Iol 2023 Team Prob - en
Iol 2023 Team Prob - en
Iol 2023 Team Prob - en
The Murrinh-patha dictionary compiled by Chester S. Street with the help of Gregory
Panpawa Mollingin 40 years ago, in 1983, begins as follows:
At the time of the 2016 census, there were 1,973 native speakers of Murrinh-patha. According to
some sources, there are more than 2,500 speakers now. It is one of the few Australian Aboriginal
languages whose number of speakers has increased and whose usage has expanded over the past
The dictionary includes English–Murrinh-patha and Murrinh-patha–English sections and is
84 pages long. Sometimes there are pictures in the margins. The entries under the letter M
in the second section begin on page 57 and end on page 61. All of these pages are reproduced
below, with some minor adjustments and omissions. Further examples from the PhD thesis of
Michael James Walsh from 1976 have also been added. English translations of the entries on
each page are given after the relevant page, in arbitrary order.
(a) Match the Murrinh-patha words and phrases with their English equivalents. Each Murrinh-
patha dictionary entry has a single English equivalent.
(du, m) stands for dual masculine form. (du, f) stands for dual feminine form.
Knowledge of the different species mentioned in the problem is not necessary for solving the
No additional explanation besides the answers is required, nor will be marked.
—Boris Iomdin, Milena Veneva
Twentieth International Linguistics Olympiad (2023) 57
Team Contest Problem
57-T-1 the tree is swaying (in the wind) 57-T-33 I will save
57-T-2 Can I request something from 57-T-34 I don’t know
yousg ? 57-T-35 it surged
57-T-3 I desire it [lit. my belly has got it] 57-T-36 I gave to him
57-T-4 I will hold him to my chest 57-T-37 pregnant
57-T-5 I will give to yousg 57-T-38 I will be satisfied
57-T-6 verb negator – archaic 57-T-39 she is making a string design
57-T-7 I met him 57-T-40 Give it to me!
57-T-8 it will surge 57-T-41 they are satisfied
57-T-9 I am out of breath 57-T-42 I will know yoursg thoughts [lit. I
57-T-10 I know his thoughts will see yoursg belly]
57-T-11 they (du, f) met him 57-T-43 I rejoiced for him
57-T-12 abdomen (belly), the seat of the 57-T-44 I will have a stomach ache
57-T-13 I am disillusioned
57-T-14 I rejoiced at the news 57-T-45 to hold/take to one’s chest
57-T-15 I requested something from him 57-T-46 to give
57-T-16 I will sway 57-T-47 to be puffed out, to be out of breath
57-T-17 I had a stomach ache 57-T-48 to be disappointed with something,
57-T-18 I am holding him to my chest to be disillusioned
(standing) 57-T-49 to request something
57-T-19 the boat is ploughing through (the 57-T-50 to know another’s thoughts
water) 57-T-51 to mumble
57-T-20 non-conjugated verb: to give 57-T-52 to surge (fresh or salt-water)
57-T-21 they were passing the thing 57-T-53 to give to oneself
on/along to rejoice
57-T-22 I will plough the ground
57-T-55 to rejoice (at news, etc.)
57-T-23 I will meet him
57-T-56 to meet
57-T-24 he is mumbling
57-T-57 to be satisfied
57-T-25 I will give to myself
57-T-58 to sway
57-T-26 I might get out of breath
57-T-59 to pass on/along; to make string
57-T-27 large bamboo (used for spears) designs with one’s hands
57-T-28 I gave to myself 57-T-60 to have a stomach ache
57-T-29 yousg will continually know their 57-T-61 to plough
thoughts to know another’s thoughts [lit. to
57-T-30 pass the word along to him! see one’s belly]
57-T-31 I will rejoice for him 57-T-63 to save up, to hoard
57-T-32 I save things
1 mardarrmardarr kardu 33 makarduma kardu e
2 MARDAT 34 palngun makarduma
3 manhimardatnu
4 mammardat 36 ku money (< Eng. ‘money’)
6 i kardu ngamere-ka pumemmardat 37 nganammakut
ku ngurlmirl nhini-nu-yu 38 malarnpakpak da
39 malarntath thu
8 bumardatnu 40 ku
9 banmardat
41 thangku numa ku malarntath
10 MARDATAT tamngardu?
11 peninthamardatatnu 42
malarnturntuma nanthi
12 demninthamardatat
43 malangan ku
13 MARDARTA 44 nanthi
14 bangimardartanu 45 mi
15 banganmardarta dim 46 malgaga ku
17 ngurrmardawalnu 48 kardu wurnangat weyida
18 ngunungamnamardawal menamarliptha wurrini da-yu
19 ngunungamnamardalal ngurran 49 marluk nanthi
20 MARDAYARRARR 50 mamadhalert nanthi, mi, ku etc.
21 mangimardayarrarrnu 51 mamangalin da
22 mamngimardayarrarr dim
23 marda yidi nanthi
24 MARDI 54 dimngamamath
25 buynginthamardinu
55 picture (< Eng. ‘film’)
bamnginthamardi dimngarramamath
{ 26
27 mardinhpunku ku
28 yakay ku mardinhpunku 57 mamamathnu
{ 29 magarn mi 58 mammamath
30 magulkul nanthi
31 nukunu-ka magulkul pirrimkarrknintha 60 mamawathanu
32 mak nanthi 61 ngay-dha ngatha-ka memawathadha-w
( 62 mamay kardu
63 maminmanga ku
64 ma yukuwi ku maminmanga
( 65 mampurrkin nanthi
66 mamurt nanthi
( 67 mi
68 manangka
69 manangka thipmam
( 70 manangkaningi kardu
71 mani
72 bangkardu mani
73 manman ku
74 nanthi
75 mi
Twentieth International Linguistics Olympiad (2023) 58
Team Contest Problem
Twentieth International Linguistics Olympiad (2023) 59
Team Contest Problem
Twentieth International Linguistics Olympiad (2023) 60
Team Contest Problem
60-T-54 ***
(1 MINMINKA 32 murnu ku
2 mirnka nanthi 33 nanthi
(3 mirnka nguritharramenu 34 mururi
4 mirntal ku 35 murr mi
(5 mi
36 murrikin kardu
6 mira ku
37 murrinh
7 ku mira detj ngamam 38 murrinh mamay
8 mirrangan da ( 39 murrinh thelerrdhe
9 mirringi kardu (wakal) 40 murrirr nanthi
10 mirrmilinthi ku ( 41 ku
11 MIRRMIRR 42 murrirrbe ku
12 dimmirrmirr ( 43 ku murrirrbe dimnaku
13 dinimirrmirrdha 44 MURRK
14 mirrmirrmirrmam
45 ku ngurlmirl kanammurrk
15 MIT
16 nanthi ngirramitnu 47 pirramurrknu
17 nanthi ngirranganmit ngem 48 pardimurrktha
18 mirturl kura ( 49 murruwurl
19 miyernu nanthi 50 MURRUWURL
20 murdak nanthi 51 mardarrimurruwurlnu
21 mugarurr mi 52 murruwurldhay kardu
22 mukmuk nanthi
23 mulunthuk nanthi
24 murlak
25 kura murlak
26 ku pangkuy murlak
27 kardu murlak
28 mune da
29 murntak
30 nanthi murntak
31 da murntak
Twentieth International Linguistics Olympiad (2023) 61
Team Contest Problem