Knowl Ass

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Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

Ministry of Education
Sector: -Economic Infrastructure
Sub Sector:-Information communication Technology
Occupation:-Information Technology Service Mgt _LV
Knowledge Assessment
The assessment covers the following units of competence:
1. EIS ITM5 01 0811 Establish and Maintain Client User Liaison
2. EIS ITM5 02 0811 Prepare Disaster Recovery and Contingency Plan
3. EIS ITM5 03 0811 Develop System Infrastructure Design Plan
4. EIS ITM5 04 0811 Plan and Monitor the System Pilot
5. EIS ITM5 05 0811 Research and Review Hardware Technology Options for
6. EIS ITM5 06 0811 Match IT Needs with the Strategic Direction of the Enterprise
7. EIS ITM5 07 0811 Implement Quality Assurance Processes for Business Solutions
8. EIS ITM5 08 0811 Facilitate and Capitalize on Change and Innovation
9. EIS ITM5 09 0811 Establish and Conduct Business Relationship
10. EIS ITM5 10 1012 Develop and Refine Systems for Continuous Improvement in
Candidate Name
Registration Number
Name of Assessment Center
Name of Training Provider

Structure of Test
Section No of questions No of marks Suggested time
A-Multiple choice questions 21 21 30min
B-Matching Type 15 15 20min
Total 36 50min
Multiple Choice Questions /21
Matching Type /15
Final Mark /36
Oct 2014

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V1 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

1. Write your name, Registration number, name of training provider and
Assessment center name in the space provided.
2. You have 10 minutes reading time and opportunity to ask questions to the
3. All written responses must be in English.
4. At the end of the examination return this book to the assigned Accredited
5. You may use the following references in this test
 Non-programmable calculators
6. Do not bring the following items into the assessment venue
 Mobile telephones
 Written notes
Instructions for Section A
a. There are twenty one [21] questions in this section.
b. Select the best answer for each question. Do this by encircling the letter that
corresponds to your answer in the test package.
c. If you wish to change an answer, place an X mark through the letter you have
circled and then encircle the letter of your preferred answer.
d. A correct answer scores 1, an incorrect answer scores 0. No marks will be given
for a question if more than one answer is supplied.

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V1 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

1. A diagram showing the reporting and responsibility relationships between staff of an

organisation is:-
A. Fish-Bone diagram
B. Organizational Structure
C. Entity Relationship
D. PERT Diagram

2. A contract that binds a service provider to give a certain level of service between
service provider and its client. Is:-
A. service level agreement
B. Sponsor
C. Stakeholder
D. Disaster recovery plan

3. Suppose you are a system administrator of an organization. Which one of the

following most not critical situation regarding the system you are administering?
A. Securing the system in order to prevent unauthorized access.
B. Installing up-to-date anti malicious software.
C. Regular backup of data.
D. Installing UPS as power recovery and management mechanism.

4. One of the following is an external threat.

A. viruses corrupt or delete data
B. The wrong disk is formatted destroying data and software.
C. Data and software are intentionally destroyed or corrupted.
D. Hackers corrupt or steal data
5. An attempt to decrease the probability (may be even to 0) of the event occurring or
causing damage.
A. Prevention
B. Recovery
C. Contingency plan
D. Threat

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V1 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

6. Which one of the following is not included under Quality Management Plan regarding
the project and the project work?
A. Quality control.
B. Quality assurance
C. Quality improvement.
D. Quality Plan
7. An international organization responsible for setting out of the quality of standards.
8. The practice of rethinking and redesigning the way work is done to better support of
an organization's mission and reduce costs.
A. Identification of Business opportunities
B. Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
C. Arranging Organizational system
D. Value stream
9. Penetrative and Radical change that an organization would attain for its
A. Continuous improvement/KIZEN
B. Muda
C. Breakthrough Improvement
D. Relevant Metrics

10. A requirement what the system must do or what the software should do.
A. Business requirement
B. Functional Requirement
C. Non-Functional requirement
D. User requirement

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V1 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

11. A project plan may include a number of variables. Which one of the following is not
a variable of project plan?
A. Project scope
B. Project Objectives
C. Project Budget
D. Project Stakeholder

12. One of the following step-by-step path is correct about plan and monitor the system
A. Install Pilot system Monitor implementation of Pilot system  prepare
for Pilot System Evaluate pilot System
B. Monitor implementation of Pilot system Install Pilot system prepare
for Pilot System Evaluate pilot System
C. prepare for Pilot System Install Pilot system Monitor implementation
of Pilot system  Evaluate pilot System
D. Evaluate pilot System  prepare for Pilot System Monitor
implementation of Pilot system  Install Pilot system

13. Which of the following is not true about action plan?

A. It is an organizational strategy to identify necessary steps towards a goal.
B. A tool in social planning.
C. It helps us turn our dreams into a reality.
D. It is concerned about the organizational structure.

14. The action plan for your initiative should meet several criteria. One of the following is
not incorporated under those criteria’s
A. Completeness
B. Clarity
C. Equivocal
D. Currently/Up-to-date/

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V1 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

15. In customer welcoming environment, all except one should be fulfilled for better
customer satisfaction.
A. Clean Up the environment
B. Offer a Greeting
C. Add Some Comfort
D. Tell him/her more about you

16. In providing excellent customer service which one of the following is inappropriate?
A. Know Your Product/Service
B. Say Thank You
C. Be sluggish
D. Show Respect

17. The correct path for system development life cycle (SDLC) uc 3
A. Planning  Analysis  Design  Implementation Maintenance
B. Planning  Design  Implementation Analysis Maintenance
C. Planning  Design Analysis  Implementation Maintenance
D. Planning  Analysis  Design  Implementation  Maintenance
18. Which one of the following is not the fundamental skill of a manager?
A. Interpersonal,
B. Conceptual,
C. Diagnostic,
D. Impatient

19. Among the most widely used tools for continuous improvement is a four-step
quality model, also known as Deming Cycle or Shewhart Cycle. Which one is the
correct step of the model?
A. Plan Check Do Act
B. Plan DoCheck Act
C. Act  CheckPlan Do
D. Act  Plan Do Check

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V1 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

20. Suppose your organization is planning to expand in all dimensions. Regarding using
of ICT the organization assigned you to conduct a research regarding the newly
available technologies in the market. Which one of the following hardware and
software combination is most likely be the best to be chosen?
A. A high speed and larger storage capacity Server computer running an
operating system like windows server 2000, Linux , and Ubuntu.
B. A high speed and larger storage capacity Server computer running an
operating system like windows server 2012, Linux 2014 version.
C. An average speed and medium storage capacity Server computer
running an operating system like windows server 2000, Linux , and
D. All of the above are good enough to be chosen.

21. As an IT service manager, which one of the following is not concerned about you to
have a good knowledge of the market, regarding ICT that would help your
A. Having basic knowledge of quality assurance practices, to promote
reliable investigation processes.
B. To have the ability to apply technical knowledge in the preliminary analysis
of emerging technology according to organizational requirements or
C. Ability to convey and access conceptual information regarding emerging
technology in relation to organizational needs and create good relationship
with other industries, suppliers and venders.
D. You must have the ability to develop a software

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V1 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5


Instructions for Section B
1. There are fifteen [15] questions in this section.
2. Match column A with column B. Select the letter of the correct answer from
column B and write your answer on the provided space.
3. If you wish to change your answer place an x mark on your previous answer and
write your preferred answer
4. A correct answer scores 1, an incorrect answer scores 0. No marks will be given
for a question if more than one answer is supplied
Column A Column B
_____1 Solution developers and business clients A. Quality control
working together B. Quality Assurance
_____2. used to verify the quality of the output C. Technical Skill
_____3. Believes and Values an organization D. The most common stakeholder
_____4. Communication skill E. Soft skill
_____5. Knowledge of a particular hardware or software F. Organizational culture
_____6. Sponsor G. Organizational politics
-------- 7. Business-critical functions H. contingency plan
_____8 .The thing that happen in an organization I. Recovery
_____9. Preparing an automatic backup generator for J. ISO
emergency power supply. K. Quality Control and Assurance
_____10. Characteristics a software should have L. Quality Maintenance
_____11. Someone who goes to people or places to M. Functional requirement
obtain the goods or services they need. N. payroll
_____12.a plan for action that sets out to achieve goal O. Appropriate person
or several goals. P. Customer.
_____13 system can be quickly restored after the event Q. Business owner
occurs. R. Project team
_____14. Verifying the quality of the output and process S. Strategy
of managing quality
_____15. Authorized business representative or client

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V1 (Oct 2014)

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