Salud Periimplantar
Salud Periimplantar
Salud Periimplantar
DOI: 10.1111/jcpe.12952
Peri‐implant health
Department of Dentistry, State University
of Maringa, Maringa, Brazil Abstract
Department of Objective: The aim is to define clinical and histologic characteristics of peri‐implant
Periodontology, Sahlgrenska,
tissues in health and describe the mucosa–implant interface.
Academy at University of Gothenburg,
Gothenburg, Sweden Importance: An understanding of the characteristics of healthy peri‐implant tissues
facilitates the recognition of disease (i.e., departure from health).
Dr. Mauricio Araujo, Department of Findings: The healthy peri‐implant mucosa is, at the microscopic level, comprised of
Dentistry, State University of Maringa,
a core of connective tissue covered by either a keratinized (masticatory mucosa) or
Maringa, Brazil.
Email: [email protected] non‐keratinized epithelium (lining mucosa). The peri‐implant mucosa averages about
3 to 4 mm high, and presents with an epithelium (about 2 mm long) facing the implant
The proceedings of the workshop were
jointly and simultaneously published in
surface. Small clusters of inflammatory cells are usually present in the connective
the Journal of Periodontology and Journal of tissue lateral to the barrier epithelium. Most of the intrabony part of the implant ap‐
Clinical Periodontology.
pears to be in contact with mineralized bone (about 60%), while the remaining por‐
tion faces bone marrow, vascular structures, or fibrous tissue. During healing
following implant installation, bone modeling occurs that may result in some reduc‐
tion of the marginal bone level.
Conclusions: The characteristics of the peri‐implant tissues in health are properly
identified in the literature, including tissue dimensions and composition. Deviation
from the features of health may be used by the clinician (and researcher) to identify
disease, including peri‐implant mucositis and peri‐implantitis.
connective tissue biology, diagnosis, implantology, osseointegration
Peri‐implant tissues are those that occur around osseointegrated the aim of the present review was to define clinical and histologic
dental implants. They are divided into soft and hard tissue compart‐ characteristics of peri‐implant tissues in health and describe the mu‐
ments. The soft tissue compartment is denoted “peri‐implant mu‐ cosa–implant interface.
cosa” and is formed during the wound healing process that follows A search in MEDLINE‐PubMed was used to retrieve the evidence
implant/abutment placement. The hard tissue compartment forms to support the present review. The following key words were used for
a contact relationship to the implant surface to secure implant sta‐ the literature search: dental implants (Mesh) AND biological width
bility. 2 Due to their histologic and anatomic features, peri‐implant OR mucosa OR soft tissue OR attachment OR keratinized mucosa OR
tissues carry out two basic functions: the mucosa protects the un‐ peri‐implant mucosa OR probing depth OR microbiota OR collagen
derlining bone, while the bone supports the implant. Indeed, the fibers OR epithelium OR adhesion OR seal OR bone OR osseointegra‐
destruction of peri‐implant tissues can jeopardize the implant suc‐ tion AND humans OR animals. The two main reasons for exclusion of
cess and survival,3 and the understanding of the characteristics of studies were: 1) not published in English, and 2) lack of detailed clinical,
healthy peri‐implant tissues allows the recognition of disease. Thus, histologic, or microbiologic description of healthy peri‐implant tissues.
Human studies
Studies on the morphogenesis and morphology of the mucosa at im‐
The formation of the mucosal adhesion was studied in a dog model.1 plants in humans used block biopsies obtained from mini‐implants
One‐piece implant devices were placed in the edentulous mandible or from soft tissue dissection techniques from conventional or spe‐
of dogs, and healing was monitored using light microscopic exami‐ cially designed abutments. 22,28‒32 Tomasi et al.31,32 presented a de
nation of biopsies sampled at different intervals during a 3‐month novo biopsy technique and reported on the morphogenesis of the
period. In the initial phase of the wound between the implant and cut peri‐implant mucosa at single implant sites in human volunteers. Soft
connective tissue, a fibrin clot/coagulum formed that was infiltrated tissue biopsies were sampled after 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks of healing
following abutment connection. They reported that after 2 weeks subsequent study, stated that the probe penetration into the healthy
large areas of the severed connective tissue were infiltrated with soft tissues at the buccal surface of teeth and implants in dogs was
inflammatory cells, while after 4 weeks the infiltrated areas were alike and similar to the length of the junctional/barrier epithelium.
smaller and a short barrier epithelium had formed in the interface It was assumed that probing the implant–mucosa interface would
zone. Sections representing later phases of observation exhibited sever the soft tissue seal and jeopardize the integrity of the adhe‐
continued healing of the connective tissue wound and the forma‐ sion. This issue was examined in a dog study51 that documented that
tion of a well‐defined barrier and sulcular epithelium in the marginal already after 5 to 7 days following clinical probing, the soft tissue
portion of the soft tissue samples. The height of the peri‐implant seal had regenerated to its full extent.
mucosa, measured along the profile of the soft tissue, increased dur‐
ing the healing phase from 2.7 mm at 2 weeks to between 3.0 and
3.5 mm after 4, 8, and 12 weeks. In the corresponding intervals the BONE SOUNDING
length of the epithelium varied between 2.2 and 2.0 mm, while the
zone of connective tissue adhesion varied between 1.7 and 1.1 mm. Bone sounding or transmucosal sounding (TS) is a measurement that
In summary, results from the available studies in man and from is used to determine the height of the entire soft tissue cuff at vari‐
animal experiments are consistent and document that the peri‐im‐ ous groups of teeth and implants. The dimensions of the peri‐implant
plant mucosa is about 3 to 4 mm high with an epithelium that is mucosa and the gingiva at adjacent tooth sites was studied by clini‐
about 2 mm long. cal measurements performed mainly in partially edentulous subjects
who had been treated with implant‐supported single‐crown restora‐
tions. In such studies the brand of the periodontal probe used for the
PE R I ‐ I M PL A NT TI S S U E S I N C LI N I C A L assessments was identified; PD as well as TS measurements were
H E A LTH used to describe some features of the soft tissue.
Results from such studies52‒60 demonstrated that the PD was
The gingiva and the peri‐implant mucosa and their adhesion (seal) greater at proximal than at facial/buccal surfaces at both tooth and
are consistently challenged by the oral environment, including the implant sites and greater at implant than at tooth sites. This shows
steady exposure to microorganisms in the biofilm present on the that the soft tissue cuff around implants exhibits less resistance to
tooth and implant surfaces. In the clinically normal peri‐im‐ probing than the gingiva at adjacent teeth. There are reasons to sug‐
plant mucosa (and gingiva), the continuous host response includes gest that the lack of root cementum on the implant surface as well
both vascular and cellular events. Thus, distinct vascular structures as the difference in the orientation of the collagen fibers in the two
occur in the connective tissue lateral to the epithelium, as well as types of soft tissue may be associated with the variation observed in
small clusters of inflammatory cells (T‐ lymphocyte and B‐lympho‐ the “resistance to probing.”
cyte). Macrophages seem to be present along the entire interface The TS measurements disclosed that the peri‐implant mucosa
zone, while polymorphonuclear leukocytes occur mainly in the con‐ was in most cases 1.0 to 1.5 mm higher than the corresponding gin‐
nective tissue immediately lateral to the epithelium.32 giva at both buccal/facial and proximal sites. It was further demon‐
strated that patients with a “flat‐thick” periodontal phenotype61,62
exhibited greater peri‐implant mucosa dimensions than subjects
PRO B I N G PE R I ‐ I M PL A NT TI S S U E S that belonged to the “scalloped‐thin” biotype.57,63 In addition, the
height of the papilla between an implant‐supported restoration and
For many years it was incorrectly assumed that the tip of the peri‐ a natural tooth was reported to be ≤5 mm52,56,64,65 and related to the
odontal probe in a probing depth (PD) measurement identified the connective tissue adhesion level at the adjacent approximal tooth
apical base of the dento‐gingival epithelium.38 Later research docu‐ surfaces.57,66 The corresponding dimension between two adjacent
mented, however, that this was not the case. At healthy sites the implant restorations averaged 3 mm64,67 and apparently was depen‐
tip of the probe failed to reach the apical portion of the epithelial dent on the outline of the crest of the supporting bone.
barrier, while at diseased sites the probe found the apical base of
the inflammatory cell infiltrate. Hence, PD measurements assess
the depth of probe penetration or the resistance offered by the soft K E R ATI N IZE D M U COSA (K M)
The influence of the condition (health, disease) of the peri‐im‐ KM is a term used to describe the masticatory mucosa that is present
plant mucosa on the outcome of the probing measurement was at many, but not all, implant sites. KM extends from the margin of the
studied in animal models.48‒50 Lang et al.49 reported that at sites peri‐implant mucosa to the movable lining (oral) mucosa. KM is com‐
with healthy mucosa or mucositis, the tip of the probe identified prised of a lamina propria (fibrous connective tissue that contains
the apical border of the barrier epithelium with an error of approxi‐ fibroblasts and equal amounts of type I and type III collagen) that
mately 0.2 mm, while at sites with peri‐implantitis, the measurement is covered by an orthokeratinized squamous epithelium. The width
error was much greater at 1.5 mm. Abrahamsson and Soldini,50 in a of the KM at the facial/buccal side of teeth is, as a rule, about 1 mm
greater than at contralateral implant sites. 54,59,60 It is suggested that abutment/implant level. Additional preclinical studies90,91 have
loss of crestal bone following tooth extraction is the main reason for confirmed that rough surfaces enhance early bone formation and
dimunition of the KM. The thickness of facial KM, determined with bone‐to‐implant contact. Findings from studies in man92‒97 con‐
a probe at the base of the PD, is greater at implants than at teeth firmed the animal results by documenting that the amount of di‐
(2.0 mm vs 1.1 mm, respectively).54 rect bone (mineralized tissue)‐to‐implant contact was about 60%
The need for a minimum amount of keratinized mucosa to main‐ of the circumference of the implanted device after a healing period
tain peri‐implant tissue health is apparently a controversial issue.68‒72 of 6 weeks to 3 months.
Several studies failed to associate the lack of a minimum amount of
KM with mucosal inflammation,73‒80 while other studies suggested
Crestal bone‐level change
that plaque build‐up and marginal inflammation were more frequent
at implant sites with < 2 mm of KM.81‒85 Following implant installation and loading, modeling of the bone oc‐
curs, and during this process some crestal bone height is lost. Studies
in animals have demonstrated the location of the implant–abutment
interface (microgap) determines the amount of this initial marginal
bone loss. 26,98‒100 Thus, the crestal bone reduction that occurs in
Bone tissue in the edentulous ridge
this healing phase apparently varies between brands and seems to
In a study involving partially edentulous subjects, hard tissue biop‐ be related to the design of the implant system used.101‒112 After this
sies were sampled from the maxilla and the mandible with the use initial period about 75% of implants experience no additional bone
of trephine drills.86 The bone tissue was found to include a blend loss but osseointegration takes place. Most implant sites that exhibit
of mainly lamellar bone (46%) and bone marrow (23%) with less crestal bone loss of > 1 mm appear to be associated with soft tissue
amounts of fibrous (12%) and osteoid (4%) tissue. Bone marrow was inflammation although some sites may have an apparently healthy
the dominant tissue element in the anterior maxilla, while dense la‐ peri‐implant mucosa.3
mellar bone characterized the anterior portion of the mandible. The
cortical cap was consistently comprised of lamellar bone and was
wider in the mandible than in the maxilla (1.8 mm vs 0.8 mm, respec‐ M A J O R D I FFE R E N C E S B E T W E E N H E A LTH Y
tively) and substantially more narrow in the anterior maxilla than in PE R I ‐ I M PL A NT A N D PE R I O D O NTA L
the anterior mandible. TI S S U E S
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How to cite this article: Araujo MG, Lindhe J. Peri‐implant
DD. Early osseointegration to hydrophilic and hydrophobic im‐
health. J Clin Periodontol. 2018;45(Suppl 20):S230–S236.
plant surfaces in humans. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011;22:349–356.
96. Cecchinato D, Bressan EA, Toia M, Araújo MG, Liljenberg B,
Lindhe J. Osseointegration in periodontitis susceptible individuals.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012;23:1–4.