Cucumis Metuliferus Hortscience 26 8 1051-1053 1991
Cucumis Metuliferus Hortscience 26 8 1051-1053 1991
Cucumis Metuliferus Hortscience 26 8 1051-1053 1991
Fig. 6. Typical increase in chamber set point and corresponding chamber temperature as the light
intensity increased from 0 (sunrise) to 400 µmol·m -2·s-1 on a winter morning.
Effect of Sowing Dates, Temperatures Israel, and its market is expanding. Since the
fruit has a long shelf life and retains its dec-
orative appeal for many months at room tem-
on Germination, Flowering, and Yield perature, it can be developed into a decorative
vegetable (Joy, 1987). Moreover, if its fla-
of Cucumis metuliferus vor is improved it may also have potential
as a new vegetable crop.
A. Benzioni, S. Mendlinger, and M. Ventura Conditions for successful germination and
The Institutes for Applied Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, the effect of sowing dates on crop develop-
ment were studied in a series of experiments
P.O.B 1025, Beer-Sheva 84110 Israel designed to identify cultivation practices
useful for economic production.
S. Huyskens Germination. Percentage and rate of ger-
Obst- und Gemüsebau Institut der Universitiät Bonn, Germany mination were examined at 8, 12, 20, 25,
Additional index words. cucurbitaceae, crop production, brackish water, horned 35, 40, and 45C. Ten seeds were placed be-
cucumber, melano, kiwano tween two layers of wet cotton in petri dishes
(85-mm diameter) in each of two dishes per
Abstract. Seed germination, growth, flowering, and yields of Cucumis metuliferus treatment. The seeds used were prepared from
Mey. were examined in several seasons and conditions in the northern Negev, Israel. ripe fruits grown for these experiments. After
Germination was optimal between 20 and 35C. Germination was delayed at 12C, totally separation from the jelly, seeds were stored
inhibited at SC, and greatly inhibited above 35C. Salinity increased the time required at room temperature for 6 months because
for full germination. Plants sown in mid-March set fruit in mid-May and gave a higher preliminary tests indicated that aging for
yield of export-quality fruits than plants sown in mid-April, which set fruit normally several months improved germination (A.B.
but produced a large proportion of small (<200 g) fruits. Plants sown in June did not and S.M., unpublished). Germination was
flower until October. C. metuliferus sown in a greenhouse on three dates in October scored daily by root emergence for 24 days.
and November developed very slowly during the cold months and leaves were chlorotic; Germination under saline conditions (0, 20,
however, fast growth and development resumed in the spring and high yields were 50, and 80 mM NaCl) was examined at 30C
eventually achieved. using the same protocol but with 15 seeds
per dish.
Cucumis metuliferus (African horned cu- the local population (Bruecher, 1977; Keith Date of planting experiment. Seeds were
cumber, kiwano, melano) is endemic to the and Renew, 1975). The plant is a monoe- sown on sandy loess at the Sha’ar Hanegev
semi-arid regions of southern and central Af- cious, climbing annual with staminate flow- Experimental Station (northern Negev, Is-
rica, where it is eaten as a supplement by ers typically appearing several days before rael) on 15 Mar., 15 Apr., and 3 June 1988
pistillate flowers. The ellipsoid fruit is bright at a density of 10,000 plants/ha. The exper-
yellow-orange when mature and shaped like imental design consisted of a Latin square
Received for publication 22 June 1990. This work a short, stout cucumber with many blunt with three treatments. The field was divided
was supported by the GIARA program file no. thorns on its surface. The mesocarp is green into nine rows on raised beds, each 2 × 54
864393. We gratefully acknowledge the excellent
and consists of juicy, bland-tasting tissue. m (width/length). Three rows constituted one
technical work of S. Avni. The cost of publishing
this paper was defrayed in part by the payment of Parthenocarpic fruits are produced when block and each row was partitioned into three
page charges. Under postal regulations, this paper temperatures are low (A.B. and S.M., un- sections 18 m long, each sown at one of the
therefore must be hereby marked advertisement published). C. metuliferus is grown as an three dates. The middle row of each block
solely to indicate this fact. ornamental fruit in New Zealand, Kenya, and was used for yield and fruit quality analyses.