Todos Los Programas para Aprender y Practicar Matematica
Todos Los Programas para Aprender y Practicar Matematica
Todos Los Programas para Aprender y Practicar Matematica
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All content following this page was uploaded by Satinder Bal on 29 May 2020.
The utilization of Information Communication Technology for learning and
teaching is mandatory now a day’s for the overall development of the students as well
the teachers. Research reveals that ICT is useful in developing higher order skills and
increasing student’s interest in Mathematics. In this paper, the authors discussed
some tools of ICT that are helpful in learning and teaching mathematics and making
mathematics an interesting subject for the learners.
Keywords: Mathematical Tools, ICT, Software, Websites, Mobile Apps, Teaching
I. Introduction
In order to educate students to be life time learners and successful
contributors to the workplace and communities, firstly it is required to replace the
traditional teaching learning methods. It is needed to create their interest and infuse
spirit of curiosity, reasoning and questioning mind in our youth and must take away
past methodology which led to mere memorization and mugging up only.
ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. ICT includes use
of all the devices that can send, receive, store, manipulate, retrieve and exchange
information in digital form. Internet plays the most important role in ICT because
without internet today these devices are like dump terminals. Today world has been
globalized and information about each corner of world is of utmost importance.
Internet and electronic devices has made the whole world easily approachable by fast
and quick means of communication. The technology can be used for betterment and
destructing anything. But whatever science has given to us can be used for the benefit
of public at large.
J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-4, April (2020) pp 1-12
But for effective use of ICT, it must have been adopted from the start of
education so that later on students can understand the importance of use of its
effectiveness. Technologies make learning environment alive and more attractive. If a
teacher wants to play an effective role in international sphere then knowledge of ICT
is first and foremost need of the hour. It helps students and the surroundings to get up
to date with the events and activities taking place anywhere in the world.
For effective implementation, scenario of the classroom is also required to be
changed from the traditional one i.e. from one way communication to two way
communication because unless and until there is two way communication,
effectiveness of teaching cannot be known and it is possible only with discussion.
ICT has enabled presentation of ideas in more understandable and relevant way. It is
an effective tool for acquiring, retaining and accessing information so as to encourage
the students to look for latest information from multiple sources.
In the present time, students are interested in learning Mathematics if teaching
is done by using interactive methods and ICT tools. These methods help in better
understanding of concepts because it helps them to visualize mathematical problems.
It helps students to understand practical meaning of mathematical tasks. In this paper,
some tools of ICT for learning and teaching mathematics are discussed.
II. Tools of ICT
Various ICT tools which are helpful in learning and teaching mathematics are
as below:
A. Smart Class Rooms
Smart classrooms are technologically enhanced classrooms that provide
opportunities for learning and teaching using technology such as computers,
specialized software, networking, audio/visual facilities, projector and screen
etc.They provide interactive environment. Teachers can also link online resources
with their lectures. It is a great tool of learning using pictures, maps, graphs, audios,
videos, Power point presentations, 2D & 3D animations etc. It can be used as most
effective method of learning because audio visual aids provide us best way of easy
learning and understanding as compared to other methods of learning.
B. Social Media
Technology encourages learning with social media such as Whatsapp,
Facebook, Instagram, E-mail etc. Whatsapp messenger allows its users to exchange
text messages, images, audios and videos. These can be used as alternative
classrooms where students and teachers can do group discussions. Here one can share
their views and also can discuss problems. One can get solution at a place without
wasting time in visiting any place for getting solution to the problems.
YouTube is very popular among every one and which is within the reach of
everybody in present scenario. It is huge collection of videos. It can be used for
learning for a child who has to just join the school or who has just joined the school
or for the student of any level whether he is of 10th, 12th, graduation, post graduation,
engineering and medical or any other level/ field. This is the platform from where
J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-4, April (2020) pp 1-12
users can learn anything from our home without visiting anywhere. On YouTube the
users have to just subscribe channels they need and the YouTube notifies the users
whenever any new video is shared / uploaded by the channel.
There are some other common video sharing sites are Wikiversity, Teacher
Tube, TED ed, itunes and vemio. Slide share, Slide rocket, prezi are presentation
sharing sites. These are the tools for presenting ideas in impressive manner.
C. Mathematical Software
The use of mathematical software in learning and teaching mathematics is
increasing. Some of the software are very expensive and beyond the reach of students
and teachers individually. The software that are used in learning and teaching
mathematics are as follows
Matlab: It is a high performance language used for numerical computing,
matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data analysis. It can interface with
programs written in other languages such as C, FORTRAN etc. It makes use of
programming languages in order to create scripts to the document and for evaluating
the data. This software also provides a toolbox that can be used to calculate functions
quickly. The functions can be displayed in the form of 2D, 3D or even 4D graphs.
Math CAD: It is used for data analysis, image processing, signal processing,
curve fitting, regression analysis, solving various type of equations, plotting graphs,
calculating roots of functions and perform matrix operations etc. It can be used for
doing symbolic calculations that requires use of mathematics. 3D graphs can also be
plotted using this software that helps to understand dataset that are very complex. It
also provides the facility of data sharing as it can be integrated with Microsoft Excel.
Mathematica: It is used for mathematical computation, algebraic
manipulation, image computation, number theory, graph computation, geometric
computation, visualization and data analysis.
Maple: It is used for technical computing, data analysis, numeric
computation, matrix computation etc. It can be used effectively to analyze and solve
problems related to mathematics. The results obtained are also very accurate and fast.
It can provide solution to all mathematical problems related to different branches
such as statistics, linear algebra, calculus, geometry, functions etc.
SPSS: It is a powerful data analysis tool. It helps in performing analysis of
quantitative data and provides the facility of reading and writing data from the
different databases and packages consisting of statistical data. It also helps to analyze
missing values which helps to make decisions by doing estimation of the data.
Graphmatica: It is used for plotting graphs of Cartesian, polar and
parametric equations. It is a tool that can be used easily in plotting the graphs of
equations, Cartesian functions and also inequalities. It is a very powerful tool as it can
show almost 25 numbers of graphs on the screen at a time. It can also be used to plot
graph of tangent lines after solving them numerically.
Graphing Calculator 3D: It helps in drawing 3D graphs of mathematical
functions. It is a very effective tool for plotting inequalities, parametric, polar and
cylindrical equations. It can be used easily because of the user interface that is very
Copyright reserved © J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci.
Madhu Aggarwal et al
J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-4, April (2020) pp 1-12
easy to use. It gives result very fast and thus, it is very efficient tool. It does not
require any kind of scripting and only equation is required to be written so as to
obtain the graph as a result.
But a large number of software’s are available free of cost. These mathematical
software’s are discussed below:
Geo Gebra: It is used for solving problems of vectors, calculus, algebra,
complex numbers, statistics, linear programming etc. Also helpful in creation of 2D,
3D geometric figures and graphs. It provides an interface that is easy-to-use and is
available in many languages. It makes learning of mathematical concepts easy and
more meaningful. It also enhances the conceptual understanding of the topics. The
students can also practice by solving different exercises. This can also be used by
teachers to create worksheets of topics that can be given to students for solving.
Math Mechanixs: It is used for 2D and 3D graphing, single, double and
triple differentiation and integration. The 2D and 3D graphs of data and functions can
be easily obtained using this software. Also, the facility of data point labeling,
zooming and rotating on all axes is also provided. The differentials (first, second and
third) of an expression can be easily plotted.
Calc 3D Pro: It is a mathematical graph and charting software for statistics
and geometry. It handles function plotting, integration, vectors, matrices, complex
numbers, Fourier transformation, volume, area and many more.
Compli Calc: It can be used to solve complex mathematical problems. It
provides algebraic calculator that can be used for calculating complex functions like
factorial, discount etc. easily in few seconds.
Mathematica Player: It allow user to study lots of available demonstrations
on various mathematics topics. It helps students to get better understanding of the
Graph Sketch: It is used for sketching graphs of various functions such as
polar and parametric functions. It also helps in doing mathematical calculations of the
functions. Some functions that are already built in the software includes sine, cos, log,
tan etc. The color and style of the graph can be chosen by the user.
Yenka: This software provides 3Ds experiments and model for the students.
It helps students in creating mathematical models, simulating different experiments of
science and designing circuits. The results can be obtained quickly. This tool can be
used by the instructors or educators to create interactive lessons for students to make
them understand the topic easily.
Microsoft Mathematics: It is used for solving algebraic math problems,
drawing 2D and 3D diagrams, solving equations etc. The equations are solved
stepwise so as to make students understand the concept in a better way.
Math Editor: It helps in writing mathematical equations. In this,
mathematical equations involving square root and other Greek symbols can be
created easily and quickly. It allows the facility of not only creating equations but
also saving and editing of equations can also be done. The saved equations can be
converted into image file and thus can be exported easily on the web. These equations
can also be added in any word document or any other document easily.
Copyright reserved © J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci.
Madhu Aggarwal et al
J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-4, April (2020) pp 1-12
Maxima:It is used for calculating factorization of a number, factor of a
polynomial, simplifying trigonometric expressions, solving equations and systems,
2D and 3D plotting, limits, differentiation, integration etc. It can be used to perform
operations on integers, rational and floating numbers. The codes in other languages
can be generated very easily.
GAP: It is used for computation group theory. Also useful for topics like
vectors, algebra etc. It makes use of programming language and a library including a
large number of functions, to implement algorithms of algebra in the GAP language.
It is highly interactive as it provides the solution to the problem quickly. The library
containing algebraic objects can be accessed using commands. It can be used in
research as well as for teaching purpose.
Euler Math Toolbox: It is used for solving mathematical problems like
multiplication, addition, and subtraction of functions, algebra, matrices etc. It
provides a combination of numeric and symbolic tools that can be easily accessed. It
provides a Notebook interface that can be used to display graphics and text. This
interface is very simple and provides editing facility using different commands. The
complex problems can be solved efficiently. It is a versatile software that allows users
to solve any type of mathematical problem.
Scilab: It is useful in numerical computation, 2D & 3D graphing,
optimization, simulation etc. It can be used for both engineering and science fields.
The different tools are available for data analysis. It makes use of programming
language for doing calculations. Some functions are already built inside to perform
operations on matrix.
Sagemath: It helps in calculus, cryptography, algebra, advanced number
theory etc. It provides real-world experience especially to the graduate students. It
makes use of notebook server that allows transparency. It allows interacting with
other mathematical software like SciPy, NumPy etc. It assimilates the features of
different software packages for a common purpose. It can be used for research as well
as education.
Axiom: It is used to create 2D or 3D graphs of functions with the help of
“HyperDoc”. It assists the user by providing a library and a commentator.
QMentat: It can be used for learning and practicing mathematical problems
without using pen, paper or calculator. Different mathematical functions that can be
practiced are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power etc.
Mental Math:It is used for enhancing mental math skills.It helps students to
learn basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division. It allows students to alter the magnitude of operands and thus creating
infinite questions for practice. This can help to increase the speed of solving
questions and also the accuracy can be improved.
TalkingMath:It supports audio mode. It is useful for children to solve basic
mathematical problems like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It
works in three modes: standard, interactive and timer mode and is touch screen
J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-4, April (2020) pp 1-12
Braina: It is a calculator that makes use of voice or audio to solve
mathematical problems. The students need to speak the problem that needs to be
solved and it provides the answer by speaking back.
Gretl: It is based on C programming language. It offers solution in several
international languages. It can be used for econometric analysis. It makes use of
scripting language called “hansl” that provides a wide variety of tools of
programming and operations of matrix. It also provides independent variables such as
logit, tobit etc.
Cadabra: It helps in solving problems related to tensor polynomial
simplification and tensor computer algebra including Fierz transformations etc. It can
be used for complex problems related to algebra found in the field theory. Both
command-line and graphical interface is provided by it. It can be used for abstract
xFunc: This software is based on C# language. It helps to solve complex
mathematical equations automatically. It provides an interface that is user-friendly
and can be used to solve problems related to arithmetic, trigonometry, etc.
SpeQ Mathematics: This software helps to work outtrigonometry related
problems. The interface provided is very simple and helps to maintain sheets of the
computations done which can be edited later. It helps students to solve complex
problems of mathematics and learn new concepts.
D. Mobile Apps
Mobile apps are programs that are developed for devices that are mobile and
wireless in nature like Smartphones. Today everyone has access to mobile
phones/tabletsand these devices supports a number of free apps which are helpful in
learning and teaching mathematics. Few of them are as follows:
Digits (iOS) and CalcTape (Android): It is a simple calculator with history
backup. Calc Tape can be used for doing calculations regarding tax, percentage. Also,
the calculations made can be saved in a file that can be accessed later and can be
changed again easily. The results of the calculations done can be printed and can also
be shared via e-mail or Airdrop or by any other means. It also helps a user to create
its own functions, keypad layouts etc. CalcTape can also be used for tracking budget
and expenses anywhere.
MyScript Calculator: Using this app user can perform various basic
mathematical functions, trigonometry (inverse) functions, logarithms and constants
such as pi and Euler’s numbers etc. It has handwriting recognition system also. It can
be used by students to quickly solve mathematical problems.
Evernote: It is a powerful app for preparing notes in electronic form. Using
this app user can create the notes by typing or by writing also. It provides the ease of
organization, ability to share, easy accessibility and that too without any risk of loss
by theft.
Kindle: It is a collection of lakhs of free e-books on various topics. The
design of the app is very user-friendly and the navigation through the app becomes
very easy with the help of navigation bar provided in the app at the bottom side. Also,
J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-4, April (2020) pp 1-12
the books containing difficult words can be easily understood by the user with the
help of feature “Word Wise” that shows the meaning and definitions of difficult
Photomath: It provides step by step solution of lots of mathematical
problems by just snapping a picture only. The red frame in this app helps to capture
the given equation that needs to be solved. It makes use of OCR (Optical Character
Recognition) technology that helps to read the equation and solve it in just a few
seconds. It can read the printed text as well as handwritten text very easily from the
captured picture of equation. The stepwise solution of equation is then obtained on
the screen.
Geometry Pad: It helps in learning geometric concepts. Users can draw
geometric shapes also. This app helps to draw or create common shapes of geometry.
Not only drawing shapes but also exploring and changing of properties and
calculating of metrics can be done using this app. The tools are available for creating
medians and altitudes in any triangle. Also, different types of quadrilaterals can be
created easily. The images can also be inserted into the document.
Coursera: It provides a collection of study material and practice questions on
various topics. It also offers online courses through app. The available courses are
taught by the instructors working in top universities and companies. The free courses
available allow users to access video lectures and exercises for homework. The paid
courses are also available that allow users to access more quizzes available and also
provides Certificate upon completion of the course.
Maths Formulas Free: It provides a huge collection of mathematical
formulas related to geometry, Matrices, probability, integration, statistics and others.
This app can be used effectively by all the students of not only high school but also
university and colleges to find different formulas related to mathematics. The tools
are available for doing calculations of the geometric shapes and the equations. It also
supports sharing of formulas via Facebook, e-mail or messages. The users can also
add the formulas and their note in the “favorite” section of the app.
SAT Math Trainer: This app is very easy to use and interactive in nature. It
is useful for students in 10th, 11th and12th class for practicing various problems. The
students can practice a large number of questions on different topics and also solve
quizzes. The record of the quizzes or test can also be maintained so as to keep track of
performance made by students. Also, the correct explanation of the questions can also
be seen by students for better understanding.
Globaloria: Students can learn mathematics through games. It helps students
to self-learn by creating their own games. This can help students to achieve
animproved understanding of the different mathematical concepts. It requires full
participation of students in constructing new games which results in meaningful
learning of the concepts in an easy way.
Dragon Box: Students can learn algebra with the help of interactive games.
The games help the students to learn maths with fun. The games recognized by this
app are related to social issues whose outcomes have already been proven. The
difficult concepts can be learned very easily with the help of this innovative app.
Algebra can be learnt easily by solving equations in a fun manner.
Copyright reserved © J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci.
Madhu Aggarwal et al
J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-4, April (2020) pp 1-12
Academy of Math: With the help of videos and assessment tools students
can learn various topics of mathematics. It helps to improve the overall understanding
of students regarding different mathematical concepts. The assessment can also be
done in order to check the learning of the students regarding different topics. It
mainly focuses on students who struggle a lot while solving mathematical problems
and help the students to get better results.
Studygeek: It is a collection of math vocabulary words, informative videos
on geometry and algebra. A different section is provided called Math Vocabulary that
helps the students to find the definitions of terms used in mathematics and this
dictionary is organized in an alphabetical order. It helps students to improve their
mathematical skills by learning different concepts. The games are also provided that
helps to test the retention ability of the students regarding the vocabulary words.
Thus, students can enjoy and learn at the same time.
Math Pentagon: It provides material on topics ratios, geometry,
trigonometry, algebra and statistics. It helps to construct geometric shapes. While
constructing the different shapes, points can be moved for the adjustment of size of
the shape and the distances so as to see the effect it causes on the shape. The app can
be used for constructing difficult and complicated geometric shapes.
Apollonius: It helps to learn concepts of geometry in an interactive manner.
It helps to construct geometrical shapes and the different parts of the shape can be
moved around with the help of touchscreen of the device.
GetTheMath: Students can relate algebra to the real world with the help of
videos and assignment. The professionals have included a lot of videos and lectures
related to algebra so as to make students understand and learn the different concepts
with the help of real world challenges. The different section of the app shows how
maths can be used professionally. After learning a concept, a video series is provided
that challenge the students to understand the concept completely.
FluidMath: This platform helps students and teachers to write on the
interactive whiteboards. The students solve the problems in their own handwriting. It
can be used by students studying in grade 6 to 12. It is very interactive and both
teachers and students can engage in solving problems.
MathsPlayground: This tool involves a collection of games related to
mathematical concept. The games are separated on the basis of grades and topics. It
makes it interesting for the students to learn with the help of games. The different
types of games are available such as spelling games, ratio games, addition games etc.
that can improve the mathematical skills of students.
E. Websites
There are millions of websites which are helpful in learning and teaching
mathematics. These websites provide a platform for discussion among teachers and
students on many issues that arise during general learning and teaching mathematics.
Here anyone can share his experience / expertise with lakhs of learners with least cost
for both. Most interestingly it made possible to have access to knowledge, experience
and expertise of various experts which is not possible for a leaner who is thousands of
miles away. Many websites helps teacher for planning the irlecture. Some of them
Copyright reserved © J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci.
Madhu Aggarwal et al
J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-4, April (2020) pp 1-12
present some wonderful methods to motivate learning mathematics through different
games. Few of these web sites are as below:
J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-4, April (2020) pp 1-12
the teachers. The puzzles and games help the students to get engaged in solving tough
problems. These puzzles and games have been organized according to the grade and
different subjects. Each puzzle is designed in such a way that it can be solved in 45-
60 minutes. Math Pickle is not limited to arithmetical computations. It cannot be
considered as a curriculum. In this students are provided with questions that are
unsolved. It helps to provide an experience of success to each and every student.
Graph Maker: It is a free tool for designing and sharing online graphs and
diagrams like bar graphs, line graphs, pie chart, area chart, Venn diagram etc. it can
be used to draw graphs of the raw data in minutes and makes it easy to understand
and learn. The user can switch from one chart to another without any loss of data. The
graphs drawn with the help of this tool can be embedded in the presentations without
any difficulty. The graphs drawn can also be downloaded, shared and published
Internet Archive: It is a digital library. It provides free knowledge on
various topics through millions of books, audio recordings, videos, images and
software programs. The general members can upload the material in the collection
and download the material from the collection digitally. The collected data is in bulk
and is automatically generated by the Web Crawler.
Mathematics Stack Exchange: This website provides a platform for
discussion of various problems arise during studying mathematics at any level. It
allows different users to communicate and discuss not only topics related to
Mathematics but also the working, decisions and policies of the website. Meta
Mathematics Stack Exchange also provides the facility of voting on the questions
asked that shows agreement or disagreement of other users regarding the answers
provided. Queries can also be solved easily by discussion method.
Brilliant: This platform is helpful for students and teachers in learning
mathematics by solving various interesting mathematical problems on topics such as
logic, geometry, calculus, linear algebra, number theory,differential equations, group
theory, probability etc.It uses problem-solving approach in order to make students
understand the concept of Mathematics.
Math Guide: It helps to learn different concepts of Mathematics such as
algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus with the help of lessons. The
assessment resource is also available which is known as “quiz masters”. It generates
problem randomly and then waits for the input to be provided by the students. The
student then understands the problem and then solves it and provides the required
input. The input is then checked whether it is correct or not and then reported
Math Drills: It helps students to learn mathematics with the help of
thousands of worksheets on different topics such as geometry, algebra, concept of
money etc. Sudoku and Dots games of maths are also available which are interactive
and makes learning fun.
Math Goodies: This website provides learning of topics such as percentage,
probability, geometry, set theory and circle concept. On each topic many interactive
lessons are available to understand the concept. After understanding, students can
J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-4, April (2020) pp 1-12
check their learning by solving the worksheets available. The learning can be done
with the help of puzzles and games also.
Absurd Math: This website provides game series that needs to be solved in
order to understand a mathematical concept interactively. The game involves a player
that goes on a mission in a different strange world that helps to improve mathematical
skills of the player. Hidden clues are also available on different pages that help the
player while playing the game. The answer keys can be obtained via e-mail at the end
of game.
III. Conclusion
ICT can change role of students and teachers in the process of learning and
teaching mathematics. Using ICT tools, users can learn anywhere, anytime and
without any need to go anywhere. At present everything which we need is just a click
away. Our youth is enjoying electronic devices and had access to these devices. The
whole scenario of learning and teaching can be changed by guiding them properly.
Because audio visual way of learning helps in understanding and learning of the
concepts easily as compared to other ways of learning. Further, on the other side
whatever is made by science can be used positively or negatively. Everything has its
positive and negative attributes. It depends on howit is used. Today we have access to
everything on internet which must not be accessible to our youth because it creates
distraction in their mind. They should be made aware about the other side which may
cause curse for them.Hence, by proper implementation of ICT the whole system of
learning can be changed. One should made efforts to change the process of learning
and teaching in order to prepare the students to adjust themselves and go ahead for
prosperity and well beingof our nation. This is the need of time to create a new
learning environment for betterment of the future of the nation.
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