MTec 121 Lab Manual
MTec 121 Lab Manual
MTec 121 Lab Manual
Department of
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
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and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Quality Policy
other stakeholders and that the system shall be continually improved for their
relevance and effectiveness.
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
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Laboratory Manual in
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
College Dean
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
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and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Nullam dapibus nulla purus, et iaculis nunc auctor sed. Nunc vel nisl non odio
venenatis fermentum. Suspendisse pulvinar finibus molestie. Vestibulum
vitae mauris molestie enim posuere condimentum at ut eros. Phasellus at
elementum odio. Fusce eu lectus at risus dapibus maximus id pharetra quam.
Phasellus mollis eleifend dui, at efficitur tortor lacinia sed. Curabitur placerat
odio metus, sit amet sodales est porta et. Sed ultrices justo felis, id iaculis
nisl lacinia nec. Proin a magna purus. Nulla imperdiet risus quis massa
lacinia, quis elementum justo dapibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed eleifend
nisi id orci maximus fermentum.
Pellentesque consequat viverra nibh in dictum. Aenean vitae elementum nisl.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet ornare
ipsum. Aenean scelerisque placerat nisi non sodales. Suspendisse sit amet
elit ac neque pulvinar blandit vel et massa. Duis vulputate justo volutpat dui
porta rutrum.
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
Jundy R. Castil
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
V0 07-15-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Table of Contents
Vision i
Mission i
Quality Policy i
Title Page iii
Foreword iv
Acknowledgment v
About the Authors vi
Table of Contents vii
List of Tables xii
List of Figures xiii
Exercise No. 2: 12
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
Introduction 12
Learning Outcomes 12
Materials 12
Discussion 12
The Measuring Tools 12
How to read measuring instruments 17
The Layout Tools 23
Steps in Laying out or Marking out any metal surface 26
Laboratory Tasks 27
Task 1: The Vernier Caliper 27
Task 2: The Micrometer Caliper 28
Task 3: Laying out on a Metal 30
Guide Questions: 32
Instructions on how to prepare and submit Laboratory Exercise 36
Additional Resources 37
References 38
Exercise No. 3 40
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
Exercise No. 4 88
References 115
Welding 117
Introduction 117
Learning Outcomes 117
Materials 117
Discussion 117
What is Welding 117
Types of Welding operation 118
1. Gas Welding 118
2. Arc Welding 119
3. Resistance welding 126
4. Solid state welding 127
5. Thermo-chemical Welding 128
6. Radiant energy Welding 128
Welding joints and welding positions 129
Laboratory Task 131
Task: Perform Virtual Welding Operation 131
Guide Questions: 132
Instructions on how to prepare and submit Laboratory Exercise 133
Additional Resources 133
References 135
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
List of Tables
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List of Figures
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MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
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and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
31 Figure 3-22 (a) set of flaring and swaging tools, (b) flaring
tool bit, (c) swaging tool bit, and (d) the form of a swaged
and flared tubing 77
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
Learning Outcomes
1. Define workplace hazards;
2. Identify different types of workplace hazards and injuries;
3. Define personal protective equipment (PPE);
4. Identify different types of PPE’s base on its applications;
5. Identify safety signs and symbols.
Exercise Manual, Pen and Pencil, Bond Paper
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
(2) whipping of hoses and lines and (3) improper use of compressed
j. Electrical Contact – Exposure to electrical current may cause death
and injury
c. Foot Protection - Includes safety boots or shoes with steel toe caps;
foundry boots with steel toe caps, which are heat resistance and
designed to keep out molten metal; wellington boots to protect
against water and wet conditions and anti-static footwear to prevent
the build-up of static electricity on the wearer (Figure 1-7).
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
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Colors plan an essential safety role in giving information for use in the
prevention of accidents, for warning of health and safety hazards. Specific
color is used to identify gas contents of gas cylinders, pipeline and services,
the identification and safe use of cables and components in electronic and
electrical installations as well as the correct use of fire-fighting equipment.
The purpose of a system of safety colors and safety signs is to draw
attention to objects and situations which affect or could affect health and
safety. It should be understood that the use of a system of safety colors and
safety signs does not replace the need for appropriate accident prevention
measures. Table 1-1 shows the meaning and examples of use of safety color.
Table 1- 1. Safety color; its meaning and use
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
Table break
Table continuation
Safety color Meaning Example of use
Laboratory Tasks
The photos below are taken inside a workshop. Identify the operation
and its possible hazards.
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
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Illustrate and identify what PPE should a worker have to wear when
he/she is to perform Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). The PPE should be
specific to the name and description of eye, head, foot, hand, protective
clothing and ear protection.
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
Guide Questions:
1. Your instructor gave you a task to make a project that involves
machining operation. You went to the workshop alone on Saturday to
finish the task because you were busy for the entire weekdays. When
Monday came, your instructor reprimand you telling you that what you did
was not good. Explain why you’re wrong.
2. Suppose you are a freshman student. One of your subject requires you
together with your groupmates a project that involves metal fabrication
(cutting, drilling, grinding, and polishing). Your group then make a plan and
come up a design ready for fabrication. When you and your groupmates
are already inside the workshop, your groupmates then go abruptly to the
respective machine or equipment ready to do the fabrication. Your
instructor found out what your groupmates did and hurriedly approach you
telling you that what you did wasn’t right. Explain why. (Are there risks
present and what are these? What should be the proper thing to do
especially when dealing this kind of project that involves fabrication?)
3. Why it is not allowed to use cotton cloth or loose long sleeve when
working on a lathe machine?
4. Differentiate between OSHA and ISO in terms of its contribution to the
safety in the workshop.
5. The Department of Mechanical Engineering has a welding area where
students can do metal fabrication. As a student, list the appropriate safety
signs that can be applied in this area and briefly add an explanation. (Write
the safety message and its corresponding color code example: no parking-
red & white and a short explanation why you choose it)
your Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise
number and title, and the task number. Do not forget to cite the article you
selected. No two or more students should have the same article, failure to
do so will mark incomplete with this exercise.
4. for Guide Questions
Write or encode your answers in any type of paper as long as it is
readable. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to encode
your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have your
Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise number
and title, and the task number.
If you choose to submit all the outputs ONLINE, scan everything, convert it
into pdf file ONLY (you can download CAMSCANNER in the app store), and
submit it on the VSU eLearning site under our Course MTec 121.
If you choose to submit all the outputs VIA COURIER, put it on an envelope
with your Name, Course Title and Offering Number, and Laboratory
Exercise number written on the back side. Address your output to the
Instructor’s Name, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of
Engineering and Technology, Visayas State University, Visca, Brgy.
Pangasugan, Baybay City, Leyte.
Failure to follow these instructions will have deduction of points.
Additional Resources
Reading Materials:
A. M. Wagener and H. R. Arthur, Machine Shop Theory and Practice, Van
Nostrand, 1950.
A. Wagener, Workbook on Machine Shop Theory and Practice, Van
Nostrand, 1942.
1. Hazard Identification:
2. Workshop Safety:
3. Personal protective equipment:
4. Regulations for PPE:
5. ISO Safety signs and symbols:
6. OSHA/ANSI Safety sign standard:
7. OSHA Safety Training:
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
Digital Pictures:
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
For instructional purposes only • 1st Semester SY 2020-2021 31
Exercise No. 2:
Layout and Measuring Tool
No one could fabricate a project without transferring the plan from the
blueprint to the blank (a piece of material use for fabrication) and without
measuring the dimensions. This is because, it is very difficult to know where
to cut, or drill a hole or bend a section of a workpiece. To overcome this
difficulty, this exercise will provide the proper procedures on how to use
measuring and layout tools in order to produce a well-define sketch on the
blank ready for fabrication.
Learning Outcomes
1. Discuss the importance of using standard;
2. Define the terminologies involve in measurement and lay-out;
3. Identify different tools and equipment in lay-out and measurement;
4. Discuss the steps in reading measurement and applying lay-out on a
Exercise Manual, Ball pen, Bond paper, Laptop or PC, aluminum can, blue dye,
wood nail or needle, hammer, scissor or cutter, ruler, zip ties, compass
7. Outside caliper – the same with inside caliper but intended primarily for
outside dimensions such as the diameter of a cylinder. It comes into two
types; the Firm joint outside caliper (Figure 2-1h) and the Adjustable screw
inside caliper (Figure 2-1i).
8. Dial indicator – a tool used to measure misalignments on shafts precisely
up to tens of thousands of an inch. A zero reading indicates that the shaft
does not have deflection (Figure 2-1j).
a b
c d
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MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
i j
9. Vernier Caliper – is a precision tool that can measure inside and outside
dimensions including depth (Figure 2-2).
Parts of a Vernier caliper
1. Outside Jaws – used to measure the external diameter
or width of the workpiece.
2. Inside Jaws – used to measure the internal diameter of
an object.
3. Depth probe – used to measure the depth of an object
or a hole
4. Main Scale – the scale mark every mm, inch, or fraction
of an inch.
5. Vernier Scale – gives interpolated measurements in
1/10 of mm or better, or smaller fractions of an inch.
6. Retainer – used to block movable part to allow easy
transferring of a measurement.
7. Locknut – used to keep measurement permanently.
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
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instrument) is 0.05 mm, therefore, the VSR value is 0.25 mm. Finally, add the
MSR and VSR values to get the final reading.
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
a Page 38 of
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To read a dial indicator, be sure to know first its least count since
different dials varies significantly. In our sample Figure 2-6b&c, one rotation
correspond to 1 mm deflection of the spindle and the number of graduations
in the outer dial is 100; therefore its least count is equal to 0.01 mm (that is 1
mm divided by the outer dial total graduation equal to 100). Once the value of
the least count is determined, start the reading by looking at the value
indicated by the short needle. In Figure 2-6b, that is 7 rotations and more; it
means that the spindle has already traveled 7 mm and more. Then, locate the
position of the main needle on the outer dial and note its reading. In Figure 2-
6c, that is 71 units. Then multiply this value by the least count to get the dial
reading of 0.71 mm. Finally, add both value (7 mm and 0.71 mm) to get the
final reading of the tool.
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
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g h
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
The following steps can be applied in order to achieve a nice layout ready for
1. Be sure to analyze your design first by reading every details of your
blueprint and try to convert those sketches into useful information
needed for your layout.
2. Clean the blank metal you are working by freeing it from any dirt, oil,
grease, and rust.
3. Coat the entire surface of your blank metal with the blue dye in order
to make your layout more visible.
4. Set your datum; it could be a point, a line, or an edge or a surface of
your workpiece where you refer all other measurements and
a) If your datum is a line, use a steel ruler and a scriber. This is
applicable in marking out centerlines for circles and arcs, and
base lines for other construction lines.
b) If your datum is a point, use prickle or center punch.
c) If your datum is an edge of the workpiece, use hermaphrodite
caliper to lay out the rest of the construction lines. And
d) If your datum is a surface of the workpiece, use surface plate.
5. Lay out the remaining construction lines and object lines with
reference to the datum. To mark out a circle or an arc, use divider, or
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
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trammel with a built-in scriber. To mark out a line, use steel ruler and a
scriber. To mark out a center point (like the center of an arc or a
circle), use center punch. To mark a line parallel to an edge or a
surface, use hermaphrodite caliper or a surface gauge. And finally to
set angles and mark out incline lines, use combination square or bevel
protractor and a scriber.
Laboratory Tasks
Objective: To solve the volume of a solid sphere and cylinder, and the
capacity of a beaker using the OLABS Vernier Caliper online simulator.
Material: Laboratory guide, Personal computer or Laptop (with access
the OLABS website)
1. Open any browser and input the url of OLABS Vernier Caliper simulator
(Figure 2-8).
2. Start the task by choosing the solid sphere. Left click the sphere and it
will automatically position itself between the outer jaws of the caliper.
Adjust the right outer jaw by pressing and then dragging the caliper’s
Vernier scale until it touches to the sphere. The parameter for this
object is the object’s diameter.
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
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MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
3. When reading the caliper, refer to the monitor screen on the top right
of the simulator and input your reading value (object’s diameter) in the
“enter reading (cm)” box.
4. Take a screen shot of the whole simulator window (the same
appearance as in Figure 2-8).
5. Solve for the volume of the sphere using the parameter you have
gathered from the simulator.
6. Press the reset button in order to proceed to the next object.
7. Next, choose the cylinder. Left click the cylinder and it will
automatically position itself between the outer jaws of the caliper.
Adjust the right outer jaw by pressing and then dragging the caliper’s
Vernier scale until it touches to the cylinder. The parameters for this
object are the object’s outer diameter and length. To change the type
of parameter to be measured, go to the “Select what to measure:”
section and choose diameter or length.
8. When reading the caliper, refer to the monitor screen on the top right
of the simulator and input your reading value (object’s diameter or
length) in the “enter reading (cm)” box.
9. Take a screen shot of the whole simulator window (the same
appearance as in Figure 2-8).Since there are two parameters present,
there will be two screen shots for this object.
10. Solve for the volume of the cylinder using the parameters you have
gathered from the simulator.
11. Press the reset button in order to proceed to the next object.
12. Next, choose the beaker. Left click the beaker and it will automatically
position itself between the inner jaws of the caliper. Adjust the right
inner jaw by pressing and then dragging the caliper’s Vernier scale
until it touches to the inner surface of the beaker. The parameters for
this object are the object’s outer inner diameter and depth. To change
the type of parameter to be measured, go to the “Select what to
measure:” section and choose inner diameter or depth. For the depth
option, the beaker will automatically position on the depth probe of the
13. When reading the caliper, refer to the monitor screen on the top right
of the simulator and input your reading value (object’s inner diameter
or depth) in the “enter reading (cm)” box.
14. Take a screen shot of the whole simulator window (the same
appearance as in Figure 2-8).Since there are two parameters present,
there will be two screen shots for this object.
15. Solve for the capacity of the beaker using the parameters you have
gathered from the simulator.
16. Draft the task by starting with the screen shot for the sphere, solution
for the volume of the sphere, two screen shots for the cylinder,
solution for the volume of the cylinder, two screen shots for the
beaker, and solution for the capacity of the beaker.
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
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Objective: To solve the volume of a lead shot and a wire using the
OLABS Screw Gauge online simulator.
Material: Laboratory guide, Personal computer or Laptop (with access
the OLABS website)
1. Open any browser and input the url of OLABS Screw Gauge simulator
(Figure 2-9).
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
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MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
8. Press the reset button below the Result tab in order to proceed to the
next object.
9. Next, choose the wire. In the “Select an object” section, choose from
the drop down box the “wire” object. It will then appear automatically
between the anvil and the spindle. The parameter here is the diameter
of the wire.
10. Press the “arrow up” symbol on the ratchet knob in order to adjust the
spindle until it touches the wire. A monitor screen on the bottom right
of the simulator window will appear; indicating that the spindle already
stick to the wire.
11. Take your reading on the monitor screen and input this value on the
“Enter the reading (mm)” section.
12. Take a screen shot of the whole simulator window (the same
appearance as in Figure 2-9).
13. Solve for the volume of the wire using the parameter you have
gathered from the simulator and the given length of the wire as
indicated in the simulator.
14. Draft the task by starting with the screen shot for the lead shot,
solution for the volume of the lead shot, screen shot for the wire, and
solution for the volume of the wire.
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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
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1. Secure a hardcopy of the CAD plan (Figure 2-10) and analyze what are
the drawing elements present (lines, circles, arcs, centerlines, etc.)
and the meaning of the labels being mark for each elements.
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. 188
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-04
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. V0 07-15-2020
MTec 121: Workshop Theory and Practice
Clean one aluminum can and remove its caps both top and
bottom leaving the side sheets using a scissor or a cutter. Don’t forget
to wear gloves to avoid any injury from the sharp tools.
3. Flatten the aluminum can as much as possible. Sand the edges of the
aluminum sheet in order make it smooth. See the YouTube link below
on how to achieve a nice flat aluminum sheet.
4. You may also remove the outer coating of the aluminum sheet but it’s
not necessarily required. See the YouTube link below on how to
remove the outer coating of the aluminum sheet.
5. Using your smartphone or any video camera, document all the
procedures right after step number 4.
6. Coat one side of the aluminum sheet with the “Aniel solution” (mixture
of “Aniel” powder and small amount of water) using a paint brush or a
piece of cloth. If the coating does not stick well, use blue marker
7. Mark out the datum line 1 (a centerline) which is a line that divides the
aluminum sheet lengthwise using a ruler and an *improvised scriber.
*Wood nails of any size can be used as improvised scriber.
8. Before marking out the datum line 2, divide first the length of the
aluminum sheet into four equal parts without measuring it; just used
the *improvised divider.
*The improvised divider can be an old or a new compass. Just remove
the attachment for the pencil in the compass and replace it with
enough size of wood nail; using zip ties to secure the wood nail in
place. The wood nail would serve as the scriber for the improvised
Note: To understand how to divide a certain distance into smaller equal
parts, see the YouTube link below.
9. Mark out the datum line 2 (a centerline) using the output from the
previous step using again a ruler and the improvised scriber.
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10. From the three intersections made by the datum lines 1 and 2, mark
out three centers for the three 1” holes as indicated in the CAD plan
using a hammer and an improvised center punch; vertically position
the *improvised center punch on the point of intersection and strike a
small amount of force on it using a hammer just enough to create a
small indentation.
* Wood nails of any size can be used as improvised center punch.
11. Using the improvised divider, mark out the three 1 inch diameter
circles on the three intersections. To do this, position one tip of the
improvised divider on the zero mark of your ruler and the other tip on
the 0.5 inch mark. This will serve as the radius of the circle. Then, on
the aluminum sheet, position the tip without the scriber at the middle
of the intersection or center punched hole and the other tip with the
wood nail on the surface of the sheet. Finally, rotate the improvised
divider freely to create a nice lay out of a circle. Do the same steps for
the remaining two holes.
12. Take a clear picture of your output and paste it on a bond paper. Save
your recorded video since it will also be submitted together with the
Guide Questions:
1. How can dirt or dust contributes measurement effectiveness of a
Vernier and micrometer caliper?
2. From the two instruments; Vernier and micrometer, which is more
precise in reading measurements? And why?
3. Give the Vernier caliper reading for each picture (Figure 2-11) below
and encircle the intersection of the Vernier scale mark and the main
scale mark.
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4. Give the Micrometer caliper reading for each picture (Figure 2-12)
below and encircle the intersection of the micrometer scale mark and
the main scale mark.
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5. Give the Dial indicator reading for each picture (Figure 2-13) below
and encircle the intersection of the outer dial scale mark and the main
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6. From Task 3, what is the purpose of having datum line 2 in the layout
of the aluminum sheet?
7. If you want to mark out a line parallel and 3 centimeters away from the
edge of a sheet metal, what type of datum are you referring to and
what appropriate marking tool are you going to use?
1. for Task 1
Write or encode your answers in an A4 size bond paper with 1 inch
margin on all sides. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to
encode your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have
your Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise
number and title, and the task number. Don’t forget to paste the screen
shots as a proof that you perform the simulation.
2. for Task 2
Write or encode your answers in an A4 size bond paper with 1 inch
margin on all sides. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to
encode your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have
your Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise
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number and title, and the task number. Don’t forget to paste the screen
shots as a proof that you perform the simulation.
3. for Task 3
Paste the picture of your layout in an A4 size bond paper with 1 inch
margin on all sides. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to
encode your headings. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have
your Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise
number and title, and the task number. Save your video file with a filename:
“Name_CourseTitle_Offering number”.
4. for Guide Questions
Write or encode your answers in any type of paper as long as it is
readable. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to encode
your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have your
Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise number
and title, and the task number. Don’t forget to include the pictures for nos.
3 to 5 since it is one of the requirements being stated in these 3 questions.
If you choose to submit all the outputs ONLINE, scan everything, convert it
into pdf file ONLY (you can download CAMSCANNER in the app store), and
submit it on the VSU eLearning site under our Course MTec 121.
For your recorded video file, submit it via GMAIL
([email protected]). If the file is too large, you will be
forced to upload on google drive and just share the file link. This output
can only be submitted online.
If you choose to submit all the outputs VIA COURIER, put it on an envelope
with your Name, Course Title and Offering Number, and Laboratory
Exercise number written on the back side. Address your output to the
Instructor’s Name, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of
Engineering and Technology, Visayas State University, Visca, Brgy.
Pangasugan, Baybay City, Leyte.
Failure to follow these instructions will have deduction of points.
Additional Resources
1. Measurement:
2. Measuring and Marking Tools:
3. Marking out a Metal:
4. How to measure a Vernier Caliper:
5. How to measure Micrometer Caliper:
6. How to measure dial indicator:
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1 E. J. Stefanelli, "Eduard J. Stefanelli," 2020. [Online]. Available:
millimeter/#swiffycontainer_2. [Accessed 14 december 2020].
2 E. J. Stefanelli, "Eduardo J, Stefanelli," 2020. [Online]. Available:
thousandth-inch/. [Accessed 14 December 2020].
3 E. J. Stefanelli, "Eduardo J. Stefanelli," 2020. [Online]. Available:
millimeter/. [Accessed 6 December 2020].
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Exercise No. 3
Hand Tools and Processes
Inside the machine shop, cold works are tasks that involve the
machining of a material without creating heat or ignition. These are also
simple activities that can be done even the absence of power tools and such
tools are known as “hand tools”. In this exercise, the classifications and
examples of these hand tools as well as some procedures on how to perform
them were discussed. At the latter part, the students will perform activities
that will familiarize them on some basic hand tools and how to use these
tools properly.
Learning Outcomes
1. Define hand tools;
2. Identify the different classifications of hand tools and its examples;
3. Discuss the steps on how to perform certain cold working processes
using these hand tools.
Exercise Manual, Ball pen, Bond paper, Available household hand tools,
smartphone or video camera.
Hand Tools
Hand tools are instruments which do not require electric power or any
power source to perform cold working tasks. Such tasks are tightening a nut,
cutting a piece of sheet metal, bending a wire, driving a screw unto a
workpiece, and etc. These tools varies considerably according to its usage
from cutting tools, gripping and clamping tools, tightening and fastening
tools, striking tools, and lastly service or miscellaneous tools. Although
measuring and lay outing tools are considered as hand tools, it will not be
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covered in this lesson anymore since it has already been discussed in the
previous exercise.
In this exercise, we are going to discuss five types of hand tools and
its uses as well as the steps in performing a certain workshop process using
these tools.
1. Cutting tools
These are tools that can be broken down into two parts; the one which
shears a workpiece and the other one shapes or removes some amount of
material from the workpiece.
A. Shearing tools
1. Hand Saw – are used to cut wooden pieces either in straight or curve
patterns along the edge or the interior part of the workpiece. It has
several varieties starting with the Ripsaw- with coarse teeth (Figure 3-
1a) which is 26-in long that cuts along the wood grain, the Crosscut
saw- with smaller teeth (Figure 3-1b) which is slightly shorter than the
ripsaw that cuts across the wood grain, the Toolbox saw (Figure 3-1c)
which can be fit inside a conventional toolbox that combines the
capabilities of the rip and crosscut saws, the Backsaw (Figure 3-1d)
that makes angled or mitered cuts, the Compass saw (Figure 3-1e)
and the Keyhole saw-which is slightly smaller than the compass
(Figure 3-1e) that both makes interior cuts either linear or curved
patterns, the Dovetail Saw (Figure 3-1f) that cuts dovetail patterns for
wood joinery, the Frame Saw (Figure 3-1g) that cuts longer patterns
along wood grains, the Bow saw – wooden in construction (Figure 3-
1h) that cuts ideal curves in woods, the Coping saw- metallic in
construction (Figure 3-1i) that cuts interior and exterior wood patterns,
and the Flush cutter saw (Figure 3-1j) with an offset handle that cuts
extra materials flushing beyond the surface of a workpiece.
There are other variants of saws being used in Japan which are the
“Ryoba”, the “Dozuki”, the “Kugihiki”, and the Hikimawashi” (Figure 3-
1k); all differ from the common classifications of saws by the cutting
stroke which for them are experience during pulling rather than
pushing. This difference can be seen in Figure 3-1l in which the blade
of the conventional saw points outward while for Japanese saws, it
points inward. Additionally, in the same figure, we can also notice that
the vertical teeth of the ripsaw is use to cut aggressively while the
sloppy teeth for the crosscut saw is used to produce clean and nice
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2. Hacksaw- are intended to shear steel and other metals but it can also
be applied on woods for finer cuts. It comprises of five major parts,
the blade, the handle, the frame, the prongs or the stud, and the blade
tension nut or the wing nut (Figure 3-3a). The frame is the part that
classifies the hacksaw into two types; the fixed hacksaw and the
adjustable hacksaw. Both types have prongs that can swivel the
blades in horizontal and right angles to allow deeper cuts without
worrying the frame. The advantage of the adjustable hacksaw is its
capacity to cut longer strokes and it comes with three varieties; the
straight handle adjustable frame, the pistol type adjustable frame,
and the tubular type adjustable frame (Figure 3-3b).
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The hacksaw blade is the most important part since it is the one
which do the cut. To accomplish its duty, its composition should be
sturdy enough. The most commonly used material is a high-speed
steel that are hardened and tempered. However, hardenability of the
blade posed some risk of brittleness. That is why, another blade
construction was proposed and this would be the flexible hacksaw
blade wherein the tip of the blade was only hardened and tempered
leaving the body bendable.
The teeth of the blade should have a proper setting in order to prevent
the blade from getting stuck in the workpiece during cutting, and to
create a cut that is slightly wider than the thickness of the blade. It has
two types, the straight alternate set and the wavy set (Figure 3-4a).
These teeth also influence the quality of the cut for specific metal and
they are graded using the unit TPI or teeth per inch. Table 1 shows
several teeth grades for specific materials.
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B. Shaping Tool
1. Chisel – also known as engraving tool used to remove some amount
of material on the workpiece. It comprises mostly of a cylindrical
handle with a striking surface and a wedge-shaped blade on the other
side to penetrate the material. There are three types of chisel inside a
workshop; the hot chisel (Figure 3-6a) with a 30 degree-wedge that
are used mainly by blacksmiths in shaping hot metals, the cold chisel
(Figure 3-6b) with a 60 degree-wedge that are used for ordinary metal
works, and the wood chisel that comes into several varieties for
woodworking. The chisel is being drove by a ball-peen hammer or a
soft hammer.
Examples of wood chisels are bevel-edge chisel – a commonly used
chisel suitable in shaping dovetail designs and in creating finer
woodworks (Figure 3-6c), a mortise chisel - a square-edge chisel with
broad neck used to create slots on woods and pull out excess
materials without breaking the chisel (Figure 3-6d), a firmer chisel – is
a tool with rectangular section made of carbon steel that is mainly
utilized in joinery works (Figure 3-6e), the Japanese chisel – a tool
with laminated blade made either soft or hard steel with hollow
ground on the back and a handle protected with steel hoop to
withstand hammer blows is used mainly for cutting joins and finer
woodworks (Offerman N. (2018)) (Figure 3-6f), and the set of wood
lathe chisels- are tools used for wood turning operations with blade
edges ranging from flat, inclined, arched and pointed (Figure 3-6g).
For Chisel bevels, the blades should have an initial ground angle of 25
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a b
e f
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Figure 3-6 (a) hot chisel, (b) cold chisel, (c) Bevel-edge
chisel, (d) Mortise Chisel, (e) Firmer Chisel, (f) Japanese
Chisel, and (g) Set of wood lathe chisels
b d
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Figure 3- 7 (a) Parts of a file, (b) single cut, (c) double cut, (d) curved tooth
cut, (e) rasp cut, and (f) Types of files based on the its cross sectional area
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4. Tap – a tool usually made of high carbon steel or high speed steel
design to produce internal threads used in bolts and screws. The
chamfer is only the part of the tap that do the cutting operation (see
Figure 3-9a for Taps’ nomenclature). When threading a hole, start by
using the first set of tap, the taper tap, followed by the plug tap, and
finally the bottoming tap (Figure 3-9b). Other varieties of taps are the
interrupted thread tap – for tough metals such as stainless steel
(figure 3-9c), the spiral pointed tap – or gun tap is used for machine
tapping of through holes or blind holes (Figure 3-9d), and pulley tap –
for threading set screws and oil cup holes (Figure 3-9e).
To reduce friction while threading, taps are design to have a back
tapered along the thread.
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Table 3-2 shows the desired cutting speed and lubricant for different
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7. After taking some several turns, check also the fit of the thread
using a thread ring gage (Figure 3-11h) or a micrometer. And lastly,
continue threading until reaching the required thread length.
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Clamps also have some accessories such as the rubber pads that
prevents marring the workpiece, the center pipe clamp fixture, the pipe
saddles, and the edge clamp fixture (Figure 3-15).
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e d
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a c
1. Wrench – a tool used to tighten and loosen bolts, nuts, cap screws
and other mechanical accessories. It comes with several varieties
such as the adjustable wrench – for variable size of bolts and nuts
(Figure 3-18a), open end wrench – for square-headed bolts (Figure 3-
18b), the box wrench – has 12 points of contact to reset turning more
easily and suitable for hex-headed bolts Figure 3-18c), the socket
wrench – are driven by handles and has 12 points that encloses the
bolts or nuts and suitable also for hex-headed bolts (Figure
b 3-18d), the
pipe wrench – has serrated jaws used in pipe repairs (Figure 3-18e),
the Strap wrench – for pipe repairs and avoid the pipes from marring
(Figure 3-18f), the hook spanner (including adjustable) – for round
nuts with notches or holes (Figure 3-18g), the socketc head wrench or
Allen wrench – for socket head cap screws (Figure 3-18h), the face
spanner (fixed and adjustable) (Figure 3-18i), the torque wrench –
provides correct magnitude of tightness (Figure 3-18j), the hand tap
wrench and T-handle tap wrench – for tapping process (Figure 3-18k),
and the combination wrench (Figure 3-18l).
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a No.
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d f
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a b
c d
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4. Striking Tools
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e f
k k
5. Miscellaneous Tools
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Below are the procedures on how to pull a bearing from a shaft (from
1. Position the puller with its legs around the external or internal
part of the bearing depending upon the parts to be extracted
(Figure 3-21b).
2. Adjust the legs of the puller so that it would fit firmly on the
external or internal parts of the bearing (Figure 3-21c).
3. Position the forcing screw in a manner that it will align on the
center of the shaft without changing the anchoring of the
puller’s legs on the bearing. Rotate the screw in order to
perform this step (Figure 3-21d).
4. Using either a spanner or socket wrench, rotate the forcing
screw cap in order to slowly extract the bearing from the shaft
(Figure 3-21e).
5. Once the bearing is extracted, loosen the forcing screw in
order to detach the puller from the bearing and the shaft (Figure
a b
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e No. k
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Laboratory Tasks
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6. What is the least number of teeth per inch TPI of a hacksaw used to
cut copper tubing?
7. You were drilling a 1-inch hole and you found out that it is still
undersized since the diameter of the pin to be inserted in the hole is
1.2 inches. Assuming that your workpiece was already secured on a
bench vise, what other hand tools are you still needed in order to just
bring the hole diameter to the desired fit?
8. You are task to tap a cast iron workpiece with 12 TPI and a 70 %
thread Depth. Using the information in Table 3-1, what would be the
cutting speed in rpm?
9. What is the specific hand tool to be used in order to enlarge the
diameter of the copper tube as shown in the figure below?
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Guide Questions:
1. Living in a modern world that runs mostly with electricity, why we
are still using hand tools over the existing power tools?
2. What should be the approximate cutting angle to be maintained
when using a cross-cut saw?
3. For a standard hacksaw, the cutting stroke is the _________.
4. A type of snip that has the advantage of low effort but maximum
5. A hand tool used to revive worn-out threads especially those that
have been invaded with rusts and dirt.
6. A wood chisel should always be driven by a hard hammer to
increase cutting efficiency and prevents the handle from
damaging. True or false, and why?
7. Two important types of wrench used primarily in reaming and
internal threading process.
8. What type of tool used to extract the bearing stuck on the shaft of
a centrifugal pump bearing?
9. Repairing a smartphone is a daunting task especially if you’re not
using the right tool. To decrease the repairing time specifically in
opening its casing and other internal parts, what hand tool should
you prepare beforehand?
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1. for Task 1
Write or encode your answers in an A4 size bond paper with 1 inch
margin on all sides. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to
encode your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have
your Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise
number and title, and the task number. Again, be specific with the name of
the hand tool.
2. for Task 2
Upload your video in your drive using the filename:
“Name_CourseTitle_Offering number”. Once uploaded, share the link of
your video and paste it on the “Submission of video presentation for all
sections” section in the Moodle.
3. for Guide Questions
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Additional Resources
1. Flaring and swaging tools:
2. Using hacksaw:
3. Basic of Files:
4. Basic of Reamer:
5. Taps and Dies:
6. Wrench:
7. Pliers:
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Digital Pictures:
1. Figure 3-1 (a – l)
The art of woodworking hand tools – Time life books
2. Figure 3-2
b) The art of woodworking hand tools – Time life books
3. Figure 3-3
All except a)
4. Figure 3-4
Hand Tools - docshare
5. Figure 3-5
6. Figure 3-6 (a – g)
7. Figure 3-7
8. Figure 3-8
a) – g) Hand tools –docshare
i) Hand tools –docshare
9. Figure 3-9 (a – e)
Hand tools –docshare
10. Figure 3-10 (a – d)
Hand tools –docshare
11. Figure 3-11
b) Hand Tools – docshare
c) Hand Tools – docshare
d) Hand Tools – docshare
12. Figure 3-12
The art of woodworking hand tools – Time life books
13. Figure 3-13
14. Figure 3-14
The art of woodworking hand tools – Time life books
15. Figure 3-15
The art of woodworking hand tools – Time life books
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Digital Tables:
1. Table 3-1
2. Table 3-2
Hand Tools – docshare
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Exercise No. 4
Sheet Metal Works
Sheet metal is the common material being used in most industries
today. That is why their products are the things that we have used in our
homes and offices daily. Such examples are the casing of your cellphones
and your personal computer, your stainless bowl and plates, and etc.; all were
manufactured using different varieties of sheet metals. To create these
unique shapes and designs on the sheet metal, knowledge in sheet metal
works is required. In this exercise, three major sheet metal processes were
discussed including the tools and equipment needed; these are the sheet
metal cutting process, the sheet metal forming process, and the sheet metal
joining process.
Learning Outcomes
1. Identify tools and equipment used in the sheet metal works; and
2. Discuss the process involve in specific sheet metal works.
Exercise Manual, Ball pen, Bond paper
Sheet metal is any type of metal whose thickness ranges from 0.4
mm (1/64 inches) to 6 mm (1/4 inches) and anything below this range is
known as “foil” and anything beyond this measurement is termed as “plate”. It
is an ideal raw material in manufacturing since its offers high strength and
durability, and can be shaped easily. The composition of sheet metals ranges
from aluminum sheet to steel sheet, stainless steel, copper, brass, tin, nickel
and etc.
Examples of varieties of aluminum sheets are the 1100 series (almost
pure aluminum) – soft, easy to bend and shaped, the 2024 series – for
structures requiring high strength-to-weight ratio, the 3003 series (aluminum
added with manganese) – easily formed and resists corrosion, and the 6061
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This is a process that takes out a certain portion of the sheet metal for
specific purpose such as but not limited to manufacturing and assembly. The
taking out is done by shearing the metal; that is breaking its grain structure.
This process comprises of the shearing, blanking, punching, trimming, and
1. Shearing Process
It is the cutting of a given sheet metal in straight or curved pattern in
order to produce a smaller part that is needed for other metal working
process or to eliminate a certain part and be considered as a scrap (Figure 4-
Snips is used to cut sheet metal manually, and an electric shearing
tool will do this job much easier.
2. Blanking Process
A cutting process in which the output is a closed shape generated
from a given blank. The close shape that has been punched would be the final
product and the part of the blank that was left is considered as scrap (Figure
4-1b). Examples of parts being manufactured using this process are plane
washers, small gears, and other automotive parts.
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3. Punching Process
A cutting process in which a die shears a portion of the blank leaving
the larger part as the final product and the sheared portion as the scrap
(Figure 4-2). This process can be applied on car body parts, cabinets, and
other enclosures.
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The equipment to be used for the punching operation varies on the type of
output; Figure 4-3f shows a punch press doing perforating operation, and
figure 4-3g shows a notching machine. Generally, all punching operations are
done using the punch press (Figure 4-3h) and the specific type of output can
be carried out by the type of die to be used.
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g h
4. Trimming Process
One of the finishing process that removes waste or excess material
from a sheet metal being subjected from deep drawing process (Figure 4-4).
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5. Deburring Process
Another finishing process for sheet metal that removes excess
materials such as sharp edges and corners, and burrs in order to achieve a
nice smooth workpiece. Figure 4-5 shows an example of a deburring tool.
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a b
k k
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a b
k k
c d
k k
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3. Spinning process
A process that spins a sheet metal at higher rotational speed and is
gradually push by a roller tool against a mold known as the mandrel that is
attached on the lathe machine or any equipment capable of rotating an entire
workpiece (Figure 4-10). The result of this process depends upon the shape
of the mandrel and it is mostly a rotationally symmetric, and hollow object
such as cookware, satellite dishes, rocket noses an etc.
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6. Embossing
A process wherein a sheet metal blank is placed between a punch and
a die containing a pre-made design that imprints onto the blank producing a
raised or recessed surface (Figure 4-13).
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k b
k Page 121 of
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1. Screw Joints
Utilizes different varieties of screws to join sheet metals temporarily
and with ease .A self-tapping screw (Figure 4-15a) is advisable to use for hard
metal sheets and also requires a pre-extruded hole on either of the sheet to
be joined. On the other hand, for soft metal sheets like aluminum, machine
screws (Figure 4-15b) is preferable.
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2. Rivet Joints
Utilizes a rivet (Figure 4-16a) that is being inserted on the holes being
created on both sheet metals to be joined and with the help of a riveting
machine (Figure 4-16b), the rivet pin will be pulled, leaving the rivet head on
the sheet metal. The rivet head expands one side of the hole and contracts
the other, thus securing a tight joint.
a b
k k
4. Welding joints
A hot forming operation that utilizes different welding techniques such
as Shielded metal arc welding, MIG welding, TIG welding, and etc. in order to
produce a much stronger, leak proof, and tougher joints on sheet metals.
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6. Adhesive Bonding
A joining process that utilizes adhesive chemicals such as epoxy
based, silicon based, acrylic based, and cyanoarcylic adhesives in order to
produce a permanent joint on sheet metals.
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Laboratory Tasks
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5. .
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For curl
3. For the flange edge, bend it at right angle (90 degrees), for the hem
edge, bend it at 180 degrees, and for the curl edge, create a nice curve
bend facing inwards.
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Guide Questions:
1. From Task no. 2, which of the three sheet metal edge forming (flange,
hem, curl) produces a strong edge surface and why?
2. If task no. 2 was carried out using steel sheet instead of the aluminum
sheet, which of the three edge forms (flange, hem, and curl) requires a
lot of effort to shape and why?
3. Does the seaming process guarantee a leak-proof joint? Explain your
4. Are sheet metals structural material? Explain your answer.
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1. for Task 1
Write or encode your answers in an A4 size bond paper with 1 inch
margin on all sides. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to
encode your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have
your Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise
number and title, and the task number.
2. for Task 2
Paste your outputs (picture) in an A4 size bond paper with 1 inch
margin on all sides. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to
encode your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have
your Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise
number and title, and the task number.
3. for Guide Questions
Write or encode your answers in any type of paper as long as it is
readable. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to encode
your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have your
Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise number
and title, and the guide question.
If you choose to submit all the outputs ONLINE, scan everything, convert it
into pdf file ONLY (you can download CAMSCANNER in the app store), and
submit it on the VSU eLearning site under our Course MTec 121.
If you choose to submit all the outputs VIA COURIER, put it on an envelope
with your Name, Course Title and Offering Number, and Laboratory
Exercise number written on the back side. Address your output to the
Instructor’s Name, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of
Engineering and Technology, Visayas State University, Visca, Brgy.
Pangasugan, Baybay City, Leyte.
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Additional Resources
1. Sheet metal operation:
2. Operations of shearing and bending:
3. Sheet metal forming:
1. Sheet Metal Forming Processes and Die Design – Vukota Bolianovic
2. Sheet Metal Handbook – Ron and Sue Fournier (1989)
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Digital Pictures:
1. Figure 4-1
2. Figure 4-2
3. Figure 4-3
a - e)
f - g)
4. Figure 4-4
5. Figure 4-5
6. Figure 4-6
7. Figure 4-7
8. Figure 4-8
9. Figure 4-9
10. Figure 4-10
11. Figure 4-11
12. Figure 4-12
13. Figure 4-13
14. Figure 4-14 (a – e)
Sheet Metal Handbook – Ron and Sue Fournier (1989)
15. Figure 4-15 (a – b)
16. Figure 4-16
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17. Figure 4-17
18. Figure 4-18
19. Laboratory Task 1
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 5
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Exercise No. 5
The demand of metal fabrication in our society is growing faster and
faster. One of the important processes of metal fabrication is welding which
binds two parts together at greater strength and durability. In this exercise,
the principle of welding, types of welding, welding positions, and welding
tools and equipment were discussed. The shielded metal arc welding was
also emphasize as one of the most commonly used and inexpensive type of
Learning Outcomes
1. Define welding operation;
2. Identify the different welding techniques;
3. Identify the different welding position; and
4. Identify the tools and equipment used in welding operation.
Exercise Manual, Ball pen, Bond paper
What is Welding
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2. Arc Welding
It is a fusion-type welding operation that binds the base metals
through the use of an electrical source (an electrical arc) from an Ac or Dc
power supply. The electrical arc being generated melts the base metal
together with the filler metal within 6500 0F. Since this operation is expose to
the atmosphere, it would normally react with oxygen and nitrogen to form a
rust, however, with the help of a protective shielding gas or slag coming from
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the filler metal, this problem will be minimized. Figure 5-3 shows a simple
diagram of an arc welding.
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dressed in proper attire. Figure 5-5 shows the diagram of the SMAW
a b
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The consumable electrode being used for SMAW has its unique
designation based on the American Welding Society (AWS). The designation
is no less than a code comprising of a letter and followed by either 4 or 5 digit
numbers. The first letter denotes the type of welding electrode, the first two
digits of a 4-digit electrode or the first 3 digits of a 5-digit electrode is the
tensile strength of the resulting weldment, the second to the last digit
indicates the welding position, and the last two digits indicates the type of
coating and welding current setting. For example, an E6010 is an arc welding
electrode (E) that has a tensile strength of 60,000 pounds per square inch and
it can be applied for all positions (1). The number 2 for the last two digits
indicates flat and horizontal position, number 4 for flat, horizontal, vertical
down, and overhead positions. Table 5-1 indicates the designation of some
arc welding electrodes.
Table 5-1 Different types of SMAW welding electrodes
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a b
k k
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Peening the weld reduces the stress level of the weldment and also
relieves the problems being discussed in the previous paragraph. This
method applies several hammer blows on the weldment while it is still hot.
3. Resistance welding
A welding process that joins two base metals by the use of pressure
and electrical current being passed on the joint area over a definite period of
time. It does not need any filler metal to aid bonding that is why it is relatively
less costly than the other techniques. The type of material being used as an
electrode is copper.
Examples of resistance welding are spot welding, seam welding,
projection welding, resistance butt welding, and flash butt welding. Figure 5-
8 shows a resistance welding machine. This type of welding is suitable on
aerospace repair and fabrication.
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Thermo-chemical Welding
A welding process that utilizes the heat coming from the exothermal reaction
of a certain substance or chemical to bind the two base metals. The
substance is put between the joints and after it gives off energy exothermally,
it cools and became the weldment. A good example of this operation is
Thermit welding that utilizes the “Thermit” substance which comprise mostly
of a mixture of fine aluminum powder and iron oxide (Figure 5-10). This
method is
mostly applied
on railroads.
6. Radiant
welding process that heats up the two base metals to be joined through the
use of a high-
energy focusing beam. This is a newly discovered welding operation and is
still developing until these days. Examples of this technique are the electron
beam welding that uses high energy electrons (Figure 5-11a) and the Laser
beam welding that uses the high intensity Laser beam (Figure 5-11b).
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depending on the type of application they are up to. Figure 5-12a shows some
of these welding joints.
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Laboratory Task
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3 No.
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3. Once you already know the mechanics of the game, click on the
“Start” button.
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4. Try to practice for so many times and once you will earn a score
above 15,000 points, take a screen shot and paste it on an A4 size
bond paper. This will serve as your output for this laboratory exercise.
5. On your output, include the name of the welding simulator, and the
specific name of the welding method being used.
Guide Questions:
1. What type of welding technique is used in the laboratory task?
2. What is the travel speed setting of the welding simulator in the task?
3. What is the name of the yellow portion being displayed in the welding
simulator when performing the game?
4. What type of welding position is depicted in the welding simulator?
5. Base on your experience in the welding simulator, what are the factors
that prevent you from having a good weldment? Explain.
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1. for Task 1
Write or encode your answers in an A4 size bond paper with 1 inch
margin on all sides. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to
encode your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have
your Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise
number and title, and the task number.
2. for Guide Questions
Write or encode your answers in any type of paper as long as it is
readable. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to encode
your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have your
Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise number
and title, and the guide question.
If you choose to submit all the outputs ONLINE, scan everything, convert it
into pdf file ONLY (you can download CAMSCANNER in the app store), and
submit it on the VSU eLearning site under our Course MTec 121.
If you choose to submit all the outputs VIA COURIER, put it on an envelope
with your Name, Course Title and Offering Number, and Laboratory
Exercise number written on the back side. Address your output to the
Instructor’s Name, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of
Engineering and Technology, Visayas State University, Visca, Brgy.
Pangasugan, Baybay City, Leyte.
Failure to follow these instructions will have deduction of points.
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Additional Resources
1. Introduction to stick welding:
2. SMAW welding stroke tips:
3. MIG Welding:
4. TIG Welding:
5. Resistance welding:
6. Thermit Welding:
7. Radiant Energy Welding:
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Digital Pictures:
1. Figure 5-1
2. Figure 5-2
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3. Figure 5-3
4. Figure 5-4
5. Figure 5-5
6. Figure 5-6
7. Figure 5-7
b) Enbridge: Pipe welding procedure specifications
8. Figure 5-8
9. Figure 5-9
10. Figure 5-10
11. Figure 5-11
12. Figure 5-12
13. Table 5-1
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Exercise No. 6
Soldering and Brazing
Soldering and brazing are one of the fundamental joining operations
since the beginning of the industrial revolution until this days. Both are
reversible techniques; meaning, the joints can be melted and separated. With
this characteristics, they are used primarily in plumbing, electronics, and in
refrigeration and air-conditioning system. In this exercise, the different
techniques and the corresponding tools that can be applied for both soldering
and brazing will be discussed. And on the later part, a task will be given to the
students that will help them perform manual soldering operation on electrical
Learning Outcomes
1. Define soldering and brazing;
2. Identify the different techniques in soldering and brazing; and
3. Identify tools and equipment use in soldering and brazing operation.
Laboratory guide, soldering iron, soldering lead or solder, soldering paste/flux
(optional) PCB, 4 resistors, and Video capturing device
What is Soldering
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a b
k k
Soldering Techniques
1. Induction soldering
It is a technique that uses the AC high frequency induction heater to
generate enough heat on the joints causing the filler metal to melt. The shape
of this heater is comprised with coils of copper tubes where the base metals
to be joint are positioned (Figure 6-3a)
2. Hand soldering
It is a technique that requires human skill and effort to achieve a nice
joint. It is mostly applied to electronic circuit board in which a 25 -100 - watt
size soldering iron is already enough (Figure 6-3b).
3. Laser Soldering
A soldering technique that utilizes a diode laser system producing 30-
50 watts of laser energy enough to solder electrical connections (Figure 6-
4. Fiber focus infrared soldering
A soldering technique that uses a focused beam of infrared light from
a specialized fiber that heats up the joint (Figure 6-3d).
5. Resistance soldering
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a b
k k
c d
k k
What is Brazing
It is a process
that joints two
base metals by
the use of a third
metal known as the filler or solder by
capillarity action. It is similar to soldering but only d
for filler metal with higher e
k k
melting point greater than 450 degrees Celsius. The filler material is mostly
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an alloy of copper and zinc while the flux substance is borax and Ammonium
Chloride (NH4Cl).
Due to the higher melting point of the filler metal, the brazing
technique can be applied for joined parts that are subjected to high pressure
and temperature conditions. With this greater advantage over soldering, it
also compensates a higher equipment cost.
The equipment being used to perform brazing operation is similar to
the oxy-acetylene welding. Figure 6-4 shows a complete set-up a brazing
Brazing Techniques
1. Torch Brazing
It is a brazing technique that is suitable for wide range of applications.
A gas flame with a torch is used as a source of heat that is introduce on the
joint, thereby melting the filler as well (Figure 6-5a). This technique can be
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Laboratory Task
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Guide Questions:
1. All brazing operations are soldering operation, true or false? Explain
your answer.
2. In the Laboratory Tasks, which one did you heated up first, the pins of
the resistors, or the soldering lead? Explain your answer.
3. Can we use steel wires as soldering leads for manual soldering
process? Explain why.
4. What are the differences between soldering and brazing operations?
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5. How do the soldering and brazing processes differ from the welding
1. for Task 1
Upload your video in your drive using the filename:
“Name_CourseTitle_Offering number”. Once uploaded, share the link of
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your video and paste it on the “Submission of video presentation for all
sections” section in the Moodle.
For your recorded video file, submit it via GMAIL
([email protected]) with filename. If the file is too large,
you will be forced to upload on google drive and just share the file link.
This output can only be submitted online.
Additional Resources
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Digital Pictures:
1. Figure 6-1
2. Figure 6-2
3. Figure 6-3
4. Figure 6-4
5. Figure 6-5
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Exercise No. 7
Foundry and Metal Casting
The concept of metal casting has been around for centuries. It
became very popular during the industrial age since more and more metal
products have been produced in order to improve the way of life. In this
exercise, the traditional and modern concepts of metal casting and foundry
will be discussed, including the different techniques and processes, the tools
and equipment, and lastly, the safety in the foundry area.
Learning Outcomes
1. Define terms involve in foundry and metal casting;
2. Identify the different processes involve in metal casting;
3. Identify tools and equipment use in metal casting; and
4. Discuss the safety measures found in the foundry area.
Laboratory guide
Foundry (Figure 7-1a)is a term that refers to the area where metal
casting operation is done and metal casting (Figure 7-1b)on the other hand, is
a process of pouring a molten metal onto a mold cavity in order to achieve a
desired geometric shape that is based on the design of the mold. To make
these concepts simplier, the mold is the one that contains the template or
pattern while the term “cast” is used to refer the output or product of the
operation (Figue 7-1c). Metals that are usually undergo this process are
aluminum, and cast iron, and sometimes bronze, brass, steel, magnesium,
and zinc.
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7. Degating – is the removal of the heads, runners, gates and risers from
the castings. These are excess parts of the cast.
8. Heat Treating – a process that applies the desired amount of heat to
a material in order to improve its physical, mechanical, and
sometimes chemical properties.
9. Surface cleaning – an operation that is done after the degating and
heat treating process by removing dirt and other debris in the casting
by using the blasting process.
10. Finishing – the final process in metal casting wherein the part’s
surface is ground, sand, and machined.
11. Ingot – a casting that has a simple geometric appearance and still
subject for further processing (Figure7-2f).
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Below are the terminologies and processes that are under the scope
of metal casting process.
1. Loam Molding – a casting process that outputs large symmetrical
objects such as cannons and church bells. It utilizes the mixture of
clay, sand with straw or dung (Figure 7-3a).
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a 188
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k and environmental conservation.
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f e k
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11. Sand molding – an operation that uses a sand as a medium for the
creation of a mold.
Parts of the sand molding process (Figure 7-4).
a) Flask – a metal or wood frame without a top or bottom which
houses the mold.
b) Cope – top half of the flask
c) Drag – bottom half of the flask
d) Core – an insert of the mold that creates the internal features
of the casting
e) Riser – also known as the feed header. It is a column of
molten metal placed in the mold to feed the castings as it
shrinks and solidifies.
f) Gate – A channel through which the molten metal enters the
mold cavity.
g) Sprue – The passage through which the molten metal, from
the pouring basin reaches the mold cavity.
h) Mold cavity – the combined open area of the molding material
and the core, where the metal is poured to produce the casting.
i) Pouring basin – a small funnel shaped cavity at the top of the
mold into which the molten metal is poured.
j) Parting line – the dividing line of the upper and lower molding
k) Pattern – It is the replica of the final object to be made.
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a b
k k
c k
e f
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The foundry area is a place that has many hazards since it deals with
molten metals that are obviously hot and would likely to cause skin burn or
fire. Through this, the worker that is assigned in this location should follow
safety measures in order to prevent the occurrence of accidents and to
reduce the level of injuries. Below are some of the safety practices that can
be applied.
1. Wear the desired Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is made
of heavy wool, heavy cotton, or leather that has higher heat resistance
index in order to protect the body from the heat of the molten metal.
Do not use polyester or nylon clothes.
2. Keep the foundry area clean and dry. This will lessen the risk of
accidents caused by debris littering on the floors and wet surfaces.
3. Clamp or weigh the flask properly since uncontrolled flow of metal
towards the mold is extremely hazardous.
4. Be sure that the raw material to be used is clean and dry; in other
words free from impurities. When these foreign objects were not
removed, it will become airborne during the melting process and may
cause hazard to the human respiratory system.
5. Preheat all metals and furnace tools in order to reduce the risk of
stream explosion generated from the moist being condense by the
tools and metals.
6. Move the melt slowly towards the mold in order to eliminate any
molten metal spills and splashes.
7. Inspect all the tools and equipment before starting the melting
operation in order to check whether each of them are still in good
working condition.
8. Apply fluxing on the metals such as Zinc and Magnesium in order to
prevent them from evaporating during the melting and pouring
9. Do not pour any liquid such as water into the furnace or in the melting
pan since it will create an abrupt steam explosion.
10. Apply good ventilation system on the foundry area in order to prevent
the accumulation of dusts that will cause erratic explosion.
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Laboratory Task
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Guide Questions:
1. What is the difference between the open-hearth furnace and the
Bessemer furnace?
2. Why does the molten metal shrinks after it hardens on the mold?
3. What are the factors that should be considered when performing the
metal casting process?
4. What are the factors that influence the quality of the metal casting?
5. What is the desired tool to be used when pouring a molten metal unto
the mold without getting any burns or injuries?
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1. for Task
Write or encode your answers in any type of paper as long as it is
readable. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to encode
your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have your
Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise number
and title, and the task name.
2. for Guide Questions
Write or encode your answers in any type of paper as long as it is
readable. Use arial-12 as font style and font size if you choose to encode
your answer. The heading at the top of the bond paper must have your
Name, Course Title and offering number, the Laboratory exercise number
and title, and the guide question.
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If you choose to submit all the outputs ONLINE, scan everything, convert it
into pdf file ONLY (you can download CAMSCANNER in the app store), and
submit it on the VSU eLearning site under our Course MTec 121.
If you choose to submit all the outputs VIA COURIER, put it on an envelope
with your Name, Course Title and Offering Number, and Laboratory
Exercise number written on the back side. Address your output to the
Instructor’s Name, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of
Engineering and Technology, Visayas State University, Visca, Brgy.
Pangasugan, Baybay City, Leyte.
Failure to follow these instructions will have deduction of points.
Additional Resources
1. Sand Casting:
2. Casting Process:
3. Basics of Casting a Metal:
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safety-rules-foundry.14397/. [Accessed 14 February 2021].
Digital Pictures:
1. Figure 7-1
2. Figure 7-2
3. Figure 7-3
4. Figure 7-4
5. Figure 7-5
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