Ho Categorical
Ho Categorical
Ho Categorical
When variables predicted by other variables (an endogenous variable in a model or an indicator of a latent
variable) are measured on an ordinal scale and there are relatively few categories, 2-4 categories,
estimation methods specifically designed for categorical variables are recommended (Finney & DiStefano,
2013). This includes nominal binary variables (e.g., pass/fail, divorced, yes/no, heart attack vs. no heart
attack). For ordinal variables with several values, a categorical analysis approach will have the greatest
advantage (less bias) compared with standard ML when the following conditions hold (Rhemtulla,
Brosseau-Liard, & Savalei, 2012): (1) when the values between categories are not equidistant; (2) when the
relationship between the categorical measured variable and the theoretical variable it is supposed to
measure is not a linear relationship—not entirely unrelated to (1); and (3) when the ordinal variable is
skewed or kurtotic.
WLSMV works by first creating a matrix of polychoric correlations. Polychoric correlations estimate the what
the association between two continuous, normally distributed variables would be if they been converted to
dichotomous or ordinal observed variables. 2 Polychoric correlations, which Finney and DiStefano (2013)
refer to as “latent correlations” represent the correlation between the unobserved underlying continuous
variables frequently called y* (“y star”; some authors use eta, but that potentially confuses it with what we
use for multiple indicator latent variables). In the estimation process, the polychoric correlations are used to
create an asymptotic covariance matrix that serves as the weight matrix for the WLS estimation. The
resulting path estimates represent the change in y* on a standardized z scale for each unit change in the
predictor. These are the same as what is obtained with probit regression. The distribution of y* requires an
arbitrary scaling constraint, much like a latent variable. In Mplus, there are two versions of WLSMV
estimates that have different approaches to setting the scaling of the y* distribution, delta parameterization
and theta parameterization (Muthén & Asparouhov, 2002). Delta parameterization is the default and sets
the scaling by setting the measurement residual to 1.0 and theta parameterization sets the scaling of the y*
There is another option for weighted least squares, called WLSM in Mplus and lavaan. Both WLSM and WLSMV adjust the standard errors in the
same way, but the WLSM method only does a mean adjustment when correcting the chi-square. Because the WLSMV method seems to work better
(Asparouhov & Muthen, 2010a; Muthen et al., 1997), I do not recommend using the WLSM option.
There are three related definintsion for this type of latent correlation, tetrachoric, for binary variables, polyserial for binary and continuous, and
polychoric for ordinal variables. The term polychoric correlation is often used as a general way of referring to any of these three related correlations.
Psy 523/623 Structural Equation Modeling, Spring 2023 2
variance to 1.0, estimating the measurement residual variance. Both can be called variants on the probit
model, but theta parameterization corresponds more exactly to the probit regression estimates in which the
y* distribution is assumed to be standardized. These scaling choices are arbitrary in the sense that the chi-
square for the model and the significance tests of the parameter estimates will be equal. WLSMV works well
in many situations, although because WLSMV is not a full information method it has stricter assumptions for
missing data (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2010).
MLR (robust marginal maximum likelihood). Marginal maximum likelihood estimation (or sometimes just “full
maximum likelihood”) is a special maximum likelihood approach for binary and ordinal variables (Bock &
Atkin, 1981; Christoffersson, 1975; Muthén & Christoffersson, 1981). This method, which is less commonly
employed with SEM models than the WLSMV method, uses the frequency tables in the analysis so can be
distinguished from the ML estimation process used for continuous variables. Commonly used in Item
Response Theory (IRT) measurement analysis, the default categorical ML estimation yields logistic
parameter estimates that can be converted to odds ratios. 3 This approach is not available in many SEM
software programs, but Mplus uses the marginal maximum likelihood estimation approach this when
ESTIMATOR=ML is used in conjunction with dependent variables identified as categorical on the
CATEGORICAL statement. A robust version of ML for categorical variables, which uses robust standard
error estimates, is called MLR in Mplus. The R package lavaan currently has limited categorical ML
estimation capabilities. An important drawback to the MLR estimation is that the traditional chi-square nor
most of the usual alternative fit indices are available to judge fit. Instead Mplus prints a Pearson chi-square
and likelihood ratio chi-square based on the contingency tables for the model implied and obtained
frequencies. WLSMV probit and ML logistic estimates will often be quite similar in terms of their statistical
conclusions. Work by Bandalos (2014) indicates that robust MLR performs better than the unadjusted ML
and that MLR performed similarly to the WLSMV method. Compared with WLSMV, MLR has somewhat less
power but better control of Type I error in smaller samples. Bandalos's work also suggests that sample
sizes of 150 may be too small with either method, especially where distributions of the categorical variables
are asymmetric. Newsom and Smith (2020) also found that the two estimators performed similarly but that
with MLR had important convergence advantages and that WLSMV had some advantages for the small
sample sizes in the context of binary growth curve models.
Bayesian. Amos does not use either of the above estimation approaches for categorical variables, but the
most recent editions allow a Bayesian approach (Lee, 2007). The Bayesian approach, also available in
Mplus and the R package blavaan, requires an iterative process known as the Markov Chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC). To date, there is less information on the performance of this approach with SEM with respect to fit
estimation, the optimal algorithms to use, and standard errors under various conditions (cf. Lee & Yang,
2006). The Bayesian estimation process depends upon the distributional priors used and some artful
judgment in the testing process. The Bayesian structural modeling approach has not become a popular
alternative thus far but may increase in popularity at least for certain circumstances in the future (see
Kaplan & Depaoli, 2012 for an introduction; see also Depaoli, 2021; and the handout from this class
“Alternative Estimators”).
Also see the handout from this class “Alternative Estimation Methods” for more details on categorical
Fit Indices
Less is known about how fit indices perform with WLSMV and categorical MLR under various
circumstances—certainly not with the same level of precision on which Hu and Bentler based their
recommendations about fit with continuous variables. The WLSMV chi-square used by Mplus (see
Asparouhov & Muthén, 2010a) seems to perform pretty well, even for sample sizes as small as 100 (Flora &
Curran, 2004), although there is still likely to be a practical problem with using chi-square as a sole measure
of fit because of its sensitivity to sample size. Although some work has supported use of RMSEA, TLI, and
Probit parameter estimates can also be requested with link = probit.
Psy 523/623 Structural Equation Modeling, Spring 2023 3
CFI with categorical model estimation (WLSMV; Beauducel & Herzberg, 2006; Hutchinson & Olmos, 1998;
Yu & Muthén, 2002), Savalei (2021) provides evidence that fit is overestimated with these indices and
suggests some computational adjustments (using continuous ML with polychoric correlations) that appear to
work well.
Until the most recent version (Version 8), Mplus reported the Weighted Root Mean Square Residual
(WRMR) for fit of models with categorical observed variables (Yu & Muthén, 2002 recommended WRMR of
less than 1.0 as indicative of good fit). The most recent versions of the program no longer use WRMR
because of data suggesting poor performance with larger samples and larger models (DeStefano, Liu,
Jiang, & Shi, 2018) and use a modified computation of the SRMR instead (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2018),
where the usual cutoff of < .08 is suggested to indicate good approximate fit. Recent evidence (Savalei,
2021; Shi, Maydeu-Olivares, & Rosseel, 2020) suggests that SRMR is not subject to the overfit bias of the
Nested Tests
Nested tests (likelihood ratio test) require special attention for robust estimation, including WLSMV (i.e.,
estimator = WLSMV in Mplus and lavaan). The scaling correction factor (scf) must be used to weight the
difference (Satorra, 2000; Satorra & Bentler, 2001). Asparouhov and Muthén (2006; 2018b) have adapted
the tests developed by Satorra (2000) and Satorra and Bentler (2001) that computes the estimated ratio of
the weighted likelihoods of two models using WLSMV estimation for ordinal variables. Mplus provides
automated nested tests with the DIFFTEST command that can be used for several estimation or robust
methods (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2013, 2018b; Bryant & Satorra, 2012; Satorra & Bentler, 2010). See the
handout “Examples of Chi-square Difference Tests with Nonnormal and Categorical Variables” for an
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