Abu Ubaidah 1
Abu Ubaidah 1
Abu Ubaidah 1
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Asalaamu alaikum!
May Allah bless this resource and make it beneficial for you.
There are 3 different versions of the biography. Each one comes
with a simple worksheet or activity. An answer key is included.
There are colour and black and white versions too.
The colouring pages are in Arabic to encourage a connection
between kids and the language of the Qur’an. They also allow
younger kids to join in without distracting their older siblings
Answer Key
pagan: a person who Abu 'Ubaidah was one of the very first
worships many gods or Muslims and one of the five who accepted Islam
goddesses or the earth in one day. All five entered Islam through the
or nature
invitation of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq
The pagans of Makkah tried everything they
could to stop Islam spreading; they lied about oppression: treatment
of (a person or group of
the Prophet, called him crazy and a magician people) in a cruel or
and oppressed the Muslims. When they unfair way
refused to leave their religion, the Quraysh
made an agreement amongst themselves to cut off the Muslims
completely, stopping them from receiving food and basic necessities.
You (O Muhammad) will not find any people who believe in Allâh and
the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allâh and His
Messenger (Muhammad ), even though they were their fathers or
their sons or their brothers or their kindred (people). For such He has
written Faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with Rûh (proofs,
light and true guidance) from Himself. And He will admit them to
Gardens (Paradise) under which rivers flow to dwell therein (forever).
Allâh is pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the Party of
Allâh. Verily, it is the Party of Allâh that will be the successful.
(Al-Mujadila 58:22)
Abu 'Ubaidah was relied upon by the Caliphs after the death of the
Messenger to help them with the many difficulties and responsibilities
they now shouldered. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, the first of the rightly
guided caliphs, advised leaders to seek Abu 'Ubaidah’s advice,
reportedly saying “Go to Abu 'Ubaidah, the one who is good-hearted
and lenient. The one who when he is oppressed, does not oppress; when
he is treated harshly, he pardons; when he is severed, he joins; and he is
merciful to the believers and harsh to the disbelievers.”
Abu 'Ubaidah and his soldiers were marching through Syria and its
nearby lands when they were struck by a plague. Umar bin Al-
Khattab requested him to return to Madinah immediately but Abu
'Ubaidah replied that he did not want to leave the Muslim soldiers
and asked permission to stay. After some time, he became sick with
the plague and died at the age of 58. The great Companion Mu’adh
bin Jabal led his funeral prayer, and Amr bin Al-Aas and Ad’Dahhak
bin Qays joined Muadh in burying him.
2 Ameen means…
6 Why didn’t Abu 'Ubaidah want to leave Syria when there was a
Why he was called Ameen
ABU ‘UBAIDAH fact sheet
Character tRaits
#1 #2 #3
His name was ‘Aamir bin Abdullah but he was kunya: a title or
known by his kunya, Abu ‘Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah. word implying or
The Prophet gave him the title Ameen. expressing respect
Abu 'Ubaidah was one of the very first Muslims, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq
asked him to become Muslim and he agreed. The pagans of Makkah
pagan: a person who
tried everything they could to stop Islam
worships many gods or spreading; they lied about the Prophet, called
goddesses or the earth him crazy and a magician and treated the
or nature Muslims badly. When they refused to leave
their religion, the Quraysh cut off the Muslims and stopped them from
receiving food and other things they needed.
You (O Muhammad SAW) will not find any people who believe in Allâh
and the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allâh and
His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), even though they were their fathers
or their sons or their brothers or their kindred (people). For such He has
written Faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with Rûh (proofs,
light and true guidance) from Himself. And He will admit them to
Gardens (Paradise) under which rivers flow to dwell therein (forever).
Allâh is pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the Party of
Allâh. Verily, it is the Party of Allâh that will be the successful. (Al-
Mujadila 58:22)
Abu 'Ubaidah and his soldiers were marching through Syria when
they were struck by a plague. Umar bin Al-Khattab asked him to
return to Madinah straight away but Abu 'Ubaidah replied that he
did not want to leave the Muslim soldiers and asked if he could stay.
After some time, he became sick and died at the age of 58. The great
Companion Mu’adh bin Jabal led his funeral prayer, and Amr bin Al-
Aas and Ad’Dahhak bin Qays joined Mu’adh in burying him.
True False
6 What did Abu 'Ubaidahdo with the money Umar bin Al-
Khattab sent him?
became Muslim
in Madinah False
was known as
was made
leader of Syria
pagan: a person who Abu 'Ubaidah was one of the very first
worships many gods or Muslims and one of the five who accepted Islam
goddesses or the earth in one day. All five entered Islam through the
or nature
invitation of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq
The pagans of Makkah tried everything they
could to stop Islam spreading; they lied about oppression: treatment
of (a person or group of
the Prophet, called him crazy and a magician people) in a cruel or
and oppressed the Muslims. When they unfair way
refused to leave their religion, the Quraysh
made an agreement amongst themselves to cut off the Muslims
completely, stopping them from receiving food and basic necessities.
You (O Muhammad) will not find any people who believe in Allâh and
the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allâh and His
Messenger (Muhammad ), even though they were their fathers or
their sons or their brothers or their kindred (people). For such He has
written Faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with Rûh (proofs,
light and true guidance) from Himself. And He will admit them to
Gardens (Paradise) under which rivers flow to dwell therein (forever).
Allâh is pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the Party of
Allâh. Verily, it is the Party of Allâh that will be the successful.
(Al-Mujadila 58:22)
Abu 'Ubaidah was relied upon by the Caliphs after the death of the
Messenger to help them with the many difficulties and responsibilities
they now shouldered. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, the first of the rightly
guided caliphs, advised leaders to seek Abu 'Ubaidah’s advice,
reportedly saying “Go to Abu 'Ubaidah, the one who is good-hearted
and lenient. The one who when he is oppressed, does not oppress; when
he is treated harshly, he pardons; when he is severed, he joins; and he is
merciful to the believers and harsh to the disbelievers.”
Abu 'Ubaidah and his soldiers were marching through Syria and its
nearby lands when they were struck by a plague. Umar bin Al-
Khattab requested him to return to Madinah immediately but Abu
'Ubaidah replied that he did not want to leave the Muslim soldiers
and asked permission to stay. After some time, he became sick with
the plague and died at the age of 58. The great Companion Mu’adh
bin Jabal led his funeral prayer, and Amr bin Al-Aas and Ad’Dahhak
bin Qays joined Muadh in burying him
2 Ameen means…
6 Why didn’t Abu 'Ubaidah want to leave Syria when there was a
Why he was called Ameen
ABU ‘UBAIDAH fact sheet
Quote about him A Hadith narrated about him
Character traits
#1 #2 #3
His name was ‘Aamir bin Abdullah but he was kunya: a title or
known by his kunya, Abu ‘Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah. word implying or
The Prophet gave him the title Ameen. expressing respect
Abu 'Ubaidah was one of the very first Muslims, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq
asked him to become Muslim and he agreed. The pagans of Makkah
pagan: a person who
tried everything they could to stop Islam
worships many gods or spreading; they lied about the Prophet, called
goddesses or the earth him crazy and a magician and treated the
or nature Muslims badly. When they refused to leave
their religion, the Quraysh cut off the Muslims and stopped them from
receiving food and other things they needed.
You (O Muhammad SAW) will not find any people who believe in Allâh
and the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allâh and
His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), even though they were their fathers
or their sons or their brothers or their kindred (people). For such He has
written Faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with Rûh (proofs,
light and true guidance) from Himself. And He will admit them to
Gardens (Paradise) under which rivers flow to dwell therein (forever).
Allâh is pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the Party of
Allâh. Verily, it is the Party of Allâh that will be the successful. (Al-
Mujadila 58:22)
Abu 'Ubaidah and his soldiers were marching through Syria when
they were struck by a plague. Umar bin Al-Khattab asked him to
return to Madinah straight away but Abu 'Ubaidah replied that he
did not want to leave the Muslim soldiers and asked if he could stay.
After some time, he became sick and died at the age of 58. The great
Companion Mu’adh bin Jabal led his funeral prayer, and Amr bin Al-
Aas and Ad’Dahhak bin Qays joined Mu’adh in burying him.
True False
6 What did Abu 'Ubaidahdo with the money Umar bin Al-
Khattab sent him?
became Muslim
in Madinah False
was known as
was made
leader of Syria
2 Ameen means…
His father
True False
became Muslim
in Madinah False
was known as
was made
leader of Syria
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