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Neuroanatomy test 2019 Dentistry Version B

1. The prefrontal cortex:

A. Is the site for personality
B. Is the site of intellectual ability
C. Has a motor function
D. Has a command function

2. A. Thyroid superior:
A. Give blood supply to the sternocleidomastoid muscle
B. A. Laryngea recurrent is its terminal branches
C. Has branches for the suprahyoid muscles
D. Has branches for the pharyngeal muscles

3. Which of the following elements can be found in the oral vestibule:

A. Papilla ductus parotidei
B. Frenulum linguae
C. Papilla incisiva
D. Frenulum labii superior

4. Which of the following elements can be found in the pterygoid-mandibular compartment

A. Gangloin oticum
B. A. Meningea media
C. N. Alveolaris inferior
D. The initial segment of N. Mandibularis

5. The Antero-lateral tract:

A. Conduct thermo-algic ( temperature and pain ) and epicritic (fine touch) information
B. Are direct, uncrossed
C. Are descending
D. Are ascending

6. The arterial blood supply for the duramater is given by:

A. A. Meningea Posterior originating from A pharyngeal ascendens
B. A. Meningea Anterior originating from A. Ethmoidalis posterior
C. A. Meningea Anterior origination from A. Ophtalamica
D. A. Meningea Media originating from A. Maxillaris

7. Which of the following veins drain into V. Retromandibularis

A. V. Transverse fasciei
B. Vv. Meningea Media
C. V. Submentalis
D. Vv. Temporalis profundae

8. The olivo-cerebellar tract:

A. Contains climbing fibres
B. Project upon the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum
C. Is uncrossed
D. Contains mossy fibres

9. Which of the following structure have an acoustic neural function:

A. The Nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
B. The Nuclei of the trapezoid body
C. The vestibular nucleus
D. The inferior olivary nucleus
10. Choose from below the correct walls for the lateropharyngeal space:
A. Lateral - The mandibular ramus, the superficial cervical fascia and sternocleidomastoid m.
B. Posterior - Fascia Pretrachelaris
C. Inferior - the thyroid gland
D. Medial -the lateral wall of the pharynx and the sagittal septum

11. Which of the following are levator muscles of the pharynx:

A. M. Stylopharyngeus
B. M. Salpingopharyngeaus
C. M. Hyopharyngeus
D. M. Glossopharyngeus

12. The Fornix:

A. Divides into supra and subcomissural fibres
B. It can have postcommissural fibres
C. Originates in the hypothalamus
D. Originates in the hypocampus

13. Which of the following sinuses of the duramater drain into Confluenses sinus:
A. Sinus sagittalis superior
B. Sinus transversus
C. Sinus rectus
D. Sinus petrosus superior

14. The second order neutrons of the unconscious proprioceptive system:

A. Can be found in the nuclei of the Rexed laminae I - V
B. Can be found in the nuclei of the Rexed laminae IV - VI
C. None of the answers are correct
D. Can be found in the nuclei of the Rexed laminae IV - VII

15. Choose from below the elements that can be found in the parotid region:
A. The superficial temporal bundle - A, V , N temporalis superficialis
B. The anterior bundle - A. and V. Transverse fasciae
C. V. Retromandibularis - formed by Vv. Temporalis superficialis and V. Facialis
D. A. Carotis externa and its division into A. Temporalis superficialis from A. Maxillaris

16. Fasciculus gracilis ( GOLL ):

A. Occupies the lateral part of the dorsal funiculus
B. Has connections with ipsilateral Goll nucleus
C. Has connections with contralateral Goll nucleus
D. Occupies the medial part of the dorsal funiculus

17. Choose from below the correct vasculo-nervous bundles of the orbit ( both correct names and
A. The superior vasculo-nervous bundle - N. Frontalis, A. Lacrimalis, A. Supraorbitalis
B. The inferior vasculo-nervous bundle - A, V, and N. Ethmoidalis
C. The medial vasculo-nervous bundle - Anterior ethmoidal bundle - A,V,N. Ethmoidalis ant.
D. The central vasculo-nervous bundle - N. Opticus , A. Ophtalamica, V. Ophtalamica sup.

18. The following structure participate in the suspension of the lens:

A. M. Dilatator pupillae
B. Fibrae lentis
C. Fibrae Zonularis
D. M. Ciliaris - the suspensory ligament

19. Which of the following arteries designate the nasal mucosa:

A. A. Palatina major
B. Aa. Palatinus minor
C. A. Sphenopalatina (its branches)
D. A. Ethmoidalis anterior and posterior
20. The motor cortex
A. Occupies the precentral gyrus
B. Layer V contains Betz cells
C. Is the ipsilateral motor area
D. Occupies the largest part of area 3

21. The Superior cerebellar peduncle:

A. Contains efferent pathways
B. Contains the ponto-cerebellar pathways
C. All answers are correct
D. Contains afferent pathways

22. M. Myohyoideus:
A. Is innervated by the facial nerve
B. Is innervated by N. Mylohyoideus that detached from N. Lingualis
C. Originates on the mylohyoid line of the mandible
D. Inserts on the mylohyoid line of the mandible

23. The tectum contains

A. The nuclei of the cranial nerves
B. The reticular formation
C. The dorsal and ventral decussation
D. The nuclei of the quadrigeminal colliculi

24. Choose from below the nerves present in the pterygopalatine fossae:
A. Nn. Palatini minores
B. N. Buccalis
C. N. Mylohyoideus
D. N. Palatinus major

25. The posterior limb of the capsula internus:

A. Has a sublenticular part
B. Has a caudate-lenticular part
C. All answers are correct
D. Has retrolenticular part

26. Choose from below the correct vascular and nervous elements that can be found in the
temporal region
A. A temporalis profunda anterior and posterior thar origintes from A. Temporalis superficialis
B. A. Temporalis media ascends from the infratemporal fossae through zygomatius opening
C. Nn. Temporales profundi innervate the temporal muscle and are branches of the inferior
alveolar nerve
D. A. Temporalis superficialis that originates from A. Carotis externa

27. Which of the following anatomical elements belong to the TMJ:

A. Lig. Stylomandibulare
B. Lig. Pterygomandibulare
C. Lig. Spinomandibulare
D. Lig. Posterior

28. The following structure can be found posterior to the TMJ, EXPECT:
A. The facial nerve
B. The tendon of M. Pterygoideus lateralis
C. Fissura Petrotympanica
D. A. Temporalis Superficialis
29. Ganglion cervicale superius gives the following branches:
A. N. Caroticus internus
B. Ansa subclavia
C. N. Cardiacus inferior
D. N. Jugularis

30. The inferior cerebellar peduncle contains the following tracts, expecting:
A. Tractus Cuneo-Cerebellaris
B. Tractus Spino-Cerebellaris anterior
C. Tractus Olivo-Cerebellaris
D. Tractus Spino-Cerebellaris

31. M. Pterygoideus Medialis:

A. Shifts the angulus mandibulae medially in case of unilateral contraction
B. Descends the mandible
C. Shifts the angulus mandibulae laterally
D. Lifts the mandible in case of bilateral contraction

32. A. Lingualis gives blood supply to the following structures, EXPECTING:

A. The tongue
B. M. sternocleidomastoideus
C. The muscle of the tongue
D. Glandula Mandibularis

33. N. Laryngealis inferior:

A. Emits motor fibres for all muscles of the larynx, expecting M. Thyroarytenodeus
B. Offers sensitive innervation to the infraglotic part of the larynx
C. Forms the ansa anastomotica of Galen with the contralateral homonymous nerve
D. Is the terminal branches of N. Laryngealis recurrens

34. Which of the following elements can be found in the interscalenic space ( interscalenic fissure
- Hiatus interscalenicus)
A. V. Subclavia
B. Plexus brachialis
C. N. Phrenicus
D. A. Subclavia

35. The capsula of the TMJ:

A. Contains only longitudinal fibres
B. On the sides it adheres to the margins of the articular disc
C. It inserts anteriorly on the margins go the articular tubercle
D. Includes fissura petrotympanica

36. Stria terminalis:

A. Connects the hypothalamus to the amygdaloid complex
B. Contains afferent and efferent fibres, reciprocal connection
C. Contains only undecussated fibres
D. Connects the habenula to the hypothalamus

37. Ganglion Pterygopalatinum:

A. Receives postganglionic fibres from Nc. Salivatorius superior
B. Innervates the sublingual glands
C. Emits sympathetic postganglionic fibres for the lacrimal gland
D. Is attached to the maxillary nerve

38. Choose from below the correct openings of the middle cranial fossae and their contents:
A. Fissura orbitalis superior - N. Oculomotorius , N. Trochlelaris, N. Maxillaris
B. Canalis Caroticus - A. Carotis interna and Plexus caroticous internus
C. Foramen Lacerum - A. and V. Meningea media
D. Canalis opticus - A. Ophtalamica and N. Opticus
39. Which of the following nuclei belong to the cerebellum:
A. Nucleus Globosus
B. The commissural nucleus
C. Nucleus emboliformis
D. The interstitial nucleus of Cajal

40. Choose from below the functions of the hyopthalamus:

A. Regulates somatic motor functions
B. Regulates sight-related functions
C. Regulates the vital centres
D. Regulates the endocrine functions

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