David W. Ussery - DNA Structure: A-, B - and Z-DNA Helix Families
David W. Ussery - DNA Structure: A-, B - and Z-DNA Helix Families
David W. Ussery - DNA Structure: A-, B - and Z-DNA Helix Families
Introductory article
Article Contents
. Introduction . Phosphate Backbone . Base Pairs . Structural Properties of the DNA Helix . Right-handed Helices . Left-handed Z-helices
Pictures of the double helix of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) have become so common that everyone is familiar with its overall shape and structure (Figure 1a).This structure is known as B-DNA, and represents an average conformation of DNA, based on bre diraction studies. However, this average shape of DNA is very unlikely to exist within the cells of living organisms, for several reasons. First, there is simply not enough room for the DNA to be stretched out in a perfect, linear B-DNA conformation. In nearly all cells, from simple bacteria through complex eukaryotes, the DNA must be compacted by more than a thousandfold in order even to t inside the cell or nucleus. Furthermore, rened resolution of the structure of DNA, based on X-ray crystallography of short synthetic pieces of DNA, has shown that there is considerable variance of the helical structure of DNA,
based on the sequence. For example, a 200-bp piece of DNA can run as if it were more than 1000 bp on an acrylamide gel, if it has the right sequence. The double helix is not the same uniform structure. The structure (and function) of DNA depends on the sequence of the DNA. There are three families of DNA helices: A-DNA, which can readily form within certain stretches of purines (e.g. GAGGGA); B-DNA, which is favoured by mixed sequences (although the exact conformation depends on the particular nucleotide sequence, as described below); and Z-DNA, which is favoured by alternating pyrimidine purine steps (e.g. CGCGCG). The A-and B-DNA families are right-handed helices, while the Z-DNA family has a
Figure 1 Different views of the DNA helix. (a) The structure of B-DNA as proposed by Watson and Crick in 1953, based on fibre diffraction studies. Modified from Sinden et al. (1998). (b) A-, B-and Z-DNA, as seen from the side of the helix (above), and looking down the helix axis (below). The structures were drawn from the crystal structures, using the Cn3D programme, available from the NCBI home page.
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left-handed orientation of the helix, as shown in Figure 1b. These dierent conformations of the DNA helix have important biological functions.
Base Pairs
Base-stacking interactions
From an energetic point of view, the most important contribution to the DNA helix is the stacking of the bases on top of each other. The stacking energy is a measure of how much energy is required to destack or melt a region of double-stranded DNA. Table 1 lists the stacking energies for all 16 dierent dinucleotide combinations. There is a strong sequence dependence on the amount of stabilizing energy from base stacking. As a general trend, alternating pyrimidinepurine steps have less energy, and in particular T.A steps have the lowest ( 2 3.82 kcal mol 2 1). G.C steps have the largest value ( 2 15 kcal mol 2 1), and require the most energy to melt. The propeller twist is a measure of the angle between the planes of the two bases, as shown in Figure 3b. Each base is planar, but when two bases pair, they do not always line up perfectly at with each other; this angle is called propeller twist because the bases are twisted away from each other like an aeroplane propeller. This measure is related to the rigidity of the helix, such that a larger propeller twist angle reects a more rigid helix. In B-DNA, the propeller twist angles are usually quite low, as can be seen from the side view of the helix in Figure 1b. Another important dinucleotide parameter related to base-stacking interactions is the twist angle of the two bases, as shown in Figure 3b. Table 1 includes the values for twist angles for B-DNA in solution. Note that these range from 27.98 (which would correlate to a helix with 12.9 bp per turn) to 408 (corresponding to 9 bp per turn). Thus the pitch of the helix (that is, the length of a full turn of the helix) can range considerably, based on the sequence. This has important biological consequences. If there are two protein-binding sites, each facing the same side of the helix, separated by about 21 bp, or roughly two turns of the helix, it is possible to have dierent intervening sequences, resulting in quite dierent orientations of the two sites (ranging over about 458 of orientation relative to each other).
Phosphate Backbone
Phosphodiester backbone
The phosphate backbone consists of deoxyribose sugar molecules linked together by phosphate groups, as shown in the oligonucleotide in Figure 2. The backbone continues on in a simple repetitive pattern:
with the DNA bases sticking out at the side. The phosphate groups have a negative charge, giving the outside of the DNA an overall negative charge. This charge is neutralized in solution by Na+, although in the cell (where much less Na+ exists), the polyamines spermine and spermidine bind along the phosphate backbone and help neutralize some of the charge. (The charge is also neutralized by divalent cations, such as Mg2 1 , and many DNA-binding proteins often contain the positively charged amino acids lysine and arginine, which are attracted to the negatively charged phosphate backbone.)
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1 2
5C 4C
9 8C
H (a)
H Adenine
N H N O O P O 5 Phosphate end
N C N H N H H Cytosine H N
3 Hydroxyl end
Figure 2 Chemical structure of DNA. (a) The chemical structure of the nucleotide adenosine triphosphate (ATP). (b) The phosphodiester backbone for the sequence d(ACGT). Modified from Sinden et al. (1998).
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Table 1
Dinucleotide values for helical parameters for B-DNA Stacking energy kcal mol1 5.37 10.51 6.78 6.57 6.57 8.26 9.61 6.78 9.81 14.59 8.26 10.51 3.82 9.81 6.57 5.37 7.92 2.57 Twist angle () 35.6 34.4 27.9 32.1 34.5 33.7 29.8 27.9 36.9 40.0 33.7 34.4 36.0 36.9 34.5 35.6 35.7 8.0 Propeller twist () 18.66 13.10 14.00 15.01 9.45 8.11 10.03 14.00 13.48 11.08 8.11 13.10 11.85 13.48 9.45 18.66 12.60 3.2
Major groove
H N Sugar N N H H
Minor groove
N O Sugar Twist
Minor groove
Figure 3 Properties of DNA bases. (a) The base pairs for guaninecytosine (G.C) and adeninethymine (A.T). (b) Twist angle for the A.A dinucleotide, and propeller twist for an A.T base pair. Modified from Sinden et al. (1998).
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This is likely to be due in part to propeller twisting of the bases (Figure 3b), which results in strain in the H-bonds.
Right-handed Helices
A-form DNA was rst identied from bre-diraction studies of DNA at low (75%) relative humidity. More recently, crystal studies have identied specic sequences which can adopt A-DNA type of structures (Figure 1b). In general, A-DNA for any sequence is favoured under dehydrating conditions, and certain purine stretches will favour an A-conformation, even in cases of higher hydration levels. It appears that at least four purines (or pyrimidines) in a row are enough to set up a local A-DNA helix, although of course certain purine stretches are more likely to form A-DNA than others. (For example, the sequence AAAA crystallizes as B-DNA, not in the Ahelix.) It is thus possible to have a DNA sequence that contains some regions in the A-form within the context of a mainly B-conformation. Some of the helical parameters of A-DNA are given in Table 2. The A-DNA helix is a bit wider than B-DNA (and also Z-DNA), and this is mainly due to the fact that the base pairs stack nearly on top of each other in B-DNA, but stack a little o-centre in the A-conformation. Notice in Figure 1b that, if you look down the helix, there is a hole in the A-conformation, which is absent in the two other
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Table 2
Comparison of different helical parameters for A-, B-, and Z-DNA A-DNA Right 11 0.26 28 20 33 2.3 B-DNA Right 10 0.34 34 6 36 2.0 Z-DNA Left 12 0.45 45 7 30 1.8
Parameter Helix sense Base pairs per turn Axial rise (nm) Helix pitch () Base pair tilt () Twist angle () Diameter of helix (nm)
helical conformations. As might be expected, this results in the A-DNA helix being less stable than the B-DNA conformation. A-DNA is also more rigid than B-DNA, again because the o-centre stacking of the bases makes them less exible. There are about 11 bp per turn for ADNA, compared with about 10 bp per turn for the B-form. Finally, the base-pair tilt is higher in A-DNA than in BDNA. An A-helix is the common form for DNARNA hybrids, as well as double-stranded RNA; this is due to the extra OH group on the ribose sugar, which cannot t easily into the tight space allotted to it in B-DNA.
most other sequences will readily form a right-handed helix. The Z-helix is narrower than the A-and Bconformations, and it has 12 bp per turn. The nucleotide bases are ipped upside down, relative to the phosphate backbone, in Z-DNA when compared with A-DNA and BDNA.
B-DNA is the WatsonCrick form of the double helix that most people are familiar with (Figure 1). It was rst identied in bres at 92% relative humidity. Several sequences crystallized to high resolution have been found to adopt the B-DNA conformation. Although on average the conformation of B-DNA is the same in crystals as in solution, the local structure is strongly dependent on its local sequence. Table 1 lists some of the dierent structural parameters for B-DNA as a function of dinucleotide sequence. The table also shows the average parameters, which are very close to the values obtained in bre diraction studies. Of the three families of DNA helices, B-DNA is the most common, and also the most variable in structure.
Left-handed Z-helices
One of the rst DNA sequences to be crystallized was the oligomer d(GCGCGC), as shown in Figure 1b. To many peoples surprise, this structure was a left-handed helix, opposite to that of the traditional WatsonCrick helix. The backbone is not a smooth helix, but is irregular and zigzag in shape, hence its name. At the time, this structure was quite controversial, but now it is generally accepted that certain DNA sequences (in particular alternating purine pyrimidine tracts) can form left-handed Z-DNA, while
Biology of Z-DNA
Sequences which can form Z-DNA are essentially not found in Escherichia coli, and yet they are overrepresented in complex eukaryotes. A notable example of this is the
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CpG islands, which could potentially form Z-DNA, especially when methylated. In a complicated scenario, a protein which is responsible for mRNA editing is activated upon binding to left-handed Z-DNA upstream of a gene. In addition, Z-DNA has also been postulated to play a role as a transcription enhancer, and in terminal dierentiation. In some eukaryotic genomes, 10% or more of the genome contains sequences capable of forming Z-DNA.
bind to DNA in one helical conformation and force the DNA to adopt a dierent conformation, such as proteins which bind to B-DNA and can drive it to either A-or Zforms. In living cells, most of the DNA is in a mixture of Aand B-DNA conformations, with a few small regions capable of forming Z-DNA.
This work was supported by a grant from the Danish National Research Foundation.
Further Reading
Calladine CR and Drew HR (1997) Understanding DNA, 2nd edn. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Centre of Biological Sequence Analysis (2001) http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/ dave/DNAbooks.html [A list of more than 100 books about DNA.] Centre for Biological Sequence Analysis (2001) http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/ services/GenomeAtlas/A_DNA.html Frank-Kamenetskii MD (1993) Unraveling DNA. Cambridge, UK: VCH Publishers (UK) Ltd. Gagna CE, Kuo H and Lambert WC (1999) Terminal dierentiation and left-handed Z-DNA: a review. Cell Biology International 23: 15. Herbert A and Rich A (1999) Left-handed Z-DNA: structure and function. Genetica 106: 3747. Malinia L, Fernandez LG, Huynh-Dinh T and Subirana JA (1999) Structure of the d(CGCCCGCGGGCG) dodecamer: a kinked ADNA molecule showing some B-DNA features. Journal of Molecular Biology 285: 16791690. National Center for Biotechnology Information (2001) http:// www.ncbi.nlm.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?db=Structure [type in ADNA, for example, for a list of A-DNA crystal structures]. Ng H, Kopka ML and Dickerson RE (2000) The structure of a stable intermediate in the A-DNA helix transition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 97: 20352039. Saenger W (1984) Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure. New York: Springer. Sinden RR (1994) DNA Structure and Function. San Diego: Academic Press. Sinden RR, Pearson CE, Potaman VN and Ussery DW (1998) DNA: structure and function. Advances in Genome Biology 5A: 1141.
Whether a DNA sequence will be in the A-, B-or Z-DNA conformation depends on at least three conditions. The rst is the ionic or hydration environment, which can facilitate conversion between dierent helical forms. ADNA is favoured by low hydration, whereas Z-DNA can be favoured by high salt. The second condition is the DNA sequence: A-DNA is favoured by certain stretches of purines (or pyrimidines), whereas Z-DNA can be most readily formed by alternating purinepyrimidine steps. The third condition is the presence of proteins that can
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