All English Editorial 11.08.2022
All English Editorial 11.08.2022
All English Editorial 11.08.2022
an objective assessment of what society. AIDS was an epidemic in the
Uncle Volte-face constitutes the endemic stage or
The risk of infection and disease
under COVID19, till early 2022,
mid1990s. Now, HIV/AIDS cases
are reported regularly but it is en
Nitish Kumar will find convincing voters An important point to remem was unknown, and the outcome demic because all societies/coun
ber is that the terms, outbreaks, unpredictable. Two and half years tries have agreed to it being an ac
more difficult than finding allies Chandrakant Lahariya epidemics, and pandemics reflect into the pandemic — the risk of get ceptable risk. Let us examine the
itish Kumar has done it again — a volteface. only the geographical spread. Out ting COVID19 continues and will data angle as well. In JuneJuly
Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader and now the breaks are a localised spread while always be greater than zero, for 2022, around 30 deaths are being
Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar, Tejashwi Yadav, he infectious disease ‘out an epidemic is when a disease af when it was relatively easy to con long. However, there is better un reported every day on average in
used to call the Janata Dal (U) chief, paltu chacha — ‘un breaks’ or ‘epidemics’ or fects a large geographical area clude a defined year. Then, the in derstanding now of who will get people who tested COVID19 (but
cle turnaround’. In his latest Uturn, Mr. Kumar has ‘pandemics’ share a fate — within a country or a few coun fections and cases in three major severe diseases. The risk of the so did not necessarily die due to CO
joined hands with Mr. Yadav, five years after they part there is a day when the majority of tries. A pandemic is when multiple influenza pandemics in the 20th cial and economic impacts due to VID19). These numbers need to
them run their course and fade countries in different regions of century (191820, 1957 and 1967 COVID19 is minimal and close to be seen in perspective. In India, an
ed ways, and turned the tables on the Bharatiya Janata
away. However, a small proportion the world are affected. The severi 68) were identified based on zero. In such a backdrop, it is fair estimated 26,000 to 27,000 peo
Party (BJP) in the process. According to the JD(U), the (of epidemics or pandemics) tran ty of the disease has no or very li symptoms; laboratory testing was to conclude that while the health ple die every day due to a variety
BJP was scheming to split it and sabotage Mr. Kumar’s sitions to the stage of endemicity, mited linkage with this classifica not available for the pandemic in challenges of SARSCoV2 remain, of reasons which includes even
government from the inside. The BJP has dismissed this i.e., a level of transmission which tion and a disease could be mild; 191820 and was very limited in the socioeconomic impact is old age. These daily deaths in
allegation, pointing out that it could not have formed a is not considered to be a major but if it is widespread, it could be subsequent ones. In fact, in the blunted. It is a good starting point clude 120 deaths every day due to
government even if the JD(U) were to split. Mr. Kumar concern by the public or health termed a pandemic. COVID19 be 191820 flu pandemic, even the vi to believe that the COVID19 pan pregnancyrelated causes; 350 to
has won this round in the game of smoke and mirrors authorities. It has been 29 months gan as an outbreak in China, be rus was not identified (it was first demic in India has moved to its en 600 deaths in road accidents;
since COVID19 was declared a came epidemic afterwards when identified in 1933). If those clinical demic stage. However, that is not 1,400 attributed to tuberculosis;
that he has had with the BJP, and earned himself a pat
pandemic. However, new CO more countries were affected, and criteria of yesteryears are applied the same as saying that the pan around 2,000 deaths in children
on the back from the antiBJP camp. But his cleverness VID19 cases are still continuing to then, finally, was declared a pan in ongoing COVID19 cases which demic is over. In epidemiology younger than five years due to dif
and manoeuvring skills may not be lauded by the peo be reported from different parts of demic on March 11, 2020. It was are now either mild and/or asymp and public health, context (local ferent reasons, and 4,000 deaths
ple of Bihar whose sights might be more fixated on his the world, including India, on a not linked to the severity of dis tomatic (thanks to vaccination and setting, infection rate and vaccine every day attributed to tobacco
political trapeze act — after being with the BJP for long, regular basis. In fact, the numbers ease. Severe Acute Respiratory natural infection), one can con coverage) determines the disease and other related causes. Every ef
he fought the 2015 Assembly elections with the RJD, of daily new COVID19 cases in ma Syndrome (SARS), in 200204, was clude that the COVID19 epidemic spread. Therefore, in the ongoing fort should be made to avoid any
and split with it in 2017 to return to the BJP’s embrace. ny countries are more than what a very serious disease, with one in is over in many countries. COVID19 pandemic, every coun death that is preventable. No so
had been reported at the peak of 10 people who were affected dy One of the ways to differentiate try would reach an endemic stage ciety should be overly fixated over
Politics makes for strange bedfellows, but Mr. Kumar
the national waves in those coun ing; it was not declared a pandem between ‘pandemic’ and ‘endem at different points of time. Coun only one disease or health chal
has stretched the limits of ideological infidelity. He had tries before the emergence of Om ic because severity does not deter ic’ is the ‘socioeconomic’ impact. tries that had higher vaccination lenges. Clearly, COVID19 is one of
accused the RJD of corruption in defence of his split icron as a variant of concern. Ho mine this classification. Pandemics are not merely health coverage and higher natural infec the many challenges and cannot
with it in 2017. His explanation for walking out of the al wever, the severity of COVID19 events but also encompass the so tion (such as India) are likely to continue to be the top and the only
liance with the BJP that won the election in 2020 is un infections is low and the burden of Here to stay cial and economic implications of reach this stage early. Countries health priority.
likely to convince people. health services due to intensive New diseases usually do not disap infections and diseases. For nearly with low natural infection and vac The ongoing COVID19 pandem
Twice in five years, Mr. Kumar changed partners, care unit and hospital admission pear completely. Chikungunya, two years, a large number of SARS cination coverage (as in Africa) ic at the global level does not mean
both the times trampling over the mandate entrusted to even lower. COVID19 vaccination dengue and many respiratory vi CoV2 infections were happening would reach an endemic stage a every country needs to have simi
coverage is increasing and, in ma ruses usually stay within popula in a short period of time — by a no little later. lar interventions in its response.
him by the people of Bihar. Those in the Opposition
ny countries, COVID19 related tions once they enter a popula vel virus in a population which India, arguably, has reached a
camp who see this blatant opportunism as hope of an restrictions have either been re tion. Twentynine months into the was completely immunologically A disease perspective stage where COVID19 can be con
antiBJP politics ahead of 2024 are clutching at straws. moved completely or relaxed to a pandemic, there is consensus that naive — illnesses required hospital There is another dimension to the sidered to be in its endemic stage.
At the moment, all that the new alliance of JD(U) and large extent. SARSCoV2 will stay with humani isation and health facilities were pandemic and endemic debate. It is time to deal with the COVID19
RJD along with the Congress and the Left parties ty for long, possibly for years and overwhelmed. The infections, ill Since pandemics have a social im just like any other health condi
achieves is their survival in the immediate term. The Much opinion even decades. Cases are being re nesses and hospitalisations under pact, the decision on when a coun tion and integrate COVID19 inter
road to 2024 and beyond is a long one from here, and After the third wave in January ported from all countries and standably resulted in fear, panic try has reached an endemic stage ventions in general health servic
2022, India saw the lowest number parts of the world and are likely to and economic and social disrup is also determined by societal per es. It is time people do a
there is little that is predictable about Mr. Kumar en
of daily new COVID19 cases in be reported in the time ahead. In tion. The interventions to halt the spective of ‘the acceptable risk’. selfassessment of their COVID19
route. A lot will depend on how supporters of the indi March and April this year. Howev this situation, it is important to ask transmission of SARSCoV2, i.e., There are a number of countries risk and undertake voluntary pre
vidual partners of the alliance respond to this abrupt er, since then, daily cases have how diseases transition from epi lockdowns, quarantines, national across the world where societies cautionary measures. COVID19
realignment, and how the JD(U) and the RJD respond to spiked to around 18,000 a day. In demic or pandemic to the endem and international travel bans and have returned to ‘normalcy mode’ vaccination should become part of
the signals from below. Though the BJP has suffered a fact, in the last two months every ic state. school closure were equally un even though the per million daily the routine immunisation pro
setback, a new window has opened for it in Bihar, as the rise and fall in daily cases in India We usually go back to history to precedented. There was a loss for cases in many settings are higher gramme. There are other health
sole claimant of all antiincumbency votes. Central in revives the discussion on whether get such answers. However, in the many in terms of their sources of than cases at the peak of earlier challenges that are waiting to be
COVID19 continues to remain case of the COVID19 pandemic, income after the ensuing social waves. The United States has re tackled.
vestigative agencies could get active against key figures
pandemic or has become endem historical references are not very disruption and economic slow turned to a ‘no mandatory CO
in the new ruling coalition, but a more reasonable thing ic. Yet, consensus is missing. Part useful. The end points of the pan down. Clearly, the impact was not VID19 test’ for inbound passen Dr. Chandrakant Lahariya is a
for the BJP to do is to be more respectful of its partners of the reason is that the discourse demics prior to the 18th century restricted to those who tested CO gers. In Europe, many countries primary-care physician, infectious
and opponents. As the Shiv Sena and the JD(U) will af is dominated by opinion and there were determined retrospectively, VID19 positive; it has affected eve are back to full normalcy. diseases specialist and vaccines expert
firm, the BJP as a friend is more dangerous than the BJP
while historic financial and human place them instead with outsiders rate in the alleged National Herald
he 44th edition of the Chess Olympiad, which investments were made to redistri such as Kanhaiya Kumar, Jignesh scam.
concluded at the historical town of Mamallapu n the eve of India’s 75th bute that wealth. These remarka Mewani, Alpesh Thakore, Hardik And, finally, the Congress’s en
ram near Chennai on Tuesday, will be talked year of Independence, we ble achievements are forgotten Patel, Nana Patole, Revanth Red viable connections within the state
about for a long time, for all the right reasons. It was ori the people of India are today. dy, Navjot Singh Sidhu, Siddhara and society have collapsed. The
groaning under the poison of Hin maiah, etc. party once commanded an enor
ginally slated to be held in Russia in 2020, but the coro
dutva and a rudderless Opposi India’s Congress problem elections. A clear political narrative will mous network within the adminis
navirus pandemic forced a postponement. Then, Rus tion. Collectively, these two fac Today, we find only paper cham Unsurprisingly therefore, a re need a new Congress leader who tration, media, civil society, and
sia’s invasion of Ukraine prompted the world chess tors are overseeing the pions defending that idea of India. port recommending radical re can create a consensus out of this even with foreign governments. It
governing body, FIDE, to look for a new venue for what destruction of India’s political lib The once mighty Congress Party, forms chaired by the former Maha maze. Such a leader would need could raise substantial funds. This
is the game’s most prestigious and largest team event. eralism. There is little hope for the bulwark of the Indian national rashtra Chief Minister Ashok the intellectual sophistication to infrastructure was a resource that
Chennai was chosen as the host in March but the visi constitutional values such as sarva ist movement, is in a state of such Chavan was summarily assigned to weave a propoor, secular and lib the party could leverage to sup
tors to the Olympiad — there were thousands of them dharma sama bhava (equal respect disarray that even Opposition par the dustbin of history by loyalists. eral outlook with. Given that India port less wellendowed parties in a
for all religions under the law), ties consider it to be a liability. The recent recommendations has a youthful population, this coalition. If it cannot deliver on all
every day — would have been surprised to learn that the
and the same treatment for all citi How is it that a party that go made at the Chintan Shivir (Reflec leader would need to be young these, why should Opposition par
event, featuring more than 1,700 participants from 186 zens. Quite tragically, we are in a verned India for nearly 60 years tion Conclave) held in Udaipur and energetic as well. ties work with the Congress? Yet,
countries, was being staged at such a short notice. situation where India could has been reduced to a sideshow? earlier this year (May 1315, 2022) Third, successful political lea the team led by Rahul Gandhi has
FIDE’s managing director Dana ReiznieceOzola, who is morph into a Hindu Pakistan, as To comprehend this predicament may see a similar fate. Former Del dership demands a combination failed in strengthening old bonds
a former Minister of Economics and Finance in the go was willed by the assassins of Mo and evolve, the Party must selfre hi Chief Minister, the late Sheila of charisma and astute political and creating new ties. This is why
vernment of Latvia, besides being a champion chess handas Gandhi. flect critically on four salient Dikshit’s son, Sandeep Dikshit, management. The charismatic the Congress’s sphere of influence
player, praised India for completing what she called a factors. was not even invited to the con leader can draw the crowds while is shrinking rapidly.
mission impossible. The ball got rolling when the All In Political development First, the Congress Party has a clave, among significant others. the political manager strategises
India’s foundational figures had leadership problem. It has much That the Congress Party would re elections, makes the machinery of The future
dia Chess Federation’s proposal was accepted by the
understood the importance of reli to do with those who control the fuse to introspect after the catas government work, and ensures ad The milliondollar question is:
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, M.K. Stalin. To its credit, the gious diversity. Swami Vivekanan reins of the party in the name of trophic political losses is mind herence to the party’s ideological where will the Congress go? Will
Tamil Nadu government was willing to spend more da, the patron saint of the Indian the Gandhis. Sonia Gandhi’s man boggling. agenda. the party gerrymander its internal
than ₹100 crore on a sport that is not anywhere nearly youth, had argued for the necessi agers such as Ahmed Patel, Motilal Second, while experimentation Nehru had a Sardar Patel to polls due in September 2022 till a
as glamorous as cricket or football. In 2013, the Tamil ty of religious diversity. Netaji Sub Vora, Janardan Dwivedi, Oscar with political tactics is healthy, work with. While Nehru articulat Gandhi is reanointed as president?
Nadu government had conducted at Chennai the World hash Chandra Bose’s Indian Na Fernandes and Ambika Soni were ideological confusion is not. To ed the idea of India, Patel ran the Or, will it once again delay the
chess championship match between local boy Viswa tional Army had consistently politically grounded, and well day’s Congress high command party. This model was replicated election hoping that Rahul Gandhi
worked with all the faiths to defeat versed with realpolitik. swings between the extreme right under the United Progressive Al changes his mind after the Bharat
nathan Anand and Magnus Carlsen, but the size and lo
the British. Bose’s closest asso Rahul Gandhi, on the other (flirting with soft Hindutva) and liance (UPA) government, which Jodo Yatra (now from September)?
gistics of that event cannot be compared with that of ciates were Muslims. The expe hand, wanted to assume the role the extreme left (flirting with radi Dr. Manmohan Singh ran, while In that case, the Gandhis, like Ba
the Olympiad. rience of the struggle for freedom of a democratiser within the party cal antiestablishment ideas). The Ahmed Patel managed the party. hadur Shah Zafar and his sons,
Nine years later, when bigtime chess returned to his was enshrined in the constitution by experimenting with the party’s rightwing leadership matches The same can be said regarding might well be the Congress’s last
home town, Anand had become less busy as a player al idea of India, that was created youth and student wings. Yet, he Hindutva by visiting temples, the political success of Narendra Mughals. However, they still have
and was more of a mentor, columnist and, before the by Maulana Azad, Jawaharlal Neh has ironically replicated the very flaunting the sacred thread, and, Modi and Amit Shah. the time to invest in the right per
Olympiad was over, FIDE’s new deputy president. But ru, B.R. Ambedkar, Sardar Patel, high command model of his moth soft peddling on issues such as the Even though Rahul Gandhi has sons, so that the Congress Party
among numerous other stalwarts. er and grandmother, with the dif Citizenship (Amendment) Act, the declined the throne of the Con can move forward. This is the best
the fivetime world champion had singlehandedly re
The legacy of the freedom ference that his team is politically dilution of Article 370, and numer gress President since 2019, his service that the Gandhis can per
volutionised Indian chess so much so that it could af struggle was the fundamental rea inept and rudderless. K.C. Venugo ous attacks on minorities. Such a team calls the shots, supposedly at form for the party, and for pre
ford to field three teams at the Olympiad. Two of them son India shocked the world by pal, Jairam Ramesh, Ajay Maken disposition of the three Gandhis his behest. Hence, in the public serving much that is precious in
— India 2 in the open section and India 1 in the women’s turning into a resilient democracy and Randeep Surjewala do not would have saddened Jawaharlal eye, he and Priyanka Gandhi Va India’s civilisational journey.
— went on to win the bronze medals, living up to India’s with abundant poverty, where ci possess the political acumen of a Nehru. dra have run the party to the
growing reputation as a powerhouse in world chess. In vilian control over the military was Digvijay Singh or an Ashok Gehlot. On the other hand, the Con ground. The party was absent Rahul Mukherji is Professor and Chair,
dia won another seven individual medals to cap off its established. The Congress Party, None of these and other advisers gress’s left faction wishes to create from almost all the major protests, Modern Politics of South Asia, South Asia
led by Sonia Gandhi, largely built have honed the art of winning an anticorporate and ideological on issues such as the Citizenship Institute, Heidelberg University, Germany
greatest Olympiad campaign ever. Many of those me
dals were won by teenagers. Youngsters such as D. Gu
kesh, Nihal Sarin, R. Praggnanandhaa, Arjun Erigaisi LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters emailed to [email protected] must carry the full postal address and the full name or the name with initials.
and Raunak Sadhwani promise even greater things for
To read more letters
Indian chess. There was unprecedented interest in Bihar politics politics” (Page 1, “Nitish ■ Sadly, by his frequent parties. It was only recently Chennai has proved among online, scan the QR code
chess from the public and the media, which will do a In severing ties with his Kumar dumps BJP for RJD, flipflops, Mr. Kumar scores that the party’s chief other things that India is
world of good to the game. Uzbekistan won the men’s alliance partner, the set to form govt. afresh”, very low in the “reliability ‘threatened’ to eliminate all capable of conducting a ■ The Olympiad was a
team event but perhaps the greatest story of the Chess Bharatiya Janata Party August 10). Perhaps he quotient” despite his clean regional parties, which was major event. The mission wellconducted event from
(BJP), and joining hands ought to have tendered his image. To remain a member totally undemocratic. was planned meticulously beginning to end. There is no
Olympiad was not authored by either Uzbekistan or In
with the Rashtriya Janata resignation and sought of a credible antiBJP force, S.K. Choudhury, and executed without flaw, doubt that the Tamil Nadu
dia, but by a group of five women from wartorn Uk Dal (RJD) now, Nitish fresh elections, maybe in he must focus on governance Bengaluru also due to the keen interest government and the Chief
raine. The gold they won should brighten up the Kumar has yet again proved alliance with the RJD and in association with his allies. taken by the Tamil Nadu Minister have brought laurels
sombre mood back home; it also reflects sport’s indom the political line that “there other likeminded parties. The BJP too must tone down A pat for T.N. Chief Minister, M.K. Stalin. to the State.
itable spirit. is neither a permanent foe A. Jainulabdeen, its rhetoric of targeting and The just concluded 44th Anna Mary Yvonne, C.A.C. Murugappan,
nor a permanent friend in Chennai ridiculing the regional FIDE Chess Olympiad in Chennai Kothamangalam, Tamil Nadu
A shrinking subscriber base and extremely low revenue per user are sinking the state-run telecom Political sanctions against hoarders
Vignesh Radhakrishnan which Jio entered the market forced New Delhi, Aug. 10: The Finance Minister,
& Jasmin Nihalani other players to reduce their charges. Mr. Y.B. Chavan, told the Lok Sabha today
This impacted the average revenue of that he expected the new public distribution
On July 27, the Union Cabinet ap both BSNL and other private service system to make, within weeks, an impact on
proved a ₹1.64 lakh crore package to providers. However, the staterun te the now rising prices of essential commodi
revive the stateowned telecom firm, lecom’s ARPU took a bigger hit. ties and appealed for cooperation from all
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. When Jio started raising tariffs, priv political parties. Intervening in the debate
While private players are gearing up ate players followed suit while BSNL on the price situation, he pledged the Go
to deploy 5G services, the govern did not. Consequently, the ARPU of vernment to the use of not only the provi
ment has allocated ₹44,993 crore for private players improved (₹136) and sions of the law but also “political sanctions”
administrative allotment of the 4G surpassed the preJio levels but BSNL against antisocial elements who have taken
spectrum. The revival package also (₹53) did not catch up. advantage of the delayed rains and fear of
includes funding for financially un Dwindling subscribers coupled drought to hoard and to push up the prices.
viable rural wire line services where with relatively low earnings from ex Mr. Chavan also promised that no produc
BSNL is the only effective player. isting customers took a toll on BSNL’s tion or distribution programme would lack
The government expects that with revenue. From ₹40,000 crore in funds even if it meant resort to further defi
the implementation of this recent FY06, revenue halved to ₹19,052 cit financing. Mr. Chavan said the price situa
package, BSNL will turn around and crore in FY22. While revenue dipped, tion was in part the economic price the
earn a profit by FY27. The firm last expenses increased to over ₹30,000 country has had to pay for some of the polit
made a profit in 200809. In the last crore and remained above the mark ical steps taken last year for which the Go
13 years, the telecom has suffered for 15 years. Chart 3 shows BSNL’s re vernment had been lauded. He did not clar
losses amounting to ₹1.02 trillion. venues and expenses in ₹ crore. As a ify this remark. The Finance Minister did
To realise the goal of turning BSNL result, BSNL has been consistently not offer any apologies for the deficit financ
profitable in the next five years, a making losses for the last 13 years. ing which was criticised by many members
crucial step would be to expand the Chart 4 shows profits and losses but he asked the House to take note of the
falling subscriber base. At present, made by BSNL in ₹ crore. massive effort made by him to mobilise re
the subscriber base of Jio and Airtel is Until FY20, employee benefits sources side by side with deficit financing.
three times that of BSNL’s. Not only is formed 40% of BSNL’s expenses. Fol The Centre’s effort to mobilise additional re
the subscriber base falling, but the lowing the 2019 rescue package, a sources had yielded Rs. 2,900 crores not in
revenue BSNL makes from each user bulk of which was used for funding cluding the share of the States between 1969
is also a fraction of what private ser the Voluntary Retirement Scheme, 70 and 197172 as against the Fourth Plan tar
vice providers get. The average reve the workforce was cut down from 1.8 get of Rs. 2,100 crores for five years.
nue earned per user by BSNL is 2.5 lakh in FY18 to 64,500 in FY21. Yet,
times lower than what private BSNL’s share of employee A HUNDRED YEARS AGO AUGUST 11, 1922
players make. benefits in expenses is
An earlier bailout package an higher than the share Indo-Ceylon rates
nounced in 2019 helped trim BSNL’s spent by private compa
bloated employee benefits expense, nies. Chart 5 shows the Another Conference between the Traffic of
halving the losses incurred by FY21. share of employee bene ficials of the South Indian Railway and the
However, the revenue remained stag fits in total expenses. Ceylon Government Railway was held on
nant for four years after recording a BSNL played a crucial Sunday and yesterday in Colombo says the
major fall in FY19. Expanding the role in improving teledensity “Ceylon Daily News” of August 8. The S.I.R.
subscriber base and improving the (connections per 100 people) was represented by Mr. Rowbotham, Gener
revenue earned per user would take in rural and farflung areas. al Traffic Manager, who was accompanied by
care of the shrinking revenue. Private players have replaced two clerks; and the C.G.R. by Mr. T.E. Dut
In 2005, BSNL commanded a mar BSNL in the rural wireless ton, Traffic Manager and Mr. J.J.F Felix, As
ket share of 21%, the same as Bharti segment, but BSNL continues sistant Traffic Manager. It is learnt that the
Airtel and slightly higher than Re to be the lone operator in the main object of the Conference was the set
liance Communications. By 2022, rural wire line segment. The ru tlement of certain goods rates between Ma
BSNL’s share reduced to 10% while ral wireless teledensity and dras and Ceylon and vice versa. There was a
three private players controlled the broadband subscriber rate (per good deal of discussion on this subject be
rest of the market. Chart 1 shows the 100 people) has remained flat fore a final agreement was arrived at. It is
market share of wireless subscribers. in the last five years even as stated that these difficulties arise from time
Chart 2 shows the average revenue the urbanrural gap keeps wi to time as there is keen competition in the
earned per user per month (ARPU) dening. So, BSNL’s re goods rates between the South Indian
by BSNL and other private players. In newed focus on rural Steamer Agencies and the S.I. ry; and that
March 2016, BSNL’s ARPU was ₹118 areas as a part of its so unless the rates are revised as occasion de
while private companies earned cial obligation may help mands they would not keep in line with the
₹126. The dirt cheap tariffs with bridge the gap. fluctuations in the market rates.
Rise in heinous crimes Missing monuments Aiding Ukraine Virus prone habitats Investments plummet
Akriti Sharma oil and gas with renewable energy support her state Arizona’s businessfriendly
development. approach.
The story so far: On August 7, the U.S. Within the Democrats, the party had to
Senate approved a Bill titled the Inflation Why does the U.S. want to invest in agree to some policy changes. Senator Joe
Reduction Act (IRA) 2022, with a simple addressing climate change? Manchin was the major reason behind the
B On August 7, the U.S.
majority of 51 to 50. Vice President Kamala The U.S is currently facing extreme climate failure of President Biden’s BBBA in the
Senate approved a bill titled
Harris cast her tiebreaking vote to aid the threats. This includes heatwaves, wildfires, Senate earlier. However, after constant
the Inflation Reduction Act
(IRA) 2022. The IRA has a approval after the Senate was evenly cyclones, floods, and hurricanes that have deliberations, he agreed to support the
special focus on climate, divided. Even though all Republicans become frequent and intense in the past few current version which has more focus on
healthcare, and tax opposed the bill, the Democrats pushed years. The ongoing floods in Kentucky reducing deficits.
provisions to address through after a long debate taking advantage triggered by heavy rainfall and the wildfires Fossil fuel supporters criticise the bill as it
inflation. of the budget reconciliation process. The bill in California induced by dry lightning have does not take into account the communities
is a scaleddown version of President Biden’s become a major concern for the country. that are dependent on the fossil fuel industry
B The Bill marks the largest Build Back Better Act (BBBA), which failed to There is a link between extreme weather for their income. A protest by the workers of
American investment aimed get approval from the Senate. The IRA has a events and climate change. a coal plant in the state of West Virginia was
leader in clean energy. It provisions to address inflation. Manchin agreed to back the bill.
provides a tax deduction to Climate advocates criticise the bill for Climate advocates criticise the bill for
low and middleincome
What are the climate change coupling the development of coupling the development of renewable
households to go electric renewable energy, which is the cause
and seeks to lower the
provisions? energy, which is the cause of global
The Bill marks the largest American of global warming, with land leasing warming, with land leasing for oil and gas
energy bills of U.S.
households. For investment aimed toward making the U.S. a for oil and gas drilling drilling. The Bill still contains giveaways to
disadvantaged lowincome leader in clean energy. It includes the fossil fuel sector.
communities and tribal packages worth $369 billion for the clean Additionally, President Joe Biden has also
communities, the Bill energy transition. undertaken certain climate commitments. How does the Bill help the U.S. achieve
provides funding to benefit It provides a tax deduction to low and Climate action has been a priority since he its climate targets?
from zeroemission middleincome households to go electric and came into office. In 2021, he committed to The Bill being the largestever investment in
technologies. It also
imposes a fee on methane
seeks to lower the energy bills of American the new ambitious target of cutting addressing the climate crisis in U.S. history,
leaks from oil and gas households. It also aims to bolster the emissions by 5052% below 2005 levels by will help the nation get closer to its climate
drilling. domestic production of heat pumps and 2030 and signed a new methane deal to curb target of reducing 5052% emissions below
critical minerals. For disadvantaged methane emissions from the oil and gas 2005 levels by 2030.
lowincome communities and tribal industry. He introduced the Build Back According to an estimate by the Rhodium
B However, climate
advocates criticise the bill communities, the Bill provides funding to Better plan which was a multitrillion deal Group, the investments in the Bill could
for coupling the benefit from zeroemission technologies with key provisions for climate change. reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 31 to
development of renewable which reduce greenhouse gas emissions, In May 2022, the Biden administration 44% by 2030.
energy, which is the cause enhance climate resilience, and mitigate revoked the Alaska oil and gas drilling lease The Bill can help the U.S. compete with programmes. Time running out: A
of global warming, with risks from extreme heat. sales in the backdrop of soaring fuel prices, a China in terms of renewable production as horizontal drilling rig on a
land leasing for oil and gas The Bill provides significant investment in move that is consistent with its climate China is a leading producer of solar energy. Have similar climate packages been lease operates at sunrise
drilling. renewable energy through heavy tax credits commitment. It can also facilitate the creation of domestic announced by other countries? near Midland, Texas, U.S.
for wind and solar energy projects and jobs. In May 2022, Japan announced its ‘Invest in on August 24, 2018. *
electric vehicles. Additionally, the Bill Why are Republicans opposing the Bill? Thus, the Bill can prove to be a turning Kisida’ plan which aims for a $1.1 trillion
imposes a tax on the largest and most The legislation faced criticism not only from point for global climate action as the U.S. is investment to bolster the Japanese economy.
profitable companies in order that they pay Republicans but also from a section within one of the largest emitters of greenhouse As part of the plan, the country aims to
their fair share, without levying any taxes on the Democrats along with fossil fuel gases globally. However, it does not address transition to clean energy and achieve 46%
households with income less than $40,000 supporters, and climate advocates. any issues of global climate finance which is reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by
per annum. The Republicans tried to delay the a major impediment to global climate action. 2030. In June 2021, the European Union (EU)
It also imposes a fee on methane leaks passage of the Bill in the Senate by It is a mere step toward achieving the climate proposed a similar ‘Fit for 55’ plan to reduce
from oil and gas drilling. introducing numerous amendments that target agreed upon in the Paris Agreement, emissions by 55% by 2030. The plan is
At the same time, the Bill also aims at criticised the Bill for its inability to curb where Article 2 states global temperature expected to become law soon. Being the
more investments in fossil fuels. inflation. All the amendments introduced should be limited below 2°C. largest emitters, both the U.S. and the EU
It seeks to expand oil and gas drilling, failed except the one introduced by Senator Even though the Bill is not enough to can play a significant role in taking
with the federal government offering land John Thune on the exemption of some address the climate crisis, such historic responsibility for historical emissions.
for onshore and offshore drilling as a businesses from the minimum corporate tax. initiatives by global leaders in greenhouse Akriti Sharma is a doctoral scholar at the
prerequisite for developing renewable Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema gas emissions can be a benchmark for other National Institute of Advanced Studies,
energy. Thus, it handcuffs the expansion of supported John Thune’s amendment to large emitters to push their climate action Bengaluru
A. M. Jigeesh 2003, when A. B. Vajpayee was the Prime the Bill. Congress MP Manish Tewari said Saugata Roy said such a provision will
Minister. The intention was to consolidate the Bill paves way for privatisation of create a situation similar to the telecom
The story so far: Ignoring the the laws relating to generation, profits and the nationalisation of losses. sector where monopoly companies will
objections of the Opposition, the transmission, distribution, trading and DMK’s T.R. Baalu asked what will happen destroy the public sector and smaller
Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) and the use of electricity. The Act also offered to to poor farmers who are getting networks.
trade unions, the Union Power Ministry protect the interest of consumers and subsidised power in States like Tamil Similarly, Clause 13 seeks to amend B The Union Power Ministry
introduced the Electricity (Amendment) supply of electricity to all areas, Nadu. section 60 of the principal Act to enable introduced the Electricity
Bill, 2022 in Lok Sabha on August 8. rationalisation of electricity tariff, management of power purchase and (Amendment) Bill, 2022 in
Union Power Minister R.K. Singh said at transparent policies regarding subsidies What are the main amendments to cross subsidy in case of multiple Lok Sabha on August 8.
the stage of introduction that the Bill etc. The Act resulted in privatisation of the Act? distribution licensees in the same area of
could be moved to the Energy Standing distributing companies. It was amended Compared to the drafts of 2020 and 2021, supply. It says in case of issuance of B The Bill is opposed by
Committee of Parliament for broader in 2007 by the UPA Government, the Electricity Act (Amendment) Bill of licence to more than one distribution farmers’ groups as they fear
consultations. “My simple submission is apparently under pressure from the Left 2022 has a number of changes. The main licensee in an area of supply, the State that the Bill will lead to
that this entire matter will be discussed in parties. The provisions for “cross Telangana Power Employees protesting change among them could be the Government shall set up a cross subsidy stopping subsidies and that
power distribution will
the Standing Committee and the Standing subsidy” — ensuring subsidy to poor the Bill on August 8. RAMAKRISHNA G *
proposal for the Centre’s intervention in balancing fund which shall be managed thereafter be under the
Committee has representatives from all households was added to the Bill in 2007. the area of power distribution, a domain by a government company. control of private
the parties,” Mr. Singh said. The There were attempts to amend the Bill that power distribution will thereafter be under the State governments. Such companies. Opposition
Opposition questioned the introduction further in 2014, 2017, 2018, 2020 and under the control of private companies. provisions can be seen in clauses 5, 11, 12, What lies ahead? parties questioned the Bill
of the Bill. They alleged that the Centre is 2021. While the 2014 Bill was cleared by The workers in the power sector also 13, 15 and 23 of the Bill. Clause 5 amends The trade unions in the power sector on federalist principles as
breaching the promise given to SKM that the Standing Committee on Energy, it oppose the Bill citing that privatisation of Section 14 of the parent Act that deals held a oneday strike against the Bill. electricity is a subject which
the Bill will not be brought to Parliament. could not be passed in the House as the distribution companies and generating with the criteria for electricity They are also discussing the possibilities comes under the Concurrent
The Opposition MPs said the Bill is not Centre wanted to revise it. None of the units will result in job losses. When the distributors. The amendment empowers for an indefinite strike. The SKM is also List of the Constitution.
just antifarmer, but also other draft Bills came to Parliament as Central trade unions started a campaign the Central Government to prescribe the stepping up its agitations. The Energy
antiConstitutional and against the the Centre was not satisfied with the against the Act, the SKM pledged criteria. Standing Committee will soon start its B One of main changes in
interest of States. The basis of their primary response it received after support. The Opposition parties Another clause that causes worry for deliberations on the Bill. The panel is the Bill is the proposal for
argument was that the Bill may lead to consultations with stakeholders. All of questioned the Bill on federalist those who oppose the Bill is Clause 11, currently headed by senior JD(U) MP the Centre’s intervention in
the area of power
ending subsidies for farmers and poor those Bills remained in their draft form. principles. RSP MP N. K. Premachandran which seeks to amend section 42 of the Rajiv Ranjan Singh Alias Lalan Singh.
distribution, a domain under
consumers. said in the House that power or principal Act to facilitate operation of JD(U) called off its alliance with the BJP the State governments.
Why is there opposition to the Bill? electricity is a subject which comes multiple distribution licensees in the on Tuesday. Though the BJP can claim a
What is the history of the Bill? The opposition to the Bill is primarily under the Concurrent List of the same area and to avoid parallel network majority in the committee, the
The Electricity Bill was brought for the from farmers’ groups as they fear that the Constitution, and that the Centre should and optimise usage of the distribution chairman’s stand will be important when
first time and passed in Parliament in Bill will lead to stopping subsidies and have consulted the States before bringing network. Trinamool Congress MP Bills like this are taken up for discussion.
& Context
Text | 11
Through multiple lenses: Taliban supporters shout slogans and wave Taliban flags as they march along a street in Kandahar on August 31, 2021. *
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majority in Parliament and is headed
NDIAN politics has never been synonymous with morality. And SHYAM SARAN
by a PM who enjoys wide popularity
when it comes to opportunism, there are few who go the whole FORMER FOREIGN SECRETARY AND SENIOR and unquestioned authority. This is
hog better than Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. A past mas- FELLOW, CENTRE FOR POLICY RESEARCH
rare in a multi-party democracy. It
ter at striking the best deal for himself and his party, the Janata Dal should be possible to bring about
(United), Nitish has dumped the BJP again and returned to the NDIA@75 is on the threshold of structural economic reforms and a
Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD)-led Mahagathbandhan to form a new becoming the most populous regulatory make-over to enable India
government. Nitish had managed to remain in the saddle despite country at over 1.4 billion people. become the most reliable and pre-
the JD(U)’s below-par performance in the 2020 Bihar Assembly The large population has not ferred destination for the inflow of
election. His party had won only 43 seats, well behind the BJP (74) been a constraint on India achieving capital and high-end technology. In
and the RJD (75). With the BJP having the upper hand in the remarkable successes in its economic TAP IT: The key to leveraging the demographic dividend is to expand manufacturing. PTI the past, it used to be said India
alliance, Nitish had no qualms about settling for a diminished and social development so far and reforms through stealth. Now, we
these are reasons to celebrate. India have a political leader who has been
stature as the CM. However, the saffron party’s overbearing pres-
still has a relatively productive age
The next 25 years may determine if India will stagnate or open in welcoming foreign capital and
ence proved too hot for him to handle; finally, he opted for Plan B
in a desperate bid for his political survival.
profile: 50% of its population is below cross the threshold into a high-income, prosperous nation. technology. He has promoted digital
the age of 25 and average age of the economy and startup culture. Politics
Ironically, not much is expected to change in terms of Nitish’s population as a whole is 28.7 years as today need not be a constraint on eco-
role, alliance dynamics or Bihar’s governance. The numbers are still compared to 38.4 years in China and tutes over 50% of the GDP, about the create national champions which may nomic policy. It is also necessary that
stacked against the JD(U); its current ally, the RJD, will spare no 48.6 years in Japan. However, India, same as China. The prospects of fur- be able to achieve import substitution India’s social cohesion is not disrupt-
effort to dictate terms. Lalu Yadav’s party, whose rule was marked too, will start ageing soon, with its ther significant increase in employ- and increase higher value exports. ed by inimical forces. Its success as a
by rampant corruption and lawlessness in the state, is set to keep average age slated to reach 38.1 years ment in the service sector is there- There is a steady shift of a wide vibrant plural democracy remains its
Nitish on his toes. Sooner or later, he will again find himself pushed in 2050. The so-called demographic fore limited. Is there any prospect for range of labour-intensive industries, calling card internationally.
to the brink. And he will also have the BJP, with its ego bruised by dividend is a declining asset. The India to raise the share of manufac- chiefly textiles, electronics and con- India will also need to ensure that its
his brusque departure from the NDA, snapping at his heels. next 25 years, with India@100 as the turing, thereby creating more pro- sumer durables from China due to ris- economic strategy is environmentally
What does Nitish’s latest U-turn mean for the beleaguered Oppo- next marker, may determine whether ductive jobs in the next 25 years? ing wages but also in order to reduce sustainable and does not risk running
sition? The entry of a senior leader who has dared to take on the India will stagnate eventually in a This remains the key challenge. exposure to China because of rising into an ecological dead-end. The often-
BJP can act as a trigger for the Congress and its allies to regroup middle-income trap or whether it will According to economic theory, a coun- geopolitical risks. Despite the scale perceived trade-off between environ-
cross the threshold into a high- try’s development strategy the Indian economy offers, only ment and development is a false one.
and close ranks in the run-up to the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. Howev-
income prosperous country. should take into a small percentage of the India is still at a stage where much of its
er, the Bihar CM needs to overcome heavy odds to emerge as the
Countries which have been able to account its resource investment has migrated infrastructure remains to be built. It is
tallest leader in the Opposition camp. How the old warhorse tackles leverage their demographic divi- endowment. If it is a to India. Most have not locked into an energy and resource-
multiple challenges — running a coalition government, keeping the dend phase have done so through a country with abundant gone to Southeast Asia, intensive pattern of growth. This offers
JD(U) flock together and propping up an anti-BJP national front — significant and sustained transfer of labour resources, such as chiefly Vietnam and an opportunity to pioneer an alterna-
will have a decisive bearing on his political future. labour from less productive agricul- India, the optimal strategy Bangladesh. India is tive growth strategy. This is also an
ture to the more productive industri- would be to incentivise unable to attract area where we may benefit from the
al and service sectors. This is paral- labour-intensive manufacture. investment which will more advanced knowledge and tech-
leled by increasing urbanisation That does not seem to be the case. If help transform the coun- nology that our key partners possess. A
ARYANA Home Minister Anil Vij’s admission in the Assem- 7.3% of China’s GDP is generated by hardware, electronics, pharmaceuticals such foreign investors but not to those to see us succeed and to emerge as a
bly that the dumper stopped for checking by the slain Tauru agriculture, while 40% is from manu- and medical devices, automobiles and who wish to manufacture for export. credible countervailing power to Chi-
DSP on July 19 was indeed headed towards a stone crusher, facturing and 53% from services. textiles. Except for textiles, there may be This needs to change. Countries like na. This moment may fade away as
discounting the police claim that it was being used to transport The key to leveraging the demo- relatively little employment generation. the US, Japan and Australia, who are geopolitical shifts continue to take
stone for personal use, is a vindication of the exhaustive reportage graphic dividend is to rapidly It is claimed that the PLI scheme would India’s partners in Quad, are already place in unpredictable ways. The
by The Tribune on the rampant illegal mining in the Aravalis expand manufacturing. Manufactur- generate 6 million jobs but it is not clear looking to create reliable supply journey from India@75 to India@100
despite a ban by the Supreme Court. Ground reports from across ing in India constitutes only 15% of how this figure has been arrived at and chains away from China. So are coun- may become an even more momen-
the state, and even Punjab, also brought out the deep nexus — polit- the GDP and has remained stagnant. over what period it is likely to be tries in Europe. India has a golden tous chapter in our history. The
ical patronage to the mining mafia, backed by the complicity of gov- The service sector in India consti- achieved. The objective appears to be to opportunity to leverage a favourable choice is for us to make.
ernment functionaries — that facilitates the continuation and pro-
liferation of the illegal activities. Chief Minister Manohar Lal
❝ ❞
thought for the day letters to the editor
We can’t always build the future for our youth, but we
Ditching BJP ed political interests. Democracy its cyber and electronic warfare Apple growers’ dilemma
can build our youth for the future. — Franklin D Roosevelt The political somersault by Bihar will cease to exist if this obnoxious mechanisms. Though China pro- Apropos of the news report ‘Poor
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar trend is not reversed. Lawmakers fesses consultation, cooperation link roads irk apple growers’, why
depicts how big an opportunist he and votaries of democracy must and coordination, the ground did the state government not take
is (‘Nitish dumps BJP; to be ponder over it and arrest this trend. reality is different. The interna- into account infrastructural
on this day...100 years ago sworn in as CM again with Tejash- ANIL VINAYAK, AMRITSAR tional community should come arrangements for the transportation
wi as deputy’). His ditching the together to contain Chinese of apples ahead of the apple season?
BJP and allying with the RJD No friends, no foes expansionist policy, arrogance Why has the Bashla-Untapu road
does not augur well for the BJP, The JD(U) supremo taking oath and belligerent behaviour. seen no work for four years, even
with the parliamentary elections as Bihar Chief Minister after SUBHASH VAID, NEW DELHI after being sanctioned under
due in 2024. The possibility of the bidding adieu to ally BJP did not NABARD? The bad condition of
lahore, friday,august 11, 1922
JD(U) and its allies facing the come as a surprise, but him los- Improve healthcare link roads that are full of slush is
wrath of some Central agency can- ing no time in joining hands with The article ‘Public healthcare, adding to the high transportation
Mr. Lloyd George and the Reforms not be ruled out. People are aware opposition parties proves that medical research lagging’ should costs of the apple growers, who have
EFFORTS are being made by certain Anglo-Indian journals to prove that Mr of such political gimmicks of there are no permanent friends act as an eye-opener. India ranks already faced high input costs this
Lloyd George’s description of the Reforms as an experiment is compatible politicians whose vested interests or foes in politics. In fact, the 154th in terms of quality and year. As per a report, apple consti-
with the announcement of August 1917. “There is in this statement,” says the are supreme to people’s welfare breaking of the BJP-JD(U) accessibility of healthcare. The tutes 79 per cent of the total produc-
Statesman, for instance, “nothing which is inconsistent with the tenor either and development works. There is alliance has come as a blessing health facilities are not only poor, tion in Himachal. People depend on
of the Montagu-Chelmsford report, or the Report of the Joint Committee of no friend or foe for politicians for RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav as but also unevenly distributed in its cultivation for their livelihood.
the two Houses of Parliament on the Indian Reform Bill or—most important while forming a government. he was administered the oath of the country. In rural and hilly The government must take immedi-
of all—with the preamble incorporated in the Statute which governs, and RAVINDER SINGH, JALANDHAR Deputy CM. Nitish Kumar now areas, you won’t even find a GP ate cognisance of this issue.
which was intended by Parliament to govern, the entire operation of the first enjoys the dubious distinction of to get first aid, leave alone a PHC RITISH PANDIT, BY MAIL
decade of the Reform era in India.” If the journal has not forgotten its mother Politics of convenience having changed his political or a hospital. Critical healthcare
tongue, we challenge it to quote a single word from either the Government of Bihar CM Nitish Kumar, known as allies as per convenience. He will facilities are almost missing in all Read books
India Act or any other authoritative document which shows that ‘Sushasan babu’ for delivering a be hard put to justify his flip-flop. government hospitals. Though Reference to the middle ‘Why
Parliament ever intended the Reforms to be treated as an experiment. The robust corruption-free administra- KUMAR GUPT, BY MAIL medical research is done only in a books must stay relevant’, one is
essence of an experiment is that if you are not satisfied with its working, tion to the state, has also suc- few prestigious medical colleges never lonely if one has a book in
you can withdraw it. Is there anything in the preamble to the Government cumbed to the politics of conven- Threat from China and hospitals, still we do not one’s hand. My father was a vora-
of India Act to suggest that Parliament contemplated the possibility, in any ience by aligning with arch-rival Reference to ‘Chinese belliger- refrain from making tall and false cious reader. Never did I see him
circumstances, of having to withdraw the Reforms? Undoubtedly, the RJD to remain in power. His image ence’; if a Chinese spy ship docks claims. Even the Covid-19 pan- without a book, not even during a
preamble did state that Parliament would be guided by the co-operation of an upright politician has taken a at Hambantota, our space mission demic has failed to awaken us sojourn. The habit of reading
received and the extent to which it was found that confidence could be hit. Democracy has been reduced to launch location and strategic from slumber and make us aware books doesn’t come overnight. It
reposed in the sense of responsibility displayed by Indians. But this had a number game, going by the recent weapon-testing area will be under of our deficiencies. We are yet to must be encouraged and cultivat-
reference only to the future stages and not to what was being actually political developments in Maha- close surveillance of the hostile enhance our health budget in pro- ed from early childhood. Unfortu-
conferred. And this is precisely the interpretation that was put upon the rashtra and elsewhere. The public nation. China may even interfere portion to our needs. nately, it is on the decline.
words by Mr Montagu; no one was more competent than him to interpret mandate has been negated by vest- with these activities by deploying SUNIL CHOPRA, LUDHIANA C GHANSHYAM, VISAKHAPATNAM
the will of Parliament in this matter. In a speech by him before he tendered
his resignation, he said that there was no question of going back. Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to: [email protected]
Some economic hurdles crossed, many ahead First, till the 1960s, India suffered undeclared war with China does not
periodic bouts of food scarcity when
a truant monsoon or an excessive
One key economic challenge augur well for ‘India after 75’, just
as the 1962 war with the northern
flood played havoc with the food out- that India faces is how to get neighbour did a major damage to the
put. economy.
It is from the 1970s, when India the better of China. On the On the agricultural front also, the
began to enjoy the fruits of the
Green Revolution, that there was
agricultural front also, it faces a country is faced with a major chal-
lenge. The productivity of India’s
enough food for all. The Green Rev- big challenge. The productivity farm workers is low and there is a
olution was made possible by mira- constant stream of job seekers to
cle seeds brought from outside of farm workers is low and job urban areas where the civic facilities
which were adapted by Indian scien- seekers keep migrating to do not exist for them to be able to
EVENTY-FIVE years ago, in tists to suit local conditions. live healthily. Plus, the level of
1947, when India became It marked the end of the “ship-to- urban areas. Moreover, India involvement of women in jobs is low.
independent, it had a GDP or mouth” existence, whereby the ves- India has one of the lowest female
total income of Rs 2.7 lakh sels carrying grains from the US has one of the lowest female labour force participation rates in
crore and a population of 340 mil-
lion. Today, in 2022, its GDP stands
under the Public Law 480 (PL-480)
programme kept Indians away from
labour force participation rates the world, behind even those of
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Being
at Rs 236.65 lakh crore and the pop- hunger. Today, India is a major in the world, behind even those unable to be gainfully employed as
ulation at over 1.3 billion. exporter of food and with enough of wage earners affects their social sta-
While the GDP has gone up by 88 buffer stocks to tide over output loss of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. tus.
times, the head count has gone up by from bad weather (heatwave), as has The task ahead for India in the
just four times. So, obviously Indi- happened earlier this year. BIG BREAK: The new policy in the ’90s led to a social sector is multidimensional.
ans, on the whole, are much better The other major break came in the spike in manufacturing output & exports. REUTERS India needs a healthier and more
off, even after allowing for inflation. early 1990s after a huge foreign educated workforce so that those
But the point is, how is this income exchange crisis. This was the result seeking jobs can handle modern
distributed? If it is skewed, as is the of the pursuit of economic policies in In order to get an sations’ (in agriculture, indus- allel and even the US has just technology without which the econ-
case with a small sliver at the top post-independent India that sought idea of how far the try, defence and science approved major funding to end omy cannot become more produc-
enjoying an inordinately large share to simultaneously promote Gand- Indian econo- and technology) that dependence on Chinese manufac- tive. What we are looking at is the
of the country’s total income, then hi’s idea of Gram Swaraj, cottage my has pro- hugely improved agri- tured components. An inadequate need for quickly raising social sector
that does not speak positively about and small-scale industries and pub- gressed, it is use- cultural output and supply of semiconductor chips from spending for which currently the fis-
the level of well-being of a good lic sector-led large-scale industriali- ful to compare it with incomes and created a China has slowed down car output in cal resources do not exist.
number of Indians. sation under planning in imitation China. India and China large demand for many countries, including India. In discussing this scenario, we
Recent figures (2021) indicate that of the Soviets which was supported are now strategic manufactured To overcome this, India has have made a major assumption that
the top 10 per cent earn 57 per cent by Nehru. adversaries. They have products. launched a major initiative named the Covid pandemic and the Ukraine
of the national income whereas a The payments crisis led to the similar populations and What is the eco- “production-linked incentive” under war are behind us. But they are not.
good half of all Indians, the bottom introduction of new economic poli- started their independent nomic scenario and which global and Indian firms are New variants of the virus keep
50 per cent, earn only 13 per cent of cies which said goodbye to industri- journey around the same time: challenges that lie ahead as being paid large subventions to set spreading and imposing a cost on the
the national income. Thus, looking al licensing and foreign trade con- the late 1940s. While India was able India celebrates the diamond jubilee tput in a few years. But to facilitate economy in terms of man-days lost
back over the last 75 years, India has trols, resulting in a significant to ward off starvation with the US of its independence? Even if we this policy and ensure that there is a and health expenditure raised. As for
come a long way — the size of the growth in manufacturing output and wheat, China met with a severe set- assume that the Covid pandemic good domestic market for the new the war, it has led to a global shortage
cake is many times larger — but exports. Today, in terms of purchas- back and agricultural disruption as a and Ukraine war are behind the products like semiconductor chips, and rise in commodity prices, which
there is still a long way to go before ing power parity, the Indian econo- result of the “Great Leap Forward” country without having caused foreign trade restrictions have been is upping the Indian inflationary lev-
we can say that all Indians earn a my is the third largest in the world. which cost 30 million lives due to major economic damage, one key introduced. els and necessitating restrictive
level of income that allows them to In terms of US dollars, the Indian starvation. challenge will remain: how to get the This looks like a step backward monetary policies. So, these chal-
live with dignity. economy is the sixth largest in the China’s economic reforms started better of China? from the new economic policies of lenges will have to be overcome first
In terms of economic policy, two world, after the US, China, Japan, in the late 1970s after the death of The depth and complexity of Chi- the 1990s which have stood India in before the country can embark upon
major breaks stand out since 1947. Germany and the UK. Mao Zedong with the ‘four moderni- na’s industrial setup is without par- good stead. Thus, being in a state of the two major ones.
■ Shravana Parvishte
Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy
14 Loyal (4)
■ Hijari 1444 Chandigarh 31 27
Intimate conversation (5-2-5)
For unlimited period (12) 6 7 1 5 ■ Shukla Paksha Tithi 14, up to 10:39 am New Delhi 35 28
23 Assert (4) ■ Ayushman Yoga up to 3:31 pm Amritsar 31 26
24 Knack (5)
Frustrate (4)
State with king or queen (8)
5 8 6 3 ■ Uttrashadha Nakshatra up to 6:53 am
pants. The cycle ends after each fund chit fund intermediary, which is cur-
participant has received the pool of rently around 5% of the full lump-sum
money once. At a preset interval, typi- amount, divided by the number of
cally every month, a lump-sum from the participants.
contribution of all participants is trans- Our calculations based on data from a
ferred to one of them who wins that few completed chit fund cycles suggest
month’s bid for the pool of money. A that borrowers in chit funds pay around
piece of paper used for writing a bid 10-18% in interest cost, lower than most
amount in the olden days was known as other sources of credit, especially after
VIDYA MAHAMBARE a chit, and hence the name ‘chit fund’. accounting for guaranteed access to
& SANJOY SIRCAR A chit fund is a unique hybrid instru- loans without collateral. For those who
are, respectively, professor of economics ment that allows an individual to switch end up as savers, the interest earned is a
and professor of finance at Great Lakes from being a borrower to a saver/lender maximum of 4-6% or often even lower.
Institute of Management, Chennai in a seamless fashion. One can borrow Our estimates also suggest that in
espite 75 years of independence, insurance policies, provident fund, etc, monthly commission to 7% (the most
access to borrowings from but that requires them to undergo a allowed by law) from the current 5%,
commercial banks, especially cumbersome credit-approval process then the cost of borrowings is likely to
ews is often received and inter- unwittingly). By virtue of its value for weight pawnbrokers. part of the cycle. Each participant, alternative saving instruments, then the
preted in a context. So it should efficiency, gold has long been the hot choice of One such long-established alterna- therefore, receives a different pool of chit fund system would not work, since it
tive source of credit is chit funds, which funds. Bids tend to be more aggressive requires a group of people that must
not surprise us if new details on wilful smugglers. Tariff reduction with India’s are one of the earliest forms of peer-to- early in the cycle and so people who comprise a mix of expected savers and
passengers flying in and out of economic reforms had squeezed profits in such peer lending. Chit funds, if registered take the lump-sum early end up paying borrowers. If the chit fund industry
India demanded by Customs risky price arbitrage, but a local premium on the with a state government, are legal enti- more by way of their total contribution shrinks, then borrowers would have to
from airlines is seen as a privacy metal kept this glittery game alive. As reported, ties regulated under the Chit Funds Act over the duration of the fund than what find a substitute source of unsecured
issue, given how long it’s taking India to enact a airport seizures of gold added up to almost of 1982; they do not fall under the juris- they receive from it. Those who take it financing, which will not be an easy task.
diction of the Reserve Bank of India. In towards the end of the cycle tend to end It is difficult to evaluate the net
law that will regulate the use of personal data. 586kg in 2021-22, up from about 400kg the the government’s recent announce- up as savers, since they usually receive income of chit fund promoters in the
This week, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes year before. Some six weeks ago, as part of an ment of revised rates of GST, the tax more money than what they contribute absence of data on their costs, default
and Customs (CBIC) asked air carriers to submit effort to dissuade imports in general, the Centre that chit fund services attract has been to the chit fund. rates of participants and the net tax
19 fields of data on cross-border fliers at least 24 raised its basic import duty on gold brought raised to 18% from the earlier 12%. Since the cost of borrowing and the burden. Overall, however, professional
hours before their flights depart. Apart from along in their baggage by Indian citizens and How will this tax hike impact the chit return to savers depend on the bidding chit funds have served a segment of the
fund industry and thus people for process, it is uncertain, varies for each Indian population well for whom it is not
names, nationality and passport data, which are arrivals of Indian origin who’d stayed abroad for whom it is a key financial instrument? participant, and can be calculated only easy to get loans, especially rollover
anyway given in advance to our immigration over six months from 7.5% to 12.5% (plus a 1.25% To begin with, let us understand how ex-post. Every month, each participant loans from banks, NBFCs and even
authorities, the CBIC’s format is reported to surcharge), subject to a limit of 1kg per person. the product works. A chit fund is a makes an identical contribution to the microfinance institutions.
include contact details, billing information, Others must cough up a heftier charge of 38.5%. close-ended group lending scheme lump-sum, though the contribution dif- A careful reconsideration of the
on-board seating and much else, all of it aimed Could an enlarged incentive for gold sneak-ins with rounds of funding, where cyclical fers each month. It is calculated as the recent GST hike to 18% on chit fund
iterations equal the number of partici- winning bid plus the commission of the services is therefore warranted.
at doing “risk analysis” that could help India have gone into the CBIC’s data call-up?
thwart and prosecute economic offences. Like various popular assets, gold saw a sharp
Despite this demand for enlarged data, airlines pandemic uptrend driven by a global gush of
see an upside in the move, as it beats having to stimulus cash, but its price—both globally and
meet varied spot requests from law enforcers locally—has been largely flat ever since central
and investigative agencies, a spanner in the banks began to call off easy-money policies.
works that the world’s apex aviation lobby had This year’s outbreaks of retail inflation and war-
New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Monday, August 13, 2012 Vol.6 No.193 `3.00 in DelhiNCR/`4.00 outside DelhiNCR 24
appealed against on their behalf earlier this led uncertainty have not acted as gold price CAPITAL CALCULUS:
North Block >4
turn a new leaf? >6
Change in the
year. A formal format spells ease of process. escalators, which suggests a slight drop-off in EXCLUSIVE PARTNER
CAPITAL ACCOUNT: Does economic
growth depend on foreign fund inflows? >15
REAL ESTATE: Real estate leases may
have to be registered>4
As border control is a major aspect of govern- public perceptions of its worth as a safety hedge SENSEX 17,557.74 ®
NIFTY 5,320.40 ® DOLLAR `55.28 ® EURO `67.82 ®
‘I am happy
GOLD `29,880 ®
OIL $112.95 ®
ance, and terror is still a risk, one cannot argue against those value wreckers. Crypto options the wrong
the colour of
the medal’
S o finally India did not
win a gold medal at
the London Olympics.
That is no reason to be
More gold has been
against state access to lists of flier identities. Yet, might also have stolen some of its glitter. In any
LONDON/NEW DELHI Naysayers will, of
oddly, our record of individuals wanted for case, the metal’s allure as a store of wealth in
spoken his mind earlier, in Au- It was a spectacular turna- answer to that is simple:
asset, but window of gust 2005, at a symposium in round, since Kumar was trailing India and Indians hardly
opportunity for serious Jackson Hole, Wyoming, to for much of the bout, and a show devote the time, effort
honour US Federal Reserve of strength and willpower. Un- and money that is
reforms may be limited chairman Alan Greenspan. He fortunately, he could not find the required to produce
financial wrongdoing flying off is dismal. perpetuity can hardly be taken for granted. Its
NEW DELHI firmative. year-old said after the loss. “I not because of any
This vigil is the job of our immigration bureau, holdings are a physical burden and offer no
ister Manmohan Singh. frictions such as recessions and ed at the Olympics.” performance is to let
“India’s star has dimmed in high inflation. But Rajan was Kumar, who became the only sportspersons—players
the last few months, as our gov- vindicated when a gale swept Indian to win more than one in- and coaches—decide
ernance is besmirched by cor- through the world economy dividual medal at the Olympics, what they want. The
ruption scandals and our mac- three years later, aka the global was not entirely happy with his government should just
roeconomic health has deterio- financial crisis. Twice the success: Sushil Kumar acknowledges the crowd after receiving silver, which points to the grow- hand them a cheque and
rated,” Rajan said. “Alarm bells Rajan is now set to become his silver medal in the men’s 66kg freestyle wrestling event on Sunday. disappear.
should sound when domestic the new chief economic adviser Kumar became the first Indian to win multiple Olympic medals. TURN TO PAGE 24®
industry no longer wants to in- (CEA) to the finance ministry,
though, not Customs, which must concern stream of earnings. But nor can we assume
vest in India, even while eager- replacing Kaushik Basu, who
ly investing abroad.” returns to Cornell University.
Without pulling any punch-
es, Rajan pointed out reforms
Some of that candour and the
ability to speak truth to power We want EFFECT OF SANCTIONS
that would reduce patronage
and increase competition have
stalled, while “rent, patronage,
will be required, since he takes
over at a time when the Indian
economy is caught in a pincer
plurality in Omvati Prem first oil tanker to
or entitlement-enhancing
measures have sailed through”.
of slowing growth and high in-
media: Khullar bring Iran crude with Indian cover
itself chiefly with incomers, especially those would-be smugglers to be savvy investors,
He added that the old licence Rajan did not respond to
raj has been replaced by a new
resource raj.
questions emailed by Mint.
Former Reserve Bank of In- mint INTERVIEW B Y P . M ANOJ THE JOURNEY government last week,” a ship-
Rajan was taking a leaf from dia governor Bimal Jalan thinks [email protected] ping ministry spokesman said.
the book of John Maynard Key- Rajan is an “excellent choice” B Y S HUCHI B ANSAL & ························· MRPL managing director P.P.
BANGALORE Kharg Island
nes, one of his role models, for the post of CEA. “He has a A SIT R ANJAN M ISHRA Upadhya did not return calls
export terminal
who told his fellow economists
that they should speak truth to
very broad bandwidth,” said
Jalan, who was a CEA in the
W hen oil tanker MT Omvati
Prem loads crude from
made to his office.
Mercator was the only tanker
who seek to sneak stuff into India that’s either or anything else about them for that matter.
1980’s. “Not only does he have wnership across television, Iran’s Kharg Island export termi- owner, not only among the five
NOTE TO READERS good knowledge in the finan-
cial sector space, he has good
radio and print media, the
political hot potato for the min-
nal on 15 August, it will be the
first Indian ship to haul oil from
operating in India but from any-
where else in the world, that had
New Mangalore
The Media Marketing Initiative on ideas for the overall macroeco- istry of information and broad- the Persian Gulf nation after Eu- port participated in a tender floated
Page 11 is the equivalent of a paid nomic situation, as reflected by casting (MIB), is back in Tele- ropean insurers declined to pro- INDIA by the government’s ship-char-
for advertisement, and no Mint the thinking in his books.” com Regulatory Authority of In- vide third-party insurance cover. tering department, Transchart,
journalists were involved in Rajan has a scintillating dia’s (Trai) court although the State-run insurer United India Arabian on 30 July for hauling 85,000
track record. regulator sent its recommenda- Insurance Co. Ltd has provided Sea tonnes of crude from Iran for
creating it. Readers would do well
to treat it as an advertisement. He is currently the Eric J. tions to the government three the vessel owned by Mercator MRPL.
barred or liable for import duty. The word for Smuggling is a tawdry duty-made temptation.
Gleacher Distinguished Service years ago. Before floating a Ltd cover worth $50 million State-owned departments and
Professor of Finance at the fresh consultation paper on the against pollution damage, wreck undertakings are bound by a
Booth School of Business at the subject, Trai chairman Rahul removal and personal injury government policy to make their
University of Chicago. He has Khullar has started a public de- claims. India, the world’s fourth-big- shipping arrangements through
also been an honorary eco- bate on issues related to entry Transporting more crude from gest oil importer, buys about Transchart, which gives first
nomic adviser to Singh since barriers, ownership and market Iran, however, will depend on 8-10 shipments a month on an preference to Indian ships to
2008, and he chaired the com- shares across media categories. the scope of further sanctions average from Iran, mainly to its move their cargo, provided they
mittee set up by the Planning In an interview last week, he being planned by the US, Merca- refineries on the western coast, match the lowest rates quoted by
Commission on financial sec- said partial refarming of radio tor said. European Union insur- but the European Union sanc- foreign ship owners when price
this is ‘smuggling’ and our high-tariff past once It’ll probably go on, with no saying by whom.
tor reforms that submitted its spectrum is a possibility for the ers on 1 July cut off third party li- tion has crippled the shipments. quotations are invited.
report in 2008. telecom sector. Edited excerpts: ability cover to around 95% of Omvati Prem will carry the The 30 July enquiry was the
Rajan was the youngest chief the global tanker fleet that ships crude to New Mangalore port, first to be floated by Transchart
economist at the International Was there an immediate trigger crude from Iran. where Mangalore Refinery and to fix a ship on spot basis for a
Monetary Fund. He won the for reviving the debate on re United India’s insurance cover Petrochemicals Ltd, the nation’s state-run oil refiner after the Eu-
first Fischer Black prize, a pres- stricting crossmedia ownership? is part of an emergency plan put biggest buyer of Iranian crude, ropean Union banned the pur-
tigious award on the lines of Trai gave its recommenda- in place in mid-July at the prod- runs a refinery. The voyage to chase, transport, financing and
the biannual Fields medal in tions on cross-media owner- ding of the government to help New Mangalore takes seven insurance of Iranian oil from 1
mathematics and the Clark ship to MIB more than three India continue buying crude oil days. In July, the state-run refin- July.
made ample space for arrivals from overseas to Artificial Intelligence or not, it’s hard to see how
medal in economics, given to years ago. The ministry also from Iran. The insurer has also er could import only one ship- Following the ban, London-
an under-40 finance theorist. It commissioned the Administra- agreed to provide a separate cov- ment against a monthly average based International Group of
is given in honour of Fischer tive Staff College of India (ASCI) er of up to $50 million for hull of four. Protection and Indemnity Clubs
Mint is also available for R7 with and machinery to protect ships “The MRPL shipment was fi-
Hindustan Times in Delhi-NCR only
TURN TO PAGE 2® TURN TO PAGE 3® against physical damage. nalized and approved by the TURN TO PAGE 2®
play the role of smugglers at our airports (often predictive profiling of fliers will help nab them.
dtech in India has grown phenomenally demand: students who were not compatible self-regulation. laborating with international universities or (Transparency, Teamwork, Technology, and
in the last couple of years, making India with the traditional school system’s rigid Going global: There are acquiring foreign firms. Timeliness leading to Transformation) of the
the edtech capital of the world. The pri- timetables can get access to quality educa- over 4,450 edtech startups These businesses are ven- Odisha government is a case in point. It
vate sector is playing a key role with the pub- tion. This is especially important in low-in- in India that are assisting The country turing out because they would also be useful for the state government
lic sector acting as a facilitator. India’s educa- come households, where children often help over 300 million school believe they have good to develop tablet distribution policies in alli-
tion sector saw a boom in edtech funding their parents with work or household chores students. Of these, 40 mil- has a strategic quality services and global ance with Edtech companies to help over-
during the pandemic. There are certainly during the day when schools usually hold lion are students pursuing contracts provide them come the digital divide.
some advantages of edtech over conventional classes. It also solves the problem of students higher education whose
edge in online with wider visibility and Our advantage has always been content. In
is a member of Parliament in
learning that should be considered. It’s time
to decide what the new ‘normal’ looks like for
from such homes not being able to afford a
high-quality conventional education, by
studies were disrupted by
covid. This brought edtech,
education that access to capital in major
markets like the US. These
the last decade, we have seen an entire indus-
try emerge that uses technology to develop
Rajya Sabha from Odisha
representing the Biju Janata Dal.
our education sector.
Educators, parents, and students have long
bridging gaps in teacher availability. The
cost-effectiveness of edtech allows students
which uses IT tools for
inclusive, engaging and
can be deployed collaborations have been
given an impetus by the
high-quality content and innovative solu-
tions. It is for state governments to harness
complained about the one-size-fits-all model to overcome the paywall between them and personalized learning, to for the greater new National Education these resources to maximize the benefits of
of conventional schooling. Edtech provides premium educators, and the virtual nature of the fore. India’s edtech Policy, 2020, which that advantage for public purposes.
specially tailored classes and access to con- this learning erases geographical constraints. industry could slowly good of all encourages education As India rightfully claims its place under
tent at a pace students are comfortable with. Finally, when considering edtech as a com- bridge the education-qual- through foreign universi- the sun in our 75th year of independence,
Students receive personalized recommenda- plement to traditional schooling, instead of a ity gap between the rich ties to help establish India edtech is a shining example of a sector that’s
tions based on data on their previous learning direct replacement, edtech modules have an and the poor, giving Indians from all back- as a global education hub. These partnerships taking Indian pedagogy to the world. Earlier,
patterns and performance. Students who upper hand over traditional textbooks. Better grounds more equitable chances of success. are expected to provide students with an it made news when someone of Indian origin
excel at studying would no longer be ham- navigation of resources, multimedia graphics India’s edtech boom also stems from facts like excellent learning environment as well as became a significant leader in a Fortune 500
strung by teachers catering to the lower and and interactive elements allow for a more the prevalence of enthusiastic entrepreneurs access to inter-disciplinary programmes. company. Today, Indian edtech companies,
nodal level of the class, while students who engaging educational experience. adopting a multicultural approach to suit the Bridging our digital divide: Indian edtech using Indian and other techniques and tools,
need extra support and benefit from a slower This is not to say that edtech programmes needs of a diverse country, developing inno- firms are providing access to education to are making a difference at scale for Indians
learning pace could receive the appropriate don’t have their own challenges and draw- vative products and approaches, and with marginalized communities nationally with and foreigners alike.
New Delhi 13
India at 75: A less poor but more From the Great Moderation to
anxiety over Great Stagflation
unequal nation with too few jobs The world is unlikely to escape stagnant growth and high inflation
Independent India turning 75 calls for celebration as much as reflection on the uneven outcomes of our development path
1950/51 2019/20 capita he world economy is undergoing a
Source: EPWRF India Time Series accessed at radical shift. The decades-long Great
ndependent India turns 75 on 15 August. It is a GDP per capita in India: an international comparison Moderation is over. Coming after the
time for celebration. But such occasions are stagflation of the 1970s and early 1980s, it Too many factors of moderation have
also a time for reflection and introspection. 1970 2019 ($ in current prices at market exchange rates) was characterized by low inflation in rich reversed in recent times ISTOCKPHOTO
During the period 1950-51 to 2019-20, for 924 economies, relatively stable and robust
which evidence is available, in real terms, 11,361 economic growth, with short and shallow The same is true of today’s geopolitical
growth in GDP was 4.9% per annum while 2,601 recessions, low and falling bond yields, turmoil. Now that the US dollar has been
growth in GDP per capita was 2.9% per annum. Industrialized Countries thanks to a secular fall in inflation, and fully weaponized for strategic purposes, its
Thus, over seven decades, GDP multiplied by just sharply rising values of risky assets. This position as the main global reserve currency
over 29, doubling every 14 years, while GDP per Developing Countries
period is usually explained by central may begin to decline, and a weaker dollar
capita multiplied by almost 8, doubling every 24 banks’ move to credible inflation-targeting would add to the inflationary pressures. A
years. This provides a sharp contrast with the 112 policies after the loose monetary policies of frictionless world trading system requires a
period 1900-01 to 1946-47 during the colonial era, 2,095 the 1970s and governments’ adherence to frictionless financial system. But sweeping
when national income growth was 1% per annum 120 relatively conservative fiscal policies. But, sanctions have thrown sand in this well-
and per capita income growth was 0.2% per 9,936 more important than demand-side policies oiled machine, making trade costlier.
annum. At these growth rates, national income 88 were positive supply shocks that upped Climate change is also stagflationary.
would have doubled in 70 years, while per capita Indonesia potential growth and reduced production Apart from its disruptive effects, the drive
income would have doubled in 350 years! Political costs, thus keeping inflation in check. for decarbonization has led to underinvest-
Source: UNCTAD Stat accessed at
independence, which restored economic auton- During the post-Cold War era of hyper- ment in fossil-fuel capacity before invest-
omy and enabled India to pursue its national devel- ISTOCKPHOTO SATISH KUMAR/MINT
globalization, China and other emerging ment in renewables has reached the point
opment objectives, made the change possible. livelihoods during the covid pandemic probably economies integrated with the world econ- where they can make up the difference.
In comparison with other countries during the accentuated the problem. Although poverty lines omy, supplying it with low-cost goods, ser- Pandemics caused by zoonotic viruses will
post-colonial era, this performance was not as and poverty estimates are always a source of con- vices, energy and commodities. Large-scale also be a persistent threat.
good as that of East or Southeast Asia, and it was tention, the number of poor people in India in migration from the global south to the north Finally, cyberwarfare remains an under-
not as bad as that of Africa. It was average. A com- 2022, perhaps 20-25% of our population, might be kept a lid on wages in advanced economies, appreciated threat to economic activity and
parison between the three Asian giants—India, close to the total population of India in 1947. technological innovations reduced costs even public safety. Firms and governments
China and Indonesia—at similar levels of develop- Economic growth can be transformed into and relative geopolitical stability allowed will either face more stagflationary disrup-
ment when they attained political independence meaningful development only if it brings about for an efficient and secure allocation of pro- tions to production, or they will have to
in the late 1940s, is instructive. Between 1970 and an improvement in the living conditions of people. duction to low-cost locations. spend a fortune on cybersecurity. Either
2019, using national accounts statistics compiled For the poor, their daily lives are a struggle. But the Great Moderation started to crack way, costs will rise.
by the United Nations, per capita income as a pro- Malnutrition—particularly among children and during the Great Recession and was then hit On the demand side, loose and uncon-
portion of that in industrialized countries rose women—persists, hunger and destitution are by covid. In both cases, inflation initially ventional monetary, fiscal and credit poli-
from 4.3% to 5.2% in India, 4.6% to 25% in China common, child labour is a necessity for many, remained low, given demand shocks, and cies have become not a bug, but rather a fea-
and from 3.4% to 10% in Indonesia, while their per shelter is makeshift or absent, access to educa- loose monetary, fiscal and credit policies ture of the new regime. Between today’s
capita income as a proportion of that for the world tional opportunities is sparse, and healthcare is prevented deflation. But inflation is back, surging stocks of private and public debts
economy rose from 12% to 18% for India, 13% to 87% neither available nor affordable. And sustainable rising sharply, owing to a mix of both and the huge unfunded liabilities of pay-as-
for China and 10% to 35% for Indonesia. livelihoods for the poor remain a distant dream. demand and supply factors. On the supply you-go social-security and health systems,
Economic growth in India has been associated A big failure of the development process in India side, the backlash against globalization has both the private and public sectors face
with unequal outcomes that have created divides since independence is that economic growth has gained momentum. Public anger over stark growing financial risks. Central banks are
between regions, sectors and people. The west and not led to commensurate employment creation. inequalities also has been rising, leading to thus locked in a ‘debt trap’: any attempt to
south of the country have surged ahead, while the The number of jobs created in any year are more policies to support workers that are normalize monetary policy will cause debt-
east and north have lagged behind, widening the nowhere near enough to absorb the increment in now contributing to a spiral of wage-price servicing burdens to spike, leading to mas-
gap between richer and poorer states. Over the the workforce, let alone the mounting backlog of inflation. Making matters worse, renewed sive insolvencies, cascading financial crises,
period 1950-51 to 2019-20, the agricultural sector’s the unemployed. Underemployment has always protectionism has restricted trade and the and fallout in the real economy. With gov-
share in GDP fell from 58% to 15%, whereas the existed. Open unemployment is rising. Youth movement of capital. Political tensions are ernments unable to reduce high debts and
share of the rural population (dependent directly unemployment, particularly among the educated, driving a process of re-shoring. Political deficits by spending less or raising reve-
or indirectly on agriculture) in our total population is alarming. The problem is more of a treadmill resistance to immigration has curtailed the nues, those that can borrow in their own
decreased from 85% to 65%, so that the ratio of than a time bomb. Even so, it is essential to recog- global movement of people, putting upward currency will increasingly resort to the
GDP per capita in the agricultural sector to that in nize that employment is not only a source of pressure on wages. Strategic considerations ‘inflation tax’: relying on unexpected price
the non-agricultural sector dropped from one-half growth, but also a means of mobilizing our most have further restricted flows of technology, growth to wipe out long-term nominal lia-
to one-tenth, leading to a massive rural-urban abundant resource—people—for development. data and information. And new labour and bilities at fixed rates.
divide. Modest growth during 1950-1980 was asso- Just as important, employment is the only sustain- environmental standards, important as they As in the 1970s, persistent and repeated
ciated with a steady decline in economic inequality wealth, while the bottom 50% had a mere 6% of able means of eradicating poverty and mitigating may be, have hampered production. negative supply shocks will combine with
between people. But rapid growth since 1980 has total wealth. This enormous rich-poor divide inequality. This balkanization of the global economy loose monetary, fiscal and credit policies to
been associated with a dramatic increase in eco- places India among the highest-inequality nations As we celebrate the past 75 years, flying the is deeply stagflationary, and it is coinciding produce stagflation. Moreover, high debt
nomic inequalities. For India, the World Inequality in the world. national flag in every home, let us also think about with demographic ageing, not just in devel- ratios will create the conditions for stagfla-
Report estimates that in 2021, the share of the top Rapid economic growth in India, starting 1980, our people for whom little has changed in their oped countries, but also in large emerging tionary debt crises. During the Great Stag-
1% in national income was 21.7% and that of the top did lead to a substantial reduction in absolute pov- lives, with a resolve to ensure that poverty and economies such as China. Because young flation, both components of any traditional
10% was 57.1%, while that of the bottom 50% was erty. Yet, the scale of absolute poverty that persists illiteracy do not exist 25 years from now when we people tend to produce and save, whereas asset portfolio—long-term bonds and equi-
only 13%. Similarly, the top 1% held as much as 33% is striking. Poverty reduction could have been celebrate the first centenary of our independence older people spend down their savings, this ties—will suffer, potentially incurring mas-
of total wealth and the top 10% held 65% of total much greater were it not for rising inequality. Lost from colonial rule. trend also is stagflationary. sive losses. ©2022/PROJECT SYNDICATE
was part of the team that launched Rex- algorithms that are deployed by these inter- clueless about how to persuade even edu- ignorance prevails among those working in release of a profile of molecular identities of
ona deodorant in India. The main busi- net majors and find innovative ways to make cated people who had seen the field of human behav- more than 1.3 million mouse brain cells and
ness objective of this brand launch way their clients’ brands stand out in the clutter. pandemic-related deaths iour. As Professor Stuart anatomical data from 300 mouse brains—
back in 1995 was to build a new category in Data analytics firms have been developing around them to walk We must accept Firestein of Columbia Uni- among the largest such characterizations till
the personal grooming segment. The com- strategies to aim the right advertisement at across to the nearest health versity reminds us in his date. But both these projects are far from
munication strategy of Rexona deodorant the right time at the right target audience. centre and get vaccinated. our ignorance book Ignorance: How it achieving their stated aim—developing a
was carefully crafted to make people aware But how successful are digital marketers in Tomorrow, another Drives Science, ignorance comprehensive understanding of the
of their body odour problem, communicate their persuasion job? pandemic could hit the
of actual human and not knowledge is the human brain, which comprises 86 billion
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UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa
C vene during the visit of
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of
the US House of Repre-
sentatives, to Taiwan, notwith-
standing the threats dished out by
country. Beijing's failure to act
JHWHGDVDQHQHP\RIWKHFRPPXQLW\WKHKRRG despite its dire threats-and this
GRQHVRPHWKLQJREMHFWLRQDEOHQRWKHURLF is easy to understand but difficult
for the Communist regime to
7\DJL FRPPXQLW\ 7KHUH KDYH EHHQ UHSRUWV WKDW the world stage, leave alone be
India and its politicians till
FRPPXQLW\LQWKHZDNHRI6KULNDQW7\DJL·VDUUHVW recently had been treating the
LQ0HHUXWDQG0X]]DIDUQDJDU6XFKZDVWKHGHSUD Chinese with far more deference
7\DJL6DPDMSUHVLGHQW+DULRP7\DJLKDGWRFRQ the People's Liberation Army La. The Nathu La Pass today Many banks have been to its forced one-child policy
(PLA), as the army in China is is India's territory. The critical accused of financial impropri- of the Mao years, China is
GHPQKLPVD\LQJWKDWKHPDGHDPLVWDNHDQGWKDW called, fought was against element was leadership. eties. CNN estimates that as approaching a demographic
DEXVLQJZRPHQLVZURQJWKDWZDVWKHKRQRXUDEOHSDUWRIWKHFRPPXQLW\OHDGHU·V Vietnam in 1979, in which it was We should be focusing on many as four lakh customers catastrophe: It will lose 70 mil-
VWDWHPHQW%XWWKHQKHVODPPHGWKHSROLFHIRUKDYLQJGHWDLQHG6KULNDQW·VZLIH,WLV roundly defeated and chased out the internal goings-on in across China were unable to lion working-age individuals
XQGHQLDEOHWKDW6KULNDQW7\DJLKDVHDUQHGDORWRIV\PSDWK\DPRQJKLVFRPPXQLW\ of Vietnamese territory. There- China. Noted American access their savings in rural over the next decade while
after, for more than 44 years, the columnist and analyst Gordon banks in the Henan and gaining 120 million senior
)RUKDYLQJGRQHZKDWRQHGRHVQ·WNQRZ+HLVQRWDSKLODQWKURSLVWDZDUKHURD PLA has been untested on the Chang tell us that China's Anhui provinces. But these are citizens. From the US to Tai-
VZDVKEXFNOLQJFULFNHWHURUDEXVLQHVVW\FRRQKHLVDVPHGLDUHSRUWVVXJJHVWMXVW battlefront. On the other hand, economy grew by 0.4 percent manifestations on the surface wan, India to Japan, democra-
DODQGVKDUNZKRPDGHDORWRIPRQH\E\WHUURULVLQJSHRSOHQRWKLQJKDVDSSHDUHG the Indian army has participat- in the second quarter of 2022. of a much bigger problem. cies are kicking Chinese firms
ferent terrains. Unfortunately,
This particular statistic comes
from China's National Bureau 5A><C74DB Its decades of rapid growth,
thanks to a single-party dicta-
out of their markets and cre-
ating multilateral coalitions to
SHRSOHLQKLVFRPPXQLW\DUHZRUULHGDERXWKLP³DQGDUHGHIDPLQJWKHODG\ZKR the memories of the 1962 humil- of Statistics. And according to C>C08F0=8=380 torship have enabled China to check Chinese expansionism.
UHVLVWHGWKLVWKXJ8QIRUWXQDWHO\WKHSKHQRPHQRQRIJORULILFDWLRQRIJRRQVE\WKH iation continued to have a dispro- many independent observers reach the position of the Also, China cannot ignore
FRPPXQLWLHVWKH\EHORQJWRLVQRWQHZ)RULQVWDQFHILYH\HDUVDJR5DMDVWKDQFRSV portionate influence on the and commentators, China's C>90?0= world's second-largest eco- the surging anti-Chinese sen-
The PLA belongs to the
economy has not only con-
tracted but is also in a free fall. 34<>2A0284B nomy (measured by purchas-
ing power parity). Chinese
timent abroad.
If China's troubles make it
5DMSXWVZKRUHJDUGHGKLPDVWKHLUKHUR7KHSKHQRPHQRQDSSHDUVWREHWKHVRFLR Communist Party of China While the Chinese Com- 0A4:82:8=6 investments are spread across less able to fulfill its dreams,
FXOWXUDOFRQVHTXHQFHRI0DQGDOLWHSROLWLFV7KHVWUDQJHFKDOOHQJHLQ,QGLDWRGD\LV (CPC). Its soldiers serve only the munist Party claims that trade the globe, and Beijing is push- the world must prepare for a
WRQRWMXVWWDNHRQJRRQVEXWDOVRFRXQWHUWKHLUJORULILFDWLRQ party. A soldier can shed his will lift China towards its goal 278=4B458A<B ing hard for obtaining influ- more dangerous China.
blood in a spirit of patriotism, but
to sacrifice his life to please his
of "around 5.5% growth" for
the year 2022, as announced >DC>5C748A ence in the Asian and African
theatre by dangling the carrot
History tells us that such pow-
ers attempt to reshape the bal-
?82D1<; employer, in this case, the party
is a difficult if not impossible
earlier; the actual growth is on
a downward trend. This year's
<0A:4CB0=3 of lucrative projects. Some of
these countries indeed have
ance of power before the win-
dow of opportunity closes.
proposition. In the early days of first quarter showed only a 2A40C8=6 fallen for China's ready-curren- Taiwan is the most likely tar-
the Communist revolution, the
men under arms might have
4.8% growth, again China's
official statistics. <D;C8;0C4A0; cy-no-questions-asked diplo-
macy, only to rue their haste
get of this Chinese anxiety.
Till China was rising, it
been inclined to see class revolu- The country has also seen 2>0;8C8>=BC> later, as they have been was content not to force the
tion as a cause, but such an out- massive protests over the deci- enmeshed in China's debt trap. issue and tried to entice
look cannot be indefinite. This sion by Chinese authorities to 2742:278=4B4 Chinese leaders want to absorb Taiwan through peaceful
perhaps explains why the party
did not expose its army on the
freeze the deposits of banks
based in rural areas. the largest 4G?0=B8>=8B< Taiwan and make the Western
Pacific a Chinese lake.
means. But the Taiwanese do
not want to be ruled by a
battlefield. While India lost ter- such demonstration by depos- But a closer look tells us genocidal dictatorship. After
ritory in the 1962 border war itors demanding their life- that China's future isn't all that all, which freedom-loving
with China, the same Indian time savings, in Zhengzhou bright. Its growth had already people would want to?
army, however, only five years city in the country's Henan slowed dramatically. Farmland (The writer is a well-
later in 1967, performed province, was violently cru- and energy resources are known columnist, an author
admirably against the same shed by the police. Runs on becoming scarce while the and a former member of the
enemy, forcibly throwing out the Chinese banks have become country is already grappling Rajya Sabha. The views
invading Chinese army at Nathu more frequent in recent years. with water shortages. Thanks expressed are personal.)
F^\T]_daRWPbT³aPZWXUa^\PbW^_PWTPS^UcWTd_R^\X]V³APZbWP1P]SWP]´UTbcXeP[X]0\aXcbPa ?C8
8554D855H@B5C945>DC14F935 PaTQTX]VU^aRTSc^
Sir — Former President of India Mr QdhcWT]PcX^]P[U[PV
Ramnath Kovind in his felicitation pro- ^aST]XTSPbWPaT^U
gram said that "The president is the cus- WT _T]Sd[d\ WPb UXVdaPcXeT[h b_TPZX]V VaPX]b8cXbbWP\T
todian of society so must treat all sections bfd]Vc^cWT<PWPVPcWQP]SWP]X]1XWPa Ud[c^TgcaPRccWT
5RDVWLQJWKH5DM\D6DEKD&KDLUPDQDWKLVIDUHZHOO and religions equally even after retirement 5^a^]T\^aTcX\T=XcXbW:d\PaWPbS^]T _aXRT^U²CXaP]VPQhb]PcRWX]VcWT
_^[XcXRP[PRa^QPcXRbWXbU^acT7TbTT\bc^WPeT _^^ab\^abT[ 19?[TPSTa
LVQ¶WDKHDOWK\SUDFWLFHDQGPXVWQRWEHFRQGRQHG from the post." Well said, but all the elect-
ed representatives of our country also must
STRXSTSc^_PacfPhbfXcWcWT19?c^_aTT\_c ¯EPad]6P]SWX
Constitution guides us. <hW^\TWPb
If we have to survive as a nation we U^acWTaT\^eP[^UcWT0bbT\Q[hB_TPZTaP]SP
\X]X\d\^Ucf^QTacWbX]cWTD]X^]RPQX]Tc X]R^]bXbcT]Rhc^cWTbcPcdb^UeXacdTX]cWTVP\T
WKRXJKWWKDWWKH&KDLUPDQZDVQRWIDLUWRWKHP7KH70&03'HUHN2·%ULHQZHQW ferences of caste, creed, language, religion 19?=XcXbW:d\PaRP]]^cPccaXQdcTcWT_PacX]V cd]XbcP\P]^U\d[cX_[TDcda]bP]SP_^[XcX ?aTbXST]c^UcWT
KRXVH,QGHHGWKHUHFRXOGEHVRPHPHULWLQWKDWEXWZKDWKDSSHQHGDWKLVIDUHZHOO a way to become famous by delivering fXcW cWT bPUUa^] _Pach;^^Z Pc =XcXbW :d\Pa³b cWPcWTf^]³cRa^bb^eTac^cWT19?PVPX]>] DBTg?aTbXST]c
_^[XcXRP[RPaTTah^dfX[[aTPSX[hPVaTTcWPcXST cWTXa_PaccWTA93cWT2^]VaTbbP]ScWT;TUc ¯3^]P[SCad\_
^[^VXRP[UXST[XchXb]^cb^\TcWX]VU^afWXRWWT S^]^cfP]cc^QT²_aXb^]Tab^UcWT_PbcPbcWT
VLRQLVQRWDKHDOWK\SUDFWLFH2SSRVLWLRQOHDGHUV political career as they cater to ultras but
XbUP\^dbU^a=XcXbW:d\PaWPb]^cT]cXaT[hSP\ UXVWc PVPX]bc cWT 19? cPZTb _aTRTST]RT ^eTa
they damage the social fabric of the coun-
try. In this situation Mr Kovind's words can UaXT]SP]S8c^[S
PDNHEDGSUHFHGHQFH)DUHZHOOLVDVROHPQRFFD go a long way in restoring unity and
Xc[hbd__^acX]VcWT7X]SdcePPVT]SP7TR^d[S \P]T]cUaXT]Sb^a_Ta\P]T]cT]T\XTbX]_^[X
bcX[[T\TaVTPbcWT>__^bXcX^]³b?<UPRTP]S cXRb³bTT\bcadT8UcWTR^\X]Vc^VTcWTa^UbTRd
O\'HPRFUDFLHVGRQ WIXQFWLRQE\WKHERRNWKH\ country is such that if the poison of hatred c^bdXccWTXa_^[XcXRP[R^]eT]XT]RT8]WXb[^]V !!#R^d[SfT[[b_aX]VPbda_aXbT fWPc4[eXbaT_aT
IXQFWLRQE\FRQYHQWLRQV%ULWDLQGRHVQRWHYHQKDYH is not checked now it could be detrimen- _^[XcXRP[ X]]X]Vb =XcXbW :d\Pa WPb T[TePcTS 63PeXS<X[c^]k<PadcWP]R^ST QXVVTbcXR^]XRbcPaX]8]SXPfWXRW
DZULWWHQFRQVWLWXWLRQFRQYHQWLRQVUXOHWKH%ULWLVK tal to our democracy and lead us in into XbfWh8\R^\X]Vc^h^d
SM Arif Hussain | Hyderabad Thus sports are not managed properly in Indian postal service has lived through the
EHUVDQGWKHSHRSOHDWWKHKHOPRIDIIDLUV*HQHUDOO\ the country. We don't have a dearth of tal- change of times, connecting to the nook
ent. Given a chance, our sports person can and corner of India . For over 150 years,
DQGRZHVKLVDSSRLQWPHQWWRLWDQGVRKLVKDQGV perform much better. Of course, for this, it has been the backbone of the nation's 8UP]h^]T
Sir — India urgently needs a sports
they need the research team, diet, coach- communication network. Even after the STbTaeTbPQaTPZ
DUHWLHGWRVD\WKHOHDVW7KH2SSRVLWLRQVFULWLFLVP research cum coordination cum world-
ing, and training facilities at par with the advent of the internet, our postal service Xcb<TV;P]]X]V
developed countries. continues to remain largely relevant and 0UcTaPQdbhR^d
RQKLP to research and build on our strengths. _[T^UhTPab8³eT
Just look at the medal tally of Australia, important, and occupies a special place in
Which sports suit India in general and also \PSTcWTSTRXbX^]
and the UK. These countries have achieved the hearts of millions of Indians. When the
a lot in Birmingham CWG-2022. Covid-19 pandemic was at its devastating
RIWKHSHUVRQRQWKHFKDLU300RGLVSRNHIRUPLQXWHVWRSUDLVH1DLGXEXWVSRNH In the Tokyo-Olympics 2020 USA peak, the department heroically stepped 0dbcaP[XP]RaXRZTcTa
support of all types, (basically aptitude,
achieved 118 medals, China 88 medals, in to deliver medicines and PPE kits to ¯<TV;P]]X]V
Japan 58 medals, Great Britain 65 medals, health workers in the absence of private
whereas India got just 7 medals. The above transportation facilities due to the lock-
advanced sports nations such as the USA, CTYPbWfXHPSPefX[[
idea can work wonders for India. down. This proves how efficient, fast and
Sahasra Nivriti Vislesh | Secunderabad _[PhP\PY^aa^[TX]
reliable India Post services were even in
in international sporting events like Asian U^a\PcX^]CWT
<51F5D859>491@?CD1<?>5 primarily come under 'social responsibi-
Sir — It is really unfortunate that a pro- lities' and not under 'commercial services.' _T^_[TfX[[QTPQ[T
posal has been made to corporatise vari- Ranganathan Sivakumar | Chennai c^bTTW^fWT
ous arms of India Post much against the BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) 4[TRcX^]bcaPcTVXbc
22, improving on it is no big task at all
FLYLO because we are already on the upswing.
wishes of nearly 5-lakh postal employees. [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ ¯?aPbWP]c:XbW^a
=4F34;78kC7DAB30H k0D6DBC !!!
gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa
ow that the children are going to
N schools, a Delhi Government
programme to close the gap that
has taken place in learning dur-
the pandemic, she missed almost all the
LVDSUDFWLFH “I used to go to my friend’s house so
school, and says: “My teachers are helping
GLIIHUHQWFRQGLWLRQV me a lot. I had missed many classes and
YLRXUDVHWKLFDORUXQHWKLFDO Pooja, who has been promoted to class
I am finally able to go to the school. I am
trying to cover most of the missed cour- <8BB8>= essary and basic for the classes they they completed at home as that was some construction companies. He
ses before my new classes start so that I had been promoted to. the only way possible. That could has to take the phone with him, so
$QGULJKWO\VREHFDXVHKXPDQEHLQJVKDYHWKHLURZQWRXFKVWRQHLQWKH know what my friends learnt.” Pooja 1D=8H03F0B Several teachers and schools be one of the reasons that the learn- we did not have a phone at home.”
IRUPRIHJRWKDWGULYHVORJLF$QGWKLVRIWHQFORXGVWKHFRQFHSWRIHWKLFV wants to take up computers when she 58ABC;0D=2743 adopted different methods to help ing gap has emerged.” Rajesh, who irons clothes in
grows up. students cope up with the learning The classes in Pooja’s school Palam Vihar in the NCR region,
Her school has started classes under 1HC7434;78 gaps. Teachers in several schools under ‘Mission Buniyaad’ have also faced a similar challenge. He
‘Mission Buniyaad’ — a programme to 6>E4A=<4=C8= also claimed that they had received started from April 11 and will go said: “I have two children and there
close the learning gap that emerged 541AD0AH! ' training and help from mentor on till June 15, allotting a little more is only one phone at home. Both of
among primary school students due to the teachers working in ‘Mission than two months for the students them had to either adjust to the
pandemic and subsequent closure of C>8<?A>E4 Buniyaad’ on how to handle the who could not attend online class- timings or miss out on their studies.
schools. The programme was first
launched by the Delhi Government in
C74;40A=8=6 learning gaps and these strategies
were very useful.
es. The new session starts from July
in which all students, including
Most of the time they kept on fight-
ing for the phone.”
February 2018 to improve the learning B:8;;B>5 Kumari explained how ‘Mis- those who were suffering from a In fact, even if students could
skills of children studying in schools run 278;3A4= sion Buniyaad’ was executed. The backlog, will continue with their study online, many parents were
by the city administration and the munic- children were divided into groups actual classes. apprehensive of continuing the
ipal corporations. Under this, students are BCD3H8=68= according to their level of compe- Kumari says that it is hard to education as they felt that they had
now being provided with extra classes dur- B27>>;BAD= tence. For example, students who judge current improvement as the been burdened with the task of
ing the summer vacation. Once schools could not recognise numbers or programme is at an early stage but educating the child by themselves.
opened up, it was once again put into gear. 1HC7428CH read Hindi words have been put in “the students are showing steady They preferred to skip the year and
Meetu Kumari, a teacher in a govern- 03<8=8BCA0C8>= Level I Group, while those who can progress.” send their children to schools only
ment school in Rohini, North-west recognise numbers but did not Many students, owing to diffe- when the offline classes com-
Delhi, said: “This programme has been 0=3C74 know how to multiply were placed rent reasons, had faced inevitable menced. Sarita, a resident of
started for children of class III to VIII, <D=828?0; in Level II. discontinuation in their schooling Harijan Basti, Dwarka, said: “When
as many of the students were lagging Maithili, a teacher at a school as the schools went online during online classes started, I had to sit
+RZHYHUDPLGDOOWKLVWKHLPSRUWDQWSRLQWWRQRWHLVWKDWGHVSLWHWKHVR behind. Some of them had gone back to 2>A?>A0C8>=B in Jamia Nagar, detailed the exer- the pandemic. Pooja’s mother with my eight-year-old son to
PDQ\DSSURDFKHVDQGVWDQFHVRQHFDQVWLOOPDNHRXWZKHWKHUDQDFW their villages when the schools closed. In cise: “We have made divisions Shanti, a single mother and a resi- make him study. I have not com-
RUFRQGXFWLVHWKLFDORUQRWWKHWKUHHFULWLFDOTXDOLI\LQJDWWULEXWHVEHLQJ fact, many students missed online class- according to old and new students dent of Neb Sarai Basti, has three pleted my studies; how was I sup-
LQWHQWRXWFRPHDQGVLWXDWLRQLQWKHVDPHRUGHURISULRULW\,QWHQWLVFHU es as their parents could not help them of each class in the primary schools. daughters. All of them, two girls in posed to help him.” The burden fell
WDLQO\WKHPRVWFUXFLDORQH with the necessary gadgets. The parents They sit together as the teacher class VII and one in class VI, were on the parents, and many were not
7KHXQLYHUVDOHOHPHQWRIZKDWLVHWKLFDODQGZKDWLVQRWWKXVGHSHQGV had not attended schools themselves, covers the course of that respective not able to attend classes, because able to cope up with the task.
and, hence, did not understand how to class.” She explained that this helps they did not have a mobile phone. Network too became an issue
WRWKHPD[LPXPH[WHQWRQLQWHQW$QRWKHULPSRUWDQWGLPHQVLRQRIHWKLFV help their children.” students simultaneously. For exam- Shanti says: “I am not educated, but for many families. They said that
LVWKDWLWLVDSUDFWLFHRQHFDQOHDUQE\DFTXLULQJPDWXULW\RIPLQGDQG However, she added that most of the ple, students who were in class six I wanted my daughters to get edu- many times either mobiles do not
VHQVLWLYLW\RIKHDUW students in classes X to XI had somehow and have been promoted but need cation so that they can fend for catch the network, electricity was
7KHFRPPRQXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIDQHWKLFDOEHKDYLRXULVWKDWLWLVVRPH attended online schools since those are to learn the course (old students) themselves.” Shanti works as a not available or there was no
WKLQJZKLFKLVEH\RQGWKHDPELWRIWKHRUGLQDU\RUWKHPXQGDQHDQGLV important years. The students found and students that have just reached ragpicker in the area close to her money for internet recharge.
ODFHGLQVSLULWXDOLW\UHOLJLRQDQGUHQXQFLDWLRQ%XWWKHWUXWKLVWKDWHWKLFV ways to procure phones with internet class six (new students) learn home. However, the good news is that
FDQEHSUDFWLFHGLQGD\WRGD\OLIHDQGZLWKRXWPXFKKDVVOHWKHEHVW connections. together to bridge the gap. The learning gap obviously most of the students who could not
According to Kumari, students of Another teacher, who did not occurred during the pandemic attend online classes wished to go
JXLGHEHLQJWKHYRLFHRIFRQVFLHQFH primary sections had incurred a gap of wish to be named, explained fur- due to the inability of several chil- back to school once offline classes
7REHOLHYHWKDWSD\VWREHJRRG%XWJRRGQHVVKDVWREHGHILQHG almost two years due to which many ther: “Proper exams could not be dren in accessing classes on smart- commenced.
REMHFWLYHO\(WKLFVLVVRPHWKLQJWKDWQHHGVWREHXQGHUVWRRGSUDFWLFHG “could not form proper sentences in conducted during the time when phones. Netra, a housewife and The article is written as a
DQGFDUULHGRXWRQDUHJXODUEDVLV,WLVWKH'KDUPDRQH·VGXW\LQDJLYHQ Hindi or do basic operations like addition online classes were being held. All mother of two girls and a son, who part of the WNCB Awards for
VLWXDWLRQWKHULJKWDFWLRQRUFRQGXFW,WLVQRWDERXWUHOLJLRVLW\EXWDERXW and subtraction in Maths or sometimes the students were promoted on the lives in Saidulajab area of Saket, Untold Stories on child labour
GRLQJWKHULJKWWKLQJVUHOLJLRXVO\ZLWKSXULW\RILQWHQW even recognize numbers”, which was nec- basis of internal assessments that said: “My husband works with (Charkha Features)
F8;;68E4H>DA4?;H8=0BB4<1;H4;42C8>=B 8CB0=>0C7>5?4>?;4>51870A
hess became a craze Chess has been transformed has also led to the growth of won the country's first Inter- was only fitting that Chennai Vallabhanathar won a chess big mental boost. It develops
Development work is dirty, you have to soil your hands, and you have to cope with ASIAN VOICES
Senate Victory crude elements at the lower dregs of society. If you care about your mission, and your
Drastic Changes
D espite a fractured legislature, Sunday marked
community, then it hurts when colleagues let you down, your social enterprise stumbles,
a crucial victory in the Senate for President funding is denied, or other hurdles materialize. Business schools dont teach you how needed on
Joe Biden and the unity of the Democrats. The to fight goons; risk mitigation strategies like sophisticated metrics and business algorithms
Senate has passed the Democrats’ sweeping eco- investment
nomic package designed to combat climate change, cant hold water in the face of the mad frenzy of plundering bandits; technological
address health care costs and raise taxes on large cor-
gadgets cant speak the language needed to navigate this dense thicket of unruly and
porations, marking a crucial achievement for Mr
Biden and his party as they seek to maintain their heterogynous groups isbursement of investment
hold on Congress in the November midterm elec- capital in the first seven
months of the year was still
tions. The plan, called the Inflation Reduction Act,
low. In particular, there are
cleared the upper chamber by a vote of 51 to 50 along hindrances that have been raised for
party lines, with Vice President Kamala Harris pro- many years but have not been com-
viding the tie-breaking vote in the evenly divided pletely resolved. Is there a problem
Senate. Democrats used a fast-track legislative with our mechanism or policy?
process known as reconciliation to pass the measure There are many reasons for the
in the face of unanimous opposition from Republi- delay in disbursement that have been
cans. “It’s been a long, tough and winding road but at pointed out for many years, such as:
last, at last, we have arrived,” Senate Majority Leader site clearance, investment prepara-
Chuck Schumer said in remarks on the Senate floor tion. We must frankly admit that solu-
tions to overcome these shortcomings
as members prepared to vote for final passage. have not been implemented effective-
“Today, after more than a year of hard work, the Sen- ly. For example, site clearance
ate is making history. I am confident the Inflation progress is slow because we are cur-
Reduction Act will endure as one of the defining leg- rently doing two things at the same
islative feats of the 21st century.” time: project construction and site
The vote came after a marathon session that last- clearance. Obviously, we have seen
ed through the night and into Sunday afternoon, with this problem before, but there is no
Democrats breaking into applause as members cast solution to fix it. In addition, the cur-
their final votes. In a process known as a “vote-a- rent policies in land clearance com-
pensation have many shortcomings
rama,” Republicans offered a welter of amendments
There is no limit to what a man India should really applaud you have to cope with crude ele- academics, scientists, and others such as determining the land price,
that Democrats successfully swatted down over near- can do or how far he can go if he and honour ordinary men and ments at the lower dregs of soci- ~ who have refused to give in, determining the price of the recovered
ly 16 hours of debate. GOP senators did manage to doesn’t mind who gets the credit. women, who have nobody to ety. If you care about your mis- who have stuck by their princi- property, etc., which do not satisfy the
block a provision that would have capped the price of ~ Robert Woodruff, back them, yet are working dog- sion, and your community, then ples and whose lives shine as needs of the people, so the people do
insulin at $35 a month for those covered under pri- Coca Cola CEO 1926-1954 gedly to keep projects rolling. it hurts when colleagues let you examples to others of what can not agree with the compensation rate.
vate health care plans. Democrats needed 60 votes to Nobody can fathom the imm- down, your social enterprise be done. The procedures for approving
waive reconciliation rules and keep that part of the ndia spends more on pro- ense mental and physical suffer- stumbles, funding is denied, or For those who side with the
bill, but it failed 57 to 43, with seven Republicans grammes for the poor than ing they and their families under- other hurdles materialize. Busi- poor too, there may be unexpect-
joining Democrats in support of the measure. most developing countries go. I doubt whether outsiders like ness schools don’t teach you how ed floods of support. But not all
but is not getting the expect- us, protected by position, pass- to fight goons; risk mitigation can expect recognition or be- investment projects to qualify for cap-
House Democratic leaders announced last week ed dividends that significant port, privileges and police can be strategies like sophisticated met- come folk heroes. For most of ital allocation or approving the adjust-
that the lower chamber would return from its month- public expenditure would seem justified in goading others to risk rics and business algorithms those who put the last first, the ment process are also time-consum-
long recess on Friday to take up the legislation, which to warrant, and the needs of im- their livelihoods, their families’ can’t hold water in the face of the satisfaction and rewards are not ing. In particular, the assignment of
is expected to pass. President Biden praised Senate portant population groups re- well-being, or their own lives. To mad frenzy of plundering ban- fame, but knowing that they have rights and assignment of responsibili-
Democrats for passing the plan and acknowledged main partly addressed. This has take risks for oneself is one thing. dits; technological gadgets can’t done what was right and that ties in each relevant agency or unit is
that it required “many compromises.” In a statement, been haunting social scientists To encourage others to do so is speak the language needed to na- things are, however slightly, bet- sometimes very general. So, if one unit
he said, “I ran for President promising to make gov- and policymakers. quite another. As Adlai Steven- vigate this dense thicket of un- ter than they would have been. finds some procedures difficult, they
ernment work for working families again, and that is India has ranked a lowly 131 son commented so pithily: “It is ruly and heterogynous groups. Their small deeds may not com- can transfer such responsibility to
what this bill does ~ period.” The package is the cul- among the 188 countries sur- easier to fight for principles than One of the discouraging fea- mand attention; but in merit, another unit, or to the upper manage-
mination of months of negotiations over Mr Biden’s veyed for human development in to live up to them.” tures of Indian de- they may equal or exceed the ment unit.
2016, according to a just-released Even more, for mocracy is the po- greater and more conspicuous To speed up the disbursement
domestic policy agenda, which at times appeared to liticization of rural actions of those with more free-
UN report. It has made no imp- any outsider to en- progress, Government has established
be on life support but was revived late last month rovement in its ranking over the courage vulnerable society. A decade dom, pelf and power. interdisciplinary working groups with
with the surprise announcement of an agreement previous year. The report puts it poor people to take back, villages had a For the test is what people many participating agencies, so that
between Senators Schumer and Joe Manchin, a mod- in the “medium human develop- risks raises ethical very remote link do. Social change flows from in- when the projects have problems,
erate Democrat from West Virginia. ment” bracket, which also inclu- questions, especially with political par- dividual actions. Small gains well these agencies will sit together and
des nations like Bangladesh, when it is they, and ties. Those who consolidated as part of a sequ- come up with solutions immediately.
Bhutan, Pakistan, Kenya, Myan- not the outsider, contested pancha- ence can mean more than big ga- This is a measure for agencies, depart-
SCO summit mar and Nepal.
A major flaw in our develop-
who will pay the
price of failure. A
yat elections were
elected on the str-
ins which are unstable and short-
lived. Accumulated over time
ments and sectors to work well togeth-
er. But in reality, the work of coordi-
T he Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) ment paradigm is that the focus painstaking reflec- ength of their elec- they snowball into giant achieve- nation and resolution is still very slow,
Summit scheduled to be held in Samarkand is more on physical resources tion is demanded of QAZI toral merits, irre- ments. By changing what they and not really effective. This proves
and less on human resources. We social interventions spective of their do, people move societies in new that the mechanisms in the manage-
next month is shaping to be an important one.
seem to discount the human fac- in hostile and harsh The writer is an author, ideological stripes. directions and then change. Big ment of the approval procedures for
On the agenda for discussion between its eight mem- tor in all our programmess. To areas. When new
researcher and development
professional. He can be Caste did remain a simple solutions are tempting investment projects are still binding
ber-states ~ China, Russia, India, Kazakhstan, Kyr- refresh the words of the great an- agricultural prac- reached at strong card, but but full of risks. to create safety for authorised individ-
[email protected]
gyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan ~ are thropologist Margaret Mead: tices are being prop- the candidates’ For most outsiders, most of uals and organisations instead of
the Ukraine conflict, energy security, the food crisis, “Never doubt that a small group agated with entice- character played a the time, the soundest and the pointing out clear responsibility as
the situation in Afghanistan, terrorism, the lingering of thoughtful, committed people ments of extravagant promises, critical role. The growing tenden- best ways forward are through well as the right of individuals and
effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, trade, and connec- can change the world. Indeed, it it raises several ethical questions. cy of village groups to seek out- innumerable small steps that organisations. There is also another
tivity. Uzbekistan, which currently holds the organi- is the only thing that ever has.” Too much has been talked about side political support for solu- could be just nudges and tiny reason for slow implementation,
sation’s rotating presidency, hosted a meeting of SCO Behind the gleaming images of the wealth at the bottom of the tions to local development issues pushes. Slower and smaller steps which is the lack of capacity of con-
Foreign Ministers in Tashkent a couple of weeks ago of icons of successful developm- pyramid as if it is a cash cow to has ruptured the traditional soc- also help build up people’s tractors.
ent, and revolutions is the untold be milked or there are so many ial structure. adaptability to changes. We Many solutions have been imple-
to finalise the framework agenda for the summit and saga of the sacrifice of the grass- low-hanging ripened fruits wait- Each leader in a village has should look for small innova- mented such as assigning responsibil-
presented over 15 draft documents which were roots staff that holds the fort as ing to be plucked. The peasants a political master in the nearest tions, not just blockbusters. ity to the head of the unit to be respon-
agreed upon. But, as a researcher with the Mumbai- brave and heroic warriors. It is have a much keener understand- town. All these developments Several development succe- sible for the disbursement progress. If
based think-tank Gateway House has pointed out in a the incandescent honesty and ing of the development and its have made the village social sses have occurred in less than the management unit of one project
recent article, there were two anomalies this time unvarnished selfishness that implications than the economists structure highly complex and optimal settings and often under does not manage to make disburse-
around. First, no joint communique from the meet- imparts purity to their mission sitting in the rarefied atmosphere confusing. In the coming years, appalling conditions of weak ment at an expected rate, in the fol-
ing was issued which has been the normal practice; and translates state policies into of Yojana Bhavan where India‘s rural assignments for officials of governance, widespread corrup- lowing year, the capital for the project
instead, Uzbekistan decided to provide a Chair State- real ground action. planning issues are dissected, government and banks are going tion, minimal infrastructure, will be either cut or transferred to
The honour and recognition analysed and, after a diagnosis, to become hazardous on account deep-rooted social divisions another project. The Government has
ment which has not yet been made public. Secondly,
that society owes to these brave prescriptions are made. By mani- of the growing politicization of and a poorly functioning judicial also set up inspection teams to detect
all SCO member-states bar India adopted a joint extraordinary individuals for pulating the choices of consu- villages. The new roads and high- system. which units do not strictly comply to
statement on strengthening the Biological Weapons their crusade for a cause bigger mers on the low-income pyra- ways that provide a fast passage In each case, creative indi- hand down proper settlements. How-
Convention (BWC) which has been highlighted by than them cannot be embodied mid, we have disempowered not just to towns but also to met- viduals saw possibilities where ever, the disbursement is still slow and
the Chinese, Russian, and Pakistani readouts from in awards, promotions and cita- them and the damage to the ros have demolished the concept others saw hopelessness. They so far, no individuals or units have
the meeting. Given the composition of the grouping, tions. Though our focus is most economy and ecology of these of village republics. imagined a way forward that took been handled, and no funding for any
there are fears in some quarters that India’s interests often on issues such as chronic already fragile societies is now In such a dispiriting scenario into account local realities, and projects has been cut or transferred.
may not always be in sync with those of China and its poverty, empowerment of wom- starkly visible. committed development work- built on local strengths they were There are two reasons, the first is
client-state Pakistan. Additionally, there is the per- en and the disenfranchised, and It is this distance that has ers may feel that their position is willing to experiment and ignore that the authorities themselves are not
ception that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has left a sustainable solution to econo- grown between the planners and hopeless, that there is nothing the skeptics until the skeptics be- tough enough. The second is that the
mic instability, the lessons of all the people in the rural matrix they can do. The ‘system’ is too came supporters and often part- slow disbursement is difficult to
Moscow more willing to accommodate Beijing than that has plagued the develop- strong for them. Perhaps the best ners working to bring about cha-
successful policies and progr- attribute to a specific individual or a
New Delhi. ammes for achieving these ment apparatus. Too much dep- antidote to this despair is to nge on a larger scale. Gandhi’s specific unit.
The Kremlin has worked assiduously over the objectives cuts to the heart of endence on data and much less study the examples and lives of mantra is the most soothing cre- For example, a project needs
past two decades to rebuild its ties with the Central something we should never for- direct engagement with the poor those who have fought against do in such moments and endeav- adjustment, but the adjustment in-
Asian members of the SCO which were once part of get: The tenacious and commit- has been the major cause of fail- the odds and succeeded. In every ours: “First they ignore you, then volves many ministries and branches.
the Soviet Union, and Beijing has been keen to open ted officials, and their families ure for most state-mandated de- country, there are some coura- they laugh at you, then they fight Then, the conditions for adjustment
up land trade routes through the region for its Belt whose sacrifices have enabled velopment programmes. geous people ~ political and reli- you, then you win.” may be missing a certain step that is
and Road Initiative. Pakistan, on the other hand, has and continue to make the world Development work is dirty, gious leaders, civil servants, not important but is required accord-
already invited Afghanistan to join the China-Pak- a far better and just place. you have to soil your hands, and workers in voluntary agencies, (To be concluded) ing to regulations.
istan Economic Corridor, a decision protested strong-
ly by India as many CPEC projects pass through Pak- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR [email protected]
istan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). Iran, meanwhile, was
welcomed as a full member to the SCO at the
Tashkent meet and Russian ally Belarus’ member-
ship application process was initiated with further
decisions on it to be taken at the Samarkand summit,
where Egypt, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia are also expect- SIR, Recently six youngsters were Canada on a student visa on
ed to be accorded SCO ‘dialogue partner’ status. apprehended when they tried to March 19, nearly two weeks before
The process of granting similar status to Bahrain enter the US in a sinking ship near they were caught at the US-Cana-
the Canadian border. When they da border.
and the Maldives is to begin shortly, as also the con-
were produced before a court in The manager of the banquet
sideration of requests made by Armenia, Azerbaijan, the US, they failed to answer hall in Navsari, which was hired for
Cambodia, and Nepal for being granted ‘observer’ in English the questions asked by the exam confirmed that supervi-
status, the article published by the think-tank said. the judge. sors had turned off CCTV cameras
These are developments that ought to make India The court had to take the before the exam.
nervous. Not so much in themselves, given India’s help of a Hindi translator. The This proves there was no
excellent relations with most former Soviet Central court was baffled and shocked that transparency and something was
Asian republics, strengthening ties with Iran, and these youngsters had certificates definitely suspicious.
improving relationships with most other nations on with such high band scores of The agency which was autho-
the SCO’s periphery, but because of the perception 6.5 to 7 in the test conducted by rised to conduct the exam is based
the International English Lan- in Sabarmati, Ahmedabad and is
that the organisation could well be driven down an guage Testing System (IELTS) but now under investigation. Is this a
anti-West path by its most powerful member-states. were unable to converse in part of the much talked about
New Delhi has maintained an adroit distance between English. Gujarat model?
the pro-West/anti-West global alliances taking shape Primary probe has revealed There is always an apprehen- at the quality of the candidates indeed a case in point. other really qualified persons seek-
in recent years and must be careful not let the justly that the students appeared for the sion that competitive examina- who get selected. It is unfortunate that such ing employment.
famous hospitality of the Uzbeks lead to over-enthu- IELTS exam at a centre in south tions including NEET conducted That we have come across incidents bring not only disgrace Yours, etc.,
siasm at the SCO summit come September. Gujarat’s Navsari town on 25 in most of the North Indian cen- some frauds committed in the to our country but also affect the Tharcius S Fernando,
September 2021, and went to tres are not above board looking NEET exam in the last few years is prospects of brilliant students and Chennai, 7 August.
Wetlands must form part
of biodiversity framework
It is believed that among the aims of the
Bolsheviks was the restoration to Russian
life of the simplicity of the state of Nature
as defined by Rousseau. They have not
been entirely successful as is evidenced
by the fact that the Russian Budget is now
computed, not as was possible even under
the contemptible Government of the Tsar,
RITESH KUMAR Government of India. While the several sites, with extremes in Harike, in millions of roubles but in trillions of the
smallest Ramsar Site is just 19.75 ha Kanjili, Vembanad-Kol Ashtamudi same unit. What is a trillion? According to
n August 2022, the Ministry of in area (Vembannur), the largest, the and others. the mathematicians it is the numerical
Environment, Forest and Cli- Sunderbans, spans 0.42 million ha. unit of the fourteenth order. Logically it
mate Change (MoEFCC) added Ramsar Sites are one of the three Of the existing list of Ramsar should consist of a million billions, just as
ten wetlands to the List of Wet- pillars of the Ramsar Convention (the Sites, a majority are designated Pro- the numerical unit of the thirteenth order,
lands of International Importance other two being working towards the tected Areas. The management of namely, a billion, should consist of a mil-
(also called Ramsar Sites) within the wise use of wetlands and cooperat- these sites is largely governed by the lion millions. In the practice of financiers
framework of the Ramsar Conven- ing internationally on transboundary needs of species and habitats and and others (and in the current parlance of
tion. The number of Ramsar Sites in wetlands, shared wetlands and does not leave much space for newspapers) a billion has come, by com-
India is now an incredible 64, equal shared species). accommodating wise use. However, mon consent, to mean today a thousand
to that of China and the highest in Ramsar Sites form ‘an interna- there is much scope for augmenting millions. Presumably, therefore a trillion,
Asia. With additional sites under con- tional network of wetlands which are the current management by taking when it occurs in telegrams from Moscow,
sideration, the network is likely to important for conserving global bio- into basin-scale land and water use means merely a thousand billions, or, in
increase to 75 sites in the 75th year of logical diversity and sustaining change and risks induced by climate simpler parlance, a million millions. It is
our Independence. human life through the maintenance change. to be noted that the Bolsheviks have still in
India ratified the Ramsar Con- of their ecosystem components, Ramsar sites need to be accord- reserve such bagatelles as quadrillions,
vention in 1982. Keoladeo National processes and services. The interna- ed a special status in the national quintillions, sextillions, etc. When the for-
Park (in Rajasthan) and Chilika (in tional significance of these sites is wetlands programme so as to ensure tunes of the citizens of the simple state
Odisha) were the first two sites to be indicated by their fulfilling at least that their management meets inter- par excellence are measured in the last
placed on the Ramsar List by the one of the nine criteria set by the national standards, financing is named unit it is to be hoped a defining
Government of India. Till 1990, only Convention. With 2,455 sites span- embedded within the state budgets ukase will issue from Moscow. It will be
four more sites were added to the list, ning 255.8 million ha, the Ramsar as well leveraged by building conver- in the highest degree undesirable that the
and another 19 over the following sites represent the world’s largest gence with ongoing conservation and social distinction assignable to the owner
two decades. Since 2012, Ramsar Site protected area network. development sector programmes, of a mathematical sextillion of roubles
designation has received a significant The contribution that Ramsar and systematic monitoring enables should in error be ascribed.
policy push from the MoEFCC, and sites make to biological diversity can species. In 2008, Dr Asad Rahmani actions that can secure the global val- capturing status and trends in eco-
38 wetlands have been added to the hardly be overemphasised. A recent and Dr Zafar-ul Islam identified 160 ues of the sites. logical conditions. NEWS ITEMS
list since. The network of Indian compilation of faunal diversity of 42 wetlands which met at least one of Since 1986, the MoEFCC has In November this year, countries
Ramsar Sites currently covers 1.25
million ha, which is approximately 8
Indian Ramsar Sites by the Zoological
Survey of India enlists 6200 species.
the nine designation criteria of the
been implementing a national
scheme (presently known as the
will convene in Montreal Canada, to
set the post-2020 Global Biodiversity DELHI BANIA
per cent of the known wetland extent
of the country.
For several of the faunal groups,
these wetlands represent a significant
The Ramsar Sites make vital
contributions to lives and livelihoods.
National Plan for Conservation of
Aquatic Ecosystems) to assist state
Framework under the aegis of the
United Nations Convention on Bio- MURDER CASE
The Ramsar sites in India are share of the known diversity (for Deepor, Pallikarnai, Bhiatrkanika and governments in preparing and logical Diversity. The draft, unfortu- Mr. G.M. Young, District Magistrate, was
highly diverse. The sites range from example, over one-third of recorded Point Calimere provide critical flood implementing integrated manage- nately has clubbed wetlands within engaged today in recording the statement
Himalayan high-altitude wetlands mammalian species, one-fifth of rep- and storm buffers, whereas Bhoj and ment plans for Ramsar sites and the terrestrial for land and sea, a of the second approver, Ganga Pershad,
(Tso-Moriri, Tso kar complex and tiles, and about two-thirds of known Sasthamcotta are principal water other priority wetlands. Ramsar sites trend which has continued since the in the Delhi bania murder case. Ganga
Chandertal), to lakes and marshes bird species). sources. The backwaters of Kerala, of receive legal protection under Wet- previous Aichi Targets. This does not Pershad is 20 years old and was recently
(Wular, Hokera, Renuka, Keoladeo, Chilika is known to support a which Vembanad is famed, are the lands (Conservation and Manage- augur well for wetlands as these vital the joint secretary of the Congress Ward
Kabartal, Nawabganj, Loktak, population of over 1 per cent of the state’s prized tourist destination. ment) Rules, 2017. Each Ramsar site parts of landscapes are left at the Committee. He narrated in detail the part
Deepor, Rudrasagar, Sandi, Saman, known biogeographical population Over 260 shallow fish ponds in the needs to have a management plan margins of policy making and pro- he played in the murder, and his evidence
Keshopur-Miani, Sultanpur, Nal- of over 40 waterbird species. The EKW receive over 900 MLD pre-set- which outlines the pathway to wise gramming. mostly agreed with that of the first
sarovar, Sasthamkotta, Pala, Nandur- lagoon also maintains a healthy pop- tled sewage from the Kolkata Metro- use. A diagnostic approach for devel- The Global Biodiversity Frame- approver. He said he met Girdharilal dur-
Madhmeswar, Kanwartal and Pal- ulation and, is one of the only two politan region through a network of oping such management plans has work is a vital window for the global ing the last municipal elections when Mr.
likarnai), river stretches (Upper lagoons in the world inhabited by the locally excavated secondary and ter- been prescribed by the Ministry. In community to set a nature positive Sriram, a relative of Girdharilal, was put
Ganga River stretch, Beas Conserva- Irrawaddy Dolphin. KeibulLamjao, a tiary canals, used to produce annual- June 2022, the Ministry also formu- path – with significant impacts on up for election by the Congress Commit-
tion Reserve, Kanjili and Satkosia), floating national park south of Lok- ly 20,000 MT of fish, 50,000 MT of lated the ‘Sahbhagita Guidelines’ plans, programmes and investments tee. The Rs 36 that he had received from
crater lake (Lonar), salinas (Samb- tak, is the only known natural habitat vegetables and irrigate 4700 ha of outlining an “all of society” approach at all levels. Putting wetlands within the first approver, Radhakishen, was spent
har), mangrove swamps (Sunder- of globally endangered swamp deer. paddy lands. The rich fisheries and and governance framework for wet- this framework would be an impor- by witness in replacing Rs 35 which he had
bans, Bhitarkanika, Pichavaram and The globally vulnerable Black-necked tourism in Chilika form the liveli- lands conservation in the country. tant policy signal from decision-mak- spent out of the Congress Committee's
Point Calimere) and lagoons, estuar- crane breeds in the region around hoods of 0.2 million fishers. Several Ramsar sites are reeling ers that they recognise the criticality fund. The case was adjourned.
ies, and near-shore marine areas Tso-Moriri. The Sunderbans are Designating wetlands to the under immense development pres- of wetlands in halting and reversing
(Chilika, Ashtamudi, Vembanad-Kol
and the Gulf of Mannar). Water stor-
famed as the world’s largest single
chunk of contiguous mangroves and
Ramsar Site network affirms a
national government’s commitment
sure. Active waste dumping contin-
ues in Deepor Beel, East Kolkata Wet-
biodiversity loss and are prepared to
act on it. We must therefore do every- ALLEGED
age areas (Pong, Harike, Bhoj, Surin-
sar-Mansar, Bhindawas, Sur Sarovar,
an abode of the globally endangered
Bengal Tiger. Spectacular flocks of
to wise use. While the Ramsar site
designation is a much-celebrated
lands, and Pallikarnai marshes.
Changes in water regimes due to the
thing in our power to make sure the
importance of wetlands is recog- FALSIFICATION
Asan, Wadhvana, Thol, Ranganthit-
tu, Udhayamarthandapuram, Vedan-
flamingos can be seen at Sambhar
and Point Calimere, whereas hordes
event, what happens after the desig-
nation holds the key to whether the
construction of Ithai Barrage have
threatened the habitat of globally
nised in Montreal later this year and
thangal, Nanda, Sirpur and Vellode) of Bar-Headed Goose regularly visit very purpose of the designation is ful- endangered Sangai deer. Illegal salt LUCKNOW, AUG 10
and assemblages of sewage-fed fish Pong. The diversity of waterbirds vis- filled. Delivery of Ramsar commit- mining in and around Sambhar has The writer is Director, Before the City Magistrate of Lucknow a
farms (East Kolkata Wetlands) have iting Keoladeo and Harike during ments is predicated on designing and led to a drastic reduction in inunda- Wetlands International South Asia. case of alleged falsification of accounts
also been included in the list by the migration often crosses over 100 implementing effective management tion regimes. Pollution is rampant in The views expressed are personal. and cheating was started against the
managing agent of the United India
kraine has published a list the imminent fall of Vladimir Putin da, which was called that. It toggled notes. “I argue that it is clear from the accused, in his capacity of managing
of some 620 academics, either by assassination or a bloody also as the information department Next to each name the report available evidence that Russia invad- agent, had received various sums of
journalists, military veter- coup. in its other avatars. lists the “pro-Russian” opinions the ed Ukraine because the United States money from applicants for shares in the
ans and politicians who it The maxim that truth becomes The ministries of information in individual promotes. For example, and its European allies were deter- trust and also securities from persons as
says are Russian propagandists. a casualty in war is thus only half our patch have remained a “Luttwak’s breach was to suggest that mined to make Ukraine a Western officers of the trust, and misappropriated
Three such worthies in the list are true. Peacetime is no longer a safe euphemism for the state’s propagan- ‘referendums should be held in the bulwark on Russia’s border, which this money and furnished false state-
Indian, and they seem baffled by the sanctuary for the ill-fated truth da overdrive targeting its own peo- Donetsk and Luhansk regions’”; Moscow saw as an existential threat. ments of accounts. Mr. Bhalla, secretary
accusation. against being exchanged for some- ple mainly, come peace or war. In Mearsheimer’s folly was to say that Ukrainians of all persuasions reject of the trust, was examined on behalf of
As ‘agents’ go, there’s probably thing more expedient. Countries are Ukraine, the Centre for Countering “Nato has been in Ukraine since my argument and instead blame the prosecution. The court rose before
nobody to beat Pakistan, followed by creepily spying on their own unlike Disinformation was established in 2014” and that “Nato provoked Vladimir Putin, who is said to have evidence had finished.
India in sheer turnover. Someone the old days when foreign agents 2021 under Volodymyr Zelensky and Putin”. UnHerd contacted and pub- been bent on conquering Ukraine
praising an Indian batsman in Pak-
istan could fall into the category of
were planted abroad to pry on each
headed by former lawyer Polina
lished the comments by Luttwak,
Mearsheimer and Greenwald.
and making it part of a greater Rus-
sia,” he told UnHerd. SIR HARCOURT
an Indian agent as is known to have
happened with cricket enthusiasts in
A very determined American
lover of democracy exposed the sub-
According to UnHerd — the
journal that carried absorbing
From February 24, the very start
of the war, said Luttwak, he had
“But there is no evidence in the
public record to support that claim, BUTLER'S
India cheering for a Pakistani bowler.
An Indian or Pakistani critical of
version of the constitution in his
country whereby ordinary citizens
responses from some of the alleged
Russian propagandists — the disin-
“relentlessly argued that not just the
US, UK, Norway and others should
which creates real problems for both
Kyiv and the West. So how do they
authoritarian rule in their countries were spied on in a Big Brotherly way. formation department sits within the send weapons to Ukraine, but also deal with me? The answer of course is RANGOON, AUG 10
could be portrayed as enemy agents. He is now parked in a Moscow hotel, National Security and Defence Coun- the reluctant trio of France, Germany to label me a Russian propagandist, There are more comments on the
Rahul Gandhi has made the some distance from those seeking to cil of Ukraine. Its stated aim is to and Italy”. which I am not.” appointment to the Governorship of Sir
grade more frequently than many hunt him down as an enemy of the detect and counter “propaganda” “What happened is this. I said Greenwald saw a clear glimpse Harcourt Butler this morning. The Ran-
others. Opponents of nuclear state. Such heroes are not uncom- and “destructive disinformation” and that there is a victory party and the of McCarthyism in the Ukrainian list. goon Daily News says the news has been
weapons on both sides are easily sad- mon across the world. Julian Assange to prevent the “manipulation of pub- victory party is not realistic … Their “War proponents in the West received with mingled feelings. Fears are
dled with the opprobrium of helping and Mordechai Vanunu belong to lic opinion”. idea is if Russia can be squarely and other functionaries of Western entertained that an Indian Civilian, no
the enemy. Occasionally, campaign- this club. The July 14 list on its website defeated then Putin will fall. But this security state agencies have used the matter how great, would be the last man
ers for peace between the two Ukraine’s unusual move has an names those “promoting Russian is also the moment when nuclear same tactics for decades to demonise to lead the Province to her goal. It goes
become targets of slander. Others Indian parallel. It reminds one of propaganda”. Several high-profile escalation becomes a feasibility. It is anyone questioning the foreign poli- on to say, however, that a better selection
run the risk of annoying both sides. framed pictures of intellectuals criti- Western intellectuals and politicians a fantasy to believe Russia can be cy of the US and Nato. Chief among could not have been made from the I.C.S.
The Pakistani establishment cal of the ultra right-wing govern- were listed. Republican Senator squarely defeated. In Kyiv they have them, going back to the start of the The Burma Observer cannot understand
deemed Faiz Ahmed Faiz as too close ment in Uttar Pradesh hung in public Rand Paul, former Democrat Con- interpreted this stance as meaning I Cold War, is accusing every dissident on what basis the selection has been
to India. And now his daughters have squares in Lucknow. The high court gresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, military am pro-Russia.” of spreading ‘Russian propaganda’ or made and is not at all sure Sir Harcourt is
run into trouble with the Indian visa ordered the photos removed to pro- and geopolitical analyst Edward N. Mearsheimer was equally otherwise serving the Kremlin. That’s the right man. His geniality is the cause of
regime. tect the life and limb of those framed, Luttwak, political scientist John annoyed at being labelled a Russian all this is from the Ukrainians: just his popularity. The success of the Reforms
Let’s suppose Russia were to as also their privacy. Mearsheimer and renowned jour- plant. “When I was a young boy, my standard McCarthyite idiocy.” demanded that Burma should have a
publish a list of Ukrainian ‘agents’ in Ukraine’s countermeasures have nalist Glenn Greenwald were mother taught me that when others man new to the country. The Reforms, it
India. Quite a few, surely, including a history. During the war with Nazi named. “The list does not explain can’t beat your arguments with facts Dawn/ANN. thinks, are gravely imperiled by the
ACROSS 12 Question I pose, appreciated for get discipline (6) almost certain to bottom wrinkly?
awful mess of a its good taste (6) be held by old (5) The administration report of the Madras
1 Billions in cash for
setter, say? (8) 23 Writer heading DOWN Tory leader (9,6) 14 See 9 Across Port Trust for 1921-22 shows that taking
backing out (6)
5 Good time to find
15 See 24 for exit perhaps is 2 Shoes initially 6 Kiss chap in 18 Unruly mob into consideration the general trade
16 Country not in the way (8) licked, easily embrace of lacking leadership, depression, the year has on the whole,
biography on the
needing many to 24/15 6 possibly, keeping Diogenes? Im ending in disarray
top shelf? (4,4)
commandeer top one scorching bootlicker in monstrous! (4,7) (5) been a satisfactory one for the harbour.
9/14 Ending in bar, The total net tonnage of vessels entering
aircraft (6) metal? (4,6) order? (7,8) 7 Peel of lime and 22 Type of music
various packs or
bags items
17 Tree, a hawthorn 25 See 27 Down 3 Lout, attention- mango with new rockin without the harbour during the year was 1,943,159
almost blocking 27 Carry first of seeker and fruit (5) rock and roller (5) tons, as compared with 1,662,444 tons in
containing little
path (8) parcels by drone knucklehead (3) 8 Benevolent 26 Clue mine (not
taste of
19 Silvery dope (4) 4 Kit for IT staff, character in down) (3) 1920-21, the total number of vessels being
crackling? (4,11) 653, as against 648 in the previous year.
hidden in lorry (8) 28 Ones checked mostly (3) recollection of 27/25 Drunk then
10 Continue to
preserve law (5)
20 Nothing pulled in date written by 5 German traders Mrs Thatcher? As welcomes The total tonnage of imports and exports
reverse is going idiots (8) once allied in if! (6,9) approaching during the year was also the largest on
11 University
ahead (6) 29 Crime on the rise, northern 13 Pop Idol party for
education kicking
21 Design of shield flipping hard to constituency, one candidates ladettes? (3,5) record, with the exception of 1919-20,
off a little bit (4) being 874,080 tons, as against 848,756 tons
in the previous year. The total of import
tonnage was slightly less than that of last
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London) year, but this was more than made up for
by the increase in exports.
pg 5
11 AUGUST 2022
but supremely ambitious son Chirag was fooled into setting up candidates he recent killing justly accused the Taliban need to stand by terrorism roster); and of
chiefly to damage Mr Kumar’s JD(U) with the aim of dragging down the of Al-Qaeda chief of “grossly violating” the
the Afghan people...
course the Haqqanis them- Amit Shah for having suc-
JD(U)’s tally in relation to the BJP’s. The game succeeded and the CM has been Ayman al- Doha peace accord, under selves, partly to cement cessfully engineered the
wary of his partner. After the recent developments in Maharashtra, suspicion Zawhiri in a CIA which the Taliban pledged their own position within
was rife that an effort was on to break the JD(U)’s MLAs through lure or drone strike in not to harbour terrorists Afghanistan and possibly Shiv Sena revolt in
threats. This made the CM switch gears decisively leading to the August 9 Kabul, at an address evi- or allow terrorist attacks afield, including Arabs, to get rid of the Al-Qaeda Maharashtra are now call-
developments, although he would have likely been planning months in dently linked to Taliban to be launched against Uighurs, Uzbeks, Tajiks connection in a clever,
advance. interior minister Siraj- other countries from and Pakistanis. It has secret manoeuvre. The ing Nitish Kumar names,
A consolidation of the OBC forces is clear to see in Bihar alongside the com- uddin Haqqani, is very Afghan soil. For the US, strong social and matri- other set are those who when he has done the
ing together of the scattered elements of the former Lohia socialists — JD(U) bad optics for the regime. revenge for the 9/11 monial ties with foreign calculate they might bene-
and RJD — who are teaming up with the Congress and the entire Left spec- It raises complex ques- attacks is now complete as groups and fighters since fit if the Haqqanis are same. The NDA has lost all
trum — CPI(ML), CPI, CPI(M). Such a line-up on a statewide scale is new. That tions about the Taliban, Zawahiri was the brains the days of the anti-Soviet exposed as helping Al- its other major con-
this is happening in a major Hindi- speaking state is something to watch. Will and requires us to ponder behind that tragic event. jihad, which was overseen Qaeda. In this group can stituents and will face a
it spread? Will Mr Kumar angle to position himself for PM in 2024? These are how India should proceed But this is strictly for US by Pakistan. Pakistan is be other Taliban factions
at best speculative questions for now. in Afghanistan. domestic politics. their overall “warlord” in or even non-Taliban tough task in the 2024
New Delhi may have to For the rest of the world, that sense. Afghans. general election to per-
cautiously re-visit its mod- once the US brought the Now that the Taliban are While castigating the
ulated approach to the Taliban back from the cold back in the saddle in Haqqanis for the Al-Qaeda form as well as they have
ust last week, DKB reported on the repa- Whatever the reason, this development does directorate general of GST intelligence and bureaucratic post in 2019 for two years. He
triation of 1987-batch IAS officer pose a ticklish problem for the Yogi customs and excise department, all of which was given a one-year extension in August last
Renuka Kumar to her parent cadre of Adityanath government, since an impression function under the finance ministry. The year.
Uttar Pradesh. Now it seems that the is being given that senior babus are unwilling expansion is geographical as well, with ED No speculation usually means that it was an
Dilip Cherian officer has applied for voluntary retirement.
Apparently, the senior officer was reluctant to
to work in the state and would rather quit even
if they have a few years before retirement.
setting up offices in several states, including
Meghalaya, Karnataka, Manipur, Tripura and
expected move, by babus even. In this, they
are not wrong. It has become a new tradition
Dilli Ka Babu return to UP. However, Ms Kumar is not the
only officer who does not wish to serve in RISING CASES CONTRIBUTE
Sikkim, among others.
Since 2002 when the enactment of the
now that the Cabinet secretary gets to serve
beyond the regular term. The usual reason
Uttar Pradesh. Two more senior IAS officers TO ED’S GROWING PAINS Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) trotted out is ensuring “continuity”, which in
of the UP cadre have similarly sought volun- The profile of the Enforcement Directorate empowered the ED and gave its officers more this case means that the Centre is looking at
tary retirement, all within a week. They are (ED) has risen in recent times thanks to the leverage to operate, it has conducted thou- Mr Gauba to continue steering the economy
Juthika Patankar and Vikas Gothalwal. growing number of high-profile cases involv- sands of searches, especially since 2005, it did towards recovery and growth, crucial for the
Veteran observers cannot remember when ing money laundering that it is investigating. over 3,086 searches till February this year. government’s prospects as it preps for the 2024
New worry for three senior IAS officers have sought to quit
the service within days of each other.
So, what’s going on? The babu grapevine is
abuzz with speculation about the possible rea-
While these probes keep the agency in the
media headlines, there is other evidence that
the ED is now vying with the Central Bureau
of Investigation (CBI) in terms of visibility
This may explain the constant need to
increase personnel. Yet, compared to the num-
ber of searches, the conviction rate is surpris-
ingly low — only 23 convictions since the
general elections.
Of course, a second extension for Mr Gauba
does queer the pitch for those who were in line
to succeed him to the top babu post of the
amina Bano and her won- PWD targets as well. to get recruited as apprentices in
itish Kumar took oath as Bihar’s CM for derful team will be con- RightWalk’s work extends over 6,000 establishments. What
the record eighth time on Wednesday. ferred with the Nexus of beyond schooling access and is more, 3,200 school drop-outs
Over the past 17 years, political equations Good Award on August admission assistance. They closely have also been brought into the
changed and alliances were reshuffled in 27 this year at a function organ- engage with private schools’ edu- labour market via apprenticeships.
Bihar several times but Nitish at the helm of affairs ised jointly by the Nexus of Good cators and train them on inclusive Adolescents upskilled through
remained constant. His success in retaining power Foundation and FICCI Arise for pedagogical practices to facilitate the Apprenticeship Scheme are
in a politically diverse and dynamic state like Bihar their dedication, commitment seamless integration of EWS chil- more employable in a progres-
can broadly be attributed to two factors — his infa- ANIL SWARUP and resolve to bring quality school dren in diverse classrooms. They sive economy. RightWalk also
mous/notorious side-switching strategies and his education to the deprived and have trained over 2,000 educa- worked closely with the develop-
deep-rooted political appropriation of sections of backward sections of society. tors across nine districts of UP ment team of the Apprenticeship
society that had been mostly left untouched before Utilising public-private partner- in partnership with UNICEF and Portal (NAPS) at the Ministry of
him, politically. While Nitish’s side-switching reflects ship, the model that they have cre- the state government. There is also Skill Development and Entre-
his astute political management that has lent him a ated is already scaling in the true an inclusion-centric training pro- preneurship (MSDE) to refine
winning edge over the erstwhile coalition partner spirit of nexus of good. gramme that is planned to be con- the software, thereby benefiting
BJP, the recent developments in Bihar have politi- Uttar Pradesh has been known ducted online for more teachers the whole country. Within 1.5
cal consequences far beyond the individual prowess for all the wrong reasons despite to gain access. Their post-admis- years only, the number of estab-
of Bihar’s longest serving CM. In the first place, in a some outstanding work being With 48 per cent girls and 1.5 per cent children with disability enrolled under sion support programmes such lishments registered on NAPS
single political masterstroke, Nitish has ensured that done by numerous officers and RTE, Samina and her team are aiming to close in on the gender and PWD targets as FABLE, PALS, EPL and Buddy increased by 7,500 with RWF’s
Bihar stands out as one of the last frontiers against institutions in the field of school Program have been charting new help. Alok Kumar-III, then Secre-
the right-wing BJP in the northern belt. The RJD- education. I was on a visit to Luc- Vidyalaya, following her father’s eventually prevailed and they won. ways to close in on the learning tary to the Chief Minister of UP,
JDU alliance, as for now and for a long time to come know in 2017 as Secretary, School, job in the Indian Air Force away RightWalk led policy reforms, ran inequality at home lately. played a crucial role in enabling
(if it exists), may prove to be an unassailable fort. Government India, to discuss an from his village. state-wide mass awareness cam- The overall behavioural spill- RWF to realise its full potential.
Neither any wave nor any high-brand national polit- action plan for the state. The Samina’s initial research paigns, conducted several dis- over of educational inclusion Amrit Abhijat and Kunal Silku
ical face can lay claim to power in Bihar if these two schedule was packed. However, revealed that Uttar Pradesh had trict capacity-building sessions under RTE in UP was recently have been great enablers as well.
parties decide to remain together. The reason is the this young lady, Samina Bano, approximately over 6,00,000 with local administration and pri- evaluated by two professors Unlocking welfare schemes
complex caste configuration that forms the corner- RightWalk was insistent. She wanted time RTE seats available for vulnera- vate schools, and designed some from University of Florida and and associated government funds,
stone of any election in the state. Lagging behind on Foundation, to narrate her story. I did finally ble children, but there were only ground implementation plans. Duke University. The RCT-based RightWalk’s efforts have already
various development parameters, there is so much relent and what an amazing story 54 admissions across the state in This resulted in over 40,00 poor assessment covering nearly 2,000 prompted the UP government
to offer to economically and socially backward sec- which aims she had to narrate. 2014, primarily due to fierce resis- children getting enrolled under households across 12 districts to spend over 300 crores on
tions of society in Bihar, who are often assuaged to create One of the provisions of the tance by private school lobbies and the scheme across 26 districts of consistently showed that chil- EWS children under RTE and
by little incentives and benefits. This is where both Right to Education Act aims at prohibitive state policies. the state in 2015. The news was dren admitted to integrated 100 crores under Apprentice-
the parties — the RJD and the JDU — have formed sustainable equal access to education and To unite like-minded profes- widely covered in the media and schools under RTE Act have ship. RightWalk’s model not only
their forte over decades. While Lalu Yadav-led RJD institutional social inclusion in classrooms by sionals, RWF initiated a ‘nexus of
good’ approach and focused on
gave further push to the cause. more positive attitudes toward unlocked Public Funds but also
dominated in the 1990s and the first half of 2000s mandating every recognised pri- In the last seven years, Right- school, better health behaviours ensured efficient utilisation of
by appropriating, and working for the upliftment of, change, vate school to reserve 25 per cent cooperation with communities, Walk built a unique partnership and outcomes, and induce par- Public Money. The organisation,
the OBCs in the state, Nitish Kumar went a step fur- believes its seats in entry-level classes for chil- teachers, principals, media and with the Government of Uttar ents to make more educational which aims at creating sustain-
ther after he assumed power in 2005. He was smart dren belonging to Economically supportive bureaucrats. Owing to Pradesh supporting them as a investments. Access to better able institutional change believes
enough to realize that there were strata even below model could Weaker Sections (EWS) and Dis- the national media coverage, the Project Management Unit (PMU) schools makes families realise its model could unlock Rs 100 of
the OBC, and he consolidated his base among new unlock Rs 100 advantaged Groups (DG). Samina Chief Minister of UP soon took while their extensive field team the value of education and thus public funds for every philan-
classes of voters in the name of EBCs and Maha- Bano and her organisation, Right- notice and extended support while drove ground implementation promotes their education-ori- thropic rupee spent.
dalits. Over the past 15 years, Nitish has been effort- of public funds Walk Foundation (RWF), have his Secretaries, Partha Sarthi Sen along with District Education ented behaviour. With interventions in edu-
lessly making marginal improvements to their lives for every accomplished a commendable Sharma and Amod Kumar, played Officers (DEOs). The organisa- RightWalk has also ventured cation and skill/employment,
to gain undeterred political backing. Among Maha- feat in this field in Uttar Pradesh. pivotal roles in helping RightWalk tion initiated the development into the implementation of the the organisation is making poor
dalits, there is a political loyalty of sorts for the philanthropic In 2013, as a young com- traverse the complex bureaucratic of an Online RTE Portal in 2017, Apprenticeship Scheme in col- households more ‘sustainable’ by
Nitish-led JDU. It may be pertinent here to point rupee spent puter engineer and IIM Banga- labyrinth. Succeeding key officers, which won a national e-Gover- laboration with the Vocational ensuring access to quality educa-
out that both Nitish and Lalu had their roots in the lore graduate doing management Vijay Kiran Anand, Rajshekhar, nance Award in 2021. RWF lev- Education Dept. of the state tion, income generation opportu-
socialist movement led by Jaiprakash Narayan dur- consultancy with a leading con- Pankaj Kumar and others, pro- eraged existing institutions of govt. following state PMU and nities and health.
ing the 1970s, and they still firmly represent the sulting firm in the US, Samina was vided field-level support in vari- Lokwani/Common Service Cen- Ground Delivery Network (GDN) The improvement of institu-
socialist idea. The reason that this idea is still breath- determined to return to India in ous districts. tre (CSC) to make the online RTE Model. They have become the tions and policy reforms remains
ing in Bihar, when other states are more or less shed- the uncharted territory of Uttar Yet, a powerful school moved admission process transparent first non-profit organisation in the fulcrum of RightWalk’s plan-
ding it, is that there is a need for it in the state. The Pradesh. She decided to root her to the High Court challenging this and accountable, eliminating the India to work on this particular ning, fundraising, and imple-
socio-economic backwardness of Bihar makes it organisation in UP and anchored provision while several personal corruption loopholes. This model policy. RightWalk’s vision on the mentation activities. Under the
suitable for socialist politics, which both JDU and it with the idea of Public-Private attacks such as civil suit, threats, has been immensely successful, Apprenticeship Scheme as a game exemplary leadership of Samina,
the RJD have mastered over decades. Against this Partnership right at the outset. etc. were aimed at Samina. It was having enrolled over 4,70,000 changer in solving India’s skill- this non-profit has not only man-
stands the nationalist politics of the BJP. Apparently, Samina considers herself a living a David versus Goliath battle. The EWS children into 16,000 pri- ing and employment challenge is aged to demonstrate good work
nationalist politics reverberates in Bihar also — but example of the transformational opponents were experts in court vate schools across the state in the poised to impact a large number of but has also gone on to scale it
in limited pockets and with certain caveats. If the impact that inclusion in education battles and the RightWalk team last seven years. With 48 per cent youth grappling with unemploy- through a public-private partner-
BJP has been trying to set its foot in Bihar, Nitish’s can have on someone’s life. Hailing had never even been to a court- girls and 1.5 per cent children with ment. Thus far, they have enabled ship that is truly inspiring.
exit from the NDA alliance is perhaps a big blow. It from a family that barely sent girls room. After six long months of disability enrolled under RTE, 40,000+ young people from ITIs Contact: samina@rightwalk.
has brought the BJP back to square one, from where to schools, her life changed when court battles, in the High Court as Samina and her team are aim- and other vocational educational org, [email protected]
it will have to start all over again. One may argue she gained access to Kendriya well as the Supreme Court, justice ing to close in on the gender and institutes across Uttar Pradesh Views expressed are personal
that the BJP had emerged with the single-largest-
a total 40 Lok Sabha seats — may act as a speed-
breaker for the BJP juggernaut in the north. Can it s the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ MN Das describes how everyone the Indian National Flag, tric-
send ripples in the neighbouring UP for the Sama- campaign inspired and agreed that the “old form of impe- olour in green, yellow and red
jwadi Party and the Bahujan Samajwadi Party to launched by Prime rialism could not continue” and with the words ‘Bande Mataram’
come together? It is still unanswerable. One thing is Minister Narendra that “Imperial policies and admin- on the middle band.... [and] wav-
certain that by breaking away from the NDA, Nit- Modi gathers an impressive flut- istration required moderation.” To ing the flag before them, she said
ish Kumar has triggered speculation that his name ANIRBAN GANGULY tering speed across the country, it Lord Minto, Curzon’s successor, she had ever hoped of seeing the
may be added to the list of BJP-opposed politicians is natural for the mind to draw a the latter’s “unpopularity was so republic of India, established in
who are aspiring for the PM’s chair. Nitish Kumar historic link to this unique tribute great that the mere mention of his her life-time.”
has hardly anything left to prove in the state politics, being offered to the indomitable name was a “red rag to nine-tenths Savarkar’s most popular biog-
he may be eying to shine on the national firmament. spirit of free India. of the population of India.” Mere rapher, Dhananjay Keer, notes
Given his political flexibility, and ready-to-assimilate The attempts to draw up a flag reference to Curzon’s administra- how at the Stuttgart meet, Cama
persona, he cannot be discounted as a contender! of free India, or to propose a flag tion, thus, writes Das, “was dis- declared that “This flag is of Indian
The biggest question, however, is how long will caste for India when she would have agreeable to his successors, and Independence. Behold it is born!
fragmentation and subjugation in Bihar keep serving achieved her freedom was, inter- to the people of India his memory It is already sanctified by the blood
the political ambitions of its leaders. If the RJD-JDU estingly, made by two women. was as unpalatable as that of the of martyred Indian youths!” Cama
can deliver on what they represent, it will be a true It is Sister Nivedita and Both Nivedita and Cama breathed life and essence in our quest for a Mutiny suppression or the Battle called upon the gathering to “rise
success. Nitish, in particular, has a chance to leave Madame Bhikaji Cama that we ‘National Flag’ of Plassey.” To Curzon’s mischie- and salute this flag in freeing one-
behind a legacy that will be remembered by people. must necessarily remember and vous public suggestion, even after fifth of the human race.” Keer
offer our tribute during this spe- who is called today to attain self- over 50 years after the first war of he had relinquished office, that the writes that the “delegates rose
cial phase when the spirit of the lessness”, she argued. Nivedita’s independence that Madame Bhi- 50th anniversary of the suppres- up and saluted the flag of Indian
Indian Tricolour is being sought flag embroidered in “scarlet and kaji Cama who, as RC Majumdar sion of the ‘Mutiny’ and the 150th Independence.” President of the
to be rekindled and re-awakened yellow” with the ‘Vajra’ at its cen- describes, had “earned undying year of the Battle of Plassey must Congress, Paul Singer, represen-
in a never done before manner. tre was displayed at the Congress reputation as the Mother of the be celebrated with pomp, Minto tative of the Social Democratic
Sister Nivedita’s connection Exhibition in 1906 and “many Indian Revolution”, represented noted with alarm writing to John Party of Germany, declared “that
IMPRESSIVE SUCCESS with revolutionary national- eminent persons, including Dr India at the prestigious Inter- Morley, then Secretary of State for the spirit of the resolution was
Cama made ists has been well-documented. [Acharya] JC Bose, accepted this national Socialist Congress in India that, “Anything of this sort approved” by the international
This is in reference to the editorial, ‘Ending it customary One of the doyens of nationalist symbol and started using it.” Stuttgart. Historian of the early is...utterly out of the question. I meet. Interestingly Cama’s reso-
on a satisfactory note’. India has performed journalism, Ramananda Chat- In 1909, when the issue of a nationalist movement in India, cannot imagine anyone, who has lution received approbation from
very creditably at the just concluded CWG by to unfurl the topadhyay describes Nivedita as National Flag was publicly dis- Prithwindra Mukherjee, in his ever thought twice about it; mak- leading socialists of the era, such
standing in the 4th position in the medal tally. National a “pronounced nationalist” for cussed, Nivedita wrote in the seminal study ‘The Intellectual ing such a proposal” as France’s Jean Jaures, Poland’s
whom the “promotion of the cause Modern Review in detail on its Roots of India’s Struggle for Free- It was in the backdrop of such Rosa Luxemburg, Germany’s
There have been many medals in disciplines Flag before of nationality” was “her mission history, need, symbolism and dom’, notes how Cama imbued a general ferment in India that George Bebel and Britain’s Henry
for the first time like the triple jump and
steeplechase, which is a very welcome sign. addressing and passion, as was women’s design. In a ‘National Flag’ she with “dynamism and impetuous Madame Cama, against vehe- H Hyndman.
education.” saw a deeper symbol for national patriotism was a respected fig- ment opposition from the Brit- Madame Cama thus became,
The reason for the change in fortunes is due any meeting, As early as 1905, Nivedita con- unity, a rallying point for crystal- ure among Indian revolutionary ish contingent at Stuttgart, spoke “the first Indian” to “unfold the
to the changed attitude among the people. because she ceived of the need for a ‘National lising the growing urge and aspi- leaders in Europe, as much as in of India’s plight under colonial Indian National Flag in a foreign
Unlike earlier, sport is now regarded as a viable Flag’ as a rallying symbol for the ration for freedom, an aspiration London and in Paris.” She had subjection and also succeeded country before an international
career option. Behind every victory is a story of said “she was in cause of India’s emancipation. that had to be passed on from also emerged as an ‘indispensable’ in unfurling the flag symbolising gathering.” From then onwards
discipline, hard work and sacrifice which needs the habit She worked on the design of a generation to generation. To link between Veer Savarkar and India’s freedom and her aspira- “she made it customary to unfurl
to be told. Many have surmounted impossible ‘National Flag’ with the ‘Vajra’ Nivedita, the aura of a ‘National other Indian revolutionaries and tions to recover herself. the National Flag before address-
of speaking — the thunderbolt — at its cen- Flag’ was an “altar, at whose foot, leading western political activists At the old Stuttgart Liederh- ing any meeting, because she said
odds to achieve podium finishes. Especially
heart-warming have been the performances of under this flag” tre, inspired by the example of whether for assault or defence, of that epoch. alle, venue of the Socialist Con- “she was in the habit of speaking
Rishi Dadhichi who “smilingly men’s lives are freely offered up.” 1907 in India was the year of gress, Cama argued “that the under this flag.”
those from the North East region. Often made listened, smilingly answered, and In an inspiring description mir- “turmoil and tempo”. The nation- continuance of British rule in Both Nivedita and Cama
fun of because of their physical appearance, in a moment laid himself down roring the essence of a ‘National alist duumvirate of Lokmanya India is positively disastrous and breathed life and essence in our
they have proved that when it comes to to die – yielding at a word the Flag’, she wrote, “Generations Tilak and Sri Aurobindo had extremely injurious to the best quest for a ‘National Flag’ and for-
national glory, they are second to none. very outmost demanded from come and go. New combina- effectively debunked the poli- interests of India” ever etched its centrality in our
humanity.” tions arrive and vanish, but that tics of petition or mendicancy, Madam Cama’s history sheet struggle for freedom. The historic
— ANTHONY HENRIQUES, MUMBAI For Nivedita, a ‘National Flag’ for which the national symbol as Sri Aurobindo had termed it, prepared by the Criminal Intel- ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ movement is
via email ought to inspire and command stands – that ineffable union of Veer Savarkar in foreign soil, had ligence Office, recorded how she an occasion to recall and rejoice
Dadhichi’s selflessness. “The Self- jana-desha-dharma for which started weaving the web of revo- told the gathering that “thirty- in the memory of that past. less Man is the Thunderbolt”, she every people fight – remains lution; the mantra of “Swadeshi, five million pounds were taken The writer is a member of
Log on to write letters to the editor or send them to wrote, “Let us strive only for self- for-ever, simple and steadfast Swaraj and Boycott” had spread annually from India without any National Executive Commit-
[email protected]. You can also send your comments to lessness, and become the weapon as Eternity, mirrored in the far and wide giving rise to waves return and in consequence people tee (NEC), BJP, and the Director
The Editor, Millennium Post, Pratap Bhawan, 5 Bahadur Shah in the hands of the gods.” It was fugitive minds of its myriad of protest. in India died of poverty.” At the of Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee
Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 India, “in all her millions, not a worshippers.” In his classic ‘India under Mor- “close of her speech”, the history Research Foundation.
few Indian saints or prophets, It was in August 1907, a little ley and Minto’, eminent historian sheet records, Cama “unfurled Views expressed are personal
How perceptions shape interpretations V enkaiah Naidu is a great Statesman. As the Chairman of Rajya Sabha,
he used to conduct the proceedings of dutifully and beautifully, with
his wit and humour. He used to encourage each member speak. He is
fluent in English, Hindi and Telugu. He is a great orator, in all the three
cial, economic and political weapon, that too such weapons, Languages. He is an orator in all the three languages. He is from Nellore.
TALKING OF society, as well as the oft quoted used at a time would cause near He did Law Course, while I was doing Engineering Course at Andhra
MANY THINGS fountain of wisdom, by ruthless destruction of humanity and University, Visakhapatnam. We meet during alumni meet every year.
dictators, in the name of ecology of the planet. He chose He will be Guiding Light for the Nation.
communism. death as a noble alternative to Kantamsetti LakshmanRao, Visakhapatnam
Why, our own Constitution has causing destruction of the envi-
frequently been used, by crimi- ronment and suffering to people.
nals and fraudsters, to escape the Little wonder, then, that ‘Rama- Politicians are strange bedfellows
just consequences of their acts,
and go scot-free, at least tem-
porarily, in the name of human
vataram’ in Tamil has Kamban,
the author, imagining Ravana to
be a very erudite scholar, king,
T he Chief Minister of Bihar and Janata Dal (United) leader, Nitish
Kumar, is habituated to cross party lines to retain his position. At
one time he maintained his political attachment with Janata Dal supremo
rights. Strangely enough, in his- musician and a good-looking Lalu Prasad Yadav, aerwards he developed feud with Lalu and later
tory, as well as mythologies, he- man with good taste in clothing found Samata Party and allied with BJP and became CM for 7 days with
roes, as well as villains, were and jewellery, apart from being a NDA support in 2005. In 2013 he delinked ties with BJP and joined
Dr Mohan Kanda driven by the same force, ambi- much sought – after lover. Even hands with Lalu and formed Mahagatbandhan an anti BJP alliance Again
tion, though of different dimen- for Periyar, the Tamil political he came out from it and walked back to annex with BJP by saying it is
he perception by society of sions and quality. But for that leader in the 20 century, he was his natural partner. Presently Nitish severed his ties with BJP tied the
the personality of a person We have seen in earlier pieces that have appeared in force, there would have been no the ultimate Dravidian hero. knot with JD leader Tejashwi Yadav, son of Lalu Prasad Yadav and offered
is a value judgment and wheels, cities, no temples or sail- Ten Asian countries in 2002 him with Deputy CM post in his cabinet. e readers may get confused
depends on the culture of a com-
this column that ethical norms and moral principles ing ships or aeroplanes, not to joined in producing 'Realizing to read this letter as I myself do. is is the episode behind most of the
munity, historical and geograph- can vary sharply over regions and time, and respond mention smartphones. The he- Rama,’ which was performed at politicians in India. Shiing strange bed relationships oen for selfish
ical considerations and the ethical to cultural imperatives. Likewise, persons, in real life roes worked for the welfare of hu- NCPA Mumbai. The conflict be- pleasures appears to be the motto for our political figures.
and moral superstructure that in- as well as in the mythologies of different manity at large, while the villains tween good and evil, within one- Dr NSR Murthy, Secunderabad
fluences the conduct and behavior sought to satisfy their lust for self, and the resolution of that
of the members of that society.
civilizations, have been depicted, as villains or power, and wealth. Take for in- conflict, by the merger of the
We have seen, in earlier pieces heroes, depending on similar considerations. stance, the case of Ravana in the two, was beautifully depicted, as II
Very often, a historical, or even mythological,
that have appeared in this col-
umn, that ethical norms and
moral principles can vary sharply
character is recognized as a villain in one version
Ramayana. No saint, or sage,
could have matched his achieve-
ments in building a great city,
Rama and Ravana merge into
one at the end.
Much controversy surrounds
A s Nitish Kumar has become a habitual changer of loyalties to NDA
and others, his party JD(U) can be seen as JD(U-turn). His swiness
in changing partners is unmatchable in contemporary politics. His latest
over regions and time, and re-
of an epic, while being characterized as a hero in constructing ships for commerce the personality of Duryodhan, break up with BJP has come a cropper to the latter's psychological dom-
spond to cultural imperatives. another version, elsewhere, at a different time in and trade and establishing a just, the eldest of the Kaurava broth- inance over opponents and has come like a boon for the opposition
Likewise, persons, in real life as history, or by different sections of people. fair and egalitarian system of gov- ers, in the epic Mahabharat. He camp which is at receiving end on national political arena.
well as in the mythologies of dif- There are many examples in the mythologies, ernance. He debunked the caste was no saint, but no despicable Dr DVG Sankararao, Vizianagaram
ferent civilizations, have been de- system, as described in the Vedas, warmonger either. His sense of
picted, as villains or heroes, de- and histories, of many countries and was a pioneer who was way justice was exemplary, and there
pending on similar ahead of his times. He built a so- was much good, and magnanim- III
considerations. Very often, a his-
torical, or even mythological,
character is recognized as a vil-
manded a good deal of respect in
his own country. However, his
staunch opposition to the Indian
Discoveries, inventions and
preachings of great people which
have altered the course of human
ciety whose people had pride
swelling in their hearts, and who
believed in nature worship and
ity in his character. The way he
stood up for Karna, the son of a
charioteer, during the coming-of-
B oth Congress and RJD forgot the past that they were deceived by
Nitish they are shamelessly ready to join with Nitish to grab the power.
is proves that there are no permanent friends or foes in politics. Now
lain in one version of an epic, struggle for freedom, and its lead- history, and contributed substan- universal identity without any age weapons exhibition was really BJP is also crying that Nitish has cheated the BJP and people of Bihar.
while being characterized as a ers, is a bitter memory for Indians tially to the development and bias for caste, creed or gender. In commendable. After all, not ey have also forgotten that they have cheated the people's mandate
hero in another version, else- who also hold him responsible, growth of civilizations have, fact ‘Raksh Neeti’, which he prop- many princes would have had the previously. BJP should know that what goes up must come down. However,
where, at a different time in his- perhaps not entirely fairly, for the many a time, also caused totally agated, meant equality for all. He courage, to tell their elders, that Nitish Kumar braking alliance with BJP is a strong indictment of the pol-
tory, or by different sections of great Bengal famine of 1943. In unintended tragedy and suffer- was an erudite, and learned, man the idea of barring someone from itics of intimidation practiced by BJP. Whether the opposition parties' vi-
people. There are many examples Joan of Arc may have been a great ing. The atom bomb, for instance, who had mastered all the ten a competition, based on birth, sion to fight with BJP has got momentum or not, time will tell. But one
in the mythologies, and histories, heroine instance, but the English was an indirect result of the dis- 'Vidyas,’ or known forms of was wrong. thing is clear all political parties are naked in political bathroom.
of many countries. regarded her as a witch. Likewise covery, by Einstein, of his cele- knowledge, each one represented In one of the novels of the Zeeshaan, Kazipet
Mahatma Gandhi, who is re- Lenin and Mao Zedong, who brated E=MC2 equation. But he by one of his heads. (According inimitable PG Wodehouse, there
garded as the Father of Indian Na- were greatly adored by their own could never have imagined that to one version of Ramayana) such is this actor who is bragging about
tion, and was responsible for the countrymen, were intensely dis- unfortunate consequence of his was his mastery over Vedic wis- his histrionic prowess, and the VI
country‘s liberation from colonial
oppression, through an unprece-
dented bloodless and peaceful
liked for their characters and their
actions in the western world.
Again, Kit Carson was a great ex-
work. The centuries of strife, and
conflict, between different sects
of the same religion, such as
dom, and knowledge, that Rama,
his enemy, consulted him to sug-
gest an auspicious time to con-
important roles assigned to him
in plays, from time to time. When
asked to name one important
N itish snapping ties with BJP and allying with RJD goes to show that
he is an opportunistic politician who would change sides to stay
afloat in power to nurture his ambition. Despite the sharp dip in JD(U
movement, could not have been plorer, and scout, for the Ameri- Christianity or Islam, arising struct the bridge being built to character he had portrayed, he numbers and BJP gaining an upper hand with a higher tally in 2020 as-
very popular in Britain at that can whites, while the Native from the preaching of great reach Lanka and fight against Ra- replies, “oh! I sort of rush in and sembly polls, BJP honoured its commitment to support Nitish for the
time. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Americans only knew him as a prophets such as Jesus, or vana. Rama, goes that version, rush out in Scene 4 of Act 5!” post of chief minister but Nitish's ingratitude act showed that he would
known as ‘Bangla Bandhu', who brutal oppressor. There have, Muhammad, could also never again sought Ravana’s advice go to any length for power. erefore, the accusation by JD(U) that BJP
led the erstwhile East Pakistan to however, been many great per- have been the purpose for which about the best time. And when, (The writer is former Chief was trying to weaken the party is baseless and nonsense.
freedom from Pakistan, and the sons in history, with no one un- those great Messiahs sent out in the dying hours of the battle, Secretary, Government K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad
birth of a new nation’ Bangladesh,’ happy on account of their actions, their messages to humanity. Sim- having tired of all other of Andhra Pradesh)
would obviously have been an en-
emy in West Pakistan. Then there
such as mother Teresa. On the
other hand, people like Osama
ilarly, Das Kapital by Karl Marx
has, at once, been the source of
weaponry, Rama picked up the
Brahmasthra, the modern equiv-
(The opinions expressed in this
column are that of the writer.
[email protected]
was the example of Winston bin Laden and Saddam Hussain the profoundly humane labour alent of a nuclear weapon, Ra- The facts and opinions
Churchill, who was widely ad- are unlikely to have many people theory of value and the concept vana, who also had the same expressed here do not reflect
mired in the USA and com- remembering them fondly! of a classless and egalitarian so- weapon, desisted from using his the views of The Hans India)
here is rarely a dull moment in Indian politics. Nitish Kumar took modative policy and made that a focus of its atten-
oath as chief minister of Bihar for the eighth time on Wednesday, a tion, going forward, in its most recent policy
day after resigning from the post. On Tuesday, Mr Kumar and his announcement.
party, the Janata Dal (United) or JD(U), walked away from the National The authorities have allowed the rupee to depre-
ciate to some extent against a sharply strengthening
Democratic Alliance (NDA) and decided to form a new government with the
US dollar, although keeping “some brakes on”
Mahagathbandhan, which includes the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), the through RBI dollar sales has entailed a fall in our
Congress, and some other smaller parties. Going by the numbers in the Bihar forex reserves of over $50 billion. Such high market
Assembly, the new Nitish Kumar government should not face any problems.
However, in today’s political environment, the numbers in the house can
change very quickly, as has been witnessed in several states in recent times —
Maharashtra being the latest example. Political alignments and formations
Macroeconomic intervention has also meant that the rupee has
appreciated against the British pound, the euro, the
Japanese yen and some other significant currencies.
In overall trade-weighted real effective exchange
challenges revisited
rate (REER) terms (allowing for differential changes
that look stable on paper often prove to be extremely fragile. Thus, the real
in nominal exchange rates and inflation across a
question in this context is: What happens to governance? currency basket) the rupee’s value has held roughly
Although the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and JD(U) contested the 2020 constant. Against the background of sharply rising
Assembly elections together, discomfort in the alliance was visible even before deficits in foreign trade and the current account of
the first vote was cast. The Lok Janshakti Party (LJP), led by Chirag Paswan, the balance of payments (now widely expected to
which was part of the NDA at the Centre, decided to field candidates in seats
Policies are moving in the right direction, but exceed an uncomfortable 3 per cent of GDP in the
present fiscal year), it would be better to “ease the
where the JD(U) was contesting. The move is estimated to have affected the
outcomes in over two dozen seats and diminished the JD(U)’s tally. Although
vulnerabilities remain brakes” and allow some depreciation in REER terms
to ensure medium-term viability of our external pay-
Mr Kumar became chief minister, it was not a smooth ride, with the BJP having
our months ago, I wrote that India’s macroeco- 2023, which would put global expansion in the ments situation.
a significantly higher number of seats. It was also alleged that the BJP was nomic challenges deepened (Business lowest decile of rates experienced since 1970. There has been no progress with RCEP; nor does
trying to break the JD(U), a charge that has been denied by the BJP. Apparently, Standard, April 14) as inflation rose sharply in Inflation has increased markedly in nearly all coun- any look likely in the near-term. Our weak engage-
fearing a Shiv Sena-like split, the JD(U) left the NDA. While the JD(U) may the US and European countries, triggering tighter tries and external financing pressures have mounted ment with regional preferential trading arrange-
have opted for what was in its best interests for now, it’s unlikely to be easy monetary policies, China’s lockdowns to combat the in many developing countries. ments and our relatively high customs tariffs (rel-
spreading Covid infections damaged economic activ- Back in April, I had suggested some policy ative to both East Asian nations and even our own
working with the RJD either, given that it has a much larger presence in the
ity, and the Ukraine war, then seven-weeks old, actions by the government and RBI (together position in 2015) continue to impede the growth of
house. Meanwhile, the state is likely to witness a reorientation of priorities and spawned unprecedented economic sanctions against referred to as “the authorities” in standard IMF parl- exports, output and employment. So does our unen-
it’s reasonable to assume that some of the ongoing projects and programmes Russia, leading to soaring prices for oil, gas, wheat ance) to minimise the damage to the Indian econ- viable legacy of an unprecedented three successive
will suffer. Also, it’s not easy for political parties to focus on governance with a and other commodities and to significant disruptions omy. These included: Steps to hold the fiscal deficit years of 10 per cent plus consolidated (centre and
consistent threat to survival. of supply chains. I went on to out- to the budgeted target; an immedi- states) fiscal deficits and government debt-to-GDP
At the national level, however, the shift in Bihar is being seen as a ray of line some macroeconomic con- ate increase in the policy repo rate ratios near 90 per cent.
hope by the larger opposition. Some commentators have also argued that sequences for India, including likely and swifter normalisation of excep- Somewhat intriguingly, the RBI’s latest monetary
outturns in key macroeconomic tionally accommodative monetary policy statement’s projections for growth and infla-
Mr Kumar could emerge as a consensus opposition candidate against Prime
indicators in fiscal 2022-23, and policy; a willingness to allow rupee tion remain unchanged from those in May, despite
Minister Narendra Modi in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Although theoretically, listed some desirable policy depreciation “with brakes on” to all that has happened in the world in the last three
anything is possible in politics, this may not happen for a variety of reasons. responses by the government and contain volatility; sustained execu- months. Notably, economic growth is expected to
For instance, Mr Kumar walked out of the NDA not because of differences but the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). tion of public investment plans; average only 4.8 per cent in the latter three quarters
to ensure his own political survival. Further, in the national context, the JD(U) Four months later, it may be timely upgrading of our observer status to of the current fiscal year, after a 16 per cent “statisti-
is still a small party and may not be able to offer a sizable number of seats. to revisit these issues and take stock. membership in the proximate, cal” bounce in the first quarter from the previous
More importantly, as things stand today, it is unlikely that a united opposition To state the obvious, the inter- mega-regional free trade agree- year’s Delta-hit first quarter low GDP base. The latest
national economic and political ment, the Regional Comprehensive WEO update projects India’s growth at a higher 6.1
will be able to project a candidate at all, which is essential for it to have any
environment remains fraught by A PIECE OF Economic Partnership (RCEP), to per cent in 2023-24. This is possible, but growth could
chance. The nature of the Lok Sabha elections has changed completely since
2014. Although this can affect its tally in Bihar, the implications of the political
conflict, economic disruptions and
high uncertainties. The Ukraine
MY MIND enhance our future trading pro-
spects and restore sustainable
easily be closer to 5 per cent if the expansion of world
output and trade is closer to the WEO’s gloomier sce-
shift and problems for the BJP are likely to remain limited to the state. The BJP war continues unabated, as do spo- SHANKAR ACHARYA dynamism to our exports and asso- nario or our own policies weaken significantly.
had struggled to project a face against Mr Kumar in the past and this could radic Chinese lockdowns of major ciated investment and productivity; Finally, anyone suffering from complacency
remain a challenge for the party. urban centres and further tighten- and measures to promote expansion about India’ s macroeconomic resilience should note
ing of monetary policies by major central banks. of low-skill employment. that the latest June quarter estimate (from CMIE’s
Last week’s avoidable flare-up of tensions in the It’s heartening to note that substantial progress rolling surveys) shows India’s employment rate (total
Taiwan Straits doesn’t help. The negative impacts has been made during the past few months in sev- employment divided by working age population)
Fair share on global economic growth and inflation are eral of these areas. Despite the unavoidable increase
increasingly apparent. In its fortnight-old July in the fertiliser subsidy and certain other expendi-
Update of the World Economic Outlook (WEO) the ture commitments, the government has acted to
languishing at a very low 36.6 per cent, by far the
lowest among “all large economies”. It means that
less than two-fifths of the working age population
Dependence on cess and surcharge must come down IMF projects global economic growth to slow raise revenue resources to maintain the credibility in India today is actually able to find any work! And
ecent years have seen growing tensions between the Union govern- sharply (from 6.1 per cent in 2021) to 3.2 per cent in of the budgeted fiscal target. The measures include let us remember that employment was the central
ment and many state governments on the matter of the proper shar- 2022 and 2.9 per cent in 2023, with major slowdowns the recent taxes on windfall profits and exports in focus of John Maynard Keynes, the acknowledged
in the US, China and Europe. More ominously, the the oil sector (since reduced in step with some easing parent of macroeconomics.
ing of tax revenue. Some of this has been caused by the transition to WEO states “the risks to the outlook are overwhel- of international oil prices), the reduction of exemp-
goods and services tax (GST), which has reduced the space available mingly tilted to the downside”, and presents an tions and other rate rationalisations in the goods The writer is Honorary Professor at ICRIER, former chief
to state governments to raise their own revenue. This has been exacerbated by “alternative plausible scenario” that foresees global and services tax (GST) by the GST Council and con- economic adviser to the Government of India and author of
the end of the GST compensation payments. It is essential that the guaranteed growth at 2.6 per cent in 2022 and just 2 per cent in tinuing efforts to improve the administration of this An Economist at Home and Abroad. Views are personal
increases in state revenues under the GST bargain come to an end at some
point so that states are incentivised to collect indirect taxes properly. Yet the
broader argument made by states, that the Union government is taking too
large a share of the tax revenues, has some merit when examined against the
data. As Business Standard has reported, the states’ share in taxes collected by
the Union government has been range-bound between 29 and 32 per cent since
The WFH-WFO faultlines
the pandemic hit in 2020-21. This is about 10 percentage points lower than the here’s an episode in that timeless American showed that at IT companies, three out of four aversion to a more active WFH policy is that man-
recommendations of the Fifteenth Finance Commission. sitcom Friends in which Rachel, the ambitious employees chose not to attend office even though agements have equipped their employees with lap-
At a recent meeting of the governing council of the NITI Aayog, the state fashion executive, decides to take up smoking. their organisations have resumed partial WFO rou- tops, mobile phones and sophisticated software so
This momentous (and short-lived) life-choice is dic- tines. The survey added that many IT companies that they can work from anywhere, all the time.
governments indicated that their resources to fund spending were dwindling.
tated by the habits of her boss and a colleague. Every are treading softly on the issue of re-imposing full In 2013 Marissa Meyer set off a storm when she
Part of the responsibility for this situation lies with the Union government, day, both would head for the designated smoking WFO rules for fear of resignations — this at a time ditched the partial WFH policy at Yahoo!, suggesting
which has developed an excessive dependence on various kinds of cess and area to hang out over a cigarette or two. Rachel, a when the Big Four all reported higher attrition rates that it somehow weakened team spirit and produc-
surcharge in the tax mix. These, unlike regular taxes, do not have to be shared committed non-smoker, finds herself excluded from for the quarter just gone by. tivity. For all its virtues, corporations that feel com-
with the states, and are not part of the divisible pool. The proportion of revenue this variant of the water cooler confab and decides Corporations now recognise that WFH cannot be pelled to offer WFH, even partially, will find them-
raised from cess and surcharges has risen from about 6 per cent when the to join the gals, as it were, by lighting up. Career- wished away. It is a fair bet that all those Great Places selves coping with a less cohesive culture that no
National Democratic Alliance government first took office in 2014 to almost a wise at least, it proves an eye-open- to Work surveys of the future will amount of online meetings can repair. In that sense,
ing decision after she discovers dur- include a metric for employees to Ms Meyer was right to point out that an organisation
quarter of the tax collection now. This is due also to the decision to increase the
ing one of these sessions that her rate their employers on their WFH is more than a sum of its functions. Big corporations
taxes on fuel. co-workers had been planning an or WFA (Work From Anywhere) pol- can partly paper over the cracks by organising the
The fact is that the states’ administrative machinery is in the front line of overseas junket without her. icies — or lack thereof. But you can usual pre-Covid-19 calendars of get-togethers and
delivering growth and development. It is the main touchpoint between the cit- Like Rachel, employees in the see the WFH-WFO fault-lines hard- offsites. Smaller companies may not have the where-
izen and the government. Underfunded states lead to poor public provision of post-pandemic corporate world will ening. From the point of view of withal to do so. Like Rachel in Friends, WFH
services, with deleterious effects on both citizen welfare and the growth poten- discover that the issue of inclusion workplace culture this dichotomy is employees will inevitably discover that the work-
or exclusion within office culture unlikely to create a healthy environ- space can become exclusionary — not just in terms
tial of the economy. The tendency for fiscal and spending power to be accu-
just got a whole lot more compli- ment. Most obviously, it will produce of access to junkets, office gossip or access to the
mulated in New Delhi through various measures such as cess or centrally spon- cated on account of the emerging a division between the WFH-haves boss but in terms of career progression too.
sored schemes could affect the delivery of quality services to citizens.
Although the quality of spending in some states is being debated, the
organisational confusion over work
from home (WFH) versus work from
SWOT and have-nots, with the balance of
advantage lying with the latter. For
Those who stand to both gain and lose from the
WFH/WFO dichotomy are women. WFH has proved
fact remains that state governments have the right to prioritise. It is under- office (WFO). Most employees KANIKA DATTA HR and line managers, the issue has hugely useful for professional Indian women who
standable that the Centre also has spending commitments and needs embraced the WFH culture for created new challenges beyond are typically saddled with family and household
resources to finance, for instance, national security needs and also run wel- obvious reasons. But now that the determining whether employee X or responsibilities. It significantly expanded the talent
threat of Covid-19 has receded, corporations that Y is skiving off or doing other things when she should pool for corporations that would otherwise hesitate
fare programmes. However, the division of fiscal resources should be done
had once championed the virtues of WFH — includ- be at her desk. Rewards and increments will increas- to employ women (especially younger women). But
more transparently. The imposition of cess and surcharge also distorts the ing the potential cost saving to be derived from less ingly have to move beyond judging quality of work now that brief honeymoon has ended, and gender
tax system and creates inefficiencies. Excessive dependence on cess and real estate, electricity and maintenance bills — are or metrics such as standard Key Performance dynamics are bound to come into play. Men have
surcharge with the aim to corner more resources could increase resentment suddenly discovering its downsides. Indicators (KPIs) to include the WFH/WFO dynamic. long been adept at setting up workplace practices
among states and lead to greater friction between the Centre and the states. Stipulations that employees attend the office at You can almost predict the resentment building up that exclude women. The obvious struggles of new
Since it is important in a country like India that the Union and state govern- least twice or three times a week are being met with for well-rewarded WFHers from the WFOers. mothers to physically attend office has offered male
ments work together to take the development process forward, such potential mulish pushback — and exits. As early as September The problem is that the notion that WFH equals bosses an incentive to downgrade them. Likewise,
last year, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported less pay and perks has been hardwired into corpo- the proclivity for calling after-hours or weekend meet-
points of friction should be avoided. In terms of spending, reforms are needed
that 3 per cent of employees decided to quit after rate thinking not least because of the manner in ings that women with children find difficult to attend.
at both levels of the government. WFO rules came back into play. In India, a survey which salaries are structured around differential Online meetings certainly reduced those pressures,
by staffing agency CIEL as recent as June this year cost of living in cities. Yet the irony of the current but WFO rules will neutralise them soon.
aura T Murphy’s latest book Azad the beginning, to contextualise the dire establish the conflict between the Patel from the British “gossip organising” distinguishes this book from others as it
Nagar: The Story of a 21st-Century situation in which a group of landlords and the Kol tribals, who Empire in 1947 Pages: 145 and inviting several dares to question the narrative-building
Slave Revolt justifies the idiom “transgenerationally enslaved” people migrated to several parts of northern did not mean Price: ~299 influential officers around a struggle or an ambitious
“big things come in small packages”. in India’s poorest quarters continue to and central India from the Chota independence for to liaise between revolt. It asks pertinent questions,
Not only does this slim volume help live before fighting their oppressors. Nagpur Plateau in Jharkhand, the Kols,” writes Dr Murphy. She notes the Kol people and Patel landlords, he which are often pushed aside because
unpack several layers of class and caste It’s the sheer depth of understanding debunking the popular myth that most that although minor revolts “every few tries to get Kol people land leases. they can not only potentially misdirect a
conflicts playing for eons in the country of the country, its politics, and in upper-caste people have come to hold years” have been traced as far back as Naturally, this interference in the power revolution but can also feed on to the
but also sheds light on the institutional particular its caste politics—and close to their hearts — that the caste the 1770s, the fight against landlords structure disturbs the Patel landlords. notions of oversimplifying a fight for
corruption that has only exacerbated atrocities that go unnoticed every day— system doesn’t exist anymore. peaked in 1831-32. It was known as the By the early 2000s, the abolitionist rights. Or as Dr Murphy notes, “the
the problem in recent years after the and a recognition of the more insidious It takes only a tiny chapter for “Kol Insurrection,” in which “over the movement sees a great shift in the revolt—and its consequences—are far
government-backed entry of forms of slavery that exist in India, that Dr Murphy to explain how the landlord- course of [a] bloody four-month conviction of the Kol people more complex” than it seems.
multimillion rupee mining companies enable Dr Murphy to set up a Kol conflict has existed since colonial rebellion, the Kols killed hundreds of demanding their rights, hundreds, or
in India’s most mineral-rich regions. challenging narrative in simple and times, and how upper-caste people settlers and burned more than a according to some reports thousands, The reviewer is a Delhi-based writer and
Dr Murphy is professor of human rights accessible language. enjoyed brutal control over Adivasi thousand homes.” of Adivasi labourers gather and chant freelance journalist. @writerly_life
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll
end up having more. If you
concentrate on what you don’t have, Oprah
you will never, ever have enough Winfrey
— Ramnath Goenka
ihar chief minister Nitish Kumar’s
turnaround may catapult him into be- R GOPALAKRISHNAN Author and business commentator
coming the face of opposition in the
2024 Lok Sabha election. As congratula- SOUMYADIP SINHA
tions poured in from across the country
for Nitish Kumar after he was sworn in for BUILDING BUSINESSES sponded that unless TISCO was
modernised urgently, leaders
ing, productivity, sustainability, large groups, in the factory and in
the record eighth time as the chief minister, and so on. their community setting. Ques-
opposition leaders did not fail to mention would soon be standing at the Taking a systems-approach, the tions were answered with empa-
s holistic transformation leader- ered and engaged, they feel a sense factory gate, selling tickets to visit leadership realised that their thy, but also with firmness. For
how the Bihar realignment would unite the
ship another jawbreaker of mum- of self-identity, and take owner- a steel museum. It was a grim, grandiose plans required rational- example, at one town-hall meeting,
opposition, and how a united opposition bo-jumbo? No, in the context of ship for their results. This is the but forthright assessment of the ising the manpower from 80,000 to a senior employee questioned Dr
would now take on the BJP in its Hindi heart- this article. It is akin to holistic big difference. future. 40,000; simultaneously, the employ- Irani, “This company has a com-
land bastion. life. The two approaches overlap. Then the environment changed. ee profile had to transform to mitment to employ one son of each
Nitish himself said those who won in 2014 With the deep impact of technol- They deploy rationality and empa- Liberalisation was announced by younger, differently skilled man- family. What happens to that?”
should now worry about 2024. Analysts claim ogy on productivity and ways of thy in different proportions: trans- the government. It was an “aha” power. In contemporary times, Irani responded, “I understand
working, executives rely on ration- actional management requires moment for Dr Jamshed Irani and this same challenge is faced by the your anguish; please appreciate
he has a much larger acceptability among op-
ality in change management, may- dominantly rational skills, while his leadership team. defence forces for which they de- that the issue at hand is not about
position parties than, say, Mamata Banerjee be to a fault. As machine learning transformational leadership re- Very quickly, TISCO’s efficiency vised the Agnipath scheme. employment for your son, it is
or K Chandrashekar Rao, who have taken the and artificial intelligence emerge, quires dominantly empathy skills. was benchmarked by comparing it The fact is that an intimate about your own employment!”
lead to unite the opposition parties. Mamata this trend of left-braininess could Both skill sets are relevant. with top global companies. A sys- cause-and-effect exists between A scheme was devised whereby
has fought bitterly against the Congress and gather pace. It is great for opera- A holistic leadership approach tem of Total Business Excellence technically sound ideas on the one employees above certain criteria
Left, which would play key roles in deciding tional managers for whom effi- is akin to a systems-approach—the was adopted to rapidly improve hand and individuals and social of age and service received the full
the opposition face. Her recent attempt to cre- ciency and delivery of results are impact of one decision on every wherever TISCO was lagging. The systems on the other. TISCO would basic salary right up to their re-
key. MBA students, in fact, are ed- other part of the moving system is old plans were updated with con- have to adapt to unprecedented tirement age. Younger employees
ate a non-Congress front did not go down well ucated on transactional change, contemplated in advance. Rather temporary ideas of technology manpower reduction in Jamshed- were given a lump sum and guided
with opposition parties such as the National- and during the first half of their than describe the differences, I il- and productivity, thus producing a pur, perhaps even unparalleled towards entrepreneurship. Coun-
ist Congress Party, Shiv Sena and the careers, are rewarded for their lustrate through the exceptional fresh modernisation plan. Huge anywhere in any Indian company sellors were engaged to speak to
Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, which are allied rationality. and noteworthy example of ra- funds were required, so funding at that time—halving the manpow- distressed families, sparing no ef-
to the Congress. As for K Chandrashekar Then their career meets a cross- tionalisation in TISCO in the early ideas too were developed. In a er in what was essentially a com- fort to do the surgery with the fin-
Rao, his acceptability beyond Telangana is road. One straight path continues 1990s when Dr Jamshed Irani led sense, these were all in the realm pany township! est bedside manners of a doctor-
to demand dominantly rational Tata Steel. In this short article, I of the rational—technology, fund- A deeply thought-out set of patient relationship.
yet to be tested. Nitish, on the other hand,
management, while the other ap- do not intend to analyse or com- schemes were devised by opera- Finally, TISCO did modernise
already has the Congress and Left as allies in pears like a steep, winding gradi- ment on every aspect of the rather tional and human resources lead- technologically and its productiv-
his new government. ent. This second path demands massive transformation, but to ers to implement this manpower ity rivalled the best in the world
His appeal stretches across the Hindi belt empathetic leadership in addition merely narrate what a ‘holistic’ rationalisation. The CEO, leader- within a few years. In addition, the
comprising Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, to rational decision-making. approach looks like. ship team, and the board chair- company rationalised manpower
Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Bihar The difference between transac- TISCO has had a long history of man spent hours on discussion. from 80,000 to 40,000. No leader felt
tional management and transfor- harmonious and trusting indus- TISCO has had a long history of harmonious The leadership did not regard it as good about this surgery, but the pa-
and Jharkhand. Some of these states, such as
mational leadership is about how trial relations. In the late 1980s, Dr and trusting industrial relations. In the late a headcount reduction, but rather tient, viz the company, was saved.
UP, MP, Chhattisgarh and Bihar, have a siza- change is managed. In transac- Irani recalled a conversation with as an unavoidable and delicate
1980s, Dr Irani recalls a conversation with Mr J The example illustrates the
ble population of Kurmis, a caste to which tional, the manager is reacting Mr J R D Tata outside the Jam- R D Tata outside the Jamshedpur steelworks. surgery on the delicate body of the distinction between transforma-
Nitish Kumar belongs. The BJP had swept with a near-term horizon, per- shedpur steelworks. J R D be- J R D bemoaned the fact that chief engineer, company. This triggered thinking tional leadership and transaction-
these states in 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha suading people to follow action moaned the fact that chief engi- about the employees with great al management.
Mr Firoze Tarapore, had “submitted
elections. plans. Transformational leader- neer, Mr Firoze Tarapore, had empathy. How could the company (The author was Director, Tata
ship, on the other hand, requires “submitted as many modernisa- as many modernisations for the achieve the result with the least Sons and Vice Chairman,
Kurmis are OBC and vote largely in favour company as the years in his life”. But
adaptive responses, concerning in- tions for the company as the years pain—though pain and bloodlet- Hindustan Unilever)
of the BJP, except in Bihar where Nitish con- dividuals and social systems. In in his life”. But where was TISCO where was TISCO to get the funds? ting could not be avoided? Employ- (
trols this chunk, and Chhattisgarh where the this mode, followers feel empow- to get the funds? Irani doggedly re- ees were met in small groups and ([email protected])
vote of this caste goes to Congress as chief
minister Bhupesh Baghel is a Kurmi. Nit-
ish’s projection as the opposition’s prime
part, focuses on a series of posters of figures comprising the Hindus, madan butchers, and is headed ‘the
t the closing ceremony of the 44th Chess hat was probably the religious or ‘representation’, enquiring into the of a ‘Cow Mother’. These posters a Sikh, a Parsi, a Christian, a Euro- present state’. Another exhibits a
Olympiad on Tuesday, several dignitar- political ideology which deter- style, iconography and patronage were endlessly reproduced and pean and a Muslim accepting milk cow, in every part of whose body
ies of the chess world pointed out that mined the choice of a theme, based on religious and textual widely circulated across the sub- from the milkman. It suggests an groups of Hindu deities and holy
Tamil Nadu (and India) had hosted the narrative structure, style, and sources. Its reluctance to shrug off continent, particularly in north In- assumed equality and communal persons are shown, being assailed
event to great success with just four why certain images or themes its habitual practice, in short, dia in the late 19th century. He anal- harmony. by a monster with a drawn sword
months’ notice. The world’s largest chess were recurrent and popular in a shows its prolonged interest to con- yses them to show how a sense of However, the Muslim is shown in entitled the ‘Kali Yug’ but which
particular time and space have to tinue with the notion of history nation was articulated through its a double role. Breaking the peaceful has been largely understood as typ-
event was originally scheduled to be held in
be addressed in an art historical and art that the nation had ‘imag- visual strategy. and harmonious moment of the sa- ifying the Muhammadan
Russia, which had four years to prepare for enquiry. ined’ in the late 19th and early 20th In the first instance, the poster cred land, a butcher is shown with community.”
the Olympiad, but after the country invaded Only by seeking explanations to centuries. looks innocent and harmless with a drawn sword heading towards the Lansdowne also notes that the
Ukraine, FIDE had to look for a new host. these self-imposed questions can As a nationalist project, certain an image of a holy cow. But it has Cow Mother. With dark skin, di- Muslims were agitated and felt in-
When the All India Chess Federation threw art history reinvigorate itself in or- memorable episodes from history certain encoded meanings to ex- shevelled long hair and a full- sulted because they heard of a pic-
its hat in the ring, the Tamil Nadu govern- der to look at ourselves in the were selected to construct glorious press through its imagery, which teethed open mouth, this demonic ture in circulation representing a
present and the past as well with a cultural pasts. By the same token, were apparently decoded in the figure is meant to be identified with Muslim with a drawn sword butch-
ment expressed keen interest to host the
critical eye. However, rethinking it also either forgot or suppressed backdrop of a series of violent anti- a meat-eating Muslim. This inter- ering a cow.
event, if India was picked. art and art history in these terms something ‘bad’ from its history. As cow-slaughter agitations of the play of meaning is further made Posters and calendars with the
TN, after all, has a long history with the must acknowledge from the very a result, innumerable riots and re- 1880s and 1890s, the prime cause of explicit through a caption near its motif of a cow as a sacred symbol
sport. Chief Minister MK Stalin said that outset the fact that “human culture bellions were either entirely forgot- its production and circulation. head: “he manusyaho, kaliyugi of a nourishing Mother and Moth-
36% of India’s grandmasters hail from the is made up of signs, each of which ten or brushed aside from the main- Covered with gods and rishis all mamsahari jivomko dekho” (Oh! er India had continuously been re-
State. Still, hosting the event was a gamble. stands for something other than it- stream history to make it a “Wonder over its body, the bovine is made sa- mankind, look at the meat-eating imagined and reproduced in subse-
The Olympiad is possibly the largest interna- self, and the people inhabiting cul- that was India” or “Incredible souls of the kaliyug). quent periods at the length and
ture busy themselves making sense India”. There are innumerable records breadth of the country in ever-ex-
tional sporting event hosted in the State since of those signs.” (Mieke Bal and Keeping pace with this sense of showing that its viewers did not panding rhythm.
the South Asian Games were held in Chennai Norman Bryson). In this sense, to wonder and splendour, traditional miss the point. A revealing one is a As the religious sentiments and
in 1995. Over 2,000 players from more than 180 get into the socially constituted art history remains disdainful to- memo from 1893 prepared by the the communal politics involved in
countries would be participating in the event, meaning of a work of art, it has to wards popular visual culture of the Indian Viceroy Lord Lansdowne it had gained wider acceptance in
held at Mamallapuram. In the end, the State be placed in a context which weaves past and therefore fails to offer an (1888–1893). As a response to the the 20th century, it continued to
government acquitted itself. Barring testy it into a text out of a sign-system. insight to look at ourselves sur- query of the Earl of Kimberly proliferate uninterruptedly till the
This insight has recently re- rounded by similar images which about the ever-increasing commu- 1970s. Since the 1980s, too, it began
moments with the media, following an ac-
moulded the approach in the study pervade our every quotidian nal riots, Lord Lansdowne, as to pervade our visual culture but in
creditation process that went haywire, the of social sciences. Despite this, art space. quoted by Christopher Pinney, new incarnations altogether. I will
event went by with nary a hiccup, garnering history as an academic discipline In this context, as a part of ex- Poster representing the Cow Mother. observes: return to it in my next turn.
praise from players and administrators from in Indian universities is largely tending the central point of my last Printed probably at Ravivarma “[wandering ascetics] have dis- (chandrantv67
other countries. Further by conducting the found to be fixated on the study of discussion Roaring lion of the na- Lithographic Press, Lonavla near Pune tributed throughout the country a
event outside Chennai, at picturesque Mamal-
lapuram, it ensured that local residents had
plenty to celebrate but little to complain
about in ter ms of traf fic or other
disruptions. A shocker for BJP Nitish defects While from the BJP’s point of view Describing Nitish differences aside and unite for the
The State government has also leveraged This is with reference to Chameleon After he decided to exit his alliance it could be opportunistic, from the I like how apt the headline ‘Chameleon common goal of keeping the nation
the opportunity to offer itself as a suitable Nitish does it again (August 10). In with the BJP to join the Congress, RJD JD(U)’s side it could be seen as coming Nitish does it again’ is. Nitish did all secure.
venue for other international sporting events, an attempt to retain his position as and the Left, Nitish appears to have no home to one’s roots. Nitish Kumar this just because he wanted to stay on Hemanth Bhide, Mangaluru
Bihar chief minister, Nitish Kumar has principles at all. By defecting, he may would have learnt the hard way that the throne and retain his power. The
that will no doubt boost the local economy exited his alliance with the BJP and grab power, but he has also betrayed unity is strength and his new avatar defection is shameful. TN must be sensitive
and burnish its reputation in the sporting joined the Mahagathbandhan. The BJP voters in the process. This is not just could create a big upheaval in Bihar Suresh Kumar, Chennai Thirteen shutters of Mullaperiyar Dam
world. The success is also a boost to the DMK is suddenly in a fix even though it has limited to him. In the recent past, politics if youngsters like Tejashwi have been raised, but there is a lot of
government, facing a thornier second year in formed a government in Maharashtra many leaders have chosen the path of and the rest give him enough legroom India’s defence worry in Kerala that Tamil Nadu may
power, coming as it does after a massive riot after toppling the Sena government. defection. This defeats the purpose of to function. It is a known fact that Apropos of India beyond 75: Revamping release more water. That would be very
in Kallakurichi. The party must not rest on All this just goes to show that there democracy. in the world of politics, there are no our security needs (August 10). It insensitive to people. The catchment
are no permanent friends or foes in Shreeram Paranjpe, Bengaluru fixed allegiances. All the best to a new makes a sound analysis of the country’s area has been receiving a lot of rainfall
its laurels, however, and instead must right
politics—coalitions, defections and alliance—hopefully, this new formation security. I agree that the main focus for the past few days. Immediate
the wrongs and perceived complacency that chameleons—are all a part and parcel of All the best to MGB will roll out decisions which are in the should be to have a politically stable opening of shutters has to be avoided so
has crept into administration to pursue its the big game. Nitish Kumar’s change of allegiance can best interests of the people. Centre. One can only hope that that people downstream do not suffer.
agenda of social justice in letter and spirit. M Y Shari�, Chennai be seen both positively and negatively. Elizabeth Koshy, Pathanamthitta political leaders keep their ideological Bijumon PN, Idukki
4 THINK BusinessLine
he second leastproductive session of the State had an ongoing programme
of subsidising them.
17th Lok Sabha was adjourned sine die
R SRINIVASAN The point of this story was to
this Monday, four days ahead of the show the disconnect that exists
schedule — with just six sittings more ON THE OTHER HAND between the government and farm
than the mostcurtailed session at the peak of the ers at the grassroots level. When
farmers rose up against the pro
Covid19 wave in 2020. Compared to the last Budget
few years ago, a friend of posed farm laws, there was consid
Session, during which MPs had spent a consider mine, a technology entre erable heartaching in government
able 178 hours debating various issues, the mem preneur who decided to circles over this. It was widely felt
bers this time decided to sit barely for about 45 sell off his businesses and that farmers were being “misled” by
hours and passed merely seven Bills. Crucial issues rediscover his roots as a farmer, de vested interests and forces inimical
cided that he will do not only nat to development.
such as low rabi output, unemployment and the ural, organic farming but also tradi The BJP even galvanised its con
ramifications of the RussiaUkraine war were not tional farming. siderable grassroots organisational
deliberated upon. The stature and role of Parlia This meant that he would grow strength to try and reach out to
ment has been run to the ground in recent years in traditional crops historically grown farmers and “educate” them as to The connections between the government’s agriculture machinery and the actual farmer have steadily weakened
in the area /where his farm was situ the benefits of the new laws, but to
an extraordinary display of irresponsibility and
ated, without using artificial aids to no avail. The administration — par there has been a widening diver lion over the study period (between increase investment in agricultural
cynicism by our representatives. The regular sus boost output or support nonnative ticularly those arms of which dealt gence between what public re 1978 and 2012) yielded returns of research and development amid
pension of Question Hour and Zero Hour, forums crops. This meant he did not do any with farmers and their issues — search is focusing on and what over $10 billion in economic im the challenges of climate change
that are precisely meant for the Opposition to raise mechanised farming, nor did he were also ordered to reach out and farmers are grappling with in the pact. The authors found agricul and expected increase in food de
matters of importance, is regrettable. It suits any have powered irrigation. He also de convince. field. India’s problem is no longer tural research was more successful mand by 2030.
cided that, like a traditional Indian outputrelated — rather there is a at lifting larger populations out of In this year’s Economic Survey, the
government if its policies and actions are not de farmer, he will keep a few cattle. But Growing disconnect problem of oversupply. The bigger poverty. This is borne out by the In chapter on Agriculture noted: “Re
bated seriously in the House. But for the sheer me there was a catch — he wanted to All to no avail. The trust deficit was challenges today are market access dian experience as well. search shows that every rupee spent
diocrity and routine bedlam in Parliament, legis rear only breeds native to that area simply too great to have been and remunerative reasons, dealing on agricultural research and devel
lators across the board are to blame. and not hybrids. bridged by any lastminute out with climate change and rising wa Marginal returns opment, yields much better returns
When he went looking for more reach programme. But this was no ter stress. A study by ICRIER and the Syngenta (11.2), compared to returns on every
To be sure, the government, with its 303 MPs in information on this, though — overnight development. The con All this calls for a sharply stepped Foundation found that the mar rupee spent on fertiliser subsidy
the Lok Sabha, does not need the Opposition to about which crops were native/tra nections between the govern up outlay on research. There is a ginal returns in terms of number of (0.88), power subsidy (0.79), educa
push through critical Bills. The Opposition can be ditional to the area, and which ment’s agriculture machinery and very simple reason why countries people brought out of income tion (0.97) or on roads (1.10). Increas
ignored and important Bills be passed in the din, breeds of cattle were local, he ran the actual farmer had steadily de like India, where large pools of poverty or higher agriGDP growth ing R&D spending on agriculture is,
into a blank wall. The district and teriorated and weakened from the poverty exist and where agriculture are 510 times more if the public therefore, not only a vital necessity
which helps avoid avoid scrutiny and criticism. Yet,
even the State agriculture depart heydays of the Green Revolution, is the sole means of sustenance or money is spent through invest for ensuring food security, but also
precisely because of its thin strength in the House, ment office could supply him with where the government’s — and I livelihood for the largest segment ments in agriR&D, or roads, or irrig important from the socioeco
the Opposition must make every question and in no information. He was unable to principally mean the State govern of the population, need to substan ation, etc., compared to if the same nomic point of view.”
tervention count, in terms of rigour and serious meet with anyone in the govern ments here — agricultural exten tially step up investments in agri money is spent as subsidies on fer The talk is fine but it is high time
ness, instead of falling back on the lazy option of ment who had either researched sion services had as much a role to cultural research and extension — tilisers, power or irrigation. that the government walked it. This
these topics or had any play in that turnaround of India’s rupee for rupee, it delivers a higher The study concluded: “This is particularly true of State govern
raising a din. Disruption can be a parliamentary information. agricultural fortunes as the devel return on investment than any clearly indicates that, at the margin, ments, whose primary responsibil
strategy only when the government does not have At the State animal husbandry de opment of highyielding varieties in other form of support to farmers, there is an urgent need to increase ity is agriculture.
the numbers in the House. With a majority govern partment, after much persistent the research labs. including subsidies. investments in agricultural and Over the years, they have deem
ment, a different strategy needs to be thought of knocking on doors, he was eventu That was back then, when India A recent study by Timothy J contain input subsidies for faster al phasised research, and cut back on
ally given an old poster — presum had one of the largest publiclyfun Dalton from Kansas State University, leviation of poverty and boosting extension, in favour of more popu
for enforcing scrutiny and pushing debates. The ably printed for distribution to ded agricultural research systems which looked at USAID’s research growth in agriGDP.” listic quick fixes. This needs to
Opposition has failed to act as a check on the ac rural schools a few decades back — in the world. While the system re projects on agricultural develop The government realises this. At change.
tions of the executive by critically evaluating its de which had the names and pictures sponded to the crisis of food short ment and food security found that a the G20 Agriculture Ministers meet
cisions. The debate on price rise was marked by Op of some local breeds of cattle. He age in the 1960s, subsequently, total outlay of a little over $1.2 bil last year, India stressed the need to The writer is a senior journalist
position walkouts and notable absentees in both
Houses, including former Finance Minister P
resources, financial and human, at their command ver the last two weeks, ing in a shift in preference towards per cent. With around half of the prices of fruits and vegetables.
cannot perform with diligence what is expected of the Opposition has been consuming high protein items country’s agriculture still rainfall In addition to poor agricultural
them. Yet, if the primary responsibility for running blaming high LPG prices such as meat, milk and eggs. Advoc dependent, belownormal or ex productivity and shrinkage in net
and GST on prepack ates of demandside factors believe cessive rain affects production. sown areas, another factor which is
the House lies with the government, acts that alien aged food items as key factors be that increase in food price is be Lower agricultural produce also contributing to price rise is climate
ate the Opposition cannot serve that purpose — hind the current bout of inflation. cause of higher income resulting means higher fodder prices for live change.The rise in lemon and to
such as suspension of 23 MPs in the Rajya Sabha However, ask economists and they from the India growth story. stock, leading to increase in meat, mato prices in June also has to do
and four Members of the Lok Sabha. The suspended would dismiss the impact of the But consumption of food items egg and milk prices. with heat waves in the northern
two factors as minimal. cannot move beyond the steady part of the country. The apple grow
MPs, of course, provoked the presiding officers From a layman’s perspective, in state level. This is particularly true Statistics don’t lie ing orchards in the foothills of Hi
with their disorderly conduct, including waving flation occurs when there is a mis for basic cereals and vegetables. Weathering the price rise Coming back to the Opposition’s machal Pradesh are fast vanishing.
placards in the well of the House, despite warnings. match between demand and sup Moreover, real wage rate data sug grouse, let us see if the rise in prices Unseasonal rains and excessive
During the debate on price rise both Rahul ply of output. Managing inflation is gest that there has been a marginal demand are missing. Clearly, the of LPG and prepackaged food items heat damaged production of lem
to manage demandside factors, increase for nonagricultural work root cause of inflation is not is fuelling inflation. Examining the ons, mangoes, and tomatoes. Even
Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi were absent from the Lok
supplyside factors, or a combina ers post2015. For construction demanddriven. weights of various commodities in wheat output has suffered because
Sabha. For the main opposition party, catching tion of both, affecting availability of workers, there has been a fall, par On the supply side, there has the current Consumer Price Index of excessive heat.
more eyeballs through street protests seemed a output (GDP). ticularly post2019. been a fall in net sown area. As per (CPI) series, LPG (belonging to Fuel Capacity constraints in the form
better option to sparring with the Finance Minister Demand management refers to Also, last fiscal, there has been a latest estimates, the net sown area and Light category) contributes a of a lack in cold storage facilities
in Parliament. In the Upper House, star speakers on the use of fiscal and monetary reduction in MGNREGA outlay — a in India is 139.3 million hectares meagre 6.84 per cent, whereas the and an imperfect market due to
policies when inflation is character 34 per cent fall in FY22 over FY21. The (Annual Report 202122, Ministry of Food and Beverages contribute 45.8 lack of reforms in the APMC Act
the economy were either absent or preferred to ised by a positive output gap (differ rural economy employs 350 million Agriculture). Ten years back it was per cent of the total weight. So the have made matters worse.
stay silent. Such indifference to the role of Parlia ence between demand and supply). people (around 54 per cent of the 141.1 million hectares. inflation, as explained by CPI, is As an aside, since May, the RBI has
ment as a body that is meant to debate policies to Agricultural output gap, the cause total workforce) and contributes Technology is also not coming to driven more by the rise in price of been trying to fight inflation by
ensure the best outcomes, does not bode well in a of food price inflation, can happen nearly half of India’s total GDP. The the rescue. For long, output per hec food and beverages and not LPG. raising interest rates. Rate hikes
because of an increase in demand slow growth in FMCG and two tare, a common measure of agricul Within the Food and Beverages cannot curb inflation when it is not
democracy. side factors or a reduction in supply wheeler sales in rural areas testifies ture productivity, remained low in category, a large chunk (more than driven by demandside factors.
of outputs. to the lack of demand. Additionally, India. For example, in potato farm 10 per cent) is contributed by fruits Fiscal initiatives such as reforms in
Among the demandside factors, procurement of foodgrains at Min ing, the productivity of Indian and vegetables, whereas the newly the agriculture, and putting in
consumption expenditure is im imum Support Price (MSP) has farmers is less than half that of added prepackaged items will have place climate policies may help.
portant. In India, it contributes fallen from ₹2.87 lakh crore in FY21 their counterparts in the US, Ger less than 1 per cent weight. In fact,
POCKET RAVIKANTH close to 60 per cent of GDP. Since to ₹2.37 lakh crore in FY22. The many and the Netherlands. prepackaged food of more than 25 The writer is Professor, School of
the start of this millennium, there factors which may have crankedup Over the last one decade, the an kg in a single packet would be ex Management, Mahindra University
LET TERS TO THE EDITOR Send your letters by email to [email protected] or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.
Two classes of creditors amendment is required in the law ends meet must undergo a radical hunting, one is the lack of faith in gainfully modernised, can meet
This has reference to ‘A raw deal to eliminate the differentiation change if India is going to be ma the government to provide em several challenges facing crucial
for operational creditors in IBC’ between the two classes of credit jor force in world agricultural ployment. sectors like space research, de
(August 10). The operational cred ors so as to give a fair share of cash exports. YG Chouksey fence and banking.
itors, by design, get only second flow to operational creditors. Anthony Henriques Pune MG Warrier
ary treatment. They do not have M Raghuraman Mumbai Mumbai
place or voting rights in the Com Mumbai Subsidy management
mittee of Creditors (CoC) and have No room for complacency This refers to ‘Sowing a crisis’ (Au Curb fertiliser subsidies
least priority in the waterfall Boosting agri exports This refers to ‘IMF paints a gloomy gust 10). Our country is known for At a time when the Centre is aim
mechanism in distribution of In an increasing hungry world, growth picture’ (August 10). The governments at all levels vying to ing to do away with the subsidy
realisations. there is a splendid opportunity for silver lining in the gloomy forecast play politics in the distribution of component, its plan of increasing
If the company goes for revival India to step in and become an im about the world economy is that public resources, especially reven the fertiliser subsidy outlay by 115
and if the services of the opera portant player in agriculture ex India would become the fastest ues raised through taxes. While per cent is disturbing. The sugges
tional creditor are essential for the ports. For far too long, agriculture growing economy with a growth governments in developed coun tion of initiating inflationlinked
going concern, the CoC may share has played poor cousin to the ser rate of 6.1 per cent, much ahead of tries camouflage subsidies and ‘ex price hikes on all fertiliser
some money. But this is not the vice and manufacturing sector the US and China. penses on marketing’ (which in products to narrow the gap
case if the company goes for li and it is time it takes its rightful However, this should not make some cases we call bribe) under between production cost and sales
quidation. Operational creditors place in the GDP of the nation. us ignore the looming dangers of different heads, we consider sub price is worth following. In paral
play a significant role in running The government has under high unemployment among the sidy as a bad word, which has res lel, the Centre must extend fertil
of a company and their support taken many initiatives to boost educated youth and inflation. The ulted in poor management of pro iser subsidy directly to the
strengthens its working and im agri exports. However, the main CMIE puts the unemployment rate duction, marketing and prices. farmers.
proves recovery chances of finan drawback is the general unwilling around 8 per cent. Also, the num Policymakers are yet to recon However, it is time that agricul
cial creditors also. ness of the farmers to change over ber of job seekers as measured by cile to the need for better manage tural experts advised the Centre to
There is no logic in treating from traditional crops and adopt labour force participation rate has ment of domestic gold stock, land frame timebound strategies for
them as subservient to financial more scientific and modern tech dropped from 46 per cent in 2020 and agricultural production and the gradual migration of farmers
creditors and fixing the distribu niques of production. to 40 per cent in 2022, according marketing. The only silver lining is to organic manure.
tion with reference to the realis The idea and image of a poor to World Bank data. Of the many a well developed public sector, RV Baskaran
able value on liquidation. An farmer struggling to make both reasons for this apathy for job which, if skilfully managed and Chennai
Published by N. Ravi at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860, Anna Salai, Chennai600002 and Printed by N. Vaidyanathan at Dangat Media Pvt Ltd, No. 22, Dighe MIDC, Vishnu Nagar, TTC Industrial Area, Dighe, Navi Mumbai400701 on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., Chennai600002. Editor: Raghuvir Srinivasan (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act). ISSN 0971 7528
o matter what indicator you early November. Everyone who bet that frastructure provision are not sufficient
use, Russian President Vladi Russian oil production would continue he recently concluded 5G spec to increase the national value addition
mir Putin is winning in the to drop — myself included — got it trum auction is viewed as a re share of the productivity gains expected
energy markets. Moscow is wrong. flection of India’s determina through digital industrialisation. If In
milking its oil cash cow, earning hun The second indicator is the price of tion to be a leader in the dia does not promote indigenous tech
dreds of millions of dollars every day to Russian oil. Initially, Moscow was forced adoption of the socalled Industry 4.0. nologies in old and new smart products,
bankroll the invasion of Ukraine and to sell its flavours of crude at huge dis But is the BigTech pushed Industry 4.0 the former may only serve to subsidise
buy domestic support for the war. counts to other varieties to entice buy narrative blindfolding India into being a foreign digital corporations’ innova
Once European sanctions against Rus ers. In recent weeks, however, the Krem forex draining ‘digital consumer eco tions and end up increasing their mar
sian crude exports kick in from Novem lin has regained pricing power, taking nomy’ rather than a leader? ket power across product segments.
ber, the region’s governments will face advantage of a tight market. It is reckoned that production is in As digitalisation spreads across sec
some tough choices as the energy crisis ESPO crude, a category of Russian oil creasingly moving into an era of auto tors, there will be increased demand not
starts to bite consumers and companies. from the Far East, is a good example of mated processes and controls among only for electronics products, but also for
Electricity costs for homes and busi the new trend. At the low earlier this connected devices, machinery and infra All kinds of data are increasingly being used for analyticsbased product innovations ISTOCK
new smart devices and machinery in dif
nesses are set to soar from October, as year, it sold at a discount of more than structure, which are also ‘smart’ because ferent industries; for instance, smart en
the surge in oil income allows Putin to $20 a barrel to Dubai crude, the regional of being aided by datadriven insights or also enabled through softwareembed providers of cloud, platforms, etc. These ergy products, smart health devices, etc.
sacrifice gas revenue and squeeze sup oil benchmark for Asia. Recently, ESPO digital intelligence. The resultant cyber ded products such as computers, digital corporations are able to continu Given the increased embeddedness of
plies to Europe. UK prices are likely to crude has changed hands at parity to physical systems is being popularly re laptops, smart phones and other soft ously improve their software by exploit software in digital devices, machinery,
jump by 75 per cent, while in Germany Dubai. Urals crude, the flagship Russian ferred to as Industry 4.0. wareembedded equipment and ma ing their unilateral access to data extrac etc. intelligentisation will worsen the ad
some municipal utilities have already oil export to Europe, isn’t benefiting as But the narrative of Industry 4.0 — as if chinery, including robots. ted over service provision for generating verse consequences of India’s existing
warned prices will increase in excess of much as ESPO, as its key buyers have tra we were in an era of radically new tech Intelligence is based on data analytics digital intelligence. This also enables structural issue — the dichotomised ex
100 per cent. Russia has successfully ditionally been countries such as Ger nologies with a total break from existing driven insights derived from realtime them to offer new value added services. istence of our software product industry
weaponised energy supplies; Western many rather than India. But it’s also re technologies — is dangerously mislead data collected through connected entit Apart from the cloud layer and sec from the electronics ‘hardware’ industry.
governments will come under increas covering in price, selling recently at $20 ing. All the major digital technology sys ies and other domains. Once again, IT toral platforms in ecommerce/financial Increased risk of further waves of for
ing pressure to spend billions to $25 a barrel cheaper than tems enabling these cyberphysical sys hardware and software are deployed for payments/mobility, etc., there is signific eign exchange outflows from the manu
either subsidising household the Brent benchmark, after tems have built on the earlier data analytics. However, this inalienable ant domination of global tech compan facturing sector — which was already sig
bills or, as is already the case in trading at a discount of al technology systems under the ongoing link between cyberphysical production ies in India’s other critical digital infra nificant in the preintelligentised era —
France, by taking control of most $35 in early April. information and communication tech systems (for digital transformation of in structural layers such as will not only be on account of growing
power companies. Moscow is finding new nology (ICT) revolution. dustry) and electronics industry inclus telecom/network equipment and other import of new softwareembedded
commodity traders, often op The latter had erupted in the early ive of ICT products, involves drastically digital value chain segments of ICT smart devices, equipment and ma
Production climbs erating from the Middle East 1970s around microprocessors and other closer intertwining between software devices and electronics products. There chinery, but also increased forex out
The first indicator showing and Asia and probably fin semiconductors, and their early applica and ‘hardware’ than in the earlier ICT/di are also foreign acquisitions not only of flows on the services account for techno
how Putin has turned the oil tide is Rus anced by Russian money, willing to buy tions across various electronics sectors. gital technology systems, especially for Indian startups, but also of older com logy payments for embedded AI and
sian crude production. Last month, the its crude and ship it to hungry markets. It is the further advancement in micro the generation and deployment of di panies across different spheres. other proprietary technologies across
country’s output climbed back to near With Brent crude hovering at close to processors and related technology sys gital intelligence derived from data. In the absence of a national data regu foreignowned digital value chain
prewar levels, averaging almost 10.8 $100 a barrel, and with Russia able to of tems around computers, consumer/ latory framework to enable data protec segments.
million barrels per day, only marginally fer smaller discounts, there’s plenty of space/military electronics, telecom and Databased insights tion and more equitable data sharing, If the benefits from catalysing acceler
down from the 11 million pumped in money coming in to the Kremlin. For the Internet, software, internetbased All kinds of personal and nonpersonal foreign firms obtain de facto control over ated digitalisation through Digital India
January immediately prior to the inva now at least, energy sanctions aren’t services, etc., which has led to the emer data are increasingly being used for ana the data in whichever activity they move initiatives and high shares of value addi
sion of Ukraine. Based on industry es working. gence of strongly interrelated new ICT/ lyticsbased product innovations. This is into. Given that product design and de tion from even ‘domestically produced’
timates, oil production is slightly higher The final indicator of Russian success digital technology systems since the why digital business models focus on velopment increasingly come on top of digital devices/machinery have to accrue
so far this month. is political, rather than market related. 2010s. collecting client/consumer and public data analyticsbased digital intelligence, to the national economy, India must pro
It isn’t a blip: July marked the third Back in March and April, Western policy The latter include cloud computing, data of all kinds, and monetising the ex this provides enormous firstmovers’ ad mote domestically ownedsoftwareem
consecutive month of oil production re makers were optimistic that the OPEC digital platforms, telecom and network tracted data in different ways. vantages to these foreign firms in devel bedded products across industries.
covery, with output up significantly cartel, led by Saudi Arabia and the technologies like 4G/5G, the Internet of But revenue generation through sale oping new goods and services with more This is a critical reason why the rev
from this year’s low point of 10 million United Arab Emirates, would ditch its al Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), of the extracted data for marketing is intelligent functions. enuebased incentives in the produc
barrels set in April, when European buy liance with Russia. The opposite has etc. only one part of unfolding digital trans In any value chain, those owing tionlinked incentive (PLI) schemes for
ers started shunning Russia and Mo been the case. The ‘cyberphysical’ or networked, formations. Across industries and activ product design patents extract the max various industries must be reoriented
scow scrambled to find new buyers. Despite a trip by US President Joseph automated and intelligent production ities, possibilities for improving per imum revenue share. This huge eco towards designoriented incentives.
After that initial struggle, Russia has Biden to Riyadh, Putin has retained his systems are nothing but the transforma formance and undertaking product nomic value to be derived from data for Equally critically, government pro
found new customers for the million influence inside the OPEC+ alliance. tion of production and value chains innovations based on intelligence de current and future revenue generation is curement of ‘national’ products that in
barrels a day or so that European oil re Soon after Biden departed from Saudi through the deployment of these new rived through data analytics have in why India’s policy success in regulating corporate nationallyowned designs/pat
finers have stopped purchasing due to Arabia, Russian Deputy Prime Minister ICT/digital technology systems. creased manifold. data will be a critical determinant of ents also has a foundational role within a
selfsanctioning. Most of that crude is Alexander Novak, , flew to the kingdom. Networking is achieved through tele Currently, without a national data reg how inclusive our digital industrialisa strategic digital transformation policy
ending up in Asia — notably India — but A few days later, OPEC+ announced a com and network products and other ulatory framework that prescribes rights tion will be. Expanding public digital in needed for increasing India’s technolo
also in Turkey and elsewhere in the minuscule oil production increase, softwareembedded devices/machinery and access to data, data is largely en frastructure provision is a second pillar gical sovereignty.
Middle East. And some is still showing keeping pressure on global energy mar connected as IoT, along with cloudbased trapped in the IPprotected algorithms/ needed for inclusive digitalisation.
up in Europe, with buyers still purchas kets. BLOOMBERG software architecture. Automation is software of foreign digital infrastructure Data governance and public digital in The writer is an Economist based in Delhi
China consumer It’s a rocky road ahead for electric vehicles TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY
inflation hits JAYAKRISHNAN K
diesel run vehicles. Currently, sheen off EVs. Already electric working after that period, the
August 11, 2002
lectric vehicles have taxes on petrol and diesel are a cars are costlier than their fossil buyer will be forced to change it
2year high started playing a big
role in reducing emis
major source of income for
States. In the first half of the fin
fueldriven counterparts. at a cost which often amounts to
half the price of the car.
Govt in fix over Ministry's waiver move on farm loans
The Centre is in a fix over the Agriculture Ministry's proposal
log on to @thegoaneveryday The Goan (Playstore) Thursday August 11, 2022
Turnout positive,
spoken at polls
>Professor of >Associate Professor
Geography, The in Social Geography
University of & Development
Melbourne Geography, The
University of
he 78.70 per cent voting percentage at the panchayat
election is a very positive sign and shows an increasing
Conversely, the proportion of young peo- they bring urban thinking into rural ar-
level of people’s involvement in grass-root bodies. Im- ple in agriculture has been increasing in eas to encourage schooling, agriculture
ages of elderly people being brought in to vote, some in oung people have been taking to recent years. and gender empowerment. In turn,
wheelchairs, only go to highlight how seriously these the streets across India, demanding These trends have stopped India from they enhance the viability of rural lives.
governments act to provide more experiencing the “demographic divi- By improving schooling, unemployed
elections have been taken by candidates and voters. The polling jobs. In the northern state of Bihar, large dend” predicted by economists, where- young people ensure villagers remain in
may have gone o� peacefully, but it has le� bitter rivalries between numbers protested on February at delays by the productivity of a large youth pop- rural areas rather than migrating to ur-
in �lling public sector vacancies. Some ulation promotes economic growth. Not ban areas. By campaigning for better in-
individuals and groups that only time could heal. While in sever- of them had passed the required exami- surprisingly, this dividend e�ect only frastructure, they enable new business.
al panchayats there has been a no-holds-barred contest between nations but waited several years for their operates if young people actually are in
friends, family members and aides of legislators, all eyes would job to commence. jobs.
now be focused on the Friday results since allegiances will surface In July and early August, hundreds of Harnessing the energy
young people walked more than 900km Should jobs come �rst? Attempts to build on this work could
only then. from Nagpur in central India to Delhi, Harnessing the energies of young peo- usefully look at formalising unemployed
Much against the initial expectation of the Opposition parties again focusing on the problem of govern- ple in India could be part of a solution to young people’s involvement in advising
ment posts lying vacant. unemployment. Social research in India, children about education, work, and oth-
launching an o�ensive, the election turned out to be a contest be- Behind these headlines is one of In- including our own work in Uttar Pradesh er issues. The government might identi-
tween individuals of varied a�liations except for a few segments dia’s most pressing problems: wide- and Uttarakhand, suggests young peo- fy, support and remunerate a group of
where the BJP and some legislators �exed muscle. Parties have spread, entrenched unemployment. ple, while frequently frustrated, o�en “guides” who could help young people
Youth unemployment rose sharply from have the skills, motivation, and time to navigate the changing landscapes of
stayed away from taking a direct plunge for political reasons, and about 6% in 2011-12 to more than 17% in assist their communities in processes of schooling and employment.
that is obvious. 2018-19. By then, nearly 40% of young development. This is especially important since
graduates were unemployed. Educated unemployed or underem- teenagers’ and pre-teens’ parents, who
Interestingly, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant who cast his vote Equally troubling has been an increase ployed young people have o�en accu- are typically in their forties and ��ies,
at Kothambi-Pale stated that panchayat polls are not about poli- in the number of young people trapped mulated a store of useful information o�en lack a close recent understanding
tics while maintaining that the grass bod- in part-time, insecure work that doesn’t and capabilities in their e�orts to nav- of how contemporary schooling and em-
re�ect their aspirations. igate schooling and employment mar- ployment markets work.
ies are key centres for rural development.
We only hope that kets. They also have experience in a The government could also partner
There is no denying that panchayats are Diverging trends range of places: rural, small town and with unemployed youth to develop new
the purpose of being High levels of unemployment and big city. Re�ecting these skills and ex- platforms for providing practical advice
elected as a ward indeed crucial in Goa’s village develop-
underemployment re�ect two related perience, they are o�en called on to as- on rural entrepreneurship, skills, the use
member, or even a ment story, but the question is why are trends: the very large numbers of young sist their families and communities in of technology and other issues.
successive governments not heeding Indians drawn into education over the Even if they ha- gaining access to healthcare or educa- In the parts of northern India where
Sarpanch, has sunk past 40 years, increasing demand for ven’t yet been tional opportunities, for example, or to we have worked, young people frequent-
in with the aspirants. pleas for devolution of powers — from Zil- salaried jobs; and the Indian economy’s able to yield attract infrastructure and development ly emphasise the need to develop portfo-
Social work is la panchayats to village panchayats. Con- failure to respond with large numbers of an economic schemes. lio careers rather than relying on a single
community service and trary to the CM’s statement, panchayats new jobs.
dividend, many
Unemployed young people, especial- line of work. The state could learn from
not self-service. That is in Goa have been powerless centres. Development theory suggests that ag- ly young women, are o�en involved in their experiences to develop new online
riculturally based countries will make a young people challenging gender norms that have lim- materials and revise school and univer-
the commitment that The enthusiasm re�ected in the election transition into manufacturing and servic- are producing a ited women’s participation in schooling sity curricula to re�ect new landscapes
is needed from each would largely be attached to attaining a es, opening up jobs for young aspirants.
social and cul- and paid employment. By advising on of work.
one, no matter which political or a social status that is attached
But this transformation isn’t occurring in
tural dividend
relationships, health and other issues, Such schemes could assist in allowing
India. they also act as interpreters of change for unemployed youth to be change makers.
party or alignment one to it and may be for some, it could open The number of people working in ser- for India, and the generation coming a�er them (teen- Even if they haven’t yet been able to yield
belongs to vices in India rose only marginally from more should agers and pre-teens). an economic dividend, many young peo-
up avenues of corruption. However, in the
about 35 million in 2005 to 39 million in Unemployed young people o�en have ple are producing a social and cultural
larger frame, development via grass root 2018-19. The number of manufacturing
be given the exciting ideas about how to bring about dividend for India, and more should be
bodies remains a myth, because till now panchayats are handling jobs in India declined over this period. chance to do so social change. Our research has shown given the chance to do so.
ordinary jobs that are not even remotely connected to the overall
development. Goa is among the very few States that have not em-
powered its panchayats to take decisions on 29 subjects, including THE INBOX >> I
land reforms, health, family welfare and education. If we may re-
call, it was in February 2020 that Panchayat Minister Mauvin God- Farewell Olivia, you didn’t prevent her from rising through the
inho assured us that devolution of powers will happen beginning shall be sorely missed Lawmakers should never be law breakers ranks in the Council of Scienti�c and In-
dustrial Research ; she had also headed
with the maintenance of government primary schools. Olivia Newton -John who sang some of
Politicians should be ever so truthful in all that they speak the Electrochemical Research Institute
and do. It is obnoxious when people we have elected as our earlier. Kalaiselvi will also hold charge
Interestingly, CM’s assertions of panchayat elections not being the biggest hits of the 70s and 80s while
representatives lie so blatantly and break promises at the drop
recasting her image as the virginal girl as secretary, Department of Scienti�c
political come against the backdrop of the BJP making grandiose of a hat. and Industrial Research of the Science
next door into a spandex clad seduc-
plans to celebrate wins of candidates in Panaji with its customary Those elected must be accountable for their acts of omission & Technology Ministry, joining a list of
tress -- a transformation reflected in her
and commission. Lawmakers must never be law breakers. We women scientists who have occupied
garlanding and photo ops with Sawant. If this is not a re�ection of starring role in ‘Grease’, one of the most
elect them to conscientiously serve the community and not to key positions in other agencies like ISRO
popular movie musical of its era died
politics, what is? this week in US at the age of 73. The
swi�ly rise from rags to riches. Politicians must not do what is and the Department of Biotechnology.
The fate of over 5,000 candidates has been sealed, and may the politically expedient but do what is right. The rule of law has She is currently involved in the develop-
British born, Australian raised performer
gone for a total toss with the selective targeting of political ment of practically viable sodium-ion and
deserving emerge as winners. We only hope that the purpose of whose album sales topped 100 million
foes so very blatant. Can the ED, IT and CBI not openly see and lithium-sulfur batteries and has more
records had lived with a breast cancer
being elected as a ward member, or even a Sarpanch, has sunk diagnosis since 1992. Olivia amassed
investigate those within the BJP who have amassed abundant than 125 peer reviewed research papers
wealth by wrong doings? In a small state like Goa itself we have published in international journals be-
in with the aspirants. Social work is community service and not numerous no 1 hits, chart topping al-
one too many. It is now a known fact that if one wants to be in-
bums and 4 records that sold more than sides holding 6 patents. Kudos again to
self-service. That is the commitment that is needed from each one, sulated from the rigors of law, joining, or even aligning with the Kalaiselvi for reaching the apex against
2 million copies each. During 1973-83
no matter which party or alignment one belongs to. It’s time to she was arguably the world’s most pop-
BJP is the only way to be in a safe haven, temporarily shielded all odds in a patriarchal society.
from the long arm of the law.
shun the rhetoric of development and get down to the basics. ular entertainers with 14 top 10 Billboard VINAY DWIVEDI, Benaulim
singles, won 4 Grammys, starred with AIRES RODRIGUES, Ribandar
John Travolta and Gene Kelly in Grease
and Xanadu respectively. Newton John’s
Successful Chess Olympiad
peppy, upbeat songs were a marker of top sports honour to cherish
our younger years, so much so that if The just concluded 44th FIDE Chess
you hadn’t heard Olivia you hadn’t heard we need to be careful. To go on a spree
Olympiad in Chennai has proved many
OPEN SPACE >> anything. Thank you for the music Olivia building airports nook and corner of
the country will only turn most airports things. India is capable of conducting
and continue to entertain in heaven. Adi- such a coveted Olympiad in great gran-
Besides waterfalls in State, os friend, you shall be sorely missed.
into white elephants, but also cause
environmental hazards. China, with
deur and with all precision and perfec-
tion if only handled by the right state and
more and more white elephants is an
springs too need faceli� Aviation industry needs
example in front of us. India needs an
infrastructural push but not at the cost
right people. Among the many greats
of the event, that the mission has been
planned meticulously and executed with
n an attempt to give a push to ecotourism, Forest Minister Vishwajit Rane on
Tuesday said the environs of waterfalls in Goa will get a faceli�. The forest
infrastructural boost of its own people and environment. all precision without any flaw within a re-
As our country is set to surpass China DIOMEDES PEREIRA, Corlim cord time of just four months is the most
department will be instrumental in protecting the waterfalls and enhanc- appreciable one. Moreover, the gratitude
ing visitors’ experience at these places of attraction. This is a step in the right as the world largest populous country in
direction towards developing hinterland tourism. Since many deaths due to 2023, as estimated by United Nations, Shattering glass ceiling in expressed by Arkady Dvorkovich FIDE
President and Sanjay Kapoor, President
drowning have been reported at the waterfalls it would be prudent to post life-
guards at these sites just like they are posted on the Goan beaches. Goa can
it is the right time for air travel in India
to become the fastest growing aviation nation’s scienti�c bodies Send your of All India Chess Federation to TN gov-
ernment and particularly Chief Minister
also boast of several freshwater springs. In the past these were popular picnic market in the world and also be more Breaking yet another glass ceiling letters to us M K Stalin for organizing such an event of
a�ordable. If that happens, the heavy in the country’s scienti�c bodies,
sites and were visited by the elderly citizens for a bath which had medicinal
burden on railways will lessen to a great electrochemical scientist N Kalaiselvi at editor@ huge magnitude within four months and
value. However, now most of these springs are in a dilapidated condition. The acknowledging with all grace that the
contamination of the underground water has made the water from the springs extent. Regional connectivity schemes has become the �rst woman Director
dangerous for a bath. The garbage strewn near the spring has become a sore like UDAN (Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik) General of CSIR, India’s premier public Letters must 44th Chess Olympiad conducted in Chen-
nai was the best of all the Chess Olympi-
sight. Besides improving the environs of the waterfalls the government also which aim to develop smaller regional sector R&D organization which controls be 150-200 ads speaks for the good e�orts taken by
airports might help achieve 40 crore air multiple state run institutions across
needs to take necessary steps for upkeep of these springs so that they regain
traveller target by 2027. Though I agree the country. Hailing from an humble words and all the stake holders of the event. This is
their past glory.
that India needs more airports which family in Ambasamudram, a small town mention the indeed a very proud moment for all Indi-
ADELMO FERNANDES, Vasco today stands at 136, there are many who in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu writer’s name ans, particularly the people of Tamilnadu.
say we need 200 airports in the country, Kalaiselvi had tough beginnings but that and location ANNA MARY YVONNE, Chennai
Printed and Published by: Pramod Acharya on behalf of Fomento Media. Editor: Joel Afonso (Responsible for selection of News under PRB Act). Disclaimer: Except for the editorials above, all columns and letters represent the views of the
Printed at: Elegant O�set Printers Pvt Ltd, Plot No 2/3/4, Thivim Industrial Estate, All Rights Reserved. concerned authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of The Goan Everyday’s Editor,
Karaswada, Mapusa, Goa. Editorial O�ce: Third Floor, Fourth Estate (Kamat Metropolis), St Inez, Panaji 403 001, Goa. Publisher and Owners.
Published at: Villa Flores da Silva, Erasmo Carvalho Street, PO Box 31, Margao 403 601, Goa. Ph: (0832) 240 5950 or mail us at [email protected] For circulation issues, please call (0832) 2450000 or mail: [email protected]
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AUGUST 11, 2022
E STA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 24
Focus on the base
Handle personal of the pyramid
data with care There are many Indias
encapsulated in India.
of the world. Europe and Indonesia will account
Just in terms of per capita, there for over 70% of the total consump-
are three Indias. If we go by pur- tion spending. In 2030, there will
The new rule on international passengers must
However, just in terms chasing power parity (PPP) esti- remain 200 million people living
be rolled out carefully and further checks built in mates for per capita in India, there is below sub-Saharan Africa levels.
of per capita, there are a Europe of about 50 million people All of India must care about this To be fair, the government has initiated many schemes for the poor.
three. While businesses with a per capita of $45,000 per dynamic. We are a thriving democ- However, it must also continue strengthening delivery, using technological
he government on Monday notified the annum; an Indonesia of 425 million racy where such growing inequality tools to ensure that the schemes reach their intended beneficiaries AP
Passenger Name Record (PNR) Information will focus on the top people (double the size of Indonesia) will cause major social tensions and
Regulations, 2022, making it mandatory for two, the State must with a per capita of $9,500 per fundamental instability. As the to this, agricultural incomes have migration from rural to urban areas.
annum; and a sub-Saharan Africa of Europe and Indonesia in India grow, not grown. The need to improve In the coming decade, govern-
any operating flight to share details of
empower the last tier by over 900 million people with a per products and services will target productivity in agriculture is criti- ment expenditures and schemes
international travellers with a customs agency. capita of $3,300 per annum, includ- them, akin to the dynamic that one cal. After a spurt during the Green should aim to lift India’s sub-Saha-
Among these are details of a person’s ticket — when providing water, health ing about 300 million people, whose can witness in the research budgets Revolution, agricultural growth ran Africa into the Indonesian seg-
it was booked, date of travel and billing information care, school education, income levels rank even below sub- of the global pharmaceutical indus- slowed to around 3.5% in the 1990s ment. To be fair, the government has
Saharan Africa. The first two Indias try. Basic ailments will continue to and 2000s. India’s rice yields are a initiated many schemes for the poor.
— and data about their travel, such as origin, and skills training are good enough for busi- affect poor parts of the third of China’s and are about half However, it must also continue
destination, and how many bags they are carrying. ness. It’s a consuming world due to neglect, while that of Indonesia. The same is true strengthening delivery, using tech-
ambridge economist India, growing rapidly with the needs of the rich get of other agricultural commodities. nological tools to ensure that the
Also included will be their seat numbers and co- Joan Robinson once increasing aspirations. attention because of their India’s sub-Saharan Africa schemes reach their intended bene-
passenger data. The government, in the notification, remarked: “Whatever The challenge for policy- economic clout. requires water for irrigation and ficiaries.
said the objective is to create an advance risk you can say rightly about makers and the govern- Technology does offer continuing innovation and research In addition to providing the living
India, the opposite is also ment is to address the Janmejaya hope for all, but the way in seeds and fertilisers to help farm- basics to the needy through subsi-
assessment to combat crimes under the excise law true.” To this day, the dic- opportunities for the India things are in India, technol- ers improve their yields. One of the dies, we need to, as the saying goes,
and for sharing of intelligence with other law tum has explanatory power. One of that business does not care
Sinha ogy adoption in the sub-Sa- sad political realities of our democ- “teach them how to fish” rather than
enforcement agencies. As safeguards, the the difficult things to explain, espe- about. This India has aspi- haran part of India is low, racy has been the supply of free provide the fish. Welfare schemes
cially to foreign CEOs building their rations that are not being smartphone penetration water and power to agriculture. This are important, but empowering this
notification says such data will be subject to privacy company’s presence in the country, met. As the consuming power of the poor, connectivity spotty, and there has distorted incentives and has led segment by fixing water, providing
laws in force, avoid certain types of information (like is that many Indias are encapsulated top two Indias grows, businesses is an increase in digital apartheid. to large transmission losses in primary health care and nutrition,
race and religion) and be processed only within a in India. There are many cuts to worldwide focus on them and cater This is evident in the fall in chil- power generation and poor power school education, and skilling, will
India — the 28 states, 22 official lan- to their needs. These segments are dren’s learning outcomes in the sub- supply. Indiscriminate use of free be required to sustain the country in
secure system. guages; urban and rural; the differ- powering the Indian economy, Saharan segment during Covid-19. water and power has led to steep the long run.
India isn’t the first country to set up such as ent communities, castes, and reli- already the world’s third-largest in One of the flaws in our develop- falls in the water table. Improper What a great India it will be if, in
system. In 2016, the European Union (EU) adopted gions; and the salaried and self-em- PPP terms. Yet, India cannot achieve ment model compared to China, cropping patterns in growing crops its 100th year of Independence, we
ployed workers. However, the most its potential, or ever be called a another large population country of that use a lot of water in areas lack- can’t find any Indian inhabiting sub-
the PNR Directive for all its member countries. Even critical India they need to funda- developed country, without improv- continental size, has been our ing water have further compounded Saharan Africa in India.
before the directive, the EU and the United States mentally grapple with is one span- ing the lot of those living at sub-Sa- neglect of water. After the initial this problem. One of the critical sus-
(US) signed a pact in 2011 to share PNR records. A ning different development stages. haran levels. What is worse is that investments in irrigation and dams tainability goals India should focus
An India that spans and demon- the growth rates in the income of in the early years after Independ- on is providing water security, espe- Janmejaya Sinha is chairman,
veritable data dragnet, such systems became strates the characteristics of the the top two segments are faster than ence, there has been salutary neglect cially for improving agricultural BCG India
expedient in the aftermath of the September 11 most developed to the poorest parts the bottom, so by 2030, India’s of water between say 1970-2010. Due productivity and cities to facilitate The views expressed are personal
attacks in 2001 and the terror strikes that followed in
parts of Europe later that decade. The US operates an
even more sophisticated system called the
Automated Targeting System. While little is known
about the American system, the data sought by India
Prioritise electric buses { NITISH KUMAR } BIHAR CHIEF MINISTER
suggests Delhi’s requirements may lie somewhere in
between the European and the American models in
terms of scope.
over all other fuel types Those who came to power in
Experts in India rightly point out that the purpose he 2021 World Air Quality report listed and the vehicle speed ranges require that
2014, will they be victorious
and safeguards of the country’s new model need to
be better explicated, at least for two factors. First, the
nature of the data sought qualifies as personal
information and at times even as sensitive personal
T 63 Indian cities in the top 100 cities in buses run at urban speeds (0 – 40 kmph) for
the world with the worst air quality. only 20% of the total test time; the remaining
Motor vehicle exhaust is one of the 80% of the time is spent at rural (40 – 60
prime reasons for poor air quality in Indian kmph) and motorway speeds (> 60 kmph),
cities and research published by the Interna- and this distances the test requirements from
in 2024? I would like all
[Opposition] to be united
for 2024. I am not a
information. The EU rules require data protection tional Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) the real-world operations typical of buses. contender for any
estimated that India experienced around To better understand real-world emissions
officers to oversee the functioning of PNR-sharing 74,000 premature deaths in 2015 due to trans- performance, ICCT conducted a detailed such [PM] post.
systems and have a provision for an independent portation-related pollution. Still, the amount investigation of a BS VI bus, which led its mar-
of exhaust emanating from cars, buses, ket segment in sales. Emissions were meas-
supervisory mechanism to mitigate the scope of trucks, rickshaws, scooters, and other vehi- ured on three routes: (1) the test route defined
abuse and harm that such databases can lead to. cles is increasing. in India’s current regulations; (2) a suburban
Second, five years ago, this month, the Supreme In this context, India’s nationwide transi- route; and (3) an urban route that represented
A 75-year-old bond of
tion to cleaner Bharat Stage VI (BS VI) emis- a typical public transport route in a city. The
Court laid down a broad principle that personal data sion and fuel standards on April 1, 2020, was emissions from the three routes were tested
can be accessed by the State only in manners that are a milestone. The leapfrog from BS IV to BS VI based on two approaches, the regulatory
“just, fair and reasonable”. With no statute still in standards for light- and heavy-duty vehicles approach where data was excluded as
place to codify this, the new rules may
need to be implemented carefully, and further
checks built in.
required coordination from all stakeholders, described above, and the second, where all the
and is a laudable step. The most notable data was included.
improvement in fuel standards
was the reduced the sulfur limit,
The results were surprising.
When following the regulatory
Maitri exists between
from 50 ppm to 10 ppm.
For vehicles, the new standard
includes an approximately 85%
reduction in the nitrogen oxides
methods, the urban route showed
virtually no NOx emissions, but
this wasn’t because there were no
emissions. Instead, it was because
India and Netherlands
(NOx) limit, a 70% reduction in Bharadwaj all the emissions data was he year 2022 is special as it marks strengthening global institutions and are
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ship docking at Lankan port? PRE-JUDGE THE
India, whose cross-border relations with China have soured, is worried that the Chinese-built
and leased port of Hambantota will be used by Beijing as a military base in its own backyard
and economic interests and
take all necessary measures
to safeguard them. To which
China gave a rebuttal that it
hoped “relevant parties”
would refrain from interfer-
ing with its “legitimate mari-
time activities”.
THE BALANCING ACT? ustice UU Lalit has
Sri Lanka has had to main- been appointed the
tain a fine balancing act be- 49th Chief Justice of
tween China and India. As India for a brief ten-
the country battles with an ure of less than three
economic crisis with zero for- months. He will demit office on
eign reserves, it needs the November 8 when he turns 65.
cooperation from Beijing, Even before he has taken over as
which is its key creditor. It the CJI, Justice Lalit is being
has now turned to the Inter- prejudged by his detractors who
national Monetary Fund to fear that he will show a pro-gov-
bail it out of this crisis and ernment bias in his functioning.
restructure its huge debt. The reasons cited are that he
Meanwhile, India too has was Amit Shah’s lawyer in the
provided nearly $4 billion in Tulsi Prajapati and Sohrabud-
aid to Sri Lanka this year, in- din Sheikh murder case, he was
cluding shipments of fuel appointed judge three months
and food. after Narendra Modi govern-
ment came to power in 2014.
WHAT IS BEIJING Critics allege that his appoint-
SAYING NOW? ment came at the cost of former
fter India voiced its deep con- with China after a clash in Sri Lanka, which is Predictably, China was upset. Solicitor-General Gopal Subra-
cerns over the docking of the Galwan valley in June It described India’s opposi- manium whose name was also
Chinese research and survey 2020, is worried that the Chi- currently tackling a very tion to the docking of a Chi- recommended for appointment
vessel Yuan Wang 5 at Sri nese-built and leased port of serious economic crisis, nese ship at a Sri Lankan by the collegium along with UU
Lanka’s Hambantota port, Hambantota will be used by port as senseless. It was Lalit’s.
the beleaguered island na- Beijing as a military base in had initially brushed aside “morally irresponsible” and It would be unfair to pre-judge
tion, which first tried to un- India’s backyard. India’s anxiety over against the norms of inter- the CJI-designate for what he
derplay the ship’s visit as Moreover, the $1.5 billion national relations for coun- did as a noted criminal lawyer
“nothing unusual”, finally port is near the main ship-
“security concerns”, tries to “exploit vulnerabili- and when he has yet to give any
backtracked and requested ping route from Asia to Eu- saying the Yuan Wang ties” of Sri Lanka at a time judgment. It was not the govern-
China to defer its arrival. rope. Situated in the home- 5 was only stopping when it is dealing with eco- ment which asked the SC colle-
But, the Chinese ship’s town of the ousted but power- nomic and political crises, gium to include his name.
visit, scheduled for Thursday ful Rajapaksa family, most of at the port for said Beijing.
(August 11) at the Hamban- the Hambantota port was “bunkering” China urged relevant par-
tota port, which is financed constructed using loans from ties to see its scientific explo-
with Chinese loans, built by a China. It is currently leased rations in a reasonable and SPIRITUAL SPEAK
Chinese firm and currently to China Merchant Port Hold- tracking and with specific us- sensible way and stop dis-
leased to China Merchant ings after Sri Lanka could age in intercontinental bal- turbing normal exchanges
Port Holdings after Sri Lanka not repay the debts. All of listic missile launches. between Beijing and Colom-
Therefore I tell you,
was unable to repay the loans, this has led India to fear the It may not be a military bo. Chinese foreign ministry whatever you ask for in
will not happen for now. potential use of the port for ship but it can be sent to car- spokesman Wang Wenbin prayer, believe that you
The Sri Lankan foreign military purposes. ry out missile tests, said said, “Sri Lanka is a sover- have received it, and it
ministry spokesperson shared India remains suspicious of news reports. With an aerial eign state. It can develop rela- will be yours.
with the media on Monday China’s growing influence in reach of more than 750 km, tions with other countries in
(August 8) that they have sub- Sri Lanka, which owes large the ship can allegedly spy on the light of its own develop-
mitted a request to China to amounts of money to Beijing Kalpakkam, Koodankulam, ment interests. The coopera-
defer the ship’s arrival. for the construction of its in- and atomic research centres tion between China and Sri
Chinese foreign ministry frastructure projects. Also, within Indian borders. It can Lanka is independently cho-
spokesman Wang Wenbin India wants to protect its stra- also track ports of Kerala, sen by the two countries and
slammed Sri Lanka’s decision tegic interests in the Indian Tamil Nadu, and Andhra meets common interests.” TOP TWEETS
and blamed the “gross inter- Ocean region, wary of China’s Pradesh and gather vital in- Sri Lanka is a transport
ference” of other countries. He constant efforts to increase its formation from installations hub in the Indian Ocean, Bhupender Yadav
said Chinese research ships influence in the area. in south India. Wang said, adding that many @byadavbjp
have regularly stopped in Sri scientific exploration ships
In 2014, Sri Lanka allowed
Chinese nuclear-powered Lanka for resupply and that IS SPACE-TRACKING INDIA’S OFFICIAL STAND including those from China
submarine Changzheng 2 cooperation between the two SHIP WORRISOME? ON VESSEL’S VISIT have stopped at Sri Lankan
in Colombo and it had led countries is normal. Wang Foreign security analysts External affairs ministry ports for resupplies. “China
to diplomatic tensions added that it was “unreasona- have labelled Yuan Wang 5 spokesperson Arindam has always exercised the free-
soaring with New Delhi. ble” and “senseless” for a third one of China’s latest space- Bagchi told the media that dom of navigation in the
Former President party to put pressure on Sri tracking ships, which can be they were aware of reports high seas and fully respects
Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who Lanka on the grounds of so- used to monitor satellite, of a proposed visit by this and fully respects the juris- A forest without lions is destroyed
was then secretary to the called security concerns. rocket and intercontinental vessel to Hambantota in Au- diction of coastal states of and lions without forests will perish.
ministry of defence, had to #WorldLionDay
even fly down to India to ballistic missile launches. gust. And that the govern- the scientific exploration ac-
meet with National WHAT ARE INDIA’S Some reports alleged that it ment will carefully “monitor tivities within their jurisdic-
CONCERNS? is a dual-use spy vessel, em- any development” that has a tion waters,” Wang added. Kiren Rijiju
Security Adviser Ajit Doval @KirenRijiju
to discuss the matter. India, whose relations soured ployed for space and satellite bearing on India’s security SOURCE: THE FEDERAL
Editor’s Hair Damage during Monsoon is real
Desk Okay, we've seen enough to know
that this season makes our hair more
vulnerable to damage, but surely we
nents like Hair & Care, which comprises
plant-based extracts of Aloe Vera and
Green Tea.
Use the towel-dry method
rather than blow-drying your hair
as this may cause it to become
can take preventative measures when Regular champi once a week more frizzy and dry. After sham-
the time is right? So here are five strat- The scalp can benefit greatly from pooing, it is ideal to dry your hair
egies to cure monsoon-related hair a 15-minute champi, which is similar with a microfibre towel. Instead of
damage. to a spa treatment and one of the vigorously combing your damp
Apply Aloe Vera and Green tea- greatest ways to heal damaged hair. It hair, gently squeeze it and fold it
By IANSlife
Explore India this Independence Day weekend
lay testament to the travels, explora- ences and instagrammable holiday! the environmental and cultural heri- nificant legacy in the family. archaeological museum for a dose of
New Delhi, Aug 10 (IANSlife) With tions, global design and aesthetic sen- Jehan Numa Palace, Bhopal: tage forward are the Jehan Numa Pal- The Jehan Numa Museum located the latest findings on the legendary
a lengthy Independence Day weekend sibilities of the otherwise traditional It is easy to see why the Bhopal city ace and the Jehan Numa Retreat, and in the central courtyard embodies the community.
coming up, make plans to honour Chettinadu traders. and the surrounding regions are so the people behind them, the direct unique story of Bhopal and the Royal Spice Coast Cruises:
India's history while enjoying some Visalam is authentic through its well-planned, clean roads, elegant ar- descendents of the Begums. Family, tracing their engagements and Explore Kerala differently!
downtime. Take some time out to ex- entire fabric of offerings and serves as chitecture (Taj-ul-Masjid and others), Jehan Numa Palace stands at the efforts. Jehan Numa Palace is synony- Kettuvallams were once used to carry
plore India's vast cultural and geo- a perfect base to explore the well-placed administration, thought- foot of Shyamla Hills with sweeping mous with an understanding of cargoes of rice and spices up and
graphic variety up close and personal Chettiand landscape of local traditions fully laid of greens and water bodies, views of the city. Built by the last son Bhopal's history, so much so that all down these Kerala waterways for cen-
and to feel proud of our country's ac- and rich heritage of arts - cycle/walk- walking tours begin at its door. turies. CGH Earth Spice Coast Cruises
complishments. ing tours of luxurious architecture and Chittoor Kottaram, Kochi, dress these traditional houseboats as
The largest exhibition of the interiors of Chettinad homes, meet the Kerala: gorgeous floating hotels for authen-
world's countless cultural ideas, each cotton weavers in action, learn the pro- Earthy Kerala luxuries and el- tic experiences of Kerala's backwaters
with its own customs, traditions, lan- cess of making the traditional, vibrant egance mark every inch of this 200 cultural and natural heritage.
guage, and cuisine, can be found in Athangudi tiles, observe the local vil- year old King's abode, a royal mansion Offering single and twin cabins,
India. And we don't even need visas to lage life. Hyperlocal experiences have of devotion by the picturesque back- the bedrooms are private and tradi-
travel to explore and enjoy this mind- been crafted within the property, in- waters. Built by the Rajah of Cochin as tionally luxurious with serene water
blowing legacy?literally it's only a cluding the fiery, nutritious and dis- a getaway from his routine and to pay views; the houseboats also comprise
short drive or flight away! Celebrate tinctive Chettinad cuisine cooked by homage to the family deity temple a living space and front deck. Charm-
India this year by travelling to one of the local village women. closeby, Chittoor Kottaram is a desti- ing local fisherfolk form your personal
these locations for a glimpse into Samode Haveli, Jaipur: nation by itself.Entering the single-key entourage, serving cuisine and craft-
some seductive, some ancient, and A visit to Rajasthan isn't complete heritage palace with a mystical boat ing activities that truly capture the
some eclectic cultural and natural his- without a taste of the much-spoken- ride through the Kerala waters and story and lifestyles of the people for
tory while you indulge yourself, soak about Rajasthan's royalty. What better one is already transported to a whom the waterways serve as a source
up traditional hospitality, and have a way to experience this than to stay at fantastical bygone era. Carefully and of life. CGH offers some extraordinary
well-earned, mindfully opulent vaca- one of the truest reflection of meticulously restored by Lady Halyn's itineraries on these exquisite house-
tion. Rajputana hospitality located just Trust, this true-blooded legacy lies in boats. However, even a weekend get-
Check in at these beautiful prop- within the Old city of Jaipur, the 200- an embrace of mystical gardens and away on these boats is a unique expe-
erties to savour the best of India: year old Samode Haveli. With gor- the stunning backwaters with swaying rience in serendipity and cultural in-
Visalam, Kanadukathan, Tamil geously intricate walls murals, some palms and flowering creepers. Airy, sights. And one that you can pack with
Nadu 100s of years old, art and furnishings well-lit and most aesthetically deco- water activities such as standup pad-
Explore 19th century Chettiar way of colourful flowing fabrics, and el- rated, 3 bedrooms and living quarters dling and canoeing for that extra zing
of life with this exquisite 15-roomed egant rooms and suites spread across are dotted with wooden windows, a to the fun!
heritage-boutique property in the bougenvilla fringed courtyards, ter- beautiful verandah and backyard to sit Fazlani Natures Nest, Lonavla,
Chettinad village of Kanadukathan. races and alcoves, the Haveli is what with a legacy in enriching literature of the Begum, General Obaidullah back, relax and enjoy the most gor- Maharashtra:
Visalam is a 100-year-old labour of fairytales are made of. Indulge in local and arts. Respect for the local tribes, Khan in the early 19th century, the Pal- geous greens and waters. Overlooking the majestic moun-
love, a gift from a father to his eldest Rajasthani cuisine, there's much to ex- the natural environment and Bhopal's ace beautifully captures the family's Enjoy dishes that are Kerala's best- tains of the Western Ghats and sur-
daughter - a progressive and rare oc- plore for plant and meat lovers, as well history is evident on the streets, in legacy and history of Bhopal and the kept secrets, as carefully planned and rounded by dense green lands with a
currence in those times. A veritable as other International cuisines and their civic sense, their museums (Tribal royal's way of life. The royal Bhopali personalised to suit tastes and dietary plethora of flora and fauna, Fazlani
museum, Visalam is one of the finest don't miss the morning guided walks museum and Museum of Man) and cuisine with a treasure trove of dishes needs, and let Mervin, the traditional Natures Nest resort offers a breath-tak-
examples of a typical Chettiar home, around the old-city curated by the their demeanor. created using centuries-old recipes are karyasthan (royal caretaker) regale ing display of lush green lawns beside
Burmese teak woodwork and ornate hotel; step outside the gates to revel After all, Bhopal was ruled by the served along with the global, modern with you anecdotes and stories of the azure lake waters in a tranquil hamlet
ceilings, chandeliers from Europe and in the city markets, museums and art powerful women of the royal family for cuisines, heritage rooms open onto Palace. Do keep a day to explore the called Takwe near Lonavala in
the Far East, Belgian glasswork, Italian centres, Samode Haveli is perfect for a over 400 years, and is popularly known balconies with views of the pool of the UNESCO protected town of Fort Kochi, Maharashtra. The visual delight is
marble, and beautiful handmade tiles, whole-some flavour of sophisticated as 'The land of the Begums'. Carrying royal stables and racecourse - unde- for its eclectic history and food! The therapeutic. Conveniently located be-
as well as a beautiful heritage pool, all royalty, binge-eating, Jaipur experi- the Bsgums' philosophy of preserving terred love for horses has been a sig- history lovers can also visit the Muziris tween Mumbai and Pune.
More ambitious emissions reduction targets will help Indian fossil fuel giants: IEEFA
New Delhi, Aug 10 (IANS) Global nies, NTPC andTata Power are role mod- transition-vulnerable sectors. plaining how they plan to adapt their works, known as sustainability-linked sions by 2040 or earlier.
green capital presents a multi-billion- els for charting successful pathways to IEEFA's report notes that NTPC and business models, establishing ambi- finance frameworks, to raise capital to IEEFA's report comes at a time when
dollar opportunity for Indian power transforming their business models Tata Power may be able to meet their tious targets and outlining financing achieve these targets would send the decarbonisation plans of countries and
sector giants such as NTPC and Tata and attracting foreign private capital," capital requirements through tradi- strategies to achieve their targets." right signals to ESG investors. It would companies are coming under increased
Power to fund their clean energy tran- says the report's co-author Saurabh tional financing. However, if the RBI's The report notes that NTPC and unlock new avenues of capital," says scrutiny. Assessments such as the
sitions. Trivedi, Research Analyst at IEEFA. recommendations are implemented Tata Power have commendable clean Trivedi.To follow the IPCC's proposed NewClimate Institute's recent report
A new report by the Institute for "However, successfully engaging the companies are likely to face rising energy deployment plans that will re- emissions reduction pathway or the help governments and corporations
Energy Economics and Financial Analy- serious green investors would depend financing costs. quire significant capital expenditure. SBTia¿s recommendations to keep glo- find gaps and address them.
sis (IEEFA) on Wednesday said robust on the companies' ambition and the "Global investors are increasingly However, their plans to reduce bal warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius, "Increasing non-fossil energy ca-
decarbonisation plans that align with transparency of their transition plans." concerned about climate risk," say emissions intensity by 17 per cent and NTPC would have to accelerate the de- pacity to 500 gigawatts and the reduc-
climate science-based net zero targets The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has Trivedi and co-author Christina Ng, Re- 20 per cent, respectively, by 2030 fall commissioning of coal mines and ex- tion of projected carbon emissions by
will be critical to mobilising this rising recommended that financial institu- search and Stakeholder Engagement short of the Intergovernmental Panel isting coal-fired power plants and stop one billion tonnes by 2030 were not
tide of sustainable finance. tions voluntarily mitigate the potential Leader, Debt Markets, at IEEFA. on Climate Change's (IPCC) proposed constructing new ones, while Tata included in India's updated Nationally
IEEFA's report compares the clean climate risk in their portfolios. Such a "To access new financing instru- pathway -- a key consideration for glo- Power would have to disclose and set Determined Contribution (NDC)," he
energy deployment and greenhouse move would require their clients in the ments in foreign capital markets, such bal ESG investors.Tata Power is ex- out a plan to divest from stakes in In- says."Yet renewable capacity additions
gas emissions reduction pathways of emissions-intensive industries to set as sustainability-linked bonds and pected to publish revised emissions donesian coal as well as accelerate de- will have to expand at a far faster rate
NTPC and Tata Power with those of Ital- sustainable energy transition strate- loans, Indian fossil fuel-based compa- reduction targets, which are currently commissioning of its coal-fired power for India to be on a pathway towards
ian energy company Enel, which, as a gies. nies must convince foreign investors, in the validation stage with the Science- plants. limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees
pioneer of sustainability-linked finan- The RBI's recent consultation paper especially environmental, social and Ba
des Targets initiative The UN-backed Race to Zero cam- Celisus. This requires fossil fuel compa-
cial structures, has raised billions of also recommended that financial insti- governance (ESG) investors, that they (SBTi)."Adopting more ambitious emis- paign and the SBTi recommend that nies to redouble their efforts to transi-
dollars to fund its decarbonisation. tutions start factoring in climate risk are taking big steps to become clean sions reduction targets alongside for- power companies commit to achieving tion to a clean energy future."
"As India's leading power compa- while investing in or lending to energy energy companies."This involves ex- mal outcome-based finance frame- net zero across Scope 1, 2 and 3 emis-
t h e da ily gua r dia n r eview
we d n e s day | 10 augu st 2 0 2 2
new de l h i comment & analysis 7
for a regional role ANOTHER U-TURN
There’s a good reason why Tejashwi Yadav used to
he United States-led the United States. It sug- resilience, clean energy, or pendence on China, are yet to was deliberately kept out but “just another” plan for ers from various parties, including the Abdullahs,
Indo-Pacific Eco- gests that trade with the digital economy. In 2019, the yield any pragmatic outcome. from President Obama’s TPP its partners especially India Kejriwal, Mamata Bannerjee, Yechury and Rahul
nomic Framework Indo-Pacific supports more United States launched a Blue Such deliverables, however, owing to stringent TRIPS- and Southeast Asian coun- Gandhi present. Given the fact that the Congress is in
(IPEF) is calling for prosper- than three million American Dot Network (BDN) as a cer- can be defined only in case of plus commitments has also tries. IPEF can make sense no shape to lead the charge against the BJP and Modi,
ity in the region. It, therefore, jobs and attracts approxi- tification system that aimed mega-regional trade agree- expressed its interest in only if it advances “region- a united opposition would do well to throw its weight
solicits a critical assessment. mately $900 billion FDI to ensure transparency in ments. joining it now. With such re- building” in the Indo-Pacif- behind Nitish’s candidature.
We need to evaluate if it is a in the United States. So, in infrastructure financing. Third, IPEF cannot even configurations, a rule-based ic, but without prioritising That is not to say that Nitish’s popularity has not
serious effort toward “region- congruence with a previous This was also positioned be compared with congre- system can’t be determined American interests. Also, the waned. Certainly he is not the same leader that he
building” in the Indo-Pacific American initiative viz. Build against the BRI –reflecting gations like Asia-Pacific by economic frameworks like American narratives against was in 2013 when he took a stand against Modi’s
or just another geopolitical Back Better World (B3W) an American impatience to Economic Cooperation IPEF, but by mega-regional China, even if appealing for candidature as PM. Much water has flown under
manoeuvring by the United that aimed to create Ameri- counter China even through (APEC) that was formed in blocs which not only hosts few Indo-Pacific countries, that bridge since then, his own credibility has also
States to find a regional role. can jobs, IPEF, too, carries frameworks with unmatched 1989 and includes countries China, but also Australia, Ja- cannot help sustain their taken a hit after he tied hands with Modi after first
The context has to be how similar ambitions. In fact, mandate. The IPEF dis- on both sides of the Pacific pan, South Korea, and others. geo-economic interests. opposing him. Neither is the JD(U) the single largest
the American partners in countries which supported course, too, is moving in this Ocean. Almost all the issues Fourth, on a strategic note, Faisal Ahmed is a Professor party in the state. Riding on Nitish’s coat-tails, the BJP
the region would benefit, the B3W are yet to decipher direction. that comprise the core man- a crucial issue for the Asian of International Business at has made considerable inroads—which makes you
and not what the United any pragmatic gains. B3W, Second, IPEF is not posi- date of both B3W and IPEF allies of the United States is to FORE School of Management, wonder about the former’s political smarts. But the
States thinks it must do. The a G7 backed $40 trillion in- tioned as a traditional free are already there on APEC’s decipher for themselves the New Delhi. Alexandre Lambert Opposition is currently so bankrupt that any viable
members must, therefore, ap- frastructure plan launched trade agreement. And can- agenda, and all countries relationship between Quad- is the Academic Director at Ge- alternative to the Gandhis will do, even if it’s one with
proach this framework with in June 2021, was positioned not be compared with a currently in IPEF except rilateral Security Dialogue neva Institute of Geopolitical a slightly damaged political aura. Over to 2024, and
adequate caution. Here’s why. to focus on four potential ar- mega-regional bloc like Com- India are also APEC mem- (Quad) and Australia-Unit- Studies, Geneva. They are au- we may see a Modi Vs Nitish face off, that is, of course,
First, a White House state- eas viz. climate, health and prehensive and Progressive bers. So, at least for India, ed Kingdom-United States thors of the book The Belt and if Nitish remains put in one place till then and doesn’t
ment of 23 May clearly as- health security, digital tech- Agreement for Trans-Pacific joining APEC would create (AUKUS). AUKUS was Road Initiative: Geopolitical do another U-turn.
serted the significance of nology, and gender equity. It Partnership (CP-TPP). This more geo-economic gains formed by the United States and Geoeconomic Aspects PRIYA SAHGAL
the Indo-Pacific region for has been almost a year now, is because, for a cooperation instead of relying on IPEF– last year by including its old published by Routledge, c.2022.
Editorial Director: Prof. M.D. Nalapat; Managing Editor: Pankaj Vohra; Editor: Joyeeta Basu; News Editor: Bikash C Paul; Printed and Published by Rakesh Sharma for and on behalf of Good Morning India Media Pvt. Ltd.; Printed at: Good Morning India Media Pvt. Ltd, Khasra No. 39, Village Basai Brahuddin Nagar, Gautam Buddha
Nagar, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, (U.P.-201301); Published at: S-I, 2nd Floor, Green Park, Opp Canara Bank, New Delhi-110016; The Editorial offices: 275 Captain Gaur Marg Sriniwaspuri Okhla, New Delhi - 110065; Mumbai Office: Juhu Hotel, Juhu Tara Road, Santa Cruz-West, Mumbai-400049; Chandigarh Office: SCO-7, Sector 17-E,
Chandigarh- 160017; RNI Registration No: Applied For; Title Code No: DELENG19869; For Subscriptions and Circulation Complaints Contact: Delhi: Mahesh Chandra Saxena Mobile:+ 91 9911825289, CISN 0976 - 0008
8 legally speaking the daily guardian review
wedne s day | 10 augus t 2022
new delhi
tax matters
ecently, Section 194 and receives a new car worth pharmaceutical company
R was inserted by INR 5, 00,000/-the value of for promotion purposes
the Finance Act 2022, INR 5,00,000 will be taxed would be taxable income.
which came into effect on under the head of Profit. As such, free samples cannot In the matter of ACIT Vs Solvay Pharma India Ltd, the court held that free samples provided by the pharmaceutical
July 1st, 2022. CBDT made The intention of this sec- be treated as a freebie. The
certain recommendations tion is to expand the scope complimentary sample of company for promotion purposes would be taxable income. As such, free samples cannot be treated as a freebie.
via Circular 12 from the day of deducting tax on benefits medication serves solely to The complimentary sample of medication serves solely to demonstrate its effectiveness and to win the doctors’
of the addition of this section, or perquisites and to increase demonstrate its effectiveness
it has become highly debat- transparency in the report- and to win the doctors’ con- confidence in the high quality of the pharmaceuticals. Again, this cannot be regarded as gifts given to doctors
fidence in the high quality of
able. Before touching the is-
sues of this section, we need
ing of benefits and perqui-
sites received by an individ- the pharmaceuticals. Again,
as they are intended to promote the company’s goods. The pharmaceutical corporation, which manufactures
to understand the legal pro- ual. Because this particular this cannot be regarded as and markets pharmaceutical products, can only increase sales and brand recognition by hosting seminars
vision of section 194 R. incentive is in kind rather gifts given to doctors as they
In simple terms, the new than cash, recipients of such are intended to promote and conferences and educating medical professionals about recent advances in therapeutics and other medical
section mandates a person
who is responsible for pro-
kinds of transactions do not
include it in their income
the company’s goods. The
pharmaceutical corpora-
fields. Since there are daily advancements in the fields of medicine and therapy taking place throughout the
viding any benefit or perqui- tax return. As a result, inac- tion, which manufactures globe, it is crucial for doctors to stay current in order to give accurate patient diagnosis and treatment.
site to a resident to deduct tax curate income information is and markets pharmaceutical
at source at 10% of the value provided. Such an incentive products, can only increase advancements in medicine, pany would need to deduct lated by deducting expendi- a social media influencer. She There is no further require-
or aggregate value of such or bonus in kind ought to ide- sales and brand recognition which is advantageous for TDS on it. ture incurred on their busi- received an offer from a com- ment to check whether the
benefit or perquisite before ally be reported as income by hosting seminars and both the pharmaceutical in- Another question that pops ness. Filming costs, such as pany for product promotion amount is taxable in the
providing such benefit or under the 1961 Income-tax conferences and educating dustry and the doctors treat- up is that in the case of gifts cameras, microphones, and in another city. She charged hands of the recipient or un-
perquisite. The benefit or Act (ITA). Also, according medical professionals about ing patients. Free medication and perks received on spe- other equipment; subscrip- her fee of Rs 88,000 and the der which section it is taxable.
perquisite may or may not to Section 28(iv) of the ITA, recent advances in thera- samples provided to doctors cial occasions like birthdays, tion and software licencing travel expense incurred by The Supreme Court took the
be convertible into money, any benefit or perk received peutics and other medical by pharmaceutical corpora- marriages, and festivals, un- fees; internet and commu- her was Rs 25,000. Here, the same view in the case of PIL-
but it must result from such from a business or profes- fields. Since there are daily tions cannot be considered der such circumstances, Sec- nication costs; home office company will reimburse her COM vs. CIT in reference to
resident’s business or profes- sion, whether convertible advancements in the fields of freebies in light of the afore- tion 194R will only be applied costs, such as rent and utili- travel expenses. So, the travel the deduction of tax under
sional activities. As per this into money or not, must be medicine and therapy taking mentioned value. if they arise out of business ties; office supplies; busi- expenditure incurred by the Section 194E. It was held by
section, tax will be deducted reported as business income place throughout the globe, it Hence, under such circum- or profession. ness costs, such as travel or company is covered under the Hon’ble Supreme Court
by business or profession on in the hands of the receiver. is crucial for doctors to stay stances, for such a sales effort, As we know, we are head- transportation costs; and the benefits and perquisites that tax is to be deducted un-
any benefits or perquisites of Now Section 194(R) gives the current in order to give ac- the pharmaceutical company ing towards digitalisation. others are examples of what provided to Nandini. Hence, der section 194E at a specific
a person who is residing in right to the payee to deduct curate patient diagnosis and may deduct its expenses. The There are many social media can be written off as a social TDS is to be deducted under rate indicated therein, and
India. The benefit or perqui- the amount, whether in cash treatment. The main goal of promotion would, however, influencers who are playing media influencer. To illus- section 194R at the rate of there is no need to see the
site can be in the form of cash or kind, arising out of busi- these conferences and semi- be taxable income in the a crucial role in marketing trate how Section 194 R will 10%, i.e., Rs 2500 is deduct- taxability under DTAA or
or kind, or partially in cash ness promotion. nars is to keep doctors up hands of the receiver, and strategy. Income received be applicable in such a situa- ible from the fees payable to the rate of taxability in the
and partially in kind. Tax de- The terms “benefits and to date on the most recent the pharmaceutical com- by an influencer is calcu- tion, let’s consider Nandini is Nandini. hands of the non-resident.
power issues
n Finance Minister Nir- upliftment. Chandigarh ability, and stakeholders are countable for their projects. parks are the new buzzwords
mala Seetharaman’s was the first planned city of evaluated on these param- The Act makes all relevant in the sector. They will gain
words, India stands on independent India - one of eters. project details, including further traction as the incum-
the threshold of Amrit Kaal, the successful trials of ur- Many corporate business the approvals and permis- bent government focuses on
or the ‘Era of Elixir’. Regard- ban planning and modern houses have also ventured sions, available at homebuy- its visions of Atmanirbhar
ing the country’s real estate architecture. To address into the sector. Prominent ers’ fingertips and provides Bharat and India becoming
sector, we can be a little more the ever-increasing need for and listed real estate play- a mechanism for redressing a USD 5 trillion economy.
restrained with such defini- housing, the government set ers are successfully gaining complaints and grievances.
tions. Still, there is little doubt up institutions like the Hous- market share and helping RERA establishes specific NOT A HOME RUN YET
that the industry has made ing and Urban Development the industry consolidate - a standards for the construc- As these sectors and econom-
remarkable progress since Company (HUDCO), City The rapid growth of the try of global investors. This In the country’s urban areas, much-needed process that tion and development of real ic activities rev up, housing
it attained independence 75 Industrial and Development IT-ITeS sector resulted in catalysed the development of the development has been steadily eliminates unwhole- estate that aim to improve for the workers they employ
years ago. Real estate has not Corporation (CIDCO), and the expansion of new urban malls and other organized re- tangible. some elements and the she- transparency in real estate will pose a significant chal-
been left behind - quite the the National Housing Bank centres across major cities tail spaces across the country. CLSS: To provide momen- nanigans for which they were transactions. It has given lenge. The government has al-
contrary. (NHB). like Bengaluru, Chennai, PMAY: With the Pradhan tum to affordable housing known. homebuyers several rights ready laid the framework for
This once hugely belea- The liberalization of policies Hyderabad, Kolkata, MMR, Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) and generate demand for it, Some of the significant and has set forth specific affordable rental housing and
guered sector has made in the 1990s facilitated signifi- NCR, and Pune. These cit- program, the social housing the government has provided reforms in recent times and laws and regulations that invites private participation,
history-defying forward cant changes in the real estate ies were the first to witness sector - mainly aimed at the for subsidized interest to be their effects: all developers must observe. but there is still a lack of clari-
strides, especially in the last sector. Many international changing skylines and rapid economically weaker sections paid to financial institutions GST: This taxation reform In the five years of its ex- ty. ARHCs (Affordable Rental
8-10 years. companies jostled to establish vertical development. - has gathered momentum lending to borrowers in this was conceived and imple- istence, 87,124 projects and Housing Complexes) are now
Today, massive transforma- businesses in India, trigger- At the turn of the century, over the last decade. PMAY housing category. The cost of mented to enable a uniform 65,500 agents have been among the most urgent needs
tion across sectors and indus- ing a consistently increasing the sector was further invig- was launched with a specific ownership became easier on tax code across the coun- registered across the coun- in post-Independence India
tries has assured India a rec- demand for commercial and orated when foreign direct and ambitious target to pro- prospective buyers and em- try. Completed real estate try. The regulator has suc- - and the government’s Hous-
ognizable position in the new residential real estate. investments allowed the en- vide Housing for All by 2022. powered women with the so- projects are exempted from cessfully disposed of 97,404 ing for All vision.
Right to education