fail() function is the one that is used to check whether a file has been opened suc-
fail() function returns true(1) if the opening has failed and false(0) if the opening
has succeeding
fstream inputfile(“myfile.cpp”, ios::in);
if( inputfile.fail())
//display message if the opening has failed
In such a case the program is terminated through the use of exit() function. This
function is passed 1 to indicate that the program has not ended successfully.
if( inputfile.fail())
//display message if the opening has failed

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

10.6. Closing a file

A file that has been opened should be closed after it has been processed. This is
done through the use of close() function. This function disconnect a stream from a
file that it has been connected with.
fstream inputfile(“myfile.cpp”, ios::in);

10.7. Input from and output to a file

Once a file has been connected to an input stream, the input operator >> can be used
to input data from the file just like the way this operator is used to input data from
a keyboard.
fstream inputfile(“myfile.cpp”, ios::in);
Similarly, once a file has been connected to an output stream, the output operator
<< can be used to output data to the file just like the way this operator is used to
output data to a keyboard.
fstream outputfile(“myfile.cpp”, ios::out);

10.8. Detecting end of a file

It is always advisable to keep on checking whether one has reached the end of a
file particularly when the file is an input. This is done using eof() function. This
function returns true(nonzero) value when it has come to the end of a file and zero

10.9. File pointers and function for manipulating file pointers

Each file has a get pointer and a put pointer. A get pointer enables a file to be read
at certain point where a put pointer enables a file to be written at a certain point.

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

When a file is opened for reading, the get pointer is automatically positioned at the
beginning of the file. Similarly when a file is opened for writting the put pointer
is positioned at the beginning of the file. These pointers are moved to any desired
positions through the use of seekg() , seekp(), tellg() and tellp() functions. seekg()
and seekp() moves the positions of get and put pointers respectively while tellg()
and tellp() returns the current positions of get and put pointers respectively. Seekp()
and seekg() are passed two arguments. The first argument is always the number
of bytes that the pointer is to be moved, while the second argument is the position
where the movement should begin. There are three constants that are used to denote
the position where the movement should begin. These constants are: ios::beg //this
means the movement should start at the beginning of the file ios::cur//this means
the movement should start at the current position of the pointer ios::end//this means
the movement should start at the end of the file Note, the movement can be either
backward or forward starting at the specified position. This is done by preceding
the number of bytes to be moved with either a plus(+)for forward or a minus (-) for
backward. For example inputfile.seekg(0, ios::beg); //go to the beginning of the file
inputfile.seekg(m, ios::cur); //move m bytes starting at the current position

Revision Questions

E XERCISE 37.  Define a stream

Example . With aid of examples, explain the difference between opening a file
using a constructor and using open() function
Solution: open() function can be used to opening several files while a constructor
can be used to open only one file at a time

E XERCISE 38.  Write a program that prompts a user to enter that name of a file.
The program should display the content of the file on the screen
E XERCISE 39.  Write a program that counts and print the number of words in a
file. The program should prompt a user to input the name of a file
E XERCISE 40.  Explain the various file opening mode

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

References and Additional Reading Materials

• David Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell (5th Edition), O’Reilly Press,

• Matt Weisfeld, 2009, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition, ,


• Malik, D. S. 2002, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, Course Technology, Canada

• Pappas, H. Chris and Murray, William, H. 1996, C/C++ Programmer’s Guide,

BPB Publications, New Delhi

• Flanagan, D. (2005). Java in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference. O’Reilly

(5th ed.).

• Flanagan, D. (2004). Java examples in a nutshell : a tutorial companion to

Java in a nutshell. O’Reilly (3rd ed.)

ICS 2104 Object-Oriented Programming I

Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 1. a class is a collection of objects that have similar properties while an
object is an instance of a class Exercise 1
Exercise 5. comments improve readability/understandability of a program. They
enables other programmers to understand the program better Exercise 5
Exercise 9.

Rectangle rect1; This is a call to a default constructor in a class Rectangle

Rectangle rect2(); This is a declaration of a function named rect2() that is not passed
any parameters. The function returns a value of type Rectangle.
Exercise 9
Exercise 13.

The object enables friend function to access the data members of the class.
Exercise 13
Exercise 17. A constructor creates objects while a destructor destroy objects
Exercise 17
Exercise 21. Scope of a variable is the portion of the program within which a
variable is accessible while life-time of a variable is the duration of time that a
variable exist in the program
Exercise 21
Exercise 25. private members of a class can not be inherited by a derived class
while protected members can be inherited by a derived class Exercise 25
Exercise 29. A friend function is a function that is not a member of a class but it
has access to the data member of the class Exercise 29
Exercise 33. template<class Type> functionReturnType cType<Type>:: func(parameters);
Exercise 33
Exercise 37. A stream is a sequnce of characters. It is a link between a file and
a program. In object-oriented programs, stream are objects that connect programs
with files. They are the ones that enables programs to read from or write to a file
Exercise 37


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