The Tragedy of King Lear (BookZZ
The Tragedy of King Lear (BookZZ
The Tragedy of King Lear (BookZZ
An international team of scholars offers:
. modernized, easily accessible texts
• ample commentary and introductions
. attention to the theatrical qualities of each
play and its stage history
• informative illustrations
Brian Gibbons
From the publication of the first volumes in 1984 the General Editor of the New
Cambridge Shakespeare was Philip Brockbank and the Associate General Editors were
Brian Gibbons and Robin Hood. From 1990 to 1994 the General Editor was Brian
Gibbons and the Associate General Editors were A. R. Braunmuller and Robin Hood.
For this updated critical edition of King Lear, Professor Halio has added a new introductory
section on recent stage, film, and critical interpretations of the play. He gives a comprehensive
account of Shakespeare's sources and the literary, political, and folkloric influences at work in
the play; a detailed reading of the action; and a substantial stage history of major productions.
Jay Halio is concerned to clarify, for those approaching the play for the first time, the vexed
question of its textual history. Unlike previous editions, his does not present a conflation of the
quarto and the Folio. Accepting that we have two versions of equal authority, the one derived
from Shakespeare's rough drafts, the other from a manuscript used in the playhouses during the
seventeenth century, Professor Halio chooses the Folio as the text for this edition. He explains
the differences between the two versions and alerts the reader to the rival claims of the quarto by
means of a sampling of parallel passages in the Introduction and by an appendix which contains
annotated passages unique to the quarto.
Edited by
Emeritus Professor of English, University of Delaware
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sào Paulo
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PHILIP BROCKBANK, 1 9 2 2 - 1 9 8 9
For over two hundred years editors of King Lear have based their work on the theory
that the two early texts of the play, the first quarto of 1608 and the Folio of 1623,
represent incomplete and faulty approximations of the play as Shakespeare originally
wrote it. This single-text theory, so-called, is in the judgement of many scholars today
no longer viable. In their view, an alternative theory - that Q and F (as they are known)
represent different versions of the play - must replace it. These scholars believe that
the quarto, poorly printed by Nicholas Okes's compositors in the winter of 1607-8,
derives from an early manuscript copy in Shakespeare's hand, and that the Folio derives
from a considerably altered and revised version, one more closely approximating the
play as the author visualised it in performance, or as the King's Men actually staged
it in the period between its first performances and the third decade of the seventeenth
The implications of the alternative, or revision, hypothesis are significant for a mod-
ern editor, who must now decide which version to follow as his copy-text. The advocates
of a quarto-based edition have strong arguments to support them; so do those who advo-
cate a Folio-based edition. Final choice will depend upon one's preference for an early
manuscript version, as reflected in the first printed edition, however corrupt or incom-
plete, or for a revised version of the play which, though in many respects offering a
better text, involves problems of its own. Among those problems is the vexed question
of revision and the issue of authenticity or legitimacy that revision, including authorial
revision, raises.
Recently revision and the issue of intentionality it involves have also come under
renewed scrutiny by theoretical and practical critics alike. If years have passed between
the original composition and the revision (in the case of King Lear, perhaps more than
five years), may it not be argued that the original creative impulse and sense of design
have long since vanished, that the author can no longer be sure what he intended? My
colleague, Hershel Parker, has asked just such questions and provided answers to them
in his stimulating enquiry, Flawed Texts and Verbal Icons (1984). Using examples from
American fiction, he maintains that authors may be subjected to pressures and motives
having to do with commercial viability or public taste or other matters that are irrelevant
to the composition at hand and which are extrinsic to the creative process. Much of
his argument is of course applicable to other forms of literature, perhaps even - or
especially - to plays, which are above all forms of literature highly susceptible to the
pressures of production, box-office concerns, shifts in taste or decorum (not to mention
morality), and so forth. But it is precisely here that plays also differ from novels or poems
in that they are, by their very nature, collaborative undertakings. A play by Shakespeare,
no less than one by Tennessee Williams, Tom Stoppard, or Eugène Ionesco, is seldom
the same on the boards as in the playwright's study. And it may change from production
Preface [xii]
to production, revival to revival, raising questions about the nature of the play as well
as its interpretation.1 In the quarto and the Folio, King Lear presents two significantly
different versions of Shakespeare's play, one closer to the composition as he originally
conceived it (Q), the other closer to an actual staged production after revision (F). The
two versions involve a host of variant readings in addition to unique passages, alternative
speech assignments, missing stage directions, and other divergences, besides numerous
printer's errors. Editors have hitherto thought that by conflating, or splicing, the two
versions they could approach what they assumed to be the 'ideal' form of the play,
apparently lost; but this belief violates theatrical tradition and otherwise has little to
support it.
Establishing the definitive text of such a fluid enterprise as a play is in its evolution
from conception through performance under a variety of exigencies becomes impos-
sible, unless one arbitrarily decides (as past scholars usually have done) that the last
published version in the author's lifetime in which the author had a hand is 'defini-
tive'. Questions about the soundness of this procedure aside, what if the author had
no hand in the publication of the work? Shakespeare was dead before half of his plays
were published, and it is uncertain what role, if any, he played in the publication of
any of the others, including King Lear in 1608. Although he oversaw the printing of
his long poems, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrèce, dedicated to his patron
Southampton, he apparently cared much less about the publication of his dramatic
works, leaving to generations of scholars the fascinating problems of establishing an
authentic, if not definitive, edition of his plays. An authentic, not definitive, edition of
King Lear is the goal of this one. Founded on a fresh examination of the texts as well
as on the best available scholarship and criticism regarding the text, the total historical
context (including theatrical data), and the study of extant sources, this edition tries
to provide a clear, up-to-date, readable, and reliable version based on the Folio text of
Shakespeare's King Lear. Throughout, the emphasis is upon the play as a play, not just
a literary document, though it is that too, of course, and the Commentary accordingly
ignores neither aspect of the work.
Modern editors of Shakespeare owe enormous debts to the countless scholars, edi-
tors, critics, and theatre professionals who have preceded them. Wherever possible,
I have tried to record specific debts in footnotes or Commentary, but more gener-
alised and personal debts must be acknowledged here. Many friends and scholars have
lent assistance by reviewing various parts of the typescript in preparation and making
invaluable suggestions and often corrections of error or misunderstanding. Donald
Foster, Trevor Howard-Hill, and Gary Taylor all read the Textual Analysis in its orig-
inal form; it appears here much changed as a result of their suggestions and those of
Philip Brockbank who, until his death, served as General Editor of the New Cambridge
Shakespeare. Thomas Clayton, Richard Knowles, and George Walton Williams read
the original and the revised versions of that analysis - a service well beyond the call of
collegiality and friendship. Indeed, Thomas Clayton read all of the Introduction, except
So, too, poems may change from one printing to another, in new editions or new anthologies, as the texts
of Robert Lowell's early poetry attest. See Hugh Staples, Robert Lowell: The First Twenty Years, 1962.
[xm] Preface
the stage history, which Marvin Rosenberg read in an earlier form. Philip Brockbank
also vetted the original version of the section on dates and sources, which (like the
Textual Analysis) has been entirely reorganised and revised according to his recom-
mendations. I am sure, had he lived, he would have made further recommendations
concerning other sections of the Introduction, which then would have profited from his
advice and counsel. Since his death, Brian Gibbons, who has succeeded him as General
Editor, has been of great assistance, offering many suggestions and not a few corrections
of detail. It was, in fact, his suggestion to follow the example of John Hazel Smith's
edition of Bussy D'Ambois, and include a sampling of parallel passages from quarto and
Folio to highlight the kinds of changes that occur between them. The Associate General
Editors, Robin Hood and A. R. Braunmuller, have also been most helpful in making
suggestions and corrections. Sarah Stanton has advised me on various aspects of format
and procedure, and Paul Chipchase's copy-editing has been both thorough and acutely
perceptive. To all of these dedicated professionals, I express my gratitude and exempt
them from any errors or infelicities that remain. They are of my own making and my
own responsibility.
Several scholars have generously permitted me to see their work in typescript or in
proof. Among them are J. Leeds Bar roll, Peter Blayney, Frank Brownlow, G. Blakemore
Evans, F. D. Hoeniger, Arthur King, Alexander Leggatt, and Stanley Wells. Others have
kindly sent me offprints or pre-prints of articles or have answered queries concerning
some aspect of King Lear. These scholars have demonstrated once again that Shake-
spearean - indeed, all - scholarship at its best is always a collaborative venture.
I must also express gratitude to the following libraries and their staffs, who have
been unfailingly co-operative and helpful: the University of Delaware Library, the
Folger Shakespeare Library, the British Library, the Shakespeare Centre Library, and
the Library of Congress. Several graduate students and secretarial staff have assisted
in various aspects of research or preparation: Kate Rodowsky, Patience Philips, Susan
Savini, Suzanne Potts, and Victoria Gray cheerfully carried out duties that must often
have seemed at least tedious. To the Trustees of the University of Delaware, I owe
thanks for awarding me a sabbatical leave in the autumn term of 1987 and for a research
grant in the summer of 1988. Such assistance has greatly facilitated work on this edition.
J. L. H.
Shakespeare's plays, when cited in this edition, are abbreviated in a style modified slightly
from that used in the Harvard Concordance to Shakespeare. Other editions of Shakespeare are
abbreviated under the editor's surname (Theobald, Duthie) unless they are the work of more
than one editor. In such cases, an abbreviated series title is used (Cam.). When more than one
edition by the same editor is cited, later editions are discriminated with a raised figure (Rowe 2 ) .
All quotations from Shakespeare, except those from King Lear, use the text and lineation of The
Riverside Shakespeare, under the general editorship of G. Blakemore Evans.
i. Shakespeare's plays
Ado Much Ado About Nothing
Ant. Antony and Cleopatra
A WW All's Well That Ends Well
AY LI As You Like It
Cor. Coriolanus
Cym. Cymbeline
Err. The Comedy of Errors
Ham. Hamlet
1H4 The First Part of King Henry the Fourth
2H4 The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth
H5 King Henry the Fifth
1H6 The First Part of King Henry the Sixth
2H6 The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth
3H6 The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth
H8 King Henry the Eighth
JC Julius Caesar
John King John
LLL Love's Labour's Lost
Lear King Lear
Mac. Macbeth
MM Measure for Measure
MND A Midsummer Night's Dream
MV The Merchant of Venice
Oth. Othello
Per. Pericles
R2 King Richard the Second
R3 King Richard the Third
Rom. Romeo and Juliet
Shr. The Taming of the Shrew
STM Sir Thomas More
Temp. The Tempest
TGV The Two Gentlemen of Verona
[xv] List of abbreviations and conventions
Doran Madeleine Doran, The Text of'King Lear\ 1931, reprinted 1967
Duthie King Lear: A Critical Edition, ed. George Ian Duthie, 1949
ELR English Literary Renaissance
Elton William Elton, 'King Lear' and the Gods, 1966
Mr William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, 1623
F (First Folio)
Mr William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, 1632
F2 (Second Folio)
F3 Mr William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies,
1663-4 (Third Folio)
F4 Mr William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, 1685
(Fourth Folio)
m Edmond Spenser, The Faerie Queene, 1596
King Lear, ed. Horace Howard Furness, 1880 (New Variorum)
The Globe Shakespeare, ed. W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright,
Goldring Beth Goldring, 'Cor.'s rescue of Kent', in Division, pp. 143-51
Granville-Barker Harley Granville-Barker, Prefaces to Shakespeare, 2 vols., 1946, 1
Greg, Editorial Problem W. W Greg, The Editorial Problem in Shakespeare, 1942, 2nd edn,
Greg, S FF W W Greg, The Shakespeare First Folio, 1955
Greg, Variants W W Greg, The Variants in the First Quarto of 'King Lear ',
Halio King Lear, ed. Jay L. Halio, 1973 (Fountainwell)
Hanmer The Works ofShakespear, ed. Thomas Hanmer, 1743-4
Harbage King Lear, ed. Alfred Harbage, 1958 (Penguin)
Harsnett Samuel Harsnett, A Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures,
Heilman Robert Heilman, This Great Stage: Image and Structure in 'King
Lear', 1948, reprinted 1963
Hinman Charlton K. Hinman, The Printing and Proofreading of the First
Folio of Shakespeare, 2 vols., 1963
Hoeniger F D Hoeniger, Medicine and Shakespeare in the English
Renaissance, 1992
Holland Norman N. Holland, The Shakespearean Imagination, 1964
Hunter King Lear, ed. G. K. Hunter, 1972 (New Penguin)
Jackson MacDonald P. Jackson, 'Fluctuating variation: author, annotator,
or actor', in Division, pp. 313-49
Jennens King Lear, ed. Charles Jennens, 1770
Johnson The Plays of William Shakespeare, ed. Samuel Johnson, 8 vols.,
1765, vi
Joseph Sister Miriam Joseph, Shakespeare's Use of the Arts of Language,
Kerrigan John Kerrigan, 'Revision, adaptation, and the Fool in King Lear\
in Division, pp. 195—245
King Arthur King, Materials for the Study of'King Lear' (in
King Leu The History of King Leir (1605) (Malone Society Reprints),
[xvii] List of abbreviations and conventions
SB Studies in Bibliography
Schmidt Alexander Schmidt, A Shakespeare-Lexicon, 3rd edn, Breslau,
Schmidt 1879 King Lear, ed. Alexander Schmidt, Berlin, 1879
SD stage direction
SFNL Shakespeare on Film Newsletter
SH speech heading
Shaheen Naseeb Shaheen, Biblical References in Shakespeare's Tragedies,
Sisson C. J. Sisson, New Readings in Shakespeare, 2 vols., 1956,11
Some Facets Rosalie L. Colie and F. T. Flahiff (eds.), Some Facets of'King
Lear': Essays in Prismatic Criticism, 1974
SP Studies in Philology
Spurgeon Caroline Spurgeon, Shakespeare's Imagery and What It Tells Us,
SQ. Shakespeare Quarterly
S.St. Shakespeare Studies
S.Sur. Shakespeare Survey
Stampfer Judah Stampfer, 'The catharsis of King Lear\ S.Sur. 13 (i960),
Staunton The Plays of Shakespeare, ed. H. Staunton, 1858-60
Steevens The Plays of William Shakespeare, ed. Samuel Johnson and
George Steevens, 15 vols., 1793, xiv
Stone P. W. K. Stone, The Textual History of'King Lear', 1980
subst. substantively
Taylor, 'Censorship' Gary Taylor, 'Monopolies, show trials, disaster, and invasion:
King Lear and censorship', in Division, pp. 75-119
Taylor, 'Date and Gary Taylor, 'King Lear, the date and authorship of the Folio
authorship' version', in Division, pp. 351-468
Taylor, 'New source' Gary Taylor, 'A new source and an old date for King Lear\ RES
132(1982), 396-413
Taylor, 'War' Gary Taylor, 'The war in King Lear\ S.Sur. 33 (1980), 27-34
Textual Companion Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor, with John Jowett and William
Montgomery, William Shakespeare: A Textual Companion, 1987
Theobald The Works of Shakespeare, ed. Lewis Theobald, 7 vols., 1733, v
uncorr. uncorrected
Urkowitz Steven Urkowitz, Shakespeare's Revision of'King Lear', 1980
Urkowitz, 'Editorial Steven Urkowitz, 'The base shall to th'legitimate: the growth
tradition' of an editorial tradition', in Division, pp. 23-43
Warburton The Works of Shakespeare, ed. William Warburton, 1747,
8 vols., vi
Warren, 'Albany and Michael Warren, 'Quarto and Folio King Lear and the
Edgar' interpretation of Albany and Edgar', in David Bevington and Jay
L. Halio (eds.), Shakespeare: Pattern of Excelling Nature, 1978,
pp. 95-107
Warren, 'Diminution' Michael Warren, 'The diminution of Kent', in Division,
PP 59-73
Warren, R. Roger Warren, 'The Folio omission of the mock trial: motives
and consequences', in Division, pp. 45-57
[xix] List of abbreviations and conventions
Werstine Paul Werstine, 'Folio editors, Folio compositors, and the Folio
text of King Lear\ in Division, pp. 247-312
Wiles David Whiles, Shakespeare's Clown, 1987
Wittreich Joseph Wittreich, 'Image of that Horror1: History, Prophecy, and
Apocalypse in 'King Lear \ 1984
1 rue Chronicle Hi
ftory of K i n g L i i ^ and his three
daughters, Çm^ilî^ ^Ragan^
times lately a&ed«
rintta by Simon Stafford for Iohn
Wright» and arc to bec fold at hisflbopat
Chriftes Qiurch dore» next Newgate
Market, 16 o 5,
In the Christian calendar, St Stephen's Day (26 December) was the first of four festivals ending on
New Year's Day that stressed man's folly and worldliness. Biblical readings on St Stephen's Day urged
patience in adversity and the festival was celebrated by granting hospitality, especially to the poor. For
these and other reasons, King Lear was thus an appropriate choice for the evening. See R. Chris Hassel,
Jr, Renaissance Drama andthe English Church Year, 1979, pp. 22-30, and Leah Marcus, Puzzling Shakespeare,
1988, pp. 148-59. In his recent edition of Harsnett's Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures, Frank
Brownlow speculates that Samuel Harsnett, then Bishop of Chichester, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge
University, and Master of Pembroke College, might also have been in the audience. On Shakespeare's debt
to Harsnett, see below.
Compare Annabel Patterson, Censorship and Interpretation, 1984, pp. 64-73, and Glynne Wickham, 'From
tragedy to tragi-comedy: "King Lear" as prologue', S.Sur. 26 (1973), 33-48, who notes that the two sons
of James I were at this time Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Albany. See also Wittreich, pp. 17-24.
The Tragedy of King Lear [2]
acted', then King Lear must have been on the boards by early 1605.1 On the other
hand, revival of King Leir may have been otherwise occasioned, and composition of
Shakespeare's play, clearly indebted to it, may have begun afterwards. It could not have
been written before 1603, the date of Samuel Harsneti's A Declaration of Egregious Popish
Impostures, since much of Tom o'Bedlam's language derives from that document.2 And
if Eastward Ho inspired several passages, then composition occurred after April 1605.3
W. W. Greg, 'The date of King Lear and Shakespeare's use of earlier versions of the story', The Library,
4th ser., 20 (1939-40), 377-400.
Chambers, 1, 467-70; Bullough, vu, 269-70.
Taylor, 'New source', pp. 396-413.
Fitzroy Pyle, 'Twelfth Night, King Lear, and Arcadia', MLR 43 (1948), 449-55.
[J] Introduction
In Shakespeare's play, Gloucester twice refers to such a plot (3.4.147, 3.6.45), but it is not developed.
'The artist exploring the primitive', in Some Facets, p. 98.
In King Lear, Harvester New Critical Introductions to Shakespeare, 1988, pp. 6-7, Alexander Leggatt
argues that Shakespeare actually compressed his sources, which include Cordelia's later death in prison,
and that the happy conclusion of King Leir was new.
For more detailed analysis of King Leir and King Lear, see Bullough, pp. 277 ff; Muir, pp. xxvi ff; Dorothy
Nameri, Three Versions of the Story of King Lear, 1976, 1, 26-121; Stephen J. Lynch, 'Sin, suffering, and
redemption in Leir and Lear\ S.St. 18 (1986), 161-74.
The Tragedy of King Lear M
King Lear is not only about a monarch and his divided realm, but also about a father,
his property, and his three daughters. Several contemporary analogues exist, of which
the most important are the events surrounding Sir Brian Annesley and his daughters,
the youngest of whom was named Cordell.1 An old servant of Queen Elizabeth, Sir
Brian held an estate of some value in Kent. In October 1603 his eldest daughter, Lady
Grace Wildgoose, or Wildgose, attempted to have her father certified as incompetent
so that she and her husband, Sir John Wildgoose, could take over the management of
his affairs. The part played by his second daughter, Christian, is unknown, but Cordell
opposed the plan, successfully it appears, by appealing to Sir Robert Cecil. She argued
that, given his loyalty and long service, her father deserved better than to be judged
lunatic in his old age. Sir Brian died in July 1604, and the Wildgooses contested his will,
since in it he left most of his property and possessions to Cordell. One of the executors
was Sir William Harvey, third husband of the dowager Countess of Southampton, the
mother of Shakespeare's early patron. The will was upheld, and after the countess
died in 1607, Harvey married Cordell Annesley. It may be that the Annesley case was
responsible, at least in part, for the revival of interest in The True Chronicle or for
Shakespeare's rewriting it (Bullough, pp. 270-1).
C. J. Sisson, Shakespeare's Tragic Justice, 1963, pp. 80-3. G. M. Young, in 'Shakespeare and the Termers',
Today and Yesterday, 1948, is usually credited with this discovery; but Charlotte C. Stopes quotes Cordell
Annesley's letter to Lord Cecil dated 18 October 1603 in The Life of Henry, Third Earl of Southampton,
Shakespeare's Patron, 1922, p. 274. Compare also G. P. V. Akrigg, Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton,
1968, pp. 257-8.
Irving Ribner, 'Sidney's Arcadia and the structure of King Lear\ Studia Neophilologica 24 (1952), 67;
but compare S. L. Goldberg, An Essay on 'King Lear', 1974, p. 79. In 'The very pompes of the divell -
popular and folk elements in Elizabethan and Jacobean drama', RES 25 (1949), 10-23, Douglas Hewitt
shows how Shakespeare universalises his theme in other ways, e.g. through analogous representation of
folk ceremonies, such as banishing the scapegoat, a ceremony still practised in Shakespeare's time. See
esp. his pp. 18-20.
Quotations are from Bullough's extracts, pp. 402-14; references are to the facsimile edition published by
Kent State University Press, 1970.
Printed for William Ponfonbie,
Muir, pp. xxxix-xli.
[/] Introduction
served not simply to amuse, but to criticise their masters and mistresses and their
guests; Queen Elizabeth is said to have rebuked one of her fools for not being severe
enough with her. On the other hand, they might be whipped for excessive behaviour,
as Lear threatens to punish his Fool. Mentally deficient and/or physically deformed,
they were 'exceptional' in almost every respect, requiring the protection of powerful
patrons to avoid social ostracism or abuse.
Distinctions can be, and were, made between the 'natural fool' and the 'artificial'
or professional fool, as well as between the fool and the clown (the rustic, or country
bumpkin), but the principal feature that is relevant here is the fool's privileged status
in a royal or noble household. While his folly could be disregarded as the raving of a
madman, it could also be seen as divinely inspired: the natural fool was 'touched' by
God (or 'tetched', in American dialect). Lear's 'all-licensed fool' enjoys a privileged
status, much to GonerilPs annoyance (i.4.160), and his characteristic idiom suggests
he is a 'natural' fool, not an 'artificial' one, though his perceptiveness and wit show that
he is far from being an idiot or a moron, however 'touched' he may otherwise be.
Fools or jesters had appeared occasionally but not often in Elizabethan drama, as
in Greene's Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay and James IV. With the advent of Robert
Armin, who replaced Will Kempe in the King's Men and made a speciality of fools
(as distinguished from Kempe's clowns), the character became more popular on the
stage between 1598 and 1605. Armin successfully undertook the roles not only of
Touchstone, Feste, and Lavatch in Shakespeare's comedies, but of Carlo Buffone in
Jonson's Every Man Out of His Humour and Passarello in Marston's The Malcontent.1
Whether or not he himself played Lear's fool (see p. 32 below) is less important than the
fact that by 1605 the character had become both a popular and a significant one in plays
performed by the King's Men. Shakespeare then developed the role and extended it in
King Lear so that folly became a dominant theme in his tragedy.
Lear's folly - his foolishness in giving away everything to two daughters and banishing
the third - is the Fool's persistent early refrain. This foolishness turns into madness and
leads directly to the commentary in Act 4 upon 'this great stage of fools', which Lear
delivers to Gloucester, his counterpart in the second plot (4.5.174 ff). If Shakespeare
derived his use of'fool', as William Empson and others claim,2 from a rather generalised
memory of Erasmus's Praise of Folly, he developed it in ways only glimpsed or implied
by Erasmus. The ironic inversions of folly and wisdom that abound throughout the
play cast darker shadows. Shakespeare had experimented with bitter fools in Troilus and
Cressida (Thersites) and AW s Well That Ends Well (Lavatch), but the Fool in King Lear
is a more complex creation than these bitter fools - more affecting in his vulnerability
and his closeness to Lear, yet with a perception of the horror of the situation which
drives him to a relentless goading of his master.
Enid Welsford relates the central scenes of Acts 3 and 4 to the culminating moments
in the sottie, a type of comedy especially popular in Europe from the end of the fifteenth
Enid Welsford, The Fool: His Social and Literary History, 1935, reprinted 1961, pp. 245-6; Wiles,
pp. 144-58.
The Structure of Complex Words, [1951], p. 124. Compare Leo Salingar, Shakespeare and the Traditions of
Comedy, 1974, pp. 246-7, and Walter Kaiser, Praisers of Folly, 1963, pp. 2 1 - 2 , 99.
The Tragedy of King Lear [8]
century to the beginning of the seventeenth. The theme of the sottie is the universal
sway of Mother Folly, and it ends with the reduction of every class of person to 'the man
in cap and bells'.1 The Praise of Folly is a derivative of the sottie, which flourished more
on the continent than in Britain, although it influenced Sir David Lindsay's Satire
of the Three Estates (Welsford, p. 233). Whether Shakespeare consciously contrived
his tragedy according to the vision of the sottie, we cannot know, and in any case we
must guard against believing that there must be a specifically identifiable source for
everything. The topsy-turvy world is implicit in the opening scene (from which the Fool
is notably absent), proceeding inexorably from Lear's actions and reaching a climax
in Acts 3-4. After 3.6 the Fool disappears, and after 4.1 Edgar drops his pretence of
madness, leaving the stage of folly to Lear and, less obviously, to others.
Welsford, The Fool, p. 220.
A Declaration of egregious Popish Impostures, to with-draw the harts of her Maiesties Subiects from their
allégeance, andfrom the truth of Christian Religion professed in England, under the pretence of casting out deu
Practiced by Edmvnds, alias Weston a Iesuit, and diners Romish Priests his wicked associates. . . . At Londo
Printed by lames Roberts . . . 1603.
Stephen Greenblatt, 'Shakespeare and the exorcists', in Shakespeare and the Qitestion of Theory, ed. Patricia
Parker and Geoffrey Hartman, 1985, p. 169.
See Kenneth Muir, 'Samuel Harsnett and King Lear\ RES 2 (1951), 11-21, and Bullough, pp. 299 ff.
In his forthcoming edition, Brownlow argues that the Declaration does not represent a 'source' for King
Lear in the ordinary sense; rather, the play is the result of an encounter with that text, a kind of dialogue
between cleric and poet, in which Shakespeare delivers a 'massive reply'. Its effect was to undo Harsnett's
book and reopen matters the cleric had meant finally to close.
Greenblatt,'Shakespeare and the exorcists', p. 177.
[g] Introduction
The effect of Shakespeare's use of Harsnett in King Lear is yet more complicated,
Greenblatt says, in so far as Harsnett's position seems there to be reversed. Since
scepticism, an instrument of seekers after truth, is expressed through the villainous
Cornwall, Gonerill, and especially Edmond, whilst possession and exorcism, regarded
as fraudulent practices of the wicked, are given to the legitimate Edgar, Harsnett's argu-
ments against exorcism are curiously 'alienated' from themselves. 'In Shakespeare, the
realization that demonic possession is a theatrical imposture leads not to a clarification -
the clear-eyed satisfaction of the man who refuses to be gulled - but to a deeper uncer-
tainty, a loss of moorings, in the face of evil.'1 We are not comforted by the knowledge
that Edgar's performance is precisely that - a performance - any more than we can find
comfort in the fact that Lear's prayers, like his curses, remain unanswered throughout
the play. In any event, his exorcism, or purgation, such as it is, comes not at the hands
of a priest, but through the ministrations of Cordelia, unassisted by either a 'Doctor'
or by music in the Folio revision; and Gloucester's is effected by his son Edgar. Both
are extraordinarily, though differently, dramatic.
Ibid., p. 179. John J. Murphy comes to an opposite conclusion in Darkness and Devils: Exorcism and 'King
Lear', 1984, pp. 200-1. Compare Brownlow, cited above.
See Muir, pp. 249-53, ar>d Salingar, pp. 107-39.
See Alan R. Young, 'The written and oral sources of King Lear and the problem of justice in the play',
SEL: Studies in English Literature 15 (1975), 309-19.
The Tragedy of King Lear [w]
and psychoanalytically oriented literary critics, who focus upon the incest motif latent
in the tales and in Shakespeare's tragedy.1
Briefly, the love contest with which King Lear opens and which appears, mutatis
mutandis, in all of the analogues, closely parallels the folktale tradition of the rich man
or king who asks his daughters to tell him how much they love him. The two eldest
daughters respond much as Gonerill and Regan do, but the youngest replies that she
loves her father as fresh meat loves salt, or words to that effect.2 The father, enraged,
disowns his youngest daughter, who then follows her Cinderella-like adventures until,
married to her prince, she invites her father to the wedding feast. There he is served
food without salt, learns at last the meaning of his daughter's words, and is reconciled.
Folklorists refer to this motif in the tales alternatively as 'Love like salt' and 'The King
Lear judgement' and group the tales under the Cinderella type.3
The folk paradigm is therefore always auspicious for the Cordelia figure, and when
Nahum Tate in the Restoration gave Shakespeare's play a happy ending, he was revert-
ing to that type (see p. 34 below). On the other hand, as Katherine Stockholder notes,
'The conventional fairytale would have the two sisters either dead or repentant... by
the time Cordelia achieved her happiness [marriage to France]. As it is, the fairy tale
ends when the play has scarcely begun, and leaves the play with the task of resolving
in a more realistic mode issues put forth in fairy tale starkness and absoluteness.'4 The
long-delayed scenes of reconciliation between Lear and Cordelia in Acts 4 and 5 have a
'lyric separateness' from the rest of the action, suitable for a fairytale ending, but their
reconciliation cannot reshape the world Lear has created by banishing his daughter.5
The seminal paper is Sigmund Freud's 'The theme of the three caskets', The Standard Edition of the
Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, trans. James Strachey, 1958, xii, 291-301. Compare John
Donnelly, 'Incest, ingratitude and insanity: aspects of the psychopathology of King Lear', Psychoanalytic
Review 40 (1953), 149-55, a n d especially Alan Dundes, ' "To love my father all": a psychoanalytic study
of the folktale source of King Lear\ in Cinderella: A Casebook, ed. Alan Dundes, 1983, pp. 229-44.
Perrett comments on the two dozen or so most pertinent folktales (among the 345 tabulated and arranged
by M. R. Cox, Cinderella, 1893). He notes the essential features that connect them with the Lear story: the
love test and the outcast heroine. While Geoffrey includes nothing about salt, this is a literary narrative,
Perrett says, and sophistication is likely - sophistication so subtle that the real significance of Cordeilla's
cryptic and jesting reply {quantum hahes, tantum vales, tantumque le diligo) has eluded commentators. It ca
be roughly translated as 'As much as you have, so much do you value, and so much do I love you.'
Stith Thompson, Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, Bloomington, 1956, in, 432: Motif H592.1, Love like salt;
v, 29: Motif M21, King Lear judgement. See also Antti Aarne, The Types of the Folktale: A Classification and
Bibliography, trans, and enlarged by Stith Thompson, Helsinki, 1961, p. 175: Tale type 510; and 'Cap o'
Rushes' in Katherine M. Briggs, A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Language, 1970, Part A,
11, 387-90. Briggs includes a tale-type index in 1, 35-77.
'The multiple genres of King Lear, breaking the archetypes', Bucknell Review 16 (1968), 45.
Ibid., p. 60.
[»] Introduction
Agamemnon and Iphigeneia. Similarly, King Lear borrows from but alters the form of
the Morality play and stories from the romance tradition.
In 'King Lear' in Our Time (1965) Maynard Mack cites many parallels from the old
Morality plays and from scripture. The Morality play tradition, of course, extends
down to plays as late as Marlowe's Dr Faustus, and Shakespeare's dialogue is full of
allusions to it. Characters like Edmond have a sharp affinity with the Vice of these old
plays, as Gloucester does with Mankind or Everyman. From the romance tradition,
stories like those of King Robert of Sicily provide important analogues in the theme of
the Abasement of the Proud King. Thomas Lodge's prose romance, The Famous true
and historical! life of Robert second Duke of Normandy, surnamedfor his monstrous birth and
behavior, Robin the Diuell (1591), besides recounting Robert's humbling and penitence,
prefigures many incidents in King Lear, such as Robert's sheltering in a homely cottage
during a storm, his growing compassion for fellow sufferers, and a trial by combat.1 But
although heavily indebted to Sidney's Arcadia, Shakespeare saw in it the possibilities
for transforming his fable into tragedy. The Folio revision, moreover- specifically by its
omission of the scene in Act 4 (see p. 271 below), as well as Shakespeare's alteration of the
traditional ending of the Lear story - suggests a further hardening of this anti-romantic
impulse without, however, altogether abandoning the tantalising positive possibilities
still inherent in the later scenes of the play.
Consciously or otherwise, Shakespeare drew upon other materials as well. Numerous
parallels with Gorboduc exist, not only in the language, political implications, and plots
of the two plays, but in their symbolism and treatment of nature.2 The play Selimus
also bears close resemblances to the plot structure of King Lear,3 and Shakespeare
may have borrowed from Eastward Ho, a play by Chapman, Jonson, and Marston,
performed and then banned in 1605.4 Classical mythology plays its part, too: in the
specific allusions to centaurs and Lear's 'wheel of fire' (4.6.44), as well as the overall
structure and development of the play, the influence of the myth of Ixion may be
recognised.5 Similarly, the political and philosophic thought found in William Jones's
translation of Iustus Lipsius's Sixe Bookes ofPolitickes or Ciuill Doctrine (1594) appears
pervasive in King Lear.6
The biblical parable of the Prodigal Son probably influenced Shakespeare's handling
of situation, theme, and imagery in both the Lear and Gloucester plots." The frequent
references to nakedness and raggedness in the heath scenes apparently derive from
Donna Hamilton, 'Some romance sources for King Lear\ SP 71 (1974), 173-92.
Barbara Heliodora Carneiro de Mendonça, 'The influence of Gorboduc on King Lear, S.Sur. 13 (i960),
Inga-Stina Ewbank, 'King Lear and Selimus\ N&Q, n.s., 4 (1957), 193-4.
Taylor, 'New source', pp. 396-413.
O. B. Hardison, 'Myth and history in King Lear\ SQ26 (1975), 227-42. Compare Jonathan Bate, 'Ovid
and the mature tragedies: metamorphosis in Othello and King Lear\ S.Sur. 41 (1989), 133-44.
Arthur F. Kinney, 'Some conjectures on the composition of King Lear\ S.Sur. 33 (1980), 13-25.
Susan Snyder, 'King Lear and the Prodigal Son', SQ17 (1966), 361-9.
The Tragedy of King Lear [12]
Shakespeare's conception of the Prodigal. That Lear and Gloucester are old men and
the Prodigal is a young one signifies only that Shakespeare inverted the biblical story
to produce a parable of Prodigal Fathers.
Holloway, The Story of the Night, 1961, p. 89.
In 'King Lear and Doomsday', S.Sur. 26 (1973), 69-79, Mary Lascelles discusses the existence in Shake-
speare's time of wall paintings in many churches, including Stratford's Holy Trinity Church, that depicted
Judgement Day, and connects these thematically with imagery and incidents in King Lear.
-* Wittreich, p. 26. Like most scholars until very recently, Wittreich bases his study on a conflated text (Muir's
Arden edition). Except as regards 'Merlin's Prophecy' at the end of 3.2, he fails to distinguish between
alternative versions of the play in the quarto and Folio.
Wittreich, p. 33.
Ibid., p. 90
Ibid., p. 123.
Ibid., p. 32.
Ibid., p. 79.
['.?] Introduction
Wittreich's analysis focuses for us the long controversy regarding Shakespeare's han-
dling of biblical material. He raises the vexed question of King Lear and its Christian
framework, and the religious milieu in which the play was composed and performed.
Religious allusion, however dense, does not imply that the experience of the play can
be contained within the parameters of a single religious interpretation. The attempts
of those who try to do this prove the effort misguided because they reach opposite
conclusions. Clearly they are working to too narrow a base. As elsewhere in Shake-
speare, most notably in Hamlet, much of the evidence in the play is contradictory or at
best inconsistent. By sorting through the evidence selectively, one could conclude that
the 'constant association of Cordelia with Christian doctrine' is a 'foreshadowing' of
Christ.I Cordelia's remark, 'O dear father, / It is thy business that I go about' (4.3.23-4)
closely paraphrases Luke 2.49, 'knewe ye not that I must go about my fathers business?',
and the Gentleman's comment at 4.5.196-7 echoes the Christian belief that Jesus
redeemed fallen humanity from the general curse. Other associations also enforce this
symbolic role of Cordelia. But at the other extreme are those who, like William R.
Elton, similarly working with a conflated text, argue that despite its Christian ref-
erences, King Lear is by no means 'an optimistically Christian drama'.2 Scriptural
echoes are adapted to the pagan context of the play, and in any case the 'business' that
Cordelia serves has an unhappy outcome.3 Rather than an analogue to Christ, Cordelia
(like Pamela in Sidney's Arcadia) represents the pagan prisca theologia, or 'virtuous-
heathen' view, embodying virtues and pieties derived from natural, not Christian,
beliefs. As such, the virtues approach the Christian ideal but are not identical with
it.4 Elton attempts to demonstrate, moreover, that the play does not show Lear saved,
redeemed, or regenerate, and that a benevolent providence does not preside over the
action; therefore, he concludes, the optimistic Christian interpretation of King Lear is
Complementing this view, Thomas P. Roche argues that although he is convinced
that Shakespeare was a Christian writer, King Lear is not a Christian play. Rather, it
depicts 'the plight of man before the Christian era, that is, before the salvation of man by
Christ's sacrifice was available'.6 Shakespeare altered the story as it appeared in King
Leir precisely to emphasise this fact. (Paradoxically, this emphasis, I believe, would
seem to make his play more Christian, not less, than the pietistic old play.) In bringing
to bear a host of biblical allusions from both the Old and New Testaments, Shakespeare
drew upon such language, Rosalie L. Colie maintains, 'to remind us both of man's
predicament and of the options he has within that predicament'.7 But her conclusion
S. L. Bethell, Shakespeare and the Popular Dramatic Tradition, 1944, p. 68.
Elton, p. 3.
Ibid., pp. 83-4, 292.
Ibid., pp. 38-42.
Ibid., p. 336.
Roche, ' "Nothing almost sees miracles": tragic knowledge in King Lear\ in On 'King Lear\ ed. Lawrence
Danson, 1981, p. 149.
Colie, p. 121.
The Tragedy of King Lear ['•/]
differs from both Wittreich's guarded optimism and Roche's frank pessimism:1 the
play demonstrates the necessity for endurance, the need for men to 'test and make their
own values',2 in so far as no transcendent morality is available. 'The use of biblical
echo to suggest a morality past ordinary hopes', she says, 'allows us to work through
the complicated paradoxes of the play to accept the essential, inevitable, unalterable
limitations of human life.'3 For her, as for John Holloway, the parallels to the Book of
Job are compelling.
The truth surely is that biblical allusions and parallels operate in King Lear not
to assert particular Christian or non-Christian points of view, but to suggest a wider
dimension of experience than either approach provides. Or, as Philip Brockbank per-
ceptively says, 'the experience of both the Reformation and the Renaissance in England
made possible, through a fuller and more direct access to the Bible, a recovery of the
imaginative inheritance of Hebraic and Christian literature as distinct from its insti-
tutional, doctrinal, and ritual inheritance'. If in the Middle Ages the movement was
from imaginative truth towards doctrine, in the Renaissance the movement went in the
opposite direction.4 King Lear thus offers a powerful, imaginative rendering of conflict-
ing and sometimes complementary attitudes and beliefs. If none dominates the action,
our final impression of the play must remain what A. C. Bradley called a 'mystery we
cannot fathom'.5 Here, as elsewhere in his tragedies, Shakespeare appears intent on
exploring the possibilities of human experience, religious and secular. If his thrust is
'inquisitive rather than affirmative',6 the relentlessness of his searching endows the
plays with enormous energy.
The play
Lear's failure to see is wilful in the extreme. It is not only that he lacks foresight and
cannot see people clearly or assess their motives accurately; he will not. Both Cordelia
and Kent try to correct his vision. Kent cries out in vain, 'See better, Lear, and let
me still remain / The true blank of thine eye' ( I . I . 152-3). The disasters that follow
are thus the direct result of wilful blindness; unlike Hamlet's or even Othello's, the
tragic situation is of Lear's own making. Although their experiences run parallel and
eventually intersect, in this regard Lear is also unlike Gloucester, manipulated by
his bastard son, Edmond, who scoffs at his father's belief in 'planetary influence' or
'spherical predominance' (1.2.108-10) and holds with the Renaissance belief that man
is the measure of all things. If the gods are invoked, as they are by Lear, Gloucester,
'The ending of Lear is as bleak and unrewarding as man can reach outside the gates of hell', Roche,
' "Nothing almost sees miracles" ', p. 156.
Colie, p. 141.
Ibid., p. 140.
Brockbank, p. 17.
Bradley, p. 279. Compare Wittreich, p. 122: 'The play quarrels with all perspectives it countenances,
questions a universe that never seems to answer back, and finds its essential meaning therefore in silences,
which is to suggest that even if the work is not meaningless its mysteries are beyond man's comprehension. '
René Fortin, 'Shakespearean tragedy and the problem of transcendence', S.St. 7 (1974), 323.
and others, their presence is nowhere found or felt.1 The cause of thunder remains
unknown, and no one can tell Lear what there is in nature that makes hearts hard.
Meaning in King Lear is not a priori, and absurdities result mainly because of human,
not divine or supernatural, acts. Positive meanings in the world of King Lear come from
human activity, deliberate choices, such as Kent's decision to serve his king despite the
decree of banishment, or the Fool's decision not to turn knave and run away, leaving
his master alone in the storm. But where good sense yields to appetite, or (in Hamlet's
phrase) 'reason panders will', human behaviour moves further and further to extremes.2
Truth and rationality are violated ad libitum, and the result is a world turned upside
down; but it is a world formed and determined by the people who inhabit it.
' Compare George Walton Williams, 'Petitionary prayer in King Lear\ South Atlantic Quarterly 85 (1986),
363: 'There are no supernatural responses in King Lear, there are only natural ones.' But Williams goes
on to argue that human agents fulfil the will of the gods in Lear as elsewhere in Shakespeare's plays.
G. Wilson Knight, ''King Lear and the comedy of the grotesque', The Wheel of Fire, 5th revised edn, 1957,
p. 168: 'The core of the play is an absurdity, an indignity, an incongruity.'
^ For an alternative explanation of Lear's motivation in 1.1 and Cordelia's, see Cavell, pp. 285-94. To
summarise: CavclPs argument is that Lear does not really want love but the avoidance of it through flattery.
The Tragedy of King Lear [,6]
Cordelia is not the only one who challenges Lear to desist from his reckless behaviour.
Kent also tries to get Lear to confront reality and reject the fantasy his irrationality
creates - including the fantasy that by dividing up his kingdom he will prevent future
strife. Forsaking polite courtier talk, he resorts to direct confrontation: 'Be Kent unman-
nerly / When Lear is mad. What wouldst thou do, old man?' (1.1.139-40). His mono-
syllables are emphatic. Earnestly, he asks Lear to check his 'hideous rashness', keep
his kingdom intact, and recognise what Lear himself well knows - that his youngest
daughter does not love him least. But Lear is by now fully committed. He has sworn;
he is firm; and Kent is banished.
Yet the scene is not without its positive aspect. Struck by the sudden turnabout in
affairs, Burgundy and France have their choices also to make. Conventional Burgundy
cannot deal with the situation; he will accept not less than the dowry originally offered.
France is more perceptive as well as more humane. Only some aberration of Cordelia's,
an offence of such 'unnatural degree' that nothing but a miracle could make any rational-
minded individual accept it, can make him change his opinion of her. The play is notably
free of any sort of miracles, except the miracle of love, such as France demonstrates
here. In a speech studded with oxymorons, he concludes with the paradox:
Cordelia 'threatens to expose both his plan for returning false love with no love, and . . . the necessity for
that plan - [Lear's] terror of being loved, of needing love' (p. 290).
Compare Reibetanz, p. 16.
'Madness in King Lear\ S.Sur. 13 (i960), 35.
M Introduction
commonplace kind of absurdity.l The 'nature' Edmond worships ( i .2.1 ff.) is the nature
that frees him as an active intelligence from all arbitrary bonds, including 'the curiosity
of nations' - social mores and conventions - as well as superstitious adherence to an
outworn creed. But anything carried to an extreme will result in absurdity, precisely the
reductio ad absurdum that not only philosophers but poets and dramatists - Shakespeare
as well as Marlowe - recognised, for example, in their portraits of'overreachers'. Hence,
Edmond errs in carrying his convictions to extremes. In a way not unlike Lear, impelled
by a powerful will that lets him believe he can shape the world to his own purposes,
he pursues and extends his goals to excessive lengths. Eventually, it will be not only
'legitimate' Edgar's lands that he seeks, but the entire kingdom of Britain. He almost
succeeds, but he seriously underestimates the counter-forces in nature and society that
finally combine to confound his efforts.
His success at first is astonishing in its quickness and completeness. 'A credulous
father and a brother noble' ( 1.2.151 ) are easy victims, almost willing ones, to Edmond's
Machiavellian 'practices'. Gloucester is tricked into believing something that initially
he finds unthinkable, let alone credible: 'My son Edgar, had he a hand to write this? a
heart and brain to breed it in?' he asks of the letter Edmond has shown him (1.2.53-4).
Then his anxiety undoes him: 'He cannot be such a monster . . . I would unstate myself
to be in a due resolution' (1.2.85-8), he says to Edmond, giving him carte blanche to
resolve the situation. Whereupon Edmond manoeuvres both Edgar and Gloucester
into suspecting - and believing - the worst of each other, without their ever exchanging
so much as a word or a glance.
For a while, Gloucester's behaviour follows this pattern of complicity and compliance
with experience as others shape it for him, until - at the crucial point in Act 3 - he begins
to see the moral disasters that will result unless he alters his course. Regarding Cornwall
as his 'worthy arch and patron', he does acquiesce, however, reluctantly, in the stocking
of Kent and later tries to smooth things out between Cornwall, Regan, and the outraged
king. His actions seem in line with the advice the Fool gives Kent, to let go of the wheel
that goes down a hill and cling to the 'great one that goes upward' (2.4.Ô7).2 Eventually,
he gives up temporising and takes a dangerous, morally more courageous stance. He
begins to move against his patron in favour of the abused and much wronged king. But
he errs in confiding his position to Edmond, whom he still believes is his loyal, loving
son. The confidence is immediately betrayed, and Gloucester pays with his eyes for his
bravery and his misplaced trust. In a stunning instant, Edmond's true nature is revealed
to him. This further insight, ironically, does not deter Gloucester later from behaviour,
such as his attempted suicide, even more naïve than that into which his overcredulous
acceptance of Edmond's 'practices' led him (see pp. 2 1 - 2 below).
Edgar's credulity and too-ready compliance also combine to propel him, like his
father, into accepting the manipulations of his brother. His passive submission is the
reverse of Lear's refusal to tolerate anyone else's participation in the determination
of events; both extremes of behaviour lead to disaster. Forced to flee as the result of
Danby, p. 38.
Compare Helen Gardner, King Lear, 1967, p. 14.
The Tragedy of King Lear [18]
Edmond's stratagem, Edgar in disguise as Tom o'Bedlam becomes the image of that
reductio ad absurdum to which everything in both plots tends. If'Robes and furred gowns
hide all' (4.5.157), paradoxically Edgar chooses 'the thing itself - 'unaccommodated
man' - for his disguise (3.4.95-6). With 'presented nakedness' he will 'outface / The
winds and persecutions of the sky' (2.3.11-12), anticipating Lear's experience in the
storm. An earl's son, one who is so 'noble, / Whose nature is so far from doing harms /
That he suspects none' (1.2.151-3), Edgar is reduced to emulating 'Poor Turlygod!
Poor Tom', a crazed servingman who claims to have committed all manner of evil. Thus
he finds his place in a world turned upside down; but for him, now, 'That's something
Knight, The Wheel of Fire, p. 165.
Compare Kerrigan, pp. 226-9.
[<9\ Introduction
3 Act 3, Scene 4: Edgar as Tom o'Bedlam: 'Away, the foul fiend follows me. Through the sharp hawthorn
blow the winds . . .' A possible staging by C. Walter Hodges
before this scene, nothing is said of Lear's situation. Is it possible that Edgar has no
knowledge and only now learns of it? His father's remark, 'Our flesh and blood, my
lord, is grown so vile, / That it doth hate what gets it', moves Edgar to whimper merely,
'Poor Tom's a-cold' (3.4.129-31). But the full irony of Gloucester's comment will not
be revealed until several scenes later.
His father's appearance in 3.4 subdues for a while Edgar's rant. Perhaps he does
not hear Gloucester's subsequent comments on the daughters' plot against Lear's life
or his expression of grief over Edgar's supposed plot (147-52), for Lear has taken his
'philosopher' aside to speak 'one word in private' (144). But the counterpointing of
Lear's mounting insanity and Edgar's feigned madness remains for the audience, and
in their next scene together Edgar resumes his mad act. The Folio version of the play
abbreviates 3.6, deleting the mock trial and with it much of Edgar's rant as well as his
commentary in propria persona at the end of the scene.1 One effect of the cut is to reserve
the extended display of Lear's madness until 4.5; another, more immediate effect is to
juxtapose more swiftly the madness of Lear, the Fool, and Tom with the barbarity of
Gloucester's trial in the scene that follows.
Act 3, Scene 7 develops vividly the irrational behaviour of Lear's enemies. From
here onwards the vicious lusts underlying their cool but superficial rationalism stand
See below, pp. 270-1.
The Tragedy of King Lear [20]
revealed and control their every action. Gonerill and Regan show their passion (here,
their lust for cruelty) in unhesitating reaction to Gloucester's 'treason':1
REGAN Hang him instantly.
GONERILL Pluck out his eyes. (3-74-5)
Cornwall spells out precisely the nature of the proceedings he will undertake:
Though well we may not pass upon his life
Without the form of justice, yet our power
Shall do a curtsy to our wrath, which men
May blame but not control. (3.7.24-7)
Cornwall will pay with his life for the enormity of his conviction when a nameless
servant, one who has served him all his life, revolts against the maiming Cornwall
inflicts upon his host. Gonerill and Regan suffer later for their lusts, which by then
include a deadly competition for Edmond. In this respect, in so far as they mean to
enforce their wills in order to realise their purposes and desires without regard for the
interests and claims of others, Gonerill and Regan show themselves to be truly Lear's
Reibetanz, p. 87, notes a significant change in their style of speech: here, they speak directly from the heart.
[2,] Introduction
offered. Perhaps, as Leo Kirschbaum argues, Edgar is not a 'dramatic unity' but only a
'dramatic device', contributing not to a 'rich psychological unity but to Shakespeare's
poetic purposes'.1 Thus the scene ends with the mad leading the blind, a fit emblem
for the Lear world as it has evolved to this point.
The explanation, such as it is, for Edgar's continued disguise comes in the scene
at Dover. Gloucester has asked Poor Tom to bring him to the edge of a cliff so that
he may commit suicide. Edgar pretends to comply, and the episode is one of the most
grotesque in a play noted for grotesquerie. Some critics have argued that Shakespeare
intended his audience as well as Gloucester to be taken in by Edgar's descriptions,
since they are like those used elsewhere to evoke scenery on the bare platform stage.
Jan Kott, for example, says: 'The non-existent cliff is not meant just to deceive the
blind man. For a short while we, too, [believe] in this landscape and in the mime.'2 We
do and we don't. In so far as we sympathise or identify with Gloucester, we do; Edgar's
sharply detailed verse deludes us into imagining the dizzying verge just as it does his
father. At the same time, we are aware that Gloucester's doubts are well founded: the
uphill 'labour' is all pretence; Edgar's voice has changed; the ground is both 'even' (the
Globe stage: see illustration 4) and 'Horrible steep' (4.5.3). The trick Edgar plays on
his father's imagination is also the trick Shakespeare plays on ours - except that here he
means us to be conscious of everything that is happening, including the way in which
our imagination is being made to work.3
This heightened awareness alerts us to other incongruities, such as those in Glouces-
ter's prayer (4.5.34-40), that make a further mockery of his leap. Were he truly patient,
Gloucester would not try to shake off his 'great affliction'; and if he really believes the
gods' wills are 'opposeless', would he attempt suicide?4 Gloucester's leap is not a leap
into death, as he thinks, or even into the 'abyss', unless that abyss is the abyss of utter
meaninglessness, as in a sense it is. And it is everywhere.5 Edgar realises some of the
dangers and risk: 'trifling' with his father's despair in order to cure it, he recognises the
power of illusion, particularly an illusion willingly embraced, and does not know 'how
conceit may rob / The treasury of life, when life itself/ Yields to the theft' (4.5.42-4).
'Thy life's a miracle', Edgar tells his father (4.5.55), and in one sense, of course, it is.
But if a kind of'fiend' led him to the edge, to suicide, it was not the 'clearest gods' who
preserved him.6 It was his unrecognised son, now in the role of a man of Kent, who
will perform still other services in still other disguises to protect his father before the
Leo Kirschbaum, 'Banquo and Edgar: character or function?', in Character and Characterization in
Shakespeare, 1962, p. 61.
Shakespeare Our Contemporary, Doubleday Anchor Books, 1966, p. 145. Compare William Matchett, 'Some
dramatic techniques in King Lear\ in Philip C. McGuire and David A. Samuelson (eds.), Shakespeare:
The Theatrical Dimension, 1979, pp. 190-4.
Compare Booth, p. 33: 'Over and over again . . . throughout King Lear, an audience thinks in multiple
dimensions - entertains two or more precise understandings at once, understandings that might, but do
not, clash in the mind.'
Compare Virgil Whitaker, The Mirror up to Nature: The Technique of Shakespeare's Tragedies, 1965, p. 221.
Kott, Shakespeare Our Contemporary, p. 146.
Harry Levin says that unless Edgar's presence is taken as providential, the so-called miracle here is 'more
truly a pious fraud'; see 'The heights and the depths: a scene from "King Lear" ', in John Garrett (éd.),
More Talking of Shakespeare, 1959, p. 98.
The Tragedy of King Lear [22]
4 Act 4, Scene 5: Gloucester's 'suicide' leap: 'Now, fellow, fare thee well.' A possible staging by C. Walter
play is over - much in the manner of a Morality play figure, or guardian angel.1 For the
moment, Edgar's stratagem works: Gloucester exchanges despair for stoic resignation:
'Henceforth I'll bear / Affliction till it do cry out itself/ "Enough, enough", and die'
(4~5-75-7)- But before he can long entertain 'free and patient thoughts', Lear enters,
dressed fantastically and raving that he is 'the king himself.
Compare Alan Dessen, 'Two falls and a trap: Shakespeare and the spectacle of realism', ELR 5 (1975),
306: 'The true miracle is not Gloucester's survival from an illusory fall, but rather Edgar's meaningful
assertion of the bond between child and father, a bond rejected by the blind parent but upheld by a loving
[23] Introduction
' Compare Cavell, p. 280: 'Gloucester has by now become not just a figure "parallel" to Lear, but Lear's
double; he does not merely represent Lear, but is psychically identical with him.'
Ibid., p. 279.
In a scene that F omits, Kent explains that 'burning shame' makes Lear avoid Cordelia (see Appendix,
pp. 305-6 below, xx, 40-5).
The Tragedy of King Lear M
5 'Hark in thine ear' (4.5.146): Paul Scofield as King Lear and Alan Webb as Gloucester in the production
directed by Peter Brook (1962)
his son finally reveals himself are too much for the old man to bear. If one strand in the
play's action is to show the need for genuine and deep feeling, especially a feeling for
others,1 then it is at least ironic that when one of the characters most deserving and
needing this feeling at last experiences it, it kills him. Hearing Edgar's story of their
'pilgrimage', Gloucester feels both joy and grief- joy at his son's safety and charity, grief
at the misery he has caused him. For his father's death, Edgar assumes responsibility,
recognising too late his 'fault' in not revealing himself sooner. He reveals himself then
only because he wants his father's blessing before going into combat against Edmond.
Blessing Edgar, Gloucester dies.
This off-stage event, however, is but a prelude to the more catastrophic one that
follows: the death of Cordelia. Many critics echo the sentiments of Samuel Johnson,
who was so shocked by Cordelia's death that he could not bear to reread thefinalscenes
of the play until he undertook to revise them as editor.2 The reason for his reaction
is that he found her death not only disappointed expectation but violated our 'natural
ideas of justice'. Cordelia's death is a violation of that kind, and being so, it is the final
Compare Leggatt, King Lear, pp. 26—7.
Compare, for example, Booth, p. 5, who cites Johnson's remarks verbatim.
[2S] Introduction
Why must Cordelia die as she does? The question has often been posed; evidently
from the later seventeenth century to the mid nineteenth no satisfactory answer could
be found, and the happy ending in Nahum Tate's redaction of the play was preferred.
Twentieth-century critics, perhaps more in tune with attitudes and experiences that
the early Jacobean stage reflected, have not objected, however deeply disturbing they
have found it. It is not simply that our age has grown more pessimistic than previous
ages were, or that our understanding of human nature is more profound than theirs.
More likely, Holocaust and Hiroshima have prepared us so that we know Cordelia's
fate corresponds to a truth of experience, not to 'natural ideas of justice'.1
Shakespeare puts the matter differently - more clearly and inescapably - in Lear's
anguished question:
Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life,
And thou no breath at all? (280-1)
Perhaps there is no answer after all to such a question, and the absence of an answer
compels us to feel the absurdity of existence, as so much else in the play does. If Lear's
death is a welcome release, it is nevertheless ironic that he should die (like Gloucester)
just as he has finally come to know himself and others. Some know ledge still eludes
him: he never identifies Kent with his servant Caius and, as at the beginning, he is
oblivious to other claims upon his daughter's love - her husband's - as he dreams of
having her to himself alone. But in the Folio version of the play, Lear's gaze is no longer
merely self-regarding. If he still engages in fantasy, it is a more generous-spirited one,
filled with hope, and directed outward: 'Look on her!' he says, 'Look, her lips. / Look
there, look there.' The world of King Lear is one still pervaded by outrageous and
preposterous extremities, but it is not without redeeming elements that may rescue us
from despair.
Compare Mack, p. 25; Whiraker, Mirror up to Nature, p. 237.
Compare Taylor, 'War', p. 31.
The Tragedy of King Lear [26]
i m '^"^ 3t*t
6 Lear and Cordelia: 'Is this the promised end?' A painting by Maeiek Swieszewski
of being a spurious addition (see below, pp. 281-2), fully captures the absurdist attitude
of the play:
When every case in law is right;
No squire in debt nor no poor knight;
When slanders do not live in tongues,
[27] Introduction
Cordelia's death by suicide, included in some accounts, is actually a separate story. See above, p. 2.
See p. 10 above, and compare Young, 'Written and oral sources', pp. 309-19, esp. p. 317.
The Tragedy of King Lear [28]
his authority has begun. In Macbeth, where Shakespeare more closely followed his
sources, the reaction against Macbeth's tyranny similarly begins to gather and gain
strength well before the climactic scenes in which evil is finally overthrown and the
rightful heir ascends the throne. In King Lear, as the resistance to tyranny and anarchy
gathers, the forces of evil do also, but with this difference: jealousies, rivalries, and
suspicions begin to appear, revealing cracks in what should be (and in the sources are)
a firmly united front against the enemy, especially an enemy from abroad. Although
Albany remains willing to fight off the invaders, he has grave doubts about the justice
of his cause, having seen what his wife and Regan have done and are.
In addition, the wicked sisters, for all their apparent cleverness and control, have
begun making mistakes. Regan admits that 'It was great ignorance, Gloucester's eyes
being out, / To let him live' (4.4.11-12). Wherever the old earl goes, she says, he
arouses feeling against them among the people. It was a mistake in the first instance to
mutilate Gloucester so brutally, motivating Cornwall's servant - loyal since childhood -
to attack his master and fatally wound him. And, moving back in time still further, we
may infer that it was similarly a tactical as well as a moral error, having stripped him
of his dignity and his knights, to allow Lear to run off into the storm with only the
Fool as company. These errors by Lear's enemies might seem to promise his happy
As against these actions, both cruel and foolish, other events occur that encourage
hope for a happy outcome. Lear is safely brought to Dover, where he is eventually
reunited with Cordelia. As she prepares to minister to the father who cast her out, so
the other outcast child, Edgar, ministers to his father, saving him from despair and
the suicide he intends. If Edgar errs in not revealing himself to Gloucester sooner
(5.3.183), Cordelia does not make the same mistake; her gentle ministrations to her
father succeed. Although Lear requires some 'further settling' of his wits, he has come
a long way:
In the Folio, 4.6 ends here, a deeply moving scene of reconciliation and forgiveness
between Lear and Cordelia. A dozen lines of dialogue in the quarto between Kent and
the Gentleman are omitted. Some of the information they contain is distracting, such as
the news about Cornwall's death, and the Gentleman's reference to Edgar in Germany
with Kent is a red herring. More to the point is the concern shared by both speakers
about the impending battle. The end is not yet, but the Folio tends to soften that fact
by removing the concluding, ominous remarks:
KENT 'Tis time to look about; the powers of the kingdom approach apace.
GENTLEMAN The arbitrement is like to be bloody. Fare you well, sir. [Exit]
KENT My point and period will be throughly wrought,
Or well or ill, as this day's battle's fought. Exit
Without these lines, and with the gradual but consistent upturn of events in Act 4,
the outcome in Act 5 appears more promising. Both the traditional narrative and its
underlying folktale structure seem to imply a happy ending.
[29] Introduction
That we are disappointed in this expectation has aroused a good deal of critical
comment. Susan Snyder, for example, says of Lear's awakening in Act 4, Scene 6: 'The
scene is so charged and so satisfying that the unknowing audience could easily forget
that Edmond, Goneril, and Regan are still at large, and feel that here was the end
of the story" Citing many instances, John Kerrigan remarks that the play 'constantly
provokes its audience to predict a return from "the worst", only to disappoint'. Stephen
Greenblatt compares King Lear to what the Italians called a tragedia dijin lieto, a play
wherein villains absorb calamity and the good are marvellously spared. Shakespeare
in effect invokes the conventions of this genre, only to overturn them in the end.2
And Stephen Booth says, commenting on Lear's entrance with Cordelia in his arms:
'Shakespeare has already presented an action that is serious, of an undoubted magnitude,
and complete; he thereupon continues that action beyond the limits of the one category
that no audience can expect to see challenged: Shakespeare presents the culminating
events of his story after his play is over.'3
The play indeed seems to end several times before it is over. When Edgar presents
Gonerill's intercepted letter to Albany in 5.1, we know that whatever else happens, her
mischief will end, as of course it does, though in a way that - like much else in the
final scene - comes as a surprise. Even before Edgar enters in disguise to deliver the
letter, the dialogue among the British leaders is hardly auspicious for victory on their
part. The rivalry between Gonerill and Regan for Edmond's favour is by now intense,
and Albany openly proclaims his sympathy for Lear and his supporters. Determined
to oppose the French invaders, he is equally determined to see justice done to the old
king when the battle is over.
It is startling, then, in the short scene that follows, to see Lear and Cordelia carried
off to prison. But the dismay that Cordelia feels - and with her, the audience - is
immediately and heavily qualified by Lear's reaction. Nothing daunted by losing the
battle, in his eloquent speech, 'Come, let's away to prison' (5.3.8 ff), Lear focuses
on what to him is most important: reunion with his beloved daughter. This lyric
moment, like the earlier scene of reconciliation, conveys a beauty and harmony that
are appropriate to the conclusion of a fairytale. But the world that Lear brought into
being when he banished Cordelia still exists,4 and its worst manifestations are still to
come. For the moment, however, Lear is utterly oblivious of it, and like him, so may the
audience be, forgetting that the earthly paradise Lear imagines will be a prison cell.3
Ensuing events further encourage optimism, particularly the downfall of Gonerill,
Regan, and Edmond. All the forces of evil now appear to be vanquished once and for all.
It only remains to bring Lear and Cordelia back on the stage for the happy conclusion
of the main plot, as in the old play of King Leir and its many antecedents. But Kent's
reminder to rescue the prisoners comes too late.6 When Lear enters, he carries Cordelia
The Comic Matrix of Shakespeare's Tragedies, 1979, p. 154.
Kerrigan, p. 225; Greenblatt, 'Shakespeare and the exorcists', p. 180.
Booth, p. 11.
Stockholder, 'Multiple genres', p. 60. Stockholder otherwise argues that King Lear violates fairytale struc-
ture and therefore expectations from the first scene onwards. See ibid., pp. 44 ff.
Snyder, The Comic Matrix, p. 155.
Compare Booth, p. 9: '. . . Kent enters, and a finished chapter continues. Kent's first sentence violently
aborts the ceremony of theatrical conclusion that began when Albany called the herald to supervise the
The Tragedy of King Lear M
7 Lear and his daughters: a Act i, Scene i; b Act 5, Scene 3. Possible stagings by C. Walter Hodges
M Introduction
in his arms. They emerge as a kind of inverted pietà, and Albany, Kent, and Edgar stand
aghast at the spectacle. This is not what any of the survivors - including the audience -
had expected or wanted. As Ruth Nevo has said, Lear is taken 'out of the grave' in
4.6 to suffer a still greater loss. And it is this loss that precipitates Shakespeare's 'most
unmitigated and quintessential tragic outcome, pitched as it is against an opposing pull
toward restoration in the plot itself'.1
Early in The Sense of an Ending (1967), Frank Kermode discusses the differences
between myth and fiction as he defines them, and the way that popular stories stick
close to established conventions, while major novels tend to vary them more and more.
'The story that proceeded very simply to its obviously predestined end', he says, 'would
be nearer myth than the novel or drama.' Peripeteia, or tragic reversal, is important in
sophisticated fictions; it is equivalent in narrative to irony in rhetoric. Furthermore, it
depends on our confidence of the end: 'it is a disconfirmation followed by a consonance;
the interest of having our expectations falsified is obviously related to our wish to reach
the discovery or recognition by an unexpected or instructive route'. He continues:
The more daring the peripeteia, the more we may feel that the work respects our sense of reality;
and the more certainly we shall feel that thefictionunder consideration is one of those which,
by upsetting the ordinary balance of our naive expectations, isfindingsomething out for us,
something real. The falsification of an expectation can be terrible, as in the death of Cordelia; it
is a way offindingsomething out that we should, on our more conventional way to the end, have
closed our eyes to. Obviously it could not work if there were not a certain rigidity in the set of
our expectations. (p. 18)
As the episodes cited indicate, and as Kermode rightly assumes, the expectations King
Lear arouses are, with cause, very strong if not rigid. The reality that the ending
reveals is so powerful and, to many, unbearable, that we may understand why during
the Restoration and for a hundred and fifty years afterwards it was not presented on
the stage as Shakespeare wrote it. Shakespeare shocks us out of complacency, and as
though Gloucester's off-stage death were not sufficient, he gives us Lear's which, as
Kermode later comments, is terribly delayed. 'Beyond the apparent worse there is a
worse suffering, and when it comes it is not only more appalling than anything expected,
but a mere image of that horror, not the thing itself (p. 82).
Recent productions of King Lear, certainly since Peter Brook's landmark staging
in 1962 for the Royal Shakespeare Company (see p. 47 below), rarely shun the tough
reality that the play reveals; if anything, they tend to highlight it. With Lear, we are
stretched out on the rack of this tough world as long as possible. Not satisfied with
Shakespeare's exceptional version of the story, Edward Bond has devised his own Lear,
which is more violent still. But perhaps there is a point beyond which we cannot taste
the actual horrors of the thing itself, and only the image will serve. Shakespeare seems to
formal combat between Edgar and Edmund . . . For the audience, the smooth ceremony of conclusion
presumably collapses only moments before Kent ends it for the characters.'
Tragic Form in Shakespeare, 1972, p. 301.
The Tragedy of King Lear [32]
understand this, and disturbing as his flouting of our expectations may be, he does not
venture beyond the pale, modifying the harsher quarto ending of the play accordingly
(see p. 25 above, and Textual Analysis, pp. 80-1 below). If, as Kermode says, ever} thing
in King Lear tends to a conclusion that does not occur - that is, a reunion with Cordelia
that endures and includes restoration as well as redemption - it is sufficient for a true
fiction. Drawing upon myth, Shakespeare transforms it and presents us instead with
'something real'.
played Cordelia also played the Fool, Ringler and others have maintained.1 Doubling
would be feasible, since Cordelia leaves the action before the Fool enters in 1.4 and
returns only after the Fool'sfinalexit in 3A 2 The lines introducing the Fool (1.4.60-3)
and the ambiguous reference in 'my poor fool is hanged' (5.3.279) provide thematic or
conceptual linking of the two roles, which some critics reject as modern thinking, not
Shakespearean. But as Giorgio Melchiori has shown, doubling for effect was practised
in dramatic representations before Shakespeare, who developed the usage further as
'a way of suggesting parallelisms in the roles played by different characters'.3
See Booth, pp. 129-55.
In 'The double casting of Cordelia and Lear's Fool: a theatrical view', Texas Studies in Literature and
Language 27 (1985), 354-68, Richard Abrams accepts doubling but rejects Ringler's argument for the boy
actor in both roles.
•' 'Peter, Balthasar, and Shakespeare's art of doubling1, MLR 78 (1983), 790. Note that Edgar's absence in 1.1
may be explained by the need for the actor to play the King of France. Similarly, whoever played Edmond
could have doubled as the Duke of Burgundy (if Edmond exits with Gloucester at 1.1.30), making for a
nice symmetry. But since the roles of Burgundy and Oswald could be doubled instead, Edmond could
remain on stage throughout most of 1.1.
The London Stage, ihho-iHoo: Part /, /660-/700, ed. William Van Lennep, 1965, pp. 22, 75, 234.
In 'The Stage History of King Lear\ University of Texas dissertation, 1940, pp. 40-2, Leland Eugene
Derrick speculates that Henry Harris played Edgar; James Nokes, the Fool; Thomas Lovell, Gloucester;
John Richards, Kent; Samuel Sandford, Edmond; Cave Underbill, Oswald; Mrs Saunderson, Cordelia.
The Tragedy of King Lear \34\
the Lear prompt-book, which may have gone through several stages of adaptation.
On the other hand, as James McManaway once suggested, the relationship of the stage
to the study may have then been close enough for the emendations of eighteenth-century
editors to reflect or perpetuate those of stage tradition.1
Whatever the truth may be, available evidence does not point to Lear as a frequently
performed play. The theme of fallen royalty and the absence of a love story may explain
its lack of popularity.2 The situation changed after 1681, when Nahum Tate rewrote
it to suit contemporary taste. Consulting both quarto and Folio texts,3 Tate not only
overhauled Shakespeare's language, he drastically altered the structure of the play
and its plot, changed several characters, introduced a new one (Arante, Cordelia's
confidante), and eliminated the Fool. Most notably, he restored the happy ending of
the Lear legend. He did this by having Edgar and Cordelia fall in love, explaining:
'Twas my good Fortune to light on one Expedient to rectifie what was wanting in the Regularity
and Probability of the Tale, which was to run through the whole, A Love betwixt Edgar and
Cordelia, that never chang'd word with each other in the Original. This renders Cordelia's
Indifference and her Father's Passion in thefirstScene probable. It likewise gives Countenance
to Edgar's Disguise, making that a generous Design that was before a poor Shift to save his Life.4
Other reasons prompted Tate to change the ending. Apparently the number of dead
bodies at the ends of tragedies had become the occasion for 'unseasonable Jests'; as
Dryden had said, "tis more difficult to Save than 'tis to Kill: The Dagger and Cup of
Poyson are alwaies in Readiness; but to bring the Action to the last Extremity, and then
by probable Means to recover All, will require the Art and Judgment of a Writer . . .'5
Thus, Lear has his kingdom restored and bequeaths it to the lovers, Edgar and Cordelia,
while he, Kent, and Gloucester (whom Lear has persuaded not to commit suicide)
retire to 'some cool Cell'. There, meditating upon 'Fortunes past', and cheered by 'the
prosperous Reign / Of this celestial Pair', they will live out their lives.
From the very first scene, Tate's transformation of Shakespeare's text, both in lan-
guage and dramatic structure, is revealing. Instead of Gloucester and Kent discussing
the division of the kingdom, the play opens with Edmond's soliloquy:
Thou Nature art my Goddess, to thy Law
My Services are bound, why am I then
Depriv'd of a Son's Right, because I came not
In the dull Road that custom has prescrib'd?
Why Bastard, wherefore Base, when I can boast
A Mind as gen'rous, and a Shape as true
As honest Madam's Issue? why are we
'Additional prompt-books of Shakespeare from the Smock Alley Theatre', MLR 45 (1950), 65. Compare
R. C. Bald, 'Shakespeare on the stage in Restoration Dublin', PMLA 56 (1941), 369-78.
Derrick, 'Stage History', p. 35.
Ibid., pp. 53-4; but Peter Blayney suggests instead that stage practice may be responsible for some quarto
From the dedication to Thomas Boteler, Esq., in Five Restoration Adaptations of Shakespeare, ed.
Christopher Spencer, 1965, p. 203.
Ibid., p. 204. Tate quotes from Dryden's Preface to The Spanish Fryar.
Held Base, who in the lusty stealth of Nature
Take fiercer Qualities than what compound
The scanted Births of the stale Marriage-bed?
Well then, legitimate Edgar, to thy right
Of Law I will oppose a Bastard's Cunning.
Our Father's Love is to the Bastard Edmond
As to Legitimate Edgar; with success
I've practis'd yet on both their easie Natures:
Here comes the old Man chaf t with th'Information
Which late I forged against my Brother Edgar,
A Tale so plausible, so boldly utter'd,
And heightned by such lucky Accidents,
That now the slightest circumstance confirms him,
And Base-born Edmond spight of Law inherits.
By regularising Shakespeare's language and 'clarifying' it to suit the more refined taste
of his age, Tate also flattened it considerably. At the same time, he simplified the sub-
plot and the characters. Edmond's intrigue has already occurred; now as Gloucester and
Kent enter, the old earl rejects Kent's intercession on behalf of Edgar, whose alleged
treachery he believes. Delighted, Edmond displays a more two-dimensional, rapacious
character. Later, he even attempts to assault Cordelia (see illustration 8).
Regardless of what we may now think of Tate's redaction, actors and audiences
preferred his version of the play, especially its happy ending, for the next century and a
half 1 It is an extreme instance of what Shakespeare's text, like any theatrical script, had
been subject to from the beginning: actors, managers, and directors, as well as authors,
have always felt free to alter the 'book' of a play to suit exigencies, dramatic or otherwise,
that they anticipate or experience. Nor was Tate's version itself immune. As more and
more editions of Shakespeare's works began appearing, starting with Nicholas Rowe's
in 1709, dissatisfaction with Tate's adaptation grew. Joseph Addison was not alone in
criticising the mangling of Shakespeare's tragedy in Tate's version. 2
King Lear in the eighteenth century is thus a curious combination of Shakespeare
and Tate. The Folio text, moreover, may not have been totally eclipsed. If the Smock
Alley prompt-book was actually used for professional theatre performances, and if it
dates from a period later than the Restoration, then something closer to King Lecti-
ns we know it was acted in the eighteenth century, too.3 It was in its 'Tatefied' form,
Compare Thomas Davies, Dm malic Miscellanies, 1783, 11, 262-3: 'The passion of Edgar and Cordelia is
happily imagined; it strongly connects the main plot of the play and renders it more interesting to the
spectators; without this, and the consequent happy catastrophe, the alteration of Lear would have been of
little worth; besides, after those turbulent scenes of resentment, violence, disobedience, ingratitude, and
rage, between Lear and his two eldest daughters, with the king's consequent agony and distraction, the
unexpected interview of Cordelia and Edgar in act m. gives a pause of relief to the harassed and distressed
minds of the audience . . . I have seen this play represented twenty or thirty times, yet I can truly affirm
that the spectators always dismissed the two lovers with the most rapturous applause.1
See The Spectator, No. 40, 16 April 1711, and Arthur John Harris, 'Garrick, Colman, and King Lear ,
££22(1971), 59-62.
Another prompt-copy in the Folger Shakespeare Library (Lear, 30) consists of the Tonson edition of
1734 incompletely marked. Whether it was actually used, and by whom, is unknown, but evidently Tate's
adaptation of 1681 did not entirely monopolise the stage. Aaron Hill's quotations in The Prompter for
The Tragedy of King Lear bfl
8 Susanna Maria Cibber as Cordelia, saved by Edgar from Edmond's ruffians in the storm, in Tate's
adaptation {c. 1743)
however, that King Lear rose in popularity, though it did not rival the other great
Shakespearean tragedies. In the Augustan period, 1700-28, Hamlet, Macbeth, and Julius
Caesar were performed more frequently: 151,132, and 105 times, respectively, to Lear's
87 performances.1 Lear therefore does not appear in G. W. Stone's list of the top
twenty-one plays - that is, those with a hundred or more performances (the bias of
Tuesday, 7 October 1735, moreover, are not from the Tate version. See The Prompter: A Theatrical Paper
(1734-1736), ed. William W. Appleton and Kalman A. Burnim, 1966, pp. 100-5.
George Winchester Stone, Jr, 'The making of the repertory', in The London Theatre World, 1660-1800,
ed. Robert D. Hume, 1980, p. 197.
[37] Introduction
the time clearly favoured comedy and melodrama). But by the Garrick era, 1747-76,
the situation had changed. Romeo and Juliet and Richard III (in Cibber's version) were
among the most popular plays (335 and 223 performances), trailing only Gay's The
Beggar's Opera (395 performances). Lear (141 performances) had climbed in favour,
while Julius Caesar with 27 had much declined. Hamlet continued to hold the stage
well with 203 performances, as did Macbeth (139 performances). The differences derive
partly from a change in taste, but perhaps more from the success of David Garrick,
the age's premier actor, who took many of the leading roles and made them his own,
especially Hamlet and King Lear.1
The several versions of Garrick's Lear show how fluid the play remained in the
hands of a capable and dynamic actor-manager. The text continued to evolve as Garrick
restored more and more of Shakespeare's original while tenaciously clinging to Tate's
ending,2 much against the advice of George Colman, who worked with him at Drury
Lane before moving on to Covent Garden in 1768. With the love story curtailed and
the Fool still altogether absent, increased emphasis fell on the already dominant role of
the king. This suited the taste of Garrick's audiences, who enjoyed virtuoso acting. A
high point came early in the play, when Lear curses Gonerill in 1.4. Following Tate's
structure, which eliminated 1.5, but restoring most of Shakespeare's language, Garrick
used this speech as the climax of Act 1, a moment of extreme emotionality. At 'Blasts and
fogs upon thee' a contemporary observer 'could not avoid expecting a paralytic Stroke
would wither every Limb of GoneriP'.3 Garrick continued playing on the emotions, or
rather milking them, so that when he finally burst into tears at the end of the scene, the
effect was stupendous. For the next hundred years, this moment became a crucial one
for every actor who followed Garrick in the role.4
The theatre is never without its rivalries, and the eighteenth century was no excep-
tion. Garrick's Lear was challenged by Spranger Barry and William Powell, and his
efforts to recover Shakespeare's text were rivalled, too - by George Colman, for exam-
ple, in his edition of 1768. Beginning with the opening scene, Colman restored more of
Shakespeare's original than anyone so far had done. But he was ahead of his time; his
adaptation, performed at Covent Garden, was a failure. The public still preferred Tate's
version, especially the Edgar-Cordelia love story, which Colman all but eliminated.5
Eventually, yielding to Francis Gentleman's critique in 1770, Garrick further modified
Tate's Lear but cast Barry in the leading role instead of himself.6 The points at issue
were mainly the disputed love scenes between Cordelia and Edgar, though given the
Ibid., pp. 202-3.
For a brief analysis of this evolution from Tate to Garrick's last version, see George Winchester Stone, Jr,
'Garrick's production of King Lear, a study in the temper of the eighteenth-century mind', SP 45 (1948),
96-101. Restoration of Shakespeare's originals, at least in part, had already begun with other plays: see
George C. D. Odell, Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving, 2 vols., 1920, 1, 339-47.
•' Joseph Pittard, Observations on Mr. Garrick's Acting (1758), in Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage, ed. Brian
Vickers, 1976, iv, 318.
Bratton, p. 23. For further details of Garrick's delivery and others', see ibid., pp. 97-9 and 225-7, ar*d
Rosenberg, pp. 127-30.
Odell, Betterton to Irving, I, 380-1.
Harris, 'Garrick, Colman and King Lear\ pp. 63-6.
The Tragedy of King Lear
temper of the times, neither Colman nor Garrick could reinstate the Fool or replace
Tate's ending with Shakespeare's.1 Those restorations awaited the courage of the next
After Garrick's retirement from the stage in 1776, John Philip Kemble essayed King
Lear in 1788, and his sister, Sarah Siddons, played Cordelia. Although at first he used
Garrick's text, Kemble later went back to Tate, reversing the direction that Garrick
and Colman had taken. For this he receives the severest condemnation from Genest.2
His production at Drury Lane in 1795 was elaborate (see below). Doubling had long
since become unnecessary, and increased numbers of supers filled the cast: the first
court scene consisted of four gentlemen, three knights, a physician, a captain of the
guard, a herald, four ladies (in addition to Tate's Arante), two pages, and an unspecified
number of guards, besides the principal characters.3
Kemble continued playing Lear from time to time and from version to version
until 1810, when performances were discontinued in London owing to George Ill's
growing mental disorder. When the sovereign died in 1820, theatre managers vied with
one another to restage the play. By this time, the criticisms of Charles Dibdin, Leigh
Hunt, Charles Lamb, William Oxberry, and others, including the eminent German
critic August Wilhelm von Schlegel, weighed heavily against Tate's adaptation and its
derivatives. But it would be years before anything like a true restoration of Shakespeare's
text could be heard on the English stage.4
Junius Brutus Booth at Covent Garden on 13 April 1820 was the first to portray
Lear after King George Ill's death; his performance paled before Edmond Kean's
at Drury Lane eleven days later and soon closed. What Kean lacked in physique
he more than compensated for in passion and articulation.5 His was the first great
romantic representation of the role. Although it did not altogether please Leigh Hunt
and some others, it was obviously a great advance over Kemble's and much closer to
Garrick's, which in many ways anticipated Kean's conception.6 He excelled in The
Curse (1.4.230-44) and in the storm scenes, but perhaps his most moving scene was
the reconciliation with Cordelia in Act 4, which utterly silenced the audience, struck
dumb with admiration. Blackwood's Magazine reported that 'The mild pathos of his
voice and the touching simplicity of his manner when he kneels down before her and
offers to drink the poison if she has it for him, can never be forgotten.'7
See the 'Advertisement' to Colman's edition, sig. A2-4.
John Genest, Some Account ofthe English Stage, 1660-1830, 1832, vin, 131—4, 185. Derrick,'Stage History',
p. 137, thinks the anti-French feeling aroused by the Napoleonic wars led Kemble to adopt Tate's version,
where Edgar replaces the King of France as Cordelia's suitor. The love story, moreover, lessened the
emphasis upon the king, whose madness could remind audiences of what ailed George III.
Derrick, 'Stage History', pp. 153, 168-9, n. 14.
See Carol Jones Carlisle, Shakespeare from the Greenroom, 1969, pp. 266-74, anc^ Leigh Hunt's Drama tic-
Criticism, 1808-1831, ed. L. H. Houtchens and C. W. Houtchens, 1949, pp. 15-20.
H. N. Hillebrand, Edmond Kean, 1933, p. 191, quotes Crabbe Robinson: 'Kean's defects are lost in this
character, and become almost virtues. He does not need vigour or grace as Lear, but passion - and this never
fails him.' Compare the review in The Times, 25 April 1820; reprinted in Gamini Salgâdo, Eyewitnesses of
Shakespeare: First Hand Accounts of Performances ijÇO-i8ço, 1975, pp. 280-2.
Leigh Hunt's Dramatic Criticism, pp. 297-8; Bratton, p. 30.
Cited in F. W. Hawkins, The Life of Edmond Kean, 1869, 11, 137.
\39\ Introduction
Kean had wanted to retain Shakespeare's tragic conclusion, but Elliston (manager at
Drury Lane) demurred for three years. When he did agree, legend has it that the
audience tittered to see the diminutive actor struggling under the weight of Mrs
W. West's Cordelia, and the production reverted to Tate's ending after only three
performances. The 'Shakespeare' ending may not have been altogether abandoned in
later productions, and in London in 1834 William Charles Macready revived it.1
Macready was the next important Lear. Immediately following his London suc-
cess as Richard III, when Covent Garden was preparing to stage Lear in 1820, he
was offered the lead but preferred to play Edmond opposite J. B. Booth instead. Not
until August 1833, when on tour in the provinces, did he attempt Lear - and then
not very successfully.2 The following spring he acted the part for the first time in
London, restoring much of Shakespeare's language and Kean's ending, but not the
Fool. That event awaited January 1838 when, at the off-hand suggestion of his col-
league, George Bartley, he cast a nineteen-year-old actress, Priscilla Horton, in the
Criticism of Tate's version had at last triumphed, though a Tatefied King Lear
continued to hold the boards in America (where Macready, disgusted, saw it with
Forrest as Lear in 1843) and elsewhere.4 Victorian England scarcely saw the Lear of
Shakespeare's Jacobean audience, however. Textual matters aside,5 the production as
a production was vastly different. Victorians enjoyed spectacle, as Macready (and later
Charles Kean) understood, and his productions at Covent Garden were nothing if not
spectacular. Castles sat upon the stage, Druid circles adorned the landscape, and the
storm scenes were ferocious. Macready, 'gigantic', was 'very enthusiastically' received.6
Playing opposite a reluctant Helen Faucit as Cordelia, he made Lear one of his greatest
Although he restored the Fool and Shakespeare's language, Macready retained Tate's
dramatic structure and cut the text heavily. His was a virtuoso performance. Samuel
Phelps, who staged Lear in 1845 at Sadler's Wells, made fewer cuts, kept Shakespeare's
sequence of scenes, and attempted ensemble performance.7 Charles Kean's production
a dozen years later reverted to something like Macready's text (a third of Shake-
speare's lines gone) but now spectacle threatened to overwhelm text, a phenomenon
not unknown in our own time. Thus, though 'Shakespeare' was on the boards at last,
bardolatry did not extend to sanctifying his text.
' Carlisle, Shakespeare from the Greenroom, p. 273; Hillebrand, Kean, p. 234; G. K. Hunter, Introduction to
Cornmarket Press facsimile of Cumberland's 1830 edition, 1970; Odell, Betterton to Irving, 11, 154-6.
The Diaries of William Charles Macready, 1833-1851, ed. William Tovnbee, 1912; reprinted 1969, 1, 58.
* Ibid., 1,483.'
Bratton, p. 31; Charles Shattuck, Shakespeare on the American Stage: From the Hallams to Edwin Booth,
1976, p. 77.
On Macready's text, see Odell, Betterton to Irving, 11, 195-7.
Diaries of Macready, p. 442; Bratton, pp. 34-6. In his rave review in The Examiner, 4 February 1838
(reprinted in Salgâdo, Eyewitnesses of Shakespeare, pp. 283-7), Charles Dickens especially praised the
inclusion of the Fool.
Bratton, pp. 36-7; Odell, Betterton to Irving, 11, 272-3.
The Tragedy of King Lear [40]
The stage direction at 5.3.204, Gonerill and Regans bodies brought out, may suggest a litter or bier for each
one, or perhaps dummies, if the actors were now needed as supers. Compare T. J. King, Shakespearean
Staging, 159Ç-1642, 1971, p. 19.
Bratton, p. 61.
•* David Rostron, 'John Philip Kemble's "King Lear" of 1795', in The Eighteenth-Century English Stage, ed.
Kenneth Richards and Peter Thomson, 1972, p. 153.
Preface to Kean's edition of 1858.
24 April 1858; reprinted in Salgâdo, Eyewitnesses of Shakespeare, p. 287.
Bratton, p. 38.
Spectacle, antiquarianism, and textual cutting culminated in Henry Irving's pro-
duction of King Lear in 1892. The elaborate staging necessarily resulted in cuts; but
other cuts, such as eliminating Gloucester's blinding, were the result of Victorian taste.
At Ford Madox Brown's suggestion, Irving set his production in the period just after
the Romans left Britain, so as to imply both greatness and decay. Druidical priests and
Viking warriors mingled on the stage among ruined Roman villas and temples. Like
Macready, Irving arranged the text and the production to set himself off to best advan-
tage, and like Macready he attempted a psychological interpretation. But the role was
beyond his powers. The elaborate set designs notwithstanding, the production (which
never toured) was not a success, nor was it ever revived. Its greatest emotional impact
was Ellen Terry's achievement as Cordelia in the reconciliation scene that ends Act 4. 1
After Irving's relative failure, King Lear fell into some disfavour, although Robert
Bruce Mantell did well in the role in America from 1905 until his death in 1928.2
Norman McKinnel was less successful at the Haymarket in 1909, but this production,
by Herbert Trench, was important for its reaction against 'archaeological' realism.
Experiments abroad and the efforts of William Poel and others to revive 'Elizabethan'
staging had begun to make their mark. Meanwhile, Gordon Craig and his followers
advocated a 'poetic' or 'symbolic' setting for Shakespeare that would provide the proper
atmosphere and ambience for the plays. Although the two schools opposed each other,
the one calling for a simple, bare stage, the other for suggestive set designs, both agreed
on the need for smoother performances uninterrupted by long intervals that elaborate
scene-shifting required. For the Haymarket, Charles Ricketts used looming monoliths,
colour tones of grey, and variously illuminated backcloths that became a model for
designers and producers for several decades.3
Experimentation has continued throughout the century, much enhanced by tech-
nological advances in lighting and scenery construction. In 1936, for Komisarjevsky's
production at Stratford-upon-Avon, lighting was mainly used; flights of narrow, angled
steps almostfilledthe stage, and Lear's fantastically-columned throne was the only fur-
niture. Although reviewers and actors were not altogether happy with the set, critics
thought that the bareness and Komisarjevsky's lighting strengthened the sense of ele-
mental forces at work in the play.4 George Devine's production in 1955, starring John
Gielgud, became notorious for the sets by the Japanese-American designer, Isamu
Noguchi. The entire play was performed against a background of geometrical or sym-
bolic shapes that emphasised the drama's timeless, out-of-this-world quality. Costum-
ing was grotesque: the strangely holed cloaks that Lear and others wore reminded some
of Henry Moore sculptures.5 If the explicit aim was to give language its preeminent
Carlisle, Shakespeare from the Greenroom, p. 303; Bratton, pp. 38-9; Odell, Betterton to Irving, 11, 387-8,
404, 446-7-
Derrick, 'Stage History', pp. 261-4; compare Shattuck, Shakespeare on the American Stage, 11: From Booth
and Barrel/ to Sothern and Marlowe, 1987, pp. 235-43.
Bratton, pp. 42-3; Derrick, 'Stage History', pp. 211—13. Compare Cary M. Mazer, Shakespeare Refashioned:
Elizabethan Plays on Edwardian Stages, 1981, pp. 50-9, 107-10.
Sally Beauman, The Royal Shakespeare Company: A History of Ten Decades, 1982, pp. 147-8; Bratton,
p. 60.
Bratton, p. 62.
The Tragedy of King Lear [42]
place (as the programme note stated), it did not succeed, for audiences found the set
and costume designs distracting. Only Claire Bloom as Cordelia (like Ellen Terry in
Irving's production) conveyed anything of human warmth.1
King Lear has not escaped modern-dress productions. In 1976, with Donald Sinden
in the lead, Trevor Nunn directed the play in the costumes and settings of 1914 - the last
era, he thought, in which a monarch could conceivably give away his kingdom. Sinden
as Lear wore a uniform and his family formal court attire; he entered 'stumping like
an aged Hindenburg, chewing a cigar and creakily lowering himself into his seat'.2 Six
years later at Stratford, Adrian Noble staged the play in a supposedly timeless period,
but visual allusions to the Falklands War then in progress, as in the type and colour of
the soldiers' uniforms, gave the production a contemporary relevance. So did Samuel
Beckett's influence, which was everywhere apparent, as in the oil drums or dustbins
used in the mock trial scene (3.6), the pool of water in which the two old men bathe their
feet in 4.5, the boots Lear leaves behind afterwards, and especially the representation
of the Fool (see below). Throughout the performance, as Alan Sinfield observed, an
'assault on the transcendence' usually ascribed to the tragic hero was uppermost. An
extremely physical production, the point was 'not insight into a further reality, there is
no further reality - just the material world in which people and systems do things to
you . . .'3
Audrey Williamson, Contemporary Theatre, JÇ^J-IÇ^Ô, n.d., pp. 122-3; J. C. Trcwin, Shakespeare on the
English Stage, igoo-ig64, 1964, p. 221.
The Times, 1 December 1976; cited by Bratton, p. 62.
Alan Sinfield, 'King Lear versus Lear at Stratford', Critical Quarterly 24, 4 (1982), 10.
Compare Stone, 'Garrick's production', p. 92.
Leigh Woods, Garrick Claims the Stage, 1984, pp. 35-6. For contemporary testimonials, see Arthur Colby
Sprague, 'Garrick as King Lear', Shakespearian Players and Performances, 1953, pp. 21-40.
[43] Introduction
9 Garrick as King Lear in the storm, with Kent and Edgar but without the Fool. A painting by Benjamin
Wilson (1761)
the insane fire of the injured father'.1 Kemble's unfortunate tendency was to simplify,
to eschew subtlety in favour of a single dominant passion, and his voice, uncertain and
unreliable at best, was inadequate to convey the depths of Lear's passion. On the other
hand, Kemble brought to the role a conscientiously studied performance, capable of
brilliant effects, which Macready admired. His greatest moments were The Curse in
Act 1 and his dialogue with Edgar as Tom o'Bedlam (played by his brother Charles) in
Act 3, but his performance overall never equalled Garrick's.2
Edmond Kean's romantic conception of King Lear had a profound influence both at
home and abroad. Like his predecessor, George Frederick Cooke, Kean toured America
on several occasions, beginning in 1820-1. During his second American tour, in 1825,
Edwin Forrest, then an aspiring actor, played opposite him in Othello and in other
Shakespearean tragedies. Forrest, who was soon to be recognised as America's greatest
actor, never forgot this formative experience. 'Until now Forrest had seen no actor who
represented in perfection the impassioned school of which Kean was the master', an
Cited in Salgâdo, Eyewitnesses of Shakespeare, p. 280. Compare Rostron, 'Kemble's "King Lear" ',
pp. 160-1.
Rostron, 'Kemble's "King Lear" ', pp. 163-6.
The Tragedy of King Lear [44}
early biographer remarked. 'He had known Cooke in the decline of his powers, but his
own judgment was immature. Here indeed was a revelation.'1 At nineteen, Forrest had
already played Lear, creditably though not outstandingly, and he determined to make
it his 'great character'.2 Partly owing to what he learned from Kean, he succeeded.
Although Edwin Booth's greatest role was Hamlet, his Lear was also note-worthy,
both in America and in London, where he performed in 1881. Like Garrick, he began
playing the role early in life, using Tate's version, as his father, Junius Brutus Booth,
had done. But he dropped the part from his repertory in i860 and did not revive it until
many years later, this time in a Shakespearean version. His most famous scene was the
I remember him, - indeed, who that saw him could everforget?- sitting on a stool; his attenuated
figure, his haggard face, his beseechful eyes, his bewildered glance at his clothing, his timid,
hesitant, forlorn manner as he gazed on Cordelia, the doubting, questioning look which bespoke
the slow recurrence of memory, the piteous, feeble movement of the hands, one upon the other,
and the pathos of the heart-breaking voice . . .3
But if Booth was impressive in thefinalacts, his countryman, John Edward McCullough,
was more impressive in the first half of the play. Unlike other Lears of his time, who
played a robust monarch only gradually descending into dementia, McCullough saw
Lear as a man verging on madness from the start, menaced by a disease which overtakes
him rapidly. His representation was unique, and other aspects of his portrayal were,
in Winter's words, 'inexpressibly touching'.4 Moreover, McCullough was one of the
first American actors to discard Tate's version and find in Shakespeare's the original
structure and power that the play embodies.5
The strength of Forrest and the 'subtle intelligence' of Booth were combined, accord-
ing to the American critic Towse, in Samuel Phelps's enactment of Lear in mid century.
Whereas Macready played Lear as arrogant and domineering in Act 1, and afterwards
tried to show how Lear learned through suffering, Phelps emphasised Lear's suffering
from the beginning, probed the depths of his despair, and did not try to explain it.
More aged father than king, his grief and madness were nonetheless regal. He won the
approval of many critics besides Towse, whose praise is couched in a paradox gener-
ated by the still lingering attitude of Charles Lamb: 'His Lear . . . was one of the most
satisfying interpretations of that unactable conception that I have seen.'6
In the twentieth century, especially since the Second World War, King Lear has been
more often revived and more variously represented than at any previous time in its his-
tory. John Gielgud, for example, played the role in four productions, each one different,
beginning with the Old Vic in 1931 when he was only twenty-six. Harcourt Williams
directed, Ralph Richardson played Kent, and Robert Speaight, Edmond. Like Garrick,
Booth, and Forrest, Gielgud gave promise of greater things to come. Commentators
Lawrence Barrett, Edwin Forrest, 1881, p. 40.
James Rees, The Life of Edwin Forrest, 1874, p. 82; compare Bratton, p. 31.
William Winter, Shakespeare on the Stage: Second Series, 1915, p. 447.
Ibid., p. 461.
•s Shattuck, Shakespeare on the American Stage, 1, 129.
Shirley S. Allen, Samuel Phelps and Sadler's Wells Theatre, 1971, pp. 173-5, w n o quotes Towse.
[«•] Introduction
remarked upon the intelligence of his interpretation and his fine speaking-voice.: In
1940 Gielgud again attempted the role at the Vic, this time under the guidance, if not
direction, of Harley Granville-Barker, who came over from Paris for ten rehearsals.
Only the limitations of his physique and perhaps too much reliance upon intellectual
control prevented Gielgud from supreme mastery, although by his own account he felt
that this was the one time he truly touched Lear.2
Gielgud played Lear twice more, in 1950 at Stratford-upon-Avon (see illustration
10), with excellent performances by Alan Badel as the Fool and Peggy Ashcroft as
Cordelia, and in 1955 at the Palace Theatre, with a Stratford company that had toured
Europe. The first of these was still influenced by Granville-Barker; the second was the
notorious Noguchi one. Gielgud changed his conception so that his initial entrance,
formerly strong and menacing, was now that of a weak and mentally deranged old man.
As he has said, there is no one way to play the part, but this interpretation was not
successful, despite excellent performances by others and the moving and emblematic
scene at Dover between the shattered, aimlessly wandering king and the blind earl,
played by George Devine. The production was a disaster, mainly because the sets and
costumes overwhelmed everything else.3
The variety of approaches notwithstanding, what some have called a 'definitive' King
Lear appeared during the war years. In 1943, Donald Wolfit brought his production
to London from the provinces, where it had been touring (see Ronald Harwood's play,
The Dresser, largely based on Wolfit's touring as Lear). Praising the revival the following
year, James Agate enumerated Lear's qualities:
First, majesty. Second, the quality Blake would have recognized as moral grandeur. Third, mind.
Fourth, he must be a man, and what is more, a king, in ruins. There must be enough voice to
dominate the thunder, and yet it must be a spent voice. Lear must have all of Prospero's 'beating
mind', but a mind enfeebled like his pulse . . .4
For Agate, Wolfit's Lear was the greatest tragic performance he had seen on the British
stage since the death of Irving, and his vote was seconded by others. But, Speaight
notes, by this time the theatre had moved on and 'was nervous of giants',5 as some
subsequent productions of Lear have shown.
Like Gielgud, Laurence Olivier played Lear more than once, and with unequal
success. His first attempt, with the Old Vic in 1946, he also directed, to mixed reviews.
Olivier was 'a comedian by instinct and a tragedian by art', Agate claimed, and his old,
testy, and capricious king showed a quizzical sense of humour. Felix Barker, Olivier's
biographer, thought this was mainly a device to help him get through the absurdity of
James Agate, Brief Chronicles, 1943, p. 196. Agate much preferred the still younger William Devlin who,
at twenty-two, opened at the Westminster Theatre in 1934 and was, Benson excepted, the best Lear Agate
had ever seen up to then (pp. 197-201).
Trewin, Shakespeare on the English Stage, p. 186; Agate, Brief Chronicles, pp. 201-2.
-1 John Gielgud, An Actor and His Time, 1979, pp. 95, 169, 212. Compare Alan S. Downer, 'A comparison of
two stagings: Stratford-upon-Avon and London', SQ6 (1955), 432-3.
Cited in Ronald Harwood, Sir Donald Wolfit, C.B.E., 1971, pp. 165-6. Harwood describes the genesis,
performance, and reception of the production, pp. 157-67.
Robert Speaight, Shakespeare on the Stage, 1973, p. 229.
The Tragedy of King Lear [46]
10 John Gielgud as Lear and Alan Badel as the Fool in Anthony Quayle's production at the Shakespeare
Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon (1950)
Lear's division of the kingdom in 1.1, but the humour was pervasive.: Despite moments
of great imagination and power, for example at Dover, his rendition was too lightweight:
'Instead of the pathos of great strength crumbling, he offered the misfortune of bright
The Oliviers, 1953, p. 294. Compare Charles Landstone, 'Four Lears', S.Sur. 1 (1948), 98.
[47] Introduction
wits blurred.'1 When Olivier performed the role for the last time, in the television
adaptation (1983), he was too frail and ill, although flashes of his old fire still emerged.
Perhaps his most memorable scene (involving a bit of un-Shakespearean stage business)
was of the mad old king in Act 4 catching and disembowelling a rabbit, and then eating
its innards raw.
By far the most widely discussed and influential post-war production of King Lear
was Peter Brook's for the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1962. Profoundly affected by
Jan Kott, whose view was that of a middle-European survivor of the Second World War,
Brook interpreted the play existentially. Speaight says Simone Jollivet had attempted
as much in her adaptation, produced by Charles Dullin in Paris in 1945, but Brook did
it better.2 He cut the text carefully, following the Folio more closely than the quarto,
so that the servants' dialogue at the end of 3.7 was gone along with the scene in Act 4
found only in the quarto. In addition, he cut many of Edmond's lines in the last scene,
including 'Some good I mean to do', and kept his body on stage after his death. At the end
Edgar, left alone with his brother's corpse, lugged it off-stage 'like a slaughtered pig'.3
Paul Scofield as Lear was austerely effective, as were Alec McCowen as the Fool, Irene
Worth as Gonerill, and Alan Webb as Gloucester (see illustration 11). Brook directed
from the standpoint of 'moral neutrality', with the intention of provoking questions,
not providing answers.4 The flat white set and simple leather costumes enhanced the
alienation that this deliberately Brechtian production contrived to impart. The results
were 'revolutionary':
Instead of assuming that Lear is right, and therefore pitiable, we are forced to make judgements -
to decide between his claims and those of his kin. And the balance, in this uniquely magnani-
mous production, is almost even. Though he disposes of his kingdom, Lear insists on retaining
authority; he wants to exercise power without responsibility, without fulfilling his part of the
feudal contract. He is wilfully arrogant, and deserves much of what he gets . . . This production
brings me closer to Lear than I have ever been; from now on, I not only know him but can place
him in his harsh and unforgiving world.5
While King Lear dominates his play, other characters are important as well and lend
themselves to various interpretations, which influence, or are influenced by, the overall
conception. To focus only on the Fool as he has appeared in different productions: he is
often played as a simple-minded child, but Frank Middlemass showed in the BBC-TV
series that he can appear as an old man, long allied to his master. Marius Goring played
him as 'an anxious, frightened jester fighting a losing battle', his attendance upon Lear
'urgent and sympathetic'.6 In Olivier's stage production Alec Guinness was 'neither
Kenneth Tynan, cited by Richard Findlater, The Player Kings, 1971, p. 221. Compare Speaight, Shakespeare
on the Stage, p. 230.
Speaight, Shakespeare on the Stage, pp. 232-3.
* Ibid., p. 284.
Kenneth Tynan, A View of the English Stage: jg44~6j, 1975, p. 343.
From Kenneth Tynan's review in the Observer, November 1962; reprinted in Peter Brook: A Theatrical
Casebook, compiled by David Williams, 1988, pp. 23-7.
T. C. Kemp, 'Acting Shakespeare: modern tendencies in playing and production', S.Sur. 7 (1954), 127.
The Tragedy of King Lear [48]
11 Act 1, Scene i: Peter Brook's Royal Shakespeare Company production (1962), with Paul Scofield as
prancing jester nor piping grotesque', but 'wry, quiet, true, with a dog's devotion'.1
Antony Sher was an astonishingly original Fool in Adrian Noble's 1982 production for
the Royal Shakespeare Company (see illustration 12). From the opening tableau the
Fool commanded attention: he and Cordelia were discovered on the throne together
with a length of rope around their necks ('And my poor fool is hanged'). Sher wore a
Chariot costume of baggy trousers and oversized shoes, a red button nose, white clown's
make-up, and crumpled hat. With Lear (Michael Gambon) he performed vaudeville
routines and played a Grock violin. During the mock trial in 3.6, while raving against
his daughters, Lear plunged a dagger into his Fool who was standing, like a character
in Beckett's Endgame, in an empty oil drum, into which he slowly subsided and died.2
Sher's outlandish, vaudevillian performance made political sense, as Nicholas
Shrimpton observed: the Fool was 'an artist who uses his skills as an entertainer to
win himself a platform'. More than that, with Lear he formed 'an old-established
cross-talk act, long accustomed to claiming the spotlight for their banter'. The disad-
vantage, however, was that after the Fool's death in Act 3, following the extraordinary
J. C. Trewin, 'Giving the countersign', in Olivier: In Celebration, ed. Gary O'Connor, 1987, p. 38.
See Antony Sher, 'The Fool in King Lear\ in Players of Shakespeare 2, ed. Russell Jackson and Robert
Smallwood, 1988, pp. 151-65.
[49] Introduction
12 Antony Sher as the Fool (in the oil drum, left) and Michael Gambon as Lear in the Royal Shakespeare
Company production (1982)
representation of the storm, the play tended to lose both éclat and coherence.1 A more
conventional Fool - the consummate Shakespearean Fool in Lear, though many critics
disagreed - was Linda Kerr Scott's at the RSC in 1990 (see illustration 13). Small in
stature, with pop-eyes, bare windmilling arms, and a scampering, knock-kneed walk,
she was endearingly funny and affectionate, speaking in a Glaswegian accent and draw-
ing from the role all that binds the Fool to Lear. Closely following the Folio text, the
production showed the Fool abandoned at the end of 3.6, mouthing inaudible nonsense,
as Kent and Gloucester hurried the sleeping Lear away. One of two women to essay the
role (the other was Emma Thompson) in a season that saw three major productions of
the play, Scott revived a tradition dating back to 1838, when Macready cast Priscilla
Horton in the role.2
Nicholas Shrimpton, 'Shakespeare performances in Stratford-upon-Avon and London, 1981-2', S.Sur.
^ 36(1983), i5 2 -3-
For these three productions see J. L. Halio, 'Five days, three King Lears\ Shakespeare Bulletin 9 (Winter
1991), 19-21.
The Tragedy of King Lear [JO]
13 Linda Kerr Scott as the Fool and John Wood as King Lear in Nicholas Hytner's production for the
Royal Shakespeare Company (1990)
[y/] Introduction
as theatre manager, arranged for others to do so. In 1752, when Lewis Hallam and
his wife led their company of actors to Williamsburg, Virginia, to perform plays by
Shakespeare and others, Lear was included in the repertoire (again, in Tate's version).
They performed also in New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston, South Carolina.1
In France, Jean-François Ducis (1733-1816) followed Tate in rewriting Shakespeare
(if anything, more drastically) for a production in Versailles and Paris. Brizard played
the lead, clean-shaven, against an elaborate set.2 In Germany, Schiller's version of
Lear was presented at Weimar, and Ludwig Devrient (1784-1832) was one of the
outstanding Lears of the century, emphasising the milder aspects of the character. At
the Burgtheater in Austria he was rivalled by Adolf von Sonnethal. In 1889 Jocza Savits
experimented in Munich with Elizabethan staging, which favourably impressed - and
directly influenced - William Poel and, in France, Antoine, who in 1904 produced the
play uncut in a translation by Pierre Loti.3 German productions of King Lear have
continued throughout the twentieth century as well, and the contemporary composer
Aribert Reimann has transformed it into an opera, which had its British première at
the Coliseum in London in January 1989. One reviewer called it 'an opera of shattering
theatrical power'. In the storm scenes, for example, 'the chord-clusters build up and
spread in huge, roaring, opaque columns of sound . . . obliterating the last traces of
rationality of Lear's mind'.4
The most notable Italian performers in the nineteenth century were Ernesto Rossi
and Tommaso Salvini. Both brought their interpretation to England, Rossi in 1876 and
1882, Salvini in 1884, and both played their roles in Italian. Rossi used an English-
speaking supporting cast, although in 1882 he experimented in the last two acts by
speaking in laboured but clear and accurate English. If Rossi emphasised Lear's madness
from the outset, Salvini varied his character as the vigorous king in Act 1, the disquieted
and sympathetic father in Act 2, the afflicted and enfeebled human being thereafter. His
performance was much better received than Rossi's, especially in the closing scene.5
In Russia, Ivan Choucherine adapted Ducis's version of Lear in 1807, using
Gothic settings. Greater productions awaited the next century, particularly Salomon
Mikhoels's in 1935 and Grigori Kozintsev's in 1941, in which Lear's humanity was
stressed as his regality decayed.6 In New York in 1892 the Russian immigrant, Jacob
Gordin, scored a rousing success on the Yiddish stage with The Jewish King Lear, con-
solidating Shakespeare's double plot and transforming setting, myth, and characters to
his own didactic purposes.7
Using electronic music and elaborate costumes, make-up and set design, J. A. Seazer
(a disciple of Shuji Terayama) staged King Lear in Japanese at the Tokyo Globe
Theatre in 1991. The production preserved the basic structure of Shakespeare's play
Shattuck, Shakespeare on the American Stage, 1, 3-10.
Speaight, Shakespeare on the Stage, p. 88.
Ibid., pp. 105-9, 183.
Malcolm Hayes, Sunday Telegraph, 29 January 1989, p. 17.
Derrick, 'Stage History', pp. 194-8.
Speaight, Shakespeare on the Stage, pp. 112, 222.
Leonard Prager, 'Of parents and children: Jacob Gordin's The Jewish King Lear\ American Quarterly 18
(1966), 506-16.
The Tragedy of King Lear \S2]
but included additional scenes, mostly in mime, at the start of the action and intermit-
tently throughout- a rousing 'Festival of Fools' at the beginning, for example, and later
'Roses of Sterile Women', a dance by Gonerill and Oswald designed to reveal Gonerill's
extreme sexuality. Dance, in fact, along with operatic singing and extravagant lighting,
made this a kind of multi-media spectacular; the overall effect was stunning. Seazer
achieved an effective translation of Shakespeare's play into other, quite different, cul-
tural terms without sacrificing any of the tragedy's essential qualities.
See Charles W. Eckert, Focus on Shakespearean Fihns, 1972, pp. 169-70.
Robert Hapgood, 'Shakespeare on film and television', in The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies,
ed. Stanley Wells, 1986, pp. 282-3.
Cited by Peter Morris, Shakespeare on Film, Ottawa: Canadian Film Institute, 1972, p. 35.
Grigori Kozintsev, King Lear: The Space of Tragedy, tr. Mary Mackintosh, 1977, p. 246.
\S3] Introduction
Gloucester's, heightening the savagery of Shakespeare's King Lear and increasing its
violence. The eldest and weakest son's wife, Lady Kaede, seeks revenge against Hidetora
for destroying her parents, and then against Jiro, the jealous second son, for having her
husband assassinated. In her viciousness, she has Jiro's wife, gentle Lady Sue, beheaded.
Although Lady Sue has her own motives for revenge - Hidetora has also destroyed
her family and has had her brother's eyes gouged out - she is a devoted Buddhist
and refuses to hate. At the end, after an insane Hidetora and his hermaphrodite Fool
Kyoami disappear into the smoking ruins of his fortress, Lady Sue's brother appears
at the edge of a cliff, drops a scroll with the Buddha's portrait on it, and refuses to
leap, waiting instead for his sister's return to life. The English-language caption here,
in italics, is: 'The human condition'.1
King Lear has also been adapted for television, first in a much shortened version
by Peter Brook for the American Omnibus programme in 1953, with Orson Welles as
Lear. Two decades later, Joseph Papp's production at the Delacorte Theatre in New
York City was televised, with James Earl Jones as Lear and Raul Julia as Edmond.
This multi-ethnic version recalls the success of Ira Aldridge a century earlier, when
the American-born black actor played Lear in Russia.2 The next production, one made
expressly for television, was in 1982, when Jonathan Miller directed Michael Hordern
as Lear for the BBC-TV series, The Shakespeare Plays. As television differs from
film, Miller's version differs from Brook's, Kozintsev's, or Kurosawa's, principally
in avoiding large-scale or panoramic scenes. Given its recognised (and recognisable)
limitations, the production succeeds, as in the extremely moving last scene.3
Finally, at the end of his career, Laurence Olivier performed Lear for Granada
Television, directed by Michael Elliott (1983). Olivier tried to play Lear as a virile
old man heroically overcoming difficulty and dying in the conviction that Cordelia
still lived (the text was altered to enforce the interpretation).4 Diana Rigg stunningly
conveyed Regan's beauty and viciousness; David Threlfall as Edgar/Tom o'Bedlam
swirled hideously around in mud during the storm; but the Fool's part, played by John
Hurt, was considerably curtailed.
Hapgood, 'Shakespeare on film', p. 286; Jack Jorgens, 'Kurosawa's Ran: a Samurai Lear\ SFNL 10 (1986),
See Herbert Marshall and Mildred Stock, Ira Aldridge: The Negro Tragedian, 1958, pp. 236-7, 244, 286-7.
Aldridge used Tate's version.
In 'King Lear without tears', SFNL 7 (1983), 2, Steven Urkowitz commented, however, that a number of
Shakespeare's directions were either altered or ignored, diminishing the tragedy.
Marion Perret, 'The making of King Lear\ SFNL 8 (1984), 7.
The Tragedy of King Lear \54\
growth in self-knowledge remain the central focus. Instead of a Fool, Bond invents the
Gravedigger's Son, who is killed early on but returns as a ghost to accompany Lear
through his pilgrimage, gradually shrinking in stature as Lear's insights mount. The
play ends as Lear, physically blinded, is shot while tearing apart the wall he had once
foolishly built to protect his realm.
Bond justifies his use of violence on the grounds that 'an unjust society must be
violent', and in his view contemporary society is grossly unjust. He rejects the criticism
that his play is either pessimistic or resigned: Lear's experience discovering truth,
imparted to the audience, should properly be seen as 'an opportunity'. Grasping this
truth, 'you don't have to go on doing things that never work in the hope that they may
one day - because now you know why they can't\l Hence Lear begins dismantling
the wall whose construction has oppressed his people for years. But since others, also
driven by motives of power and security, have now taken over the kingdom, and they
in turn insist on building the wall, the ex-king is shot.
Bond's play, like performances of it by the RSC and others, is both a commentary
upon and an extension of Shakespeare's, a forthright transformation of King Lear into
contemporary terms.2 As the foregoing stage history has selectively demonstrated,
this is what actors, producers, and directors have done, one way or another, from the
very first: probed, examined, refashioned, reenacted it to discover all the play has to
offer. For this reason - and others having to do with the variables of performance - no
production can ever be definitive. Shakespeare's theatre continues to evolve, and the
success of any production should be measured in direct proportion to what we learn
from it.
Author's Preface to Lear in Edward Bond, Plays: Two, Methuen Paperback, 1978, p. 11.
Compare Ruby Cohn, Modern Shakespeare Offshoots, 1076, pp. 254-66.
'King Lear, a retrospect, 1980-2000', S.Sur. 55 (2002), 1.
Hamlet versus Lear, 1993, p. 224.
See p. 32, above.
\ss] Introduction
14 David Calder as Kent, Ian Hughes as the Fool, Simon Russell Beale as Edgar, Robert Stephens as King
Lear, in the 1993 Royal Shakespeare Company production, directed by Adrian Noble
as Lear.1 The number of outstanding productions of King Lear in the years since then
has also been very impressive.
One of the best productions was staged by the Royal Shakespeare Company in
Stratford-upon-Avon in 1993. It was directed by Adrian Noble, who had also directed
a quite different production of the play with Michael Gambon as Lear and Anthony
Sher as the Fool at the RSC in 1982.2 In this production, Robert Stephens played the
title role in what was unquestionably the greatest performance of his career. A strong
supporting cast that included David Calder as Kent, David Bradley as Gloucester,
Owen Teale as Edmond, Simon Russell Beale as Edgar, and Ian Hughes as the Fool
won high critical acclaim along with Stephens. In a review Michael Davies claimed that
'this Lear is one of the most technically accomplished pieces ever staged at Stratford,
complete with a huge hanging globe, real rain in the powerful storm scene, and a map
of old England spread across the stage'.3 That hanging globe proved a distraction -
or worse - to some in the audience, especially when, after Gloucester's blinding, it
opened and what were apparently the seeds of time poured out, or as though 'the thick
rotundity o'th'world' had cracked and all nature's 'germens' spilled onto the stage
See above, p. 49 and footnote 2.
See pp. 48-9, above.
Daily Mail, 21 May 1993.
The Tragedy of King Lear Lf6]
(3.2.7-8). l Nevertheless, as Charles Spencer observed, the 'wonder, humility and joy'
of the reconciliation scene (4.6) was 'breathtakingly captured', making the final scene
'almost unbearable to watch'.2 Irving Wardle believed that 'No production since Peter
Brook's, thirty years ago . . . revealed the play's dimensions so fully.'3
If, as Michael Billington rightly remarked, King Lear is 'the Everest of acting',4 others
have attempted to scale its heights with some measure of success or, occasionally, failure:
for some, like Stephens and others who have genuine performance capability, the play
can inspire the best in them as actors; for others, it can be a perilous undertaking fraught
with pitfalls. In 1997 once again three productions of the play graced the stage, this
time in close geographical proximity to each other. Under Richard Eyre's direction,
Ian Holm played Lear in London at the Royal National Theatre - a production that
seemed deliberately to underplay the play's imposing grandeur. Staged in the Cottesloe
Theatre, the smallest venue of the National, it attempted to convey 'a timeless world',
where the governing idea was 'a moral and political anatomy that tears off masks,
clothes and disguises to show humanity as it really is'. 5 This was fine, except that 'the
production itself seem[ed] to shrink from accepting the moral chaos of the universe.
Indeed, it [sought] almost to explain that universe by turning Edgar [played by Paul
Rhys] into a choric figure: he [was] discovered on stage at the outset and summarized
the action at the end of both halves.'6 On the other hand, Holm's acting was excellent,
given the directorial concept. As John Gross viewed it, this Lear was a man 'who
cherishes his illusions as long as he possibly can. The shedding of those illusions [was]
all the harder to bear'; 'the fear of impending mental breakdown' was thus powerfully
signalled.7 The production was later filmed and shown on television and is available on
A few months later, down the road at the Young Vic (located on the Cut, a street
near Waterloo Station), Kathryn Hunter played Lear in a production that originated
at Leicester's Haymarket Theatre and elicited 'remarkably varied' responses from
reviewers. To render plausible a woman's enactment of the role, the play began as
a dream or hallucination of an old woman in a geriatric hospital. Robert Smallwood's
account sounds accurate:
The performance was indisputably a curiosity, but not, I think, a freak. It was highly effective
in its presentation of Lear's journey towards increased awareness; it was intelligent and often
incisive in its handling of language . . . Lear began clearly off his rocker and remained a strutting,
peevish, rather nasty little person until he got out of [his] absurd ill-fitting suit and into a white
hospital robe for the reconciliation with Cordelia.8
See Nicholas De Jong, Evening Standard, 21 May 1993, and compare Charles Spencer, Daily Telegraph,
22 May 1993.
Daily Telegraph, 22 May 1993.
'A giant among kings', Independent on Sunday, 23 May 1993. See p. 47 above, for Brook's Lear.
Guardian, 22 May 1993.
Michael Billington, Guardian, 29 March 1997.
Sunday Telegraph, 30 March 1997.
'Shakespearean performances in England', S.Sur. 51 (1998), 246.
M Introduction
The supporting cast was good, and the entire setting was contemporary, given its
inception in a modern geriatric hospital.1
At the Old Vic shortly thereafter (also on the Cut), Peter Hall directed Alan Howard as
Lear. (As Billington commented, it is getting just as crowded around the Shakespearean
as the Himalayan peak.)2 Howard had not played in Shakespeare for some years, but
Smallwood found his performance 'undiminished in thoughtfulness, in verbal inquis-
itiveness and experimentation, and in vocal (particularly vibrato) athleticism'.3
This was a Lear apparently much in need of physical contact. He frequently touched Poor Tom's
bare arms and shoulders, as if puzzled and worried by their nakedness. He kissed his elder
daughters . . . on each cheek then, lengthily, on the mouth, after their love speeches . . . Cordelia
held his hand throughout her failure to express her love and .. . again held his hand for much of
her interview with her prospective husbands . . . All this physical affection made the wild and
whirling rage of his rejection seem unbelievable, a performance merely.
The production overall was 'always clear, intelligent, and unpretentious. Yet somehow
it never quite caught fire.'4
Two years later Nigel Hawthorne played Lear in a production directed by Yukio
Ninagawa and jointly sponsored by the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Saitama
Arts Foundation in Japan. Reviewers savaged Hawthorne's performance and the pro-
duction generally. Paul Taylor blamed the director (whose former Shakespearean
productions, in Japanese, were universally extolled); Benedict Nightingale questioned
Hawthorne's fitness to play Lear since, in his view, Hawthorne is 'essentially benign as
an actor'.5 As if stung by these negative reviews, Hawthorne rose to the occasion on
the night after the production's opening and was reportedly magnificent.6 Although
the cast was composed mainly of western actors, they were dressed in Noh costumes
and performed in what was considered Noh theatre style.
Shortly afterwards, on the other side of the Atlantic, at the Shakespeare Theatre
in Washington, D.C., Michael Kahn directed Ted van Griethuysen as Lear in a more
traditional conception of the play - with one notable exception. Monique Holt, a deaf
mute wearing short, spiky, blonde hair, played Cordelia, and the Fool spoke the lines
(which she signed with her hands) in the opening scene and later. Holt, a diminutive
Korean woman, captured beautifully the inability of Cordelia to convey her meaning
to her father in i. i, and in other ways also suggested Cordelia's fragile vulnerability
In 'Liberal Shakespeare and illiberal critiques: Necessary Angel's King Lear\ Shakespeare in Canada, ed.
Diane Brydon and Irena R. Makaryk, 2002, pp. 212-30, Michael McKinnie writes about a cross-cast
production of King Lear in Toronto in the spring of 1995 directed by Richard Rose, with Janet Wright as
Lear and the roles of Kent, Edmond, and Albany also performed by women, while Gonerill was played
by a man. The casting was purportedly based on merit and not, as some reviewers believed, on 'a type
of employment equity' (p. 214). The central theme of the play, according to Rose, was 'an ascent from
barbarism to humanism', although McKinnie says that the humanist teleology was often frustrated by the
'periodic dissonance between the cross-casting and the text' and by other considerations (ibid.).
Guardian, 22 May 1993.
Smallwood, 'Shakespeare performances', p. 248.
+ Ibid.
As reported in the Sheffield Star and the Birmingham Post on 29 October 1999.
See Suzanne Chambers, Sunday Express, 30 October 1999.
The Tragedy of King Lear
15 Monique Holt as Cordelia and Floyd King as Lear's Fool in the Shakespeare Theatre's 1999 production
of King Lear, directed by Michael Kahn
\S9] Introduction
at the beginning. In the reconciliation scene, where again the Fool appeared to speak
her lines, she was even more effective. On the whole, the production was a stunning
success and played well into the year 2000.
In the summer of 2001, Shakespeare's Globe staged King Lear for the first time
in its venue on Bankside, near where Shakespeare's own audiences had witnessed
performances of the play. Directed by Barry Kyle and designed by Hayden Griffin,
this production was a 'ruralist Lear, responsive to the play's pastoral elements'.1 The
gaily painted from scaena was accordingly all boarded up, and a tall post, surmounted
by a wooden wheel (the wheel of fortune, perhaps?), was placed in the yard. Several
significant passages were spoken by actors who climbed on the post, as Edmond did
when delivering his soliloquy at the beginning of 1.2, or when Edgar in 2.3 spoke
his soliloquy deciding to disguise himself as Poor Tom. But the position of the wheel
in the yard might also have suggested, at least to some, that the audience were 'the
ultimate arbiters of fortune'.2 The rich, almost filmic musical background seemed to
give intimations of Lear's approaching madness and supplied all the sounds of the
storm. Peter McEnery, who played the Fool, carried a small banjo-like instrument,
which 'made one aware of how much music there is in this play, a fact that made
his departure even more regrettable than usual'.3 The Fool's hanging body, revealed
behind the central doors at the end of 3.6, explained - for better or worse - the Fool's
disappearance after this scene.4 Michael Gould as Edmond was so effective in endearing
himself to the audience as 'a swaggering, confident villain', that he tended to overbalance
the play; by comparison, Julian Glover was a 'middleweight, colonel-like Lear'. 5
In 2002 at what was once Stratford's 'Other Place', now turned into an academy for
training young actors, Declan Donnellan directed the students in King Lear. As the
Sunday Times reported,6 Donnellan
reads the play as a tragedy of terrible absurdity. Lear [Monso Anozie] is boisterous, irascible,
and self-adoring . . . The division of the kingdom sounds like a joke till it all sinks in . . . The
storm scene, superbly staged by Nick Ormerod, is all the more harrowing for Lear's almost
childlike fury and the way he declines into petulant, smiling madness; a big, innocent infant in
an uncomprehending tantrum, pottering about under an angry black sky.
The verse-speaking was excellent, and the prose, too, evidently reflecting good RSC
training. Michael Billington found a 'curious exhilaration in seeing sixteen young actors
perform' and noted how Donnellan grasped the essential point: that this is a play 'of
unfathomable contradictions'.7
In 2002 the Stratford Festival of Canada in Stratford, Ontario, also mounted King
Lear, with Christopher Plummer in the lead, a production that later transferred to
Michael Dobson, 'Shakespeare performances in England, 2001', S.Sur. 55 (2002), 303.
Lois Potter, 'Shakespeare performed', SQ51, (2002), 101.
Ibid., p. 97.
Dobson, 'Shakespeare performances', p. 305, believes it also indicates that the Fool hanged himself. See
p. 48 above, for the way the Fool died in Adrian Noble's 1982 production.
Dobson, 'Shakespeare performances', p. 305.
13 October 2002.
Guardian, October 2002.
The Tragedy of King Lear [60]
New York's Lincoln Center in March 2004. The following comments focus on the
New York production in which Plummer was generally considered to have given the
performance of a lifetime.I In this fast-paced staging, Ben Brantley comments, 'noth-
ingness is the backdrop against which the worldly domestic and political feuds of Lear
take place. It threatens and eventually devours all but a few of the play's principal char-
acters. And you get the sense that even the survivors are just marking time until darkness
comes for them, too.' Hardly any scenery was used, and the costumes suggested not the
pre-history of the original tale, but a Christian setting, Shakespeare's own period or the
Restoration. The director, Jonathan Miller, declared that 'Christianity is essential to
the play. Although it's only there by allusion, not by explicit mention. The whole idea
of gaining through loss is a specifically Christian notion - that it's only by enduring
the hideous ordeal of loss that any of these people gain.'2 Mahon notes (p. 122) some
unusual - and to him 'crucial' - cuts in the Folio text used as the basis for the script:
Cordelia's opening asides (1.1.57, 71-3); Gloucester's speech on the 'superfluous and
lust-dieted man' (4.1.62-6), which parallels Lear's speech at 3.4.28-36; and Edgar's
account of his father's death (5.3.172-90). The production was obviously centred on
King Lear himself who, in Plummer's 'lacerating, double-edged' portrayal, was 'a man
of prodigious will and fading powers'.3
King Lear has continued to hold its attraction for actors and directors. In 2004,
the RSC again mounted a production, a somewhat controversial one, directed by Bill
Alexander with Corin Redgrave in the leading role. As Benedict Nightingale saw it,
Redgrave's Lear was 'a smug, spoilt, playful, rather silly man' at the start, who laughed
a lot, especially with John Normington's (elderly) Fool.4 He was given to sudden mood
swings and appeared as 'a man who, if not yet clinically senile, [was] certainly heading
that way' {ibid.) The play was set in the early twentieth century; recent productions seem
to have tried to bring the action and hence the significance of tragedy as close to us today
as possible. Other critics also tended to discredit Redgrave's interpretation of the role.
Charles Spencer, for example, bemoaned Lear's lack of rage along with no terrible fear
of his encroaching madness. Instead, this Lear was 'a man who has never grown up, a
spoilt child', played without any 'sense of growing spiritual illumination'.5 John Gross,
on the other hand, found the production 'For the most part, an impressive affair . . .
marked by energy and clarity' Redgrave's Lear was very intelligently conceived, though
he failed to scale the heights.6 Indeed, Paul Taylor was torn between admiration for and
misgivings about the performance, finding Redgrave's a 'subtle, highly intelligent but
less than emotionally shattering performance'. Nevertheless, Lear's 'racked intoning
of the word "never" over and over Cordelia's corpse [was] absolutely heartbreaking in
its despairing wonder at the brutal irrevocability of life'. As for Normington's Fool,
See, e.g., Ben Brantley, ''King Lear, a fiery fall into the abyss', New York Times, 5 March 2004, and John
Mahon, ''King Lear at Lincoln Center', Shakespeare Newsletter 53 (Winter 2003/2004), 112, 122.
Cited from Lincoln Center Theater Review by Mahon, 'King Lear at Lincoln Center', p. 122.
Brantley, 'Fiery fall'.
Guardian, 2 July 2004.
Charles Spencer, 'Redgrave's sniffy Lear', Daily Telegraph, 2 July 2004.
John Gross, Sunday Telegraph, 4 July 2004.
[6/] Introduction
Taylor felt that he achieved the rare distinction of actually making his jokes sound
funny as well as wise. ' The storm was staged very effectively. Far from drowning out
Lear's words, it punctuated his lines appropriately as I have never before heard it done.
Another interesting touch came in 3.6 when, just before he disappears from the play,
the Fool handed his bauble over to Edgar.
At the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon - home of the oldest
Shakespeare festival in America - James Edmondson directed King Lear in the same
summer of 2004. He had played Lear a few years earlier in Ashland, in 1997, but now
Kenneth Albers assumed the leading role. Together they decided to examine the 'per-
sonal' tragedy of King Lear - 'Lear as a noble and gifted ruler who in his old age has
become so self-righteous, imperious and obstinate that he creates the weapons of his
own destruction.'2 Albers performed Lear's descent into madness as 'a portrayal of
the tricks that an aging mind plays, a Shakespearean examination of early Alzheimer's
disease within the context of political and familial disaster' {ibid.). As the storm echoes
his descent into madness, Lear becomes increasingly sane and humane. The ending of
the play was 'uncompromising' - no redemption but 'splendor in the ashes . . . the kind
of Shakespeare we need. It has its effect honestly, sans tricks or flash, and so is deeply
The Oregon Shakespeare Festival's King Lear reminds us of the many regional
productions of this mighty drama, in America, the British Isles, and around the world -
too many to enumerate here - but a few may at least be mentioned .4 In 1998, for example,
Tom Courtney played King Lear at the Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester, and
Warren Mitchell enacted the role at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in November 1995.
King Lear has also lent itself recently to several interesting adaptations, among them The
Tale of Lear, performed by the Suzuki Company of Toga, Japan, with an all-male cast
and staged at London's Barbican in November 1994. The Yiddish Queen Lear appeared
at the Southwark Playhouse in May 1999 and later at the Pascal Theatre Company
in Bridewell, London, in October 2001. A new opera of King Lear was staged at the
Alexander Theatre in Helsinki, in September 2000. And at the Grand Theatre of the
Hong Kong Cultural Centre in 1994 Daniel Yang directed the largest-scale production
ever in Chinese. Yang made history by using two casts for his production - one speaking
Mandarin, the other Cantonese - in his own translation, which was based mainly on
the Folio text. Yang shortened the script by about 900 lines to keep the play within a
reasonable acting time, emphasising, as he says in the programme notes, that the play
is 'above all about learning'.
Given the intense interest in King Lear and in its productions on stage, a growing
number of books and essays have appeared since the original publication of this edition.
Independent Review, 5 July 2004.
Roberta Kent, 'Compassion, grace infuse King Lear\ Ashland Daily Tidings, 23 June 2004.
Bill Varble, Medford Mail Tribune, 20 June 2004.
The annual volumes of Shakespeare Survey list productions in Britain recorded by Niky Rathbone. Produc-
tions, mainly in the United States but also elsewhere, are reviewed in Shakespeare Bulletin, and Shakespeare
Jahrhuch records those in Europe. The annual bibliography of Shakespeare Qimrterly also lists many pro-
ductions and reviews from all over the world for each Shakespeare play.
The Tragedy of King Lear [62]
Oliver Ford Davies, Playing Lear, 2003, p. 169. With these diaries, compare two earlier ones: Grigori
Kozintsev, 'King Lear ': The Space of Tragedy: The Diary of a Film Director, translated by Mary Mackintosh,
1977, and Maurice Good, Every Inch a Lear: A Rehearsal Journal of'King Lear' with Peter Ustinov and the
Stratford Festival Company Directed by Robin Philips, 1982.
James Lusardi and June Schlueter, Reading Shakespeare in Performance: 'King Lear', 1991, pp. 61-2.
interest is in Shakespeare's artistry, rejecting the post-structuralist dismissal of aesthetic
issues as 'irrelevant'. His readings of Hamlet and King Lear, which come at the end of
the book, therefore emphasise the evolving form of those plays - their artistic design -
rather than the political or experiential knowledge they may impart. His analysis is
far more concerned with such matters as dramatic unity. He says, for example: 'Our
sense of unity in a play like King Lear is fostered by our imaginative recreation of the
trajectory of an action that unfolds in time, and of the way the narrative shape seems
to gather momentum as it leads to a conclusion that in retrospect seems inevitable' (p.
136). The volume is full of such insights, even as he rejects the notion promulgated by
the two-text theory that Q and F are two different plays, notwithstanding the admittedly
heavy revision he recognises in F. 1
Several collections of essays that have appeared reprint previously published essays
or chapters from books, while others offer altogether new essays, and still others com-
pilations of both old and new works. Kiernan Ryan's collection includes previously
published essays and extracts from books on a variety of subjects by Arnold Kettle,
Howard Felperin, Leonard Tennenhouse, Annabel Patterson, Leah Marcus, and others.
Noteworthy among them are Kathleen McLuskie's 'The patriarchal bard: feminist crit-
icism and King Lear' and Terry Eagleton's 'Language and value in King Lear\ which
tend to show recent trends in cultural materialism and gender studies.2 Critical Essays
on Shakespeare's 'King Lear' (1996) edited by Jay L. Halio divides the essays into three
groups: 'The two texts of King Lear\ 'Critical and scholarly approaches to King Lear\
and 'King Lear in performance'. Although most essays are reprints of journal articles
and chapters in books, the collection also includes new essays by Alexander Leggatt
on 'Madness in Hamlet, King Lear, and Early Modern England' and Lois Potter on
'Macready, the two-text theory, and the RSC's 1993 King Lear\
Shakespeare Survey 55 has as its title 'King Lear and its afterlife' and begins with
Kiernan Ryan's survey of criticism and scholarship, 1800-2000, noted above. Of the
fifteen essays on King Lear in the volume, the first four after Ryan's do not, strictly
speaking, follow the announced theme. They include Richard Knowles's scholarly
essay, 'How Shakespeare knew King Lear\ William O. Scott's 'Contracts of love and
affection; Lear, old age, and kingship', Andrew Gurr's 'Headgear as a paralinguistic
signifier in King Lear' and Drew Milne's 'What becomes of broken-hearted Lear: King
Lear and the dissociation of sensibility'. The remaining essays range broadly from
William Carroll's essay on how Shakespeare's Tom o'Bedlam evolved into a musical-
hall character in the nineteenth century to Iska Alter's essay on Yiddish appropriations
of King Lear and R. A. Foakes's fine comparison of King Lear and Beckett's Endgame.
Thomas Cartelli believes that King Lear is closer to Brecht's Mother Courage than to
Endgame as he compares Edward Bond's Lear to Shakespeare's play in 'Shakespeare
in pain: Edward Bond's Lear and the ghosts of history'. In 'Some Lears' Richard
Proudfoot also considers several Shakespearean offshoots, while in the last essay in this
group, ' "Think about Shakespeare": King Lear on the Pacific Cliffs', Mark Houlahan
reflects on Shakespearean offshoots in New Zealand, Australia, and elsewhere.
See pp. 97-111.
New Casebooks: King Lear, 1992.
The Tragedy of King Lear [64]
Among recent books on Shakespeare's life and work, one of the most widely read and
discussed is Harold Bloom's Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human (1998). While
some scholars and critics may disagree with Bloom's interpretations or approaches -
he is a self-confessed 'unreconstructed humanist' - others have found many of his
insights penetrating and compelling. His chapter on King Lear is one of the best in
the book. In confronting the greatness of King Lear, Bloom shows a broadness of
vision that others who approach Lear from various ideological vantage points, such as
cultural materialism, feminism, or psychoanalysis, clearly lack. Like Harold Goddard,
the critic he most closely resembles and to whom he acknowledges a debt, he draws
parallels and contrasts from Ecclesiastes and the Book of Job, William Blake, W B.
Yeats, Milton, Flaubert, W. H. Auden, Samuel Johnson, William Hazlitt, Nietzsche,
Goethe, and others. Love is very much the theme of Bloom's discourse on King Lear.
In this, he is not very original, though many of his observations on love, especially as
they pertain to the principal characters, are. 'The crucial foregrounding of the play, if
we are to understand it at all', he says, 'is that Lear is lovable, loving, and greatly loved,
by anyone at all worthy of our own affection and approbation' (p. 479). Those unworthy
are, of course, Goneril, Regan, Cornwall, Edmond, and Oswald. Whatever else we may
think of Lear, we seldom regard him as a loving or lovable man. But, as Bloom claims, it
is Lear's enormous capacity for love that lies at the heart of his tragedy. Like many who
have anything like his capacity for loving, Lear expects, demands, reciprocation; and
when it is not forthcoming, bafflement turns instantly into outrage and outrageousness.
In this context, Bloom notes 'Cordelia's recalcitrance in the face of incessant
entreaties for a total love surpassing even her authentic regard for her violently emo-
tional father'. Moreover, 'Cordelia's rugged personality is something of a reaction
formation to her father's overwhelming affection' (p. 479). Contributing also to the
play's immensity, Bloom says, is the figure of excess or overthrow that never aban-
dons Shakespeare's text; 'except for Edmund, everyone either loves or hates too much'
(p. 482). While excess is nothing new in Shakespearean drama, in King Lear the drama-
tist takes it to extremes heretofore unsuspected and unexamined.
Before Lear goes mad his consciousness is 'beyond ready understanding: his lack
of self-knowledge, blended with his awesome authority, makes him unknowable by
us'. Bloom continues: 'Bewildered and bewildering after that, Lear seems less a con-
sciousness than a falling divinity, Solomonic in his sense of glory, Yahweh-like in his
irascibility' (p. 482). Comparisons to Solomon and Yahweh do not seem to overstate the
case, surely not if we comprehend the greatness of man that has emerged and indeed
grown from the beginning of the play. Bloom is right: 'Lear, surging on through fury,
madness, and clarifying though momentary epiphanies, is the largest figure of love
desperately sought and blindly denied ever placed upon a stage or in print' (p. 506).
That is the measure of his and the play's greatness, and it is, just as Bloom claims,
For a fuller critique on Bloom's essay, from which some lines in the foregoing paragraphs have been taken,
see my essay, 'Bloom's Shakespeare', in Harold Bloom's Shakespeare, ed. Christy Desmet and Robert
Sawyer, 2001, pp. 19-31.
[6s] Introduction
Blayney, pp. 148-9.
The Tragedy of King Lear [66]
has any textual authority. Not until 1709, when Nicholas Rowe edited a new collection
of Shakespeare's works, was the text scrutinised again. Rowe used F4 as his copy-text,
adding stage directions, scene locations, and other details, while also frequently cor-
recting lineation and punctuation. It is with his edition that the history of modern
printed editions of the play may be said to begin.1
King Lear was the first play that Nicholas Okes, who had only recently become a master
printer, attempted to print. Inexperience may explain, in part, the poor quality of Q, but
difficult copy must also share the responsibility. Early theories held that this copy was a
reported text of some kind, a version of the play taken down from memory ('memorial
reconstruction') or by shorthand by someone in the theatre. W. W. Greg, for example,
in a study of the variants among the twelve extant copies of Q, maintained that the text
derived from a shorthand report,2 a position he had arrived at earlier in an important
journal essay.3 While agreeing that Q represents a pirated text, Leo Kirschbaum argued
instead that the copy derived from a memorial reconstruction, not shorthand4 - a
position also taken by G. I. Duthie, who concluded that no available system was capable
of recording a performance with the fullness and accuracy of Q.5 Citing many examples
of what they considered anticipations, recollections, transpositions, substitutions, and
other indications of memorial reconstruction, Kirschbaum and Duthie were convinced
that Q with its manifold imperfections could not have come into being in any other way.
Meanwhile, Madeleine Doran had taken the opposite view in The Text of King Lear1
(1931). She held that the quarto text derived directly from Shakespeare's rough draft,
or foul papers,6 which contained many revised and rewritten passages. This theory
partly explained the poor printing in Okes's shop while at the same time it afforded Q
more textual authority than it could possibly have as a reported text. Many scholars
had already conceded that the Pied Bull quarto was too good for a 'bad' quarto (such
as Q Hamlet), though it was not up to the standard of the authorised, or 'good', quartos
of Shakespeare's plays (such as Q2 Hamlet). It was therefore a 'doubtful' quarto, an
anomaly perhaps unique in the bibliography of the period.7
Steven Urkowitz notes that some handwritten collations of Q and F exist on a copy of F3 that may have been
prepared as a prompt-book for Dublin's Smock Alley Theatre in the 1670s, and Nahum Tate collated Q
and F for his adaptation of the play. But Alexander Pope was the first editor to begin conflating the two texts,
a tradition that has remained almost unbroken up to the present time. See Urkowitz, 'Editorial tradition',
PP- 2 4 - 5 -
See Greg, Variants, pp. 138, 187.
'The function of bibliography in literary criticism illustrated in a study of the text of King Lear\ Neophilo-
logm 18 (1933), 241-62.
The True Text of King Lear', 1945, esp. pp. 6-7.
Elizabethan Shorthand and the First Quarto of King Lear', 1949. The case for memorial reconstruction is
argued at length in Duthie's critical edition of the play, pp. 6, 21-116.
In 'Narratives about printed Shakespeare texts: "foul papers" and "bad" quartos', -SX> 41 (Spring 1990),
65-86, Paul Werstine questions the use of this term, especially as W. W. Creg 'idealised' it, referring to it
as the author's final draft before a fair copy was made. 'Foul papers' could exist in a variety of states; see
in particular ibid., pp. 71-2.
Greg, Editorial Problem, second edn, 1951, pp. 77-101. Compare Duthie, p. 76, who cites David Lyall
Patrick's study, The Textual History of Richard III', 1936.
[67] Introduction
Greg, SEE, pp. 381-3. Compare Charlton Hinman's 'Note to the second impression' of King Lear, 1608
(Pied Bull Quarto), Shakespeare Quarto Facsimiles, 1964.
Warren, 'Albany and Edgar', pp. 95-107.
In a review of Greg's Variants in RES 17 (1941), 474.
Urkowitz, pp. 7-11, 191-2.
Blayney, p. 8.
The Tragedy of King Lear [68]
Although Blayney in the first part of his study does not engage directly with the
textual problems of Q, certain of his findings are relevant here. For example, without
specifying the exact nature of the manuscript copy used for printing Q, he remarks that
it was evidently very difficult copy.1 Okes therefore abandoned casting-off (for setting
by formes, the usual procedure) in favour of setting seriatim. This procedure resulted
in shortages of type from time to time. Moreover, since Okes's shop had not previously
printed a play-text from manuscript, different conventions of printing needed to be
imposed during setting. Blayney confirmed E. A. J. Honigmann's contention that
more than one compositor worked on Q Lear,2 although the second compositor did not
become involved until late, after the interruption caused by the Christmas holidays.
Blayney identifies them as B and C and suggests that C, who worked more slowly and
less competently than B, may have been an apprentice.3
Difficult copy and inexperience in setting a play-text from manuscript doubtless led
to numerous errors, some of which were discovered after press-work began, as Greg
surmised.4 Hence, sheet B is invariant and c (i) is in three states. Press-correction began
in earnest with sheet D (o) but declined after reaching maximum efficiency in sheet E
(o). Possibly because just one press was used in perfecting (i.e. printing on the blank
side of a sheet already printed on one side), variants appear in only one forme of sheets
C-H.5 Sheet K, which has variants in both inner and outer formes, is exceptional. Sheets
B, i, and L are invariant. Either the variant states of these sheets have not survived,
or proof-correction occurred on those formes to Okes's satisfaction before press-work
Since the proofreader was free to work with or without reference to copy, which
may have been indecipherable or just not handy, he could make a calculated guess,
as in the correction of Q uncorr. 'crulentious' to Q corr. 'tempestious'.6 Moreover, his
corrections were not always accurately made by the compositors - or indeed made at
all.7 Although Q Lear shows evidence of an unusual amount of proof-correction, it was
after all just a play, of by no means the same importance as, say, a sermon, such as John
Pelling's 'Of the Providence of God' (1607), which took precedence over Lear in the
schedule of printing and publication.8
Blayney's study of Q Lear indicates, or at least strongly implies, that publication of
the quarto by no means assured Butter that windfall returns lay in store. The play was
already a year old, although the title page advertisement and dating tend to obscure that
fact. Unlike many popular sermons (and some plays, including a few of Shakespeare's),
Lear was not immediately reprinted; the second edition did not appear until the
abortive collection projected by Thomas Pavier eleven years later. If it was not a highly
Ibid., p. 184.
'Spelling tests and the first quarto of King Lear\ The Library, 5th ser., 20 (1965), 310-15.
Blayney, p. 186.
Variants, pp. 43-57, 191-2.
5 Ibid., pp. 44-57.
Ibid., p. 164. Compare F 'contentious', 3.4.6.
Blavnev, pp. 245-7.
Ibid., pp. 8 iff.
M Introduction
profitable commodity, then, the case for 'stolne, and surreptitious' copy1 accordingly
The other authoritative text for King Lear, one which is generally recognised as at
least better printed than Q, is the text that Heminge and Condell included in the Folio
of 1623. Using cast-off copy, Compositors B and E in Jaggard's printing shop set by
formes, as Charlton Hinman showed and as subsequent scholarship has confirmed,
modifying only slightly the specific formes or part-formes set by either one. Textual
scholars now believe that Compositor B, more experienced but more prone to take
liberties in setting from copy, set pages qq2, 3% 5, r n v (column b), 2 V , 3V-6V, or (in
the Folio numbered pagination) pages 283, 286, 289, 294b, 296, 298-304. 2 These pages
correspond to 1.1.1-83, 1.2.19-135, 1.4.183-293, 2.4.138-93, 3.1.3-3.2.89, 3.4.74-
4.5.271. Compositor E, whom Hinman identified as an apprentice,3 set the rest of the
play, or almost twice as much as B.
That Compositor E's pages were more carefully proofread than B's is hardly sur-
prising, since E was only an apprentice. Hinman has recorded the corrections, which
tend to show the kinds of mistakes an apprentice might make.4 Jaggard was also more
interested in the appearance of the pages than the accuracy of the text,5 and (as in the
printing of Q) miscorrections could occur. For example, at 1.1.164 uncorrected Folio (F
uncorr.) reads 'To come betwixt our sentence, and our power', where corrected Folio
(F corr.) has '. . . sentences, and . . .'As Hinman explains, F corr. is clearly wrong.6
What probably happened is that Compositor E mistook the 'dele' sign in the margin
for an V and, instead of removing the extraneous comma intended for deletion, added
an 's' to 'sentence,' corrupting sense and metre in so doing.
This is the phrase used by Heminge and Condell in their preface to the Folio to stigmatise previously
published editions of Shakespeare's plays. It is an obvious seller's ploy, as the full context reveals. See
'To the Great Variety of Readers', Folio sig. A3r. But the question of how Okes obtained the manuscript
remains open.
Hinman, 11, 271, 277,293. T H. Howard-Hill, 'New light on Compositor E of the Shakespeare First Folio',
The Library, 6th ser., 2 (1980), 159, 173-8, modified two of Hinman's attributions for the text oi Lear,
assigning ssi and SS3 to Compositor E.
-* Hinman, 1, 200-26. Hinman first set out his findings in 'The prentice hand in the tragedies of the
Shakespeare First Folio: Compositor E,' SB 9 (1957), 3-20, but modified his attributions in the later work.
Hinman, 1, 304-12. Hinman's summary on p. 325 shows that of 23 pages in Lear, 13 were proof-corrected;
of 51 variants, 45 were in material set by Compositor E. Recalculated according to Howard-Hill's reattri-
butions, all but one of the variants occur in material set by E.
- Hinman, 1, 235-9. Hinman identifies the proof-corrector as none other than Isaac Jaggard himself (who
took over the running of the printing-house from his father at about this time) and notes that correction
was usually not made against copy.
Hinman, 1, 304-6.
Chambers, 1, 465.
The Tragedy of King Lear [70]
of errors reproduced in F from Q, Greg maintained that the annotated quarto contained
at least one sheet (D) in the corrected state and two sheets (H and K) in the uncorrected
state (possibly sheets E and G also). The state of sheets c and F he could not determine,
and sheets B, 1, and L are invariant in all extant copies.1
More recently, some scholars have argued that the exemplar used for providing the
Folio copy was not annotated Q but an annotated copy of Q2. Although she maintained
that F was printed from manuscript copy, Madeleine Doran suspected that because of
the number of correspondences between Q2 and F that could not otherwise be explained,
Q2 must have been consulted by the F compositor from time to time.2 Stone rejected
this hypothesis, although his research indicated that Q2 was used in some manner for
F. After analysing the evidence, he concluded that Compositor E used an annotated
copy of Q2 for his share in the pages of Lear, while B used manuscript copy.3 In this
conclusion, Stone concurred with Hinman, who argued that E was too inexperienced
to set from manuscript, which was left for his partner, B. 4
Although he first agreed with Stone's conclusions,5 Gary Taylor later reconsidered
the case and, reassessing the evidence, changed his view, arguing that both B and E used
annotated Q2 copy while setting the Folio text.6 To support this revised hypothesis,
he analysed substantive variants in Q and F Lear, and considered various kinds of
other evidence, such as comparisons of spellings and punctuation in the compositors'
stints when they used known printed copy (e.g. Q3 Richard III) and when they used
manuscript copy (e.g. Hamlet). He recognised, meanwhile, that the persistence of some
Q errors in F, such as '"Historic a" (2.4.53), might derive from the manuscript Jaggard
used to annotate Q2 if Shakespeare (or whoever was responsible for preparing that
manuscript) was negligent and let them stand. The same argument would apply to
common errors in punctuation and lineation.7 Errors shared only by Q2 and F would
be harder to dismiss, and Taylor cites in particular the bungled attempts in Q2 and F to
reline correctly 4.6.1-3, where (in his analysis) the errors in F result from Compositor
E's inability to follow the annotator's marks. In Q, the passage reads:
(thy goodnes,
Cord. O thou good Kent how shall I Hue and worke to match
My life will be too short and euery measure faile me.
Q2 tried to improve the setting at least visually, though not metrically, by removing the
Greg, Variants, pp. 138-49. The summary of findings appears on p. 148.
Doran, pp. n o ff.
Stone, pp. 129-40. In Appendix DI, pp. 257-67, as elsewhere, Stone assigns pages ssi and SS3 to Compositor
B instead of E, apparently unaware of Howard-Hill's reattributions, with which Stone's tallies fit more
closely, obviating the need for any special pleading. Stone's conclusions are supported by MacD. P.Jackson,
'Printer's copy for Folio Lear\ in Division, pp. 346—9.
Hinman, 1, 220-6; 'The prentice hand', pp. 3-20.
'The Folio copy for Hamlet, King Lear, and Othello', S.Q.34 (Spring 1983), 44-61.
'Folio compositors and Folio copy: King Lear and its context', PBS A 79 (1985), 17-74.
Ibid., p. 23.
[/'] Introduction
According to Taylor, the annotator marked the line-division properly, inserting slash
marks after 'worke' and 'short', but Compositor E misunderstood the correction and
ended the verse lines both where Q2 ended them and where the slash marks indicated.
What resulted in F was:
Cor. O thou good Kent,
How shall I hue and worke
To match thy goodnesse?
My life will be too short,
And every measure faile me.
Ibid., p. 26, n. 9.
Compare Hinman, 11, 507-8.
Taylor, 'Folio compositors', p. 29.
Ibid., pp. 30-41, 57—65.
Ibid., pp. 41-5, 52-5.
Ibid., pp. 65-9.
Ibid., p. 56. Compare Textual Companion, p. 531.
The Tragedy of King Lear [72]
prompt-book and then copying the annotated exemplar to provide a clean transcript for
the printer. Howard-Hill's objection to this alternative is not only that it assumes the
collator failed to see early on that what he was producing was unacceptable as printer's
copy; but also, more importantly, that the collator failed to correct the numerous errors
that persist in F when he had the playhouse copy before him. Moreover, the failure
of many distinctive Q spellings to survive in F as well as the similarity of the non-
distinctive orthography of Q2 and F suggested to him that his proposed theory (actually,
the procedure long ago suggested by Madeleine Doran) was closer to the mark.
In the still unpublished second volume of his study of the texts of King Lear, Peter
Blayney also weighs the evidence for and against annotated Q2 as copy for F. Like
Howard-Hill, he had come to the conclusion that manuscript, not printed, copy was
what both Folio compositors used, although he argues that the manuscript was neither
the original prompt-book nor a transcript of it; it was a transcription, rather, of an
annotated exemplar of Q either annotated by the reviser or altered by the reviser as
he copied it out. This transcription then became the new prompt-book. As for the
number of minor agreements between Q2 and F, many of them can be explained without
recourse to Q2 as copy for F. Nevertheless, several short stretches of text reveal a 'run' of
Q2/F agreements that appear more significant than merely the sum of their parts. One
such run occurs in the stretch of text 4.5.218-34. While the preponderance of Q2/F
agreements in quasi-substantives, punctuation, and spellings clearly demonstrates F'S
indebtedness to Q2 as against Q, however, it does not prove Q2 was itself the copy for F.
As Doran and Howard-Hill argue, it need only have been consulted during the setting
of F. Blayney's extensive examination of punctuation demonstrates that F could not
have been punctuated without constant reference to a copy of Q2 (his emphasis) by
Compositor E, who set most of the work, and probably frequent reference to it (or
another copy) by Compositor B. After considering other kinds of evidence, especially
the spellings of abbreviated speech headings in both Q2 and F, Blayney concluded that
the copy for F probably derived from a transcription of annotated Q.1
That manuscript copy was used together with an exemplar of Q2 in some fashion now
seems, on the evidence, the most plausible theory upon which to proceed. Manuscript
copy best explains a number of misreadings and errors in F, although the exact relation
of the manuscript to the prompt-book is still unclear. Whether the manuscript was the
prompt-book itself or a transcription of it made by consulting Q2 or possibly even an
autograph or scribal fair copy (made for presentation or some other purpose),2 we shall
probably never know for certain, but both a manuscript and an exemplar of Q2 influenced
the setting of the Folio.3 The numerous deletions from Q in the manuscript, including
a whole scene, strongly suggest theatrical adaptation; hence, the manuscript copy for F
I am greatly indebted to Dr Blayney for generously providing me with the relevant chapter of his typescript
for The Texts of'King Lear' and Their Origins, vol. 2.
Taylor, 'King Lear and its context', p. 74. Compare Stone's chapter, 'The manuscript "copy" for F', esp.
pp. 104-12.
•' Compare Textual Companion, pp. 530-1. Greg disregarded Q2 as a mere reprint of Q and argued that F had
to be set from an exemplar of Q with K4V in the uncorrected state. His evidence focused on the omission
of 'and appointed guard' inserted and partially turned over in Q corr. but lacking in both Q uncorr. and F
(Variants, pp. 140-1). In 'QI and the copy for Folio Lear\ PBSA 80 (1986), 427-35, Howard-Hill argues
The Tragedy of King Lear [74]
very likely was, or derived from, a prompt-book, despite the fact that several prompt-
book indicators are missing, such as the names of actors, duplicated stage directions, and
warnings for the use of some stage properties.1 In general, then, substantive readings
and alterations derive from the manuscript; accidentals and orthography from Q2.
The implications of this distinction for an editor are important. As Howard-Hill has
said, 'Depending upon whether the copy was manuscript or print, the editor may more
exactly determine the sources of textual corruption and resolve cruxes.'2 If the copy
for F was (or derived from) an authoritative playhouse manuscript, then the editor can
with some confidence correct mistakes that originate in certain misreadings (such as
minim errors) and try to determine non-authorial interventions (such as theatrical cuts
or actors' interpolations). Although accidentals and orthography will have little or no
bearing on the preparation of a modern-spelling text, the editor must be on the lookout
for mislined verse, ambiguous or erroneous speech headings, and the like. Especially
if the copy was the playhouse prompt-book (or a transcription of it) modified by the
book-keeper and then collated against an exemplar of Q2, the tendency will be to retain
F readings against Q variants, except where the collator or compositor has bungled his
job. The editor must then determine between the original Q reading and the intended
reading that F has garbled in so far as it can be 'decoded'. In the example of Q 'strange
newes' versus F 'strangenesse', noted above, the editor will adopt Q'S reading, since not
altered copy but a misreading of the manuscript underlies the F variant. On the other
hand, where both Q and F have acceptable readings, F will be preferred as the presumably
authoritative alteration or revision of the original text: 'presumably', because we cannot
always know certainly that it was the author who effected the change, as in F 'sterne'
for Q 'dearne' (3.7.62). Finally, in a few instances where both Q and F are doubtful, Q
may provide a guide to the intended alteration or correction. For example, at 1.1.104, Q
'mistresse' has been clumsily altered to F 'miseries', whereas 'misteries' (F2 'mysteries')
was probably the intended reading.
Strong support for a revision-hypothesis has grown among scholars and has led to the
discrete editing of Q and F Lear as differing versions of the play, as in the complete
Oxford Shakespeare. It is possible, however, that differences between Q and F are
that Greg's case does not hold up, since the F collator might have missed the insertion in the margin of his
manuscript, just as Okes's compositor did. But if the manuscript was the theatre prompt-book, a fair copy
of the corrected foul papers, why would the words again be inserted in the margin, unless of course the
person who prepared the fair copy also missed the insertion and then, like the proof-corrector of Q, went
back and added it in the margin in such a way that it could be overlooked once more by the F compositor.
This is perhaps too coincidental to be plausible, especially since Q2, the exemplar which was collated, has
the words which are missing in Q uncorr. and F. Howard-Hill therefore argues that the words were inserted
in the prompt-book in such a manner as to be ambiguous. Since underlining was used to indicate deletion
as well as interlineal insertion, Compositor E understandably became confused by the apparent conflict
in authority and opted to follow the prompt-book, which apparently marked 'and appointed guard' for
Taylor, 'King Lear and its context', p. 74; Textual Companion, p. 530. But compare Stone, pp. 107-11, who
comments on several of these omissions but finds that on the whole F reflects prompt-book derivation.
Howard-Hill, 'The problem of manuscript copy', p. 3.
175] Introduction
mixed and cumulative, and that autonomy can be claimed for neither in isolation. If Q
derives from Shakespeare's own rough draft - his foul papers in some state or other -
it can be argued that this version, as reflected in Q, was not a finished product but
just a stage in the development of the play. Changes doubtless occurred when a fair
copy of the manuscript was made either by Shakespeare or by a scribe, and when
the fair copy became the prompt-book further alterations were introduced, a practice
no doubt typical of theatrical production then as now.1 These alterations included
deletions of varying lengths, additions and amplifications, rewriting and recasting as
well as substitutions. Moreover, changes need not have occurred all at once.2 Theatrical
practice demonstrates that playscripts tend to evolve over time, especially after initial
performances, and now and then when a play is revived.3 The author may have been a
willing participant in any or all of the alterations, or he may not have been: the text as
found in the Folio version may reflect one or more compromises between him and his
fellow shareholders in the King's Men.
Finally, other stages in the transmission of the text, for which we have no record,
may have intervened between the initial performances (not fully represented by Q) and
the text as it exists in F. It is possible, for example, that after Butter issued the Pied
Bull quarto, Shakespeare got hold of a copy and began tinkering with it, revising many
individual words and phrases and altering some passages and scenes on a larger scale
as well.4 Stylistic evidence, particularly a study of the vocabulary used in substitutions
and additions, indicates that revision was by Shakespeare and that it was quite late.5
Adding these new revisions to the prompt-book, already marked up with alterations,
must have seemed impractical, and a new prompt-book was prepared by collating the
annotated quarto and the old prompt-book. This new prompt-book (or a transcript of
it) became the copy for F, which was printed in consultation with Q2, copies of which
were available in Jaggard's printing-house.
Demonstrating with certainty each step in the transmission of the text is diffi-
cult, and evidence is admittedly sensitive to editorial predisposition. The presentation
of materials in this section of textual analysis is meant to provide a perspective for
their interpretation. The proposed stemma somewhat simplifies transmission from
foul papers to Folio. Some intervening stages have been postulated, but to include
every possibility would unduly complicate matters without shedding sufficient light on
the problems involved. Briefly, then, the following stemma is a graphic representation
of the transmission of the King Lear text:
In a review otherwise severely critical of many of the essays in Division, Richard Knowles supports the
claims ofJackson (pp. 333-5) that revisions could have occurred during the rehearsal process. See Knowles,
'The case for two Lears\ SQ36 (Spring 1985), 117.
Compare Taylor, 'Date and authorship', p 351: 'Indeed, even to speak oïuthe date" and "the authorship"
of the redaction presumes something we have no right to presume: that all the changes between the Quarto
and Folio versions were made at the same time and by the same man.'
For a modern instance, see Thomas Clayton, 'The texts and publishing vicissitudes of Peter Nichols's
Passion Play\ The Library, 6th sen, 9 (1987), 365-83, which includes references to Tom Stoppard's
Jumpers as well.
See Kerrigan, pp. 195-245, and Taylor, 'Date and authorship', pp. 351-468.
Compare Taylor, 'Date and authorship', pp. 376-95, 462-4.
The Tragedy of King Lear [76]
New prompt-book
I (1613?)
The solid lines on the stemma indicate direct transmission; the broken line indicates
collateral influence. Dates for revision are estimates, therefore queried. The stemma
shows essentially three separate but related lines of transmission. The first, from foul
papers to Q2, is firmly established. The second, from foul papers through revised Q to
F, is admittedly speculative. The third, from foul papers to fair copy and prompt-books
1 and 2 culminating in F, is also specultive but, like the second line, seems the best way
to take account of available evidence. Collation of the old prompt-book with revised
Q is necessary to explain all the revisions, including changes in vocabulary, speech
ascriptions, deletions, and other alterations involving both authorial 'tinkerings' and
production decisions.
Taylor, 'War', p. 29, notes that although F contains significant additions to the Q text in 1.1, 1.4, 2.4, and
3.2, between the beginning of 3.6 and the end of 4.3 the Folio omits 157 lines while adding only seven; i.e.
approximately half of the F omissions occur in these scenes. Compare Jackson, p. 331, and David Richman,
'The King Lear quarto in rehearsal and performance', -SjQ.37 (1986), 381-2.
See, for example, Warren, 'Albany and Edgar', pp. 95-105, and McLeod, pp. 164-88. Taylor, 'War',
pp. 28-30, shows how the cuts in Acts 3-4 'streamline the plot', strengthen the 'narrative momentum',
and otherwise tighten the dramatic structure of the play.
Clayton, pp. 121-41. See also the edited parallel passages, pp. 87-94 below.
The Tragedy of King Lear [78]
Of course, 'first' could be a misreading of'fast', which F corrects; but compare 'I am firm' (240), which F
Compare Jackson, pp. 332-9, for another analysis, which comes to similar conclusions. He cites E. A. J.
Honigmann, The Stability of Shakespeare's Text, 1965, who notes how Shakespeare's 'afterthoughts' some-
times made his revised verses irregular.
[79] Introduction
Michael Warren has shown how Albany's character is also affected by both deletions
and additions in F. 3 In Act 1, Albany seems not quite so weak in F as he does in Q, mainly
because in 1.4 F adds a few judiciously spoken lines in his dialogue with Gonerill and
Lear. For example, Albany cautions Gonerill, 'Well, you may fear too far' (1.4.282),
and he urges patience to the furious Lear (217). These additions, which somewhat
strengthen his moral character, contrast with the later weakening that occurs in Acts 4
and 5. The outrage against his wife's treatment of Lear in 4.2 is substantially reduced;
and in 5.3 Albany seems less sure of himself in his role as commander. Together with
corresponding alterations in Edgar's role, they make ceding the kingdom to the younger
man appropriate.4
McLeod, pp. 175-81.
Ibid., p. 181.
Warren, 'Albany and Edgar', pp. 99-101.
Compare Urkowitz, pp. 80-128. His fuller analysis of the differences between Q and F Albany comes to
conclusions similar to Warren's, but he tends to see every change in F as a deliberate alteration of character,
whereas some changes, such as the cut following 5.3.195, may have been dictated as much - or more - by
The Tragedy of King Lear
Passages might be changed significantly either by local emendations or the substitu-
tion of new text, and recasting could involve moving speeches, changing the order of
dialogue, and altering speech headings. Local emendations, sometimes of little or no
significance, occur throughout the Folio text of King Lear, as in the alteration of the
number of days Lear gives Kent in which to depart (1.1.167). Such minor (and minute)
changes, or tinkerings, are typical of an author, as Kerrigan has shown,1 not of a the-
atrical abridger, who would scarcely care how many days Lear gave Kent to leave the
kingdom (four days in Q, five in F).
At 2.4.17, two brief speeches in Q are omitted in F; in their place F adds a new line
(see below, pp. 267-8). At 3.1.14-21, eight lines in F replace twelve and a half lines in
Q. Although some editors believe both sets of lines in these examples were intended for
inclusion in F 2 (and appear thus in modern conflated texts), they are badly spliced and
otherwise point to substitution, not amplification (see below, p. 269).
Recasting is clearly evident in a number of places in the Folio King Lear. At 1.4.183—
92, F recasts Lear's speech (printed as prose in Q), making several corrections, cutting
some lines at the end, and assigning to the Fool an important response (see below,
p. 267):
considerations of theatrical shortening. Of course, all such alterations modify character; it is a question
of assessing the motives - and the source - that underlie the changes, and these are often impossible to
determine with certainty.
Kerrigan, pp. 205-17.
For example, Duthie, pp. 394-5; compare Stone, pp. 70-5.
[8i] Introduction
The reassignment of Gonerill's speech on entering at 2.4.181 has already been noted,
but not the revision that goes with it (see above, p. 79). In 5.3 a good deal of rewriting
and recasting has occurred, most notably at the very end. Lear's last words are new,
one of his speeches is reassigned to Kent, a stage direction is added, and several other
alterations of the text appear:1
Finally, F assigns the last speech in the play to Edgar rather than Albany, their difference
in rank notwithstanding. This is one of the alterations that concern the modified
characters of both men (see p. 276 below).
Pre-performance alterations
The process of alteration or revision could have begun with the transcription of foul
papers to produce a fair copy. If Shakespeare himself transcribed his autograph draft,
he might have begun tinkering with it then. Probably, however, a playhouse scribe was
commissioned to prepare a fair copy for use as the prompt-book. In that event, alter-
ations would have occurred from the scribe's failure to interpret the manuscript or from
See Clayton, pp. 128-38.
See above, p. 75, and compare Knowles, 'The case for two Lears\ pp. 119-20, who believes changed playing
conditions could account for variations, for example, in 4.6.
The Tragedy of King Lear [&]
his deliberate intervention for the sake of lucidity or tidiness.1 As Stone remarks,2 the
nature of Q misreadings suggests that the manuscript copy was sometimes illegible, not
because of sloppiness or crowding or wilful distortion but because of hasty composi-
tion. A number of the corrections or alterations in F may be the result, then, of scribal
intervention in the preparation of fair copy rather than authorial revision. Impossible
though it may be to determine when and by whom these changes were introduced, Q
'straied', F 'strain'd' (1.1.163) and Q 'bitt', F 'kill' (4.1.37) - to cite just two examples
from Stone's list of Q misreadings - may represent scribal corrections or 'tidyings' of
Shakespeare's autograph.3
Playhouse adaptations
It is likely that during the rehearsal process the author, the book-keeper, or some other
member of the company introduced other alterations. To the book-keeper fell the
responsibility for recording routine clarifications of performance, such as the insertion
of entrances and exits, speech assignments, sound effects, and the use of properties.
The Q text notoriously lacks many such designations, especially entrances and exits,
most of which F supplies, also adding or altering a number of other stage directions, as
at 1.1.28 and 2.1.36. 4 In addition, the book-keeper would have the responsibility for
indicating deletions from the prompt-book, although others in the company might have
suggested the cuts. Elimination of the scene following 4.2, for example, could have been
proposed during the first rehearsals. For all its lovely poetry, as in the Gentleman's lines
on Cordelia (Appendix, p. 304 below, xx, 12-24), t n e scene adds little to the forward
progress of the action; it is essentially a lyric interlude. Whether or not it was ever
performed, or whether Shakespeare or another member of his company suggested
the cut, we may never know. Likewise, the deletions in the last scene, such as the
Captain's two-line speech after 5.3.35 or Edgar's longer passage after 195, might have
been proposed by Shakespeare or someone else as inessential material that could be
It is also possible - indeed likely, on the basis of stylistic analysis - that major revisions
including many additions and 'tinkerings' occurred sometime after the King's Men
occupied the Blackfriars private theatre in 1609. If Shakespeare was asked to introduce
act intervals for performance there, he might have taken that occasion to revise and
correct the text, especially if he used a copy of Q.5 At that or some other time, it might
have been decided to eliminate many of the references to France as the invading power.
Stone, pp. 105-6, attributes to a playhouse scribe precisely such indifferent variants as later appear in
F, but he believes they were introduced at a later stage, i.e. in the preparation of the new prompt-book
c. 1613.
Stone, p. 177.
Of course, Stone attributes the manuscript not to Shakespeare, but to a reporter.
F simplifies or omits a number of Q'S descriptive stage directions, as at 2.2.37, 3-3°> 3-7-8o. Many of the
omissions may have occurred through compositor error, or the book-keeper or collator may have considered
them redundant, as at 4.5.194, 233, 239. Altered stage directions may also indicate a change in staging or
playing conditions, as at 4.3.0,4.6.21. See below, pp. 83-4, and compare Taylor, 'War', p. 30, and Knowles,
'The case for two Lears\ p. 119.
George Walton Williams, review of Division of the Kingdoms in Medieval and Renaissance Drama in English
2 (1985), 347. Compare Taylor, 'Date and authorship', p. 428, and Stone, p. 107.
[5j] Introduction
Was censorship involved? Gary Taylor has argued that if a censor intervened, he would
have been more likely to cast a critical and disapproving eye upon other matters in the
play, specifically those alluding to domestic problems that date from the accession of
James I.1 Since France under Henri IV and Britain under James I were now at peace
and had been for years, an invasion set long ago in virtual pre-history would hardly be
stepping on sensitive political corns. Or would it? Of course, as Taylor reminds us, at
a time when England had much to fear from foreign invasion, the old play King Leir
(c. 1590) was more explicit concerning the French landings in Britain than Shakespeare's
King Lear is, even in the quarto. Moreover, England under James I was at peace not
only with France, but with all the great powers of Europe. Nevertheless, diplomatic
relations between Henri and James were never easy or relaxed. James was concerned
about the war between Spain and the Dutch and the role France played in it, as well
as about payment of the French debt to Britain. Since an incident involving protocol
at one of Queen Anne's masques had strained or at least chilled diplomatic relations
between the two countries,2 discretion might advise the muting of hostilities in a play
performed by the king's own company, especially if, like the masque, the performance
would be at court. In the light of James's known pursuit of policies favouring peace, this
deliberate muting becomes still more credible. Although we do not know and perhaps
cannot know how it happened or when it happened, the fact is that almost all references
to France and the French king as the invader in King Lear disappear in the Folio text;
the omissions are undoubtedly made with a purpose.3
Changed playhouse conditions, such as a change of cast, an actor's indisposition,
special performances for particular audiences, tours, and so forth may also have led
to alterations in the text. The changes in both the cast and the sound effects in 4.6
may owe something to such changed conditions. The quarto's 'Doctor' becomes the
'Gentleman' of 3.1, and the call for music to awaken Lear is omitted. If the play was
taken on tour, perhaps the musicians (except those for trumpet and drums) were left
'Censorship', p. 80. Taylor later acknowledges (pp. 102-5) that censorship occasioned the cut after 1.4.119,
since the lines contain pointed allusions to King James's mismanagement of the realm. But see Philip J.
Finkelpearl, ' "The comedians' liberty" : the censorship of the Jacobean stage reconsidered', ELR 16(1986),
Maurice Lee, James I and Henri IV: An Essay in English Foreign Policy, 1603-1610, 1970, p. 103. Lee's
essay details the perennial difficulties in James's foreign policy regarding France under Henri IV.
Doran, p. 73, notes that 'references to invasion by a foreign power remain untouched when the power is
unnamed and when the circumstances of the invasion are shrouded in vagueness', but 'they are generally
missing from the folio when France is directly named'. She believes that this is evidence of censorship,
since the Master of the Revels was 'on guard to catch any matter in plays which might be offensive to
the court or to foreign ambassadors'. But knowing this, the King's Men could themselves have made the
alterations without having been told to do so. In 'War', p. 31, Taylor analyses these differences between
quarto and Folio and makes several astute observations, but he does not speculate upon political or other
motivations for the changes that are essentially extrinsic to the drama. Finkelpearl, ' "The comedians'
liberty" ', does not treat King Lear but discusses the many loopholes in the system and quotes abundant
testimony to show that scandalous and libellous plays were, in fact, performed; objectionable material
apparently could be added after licensing. Furthermore, while the deletion of verbal allusions to France
suggests self-censorship by the King's Men, on the other hand F introduces visual indications of nationality
in altered stage directions, e.g. at 4.3.0, 5.1.0, 5.2.0, as Honigmann notes in 'Do-it-yourself-Lear', New
Yark Review of Books, 25 October 1990, p. 59.
The Tragedy of King Lear
behind and the cast reduced.1 Again, this is entirely speculative: unfortunately, we
have sparse records of performance for King Lear in the early seventeenth century (see
above, p. 32). It bears repeating that just as no single motive or person need have been
responsible for all the alterations in the Folio, no single occasion is necessary to mark
them. On the contrary, some evidence points to several stages of alteration. At 1.4.119,
Q has fifteen lines of dialogue between Lear and his Fool, F lacks the passage, except for
the first three lines, which were probably marked for omission as well, since an obvious
hiatus is left; but Compositor E missed the notation or it was not indicated clearly
enough on his manuscript.2 The three lines in F, however, vary not only in accidentals
but in two substantive readings:
What apparently happened was that a reviser originally altered the passage, which at
a later time was marked for deletion in the playhouse manuscript (by a vertical line in
the left-hand margin and a diagonal line through the passage).3 Possibly the marks did
not extend fully enough or clearly enough from the beginning of the passage; hence,
Compare Greg, SFF, pp. 386-7. Taylor argues, however, that musicians regularly toured and in any case
no evidence exists of Lear going on tour (Textual Companion, p. 538).
Compare Stone, p. 234. Taylor, 'Censorship', pp. 106-7, seconded by Kerrigan, pp. 218-19, rejects Stone's
conjecture and believes Shakespeare intended the lines to stand in F as they are.
Alternatively, as Professor Howard-Hill advises me, a revising author might have begun adjusting the
passage, then decided it was better to omit it altogether.
[8S] Introduction
Compositor E mistakenly set the first three lines that were intended for omission along
with the rest of the passage. In the process, besides changing the spelling of 'Doo'st'
and capitalising 'boy' and 'foole', he kept the variant readings introduced earlier: the
added 'thou' and the substitution 'one' for 'foole'.
Variants are of two kinds, substantive and accidental. For the editor of a modern-
spelling text, orthography and punctuation usually have little significance, although
some ambiguous spellings in the copy-text may require decisions or emendations, as
in the spelling of F 'mettle' (1.1.64), which could be 'mettle' or 'metal' (Q has 'mettall'),
and the use of question marks, which were often used for exclamation marks. Where
accidentals of this kind may have substantive implications, they are recorded in the
More important than accidentals are the nearly 1,500 substantive variants between
Q and F that require choices for a modernised text. Where both readings are acceptable,
F is usually preferred, in accordance with the revision-hypothesis generally accepted
for this edition, but both readings are recorded in the collation. Q readings usually
preferred by editors are discussed in the Commentary, as in the case of Q 'rashVF
'sticke' (3.7.57) and Q 'dearne'/F 'sterne' (3.7.62). Where F is clearly wrong and Q
right, the Q reading is adopted, as at 3.6.27, Q 'Bobtaile tike'/F 'Bobtaile tight', though
the spelling is modernised. Again, these variants are all recorded in the collation.
The Tragedy of King Lear [86]
30 SD Exit] F; not in Q; Exeunt Gloucester with Edmond. I Capell 48-9 Gonerill, / Our . . . first] F; Gonerill, our . . . first
Q (one line)
Edmond, seek him out: wind me into him, I pray you. Frame the
business after your own wisdom. I would unstate myself to be in a due
EDMOND I will seek him, sir, presently, convey the business as I shall find
means, and acquaint you withal. 9°
GLOUCESTER These late eclipses in the sun and moon portend no good to
us. Though the wisdom of nature can reason it thus and thus,
yet nature finds itself scourged by the sequent effects. Love cools,
friendship falls off, brothers divide. In cities, mutinies; in countries,
discord; in palaces, treason; and the bond cracked 'twixt son and 95
[8g] Introduction
Find out this villain, Edmond, it shall lose thee nothing. Do it carefully. ioo
And the noble and true-hearted Kent banished; his offence, honesty.
Strange, strange! [Exit]
1 2 1 - 2 Fetch . . . noon] F lineatum; divided honour, / There Q 122 sit] F, Q corr.; set Q uncorr. 124-5 Why . . . so] F
lineation; as prose Q 125 SD] F; after 125 Dyce; not in Q 127 speaks] F; speake Q i28c-d Is . . . trespasses] Pope's
lineatum; two lines divided valued / In Q 128c basest] Q corr.; belest Q uncorr. 128c contemned'st] Capell; contaned Q
uncorr. ; temnest Q corr., Q2 1286-131 Are . . . that] Oxford lineation; lines end. . . with, / . . . valued / . . . restrained. / . . .
that. Q 133a SD] After 127, Rowe; not in Q, F 134 Come . . . away] F assigns this line to Cornwall 134 SD] Dyce; Exit
Q2, F; not in Q
The Tragedy of King Lear [90]
133 SD] After i2j Rome; not in Q, F 134 SD] Dyce; Exit. F, Q2; not in Q
[<?'] Introduction
52 a-cold] Rome; a cold Q, F 56-586 Both . . . master] As prose F; entire passage as verse, lines ending . . . foot-path, / . . .
wits, / . . . fiend, / . . . once, / . . . dumbnes, / . . . of / . . . chambermaids / . . . maister. Q 58c Flibbertigibbet] Pope;
Stiberdigebit Q 58c mopping and mowing] Theobald; Mobing, & Mohing Q 72-3 With . . . need] F lineation; lines end
. . . me, / . . . need Q
The Tragedy of King Lear
GLOUCESTER Here, take this purse, thou whom the heavens' plagues
Have humbled to all strokes. That I am wretched
Makes thee the happier. Heavens deal so still.
Let the superfluous and lust-dieted man
That slaves your ordinance, that will not see
Because he does not feel, feel your power quickly.
So distribution should undo excess,
And each man have enough. Dost thou know Dover?
EDGAR Ay, master.
GLOUCESTER There is a cliff whose high and bending head
Looks fearfully in the confined deep.
Bring me but to the very brim of it,
And I'll repair the misery thou dost bear
With something rich about me. From that place
I shall no leading need.
54 And . . . bleed] Capell's lineation and punctuation; two lines divided must: / Blesse F 57 scared] Q; scarr'd F
goodman's son,] thee good mans sonne, F,- the good man Q
[93] Introduction
279-81 And .. . more] F lineation; as prose Q 280 have] F,- of Q 282-3 Never .. . O] Oxford lineation; as prose Q 287-9
Vex . . . longer] F lineation; lines end . . . passe, / . . . wracke, / . . . longer. Q 289 SD] Oxford; not in Q {compare F) 300
SD] F; not in Q
The Tragedy of King Lear [94]
The text for this edition is based on the First Folio (1623), not on the first quarto
(1608). The quarto and Folio texts, while in the main running parallel to each other,
are also significantly different in places: some words, phrases, and passages are unique
in each, and some show minor alterations of various kinds. Some modern scholars
argue that the differences - in which the Folio omits some of the quarto and adds new
material - constitute evidence that the Folio is a revised version of the play, largely car-
ried out by Shakespeare himself. In the present edition, spelling has been modernised,
and abbreviations and punctuation regularised. The spelling of characters' names in
speech headings and stage directions is made uniform and consistent with spellings
used in F; hence, Edmond, Gonerill. Punctuation has been kept as light as possible,
except where syntax requires clarification; significant departures from punctuation in
the copy-text are recorded in the collation.
In the format for the collation, the authority for this edition follows immediately
after the lemma (the quotation from the text, enclosed by a square bracket). Other
readings follow in chronological order. Significant departures from F are noted in the
collation by an asterisk, and all Q-only passages (not found in F) are presented in an
Appendix, pp. 293-309 below. Discussions of substantial passages unique to either Q
or F appear in the Textual Analysis, pp. 265-91 below.
Elisions in F are generally retained, when consistent with the metre. All -ed end-
ings are assumed to be elided, where they would be today, except when the metre
requires otherwise and -id is used. Other elisions are often signalled in the Com-
mentary. Although Shakespeare was at the height of his powers when writing King
Lear, and irregular lines (short or long) may be found throughout the text, the
iambic pentameter line has been taken as the normal verse structure, and relin-
eation is made accordingly. This means that sometimes two half-lines, found to
equal a single pentameter or (occasionally) hexameter line, will be so arranged in the
The present edition generally omits locations for each scene or a detailed time scheme
for the play. In keeping with its emphasis on the play as a performance script, especially
for a modern audience, every effort is made to stress the fluid and rapid movement from
scene to scene as well as within scenes. Although act and scene designations (which
the Folio introduces) may appear as impediments to that end, they can be regarded as
useful aids for tracking events in the play, nothing more.
On joining half-lines, see George T. Wright, Shakespeare's Metrical Art, 1988, pp. 103-5, I43~5> an
compare David Bevington (éd.), Ant., 1990, pp. 266-70.
The Tragedy of King Lear [96]
L E A R , King of Britain
REGAN > Lear's daughters
The King of YRAN CE
The Duke O / B U R G U N D Y
The Duke O / A L B A N Y , husband to Gonerill
The Duke O / C O R N W A L L , husband to Regan
The Earl O / G L O U C E S T E R
E D G A R , his elder son
EDMOND,te bastard son
The Earl of K E N T
CUR AN, a courtier
0 S wA L D, Gonerill's steward
An OLD M A N , Gloucester's tenant
F O O L , m Lear's service
Knights, Gentlemen, Soldiers, Attendants, Messengers, Servants
KENT I thought the king had more affected the Duke of Albany than
GLOUCESTER It did always seem so to us: but now in the division of
the kingdom, it appears not which of the dukes he values most,
for qualities are so weighed that curiosity in neither can make 5
choice of either's moiety.
KENT Is not this your son, my lord?
GLOUCESTER His breeding, sir, hath been at my charge. I have so
often blushed to acknowledge him, that now I am brazed to't.
KENT I cannot conceive you. 10
GLOUCESTER Sir, this young fellow's mother could; whereupon
she grew round wombed, and had indeed, sir, a son for her
cradle ere she had a husband for her bed. Do you smell a fault?
Title] F,- M. William Shak-speare / HIS / Historié, of King Lear. Q Act i, Scene i I . I ] Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.
?; not in Q o SD] F; Enter Kent, Gloster, and Bastard. Q 4 kingdom] F; kingdomes Q 5 qualities] F; equalities Q 9
to't] too't F,- to it Q
1.1.14 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 20-40 [100]
KENT I cannot wish the fault undone, the issue of it being so proper.
GLOUCESTER But I have a son, sir, by order of law, some year elder 15
than this, who yet is no dearer in my account; though this knave
came something saucily to the world before he was sent for, yet
was his mother fair, there was good sport at his making, and the
whoreson must be acknowledged. D o you know this noble
gentleman, E d m o n d ? 20
E D M O N D No, my lord.
G L O U C E S T E R M y lord of Kent; remember him hereafter as my
honourable friend.
E D M O N D M y services to your lordship.
K E N T I must love you and sue to know you better. 25
EDMOND Sir, I shall study deserving.
GLOUCESTER He hath been out nine years, and away he shall
again. The king is coming.
REGAN, CORDELIA, and Attendants
16 account;] Theobald; account, Q, F 17 to] F; into Q 22 Kent; remember] Kent: / Remember F; Kent, remember
Q 28 SD] F; Sound a Sennet, Enter one bearing a Coronet, then Lear, then the Dukes of Albany, and Cornwell, next Gonortll,
Regan, Cordelia, with followers. Q 30 lord] F; Leige Q 30 SD] F; not in Q; Exeunt Gloucester and Edmond. / Capell
14 fault (1) transgression, (2) lost scent, as in 27-8 away . . . again 'Perhaps these words seal
hunting, (3) female genitals (Rubenstein, King). Gloucester's doom' (Muir).
Compare Venus and Adonis 691-6, where 'fault' is 28 SD Sennet A set of notes played on a trumpet
used in sense (2), and AY LI 4.1.174, where 'fault' or cornet to signal a ceremonial entrance or exit.
is used in senses (1) and (3). 28 SD GONERILL F spelling of this name is con-
14 issue (1) result, (2) offspring. sistent. Compare the older form 'GonorilP pre-
14 proper (1) good-looking, (2) right. ferred by Q.
15 order of law i.e. legitimate. 28 SD Q indicates that a 'coronet' is carried
15 some year about a year; compare 1.2.5. in as part of the procession - the one intended
16 account estimation. for Cordelia, Perrett and Muir believe. It is not
16 knave fellow; often applied to servant or clear why F omits this part of the SD. See 133 n.
menial. Hence, with an implication of low condi- below.
tion (see OED sv sb 2). 29 Attend Wait upon, escort. Lear's entrance
17 something somewhat. will be conditioned as much by the size and stature
19 whoreson bastard son (like 'knave' above, of the actor playing the role as by his interpretation
said jocularly). of it. See Rosenberg, pp. 2 2 - 3 2 .
26 study deserving 'I shall make every effort 30 SD Most modern editions include Edmond in
to be worthy of your favour' (Kittredge). But the this exit, but neither Q nor F gives any indication
words carry an ominous implication. when he leaves. In the light of subsequent events
27 out abroad. Renaissance nobles often sent and the development of his character, there may
their children to be brought up in other noble- be justification in keeping him on stage through-
men's homes, sometimes in their own country, out these momentous proceedings until the general
sometimes abroad. exodus at 261. Compare Granville-Barker, p. 229.
[101] TLN 41-55 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.1.45
31 shall] F; will Q 31 purpose) F; purposes Q 32 Give me] F; not in Q 32 that] F,- not in Q 33 fast] F; first
Q 34 from our age] F; of our state Q 35 Conferring] F; confirming Q 35 strengths] F; yeares Q 35-40 while we . . .
now] F; not in Q 40 The princes] F,- The two great princes Q 44-5 (Since . . . state)] F; not in Q
31-49 Meantime . . . first See Textual Analysis, suggest senility, the comic senex ira tus, or the dod-
pp. 77-9 above, for Folio revisions in this passage. dering old man . . .'
31 we The royal plural. 36 son i.e. son-in-law. In the sources, none of
31 darker purpose secret intention. The sinis- the daughters has a husband until after the love
ter sense of 'darker' is submerged. contest.
32 Give me the map Perrett (p. 144), follow- 38 constant will unswerving intention. Charac-
ing Koppel, says that Gloucester or Kent car- teristically, as at 33, Lear speaks in absolute terms.
ries the map in when they enter, discussing the 38 publish publicly proclaim.
division. Mack (pp. 89-90) argues that despite its 39 several separate (OED sv adj 1).
many interrogatives, the play's dominant rhetorical 39-40 that . . . now The wisdom of Lear's
mood is imperative. Berlin (p. 92) disagrees: Lear's motive here is arguable. Shakespeare's audience
progress is from imperative to interrogative, 'from a would have recognised the dangers, and James I
sure sense of self to a confrontation with mystery'. would have been particularly concerned (see p. 1
33 In three i.e. into three parts, but not equal above). NS cites Matt. 12.25: 'Every kingdom
thirds. See 3-4 n. divided against itself is brought to desolation.' In
33 fast (1) firmly fixed, (2) swift. any event, Lear's good intention does not suc-
34-5 To shake . . . strengths This is Lear's ceed. At 2.1.6-11, Curan speaks of impending wars
motivation for dividing the kingdom in Q. F between the dukes, and at 3.1.11 Kent mentions
expands it and adds a further motive at 44-5. 'division' between them.
'Q'S "state" compresses several relevant meanings, 40 prevented forestalled.
including the political and the personal . . . F 40 France and Burgundy Shakespeare assu-
unfolds the implications in "state", partly by devel- mes that in the time of which he writes France was
oping the hint in Q'S "Confirming"' (Jackson, not a unified kingdom and that the Duke of Bur-
P- 333)- gundy shared equal status with the King of France.
36 crawl Lear speaks figuratively. Although Their rivalry for Cordelia's hand is Shakespeare's
some actors have made him appear weak and senile invention.
from the outset, Lear's old age appears vigorous 44 both Used elsewhere by Shakespeare before
throughout this scene and later, certainly in F. Gary more than two nouns, as in WT44.56.
Taylor, 'Censorship', p. 96, discusses F'S 'deliberate 45 Interest Possession; compare John 4.3.147,
retrenchment of anything which might too directly where 'interest' = ownership.
1.1.46 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 56-75 [102]
48 nature doth with merit challenge? Gonerill,] F; merit doth most challenge it, / Gonorill Q 50 Sir, I love] F; Sir
I do love Q 50 word] F,- words Q 51 and] F; or Q 54 as] F,- a Q 54 found] F; friend Q 57 SD] Pope; not in Q,
F 57 speak?] F; doe, Q 59 shadowy] F; shady Q 59—60 and with . . . rivers] F; not in Q 61 issues] F; issue Q 63 of]
F; to Q 64 I] F; Sir I Q 64 that self-mettle as my sister] F; the selfe same mettall that my sister is Q
48-50 Where . . . matter Metrically irregu- 56 Beyond . . . much i.e. 'I love you beyond
lar lines, F'S revision of Q is incomplete or incom- limits, and cannot say it is so much, for how
pletely transcribed. In 48 'Gonerill' is elided (= much soever I should name, it would yet be more'
'Gon'rilP); in 50 'Sir' may be an actor's interpola- (Johnson),
tion (Schmidt, Zur Textkritik, cited by Furness). 58 O f . . . to this Lear points to the map (32).
48 Where . . . challenge Where natural affec- 59-60 and . . . rivers Q'S omission is probably
tion along with desert may claim it as due. the result of the compositor's eye-skip. See Textual
50 more . . . matter more than language can Analysis, p. 277 below.
convey. 59 champains level, open country; compare
51 eyesight, space, and liberty King notes Italian campagna.
the dramatic irony behind Gonerill's first com- 59 riched enriched.
parison, to 'eyesight', and her demand at 3.7.5 60 wide-skirted meads broad meadows.
that Gloucester should be blinded, which perhaps 64 self-mettle (1) self-same spirit (mettle),
explains the curious inclusion of this abstraction (2) self-same substance (metal). Shakespeare uses
with the others. 'mettle' and 'metal' interchangeably, often playing
51 space, and liberty 'freedom from con- on both senses regardless of spelling. Compare 2H4
finement, and the enjoyment of that freedom' 1.1.116:'For from his metal was his party steeled'.
(Hunter). The pun conveys dramatic irony: Regan's met-
53 grace favour, happiness. tie/metal, like her sister's, is hard (King).
55 breath poor (1) speech inadequate, (2) Ian- 65 prize . . . worth estimate my value to be
guage impoverished, i.e. by love (King). the same as hers. Kittredge believes the form is
55 unable incapable, weak. imperative: 'value me'.
[io3] TLN 76—91 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.1.80
66-7 I . . . profess] F; two lines divided short, / That Q 67 comes too] F; came Q *6a possesses] Q; professes F 71 SD]
Pope; not in Q, F 73 ponderous] F; richer Q 77 conferred] F; confirm'd Q 77 Now] F,- but now Q 78 our last and
least, to whose young] F; the last, not least in our deere Q 78 least,] Hanmer; least; F 79-80 The vines . . . interessed]
F; not m Q *8o interessed] Jennens; interest F 80 draw] F,- win Q
66 very deed actual document (from which she speare's Metrical Art, 1988, pp. 116-42. Wright
can read her love). notes the variety of Shakespeare's metrics in King
67 that in that. Lear and analyses a passage (138-48 below) on
69 the most precious square of sense Of pp. 104-5.
uncertain meaning, the phrase has been variously 76 validity value. Compare 5-6.
interpreted. Riverside glosses 'square of sense' as 78 our last and least In revising (or correcting)
figurative for 'the human body' or 'human life' Q, F makes a more clear-cut distinction in Lear's
and cites FQ. 11, ix, 22. In Pythagorean terms, the attitude to Cordelia and reintroduces the France-
square is an emblem of the material world, or the Burgundy rivalry for her love. Cordelia was not
world of sense, the physical universe; the circle, only the youngest daughter but smallest in stature,
an emblem of the conceptual world, even God hence 'least' in both senses.
Himself. (See S. K. Heninger, Touches of Sweet 79 milk of Burgundy Furness and others cite
Harmony, 1974, p. i n , and compare Leonardo's Eccles: 'The pastures of Burgundy, the effect
famous drawing of the human figure inscribed for the cause'. But Burgundy was a great wine-
within a square superimposed upon the same figure producing country, then as now, and 'milk' con-
with outstretched limbs inscribed within a circle - trasting with 'vines' may signify a rich wine; com-
a design that derives from Vitruvius. See G. L. pare 'Bristol milk'. Compare 253, however, where
Hersey, Pythagorean Palaces, 1976, pp. 88 ff.) the King of France refers to 'waterish Burgundy',
69 possesses Most modern editors follow Q and n.
since the F compositor may have erred through the 80 interessed Most modern editors emend F'S
proximity of'professe' in 67. 'interest', a variant spelling of the past participle
70 felicitate made happy. form of 'interess' = 'to admit to a privilege' (OED
73 More ponderous Weightier. A short, hyper- Interess v 1: '/o be interessed, to have a right or
metrical line at the end of a speech is not unusual in share', quoting this passage).
Shakespeare's mature drama. On short and shared 80 draw win. 'The gambling metaphor is signif-
lines (like 71, also), see George T. Wright, Shake- icant' (NS).
I.I.8I The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 92-105 [/04]
81 opulent] Q; opilent F 81 Speak.] F; not in Q 83-4 LEAR Nothing? / CORDELIA Nothing.] F,- not in Q 85 Nothing]
F; How, nothing Q 86—8 Unhappy . . . less] F; as prose, Q 88 no more] F; nor more Q 89 How, how, Cordelia? Mend]
F; Goe to, goe to, mend Q 90 you] F; it Q 91-2 You . . . fit] Pope's lineation; lines divided me. / I Q, F
81 A third more opulent This exposes the pre- nihil fit (Tilley N285).
tence of the contest, since only a third remains. 86-7 I cannot heave . . . mouth Noble and
Contrary to modern usage of the word 'third', these Shaheen both cite Ecclus. 21.26: 'The heart of
thirds are three very unequal parts of the whole. If fooles is in their mouth: but the mouth of the
it is more opulent, the division of the realm and wise is in his heart'; but compare Sidney's Arcadia
the awards must have been decided beforehand. (1590), Bk 11, ch. 2, where Zelmane begins speak-
The ways Lear may address, or 'tempt', Cordelia ing 'with such vehemencie of passion, as though
in these lines are numerous and various (see Rosen- her harte would clime into her mouth, to take her
berg, pp. 55-6). Nevertheless, Cordelia refuses to tongues office'. On Cordelia's linguistic behaviour
humour her father and adheres rigidly to her 'bond' and later Kent's, Colie (p. 126) cites 1 John 3.18:
of filial duty. 'let vs not loue in worde, nether in tongue onely,
81 Speak Cordelia's first response may be but in dede and trueth'.
silence (compare 57). F'S addition, besides complet- 87-8 I love . . . less Compare King Leir, 279-
ing the line metrically, increases the dramatic ten- 80: 'But looke what love the child doth owe the
sion occasioned by Cordelia's hesitation. Jill Lev- father, / The same to you I beare, my gracious
enson contrasts Cordelia's response to that of most Lord' (Bullough, p. 344). On Cordelia's reply as it
of her precursors in the Lear story and relates it to evolved from Geoffrey to Shakespeare, see Perrett,
folktale and scriptural sources ('What the silence pp. 228-40; also see p. 10, n. 2, above.
said: still points in King Lear\ in Clifford Leech 88 bond i.e. the bond between child and par-
and J. M. R. Margeson (eds.), Shakespeare 1971, ent, filial obligation. Salingar (pp. 96-7) discusses
1972, pp. 215-29). the ambiguity in 'bond' = (1) fetter, (2) covenant,
82 Nothing J. S. Gill, N&Q 31 (1984), 210, legal agreement.
suggests Matt. 27.12-14 as a possible analogue or 91-3 You . . . honour you Cordelia explains
source for Cordelia's response, and Matt. 27.11-26 what she means by her 'bond'. Shaheen compares
as a whole for the love test. the Catechism: 'To love, honour, and succour my
83 Nothing? Lear's question may reflect father and mother', and Eph. 6.1-2, Exod. 20.12,
incredulity or unsure hearing or both. The F addi- and Deut. 5.16. Seeing Cordelia as a 'dramatized
tions (83-4) not only make Cordelia's response emblem', Reibetanz notes Cordelia's reply as a close
emphatic, but provide the actor playing Lear with paraphrase of the wedding response (pp. 30-1) - a
space for further reaction. fact noticed also by some psychoanalytically ori-
85 Nothing . . . nothing Proverbial: Ex nihilo ented critics.
[/o 5 ] TLN 106-25 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.1.112
94-8 Why . . . sisters.] F; lines end . . . you all, / . . . hand / . . . him, / . . . neuer / . . . father all. Q 98 sisters.] F;
sisters, to loue my father all. Q 100 untender?] F; vntender, Q 104 mysteries] F2,- mistresse Q miseries F 104 night,]
F; might, Q m - 1 3 Or . . . relieved] F; lines end . . . generation / . . . appetite / . . . relieued Q 112 to my bosom] F;
not in Q
94-8 Why . . . sisters Cordelia's logic here is stiff in opinion; 'true' would then = (1) unerring,
irrefutable, but Lear is in no mood for logic. He (2) growing straight,
only registers what seems to him his daughter's 104 mysteries secret rites,
cold response to a repeated invitation to tell the 104 Hecate Pagan goddess of the lower world,
world how much she really loves him, as her sis- patroness of witchcraft (usually performed at
ters have just done. As 99 and 100 show, he can- night) and of the moon, she appears in Mac 3.5
not believe what he hears or understand what is and 4.1.
happening. 105 operation of the orbs The movement, and
95 Happily i.e. haply, perchance, F'S spelling (a therefore astrological influence, of the heavenly
variant form) suggests a possible pun, though the bodies.
pronunciation is disyllabic. 108 Propinquity and property of blood i.e.
96 plight troth-plight, promise to wed. close relationship, kinship, consanguinity.
98 Sure The sarcastic effect of 'Sure' is bet- n o from this from this time (Steevens). But
ter appreciated in America, where the idiom has Lear may be gesturing from his breast. In Ham.
survived, than in Britain (King), Q'S additional 2.2.156, Polonius similarly gestures, using demon-
half-line makes Cordelia's point more emphatic strative pronouns.
but repeats the sense of 95. See Textual Analysis, n o Scythian Inhabitant of Asia known from
p. 76-7 above. classical times for barbaric practices. Tamburlaine,
99 thy heart King notes a possible pun on in Marlowe's play, was a fierce Scythian shepherd
Cordelia's name (Latin cor, cordis — 'heart'). In the whose cruelty was dramatised but did not include
next twenty lines Lear twice refers to his heart as cannibalism.
severed from her (109, 120). 1 1 1 - 1 2 Or he . . . appetite A reference to the
101 true In the preceding line, Hunter detects barbaric custom among some cannibalistic peoples
a play on 'untender' = (1) hard, (2) inflexible, of feeding upon their infant children or their
i. i. 113 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN I 26-44 [w6]
114 liege —] Rome; Liege. Q, F 115-16 Peace . . . wrath.] F; one line Q (turned over) 121 Burgundy. - ] Theobald;
Burgundy, Q, F 122 dowers . . . the] F; dower . . . this Q 124 with] F; in Q 129 turn . . . shall] F; turnes . . . still
Q 130 th'addition] F; the additions Q 130 king: the sway,] F; King, / The sway, Q
133 between] F; betwixt Q 136 prayers - J Rome; prayers. Q; praiers. F 138-46 Let . . . least] F (except 142, divided
bowes? / To); nine lines ending . . . rather, / . . . heart, / . . . man, / . . . dutie I . . . bowes, / . . . folly, / . . .
consideration / . . . life / . . . least, Q 140 mad] Q2, F; man Q 140 wouldst] F4; wouldest F, F2-3; wilt Q 142 When
. . . bound] Johnson's lineation; two lines divided bowes / To F 143 Reserve thy state] F; Reuerse thy doome Q
131 Revenue Accented on second syllable. 140 When . . . old man? Abandoning the figure
133 This coronet Shakespeare uses 'coronet' of parrhesia, or respectful protest (Joseph, p. 276),
for the diadem of a nobleman in 1H6 5.4.134, Kent changes his idiom to direct, blunt address,
JfC 1.2.238, and elsewhere. In H5 2 Chorus 10 using the familiar second-person pronoun, appro-
and in Temp. 1.2.111-16 he explicitly contrasts priate only to subordinates and children, and an
'crowns and coronets'. In view of 131, moreover, appellation ('old man') that is stunning in its impu-
it is unlikely that Lear gives his sons-in-law his dence.
own crown to divide between them (compare Greg, 142 plainness blunt, frank speaking; as at 123
SFF, p. 384 n.), although in stage performances he and 2.2.91.
sometimes does, ironically emphasising the folly of 143 Reserve thy state i.e. do not relinquish
dividing his kingdom by so doing. Probably Lear your kingdom. Furness cites Johnson: T am
refers to the coronet he meant for Cordelia, which inclined to think that Reverse thy doom was Shake-
an attendant carries during the entry procession, speare's first reading, as more conducive to the
as Q directs (28 SD n.) See Perrett, pp. 151-4, and present occasion, and that he changed it after-
Rosenberg, p. 67, for stage business here, and com- wards to "Reserve thy state," which conduces
pare G. W. Williams, 'Lear's coronet', American more to the progress of the action.' Other com-
Notes & Queries 9 (1971), 99-100, who argues that mentators (e.g. Duthie, p. 125; Granville-Barker,
'coronet' means Lear's crown. p. 303) suggest that in F Kent is thinking more
137 make from i.e. let go. Lear's metaphor of Lear's safety than of Cordelia, who in the Q
refers to Kent's elaborate preamble; impatient, he reading is uppermost. Jackson (p. 338) says the
wants Kent to get to the point. But some commen- F readings stress Lear's political folly in surren-
tators (e.g. Muir, Kittredge) interpret the passage dering his kingdom; Q, more closely following the
differently and gloss 'make from' as 'avoid', i.e. get source play, emphasises his error in condemning
out of the way of (the arrow of) my anger. Cordelia.
138 fork An arrowhead with two forward points, 145 Answer . . . judgement Let my life be
or 'forkhead'. answerable for my opinion.
1.1.147 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 163-81 [108]
147-8 low sounds / Reverb] F; low, sound / Reuerbs Q 150 thine] F; thy Q *i50 ne'er feared] Oxford (Furnas conj.);
nere feare F; nor feare Q 151 motive] F; the motiue Q 154 Apollo - ] Q2; Appollo, Q; Apollo, F 154-5 Now . . . vain.]
F,- one line Q 155 O vassal! Miscreant] F; Vassall, recreant Q 156 ALBANY . . . forbear] F; not in Q 156 SH CORNWALL]
Cor. F,- CORDELIA Halio, Oxford 157-60 Kill . . . evil.] F; lines end . . . Physicion, / . . . disease, / . . . clamour / . . .
euill. Q 157 Kill] F; Doe, kill Q 157 thy fee] F; the fee Q 158 gift] F; doome Q 160-1 Hear . . . me.] Capell's
lineation; one Une Q, F 160 recreant] F, not in Q 161 thine] F; thy Q
162 That Seeing that. topsy-turviness, or inverted order, in the play. (See
163 strained excessive. NS, p. xxviii.)
166 Our . . . good i.e. our royal power being 178 approve make good, confirm.
effected. Lear has not yet relinquished his king- 179 effects deeds, actions.
ship (note 'our dominions', 171), as the subse- 181 old course customary conduct.
quent dialogue with Burgundy and France also 181 SD.2 Flourish A fanfare; compare 'Sennef,
shows. 28 SD.
171 trunk torso, body. 182 SH CORDELIA F alters Q'S Glost. to Cor.,
174-81 Fare . . . new 'After the storm comes which most editors take to indicate Cornwall.
the equanimity of Kent's rhymed couplets' (Craig, Cordelia seems a more appropriate speaker, since
cited by XS). Burgundy and France are her suitors. See 156 n.,
174 since thus Crowding may have prompted and compare Duthie, p. 168, who adopts Q'S SH,
Compositor E to substitute awkward 'sith' for Qq and Urkowitz, pp. 39-40.
'since' (Textual Companion, p. 532), thus avoiding 182 Here's A singular verb preceding a plu-
a turned-over line. ral subject appears often in Shakespeare; compare
175 Freedom . . . here An early indication of 3.3.16.
1.1.183 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 205-29 [no]
183-93 ^ly • • • pieced,] F; ten lines ending . . . towards you, / . . . daughter, / . . . present / . . . loue? / . . . what
/ . . . lesse? / . . . to vs [turned over] / . . . fallen, / . . . little I . . . peec'st, Q 184 toward . . . this] F; towards
. . . a Q 187 Most] F,- not in Q 188 hath] F,- what Q 194 more] F; else Q 196 Will] F,- Sir will Q 198 Dowered]
F; Couered Q 199 her?] Rome; her. Q, F 199-200 Pardon . . . conditions.] F; divided vp / On such Q 200 in] V; on
Q 202 SD] Pope; not in Q, F
184 address toward direct our speech toward (1) that person who rejects the slightest hint of
(Schmidt). insincerity, or (2) that small piece of unreality (that
185 rivalled competed. looks like a person).
189 less? Modern editors change the question 193 pieced added, eked out.
mark, found in both Q and F, to a full stop, which 194 like please.
makes Burgundy's reply sound too peremptory. 196 infirmities i.e. disabilities (enumerated in
Caught off guard by Lear's question, the duke does 197-8).
not know what to make of it and responds with a 196 owes owns, has.
query of his own. 198 strangered made a stranger, disowned.
190 so i.e. dear, worth much (with a pun on 200 Election . . . conditions No choice (elec-
'dear' = 'beloved'). tion) is possible under the terms thus set out.
192 that little seeming substance The ambi- 202 tell (1) report to, (2) count (Hunter),
guity of 'seeming' (it can go with either 'little' 202 For As for.
or 'substance') suggests two interpretations: either 203 make such a stray be so aberrant.
[///] TLN 230-51 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.1.224
205 T'avert] F; To auert Q 207 t'acknowledge] F; to acknowledge Q 207-13 This . . . degree] F,- six lines ending . . .
now / . . . praise, / . . . deerest, / . . . thing, / . . . fauour, / . . . degree, Q 208 she whom] F; she, that Q *2o8 best]
Q; not in F 210 The best, the] F; most best, most Q 214 your fore-vouched affection] F; you for voucht affections
Q 215 Fall] F,- Faine Q 217 Should) F,- Could Q 218-21 majesty - / If . . . speak - that] Maiestie, / If . . . speake,
that Q; Maiesty. / If. . . speake, that F; majesty, / (If . . . speak) that Theobald *220 well] Q; will F 221 make known]
F; may know Q 223 unchaste] F; vncleane Q
204 To As to. 215 Fall into taint i.e. must (from 213) now
204 beseech I beseech. appear to be insincere, hence discredited.
205 T'avert To redirect. 215 her 'Emphatic. Of the two alternatives
205 more worthier Double comparatives and France chooses the second, for the first is to him
superlatives are common in Shakespeare. Compare incredible' (Kittredge).
e.g. 2.2.92, 3.2.62. 2 1 5 - 1 7 to believe . . . me i.e. to believe Cordelia
208 whom i.e. who. Compare Temp. 5.1.76-8. guilty of so monstrous an offence requires a faith
208 best object most favoured object (to gaze that reason alone cannot instil in me; it would
upon). Compare MND 4.1.170, Cym. 5.4.55-6. require a miracle to get me to believe it.
209 argument theme, subject. 219 If for If (it is) because. Cordelia's bro-
2 1 1 - 1 2 dismantle . . . favour The image is ken or ungrammatical syntax (as well as her
of removing many layers of clothing that drape, somewhat repetitious speech) may be the result
or enfold, Cordelia in her father's favour. On the of her emotional state, as some commentators
imagery of clothing and divestment, see Heilman, believe,
pp. 67-87. 219 want lack (also at 225).
214 monsters it i.e. makes it (the offence) 220 purpose intend (to fulfil),
monstrous. 222 vicious blot moral stain.
214 fore-vouched affection previously pro- 223 dishonoured dishonourable,
claimed love.
1.1.22 5 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2 5 2 - 7 7 [7/2]
225 for want] Q, F; the want Hanmer 225 richer] F; rich Q 227 That] F,- AS Q 228-9 Better thou / Hadst . . . better.]
Pope's lineation; Better thou hadst, / Not . . . better. F; Goe to, goe to, better thou hadst not bin borne, / Then . . .
better. Q 229 t'have] F; to haue Q 230 but this?] F; no more but this, Q 231-6 Which . . . dowry.] v; jive lines ending
. . . to do [turned under] I . . . Lady? / . . . sta[n]ds [turned under] I . . . haue her? / . . . dowre. Q 231 Which] F;
That Q *232 do?] Pope; do, Q; do: F 233 Love's] F; Loue is Q 234 regards] F; respects Q 235 th'entire point. Will]
Steevens; the intire point wil Q; th'intire point, will F 236 a dowry] F; and dowre Q 236-9 Royal . . . Burgundy.] F;
three lines ending . . . portion / . . . Cordelia / . . . Burgundie, Q 236 king] F; Leir Q; Leur Q2 240 I am firm.] F,1 not
in Q 242-4 Peace . . . wife.] F; two lines divided respects / Of Q 243 respect and fortunes] v; respects / Of fortune Q
225 for which i.e. for lack of which. considerations (such as a dowry) completely irrel-
226 still-soliciting always importuning, beg- evant to the main issue (love),
ging. 243 Since that Since.
228 liking 'Cordelia deliberately uses a colder 243 respect and fortunes consideration of
word than love'(Muir, following Kittredge). wealth (hendiadys). Compare 1.2.45, ctc -i ar, d Q
230 tardiness in nature i.e. slowness in dispo- 'respects / Of fortune'.
sition. 45~6 most rich . . . despised Noble and Sha-
231 history'Frequently used for what passes in heen compare the paradoxes in 2 Cor. 6.10: 'As
the inner life of man' (Schmidt 1879, cited by Fur- poore, and yet making many rich: as hauing noth-
ness). Used in this sense in MM 1.1.28, Rj 3.5.28. ing, and yet possessing all things'. Shaheen adds
233-5 Love . . . point Compare Sonnet 116, 2 Cor. 8.9: 'Our Lord Iesus Christ, that he being
where Shakespeare develops the idea more fully. riche, for your sakes became poore'.
234-5 mingled . . . point adulterated with
["3] TLN 278-99 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.1.268
249-60 Gods . . . benison The couplets not only 260 benison blessing,
conclude the major action of this scene, they also 261 SD Exeunt 'Lear seems to take his leave, but
formalise the attitudes involved, as Hunter notes. in fact he flees . . . Flight - and pursuit - will weave
Reibetanz, p. 32, regards this speech of 'rhymed throughout the whole play now, its effect will be
paradoxy' as evidence that France is 'from another . . . pervasive' (Rosenberg, p. 79). Drawing paral-
world' than Lear's dark one. lels with classical Greek tragedy, Fredson Bowers
250 inflamed respect passionate regard. considers the climactic aspects of this scene in 'The
251 thrown . . . chance cast to my luck (another structure of King Lear\ SQ31 (1980), 7-20.
gambling metaphor). 262 jewels A term of endearment (NS), spoken
253 waterish (1) well-watered (with streams sarcastically?
and rivers), (2) weak, insipid. Compare 79 n.: the 262 washed eyes (1) tear-filled eyes, (2) eyes
king may be casting a slur on the wine of Burgundy cleared of illusion, cleansed, as in Rj 4.4.389-90,
as well! Ado 4.1.153-4.
254 unprized precious unvalued, unappreci- 265 as . . . named by their actual names.
ated (by others) but dear (to me). 266 your professed bosoms i.e. the nurture
255 though unkind i.e. though they have been and love you have declared (as opposed to what
unkind or unnatural. you may really feel and intend).
256 here . . . where Used as nouns. Kittredge 268 prefer recommend,
compares Oth. 1.1.137.
1.1.269 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 300-19 l"4]
269 both.] F; both? Q 270 SH REGAN] F; Gononll. Q 270 duty.] F; duties? Q 270 su CÎOXF.RII 1] F; Regan Q 270-3
Let . . . wanted.] F; lines end . . . Lord, / . . . almes, / . . . scanted, / . . . wanted. Q 273 want] F; worth Q 274 plighted]
F; pleated Q 275 covers] Q, F; cover Jennens; cover'd Hanmer, Capell 275 with shame] v; shame them Q 276 my] F;
not in Q 276 SD Exeunt] F3; Exit Q, F, F2 *277~8 Sister, . . . tonight.] As prose, Capell; three verse lines ending . . . say,
/ . . . both, / . . . night. Q, F 277 little] F; a little Q *28i not] Q; not in v 283 grossly] F,- grosse Q
270 study aim, endeavour. 'cunning', and 'faults' is the object of both 'cov-
272 At fortune's alms As a charity, a poor gift ers' and 'derides' (Schmidt, cited by Duthie). NS
of fortune. and Oxford emend 'covers' to 'covert', following
272 scanted stinted, slighted. Mason (cited by Furness), so that 'cunning' is still
273 the want . . . wanted the absence of that responsible for covering faults. But Sisson, p. 231,
which you have lacked (i.e. love). Bevington says defends the F reading: 'Time at first covers faults,
'want' may also refer to her dowry. The alliteration but at last (unfolds them and) derides them with
and word-play (anadiplosis) emphasise Gonerill's shame.'
sarcasm. 276 Well . . . prosper Again, spoken sarcasti-
274 Time . . . hides Martha Andresen notes callv. Noble and Shaheen cite Prov. 28.13: 'He that
Cordelia's version of the Renaissance commonplace hideth his sinnes, shall not prosper.' Shaheen notes
sententia Veritasfiliatemporis ('Truth the daughter that the Authorised Version (1611) uses 'covereth'
of Time') and its relation to divestiture imagery instead of 'hideth'.
('"Ripeness is all": sententiae and commonplaces 278 will hence will go hence (a common
in King Lear\ in Some Facets, pp. 155-6). ellipsis).
274 plighted pleated, folded, hence concealed 279 with you Lear has not actually stipulated
(Onions). Compare 211-12. with whom he will first reside (126-9), o u t Regan
275 Who . . . derides The F reading is accept- rightly assumes that Gonerill, as the eldest daugh-
able. As Duthie says, 'The F version of the speech ter, will be first.
sounds more awkward and stilted than that of Q: 281 not Compositor E has apparently dropped
but the speech is a sententious one, and it may well the negative in this crowded line (and column), but
have left Shakespeare's pen more rather than less Schmidt 1879 and Oxford follow F.
stilted.' 'Who' takes 'Time' as its antecedent, not 283 grossly obviously.
U'S] TLN 320-36 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.2.2
GONER I L L The best and soundest of his time hath been but rash;
then must we look from his age to receive not alone the
imperfections of long-engraffed condition, but therewithal the
unruly waywardness that infirm and choleric years bring with
them. 290
REGAN Such unconstant starts are we like to have from him as this
of Kent's banishment.
GONER I L L There is further compliment of leave-taking between
France and him. Pray you, let us sit together. If our father carry
authority with such disposition as he bears, this last surrender 295
of his will but offend us.
REGAN We shall further think of it.
GONER I L L We must do something, and i'th'heat.
286 The best . . . rash Even when in his prime period of time has elapsed and she has endured
and in good health, i.e. not infirm of age (284), disruptions to her household.
Lear has been impetuous.
287 look expect.
287 alone only. Act 1 , S c e n e 2
288 imperfections . . . condition faults 0 SD Gloucester's castle is the only location
implanted for a long time in his disposition, Q'S definitely named, besides Dover, though Perrett
'ingrafted' is closer to modern spelling; 'engraffed' (p. 258) questions the description of Gloucester's
is an older variant form. house as a 'castle' by Rowe and subsequent editors.
291 unconstant starts sudden fits (of passion). 1 - 2 2 Thou . . . bastards Edmond's soliloquy is
293 compliment ceremony. in the manner of the Vice of the old Morality plays
294 sit together take counsel with one another or Richard's opening soliloquy in / ? j , except that
(Schmidt). See Rj 3.1.173, Per. 2.3.92. Q'S 'hit' = he does not address the audience quite as directly
'agree' or 'strike' is more generally adopted by as they do while he reveals his vicious intentions.
editors, but F makes sense and does not require Like Richard III, Edmond shares the Elizabethan
emendation. McLeod (pp. 157—65) questions Machiavel's rationalism and ability to manipulate
Duthie's preference for 'hit' on several important others. See Danby, p. 63.
grounds. 1 Nature The natural son of Gloucester,
294 carry bear, manage. Edmond naturally takes Nature as his deity. See
295-6 last surrender . . . us i.e. his recent Danby, pp. 15-53, who discusses the conflicting
yielding of authority will become a problem for us. concepts of Nature in Shakespeare's time. Heil-
Gonerill is concerned that despite his abdication man says nature for Edmond is 'a vital force, the
Lear will still try to wield power. individual will, sexual vigor'. Compare Elton: 'In
298 do As opposed to Regan's 'think' (Muir). his libertine naturalism, Edmund witnesses [to] the
298 i'th'heat at once. Apparently, Gonerill and Jacobean disintegration of natural law and ethical
Regan fail to decide on a plan for immediate action. absolutes' (p. 126).
Scenes 3 and 4 show Gonerill taking the offensive 1 law i.e. as opposed to religion's laws and those
against Lear and his hundred knights only after a of society.
1.2.3 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 337-52 [1,6]
4 me?] F; me, Q 6 brother?] F," brother, Q 6 'base'?] F; base, Q 9 issue?] F; issue, Q 10 With 'base'? with 'baseness'?
'bastardy'? 'base, base'?] With Base? With basenes Barstardie? Base, Base? F; base, base bastardie? Q 13 dull, stale, tired]
F; stale dull lyed Q 14 th'creating] F; the creating of Q 15 a sleep] Q, F; asleep Capell 15 then,] F; the Q 16 land.]
land, Q, F 17 love] Q; loue, F 18 th'legitimate] F; the legitimate Q 18 Fine word, 'legitimate'] F; not in Q
3 custom convention, usage with the force of tion that being base-born implies being base in
law. other respects. Salingar, pp. 123-4, believes this
4 curiosity of nations 'Edmund probably owes passage is indebted in part to Montaigne's essay,
his word, curiosity - which he appears to use here in 'Upon Some Verses of Virgil'.
the sense of capricious refinement, with an overtone 7 dimensions bodily proportions; as in MV
of officious meddling - to Florio, and the attitude 3.1.61.
behind it to Montaigne, who insistently contrasts 7 compact composed, formed.
Nature and Custom' (Salingar, p. 122). Salingar 8 generous i.e. lofty, magnanimous, as befits a
cites relevant passages from the Essais, and Muir gentleman; as in Ham. 4.7.135.
from the Apology for Raymond Sebonde. 8 true proper, correct, 'truly stamped' (Muir).
4 me? Most editors continue the query to 6, 9 honest chaste.
but F appears right in making the break here. 11 lusty . . . nature 'stealthy enjoyment of nat-
Edmond is vexed at being 'deprived', or denied ural sexual appetite' (Riverside).
an inheritance; he then considers the two counts 1 1 - 1 2 take . . . quality Either (1) receive
against him: he is a younger brother, and he is ille- more physical and mental ingredients and energetic
gitimate. traits, or (2) require a greater and more vigorous
5 For that Because. physical and mental constitution. Both senses of
5 moonshines months. 'take' may be active here.
6 Lag of Behind, later than. 13 a dull . . . bed i.e. the result of a long mar-
6 Why . . . 'base' His bastardy concerns riage.
Edmond more than Edgar's seniority. Hence, in 14 fops fools.
the following lines he wrings from the terms 'bas- 15 Got Begot.
tard' and 'base' and their derivatives (the two terms 15 a sleep Capell's emendation, making one
are not, however, etymologically related) as much word, is unnecessary.
of their meaning as he can, both through the fig- 17-18 Our father's . . . legitimate The war-
ure of repetition and through what seems to him rant for this statement is Gloucester's speech,
logical questioning. (Compare Falstaff on 'honour', 1.1.17-8 (Hunter).
1H4 5.1.127-41.) Edmond challenges the assump-
["/] TLN 353-70 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.2.35
19 SDJ This edit; not in Q, F 21 to th'| F; tooth' Q; top th' Capell (conj. Edwards) 23 thus? . . . parted?] F; thus,
. . . parted, Q 24 tonight?] v; to night Q 24 Prescribed] F; subscribd Q 25 exhibition?] F; exhibition, Q 26 gad?] F,-
gadde; Q 27 SD] Rmre; not in Q, F 32 needed] F; needes Q 32 terrible] Q2, F; terribe Q
19 speed succeed. speech, except for the last one, may be intended as
20 invention device. exclamation points, as Muir interprets them, but a
21 Shall to th'legitimate i.e. shall advance to, querying or wondering tone seems more appropri-
or take the place of, usurp, the legitimate. Nichols ate for Gloucester here.
(cited by Furness) first proposed this interpre- 23 in choler Apparently something went wrong
tation of the Q, F reading in 1861-2 as against during the 'compliment of leave-taking' referred to
Edwards's emendation, 'top th' legitimate', which at 1.T.293.
editors since Capell have generally adopted. Sisson, 23 parted departed.
without citing Nichols, also defends the original 24 tonight last night; as in Rom. 1.4.50, MV
reading, and articles by Thomas Clayton and Mal- 2.5.18.
colm Pittock, both in N&Q 31 (June 1984), 207- 24 Prescribed Limited, restricted.
10, present cogent arguments for 'disemending' the 25 Confined to exhibition Limited to an
text. As Clayton says, 'Though differently arrived allowance. Compare TGV 1.3.68-9.
at, the forceful complementarity claimed for "top" 26 Upon the gad i.e. suddenly, as if pricked or
. . . is there still' (p. 208). Moreover, other F alter- goaded (a gad is a sharp spike or spear).
ations in this passage make it unlikely that the Q 28 put up stow, conceal.
reading was overlooked (pp. 207-8); and as Pittock 31 Nothing The word reverberates through-
shows, OED gives numerous examples of an ellipsis out the first half of the play. Compare 1.1.82-5,
after 'to' (p. 209). 1.4.113-15, 2.2.148, 2.3.21.
22 Now . . . bastards Hcilman (pp. 102 and 32 terrible dispatch extremely hasty disposi-
314 n. 16) notes the ambiguities here: since 'stand tion.
up' may refer to male sexual tumescence (as in Rom. 35 spectacles Spectacles are a symbol of what
2.1.25, 3-3-88), Edmond's prayer becomes a phallic Gloucester does need. He does not see through
ritual; and he proceeds immediately to behave in Edmond's plot and shows himself entirely 'credu-
the pejorative sense of 'bastard'. lous' (Heilman, pp. 45, 154).
23 thus? F'S question marks throughout this
1.2.36 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 371-400 [1,8]
36 SH EDMOND] Bast, f; not in Q nncorr; Ba. Q con: 37 and] F; not in Q 38 o'erlooking] ore-looking F; liking Q 40-1
I . . . blame.] As prose Q; three verse lines ending . . . giue it: / . . . them, / . . . blame, v 44 SD| This edn; not in Q,
F 45 SD] F; not in Q, which inserts IA Letter I after 44 45-52 This . . . brother. | F prints in italics, Q /;; roman 45 and
reverence] F; not in Q 52 Sleep] F; slept Q *52 waked] wakt Q; wake F 55 you to this] F; this to you Q
EDMOND It is his hand, my lord, but I hope his heart is not in the
GLOUCESTER Has he never before sounded you in this business?
EDMOND Never, my lord. But I have heard him oft maintain it to 65
be fit that, sons at perfect age, and fathers declined, the father
should be as ward to the son, and the son manage his revenue.
GLOUCESTER O villain, villain - his very opinion in the letter!
Abhorred villain, unnatural, detested, brutish villain - worse
than brutish! Go, sirrah, seek him: I'll apprehend him. 70
Abominable villain, where is he?
EDMOND I do not well know, my lord. If it shall please you to
suspend your indignation against my brother till you can derive
from him better testimony of his intent, you should run a
certain course; where if you violently proceed against him, 75
mistaking his purpose, it would make a great gap in your own
honour and shake in pieces the heart of his obedience. I dare
pawn down my life for him that he hath writ this to feel my
affection to your honour and to no other pretence of danger.
GLOUCESTER Think you so? 80
EDMOND If your honour judge it meet, I will place you where you
shall hear us confer of this and by an auricular assurance have
your satisfaction, and that without any further delay than this
very evening.
61 his.J F,- his? Q 64 Has I F; Hath Q 64 before] F; heretofore Q 65 heard him oft] F; often heard him Q 66 declined]
F; declining Q 66 the father] v; his father Q 67 his] F; the Q 70 sirrah] F; sir Q 70 I'll] F; I Q; I, Q2; Ay, Cam. 72
lord. If] F; Lord, if Q 74 his] F,- this Q 78 that he hath writ] F; he hath wrote Q 79 other] F; further Q
85 monster.] F omits three lines here 86 the] F; your Q 89 will] v; shall Q 90 find] F,- see Q 92 it| F; not in Q 95
discord; in palaces] F,- discords, Pallaces Q 95 and the] F; the Q 96 'twixt| F; betweene Q 96-100 This . . . graves.]
F; not in Q 97 prediction:] prediction F 97 father.] Father, F 103 honesty. "Fis strange.] F; honest, strange, strange!
Q 103 SD] F; not in Q
85 monster F omits two lines here found in Q. 92-3 Though . . . effects Nature is used in
See Textual Analysis, p. 265 below. two senses here: (1) human nature, specifically
86 wind me insinuate yourself (ethical dative human reason as embodied in natural philosophy,
construction; compare Oth. 1.1.4g). science; (2) the world of nature, including but
86 Frame Fashion. not limited to the world of humankind. Thus:
87-8 I . . . resolution I would divest myself of human reason can explain these events scientifi-
estate and rank to be resolved sufficiently of doubt. cally, but all nature is afflicted nevertheless by what
Gloucester's anxiety resembles Othello's in Oth. 2.3 subsequently happens ('Love cools', etc.).
and 3.3, and like Othello he jumps too quickly to 95 mutinies riots, insurrections,
conclusions. Like Iago, Edmond preys upon this 96-100 This . . . graves On the absence of these
weakness and even proposes eavesdropping (81-3; lines in Q, see Textual Analysis, p. 278 below,
compare Oth. 4.1.81 ff), although he apparently 97-8 son . . . child This recalls Matt. 10.21:
changes his plan (2.1.20 ff). Edmond makes his 'The brother shall betray the brother to death, and
fortune by two letters and is undone by a third the father the sonne, and the children shal rise
(Mack, p. 95; see 3.5.8, 5.1.39). against their parents, and shal cause them to die.'
89 presently immediately. See also Mark 13.8, 12; Luke 12.52-3, 21.16; Micah
89 convey carry out. 7.6, and compare part 3 of the homily 'Against Dis-
90 withal therewith. obedience and Wilfull Rebellion' (Shaheen).
91 late eclipses A possible allusion to the 98 bias of nature 'natural course or tendency,
eclipse of the moon on 27 September and of the A figure from bowling. The bias is the curve that
sun on 2 October 1605 (see p. 1 above). Eclipses the bowl makes in its course' (Kittredge).
were regarded by superstitious men like Gloucester 99 best . . . time our best years; as at 46.
as auguries of evil, giving warning of such things 99 hollowness emptiness, insincerity; as in
as the machinations of the Catholic conspirators Kent's reference to Gonerill's and Regan's
who intended to blow up king and parliament. speeches, 1.1.148.
The Gunpowder Plot, however, was uncovered 100 disquietly unquietlv.
in November 1605 - before it could be carried 103 honesty 'love of truth, upright conduct'
out. (Schmidt).
[121] TLN 447-63 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.2.117
105 surfeits] v; surfeit Q 106 stars] F; the Starres Q 107 on] F; by Q 108 treachers] F; Trecherers Q 108 spherical]
F; spiritual] Q 108 predominance,! Q; predominance. F i n whoremaster man] Q,- Whore-master-man F 112 on] F;
to Q 112 a star!] a Starre, F,-Starres: Q 115 I should] F; Fut, I should Q 115 maidenliest] F3; maidenlest Q, F, F2 116
in] F; of Q 116 bastardising. I F; bastardy Q 116 so] Q2, F; in margin Q 117 Pat: he] v; Edgar, and out hee Q 117
My cue] F; mine Q
104 excellent (1) supreme, (2) splendid (from it a malign constellation producing temperaments
Edmund's point of view: Hunter). that are not only daring and impetuous ('rough'),
104 foppery foolishness. but also lascivious ('lecherous'), as Hunter notes.
105 sick in fortune i.e. down on our luck. 115 See collation. The omission of 'Fut' (a
105 surfeits excesses. variant of the expletive 'foot' = 'Christ's foot')
107 on by; as in LLL 1.1.148. is probably the result of purging away profan-
107 heavenly compulsion i.e. astrological ity in accordance with the 'Acte to Restraine
influence. Abuses of Players' in 1606 (Duthie, p. 170). Taylot-
108 treachers traitors. concurs and argues for restoration ('Censorship',
108 spherical predominance Under the astro- pp. 78, 109-10).
logical concept of'planetary influence' (no), if at 117 Pat See collation. Because Q crowds Enter
the time of one's birth a heavenly body was espe- Edgar into the margin immediately beside 'Edgar'
cially powerful because of its ascendant position, in Edmond's speech, some editors believe the F
one's disposition and destiny were accordingly con- collator may have become confused and dropped
trolled, or 'enforced'. Edmond's summons which, Duthie argues, p. 171,
109 of to. makes 'Pat' pointless. The effect of Edmond's
n o - i i divine thrusting on supernatural speech, however, does not depend on such a direct
imposition. summons, and the F reading may stand.
m whoremaster lecherous. 117 catastrophe . . . comedy Early Tudor
1 1 1 - 1 2 lay . . . charge of impute his lustful ten- plays often lacked dramatic motivation; the catas-
dencies to (Schmidt). To Elizabethans, goats were trophe, or concluding episode, often arrived quite
emblematic of lechery. arbitrarily to suit the playwright's need to end a
113 compounded copulated. play. Armado uses 'catastrophe' in LLL 4.1.77 to
113 Dragon's tail The constellation Draco, an refer to the concluding episode of an action.
especially malevolent astrological sign. 117 cue Edmond deliberately adopts theatrical
114 nativity birth. language in keeping with the role he is about
114 Ursa major The constellation Great Bear, or to play. On stage-managing in King Lear, see
Big Dipper, in which (astrologically) Mars is pre- Reibetanz, pp. 57-67.
dominant but shares influence with Venus, making
I.2.II8 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 464-91 [122]
145 best.] F; best, goe arm'd Q 146 toward] F; towards q 150 SD] AS Q; after 14g Q2,- Exit F {after 14g) Act 1, Scene
3 1.3] Scena Tenia, v; not in q o SD| Collier (suhst.); Enter Gonerill, and Steward F; Enter Gonori/l and Gentleman q *3
su] Ste. F; Gent. q (throughout) 3 Ay, | Rowe; I F; Yes q 4-5 By . . . other] F; divided me, / Euery q 7 upbraids] F;
obrayds Q
147-8 image and horror true picture of the 1 - 2 Did . . . fool This is not only the first men-
actual horror (hendiadys). tion of the Fool, but the first mention of disor-
154 practices plots, machinations. Edmond derliness caused by Lear and his entourage, giving
then uses an equestrian metaphor. Gonerill the excuse to act as she does.
154 I see the business Edmond's plot now 4 By . . . night Either (1) an oath (com-
becomes clear. pare 1.1.103-4), or (2) constantly (compare 'every
156 All . . . fit Everything is all right with me hour'). F punctuation favours (1); Q, omitting the
that I can frame to my own purposes. comma, favours (2).
5 flashes breaks out.
Act 1, S c e n e 3 5 crime offence.
0 SD In the fictional narrative, enough time is 7 His . . . riotous The absence of actual
supposed to have passed for Gonerill to experience evidence for this behaviour in the play has led
the disruptions in her household she says Lear and some commentators, e.g. Kittredge, to discredit
his knights have caused. Gonerill's assertion, but some stage and film ver-
0 SD OSWALD F consistently uses Steward in SDs sions, such as Peter Brook's, have graphically pre-
and SHS; Q uses Gentleman and Gent, in this scene sented Lear's train as unruly. In any event, a hun-
but Steward and Stem, in the next. At 1.4.268 and dred knights and squires given to hunting and
281 Gonerill calls for Oswald, whose name was the other sports would doubtless cause some prob-
Anglo-Saxon word for a steward. He is foppishly lems, which Gonerill decides to exacerbate, forcing
dressed, probablv in Albany's cast-off garments a confrontation with her father.
1.3.8 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 514-32 [124]
8 trifle. When] F,- trifell when Q I I SD] Capell {after 12); not in Q, F 13-16 Put . . . one.] v; as prose Q 14 fellows:]
F,- fellow seruants, Q 14 to] F; in Q 15 distaste] F; dislike Q 15 my] F; our Q 16 one.] one, Q, F; F omits four lines
here 17 Remember . . . said] F; as prose Q 17 have said.] F; tell you. Q 18 Well] F,- Very well Q 19-20 And . . . so. |
Haunter's lineation; as prose Q, F 20 so.] so, Q, F; F omits one and a half lines here 21-2 I'll . . . dinner.) This edn; as
prose Q, F 21 course.] F; very course, Q 22 Prepare] F; goe prepare Q 22 SD] F; Exit. Q Act 1, Scene 4 1.4] Seena
Quarta. v; not in Q o SD disguised] Rome; not in Q, F 1-7 If. . . labours.] F,- as prose Q 1 well] q; will F
8 hunting The provision for Lear's hunting two more after 19; see Textual Analysis, p. 266
appears in Layamon's Brut, which also includes a below.
hunting episode (Muir). 21 s t r a i g h t at once, straightaway.
9 Say I am sick A transparent 'social' lie.
10 come slack of slacken, fall short of. Act 1, S c e n e 4
11 answer be answerable for. 0 SD KENT [disguised] Kent reappears, his
12 I hear h i m Capell introduces SD, Horns countenance altered (4) and wearing clothing more
within, which many editors follow. (Compare 1.4.7 suitable for the servant, 'Caius', than for an earl. He
SD.) also tries to disguise his voice by adopting a differ-
13 weary negligence tiresome or irksome ent accent (usually the actor adopts a rustic brogue,
neglect (of service). according to Rosenberg, p. 96) and a blunt, plain-
14 come to question i.e. come to a head, made spoken manner. The Elizabethan convention of
an issue of. 'impenetrable disguise' operates here and through-
15 distaste dislike. out the rest of the play, until Kent drops the dis-
1 5 - 1 6 let . . . one Apparently, though they may guise in 5.3. Lear never identifies Caius with Kent,
not have decided upon any immediate course of even at the end, when Kent wishes it (5.3.257-63).
action, Gonerill and Regan have agreed not to put 1 as well i.e. as well as I have disguised myself
up with much from Lear for very long. (Compare otherwise.
1.1.298 n.) 2 defuse confuse, disorder; a variant of'diffuse'.
16 one F omits four lines here found in Q and 2 my good intent i.e. to serve his master, Lear.
[i2s] TLN 533-56 The Tragedy of King Lea?' 1.4.22
*4 razed I raz'd Q; raiz'd F 6 So . . . come| F; not in Q 6 lov'st] F,- louest Q 7 labours] F; labour Q 7 SD] Rome;
Homes within. Enter Lear and Attendants. V; Enter Eear Q 8 SD] Malone; not in Q, F 18 be'st] F; be Q 18 he's] F,- he
is Q 18 thou art I v; thar't Q
3 full issue complete or satisfactory outcome. pares Ecclus. 9.17: 'Let thy talke be with the wise',
4 razed erased, obliterated. Muir suggests a and Prov. 13.20, 17.27-8.
quibble on 'razor'. 14 fear judgement Many commentators
4 likeness appearance. assume a reference to the Last Judgement. (Noble
4 banished Kent 'In case the audience have not and Shaheen cite Psalms 1.5; Noble adds Jer. 8.7.)
recognized his voice, he announces his identity' Kittredge says such an allusion may accord with
(Hunter). the pagan religion of Lear's time, though not the
6 So . . . come Either (1) let it then happen following reference to abstaining from fish, which
that, or (2) it may happen thus. is anachronistic (Catholics ate fish but not meat
7 SD Horns within Lear has been hunting (com- on Fridays, the day of the Crucifixion). Kent may,
pare 1.3.8). however, simply be declaring his desire to serve
7 SD Knights That knights as well as attendants well, fearing his master's censure.
accompany Lear is clear from SHS at 44 ff. (Duthie). 15 cannot choose i.e. cannot help it.
8 stay wait. 15 eat no fish Three not incompatible glosses
10 man (1) a fully human being, (2) a servant. are possible. Kent means: (1) he is no papist
Compare Ham. 1.2.187: "A was a man, take him (Warburton); (2) he is 'a jolly fellow, and no lover
for all in all.' of such meagre diet as fish' (Capell; compare 2H4
11 profess set up for, claim as a calling or trade. 4.3.90-5); (3) he is no womaniser.
Kent plays on the sense 'proclaim, declare' in his 17 as . . . king Kent risks the joke, but Lear
reply. takes it good-humouredlv.
13 converse associate, consort. Shaheen com-
i .4.23 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 557-80 iI26]
LEAR Why came not the slave back to me when I called him? 45
KNIGHT Sir, he answered me in the roundest manner, he would
LEAR He would not?
KNIGHT My lord, I know not what the matter is, but to my
judgement your highness is not entertained with that cer-
emonious affection as you were wont. There's a great abate-
ment of kindness appears as well in the general dependants as
in the duke himself also, and your daughter.
LEAR Ha? Sayest thou so?
KNIGHT I beseech you pardon me, my lord, if I be mistaken, for
my duty cannot be silent when I think your highness wronged.
LEAR Thou but rememberest me of mine own conception. I have
perceived a most faint neglect of late, which I have rather
blamed as mine own jealous curiosity than as a very pretence
and purpose of unkindness. I will look further into't. But 60
where's my fool? I have not seen him this two days.
KNIGHT Since my young lady's going into France, sir, the fool
hath much pined away.
LEAR No more of that, I have noted it well. Go you and tell my
daughter I would speak with her. 65
[Exit an Attendant]
Go you, call hither my fool.
[Exit an Attendant]
46, 49, 55, 62 su I F,- sentant. Q 48 He] F; A Q 52 of kindness] F; not in Q 54 Sayest] F; say'st Q 57 rememberest]
remember'st o_; remembrest F 60 purpose] F; purport Q 61 my] F; this Q *62 lady's] Rome; Ladies Q, F 64 well]
F; not in Q 65 SD, 66 SD. 1 ] Dyce; not in Q, F
says Q'S SH for Kent here is a misassignment, but with Albany's claim to be 'guiltless' (228) and with
the others are the result of F'S abridgement of the his general behaviour. Either the Knight is delib-
number of speaking characters. On altered SHS, see erately exacerbating the situation, or Shakespeare
Textual Analysis, p. 80 above. emphasises Lear's isolation (Hunter).
46 roundest bluntest, most plainspoken. Com- 57 rememberest remindest.
pare 'round' in Polonius's admonition to Gertrude, 57 conception thought.
Ham. 3.4.5, and in King Henry's to Williams, H5 58 faint neglect Either Lear minimises what
4.1.203. the Knight has seen as 'a great abatement' ( 5 1 -
50 entertained treated. Although Gonerill has 2) because he dreads the consequences of a con-
just given instructions to slight Lear (1.3.13-14) frontation, or the Knight, again, has exaggerated
and the action between Scenes 3 and 4 is continu- the situation.
ous, Shakespeare conveys the illusion of a greater 59 jealous curiosity suspicious fastidiousness,
passage of time. i.e. paranoid concern over trifles.
50-1 ceremonious affection 'combination the 59-60 pretence and purpose deliberate inten-
affection due to a father and the ceremony appro- tion (synonyms).
priate to a king' (Hunter). 62-3 Since . . . away The Knight calls atten-
52 general dependants i.e. household staff as tion to the affection between the Fool and Cordelia,
a whole. whose roles may have been doubled. (See pp. 3 2 - 3
52-3 as in the duke This charge is inconsistent above.)
i.4.66 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 607-25 [/2#]
Oh, you, sir, you, come you hither, sir, who am I, sir?
OSWALD My lady's father.
LEAR 'My lady's father'? My lord's knave, you whoreson dog, you
slave, you cur! 70
O S W A L D I am none of these, my lord, I beseech your pardon.
L E A R D o you bandy looks with me, you rascal?
[Strikes him]
O S W A L D I'll not be strucken, m y lord.
K E N T [Tripping him] Nor tripped neither, you base football player.
L E A R I thank thee, fellow. T h o u serv'st me, and I'll love thee. 75
K E N T Come, sir, arise, away, I'll teach you differences. Away,
away. I f you will measure your lubber's length again, tarry; but
away, go to! Have you wisdom?
[Pushes Oswald out]
LEAR NOW, my friendly knave, I thank thee; there's earnest of thy 80
[Gives Kent money]
Enter FOOL
66 SD.2 Enter OSWALD] Johnson (subst.); not in Q; Enter Steward, i (after by) 71 1 . . . pardon.| As one line Q; divided
Lord, / I F 71 these] F; this Q 71 your pardon.] F; you pardon me. Q 72 SD] Roire (snbsl.); not m Q, F 73 strucken]
F,- struck Q 74 SD] Rome (subst.); not in Q, F 75 I thank . . . love thee.] As one line Q; divided fellow. / Thou F 76
arise, away] F; not in Q *78-Q go to! Have you wisdom? So.] Theobald (subst.); goe too, haue you wisdome, so i-v you
haue wisdome. Q, *78 SD] Theobald (subst.); not in Q, F 80 mv| F; not in Q 81 SD.I| (Jupell (subst.); not in Q, F 82
SD] Rome (subst.); not in Q, F
72 bandy bat back and forth (as in tennis), length. Shakespeare uses the term in MND 3.2.429
exchange. NS adds SDS, glares and glares back, at and similarly in Rom. 3.3.69-70.
68 and 70. Oswald's insolence moves Lear to strike 77 lubber clumsy lout.
him. 80 earnest earnest-money, i.e. part payment to
74 base football player Tennis was played by bind a bargain.
aristocrats, football by the lower classes. Thomas 82 coxcomb professional jester's cap. The cap
Elyot, The Boke of the Governottr (1531), warns 'al evidently varied somewhat, though its salient fea-
noble men' against football, 'wherein is nothinge ture was a crest made of red flannel in the shape
but beastly furie and extreme violence' (NS). of a cock's comb. It may also have had a bell, ass's
76-9 Come . . . So Kent roughly picks Oswald ears, and/or feathers attached. (See p. 6 above.)
up and shoves him out. The Fool offers the symbol of his office to Kent
76 differences distinctions (of rank, position). as someone who deserves it for following Lear, but
77 measure . . . length Kent sent Oswald Kent demurs (84).
sprawling to the ground (74), where he lay at full
[l2ç] TLN 626-47 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.4.102
84 SD] Oxford; not m Q, F 85 1.1.AR Why, my boy?] F; Kent. Why Foole? Q 86 Why?] F,- Why Q 86 one's] F, CM;
on's Q 86 SD| Oxford; not in Q, v 88-9 has banished] v; hath banisht Q 89 did] F; done Q 94 all my] F; any Q 97
Truth's| F; Truth is Q 97 dog' must] v; dog that must Q 98 the Lady Brach] v; Ladie oth'e brach Q 98 by th'] v;
by the Q 99 gall| v; gull Q 102-12 Mark . . . score.] F lincation; as prose Q 102 nuncle] F; vncle Q
85 LEAR Why, my boy? Duthie, p. 171, 96 the whip Fools, like children, were whipped
attributes the changed su in F to compositor eye- when they went too far out of line. Compare AY LI
skip from 85 to 93 (and then back to 86). This 1.2.84-5.
seems unlikely in view of F'S other alterations in 97-8 Truth . . . stink The Fool identifies
the passages that follow. himself with truth, imagined as an unwelcome,
87 and if; a common variant of 'an'. lowly dog chased out of the house into a rude
87-8 thou . . . shortly i.e. if you cannot ingra- shelter; whereas the bitch, flattery ('brach' =
tiate yourself with the powers that prevail, you will bitch), enjoys a privileged place. The Fool hints
soon be out in the cold and suffering. at Gonerill or Regan, 'braches of noble rank,
89 banished Compare 1.1.175. and sycophantic' (Sisson, p. 231), and implies
89 on's of his. an identification between Truth and Cordelia
89-90 blessing . . . will Cordelia is now out of (Muir).
Britain and Queen of France - hardly the cursed 99 pestilent gall plaguey irritant. Lear proba-
existence Lear intended for her. bly refers to the Fool's gibes, though he may be
90 must needs A redundancy used for empha- thinking of Oswald and his fellows or his own
sis (as often). foolish behaviour. In any event, the Fool tactfully
91 nuncle A contraction of 'mine uncle' (the changes strategy here.
usual address of a jester to his master). 100 Sirrah Some editions follow Rowe and
94 If. . . myself XS cites Tilley A187: 'He that add a SD, TO Kent. But the Fool seems to address
gives all before he dies is a fool.' Two coxcombs is Lear, who responds, not Kent. The Fool's licence
the equivalent of a double fool. permits him to address Lear as 'Sirrah'.
95 There's mine The Fool now offers his cox-
comb to Lear.
i.4.103 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 648-76 ['30]
113 SH] F; Lear. Q 114 'tis] F; not in Q 115 nuncle?] F; vncle? Q 116 Why . . . nothing.] Q,- two lines divided Boy, /
Nothing F 117 SD] Rome; not in Q, F 119 fool.] This edn; F erroneously includes three lines here meant for exclusion (see
p. jg above), then omitsfifteenlines 120 Nuncle, . . . egg,] F; giue . . . Nuncle, Q 122 i'th'] v; in the Q 123 crown] Q;
Crownes F 124 i'th'] F; it'h Q 124 gav'st] F,- gauest Q 124 bor'st] F,- borest Q 124 thine] F; thy Q 124-5 o n tn>J
F; at'h Q
103-12 Have . . . score This counsel of pru- lawyer will not plead but for a fee' (Tilley L125);
dence is set in sing-song rhyme to emphasise its 'breath' = speech, hence pleading.
conventional w isdom, and accordingly earns Kent's 115 use usury, interest. Compare Ado 1.1.278-9.
response. 116 nothing . . . nothing Compare 1.1.84-5.
105 thou owest you own. 117 his land Ironic: Lear is landless. He feels
106 thou goest you walk; as at 3.2.92, where the Fool's gibe (119).
'going' means walking. 119 fool F includes three lines here that should
107 Learn . . . throwest i.e. don't believe every- probably have been cut along with the passage
thing you hear. of twelve lines found only in Q that immediately
108 Set . . . throwest i.e. don't gamble away follows: see Textual Analysis, p. 84 above.
your last penny. 121 two crowns Compare 'two coxcombs', 91.
n o in-a-door indoors. NS compares MV The two crowns are obviously the two halves of the
2.5.53-5 o n staying home and saving money. eggshell, but Lear is deliberately acting as a stooge
1 1 1 - 1 2 thou . . . score i.e. you will grow richer (Muir).
(Riverside). 123-4 When . . . parts Compare 1.1.133 and
113 nothing i.e. no big news. As at 85, F changes n. The P'ool alludes not to Lear's parting of the
Q'S SH. Kent's interruption is dramatically apt. coronet but to the division of the kingdom.
114 unfeed lawyer Alludes to the proverb 'A
[i3i] TLN 677-94 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.4.142
thy back o'er the dirt. Thou hadst little wit in thy bald crown 125
when thou gav'st thy golden one away. If I speak like myself in
this, let him be whipped that first finds it so.
[Sings] Fools had ne'er less grace in a year,
For wise men are grown foppish,
And know not how their wits to wear, 130
Their manners are so apish.
LEAR When were you wont to be so full of songs, sirrah?
F O O L I have used it, nuncle, e'er since thou mad'st thy daughters
thy mothers; for when thou gav'st them the rod and put'st down
thine own breeches, 135
[Sings] Then they for sudden joy did weep,
And I for sorrow sung,
That such a king should play bo-peep,
And go the fools among.
Prithee, nuncle, keep a schoolmaster that can teach thy fool to 140
lie. I would fain learn to lie.
LEAR And you lie, sirrah, we'll have you whipped.
126 gav'st] !•',- gauest Q 128 si)| Rowe; not in Q, F 128 grace] F; wit Q 130 And] F; They Q 130 to] F; doe Q 133
e'er] ere F; euer Q 134 mothers] F; mother Q 134 gav'st] ¥; gauest Q 136 SD] Rowe; not in Q, F 136 Then they]
Theobald; then they Q, F (as part of preceding prose) 136-9 for . . . among.] F lineation; as prose Q 139 fools] Q; Foole
F 141 learn to| F; learne Q unciirr.; learneto Q eon: 142 And] F, Q; If Q2 142 sirrah] F; not in Q
124-5 thou . . . dirt An allusion to the fable of 133 used it i.e. made it a practice. Muir cites
the old man who foolishly, out of a mistaken sense Ham. 3.2.45.
of kindness, carried his ass on his back instead of 133-4 thou . . . mothers i.e. you made your
letting it carry him. The Fool's comments insis- children your parents (another inversion, or per-
tently point up inversions or perversions of the version, of the natural order).
natural order. 134-5 thou . . . breeches i.e. the right to
126-7 If • • • so i.e. let him who calls this foolish chastise has been transferred from parent to
be whipped, not me. Compare 96-7. The Fool's child.
baldness (to prevent lice) gives extra point to the 136-9 Then . . . among The Fool adapts
passage if he removes his coxcomb to 'speak like the first stanza of the familiar old Ballad of John
myself in this' (Wiles, p. 190). Carelesse: 'Some men for sodayne ioye do wepe,/
126 like myself i.e. like a fool. And some in sorow syng: / When that they lie in
128-31 Fools . . . apish i.e. fools have never been daunger depe, / To put away mournyng' (Hyder
more out of favour since wise men have become E. Rollins, '"King Lear" and the ballad of "John
foolish and do not behave properly, their style Careless'", MLR 15 (1920), 87-90).
becoming ridiculously imitative (of fools). Compare 138 bo-peep 'A nursery play with a young
Lyly, Mother Bomlne 2.3: T thinke Gentlemen had child, who is kept in excitement by the nurse
neuer lesse wit in a yeere' (Capell, cited by F*ur- or playmate alternately concealing herself (or her
ness). NS, citing Tilley F535, 'Fools had never less face), and peeping out for a moment at an unex-
wit in a year', says the Fool is parodying either pected place, to withdraw again with equal sud-
Lyly or the original proverb; hence the F reading denness' (OED). Apparently, the game was also
is correct. played with naturals, or fools. Compare Skel-
128 grace favour. ton, Image Hypocrisy: 'Thus youe make vs sottes
129 foppish foolish. / And play with vs boopeepe' (cited Tilley
131 apish foolishly imitative. The off-rhyme B540).
with 'foppish' seems deliberate: see Kokeritz, 142 And If.
p. 225.
14- H3 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 695-715 U32]
FOOL I marvel what kin thou and thy daughters are: they'll have
me whipped for speaking true, thou'lt have me whipped for
lying, and sometimes I am whipped for holding my peace. I had 145
rather be any kind o'thing than a fool, and yet I would not be
thee, nuncle; thou hast pared thy wit o'both sides and left
nothing i'th'middle. Here comes one o'the parings.
LEAR How now, daughter! What makes that frontlet on? You are
too much of late i'th'frown. 150
F O O L T h o u wast a pretty fellow when thou hadst no need to care
for her frowning; now thou art an O without a figure. I am
better than thou art now; I am a fool, thou art nothing. [To
Gonerill] Yes, forsooth, I will hold m y tongue, so your face bids
me, though you say nothing. 155
[Sings] M u m , mum:
He that keeps nor crust, nor crumb,
Weary o f all, shall want some.
T h a t ' s a shelled peascod.
G O N E R I L L Not only, sir, this, your all-licensed fool, 160
But other of your insolent retinue
Do hourly carp and quarrel, breaking forth
In rank and not-to-be-endurèd riots. Sir,
144 thou'lt] F,- thou wilt Q 145 sometimes] F; sometime Q 146 o'] F,- of Q 147 o'| F; a Q 148 i'th'] F; in the Q 148
o'] F; of Q 149-50 How . . . frown.] F; as verse, two lines divided on, / Me Q 149 on? You] F; on, / Me thinks you
Q 150 of late] F,- alate Q 150 i'th'] F; it'h Q 152 frowning] v; frowne Q 152 now thou] F, Q con.; thou, thou Q
union:, Q2 153-4 SD J Pope; not in Q, F 156 SD] Rowe; not in Q, F 156—7 Mum . . . crumb,] Capell's lineation; one
line Q, F 157 nor crust] F; neither crust Q *i57 nor crumb] nor crum Q,- not crum F 158-9 Weary . . . peascod.]
Rome's lineation; one verse line Q, F 160-73 Not . . . proceeding.] F lineation; as prose Q *i63 In . . . Sir,] Cupel (without
hyphens); in ranke & (not to be indured riots,) Sir Q; In ranke, and (not to be endur'd) riots Sir. F
143-5 I marvel . . . peace An example of the why she is wearing the cloth and commenting on
'crocodile's argument', one that harms the oppo- her demeanour.
nent whichever way he chooses (Joseph, p. 202). 152 O without a figure i.e. a cipher; a zero
146-8 yet . . . middle i.e. if a fool is only a with no number before it to give it value (NS).
half-wit, Lear is less: he has given his wits away 154 forsooth An expletive: in truth, truly.
along with everything else. 156 Mum, m u m Hush, hush; softly.
149 What . . . on Gonerill enters wearing a 157-8 He . . . some i.e. he who foolishly gives
frontlet = 'a cloth or bandage containing some everything away, because he is tired of it all, shall
medicament' (OED sv sb ic; compare 44 above and at the end of the day want some of it back.
1.3.9, where Gonerill instructed Oswald to tell Lear 159 shelled peascod empty pea-pod, i.e.
she is sick). A frontlet also = a 'frowning cloth', i.e. nothing.
a forehead band worn by ladies at night to prevent 160 all-licensed free to say or do anything.
or smooth out wrinkles (OED sb la). Lear quib- 162 carp find fault, cavil.
bles on the two senses of 'frontlet', asking Gonerill 163 rank gross, excessive.
['331 TLN 716-34 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.4.182
167 it] F; not in Q 169 redresses| F; redresse Q 170 Which] F; that Q 173 Will] F; must Q 173 proceeding] F;
proceedings Q 174 know] v; trow Q 175-6 The . . . young.] Pope's lineation; as prose Q, F 176 it's] F,- it Q 176 by
it] F,- beit Q 179-82 I . . . are.] F lineation: as prose Q 179 I] F; Come sir, I Q 180 Whereof. . . fraught,] Q; (Whereof
. . . fraught), F 181 which] v; that Q 181 transport] F; transforme Q
183 May . . . horse As Lear remains stunned by 188 Ha! Waking? Lear pinches or shakes him-
what he is hearing, the Fool again interposes, refer- self to be sure he is not asleep and dreaming.
ring sarcastically to the proverbial inversion of the 192 admiration (pretended) astonishment,
cart and the horse. wonderment. Compare Ham. 1.2.192.
183-4 Whoop . . . thee Gonerill makes a threat- 192 savour characteristic (literally, taste).
ening gesture that elicits this mock protestation of 193 Of other your Of your other (anastrophe).
love, possibly the tag from an old song. 193 pranks childish misbehaviour. Gonerill's
184 Jug Nickname for Joan, often = whore, as terminology reflects her attitude to her father.
in Cambyses 2 5 1 - 2 : "Rufe. I wil give thee sixpence 195 should you should.
to lye one night with thee. Meretrix. Gogs hart, 196-200 Here . . . brothel Compare 1.3.7 n -
slave, doost thinke I am a sixpenny jug?1 (NS). 197 disordered disorderly.
187 notion understanding. 197 deboshed Variant of 'debauched1.
187-8 discernings . . . lethargied intellec- 197 bold impudent.
tual faculties or ability to discriminate is dulled, 199 epicurism gluttony.
paralysed. Moved almost to incoherence, Lear does 201 graced endowed with graces, favoured,
not complete the either/or construction. Compare adorned with honour (Onions).
2.4.263. 202 desired requested.
188-90; Ha . . . shadow On F'S revisions, see 204 disquantity reduce the size or number of.
Textual Analysis, p. 267 below.
l'3S] TLN 759-74 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.4.217
205 remainders| F; remainder Q 207 Which] F; That Q 207 devils!] Q; Diuels. F 211-12 You . . . betters] Rome's
lineation; as prose Q, F 212-16 Woe . . . sea-monster.] F lineation; as prose Q 212 Woe] F,- We Q 212 repents!] F;
repent's, () sir, are you come? Q *2i3 will? Speak, sir.] Johnson; will, speake Sir? F; will that wee Q 213 my] F,- any
Q 215 show'st] shew'st F; shewest Q 217 ALBANY Pray . . . patient.] F; not in Q, which continues Lear's speech without
205 remainders . . . depend i.e. the rest of and knights are paralysed by events. At 227 Lear
your followers. urges his people out, but their departure seems fur-
206 besort suit, befit. ther delayed until 244.
207 Which . . . you Who know their places and 216 sea-monster No monster of the deep has
yours. been satisfactorily identified, but the ocean, tradi-
207 Darkness and devils Lear explodes with tionally a home of horrors, was also cold and piti-
anger at this point. Peter Brook staged the scene less. The sea-monster that destroyed Hippolvtus
thus: 'Incensed by [Gonerill's] words, Lear over- probably best fits the context (Hunter). In the 1581
turns the dinner-table and storms out. This is the translation of Seneca's Phaedra, it has a 'marble
cue for general pandemonium as the knights, fol- neck' and is sent as a punishment for filial ingrat-
lowing their master's example, tip chairs, throw itude.
plates and generally demolish the chamber' (C. 217 ALBANY . . . patient See Textual Analysis,
Marowitz, 'Lear Log', Tula ne Drama Review p. 279 below.
8 (1963), 113). This representation is extreme 217 be patient Coverdale's definition of
(Rosenberg, p. 121). Lear's knights may appear dis- patience is 'the precious pearl', the Christian virtue
orderly in varying degrees; compare 218-21 below that guards against forsaking charity and falling
and Booth, p. 50. into wrath (Danby, p. 29). 'Lear's passion rises.
208 Saddle . . . together Lear's servants seem Albany - always the "moral fool" - calls out the
frozen here; thus, he must order them again at 227 advice from the devotionahsts appropriate for the
(see n.) and 244. Nevertheless, Oxford adds SD Exit occasion . . . Patience is the only remedy in cases
one or more. such as Lear's. Lear, however, flings into the angry
212 Woe i.e. woe to him who. venom of his outburst against Goneril. Patience is
213 Speak, sir Albany is astonished at what is something he has yet to learn' (Danby, p. 177).
happening. Compare Hoeniger, who notes that patience is
213 Prepare my horses Again, no SD appears, the only virtue that can cure intemperate passion
though Oxford repeats Exit one or more. Either the (p. 325). At 2.4.264 Lear prays for patience, and by
servants ignore Lear's commands, or his attendants 4.5.170 he preaches it to Gloucester.
i.4.217 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 775-96 ['J6]
217 kite A carrion bird particularly despised by Kent and Knights, but their departure appears fur-
Shakespeare. Muir cites Armstrong, Shakespeare's, ther delayed until 244.
Imagination, 1946, pp. 12, 17. 230 Nature The goddess Lear appeals to is very
218 choice and rarest parts select and special different from Edmond's (1.2.1). It is closer to a
qualities. personification of the orthodox Elizabethan con-
220-1 in . . . name i.e. on every single point ception of nature as described, for example, by
justify and uphold their honourable reputation. Richard Hooker in Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical
221 worships dignity, honour. 'Abstract nouns Polity, i.iii: '. . . God being the author of Nature,
are often pluralized when they refer to more than her voice is but his instrument' (cited by Danby,
one person' (Kittredge). p. 26). Lear's curse is very much like those of the
223 engine mechanical contrivance; here, one Old Testament. Hunter cites Deut. 28.15, J8- In
used for levering, not the rack. the eighteenth century (in Tate's adaptation), this
223-4 wrenched . . . place i.e. pried loose the was regarded as a high point of the drama,
structure of my being from its foundations. The 230 dear precious.
metaphor is of an overturned edifice or building. 235 derogate debased (Onions); but compare
Lear implies that Cordelia was the centre of his Cotgrave: dérogé 'disabled; also . . . abolished in
being. part'. If Gonerill's 'organs' were dried up, her body
225 gall bitterness; literally, bile, secreted by the would be 'derogate' in the latter sense,
liver. 236 teem be fruitful, have offspring.
226 B e a t . . . gate Pope and others add SD Strtk- 237 of spleen i.e. entirely of malice, as in Cor.
ing his head. 4-5-9 1 -
227 Go . . . people Some editors add SD Exeunt
['37] TLN 797-819 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.4.255
Enter LEAR
238 thwart disnatured| v; thouit disuetur'd Q 240 cadent] F; accent Q 242 feel] F; feele, that she may feele Q 244
Away, away! ] F; goe, goe, my people? Q 244 SD] This edn; not in Q; Exit F; Exit Lear and Attendants Rome {after 265) 245
Now . . . this?] Q; two lines divided adore, / Whereof F 246-8 Never . . . it.] F lineation; as prose Q 246 more of it,]
F; the cause, Q 248 As] v; that Q 248 SD] V; not in Q 249-50 What . . . fortnight?] F lineation; as prose Q 250
What's] F; What is Q 251 I'll . . . ashamed] Rowe's lineation; two lines divided thee: / Life F 251 SD] Theobald; not
m Q, F 252-65 That . . . forever.] F lineation (except 254); as prose Q 253 which] F; that Q 254 Should . . . thee!]
Rowe's lineation; two lines divided them. / Blasts F 254 thee worth them. Blasts] F,- the worst blasts Q 254-5 thee! /
Th'untented] F; the vntender Q uncorr.; the vntented Q con:
238 thwart perverse, cross-grained. counts explanations that depend upon realism and
238 disnatured unnatural, lacking natural feel- praises instead 'the bold foreshortening that makes
ings. the loss of fifty followers seem the consequence
240 cadent falling. of an absence during which only four lines are
240 fret make or form by wearing away. spoken'.
241 pains care. 249 at a clap at one stroke.
243 How . . . is The wording recalls Ps. 140.3: 250 Within a fortnight? Either this is part of
'Thei haue sharpened their tongues like a serpent' the ultimatum, or it suggests the length of time
(Malone). Lear has been with Gonerill so far.
247 disposition mood, humour. 5 3 - 4 That these . . . them That you appear
248 As That. to be worth the tears that uncontrollably fall from
249-50 What . . . fortnight Gonerill has said me.
nothing to Lear about halving his train; presum- 254 Blasts Gusts of pestilential foul air.
ably someone informs him of her order in the brief 255 untented untentable, i.e. too deep for prob-
time he is off-stage, and the news drives him back ing with a tent (probe or absorbent wedge used for
for further confrontation. But Hunter rightly dis- cleaning wounds: OED sb^ 1 and 2).
1.4-256 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 8 2 0 - 3 9 [/j#]
256 Pierce] F; peruse Q uncorr.; pierce Q con: 256 thee. Old] F; the old Q 257 ye] F; you Q 258 cast you) v; you cast
Q 258 loose] F; make Q 259 clay.] F; clay, yea, i'st come to this? Q 259 Ha! . . . so.] F; not in Q 260 I have another]
F; yet haue I left a Q 261 Who] F; whom Q 265 forever.] F; for euer, thou shalt I warrant thee. Q 265 SD] F,- not in
Q 265 that?] F; that my Lord? Q 266-7 I • • • >ou -J F Uneation: as prose Q 267 you - ] Theobald (suhst.); you, Q; you.
F 267 Pray you, content.] F,- Come sir no more, Q 268 What, Oswald, ho!] F; not in Q 269 You, sir,] v; you, Q 270
Nuncle . . . thee] As prose Q; two verse lines divided: Lear, / Tarry, F, Oxford 270 tarry,] v; tary and Q 270 with thee]
F; with Q 271-5 A fox . . . after.] F Uneation; as prose Q
256 fond foolish (as often). 267 Pray you, content Gonerill cuts Albany
257 Beweep this cause again If you cry over off in mid sentence in both Q and F, but the man-
this once more. ner in F is somewhat gentler, as Duthie, p. 35, and
258 loose let loose, release. But'lose'is also pos- McLeod, pp. 176-7, agree. On F'S alterations of
sible, as the spellings were interchangeable. Muir Gonerill's role, see Textual Analysis, p. 73 above,
suggests a quibble. 270 take . . . thee 'An absolutely perfect pun.
259 temper soften by moistening. Compare The literal sense is obvious; but the phrase was a
2H6 3.1.311: 'And temper clay with blood of regular farewell gibe: "Take the epithet'fool'with
Englishmen'. you as you go!" ' (Kittredge).
259-60 Ha! . . . daughter An example of F 271-5 A fox . . . after The rhymes here may
substitution for Q. Compare Duthie, pp. 36, 172, have been phonetically exact, possibly involving
and Stone, p. 234, who believe the Q half-line was a patchwork of colloquial pronunciations. Neither
accidentally omitted and should be restored. Some the / in 'halter' nor the/in 'after' was pronounced,
metrical disruption is manifest, but short lines are Compare Ben Jonson's rhymes, water: daughter:
not uncommon in F, similar substitutions occur slaughter: after in 'On the Birth of the Lady Mary',
elsewhere (see Textual Analysis, pp. 78-9 above), which Elizabethans would not have regarded as
and other evidence of revision appears; hence, vulgar or rustic, but 'undoubtedly a source of
conflation (which does not perfect the metre) is amusement and appreciative comment' (Kokeritz,
unwarranted. p. 183; compare Cercignani, p. 211).
261 comfortable able to comfort, comforting. 273 sure to certainly go to.
[•39] TLN 840-64 The Tragedy of King Lear 1.4.294
275 so] F; not in Q 276-87 This . . . th'unfitness - ] F; not in Q 276 This . . . knights?] Rowe's lineation; two lines
divided Counsell, / A F *278 knights? | Hantner; Knights: F 287 th'unfitness - ] Rome; th'vnfitnesse. F 287 SD] F; not
in Q 287 How now, Oswald?] F; What Oswald, ho. Oswald. Here Madam. Q 288 that] F,- this Q 289 Ay,] I F; Yes
Q 290-300 Take . . . well.] F lineation; as prose Q 291 fear] F; feares Q 294 And hasten] F; and after Q uncon:, Q2;
& hasten Q con: 294 SD] Rowe; not in Q, F
274 halter hangman's noose. uses the rhetorical device of antimetabole (Joseph,
276-87 This . . . unfitness On F'S addition, see p. 81). Compare Tro. 3.3.178-9.
Textual Analysis, p. 279 below. 288 What . . . writ At 1.3.21, Gonerill says she
276 This man i.e. Lear. Gonerill speaks sarcas- will write to her sister at once, but the letter cannot
tically. contain what Lear has just said, and presumably
278 At point In (armed) readiness. she means she has commissioned Oswald to write
279 buzz whisper, rumour. for her.
280 enguard put a guard around, protect. 291 full fully.
281 in mercy in fee, at (his) mercy. 291 particular own.
282 fear . . . trust too far Compare 'Fear is 293 compact strengthen, confirm.
one part of prudence1 (Tilley F135, cited by NS). 294 return Although Gonerill orders Oswald to
283 still always (as often). return, she meets him instead at Gloucester's castle
284 N o t . . . taken Rather than constantly live in (2.4).
fear of being overtaken by those dangers. Gonerill
1.4-294 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 864-77 [ 7 4°]
294 No, no] F; NOW Q 295 milky] F,- mildie Q uncorr.; milkie Q corr. 296 condemn] F; dislike Q *297 You are]
F2; y'are Q; Your are F *297 ataxed for] ataxt for Dut hie, conj. Greg; alapt Q uncorr., Q2,- attaskt for Q corr.; at task
for F 298 praised] F; praise Q 300 better, oft] F; better ought, Q 302 th'event] the'uent F; the euent Q Act 1,
Scene 5 1.5] Scena Qiiinta. F; not in Q *o SD] Q2; Enter Lear. Q; Enter Leur, Kent, Gentleman, and Foole. v
3 demand question. look slightly different, they are essentially the same.
3 out of from, suggested by. 12 like this i.e. like this daughter.
6 were't i.e. his brains, taken as singular. 12 crab crab-apple; a small, sour wild apple.
7 kibes chilblains. The Fool refers first to Kent's Wright (cited by Furness) quotes Lyly, Euphues:
promise of speedy service, then ( n - 1 3 ) to Lear's 'The sower Crabbe hath the shew of an Apple as
foolish journey that shows he has no wit, even in well as the sweet Pippin.'
his heels. 15-19 Thou . . . into An example of the Fool's
9 thy . . . slipshod your brains will not have to rapidly shifting focus though the answer to his
wear slippers (because of chilblains); you are witless question adheres to the main issue of perception.
to begin with (in going to Regan and thinking to 16 on's of his.
find succour there). The joke has sometimes been 20 I . . . wrong Lear broods on his treatment of
used as a cue for actors playing the Fool to do Cordelia. Compare 'O most small fault' (1.4.221).
handstands or somersaults (Rosenberg, p. 137). D. G. James, The Dream of Learning, 1951, pp. 94-
11 Shalt Thou shalt. 6, believes Lear refers to Gonerill.
11 kindly (1) affectionately, (2) according to her 23-5 why a snail . . . in Compare Tilley, S580:
kind (the same as Gonerill's). 'Like a snail he keeps his house on his head' (NS).
1 1 - 1 5 though . . . to a crab The Fool makes an 25 put 's put his.
ironic joke, continuing the play on 'kindly': only a 26 horns An allusion to the cuckold's horns;
fool could think there is any real difference between being cuckolded was the inevitable fate of married
Regan and Gonerill. Though Regan and Gonerill men, according to the standard (and much
1.5.27 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 906-25 U42]
28 'em] F; them Q 29 mo] F; more Q 31 indeed] F; not in Q 36 till] F; before Q 37-9 O . . . ready?] Pope's lineation;
as prose Q, F 37 not mad] F; not in Q 38 Keep] F,- I would not be mad, keepe Q 38 SD| Theobald; not in Q, F 39 How
now,] F; not in Q 40 SH] F; Seruant. Q 41 boy] F; boy. Exit. Q 42 that's] F; that is Q 43 unless] F; except Q 43 SD]
F; Exit. Q
repeated) Elizabethan joke. The legitimacy of Gonerill, here Lear may be thinking of Gonerill's
Lear's elder daughters is again brought into ques- rescinding the privileges she agreed to grant him
tion, and Lear's destitution predicted. (Steevens).
27 forget lose. 32 perforce by force.
27 nature Either (1) generally: character, 37-8 O . . . mad The fear is occasioned by
disposition; or (2) specifically: paternal instincts; 'wise' = in one's right mind, in the Fool's pre-
or (3) both. ceding gibe (NS). Lear's passion is rising, and
28 asses An obvious quibble. the 'unnatural' events are approaching a climax.
28-9 The reason . . . reason An example of Hoeniger describes Lear's madness in Renaissance
the fallacy of begging the question, i.e. when the terms as 'acute hypochondriac melancholy devel-
conclusion, or question to be proved, stands as one oping into mania' (p. 330) and traces it from here
of the premises (Joseph, p. 198). through 4.5.
29 mo more. 42-3 She . . . shorter The Fool addresses the
31 thou . . . fool 'There is bite in Fool's answer audience and warns naif s against a simplistic (i.e.
. . . Fool's jokes are not working, line by line Lear merely humorous) interpretation of his role and (by
slips further away from communication . . . as Fool extension) of all experience. He puns on 'depar-
incites Lear to sanity, he baits him, too, and the ture' (pronounced like 'departer' and rhyming
pitch rises' (Rosenberg, p. 139). with 'shorter': Kokeritz, pp. 169, 226; Cercignani,
32 To take't again i.e. to resume his pp. 114, 263), and on the bawdy sense of'things',
sovereignty Lear's mutterings, when he does not perhaps putting his bauble (= a phallus) between
directly respond to the Fool, are not fully coher- his legs as he mimes the lines (Wiles, pp. 190-1).
ent. As at 20 'her' could refer to either Cordelia or
[143] 9 2 7 _ 49 The Tragedy of King Lear 2.1.19
Act 2, Scene i 2.11 Actus Secundus. Scena Prima, F; not in Q o SD] F; Enter Bast, and Curan meeting, Q 2 - 4 And . . .
night.] As prose Q,- four verse lines ending . . . bin / . . . notice / . . . Duchesse / . . . night. F *2 you] Q; your F 3
Regan] F; not in Q 4 this] F; to Q *6 abroad?] Duthie; abroad, Q, F 7 they] F,- there Q 7 ear-kissing] F; eare-bussing
Q 9 Not I;] F; Not, I Q 10-11 Have . . . Albany?] Q; not in Q2, which also omits 12; two verse lines divided toward, /
'Twixt F 10 toward] iv towards Q 10 Dukes] F,- two Dukes Q 13 You . . . sir.] Q; two lines divided time. / Fare F 13
do] F; not in Q 13 SD] F; not in Q 14-27 The . . . yourself.] F lineation; as prose Q *i4 better,] Rowe; better Q, F 18
I must act. Briefness and Fortune, work] v; must aske breefnes and fortune helpe Q
*i9 SD] Theobald; in margin before ij Q; after 18 F 20 sir,] F; not in Q 23 Cornwall?) F; Cornwall ought, Q 24
i'th'night] F; in the night Q 24 i'th'haste] F; it'h hast Q 26 'gainst] F; against Q 27 yourself.] F; your - Q 28-36
I . . . help?] F lineation (except 30); as prose Q 29 cunning] F,- crauing Q 30 Draw . . . well.] Capell's linealion; two
lines divided your selfe, / Now F 30 Draw] F; not in Q 31 SD] This edn; not in Q, F 31 ho| F; here Q 32 brother! -
Torches,] Brother, Torches, F; brother flie, torches, Q 32 SD] F; not in Q 34 SD] Rome; not in Q, F 36 No| Q, F; Ho
21 Intelligence Information. gest, however, that the duel is a sham from first
23 spoken 'gainst Edmond is not wildly specu- to last, even though Edmond might be better off
lating, but planting seeds of doubt in Edgar's mind with Edgar dead.
concerning his safety, as he does at 25-6. 30 quit you acquit yourself; with a possible play
24 i'th'haste i.e. in haste. on the sense 'leave'.
27 on't of it. 3 3 - 4 beget . . . endeavour i.e. cause people to
29-30 In cunning . . . yourself Playing on his think that my efforts were fiercer than they actually
brother's naivety, as in 1.2, Edmond implies that were in the struggle.
his 'cunning', or craft, is used on Edgar's behalf, 34-5 drunkards . . . sport Young gallants some-
though in fact the opposite is true. Rosenberg, times stabbed their own arms so that they could
pp. 142-3, questions whether Edmond here intends drink the healths of their mistresses in blood (Col-
to kill Edgar (the 'queasy question', 17) and claim lier, cited by Furness). Several references to the
self-defence. But citing the duel in 5.3, Rosenberg practice appear in dramatic literature; e.g. Steevens
notes that Edgar, a better swordsman, frustrates cites a relevant passage from Marston's The Dutch
Edmond's design, unless Edmond himself has a Courtesan 4.1, and Kittredge cites Middleton's A
change of heart at the last moment. 33-4 sug- Trick to Catch the Old One 5.2.108.
{•45} TLN 970-88 The Tragedy of King Lear 2.1.51
36 SD] F; Enter Glost. Q 36 where's] F; where is Q 37-9 Here . . . mistress.] F lineation; as prose Q 38 Mumbling] F;
warbling Q 39 stand) F; stand's Q, Oxford; stand his Q2 *4i could - ] Q; could. F 42 ho] F,- not in Q 42 SD] Dyce
(subst.); not in Q, F 43-84 Persuade . . . capable.] F lineation; as prose Q 44 revenging] F; reuengiue Q 45 the thunder]
F; their thunders Q 46 manifold] F; many fould Q 47 to'th'] F; to the Q 47 fine] F; a fine Q 49 in] F,- with Q 51
latched] F; lancht Q
52 AndJ F,- but Q 53 quarrel's right,] F; quarrels, rights Q 53 th'] v; the Q 54 ghasted] Knight; gasted Q, F 55
Full] F,- but Q *s6-7 uncaught; / And found, dispatch. The] Steevem (mbsl.); vncaught / And found; dispatch, the
F; vncaught and found, dispatch, the Q 61 coward] F; caytife Q 67 would the reposal] F; could the reposure Q *Ô9
I should] Q; should I F 70 *ay,] I, Q; not in F 72 practice] F; pretence Q
75 spirits] v; spurres Q 76 sn] F; after yy, Met lone; not in Q 76 O strange] F; Strong Q 77 said he?] F; I neuer got
him, Q *78 why] Q; wher F 82 due] F; not in q 84 SD] F; Enter the Duke of Cornwall. Q 85-94 How . . . father?] F
linealion; as prose Q *86 strange news.] Q; strangenesse F
75 pregnant and potential spirits i.e. spir- got him' leaves an irregular line, but conflation,
its fertile and powerful in incitement. Many edi- as Duthie recommends (p. 173) and many edi-
tors, ignoring a possibly mixed metaphor ('preg- tors read, does not help metrically. Duthie believes
nant spurs'), adopt Q'S reading as better suiting 'said he?' was meant as an addition, not a substitu-
the sense. Duthie, p. 173, thinks the F collator or tion, and was misinterpreted by the scribe or col-
compositor may have misread 'spurres' and thus lator preparing copy for F. Gloucester's agitation
miscorrected Q. But Sisson, p. 232, argues that the lends itself to hypermetrical speech, interrupted
sense and language of the whole speech points to by the trumpet announcing Cornwall and Regan's
'spirits', with 'pregnant and potential' fitting evil arrival.
spirits and referring back to 'damned practice' (72). 79 ports seaports; but possibly gates of walled
Shakespeare often juxtaposes 'potent' and 'spirits' towns, too.
(Muir, adopting F, as does Riverside). 80—1 his picture . . . near Before xerography
76 SD Tucket within Most editors place SD after or even photography, this method of apprehend-
77, but space considerations did not force Com- ing malefactors was used. Furness cites Nobody and
positor B to insert it earlier, and Gloucester's pre- Somebody (1606): 'Let him be straight imprinted to
occupation with Edmond's news naturally suggests the life: / His picture shall be set on euery stall, /
a delayed response. A tucket (from Italian toccata) And proclamation made, that he that takes him, /
is a succession of notes on a trumpet distinguished Shall haue a hundred pounds of Somebody.'
from a flourish. Gloucester recognises the particu- 83 natural The ambiguity - (1) naturally loyal
lar melody or sequence as Cornwall's (78). and loving, (2) illegitimate - is further compounded
76 strange (1) monstrous (of human species), since 'natural' could also refer to a legitimate
(2) unnatural, alienated (of human kinship). child. Thus Gloucester may already indicate that
76 fastened confirmed, hardened. Edmond is his heir (Muir).
77 said he? F'S substitution for Q'S 'I neuer 84 capable i.e. legallv able to inherit patrimonv.
2.1.88 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1028-53 ['4SI
88 th'] F; the Q 89 O] F,- not in Q 89 it's] F; is Q 92 O] F; I Q 94 tended] F; tends Q 96 of that consort] F; not
in Q 99 th'expense and waste] F; these - and wast Q uncon:; the wast and spovlc Q corr. 99 his) F, Q corr.; this his Q
uncorr. 102-3 That . . . there.] F lineation; one line Q 103-5 Nor . . . office.] F linealion; as prose Q 104 hear] F; heard
Q 104 shown] shewne F; shewen Q 105 It was] F; Twas Q 106 bewray] F; betray Q no—16 If . . . on.] F lineation;
as prose Q
88 dost i.e. dost thou. Since Regan never again 96 consort band, company; accented on second
addresses Gloucester in the second-person familiar, syllable.
Furness believes the F2 emendation, 'does', should 97 though if.
be adopted, though his text follows Q/F. 97 ill affected badly disposed, disloyal.
90 my father's godson Regan begins to make 98 put him on put him on or up to.
a series of associations connecting Edgar and Lear 99 th'expense the spending,
with mischief and disorder. Compare 93-4. 99 revenues Accented on second syllable.
94 tended upon Although many editors fol- 101 them i.e. Lear's knights,
low Theobald and emend 'tended' to 'tend', 103 assure thee be assured,
thus preserving the metre, Abbott 472 (cited by 105 child-like office filial service.
Furness, Duthie) indicates that -ed was often not 106 bewray expose, reveal,
pronounced after a d or t\ hence, the emenda- m - 1 2 Make . . . please i.e. carry out your
tion, which also changes the tense, is unneces- plan to capture Edgar, using whatever means in
sary. my name you please.
[i49\ TLN 1054-73 The Tragedy of King Lear 2.1.129
116-17 I . . . else.] Pope's linen lion; one line Q, F 116 sir] F; not in Q 119 threading] F; threatning Q 120 prize] F;
prise Q uncorr.; poyse Q con: 123 differences] F, Q con:; defences Q uncorr. 123 best] F, Q uncon:; lest Q con: *i23
thought] Q; though F 124 home] F, Q con:; hand Q uncon: 126-8 Lay . . . use.] F lineation; two lines divided councell /
To Q 127 businesses] F; busines Q 128-9 I • . . welcome] F; one line Q 129 SD] F; (Exeunt Q (after vse, 12/)
114 ours The royal plural. and again at 123 Q'S press-corrections are author-
115 we . . . need Cornwall alludes to impending itative and were simply overlooked by the F col-
broils with either Lear or Albany (Hunter). lator ('Date and authorship', pp. 362-3). Duthie,
116 seize on 'take legal possession of (a vassal)' pp. 139-40, rejects Q corr. 'poyse', since he believes
(NS); but Cornwall may not be using the term F'S 'prize' came from a playhouse manuscript,
technically. 123 which Not the differences, or quarrels, but
118 you? Many editions (e.g. Muir, Oxford) fol- the letters (Delius, cited by Muir).
low Rowe and change the question mark to a dash, 124 To . . . home Regan leaves her home so
making Regan cut Cornwall off in mid speech. But that she will have an easier way to put Lear off
by interposing herself and relegating Cornwall to and to consult with Gonerill. But, dramaturgically,
second fiddle, Regan does not necessarily interrupt her arrival and Cornwall's at Gloucester's castle
her husband (NS). bring all the principal characters of the main plot
119 out of season i.e. untimely travel by night. together (except Cordelia and Albany) for the cli-
119 threading dark-eyed night A precise mactic episodes that end this act and the next
metaphor conveying the difficulties of travel along (Bradley, p. 449).
unlit roads and byways, with a quibble on the eye 124 from i.e. away from.
of a needle (NS). 125 attend dispatch are waiting to be sent back
120 prize importance. See collation. Oxford (with replies).
reads 'poise': Taylor argues, against Greg, that here 128 craves . . . use demands immediate action.
2.2.1 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1075-92 [150]
Act 2, Scene 2 2.2] Sccna Sccunda. F; not in Q o SD] severally] F; not m Q 1 da\vning| F; deuen Q uncorr.; euen Q
con: 1 this] F; the Q 5 lov'st] F; loue Q *i4 three-suited, hundred-pound,] three snyted hundred pound Q uncorr.;
three shewted hundred pound Q corn; three-suited-hundred pound F,- three-suited, hundred pound F2 14-15 worsted-
stocking] woosted-stocking F; wosted stocken Q uncorr.; worsted-stocken Q corr. 15 action-taking] F; action taking
knaue, a Q 16 superserviceable, finical] F; superfinicall Q *i6 one-trunk-inheriting] F3; one trunckc inheriting Q; one
Trunke-inheriting F, F2
19 one] F; not in r Q *20 clamorous] Q ion:; clamarous Q ttncorr.; clamours F 20 deniest] F; dénie Q 21 thy] F; the
Q 22 Why] F; not in Q 23 that is| F; that's Q 23 thee!] thee. Q; thee? F 24 brazen-faced] F; brazen fac't Q 25 me!]
mee, Q; me? F 25 days . . . thee| F; dayes agoe since I beat thee, and tript vp thy heelcs Q 26 yet] F; not in Q 27 o'th']
F; of the Q 27 of you] F; a'you, draw Q 28 SD] After 2g, Rome; not in Q, F 31 come with | r, bring Q *33 shanks - ]
Rowe; shankes, Q; shanks, F 36 strike!] strike? Q corn; strike. Q uncorr., F 37 murder, murder-j murther, murther. F;
murther, helpe. Q
17 be a bawd . . . service i.e. do anything, no interchangeable with the figure of Pride (one of the
matter how dishonourable, and consider it good Seven Deadly Sins). The figure appears often in
service. Renaissance iconography, though not in any extant
18 composition compound. Morality plays, as commentators (following John-
19 heir 'A fine touch! - not merely the son, son) have been misled into believing (Meagher,
but the heir, inheriting all the mongrel's qualities' pp. 252-3). Kent refers to Gonerill thus because
(Kittredge). as part of her costume she wears a hand-mirror
21 addition A mark of distinction, something (compare 3.2.33-4); but Meagher fails to connect
added to a man's name or coat-of-arms to denote Gonerill's vanity with her servant Oswald's, which
his rank, title (Onions); here used ironically. Kent detests. 'Puppet' is also a 'contemptuous term
24 varlet rogue, rascal. for a person (usually a woman)' (OED sv sb 1,
27 sop o'th'moonshine Kent threatens to beat cited by NS). Compare 'poppet' = darling, pet,
Oswald so badly that he will be worthless except to or dolled-up woman.
soak up moonlight. He may also allude to sopping 33 carbonado cut crosswise for broiling.
up 'eggs in moonshine', a dish of fried eggs and 34 come your ways come on, come along; as
onions (Nares, cited by Furness). in Tro. 3.2.44. Kent tries to get Oswald to fight,
28 cullionly despicable. but he comically keeps backing away, refusing the
28 barber-monger frequenter of barbershops; encounter. (Some editors follow Rowe and insert a
hence, a vain fop. SD after 36: Beats him.)
32 Vanity the puppet's part Vanity as a proud, 36 neat elegant, foppish.
self-admiring woman was emblematic, virtually
2.2.38 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1117-40 I'S*]
EDMOND How now, what's the matter? Part!
KENT With you, goodman boy, if you please; come, I'll flesh ye;
come on, young master. 40
G L O U C E S T E R Weapons? Arms? What's the matter here?
C O R N W A L L Keep peace, upon your lives; he dies that strikes
again. What is the matter?
R E G A N T h e messengers from our sister and the king?
C O R N W A L L What is your difference - speak! 45
O S W A L D I am scarce in breath, my lord.
K E N T N o marvel, you have so bestirred your valour, you cowardly
rascal. Nature disclaims in thee: a tailor made thee.
C O R N W A L L T h o u art a strange fellow - a tailor make a man?
K E N T A tailor, sir, a stone-cutter, or a painter could not have made 50
him so ill, though they had been but two years o'th'trade.
CORNWALL Speak yet, how grew your quarrel?
O S W A L D T h i s ancient ruffian, sir, whose life I have spared at suit
of his grey beard -
K E N T T h o u whoreson zed, thou unnecessary letter! M y lord, i f you 55
will give me leave, I will tread this unbolted villain into mortar
and daub the wall o f a jakes with him. Spare m y grey beard,
you wagtail?
37 SD] F; Enter Edmond with his rapier drawne, Glosler the Duke and Dulchesse. Q 38 Fart!| Part, v; not in Q 39 if] F;
and Q 39 ye] F; you Q 43 What is] F,- what's Q 44 king?] F; King. o_ 45 What is] F; W hats Q 50 A] 17 I, a Q 51
they] F; hee Q 51 years] F,- houres Q 51 o'th'] o'th' F3; oth' F, Y 2; at the Q 52 .sn| t\- G lost. Q 53 ruffian] F; ruffen
Q *54 grey beard - ] Rome (suhst.); gray-beard. Q, F 55-6 you will] F; you'l Q 57 \vall| 17 walks Q
37 SD Since Edmond's name precedes those of speare knows that art is long' (Greg, Editorial Prob-
the others, who outrank him, he may actually enter lem, p. 91).
first and try to separate Kent and Oswald (who may 55 unnecessary letter The letter c is 'unnec-
have drawn his sword by now). Oxford alters the essary' because its function is largely taken over by
SD accordingly. See collation: in Q, Edmond enters .s-; dictionaries of the time ignored the letter, which
with his rapier drawne. is not used in Latin (Muir). As a parasite, Oswald
39 With you Kent here turns to Edmond, chal- is 'unnecessary'.
lenging him. 56 unbolted (1) unsifted (of flour or cement),
39 goodman boy A contemptuous term of hence (2) unmitigated, or (3) undiscovered,
address for a presumptuous young man. unexamined; (4) released of fetters or bolts (as a
39 flesh initiate (i.e. into tasting blood, fighting); villain should not be); (5) effeminate, impotent (i.e.
as in 1H4 5.4.130. lacking a 'bolt').
45 difference quarrel. 57 jakes privy.
48 disclaims in thee disavows, renounces hav- 58 wagtail '(used as a term of contempt) obse-
ing any part in you. quious person' (Onions); compare OED sv sh 3b,
48 a tailor made thee Referring to Oswald's 'contemptuous term for a profligate or inconstant
fancy clothes but hollow character, Kent alludes woman'. Oswald is too scared to stand still and,
to the proverb, 'The tailor makes the man' (Tilley hopping about, resembles the actions of a bird,
T17), as Guiderius does in Cytn. 4.2.81-3, describ- the wagtail (Kittredge). Kent may also strike out
ing Cloten. against him again, prompting Cornwall's response.
51 years Q'S 'houres' is a vulgarisation; 'Shake-
l'S3] TLN 1141-55 The Tragedy of King Lear 2.2.73
59-60 Peace . . . reverence? | F lineation; one line Q 60 know you] F; you haue Q 61 hath] F; has Q 64 Who] F;
That Q 65 the holy] 1 •'; those Q 65 a-twain] V; in twaine Q *66 too intrince] Capell; to intrench, Q; t'intrince, F 66
t'unloose I F,-to inloose Q 68 Being | v; Bring Q 68 fire] F; stir Q 68 the] F,-their Q *69 Renege] Reneag Q; Reuenge
F 70 gall] I',- gale Q 71-3 Knowing . . . fool?] F lineation: two lines divided epileptick [turned over] I Visage Q 71
dogs] F; dayes Q 73 Smile | smoyle Q; Smoile F
61 anger . . . privilege Tilley L458, citing John a melancholy mood, which is a cold mood, the
4.3.32: 'Impatience hath his privilege' (NS). flatterers are snow to that mood, keep it cold'
63 sword A symbol of manhood. (pp. 142-3).
64 smiling rogues Compare Ham. 1.5.105-7, 69 Renege Deny. Compare 4.5.94-7. Q is clearly
where Hamlet refers to Claudius as 'a smiling right here; F results from Compositor E's misread-
damned villain'. ing copv (Doran, p. 91; compare Duthie, pp. 1 3 -
65 rats, oft bite Compare Tilley M135: 'A 14).
mouse in time may bite in two a cable' (NS). 69 halcyon beaks The bird is the kingfisher,
65 holy cords i.e. sanctified bonds (of matri- which when hung up by the neck or tail could
mony). 'Kent hints that Oswald is "duteous to the serve as a weathervane. Compare Marlowe's The
vices" of his mistress' (NS). Jew of Malta 1.1.38-9: 'But now how stands the
65 a-twain in two. wind? / Into what corner peeres my Halcion's bill?'
66 too intrince too intertwined, tightly bound (Steevens, cited by Furness). Flatterers thus shift
(compare 'intrinsicate', .-/;;/. 5.2.304, and Stone, with their masters' passions.
pp. 52-3). F'S contraction may have been influ- 70 gall and vary Most editors accept Q'S 'gale'
enced, wrongly, by the contraction later of the and treat the words as hendiadvs. Duthie cites
preposition; /' for the adverb is not normal (Tex- 0£D's reference to 'gall-wind' and retains 'gall',
tttal Companion, p. 534), though it is common for since his is an old-spelling edition (NS adopts
the preposition. Both words could be spelled the 'gale'). Oxford reads 'gall' ( = 'a state of men-
same, as they are in Q. (Compare Doran, p. 93, tal soreness or irritation', OED si?2 2), despite
and Duthie, pp. 385-7.) Moreover, 'are' should be F2's emendation supporting Q (Textual Companion,
elided so that 'too' receives the accent. p. 534). The hendiadvs may then signify 'varying
66 smooth flatter, humour (Onions). irritation', a less easy metaphor but not less Shake-
67 rebel i.e. against reason, which should con- spearean.
trol the passions. 72 epileptic visage 'Oswald pale, and trem-
68 Being Although in NS Duthie withdrew bling with fright, was yet smiling and trying to
his earlier defence of F, his argument still makes put on a look of lofty unconcern' (Muir).
excellent sense. Citing 2H6 5.2.51-5, he says that 73 Smile you i.e. smile you at.
'flatterers are oil to the flame of their masters' 73 as as if.
wrath . . . just as when their masters are in, say,
2.2.74 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1156-79 ['54]
74 if] F; and Q 75 drive ye] F,- send you Q 79-80 Why . . . fault?] F lineation; one line Q 80 What is] F; what's Q 80
fault?] F; offence. Q 81 nor . . . nor] F; or . . . or Q 84 Than] Then F; That Q 85-94 This . . . nicely] F lineation;
nine verse lines ending . . . praysd / . . . ruffines, / . . . nature, / . . . plaine, / . . . so, / . . . know / . . . craft, / . . .
ducking / . . . nisely Q 85 some] F,- a Q 87 roughness] F; ruffiness Q 89 An . . . plain,] F; he must be plaine, Q *90
take it,] Rome; take it F,- tak't Q 93 silly-ducking] F; silly ducking Q
74-5 Goose . . . Camelot Though the passage style of plain speech from its inherent function,
is variously interpreted, the main sense is clear. sincerity, and makes it a cloak for craftiness and
Oswald's laughter suggests the cackling of a goose corrupt ends (92) (Clarke, cited by Furness). In
and hence associations with Sarum ( = Salisbury) Shakespeare 'garb' = 'style, fashion (of speech or
Plain, not far from Winchester, where Camelot behaviour); never = "fashion in dress" ' (NS).
may have been located. But it is not certain that 88 his its.
geese were, in fact, found on Sarum Plain, or why 90 And . . . plain i.e. if people will take it, fine;
Shakespeare should make that association. Capell if not, his excuse is that he's plainspoken.
suspected an allusion to 'Winchester goose', i.e. a 92 craft craftiness.
syphilitic person, but Muir thinks the association 92 more corrupter Double comparatives, like
must have been largely unconscious and doubts that double superlatives, are common in Shakespearean
it would have been picked up by an audience. Com- and Elizabethan usage.
pare E. A. Armstrong, Shakespeare's Imagination, 93 silly-ducking observants obsequious ser-
1963, pp. 57-8. vants who foolishly keep bowing.
80 likes pleases. 94 stretch . . . nicely strain the exercise of their
86 affect put on, assume. duties to a fine point.
87-8 constrains . . . nature i.e. he distorts the
Uss] TLN 1180-1200 The Tragedy of King Lear 2.2.113
95 faith] F; sooth Q 95 in] v; or in Q 96 great] v; graund Q *98 flick'ring] Duthie (suhst.); flitkering Q; flicking F;
flickering Pope *98 front - ] Rowe; front, Q, F 98 mean'st] F; mean'st thou Q 99 dialect] F; dialogue Q 103 What
was th'] F; What's the Q 104-6 I . . . misconstruction,] F lineation; two verse lines divided maister / Very Q 107
compact,] v; conjunct Q 109 man] F; man, that, Q 112 fleshment] F; flechuent Q * i i 2 dread] Q; dead F
95-8 Sir . . . front Kent parodies the style and 105 very late most recently,
manner of one of the 'silly-ducking observants', 106 misconstruction misunderstanding, mis-
adopting the idiom of an Oswald (or an Osric). construing.
95 sincere verity A deliberate redundancy for 107 compact in league with, in cahoots with
'good faith'. (the king).
96 aspect (1) countenance, (2) astral position 108 being . . . railed i.e. I being down, he
and influence (in astrology); accent is on the second insulted and railed at me.
syllable. Kent's inflated speech compares Cornwall 109 put . . . man i.e. struck such an attitude of
to a powerful planet or star. manliness.
97 influence Another astrological term (com- n o That worthied him Either (1) that it made
pare him appear very worthy, (2) that it raised him
98 Phoebus' front The sun's forehead. Phoe- to honour or distinction (Onions), or (3) that it
bus was the sun god. made a hero of him (NS). It is not clear, as Muir
99 dialect idiom, manner of speaking. notes, whether the verb derives from the adjec-
100-1 He . . . knave Kent alludes to the person tive (Abbott), or from the noun 'worthy' = hero
Cornwall described above, 85-94, and disassociates (Schmidt), or from Middle English wurthien =
himself accordingly. dignify (Perrett).
102-2 though . . . to't Unsatisfactorily 1 1 1 For . . . subdued'For attacking a man who
explained. Kent probably means that nothing, not offered no resistance' (NS).
even the incentive of Cornwall's further displea- 112 fleshment 'Excitement resulting from a
sure, could induce him to be the kind of 'plain first success' (Onions). Compare 39 above,
knave' Cornwall has described. 112 dread exploit Oswald speaks ironically.
2.2.113 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1201-21 [^56]
113-14 None . . . fool.] F lineation; one line Q 114 Ajax] F; A'Iax Q 114 Fetch] F; Bring Q 114 stocks!] F,- stockes
ho? Q 115 ancient] F; ausrent Q uncorr.; miscreant Q con. 116-18 Sir . . . you.] F lineation; two lines divided me, / I
Q 116 Sir,] F; not in Q 118 employment] F,- imployments Q 119 shall] F; should Q 119 respects] F; respect Q 121
Stocking] F; Stobing Q uncorr.; Stopping Q con: 121-2 Fetch . . . noon.] F lineation; divided honour, / There Q 122
sit] F, Q con:; set Q uncorr. 124-5 Why . . . so.] F lineation; as prose Q 125 should] F; could Q 125 si)] F; after i2j.
Dyce and most later editors (except Oxford); not in Q 126 colour] F; nature Q 127 speaks] F; speake Q 128 so.] so, Q, F
(F omits four lines here) 129-31 The . . . restrained.] F lineation; two lines divided valued / In Q 129 his master needs]
F; not in Q
114 Ajax Kent's muttered response arouses 120 grace and person The position he holds
Cornwall's fierce outburst because he believes Kent as king and himself personally.
identifies him with the foolish Greek warrior who 125 should would.
is easily duped by others (as in Tro.) (NS). Kent's 125 being i.e. since you are.
pun, intentional or otherwise ('Ajax' - 'a Jakes'), 126 colour stripe, complexion.
does not help matters. 127 sister i.e. Gonerill. Elizabethans took the
114 stocks An ancient form of punishment for marriage ceremony literally, husband and wife
servants. In the fifth Earl of Huntington's house- becoming 'one flesh'; hence, a sister-in-law was a
hold, disorderliness or unseemly behaviour towards sister.
one's betters was punished first by a spell in the 127 Come . . . stocks Some editors take this as
stocks, as recorded in Rawdon Hastings MSS. iv the cue to bring out the stocks and move the pre-
(G. M. Young, Times Literary Supplement, 30 Sept. vious SD (125) here. But the change is unnecessary;
1949, p. 633; cited by Muir). Cornwall sees the stocks at this point and directs
115 reverend old. Cornwall is being sarcastic. them to be brought up.
117 I . . . king Kent reminds Cornwall that he 129-31 The king . . . restrained For F'S revi-
is not his servant, but the king's (and thus should sion and cuts here and at 133, see Textual Analysis,
be treated with more consideration). p. 267 below.
[ij7] 1222-41 The Tragedy of King Lear 2.2.147
130 he] r; hee'.s Q 133 gentleman] F; Gentlemen Q 133 assaulted.] F; assalted Q; F omits one line here 133 SD] After
134, Rome; not in Q, F 134 su] v; not in Q, where line is part of Regan's speech 134 my] F; my good Q 134 SD] Dyce;
Exit, F; not in Q *i35 duke's] Dukes Q; Duke F 138 Pray] F; Pray you Q 139 out] F; ont Q 142 The . . . taken.] Q
lineation; two lines divided this, / 'Twill F *\$2. to] Q; too F 142 taken] F; tooke Q 142 SD] F; not in Q 143 saw] F,
Q eon:; say Q union: 144 com'st] F; comest Q
133 SD Kent . . . stocks '[T]he Morality-play and compare 1.2.41, where 'too blame' = too
icon of virtue martyred in the stocks becomes an blameworthy.
icon of social transposition, of the confusion of 143 approve confirm, prove the truth of.
moral values' (Salingar, p. 99; compare Mack, pp. 143 saw saying, proverb.
55-6). 144-5 Thou . . . sun Proverbial for going from
134 Come . . . away Cornwall addresses good to bad (compare Tillev G272, who quotes
Gloucester who, unhappy about the situation, Florio: ' "Da baiante a ferrante": From bad to
remains behind for a few moments. worse, out of gods blessing into the warme sun,
137 rubbed A term from bowls, meaning out of the parlor into the kitchin'). Perhaps used
impeded or deflected. Kittredge compares R2 ironically: bad as Gonerill is, Lear is heading for
34-3-S- worse. Muir cites King Leir 1154: 'he came from
138 watched stayed awake, been up. bad to worse'. Daybreak reminds Kent of the
140 A good . . . heels With mordant humour proverb.
Kent reflects that the usual metaphor, or saying, 146 thou beacon The sun. Its beams may be
has become reality, for him, being in the stocks 'comfortable' (147), i.e. comforting, in so far as they
(Furness). Compare Tillev H389. Colie compares will provide light for Kent to read Cordelia's letter,
Job 13-27. whereas 'the warm sun' (145) in context suggests
141 Give i.e. may God give. less beneficent exposure to the elements.
142 to blame to be blamed; but see collation
2.2.148 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1242-57 Uss\
Peruse this letter. Nothing almost sees miracles
B u t misery. I know 'tis from Cordelia,
Who hath most fortunately been informed 150
Of m y obscured course, a n d shall find time
For this enormous state, seeking to give
L o s s e s their remedies. All weary and o'er-watched,
Take vantage, heavy eyes, not to behold
T h i s shameful lodging. Fortune, goodnight, 155
Smile once more, turn thy wheel. [He sleeps]
2 . 3 Enter EDGAR
148 miracles] F; my rackles Q union:; my wracke Q con: 150 most] F, Q con:; not Q union: *I_SI course, and] Q;
course. And F * i j 2 For] Rowe; From Q, F 152 enormous] F,- enormious Q 153 their] F, Q con:; and Q union: 153
o'er-watched] F; ouerwatch Q 154 Take] F, Q con:; Late Q union: 156 Smile once more,] F; smile, once more Q *ig6
SD] sleepes Q; not in F Act 2, Scene 3 2.3] Steevens; not in Q, F (see Commentary) 1 heard] v; heare Q 4 unusual]
Q; vnusall Q2, F 5 Does] F; Dost Q 5 Whiles] F; while Q
148-9 Nothing . . . misery The most miserable Edmond also refers to Fortune's wheel.
are almost the only ones to witness miracles ('for, 156 SD He sleeps The SD, from Q, indicates that
when we are in despair, any relief seems miracu- Kent remains asleep in the stocks as Edgar enters
lous' (Kittredge)). and gives his soliloquy. Modern editors follow Q,
1 5 1 - 3 and . . . remedies A famous crux. Many keeping Kent on stage (as he would have been at the
editors follow Jennens and assume that Kent is Globe) during Edgar's speech. 'The juxtaposition
reading excerpts from Cordelia's letter, or that the is symbolic, not illusionistic, making a point about
passage is corrupt and some words are missing. Per- two banished men who must disguise themselves
haps Kent cannot fully make out the contents of the and endure humiliation while villains prosper'
letter since it is not yet light enough (Muir). But (D. Bevington, Action Is eloquence, 1984, p. 121).
such considerations may be irrelevant: 'Who' (150)
can be understood as the subject of this clause, too.
Rowe's emendation, 'For' for 'From', is simple and Act 2 , S c e n e 3
easy and makes sense of the lines ( Textual Compan- 0 SD Although the action is continuous, and
ion, P- 5I5)- probably the Globe stage would not be cleared,
152 enormous state monstrous situation, one Edgar's soliloquy warrants a scene to itself; there-
full of enormities. fore, I preserve the traditional scene numbering.
153 o'er-watched exhausted, used too much for 1 proclaimed publicly declared (an outlaw).
'watching'; compare 138 above. 2 happy opportune.
154 Take vantage Take advantage (of your 3 port Compare 2.1.79, where Gloucester orders
fatigue and fall asleep). all ports closed to Edgar.
155 shameful lodging i.e. the stocks. 5 attend my taking stand ready to capture me.
156 turn thy wheel Compare 5.3.164, where 6 a m bethought have an idea.
i'59\ TLN 1258-72 The Tragedy of King Lear 2.3.21
10 elf] F; else Q IO hairs in] F; haire with Q 12 winds] F,- wind Q 12 persecutions] F; persecution Q 15 numbed
. . . arms] F; numb'd and mortified bare armes Q corr; numb'd mortified bare armes Q uncorr. 16 Pins] F, Q corn; Pies
Q uncorr. 16 wooden pricks] wodden prickcs Q,- Wodden-prickes F 17 from] F, Q corr., Q2; frame Q uncorr. 17 farms]
F; seruice Q *i8 sheep-cotes] sheep-coates Q; Sheeps-Coates F 19 Sometimes] F; Sometime Q 20 Turlygod] F, Q
corr., Q2; Tue/ygod Q uncorr.
Act 2, Scene 4 2.4J Steevens; not in Q, F o SD] F; Enter King. Q 1 home] F; hence g *2 messenger) g; Messengers
F 2 su] F; Knight, g 2-4 As . . . remove.) F; two lines divided was / No g 3 in them| F,- nut in g 4 this] v; his g 4
SD] Staunton; not in g, F 5-6 Ha! . . . pastime] Steevens's Itneation; one line g, F 5 IIa!| F; HOW, g 6 thy] g; ahy
F 6 KENT No, my lord.] F; not in g 7-10 Ha, ha . . . nether-stocks.j As prose v; five verse lines ending . . . garters, /
. . . beares / . . . men / . . . at legs, / . . . neatherstockes g 7 he] F; looke he g 7 heads | F,- heeles g 8 by th'neck]
F; Byt'h necke g 8 by th'loins] F; bit'h loynes g 8-9 by th'legs:] v; Byt'h legges, g *9 man's| mans g; man F 9
wooden] g; wodden F 11-12 What's . . . here?] Rome's lineation; three lines ending . . . he, / . . . mistooke / . . . heere
F; as prose g 12-13 It . . . daughter] F; one line g 17 yea.] F omits tiro half-lines here
19 KENT By . . . ay. I v; nul in Q 20 could not, would] F; would not, could Q 23 mightstj F; may'st Q 23 impose]
F; purpose Q 26 showed| shewed q, K *28 panting Q,- painting F 31 thosej F; whose Q 32 meiny] F; men Q 3 3 - 4
Commanded . . . looks;] K; divided leasure / Of Q 37 which] F; that Q 42 The] F; This Q
21 upon respect Either (1) against proper 30 spite of intermission in spite of interrupt-
regard and deference (due to a king's messenger), ing me. Note that Cornwall and Regan not only
or (2) deliberately, upon consideration (compare permit the interruption, they extend it by reading
MV 1.1.74; John 3.4.90). the letters Oswald delivers.
22 Resolve me i.e. free me from uncertainty or 31 presently immediately,
ignorance, satisfy, inform (Schmidt). 32 meiny body of retainers (Onions).
22 modest moderate. 38 Displayed Acted, exhibited himself.
24 us The royal plural. 39 more m a n than wit more manliness or
25 commend deliver. courage than sense.
27 reeking steaming, sweating. 39 drew i.e. his sword.
28 panting Duthie, p. 176, rightly suspects 40 raised woke up.
a minim misreading of manuscript copy. Oxford
retains F 'painting', defended in Textual Compan-
ion, p. 534.
2.443 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1322-39 [m
FOOL Winter's not gone yet, if the wild geese fly that way.
Fathers that wear rags
Do make their children blind, 45
But fathers that bear bags
Shall see their children kind.
Fortune, that arrant whore,
Ne'er turns the key to th'poor.
But for all this, thou shalt have as many dolours for thy 50
daughters as thou canst tell in a year.
LEAR O how this mother swells up toward my heart!
Hysterica passio! Down, thou climbing sorrow,
Thy element's below. Where is this daughter?
K E N T With the earl, sir, here within.
LEAR Follow me not, stay here. 55
G E N T L E M A N Made you no more offence but what you speak of?
KENT None.
How chance the king comes with so small a number?
FOOL And thou hadst been set i'th'stocks for that question,
thou'dst well deserved it. 60
KENT Why, fool?
43-51 FOOL Winter's . . . year.J F; not in Q 43 wild] F2,- wil'd F 44-9 Fathers . . . poor.] Pope's lineation; three lines ending
. . . blind, / . . . kind. / . . . poore. F *53 Hysterica] F4; Historien Q, F, F2,- Hystorica VT, 55 here] v; not in Q 55 stay
here.] F; stay there? Q 55 SD] F; not in Q 56 su] F,- Knight. Q 56 Made . . . of?] One line Q; two lines divided offence,
/ But F 56 but] F; then Q 57 None] F; No Q (as part ofsj) 58 the] Q; the the F 58 number] F; traine Q 59 And]
F, Q; If Q2 59 i'th'] F; in the Q 60 thou'dst] F,- thou ha'dst Q
4 3 - 5 J FOOL . . . year See Textual Analysis, 52 mother hysteria. Compare 114 below.
pp. 279-80 above, for F addition. Richard Mainy, mentioned by Harsnett, suffered
43 Winter's . . . way i.e. we're in for more trou- from the mother, also known as Passio Hysterica,
ble (bad weather), judging from these portents. which Harsnett describes as a disease that 'riseth
43 wild geese A possible allusion to Sir John . . . of a wind in the bottome of the belly, and
and Lady Grace Wildgoose? See p. 4 above. proceeding with a great swelling, causeth a very
44-9 Fathers . . . poor Oxford inserts SD Sings painfull colicke in the stomack, and an extraor-
before these lines (as later at 71). Possibly the dinary giddiness in the head' (NS, citing Aluir,
verses were sung, but neither Q nor F indicates this, 'Samuel Harsnett and King Lear, RES 2 (1951),
they do not sound like traditional ballad material 14).
(Hunter, p. 340), and actors often speak the lines, 53 Hysterica passio Hysteria, or the 'mother'
though in sing-song fashion. (sec 52 n.). In his chapter on 'The development of
45 blind i.e. to their father's needs. Lear's madness', Hoeniger traces the medical his-
46 bags money bags. tory of the illness, its symptoms, and Shakespeare's
49 turns the key opens the door (as a prostitute borrowing from Harsnett.
would, admitting someone to her favours). 54 element sphere, place; 'a visceral symbol of
50 dolours (1) griefs, (2) dollars (from German the breakdown in hierarchy, when the lower ele-
thaler, a silver coin first struck in 1515 and worth ments climb up to threaten or destroy the superior
about three marks, or about 15 pence). ones' (Hunter).
50 for on account of, owing to (Aluir). 58 How chance How comes it.
51 tell (1) count, (2) relate.
[i63\ TLN 1340-62 The Tragedy of King Lear 2.4.81
LEAR Deny to speak with me? They are sick, they are weary,
63 i'th'l F; in the Q 64 twenty| F; a 100. Q *6$ hold] Q; hold, F 66 following.] F; following it, Q 67 upward) F;
vp the hill Q 68 wise man| Q; wiseman F 68 gives] F con:, Q; giue F uncorr. 68 counsel,] Q, F uncorr.; counsell F
corr. *6ç have] Q; hause F 71 which] F; thai Q 71 and seeks] F; not in Q 73 begins] F,- begin Q 76 wise man] Q,-
wiseman v 80 i'th'] v; in the Q 80 foolj F; not in Q *8o SD] AS in Q; after 78 F 81 Deny . . . weary,] One line Q; two
lines divided me? / They F 81 They are . . . they are] F; th'are . . . th'are Q
62-3 We'll . . . winter The Fool alludes to the both ironically and straightforwardly. In one sense
proverbial ant, mentioned by Aesop, gathering its it is mere foolishness for anyone to hang on to the
food in harvest time (i.e. during times of plenty), 'great wheel' while it rolls down-hill; 'The better
not in winter. Compare Prov. 6.6, 30.25 (cited by part of valour is discretion', as Falstaff says {1H4
Noble, NS, Shaheen). As he falls from prosperity, 5.4.120). This is one kind of wisdom. Against it the
Lear offers less attraction to hangers-on, as Kent Fool posits absolute fidelity - adversity and self-
ought to realise. Even a blind man, the Fool contin- interest notwithstanding. The paradox that con-
ues, can detect someone's decaying fortunes ('him cludes the lines resolves itself thus: the knave is
that's stinking' (65)). foolish, finally, for running away and exposing his
64 twenty i.e. twenty blind men. true colours, and he is foolish in any higher moral
65-6 great wheel Compare Ham. 3.3.17-22, sense; the loyal fool - whatever else he may be - is
where Rosencrantz uses the image similarly. at least no knave, i.e. guilty of disloyalty and gross
71-2 That . . . form Compare Oth. 1.1.49- self-interest.
55: Iago describes himself to Roderigo as one of 78 perdy by God (from French par Die it).
those self-serving individuals, 'throwing but shows 81 Deny Refuse.
of service on their lords'. 81-2 They . . . they . . . They The pronouns
71 sir man. perhaps are stressed, as Lear may be sardonic; he,
73 pack pack up and leave. after all, has 'travelled twice as far, wearily, unfed,
75-8 But . . . perdy The Fool plays on different sickening in mind and body' (Rosenberg, p. 157).
senses of'fool', 'wise man', and 'knave', using them
2.4-82 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1363-82 [,64]
82 fetches (1) contrivances, dodges, tricks, (2) waits for. (See Greg, Variants, pp. 161-2; Duthie,
(an allusion to) the nautical manoeuvre of 'tack- pp. 143-4; D u t Duthie in NS adopts the Q corr.
ing', by which a vessel sails indirectly to wind- reading, withdrawing his earlier note.) Hunter sug-
ward by alternating between two oblique courses, gests that 'commands true seruise', or something
or 'tacks'. Milton uses a similar image to describe like it, may have been in the copy for Q, but he
Satan's approach to Eve in the Garden of Eden follows F.
{Paradise Lost, ix.510 ff.). 97 'Fiery'? The 'fiery duke'? See collation.
83 images . . . off Lear sees in their refusal Again, the Q corrector erred and F (which restores
to see him the sign or symbol of serious disobe- or adds 96) may reflect the original wording (Greg,
dience, tantamount to 'revolt' and desertion, the Variants, p. 162). Blayney, however, conjectures that
breakdown of order. in Q corr. the line, with punctuation emended,
85 quality character, disposition. should have read: 'Fierie? the Duke? Tell the hot
9 1 - 2 GLOUCESTER . . . m a n See Textual Duke that Lear - '; he then explains how the com-
Analysis, p. 280 below, for F'S addition here and at positor might have failed to make corrections the
96. ' proofreader had marked. He conjectures, further,
95 Commands - tends - service See col- that the second 'fiery?' was retained in F through
lation. Q corr. is generally regarded as a proof- faulty proof-correction or compositor error
corrector's guess carried over into Q2, since 'tends' (PP- 2 45-6)-
could not be a misreading of 'her'. Q uncorr., 97 hot i.e. hot-tempered. Lear plays on 'fiery'.
'come and tends seruise', is possibly a misreading of 99-100 Infirmity . . . bound i.e. illness invari-
what was in the original manuscript, which F may ably makes us neglect duties which, when well, we
recover: 'tends', an aphetic form of 'attends' = are obliged to perform.
[765] TLN 1383-1404 The Tragedy of King Lear 2.4.119
101 commands] F; Cômanil Q 104-7 To . . . her] F; three lines ending . . . man, / . . . here? / . . . & her [turned
under] Q 109 Go| F; not in Q 109 I'd] Il'd F,- Ile Q 113 SD] F; not in Q 114 Oh . . . down.] F,- O my heart, my heart.
Q 115 cockney] v; Coknay Q union:; Cokney Q corr. 116 'em i'th'] F; vm it'h Q 116 paste] F,- past Q uncorr.; past Q
corr. 116 knapped 'em o'th'] F; rapt vm ath Q 118 SD] F; Enter Duke and Regan. Q
119 SD] F; not in Q * i 2 i you] Q; your F 123 divorce] F, Q con:; deuose Q union: *i23 mother's] mothers Q; Mother
F 123 tomb,] F; fruit, Q union:; tombe Q con: 124 SD] Rowe; not in Q, F 124 0 | F; yea Q 126 sister's] F; sister is
Q 127 here] F; heare Q 128 thou'lt] F; thout Q 129 With] F; Of Q 129 depravedj F,- deptoued Q union:; depriued
Q corr. 130 you] F,- not in Q 132 scant] F; slacke Q 132-7 Say? . . . blame.] F; not in Q 139-43 Nature . . . return;]
F lineation; four lines ending . . . confine, ['fine' turned over] / . . . discretion, / . . . your selfe, / . . . returne, Q 139 in]
F; on Q 140 his] F, Oxford; her Q, Duthie
142 pray you] F; pray Q 144 her. | F; her Sir? Q 145 but] F; not in Q 146 SD] Hanmer (subst.); after 147, Johnson; not
in Q, F 150 SD] Collier; not in Q, F 150 Never] I',- No Q 154-6 All . . . lameness.] F,- two lines divided top, [turned over]
/ Strike Q 156 He, sir, fie.] F; Fie fie sir. Q 157 su] F; not in Q, but line indented 159 fen-sucked] F; Fen suckt Q
160 blister] F; blast her pride Q,- blister her Muir 161-2 O . . . on.] Q lineation; divided Gods! / So F 162 mood is on.]
F; mood - Q 164-7 Thy . . . train,] F lineation; three lines ending . . . or'e / . . . burne \lurned over] / . . . traine, [turned
under] Q 164 Thy tender-hefted] F; The tèder hested Q 170 know'st] F; knowest Q 173 o'th'] F; of the Q *i75 so
Tucket within] Collier; after ijj F; not in Q 176 letter] F; letters Q
160 fall and blister i.e. the action of the fogs 168 scant my sizes reduce my allowances,
and their effect. Furness compares Temp. 1.2.323- Compare 'sizar' = 'a poor scholar who used to
4: 'A south-west blow on ye, / And blister you obtain allowances from the college butteryhatch'
all o'er!' The intransitive verbs have led editors to (Muir).
various emendations, unnecessarily, since F makes 169 oppose set over against, i.e. to lock. Corn-
sense as it stands. pare Tim. 3.4.79: 'What, are my doors oppos'd
164 tender-hefted 'A heft or haft is a handle, against my passage?' Of course, this is exaggerated;
and a nature tender-hefted is one which is set in Gonerill did not lock Lear out, although later
a tender handle or delicate bodily frame' (Wright, Regan (297), seconded by Cornwall (301), will
cited by Furness); hence 'womanly, gentle' (Muir). order Gloucester's doors shut up against Lear and
Note Regan's differences from Gonerill: '. . . her his followers.
particular style of dress, her more feminine mode 171 offices of nature duties that nature expects
of offering tenderness to Lear, her kind manner us to fulfil; specifically those relating to filial
toward Gloster, and, probably, Edmund, have so 'bonds'.
far in the text masked her capacity for hurt and 172 Effects Manifestations,
hate . . . In the theatre she has been most effective - 174 to th'purpose i.e. get to the point,
partly because it contrasts her with Goneril - 175 Who . . . stocks Lear repeats the question
when she has seemed sweet; in fact bittersweet, (181) and does not receive an answer until his third
emasculating Lear with an insistent, tender con- demand (191).
cern' (Rosenberg, pp. 162-3). 75 SD Tucket within See 2.1.76 SD n.
168 bandy Compare 1.4.72 and n. 176 approves confirms.
[i6g\ TLN 1471-88 The Tragedy of King Lear 2.4.190
Is your lady come?
LEAR T h i s is a slave whose easy-borrowed pride
Dwells in the sickly g r a c e o f her he follows.
Out, varlet, from m y sight!
CORNWALL What m e a n s your grace? 180
178 easy-borrowed Either (1) cool, derived; (2) 186 Art Art thou.
easily-assumed. Most editors follow Theobald and 186 beard Symbol of aged reverence.
insert a hyphen, as Muir does, though he questions 187 O . . . hand '. . . with four quick shocks -
it and thinks 'easy' may mean 'coolly-impudent'. his sudden recall of the outrage upon his servant,
179 sickly See collation. The copy for F cor- the sound of a trumpet, the sight of Oswald, the
rected Q, most likely, but the compositor got the sight of Goneril - [Lear] is brought to a stand and
wrong ligature, probably through foul-case error. to face the realities arrayed against him. This must
XS and Oxford reject 'fickle' on semantic grounds be made very plain to us. On the one side stand
as well: the dig at Gonerill could result in sympathy Goneril and Regan and Cornwall in all authority.
for Oswald, which is certainly not desirable in this The perplexed Gloucester stands a little apart. On
or any other context. By contrast, 'sickly grace' = the other side is Lear, the Fool at his feet, and his
diseased grace, a possible oxymoron, which could one servant, disarmed, freed but a minute since,
also mean 'causing sickness or ill health' (Textual behind him. Things are at their issue' (Granville-
Companion, p. 534). Barker, pp. 289-90). Striking as this conception of
180 varlet rogue, rascal. the staging is, alternative kinds of blocking are also
180 SD Enter GONKRil.].. Many editors follow possible here and at 193.
Johnson and move Gonerill's entrance to 182 after 189 indiscretion want of discernment or judge-
'here', but in the growing tumult, Lear may not at ment. Schmidt compares Ham. 5.2.8: 'Our indis-
first see her. On the differences between Q and F, cretion sometime serves us well / When our deep
see Textual Analysis, p. 79 above. plots do pall.'
182 on't of it. 190 sides 'the sides of the chest, strained by the
184 Allow Sanction, approve of. swellings and passions of the heart' (Hunter).
185 it i.e. what is due to parents and the elderly.
2.4. i9 x The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1489-1511 [•70]
191 Will . . . stocks?] As in Q; two lines divided hold? / How F 191 i'th'] F,- it'h Q 192 sir] F, Q,- not in Q2 202 o'th']
F; of the Q 205-6 Why . . . brought] F; divided dowerles / Tooke Q *20ç hot-blooded| F unairr.. Pope; hot-bloodied
F con: ; hot bloud in Q 207 beg] F; bag Q
211 I] F,- Now I Q 215 that's in I F; that lies within Q 216 boil] bile Q; Byle F 217-18 A . . . thee;] F,- divided my /
Corrupted Q 217 or| F; an Q 224-7 Not . . . passion] F lineation; lines end . . . yet, / . . . welcome, / . . . those / . . .
passion, Q 224 so| F,- so sir Q 225 looked] F; looke Q 226 sir] F, Q; not in Q2 228 you] F; you are Q 228 so - ]
Rowe; so, Q, F 229 spoken| F; spoken now Q *23o What,] Rowe; what Q, F 233 Speak] F; Speakes Q 233 one] F;
a Q
238 Why . . . ye,] As in Q; tmo lines divided Lord? / If F 238 ye] v; you Q *239 control | Q; comptroli F 240 (For . . .
danger)] F; For . . . danger, Q 249 look] F; seem Q 251 SD] Haiimer; nul in Q, F 256 need] v; needes Q 257 need!]
need: v; deed, Q 259 needs,] Q; needs: F
238 slack ye i.e. lessen their attendance on you. 257 O . . . need Ignoring his own earlier
242 notice cognisance, recognition. attempts to quantify love, Lear appeals to his
243 I . . . all Compare King Leiv 2144: 'Ah, cru- daughters not to compute his 'need' by rational-
ell Ragan, did I giue thee all?' (Muir). Actors at ist criteria, since it cannot truly be thus calculated,
this point often move between the extremes of love It is beyond practical measures.
and hate, tenderness and rage, gently reproachful 257-8 Our . . . superfluous The little that the
pathos and stern obstinacy, astonishment and dis- lowest and most destitute persons have is (by that
traction (Rosenberg, p. 173). way of calculating 'need') not absolutely necessary
244 guardians . . . depositaries Synonyms for to keep them alive.
trustees (of his estate). Muir compares Florio's 259-60 Allow . . . beast's Calculated by the
Montaigne, 'depositary and guardian'. lowest common denominators of 'need', human
245 reservation reserved right; compare requirements do not differ from animal needs, and
1.1.127. in that process human worth becomes downgraded
249 well-favoured attractive, handsome. to the level of a beast's.
255 follow attend you, be your followers.
[//J] TLN 1567-90 The Tragedy of King Lear 2.4.283
260 life is] F,- life as Q; life's as Q2 262 wear'st] F; wearest Q 263 need - ] Warburton (subst.); need, Q; need: F 265 you
gods,] (you Gods) Q, F 265 man | F; fellow Q 268 so] F; to Q 269 tamely] F; lamely Q 270 And] F; O Q 273 shall-]
F, Q2; shall, Q *274 are, yet] Q2,- are yet Q,- are yet, F 275 earth!] earth? F; earth, Q 276-8 No . . . flaws] Jennens's
lineation; two lines divided weeping, / But Q, F 276 so] After weeping (277) F; not in Q 278 into . . . thousand] F; in a
100. thousand Q; in a thousand Q2 278 flaws] F; flowes Q *279 SD] This edn; Exeunt Lear, Leister, Kent, and Fonle Q;
Exeunt F 281 and 's| vz; an'ds F; and his Q *283 blame;] Boswell; blame Q, F
260-3 Thou . . . warm Lear addresses Regan: appeal is, he cannot sustain it, but breaks down into
If warmth was the only measure of elegance, then self-pity, angry, impotent threats, and near incoher-
you would not need the elegant apparel you have ence as he fears approaching insanity,
on, which hardly keeps you warm. Lear contrasts 264 patience See 1.4.217 n.
two different kinds of 'need' here, one for basic 268 fool . . . much i.e. do not make me such a
animal requirements, the other for human dignity fool as.
and pride. 271 you . . . hags Lear now turns back to
263 But for true need This phrase is 'very Gonerill and Regan,
important, for it underscores the existence of val- 278 flaws fragments,
ues entirely different from demonstrable material 279 Or ere Before,
needs - higher needs (his own need, at the moment, 282 bestowed accommodated, housed,
is for symbols of respect and love) which must be 283 blame fault,
imaginatively grasped and cannot be mechanically 283 hath he hath,
computed' (Heilman, p. 169). Eloquent as Lear's 283 put . . . rest deprived himself of repose.
2.4.284 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1 5 9 1 - 1 6 1 3 [J74]
He is returned.
GLOUCESTER The king is in high rage.
CORNWALL Whither is he going?
GLOUCESTER He calls to horse, but will I know not whither. 290
C O R N W A L L 'Tis best to give him way; he leads himself.
G O N E R I L L M y lord, entreat him by no means to stay.
G L O U C E S T E R Alack, the night comes on, and the high winds
Do sorely ruffle; for many miles about
There's scarce a bush.
REGAN O sir, to wilful men, 295
The injuries that they themselves procure
Must be their schoolmasters. Shut up your doors.
He is attended with a desperate train,
And what they may incense him to, being apt
To have his ear abused, wisdom bids fear. 300
C O R N W A L L Shut up your doors, my lord; 'tis a wild night,
M y R e g a n counsels well: come out o'th'storm.
286 SH] F; Duke. Q 286-7 So . . . Gloucester?] F lineation; one line Q 286 purposed] F; puspos'd Q 288 su] F; Reg.
Q 288 SD] After 28/ Q, F; at end of line, Capell 289-90 CORNWALL Whither . . . horse, | F; not in Q 290 hut] F;
& Q 291 SH] F; Re. Q 291 best] F; good Q 293 high] F; bleak Q 294-5 ')o • • • bush.] F lineation; one line Q 294
ruffle] F,- russel Q 295 scarce] F; not Q 301 wild] Q; wil'd F 302 Regan] F; Reg, Q 302 o'th1] F; at'h Q
284 taste experience (the consequences of). teach them a lesson (about how to behave).
285 For his particular As far as he himself is 298 He . . . train Regan assumes that Lear's
concerned. 'riotous' knights are still with him, or perhaps she
289-91 The king . . . himself See Textual is just making excuses for her conduct (Muir).
Analysis, p. 281 below. 299-300 being . . . abused i.e. Lear being sus-
290 will will go. ceptible to misleading stories or lying talcs.
291 give him way not to obstruct him, give him 300 wisdom bids fear i.e. prudence urges us
his head. to take precautions.
291 leads himself i.e. follows no lead or guid- 301 Shut . . . doors Cornwall's repetition
ance but his own, is headstrong. of Regan's request, or command (297), indi-
294 ruffle rage, bluster, Q'S 'ruff el' is proba- cates Gloucester's hesitation or reluctance to com-
bly the result of a simple misreading of 'ff ' as 'ff ' ply, though in the end, perhaps prompted by
(Duthie, p. 394); 'ruffle' is in Harsnett (Muir). Cornwall's men, he signals his servants to obey.
295-7 t o wilful . . . schoolmasters The harm Compare Rosenberg, p. 182.
that headstrong men bring on themselves must
[i/Sl 615-3 2 The Tragedy of King Lear 3.1.15
Act 3, Scene i 3.1] Actus Tertius. Scena Prima, v; not in Q 0 SD] F; Enter Kent and a Gentleman at seuerall doores.
Q 1 Who's there, besides] F; Whats here beside Q 4 éléments] F,- element Q 7 cease.] F omits eight and a half lines
here 10 note] F; Arte Q 12 is] v; be Q 14-21 Who . . . furnishings - ] F substitutes these lines for thirteen lines in Q (see
p. 26g below) 14 have - as] have (as Theobald; haue, as F 15 high? - ] high?) Theobald; high? Rome; high; F
*2i furnishings - ] Rome; furnishings. F 22 further] F; farther Q 23 am] F; not in Q *24 out-wall,| Q con:; outwall Q
union:; out-wall; F 27 that] F; your Q 30 Give . . . say?] As in Q; two lines divided hand, / Haue Y 32 in . . . pain]
F; not in Q 33 That way, I'll this - he] That way, He this: He F; He this way, you that, he Q 33 on him] F; US part of
J4 Q 34 Holla] F; hollow Q
Act 3, Scene 2 3.2] Scenu Sccunda. F; not in Q o sn Storm still.} F; not in Q 2-9 You . . . man.] F; lines end . . .
drencht, / . . . sulpherous and / . . . vaunt-currers to / . . . head, / . . . flat / . . . natures / . . . make / . . . man.
Q 2 cataracts] F; caterickes Q 2 hurricanoes] Hyrricano's F; Hircanios Q 3 our] F; The Q *3 drowned] Q; drown
F 4 sulph'rous] F; sulpherous Q 5 Vaunt-couriers of] F; vaunt-currers to Q 7 Strike] F; smite Q 7 o'th'] F,- of the
Q 8 moulds] F,- Mold Q 9 makes] F; make Q 10-12 O . . . fools.] F lineation; four verse lines ending . . . house / . . .
doore, / . . . hlessing, / . . . foole. Q 10 holy water] Q con:; holly water Q uncorr; holy-water F 11 o'] F; a Q 11 in,]
F; in, and Q * i 2 wise men] Wisemen F,- wise man Q 12 fools] F,- foole Q
15 taxj F; taske Q 17-23 You . . . foul.] F; lives vnd . . . plesure [turned under] I . . . weak & / . . . seruile / . . . ioin'd
/ . . . white / . . . foule. Q 17 Then] F; why then Q 21 will] F; haue Q 21 join] F; ioin'd Q 22 hattles] F; hattel
Q 23 ho!] F; not in Q 24 put 's] F; put his Q 25 so] Capell; not in Q, F 25-32 The . . . wake. ] Johnson's linecttion;
four verse lines ending . . . any; / . . . many. / . . . make, / . . . wake. F; as prose Q
31 of] v; haue Q 33 but] F, Q con:; hut Q uncorr. 34 SD] F; after 35 Q *38 wise man] wiseman Q; Wiseman F 40-6
Alas . . . carry] F Uncut ion; eight lines ending . . . here? / . . . these, / . . . of the / . . . caues, / . . . fire, / . . . grones
of / . . . remember / . . . cary, Q 40 are] F; sit Q 42 wanderers] F; wanderer Q 43 make] F; makes Q 45 never] F;
ne're Q 47 Th'] v; The o_ 47 fear] F; force Q 47-58 Let . . . sinning.] F lineation; eleven lines ending . . . dreadful /
. . . now, / . . . within thee / . . . Iustice, / . . . periur'd, and / . . . incestious, / . . . couert / . . . life, / . . . centers, /
. . . grace, / . . . sinning, Q 48 pudder] F; Powther Q; Thundering Q2
33-4 For . . . glass A diversionary tactic by the 'here' but does not necessarily require Lear to keep
Fool following his rather pointed satire (Furness); standing (Urkowitz, 'Editorial tradition', pp. 36-7).
an oblique allusion to the vanity and hypocrisy of 42 Gallow Terrify.
Gonerill and Regan (Muir; compare 2.2.32 n.). To 42 wanderers . . . dark wild nocturnal animals,
'make mouths in a glass' is to practise smiling or 46-7 Man's . . . fear Kent's words underscore
grimacing in a mirror; it can also signal contempt, Lear's titanism. The upheaval in physical nature
as in Ham. 4.4.50. reflects the upheavals in international relations
38 Marry A common exclamation, derived from (conflict with France), the state (division between
'by the Virgin Mary'. the dukes), the family, and the individual. Accord-
38 grace and a codpiece An apparent refer- ing to Kent, the storm is beyond normal human
ence to Lear (the king's grace) and the F'ool (com- endurance, not only for what it does (causes afflic-
pare 25 n.), ambiguous because of Lear's foolish tion, i.e. physical buffeting), but for what it means
behaviour and the Fool's references to him as a (the'fear') - the aspect of the storm that Lear con-
fool, as in the previous song. 'This is the dialectic centrâtes upon in the lines that follow,
of man, stretched to its limits: man is love and lust, 46 carry bear, endure,
wisdom and folly' (Rosenberg, p. 195). 48 pudder Variant of 'pother' = turmoil,
40 are you here Q'S 'sit you here' may reflect tumult. 'Pother' historically rhymed with 'other',
the interpretative attitude Lear assumes above as 'smother', 'brother' and was sometimes spelled
the 'pattern of all patience' (35-6) (compare 77V 'puther', 'pudder' (OED).
2.4.114-15). F'S change lets the emphasis fall on
3.2.49 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1704-25 [,8o]
52 simular] F,- simular man Q 53 incestuous] F,- incestious Q 53 to) F; in Q 55 Has] F; hast Q 56 concealing
continents] F; concealed centers Q 58 than] then F; their Q 58-65 Alack . . . courtesy.] F lineation; as prose Q 61
while] F; whilst Q 62 harder than] F; hard then is Q 62 stones] F; stone Q 63 you] F; me Q 65 wits begin] F; wit
begins Q 68-70 The . . . heart] F; lines end . . . can, / . . . poore, / . . . heart Q
49 Find . . . now The fear caused by the storm 57 grace mercy (Schmidt),
will lead guilty creatures (criminals and malefac- 57 I Emphatic (Kittredge). Lear contrasts him-
tors) to reveal themselves as enemies of the gods. self with those murderers, hypocrites, and other
Compare 46-7 above. 'pent-up guilts'.
51 of by. 59 Gracious m y lord My gracious lord; com-
51 bloody hand i.e. murderer (metonymy). pare 1.1.90.
52 simular counterfeiter, pretender. Compare 61 hard pitiless, unyielding.
Tyndale's Prologue to Rom. in his New Testament 61 house household.
(1526): 'Christ . . . calleth them [the Pharisees] 63 demanding after asking for.
ypocrites, that is to safe Simulars' (OED). 65 My . . . turn 'From this point he becomes
53 Caitiff Wretch. aware of the sufferings of others' (NS).
54 seeming hypocrisy. 66-7 Come . . . myself Salvini in the role
55 practised on plotted against. of Lear took off his cloak here and wrapped it
55 Close pent-up guilts Crimes kept secret. around the shivering Fool, who may be near col-
56 Rive . . . continents Slit open the containers lapse (Rosenberg, p. 197).
that hide you. 68-9 The art . . . precious Poverty (necessity)
56—7 cry . . . grace beg for mercy from these is an unusual alchemist; it can transform worthless
terrible agents of vengeance. A summoner was a things into precious ones,
minor official who summoned offenders to ecclesi-
astical courts.
[/<?/] TLN 1726-42 The Tragedy of King Lear 3.2.87
69 And] l-v that Q 69 yourj v; you Q 70 inj F; of Q 71 That's sorry] F,- That sorrowes Q 72 SD] Capell; not in Q,
F 72-5 He . . . day.] v; as prose Q 72 and] F; not in Q 75 Though] F; for Q 76 boy] F; my good boy Q 76 SD]
Capell; Exit. F; not in Q 77-93 FOOI. This . . . time.] F; not in Q 83-4 Then . . . confusion.] Pope's lineation; placed
here by .\S; as one line following go F (see Commentary)
72-5 He . . . day Adapted from Feste's song, 77V The pseudo-Chaucerian verse imitated here is cited
5.1.387-92. 'The Fool may be referring to Lear, or in Puttenham's Arte of English Poésie (1589) in the
to himself (Muir). section on merismus or 'the distributor', i.e. ampli-
74 Must . . . fit Either (1) must make his hap- fication (Taylor, 'Date and authorship', p. 383).
piness fit his fortunes (Kittredge), or (2) must be 81 nobles . . . tutors aristocrats teach their
content with the fortunes suitable to such a person. tailors. Compare Shr. 4.3.86-95: Petruchio has
77 This . . . courtesan A pun on 'night' and instructed and now criticises a tailor (Kittredge).
'knight' may explain why the comment on the 82 heretics (1) religious dissenters, (2) lovers.
weather takes this form (Hunter). It would also Compare Donne,'The Indifferent': 'Poore Héré-
partly explain the medieval parody that follows. tiques in love there bee, / Which thinke to stablish
77 brave fine. dangerous constancie.'
79-92 When . . . feet These lines and those 82 burned A quibble on 'infected with venereal
immediately preceding and following them were diseases' (NS).
long suspected of being a non-Shakespearean the- 83-4 Then . . . confusion See collation. If they
atrical interpolation. See Textual Analysis, p. 281 were a marginal insertion in copy, the lines may
below. Warburton was the first to detect two have confused the compositor, who set them as one
prophecies (79-84: a satire of England under James line in the wrong place (NS).
I; 85-92: Utopia), and to propose the relineation 83 Albion An old name for Britain.
that is followed here and in NS. Wittreich, echo- 85 right (1) just, or (2) genuine (NS). Legal pro-
ing Alalone, argues that the lines were deliberately cedures, then as now, were notoriously complex.
scrambled (p. 62). 86 nor no Double negatives do not cancel each
79 When . . . matter i.e. when clergymen talk other out.
more for the sake of talking than to say something. 87 live i.e. make a permanent residence in.
3-2.88 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1743-63 [1S2]
Act 3, Scene 3 3.3] Scaena Tertia. F,- not in Q o SD) F; Enter Cluster and the Bastard with lights. Q 1-5 Alack
him.] F,- W
.V.' verse lines ending . . . this, / . . . leaue / . . . from me/ . . . paine / . . . of him, / . . . sustaine him. Q 3
took] F; tooke me Q 4 perpetual] F; their Q 5 or] F; nor Q 7-17 Go . . . careful.] F; thirteen verse lines ending . . .
the Dukes, [turned over] / . . . receiued / . . . spoken, / . . . injuries / . . . home / . . . landed, / . . . him, and / . . .
talke / . . . of him / . . . gon / . . . threatned me, / . . . there is / . . . careful. Q 7 There is| F; ther's a Q 7 between]
F,- betwixt Q
11 There is| F; Ther's Q n footed] v; landed Q 12 look] F; seeke Q 14 bed. If] bed; if Rowe1 ; bed, if F; bed, though
Q 15 for it] F; for't Q 16 There is strange things toward, Edmond;] there is / Some stràge thing toward, Edmund Q;
There . . . toward Edmund, F 18-22 This . . . fall.] F lineation; four verse lines ending . . . know [turned under] I . . .
deseruing / . . . lesse / . . . fall. Q 21 all.] all, Q, F 22 The] F; then Q 22 doth] F; doe Q Act 3, Scene 4 3.4]
Siena Qiiarta. F; not in Q 1-3 Here . . . endure.] F lineation; as prose Q 2 The] F, Q corn; the the Q uncorr. 3 SD] F;
not m Q 4 here] F; not in Q 5 I . . . enter.] As in Q; two lines divided owne, / Good F
6 contentious] F,- crulentious Q uncorr.; tempestious Q corr. *~] skin: so] F uncorr.; skinso F corn; skin, so Q 9
Thou'dst] F; thou wouldst Q2 *io thy] Q; they F 10 roaring] F; roring Q corr.; raging- Q uncorr., Q2 I I i'th'| F; it'h
Q *I2 body's] bodies Q, F *I2 This] Q corr.; the Q uncorr., Q2, F 14 beats| F, Q corr.; beares Q uncorr., Q2 14 there:
. . . ingratitude] there . . . ingratitude, F uncorr; there, . . . ingratitude F corr.; their . . . ingratitude Q 16 to't] F, Q; to
it Q2 16 home] F; sure Q 17-18 In . . . endure.] F,- not in Q 19-21 O . . . that;] F Itncalion; three verse lines ending . . .
father / . . . lies, [turned over] / . . . that. Q 20 gave] F; gaue you Q 21 lies] Q, F corr.; lie F uncorr. 22 here] F; not
in Q 23 thine own] F,- thy one Q
8 greater malady i.e. his mental torment, as the family - himself and his daughters -
11-14 explain. as an organic whole.
8 fixed set, established. 16 home thoroughly, to the full.
11 i'th'mouth i.e. face to face. 18 Pour . . . endure Lear asserts his titanism,
11-14 When . . . ingratitude Compare his defiance against nature and all it can do to him.
Montaigne, Apology for Raymond Sebond, iv.70: On F'S addition, see Textual Analysis, p. 282 below,
'our senses are . . . many times dulled by the pas- 20 frank (1) liberal, bounteous (of giving), (2)
sions of the mind' (Aluir). open, without guile.
11 free i.e. of pain, undisturbed, untroubled. 21 that way i.e. dwelling upon his foolish gen-
12 delicate sensitive. erosity and his daughters' ingratitude.
14 beats (1) throbs, as of thought, (2) rages, as 23 Prithee . . . ease Lear has begun to con-
of a storm (Muir). sider others first, a marked change in his attitude
15-16 Is . . . to't Is it not as if my and behaviour,
mouth should attack my hand for bringing food 25 things . . . more Lear refers to filial ingrat-
to it? The image suggests the absurd rebel- itude and his own foolishness. Compare 21 above,
lion of oneCor. part1.1.96
of theff).body
conceives of
another 25 would that would.
l'Ssl TLN 1807-21 The Tragedy of King Lear 3.4.39
Enter FOOL
EDGAR [Within] Fathom and half; fathom and half; poor Tom!
FOOL Come not in here, nuncle! Here's a spirit! Help me, help
26-7 In . . . sleep.I ]•.• mil in Q 26 poverty - ) Rome; pouertie, F 27 SD\ Johnson (suhst.); Exit. F (after 26); not in Q 29
storm] F.- night Q *}i looped | loopt Q; lop'd, F 36 so] This edn; Enter Edgar, and Toole. F; The Tool runs out from the
hovel. / Theobald (after j(j; after j?, (Jape/1); not in Q 37 EDGAR Fathom . . . lorn!] F; not in Q 37 SD] Theobald; not
in F
26-7 In, boy . . . sleep See Textual Analysis, powerful persons accustomed to splendour and
pp. 282-3 below. The lines, added or restored in luxury.
F, underscore Lear's changing attitude and lead 34-6 Expose . . . just This is the 'physic' Lear
directly and naturally into his prayer, which is prescribes: the great ones of the earth should sub-
interrupted poignantly bv insistent concern for his ject themselves to the experiences of the poor (as
Fool. Lear himself now does); the action will lead them
26 houseless poverty Compare 'Poor naked to surrender unnecessary possessions ('superflux'),
wretches' (28 ff). Here, concrete and abstract and by giving them to the poor demonstrate how
are combined in a typically Shakespearean phrase. heaven can be more just than we realise. Com-
Compare 31 below. pare Gloucester's speech, 4.1.62-6, where the same
27 I'll pray 'In the night's bleak exposure he point is made.
kneels down, like a child at bedtime, to pray' 37 SD Enter FOOL Q has no SD, while F has
(Granville-Barker, p. 292). But most editions, both Edgar and the Fool enter here, though Kent
except Oxford, omit a SD. later calls Edgar (as Poor Tom) to come forth at
28-36 Macready deliberately pointed this speech 4 2 - 3 . A line (37) is also missing from Q, which
at Queen Victoria during a performance she seems (like the Bedlam's entrance) a response to
attended (Bratton, p. 143). Lear's prayer (see Textual Analysis, p. 283 below).
29 bide endure. Theobald's emendations suggest a plausible stag-
30 sides Not the sides of the chest, as at 2.4.190, ing of the scene: the Fool comes running out of
but the part of the body principally fed by nour- the hovel badly frightened by what he sees there -
ishment, as in Tim. 4.3.12 (Schmidt). the hideous figure of the Bedlam beggar, who utters
31 looped . . . raggedness More yoking a despairing cry from within. His hovel is an imag-
of concrete and abstract: the ragged clothes of ined place, entered perhaps from a trap (as in the
the poor are full of loopholes and openings 1990 Renaissance Theatre Company production) or
(windows). from behind curtains upstage centre.
32-3 O . . . this By assuming responsibility 37 Fathom . . . half 'Edgar speaks as if he were
for the wretched state of his subjects, Lear takes a sailor sounding the depth of the water in the hold
a major step forward in understanding himself. of a leaking ship. He is almost "swamped" by the
33 physic medical treatment, possibly a purge. storm' (Kittredge).
33 pomp Abstract for concrete, i.e. rich and 38 spirit supernatural being, demon.
344° The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1822-39
K E N T Give me thy hand. Who's there? 40
F O O L A spirit, a spirit! He says his name's Poor Tom.
K E N T What art thou that dost grumble there i'th'straw? Come
EDGAR Away, the foul fiend follows me. Through the sharp
hawthorn blow the winds. Humh! Go to thy bed and warm 45
L E A R Didst thou give all to thy daughters? And art thou come to
EDGAR Who gives anything to Poor Tom, whom the foul fiend
hath led through fire and through flame, through ford and 50
whirlpool, o'er bog and quagmire; that hath laid knives under
his pillow and halters in his pew; set ratsbane by his porridge;
made him proud of heart to ride on a bay trotting-horse over
four-inched bridges, to course his own shadow for a traitor.
Bless thy five wits, Tom's a-cold! O do, de, do, de, do de. Bless 55
41 a spirit] F; not in Q 41 name's] F, Q; name is Q2 42 i'th'J F; in the Q 43 SD] Theobald; not in Q, F 44 Through]
F,- thorough Q 45 blow the winds.] F; blowes the cold wind, Q 45 Humh!] F; not in Q 45 bed] F; cold bed Q 47
Didst thou give] F; Hast thou giuen Q 47 thy] F; thy two Q *50 through fire] Q,- though Fire v 50 through flame]
F; not in Q *50-i ford and whirlpool] foord, and whirli-poole Q; Sword, and Whirle-poole F 51 hath] F,- has Q 52
porridge] F; pottage Q *55 Bless] Q; Blisse F 55 O . . . de.] F,- not in Q *55 Bless] Q; blisse F
44 Away i.e. keep away. As someone followed or 17. Suicide, a result of the sin of despair, was
attended by demons, Edgar warns the others off. a favourite temptation of the devil. Compare
44-5 Through . . . winds See collation. Hunter Marlowe, Dr Faustus 2.2.20-2: 'then swordes and
follows Q and inserts 'cold' before 'winds', cit- kniues, / Poyson, gunnes, halters, and invenomd
ing the same phrase at 89 below. Oxford omits Steele / Are layde before me to dispatch my selfe'
'cold' here but with Q inserts it before 'bed' in (Steevens, cited by Muir).
the next sentence, following S fir. Induction 1.9- 50 ford 'Sword' in F is an apparent manuscript
10 (see Textual Companion, p. 535). F'S omission misreading (Duthie, p. 178). All the other dangers
of 'cold' in both places may seem odd (Duthie, are natural phenomena: 'Sword' is exceptional; Q'S
p. 148), but the lines are satisfactory without the 'foord' is doubtless right.
adjective; if anything, they are stronger for the 51 that i.e. he that.
omissions. 52 pew A 'gallery in a house or outside a cham-
45 Humh Edgar, half-naked, shivers with cold ber window - not a pew in church' (Kittredge; from
(Kittredge). Old French puye, 'parapet, balustrade, balcony'
45-6 Go . . . thee See 44-5 n. above. Duthie, (OED); compare Cotgrave, Appuyé: 'An open, and
p. 149, thinks an actor may have interpolated 'cold' outstanding terrace, or gallery, set on th'outside
before 'bed' to make an antithesis. He follows F with railes to lean vpon').
both here and earlier, though NS retains Q'S 'cold' 52 porridge thick soup.
before 'winds'. 53-4 ride . . . bridges i.e. perform a difficult
47-8 Didst. . . this Lear's monomania becomes feat, like walking a tight-rope.
evident, and his descent into madness is aided by 54 course chase. Compare the image of a cat
the image of the Bedlam beggar. 'Immediately after chasing its own tail (NS) and Tillcy S281, 'To be
the Poor naked wretches speech [Lear] finds a fig- afraid of one's own shadow'.
ure with whom he can wholly identify himself and 55 five wits These are common wit, imagina-
whose role (of madman) he can take over' (Hunter). tion, fantasy, estimation, and memory. They were
49-58 foul fiend . . . there As Theobald first sometimes confused with the five senses, though
noted, many details of this speech are indebted not in Sonnet 141.9-10.
to Harsnett's Declaration. See also Muir, 'Samuel 55 O do . . . de Sounds of chattering teeth.
Harsnett and King Lear\ RES, n.s., 2 (1951),
['«/] TLN 1840-59 The Tragedy of King Lear 3.4.72
56 star-blasting] F; starre-blusting Q 58 and there again, and there.] F; and and there againe Q 58 SD] F,- not in Q *59
What, has] What, Q; Ha's F 60 Wouldst] F,- didst Q 60 'em] F; them Q 63 light] F; fall Q 69 begot] F,- begins next
line Q 71 Pillicock Hill] F; pelicocks hill Q 71 alow, alow, loo, loo.] F; a lo lo lo. Q
56 star-blasting In astrology, the adverse influ- 67-8 Is . . . flesh Lear refers to Edgar's mortified
ence of malignant stars, which could afflict one with body (see 2.3.15-16). In his monomania, he insists
disease. Edgar must be the victim of ungrateful and cruel
56 taking The state of becoming infected, daughters, despite Kent's statement (64). Edwin
blasted. Booth as Lear drew a thorn or spike from Edgar's
57-8 There . . . there 'Edgar makes grabs at arm and stuck it in his own (Sprague, cited by NS).
different parts of his body as if to catch vermin - 69 Judicious Fitting, well-judged,
or devils' (Kittredge). 69-70 'twas . . . daughters The bawdry that
59 What, has See collation. On metrical and Lear utters in his madness (e.g. 4.5.108-25) may
other grounds, Duthie, pp. 15-16, recommends be traced to this perception.
combining Q and F. Q may have inadvertently omit- 70 pelican daughters The pelican was prover-
ted 'has'; in correcting Q, the F collator or compos- bial for feeding its young with its own flesh and
itor may have misread the correction as a substitu- blood, and the young were proverbial for cruelty
tion instead of an addition. to their parents.
59 pass predicament, extremity (Schmidt). 71 Pillicock . . . Hill Edgar's fragment, sug-
61 reserved NS suggests an allusion to Lear's gested by'pelican', may be part of a nursery rhyme:
'reservation' of a hundred knights. 'Pillycock, Pillycock sat on a hill; / If he's not
62-3 all . . . faults The idea that infectious gone, he sits there still' (Collier, cited by Furness).
plagues were airborne was commonplace, as was Compare 'Pillicock' = (1) term of endearment, dar-
the notion of 'star-blasting' (56), the infliction of ling, (2) the penis; 'Pillicock Hill' = female genitals
disease as a punishment for malefactors. (Partridge).
63 fated destined (i.e. to fall). 71 alow . . . loo Variously explained. Furness
63 light alight, fall. suggests the sound of a cockcrow; Kittredge, a wild
65 subdued reduced; accent on the first syllable. 'halloo' as if to a hawk; Perrett, a Bedlam's horn;
65 nature i.e. human nature. etc., etc.
34-73 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1860-74 i1^]
EDGAR Take heed o'th'foul fiend, obey thy parents, keep thy
words' justice, swear not, commit not with man's sworn spouse,
set not thy sweet heart on proud array. Tom's a-cold. 75
L E A R What hast thou been?
EDGAR A servingman, proud in heart and mind, that curled my
hair, wore gloves in my cap, served the lust of my mistress'
heart, and did the act of darkness with her. Swore as many
oaths as I spake words, and broke them in the sweet face of 80
heaven. One that slept in the contriving of lust and waked to
do it. Wine loved I dearly, dice dearly, and in woman out-
paramoured the Turk. False of heart, light of ear, bloody of
hand; hog in sloth, fox in stealth, wolf in greediness, dog in
madness, lion in prey. Let not the creaking of shoes nor the 85
*74 words' justice] Schmidt i8jg; words Iustice F,- words iustly Q; word justly Pope; word's justice Knight 75 sweet
heart] Q; Sweet-heart F *77 servingman,] Q; Seruingman? F 82 I dearly] F; I deeply Q
73 foul fiend Possibly suggested by similar- 77-8 curled my hair Malone (cited by Fur-
sounding 'fool' in the preceding line (NS, citing ness) quotes a long passage from Harsnett, p. 54,
Kokeritz, p. 75, who also notes word-plav in 3H6 in which Master Mainy 'curled his hair' and oth-
5.6.18-20). erwise demonstrated the sin of pride. The passage
73-5 obey . . . array A version of five of the Ten continues, as the present one does, with a cata-
Commandments; specifically, to honour one's par- logue of deadly sins represented by devils in the
ents, not to commit false witness, take the Lord's shape of animals, including the dog and the wolf,
name in vain, commit adultery, or engage in cov- which Shakespeare may have remembered.
etousness. Compare also 1 Tim. 2.9: '. . . that they 78 wore . . . cap i.e. wore the favours of his
aray them selues in comely appareil, with shame- mistress like a courtly lover or gallant.
fastnes and modestie, not with . . . golde, or pearles, 81 slept . . . lust i.e. dreamt of plotting lascivi-
or costly appareil' (Noble, Shaheen). ous deeds.
73-4 keep . . . justice Duthie, p. 150, origi- 82 dearly . . . dearly See collation, F'S repeti-
nally defended the F reading, but in NS favours Q. tion appears intentional and emphatic.
Muir retains F, but makes 'words' singular posses- 82-3 out-paramoured the Turk i.e. had more
sive. The sense seems to be 'keep the integrity of lovers than the Turkish sultan had in his harem.
your utterances', i.e. do not lie or bear false wit- 83 light of ear 'credulous of evil, ready to
ness. The parody of the Commandments strength- receive malicious reports' (Johnson, cited by
ens the F reading. Muir and Shaheen compare the Furness); i.e. a gossip-monger. Kittredgc quotes
Catechism, 'bee true and iust in all my dealing'. from The Scho/e-House of Women: 'So light of eare
75 proud array fancy clothes. they be and sowre, / That of the better they neuer
77-88 A servingman . . . fiend Compare record, / The worse reherce they word by word.'
Donne's Elegy iv (c. 1595) (Davenport, p. 21). 84-5 hog . . . prey Edgar gives an abbrevi-
77 servingman Either (1) servant, or (2) lover; ated list parodying the Seven Deadly Sins, which
possibly both. The description of a dandified ser- were often represented by animals. Compare 77-8
vant as courtier fits Oswald as well. n. above, and Florio, Second Fruités, p. 165: 'lyon
77 proud in heart Shaheen compares Prov. for surquedrv, goate for letcherie, dragon for cru-
16.5: 'All that are proude in heart, are an abom- eltie' (cited by Muir).
ination to the Lord', and 21.4: 'A hautie loke, and 85 prey preying.
a proude heart, which is the light of the wicked, is 85-6 Let . . . silks The sounds a woman makes
sinne.' 'Proud' could also signify 'lustful' (Booth, as she walks. Creaking shoes were fashionable
p. 164, n. 19). (Kittredgc).
[i8g] TLN 1875-89 The Tragedy of King Lear 3.4.97
rustling of silks betray thy poor heart to woman. Keep thy foot
out of brothels, thy hand out of plackets, thy pen from lender's
books, and defy the foul fiend. Still through the hawthorn
blows the cold wind, says suum, mun, nonny. Dauphin, my boy,
boy, cessez! let him trot by. 90
Storm still
LEAR Thou wert better in a grave than to answer with thy un-
covered body this extremity of the skies. Is man no more than
this? Consider him well. Thou ow'st the worm no silk, the beast
no hide, the sheep no wool, the cat no perfume. Ha! Here's
three on's are sophisticated; thou art the thing itself. Unaccom- 95
modated man is no more but such a poor, bare, forked animal
as thou art. Off, off, you lendings! Come, unbutton here.
86 rustling] v; ruslngs Q 86 woman | F,- women Q 87 brothels] F; brothell Q 87 plackets] F; placket Q 88 books] F,-
booke Q 89 says suum, mun, nonny] F,- hay no on ny Q 89-90 Dauphin, my boy, boy, cessez!] This edn; Dolphin my
boy, my boy, caese Q; Dolphin my Boy, Boy Sesey: v; Dauphin, my boy! Boy, cessez; Oxford 90 SD] F,- not in q 91
Thou] F; Why thou Q 91 a] F; thy Q 92 than] then F; but Q 93 ow'st] F; owest Q 94 Ha!] Ha? F; not in Q 97
lendings! Come, unbutton here.| F; leadings, come on be true. Q uncorr., Q2,- lendings, come on Q core.
87 plackets (1) slits or openings in petticoats, 92-3 Is . . . well Compare Hebrews 2.6: 'What
(2) a euphemism for the female pudendum (Par- is man, that thou shouldest bee mindfull of him?
tridge). or the sonne of man that thou wouldest consider
87-8 pen . . . books A sure way to fall into him?' (Noble, Shaheen). Nearly the same words
trouble was to borrow from moneylenders. appear in Ps. 8.4. G. C. Taylor cites parallels from
89 suum, mun, nonny The first two words Montaigne's Apology for Raymond Sebonde, iii.250,
suggest the sound of the wind (Knight, cited by 268; vi. 189-90 (in Florio's translation, quoted in
Furness). The third word is used often in bal- Muir, NS).
lad refrains. (Steevens apparently invented a ballad 94 cat i.e. the civet cat, from whose glands
about a battle in France in which the French king ingredients for perfume are obtained.
did not want to risk his son the Dauphin: see Fur- 95 sophisticated adulterated, artificially
ness.) Some editions, e.g. NS, conflate emended altered.
Q and F, 'suum, mun, hay nonny nonny', since 95-6 Unaccommodated Unfurnished with
Edgar utters the kind of nonsense that could end in the trappings of civilisation, i.e. unadorned with
a ballad tag. For 'nonny-nonny' NS quotes OED: clothes.
'meaningless refrain, formerly often used to cover 96 forked two-legged. Compare 2H4 3.2.311,
indelicate allusions'. Compare Ham. 4.5.166, Ado where Falstaff describes Justice Shallow as 'a forked
2.3.69. radish'.
89-90 Dauphin . . . by Unexplained. See colla- 97 lendings clothes, i.e. the borrowings men-
tion. Johnson was the first to suggest French cessez tioned in 93-4. Lear begins tearing off his clothes,
for F 'Sesey', but the reference to the Dauphin the 'ironic conclusion' to the divestiture begun in
of France is unclear. Johnson thought it referred 1.1 of everything but the name of king and the
to a servant or attendant, others that it is from a reservation of a hundred knights (Heilman, p. 76).
ballad or song, but evidence is absent. John Crow Now he strips down to 'nothing'.
suggested to Muir that 'Dolphin' (Dauphin) could 97 Come . . . here Perhaps a delirious com-
mean the devil; he quoted a Noah mystery play: 'I mand to a groom, but more likely Lear speaking to
pray to Dolphin, prince of dead, / Scald you all in himself. Compare 5.3.283. Hysterica passio is evi-
his lead.' The identification with the devil derives dently afflicting Lear. As he tears off his clothing,
from English hatred of the French, and Edgar often Kent and the Fool try to restrain him. See collation
refers to devils or fiends who accompany or torment and compare Clayton, pp. 127-8; Stone, pp. 225-6.
him. Furness suggests 'unbutton here' may be a SD.
91 answer respond, encounter.
3.4-98 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1891-1901 [190]
98 contented; 'tis] F,- content, this is Q ioo on's] F; in Q 101 SD] F (after gj); Enter Cluster. Q 102 foul] F; foule
fiend Q 102 Flibbertigibbet] F,- Sriberdegibit Q uncorr.;fliberdegibekQ eon:; Sirberdegibil Q2 *i03 till the] Q; at F 103
gives] F, Q con:; gins Q uncorr., Q2 103 web and the pin, squints] F; web, the pin- / queues Q uncorr.; web, & the pin,
squemes Q con:; web, the pinqueuer Q2 104 harelip] Hare-lippe F; harte lip Q uncorr., Q2,- hare lip Q con: 106 SD]
This edn; not in Q, F,- [A'M^fi] / Oxford 106—10 Swithold . . . thee!] Capell's lineation; four lines ending . . . old, I . . .
nine-fold; / . . . -plight, / . . . thee, F,- as prose Q 106 Swithold] F; swithald Q *IO6 wold] Theobald; old Q, F 107
He . . . nightmare] F, Q con:; a nellthu night more Q uncorr.; anellthu night More Q2
108 alight] a-light F; O light Q, Q2 IOO troth plight] Q; troth-plight F n o aroint] F; arint Q (both times) no witch]
F, Q corr.; with Q uncorr., Q2 116 tadpole] tode pold Q uncorr.; tod pole Q corr.; Tod-pole F 116 wall-newt] F, Q corr.;
wall-wort Q uncorr, Q2 120 stocked, punished,] F; stock-punisht Q *i20 had] Q; not in F 122 Horse . . . wear;] F;
part of preceding prose Q 124 Have] F; Hath Q 125 Smulkin] F,- snulbug Q
Note the derivation from Anglo-Saxon 'mare' = 116 water i.e. water-newt.
incubus, which has nothing to do with 'mare' = 1 1 6 - 1 7 m the fury . . . rages i.e. when the mad
she-horse (Kittredge). But Q corr. 'nine fold' (F fit is upon him.
nine-fold) may = 'nine fole' (i.e. 'foal') (Tyrwhitt, 118 ditch-dog dead dogs thrown into ditches
cited by Furness). Excrescent -d is common in (Delius, cited by Furness).
Shakespeare, as in 'vilde' for 'vile' (129). Oxford 1 1 8 - 1 9 green mantle . . . pool scum from a
prints 'foal'. Capell thought the 'nine-fold' referred stagnant pond. Compare MV 1.1.89.
to the attendant train of imps or familiars. Nine, as 119-20 whipped . . . imprisoned Vagabonds
a multiple of three, is another magic number. NS under a statute of 1572 could be punished in these
and others cite a similar charm to cure the night- ways until driven back to wherever they belonged
mare from Scot's Discoverie ofWitchcraft (1584) and or whoever would take them in.
elsewhere. 119 tithing A rural district originally containing
108 Bid her alight i.e. get down off the ten households.
sleeper's chest. 120 stocked i.e. placed in the stocks.
109 troth plight i.e. promise to do no more 120-1 three . . . body Compare 2.2.14 n. on a
harm. servingman's allowance.
n o aroint thee Command to the demon (or 123-4 mice . . . year Compare the popular
witch who invoked her) to be gone, as in Mac. romance, Bevis of Hampton: 'Ratons and myce and
1.3.6. soche smale dere / That was hys mete that seven
1 1 1 - 1 3 How . . . seek? Kent addresses Lear yere' (Capell, cited by Kittredge).
first, then Gloucester. Sisson, p. 237, believes the 123 deer game in general,
first query is properly Gloucester's; but since Lear, 125 Smulkin A minor devil (in mouse's form
now subdued, has just undergone a vigorous strug- in Harsnett, p. 140).
gle, the question by Kent is appropriate. 126 What . . . company This speech and
116 wall-newt wall-lizard. Gloucester's next two are directed to Lear.
34-I27 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1921-39 U92]
128 Mahu.] F,- ma hu - Q 129-30 Our . . . it.] Pope's lineatwn; as prose Q, F 129 blood . . . vile] F; blond is growne
so vild my Lord, Q 132-7 Go . . . ready.] F lineatwn; as prose Q 133 T | F; to Q 137 fire and food] v; food and fire
Q 140 Good . . . house.] Q; two lines divided offer, / Go F 140 Good my| F; MY good Q 140 th'| v; the Q 141-2
I'll . . . study?] F lineation; as prose Q 141 same] F,- most Q
127 Prince . . . gentleman Said apparently in 137 bring . . . ready Gloucester wants to escort
reply to Gloucester's question. Lear to a more suitable place than Edgar's hovel,
127-8 Modo . . . Mahu Modu, another name possibly a servants' chamber in his castle or a sturdy
for the devil in Harsnett, was 'a graund Com- outbuilding on his estate.
maunder, Mustermaister over the Captaines of the 138 philosopher student of natural philosophy,
seaven deadly sinnes', and Maho was 'generall scientist. G. S. Gordon, Shahespearian Comedy,
Dictator of hell' (Harsnett, p. 46; compare ibid., 1944, pp. 126-8, says that formerly kings kept
p. 166). Edmond Blunden, Shakespeare's Signifi- philosophers just as they kept a fool and other court
cances (cited by Muir), says that Modo may have officers (Muir, XS). Lear takes Edgar as a member
reminded Shakespeare of a passage in Horace, Epis- of his court and questions him in the manner of
tles, 2.1.210-13, which describes the tragic poet and medieval instructional procedures (dialogue or cat-
concludes with references to Thebes and Athens echism). The cause of thunder was a typical ques-
(compare 'learned Theban' (141), and 'good Athe- tion. Compare 1.5.15 ff, where the Fool parodies
nian' (164 below)). Harsnett, moreover, quotes and the procedure.
translates from Horace's next epistle on 'Dreames 139 What . . . thunder A stock question,
and Magicall affrights'; both epistles are connected prompted undoubtedly by the storm.
by mention of terror and magic (Muir). The pas- 141 learned Theban Greek scholar. Compare
sage describing the tragic poet is one 'above all oth- 127-8 n.
ers' in Horace that Shakespeare could be expected 142 study (1) field of research, (2) object of main
to have known (NS). attention.
129 flesh and blood i.e. children. Gloucester's 143 prevent (1) anticipate, and thus (2) avoid,
comment may occasion Edgar's cry. escape.
130 gets begets. 143 fiend . . . vermin Compare 57—8 n. above.
132 suffer bear, endure. 144 in private Lear and Edgar here converse
133 in all in every respect. apart.
[I93\ TLN 1940-65 The Tragedy of King Lear 3.4.165
145-6 Importune . . . t'unsettle] F lincalion; as prose Q 145 once more] F; not in Q 146 t'] F; to Q 146 SD] F; nut in
Q 147 Ah,] F,- () Q 149 sayst I savest q, v 151 he] F; a Q 152 friend;] (Friend) F; friend Q 153 True] F, Q,- truth
Q2 154-5 Th1-' • • • grace - ] v lincalion; divided wits, / What Q 155 grace - ] Capell (subst.); Grace. Q; grace. F 155-6
O . . . company] F lincalion; one line Q 155-6 mercy, sir. - / Noble] F; mercie noble Q *is8 in t'] in't Q; into th'
F 159-60 With . . . philosopher.I F lincalion; one line Q 159-60 him; / I will keep still] F; him I wil keep stil, Q 161
Good . . . fellow] As in Q; two lines divided him: / Let F
147 His . . . death Perhaps Gloucester inter- upon Gloucester again tries to separate them by
prets 2.4.205-302 to mean this. At 3.6.45, however, urging Edgar back into his hovel. Lear insists on
after returning from his castle to get help for the keeping with Edgar even as Kent intercedes and
king, he says he has heard of 'a plot of death upon also tries to lead him away. Lear, in fact, never
him'. enters the hovel (Perrett, p. 260), but at the end
151 outlawed . . . blood i.e. disowned and of the scene is led elsewhere, taking Edgar and the
disinherited. others with him (160-4).
152-3 I loved . . . dearer Gloucester's behaviour 155 cry you mercy I beg your pardon.
in 1.2 and 2.1 hardly bears out this statement, but 161 soothe humour; used by Harsnett (p. 185)
his self-delusion is characteristic. in this sense (Aiuir).
155-65 I . . . Hush Gloucester addresses Lear 164 Athenian i.e. philosopher; compare 127-
and tries to lead him away from the Bedlamite. But 8n.
Lear demurs and wishes to stay with Edgar, where-
3.4166 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 1966-86 [i94\
166 tower came] F; towne come Q 168 SD] F; not in Q Act 3, Scene 5 3.5] Sccna Quinta. v; not in Q OSDEDMOND]
F,- Bastard. Q 1 his] F; the Q 8 just!] iust? Q, F 8 letter which] F; letter Q 9 heavens,] heauens Q; Heavens! F 10
this] F,- his Q 10 were not,] F,- were Q
166-8 Child . . . m a n 'Tom has the last 168 British Instead of'English', as in the tradi-
word. Silent Fool is usually seen separated inex- tional tag; possibly a concession to legendary his-
orably from his master, following forlornly behind' tory, or to the efforts of James I to unify the realm.
(Rosenberg, p. 228; compare Kerrigan, pp. 226-30).
Edgar combines fragments presumably from two
lost ballads: the first line alludes to the exploits Act 3 , S c e n e 5
of the epic hero, Roland, famous in the twelfth- 2 censured judged.
century Chanson de Roland. The second and third 2-3 nature . . . loyalty Edmond subordinates
lines derive from some version of Jack the Giant the 'natural' loyalty of a child to his father in favour
Killer. 'British Roland is entering the Giant's Cas- of loyalty to the duke (from whom he 'naturally'
tle, where his blood (kinship) is in danger of being expects advancement).
smelt (detected)' (NS). 3 something fears somewhat frightens.
166 Child Title of candidate for knighthood 4-6 I now . . . himself The syntax is unclear,
(Kittredge). but the sense seems to be: I see now that it was
166 dark tower Possibly refers to Gloucester's not only your brother's innate wickedness, but
castle, which is proving quite 'dark'. Gloucester's deserving, which could incite his son's
167 word password. reprehensible wickedness to kill him.
167-8 Fie . . . m a n The Giant's speech is 'given, 5 merit desert (in bad sense) (Schmidt).
by an intentional incongruity, to the heroic Child 7-8 How . . . just The irony here doubles back
Rowland' (Muir); the tower may have suggested the on itself.
story of the beanstalk (Hunter). It is all very omi- 8 approves him proves him to be.
nous, the apparent nonsense notwithstanding; the 9 an intelligent party a spy, giving informa-
foreboding is borne out in 3.7. In dramatic func- tion, intelligence.
tion, Edgar's speech parallels the Fool's prophecy 12 this paper Gloucester's letter (8).
at the end of 3.2.
[içs] 1987-2008 The Tragedy of King Lear 3.6.9
16 apprehension arrest. to hell for many crimes against his family and
17 comforting i.e. in legal sense of'supporting, the Empire. Nero's angling, however, comes from
helping' (Aluir). Chaucer's Monk's Tale (F. E. Budd, 'Shakespeare,
18 persever The form used by Shakespeare, Chaucer, and Harsnett', RES 11 (1935), 421-9).
with the aecent on the second syllable (OED). Angling in the 'lake of darkness', moreover, may
19 blood i.e. filial feeling. allude not only to the Stygian lake, which Harsnett
mentions in the same context, but also to the mur-
Act 3 , S c e n e 6 der of Agrippina, whose womb Nero 'slitte, to
2 piece out augment, supplement. biholde / Wher he conceyved was' (Monk's Tale,
4 have 'wits' influences the plural form. 485-6). Compare Hamlet's allusion to this crime.
4 impatience 'lack of self-control; passion' Ham. 3.2.390-6. The vision of hell is continued in
(NS). Lear's speech (13-14), where he imagines tortures
5 gods . . . kindness But what Gloucester for Gonerill and Regan.
gets in 3.7 is cruelly different (Rosenberg, p. 231). 7 Pray . . . fiend Perhaps addressed to the Fool,
Compare 5.3.230. who briefly revives and tries vainly to recapture
6 Frateretto Another of the dancing devils in Lear's attention.
Harsnett (p. 49). 8 m a d m a n A possible pun, 'mad' 'made'
6-7 Nero . . . darkness After introducing (Schmidt, cited by Muir). Kokeritz, pp. 126-7, IO 4>
Frateretto and other 'devils of the round, or notes similar puns elsewhere, e.g. 71V 3.4.52-7 and
Morice', Harsnett associates them with 'the Fldler' TNK 3.5.72-7 (compare Cercignani, pp. 236-7). A
(p. 49), clearly the Emperor Nero, who fiddled 'made man' is one whose success in life is assured
while Rome burned and is imagined condemned (OED Made ppl a 7).
3-6.10 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2 0 0 9 - 2 7 [796]
L E A R A king, a king! 10
F O O L No, h e ' s a yeoman that h a s a gentleman to his son; for he's a
mad yeoman that sees his s o n a gentleman before him.
L E A R T o have a thousand with red b u r n i n g spits
Come hizzing in upon 'em!
E D G A R Bless thy five wits. 15
K E N T O pity! Sir, where is the patience now
T h a t you so oft have boasted to retain?
E D G A R [Aside] M y tears begin to take his part so much
T h e y m a r m y counterfeiting.
L E A R T h e little d o g s a n d all, 20
Tray, B l a n c h , and Sweetheart - see, they bark at me.
E D G A R T o m will throw his head at them. - Avaunt, you curs!
B e thy mouth or black or white,
Tooth that poisons if it bite,
Mastiff, g r e y h o u n d , m o n g r e l g r i m , 25
H o u n d or spaniel, brach or him,
Bobtail tyke or trundle-tail,
11-12 FOOL No . . . him.] F; not in Q 13-14 To . . . 'cm!] F linealion; as prose Q (continuing 10) 18 SD] Rowe; not in
Q, F 19 They] F; Theile Q 22 Tom . . . curs] ^s in Q; divided you / Currcs F 23-8 He . . . wail;) F lineution (except
22-3); three lines ending . . . bite, / . . . him, / . . . waile, Q *25-6 mongrel grim, / Hound) Rowe (subst.); Mongrill,
Grim, / Hound F; mungril, grim-hoùd Q *26 him,] Q,- Hym: v; lym; Haunter (see Commentary) *2-j Bobtail tyke]
Bobtaile tike Q; Or Bobtaile tight F *2-j trundle-tail] Q2; trùdletaile Q,- Troudle taile F
1 1 - 1 2 FOOL . . . before h i m See Textual Anal- tion, 'lym' (= lymmer, a species of blood-
ysis, pp. 283-4 below. Davenport, p. 21, compares hound), generally accepted, is unnecessary. Fur-
Joseph Hall's satire on the doting Lolio, a yeoman, thermore, Blayney's lengthy analysis (in the
in Virgidemtae (1598), Bk iv, sat. ii: 'Old driuel- unpublished second volume of The Texts of
ing Lotto drudges all he can, / To make his eldest 'King Lear'') shows that the philological evi-
sonne a Gentleman . . .' Lolio's son, like Lear's dence brought to bear in support of Han-
two elder daughters, is ungrateful. mer's emendation breaks down. 'Lvam' means
13 a thousand i.e. devils, or demons. Compare ieash'; hence, 'lyam-hound' or 'lime-hound' =
Lear's hundred knights. ieash-hound'. According to Hanmer, iyam' or
14 hizzing F'S spelling seems a deliberate 'lym' also means 'leash-hound', which is about as
attempt at onomatopoeia, i.e. the whizzing sound plausible, Blayney says, as the analogous claim that
of the red-hot weapons (Kittredge). 'fox' means 'fox-hound' or that 'cart' means 'cart-
14 upon 'em On F'S omission of the mock trial horse'. OED errs in citing, out of context, iyam' as
that follows in Q, see Textual Analysis, p. 270 below. meaning any kind of dog; in context, the quotation
15 Bless . . . wits See 3.4.55 n. from i486 may mean something quite different, but
20-1 The little . . . me Lear imagines that even the entry itself may be wrong.
his lapdogs, possibly bitches as their names suggest, 27 Bobtail tyke A small dog with its tail cut
have turned against him. short, or 'bobbed', Q 'tike' is obviously right; F
22 throw his head Unexplained, but the 'tight' makes no sense and may be a misreading
expression (repeated at 29) may mean to shake and miscorrection of'tike' > 'tite' > 'tight' (Duthie,
one's head wildly or to face menacingly. 'Head' p. 179).
could mean hair, or the antlers of a deer (Edgar 27 trundle-tail A dog with a long, curly tail, F'S
mentions his 'horn' (32)). See also 29 n. 'Troudle' is apparently the result of a turned let-
23 or . . . or either . . . or. ter, since 'trondle' is a variant spelling of 'trundle'
26 brach bitch. Compare 1.4.98. (Q2). Compare Duthie, p. 180.
26 h i m i.e. male dog. Hanmer's emenda-
[197] TLN 2028-42 The Tragedy of King Lear 3.6.39
28 him] K; them Q 29-30 For . . . fled.] F /mention; as prose Q *2Ç head,] Q; head; F *30 leap] Q; leapt F 31-2 Do
. . . dry] As prose q; two lines divided Fayres / And F 31 Do, de, de, de] F; loudla doodla Q *3i Cessez/] This edn; sese:
F; Sessey / Johnson; not in Q 33-7 Then . . . changed.] F; jive verse lines ending . . . her [turned over] / . . . hardnes,
/ . . . hundred, / . . . say, / . . . chang'd. Q *34 makes] Q; make F 34-5 these hard-hearts] F; this hardnes, Q; these
hard hearts Rowe 35 sn| Capell; not in Q, F 35 entertain] F; entertaine you Q 36 garments. You will] F; garments
youle Q 37 Persian] F; Persian attire Q 38 and rest] F; not in Q 39-40 Make . . . morning.] As prose F; two verse lines
divided so, / Weele Q 39 so, so. | so, so, v; so, so, so, Q
29 throwing . . . head Edgar either throws his thrust his dagger into a cushion the Fool held over
horn ('head'), or, putting the horn on his head, his stomach, mortally wounding him. The action
pretends to attack or scare away the dog (Muir). In thus accounted for the Fool's disappearance from
Edmond Kean's staging and Macready's, he threw the play after 3.6.
a straw head-dress at imaginary dogs (Bratton, 33-4 what . . . heart i.e. what grows around her
p. 229). heart (to harden it).
30 hatch Lower half of a divided door. 34-5 hard-hearts See collation and Textual
31 Do . . . de Compare 3.4.55. Edgar's teeth Companion, p. 536: 'the compound was current as
chatter again. a verb and adjective (OED), and on the analogy of
31 wakes 'local annual festival of an English hard-head(s) could easily have been understood as
parish observed . . . as an occasion for making a substantive'. Hard hearts were well known the-
holiday, entertainment of friends, and often for vil- ological phenomena, caused by a fall from grace
lage sports, dancing, and other amusements' (OED (Hunter); but Lear seeks an anatomical explana-
Wake sb1 4b). Beggars and rogues did well at tion.
such gatherings; compare WT 4.3.102: Autolycus 35 entertain engage.
'haunts wakes, fairs, and bear-baitings'. 35 my hundred i.e. hundred knights.
32 thy horn is dry Formula for begging drink, 37 Persian i.e. gorgeous; but compare 'Theban',
carried in the ox horn beggars wore about their 'Athenian' (3.4.141, 164), and next note. Blunden
necks. Perhaps it also means, as Steevens thought, believed the allusion is to Horace, Odes, 1.38: 'Per-
that Edgar has exhausted his repertoire of Tom sicos odi, puer, apparatus' (T dislike Persian pomp')
o'Bedlam; in fact, this is his last speech in the scene. (NS). A Persian embassy visited England early in
33-4 Then . . . heart An acceptable non James I's reign (Muir).
sequitur, given the context of mad speeches, though 37 changed Compare Dan. 6.8: 'Seale the writ-
Duthie, p. 8, argues that as it continues the mock ing, that it not be changed, according to the lawe of
trial in Q, the words retained in F are rendered the Aledes and Persians, which altereth not' (Sha-
pointless after the trial is cut. heen). The immutability of Medean and Persian
33 anatomise dissect. In the theatre, Lear usu- laws had become proverbial in Shakespeare's day.
ally acts out the dissection, plunging a dagger 39 Draw . . . so, so Lear, exhausted, imagines
into the imaginary body, holding up the heart, he is in a luxurious, canopied bed speaking to his
etc. (Rosenberg, p. 236). In the Royal Shakespeare servant. Perhaps Edgar or Kent and the Fool mime
Company production in 1982, directed by Adrian the action; hence, 'so, so' (Rosenberg, p. 237).
Xoble (who retained the mock trial), Lear here
3.6.40 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2042-56 [i98]
40 i'th'morning.] F; it'h morning, so, so, so, Q 40 SD] Oxford; not in Q, F 41 FOOL And . . . noon.] F; not in Q *4i
SD] AS in Capell; after 37 F; after 40 Q 42 Come . . . master?] As in Q; two lines divided Friend: / Where F 46-53
There . . . away.] F lineation; six lines ending . . . frend / . . . master [turned under] / . . . with thine / . . . losse, /
. . . prouision / . . . conduct. Q 46 in't] F, Q; in it Q2 47 toward] F; towards Q 51 Take up, take up,] F,- Take vp to
keepe Q uncorr, Q2; Take vp the King Q eon: 52 me,] F, Q con:; me Q uncorr. 53 conduct. | F omits four lines here 53
come away] F omits thirteen and a half lines here 53 SD] F; Q continues scene
40 We'll . . . morning This 'inversion- p. 71). Other meanings are possible, including the
utterance' (NS) is a characteristic of the Fool (see Fool's intention to abandon his master, since he
41 n.), who has been tutoring Lear to face harsh can no longer help him (Kerrigan, pp. 228-9). I n
realities, not curtain them off. Whatever other sig- any case, the F addition - if it is one and not a Q
nificance they have, the words may refer, literally, oversight - provides the Fool with an appropriate
to the lack of food (which Gloucester was supposed exit line from the play. See Textual Analysis, p. 284
to provide), and imply 'We'll eat later.' below.
41 I'll . . . noon The Fool's last line, not in Q, is 41 SD Enter GI.OLCKSTKR See collation. Most
an 'inversion-statement' (NS, p. xxxii), an appro- editors follow Q and delay Gloucester's entrance.
priate response to Lear's speech. Its underlying It is unlikely that, given his sense of urgency,
significance has been much discussed. It may be Gloucester would stand quietly by for several lines;
proverbial for 'I'll play the fool' (Tilley B197), with moreover, he apparently does not see or hear Lear,
a quibble on 'bed' = grave (the Fool, exhausted after whom he enquires (Taylor, 'Censorship',
fa}' events and feeling himself supplanted by Poor p. 117, n. 48).
Tom, feels his heart breaking). Or Lear's apparent 45 upon against.
withdrawal from the actual world to the world of 46 litter Evidently, a wheeled vehicle pulled by
hallucination, indicated by the preceding line, cul- horses; note 'drive' (47).
minates here in the Fool's acquiescence in defeat, 52-3 provision . . . conduct i.e. Gloucester will
his 'acceptance of unreality - a purposive pretence quickly lead Kent to where he will find supplies and
that things are other than they are' (Hilda Hulme, other necessaries for the trip.
Explorations in Shakespeare's Language, 1962,
I>99] TLN 2058-73 The Tragedy of King Lear 3.7.13
Act 3, Scene 7 3.7 ] Seena Septuna. v; not in Q o SDJ F; Enter Cornwall, and Regan, and Gonorill, and Bastard. Q 1
SD] Furness; not in Q, F 1-3 Post . . . Gloucester.! As prose F; two lines divided letter [turned over] / The Q 3 traitor] F,-
vilaine Q 3 SD Capell (subst.); not in Q, F 6-12 Leave . . . Gloucester.] As prose F; six lines of verse ending . . . company.
[turned under] I'. . . father, /. . . going \titrned under] I'. . . like, /. . . betwixt vs, / . . . Gloster, Q 7-11 revenges] F;
reuenge Q *8 Advise] Q; Advice F 9 festinate] F2; festuant Q, Q2,- festiuate F 10 posts] F; post Q 10 intelligent] F,-
intelligence Q 12 SD.I] This edn; not m Q, F 12 SD.2] F; Enter Steward. Q (after ij)
14 hence.] hence, Q; hence F 15-19 Some . . . friends.] F lineation; as prose Q 16 questrists] K; questrits Q *I7 lord's]
Pope; Lords Q; Lords, F 18 toward] F,- towards Q 20 SD] Staunton; not in Q; I- 22 SD.I] Staunton (subst.); Exit Can.
and Bast. Q (after 21); Exit F (after 21) 22 SD.2 To Servants] Oxford; not in Q, F 23 SD] Capell; not in Q, F 24 well] F;
not in Q 26—7 Shall . . . control.] F lineation; divided blame / But Q 26 curtsy] curt'sie 1-7 curtesie Q *27 control] 07
comptroll F 27 SD] F; Enter Gloster brought in by two or three, Q (after traytor?) 30-1 What . . . friends.] Q lineation;
three lines ending . . . Graces? / . . . Ghests: / . . . Friends. F
15 Some . . . knights Apparently, Lear's retinue scious of the travesty of justice he is about to com-
has not yet entirely dissolved, though the play is mit in the ensuing 'trial'.
generally vague about their number, whereabouts, 24 pass upon i.e. pass judgement upon.
and final disposition. According to Oswald, some 25-6 our power . . . wrath i.e. our authority will
three dozen join with Gloucester's men (17) to bend to our great anger. As his next clause shows,
form a suitable entourage for Lear's trip to Dover, Cornwall is also conscious that his illegal proce-
whence they seem to disappear or merge with the dure will excite disapproval; but, hubristically, he
forces supporting the king. believes he can handle the consequences.
16 questrists Probably a Shakespearean coin- 26 curtsy i.e. 'do a courtesy to, yield', not the
age = 'questers'; but compare Latin equestns modern word meaning a feminine salutation made
= 'equestrian'. Taylor suggests 'questants', as in bv bending the knees and lowering the body.
AWW 2.1.16 ('Addenda' to Division, p. 488), 29 Bind During the next few lines, the servants
though Oxford follows F. tie Gloucester to a chair, with apparent reluctance,
23 thief Robbery was then a more heinous crime since Cornwall repeats the command (32).
and punishment more severe than today. 29 corky 'sapless, dry, and withered' (Muir,
24-5 Though . . . justice Cornwall is fully con- citing Harsnett (p. 23), 'an old corkie woman').
[20l] TLN 2093-2121 The Tragedy of King Lear 3.7.50
33 lady] Q; Lady, F 33 I'm none.] F; I am true. Q 34 To . . . find - ] As in Q; two lines divided him, / Villaine, F *34
find - ] Q; finde. F 34 so] Johnson (snbst.); not in Q, F 35-6 By . . . beard.] F lineation; as prose Q 37-8 Naughty . . .
chin] F; one line (turned under) Q 42 Come . . . France?] As in Q; two lines divided Sir. / What F 43 simple-answered]
Ha inner (subst.); simple answerer Q; simple answer'd F 44—5 And . . . kingdom?] Rome's lineation; as prose Q, F 45—6
To . . . Speak.] F lineation; one line Q 46 You have sent] F, Q; haue you sent Q2 46 king. Speak.] F; King speak? Q
51 Wherefore . . . peril - ] As in Q; two lines divided Douer? / Was't F *ji peril - ] Q; perill. F 52 answer] F; first
answere Q 53 I . . . course.] As in Q; two lines divided Stake, / And F 53 to th'] to'th' F; tot'h Q 54 Dover?] F; Douer
sir? Q 57 anointed] F, Q con:: aurynted Q uncorr., Q2 57 stick] F,- rash Q 58 as his hare] F,- of his lou'd Q uncon:, Q2;
on his lowd Q con: 59 hell-black night] Pope; Hell-blacke-night F; hell blacke night Q 59 buoyed] v; layd Q uncorr.,
Q2,' bod Q con: 60—1 And . . . rain.] F lineation; divided heart, / Hee Q 60 stellèd] F, Q con:; steeled Q uncorr., Q2 61
holp] F,- holpt Q 61 rain] F; rage Q 62 howled] F; heard Q 62 stern] F; dearne Q 64 subscribe! F; subscrib'd Q
51 at peril at risk (of death). place in position), or (2) starry (from Latin stel/a =
53 I . . . course Gloucester uses the image of star; compare OED); but either way, shining stars
a bear or bull tied to a post and baited by dogs, a are meant.
common, cruel entertainment, referred to also in 61 holp . . . rain i.e. by his tears.
77V 3.1.118-20, Mac. 5.7.1-2. 61 holp Obsolete form of 'helped'.
53 course attack (one of a succession) by dogs. 62 stern On the preference for Q 'dearne' by
57 anointed At a coronation, the sovereign was many editors, compare Q 'rashe', F 'sticke' (57 above
anointed w ith oil in the manner of biblical kings. and n.). The present instance may be a simpler (or
Compare 1 Sam. 26.9 (Shaheen). more complicated) one, since either Q or F may
57 stick See collation. Although 'rash' (= slash involve only a typographical error. The compart-
violently) is a more vivid and accurate term for ment for the ligature of iong-s' + 't' was very
the action of a boar's tusks (Hunter), the F reading near that for the 'd' in an English type case. Far
is perfectly acceptable, F'S 'sticke' for Q'S 'rash', from substituting one word for another, the com-
like 'sterne' for 'deame' (62 below), is a sophis- positor may just have substituted one piece of type
tication, though not by the F scribe or composi- for another, though we cannot judge whether it
tor (Greg, Editorial Problem, pp. 99-100). Duthie was the Q or the v compositor who was at fault -
agrees: 'sticke' is 'an editorial replacement of a dif- if indeed a typo was actually involved (McLeod,
ficult word by an easier one', but he does not iden- p. 160). Sisson believes that, as with 'stick' for
tify the editor (pp. 17, 194). Muir believes the sub- 'rash', revision occurred in rehearsal or for pur-
stitution might be an actor's, though Shakespeare poses of euphony; in a sense, he says, 'there is
could have made it 'to avoid the thrice repeated nothing to choose' (p. 238; 'dearne' = dire, dread:
"sh" '; he adopts Q anyway. compare Per. 3 Chorus 15).
58-60 The sea . . . fires In such a storm as 63-4 Good . . . subscribe A famous crux,
the bareheaded king endured in total darkness, the partly because of the ambiguity in 'cruels' (= cruel
sea itself would have swelled (in rage), reaching creatures or cruel deeds); Q 'subscrib'd' versus F
and extinguishing the very stars. Compare Temp. 'subscribe'; and the uncertainty about where the
1.2.4-5: 'the sea, mounting to th'welkin's cheek, / direct address ends. But the main sense seems clear.
Dashes the fire out' (NS). Gloucester says that on such a night Regan would
59 buoyed resin (like a buoy on a swell). have pitied wild animals howling outside her gates
60 stellèd (1) fixed (from OED Stell v 2 = to fix, more than she did her father. Assuming F is correct
[20j] TLN 2138-55 The Tragedy of King Lear 3.7.79
67 these] F,- those Q 69 you| F; ye Q 69 SD] Rome (suhst.); not in Q, F 70 th'other] F; tother Q *7i vengeance - ]
Q; vengeance. F 72 you] F,- not in Q 73-4 But . . . hold.] F lineation; one line (turned over) Q 75-6 If . . . mean?] F
Imeation; as prose Q 77 villain!] Villaine? F; villaine. Q; villein! Oxford 78 Nay] F; Why Q *78 SD] draw and fight Q
(after jj); not in F 79 SD.I ] Oxford; not in Q, F 79 thus!] thus? F; thus. Q 79 SD.2] F; Shee takes a sword and runs at
him behind. Q
and direct address ends with 'suhscribe', then: ways this action has been staged, see Rosenberg,
'Good porter, turn the key (and open the gates p. 242-3, and Bratton, p. 157.
to the wolves); all cruel creatures but you yield 75-6 I f . . . quarrel Compare 36 and n. above.
(to feelings of sorrow and compassion at a time 76 What do you mean? NS follows Kit-
like this).' For 'cruels' = cruel creatures, compare tredge, who assigns these words to Regan (after
'résolûtes', Ham. 1.1.98; 'vulgars', WT 2.1.94; f° r a conjecture by Craig) - unnecessarily, since her
'subscribe' = yield, submit, compare Tro. 4.5.105 sense of outrage (and Cornwall's) is registered
(Duthie, pp. 152-4, who ends direct address, like strongly enough elsewhere. Some stage business,
Kittredge, Muir, and Bevington, with 'key'; com- unrecorded in Q or F, may prompt the servant's
pare also Furness, Sisson). Stone, p. 197, proposes query to Cornwall. Thus, after 'quarrel' Hunter
the emendation 'ile' (= I'll) for 'else', ending the inserts SD Cornwall draws his sword, but most edi-
direct address with 'key'. He glosses: 'All cruels [= tors follow Q and have both men draw at 78.
cruel people or creatures] I'll (= I am, if necessary, 77 villain (1) serf, (2) evil person.
willing to] subscribe [= countenance], but [sc. come 78 take . . . anger take the risk (of good or bad
what may] I shall see / The winged vengeance success: Schmidt) that anger brings.
overtake such children.' 78 SD They . . . fight During the swordplay, the
65 winged vengeance 'The vengeance of the servant fatally wounds Cornwall before Regan is
gods, sweeping down upon them like a bird of prey' able to kill him (by running him through from
(Kittredge). Compare 2.4.154-5. behind, as Q directs). Compare 94-7.
69 SD Cornwall . . . eyes For the various
3-7-8o The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2156-76 [204]
Act 4, Scene i 4.1] Actus Quartus. Sccna Prima, F; not in Q *2flattered.To be worst,] Pope; flatter'd, to be worst: F;
flattered to be worst, Q 3 low'st] Oxford; lowest Q F 4 espérance] F; experience Q 6-9 Welcome . . . blasts.] F; not
in Q 9 SD] Y; Enter Glost. led by an old man. Q {after age, 12) 9-10 But . . . world!] Pope's lineation; F begins new line
with But and divides led? / World; one line Q 9 But who comes] F; Who's Q *io parti-eyed] Oxford (Davenport conj.);
parti, eyd Q corr.; poorlie, leed Q uncorr.; poorely led? Q2, F
12-14 O . . . fourscore -] Johnson's lineation; two lines divided Tenant, / And F; as prose Q *i4 These fourscore - ] this
forescore - Q; these fourscore years. F 17 You] F; Alack sir, you Q 21 Oh] F; ah Q 25, 27, 37, 52, 54 SD] Johnson;
not in Q, F 28 So] F; AS Q 30 Madman] F; Mad man Q 31 He] F,- A Q 32 I'th'| F; In the Q
14 fourscore - See collation. Compositor B, assets, or advantages, give us a false sense of secu-
who set these lines in F, appears guilty of sophis- rity (overconfidence), whereas our very lacks, or
tication, completing a sentence meant to be inter- deficiencies, turn out to be advantages. Compare
rupted, as Q indicates. Mac. 3.5.32-3: 'And you all know, security / Is
17 Thee . . . hurt Gloucester is concerned for mortals' chiefest enemy.' Dent, p. 244, compares
the Old Man's safety if he should be found aiding W152: 'He that is secure is not safe', and R2
the proclaimed traitor. Compare 4.4.39-40. 2.1.265-6.
18-19 I have . . . saw 'Gloucester here summa- 22 abused deceived.
rizes his whole career' (Heilman, p. 44). When he 23 to see . . . touch i.e. to recognise by touch-
had eyes, he could not see what he most needed ing you. Compare 4.5.143. Kittredge paraphrases
to see and understand, and thus he erred; blind more freely: 'To hold thee in my embrace'.
and knowing what he knows, his actions are now 25-6 Who is't . . . was Compare 1-9 above.
without purpose. Colie (pp. 131-2) compares Isa. Edgar's shock is an object lesson to him against
59.10, Matt. 13.13, and Job 5.14. false optimism, as his next speech explicitly states.
20-1 Our means . . . commodities i.e. our 31 reason rational capacity, sanity.
[207] TLN 2 2 1 7 - 3 6 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.1.48
35 Was . . . since.] As in Q; two lines divided him. / I F 36 flies to] F; flies are toth' Q 37 kill] F; bitt Q 37-9 How
. . . master.] F lineation; as prose Q 38 fool] F,- the foole Q 39 others. - Bless] Theobald; others, blesse Q; others. Blesse
F 41 Get thee away] F; Then prethee get thee gon Q 42 hence] F; here Q 43 I'th'] F; Ith' Q 43 toward] F, Q,- to
Q2 45 Which] F; Who Q 47 'Tis . . . blind.] As in Q; two lines divided plague, / When F
33 a man a worm Compare Job 25.6: 'How 38-9 Bad . . . others Considering his father's
much more man, a worme, euen the sonne of man, real misery, Edgar deplores the role he must
which is but a worme?' (cited by Kittredge and resume, one that upsets both himself and others,
others. Shaheen compares Ps. 22.6: 'But I am a NS regards this speech as Shakespeare's apology
worme, & not a man'). to the audience, as well as Edgar's to himself, and
36-7 As flies . . . sport Often mistakenly compares the Fool and Lear,
believed to sum up the basic philosophy or 'mes- 41 Get thee away See collation. Although Q
sage' of the play, these lines represent, rather, offers a metrically regular line, F repeats the earlier
Gloucester's despairing viewpoint at this stage in command (15) and is no more abrupt here than
his development. Edgar will try to bring him out of there or at 49 (but compare Duthie, p. 180, who
it, as he explains later (4.5.33-4). Here, Glouces- adopts Q). Werstine, p. 283, notes Compositor B's
ter, deeply cynical, believes human beings are of no omission of line beginnings elsewhere and thinks
greater significance or importance to the gods than he may have done so here, though conflation pro-
insects are to sportive children, who enjoy killing duces a metrically difficult line. Oxford considers
them for fun. Shakespeare may have recalled Plan- the tetrameter acceptable and follows F (Textual
gus's lament in Sidney's Arcadia, Bk 11, ch. 12, Companion, p. 536).
where human beings are called 'Balles to the star- 47 'Tis . . . blind It is the curse of our time
res, and thralles to Fortunes raigne'. Montaigne when rulers (madmen) lead ignorant (blind) sub-
uses a similar expression: 'The gods perdie doe jects. Gloucester makes a kind of parable out of his
reckon and racket us men as their tennis-balles' situation (Kittredge).
(Florio's translation, cited by Muir). Compare the 48 Do . . . pleasure Gloucester alters his com-
flykilling episode in Tit. 3.2.52 ff. mand, realising it is no longer appropriate for him
37 How . . . be Edgar is astonished by his to order anyone to do anything,
father's physical or mental condition, or both.
4-1.49 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2237-54 [208]
49 Above the rest Above all. 56 Both . . . footpath 'Each kind of path has
50 'parel apparel. Compare Marlowe, Jew of its appropriate obstacle - the stile for the footpath,
Malta 4.4: 'Here's goodly 'parrell, is here not?' the gate for the horse-way (bridle path)' (Hunter).
(Muir; see Abbott 460, for dropped préfixes 60 humbled . . . strokes i.e. made you suscep-
elsewhere.) tible to every misfortune.
51 Come . . . will i.e. regardless of what hap- 61 Heavens i.e. may the heavens.
pens as a result. 62-6 Let . . . enough Compare 3.4.33-6, where
52 daub it further dissemble any longer. Com- Lear expresses similar sentiments.
pare Old French dauber, Latin dealbare, 'to whiten 62 superfluous i.e. having too much, more
over, whitewash, plaster'; Rj 3.5.29: 'So smooth he than enough (hypallage, or transferred epithet: see
daub'd his vice with show of virtue'; and 2.2.57 Joseph, p. 56).
above. 62 lust-dieted i.e. fed by pleasures.
54 And . . . must See Textual Analysis, pp. 63 slaves your ordinance 'makes your law sub-
284-5 below. servient to his own desires' (Riverside). All men
55 Dover Gloucester is thinking of Dover as a are commanded to help one another; the rich are
suitable place for suicide (68-73), not as the place especially enjoined to help the poor, not to ignore
where he has sent Lear to meet the other 'traitors'. or exploit them. Compare the parable of Dives the
Perhaps Dover was suggested by the interrogation rich man and Lazarus the beggar in Luke 16.19-31
in 3.7: 'in his half-crazed state he has an irra- and the marginal gloss at verse 19 in the Geneva
tional urge to end his life there' (Muir, p. xlix). Bible: 'By this storie is declared what punishment
But not only the exigencies of the plot require the thei shal haue, which hue deliciously & neglect the
meeting of all principal characters at Dover; the poore.' Compare also Mark 10.21.
source in Sidney's Arcadia also included the desire 64 feel, feel (1) sympathise, (2) experience.
of the Paphlagonian king to jump off a high rock 64 quickly A triple pun: (1) very soon, (2) while
(Moberly, cited by Furness; compare Bullough, he is still alive, and (3) sharply, piercingly (NS).
P- 403)-
[20Q] TLN 2255-79 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.2.12
65 undo] F; vnder Q 69 fearfully] F; firmely Q 72-3 With . . . need.] F lineation; divided me, / From Q 73-4 Give . . .
thee.] F lineation; one line Q 74 SD] F; not in Q Act 4, Scene 2 4.2] Scena Secunda. F; not in Q 0 SD] This edn; Enter
Gonerill, Bastard, and Steward. V; Enter Gonorill and Bastard Q (which places Steward's entrance after 2) 3-11 Madam . . .
offensive.] F lineation; as prose Q 10 most he should dislike] F,- hee should most desire Q 12 SD] Hanmer; not in Q; F
65 So . . . excess Thus (heaven's intervention to France on the other side of the Channel,
having punished the rich for insensitivity to the
poor), excesses will be eliminated by a redistribu-
tion of wealth. Act 4, Scene 2
65 distribution (1) administration (of justice), 1 Welcome, m y lord Gonerill welcomes
(2) sharing out (NS, citing Cor. 3.3.99). Edmond to her castle, although they arrive
68-9 a cliff . . . deep The cliff itself becomes together,
the image of someone who, bending over its edge 4 the army i.e. the French forces. Compare
and looking down at the straits far below, is stricken 3.7.2.
with fear at the sight. 8 sot fool.
69 in into. 9 turned . . . out A clothing metaphor: Oswald
69 confined deep 'pent in straits' (Capell, cited has inverted the treachery and treason,
by Furness). Dover is the closest point in Britain 11 What like i.e. what he should like.
4.2.13 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2280-94 [210]
13 cowish cowardly. ers F defensible: 'Goneril says that she must adopt
14 undertake take responsibility (for some the name of man and her husband the name of
enterprise). woman, and then goes on to refer to an exchange
1 4 - 1 5 He'll . . . answer He will not notice of symbols of husband and wife - she will give
injuries which would require him to respond man- Albany the distaff and (this is implied) take from
fully. him the sword' (p. 181).
1 5 - 1 6 Our . . . effects Our desires as we 18 distaff'cleft stick on which wool or flax was
travelled here together may be fulfilled. Gonerill formerly wound; (used as the type for woman's
hopes that Edmond will supplant Albany as her work) wifely duties' (Onions). Compare Cym.
husband; ever the opportunist, Edmond has appar- S-3-34-
ently encouraged that hope. Neither one knows 20 like likely.
yet of Cornwall's death: see 39 ff. below, especially 22 mistress's command (1) liege's, or (2)
52-5- lover's order, presumably to get rid of Albany.
16 effects realised facts, fulfilments. 22 Wear this Gonerill here gives Edmond a
16 brother brother-in-law. favour to wear, such as a chain or scarf; but she
17 musters levies of troops. may simply refer to a kiss.
17 conduct escort, guide, accompany (compare 23 Decline your head i.e. so that she can put
OED sv v 1); not 'to lead as a commander' the favour around his neck or kiss him.
(Schmidt). 24 Would . . . air This speech and the lines that
18 change exchange. follow contain several sexual innuendos (Heilman,
18 names titles (i.e. wife and husband). Com- p. 318, n. 15; Muir and Hunter agree). For 'stretch'
pare 1H4 3.4.64, Temp. 2.1.150 (Onions). Many and 'spirits' see Rubenstein.
modern editors adopt Q'S 'armes' = weapons, or 25 Conceive Compare 1.1.10-11.
possibly = insignia (Craig, cited by Duthie). F'S 26-9 Yours . . . body See collation. In Q not only
'names' may be a misreading, as Jackson believes is 27 missing, but so is Edmond's exit. GonerilPs
(p. 323). F E. Budd, 'Shakespeare, Chaucer, and entire speech is thus directed in Q to her lover, not
Harsnett', RES (1935), 427, notes a close paral- to herself as in F.
lel from Chaucer's Monk's Tale, where the Host 26 Yours . . . death Muir and others find a
recalls his wife's reproach: 'I wol have thy knyf, / sexual pun on 'death' = orgasm, and compare
And thou shalt have my distaf and go spinne' 4.5.189. In other respects, the speech is prophetic
(B.3096-7). Though he adopts Q, Duthie consid- (Rosenberg, p. 251).
[2i i] TLN 2295-2308 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.2.36
28 a] F, Q corr.; not in Q uncorr.. Q2 29 My . . . body.] F; My foote vsurps my body. Q uncorr.; A foole vsurps my bed.
Q corr.; My foote vsurps my head. Q2 *30 SD.I Exil] Exit Stew. Q; not in F 30 SD.2 Enter ALBANY] F; not in Q 31
whistle.] F, Q uncorr.; whistling. Q corr. 31-2 O . . . wind] F lineation; one line (turned under) Q 33 face.] F omits twenty
lines here 34 bear'st] F; bearest Q 35-6 Who . . . suffering - ] F lineation; divided honour, / From Q, which continues
with six lines not in F *35 eye discerning] Rowe; eye-discerning F; eye deseruing Q *3Ô suffering - ] Oxford; suffering,
Q; suffering. F 36-8 See . . . woman.] F lineation; as prose Q
28 a woman's services 'the service that a 32-3 You . . . face Albany compounds Goner-
woman naturally gives to a real man' (Hunter). ill's sarcasm and plays on 'worth the whistle'.
29 My . . . body Though Albany is Goner- For the marked change in his attitude, compare
ill's husband, she thinks him a 'fool' who does not 1.4.266 ff.
deserve possession of her body (which Edmond, 32 rude (1) harsh, rough (Schmidt), (2) uncivil
a real man, does). Thomas Clayton makes a good (compare TGV 5.4.60: 'Ruffian! Let go that rude
case for Q uncorr. 'My foote vsurps my body' as the uncivil touch').
original manuscript reading, miscorrected in Q corr. 33 face For F omissions here, see Textual Anal-
and further in Q2 ('Old light on the text of King ysis, p. 271 below.
Lear\ MP 78 (1981), 347-67). F can be defended, 33 Milk-livered White-livered, i.e. cowardly.
but compare Greg, who concludes that 'My foole Cowardice was believed to be caused by lack of
vsurps my bed' was what the copy for Q actually blood in the liver (Kittredge). Compare 2.2.15.
contained {Variants,, pp. 170 ff.). 34 That . . . blows Compare Matthew 5.39 and
30 SD.I F omits Q'S Exit Stew. The omission Luke 6.29 on turning the other cheek (Shaheen).
is more likely an error by Compositor B, who 35-6 eye . . . suffering i.e. you cannot see
needed to insert Enter Albany at this point and the difference between what can be honourably
may have mistaken the added SD for a substitution borne and what should be resented (Muir). Com-
(NS). Albany's entrance is missing in Q, but Enter pare Hamlet's dilemma, Ham. 3.1.55-9.
the Duke of Albany appears in Q2 after Gonerill's 36 See . . . devil In Q, Gonerill's speech con-
speech (31). See Textual Analysis, p. 82 above. tinues for six more lines and comes to a proper
31 worth the whistle i.e. worth finding, seek- conclusion (see Textual Analysis, p. 271 below).
ing out. See collation. The usual proverbial form In F, Albany abruptly and vehemently breaks into
may have led to miscorrection in Q corr. (Greg, the middle of her speech, holding up to her, per-
Variants, p. 172; Duthie, p. 406; and Muir). Com- haps, the mirror she carries by her side (see 2.2.32
pare Heywood's Proverbs: 'It is a poore dogge that n.). Shakespeare may be alluding to Renaissance
is not woorth the whystlyng' (Steevens, cited by iconography, in which the devil is sometimes por-
Furness), and Tilley W311. In NS, Duthie adopts trayed standing behind the figure of Lady Vanity,
Q corr. and proposes the quibble: (1) entice, allure his face rather than hers reflected in the mirror she
(OED v 7*fig.),(2) wait for (OED v 9). gazes into (Meagher, p. 254).
4.2.37 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2309-30 [212]
*37 shows] shewes Q corn; seemes Q uncorr., F 38 fool!] F omits seven lines here 38 SD] F,- Enter a Gentleman Q 39 SH]
F,- Gent. Q (as throughout scene) 39-41 O . . . Gloucester] F tineation; as prose Q *4i eyes?] Q; eyes. F 42 thrilled] F;
thrald Q *44 thereat enraged] Q; threat-enrag'd F 47-50 This . . . eye?] F lineation; three lines ending . . . Iustisers, /
. . . venge. / . . . eye. Q *48 You justicers] Q corr.; your Iustices Q uncorr., 0.2; You Iustices F 50-1 Both . . . answer:]
F lineation; one line (turned over) Q 52 SD] Johnson; not in Q, F
37-8 Proper . . . woman The deformity of dev- from a misreading of, or in, the manuscript' (7>.v-
ils is appropriate to demons and therefore not so tua I Companion, p. 537).
horrid in them as in women (whose faces should 45 felled he felled. Compare Abbott 399 on
reflect more suitable feelings and attitudes). Muir ellipses. The Messenger implies a struggle among
compares King Leir 2582: 'Thou fiend in likenesse several of those present but does not mention
of a humane creature'. Regan's attack.
38 O vain fool Sain' = silly; but the epithet 47 plucked him after i.e. pulled him after his
may reflect back upon Gonerill ironically if she is servant (into death).
a representation of Lady Vanity (see 2.2.32 n., and 48 justicers (divine) judges. See collation, Q
Meagher, pp. 250-3). corr. is 'unquestionably correct' and is supported
42 bred brought up (OED Breed v 10b). by 'justicer' elsewhere in Q (Greg, Variants, p. 175;
42 thrilled pierced, suddenly moved. see Appendix, p. 299 below, xii, 36).
42 remorse compassion, pity. 48 nether earthly.
43 bending directing. 49 venge avenge.
44 To Against. 52 One . . . well In so far as Cornwall's death
44 thereat enraged See collation, Q is prefer- removes an obstacle to GonerilPs taking
able here. As Oxford observes, ' F I could as easily over the whole kingdom, she is pleased at the
result from Compositor B omitting a single type as news.
[213] TLN 2331-52 The Tragedy of King Lear 4 . 3 . 2
4.3 Enter with drum and colours, CORDELIA, GENTLEMEN, and Soldiers
CORDELIA Alack, 'tis he: why, he was met even now,
As mad as the vexed sea, singing aloud,
54 in] F; on Q 55-6 Upon . . . answer.] F lineation; divided tooke, / Ile Q *§6 tart. - ] Capell (subst.); tart. F; tooke,
Q *56 SD] Q; not in F 57 Where . . . eyes?] As in Q; two lines divided Sonne, / When F 63-4 Gloucester . . . king,] F
lineation; one line (turned over) Q 64 showed'st] shewedst Q; shew'dst F 65 thine] F; thy Q 65 eyes. - ] Capell; eyes,
Q; eyes. F 66 know'st] v; knowest Q 66 SD] F; Exit. Q; F omits a full scene here. See p. yy above Act 4, Scene 3 4.3]
Siena Tenia, F; not in Q o SD] F; Enter Cordelia, Doctor and others. Q *i why,] why Q, F 2 vexed] F; vent Q
53 my Gloucester GonerilPs possessiveness is she voices the humane concerns the Gentleman
patent. attributes to her in Q'S Scene 3, she is much more
54-5 May . . . life The dream that Gonerill's the active exponent of her father's rights. In Q,
imagination has constructed (of marrying Edmond) 'Monsieur La Far' was named the leader of the
may be demolished (if Regan takes her place); then French army after the King of France suddenly
life (with Albany) will remain hateful to her. had to return home; in F, Cordelia leads the French,
55-6 Another way . . . tart An apparent redun- and there is no mention of either her husband or
dancy, as she reverts to her attitude in 52. his proxy (Goldring, p. 149; compare Urkowitz,
59 back i.e. on his way back. P- 94)-
66 SD Exeunt F omits an entire scene following 0 SD GENTLEMAN See collation and compare
4.2, probably to shorten the play in performance. 4.6.0 SD. Taylor ('War', p. 30) suggests that the
See Doran, p. 70, Duthie, p. 8, and Textual Anal- scene in Q is intimate rather than military, more
ysis, p. 271 below. suitable for a doctor's presence than a military set-
ting, where Shakespeare has surgeons rather than
doctors appear - a nice distinction.
Act 4, Scene 3 1 he i.e. Lear, of whom they have been just
o SD Enter . . . CORDELIA Cordelia's reappear- speaking.
ance in the play in F differs significantly from her 2 vexed turbulent; compare Ham. 4.1.7: 'Mad
reappearance in Q (Warren, 'Diminution', p. 67). as the sea and wind when both contend'.
Here, she is at the head of an army, and although
4-3-3 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2353-67 [2>4]
3 fumitor fumitory, a weed (compare Old may faintly suggest the restoration of Lear's train
French fumeterre, medieval Latin fumus terrae, (Perrett, p. 201).
'smoke of the earth', so-called because it springs 7 high-grown field 'It is now, for symbolic pur-
from the earth in great quantity like smoke: see poses, high summer at Dover. The height of Lear's
OED). H$ 5.2.45 similarly lists 'rank femetary' escape into "natural" chaos is supported by a nat-
along with darnel and hemlock, F'S 'Fenitar' may ural riot of vegetation' (Hunter).
derive from a minim misreading; Q 'femiter' may 8 What . . . wisdom i.e. what can human
reflect Shakespeare's spelling (NS). knowledge accomplish.
3 furrow-weeds i.e. weeds growing in ploughed 10 worth wealth.
land. 12 Our . . . nature i.e. what naturally nourishes
4 burdocks 'coarse weedy plant . . . bearing and helps us. Shakespeare opposes a natural rem-
prickly flower-heads called burs, and large leaves edy - repose - to quack cures, such as scourging,
like those of the dock' (OED). See collation, Q'S charms, bleeding, scalp-shaving, etc., used by con-
'hor-docks' is probably the result of misreading temporary physicians (A. E. Kellogg, Shakespeare's
copy, an error compounded in F 'Hardokes' by the Delineation of Insanity, Imbecility, and Suicide, 1866,
collator and/or compositor (see Stone, pp. 56, 101, cited by Furness).
209; Textual Companion, p. 521). 13 provoke induce.
4 cuckoo-flowers Variously identified as ragged 14 simples operative effective medicinal herbs.
robin, ladies' smocks, and bedlam cowslip. Ladies' Compare 'simples' in Rom. 5.1.40.
smocks, or Cardimine pratensis, was used as long 15-16 All blest . . . earth Cordelia invokes
ago as the ancient Greeks and Romans and as the assistance of natural, or white, magic, depen-
recently as the last century for treating mental dis- dent here on herbs and plants for its effectiveness.
eases (Muir). Compare Giambattista della Porta, Maguie natu-
5 Darnel Any troublesome weed (Furness); ralis (Naples, 1589); English trans., London, 1658:
tares. Bk 8, ch. 1, 'Of Medicines which cause sleep',
5 idle i.e. useless. pp. 217-18.
6 sustaining life-supporting, in contrast to 'idle 16 unpublished . . . earth i.e. secret, powerful
weeds'. herbs.
6 century A hundred soldiers. The number
[21s] TLN 2368-88 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.4.5
*i8 good man's distress. - ] Capell (subst.); good mans distresse, Q; Goodmans desires: F 20-1 News . . . hitherward.]
F lineation; one line (turned under) Q 23 them. - ] Capell; them, Q,- them. F 24-5 It . . . France] Johnson's lineation;
one line Q, F 26 importuned] F; important Q 27 incite] F; in sight Q 28 right.] right, Q; Rite: F 29 SD] F; Exit. Q
Act 4, Scene 4 4.4] Scena Quarta. v; not in Q 3 there] F; not in Q 4-5 Madam . . . soldier.] F lineation; one line Q 5
sister is] F, Q; sister's Q2
17 Spring . . . tears Cordelia figuratively and 25 France i.e. the King of France.
literally waters the plants with her tears to encour- 26 importuned importunate, solicitous, Q'S
age growth. 'important' means the same, though it may be
17 aidant and remediate helpful and reme- a misreading of 'importund' (Duthie, p. 410) or
dial. Shakespeare may have coined 'remediate' to 'importune' (also meaning importunate: Muir).
avoid the jingle with 'aidant' that 'remédiant' would 27-8 No . . . right Cordelia here proclaims her
cause (Muir; compare Wright, cited by Furness). reasons for coming to England - not the seizure of
18 good man's distress See collation, F'S error political power for herself, but filial devotion and
cannot derive from Q; Compositor B misread the wish to restore her father's rights.
manuscript copy (see Textual Analysis, p. 74 above, 27 blown puffed up, inflated. Compare 1 Cor.
and compare Stone, pp. 101, 222). 13.4-5: 'Loue suffreth long: it is bountiful . . . it
19-20 Lest . . . it Cordelia is afraid that in his is not puffed vp: / It disdaineth not: it seketh not
madness Lear will kill himself. her owne things . . .' (Muir).
19 rage madness, frenzy.
20 wants the means lacks sanity, reason. Act 4, S c e n e 4
22 preparation forces ready to fight; as in Oth. 4 with much ado It has apparently required
I-3H- considerable effort from Gonerill to get Albany,
23-4 O . . . about Compare Luke 2.49: 'knewe uncertain where his duty lay, to take command of
ye not that I must go about my fathers business?' his army and march on.
44-6 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2389-411 [216]
6 lord] F; Lady Q 6 home?] F; home. Q 8 letter] F; letters Q 13 Edmond] F; and now Q 14-16 In . . . enemy.] F
lineatum; two lines divided life, / Moreouer Q 16 o'th'enemy.] F; at'h army. Q; of the Army. Q2 17 madamj F; not in
Q 17 letter] F; letters Q 18 troops set] F,- troope sets Q 19-20 I . . . business.] F lineution; as prose Q 2 1 - 2 Why . . .
Belike - ] As in Q; divided: Edmond? / Might F *22 Belike - ] Oxford; belike Q; Belike, F *23 Some things - ] Something -
Pope; Some things, F; Some thing, Q,- Something Q2 23 much:] Oxford; much, Q; much F 24 I had] F,- I'de Q
6-8 Lord . . . him Regan is curious about the correction was misunderstood and the line
Edmond's sudden departure and the reason Goner- remained unmetrical (Textual Companion, p. 537).
ill so swiftly sent a letter after him. 18-19 Stay . . . dangerous Regan's motive in
6 lord See collation. Copy for Q probably had cajoling Oswald is related to her suspicion con-
'L.', which the compositor mistook for an abbrevi- cerning the relationship between her sister and
ation of'Lady' (Duthie, p. 411; Stone, p. 38). Edmond. Compare 23-4 and n.
8 import signify. 20 charged . . . business i.e. lay particular
10 Faith In faith (a common oath). stress upon me to carry out her orders.
1 1 - 1 2 It . . . live Compare 3.7.4. Regan initially 2 2 - 3 Belike . . . what Regan is momentarily
counselled death, which was practical, but Goner- unsure how to proceed, as her suspicions mount
ill's sadism better suited Cornwall's temperament regarding Gonerill and Edmond,
and then excited Regan (King). 22 Belike Probably.
11 ignorance folly. 3~4 I'll • • • letter In the theatre these lines are
15 'nighted benighted; literally, because he is often accompanied by significant gestures, as Regan
blind, but Regan may also contemptuously imply attempts to seduce Oswald, caressing - even kiss-
the figurative sense. ing - him while reaching for the letter he carries
17 after
meant See collation.
to replace 'Madam'
rather than followwas possibly
'him', but on his person (Rosenberg, p. 261).
[217] TLN 2412-32 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.5.2
27 oeilliads] Eliads F; Iliads F2-4; aliads Q,- oeiliads Rowe 29 madam?] F,- Madam. Q 30 Y'are] F; for Q *34 lady's]
Rowe; Ladies Q, F 37-8 I . . . well.] F lineation; one line Q 38 fare you well] F; farewell Q *4i him] Q; not in F 41
should show] should shew F; would shew Q 42 party] F; Lady Q 42 SD] F; Exit. Q Act 4, Scene 5 4.5] Scena
Qtiinta. F; not in Q o SD] Theobald; Enter Gloucester, and Edgar, F; Enter Gloster and Edmund. Q 1 I] F; we Q 2 up it
now.] F; it vpnow, Q; it vp now, Q2 2 labour.] F; labour? Q
27 oeilliads amorous glances {OED, Onions); 35 give h i m this Precisely what Regan gives
compare Wiv. 1.3.61, and Cotgrave: Oeilliade, 'An Oswald for Edmond is not clear. It may be a ring
amorous looke, affectionate winke, wanton aspect, or other token rather than a note, since Edgar
lustfull iert [ = jerk], or passionate cast, of the eye; reads only one letter after rifling Oswald's pock-
a Sheepes eye'. OED and Muir cite Greene, Dispn- ets (4.5.250-8). Compare Furness, Muir, Hunter.
tatton between a He and a She Cony-Catcher (1592); 36 thus much i.e. what I have told you.
'amorous glaunces, smirking oeyliads'. Q'S 'aliad' 37 I pray . . . to her Compare Wiv. 3.3.118. The
involves a/e misreading. image is the summoning of a subordinate. The rep-
27 speaking looks Muir compares the phrase etition of 'her' propels the irony of this line into
in Florio's Montaigne, iii.211. sarcasm, which Regan hardly expects Oswald to
28 of her bosom (1) in her confidence, (2) sex- repeat (King),
ually intimate. Compare 5.1.11 n. and Rj 1.2.13,
Richard III to Lady Anne: 'So I might live one
hour in your sweet bosom' (NS; Partridge, p. 77). Act 4, S c e n e 5
30 understanding knowledge (Schmidt). o SD dressed like a peasant The Old Man in 4.1
31 take this note i.e. note this carefully. has apparently kept his word and given Edgar new
32 talked i.e. come to an understanding apparel. See 4.1.50 and 222 below.
(Kittredge). 1 that same hill Compare 4.1.68-70.
33 convenient suitable, fitting. 2 You . . . labour Edgar's deception throughout
34 You . . . more You may infer more from this scene may seem cruel, his explanation and
what I have said.
4-5-3 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2433-57 [2.8]
3-4 Horrible . . . sea?] F lineation; one line Q 7 speak'st] F; speakest Q 8 In] F; With Q 11 Come . . . fearful] As in
Q; two lines divided Sir, / Heere's F 14 Show] Shew Q, F *i-] walk] Q; walk'd F *i8 yon] Q; yond F 21 th'] F; the
Q 21 pebble] F; peeble Q 21 chafes] F; chaffes Q 22 so] F; its so Q
25-7 Give . . . upright.] As in Q; lines end . . . hand: / . . . Verge: / . . . vpright. F 30 further] F,- farther Q 32 ye]
F; you Q 33 SD] Capell; not in Q, F 33-4 Why . . . it.] F lineation; one line (turned over) Q 34 Is] F, Q; tis Q2 *34
SD] He kneeles. Q (after Gods,),- not in F 39 snuff] F; snurff Q 40 him] F; not in Q 41-8 Gone . . . sir?] F lineation; as
prose Q 41 SD] Capell; He fais. Q (after thee well); not in F
23 turn spin, become giddy. but 'patient'. Compare 38 n., and p. 21 above.
23 deficient failing, defective. 38 opposeless Unaware of his futility as well as
24 Topple i.e. topple me. inconsistency, Gloucester opposes ('quarrels with')
27 leap upright Having been pulled along, the gods by attempting suicide while at the same
wearily climbing the 'hill' (1-2), Gloucester is in a time asserting that their wills cannot be resisted
crouching position. Edgar warns that to straighten (opposed).
or jump up suddenly could result in loss of balance 39 snuff candle-end or smouldering wick,
and prove fatal. 39 loathed . . . nature the fag end of life, char-
28 another purse Compare 4.1.59, 72. acterised by senility and therefore disgusting.
29-30 Fairies . . . thee Gloucester alludes to the 40 Burn itself out i.e. end naturally.
superstition that fairies who guard hidden treasure 41 SD Gloucester . . . falls Gloucester doubtless
can make it multiply miraculously in the posses- waits till he hears Edgar say he is gone before he
sion of the discoverer (Kittredge). Compare WT throws himself forward. Q places the SD He fais after
3.3.123. Gloucester's speech, where there is ample space,
36 patiently Gloucester, of course, is anything rather than in the midst of Edgar's speech. Why F
4-542 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2482-501 [220]
42 SD] Capell; not in Q, F 42 may] F; my Q 45 had thought] F, Q; thought had Q2 45 past. - ] Theobald; past, Q;
past. F *4Ô Ho . . . Speak!] This etln; Hoa, you Sir: Friend, heare you Sir, speake: v; ho you sir, heare you sir, speak
Q 47 SD] Capell; not in Q, F 49 Hadst . . . air,] As in Q; two lines divided ought / But F 49 gossamer] gosmore Q;
Gozemore F; goss'mer Pope 50 So . . . precipitating,] Q; (So . . . precipitating) F 51 Thou'dst] F,- Thou hadst Q 52
speak'st] F; speakest Q 56 fall'n] falne F; fallen Q 56 no?] F; no 1 Q 57 summit] Somnet F,- sommons Q; summons
Q2 *58 a-height] Warburton; a hight Q; a height F 59 up.] F; vp? Q
*63 tyrant's] tyrants Q; Tyranrs F 65 is't?] F,- not in Q *66 strangeness.] strangenes Q; strangenesse: Q2,- strangenesse,
F *Ô7 o'th'cliff what] of the cliffe what Q; o'th'Cliffe. What F 68 beggar] F; bagger Q 69 methought] F; me thoughts
Q 70 He] F; a Q 71 whelked] Hanmer (subst.); welk't Q; welkt Q2; wealk'd F 71 enraged] F,- enridged Q 73 make
them] F; made their Q 78 'twould] F; would it Q,- would he Q2 79 fiend!] fiend, Q; Fiend, F 80 Bear] F,- Bare Q
*8o SD] Q (subst., following 82); Enter Lear. F 81-2 The . . . thus.] F lineation; one line Q 81 ne'er] F,- neare Q 83
crying] F; coyning Q 85 Nature's] F; Nature is Q 87 piece of] F; not in Q 88 do't] F; do it Q
80 SD Enter LEAR, mad Many editions expand column heading reads 'Christs side perced'.
Q'S SD with a description of Lear fantastically 85 Nature's . . . respect A king is born, not
dressed, crowned with weeds and flowers, etc. For made, and cannot lose his natural rights (Schmidt
various theatrical representations, see Rosenberg, 1879, cited by Furness). But Lear may also allude
pp. 267-8; Bratton, pp. 177-9. A change of gar- to the natural propensity for emotional outlet. The
ments here and in the next scene is appropriate to relation between art and nature was frequently
Lear's changed condition. Obviously, to have the discussed, as in WT 4.4.87-103. The disjointed
Fool accompany him in this state would be both sentences in this speech and elsewhere suggest
superfluous and distracting: another reason to ter- Lear's disordered mental state, although a sub-
minate his role in Act 3. Compare 3.6.41 n. merged thread of sense often connects his utter-
8 1 - 2 The safer . . . thus i.e. no one in his right ance.
mind would be dressed like this. 85-6 press-money Payment for enlistment
81 safer sounder, saner (Onions). Compare MM or impressment into the king's army. Lear dis-
1.1.72; Oth. 4.1.269: 'Are his wits safe? Is he not tributes his coins, real or imagined, to Glouces-
light of brain?' ter and Edgar, or to soldiers he imagines standing
81 accommodate Compare 3.4.95-6, where by.
Lear refers to 'unaccommodated man' in a different 86 That fellow i.e. one of Lear's imaginary
sense. soldiers.
82 His Its. 86 crow-keeper scarecrow, or a farm-boy
83 touch . . . crying See collation. If the read- assigned to keep crows off a field; here, an inept
ing 'crying' is preferred, then 'touch' = (1) lay archer. OED cites Dick of Devon (1626), 2.4: 'Sure
hands on, or (2) rebuke, censure, accuse. M. War- these can be no Crowkeepers nor birdscarers.'
ren sees an allusion to the special sense of laying Compare Rom. 1.4.6.
the hand upon (a diseased person) for the cure of 87 clothier's yard i.e. full length of the arrow
the 'king's evil', or scrofula {OED Touch v 2b) (36 inches).
('King Lear, IV.iv.83: the case for "crying"', SQ 87 mouse Perhaps imagined, through associa-
35 (1984), 320). If the chosen reading is 'coining', tion with 'crow-keeper', though actual fieldmice
this would constrict the meaning of 'touch'. Since were abundant then as now.
'coining' means minting coins (a royal prerogative), 87 Peace, peace Addressed to the soldiers Lear
Lear would then be understood as saying, 'since imagines are startled into action.
I am the king, I cannot be arrested ("touched") 88 do't i.e. catch the mouse.
for forgery'. See Rosenberg, pp. 267-8, who also 88 gauntlet i.e. challenge (literally, a thrown
defends F'S 'crying'. glove).
84 side-piercing i.e. heart-rending (Schmidt), 88-9 I'll . . . giant I'll make good my cause
with a possible allusion to Christ on the cross. against anyone, even a giant (let alone a mouse).
Compare John 19.34; m t n e Geneva Bible the Lear imagines himself as a mighty champion.
[223] TLN 2537-53 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.5.103
90 i'th'clout . . . Hewgh!] F; in the ayre, hagh, Q 94 Ha! . . . beard?] F,- Ha Gonorill, ha Regan, Q 95 the white] F;
white Q *96—7 To say . . . was] Oxford; to say I and no, to euery thing I saide, I and no toe, was Q; to say I and no to
all I saide: I and no too was Q2; To say I, and no, to euery thing that I said: I, and no too, was F 99 'em] F; them Q
{both times) 100 o'] F; of Q 101 ague-proof] F; argue-proofe Q 102-5 The . . . cause?] F lineation; as prose Q
89 brown bills Halberds painted brown to pre- (Rosenberg, p. 270), a demon witch, the inversion
vent rust. Having assembled his archers, Lear of child and parent, etc. Also: Gloucester was to
orders up his billmen. Edgar what Gonerill was to Lear, as Edgar says in
89 O . . . bird Falconer's cry of approval Q (see Appendix, p. 300 below, xiv, 9), and both are
when his falcon was successful (Steevens, cited by lechers (King).
Furness); but Lear may refer to the feathered arrow 94-6 They . . . there Another abrupt mental
he imagines shot off. shift, prompted perhaps by recollection of Goner-
90 clout Centre of target or mark, as in LLL ill's flattery in 1.1. The image of the fawning dog
4-II34- is typically Shakespearean (Spurgeon, p. 195). Lear
90 Hewgh Whistling sound to indicate (1) complains of the world's flattery that praises pre-
sound of the arrow through the air, or (2) cry of maturely a king's ripe wisdom. A white beard
astonishment (NS). symbolises the wisdom of age, which 'they' said
90 word password. he had before he was old enough to grow any
91 Sweet marjoram Edgar humours Lear with beard.
this fanciful password, which may allude to the 97 no good divinity bad theology. Several bib-
wildflowers bedecking Lear and/or to 'a blessed lical verses are possible sources or analogues. Com-
remedy for diseases of the brain' (Blunden, cited pare Matt. 5.37: 'But let your communication be,
by xMuir). Yea, yea: Nay, nay. For whatsoeuer is more the[n]
94 Gonerill . . . beard Lear takes Glouces- these, commeth of euil.' Compare also Matt. 5.36:
ter for Gonerill in disguise (Kittredge), or he asks 'Nether shalt thou sweare by thine head, because
how she could be so inhuman to her aged father thou canst not make one heere white or blacke'
(Halliwell, cited by Furness). Either way, Lear is (Hunter), and James 5.12, 2 Cor. 1.18-19.
prompted by the sight of white-bearded Glouces- 97-100 When . . . out Lear recalls the storm.
ter, as F'S alteration of Q indicates (see collation Compare AY LI 2.1.6-12 (NS).
and R. Warren, p. 50). Hunter adds a SD He kneels 101 ague-proof immune to severe chill. J. C.
after 93, so that Gloucester's obsequious or flatter- Maxwell cites Florio's Montaigne, i.42: 'Doth the
ing attitude reminds Lear of Gonerill. But the hag ague . . . spare him [the king] more than us?' (NS).
image is more complex, suggesting transsexuality 102 trick peculiar characteristic.
4-5- 10 3 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2554-66 [224]
103 every] F; euer Q 106-8 Adultery . . .fly]Capell's Hneation; two lines divided for Adultery? / No, F; as prose Q 107
die. Die] dye: dye F; die Q 108 to't] F; toot Q 109—12 Does . . . sheets.] Johnson's Hneation; three lines ending . . .
thriue: / . . . Father, / . . . sheets. F; as prose Q 109 Does] F; doe Q 113 lack] F, Q; want Q2 114-22 Behold . . .
inherit;] Capell's Hneation; as prose Q, F * i i 4 yon] Q; yond F 115 presages] F; presageth Q 116 does] F; do Q 117
To] F; not in Q 118 The] F; to Q 118 to't] F; toot Q
120 centaurs Half human, half horse, the cen- nied by grimace, spitting, vomiting' (Rosenberg,
taur was notorious for riot and lechery. In an P- 274)-
infamous battle, mentioned in MND 5.1.44, cen- 126-7 Give . . . thee Lear now addresses
taurs attempted to carry off Hippodamia, bride of Gloucester as an apothecary from whom he buys
Theseus's friend Pirithous (Ovid, Métamorphoses, perfume to 'sweeten' his imagination, which engen-
12.210 ff; summarised in North's Plutarch, The dered his foul vision of hell. Compare Marston,
Life of Theseus). The Fawne (1606), 2.1: 'Sweeten your imaginations,
122-3 But . . . fiend's Much Renaissance with thoughts of - ah why women are the most
thought was preoccupied with humanity's double giddie, uncertaine motions under heaven . . . onely
nature. Compare C. Carlile, A Discourse of Peters meere chancefull appetite swayes them' (Muir).
life (1580): lServerus said that a woman was the 126 ounce (1) one sixteenth of a pound (weight),
worke of the devil, and the upper part of a man (2) lynx (King).
of God, but from the navell downe of sathan: and 126 civet Perfume made from the anal glands of
therefore they that marrie doe fulfill the works of civet cats. The association is suggested by Glouces-
the devill' (Dent, p. 31). Exorcists hunted the devil ter's bandages: civet cats have reddish eyes (King).
through various parts of the woman's body; the NS suspects irony and compares AYLI 3.2.64-8.
girdle of a martyred saint, moreover, was allegedly 130 piece masterpiece (probably, in view of
used 'to confine the chief fiend to the lower part of Lear's former majesty); compare Ant. 5.2.98-9:
the woman's body, her "hell"' (M. C. Bradbrook, 't'imagine / An Antony were nature's piece 'gainst
Shakespeare: The Poet in his World, 1978, p. 196). fancy' (Schmidt 1879, cited by Furness).
Compare Virgil's description of Scylla: a fair virgin 130-1 This . . . naught The universe will, like
to the waist, a sea-monster below (Aeneid, 3.426-8). Lear, disintegrate into ruin.
122 girdle waist. 132 I . . . enough Lear is bitterly tendentious.
122 inherit possess, govern. His 'remembering' focuses on the absent organs
124-5 n e H . . . consumption 'The obvious sex- and forces attention on them.
ual references point to a climax of hysterical disgust 132 squiny squint. Compare 3.4.103 n.
at female sexuality' (Hunter). 133 blind Cupid 'Love is blind' is proverbial
124 hell (1) place of damnation, (2) slang for (Tilley L506; M V 2.6.36-7). But 'blind Cupid' also
female genitals (Riverside). adorned the sign of a brothel, as Benedick indicates
125 consumption destruction. in Ado 1.1.253-4. Gloucester, as Edmond's father,
125 Fie . . . pah 'The monosyllables are, of his eye-sockets bandaged, reminds Lear of brothel
course, not voiced as such: they are inarticulate love. In Sidney's Arcadia, Bk 11, ch. 14, Cupid is
sounds of physical disgust that may be accompa- 'an old false knaue', half man, half beast (Muir).
4-5-134 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2582-603 [226]
134 this] F; that Q 134 but] F; not in Q 134 of it] F; oft Q 135 thy] F; the Q 135 see.] F,-see one. Q 136 SD] Hanmer;
not in Q, F 136-7 I . . . it.] Theobald's lineation; divided report, / It F; as prose Q *I39 What - ] Oxford; What! Q;
What, Q2; What F 144 this] F; the Q 145 thine] F,- thy Q *i45 yon] Q; yond F *i45 yon] Q; yond F *i46 thine]
F,- thy Q 146 change places, and] F; not in Q 147 justice] F; theefe Q 147 thief?] F; lustice, Q *i5o cur? There]
Theobald; Cur: there F; cur, ther: Q 151 dog's obeyed] F,- dogge, so bade Q; dogge, so bad Q2
134 this challenge Compare 88 above. 145-6 See . . . thief An example of looking with
Whether Lear actually holds a piece of paper ears.
(the proclamation for Gloucester's death, 146 simple Either (1) humble, ordinary, or (2)
as Staunton believed), or imagines one, is weak-witted.
uncertain, but irrelevant where unseeing 146-7 handy-dandy A child's guessing game in
Gloucester is concerned. Compare 1.2.27 ff- which an object is concealed in one hand; here =
(Cavell). 'take your choice', the difference between justice
134 penning style (Schmidt). and thief is insignificant or indistinguishable, more
136 take this believe this spectacle. a matter of luck or chance than anything else. Dent,
139 case of eyes eye-sockets. p. 227, quotes Barclay's Mirrour of good Maners
140 are . . . me (1) is that your meaning? (2) (c. 1523), 34 (8-14): 'What difference betwene a
are we both blind, i.e. are we both victims of great thief and a small. . . The small thief is judged,
imperceptiveness? (Rosenberg, p. 275). oft time the great is Judge'; compare MM 2.1.19-
141 heavy case sad predicament; with quibbles 23, 2.2.175-6. Florio's Montaigne, vi.85, has several
on 'heavy' and 'case'. references to guilty judges, including an adulterer
142 see (1) understand, (2) view. passing sentence on another (Muir).
143 feelingly (1) deeply, keenly, (2) with my 151 A . . . office i.e. response to authority is
sense of touch. governed by role or status, not intrinsic worth or
144 What, art mad Taking Gloucester's 'feel- right; 'dog's' is emphatic. Compare Florio's Mon-
ingly' in sense (2), Lear is outraged that he should taigne, iii.210: 'there are Nations, who receive and
complain of blindness, i.e. impaired perception, admit a Dogge to be their King' (Muir).
since all senses are equally valid - and invalid.
[227] TLN 2603-13 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.5.162
152-5 Thou . . . her Compare John 8.7 157-62 Plate . . . lips See Textual Analysis,
on the woman taken in adultery, and Rom. 2.1 p. 285 below.
on hypocrisy: 'Therefore thou art inexcusable, o 157 Plate sin Cover sin in armour plate. F
ma[n], whosoeuer thou art that iudgest: for in that 'Place' derives from easy t/c misreading; a singu-
thou iudgest another, thou co[n]demnest thy self: lar noun, moreover, is required as the antecedent
for thou that iudgest, doest the same things' (NS, of'it' (159). Copy for F probably read 'sinne' (NS;
p. xxxvi). Duthie, p. 415). The imagery here and in the two
152 beadle A minor parish officer who whipped lines following is from jousting: compare R2 1.3.1
whores and other offenders. ff, especially 26-30, where 'plated in habiliments
154 kind manner. of war' occurs.
155 The usurer . . . cozener Compare 'The 159 pygmy's straw i.e. a weak weapon. In
great thieves hang the little ones' (Tilley T119), the pseudo-Homeric epic The Battle of the Frogs
and 146-7 n. above. 'In this period usurers or and Mice the frogs carried rushes for spears
capitalists were acquiring respectability and were (Hunter).
being appointed to offices such as that of magis- 160 None . . . able 'em Again, Shakespeare
trate, against the protests of preachers and poets' alludes to the woman taken in adultery, John 8.7,
(Hunter). Usury had become legal in 1571. the passage in scripture that also influenced Mon-
155 usurer moneylender. taigne (Muir; compare 152-5 n. above). If everyone
155 cozener cheater. sins, then no one does. As king, Lear can vouch
156 Through F 'thorough' is probably the result for ('able') everyone and exempt them from pun-
of a page-break, which required splitting the word ishment. Lear 'needs to forgive so as to forgive
{Textual Companion, p. 537). himself, too; needs to obviate the compulsion to
156 great See collation. Although Duthie, punish' (Rosenberg, p. 277).
p. 183, prefers Q'S 'smal', Maxwell argues that F 161 Take . . . me Lear offers Gloucester an
restores the Shakespearean phrasing for Q'S cliché; imaginary pardon (Kittredge), information (Muir),
he compares similar Q/F alterations elsewhere, e.g. guarantee of immunity (Harbage, Bevington), or
'houres'/'yeares', 2.2.51 (NS). Compare Furness: imaginary money (NS): the context permits any of
'When looked at through tattered clothes, all vices these interpretations.
are great'; Hunter: 'it is not the smallness of their 161 power i.e. either as king or as briber.
vices that distinguishes the poor, but the exposure 162-4 Get . . . not Lear returns to harping
to which they are subject'. upon blindness and false perception. The 'scurvy
157 Robes . . . all i.e. judges and magistrates politician' ( = vile machiavel or schemer, as in 1H4
get away with crimes which the poor cannot. Robes 1.3.241) pretends to perceptions he does not and
and gowns are used both literally and metaphori- cannot have. Lear's fierce attack sets Gloucester
cally. Compare the furred gowns of usurers, MM weeping.
3.2.7-8, and 155 n. above. 162 glass eyes spectacles (Onions).
4-5-163 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2613-26 [228]
164-5 To . . . So.] Capel/'s lineation; as prose Q, F 164 dost] F," doest Q 164 Now . . . now.] F; no now Q 166 SD] Capell;
not in Q, F 166-7 O . . . madness.] F; one line Q 166 impertinent'} mixed,] F; impertinencie mixt Q; impertinency,
mixt Q2 168-72 If . . . mark.] F lineation; as prose Q 168 fortunes.] F; fortune Q 171 know'st] v; knowest Q 172
wawl] F; wayl Q 172 mark] F; mark me Q 174-9 When . . . kill!] F lineation; as prose Q *i7$ This'] Singer; this Q;
This F 176 shoe] shoo F; shoot Q
164 Now . . . now Lear's tone changes as 'We weeping come into the world, and weeping
Gloucester weeps, and he tries to comfort the blind hence we go' (Tilley \v889); compare 5.2.9-11.
old man. See collation. Blayney conjectures that 172 wawl wail.
Q'S 'NO now' marks a lacuna, 'teares' being omit- 175 this . . . fools Shakespeare frequently com-
ted (cited by Textual Companion, p. 522). But the pares the world to a stage, as in AYLI 2.7.136-66.
emendation, however attractive, is unnecessary, as Compare also Tilley, W882, 896.
Q2 punctuation, 'No, now', shows that Q can make 175 This' This is.
sense as well as F. Alternatively, the w may have 175 block The association with 'felt' (177) sug-
been indistinct in Q'S copy, as elsewhere (Duthie, gests a hat. It may be Lear's, which he removes at
P- 399)- 172 to begin his sermon - either the crown of weeds
165 Pull . . . So Lear commands Gloucester to and wildflowers he has made (4.3.3-5), an actual
pull off his boots, a reminiscence perhaps of his hat bedecked with flora, or an imaginary one; or it
return from hunting in 1.4, though he may in fact may be Edgar's or Gloucester's. On the other hand,
be barefoot. 'So' may express (imagined) relief at 'A troop of horse' (177) suggests a mounting-block;
being rid of the uncomfortable gear. in some productions, Lear has mounted a stump
166 matter and impertinency i.e. sense and to begin preaching (Furness); 'stage' (175) =
nonsense. scaffold, or a boulder or tree-stump that Lear mis-
167 Reason in madness Compare Ham. takes and quibbles on (Muir). The associations are
2.2.205-6; 4.5.174, 178. not mutually exclusive, and Lear's mind rapidly
168-75 If • • • fools Lear's tenderness towards shifts from one association to another.
Gloucester reaches its apogee as he recognises his 176-7 a delicate . . . felt Lord Herbert of
old retainer and preaches patience to him, the Cherbury's Life of Henry VIII describes a joust in
virtue he had vainly tried to practise himself during which horses were shod this way to prevent sliding
his initial distress. (Malone, cited by Furness); here the stratagem is
170-2 We . . . cry Compare Wisdom 7.6; also for a sneak attack.
7.3: 'When I was borne, I receyued the common 176 delicate finely skilful, ingenious (Onions).
ayre . . . crying and weeping at the first as all other Compare Oth. 4.1.187: 'So delicate with her
doe' (Noble, Shaheen). Muir cites Plangus's lament needle'.
in Sidney's Arcadia, Bk 11, ch. 12, and Florio's Mon- 176 shoe See collation. Q 'shoot' probably
taigne, i.107: 'So wept we, and so much did it cost derives from tie misreading; Q copy may have had
us to enter into this life.' The thought is proverbial: 'shooe' (Duthie, p. 415).
[22g] TLN 2627-39 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.5.187
177 felt.] F; fell, Q 177 I'll . . . proof,] F; not in Q 178 stol'n] F; stole Q 178 son-in-laws] Son in Lawes F, Q; sonnes
in law Q2 *i79 SD] Rome; Enter three Gentlemen. q; Enter a Gentleman. F 180-1 O . . . daughter - ] F lineation; one line
Q 180 hand] F; hands Q *i8o him. Sir,] Johnson; him, Sir. F; him sirs, Q; him sirs. Q2 181 Your most dear daughter - ]
F; your most deere Q; not in Q2 182-5 No . . . brains.] F lineation; as prose Q 182 even] F,- eene Q 184 ransom] F, Q;
a ransom Q2 184 surgeons] F; a churgion Q 185 to th'] F; to the Q 186-91 No . . . that?] F; two prose speeches in Q,
which gives second SH before I will die . . . , where Q2 inserts: Gent. Good Sir. {not in Q, F) 187 a man a man] F; a man Q
177 felt Q 'fell' probably derives from l/t mis- 183-4 Use . . . ransom A royal prisoner was
reading (Duthie, p. 415). worth much in ransom and was accordingly well
177 I'll . . . proof I'll put it to the test, try the treated (NS).
experiment. 184 surgeons Trisyllabic. Abbott 479 scans
178 son-in-laws A possible colloquial plural the line: 'You shall have ransom. Let me have
(Doran, p. 97). surgeons.'
179 SD GENTLEMAN with Attendants See col- 185 cut to th'brains Literally and figuratively:
lation. Obviously, more than one person enters Lear imagines a head wound and feels a psychic
since a Gentleman stays behind to talk with Edgar one.
(195 ff). The stage business that follows is compli- 186-91 No . . . that See collation and Textual
cated. Lear has no way of knowing that the Gentle- Analysis, p. 272 below. F omits an inessential half-
man means him no harm. He attempts to escape, line (T and laying Autums dust'), but prints 188—
especially as the Gentleman orders the others to 91 as three lines. Modern editions that conflate
'lay hand upon him' (180). They hold him so gen- Q and F also retain metrical anomalies. By con-
tly that he easily breaks free, or they release their flating Q2 and F, and by various linebreaks, Fur-
hold momentarily to kneel when he says T am a ness, Riverside, and Halio come closer to providing
king' (190). Lear does not hear what the Gentle- regular scansion. Rearranging F, Oxford (followed
man says until 192, and then may not credit him; here) provides nearly regular lineation, except for
hence his flight, forcing pursuit. (1) an apparently excrescent 'What?' (189), found
180 him. Sir See collation. Since it is unlikely in both Q and F, and (2) a half-line (191). Compare
that the Gentleman would address Lear without a Taylor, 'Date and authorship', pp. 363-4; Duthie,
vocative, Johnson's emendation of the punctuation pp. 415-16.)
(anticipated by Rowe) appears correct. 186 seconds supporters. Lear's sense of isola-
183 natural (1) born (as in 3H6 1.1.82), (2) tion is acute.
idiot. 187 a m a n a m a n By adding 'a man', F corrects
183 fool of fortune Compare Rom. 3.1.136: 'O, both sense and metre.
I am fortune's fool!' Note Lear's irony: just a 187 salt i.e. tears. Lear remains preoccupied
moment ago he was leading a charge against the with weeping.
'son-in-laws'; now he is a prisoner (Hunter).
4 - 5 - ! 88 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2 6 4 0 - 5 6 [230]
188-91 To . . . that?] Furness's lineation; three lines ending . . . brauely, / . . . Iouiall: / . . . that? F; as prose Q 188
water-pots.J F; waterpots, I and laying Autums dust. Q; water-pottes, I and laying Autumnes dust. Gent. Good Sir.
Q2 189 smug] F; not in Q 191 Masters] F; my maisters Q 191 that?] F; that, Q 193-4 Then . . . running.] As in
Q; two verse lines divided get it, / You F 193 Come,] F; nay Q 193 by] F; with Q 194 Sa . . . sa!] F; not in Q 194
SD] Capell (subst.); Exit King running. Q; Exit. F 195-8 A sight . . . to.] F lineation; as prose Q 196 a daughter] F; one
daughter Q 198 have] F; hath Q 200 sir,] (Sir) F; not in Q 200 toward?] Q2; toward. Q, F 201-2 Most . . . sound.]
As in Q; divided heares / That Q2; vulgar: / Euery F 201 everyone] F, Q; euery ones Q2 201 hears that] F, Q; heares
Q2 202 Which] F,- That Q 202 sound] F; sence Q 202-3 But . . . army?] F lineation; one line Q
189 die (1) end my life, (2) reach sexual climax. situation, not spoken to him.
Compare Ant. 4.14.99-101: 'but I will be / A bride- 196 speaking of Oxford deletes 'of, which it
groom in mv death, and run into't / As to a lover's regards as inessential as well as hypermetrical, an
bed' (NS). ' 'easy compositorial interpolation' (Textual Compan-
189 bravely (1) courageously, (2) handsomely, ion, p. 523). But the Gentleman's speech, prose in
in fine attire (as Lear regards his fantastic garb). Q, is otherwise irregular and requires elisions - e.g.
189 smug neat, trim, spruce. 'pit'ful', 'gen'ral' - to scan.
190 jovial (1) majestic, Jove-like (OED sv adj 1), 197 nature i.e. human nature.
(2) merry, convivial (OED sv adj 6). Compare Mac. 197 general universal; with connotations of
3.2.28. original sin.
193 there's life in't 'The case is not yet des- 198 twain i.e. Gonerill and Regan. Danby,
perate' (Johnson, cited by Furness); i.e. Lear still p. 125, sees an indirect allusion to Adam and
commands some shreds of respect as king. Eve.
193 an if. 198 her i.e. human nature.
193 it i.e. the ransom (NS). 199 speed you (God) prosper you, give you
194 Sa . . . sa An old hunting cry (French ça, success.
ça\) to urge dogs forward in the chase (Kittredge). 200 toward impending.
195-8 A sight . . . to The Gentleman's speech 201 vulgar i.e. a matter of common knowledge
is choric, spoken to the audience rather than to (Kittredge).
anyone on stage; although the second sentence 203 other army i.e. the army of Gonerill and
uses direct address, it is a comment upon Lear's Regan.
[231] TLN 2657-78 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.5.219
204 speedy foot:] F; speed fort Q 204 descry] F; deserves, Q 205 Stands] F; Standst Q 205 thought] F; thoughts
Q *207 so] Johnson; Exit. Q; Exit. F {after moved on.) 212 tame to] F; lame by Q 215-17 Hearty . . . boot.] F lineation;
as prose Q 216 bounty] F, Q corr. ; bornet Q uncorr. 216 the benison] F, Q corr. (the benizon); beniz Q uncorr. 216-17
heaven / To boot, and boot.] F; heauen to saue thee. Q uncorr.; heauen, to boot, to boot. Q corr., Q2 217-21 A proclaimed
. . . thee.] F lineation; as prose Q 217 happy!] happy, Q; happie F; happy: F2-4 218 first] F; not in Q uncorr. 219 old]
F; most Q
204 on speedy foot marching rapidly. 213 known . . . sorrows Either (1) misfor-
204-5 t n e main . . . thought Most editors tunes experienced and sympathised with, or (2)
accept Johnson: 'The main body is expected to sorrows I have known bv feeling them (hendiadys)
be descried every hour.' But Stone, pp. 47, 210, (King).
objects that this paraphrase depends upon unwar- 214 pregnant to 'ready, by intervention of sor-
rantable glosses and says a line or two may be miss- row, to give birth to pity' (King); receptive to
ing between 204 and 205. (Onions). Compare 77V 3.1.88-9: 'My matter hath
205 Stands on Rests on, depends on no voice, lady, except to your own most pregnant
(Kittredge); compare 5.1.58. and vouchsafed ear.'
206 Though that Though. 215 biding abode, dwelling.
208 take . . . me i.e. take my life before I am 216 benison blessing.
tempted to suicide again. 217 To boot, and boot Gloucester plays on
209 worser spirit evil side of my nature; with noun and verb: 'in addition' (OED Boot sbl 1) and
an allusion perhaps to 'evil angel'. '(may it) profit (you)' (OED Boot r 1 3). Oswald
210 father old man; as at 72 above. may interrupt before Gloucester reaches his verb
212 tame yielding, submissive; the image is of (King). Compare NS; Greg, Variants, p. 176;
a whip used for taming animals (King). Textual Companion, p. 537.
213 art instruction, lesson. 217 happy opportune; compare 2.3.2.
4-5-220 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2679-95 [232]
221-2 Now . . . to't.] F Hneation; one line Q 222-5 Wherefore . . . arm.] F lineation; as prose Q 223 Dar'st] F; durst
Q 224 that th'] F; the Q 226 Chill . . . 'casion.] As in Q; two lines divided Zir, / Without F 226 zir] F; sir Q 226
vurther 'casion] F; cagion Q 227 di'st] F; diest Q 228 and] F; not in Q 229 ha'] K; haue Q (both times) 229 zwaggered]
F; swaggar'd Q 229 'twould] F; it would Q 230 zo] F; SO Q 230 as 'tis] F; not in Q 230 vortnight] F; fortnight Q
uncorr. 230 th'] F; the Q *23i out,] Q uncorr.; out Q corr, F 231 che vor've] v; cheuore ye Q 231 I s'] ice F; ile
Q 231 whether] Q; whither F 231 costard] F; coster Q uncorr.; costerd Q corr. 232 ballow] F; hattero Q uncorr.; bat Q
corr., Q2 232 chill] F; ile Q
220 Briefly thyself remember i.e. quickly This dialect is identical with the Devonshire dialect
confess your sins and pray for forgiveness. Even in The London Prodigal (1605), performed by the
Oswald is loath to kill someone without giving the King's Men (Muir).
victim an opportunity to prepare his soul for death. 226 Chill I will.
Compare analogous situations in Ham. 3.3.73—86; 226 'casion occasion, cause. Oxford adopts Q'S
Oth. 5.2.26-32. 'cagion', suspecting compositorial substitution of
221 friendly i.e. because Gloucester wants to the common for the unusual form (Textual Com-
die. panion, p. 537). But possibly F was altered to make
222-3 Wherefore . . . traitor Johnson and later the speech more comprehensible.
editors insert a SD here, e.g. Edgar interposes, as 228 go your gait get along, go your way.
the dialogue suggests. Oswald's epithet indicates 228 volk See collation. F is probably an uninten-
Edgar's changed habit and perhaps gives him a cue tional normalisation of Q 'voke' ( Textual Compan-
for speaking in dialect. Oswald is more aggres- ion, p. 537), but the pronunciation is not affected
sive here than he was to Kent in 2.2, probably (compare Kokeritz, p. 310).
because he feels superior to a mere peasant with no 228-30 And chud . . . vortnight i.e. if I could
schooling in weaponry, and because he anticipates have been killed by boasting (swaggering), I would
a reward for killing Gloucester (4.4.40) (King). not have lasted a fortnight.
223 published proclaimed. 231 che vor'ye I warrant you (Kokeritz, 'Eliz-
226-34 Chill . . . foins Edgar's dialect is bor- abethan Che vor ye "I warrant vou'", MLN 57
rowed mainly from Somersetshire, but Elizabethan (1942), 9 8 ff).
dramatists were no dialectologists: their purpose 231 costard Slang for 'head' (literally, a large
was simply to write dialect that sounded rustic apple).
enough to be funny or otherwise suit the dra- 231 ballow cudgel (Onions). See collation.
matic occasion. Q2 and F introduce many more Oxford prints 'baton', assuming a misreading in
dialectal spellings than Q, elaborating the indica- F similar to that which led to Q uncorr. 'battero'
tions of dialect typical of Jaggard's printing-house (Textual Companion, p. 538; compare Greg, Vari-
(Textual Companion, p. 537); but from a philologi- ants, pp. 176-7). But Wright, English Dialect Dic-
cal standpoint the passage is merely a patchwork tionary (cited by Muir, Kokeritz) records later use
of current colloquialisms and conventional stage in Nottingham and elsewhere.
dialect (Kokeritz, pp. 37-9; compare Kittredge).
['33] TLN 2696-714 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.5.249
*233 SD] Q,- not in F 234 zir] F; sir Q 234 vor] F; for Q 238-9 out / Upon the] F; out vpon / The Q uncorr. ; out, vpon /
The Q con: 239 English] F; British Q union:; Brittish Q corr. 239 death,] F; death! Q *239 SD] Q; not in F 241-2
As duteous . . desire.) F lineation; one line (turned under) Q 243—7 Sit . . . . not:] F lineation: four verse lines ending . . .
pockets / . . . friends, / . . . deathsmà / . . . not Q 243-4 you. / Let's] F; you lets Q uncorr.; you, lets Q corr. 244 these]
F; his Q 244 The] F; These Q 244-5 °f / May] F,- of may Q uncorr.; of, may Q corr. 245 sorry] F; sorrow Q *247
wax; and manners,] Capell (suhst.); waxe, and manners Q; waxe, and manners: F *247 not:] Pope; not Q, F 248 minds,
we] F; minds wee'd Q uncorr.; minds,wee'd Q corr. 249 SD] F; not in Q uncorr.; A letter. Q corr.
233 Out Out upon you! (Kittredge). revising (Duthie; compare Stone, p. 116, n.7).
234 pick your teeth i.e. with his ballow (231), a 239 death, death Some editors, e.g. Bevington,
'Rabelaisian toothpick7 (King), or possibly during break the line after the first 'death', making the sec-
the fight Edgar manages to get Oswald's dagger, ond a separate line. But this division solves noth-
with which he promises to pick the steward's teeth ing metrically; both lines remain irregular. The odd
(Hunter); a proverbial threat (Tilley T424.1; Dent, exclamation may be an actor's interpolation; if so,
P- 235)- the line should end 'untimely - ' (NS).
234 foins sword-thrusts. Oswald is apparently 240-2 I know . . . desire A further hint that
fencing like a courtier. Compare Mercutio's des- Oswald has been more than a mere steward; com-
cription of Tybalt's fencing, Rom. 2.4.20-6 (NS). pare 2.2.16-19, 34-77~82, and nn.
237 letters letter; as at 244. See 1.5.1 n. 240 serviceable '(obsequiously) diligent in ser-
239 English See collation. Greg, Variants, vice' (NS); Kent calls him a 'superserviceable, fini-
p. 177, and Duthie, pp. 158-9, both believe this cal rogue' (2.2.16).
is the original Shakespearean reading. Greg spec- 245 m y friends i.e may be useful.
ulates that Q 'British' resulted from an actor 246 deathsman executioner.
correcting the anachronism, but this hypothe- 247 Leave . . . not Edgar opens the sealed letter.
sis assumes memorial reconstruction. Compare Compare Tilley B637, 'The breaking open of let-
3.4.168: Shakespeare of course could be inconsis- ters is the basest kind of burglary', and Malvolio's
tent, and the fact that he wrote 'British' there (as an 'By your leave, wax', 77V 2.5.91 (NS).
apparent compliment to James) does not mean he 247 Leave i.e. by your leave, allow me.
could not have written 'English' here, even when 249 Their papers i.e. to rip open their letters.
4-5-250 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2 7 1 5 - 3 3 [234]
250—7 Let . . . servant,] As in Q; italics in F 250 our] F; your Q *252 done, if] done, If Q; done: If Q2,- done. If
F *253 conqueror; then] Furness; conquerour, then Q; Conqueror, then F,- conqueror. Then Pope 254 gaol] F; iayle
Q corr.; gayle Q uncorr. 255-6 labour. / Your] F,- labour, your Q 256 (wife, so . . . say)] F; wife (so . . . say) your
Q 257 servant,] Seruant. F,- seruant and for you her owne for Venter, Q 259 O] Oh F; Edg. O Q 259 indistinguished]
Indistinguisht Q; indinguish'd F 259 will] F; wit Q 266 thy] F, Q; his Q2 266 SD] Capell (subst.); not in Q, F 267
The . . . sense,] As in Q; two lines divided mad: / How F
250 reciprocal vows Compare 4.2.20-6. Muir, 259 indistinguished indefinable, undiscernible
p. 250, lists 'reciprocal' among the words in Florio's (because vast).
Montaigne not used by Shakespeare before 1603. 262 rake up cover up, bury.
251 him i.e. Albany. 263 mature time when the time is right, at the
251 will (1) intention, purpose, (2) carnal desire, proper occasion. The first syllable of 'mature' is
lust. accented.
251 want lack. 264 ungracious i.e. because evil.
252 fruitfully abundantly. 264 strike blast.
252-3 There . . . conqueror i.e. nothing impor- 265 death-practised i.e. whose death has been
tant will have been accomplished if we win and plotted.
Albany returns (and the sexual activity you and 266 SD Exit . . . body Capell's SD is necessary:
I anticipate is forestalled). See collation: Duthie, unless Edgar drags off the body here, two 'gross
p. 184, comments that F'S full stop after 'done' improbabilities' arise: (1) Edgar drags off the body
may have been influenced by Q'S 'If, the capital as he simultaneously leads his blind father by
an aberration which probably misled the collator. the hand - a 'very clumsy exit, at best'; (2)
255 for your labour (1) as a recompense for Edgar's speech (273-5) uncharacteristically ignores
your work, (2) as a place for your (amorous) activ- Gloucester's lapse into gloominess (Urkowitz,
ity (Hunter). pp. 158-9).
257 servant lover. See collation, and Textual 267 stiff unbending, obstinate.
Analysis, pp. 272-3 below. 267 sense 'mental power, faculty of thinking
259 O . . . will 'O woman's lust, how limitless and feeling' (Schmidt); compare Sonnet 112.8: 'my
is thy range!' (Kittredge). steel'd sense'.
[235] TLN 2734-50 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.6.4
269 sorrows!] Sorrowes? F; sorowes, Q 270 severed] F; fenced Q 270 SD] F; A drumme a far re off'. Q (after themselues
2/2) 272 SD] Capell (subst.); not in Q, F 272-3 Give . . . drum.] F Uneation; one line (turned under) in Q 274 SD] F,-
Exit. Q Act 4, Scene 6 4.6] Scuena Septima. F (see Commentary); not in Q o SD] F; Enter Cordelia, Kent, and Doctor.
Q 1-3 O . . . me.] Rome's Uneation; two lines divided thy goodnes, [turned over] I My Q; five lines ending . . . Kent, /
. . . worke / . . . goodnesse? / . . . short, / . . . me. F
268 ingenious intelligent, sensitive (Onions); in page on which this scene begins (signature ss), and
antithesis to 'mad'. But the word already had the did not resume composition until the last pages
meaning 'inventive, skilful' and thus 'suggests a of Rom. (which had been interrupted by problems
clever inner destructive force contriving to remind involving Tro.) and all of Tim. were set. Conceiv-
Gloucester of, and intensify, his misery' (Rosen- ably, when he returned to King Lear, Compositor
berg, p. 282). E forgot to continue altering scene numbers which
269 distract mad. Compositor B had begun. Compare Hinman, 11,
270-2 So . . . themselves Thinking it would 281, 293-5; Doran, p. 70; Duthie, p. 418, Tay-
bring him relief, Gloucester longs for madness, a lor, 'Date and authorship', pp. 417-18; Greg, S FF,
world of illusions ('wrong imaginations') divorced p. 388.
from the reality of his sorrows and their causes. o SD Enter . . . GENTLEMAN See collation, and
274 bestow lodge; compare Mac. 3.1.29. Appendix, p. 304 below, xx, o SD n. Rosenberg sug-
274 a friend The mysterious friend never gests, p. 283, that some hint of French costumes or
appears; perhaps Edgar and Gloucester never reach décor in Cordelia's camp prompts Lear's question
him, or are overtaken by events (King). Compare (75)-
5.2.1-2. 2 My . . . short Dramatic irony (King).
3 measure 'that by which extent or quantity is
ascertained' (Schmidt); compare Ant. 1 . 1 . 1 - 2 : 'this
Act 4, S c e n e 6 dotage of our general's / O'erflows the measure'.
4.6 F, which omits a scene after 4.2, incorrectly Every attempt at recompense will fail, Cordelia
numbers this ^Scuena Septima'. Possibly, after the says, because Kent's goodness is immeasurable.
long preceding scene, the collator forgot to alter 4 To . . . o'erpaid Recognition for his loyal ser-
the scene number as he had done for the three vice is all the recompense Kent wishes. But com-
previous scenes. On the other hand, the F com- pare 9 below and n.
positors suspended work on Lear at precisely the
4.6.5 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2751-71 [236]
6-8 Be . . . off.] F lineation; two lines divided those / Worser Q 8 Pardon] F,- Pardon me Q 12 Then . . . king?] As in Q;
two lines divided Lord: / How F 13 SH] F; Doit. Q (throughout scene) 14-15 O . . . nature;] F lineation; one line (turned
over)Q 14 gods,] Gods Q; Gods! F 16 Th'] F; The Q 16 jarring] F; hurrying Q 18-19 So . . . long.] F,- divided king, /
He Q 19 That] F, Q; not in Q2 *i9 king?] Hanmer; King, F, Q; King Q2 *i9 long.] Q; long? F 21 SD] F (subst.); not
in Q
23 fresh garments As elsewhere in Shake- 33 Mine enemy's dog The irregular line
speare, change of clothing signals a change in results from cutting three and a half inessential
character or disposition, especially after significant though eloquent lines.
absence. Compare Cor. 4.4.0 SD; Heilman, p. 82. 36 To hovel. . . forlorn See 3.6.0 SD n. Shaheen
25 not See collation. Rhythm, metre, and sense compares the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke
argue that Q is correct. Compositor E apparently 15, an analogue or source developed by Susan Sny-
omitted 'not' accidentally, as at 1.1.287. Compare der, ''King Lear and the Prodigal Son', SQ 17
Duthie, p. 185; Textual Companion, p. 538. (1966), 361-9 (see above, pp. 11-12).
25 temperance self-control. F omits a line and 36 rogues forlorn outcast vagabonds. This ref-
a half here: see Textual Analysis, pp. 273-4 below erence justified Grigori Kozintsev's setting for 3.6
26 restoration Perhaps personified as a in his film, which shows the room Lear enters
goddess. inhabited by poor, ragged vagrants.
29 reverence condition of being respected or 37 short Because broken up by constant use as
venerated (Onions). bedding (Kittredge). It would give less comfort and
30 flakes thin or delicate hair. Compare Lyly, warmth than long, dry straw.
Midas (1592), 3.2: 'your mustachoes . . . hanging 39 all i.e. all together, entirely.
downe to your mouth like goates flakes' (Kittredge). 39 He wakes These words signal the moment
31 challenge demand. of greatest emotional tension in the play. How will
32 warring See collation. F 'iarring' could be Lear react to Cordelia? All eyes are fixed on him in
Compositor E's misreading of 'warring' combined silent expectation as slowly, very slowly he awak-
with a recollection of 'iarring' (16). Compare ens and gains comprehension. (Compare Rosen-
Sisson, p. 243; Duthie, 185; Textual Companion, berg, pp. 284-6, and E. A. J. Honigmann, Myriad-
P-538. _ Minded Shakespeare, 1989, p. 86, where a parallel
32 winds F omits three and a half lines here: see is drawn with Gloucester's reawakening after his
Textual Analysis, p. 274 below. attempted suicide in 4.5.)
33-5 Mine . . . fire Compare 3.7.62-4.
4.6.40 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2 7 9 1 - 8 1 0 1238]
42 do . . . grave (1) commit a sacrilege by open- (e.g. Kittredge, Riverside) adopt Q2 'when'. Con-
ing my grave, (2) hurt me by restoring me to life, ceivably, copy for Q had 'when', which was misread
(3) injure me by subjecting me to shame, (4) afflict as 'wher'. But Q/F 'where' makes no less sense, in
me by bringing me out of the grave into conscious- context, than 'when'; hence the reviser or colla-
ness of the afterlife (King). tor could easily have accepted it. Compare Duthie,
44 wheel of fire This image is complex and p. 419, whose argument for Q/F Dover Wilson
syncretic, alluding to pagan, Christian, and other rejects in NS.
symbols not only of torture and suffering, but also 47 wide i.e. of the mark; hence, astray, mis-
of energy (Elton, pp. 236-8). Lear thinks he is taken. Compare Tro. 3.1.88: 'no such matter, you
damned and Cordelia is an angel in heaven: in this are wide'.
context, Ixion's wheel, which was sometimes placed 50 abused Lear could mean that he is (1)
in the heavens (Elton cites Christopher Middle- deluded, deceived, (2) taken advantage of, (3) ill-
ton's Historié of Heaven (1596)), is especially rel- used, wronged, (4) misrepresented - or some com-
evant. There are other references to the sun (e.g. bination of these senses (see OED Abuse v 4b, 2, 5,
1.1.103), and wheel images appear elsewhere (e.g. 3). Lear is in 'a strange mist of uncertainty' (John-
2.2.156, 2.4.65-6, 5.3.164). For further discussion son, cited by Furness). Compare 'abused nature'
of the image's archetypal aspects, especially Jung's (15), where the sense 'mistreated' is uppermost,
studies of the mandala, or magic circle, see James and later (76), where 'wrong' or 'deceive' is meant.
Kirsch, Shakespeare's Royal Self, 1966, pp. 2 8 3 - In 'do not mock me' (56) Lear fears he is being ill-
6. Kirsch says the wheel of fire image could be used or misrepresented (as loving father or king).
understood as Lear's 'horoscope, that is, his funda- 53 pin prick Lear takes a brooch or some other
mental constitution; his Self is set on fire by his ornament from his costume to test himself.
wild affects' (p. 285). 54-6 O look . . . kneel After 'sir' or during the
44 that so that. next line, Cordelia kneels to receive her father's
44-5 mine . . . lead i.e. his tears, provoked by blessing, whereupon Lear rises from his chair and
shame and guilt as well as suffering, are heated by starts to kneel before her. The business is bor-
the fire so that they scald. rowed and modified from King Leir (2298-2304),
46 Where See collation. NS and other editions where the kneeling is excessive and involves other
[239] TLN 2811-35 The Tragedy of King Lear 4.6.75
55 your hand] F corr.; yours hand F uncorr.; your hands Q 56 You] F,- no sir you Q 56 me] F; not in Q 58 Fourscore
and upward,] F; Q combines in one line with and to deale plainly 59 Not an hour more nor less] F; not in Q 60 in . . .
mind.] F, Q,- perfect in my minde. Q2 65 Do not] F, Q; DO no Q2 68 am: I am.] F; am. Q 69 Be . . . not.] As in Q;
two lines divided wet? / Yes F
characters as well. 'Shakespeare compresses the 58 upward more; compare Wiv. 3.1.56.
moment, as he does the scene, to save sentiment 'Not . . . less' (59) contradicts this (King),
from sentimentality' (Rosenberg, p. 288). 61 this m a n i.e. Kent, as Caius.
56 mock Because of the next lines, the sense 62 mainly entirely (Onions).
'ridicule' is usually understood; but Shakespeare 65 Do . . . m e Lear misinterprets the smiles of
also uses 'mock' in the sense 'defy; set at nought' Cordelia, Kent, and the Gentleman; they are smiles
(OED sv v ic, citing MV2.1.30 and Ant. 3.13.184), of compassion and understanding, not derision,
which the preceding line prompts; hence, the 68 I am: I a m Perhaps the second 'I am' was
meanings combine. inserted to pad out the half-line to join with
57 fond silly (because in his dotage). the preceding half-line (Stone, p. 63). Moreover,
58-9 Fourscore . . . less Lear is still 'far wide', throughout this column of printing in F, Compos-
as he himself recognises (60); therefore, even his itor E seems to be stretching copy. But the inser-
attempt to state his age is confused. He may well tion, for all that, may be authentic and is certainly
be an octogenarian, and is usually so portrayed. expressive, F'S colon indicates a longer pause than
The F addition, 'Not . . . less', renders the lines the comma usually substituted in modern editions;
irregular, but there is no reason to suspect they are therefore, it is retained.
inauthentic. See Textual Analysis, p. 286 below, and 75 France Lear recalls that the King of France
compare the debate in Furness. married Cordelia.
4.6.76 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2836-56 [240]
5.1 Enter with drum and colours, EDMOND, REGAN, Officers and Soldiers
EDMOND [To an Officer] Know of the duke if his last purpose hold,
Or whether since he is advised by aught
To change the course. He's full of alteration
And self-reproving. Bring his constant pleasure.
[Exit Officer]
REGAN Our sister's man is certainly miscarried. 5
EDMOND 'Tis to be doubted, madam.
REGAN Now, sweet lord,
You know the goodness I intend upon you.
Tell me but truly, but then speak the truth,
76 me.] F; me? Q 77-9 Be . . . settling.] F lineation; as prose Q 78 killed] F; cured Q 78 him.] F omits one and a
half lines here 80 Will't] Rowe; Wilt Q, F 81-2 You . . . foolish.] Oxford's lineation; three lines ending . . . me: / . . .
forgiue, / . . . foolish. F,- as prose Q 81 Pray you] F; pray Q 82 SD] F ends scene here, omitting a dozen lines found in Q;
Exeunt. Manet Kent and Gent. Q Act 5, Scene 1 5.1] Actus Quintus. Scena Prima. ¥; not in Q O SD] After F; Enter
Edmond, Regan, and their powers. Q o SD Officers] This edn; Gentlemen F 1 SD] This edn (Capell suhst.); not in Q, F; (TO
a Gentleman) Duthie 3 He's] F, Q uncorr.; hee's Q corr; he is Q2 3 alteration] F, Q corn; abdication Q uncorr. 4 SD]
This edn (Capell suhst.); not in Q, F; Exit Gentleman. / Duthie
76 abuse (1) dupe, deceive, (2) mistreat, wrong. 1 his last purpose i.e. most recent intention (to
The past is coming back to him, with pain. fight with us against Cordelia and her army).
77 Be comforted Cordelia is overcome momen- 2 advised by aught persuaded by anything.
tarily with emotion. 3 alteration vacillation. See collation. Not
77 rage madness, frenzy. everyone accepts Greg's judgement (Variants,
78 in him F omits a line and a half here; see p. 177) that F is 'certainly correct'. Stone, p. 291,
Textual Analysis, p. 274 below. and Taylor, 'Date and authorship', p. 459, prefer
79 further settling i.e. until his wits have set- Q uncorr. 'abdication' as the more pointed read-
tled more. ing, which Oxford prints and which Rosenberg
80 walk withdraw. says 'has more energy, and is curiously prophetic'
82 foolish F omits the dialogue between Kent (p. 292).
and the Gentleman that concludes the scene in Q. 4 constant pleasure i.e. fixed resolution.
See Textual Analysis, p. 274 below. 5 sister's m a n i.e. Oswald.
6 doubted feared.
Act 5, S c e n e 1 7 intend upon i.e. mean to confer upon.
o SD drum and colours This is a standard mili- 8 Tell . . . truth Regan is suspicious that
tary entrance, with flags flying and drum beating. Edmond will equivocate or extenuate his position.
o SD Officers See collation. Officers were called In Q she remains uncertain and unconvinced by
'Gentlemen' in Shakespeare's day, as F designates Edmond's protestations (see below).
[241] TLN 2857-73 The Tragedy of King Lear 5.1.22
9 In] F; I, Q; I Q2 * n forfended] Q; fore-fended F n place?] F omits two and half lines here 12-13 I . . . her.] F
lineation; one line (turned over) in Q 13-14 Fear . . . husband - ] Capell's lineation; one line in Q, F *i3 me] Q; not in
F *i4 husband - ] Rowe; husband. Q, F; F omits a line and a half here 14 SD] F; Enter Albany and Gonorill with troupes
Q 16 Sir,] F,- For Q 16 heard] F; heare Q 18 out.] F omits five lines here 20 and particular broils] F; dore particulars
Q; doore particulars Q2 21 the] F,- to Q 2 2 - 3 Let's . . . proceeding.] F lineation; as prose in Q; divided determine /
With Q2 22 Let's] F; Let vs Q 22 th'ancient] F; the auntient Q,- th'ensign Oxford
On our proceeding.
REGAN Sister, you'll go with us?
R E G A N 'Tis most convenient. Pray, go with us. 25
G O N E R I L L [Aside] O ho, I know the riddle. - I will go.
23 proceeding] F; proceedings Q 25 Pray] F; pray you Q 26 SD.I] Capell; not in Q, F 26 riddle. - ] Capell (subst.);
riddle, Q; Riddle. F 27 man] F, Q; one Q2 28 SD.I] Oxford; not in Q, F 28 SD.2 Exeunt . . . armies] F (after 26); Exeunt.
Q (after word.); Exit. Q2 (after 26); Exeunt all but Albany and Edgar. / Cam. 35 And . . . ceases.] F; not in Q *35 love]
Q; loues F 36-8 I . . . again.] F lineation; as prose Q
23 proceeding i.e. battle plan. Albany appar- peasant, though his speech is correct. He intercepts
ently addresses Edmond, but unlike Q, F does not Albany as he is leaving with the others.
include a response; indeed, Edmond remains silent 29 this letter i.e. the letter Oswald carried
throughout this part of the dialogue. See Textual (4.5.250-8).
Analysis, p. 275 below. 32 champion In chivalry, someone who under-
23 Sister . . . us Regan tries to steer Goner- takes a cause in single combat.
ill away from the others, especially Edmond, with 33 avouched asserted, declared.
whom she does not trust her for a moment. Or 33 miscarry lose the battle and die.
perhaps she does not want Gonerill to participate 35 And . . . ceases See collation. The Q com-
in the council of war, close to Edmond (Muir). positor, who set Albany's response on the same line
23, 25 us The royal plural (compare 5.3.55-7), with 'Fortune loue you', may have dropped a clause
or herself and her troops. to save space.
25 convenient (1) expedient, (2) seemly (NS). 35 machination intrigue. Compare 50-4 below.
26 I . . . riddle i.e. I get your drift, insinuation. 35 love See collation. An easy compositorial
Here, Gonerill may recognise Regan's priority with error: 'The sense shows that Q is right' (Duthie,
Edmond and plan to kill her (Rosenberg, p. 293). p. 186).
26 SD.2 Enter EDGAR Edgar is still dressed as a
[243] TLN 2895-914 The Tragedy of King Lear 5.1.56
39 o'erlook] ore-looke Q, F; looke ore Q2 39 thy] F,- the Q 41 Here] F; Hard Q 41 guess] F; quesse Q 41 true] F;
great Q 42-3 By . . . you.] F lineation; one line Q 44 sisters] F,- sister Q 45-7 Each . . . enjoyed] F lineation; two lines
divided Adder, / Which [inioy'd turned under] Q 45 stung] F; sting Q 53 who] F; that Q 54 the] F; his Q 55 intends]
F; entends Q; extends Q2
39 o'erlook look over, read. The text does not he shows increasing affinities, Albany understands
indicate whether Albany reads the letter or any 'ripeness',
part of it before Edmond enters. If he does, a 43 greet embrace, welcome,
new tension develops between him and Edmond, 45 jealous suspicious.
motivating his terse response at 43 (Rosenberg, 47-8 Both . . . alive Edmond's hubris does not
p. 293; compare Urkowitz, p. 103, who argues that long permit him to think he can enjoy both sisters;
Edmond should rush in with his letter, or paper, if he is to enjoy either, then one must die.
before Albany has a chance to read the letter Edgar 50 carry . . . side make ray game, achieve my
gives him). goal (i.e. to become king: Edmond's ambitions have
39 SD Enter EDMOND Fully accoutred for bat- grown). But compare 'fulfil my side of the bar-
tie, Edmond enters amidst growing sounds of war. gain with Goneril - satisfy her lust in return for
Presumably, he has met with 'th'ancient of war' advancement' (Muir).
(22) while Albany conversed with Edgar. 52 countenance authority, support.
4 1 - 2 Here . . . discovery Edmond offers Albany 54 taking off murder,
a written estimate of the enemy's army and its 54-5 mercy . . . Cordelia Till now, Albany has
disposition. Again, the text fails to show whether nowhere explicitly mentioned his intention regard-
Albany accepts it or not. ing Lear and Cordelia, let alone revealed it to
42 discovery spying, reconnaissance. Edmond. Shakespeare introduces the information
43 We . . . time Unlike Edmond, who is eager here partly to develop Albany's character, and to
for battle, but like Kent and Edgar, with whom prepare for Edmond's treachery after the battle.
5-1-57 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2915-33 [244]
5.2 Alarum within. Enter with drum and colours, LEAR, CORDELIA,
and Soldiers, over the stage, and exeunt
Enter EDGAR [dressed like a peasant] and GLOUCESTER
57 Shall i.e. they shall. tions present the clash of arms on stage or mime
57 state situation, position. the battle balletically (Rosenberg, p. 296; Bratton,
58 Stands on Rests, depends on. p. 197). But a stage empty except for this soli-
tary figure is clearly Shakespeare's intention, i.e.
he preferred to minimise the battle and concen-
Act 5, S c e n e 2 trate on larger issues. Compare Granville-Barker,
0 SD.1-2 Alarum . . . stage Having shown pp. 298-9.
the British side, Shakespeare now has Cordelia's 8 a m a n may rot Gloucester lapses into despair
army march with her father over the stage amidst ('ill thoughts') again.
sounds of battle. This, again, is a standard military 9-11 Men . . . all Compare Ham. 5.2.219-22.
entrance, but significantly altered from Q (see col- Edgar's counsel was proverbial in the Renaissance
lation). Lear's strength and defiance are suggested, and combined both pagan (especially Stoic) and
not his weakness and infirmity; regally attired, he Judaeo-Christian attitudes (compare Eccles. 3.1-8:
may also carry a sword. After the army departs, 'All things haue their time') (Elton, pp. 100-5).
Edgar leads Gloucester on, while the battle occurs Shakespeare uses the concepts of 'endurance' and
off-stage. 'ripeness' here very precisely. In essence, Edgar
1 father Compare 4.5.72 n., 243, 274. Although tells Gloucester (as Hamlet tells Horatio) that Prov-
Edgar has not yet revealed himself to Gloucester, idence or the gods control our lives; hence, we must
he favours this term of address. endure the time of our death even as, perforce, we
2 good host i.e. one who gives shelter. endure the time of our birth. Providence, or the
4 SD.2 Alarum and retreat Trumpet calls. gods, not man, determines when the time is 'ripe',
Gloucester is left alone on stage during the course an idea which has little to do with modern theories
of the battle which, though brief, is long enough of maturation or development. Cordelia is hardly
to let the image of the solitary, blind, tormented 'ripe' for death in any other sense (compare Berlin,
old man, early victim of the struggle, impress p. 91).
itself upon the audience. Some modern produc-
{245] TLN 2934-55 The Tragedy of King Lear 5.3.15
11 all.] Johnson; all Q, F n GLOUCESTER And . . . too.] F; not in Q u SD] F; not in Q; Exit. Q2 Act 5, Scene 3
5.3] Scena Tertta. v; not in Q o SD] F; Enter Edmond, with Lear and Cordelia prisoners. Q 2 first] F; best Q 3-5 We . . .
down,] F lineation; two lines divided incurd {turned over] / The worst Q 5 I am] F; am I Q 8 No, no, no, no] F; No, no
Q 9 i'th'] F; it'h Q 12 and sing] F,- not in Q2 *i3 hear poor rogues] Q; heere (poore Rogues) F 15 who's in, who's]
F; whose in, whose Q
11 And . . . too Appearing only in F, these 5 cast down i.e. by Fortune; humbled. The fig-
words (which fill out the pentameter line) have been urative sense, dejected, is improbable at this date
attacked as a vacuous 'stopgap' (Stone, pp. 69-70), (Brockbank, p. 5 n.).
and defended as emblematic of the play's comple- 9 cage (1) birdcage, (2) prison (Muir).
mentarity (Peat, p. 44; compare Urkowitz, p. 44). 1 0 - 1 1 When . . . forgiveness A reminiscence,
perhaps, of the kneeling in King Leir (2298-2304).
Act 5, S c e n e 3 Compare 4.6.54-6 and n.
0 SD Enter. . . CAPTAIN See collation. Unlike Q, 12 old tales folktales; as in AYLI 1.2.120, WT
F builds up the image of victorious Edmond, who 5.2.61.
reaches the summit of his success and, from the 13 gilded butterflies (1) gaily coloured but-
beginning of the scene, commands a much larger terflies, (2) lavishly adorned courtiers. Compare
share of audience attention - until the entrance of Marston, Antonio and Mellida 4.1.49: 'Troopes of
Albany (38) (Taylor, 'War', pp. 32-3). pide butterflies, that flutter still / In greatnesse
1 good guard i.e. let them have careful guard. summer, that confinne a prince' (Craig, cited by
2 their greater pleasures the wishes of those Muir).
of higher rank. 13 poor rogues wretched creatures (Kittredge).
3 censure judge. F punctuation mistakenly assumes that 'Talk' in the
4 best meaning i.e. rescuing Lear and restoring next line is a noun,
him to his throne.
5-3-16 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2956—68 [246]
21 The . . . thee?] As in Q; two lines divided Incense. / Haue F *24 goodyears] good yeares F: good Q 24 them] F; em
Q 24 flesh] F; fleach Q 25-6 Ere . . . Come.] Pope's lineation; two lines divided weeper / Weele F; one line (come turned
under) Q 25 'em] F3; vm Q; em Q2; e'm F, F2 26 Come.] F, Q; not in Q2 26 SD] Theobald; Exit. F, Q2; not in Q
16 take . . . things assume the responsibility of luck and holds Cordelia ever more tightly. Compare
understanding and explaining the hidden workings the second song from Sidney's Astrophel and Stella
of the world. (1591): 'Have I caught thee, my heavenly jewel?',
17 God's spies Either (1) spies commissioned which Falstaff quotes, Wiv. 3.3.43 (Brockbank,
and enabled by God to pry into even the most pp. 15-16).
deeply hidden secrets (Heath, cited by Furness), 22-3 He . . . foxes i.e. it will take divine assis-
or (2) 'detached observers surveying the deeds of tance to separate us again. Shaheen cites Judges
mankind from an eternal vantage point' (Beving- 15.4-5, but the story of Samson and the foxes is
ton). Though both capitalise, neither F nor Q uses only obliquely relevant here, as it concerns Sam-
an apostrophe in 'Gods'. Perrett, pp. 250-1, argues son's revenge on the Philistines for causing a breach
for the plural possessive in this pagan setting, but between him and his wife. Compare Harsnett,
this is 'surely pedantry' (NS). p. 97: 'to fire him out of his hold, as men smoke
17 wear out outlast, outlive (OED Wear v 9). out a Foxe out of his burrow' (Kittredge).
18 packs and sects cliques and parties (Muir). 24 goodyears malefic powers (OED); specifi-
19 That ebb . . . moon As the changeable moon cally, the plague or pox: see F. Rubenstein, 'They
governs the ever-shifting tides, so power and posi- were not such good years', SQ40 (1989), 70-4. An
tion at court shift, too. In prison, Lear believes, he allusion to Pharaoh's dream (Gen. 41.1-36) seems
and Cordelia will be insulated from such vicissi- remote; compare Taylor, 'Addenda' to Division,
tudes. p. 489, who argues for the singular, which Oxford
20 such sacrifices Either (1) their renunciation adopts.
of the world (Bradley, pp. 289-90), or (2) Cordelia's 24 fell skin; 'flesh and fell' = altogether
sacrifice for Lear (Kittredge). Muir notes the sug- (Onions).
gestion of human sacrifice, which looks forward 25 Ere . . . weep Compare 2.4.268-71.
to the murder of Cordelia, and echoes the Old 26 SD Exeunt Taylor argues ('War', p. 33) that
Testament stories underlying Lear's speech, e.g. only Edmond and the Captain remain; everyone
Jephthah's daughter, who was sacrificed; Samson else goes off with Lear and Cordelia. Moreover,
and the foxes; etc. Brockbank (p. 13) compares Heb. Albany later says (96-8) that Edmond's army has
13.16: 'To do good, & to distribute forget not: for been discharged. But it is not necessary to clear
with suche sacrifices God is pleased', which the the stage entirely for Edmond and the Captain to
Geneva Bible glosses: 'Thanksgiuing & doing good talk apart, and the drummer is needed later for
are our onlie sacrifices which please God.' the concluding dead march. Oxford has the drum-
21 The gods . . . incense Lear imagines gods mer re-enter with Albany, Gonerill, and Regan (38
as priests performing a ritual. SD.2), accompanied by a 'trumpeter', although F
21 Have . . . thee Lear still cannot believe his calls onlv for a Flourish.
[247] TLN 2969-90 The Tragedy of King Lear 5.3.46
29 One] F, Q corr; And Q uncorr. 34 thou'lt] F; thout Q 36 th'hast] F; thou hast Q 38 down.] F omits two lines here 38
SD.I Exit Captain] F; not in Q 38 SD.2 Flourish . . . Soldiers] F (suhst.); Enter Duke, the two Ladies, and others. Q 38
SD.2 Officers] This edn; not in Q, F 39 showed] shew'd F; shewed Q; shewne Q2 40 well. You] well: you Q2, F; well you
Q uncorr.; well, you Q corr. 41 Who] F; That Q 42 I] F; We Q 42 require them] F,- require then Q *45~6 To . . .
guard,] As in Q2,- one line Q corr. (pointed guard turned under); one line F, Q uncorr. (which omit and appointed guard) 45
send] F; saue Q uncorr.
28 this note Lear and Cordelia's death warrant, cated, i.e. as if Cordelia had slain herself (compare
signed by Gonerill and Edmond: compare 226—9. 7~9)-
31 noble fortunes i.e. further advancement to 39 strain Either (1) quality, or (2) lineage (com-
nobility. pare JC 5.1.59).
31-2 men . . . is A counsel of expediency, con- 41 opposites opponents (compare 143 below),
sistent with Edmond's philosophy. 43 merits deserts.
33 a sword i.e. soldiers in wartime. 46 To . . . guard Sec collation, and Textual
34 question discussion. Analysis, p. 73 above, n. 3. This line appears out
35 my lord F omits two lines here: see Textual of sequence and should possibly precede 45. Corn-
Analysis, pp. 275-6 below. pare Halio, p. 164; Taylor, 'Date and authorship',
36 write 'happy' count yourself fortunate. pp. 361-2.
37 Mark Attend. 46 retention detention, imprisonment.
37-8 carry . . . down manage it as I have indi-
5.347 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 2991-3013 \_24$\
47 had] F,- has Q 47 more,] F, Q corr.; more Q uncorr. 48 common bosom] F, Q corr.; coren bossom Q uncorr.; common
blossomes Q2 48 on] F; of Q 51-2 My . . . t'appear] F lineation; lines end . . . to morrow, / . . . shall hold Q (see 5.3.53
n.) 52 t'J to Q 53 session.] F omits five lines here 54-5 I . . . brother.] F lineation; one line Q 56 might] F; should
Q 59 immediacy] F; imediate Q 60-2 Not . . . addition.] F lineation; as prose Q 62 addition] F; aduancement Q 62-3
In . . . best.] F lineation; one line Q 62 rights] F; right Q 64 su] F; Gon. Q
65-6 Holla . . . asquint.] F lineation; one line Q 65 Holla, holla!] Theobald; Hola, hola, Q, F *66 asquint] a squint Q, F;
a-squint Rowe 68 full-flowing] Theobald; full flowing Q, F 68 SD] Oxford; not in Q, F; - General, Capell 70 Dispose
. . . thine.] F; not in Q 72 him?] F; him then? Q *73 let-alone] Capell; let alone Q, F 75 SH] F; Bast. Q 75 SD]
Alalone; not in Q, F 75 thine] V; good Q *77 thy attaint] thine attaint Q; thy arrest F *78 sister,] sister Q; Sisters,
F 79 har] Rowe; hare Q, F 80 this] F, Q; her Q2 81 your] F; the Q 81 banns] Banes F, Q; bans Malone
66 That . . . asquint Gonerill alludes to the to trial by combat if necessary. Compare Urkowitz,
proverb, 'Love, being jealous, makes a good eye p. 109; Stone, p. 229.
look asquint' (Tilley L498; Dent, p. 159, cites 76 thee To underscore his contempt, Albany
Florio, Second Fruités, 6.83: 'To much loue makes henceforward uses the second-person familiar pro-
a sound eye oftentimes to see a misse'). noun in addressing Edmond.
68 full-flowing stomach i.e. a full ride of 77 attaint (1) impeachment, (2) dishonour.
anger, resentment. Most modern editors agree that F 'arrest' is a mis-
70 walls i.e. of the heart or person (typically taken repetition from the preceding line and Q is
conceived as a fortress besieged by a lover). On F'S correct here. But compare Furness and Duthie,
additional line, see Textual Analysis, p. 286 below. pp. 186-8.
73 let-alone (1) permission, (2) hindrance 78 gilded serpent i.e. Gonerill, 'gilded' because
(NS). beautifully accoutred (and brilliantly: King).
74 Half-blooded Not only is Edmond a bas- 79 I . . . wife With heavy irony, Albany as
tard, but his parenting was mixed, i.e. only one Gonerill's husband moves to protect his wife's
parent had noble blood. 'interest', or rights.
75 Let . . . thine See collation. F alters not only 80 subcontracted has a subsidiary or secondary
the speech ascription, but the final word in the line. contract (subsidiary, that is, to her marriage con-
Instead of Edmond boldly defying Albany, Regan tract with Albany).
orders the drum to beat, so that the world will 81 contradict your banns i.e. oppose the dec-
witness her action (69-72), and invites Edmond to laration of your intention to marry.
establish his right to her title, putting the matter
5-3-82 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 3 0 3 3 - 5 2 [250]
*82 love] Q,- loues F 83 GONERILL An interlude!] F; not in Q 84 Thou . . . sound.] Rome's lineation; two lines divided
Gloster, / Let F; Q combines My . . . bespoke. (8j) with Thou . . . Gloster, / in one line and omits SH and Let . . . sound 84
trumpet] F2; Trmpet F 85 person] F; head Q 87 SD] Malone (subst.); not in Q, F 87 make] F; proue Q 90 SD] Rome;
not in Q, F 90 medicine] F; poyson Q 91 SD] Malone (subst.); not in Q, F *9i he is] Q; hes F 93 the] F; thy Q *93
dares, approach;] Oxford; dares approach; F; dares approach, Q *94 you - who not? - ] Furness; you, who not, Q, F,-
you, (who not?) Theobald 95 ho!] ho. F,- ho. Bast. A Herald ho, a Herald, Q 95 SD] AS in Theobald; after firmely. F;
not in Q
97-8 All . . . discharge.] F lineation; one line (discharge turned under) Q 98 My] F; This Q 99 SD] This edn (after
Theobald); not in Q, F 100 hither] F; hether Q 100 trumpet] Q; Trumper F 101 this.] F; this. Cap. Sound trumpet?
Q 101 SD] F; not in Q 102 SD] F; not in Q 102-5 'If • • • defence.'] As in Q (quotation marks added); in italics F 102
within the lists] F; in the hoast Q 104 he is] F; he's Q 104 by] F; at Q 105 SD] F,- not in Q, which inserts I Bast. Sound?
on new line 106 Again.] Her. Againe. F; Againe? Q 106 SD] F; not in Q 107 Again.] Her. Againe. F; not in Q 107
SD.I] F; not in Q 107 SD.2 Trumpet . . . armed] F; Enter Edgar at the third sound, a trumpet before him. Q 109 o'th']
F; oth' Q 109-11 What . . . summons?] F lineation; two lines divided qualifie? / And Q IIO name, your] F; name and
Q m - 1 4 Know . . . cope.] F lineation; three lines ending . . . tooth. / . . . mou't / . . . cope with all. Q 111 Know,] F;
O know Q i n lost,] lost Q, F; lost; Theobald * i i 2 tooth] Theobald; tooth. Q; tooth: Q2, F
113 Yet am I noble as] F; yet are I mou't / Where is Q; Where is Q2 114 cope] F; cope with all Q 114 Which] F,
Q; What Q2 116 sayst] F,- saiest Q 117-18 That . . . mine.] F lineatwn; divided arme / May Q *U9 Behold . . .
honour,] As in Pope; Behold it is the priuiledge of my tongue, Q; Behold it is my priuiledge, / The priuiledge of mine
Honours, F *i 19 honour] Oxford; Honours F; tongue Q 120 and my] F, Q; and Q2 121 iMaugre] F; Maugure Q 121
place, youth,] F; youth, place Q *i22 Despite] Q; Despise F 122 victor-sword] F,- victor, sword Q 122 fire-new] Rowe;
fire new Q, F 122 fortune] F,- fortun'd Q 124 thy gods] F, Q; the gods Q2 125 Conspirant] F,- Conspicuate Q 126
th'extremest] F; the'xtreamest Q 127 below thy foot] F; beneath thy feet Q 129-31 This . . . liest] F lineation; two lines
divided spirits, / As bent Q 129 are] F; As Q; Is Q2
114 cope cope with, encounter. 120 oath . . . profession i.e. as a knight.
115 What's Who is (Abbott 254; compare H5 121 Maugre In spite of.
4.3.18). 122 fire-new i.e. brand new, freshly minted.
118 Here is mine Edgar draws his sword. 126—7 from . . . foot i.e. from top to toe.
119 Behold . . . honour See collation. Either 127 descent lowest part, i.e. the sole.
the compositor (Duthie, p. 422) or the collator 128 toad-spotted i.e. stained or marked with
(Textual Companion, p. 538) is responsible for infamy as a toad is with (supposedly) venomous
unnecessary duplication in F. spots.
119 it 'i.e. the drawing of a sword against an 131 In wisdom . . . name In chivalry, one
adversary, and the challenge of him to single was not bound to fight a social inferior. Edmond
combat' (NS). rejects prudence ('wisdom'), revealing his 'senti-
119 honour personal integrity. While executing mental side' in accepting the old code of honour
the change from Q 'my tongue', Compositor E (typ- Edgar represents (Heilman, pp. 244-7). Compare
the pluralised
sense (TextualtheCompanion,
noun, thereby further altering
p. 538). 141-4 and 155-6 n. below.
{253} TLN 3099-112 The Tragedy of King Lear 5.3.144
133 tongue] F; being Q *i33 some say] Q,- (some say) F 134 What . . . delay] F; not in Q 135 rule] F; right Q 136
Back . . . head] F, Q; not m Q2 136 Back] F; Heere Q 136 these] F; those Q 137 hell-hated lie] F; hell hatedly Q 137
o'erwhelm] ore-whelme F; oreturnd Q *i38 scarcely] Q; scarely F 140 SD] Capell; Alarums. Fights. F {after saue him.);
not m Q 141 SH ALBANY] Q, F; AI.I. Oxford {conj. van Dam, Blayney) 141-4 This . . . beguiled.] F lineation; three
lines ending . . . armes / . . . opposite, / . . . beguild. Q 141 practice] F,- meere practise Q 142 th'] F; the Q 142
war] F; armes Q 142 wast] F; art Q 142 answer] F, Q; offer Q2 144 cozened] F; cousned Q 144-7 Shut . . . it.] F
lineation; as prose Q 144 Shut] F,- Stop Q
145 stop] F; stople Q 145 - Hold, sir.] hold Sir, F,- not in Q 146 name] F,- thing Q 147 No] F; nay no Q 147 know
it] F; know't Q 148-9 Say . . . for't] F lineation; one line (me for't. turned under) Q 149 can] F; shal Q 149 SD] F; Exit.
Gonorill. Q {after IJO) 149-50 Most . . . paper?] Capell's lineation; one line Q, F 149 O,] F; not in Q 150 SH] F; Gon.
Q (see Commentary) 151 SD] Capell; not in Q, F 152 What . . . done,] As in Q; two lines divided with, / That F 155
thou'rt] F,- thou bee'st Q
145 this paper i.e. the letter Edgar has given antly asserting her superiority over Albany and law
him (5.1.29). (McLeod, p. 187).
145 Hold, sir These words, not in Q, show who 150 Know'st . . . paper In F, Albany's address
is addressed. 'Hold' = take, receive (often with to Edmond is clear, whereas in Q, with Gonerill still
the implication of wait or desist: see Schmidt, and on stage, it is ambiguous and even contradictory:
compare 77V 3.3.38, Mac. 2.1.4). Albany has already indicated that Gonerill recog-
146 Thou . . . evil Albany addresses Edmond, nises the letter (147). Compare Furness.
not Gonerill, since he does not use the familiar 150 SH EDMOND Q assigns this speech to
pronoun for her, as he now consistently does for Gonerill, who then exits vanquished, implying her
Edmond. Only once (4.2.36), after she uses the guilt (McLeod, p. 188). In assigning the line to
familiar pronoun to him, does Albany address her Edmond, F resolves any ambiguity and contradic-
thus (Urkowitz, p. 111). tion (see previous note). Edmond's response is not
146 thine own evil Edmond is thoroughly necessarily defiant, but may be 'a resigned admis-
implicated in GonerilPs letter, which explicitly sion' of guilt, delivered sombrely, i.e. 'You need
mentions their 'reciprocal vows' (4.5.250), although not ask' (Urkowitz, p. 114). Perhaps the Q com-
Gonerill takes the initiative in urging the further positor mistakenly continued the Albany/Gonerill
evil of Albany's murder. alternation; moreover, Gonerill's name after her
147 No tearing Gonerill tries to tear the letter exit in Q would be redundant if the speech were
out of Albany's hands as he gives it to Edmond. hers (Halio, p. 164; compare Duthie, pp. 189-90,
Compare a similar incident in King Leir (2586). and Muir, who follow Q).
148-9 the laws . . . for't Gonerill refers to her 151 Go . . . govern her Somewhat belatedly,
position as queen and to Albany as merely consort. Albany recognises Gonerill's despair and shows
The sovereign had no peer and therefore could not justified concern; this is consistent with his emerg-
be tried: see R2 1.2.37-41, 3.2.54-7. ing pattern of delayed response.
149 SD See collation. Q delays Gonerill's exit 155-6 If. . . thee Edmond implicitly repudiates
until after 'Ask me not what I know' (150), which his stance in 1.2 and reverts to traditional concepts
it assigns to her, not Edmond. In F she exits defi- of nobility and breeding (Hunter).
[3JJ] TLN 3127-45 The Tragedy of King Lear 5.3.173
157 art,] F4; art Q, F 158 th'hast] F; thou hast Q 160 vices] F; vertues Q 161-3 Make . . . eyes.] F lineation; two
lines divided vitious / Place Q 161 plague] F; scourge Q 162 thee he] F, Q; he thee Q2 163-4 Th'hast . . . here.] F
lineation; as prose Q 163 Th'hast] F; Thou hast Q 163 right;'tis true] F; truth Q 164 circle] F; circled Q 167-8 Let
. . . father.] F lineation; one line Q 167-8 ever I / Did] F; I did euer Q 169 know't] F, Q; know it Q2 172-80 By . . .
rings,] F lineation; nine lines ending . . . Lord, / . . . told / . . . proclamation / . . . neere, / . . . death, / . . . once. /
. . . rags / . . . disdain'd / . . . rings, Q
156 Let's exchange charity Edgar's fierceness Fortune's wheel, which has returned Edmond to
apparently abates, although his character 'has too the bottom whence he began. Events have circled
much validity to be merely humble and gentle', back so that he, who was the initiator and bene-
and his speech reflects a 'bitter morality' that offers ficiary of much evil, is now its victim. Compare
Edmond no solace (Rosenberg, p. 307). Bradley, p. 15: 'That men may start a course of
158 If more i.e. since Edmond is 'half-blooded' events but can neither calculate nor control it, is a
(74). tragic fact.'
159 My . . . son Edgar removes his helmet. 165-6 Methought . . . nobleness Albany
160-1 The gods . . . us Compare Wisdom addresses Edgar, whose demeanour and very man-
11.[13]: 'wherewith a man sinneth, by the same also ner of walking, he says, suggest something kingly,
shal he be punished', and Jer. 2.19: 'Thine owne Albany's specific terms,'royal nobleness', are them-
wickednes shal correct thee, and thy turnings backe selves prophetic: compare 293-4 below,
shal reproue thee' (Noble). 166 royal (1) dignified, (2) regal, kingly.
160 pleasant pleasure-giving. 167 sorrow . . . heart Compare Rj 1.3.299.
162-3 The dark . . . eyes Edgar applies his where Queen Margaret uses the same expression.
statement of compensatory justice to the specific 169 Worthy Noble,
instance: the sinful fornication that bred Edmond 172 List Listen to.
led to events culminating in Gloucester's blinding. 173 O that . . . burst Emotionally overtaxed
162 dark (1) dim, unlit, (2) morally benighted. by now, Edgar uncharacteristically, like his father,
162 vicious place Compare 'forfended place' yearns for death. But his work is not yet finished.
(5.1.11) (King). (At 4.1.10-12, he said the opposite; see Rosenberg,
162 got begot. p. 307, on Edgar's inconsistencies.)
164 The w h e e l . . . here More is suggested than
5-3-174 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 3146-68 [256]
176 we] F; with Q 178 madman's] mad-mans Q, F 178 t'assume] F; To assume Q 181 Their] F,- The Q *i82 despair,]
Q; dispaire. F 183 fault] F; Father Q 187 our] F; my Q 194-5 For . . . this.] F lineatioti; one line Q 195 this.] F omits
eighteen lines here
174 bloody proclamation Compare 2.1.55-7, 187 flawed cracked, i.e. damaged by suffering.
2.3.1-5. 190 Burst smilingly Gloucester's dying smile
175-7 O, o u r • • • once i.e. life is so precious to suggests not only joyful reunion with Edgar, but
us that we prefer to prolong it, suffering agonies gladness that death has come to him at last,
repeatedly, rather than to die quickly and be done. Gloucester's death prepares in some ways for
Compare Cym. 5.1.25-7. Lear's, brought closer in F by substantial cutting
177 shift change. after 195 (Clayton, p. 137; compare 196-201 n.
180 rings i.e. eye-sockets. The next line contin- below),
ues the metaphor. 190-2 This . . . say Edmond 'becomes human-
183 O fault Edgar now realises he was wrong ised' in the course of King Lear, discovering the
to delay reconciliation with his father. 'In effect, limitations and passions that being human involves,
Edgar's way and time of telling killed his father' as this speech and others in the scene reveal
(Rosenberg, p. 308). (Reibetanz, p. 59).
185 success outcome; i.e. victory in the duel. 191 shall . . . good Compare 217-25 below.
187-90 his flawed . . . smilingly In Sidney's 193 hold it in As if taking a cue from Albany,
Arcadia, Bk 11, ch. 10, the blind Paphlagonian king F cuts seventeen lines following this speech: see
dies similarly of a broken heart, 'with many teares Textual Analysis, pp. 276-7 below,
(both of ioy and sorrow)'. 194 dissolve i.e. in tears.
[257] TLN 3169-85 The Tragedy of King Lear 5.3.205
195 SD] Enter one with a bloudie knife, Q; Enter a Gentleman. F 196 O help!] F; not in Q 196 SH EDGAR] F; .-///;. Q 196
ALBANY Speak, man.I F; not in Q 197 su EDGAR] F; not in Q, which continues speech as part of previous line 197 this]
F; that Q 197-8 'Tis . . . dead.] Steevens's lineation (Capell subst.); one line Q, which omits O she's dead; as prose F 197
'Tis] F; Its Q 199 dead? Speak, man.] F; man, speake? Q 201 confesses] F; hath confest Q; has confest Q2 203 EDGAR
Here comes Kent.] F; after pity 206 Q 203 Kent.] F,- Kent sir. Q 203 SD] Oxford (subst.J; Enter Kent Q, Q2, F (after 20j
Q; after pity 206 Q2) 204 the] F; their Q 204 SD] F; The bodies of Gonorill and Regan are brought in. Q (after 212; see
Commentary) 205 judgement] F; Iustice Q 205 tremble,] Q; tremble. F
196-201 Help . . . it See collation. Revision of 203 EDGAR . . . Kent See collation. In Q,
this sequence in F gives Edgar two speeches. By Edgar's line and Kent's entrance occur in the mid-
sharing the interrogation with Albany, he begins dle of Albany's speech. In F, Kent 'comes slowly
taking over responsibility for events (compare Tex- down the stage while Albany is speaking' (Muir) -
tual Analysis, p. 79 above; Urkowitz, pp. 116-17; a more effective entrance. Moreover, in F'S lineation
and 222-5 below). Doran, pp. 53-4, 72, believed the metre improves.
Shakespeare was responsible for the revision, as for 203 SD Enter KENT Kent now drops his dis-
the deletion of the lines following 195. The episode guise as Caius. He was last seen in 4.6 and may be
was modified by all eighteenth- and nineteenth- imagined as having become separated from Lear
century actor-editors, who often cut it completely and Cordelia during the battle.
(Bratton, p. 209). 204 SD GonerilVs . . . out See collation. Muir
197 smokes steams. 'Fresh blood commonly believes Q is right, allowing time for Albany's order
"smokes" in Sh[akespeare]' (NS). The line is one to be obeyed. But Q'S SD occurs at an awkward
of the most difficult for a modern audience to take moment; in F, only a brief pause is needed, and
seriously, unless very carefully controlled and mod- 'This judgement of the heavens' (205) becomes
ulated (Rosenberg, p. 309). immediately visual. The business is unfortunately
198 It . . . dead The line generates deliberate often cut, destroying the tragic reprise of 1.1 when
tension and suspense. Regan's death is expected, Lear enters (Bratton, p. 209; compare Granville-
but by poison. Gonerill and Cordelia are other pos- Barker, p. 277).
sible victims, but which one, and why? 205-6 This judgement . . . pity i.e. this divine
200 Your lady Edmond's prophecy (4.2.26) is retribution is terrible (in swiftness and finality), but
fulfilled. it does not evoke sorrow or compassion (since the
203 marry unite; with a pun on sex and death victims deserved their fate).
(Rosenberg, p. 309, who compares 4.5.189).
5-3-2o6 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 3186-207 [258]
206 us] F, Q; not in Q2 206-8 O . . . urges.] F lineation; two lines divided allow / The and with SH Alb. I before O (see
j.j.203 n.) Q 206 is this] F; tis Q 207 SD] Hanmer; not in Q, F 208 Which] F; that Q 208-9 I • • • night.] F lineation;
one line Q 2 1 0 - 1 2 Great . . . Kent?] F, Q lineation; as prose Q2 210 thing] F, Q; things Q2 2 1 3 - 1 5 Yet . . . herself.] F,
Q lineation; as prose Q2 217-21 I . . . time.] F, Q lineation; as prose Q2 218 mine] F; my Q 219 Be brief in it - to th']
F; Be briefe, int toth' Q,- bee briefe, into the Q2 222-3 To . . . reprieve.] As in Q; divided Office? / Send F, Q2 222
has] F; hath Q
206 O . . . he Albany finally sees Kent. the case, Albany reveals an inability from here on to
207-8 The time . . . urges Events do not per- take effective and timely action, which justifies his
mit the ceremony of greeting which mere courtesy relinquishment of the throne at the end. (Compare
demands. H 4 - 5 1 n. and 151 n. above.)
208-9 I a m • • • night Kent is not interested in 212 this object i.e. the bodies of Gonerill and
ceremony; he is concerned only to see Lear. Regan; 'object' = sight, spectacle.
210 Great . . . forgot Events before and after 2 1 3 - 1 6 Yet Edmond . . . faces Edmond's boast
the battle have distracted Albany from concern for here as at 202-3 deeply wounds Albany, who utters
Lear and Cordelia. Kent's reminder, however, does a terse 'Even so'. Then, before ordering their faces
not lead to immediate action. Albany questions covered, 'Reminded of his great love, great hurt,
Edmond, but then directs Kent's gaze to the bod- he takes one last look' (Rosenberg, p. 310).
ies of Gonerill and Regan which, in Q, are brought 215 after afterwards, later,
out here. In F, something else apparently motivates 219 Be brief i.e. don't waste time.
Albany's interrupted response, 'some sudden erup- 220 on against.
tion of concern within himself (Urkowitz, p. 119), 2 2 1 - 3 R u n • • • reprieve Albany's exhortation
or 'involvement with his own repressed feeling' of to Edgar shows turmoil and confusion; it remains
love for Gonerill (Rosenberg, p. 309). But Shake- for the younger man again to take charge and get
speare may simply have made a characteristic minor from Edmond the important details,
slip, one scarcely noticed in the theatre. Whatever
[259] TLN 3208-18 The Tragedy of King Lear 5.3.232
Enter LEAR with CORDELIA in his arms [and the OFFICER following]
224-5 Well . . . captain.] F, Q lineation; one line Q2 *224 sword. The captain,] Oxford; sword the Captaine Q; sword,
Q2, F 225 SH] F; Duke. Q; Alb. Q2 225 SD] This edn; Exit the Gentleman / Oxford; not in Q, F 226-8 He . . . despair]
As verse F, Q,- as prose Q2 227-8 To . . . despair] F; divided lay / The Q 229 That . . . herself.] F, Q,- not in Q2 230
SD.I Edmond . . . off] Theobald; not in Q, F 230 SD.2 and the OFFICER following] This edn; not in Q, F *23i Howl . . .
howl!] As in Q; F omits one howle *23i you] Q; your F 232 I'd] F; I would Q
224 The captain See collation. Like Q2, F omits leave open the question of Cordelia's physical state,
these words, which Duthie, p. 424, believes the Q although many editors prejudice readers by follow-
compositor erred in setting up too soon and then ing Rowe and inserting dead after CORDELIA. The
repeated in their proper place. More likely, Com- ambiguity of Cordelia's state is crucial, as through-
positor E was influenced by Q2, whose composi- out the scene 'the audience continue to alternate
tor tried to correct the syntax, save space (making between hope and despair' (Peat, pp. 49, 51; com-
224-5 o n e line), and avoid what seemed to him pare E. A. J. Honigmann, Myriad-Minded Shake-
an awkward and unnecessary repetition. Edmond's speare, 1989, pp. 90-2).
gasping repetition, however, is dramatically effec- 230 SD.2 and . . .following After repeated delays
tive and helps make the next line metrically com- in the reprieve, the officer has arrived too late. He
plete, though half an iamb in 224 is sacrificed. re-enters, trailing behind Lear (compare Textual
225 SH EDGAR Q assigns this speech to Albany, Companion, p. 539).
rightly according to Sisson, p. 244, and to Duthie, 231 Howl . . . howl See collation. Compositor
p. 191, who argues (1) that Edmond gives Edgar E may have dropped the fourth 'howP because the
his sword, and (2) that Albany earlier bade him run line was too long for his stick. The fourth 'howl'
to the castle. But F revises or corrects Q, allowing syllabically fills out the metre. In actual stage prac-
Edgar (who sends an officer with Edmond's sword) tice, however, 'howl' is not usually articulated as a
more authority. Compare 221-3 n.; Hunter; and word but rather as 'a voiced pain, often an animal
249 below, where the officer, not Edgar, confirms ululation' (Rosenberg, p. 312; compare Bratton,
Lear's boast. p. 209).
228 To lay . . . despair In the sources, e.g. 231 stones i.e. insensitive as statues. The
Geoffrey of Monmouth, Cordeilla does commit onlookers are all stunned into frozen silence and
suicide years later. See p. 2 above. grief; in fact, the 'howls' are sometimes taken as
229 fordid killed. demands that they cry out (Rosenberg, p. 312).
230 Bear . . . while Edmond no longer matters Hunter believes the overall imagery is of a funerary
(compare 269 below). He is borne off through one chapel or pantheon of statues. (Perhaps Compos-
door as Lear enters through another. itor E created another false plural, but elsewhere
230 SD.2 Enter . . . arms This image, often Shakespeare uses similar plurals, e.g. Rj 3.7.224: 'I
regarded as an inverted or secular pietà, is properly am not made of stones.')
not a 'préfiguration' but 'a representative event of 232 eyes i.e. used for weeping along with
human history' (Brockbank, p. 14). Both Q and F wailing; or perhaps for lightning looks.
5-3-233 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 3219-34 [260]
235 SD] Oxford; not in Q, F 236-7 If. . . lives] F, Q lineation; one line Q2 237 Why then she] F, Q; she then Q2 239-41
This . . . felt.] F, Q lineation; as prose Q2 239 stirs, she lives:] F; stirs she Hues, Q,- stirs; She lives! Capell 241 O] F; A
Q 243-8 A . . . thee.] F, Q lineation; as prose Q2 243 you murderers] v; your murderous Q; you murdrous Q2
233 heaven's . . . crack Compare 3.2.1-9. (1612), 5.2.38-40: 'Fetch a looking glasse, see
235-7 She's dead . . . lives Lear's oscilla- if his breath will not stain it; or pull out
tion between belief that Cordelia is dead and hope some feathers from my pillow, and lay them to
that she is not has led to controversy concerning his lippes' (Steevens). Webster doubtless recalled
whether he is finally deluded or not. 'The tension Shakespeare's scene and was more explicit about
here, and it is the underlying tension in Lear until the feather.
his death, lies between an absolute knowledge that 237 promised end (1) Judgement Day, the end
Cordelia is dead, and an absolute inability to accept of the world, (2) what Lear promised himself when
it' (Stampfer, p. 2). Compare also 284-5 n - below. he divided his kingdom (Hunter), (3) the outcome
235 Lend me a looking-glass The stage busi- promised by what has occurred (compare p. 12
ness from here through the next fifteen lines is above).
complicated and subject to various interpretation. 238 Or image . . . horror Edgar understands
Someone may actually give Lear a glass (perhaps Kent's question in sense (1); 'image' = likeness,
one that Gonerill wears), or he hallucinates having representation.
one about him. If he has a glass, why does he refer 238 Fall and cease Vocatives: either (1) let
to a feather four lines later, and where does it come judgement come and all things end, or (2) may Lear
from? Again, he may fantasise or pluck a feather fall and cease to be (rather than continue living a
from his garment or a plume from someone's hel- wretched existence) (Steevens).
met, as he earnestly tries to discover or restore 239 This . . . lives Although most early edi-
some sign of life, however faint. Much depends tors adopt F'S punctuation, as here, Capell takes
on how the actor interprets Lear's state of mind the first clause as simply declarative and the sec-
and the fluctuating madness that still afflicts him, ond as a joyous exclamation. Many editions (e.g.
understandably, given the shock of Cordelia's hang- NS) follow. But the line, which parallels 236-7, car-
ing. Compare Meagher, pp. 248-9, 254-7; Rosen- ries an implied 'if at the beginning. Lear's uncer-
berg, p. 314; Stampfer, pp. 2 - 3 . tainty continues in the next lines, as he toils over
236 stone 'mirror of polished stone or crys- Cordelia's bod v.
tal' (Onions). Compare Webster, The White Devil
{26,} TLN 3235-55 The Tragedy of King Lear 5.3.263
246 sayst] F, Q2,- sayest Q 247 woman] F; women Q *249 SH OFFICER] Capell; Gent, F; Cap. Q 249 my lords,] Q;
(my Lords) F 249-53 I^'d • • • straight.] F lineation; as prose Q2 249-51 Did . . . now,] Lines end . . . day, / . . .
would / . . . now, Q 250 have] F, Q; ha Q2 250 with my good] F, Q; that with my Q2 *25i them] Q; him F 252
SD] Oxford; not in Q, F 253 o'th'] F; othe Q 254 brag] F; bragd Q 254 and] F; or Q 256 This' . . . sight] F; not in
Q *256 This'] Schmidt iHjq (conj. S. Walker); This is F 256 you not] F; not you Q 256-7 The . . . Caius?] Capel/'s
lineation; divided; Kent, I Where F; one line Q 258 you] F; not in Q *26o man - ] Pope; man. Q, F 262first]F; life Q
245 Cordelia . . . little The eloquence and son spoke to) "behold" one, and I another' (Capell,
poignancy of this simple utterance are unsurpassed. cited by Furness, NS).
249 SH OFFICER See collation and compare 256 This' This is.
5.1.0 SD and 5.3.225 SD, 230 SD.2. 256 dull sight Either (1) melancholy spectacle
250-1 I have . . . skip Compare Wiv. 2.1.227-9, (referring to Cordelia's body), or (2) poor eyesight
Oth. 5.2.261-4. (Booth, pp. 3 1 - 2 ; compare 253 above).
250 falchion A hooked, or curved, sword. 256 Are . . . Kent Eyesight failing, Lear peers
251 them See collation: Q makes better sense. at Kent and is briefly diverted from Cordelia. Fail-
Lear is speaking of his enemies generally, not ing eyesight was a symptom of approaching death
Cordelia's executioner (Duthie, p. 191). An easy (Bucknill, cited by Hoeniger (p. 96)).
compositorial error. 257 Where . . . Caius Kent earnestly wants
252 crosses vexations, thwartings. Lear to make the connection. Compare 4.6.9 n.
252 spoil me 'i.e. as a swordsman' (Muir). 261 I'll . . . straight I'll attend to that
253 straight straightaway. in a moment's time. Lear is still preoccupied
254-5 I f . . . behold Kent and Lear are looking Cordelia. His 'welcome' (263) is similarly
at each other; hence, 'the two objects of fortune's peremptory.
love and her hate are, - himself, and his master 262 your . . . decay the beginning of your
. . .: of these two, says the speaker, you (the per- change and decline (of fortunes).
5.3.263 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 3256-76 [262]
263 You're See collation, F'S sophistication has full circle. Compare 1.1.32 ff. (NS).
gone awry; Q'S 'you'r' is metrically superior. Com- 270 our Albany uses the royal plural appropri-
pare Duthie, p. 379, and 231 above. ately throughout this speech.
264 Nor . . . else i.e. no one else deserves your 271 great decay i.e. Lear, whose physical and
welcome if I don't. On double negatives, see Abbott mental decline is increasingly apparent. Compare
406. Some editors followr Rowe and continue from 'noble ruin', i.e. Antony, Ant. 3.10.18 (NS).
Kent's preceding lines: 'I am the very man . . . 275 boot something additional.
and no one else.' Booth believes the reference is 275 addition title; quibbling on 'boot'.
'unfixed and multiple . . . a vague and syntactically 275 honours i.e. honourable deeds, conduct.
unattached comment on the general scene' (p. 32). 276-8 All . . . deservings Albany's peroration
265 fordone killed. Q 'foredoome' may be a mis- appears suitable for the end of a tragedy (compare
reading of 'foredoone' (Duthie, p. 425), or possibly Mac. 5.9.26-41). But Shakespeare has more. Com-
'foredoomd'. pare J. K. Walton, 'Lear's last speech', S.Sur. 13
266 desperately in despair. (i960), 17, and John Shaw, ''King Lear, the final
266 Ay . . . think Although the bodies of Goner- lines', Essays in Criticism, 16 (1966), 262-3.
ill and Regan are on stage (204 SD), Lear, intent on 278 O see, see Some piece of stage business
Cordelia, has paid no attention to them. He may refocuses everyone's attention on Lear. Perhaps,
glance at them here before falling silent, tranced having momentarily fallen into a tranced or tran-
perhaps, certainly bemused (compare 278 n.). quil state (266 n.), he awakens abruptly and, rock-
268 bootless useless. ing Cordelia in his arms, has begun speaking to
270 know our intent Again, the wheel comes her.
[263] TLN 3277-95 The Tragedy of King Lear 5.3.294
279-83 And . . . sir.] F lineatwn; as prose Q 279 No, no, no] F; no, no Q 280 have] F,- of Q 281 Thou'lt] F; O thou
wilt Q 282 Never . . . never.] F; neuer, neuer, neuer, Q 283 Pray you] F, Q; pray Q2 283 sir.] F; sir, O, o, o, o. Q; sir,
O, o, o, 0, o. Q2 284-5 Do . . . there.] F; not in Q 284 this? Look] F corn; this, looke F uncorr. *284 her!] her? F 285
SD] F; not in Q 286 SH KENT] F; Lear. Q 287-9 ^ e x • • • longer.] F lineation; lines end . . . passe, / . . . wracke, / . . .
longer. Q 287 hates him] F, Q; hates him much Q2 289 He] F; O he Q 293 Is] F; Is to Q 294 realm] F; kingdome
Q 294 gored] F, Q,- good Q2
279 And . . . hanged Lear appears to be in trying to revive him, until he gives up at 289.
mid sentence. Since 'fool' was a common term 286 SH KENT See collation, and Textual Anal-
of endearment, most commentators believe Lear ysis, p. 81 above. 'What Shakespeare has done in
refers to Cordelia (see Furness). But his term revising is to transfer Lear's ultimate Quarto line
inevitably recalls the Fool, last seen in 3.6, whom he . . . to Kent, thus utterly altering action, char-
also loved. Moreover, the actor who played Cordelia acter, context, and significance' (Clayton, p. 135).
probably doubled as the Fool. (See p. 35 above, and Bradley, p. 309, suggests that Kent refers to his
compare Bradley, p. 314; Rosenberg, p. 318, Booth, own heart.
PP- 32-3)- 287 ghost i.e. departing spirit. Medieval and
283 Pray . . . button Compare 3.4.97 n. Renaissance iconography typically depicts the spirit
Although Lear may ask help to undo Cordelia's of a person departing at the point of death.
button, most commentators believe he is suffering 288 rack A torture machine upon which the vic-
a final attack of the 'mother' and wants the button tim was bound and stretched, forcing his limbs
at his own throat loosened. Kent obliges, (Q follows to become dislocated. Hunter believes 'tough' sug-
with death groans.) gests 'rack' = the body, which encloses the spirit
284-5 Do . . . there In 1.1, Lear, egocen- while a person lives. Lear's corporeal strength was
tric, demanded that everyone's attention be focused great: compare 248-51.
upon himself, as he asked his daughters publicly to 289 longer (1) for a longer time, (2) with his
declare their love. Here, finally, he directs attention body stretched further on the rack (Muir).
not to himself, but to the Other, to Cordelia, now 291 usurped stole (OED Usurp r 3).
more precious to him than his own life. 294 gored bleeding, wounded.
285-6 He . . . lord Edgar rushes to assist Lear,
5-3-295 The Tragedy of King Lear TLN 3296-302 [264]
297 SH EDGAR See collation. Albany, the sur- 298 we Perhaps the royal plural, as Edgar puts
vivor with highest rank, would ordinarily utter the on the crown (Rosenberg, p. 323). Alternatively,
concluding lines. But Edgar owes him a reply, and the pronoun may include Albany, whose 'design of
the speech otherwise suits the younger man, espe- uncertainty' implies youth.
cially as F alters his role: see Textual Analysis, 300 SD dead march 'A piece of solemn music
p. 81 above. played at a funeral procession, esp. at a military
297 weight heavy burden (sadness was 'heavy'). funeral; a funeral march' (OED Dead adj D.2).
297 obey submit to, comply with.
T E X T U A L A N A L Y S I S , PART 2
Q has approximately 300 lines not in F, and F has about 100 lines not in Q. First, the
longer Q passages omitted from F are here examined in detail (a) to determine what range
of reasons there might have been for cutting them; (b) to trace connections between
passages which might suggest comprehensive revision; and (c) to weigh the advantages
and disadvantages of restoring them to the present modernised, Folio-based text. So
that readers may consult the materials fully, all Q-only passages are presented (in edited
form) in an Appendix, pp. 293-309 below. In the analyses that follow, most passages
are shown in slightly reduced photo-facsimile; but for longer passages, especially those
that do not involve complex bibliographical problems, the reader must refer to the
Appendix. Analyses of F-only passages follow the section of Q-only passages.
Q-only passages
A number of these passages have been discussed in Part 1 of the Textual Analysis
(pp. 65-85 above), but others require analysis, sometimes in conjunction with those
previously considered. The lines in question are enclosed by square brackets in the
facsimile reproductions.
GUfi, Hecannotbefucharaonftcr.
\Bsftt Nor is not dure.
GUfi. To hisftther.thatfo tenderly and intirély loues him,
heauen and earth ïj/EJmmtd fecke him out, windraceinto him, I
prav you frame your bufines after your own wifedomc, I would
vnrtate my fetfe to be in a due refolurion.
The omission from F appears deliberate, not accidental on the part of Compositor B,
who set the passage. Theatrical cuts this early in the text are rare, and the column that B
was setting on signature qq3v shows signs of crowding later on. On the other hand, the
lines are not indispensable; moreover, another cut of several lines (complemented by a
Folio addition, lines 96-100) occurs at 125. In view of these other alterations suggesting
revision, the lines here may have been deleted by a reviser.
The Tragedy of King Lear [266]
Since these lines essentially repeat Gloucester's speech 96 ff, added in F, they are
unnecessary here. Folio lineation, moreover, suggests that a cut has been made:
Two cuts in this passage are complemented by additions in the following scene. These
alterations and others affect Goneril's character in ways described above (pp. 78-9);
furthermore, local alterations, e.g. F 'Remember what I have said' (17) for Q 'remember
what I tell you' also point to a revising hand.
(iv) After 1.4.119 (see Textual Analysis, Part 1, pp. 84-5 above).
E. K. Chambers (1, 467) suggests that censorship as well as theatrical abridgement
may be responsible for the F omission. The overt satirical reference to monopolies
was dangerous under James I, especially in the bawdy context the Fool describes, and
censorship or the threat of it may have intervened. But after developing the argument
for censorship at length, Taylor ('Censorship', pp. 101-9) concedes that the passage as
abbreviated in F 'makes good dramatic sense' and does not argue for restoration of Q'S
lines, as he does for 'Fut' at 1.2.115 ('Censorship', p. n o ) . If censorship was imposed,
Shakespeare could have recast the passage, but evidently he or his fellows found it was
[267] Textual analysis, part 2
better left out. Compare Kerrigan, pp. 218-19, who notes revisions elsewhere, such as
the reassigned speech headings at 91 and 189, and changes in the Fool's psychology.
For Compositor E's failure to delete the first three lines of the passage, see above,
pp. 84-5.
Duthie, p. 174, believes that the first cut of four and a half lines is deliberate, and
the patch (with appropriate relineation) is expert (compare Stone, p. 235). Revision
appears to be at work here. The lines are not essential to the action, although they
spell out the situation in fuller detail and show Gloucester pleading more earnestly.
F also lacks a line after 133, which Duthie, p. 175, calls a compositor error. Since F
otherwise alters Q, giving the next half-line to Cornwall (instead of continuing it as part
of Regan's speech) and dropping 'good' from the term of address, the changes again
seem to indicate revision.
F: Kt*t. jtiihcthheandflic,
Vour So.i. and Daughter.
LtAT. f^o.
Kent. Yes.
I wr, No I fay.
htnt. I fay yea.
Le*r* By /*/>/*«• I fweare no.
T JCntf. By IK**,I fweare 1*3
i « r . Tbeydurftnotdo't:
They could net, would not do*c : *ût worfètbcntntmher,
F omits two brief speeches and adds one - Kent's oath, introduced to parallel Lear's.
Evidently the cut was made to allow for the addition, although some editors (e.g.
Duthie, Muir) have found the speeches so impressive that they conflate. But, as Michael
Warren says, conflation has no authority - unless, of course, we assume the colla-
tor accidentally skipped Q'S crowded line. But within the puerile, see-saw argument
between Lear and Kent, effective for three interchanges in either Q or F, a fourth
seems tedious and unnecessary. Finally, if F'S additional line was accidentally omitted
by the Q compositor as well, a remarkable coincidence of errors results - possible, but
The eight and a half lines missing from F represent theatrical abridgement, reduc-
ing the prominence Q gives the Gentleman. Moreover, the action he describes
occurs in the immediately following scene. Duthie, p. 8, compares it to the cut at
[26g] Textual analysis, part 2
(ix) After 3 . 1 . 1 3 :
Here is an instance (compare vii above) not of simple abridgement but of substitu-
tion (see p. 80). Both sets of lines are Shakespearean, although the Folio lines are in
a style more typical of Shakespeare's later work. Combining the passages, however,
not only gives Kent an inordinately long speech but, as Urkowitz notes, introduces
difficulties not found in either Q or F. For example, in Q, France does not know of the
king's mistreatment by his daughters and needs to be told, so Kent sends the Gentle-
man to Dover with the news; in F, France already knows, and Kent does not need to
(and therefore does not) send the Gentleman to Dover; in the composite text, France
has the news, and Kent sends the Gentleman to Dover with it anyway. Finally, although
they include mention of French spies, the Folio lines eliminate a reference to French
invasion and thus form part of a pattern of cuts that downplay this aspect of the plot
(see above, p. 83; on fragmented syntax, see Commentary notes to 3.1.14-15 and 20).
The Tragedy of King Lear [2 j j
Edgar's identity as Poor Tom is by now well established and does not require further
ravings of the kind extensively presented in Act 3; or, as Stone says, 'the reviser probably
felt there was more in this speech than was dramatically justified' (p. 236).
(xv) After Act 4, Scene 2 (see Appendix, pp. 304-6 below, xx).
Theatrical abridgement again probably occasioned an extensive cut (56 lines) of exposi-
tory but inessential material - an entire scene (see above, p. 82, and compare Doran,
p. 70; Duthie, p. 8). The cut, however, along with other cuts in Acts 4 and 5, reduces
the role of Kent and helps bring Edgar and Cordelia into greater prominence (Warren,
'Diminution', pp. 66-8). It also reduces the amount of moral commentary found in Q.
Removing the scene resolves several dramatic problems, such as questions regarding
Lear's actual whereabouts and his attitude towards Cordelia (Urkowitz, pp. 53-4).
Compare Granville-Barker, p. 332: 'I could better believe that Shakespeare cut [the
scene] than wrote it.'
The Tragedy of King Lear [272]
At first, Greg rejected Daniel's conjecture that the anomalous Q2 insertion may derive
from a variant, corrected state of sheet 1 (no longer extant) in the exemplar of Q
that served as copy for Q2 (Variants, pp. 188-90). Later he reluctantly reconsidered
the possibility (Postscript, in ibid., p. 192). Whether or not the Gentleman's speech
originally stood in the copy for Q remains uncertain, since a press-corrector, seeing the
error in two consecutive speeches by Lear, could have added it independently of copy;
or the Q2 compositor could have added it (for the same reason). But either of these
hypotheses seems less likely than that it was in the original manuscript. F was not here
influenced by Q2. Working on an exemplar of Q with uncorrected sheet 1, the F reviser
or collator solved the problem of Lear's consecutive speeches by fusing them, but left
the lines metrically irregular. (See Commentary 4.5.186-91 and compare Taylor, 'Date
and authorship', pp. 363-4, and Duthie, pp. 415-16.) Stone, p. 236, believes the reviser
omitted the line after 188 because he found it obscure.
Both Q2 and F omit Q'S words 'and for you her owne for Venter\ perhaps because they
were incomprehensible (Stone, pp. 132, 146). Duthie, p. 416, regards Q'S words as an
actor's mangled interpolation; citing 4.2.20, Muir thinks the words may conceal sense;
Halio, p. 162, suspects that a word such as 'life' may have dropped out after 'owne' in
Q. Unlike xvi above, the passage appears on variant sheet K but is found in all extant
copies of Q. The different emendations in Q2 and F suggest that both the Q2 editor or
compositor and the F reviser or collator independently deleted the nonsense line.
The first cut may have been prompted by changed playhouse conditions (see above,
p. 83). However, music in Shakespeare often accompanies scenes of restored harmony,
as in MND 5.1.395-400,7^^5.1.55 ff, ffT 5.3.98. Perhaps on reflection Shakespeare
now preferred silence at Lear's awakening (Taylor, 'Date and authorship', p. 413).
The second cut of three and a half inessential though eloquent lines results in an
irregular line caused, as Stone thinks, by a reviser's oversight and the copyist's subse-
quent attempt to avoid an obviously short line (p. 118, n. 10; see the play-text, p. 237
Duthie, pp. 419-20, suspects that the F compositor (B) is responsible for dropping
these lines through eye-skip or faulty comprehension (compare Stone, p. 236). But
considerable cutting follows afterwards (see below) and the alteration F 'killed' for Q
'cured' suggests revision, although the verse lines in F (see the play-text, p. 240 above)
remain irregular.
Stone, p. 237, regards these cuts as 'deliberate pruning', as in 2.2 and 4.2, although
he recognises that the last one may be the result of copyist or compositor error. The
most significant cut is the longest one, where Albany says he will fight because the
French invade, not because he opposes Lear. Without these lines, Albany in F appears
less sure of his stance - a weakening of his character that correlates with cuts earlier in
Act 4 (see above). When Regan interrupts him impatiently, her line means something
different in F from what it means in Q, where she questions why Albany is moralising
over a decision already made; in F, she asks why he is raising a new issue (Urkowitz,
p. 99). The earlier cuts remove some slackness and gratuitous comment from the
B*0. About it, and write happy when thou haft don,
Marke I fay inftandy, and cam it fo
Çéf. Q cannot draw a cart, nor eace drid< oats,
If it bee mans workgi le do'c.
The Tragedy of King Lear [276]
The Captain's lines are a distracting and unnecessary bit of grim humour. Compare
Stone, p. 237.
Edmond's speech in F (properly lined: see the play-text, pp. 247-8 above) is sufficient to
justify his action; in Q, the speech continues beyond the point of impertinence. Albany's
response is appropriate with or without the deleted lines, which are largely reflective
and sententious. Compare Urkowitz, p. 107; Stone, p. 238.
F-only passages
F-only passages are essentially of two kinds: (1) passages restored to the text that were
accidentally omitted from Q; (2) passages that could not have been accidentally omitted
from Q and must have been added by a reviser. The first kind would have appeared
in the original prompt-book along with a number of alternative manuscript readings
(Doran, pp. 38-52); the other kind might have appeared there, if revision was early, or
in the second playhouse manuscript (the result of collation with revised Q), if revision
[2/7] Textual analysis, part 2
came later. Accidental omissions in Q usually involve passages of a line or two; more
extensive F-only passages are most likely additions to the original text. In the passages
reproduced below, F-only lines are marked by brackets.
Lear .Of til thefe bounds euen from this Line,to this,
With (hadowie Forrefts £nd w iih Champam* rich'd
With plenteous RiuertVmd wide-skirted Meadcs
We wake thec Lady. To thine and A >b**ic; IfTue»
Be this perpetuall. What faye» our (ccond Daughter ?
These words may have stood in the original manuscript but the Q compositor acciden-
tally skipped from 'and' in 59 to 'and' in 60 (Doran, p. 57). Revisions at the beginning
of the play, however, tend to be more frequent and fussy than they are elsewhere, and
this could be a genuine addition (Stone, p. 239).
Besides additions, other alterations in F clearly indicate revision here. The additions
not only make Cordelia's response emphatic, they provide the actor playing Lear with
space for further reaction.
(xxviii) i.2.96-100:
An unlikely though not impossible accidental omission from Q (Doran, p. 58), these
lines complement the cut later on at 1.2.125. See above, pp. 265-6; Stone, p. 239; and
Taylor, 'Censorship', pp. 81-8.
(xxix) 1.2.139-44:
Stone, p. 240, and Doran, p. 63, agree that the omission from Q of the bracketed lines
could hardly have been accidental. The different position of 'goe arm'd' in Q and F
indicates a deliberate interpolation of matter not originally in Q.
[279] Textual analysis, part 2
(xxx) i.4.217:
Inter Albany.
Lear. Woe, that too late repenti:
Is it your will, fpetke Sir ? Prepare œy Horfef.
Ingratitude ! thou Marble-heaftedFieod,
More hideous when thou (hcvv'ft thee in a Child,
Then che Sea-monfter.
{Alb% pray Sir be patient.
I^Dctcfted Kite, thou lyeft.
My Traîne are men of choice, and rareft parts,
That all particulars cfdutieknow,
And in the moit regard, lupporc
The v.crfhip» of ihcir name. O moft fmall fault,
Besides several local corrections and changing Q'S prose to verse, F interpolates Albany's
speech, which 'punctuates' Lear's tirade (Urkowitz, p. 44) and gives the duke something
to say soon after his entrance (Stone, p. 240). See also p. 79 above.
(xxxi) 1.4.229:
And added tothe gall. O Le*r^ Lexr, Lear \
Bcate at this gate that let thy Folly in,
And thy dcere lodgement out. Go,go,my people.
Alb- My Lord, I am cuiltleflc, at I am ignorant
£f what hath moueJ you^}
Lear. It may Lord.
Albany's additional half-line completes his meaning and was probably omitted acci-
dentally by the Q compositor, who printed almost the entire scene as prose and omitted
the third ''Lear' in 225 as well.
Stone, p. 241, says the Fool's lines are an obvious theatrical interpolation not in the
style of the reviser and added as an afterthought. He suggests that F'S faulty lineation is
the result of the lines' being written sideways in the margin of the prompt-book, as an
addition of such length would be. Doran, p. 66, and others find the lines consistent with
Shakespeare's style for the Fool; but if the reference to 'wild geese' is an allusion to the
Wildgoose family (see p. 4 above), then the addition was probably early. The Folio lin-
eation, obviously crowded, may result from faulty casting-off of copy for signature r n r ,
set by Compositor E. Taylor, 'Date and authorship', p. 396, and Kerrigan, p. 220, argue
for both authenticity and dramatic aptness; Granville-Barker remarks that the Fool's
song alters the dramatic effect as Lear 'stands speechless, his agony upon him' (p. 329).
Besides the additional lines, the passage shows other signs of revision. According to
Stone, p. 241, the reviser must have thought Gloucester's behaviour in Q needed verbal
extenuation. The additional lines 91-2 are complemented by the further addition at
96. On the other variants here, sec Commentary.
(xxxvii) 2.4.289-90:
E tfr
2>*^. So am T pusposUwhere i s my Lord ofQUfitrf * <?fr
Rt£. Followed the o\4 man forthjhe is returned.
<?/#. The King is in high rage, & wil Ï know no? whe-
Ke. Ti$ good to giue him way,he leads himfclrc.(ther.
Ç09. My Lord, in treat him by noraeanesto (by.
GU. Alack the night comes on,and the bleak wind*
Luîer Cjlcfier.
Corn, Followed the old man forth,he is rçturn'd*
Ç/9. The Kmg Is in high rage.
£Or». Whether is he going?
Glo. He cals co Horfei)iit will I know not whethef.
C«rn. T:s beft to giuc him way,he leads hirofclfi.
G»n. My Lord.cntreatc him by nomeancs to flay.
Glo. Alackc the night comes on,and the high wifldes
Again, besides the added lines, other signs of revision appear here, such as reassigned
speech headings and local emendations. A reviser may have noticed the hypermetrical
line in Q and made two regular lines using interpolated matter, as Stone thinks, p. 242;
on the other hand, the hypermetrical line could have been the result of an accidental
omission that F either recovers or substitutes for.
by Puttenham, in slightly different form, in The Arte of English Poésie (1589), which
Shakespeare was apparently reading at about the time he wrote The Winter's Tale
(Taylor, 'Date and authorship', pp. 382-6). The addition reflects this later source and,
while not indispensable, adds to the ironic use of prophecy found elsewhere in the
(xl) 34-17-18:
Probably the lines not found in Q are the result of compositor eye-skip, caused by the
repetition of 'in such a night' and making Q'S lines irregular. Stone, however, suspects
revision, since Lear cannot know at this point that he has, in fact, been 'shut out' of
Gloucester's castle (p. 243), and other indications of revision appear here and elsewhere
in the scene (see xli-xlii below).
(xli) 3 4 2 6 - 7 :
While the lines not in Q may again be the result of accidental omission, eye-skip is less
likely here. Both Stone, p. 244, and Urkowitz, p. 44, see a reviser's hand at work. The
''Exit' added in F may be the book-keeper's notation.
(xlii) 3.4.37:
(xliii) 3.6.11-12:
Doran, p. 67, supposes that the F-only lines are original and that the Q compositor
had difficulty with the passage and deliberately omitted it. Stone, p. 67, and Kerrigan,
pp. 227-30, consider the passage evidence of revision, Lear's response to the Fool's
question having apparently been regarded as insufficient by the reviser. Kerrigan is sure
the lines are Shakespeare's and allude to the dramatist's father, John, a yeoman, for
whom his son obtained a grant from the College of Arms in 1596. In 1602, however, after
John Shakespeare's death, the grant was challenged by York Herald Ralph Brooke, and
possibly William had to justify his own claim (through his father) to the title 'gentleman'
when he was writing or revising his play. But no evidence has been found to this effect
and, as Kerrigan says, what happened to Brooke's complaint is not known. If the reviser
intended a personal allusion, then (like xxxiv above) the addition - if it was one - was
probably early.
The Tragedy of King Lear [284]
(xliv) 3.6.41:
F: Enter Glojler.
Kent. Now good my Lordjye heerc,and reft awhile.
Lear. Makenonoife,makenonoife, draw thcCur-
taincs : fo,fo,wee*l goto Supper i'th'niorning.
[fooUr And He go to bed ac nooneH
Clou. Come hither Friend :
Where 11 the Kmg my Mafter?
Taylor speculates that the Fool's last, cryptic line was an early addition, perhaps inserted
in the original prompt-book. By the time rehearsals began, Shakespeare knew that the
Fool's role ended here and may have decided to give him a suitable concluding line ('Date
and authorship', p. 405). Other alterations, further evidence of revision, surround the
line, which is susceptible to several interpretations (see Commentary). Stone, pp. 244-5,
and Kerrigan, pp. 228-9, accept the line as an interpolation, though Stone questions
its authenticity.
(xlv) 4.1.6-9:
Enttr Edgar.
£ig. Yet better thus.and knowne to be contemn'd
Thenftillcontemn'd andflatter'd,to be worft :
The loweft, and mofl deieâed thing of Fortune,
Standiftillin efperance, hues not in feare ;
The lamentable change is from the beft,
The worft retumes to laughter. [Welcome then,
Thou vnfubftantiall ayre that i embrace :
The Wretch that thou had blownc vnio the worft,
Owe» nothing to thy blaftsT]
Enter CloHÏîery**dan Ottmnn.
The lines at first appear more like a deliberate cut in Q than an addition to F (Stone,
p. 245). But they complement the omission of Edgar's lines at the end of 3.7 (see above,
p. 271), improve the metre, and make Edgar more vulnerable to the shock of seeing his
newly blinded father.
(xlvi) 4.1.54:
Edgar's half-line completes the sense of 'I cannot daub it further' and regularises the
line metrically. Its omission in Q may be accidental, or its appearance in F may be a
consequence of the correction 'daub' for Q 'dance'. Note also the cut after 58 (see above,
p. 271).
(xlvii) 4.2.27:
Gonerill's added line appears to be part of extensive Folio correction and revision in this
scene (see above, p. 271, and Commentary). In Q, Gonerill's line is unnecessary, since
she apparently addresses Edmond (whose exit is missing); but in F, Edmond leaves, and
Gonerill comments to herself. Compare Stone, p. 245; Taylor, 'Date and authorship',
P- 379-
(xlviii) 4.5.157-62:
Stone, pp. 68, 122, and Doran, p. 68, agree that the F-only lines are an interpolation,
since 'Get thee glasse eyes' naturally follows from 'hide all'. Chambers, 1, 467, believes
the lines were cut from Q because of censorship, but censorship would hardly affect
foul papers. Roger Warren, p. 52, cites these lines as complementing the omission
The Tragedy of King Lear [286]
of the mock trial in 3.6. The passage shows other signs of correction and revision
(see collation). Stone, pp. 123-5, s e e s a n allusion in the lines to the Overbury affair
(1613-16), but Taylor rejects the allusion on grounds that the lines are too general and
commonplace; he compares Ham. 3.3.57-60 ('Date and authorship', p. 403).
(xlix) 4.6.59:
(1) 5-2.II:
Gloucester's final half-line may have been dropped by the Q compositor, whose page
(K4r) shows signs of crowding; or it may have been added in F by a reviser con-
cerned to fill out the line (Stone, p. 247) and/or intent upon augmenting the play's
'complementarity': see Commentary.
(li) 5-3-70:
(Hi) 5.3.83-4:
Q: And I her husband contradict the banes,
Ifyouwillmary, make your loue to mc,
My Lady is befpoke,thou artarmd GUftm,
Ifnone appeare to proue vpon thy head,
Thy hainous,manircftjand many treafons,
There is my pledge, ile proue it on thy heart
F'S additions are obviously interpolated. Gonerill's half-line provides 'dramatic punc-
tuation' (compare xxx, p. 279 above, 1.4.217; and Stone, p. 246). The addition to
Albany's speech underscores the duke's eagerness for confrontation with Edmond
(compare Urkowitz, pp. 109-11). The passage contains other indications of revi-
sion (e.g. F 'person'/Q 'head'; F 'make'/Q 'prove'), which appear throughout the
(liii) 5-3-134:
Q: Bdfl. InwifdonttIfooludaskcthymine,
Butfinccthy outfide look» fo faire and warlike.
And that thy being fome fay ofbreedine breathes,
By right ofknkhthoodj difdaineand fpurnc
HecTc do I tone thofc treafons tp thy head.
With the hell hatedly, orcturnd thy heart,
Stone, pp. 68-9, believes F'S additional line and other alterations are the result of
a misprint in Q at the beginning of 135, 'By' for 'My'. Failing to detect the error
(after substituting 'tongue' for 'being' at 133), the reviser recognised that 'disdaine and
spurne' required an object; hence, he added a new line and changed 'right' to 'rule' to
make the phrase more idiomatic. Alterations in other lines also show revision as well as
The Tragedy of King Lear [288]
(liv) 5-3-256:
Q: Kent. IfFortunebragdoftwofticloued or hated,
One of them we behold. Leer. Are not y ou Kent f
Kent. The fame your feruant Ki*t,where is your fcruant Cdiw,
Lear. Hces a good fellow, I can tell that,
Heetcftrikeand quickly too, hees dead and rotten.
Lear's added half-line helps improve the metre. The Q compositor, nearing the end of
his copy and obviously crowding his text (as the last three pages of Q reveal), may have
omitted the speech deliberately. Compare Stone, p. 247.
The weight of the evidence clearly indicates that F represents a revised text of King Lear,
with Q reflecting a version of the original. Only a few, short omissions from Q and F can
be attributed to compositor errors. In revising, very likely more than one motive and
possibly more than one hand were involved over the period of time (seventeen years)
that separates the date of first composition from the date of publication of the Folio
text. Several of the largest omissions from the Q text - those after 3.6.13, 3.7.97,4.6.82,
5.3.195, and a whole scene in Act 4 - may be the result of theatrical shortening, but it is by
no means clear that Shakespeare did not have any responsibility for them. The remaining
cuts often involve other alterations that point to a reviser's hand at work. Similarly,
the F additions are usually, though not always, the result of deliberate interpolation,
not accidental omission from Q. On stylistic grounds, Shakespeare remains the leading
candidate for the authorship of the additions, which often mesh well with other changes
in the Q text. Although Stone has proposed Philip Massinger as the reviser, Foster and
Taylor have argued that he was not (his involvement with the King's Men as a reviser
of old plays notwithstanding) and that Shakespeare was.
The Folio text, then, presents a version of King Lear that was performed in the early
seventeenth century, first at the Globe and at court, and afterwards at the Blackfriars
and probably again at court in revised form (or forms). The instability not only of
Shakespeare's texts, but of any play-text, is notorious. Compare the sample from the
script of Tennessee Williams's The Rose Tattoo used during its original try-out in
[28g] Textual analysis, part 2
Chicago (illustration 16, overleaf) with the same lines in their final, printed form
(illustration 17). Since one aim of this edition (as of the New Cambridge Shakespeare
in general) is to emphasise Shakespeare's plays as plays, that is, scripts for performance,
the choice of F as the copy-text for King Lear is both logical and appropriate. But as no
definitive, 'final' text of the play does or can exist, what Shakespeare wrote in both Q
and F is preserved. Unlike traditionally conflated texts, however, this edition removes
Q-only passages from the text proper and presents them in an Appendix. By consulting
those passages and taking careful note through the collation of the Folio additions and
other alterations, the reader may reconstruct the quarto, whereas the main body of the
text presents an acting version of King Lear that Shakespeare may have seen performed
on one of the stages he was familiar with. The reader should thus not become confused
about a text — Q + F - that is neither Shakespeare's nor the King's Men's, but a construct
of modern conflating editors in the tradition of Alexander Pope and his contemporaries.
The Tragedy of King Lear
Com» on, come out) To the depot}
Juat «ait, I «ante hear this, it's too good to misai '
would fael cheap and degraded and not fit to live with my
daughter or under the roof with the urn of hla bleeaed ashes,
thoae - aahea of a roae * If after that memory, after knowing
that man, I went to some other, eome middle-aged man, not
young, not full of young passion, but getting a pot-belly o n
him and loaing hia hair and smelling of awaat and liquor -
and trying to fool myaelf that that waa love-making! I know
what love-making was. And I'm satiafled Juat to remember.»*
(She la panting aa though the had
run upstairs)
80 on, you do it, you go on the atreeta and let them drop their
•aeka of dirty water on youl « l'a aatiefled to remember the
love of a man that waa mine -
ONLI allSEl Sever touehed by the hand of nobodil HobodT but
feel * Juat met
= (She gaapa and runa out to the poreh.
The aun floods hsr figure* It aeema
to aatoniah her. She finds heraelf
sobbing. Digs in purse, for handker- \
(Crossing to open door)
Hover, touched bj, nobody?
Let sleeping dogs lie I
Mover nobody, nobody a& a j ^ bj& £oj».T
Hush, now, Floral Ignorance la b l U a l
I know somebody that could a tale unfoldl And not ao far
from here neither* Sot no further than the Squar
place o n Esplanade 1
page from the original typescript of The Rose Tattoo by Tennessee Williams
[2Ql] Textual analysis, part 2
I count up the nights I held him all night in my arms, and
I can tell you how many. Each night for twelve years. Four
thousand—three hundred—and eighty. The number of
nights I held him all night in my arms. Sometimes I didn't
sleep, just held him all night in my arms. And I am satis-
fied with it. I grieve for him. Yes, my pillow at night's
never dry—but I'm satisfied to remember. And I would
feel cheap and degraded and not fit to live with my daugh-
ter or under the roof with the urn of his blessed ashes, those
—ashes of a rose—if after that memory, after knowing that
man, I went to some other, some middle-aged man, not
young, not full of young passion, but getting a pot belly on
him and losing his hair and smelling of sweat and liquor—
and trying to fool myself that that was love-making! I
\now what love-making was. And I'm satisfied just to re-
member . . . [She is panting as though she had run up-
stairs.'] Go on, you do it, you go on the streets and let them
drop their sacks of dirty water on you!—I'm satisfied to
remember the love of a man that was mine—only mine!
Never touched by the hand of nobody! Nobody but me!—
Just me! [She gasps and runs out to the porch. The sun
floods her figure. It seems to astonish her. She finds herself
sobbing. She digs in her purse for her handkerchief.]
/ know somebody that could a tale unfold! And not so far
from here neither. Not no further than the Square Roof is,
that place on Esplanade!
17 The same passage from The Rose Tattoo as it appears in the printed text
(ii) After 1.2.125-6 ('I promise you, the effects he writes of succeed unhappily') Q reads:
as of unnaturalness between the child and the parent, death, dearth, dissolutions
of ancient amities, divisions in state, menaces and maledictions against king and
nobles, needless diffidences, banishment of friends, dissipation of cohorts, nuptial
breaches, and I know not what.
EDGAR How long have you been a sectary astronomical? 5
EDMOND Come, come,
2 amities] Q; armies Q2
The Tragedy of King Lear [294]
1 occasions opportunities.
F O O L Dost thou know the difference, my boy, between a bitter fool and a sweet
LEAR No, lad; teach me.
FOOL That lord that counselled thee
To give away thy land, 5
Come place him here by me,
Do thou for him stand;
The sweet and bitter fool
Will presently appear,
The one in motley here, 10
The other found out there.
LEAR Dost thou call me fool, boy?
FOOL All thy other titles thou hast given away; that thou wast born with.
KENT This is not altogether fool, my lord.
F O O L NO, faith; lords and great men will not let me. If I had a monopoly out, they 15
would have part on't; and ladies too - they will not let me have all the fool to
myself; they'll be snatching.
*i thou] F; not in Q *2 one] F; fool Q 4-11 That . . . there] Capell's lineation; four lines ending . . . land, / . . . stand,
/ . . . appeare, / . . . there. Q 16 on't; and ladies] Capell (subst.); an't, and Ladies Q con:; an't, and lodes Q uncorr.;
on't, and lodes Q2 16 all the] Q; all Q2
1-3 Dost . . . me These lines appear in F, but tions, e.g. NS, place a dash before 'there' to make
were probably intended to be cut along with the the emphasis clearer. 'In early 1606, it would have
rest of this passage, with which they are clearly been hard not to see the Fool's jibe at Lear as a
connected. See Textual Analysis, pp. 84-5 above. reflection of King James's own royal fool [Archie
I my boy The Fool's term for Lear that Lear Armstrong] commenting on the folly of James him-
has just used for him (1.4.116). self (Taylor, 'Censorship', p. 105).
4 That lord In King Leir, Skalliger advised the 13 that . . . with either (1) you are a born fool,
king, but no one advised Lear, who was apparently or (2) folly is a universal human characteristic, i.e.
his own counsel (the implied point of 7). something you can't give away (compare Hunter).
4 thee Wiles, p. 191, says that the Fool here 14 altogether entirely; but the Fool quibbles on
addresses his bauble, or marotte, and elsewhere uses the sense 'only', i.e. having all there is (Kittredge).
his bauble thus to avoid directly addressing the 15 out officially granted. Like the slur implied
king, as at 1.4.117. at 11, this was also a possible cause for censorship:
6-7 Come . . . stand The Fool is stage- James I was notorious for awarding monopolies to
directing, moving characters around and using ges- court favourites.
tures. He has Lear stand for the counsellor. 16 on't i.e. of it.
10 The one i.e. the sweet fool; the Fool indicates 16-17 ladies . . . snatching The Fool refers
himself. to his bauble, used to suggest a phallus. The inde-
II The other i.e. the bitter fool. cent behaviour of court ladies was another sensitive
11 found out discovered.
11 there The Fool points to Lear. Some edi-
l29S] Appendix: Passages unique to the first quarto
(vi) After 1.4.190 Q reads (continuing 'Lear's shadow' as part of Lear's speech: see above,
P- 75):
LEAR I would learn that, for by the marks of sovereignty, knowledge, and reason, I
should be false persuaded I had daughters.
F O O L Which they will make an obedient father.
1 that i.e. who I am. since no daughters would behave this way towards
1-2 for . . . daughters i.e. every indication - the me.
outward signs of majesty (e.g. my crown), as well 3 Which Whom. Compare Abbott 265 and 266,
as the information I have and my own reason - and 3.1.16.
tells me that I have daughters. But that cannot be,
3-4 Is . . . trespasses] Pope's lima lion; divided. . . pilfrings / And Q 3 basest] Q corr. ; belest Q uncorr. *3 contemned'st]
Capell; contaned Q uncorr.; temnest Q corr., Q2
2 check rebuke. Compare (iii) above. Q corr. 'temnest' (Variants, p. 159). While agreeing
3 contemned'st most despised. Stone, p. 201, that this probably happened, Blayney (pp. 247-8)
believes 'conte[m]ned' stood in Q copy. Greg thinks says that the proofreader's intention may not have
the press-corrector crossed out 'taned' in Q uncorr. been correct and proposes (like Stone) the emen-
'contaned' and wrote 'temnest' in the margin, dation 'contemned', which Oxford accepts (in The
meaning the compositor to correct that half of the History of King Lear).
word only. Instead, he altered the entire word to 4 pilferings petty thefts.
*4 outstorm] out-storm Muir (conj. Steevens); outscorne Q 5 to-and-fro-conflicting] Hyphenated Capell 7 belly-
pinched] Hyphenated Pope 8 fur] furre Q corr.; surre Q union:, Q2
3 make nothing of disperse, make it disappear of the udder-drawn lioness appears also in AY LI
into nothingness. 4.3.114.
4 little world of man i.e. the microcosm. Com- 6 couch lie down (and not be out hunting).
pare Mac. 1.3.140. Compare the animals in Job's storm, Job 37.8: 'the
4 outstorm Steevens first proposed the emen- beasts go into the denne, and remaine in their
dation (an easy t/c misreading) and compared A places' (Colie, p. 130).
Lover's Complaint, 7: 'Storming her world with sor- 8 unbonneted hatless ('a stronger idea then
rows wind and rain' (cited by Furness). than now: totally abandoning self-respect as well
5 to-and-fro-conflicting i.e. wildly buffeting. as self-protection': Hunter). Compare xxii below.
6 cubdrawn sucked dry by cubs, therefore 9 bids . . . all A cry of desperation: let it all go,
ravenous. Kittredge compares Arden of Feversham the whole world (compare 3.2.1-9). 'Take all!' was
2.2.118-20: 'Such mercy as the staruen Lyones, / the gambler's cry when staking everything on a last
When she is dry suckt of her eager young, / Showes throw of the dice; but compare Ant. 4.2.8.
to the prey that next encounters her'. The image
2-6 Into . . . you] Pope's lineal ion; lines end . . . negligèce, [turned under] / . . . Ports, / . . . banner, / . . . farre, Q
9 bemadding maddening.
10 plain complain.
13 office duty, commission.
2 health] Q; heels Singer (ton/. IVarhurton) 5 SD) Cape/I; not in Q 5 justicer] Theobald; Iustice Q 6 SD] Capell; not
in Q 6 No] Q; now Q2 7 Want'st] wantst Q2; wanst Q 7 eyes at trial, madam?] eies at tri- / all madam, Q2,- eyes,
at tral madam Q; eyes at troll-madam? Oxford 8 SD] Hunter (conj. Staunton); not in Q 8 Come . . . me] As verse,
Capell; as prose, continuing from / Q *8 bourn] boorne Capell; broome Q 9 SD] Craig (conj. Cam.); not in Q 9-10
Her . . . speak] Capell's lineation; one line Q
On F'S omission of the 'mock trial', see Textual obvious about it, and many editions, e.g. Hunter,
Analysis, p. 270 above. Oxford, retain Q.
1 foul. . . back Compare 3.4.144. Tom imagines 7 he i.e. more likely an imagined 'fiend' than
a lousy devil. Lear. But compare 15 below.
2 tameness of a wolf D. R. Klinck offers evi- 7 Want'st . . . m a d a m i.e. do you lack
dence that this phrase, like the ones that follow, is spectators at (your) trial, madam? Explaining
proverbial (N&Q, n.s. 24 (1977), 113-14). Oxford's emendation, 'eyes at troll-madam', Taylor
2 horse's health Horses are notoriously given compares WT 4.3.87, 'troll-my-dames', from the
to disease. Warburton's conjectured emendation, French game 'trou-madame' (similar to bagatelle)
'heels' for 'health', is supported by the proverb, played by ladies ('Addenda' to Division, pp. 486-8).
'Trust not a horse's heels nor a dog's tooth' (Tilley 8 Come . . . me Edgar's fragment, which the
H711), and by two citations that include analogues Fool picks up, is from an old song recorded in W.
to 'whore's oath' (Dent, pp. 31, 140). Wager's The Longer Thou Livest, the More Tool Thou
2 boy's love Compare 'Love of lads and fire of Art (c. 1559). Malone (cited by Furness) notes that
chats [= small twigs, kindling] is soon in and soon 'Bessy' and 'poor Tom' may have been vagabond
out' (Tilley L526; Dent, p. 161). companions.
4 straight straightaway. Compare 1.3.21. 8 bourn burn, brook.
5 justicer judge. Theobald's emendation is gen- 9-11 Her . . . thee These are not the words
erally accepted as improving the metre and is sup- of the old song, but the Fool's bawdy improvisa-
ported by 36 below, and by 4.2.48. tion (compare Partridge, pp. 76, 139-40, and Temp.
6 No Duthie accepts Q2 'Now' as 'obviously the 1.1.46-8).
required reading' (p. 399). But there is nothing
The Tragedy of King Lear [298]
E D G A R The foul fiend haunts poor Tom in the voice of a nightingale. Hoppedance
cries in Tom's belly for two white herring. Croak not, black angel! I have no food
for thee.
K E N T How do you, sir? Stand you not so amazed.
Will you lie down and rest upon the cushions?
L E A R I'll see their trial first. - Bring in their evidence.
[To Edgar] Thou robed man of justice, take thy place.
[To the Fool] And thou, his yoke-fellow of equity,
Bench by his side. [To Kent] You are o'th'commission;
Sit you too.
E D G A R Let us deal justly.
Sleepest or wakest thou, jolly shepherd?
Thy sheep be in the corn;
And for one blast of thy minikin mouth
Thy sheep shall take no harm.
Purr, the cat, is grey.
LEAR Arraign her first; 'tis Gonerill. I here take my oath before this honourable
assembly, she kicked the poor king her father.
FOOL Come hither, mistress. Is your name Gonerill? 30
LEAR She cannot deny it.
15-16 How . . . cushions] Theobald's lineation; as prose Q *i6 cushions] Q2,- cushings Q 17-21 I'll . . . too] Pope's
lineation; as prose Q 18 SD] Capell; not in Q 18 robed] Pope; robbed Q 19 SD] Capell; not in Q 20 SD] Capell;
not in Q 20 o'th'] o'th Q2,- ot'h Q 22-6 Let . . . harm] Theobald's lineation; all as prose Q *27 cat,] This edn; cat
Q *29 she] Q2,- not in Q
12 The foul . . . nightingale This is Tom's Edgar, the Fool, and Kent to sit as a judicial panel,
witty response to the Fool. Rosenberg, p. 233, notes or 'commission' (20), to hear the trial.
the growing rivalry between the Fool and Edgar and 19 yoke-fellow partner; i.e. the Lord Chancel-
suggests a pun, 'foul' - 'fool'; compare 3.4.73 n. lor, who presided over the Courts of Equity (NS).
12 Hoppedance 'Hoberdidance' or 'Haberdid- At exceptional trials, e.g. of Mary Stuart, the Courts
ance' in Harsnett, pp. 49, 140, 180. of Justice and of Equity were combined, as Lear
13 white herring fresh, unsmoked herring imagines them here (Hunter).
(Kittredge). 20 Bench Sit on the bench (compare Abbott
13 Croak not Poor Tom is hungry, and his belly 290).
rumbles. Exorcists 'would make a wonderful mat- 22 Let . . . justly Edgar begins sagaciously but
ter' of such 'croaking' (usually caused by fasting), quickly resumes his mad act.
saying 'it was the deuill . . . that spake with the 23-6 Sleepest. . . harm This pastoral ditty has
voyce of a Toade' (Harsnett, pp. 194-5). not been traced. Its modern analogue is 'Little Boy
13 black angel i.e. the fiend in his belly. Blue' (Hunter). Whether or not Edgar sings it is
15 amazed 'A very strong word, indicating a unclear. Does he compete with the Fool in singing,
state of utter confusion' (Kittredge, who compares too? Oxford and Bevington add SD Sings, following
Ham. 2.2.565-6). Lear is dumb-founded, or per- Capell, but Hunter does not. Compare 8 n.
haps tranced; compare 5.3.278 n. 25 minikin Either (1) dainty, sprightly (OED sv
16 cushions Duthie, p. 80, suspects that Q adj 1 a), or (2) shrill (OED sv adj 2).
'cushings', like Q 'Aurigular' (1.2.82), may reflect 27 Purr An apt name for a familiar in the form
popular pronunciation. of a cat; compare Mac. 1.1.8: 'I come, Graymalkin',
17 their evidence i.e. witnesses to testify and 4.1.1, 'Purre' is the name of a 'fat devil' in
against them. Harsnett, p. 50.
18 robed . . . justice Lear takes Edgar's blanket 29 she Accidentally omitted by Q compositor
for judicial robes, imagining him as the Chief Jus- (Duthie, p. 400).
tice, who presided over the Court of King's Bench 30 Come . . . Gonerill The Fool picks up a
(compare NS). stool and addresses it.
18 take thy place Lear stage-directs, arranging
[2gg] Appendix: Passages unique to the first quarto
*32 joint-stool] Pope; ioyne stoole Q; ioynt stoole Q2 *34 on] Capell; an Q
32 I . . . joint-stool A jocose apology for over- 33 here's another Lear points to or grasps
looking someone, as in Lyly's Mother Bombie 4.2.28 another piece of furniture. In the Granada televi-
(compare Tilley M897). 'The Fool takes profes- sion production, Olivier caught a hen, which then
sional delight in this opportunity to give the worn- escaped, giving point to his later outcries (Bratton,
out phrase a point; for, in this case, the stool is there p. 153). But note the pun on 'warped'.
and Goneril is not' (Kittredge). But the Fool's joke 33 warped (1) (of wood) twisted, (2) (of the face)
also underscores the reality of the hallucination for distorted by evil passions (Kittredge).
Lear. As Granville-Barker suggested, the real and 34 store material, stuff.
the imagined must carry equal value, so that what 34 Stop her there Mischievously trying to gain
Lear feels intensely the audience also feels (Rosen- attention, the Fool may snatch the object away
berg, p. 234). from Lear and hide it; or perhaps Lear drops it
32 joint-stool A stool with fitted legs (as against and the Fool takes it away. But the whole episode
a carpenter's rougher work). Duthie, p. 400, says Q may be purely Lear's hallucination, evoking Edgar's
'ioyne' for 'ioynt' may be t/e misreading (compare 'Bless thy five wits' (3.6.15). Compare Rosenberg,
Q2 'ioynt stoole'), but 'ioyne-stool' is an accepted PP- 234-5-
seventeenth-century variant spelling (OED).
3-5 Which . . . behind] Theobald's lirteation; divided . . . cure, / Come Q 4 cure. - ] This edn; SD TO Fool Theobald
2 balmed . . . sinews soothed your shattered foot, / And like a net, all o'er the body spread.'
nerves. For the analogy of nerves to 'sinews', Muir 4 Stand in hard cure i.e. will be difficult to
quotes from 'The Senses' in Sir John Davies's Nosce heal.
Teipsum (1599): 'Lastly, the feeling power which 4-5 Come . . . behind Kent addresses the Fool
is life's root, / Through every living power itself who, exhausted, lags behind and may even be dying,
doth shed / By sinews, which extend from head to as he does not appear again. See 3.6.41 n.
1-2 When . . . foes] Q2 lineation; as prose Q *3 suffers, suffers most] Theobald; suffers suffers, most Q; suffers, most
1 our woes i.e. miseries like ours. 'Fellowship in woe doth woe assuage', and Tilley
3 Who . . . mind i.e. anguish is exacerbated C571 ('It is good to have company in misery').
mentally by isolation. NS compares Lucrèce, 790:
The Tragedy of King Lear [300]
i SH SECOND Capell renumbered the servants Perhaps the corrector, intending an alteration,
to account for the one who died. crossed the word out and forgot to insert his emen-
2 this man Cornwall. dation (Greg, Variants, p. 169). Compare Blayney,
2 she Regan. p. 250, who suggests that a deletion symbol, or what
3 meet . . . death i.e. die a natural death. looked like one, somehow got into the Q uncorr.
4 Women . . . monsters i.e. because they will margin, resulting in false correction.
not fear retribution. 7 Allows . . . anything i.e. lets him do anything.
5 the Bedlam Poor Tom. 8 flax . . . eggs Sixteenth- and seventeenth-
6 roguish characteristic of vagrants {OED sv century medical books recommend this treatment
adj 1). Q corr.'s omission is probably an accident. for injured eyes.
[301] Appendix: Passages unique to the first quarto
Five fiends have been in poor Tom at once: of lust, as Obidicut; Hobbididence,
prince of dumbness; Mahu, of stealing; Modo, of murder; Flibbertigibbet, of
mopping and mowing, who since possesses chambermaids and waiting-women.
So, bless thee, master!
1-4 Five . . . master] Pope; as verse, lines ending . . . once, / . . . dumbnes, / . . . Stiberdigebit of / . . . chambermaids
/ . . . maister. Q *2 Flibbertigibbet] Pope; Stiberdigebit Q *3 mopping and mowing] Theobald; Mobing, & Moiling Q
The passage derives directly from Harsnett and hence a good name for a demon that prompts affec-
was cut not only to shorten the play, but to remove tations, such as grimacing and making faces ('mop-
the allusion to chambermaids, since the joke had ping and mowing') (Kittredge). Harsnett, p. 136,
probably been forgotten (Johnson). uses the term 'mop and mow like an ape' in con-
1 Five fiends On multiple possession by dev- text with 'make antike faces, grinne'. The compos-
ils, compare Harsnett, p. 141, where Maynie recalls itor got the spelling of 'Flibbertigibbet' wrong and
the 'Maister-deuils' who were made to depart from has taken mowing (Q iMohing') for another devil.
him, taking the form of the Seven Deadly Sins. Compare NS and Duthie, p. 404, who suspects
1 of lust i.e. prince of lust (syllepsis). All the that Q 'Mobing' may be a misreading for 'moking'
devils named are 'princes', not only Hobbididence. (= mocking), which Oxford adopts. Compare also
1 as namely. Temp. 3.3.82 SD, 4.1.47.
1 Obidicut 'The Prince of hel . . . Hoberdicut' 3 since i.e. since he left me.
(Harsnett, p. 119). 3 possesses chambermaids In Harsnett,
2-3 Flibbertigibbet . . . mowing A 'flibber- Sarah and Friswood Williams and Anne Smith,
tigibbet' is a flirt or frivolous creature (OED sv 1), chambermaids, submitted to exorcism.
1 fear have fears concerning (Muir). image is of a branch broken off from its trunk that
2 its Greg, Variants, pp. 172-3, believes that dries up and is used for firewood. Shaheen com-
Q uncorr. 'it' is right, and Q corr. 'ith' wrong, pares King Leir 1242-6, and especially John 15.6:
but that the corrector's intention is unclear. Stone, 'If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a
p. 213, agrees that Q uncorr. is right and compares branche, and withereth: and men gather them, and
the genetive 'it' at 1.4.176. He does not press the cast them into the fire, and they bur ne.'
comparison; the Fool there, after all, is using baby- 5 material substantial, essential.
talk. Thus it seems best to modernise the genetive. 6 come . . . use Muir, Hunter compare Hebrews
3 Cannot . . . itself Cannot be certain of itself, 6.8; NS suspects a hint of hell-fire.
i.e. know itself and its boundaries (hence, may be 6 text (1) commentary, (2) passage of scripture;
uncontrollable). perhaps Gonerill anachronistically recognises the
4-6 She . . . use That woman who will detach biblical allusion.
herself from the nourishing substance of her life 8 savour relish.
and being must necessarily degenerate and die. The
The Tragedy of King Lear [302]
11 even] Q,- not in Q2 14 benefited] Q corn; beneflicted Q uncorr., Q2; benefacted Oxford 16-17 Send . . . come]
Ma/one's lineation; one line (come turned over) Q * I 6 these] jfennens (conj. Heath); the Q uncorr., Q2; this Q corr. 16
vilde] Q2,- vild Q; vile Pope 18-19 Humanity . . . deep] Pope's lineation; one line (the deepe. turned under) Q 18
Humanity] Q corr.; Humanly Q uncorr., Q2
n head-lugged i.e. ill-tempered (because 17 It will come Either 'It' is a pronoun, with
tugged along by the head; compare 1H4 1.2.74). divine retribution as an implied antecedent; or an
12 madded maddened. expletive = it will come to this, that (Gres, Variants,,
13 brother i.e. brother-in-law^ (= Cornwall). p. 173). Although the short, elliptical line induces a
14 benefited Taylor believes Q uncorr. 'beni- pause emphasising Albany's conclusion, the words
flicted' is a mistake for 'benefacted', not the more are in an extremely crowded, turned-over line; the
common and obvious 'benefited', which became the orthography, as well as syntax and metrical irregu-
correction ('Four new readings in King Lear\ N&Q larity, thus suggests possible textual disruption.
29 (1982), 121-2). 18-19 Humanity . . . deep Greg {Variants,
15 visible spirits supernatural beings in visible p. 173) compares Shakespeare's lines in Sir Thomas
form: Albany speaks apocalyptically of 'lightning More 84-7: 'For other ruffians . . . / Would shark
and thunderbolt' (NS). on you, and men like revenous fishes / Would feed
16 these Q corr. 'this' (from 'thes' = these) may on one another.' Compare also Tro. 1.3.121-4: 'And
have been intended as a correction for Q uncorr. appetite, an universal wolf / (So doubly seconded
'the', but as in the false correction 'ith' (2 above) with will and power), / Must make perforce an uni-
something has gone awry. Compare Greg, Variants, versal prey, / And last eat up himself The concept
p. 173; Textual Companion, p. 520. was widespread and can be traced back to Hesiod,
16 vilde The old spelling of'vile', adopted here Works and Days, 1.434-7, and Theodoretus; it
for the sake of the pun on 'wild', playing off'tame' appeared also in Renaissance iconography (Muir).
1—4 that . . . land] Theobald's lineation; lines end . . pitty / . . . mischiefe, / . . . land, Q 2 those] Q; these Q2 4
noiseless] Q corr., Q2; noystles Q uncorr.
2 - 3 Fools . . . mischief Compare 1.4.282-4. ently refers to Lear, not Gloucester, since it is of
Gonerill condemns soft-hearted fools who do not her father, who has done no 'mischief yet, that
see the value of preventive punishment. She appar- Albany has been speaking.
[303] Appendix: Passages unique to the first quarto
5 thy] Q; his Duthie (conj. Greg) *5 flaxen] Oxford; slayer Q uncorr.; slaier Q2,- state Q corr., Jennens *5 biggin] Oxford
(conj. Stone); begin Q uncorr.; begins Q corr., Q2, Jennens *5 threats] Q uncorr.; thereat Q corr.; threats Q2,- to threat
Jennens 6 Whilst] Q corr.; Whil's Q uncorr., qz; Whiles Oxford
5 flaxen biggin threats An unsolved crux for to Division, p. 488) then proposed 'flaxen' for Q
many years; no plausible alternative was found to uncorr. 'slayer' instead of'slyre' or Q corr.'s 'state'.
Jennens's universally accepted emendation, 'state The emendation, which makes sense and is palaeo-
begins to threat', which cannot be defended on the graphically sound, alters Q uncorr. minimally. The
evidence (Greg, Variants, p. 174). Stone, p. 184, comparison between the King of France with his
however proposed 'slyre' (= fine linen or lawn) and plumed helm and Albany in his nightcap is delib-
'biggin' (= a cap or hood for the head, a nightcap; erately ludicrous. Compare 2H4 4.5.27.
sometimes spelled 'begin'), but was uncomfortable 6 moral i.e. moralising.
with 'slyre', a Scottish word. Taylor ('Addenda'
*4 dislocate] Q3; dislecate Q, Q2 *-; manhood! Mew!] NS; manhood - Mew! Cam. (conj. Daniel); manhood mew—Q
corr.; manhood now—Q uncorr.; man-hood now—oj 7 SD] Q (after 8); Messenger F
1 changed transformed, i.e. from woman to the other. 'Albany maddens at the terrible impulses
monster. crowding him' (Rosenberg, p. 255).
1 self-covered hidden from one's true form or 5 Howe'er However much, although.
self, disguised; i.e. the devil in woman's form. Com- 7 Marry . . . Mew Greg does not doubt the cor-
pare 5-6 below. rectness of Q corr.'s 'excellent emendation' (Vari-
2 Be-monster . . . feature i.e. don't make your ants, p. 175); Stone does (p. 213). Both Q uncorr.
appearance hideous (by revealing your true nature). and Q corr. make sense, differing only in the
Gonerill's features, distorted with anger and con- degree of contempt Gonerill expresses. Q corr. is
tempt, make her look diabolical. stronger, consistent with Q'S version of Gonerill;
2 Were't my fitness If it were fitting for me (as moreover, why would the corrector alter Q uncorr.
a man). if 'mew' were not a bona fide correction from
3 blood emotion, passion. copy?
4 apt ready. 7 Marry An oath, literally 'By the Virgin Mary!'
4-5 dislocate . . . bones An example of chi- 7 Mew Imitating mockingly the sound of a cat.
asmus, the rhetorical figure in which the order of Compare 1H4 3.1.127.
words in one of two parallel elements is inverted in
The Tragedy of King Lear [304]
K E N T Why the King of France is so suddenly gone back, know you no reason?
G E N T L E M A N Something he left imperfect in the state which since his coming forth
is thought of, which imports to the kingdom so much fear and danger that his
personal return was most required and necessary.
K E N T Who hath he left behind him general? 5
G E N T L E M A N The Marshal of France, Monsieur L a Far.
K E N T Did your letters pierce the queen to any demonstration of grief?
G E N T L E M A N Ay, sir. She took them, read them in my presence,
And now and then an ample tear trilled down
Her delicate cheek. It seemed she was a queen 10
Over her passion, who most rebel-like
Sought to be king o'er her.
KENT O, then it moved her?
G E N T L E M A N Not to a rage. Patience and sorrow strove
Who should express her goodliest. You have seen
Sunshine and rain at once; her smiles and tears 15
Were like a better way; those happy smilets
That played on her ripe lip seemed not to know
What guests were in her eyes; which parted thence
As pearls from diamonds dropped. In brief,
Sorrow would be a rarity most beloved 20
If all could so become it.
1 no] Q; the Q2 *i reason?] Q2; reason, Q *5 him general?] Theobald; him, General, Q; him, Generall? 0.2 *8
Ay, sir] Johnson; I, sir Theobald; I say Q 10-12 Her . . . o'er her] Pope's lineation; lines divided . . . passion, / Who
Q *i3 strove] Pope; streme Q *i5 Sunshine] Sun-shine Q2; Sun shine Q *i-j seemed] Pope; seeme Q *i8 eyes;]
eyes, Q2; eyes Q *i9 dropped.] dropt; Q2; dropt Q
0 SD GENTLEMAN Apparently the same Gen- 13 rage violent outburst of grief (Kittredge).
tleman that Kent spoke to in 3.1. See 3.1.0 SD n. 13 strove See collation: o/e, u/tn misreading.
1 gone back Steevens (cited by Furness) aptly 15 Sunshine . . . tears Proverbial (Tilley Lo,2a).
explains why, in view of his different ending, Shake- Compare R2 3.2.9-10 and Sidney's Arcadia, Bk in,
speare decided to return the king to France rather ch. 5: 'Her tears came dropping down like rain in
than have him present at the battle, as in King sunshine' (Steevens, cited by Furness).
Leir. Eliminating references to his arrival in the first 16 a better way i.e. of expressing conflicting
place obviates the need to send him back later. attitudes. For various interpretations and emenda-
3 imports carries with it, involves as a conse- tions, compare Furness, Duthie, pp. 408-9, Hunter.
quence (Onions). 16 smilets little smiles.
6 The . . . La Far Pope emended Q 'Mar- 18 which i.e. the 'guests' (= tears).
shall' to 'MareschaP, making the word trisyllabic so 19 As . . . dropped Shakespeare often refers to
that the line scanned as blank verse. Steevens, who tears as pearls, as in Lucrèce, 1213 ('And wip'd the
spelled the name 'le Fer', thought Shakespeare had brinish pearl from her bright eyes'; compare ibid.,
an impoverished French nomenclature, because the 1548-53) and 7 ^ ^ 3 . 1 . 2 2 6 ('A sea of melting pearl,
Marshal bears the same name as the common sol- which some call tears'); eyes as 'diamonds' is a rarer
dier, 'M. Fer', who was 'fer'd, ferreted, and ferk'd'' image (compare Wiv. 3.3.55). The elegant simile is
by Pistol in / / j 4.4.26-31. appropriate to a courtier (Kittredge).
7 your letters Compare 3.1.10-20. 20 rarity something excellent, precious; com-
9 trilled trickled. Compare Cotgrave, pare Sonnet 60.11.
''Transcouler, To glide, slide . . . trill, or trickle' 21 If . . . it i.e. if everyone could make it so
(Wright, cited by Furness). attractive.
11 who The pronoun personifies 'passion'.
[305] Appendix: Passages unique to the first quarto
*27 pity . . . believed] pitie . . . beleeft q; pitty . . . beleeu'd Q2; pity ne'er believe it Pope; piety not be believed
Oxford *29 moistened] Capcll; moystened her Q; mastered Oxford (conj. Stone) *30-i It . . . conditions] Theobald's
lineation; one line q *38-<) What . . . daughter] Pope's lineation; one line (daughter turned under) q *43~5 To . . .
Cordelia] Johnson \v lineation; lines divided . . . mind, / So Q
22 Made . . . question Did she not say copy), Q'S 'her' is metrically superfluous, probably
anything? attracted from the line above. (See Duthie, p. 409;
22 question speech. Stone, p. 184; Textual Companion, p. 521.)
23 Faith In faith. 29-30 Then . . . alone Compare Gen. 43.30,
27 Let . . . believed Either (1) let (it for) pity Joseph's dealing with grief alone (Theobald, cited
not be believed (Harbage), or (2) let pity not be by Furness).
believed (to exist) (Steevens, cited by Furness). See 30-1 It is . . . conditions Compare Edmond's
collation. The accidental indentation of the line in Q opposing view (1.2.104-16).
suggests that a letter has dropped out. Blayney con- 31 conditions dispositions, characters. Com-
jectures 'Lest' but recognises that an inkball could pare MV 1.2.129.
not pull out a long s from a long s/t ligature. Oxford 32 Else . . . and make Otherwise one and the
emends 'pity' to 'piety' (Textual Companion, p. 521). same husband and wrife ('make').
Perhaps Q 'not beleeft' contains a contraction (= 37 sometime sometimes.
not believe it) and an excrescent 'be' was added in 37 in . . . tune i.e. when his wits are together;
proof (NS: J. D. Wilson). compare 4.6.16.
29 clamour moistened i.e. moistened her 40 sovereign all-powerful,
outcries with tears ('holy water'), thus silencing 40 elbows him Either (1) jostles, thrusts him
them. Compare 2H4 4.5.138-9: 'my tears, / The back, or (2) stands beside him remindinglv; haunts
moist impediments unto my speech'. Warburton (compare Rj 1.4.145).
(cited by Furness) proposed hyphenating 'clamour- 42 foreign casualties accidents, chances
moistened', putting it in apposition with 'heav- abroad.
enly'. Oxford adopts Stone's conjecture, 'mastered' 43 dog-hearted pitiless; compare TGV2.3.10-
(= overcame; presumably spelled 'maystered' in n.
The Tragedy of King Lear [306]
1 dread-bolted] Hyphenated Theobald *3 lightning?] Theobald; lightning Q,- lightning, Q2 *3 watch,] Warhurton;
watch Q *4 helm?] Q2; helm Q
1 deep Either (1) deeply dreaded, or (2) deep- 3 watch (1) stand guard, (2) go without sleep,
toned, bass. 3 perdu (1) a sentry in an advanced and danger-
1 dread-bolted thunder thunder, armed or ous position, (2) a castaway, lost one.
equipped ('bolted') with dread, i.e. thunderbolts 4 thin helm (1) meagre helmet, (2) scant hair,
conveying dread. (3) bare head; probably (3).
3 cross zigzag.
(xxiii) After 4.6.78 ('You see is killed in him') Q reads:
and yet it is danger
To make him even o'er the time he has lost.
7-8 Report . . . apace] As prose, Theobald; two verse lines divided . . . about, / The Q *9 SD Exit] After Theobald; not
in Q
1 Holds it true Is it confirmed? of my lot in life will be worked out, for good or ill,
7 Report is changeable Hence, the Gentle- according as this battle results in victory or defeat'
man's question earlier, 1. (Kittredge).
7 look about be alert. 10 point object, purpose; compare Mac. 3.1.86.
9 arbitrement decisive action. 10 period full stop, end.
10-11 My point . . . fought 'The completion 10 throughly thoroughly.
1 SD Aside] Theobald; not m Q 1-2 I . . . me] Theobald's lineation; as prose Q; two lines divided . . . battell / Then
Q2 *i lose] Theobald; loose Q, Q2
1 be honest be honourable, act with good serious reasons motivate them to fight. Oxford
conscience (Kittredge). places a period after 'fear', making this line a sep-
2 For As for. arate sentence and changing the sense to suggest
3 touches concerns, affects. 'just and heavy causes' on both sides. Muir notes
3 France i.e. the King of France. that 'with others whom' occurs also at 5.1.17 and
4 bolds emboldens, encourages (compare the line restates the earlier point; he suspects the
Abbott 290). passage may he corrupt.
4 with along with. 6 nobly Edmond is sarcastic (NS).
5 Most . . . oppose i.e. very justified and
At this time
We sweat and bleed. The friend hath lost his friend,
And the best quarrels in the heat are cursed
1-4 At . . . sharpness] Theobald's lineation; three lines ending . . . bleed, / . . . quarrels / . . . sharpnes, Q 2 We] Q
corr., Q2,- mee Q uncorr.
1-6 At . . . place Edmond's hypocrisy is patent: in F, which focus rather on Edmond's authority to
he pretends to safeguard Lear and Cordelia until deal with the prisoners. (Compare Urkowitz, p. 107;
they can get a fair trial, but in reality he is stalling Stone, p. 238.)
to give the Captain time to fulfil his orders. The 3 quarrels causes.
lines motivate Albany's censure of Edmond's pre- 3 in the heat i.e. of passion engendered by
sumptuousness perhaps better than those retained battle.
[309] Appendix: Passages unique to the first quarto
4 sharpness severity, harshness (Schmidt). See and wrongly altered Q uncorr. 'sharpes' (= sharp
collation. Q corr. may follow copy; but Stone edges, points; OED Sharp sbli).
(p. 213), NS, and Greg {Variants, p. 179) suspect 6 fitter place i.e. not the battlefield,
that the press-corrector thought an n was missing
1-4 This . . . extremity] Theobald's linealion; three lines ending . . . such / . . . much, / . . . extreamitie Q *io him]
Theobald; me Q n Told the most] Q; And told the Q2 *i4 crack. Twice] Theobald; cracke twice, Q
This list includes a selection of books and articles referred to in the Introduction or
Commentary along with several additional items that may serve as a guide to those who
wish to undertake further study of the play.
The Tragedy of King Lear [312]