their many par cular uses you will also, undoubtedly, nd out their limita ons. Though orms don’t think or change tac cs. They can con nue to operate and execute a single set of instruc ons. Well, that’s about to change when you work with servitors! Servitors have the added advantage of persona, intelligence, and a degree of self-awareness that dis nguishes these creatures from mental constructs. The la er are machines, while the former are creatures given the lifeforce to serve for a par cular purpose; and not merely created for a task or one opera on. ft ti ti ti tf ti fi ti ti tt tf ti ti Magical creatures exist to serve and please the magician, witch, or wizard. In the old days these were considered familiars. However, few magic users possess a true familiar. A familiar is a spirit said to be summoned by witches and wizards through various invoca ons or conjured by evoca on and rituals. In truth, however, familiars are spirits most likely we come into the world with, or otherwise pickup as a hitcher along the way, and typically through childhood. Familiars tend to be an admirer or an adversary; friend or foe—and some mes a mixture of both. Servitors on the other hand are creatures you give life to serve your will. These creatures may be created by you, or they may be primi ve spirits like elementals who are further transformed into powerful creatures by ac ons of the magician’s will. In psionics we draw the power of elementals into constructs, and then give these constructs persona, empowerment, and a pet name to complete the magical work. With a variety of splicing methods and tethering techniques we can include a ributes we want to borrow from other en es, while at the same me omi ng quali es we do not wish to infuse into the created servitor. It is like carving out the rot from a piece of fruit, and keeping only the good parts that will serve your intended purposes. With tethering opera ons, we can gra the servitor’s essence into other objects such as tools: ti ti ti tti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ft tt wands, sta s, shields, helmets, medallions, rings, and even psionic robot components. For the purposes of this volume our servitors are created to draw new opportuni es into our lives, sail to new horizons, and make more money. More importantly, and of par cular interest for our purpose, these servitors can make money work for you! What is needed is the me put into the development of servitors; and maintaining the rela onship link to your construct throughout its lifecycle. Your servitor shall begin with a primi ve concept. Herr Doktor refers to this process as induc on. We begin with the most primordial essence of the spirit creature and build upon that elemental forge the en rety of its nature, alignment, scope, and purpose. The creature’s name helps to create the servitor (as well as call it up for instruc on and rou ne maintenance.) Servitors are di erent from familiars in that a servitor exists solely to ful ll your purposes; Whereas a familiar is likely to have ulterior mo ves aside from helping you to ful ll desires. Thus, while we work on the nature of the elemental, we are keeping the scope close to home. “Do my bidding!” ti ti ti ff ff ti fi ti fi ti ti ti ti ti Indeed, a servitor exists solely for accomplishing your ends. To this end, Herr Doktor advises crea ng a par cular pa ern to represent your creature’s func on. The less complex servitor’s func on may be in its name. The more complex servitor may involve several pa erns, sigils, and magical squares stacked within the container body. The la er is like building a psionic robot. The torso, arms, legs, head, chest—these components may have di erent pa erns from the core pa ern at the heart of the robot. However, this is merely informa on for your interest. I do not expect a beginner in money magick to create advanced psionic robots. To avoid unnecessary confusion, draw a name on a piece of paper which appeals to your purpose. You can change this name later. Simply begin with a name that you associate with something that will conjure up thoughts or feelings of nancial success. Meditate with this name for a few days and see what your mind creates as an image or imagined journey involving this name. Repeat the name in your inner ear as you meditate. Visualize a sphere of light holding this name. Con nue to build upon this primi ve form of the concept of containing your feeling, emo on, and thoughts of nancial success and freedom. (At this point you may begin to look at glyphs, sigils, and runes as a means of construc ng a magical symbol for your creature. However, it is not en rely tt ti ti ti fi tt tt tt ti ti fi ti ti ff ti tt ti ti necessary.) What is important to take from this experience is the ability to project images from your mind, while holding your focused concentra on on the concept that you are crea ng. The rest of the magic, as a ma er of course, will be subconscious. Yes, even the subconscious will nd its way into the mix. We can ne-tune and balance our servitors via radionics. However, most of the me this is not needed. Every day of the week plan to spend a few minutes calling up your servitor. Give the servitor a good charge by thinking its name, the purpose of its existence, and the nature of the en ty; Earthy elemental, ery salamander, watery undine, or airy sylph are some examples of primi ve or primordial life-forms in the invisible realm closest to our own world. A su ciently charged servitor will be ready to put to work. To manage the energy and coherency of your servitor it is recommended that you acquire my Necromancer Elite Dowsing Kit or download the Dynamic Dowsing Disclosure mul media package if you’re in a hurry to learn divina on and dowsing skills with psionic charts. Now then, let us assume that your servitor was created to bring you money in general. Boost the servitor’s power with a strong visualiza on of the energy of money as a kind of element of its own. ffi fi fi tt ti ti fi ti ti ti ti ti ti See this energy feeding your servitor, causing your servitor to expand in both size and power. Tell this servitor what it is that you wish it to accomplish and set a me for the servitor to complete the task— something like a month from now. Go about your day and be on the lookout for results. If you meet with any resistance, then use the instruc ons in this manual in the sec on on In uence. fl ti ti ti In uence As if you needed any words from me on this, but psionics is about in uence and in uencing informa on. To properly in uence others you will need to prac ce focused-concentra on on a regular basis. There are of course shortcuts to in uence, such as rates across a series of radionic boxes, psionic projectors, and magick sigils. However, the more powerful in uence is going to come from your own mind. So, by all means use your mind to project your will and manifest results of any kind in the world! As a ma er of course, this book is about money. You want quick money. Or maybe you want more money to come in regularly. But, you have it worked out that your next gig is going to be working for a neighbor or an acquaintance you’ve recently met— and you want that person to be thoroughly impressed by your charming character before you pop the big ques on about working together. Well, you’ll need to begin sending cushioning thoughts to your chosen subject. This person will receive your thoughts whenever you send them an updated energy pulse from your mind. Know this! Feel this! REALLY BELIEVE IT! fl tt ti ti ti fl fl fl fl ti fl Un l I tell you to stop! Begin by bringing up a picture of your subject in your mind’s eye. Hold this person’s face in your mind much the same way as you have prac ced visualizing the ball of light. You see your acquaintance. Try to see him or her smiling back in your direc on, and radiate the same recep ve warmth back to your subject. Think about how much you are looking forward to seeing him/her again. Imagine your recipient feeling likewise. When you have had enough me spent visualizing this poten al for a renewed acquaintance, then go ahead and project from your mind “This will happen soon.” And that is the gist of it! This method combined with Awesome Ampli ers (video course) and your servitors created (Psionic Robot ebook) will gain you the favor of others, win you the glory you so deserve, and open the doors of new opportuni es to you in shorter me than if you had no occult knowledge whatsoever. Fin ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti fi Bonus sec on: Spiral Mentalism Theory and Prac ce Most people experience cycles, living in con nuous circles, which is why there is no change or improvement to circumstances. Circumstance is a notorious recycling of the same old, same old. To push past the barrier to success one must move energy in spirals. A spiral is created by moving the center of the circle forward. You are, as a ma er of course, at the center of this circle. Therefore, you must begin to think in terms of “I” as opposed to “Me”. The la er is merely the persona or material and society constructed illusion of self. The “I am” is your true self. So, you will begin by thinking “I” and “I am”, followed by “I am will”. Do this as you meditate. This will begin the awakening process necessary to catapult your life out of circumstances and forward into des ny. There are some magick and psionic methods for crea ng vortex energy. This cyclical and spiracle energy is the basis of all ac vi es in the known universe, and the structure of the energy work in the Cosmic All. Ampli er pa erns are made circular in psionics. To move the energy outward from the circle the pa ern is constructed to be surrounded by mul ple smaller circles. This creates a spiraling vortex, tt ti fi tt tt ti ti ti ti ti ti tt ti allowing ap tude for change, transmi ng, projec ng, emphasizing… These changes must take place in the mind of the cosmic all, which is neither here nor there. Thus, a portal replaces the need for ordinary radionics; The la er requires an input and an output, usually dedicated plates and s ck pad set into the face of a machine that is populated with a series of tunable resistors in a circuit. Likewise, radionics requires some experience in dowsing. To be truly e ec ve one must also master medita on, to netune the machines with some level of accuracy. Thus, I have rather consistently referred back to medita on in most sec ons of this eBook. Heed the wisdom well, my Vrilock advocate! Psionics training further accomplishes competency in machine dowsing, mentalism, and psychic abili es. Which, by the way, is one of the primary reasons for construc ng the Vrilock Psionics and Insiders Club (a.k.a. V.O.C.U.S.). In the club you watch videos, listen to audio lectures, read through projects, documents, and communicate with the headmaster Herr Doktor von Vrilock via the club messaging system. You’re never without your friend Vrilock! Join to become one of the few students to master this discipline. Or stop by the shop to get your ebooks, audiobooks, video courses, and mul media packs at! ti ti ti ti ti ff fi ti ti ti tt tti ti ti Keep The Magick High!™ V.