tgp4 v12 U35 s3 Ok Leader Guide
tgp4 v12 U35 s3 Ok Leader Guide
tgp4 v12 U35 s3 Ok Leader Guide
Isaiah 25:1
God chose Paul to take the gospel to Gentiles, kings, and the Israelites. Paul
met with people again and again to tell the good news about Jesus. He wanted
everyone to believe that Jesus is Lord. Because Jesus has the power to save
people from sin, Paul was willing to do whatever it took to share the gospel.
10-15 25-30 15-20 15-20
GATHER Supplies
Keep a regular supply of the following items available at all times: Bibles, pens or pencils,
markers, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, glue or tape, paper.
Activity Page Introduce the Session Review & Bible skills Activity Choice (Option 1)
F “Search and Find” F countdown video F Small Group Timeline F rubber bouncy balls,
activity page and Map Set 1 per group
Big Picture Question
F world map F seashells, rocks, or
Session Starter (Option 1) F Big Picture Question
jacks; 6 per group
F index cards, 1 per kid Poster
F paper bag Activity Choice (Option 2)
Review the Timeline
F red sticker
F Giant Timeline
Journal and Prayer
Tell the Bible Story
F Journal Page
F “Paul Was Sent to
F “Who Said It?”
Rome” video
activity page
F Bible Story Picture
Missions Moment
F “Asia-Pacific Rim:
We Need Jesus”
missions video
Greet each kid as he or she arrives. Use this time to collect the offering, fill out attendance
sheets, build relationships, and help new kids connect to your group.
SAY Have you ever wanted to do something so much that you were willing to do whatever it took
to do it? Why?
SAY Today, we will see how Paul was obedient to take the gospel to the Gentiles, kings, and the
Israelites. Paul was willing to do whatever it took for people to hear the good news.
Before the session, write different Form kids into groups of three or four and
statements on individual index cards such invite them to brainstorm some ways they
as the earth is the largest planet, Moses delivered can make the most of every opportunity
Israel from Egypt, cows produce milk, bananas are to glorify of God. Provide each group with
pink, and so on. Create a card for each kid. one of the following scenarios: being assigned
Then place all the cards in a paper bag. clean up duty in the school cafeteria, meeting
Form kids into two teams. Invite kids one a new kid who moved from a different country,
at a time to draw a card from the bag. Tell forgetting to turn in their homework, dealing with
kids they will be the “judge” and will need to an aggravating younger sibling, losing their ticket to
determine if what is on the card is true or see their favorite sports team play, getting in trouble
false. Tell kids that if they guess correctly, for something they didn’t do.
they earn a point for their team. Repeat After a few minutes, invite each group to
until all kids from both teams have had an share its ideas. For example, when dealing
opportunity to be the “judge.” The team with with an aggravating younger sibling they
the most points wins. could use the opportunity to show grace
and forgiveness.
SAY People don’t always make very good
judges. In fact, our story today teaches us SAY Life comes with frustrating,
that certain rulers, kings, and Jewish leaders disappointing, and difficult times. But we
didn’t always judge Paul rightly as he shared don’t have to let our circumstances determine
about Jesus. Thankfully, we do have a good how we respond. The apostle Paul had many
and righteous Judge. Let’s get ready to hear unfair challenges, yet he sought to use every
how Paul taught about the one true Judge and opportunity as a means to tell others about
how He saves all who trust in Him. Jesus. Let’s get ready to hear how he shared
the gospel while he was in jail.
SAY Hello! My name is [your name], and I am so excited to be here with you! Did you bring your
Bible with you? If you did, hold it up high. [Distribute Bibles to kids who need one.] We’ll be hearing
more about Paul today from the book of Acts.
Throughout the Bible we read about God’s plan to save people from their sins. Paul knew the
importance of sharing this good news with the world. He wanted everyone to know what Jesus had
done, and he was willing to do whatever it took so that people could hear.
SAY A couple of weeks ago, we learned that Paul was arrested in Jerusalem because the Jewish
leaders lied about him. But God was with Paul and protected him. Even when the Jewish leaders
planned to kill Paul, God helped Paul safely get to Caesarea through the Roman commander’s orders.
Paul was in dangerous situations, yet he continued to share the good news. Today, we will learn that
while Paul was in prison, he shared the gospel with as many people as he could.
Paul but to also give him some freedom by letting Paul’s friends come and serve him. Act it out: Choose
volunteers to play the
A few days later, Felix and his wife came for a meeting with Paul. Paul talked about
parts of Paul, Felix,
faith in Jesus. He talked about righteousness and self-control, and he explained Festus, King Agrippa,
that one day God is going to judge the world. Felix was afraid of what Paul and Queen Bernice as
said. He sent Paul away, but he met with him many times for the next two years. you tell the story.
When a new governor came into power, Felix did not release Paul from prison.
The new governor was named Festus. He traveled to Jerusalem to meet with the
Jewish leaders. The Jewish leaders asked Festus to bring Paul to Jerusalem. They
were still planning to attack Paul and kill him. But Festus wanted Paul to stay in
Caesarea. He invited some of the Jewish leaders to go with him to see Paul.
Paul stood before Festus. “I haven’t done anything wrong,” Paul explained
again. “I want to see Caesar!” Caesar was the emperor of Rome, and as a Roman
citizen, Paul had the right to take his case to him. Festus agreed.
While Paul was waiting to go to Rome, King Agrippa and Queen Bernice
visited Festus and Paul. Paul told the king how he became a believer.
He explained that Jesus died and rose again to bring salvation to Jews
and Gentiles. “You are out of your mind!” Festus said.
Paul said, “I am speaking the truth. I wish you—and everyone who is listening—
might believe in Jesus.”
King Agrippa, Festus, and the others with them got up. They agreed that Paul
had done nothing wrong. The king was ready to free Paul, but Paul had already
asked to go to Rome.
Christ Connection: God chose Paul to take the gospel to Gentiles, kings, and the
Israelites. Paul met with people again and again to tell the good news about Jesus. He
wanted everyone to believe that Jesus is Lord. Because Jesus has the power to save
people from sin, Paul was willing to do whatever it took to share the gospel.
SAY God chose Paul to take the gospel to Gentiles, kings, and the Israelites. Paul met with
people again and again to tell the good news about Jesus. He wanted everyone to believe that Jesus
is Lord. Because Jesus has the power to save people from sin, Paul was willing to do whatever it took
to share the gospel.
(Tip: Use Scripture and the Gospel Plan Poster to explain how to become a Christian. Make
sure kids know when and where they can ask questions.)
SAY Do you remember from the video how many people live in the Asia-Pacific Rim? [Allow
responses.] Roughly 2.3 billion people live in the Asia-Pacific Rim. The area has over 3,355 people
groups living in 16 different countries. Ninety-five of every 100 people living in the area do not know
about Jesus.
Missionaries and believers are working hard to tell people about Jesus in the area. Recently in
2022, around 157,00 people in the Asia-Pacific Rim had the opportunity to hear about Jesus and over
14,000 of them believed in Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Through the faithful sharing of the gospel,
1,521 new churches were started.
Pray that missionaries will follow the example of Paul and be willing to do whatever it takes
for more people in the Asia-Pacific Rim to hear about Jesus.
SAY Our key passage reminds us that God is worthy of our praise. One of the ways we can
praise Him is by remembering all that He has done and thanking Him.
Form kids into groups and give each group a set of index cards. Lead groups to work together
to write a word from the key passage on individual cards. Direct groups to mix up the cards
and then switch their set with the other group. Challenge kids to place the cards in the
correct order of the key passage.
Lead kids to sing “I Will Exalt You (Isaiah 25:1).” You may also choose to sing a worship
song of your choice.
PRAY (2 minutes)
Invite kids to pray before transitioning to Love.
SAY Thank You, Lord, that through Jesus, people can have their sins forgiven and live with You
forever. Help us make the most of every opportunity to share this good news with others so that they
can be saved. Amen.
SAY While defending himself before King Agrippa, Paul shared his testimony of how Jesus saved
him. He desired that everyone, even King Agrippa, hear the good news of Jesus and experience the
forgiveness only Jesus can give. This is a reflection of God’s heart for people. When we share the
good news, we are showing people the love of Jesus and displaying our love for God.
SAY Paul shared the gospel with his enemies and even those in authority over him. Would this
be difficult for you? Why?
Remind kids that Paul’s boldness and love for others came from the Holy Spirit within him.
Tell kids that the grace of God had changed Paul and allowed him to see that anyone, even
our enemies, can be saved. Remind kids that Paul was once an enemy of the church, but now
risked his life for Jesus.
(Option: Choose a volunteer to read 2 Tim. 1:7-9.)
SAY Felix was afraid when he heard God was going to judge the world. Do we need to fear God’s
judgment if we are in Christ?
Discuss how there is no condemnation or punishment for those who are in Christ. Remind
kids that Jesus took our punishment on Himself when He died on the cross. Tell kids that we
are set free from the law of sin and death.
(Option: Choose a volunteer to read Rom. 8:1-2.)
SAY Paul met with Felix over and over again and shared the gospel. Should we ever give up
sharing Jesus with others? Why?
Prompt kids to think about how we continue to share the good news because it is the only
way for people to be saved. Discuss how we cannot make people believe, but we can trust God
to work in people’s hearts as they hear the truth about Jesus.
(Option: Choose a volunteer to read 2 Cor. 3:12.)