Pos Not Sig

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PROFIT: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis

Vol. 17. No. 2, 2023

e ISSN: 2338-4654
p ISSN: 1978-743 X

The Impacts of Perceived Organizational Support and Work Environment

on Employee Performance: The Mediating Effects of Job Satisfaction

Desi Ratnasari1*, Hamidah Nayati Utami2, Arik Prasetya3

Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia1,2,3
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

One of the employees required to have optimal performance is an employee within the scope of a
health service organization. There are indications of problems in the performance of non-medical health
workers at Aliyah General Hospital, Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi. Researchers built the perception
that their low performance could be influenced by perceived organizational support, work environment,
reward, punishment, or job satisfaction. The study was conducted at Aliyah General Hospital (1, 2, and
3) in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi. This study used a quantitative approach with 157 respondents.
Data analysis used Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with the help of
SmartPLS 3 software. The results showed that perceived organizational support did not significantly
affect employee performance and job satisfaction. In contrast, the work environment significantly
affected employee performance and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a significant effect on
employee performance. Job satisfaction cannot mediate perceived organizational support on employee
performance; on the contrary, it has a mediating effect on the work environment on performance. The
results of this study indicate that the performance of employees of the Aliyah General Hospital in
Kendari City is driven by their work environment, especially the support of colleagues.

Keywords: Perceived Organizational Support; Work Environment; Employee Performance; Job

Salah satu pegawai yang dituntut untuk memiliki kinerja optimal adalah pegawai dalam lingkup
organisasi pelayanan kesehatan. Peneliti menemukan adanya indikasi masalah dalam kinerja tenaga
kesehatan non medis di RSU Aliyah Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara. Dengan berbagai perimbangan
yang ada, peneliti membangun persepsi bahwa rendahnya kinerja mereka bisa jadi dipengaruhi oleh
perceived organizational support, lingkungan kerja, reward, punishment atau kepuasan kerja. Penelitian
ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Aliyah (1, 2, dan 3) Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara. Jenis
pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif yang memiliki 157 responden yang
diambil dengan teknik sampel jenuh. Data dalam penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan Partial
Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) dengan bantuan software SmartPLS 3. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived organizational support tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap
kinerja pegawai dan kepuasan kerja sedangkan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap
kinerja pegawai dan kepuasan kerja. Kepuasan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai.
Kepuasan kerja tidak mampu memediasi perceived organizational support terhadap kinerja pegawai
sebaliknya memberi efek mediasi terhadap lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa kinerja pegawai RSU Aliyah Kota Kendari, dimotori oleh lingkungan kerja mereka
utamanya dukungan rekan sejawat.

Kata Kunci: Persepsi dukungan organisasi; lingkungan kerja; kinerja; kepuasan kerja

* Corresponding author : E-mail : [email protected]

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1. INTRODUCTION research from Sulistyan et al., (2020) in one of
Individual and organizational Indonesia's manufacturing industries.
performance are closely related to one another. The work environment also influences
In other words, if the employee's performance is employee performance in addition to
good, the organization's performance will likely organizational assistance. The physical form of
be good. According to Anitha (2014), employee the work environment is space, physical layout,
performance is what an organization needs to noise, equipment, materials, and co-worker
achieve its growth. Managing employees is one relations; the quality of all these aspects has an
of the many responsibilities of managers and important and positive impact on performance
team leaders. They must encourage employee (Tyssen, 2005: 58). The work environment is the
performance obtained from the quality and whole of the tools and materials encountered, the
quantity of the employees themselves. Every environment in which a person works, his work
organization certainly wants the performance of methods, and work arrangements both as
its human resources to work optimally. Several individuals and as a group (Sedarmayanti, 2009:
factors can affect employee performance, 21). Employees will enjoy their time at work to
including perceived organizational support do numerous tasks, utilize their time effectively
(POS). Support from the organization makes and optimally, and exhibit high-performance
employees feel cared for by the company and levels if they appreciate their work environment.
supervisor; they are also considered company Tremblay & Simard (2018) concluded a direct
agents. Employees who feel there is and positive relationship between social support
organizational support are rewarded with from co-workers and job performance.
increased performance and can play an extra role According to Ramli, A.H. (2019), there is
in their work (Eisenberger et al., 2016). POS in a substantial relationship between the work
the company is believed to direct employees to environment on the performance of private
be optimal at work. hospital employees in Jakarta. Companies must
Pratiwi (2021) in his research also stated pay attention to the needs of employees,
that perceived organizational support has a maintain comfortable and safe conditions for
significant effect on improving employee employees, and improve and maintain
performance; this result is also in line with relationships between employees at work.
research conducted by Siswanti & Pratiwi Meanwhile, Prabowo et al., (2018) provided
(2020) dan Putra et al. (2019), showing that information in their research that there is no
when the organization is very supportive, it can evidence of a connection between the work
improve employee performance and can provide environment and employee performance
benefits to the organization. In contrast, Diana & because the work environment formed is well
Frianto (2021) and Agustianingrum (2016) established.
found that perceived organizational support does Within the framework of social exchange
not influence employee performance. theory, behavior and environment are related.
In establishing the link between perceived The environment generally consists of people,
organizational support and performance, the then these individuals and people are seen as
authors use the social exchange theory from Blau having behaviors that influence each other
(1964). Given this theory, employees will be (reciprocal) in the reward element (reward),
motivated and committed to work and the sacrifice (cost), and profit (profit) (Yeşil &
organization if treated fairly and equally. Thus, a Dereli, 2013). This theory concurs with research
high POS may encourage employees to do things by Putri & Rahyuda (2019); the social exchange
that benefit the organization. When subordinates theory can explain how work environment and
feel supported by their supervisors, they perform employee performance in fashion and sports
better and are more committed to them (Frear et shopping centers are related. However, it cannot
al., 2018). This theory concurs with research by be denied that social exchange theory can also
Du et al. (2018); the social exchange theory can not support research from Fatiria & Nawawi
explain how POS and employee performance in (2021) in companies operating in the retail
three manufacturing companies in Northeast sector.
China are related. However, it cannot be denied Because of discrepancies in the results of
that social exchange theory can also not support various earlier studies and theoretical gaps in
research on the effects of POS and work

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environment on employee performance, this Table 1.2 Percentage of Attendance of Non-
study endeavors to fill this research gap and Medical Health Workers at RSU Aliyah 2
theoretical gap by addressing the recent call to Unit Sep. Oct. Nov.
investigate the impact of POS and work Pharmacy 75% 71% 81%
environment on employee performance in a Nutrition 85% 91% 77%
public hospital (RSU) located in Kendari City, IGD 80% 86% 86%
Southeast Sulawesi. The health sector is on the Midwifery 83% 81% 80%
front lines of providing health services to the Nursing 73% 80% 81%
general people and is particularly important in Laboratory 78% 83% 78%
enhancing performance. Source: Data processed, 2022
In this case, the authors selected RSU
Aliyah, Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi, as the Table 1.3 Percentage of Attendance of Non-
research site because we strongly suspect some Medical Health Workers at RSU Aliyah 3
issues with employees' performance at the Unit Sep. Oct. Nov.
hospital. If these issues are considered, they will Pharmacy 75% 77% 77%
weaken the hospital's competitiveness in terms Nutrition 75% 49% 75%
of providing services and cause losses to IGD 82% 77% 84%
customers who receive services. RSU Aliyah Midwifery 75% 69% 75%
Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi, is a type D Nursing 86% 85% 84%
private hospital with 3 branches spread over Laboratory 85% 82% 78%
several places in the city of Kendari. Source: Data processed, 2022
The level of attendance at work is one of
many indicators that can be used to evaluate the The table shows that none of the work
performance of employees or employees, units in RSU Aliyah Kendari City, Southeast
according to Mathis and Jackson (2010). The Sulawesi, have fulfilled the requirements
amount of attendance is one of the crucial factors standard established presence. Employee
that must be taken into account when evaluating dissatisfaction can also cause a level of
a performer, Wirawan (2009). RSU Aliyah, attendance that does not meet standards.
Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi also Absence at work for nurses in Iceland and
stipulates standard employee attendance, an Australia for 12 months is 73-74%, and one of
average of 96% monthly. The attendance the causes is job satisfaction (Burmeister et al.,
percentage for RSU Aliyah employees in 2018). Based on the phenomenon gap above, the
Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi, should have current study extends the existing literature by
reached 100% or at least 96%. However, the examining the mediating role of job satisfaction
attendance rate for employees or non-medical in the effects of POS and the work environment
health workers in each work unit is below 96%. on employee performance.
However, the percentage of attendance in each
work unit in September, October, and November 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
2022 showed results that needed to follow the a. Social Exchange Theory (SET)
hospital's standards. The following table shows This study uses the social exchange theory
the percentage of attendance in each work unit: (social exchange theory) presented by Blau
(1964). Social exchange theory is one of the
Table 1.1 Percentage of Attendance of Non- most influential paradigms in understanding
Medical Health Workers at RSU Aliyah 1 employees' work behavior in a company. Social
Unit Sep. Oct. Nov. exchange is a view that causes a common
Pharmacy 84% 85% 83% perception of goals in the future. Given this
Nutrition 84% 40% 81% theory, employees will be motivated and
IGD 79% 87% 84% committed to work and the organization if
Midwifery 69% 71% 80% treated fairly and equally. Blau (1964) states that
Nursing 80% 83% 79% social exchange theory intends to understand the
Laboratory 83% 73% 85% relationship between leaders and employees and
Source: Data processed, 2022 the related factors.

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b. Perceived Organizational Support hand, Bernardo et al., (2020) found
Perceptions of organizational support that perceived organizational support also
refer to employees' perceptions of how much the positively influences job and life satisfaction.
organization assesses their contribution and Ramli (2019), in his research entitled "Work
cares about their well-being. Three important Environment, Job Satisfaction and Employee
aspects of support can be felt by members, Performance In Health Services," shows a
namely: fairness, support from superiors/leaders, positive and significant influence between work
and rewards or rewards from the organization environment variables on job satisfaction and
and working conditions (Kurtessis & employee performance. The results of this study
Eisenberger, 2017). are reinforced by the findings of Siagian and
Khair (2018) and Nugrahaningsih & Julaela
c. Work Environment (2017), which can also show a significant
The work environment is the whole of the positive effect between the work environment on
tools and materials encountered, the employee satisfaction and performance.
environment in which a person works, his work Fitrianasari et al., (2013) discovered that having
methods, and work arrangements both as positive feelings about payment, work,
individuals and as a group (Sedarmayanti, 2009: promotion process, working environment
21). In the work environment, employees can conditions, and co-workers that reflect nurse job
carry out their daily tasks with all the work satisfaction will improve nurse performance. It
facilities and infrastructure needed to carry out is also in line with the findings of Horhoruw
these tasks, Widodo (2016: 95). (2017), who examined the performance of nurses
at the in-patient installation of Dr. M. Haulussy
d. Job Satisfaction Ambon. His research results show a significant
According to Luthans (2006), job influence between job satisfaction with
satisfaction results from employees' perceptions supervisors and management in the hospital on
of how well their work provides things that are nurse performance, and satisfaction with co-
considered important. In measuring job workers also significantly affects nurse
satisfaction, Luthans (2006) put forward several performance.
indicators, namely satisfaction with salary,
satisfaction with supervision, satisfaction with Hypothesis development
promotions, satisfaction with the work itself, and
satisfaction with colleagues. X1
e. Employee Performance
Mathis and Jackson (2010) define H5
Z1 Y1
performance as what employees do and do not
do. Employee performance affects how much
they contribute to the organization, including H7 H3
output quantity, output quality, output period, H4
workplace attendance, and cooperative attitude.
Hasibuan (2017) defines performance as the
result of work achieved by a person in carrying
out the tasks assigned based on skills, Figure 1. Research Model
experience, sincerity, and time. Gibsons et al. Source: Author, 2023
(2003) presented job performance as the result of
work related to organizational goals, efficiency, From the theory and several previous studies
and performance. above, the following hypotheses are proposed in
this study:
Previous Research H1: Perceived organizational support has a
Du et al., (2018) researched "Perceived significant effect on employee performance
Organizational Support on Employee H2: Perceived organizational support has a
Performance: An Interactionist Perspective." It significant effect on job satisfaction
is said that employee performance is at its peak H3: Work environment has a significant effect
when POS occupies a high level. On the other on employee performance

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H4: Work environment has a significant effect entire research series was conducted from March
on job satisfaction to April 2023.
H5: Job satisfaction has a significant effect on Indicators used to measure perceived
employee performance organizational support (X1) refer to the opinion
H6: Perceived organizational support has a of Rhoades and Eisenberger (2002), which
significant effect on employee performance explains that perceived organizational
through job satisfaction support has 3 indicators (fairness, leader or
H7: Work environment has a significant effect supervisor support, organizational rewards, and
on employee performance through job working conditions) and 8 items. Namely:
satisfaction 1. Justice (X1.1), in this indicator, there are 2
items, namely (X1.1.1) socialization to
3. RESEARCH METHOD employees before implementing a policy and
This research is categorized (X1.1.2) hiring employees according to their
as explanatory research, which intends to scientific fields.
explain the position of the variables studied and 2. Supervisor support (X1.2), in this indicator,
the influence between one variable and another. there are 4 items, namely (X1.2.1) care for
The data source used is primary data from employee welfare, (X1.2.2) concern for
distributing questionnaires directly to non- problems experienced by employees,
medical health workers at RSU Aliyah, Kendari (X1.2.3) care for employee opinions, and (X1
City, Southeast Sulawesi, and direct .2.4) superiors are proud of employees.
observations. This study also uses secondary 3. Organizational rewards and working
data through internet data and document conditions (X1.3), in the indicators, there are
searches. The sampling technique in this study is 2 items, namely (X1.3.1) giving appreciation
a saturated sample. This sampling technique is to employee performance and (X1.3.2)
carried out when the population is small or the creating an ideal workload for employees.
researcher wants to make generalizations with
very small errors (Sugiyono, 2018). The The scale has been widely used in
saturation sampling technique was used to obtain previous studies (e.g., Wen, Huang & Hou,
a representative sample. Researchers attempted 2019; Agustian & Fitria, 2020; Maan et al.,
to take all non-medical health workers at the 2020; Anggi & Prasetio, 2021)
RSU Aliyah, Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi, Indicators to measure the work
branches 1, 2, and 3, as research samples. It is environment (X2), we used the scale developed
also because the research subjects are in different by Sedarmayanti (2009), which divides the work
work units, so in the end, the generalization of environment into 2 indicators (physical work
the results of this study is expected to have very environment, non-physical work environment)
small errors. and 8 items.
The authors distributed 183 1. Physical work environment (X2.1), in this
questionnaires according to the population and indicator, there are 5 items, namely (X2.1.1)
samples available, but at the time of collection, lighting, (X2.1.2) air circulation, (X2.1.3)
165 questionnaires were returned, and only 157 color layout, (X2.1.4) workspace cleanliness,
questionnaires could be used; this was due to and (X2.1.5) workplace safety.
various reasons. First, there were several 2. Non-physical work environment (X2.2), in
employees of RSU Aliyah Kendari City, this indicator, there are 3 items, namely
Southeast Sulawesi, who were continuing their (X2.2.1) peer support, (X2.2.2) inter-group
studies. There was limited time, and employee cooperation, and (X2.2.3) easy
contact numbers were difficult to obtain, communication.
preventing them from filling out the The scale has been widely used in
questionnaires the researchers distributed. previous studies (e.g., Nabawi, 2019; Yuliantari
Second, some employees would prefer to & Prasasti, 2020; Rivalita & Ferdian, 2020)
complete the questionnaire due to work Indicators to measure job satisfaction
constraints. Third, some questionnaires are not (Z1) refers to the opinion of Luthans (2006),
feasible to process. Therefore, the response rate which divides job satisfaction into 5 indicators
for this study amounted to 86%. In the end, the and 11 items (Fidyah & Setiawati, 2020;
sample in this study was 157 respondents. The Faramarzpour et al., 2021).

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1. Satisfaction with salary (Z1.1), in this attendance according to the time determined
indicator, there are 2 items, namely (Z1.1.1) by the hospital.
the suitability of the amount of salary 5. Efficiency of work completed (Y1.5), there
received compared to colleagues and (Z1.1.2) are 2 items in this indicator, namely (Y1.5.1)
the suitability between the amount of salary being able to do work according to the
and contribution to the hospital. standards given by the hospital and (Y1.5.2)
2. Satisfaction with supervision (Z1.2), in this being able to do work with the minimum time
indicator, there are 2 items, namely (Z1.2.1) according to standards.
satisfied because they are always supervised 6. Effectiveness of work completed (Y1.6), in
while working and (Z1.2.2) satisfied with the this indicator, there are 2 items, namely
direction of the leadership while working. (Y1.6.1) complete the work according to the
3. Satisfaction with promotion (Z1.3), in this set plan and (Y1.6.2) the tasks given are
indicator, there are 3 items, namely (Z1.3.1) following the responsibilities assigned.
satisfied because each employee is given a Previous studies have used the scale (e.g.,
promotion opportunity, (Z1.3.2) satisfied Kartiko et al., 2020) to measure nurses’
because promotion is based on performance, performance in the mother and Child Hospital.
and (Z1.3.3) satisfied with promotion based The data analysis technique used
on seniority. is Partial Least Square (PLS) with the help
4. Satisfaction with the work itself (Z1.4), in of software SmartPLS 3. In the PLS analysis,
this indicator, there are 2 items, namely validity and reliability tests were carried out to
(Z1.4.1) satisfied because the profession held find out whether the proposed statement items
is interesting and (Z1.4.2) satisfied because were valid and reliable, then descriptive analysis
given responsibility for work. and inferential analysis were carried out to find
5. Satisfaction with colleagues (Z1.5), in this out the results of the research hypothesis testing.
indicator, there are 2 items, namely, (Z1.5.1)
satisfaction with the relationship with co- 4. RESULT
workers and (Z1.5.2) satisfaction with the The results of the characteristics of the
division of labor according to expertise. respondents are presented in the table below:
The scale has high reliability and validity
in the context of Iran and Indonesia and has high Table 4.1 Characteristics of Respondent
predictive validity for job performance. Item Frequency %
Indicators to measure employee Female 135 86
performance (Y1) refers to the opinion of Mathis Male 22 14
and Jackson (2010), which divides employee 21-25 70 44,60
performance into 6 indicators and 12 items. 26-30 50 31,84
1. Quantity of output (Y1.1), in this indicator, 31-35 21 13,37
Age (years)
there are 2 items, namely (Y1.1.1) work 36-40 12 7,66
results are in line with expectations and 41-45 3 1,91
(Y1.1.2) work results are better than 46-50 1 0,64
colleagues. 1-5 126 80,25
Time of Work 6-10 30 19,11
2. Quality of output (Y1.2), in this indicator,
there are 2 items, namely (Y1.2.1) quality of 11-15 1 0,64
work according to the standards given and Junior 2 1,28
(Y1.2.2) careful/meticulous in carrying out High
each job. School
3. Timelines of output (Y1.3), in this indicator, Senior -
there are 2 items, namely (Y1.3.1) work High
completion time is faster than the previous Education School
period and (Y1.3.2) work completion time is Diploma 87 55,41
faster than colleagues. Bachelor’s 67 42,69
4. Presences at work (Y1.4), there are 2 items in degree
this indicator, namely (Y1.4.1) asking for Master 1 0,64
permission when leaving the hospital during degree
working hours and (Y1.4.2) the level of Source: Primary data processed, 2023

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1. Gender Meanwhile, for the reliability test, it is seen in
Employees' absence can result in clients the value of Cronbach’s Alpha and Composite
needing to be properly served, especially for Reliability. Based on the results of the validity
organizations that provide services or services and reliability tests for each variable and its
that deal directly with customers, like hospitals. measuring items, it has been declared valid and
reliable to continue with the inner model test.
2. Age
Table 4.1 illustrates the percentage of Inner Model Evaluation
employee data showing that most of the The inner model partial least squares
employees at RSU Aliyah, Kendari City, analysis makes the assumption or necessity that
Southeast Sulawesi are <25 years old at 44.60%, there is no multicollinearity issue. That is, there
totaling 70 people. Then 31.84% of employees is a strong intercorrelation between latent
are aged 26-30 years, with 21 people. Employees variables. Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) is
aged 31-35 years are 13.37%, with 21 people. used in Smart PLS version 3 to assess
Employees aged 36-40 years are 7.66% with 12 collinearity. If the VIF score exceeds 5, it
people. Employees aged 41-45 years are 1.91% implies collinearity between constructs (Sarstedt
with 3 people. Meanwhile, employees who are > et al., 2017); therefore, the value must be less
46 years old have less percentage of 0.64% with than 5.
1 employee. Table 4.1 Inner VIF Values
Job Employee
3. Time of Work Satisfaction Performance
Based on table 4.1, it can be seen that the POS 2.435 2.468
employees of RSU Aliyah, Kendari City, Work
Southeast Sulawesi mostly work ≤ 5 years with 3.058 3.321
a total of 126 people with a percentage of Job Satisfaction - 2.880
80.25%. At the same time, employees who
Employee - -
worked for 6-10 years amounted to 19.11% with
30 people and only 0.64% or 1 employee who
Source: Primary data processed, 2023
worked for > 10 years.

4. Education There is no multicollinearity issue in the

Table 4.1 illustrates that the majority of relationship between the variables because no
the last education of the employees of RSU variables in the table above with VIF values
Aliyah, Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi is greater than 5 have such a problem. Then, the
Diploma, totaling 87 people or 55.41%. following is the result of the R-Square for
Meanwhile, 42.69% were bachelors, totaling 67 explaining the magnitude of the variation of the
people. Furthermore, those with the last endogenous variables explained by exogenous
education in junior high school were 1.28%, variables.
which amounted to 2 people. The last, namely
Table 4.2 R-Square Evaluation
with the education Masters (S2), as many as 1
person with a percentage of 0.64%. Variables R-Square
Job Satisfaction 0,653
Outer Model Evaluation Employee
Performance 0,508
Analysis SmartPLS was performed to test
the effect of perceived organizational Source: Primary data processed, 2023
support and work environment on employee
performance by mediating job satisfaction. The Table 4.2 shows that the variable job
data analysis process begins by testing the satisfaction influences the model's predictive
measurement model (outer model), i.e., testing power of 0.653 or 65.3%, while other factors
the validity and reliability of each variable and influence the remaining 34.7%. At the same
research item. The validity test is done time, the performance variables influence the
through convergent validity (outer loading and predictive power of the entire model by 0.508 or
AVE) and discriminant validity (Fornell- 50.8%, while the remaining 49.2% is influenced
Larcker Criterion and HTMT Ratio). by other factors not examined in this study.

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This study also carried out a Q-Square of The t-statistical value of the influence of
relevance calculation, explaining how much the the Work Environment (X2) on Employee
path model formed could represent the observed Performance (Y1) is 3.039, which is greater than
data. The Q-Square result in this study is 0.829 the t-table value (1.96), which is 3.039 > 1.96.
or 82.9%. It shows that the diversity of data from Meanwhile, the original sample was 0.326,
the structural equation model designed can be indicating a positive relationship between the
explained by 82.9%, and the remaining 17.1% is work environment and employee performance. It
explained by other factors outside the research explains that the third hypothesis is accepted and
model used. Thus, from the results of these means that the work environment significantly
calculations, it has predictive relevance, which is affects employee performance.
very high because the value is greater than 0 The t-statistic value of the direct effect of
(zero) and closer to the number 1 (one). the Work Environment (X2) on Job Satisfaction
Then, a Path Coefficient Test was (Z1) is 3.551, which has a value above the t-table
conducted to determine whether or not there was of 1.96, which can be concluded that the Work
a significant influence between variables. An Environment has a significant effect on Job
effect between variables is significant if the t- Satisfaction. The original sample value indicates
statistic or t-count value is greater than 1.96 or a positive number, namely 0.304, which means
the P-value is smaller than 0.05. that the direction of the relationship between the
Work Environment and Job Satisfaction is
Table 4.3 Direct Effect positive. Thus, the fourth hypothesis is accepted;
Relations Original T-Stat Informati this explains that the Work Environment
between Sample on significantly influences Job Satisfaction.
Variables The t-statistic value on the direct effect
POS → 0,123 1,386 No Sig. of Job Satisfaction (Z1) on Employee
Performance (Y1) is 2.926, which is above the t-
0,105 1,333 No Sig. table of 1.96, which can be concluded that Job
LK → KP 0,326 3,039 Significant Satisfaction significantly affects Employee
LK → KK 0,304 3,551 Significant Performance. The original sample value is 0.310,
KK → KP 0,310 2,926 Significant which indicates that the direction of the
Source: Primary data processed, 2023 relationship between Job Satisfaction and
Employee Performance is positive. Thus, the
In Table 4.3, the variable testing can be ninth hypothesis is accepted; this explains that
explained as follows: Job Satisfaction significantly influences
The t-statistic value of the direct effect of Employee Performance.
Perceived Organizational Support (X1) on
Employee Performance (Y1) of 1.386, which has Table 4.4 Indirect Effect
a value below the t-table of 1.96, which can be Relations Original T- Information
concluded that Perceived Organizational between Sample Stats
Support has no significant effect on employee
performance. The original sample value shows a POS → KK
→ KP 0,033 1,087 No Sig.
positive number of 0.123 which indicates that
the direction of the relationship between LK → KK
→ KP 0,094 2,368 Significant
Perceived Organizational Support on Employee
Performance is positive. Source: Primary data processed, 2023
H2 test results show that the t-statistic
value is smaller than the t-table value, 1.333 From the results of testing the indirect
<1.96. The original sample value is 0.105 and is effect in Table 4.4, it was found that the effect of
positive, so it indicates the direction of the Perceived Organizational Support (X1) on
relationship between Perceived Organizational Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction
Support (X1) on Job Satisfaction (Z1) is a (Z1) as a mediator has a t-statistical value of
positive relationship. Thus, the second 1.087 which is smaller than t-table (1.96).
hypothesis is rejected; this explains that Therefore it can be concluded that Job
Perceived Organizational Support has an Satisfaction (Z1) is not able to mediate the
insignificant influence on Job Satisfaction. influence of Perceived Organizational Support

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 2 2023| 274

(X1) on Employee Performance (Y1), so the b. The Effect of Perceived Organizational
results of the tenth hypothesis are statistically Support on Job Satisfaction
rejected. Perceived organizational support was
The Effect of the Work Environment (X2) found to contribute little to job satisfaction. One
on Employee Performance (Y1) mediated by Job of the triggers for the results of this study could
Satisfaction (Z1) has a t-statistical value of 2.368 be employee dissatisfaction with organizational
which is below the t-table value (1.96); support in the form of unsupportive health
therefore, it can be concluded that Job service support facilities. Based on field
Satisfaction (Z1) able to mediate the influence of observations, the emergency room in the RSU
the Work Environment (X2) on Employee Aliyah branch 1, 2, or 3 does not have a waiting
Performance (Y1) so that the results of the room and special toilet, so this can make
eleventh hypothesis are statistically accepted. employees providing health care feel disturbed
The goodness of Fit Index is an evaluation because visitors or patient caretakers can crowd
of the entire model. According to Wetzels et al. around the place where the procedure is given.
(2009), the interpretation of the GoF index value Alternatively, when an employee needs to go to
is 0.1 (low GoF), > 0.25 (Medium GoF), and > the toilet while taking medical action, he has to
0.36 (High GoF). The calculation results show look for a toilet in another service area.
that the GoF index model value is 0.487, which Referring to the Appendix to Regulation
indicates that the GoF index model value is in the of the Minister of Health Number 24 of 2014
high category. concerning Class D Pratama Hospitals, the
emergency room must have a waiting room,
5. DISCUSSION toilet, and coil angle. It is perceived that the
a. The Effect of Perceived Organizational limited infrastructure needed makes the non-
Support on Employee Performance medical health workers at RSU Aliyah Kendari
Based on research data, the lowest mean City, Southeast Sulawesi, feel dissatisfied with
value among all items in measuring POS is an the organizational support provided. The results
organizational concern for employee well-being. of this study support the research from Bernardo
It could be one reason for forming an et al. (2020) and Aban et al. (2019), who found
insignificant relationship between POS and that perceived organizational support does not
employee performance. This study correlates significantly affect job satisfaction.
with the social exchange theory that employees
will be motivated and committed to work and the c. The Effect of The Work Environment on
organization if treated fairly and equally. This Employee Performance
research is in line with the findings of Diana & The non-physical work environment at the
Frianto (2021) and Agustianingrum (2016) and hospital has been fulfilled properly. So far, the
does not support research from (Pratiwi, 2021; hospital can facilitate the formation of the
Putra et al., 2019), which found a significant expected non-physical work environment. Both
effect between POS on employee performance. from teamwork in completing assigned tasks, the
According to the study results, almost support of colleagues built in harmony, and the
50% of the total respondents were aged <25 minimum conflict between employees or health
years, and as many as 126 respondents had workers. By taking into account the various
worked under 5 years. These characteristics dimensions of the work environment variable, it
make employees feel that organizational support is hoped that in the future, RSU Aliyah, Kendari
beyond salary support and benefits they should City, Southeast Sulawesi will have reliable
receive could be more meaningful in improving employees or health workers who perform well.
employee performance because, at this age and This question supports the social
relatively short working period, they are exchange theory underlying the relationship
considered to be in work experience-seeking between work environment variables and
phase. After all, quality health services can only employee performance. The better the hospital
be achieved through personnel with high work provides services to its employees, the more they
experience (Nawawi, 2017:115). will provide the best dedication to their
organization (Putri & Rahyuda, 2019). The
results of this study support previous research
conducted by Yuliantari & Prasasti (2020) and

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 2 2023| 275

Ramli, A.H (2019). In his research, there are assistance. The findings of this study support
crucial dimensions in the relationship between several previous researchers, which shows that
the two variables, including improvements to the there is a positive and significant influence
physical environment, such as building facilities between job satisfaction on employee
that are more modern, cleaner, and have good air performance (Sausan et al., 2021; Phuong &
circulation and adequate lighting will make the Vihn, 2020; Giyarto, 2018; Mursidta, 2017;
performance variable scores higher. Horhoruw, 2017).

d. The Effect of The Work Environment on f. The Effect of Perceived Organizational

Job Satisfaction Support on Employee Performance
Regarding the physical work Mediated by Job Satisfaction
environment, the item with the highest mean Perceived organizational support through
value is lighting. Employees of RSU Aliyah in job satisfaction contributed little to employee
Kendari City perceive that the lighting system in performance. One of the triggers for this study's
their workspace is good enough and helps the results could be employee dissatisfaction with
smooth running of the various medical efforts organizational support in the form of inadequate
provided. It makes a major contribution to provision of health service support facilities so
building employee job satisfaction because the that non-medical health workers feel less
quality of lighting produced from the lighting flexible in providing health care. On the other
system greatly determines the comfort of space hand, this could also be because the majority of
users. If the quality of lighting is poor, it will respondents in this study had worked for less
hamper the activities of space users. than 5 years. Therefore, this may be why various
It is in line with the view of social welfare-supporting variables like bonuses,
exchange theory that positive and negative salary, and promotions still need to be accepted
exchanges with individuals and organizations to their full potential.
(leaders and organizations) affect employee Social exchange theory is the basis for
behavior and feelings in achieving goals. The how leaders in companies understand employee
results of this study support previous research work behavior because, in this work behavior,
conducted by Kurniawan (2021) and Ramli certain motives cause behavior. Social behavior
(2019), where they stated that there was a consists of exchanges of at least two people
significant relationship between the work based on profit and loss calculations (Schaap,
environment and job satisfaction. 2018). So, in this case, when employees feel
disadvantaged by exchanges that occur because
e. The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee they feel that organizational support is still
Performance lacking, this can encourage job satisfaction, not
According to the variable frequency being able to mediate POS on employee
distribution table, the indicator of satisfaction performance.
with colleagues has an average value higher than Dissatisfaction from low organizational
the other indicators. So satisfaction with support can provide a weak relationship to
colleagues is perceived as dominant in shaping employee performance (Shahzad et al., 2018).
employee performance at RSU Aliyah, Kendari The results of this study do not support previous
City, Southeast Sulawesi. Based on the social research, namely that stated by Siswanti &
exchange theory, individuals in organizations Pratiwi (2020) that there is an influence between
enter into exchange relationships with others perceived organizational support on employee
because of the motivation to obtain rewards. So performance through job satisfaction where the
that when the rewards are both material and non- mediating effect is partial mediation.
material when it is felt satisfactory, they will
motivate employees to improve their g. The Effect of The Work Environment on
performance (Yeşil & Dereli, 2013). Employee Performance Mediated by Job
Creating a harmonious relationship Satisfaction
between employees in the organization aims to Based on the respondents' perceptions,
create convenience and smooth implementation non-physical work environment indicators have
of the work tasks of each person and each unit, a more dominant impact on building employee
as well as the emergence of a spirit of mutual performance; the feeling of satisfaction felt by

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 2 2023| 276

employees of RSU Aliyah in Kendari City, performance variables (Y1), so H3 proposed
Southeast Sulawesi, towards their work in this study is accepted. In this study, the
environment can lead to a better level of work environment has a significant effect on
performance. Cooperation between groups is employee performance because the indicators
assumed as an item that has maximum effect. A in the work environment variable, especially
harmonious work environment with colleagues non-physical work environment indicators,
greatly affects employee job satisfaction so that are considered good by employees of RSU
it can lead to maximum employee performance. Aliyah, Kendari City, and can support their
(Charoensukmongkol, et al., 2016) performance.
Based on the social exchange theory, the d. Work environment variables (X2)
relationship between companies or organizations significantly affect the job satisfaction
and employees are two things that are always variable (Z1), so H4 proposed in this study is
interrelated and contribute to the organization's accepted. In the physical work environment,
sustainability. A good work environment that is the lighting system has the highest average
formed will have a positive influence on value, so the lighting system in the workspace
employee work behavior. The results of this provides a sense of comfort and satisfaction.
study support previous research, namely that e. The job satisfaction variable (Z1)
stated by (Handoko et al., 2021; Nugrahaningsih significantly affects employee performance
& Julaela, 2020) that there is an influence variables (Y1), so H5 proposed in this study
between the work environment on employee is accepted. Satisfaction with co-workers is
performance through job satisfaction where the the highest indicator in influencing the
mediating effect is partial mediation. It relationship between the two variables; on the
contradicts the findings of Siagian & Khair other hand, satisfaction with the work also
(2018), who found no significant effect between contributes positively to strengthening the
work environment on employee performance relationship between the two.
mediated by job satisfaction. f. The job satisfaction variable (Z1) is unable to
mediate variables perceived organizational
6. CONCLUSION AND support (X1) on employee performance
RECOMMENDATION variable (Y1), so it can be said that H6, which
Conclusions was proposed in this study, was rejected. It
a. The results of this study indicate that the can be caused by employee dissatisfaction
variable perceived organizational support with organizational support due to inadequate
(X1) does not have a significant effect on health service support facilities, which makes
employee performance variables (Y1), so the non-medical health workers feel less flexible
H1 proposed in this study is rejected. In this in providing health care.
research, perceived organizational support g. The job satisfaction variable (Z1) can
does not affect employee performance mediate the work environment variable (X2)
because almost 50% of respondents are aged on the employee performance variable (Y1),
<25 years. In this case, organizational support so H7 proposed in this study is accepted.
other than salary and benefits is considered Intergroup cooperation is assumed to have
insignificant because it prioritizes work the most dominant influence in building work
experience. environment relationships on performance
b. Variable perceived organizational support through job satisfaction.
(X1) does not significantly affect the job
satisfaction variable (Z1), so it can be said Recommendations
that H2, proposed in this study, was rejected. Based on the conclusions above, there are
In this research, perceived organizational several recommendations from authors that are
support does not affect job satisfaction; it can expected to be useful to RSU Aliyah, Kendari
be caused by perceptions that are built up due City, Southeast Sulawesi, as well as future
to employee dissatisfaction with hospital researchers. The recommendation given
support in the form of the availability of includes the following:
adequate health support facilities. 1. The results showed that several factors
c. Work environment variables (X2) greatly contributed to the formation of
significantly influence employee employee performance, namely the work

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 2 2023| 277

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