Actros mp2 (HM)
Actros mp2 (HM)
Actros mp2 (HM)
1033C Failure of the frame CAN bus (GM-HM) Current and stored
1033D Communication problem on the frame CAN bus (GM-HM) Current and stored
00346 Communication fault with control unit BS Brake control Current and stored
00347 Communication fault with control unit BS Brake control Current and stored
00348 Communication fault with control unit BS Brake control Current and stored
0034A Communication fault with control unit FR drive control Current and stored
0034B Communication fault with control unit FR drive control Current and stored
0034D Communication fault with control unit MR engine control Current and stored
0034E Communication fault with control unit GS Gear control Current and stored
00350 Communication fault with control unit PSM Parameterizable Special Module Current and stored
00352 Communication fault with control unit INS Instrument Current and stored
00353 Communication fault with control unit INS Instrument Current and stored
00355 Communication fault with control unit TCO Tachograph Current and stored
00357 Communication fault with control unit GM Base module Current and stored
00358 Communication fault with control unit GM Base module Current and stored
00359 Communication fault with control unit GM Base module Current and stored
0035C Communication fault with control unit MSF Modular switch panel Current and stored
10364 The CAN message 'Vehicle speed' from control units FR drive control and BS Current and stored
Brake control is missing.
00365 No CAN message 'Vehicle speed' from control module FR drive control or message Current and stored
is faulty.
00366 No CAN message 'Engine speed' from control module FR drive control or message Current and stored
is faulty.
00367 No CAN message 'Mean vehicle speed at front axle' from control module BS Brake Current and stored
control or message is faulty.
00368 No CAN message 'Speed difference of the front wheels' from control module BS Current and stored
Brake control or message is faulty.
0036B No CAN message 'Curvature of bend' from control module BS Brake control or Current and stored
message is faulty.
0036C No CAN message 'Braking power' from control module BS Brake control or Current and stored
message is faulty.
0036E No CAN message 'Engine specified torque' from control module FR drive control or Current and stored
message is faulty.
0036F No CAN message 'Brake torque' from control module BS Brake control or Current and stored
message is faulty.
00371 No CAN message 'System and (or) update time' from control module GM Base Current and stored
module or message is faulty.
00373 No CAN message 'Failure of the frame CAN bus' from control module GM Base Current and stored
module or message is faulty.
00377 No CAN message 'Status of the operating unit' from control module GM Base Current and stored
module or message is faulty.
00379 No CAN message 'Starting-off aid request (Europe)' from control module MSF Current and stored
Modular switch panel or message is faulty.
0037A No CAN message 'Starting-off aid request (Scandinavian)' from control module Current and stored
MSF Modular switch panel or message is faulty.
0037B No CAN message 'Lift axle request' from control module MSF Modular switch Current and stored
panel or message is faulty.
0037E No CAN message 'Current time' from control module TCO Tachograph or message Current and stored
is faulty.
0037F No CAN message 'Current date' from control module TCO Tachograph or message Current and stored
is faulty.
00381 No CAN message 'Generator signal (D+)' from control module GM Base module or Current and stored
message is faulty.
003E6 Implausible wake-up signal on the frame CAN bus (GM-HM) Current and stored
1043C Failure of the frame CAN bus (FM-HM) Current and stored
1043D Communication problem on the frame CAN bus (FM-HM) Current and stored
00461 Communication fault with control unit FM front module Current and stored
00462 Communication fault with control unit FM front module Current and stored
00474 No CAN message 'Failure of the frame CAN bus' from control module FM front Current and stored
module or message is faulty.
00490 No CAN message 'Actual current of the front axle shock absorber' from control Current and stored
module FM front module or message is faulty.
00491 No CAN message 'Front axle position sensor' from control module FM front module Current and stored
or message is faulty.
00492 No CAN message 'Outside air temperature' from control module FM front module Current and stored
or message is faulty.
104E6 Implausible wake-up signal on the frame CAN bus (FM-HM) Current and stored
11433 Signal cable 'Position sensors at driven axle' has T. Current and stored
11434 Signal cable 'Position sensors at driven axle' has S. Current and stored
11532 Level control position sensor on the left drive axle has Q. Current and stored
11533 Level control position sensor on the left drive axle has T. Current and stored
11534 Level control position sensor on the left drive axle has S. Current and stored
11535 "Left driven axle" position sensor: incorrect coil resistance Current and stored
11632 Level control position sensor on the right drive axle has Q. Current and stored
11633 Level control position sensor on the right drive axle has T. Current and stored
11634 Level control position sensor on the right drive axle has S. Current and stored
11635 "Right driven axle" position sensor: incorrect coil resistance Current and stored
11738 Level control's position sensors on the right and left drive axles have failed Current and stored
1191F Level control's common supply line for the pressure sensors has T , Q. Current and stored
11A33 Level control pressure sensor on the left drive axle has T. Current and stored
11A34 Level control pressure sensor on the left drive axle has S , Q. Current and stored
11B33 Level control pressure sensor on the right drive axle has T. Current and stored
11B34 Level control pressure sensor on the right drive axle has S , Q. Current and stored
01C33 Level control pressure sensor on the front axle has T. Current and stored
01C34 Level control pressure sensor on the front axle has S , Q. Current and stored
11D38 The pressure sensor for the level control on the right and left drive axles have failed Current and stored
11E1E Level control's common ground for the solenoid valves has Q. Current and stored
11E1F Level control's common ground for the solenoid valves has T. Current and stored
11E20 Level control's common ground for the solenoid valves has S. Current and stored
11F1E Solenoid valve 3/2 'Air admission' for level control has Q. Current and stored
11F1F Solenoid valve 3/2 'Air admission' for level control has T. Current and stored
11F20 Solenoid valve 3/2 'Air admission' for level control has S. Current and stored
1201E Solenoid valve 2/2 'Left driven axle' for level control has Q. Current and stored
1201F Solenoid valve 2/2 'Left driven axle' for level control has T. Current and stored
12020 Solenoid valve 2/2 'Left driven axle' for level control has S. Current and stored
1211E Solenoid valve 2/2 'Right driven axle' for level control has Q. Current and stored
1211F Solenoid valve 2/2 'Right driven axle' for level control has T. Current and stored
12120 Solenoid valve 2/2 'Right driven axle' for level control has S. Current and stored
1221E Solenoid valve 3/3 'Lower 3rd axle' for level control has Q. Current and stored
1221F Solenoid valve 3/3 'Lower 3rd axle' for level control has T. Current and stored
12220 Solenoid valve 3/3 'Lower 3rd axle' for level control has S. Current and stored
1231E Solenoid valve 3/3 'Raise 3rd axle' for level control has Q. Current and stored
1231F Solenoid valve 3/3 'Raise 3rd axle' for level control has T. Current and stored
12320 Solenoid valve 3/3 'Raise 3rd axle' for level control has S. Current and stored
1241E Solenoid valve 2/2 'Front axle' for level control has Q. Current and stored
1241F Solenoid valve 2/2 'Front axle' for level control has T. Current and stored
12420 Solenoid valve 2/2 'Front axle' for level control has S. Current and stored
028C8 Plausibility error at the front axle when lifted Current and stored
028C9 Plausibility error at the front axle when lowered Current and stored
029C8 Plausibility error at the left drive axle when lifted Current and stored
029C9 Plausibility error at the left drive axle when lowered Current and stored
02AC8 Plausibility error at the right drive axle when lifted Current and stored
02AC9 Plausibility error at the right drive axle when lowered Current and stored
12C0F Checksum of the parameters for the level control is wrong. Current and stored
12C10 Level control parameters contain invalid values. Current and stored
12D0F Checksum for calibrating position sensors is wrong. Current and stored
12D10 Position sensor calibration data contain invalid values. Current and stored
12E0F Checksum for calibrating pressure sensors is wrong. Current and stored
12E10 Pressure sensor calibration data contain invalid values. Current and stored
12F0F Checksum of axle load data for level control is wrong. Current and stored
12F10 Axle load data for level control contain invalid values. Current and stored
1300F Checksum of permissible axle loads for level control is wrong. Current and stored
13010 Permissible axle load data for level control contain invalid values. Current and stored
1321F Common ground lead for proportioning valves in shock absorbers of rear axle 1 has Current and stored
1331E Proportioning valves in the shock absorbers on the rear axle 1 have Q. Current and stored
1331F Proportioning valves in the shock absorbers on the rear axle 1 have T. Current and stored
13320 Proportioning valves in the shock absorbers on the rear axle 1 have S. Current and stored
13321 The specified current for the proportioning valves in the shock absorbers on the rear Current and stored
axle 1 is not reached.
1341E Proportioning valves in the shock absorbers on the rear axle 2 have Q. Current and stored
1341F Proportioning valves in the shock absorbers on the rear axle 2 have T. Current and stored
13420 Proportioning valves in the shock absorbers on the rear axle 2 have S. Current and stored
13421 The specified current for the proportioning valves in the shock absorbers on the rear Current and stored
axle 2 is not reached.
1351F Common ground lead for proportioning valves in shock absorbers of rear axle 2 has Current and stored
1370F Checksum of the parameters for the roll control is wrong. Current and stored
13710 Roll control parameters contain invalid values. Current and stored
03D29 Indicator switch 'Interwheel differential lock at rear axle 1' has S Current and stored
03E29 Indicator switch 'Interwheel differential lock at rear axle 2' has S Current and stored
03F29 Indicator switch 'Interaxle differential lock' at rear axle 1 has S Current and stored
04029 Indicator switch 'Interaxle differential lock' at transfer case has S. Current and stored
0490A Checksum of the parameters for the differential lock is wrong. Current and stored
04910 Differential lock parameters contain invalid values. Current and stored
1501F Common supply line of brake wear sensors at rear axle 1 has T. Current and stored
15020 Common supply line of brake wear sensors at rear axle 1 has S. Current and stored
15133 Brake wear sensor on the left side of the rear axle 1 has T , Q. Current and stored
15134 Brake wear sensor on the left side of the rear axle 1 has S. Current and stored
15233 Brake wear sensor on the right side of the rear axle 1 has T , Q. Current and stored
15234 Brake wear sensor on the right side of the rear axle 1 has S. Current and stored
1551F Common supply line of brake wear sensors at rear axle 2 has T. Current and stored
15520 Common supply line of brake wear sensors at rear axle 2 has S. Current and stored
15633 Brake wear sensor on the left side of the rear axle 2 has T , Q. Current and stored
15634 Brake wear sensor on the left side of the rear axle 2 has S. Current and stored
15733 Brake wear sensor on the right side of the rear axle 2 has T , Q. Current and stored
15734 Brake wear sensor on the right side of the rear axle 2 has S. Current and stored
1590F Checksum of the parameters for the brake wear sensor is wrong. Current and stored
15910 Brake wear sensor parameters contain invalid values. Current and stored
05F33 Oil temperature sensor of maintenance system at driven axle 1 has T. Current and stored
05F36 Oil temperature sensor of maintenance system at driven axle 1 has exceeded Current and stored
measurement range.
06033 Oil temperature sensor of maintenance system at transfer case has T. Current and stored
06036 Oil temperature sensor of maintenance system at transfer case has exceeded Current and stored
measurement range.
1630F Checksum of the parameters for the maintenance system is wrong. Current and stored
16310 Maintenance system parameters contain invalid values. Current and stored
1641E Rear left turn signal lamp has Q. Current and stored
1641F Rear left turn signal lamp has T. Current and stored
16420 Rear left turn signal lamp has S. Current and stored
16422 At least one bulb is faulty in the left rear turn signal lamp. Current and stored
16522 At least one bulb is faulty in the left taillamp. Current and stored
16622 At least one bulb is faulty in the left brake lamp. Current and stored
16A1E Rear right turn signal lamp has Q. Current and stored
16A1F Rear right turn signal lamp has T. Current and stored
16A20 Rear right turn signal lamp has S. Current and stored
16A22 At least one bulb is faulty in the right rear turn signal lamp. Current and stored
16B22 At least one bulb is faulty in the right taillamp. Current and stored
16C22 At least one bulb is faulty in the right brake lamp. Current and stored
1810F Checksum of the parameters for the exterior lights is wrong. Current and stored
18110 Exterior light parameters contain invalid values. Current and stored
2821F Supply line of supply pressure sensor 'Brake circuit 1' has T. Current and stored
28220 Supply line of supply pressure sensor 'Brake circuit 1' has S. Current and stored
28333 Supply pressure sensor signal line 'Brake circuit 1' has T , Q. Current and stored
28334 Supply pressure sensor signal line 'Brake circuit 1' has S. Current and stored
28336 The supply pressure sensor 'Brake circuit 1' has exceeded the range of Current and stored
28337 The supply pressure sensor 'Brake circuit 1' has gone below the range of Current and stored
2841F Supply line of supply pressure sensor 'Brake circuit 2' has T. Current and stored
28420 Supply line of supply pressure sensor 'Brake circuit 2' has S. Current and stored
28533 Supply pressure sensor signal line 'Brake circuit 2' has T , Q. Current and stored
28534 Supply pressure sensor signal line 'Brake circuit 2' has S. Current and stored
28536 The supply pressure sensor 'Brake circuit 2' has exceeded the range of Current and stored
28537 The supply pressure sensor 'Brake circuit 2' has gone below the range of Current and stored
2870F Checksum of the parameters for the compressed-air system is wrong. Current and stored
1881F Common supply line of pressure switches 'Brake circuit 3' and 'Electrical Current and stored
accessories' has T.
18820 Common supply line of pressure switches 'Brake circuit 3' and 'Electrical Current and stored
accessories' has S.
18929 Signal line of the pressure switch 'Brake circuit 3' has S. Current and stored
18A29 Signal line of pressure switch 'Electrical accessories' has S. Current and stored
1931F Common supply line of indicator switches 'Brake circuits 3 and 4', 'Rear axle', Current and stored
'Dumper' and 'Transfer case' has T.
19320 Common supply line of indicator switches 'Brake circuits 3 and 4', 'Rear axle', Current and stored
'Dumper' and 'Transfer case' has S.
09429 Indicator switch 'Neutral position' on transfer case has S. Current and stored
09529 Indicator switch 'Off-road gear position' on transfer case has S. Current and stored
09A0F Checksum of the parameters for the fuel gauge is wrong. Current and stored
09A10 Fuel gauge parameters contain invalid values. Current and stored
0EB1F Supply line of pressure switch 'Tipper indicator' has T. Current and stored
0EB20 Supply line of pressure switch 'Tipper indicator' has S. Current and stored
0EC29 Signal line of the pressure switch 'Dumper control' has S. Current and stored
0EF0F Checksum of the parameters for the dumper is wrong. Current and stored
1F01F 'Nummek axle' solenoid valve return line has T. Current and stored
1F020 'Nummek axle' solenoid valve return line has S. Current and stored
1F11E Solenoid valve 'Lift Nummek axle' has Q. Current and stored
1F11F Solenoid valve 'Lift Nummek axle' has T. Current and stored
1F120 Solenoid valve 'Lift Nummek axle' has S. Current and stored
1F21E Solenoid valve 'Lower Nummek axle' has Q. Current and stored
1F21F Solenoid valve 'Lower Nummek axle' has T. Current and stored
1F220 Solenoid valve 'Lower Nummek axle' has S. Current and stored
1F31E 'Nummek axle' relay return line has Q. Current and stored
1F31F 'Nummek axle' relay return line has T. Current and stored
1F320 'Nummek axle' relay return line has S. Current and stored
1F51E Nummek axle pressure switch return line has Q. Current and stored
1F51F Nummek axle pressure switch return line has T. Current and stored
1F520 Nummek axle pressure switch return line has S. Current and stored
1F71F Nummek axle proximity switch supply line has T. Current and stored
1F90F Checksum of the parameters for the Nummek axle is wrong. Current and stored
1F910 Nummek axle parameters contain invalid values. Current and stored
1FA1F Common supply line of indicator switches 'Parking brake' and 'Interwheel Current and stored
differential lock at rear axle 1' has T.
1FA20 Common supply line of indicator switches 'Parking brake' and 'Interwheel Current and stored
differential lock at rear axle 1' has S.
0FB29 Signal line of the pressure switch 'Parking brake' has S. Current and stored
0FF0F Checksum of the parameters for the parking brake is wrong. Current and stored
0FF10 Parking brake parameters contain invalid values. Current and stored
105E6 Implausible wake-up signal on the frame CAN bus (GM-HM) Current and stored
09636 Fuel level sensor 1 has exceeded the measuring range. Current and stored
09637 Fuel level sensor 1 has fallen below the measuring range. Current and stored
09836 Fuel level sensor 2 has exceeded the measuring range. Current and stored
09837 Fuel level sensor 2 has fallen below the measuring range. Current and stored