Methods For Determining Streambank Critical Shear
Methods For Determining Streambank Critical Shear
Methods For Determining Streambank Critical Shear
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2 authors, including:
T. M. Wynn Thompson
Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
All content following this page was uploaded by T. M. Wynn Thompson on 24 June 2014.
ABSTRACT. According to the U.S. EPA, excess sediment is a significant cause of water quality impairment for rivers. The goal
of this study was to compare different methods of determining two parameters used to estimate streambank erosion, soil
critical shear stress (tc ) and soil erodibility (kd ) and to determine the impact of those differences on predictions of streambank
erosion. At 25 field sites, bank erosion tests were conducted using a submerged jet test device, and soil samples were collected.
Critical shear stress was measured using a multi-angle submerged jet test device (JT) and estimated based on Shields’ diagram
(SD) and empirical relations based on the soil parameters, percent clay (Pc ), plasticity index (Iw ), particle size (D50 ) and
percent silt-clay (SC). Additionally, using a single set of tc values, the kd measured by the jet test was compared to predictions
from two empirical kd relations. Using these parameter values, streambank erosion rates were predicted for a local stream.
The jet tc estimates were as much as four orders of magnitude greater than the SD, Pc , and D50 estimates, indicating the SD
and empirical methods underestimate tc . The two empirical kd equations produced similar kd values that were generally two
orders of magnitude less than the values from the jet test measurements. Erosion predictions followed the same trend as the
kd data, with the jet test measurements resulting in higher predictions. Field validation of these methods over a wide range
of soil types is recommended to develop methods of estimating kd and tc for fine-grained streambank soils.
Keywords. Channel erosion, Critical shear stress, Erodibility, Streambank erosion, Stream restoration.
ccording to Osterkamp et al. (1998), the physical, watershed management, as required by the U.S. Clean Water
chemical, and biological damage due to water Act.
pollution by sediment costs an estimated $16 bil- Streambank retreat typically occurs by a combination of
lion annually in North America. Second only to three processes: subaerial processes and erosion, fluvial
bacteria, sediment is a common pollutant in streams, causing erosion, and bank failure (Lawler, 1995). Subaerial processes
the impairment of 31% of assessed stream miles (USEPA, are climate-related phenomena that reduce soil strength,
2002). While considerable effort has been directed toward re- inducing direct erosion and making the bank more suscepti-
ducing erosion from agricultural and urban lands, a major ble to fluvial erosion (e.g., frost heave, desiccation cracking;
source of sediment, stream channel degradation, has largely Thorne, 1982). Fluvial erosion is the direct removal of soil
been ignored. Studies have shown that sediment from stream- particles or aggregates from the stream bed or bank by stream
banks can account for as much as 85% of watershed sediment flow (hereafter called “erosion”), while the collapse of
yields, and bank retreat rates as high as 1.5 to 1100 m/year streambanks due to slope instability is referred to as bank
have been documented (Trimble, 1997; Wallbrink et al., failure (Lawler, 1995). Streambank retreat is typically a
1998; Prosser et al., 2000; Simon et al., 2000). In addition to cyclic process, initiated by the fluvial erosion of the channel
water quality impairment, streambank retreat impacts flood- bed and/or bank toe, which creates a geotechnically unstable
plain residents, riparian ecosystems, bridges, and other streambank. This instability results in failure of the stream-
stream-side structures (ASCE, 1998). Improvements in chan- bank and deposition of failed material at the bank toe.
nel retreat predictions are necessary for sediment total maxi- Subsequent floods remove the failed material and the bank
mum daily load (TMDL) determinations and improved retreat cycle is repeated until the channel widens enough to
reduce the boundary shear stress to nonerosive levels
(Thorne, 1982).
One key to maintaining or restoring channel stability is to
prevent the incision of the channel bed and erosion of the
Submitted for review in August 2006 as manuscript number SW 6621; streambanks. While the stream bed elevation is determined
approved for publication by the Soil & Water Division of ASABE in by the balance between sediment supply and sediment
November 2006. Presented at the 2005 ASAE Annual Meeting as Paper No.
052019. transport capacity, streambank stability requires that the
The authors are Leslie A. Clark, ASABE Member Engineer, Graduate applied shear stress remain below erosive levels. These
Assistant, and Theresa M. Wynn, ASABE Member Engineer, Assistant erosive levels are quantified by the soil critical shear stress.
Professor, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, The critical shear stress ( c ) is defined as the stress at which
Blacksburg, Virginia. Corresponding author: Leslie A. Clark, Biological
Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 200 Seitz Hall, Blacksburg, VA
soil detachment begins or the condition that initiates soil
24061-0303; phone: 540-231-0695; fax: 540-231-3199; e-mail: lclark3@ detachment. If the critical stress is higher than the effective stress, the erosion rate is considered zero (Osman and
Figure 1. Picture and schematic of the multi-angle submerged jet test device.
Soil Atterberg limits are the liquid limit, the plastic limit, COMPARISON OF EMPIRICAL METHODS
and the plasticity index. The liquid limit is the lowest Two empirical methods of estimating kd were compared
moisture content at which viscous flow will occur, while the to field measurements from the jet test device. The jet test c
plastic limit is the lowest moisture content at which a data set was used because the Osman and Thorne (1988)
3.175 mm diameter soil thread will remain intact during approximation is valid only for c greater than 0.6 Pa and the
rolling. The difference between these two parameters is the c values measured with the jet test device were higher than
plasticity index, which defines the range of moisture contents the c values predicted using the empirical relations.
over which a soil exhibits plastic behavior. The plasticity Removing values less than 0.6 Pa from the jet test c data
index is dependent on the amount and type of clay and is a resulted in a data set of 62 c values.
useful indicator of the character of fine-grained soils (Lambe The reduced jet test c data set was used to estimate kd by
and Whitman, 1969; Holtz and Kovacs, 1981). Soil Atterberg three methods. First, kd was determined by analysis of the jet
limits were evaluated for air-dry samples according to ASTM test field data. Because solving for two unknowns rarely
standard D4318-98 (ASTM, 1999c). produced a stable solution, Hanson and Cook (1997)
Because both soil bulk density and root density influence determined c first and then evaluated kd using a least squares
soil erosion (Wynn and Mostaghimi, 2006a), both parameters fit of the scour data to the excess shear stress equation. An
were measured for the study soils. Soil bulk density was Excel spreadsheet developed by Hanson and Cook (1997)
determined by taking a single undisturbed soil core in a 5 × was used for the analysis of the jet test data. Soil erodibility
5 cm aluminum cylinder with a slide hammer. The samples was also predicted by the Hanson and Simon (2001; eq. 9) and
were weighed and dried at 105°C within 8 h of collection the Osman and Thorne (1988; eqs. 10 and 11) models.
following procedures outlined in the USDA soil manual
Root samples were taken using a 7 cm diameter, 15 cm Stream geometry and discharge from a local stream gage
long, soil corer. To determine root density, the soil cores were were used to evaluate the impact of differences in kd on
soaked in a bucket of water and washed over a No. 35 sieve streambank erosion predictions. These example calculations
(0.5 mm mesh). The soil and roots retained on the sieve were assumed that the streambanks were homogeneous and
then placed in a white plastic pan, and the live roots were composed of the soils tested by Wynn and Mostaghimi
removed by hand and stored in a refrigerator at 4°C until (2006a). Daily stage heights from an existing U.S. Geologi-
scanning. Root length and root volume were measured using cal Survey gage station (USGS 2055100) for Tinker’s Creek
a Régent Instruments STD 1600+ scanner and WinRHIZO near Daleville, Virginia (37° 254 03″ N, 79° 564 08″ W) from
analysis software (Régent Instruments, Inc., Quebec, Cana- 7 to 9 January 1998 were used. The storm event that occurred
da). during this time period reached a maximum stage of 0.98 m
and had a return interval of 1.1 years (Keaton et al., 2005).
This 2nd order stream has a drainage area of 30.3 km2
Figure 5. Pairwise differences in critical shear stress (tc ) values measured using the submerged jet test device (JT) and estimated using Shields’ diagram
(SD), and empirical equations based on percent clay (Pc ), mean particle size (D50), plasticity index (Iw ), and percent silt-clay (SC); n = 93 for SD, Pc ,
SC, and D50; n = 60 for Iw.
Figure 6. Pairwise differences in soil erodibility (kd ) values determined from submerged jet test measurements and two empirical methods (n = 62; OT =
Osman and Thorne, 1988; HS = Hanson and Simon, 2001).
Figure 7. Pairwise differences in streambank erosion predictions based on parameters obtained using two empirical methods (OT = Osman and Thorne,
1988; HS = Hanson and Simon, 2001) and field measurements using the submerged jet test device (n = 62; Hanson and Cook, 1997).