Operating System (CS 502)
Operating System (CS 502)
Operating System (CS 502)
Code: CS 502
Contacts: 3L + 1T
Credits: 4
Allotted hours: 42L
Module 1: Basics 3L
Operating System Functionalities, evolution of O.S., Different types of O.S.: batch, multi-programmed, time-
sharing, real-time, distributed, parallel, Structural overview, Loader, linker, assembler, command interpreter,
CPU scheduling: scheduling criteria, preemptive & non-preemptive scheduling, scheduling algorithms (FCFS,
SJF, SRTF, RR, priority, multilevel queue, multilevel feedback queue scheduling).
Process Synchronization : background, critical section problem, synchronization hardware, classical problems
of synchronization(producer-consumer, readers-writer, dining philosophers, etc), semaphores, monitors.
Deadlocks: deadlock characterization, methods for handling deadlocks, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance,
deadlock detection, recovery from deadlock. 4L
Virtual Memory: background, demand paging, page replacement algorithms (FCFS, LRU, Optimal), thrashing,
Working set model. 3L