Application - Academic Program - Step 8
Application - Academic Program - Step 8
Application - Academic Program - Step 8
All of SLCC’s academic programs are grouped within eight Areas of Study. Whether your goal is to complete a
certi�cate or degree, transfer to a four-year institution, or go directly into the workforce, SLCC provides a guided
program of study to help you choose courses and create a Pathway that will help you achieve your academic
Pick the Area of Study that best �ts your area of interest. After you are admitted, your Academic Advisor will help
you complete your pathway map based on your academic goals.
Area of Study Social & Behavioral Sciences, Education and Human Services
AS - Associate of Science degree is designed for transfer to a four year bachelor’s degree. This degree prepares
students for transfer because it contains lower-division general education and major required courses that are
accepted as equivalent at all public colleges and universities in Utah.
AA - Associate of Arts degree is designed for transfer to a four year bachelor’s degree. This degree prepares
students for transfer because it contains lower-division general education and major required courses that are
accepted as equivalent at all public colleges and universities in Utah. The AA degree includes a foreign language
AAS - Associate of Applied Science prepares students for entry-level careers and is awarded in a speci�c
program area. For example: "Associate of Applied Science in Accounting" or "Associate of Applied Science in
APE - Associate of Pre-Engineering degree is designed for transfer to a four year engineering degree. It is an
extensive specialized program intended to prepare students to begin upper-division courses in engineering
degrees at all public colleges and universities in Utah.
CER/CC - Certi�cates of Completion are typically one-year in length designed for entry-level employment or
continued study toward an associate degree. Programs are represented by a coherent sequence of courses
consisting of 30 credit hours or 900 clock hours or more and include general education requirements. These
certi�cates are designed for entry-level employment.
CP - Certi�cates of Pro�ciency are short, approximately one semester, sequence of courses that recognize
mastery or competency in the speci�c areas of specialization. Some Certi�cates of Pro�ciency are stand-alone
for graduation while others are embedded in associate degree programs. Certi�cates of Pro�ciency are not
eligible for federal �nancial aid.
CA - Certi�cates of Achievement are issued by an individual department typically designed to meet immediate
workforce training or community education needs. These certi�cates are not recorded on a college transcript nor
eligible for federal �nancial aid.
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