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The Magellanic System: Stars, Gas, and Galaxies

Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 256, 2008 c 2009 International Astronomical Union

Jacco Th. van Loon & Joana M. Oliveira, eds. doi:10.1017/S1743921308028810

The population of Magellanic Cloud

planetary nebulae
Letizia Stanghellini
National Optical Astronomy Observatory, 950 N. Cherry Ave, Tucson AZ 85719, USA

Abstract. In this review we address the progress that has been made toward the understanding
of Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae (PNe) and their evolution since the last Magellanic
Cloud Symposium. Planetary nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds are the key probes of stellar
and circumstellar evolution, both for their known distances and relative vicinity, and for their
broad metallicity range A selection of recent results is presented, including the HST study of
PNe and their central stars, the study of the population of Magellanic Cloud PNe based on
abundance analysis, the recent Spitzer analysis of their dust contents, and the use of Magellanic
Cloud PNe to constrain the distance scale of Galactic PNe.
Keywords. stars: AGB and post-AGB, stars: evolution, stars: winds, outflows, planetary neb-
ulae: general, Magellanic Clouds

1. Introduction
Planetary nebulae (PNe) are direct probes of the evolution of low- and intermediate-
mass stars (LIMS, ∼1–8 M⊙ ). LIMS constitute a major component of stellar mass in all
types of galaxies and in the intra-cluster medium; they go through the asymptotic giant
branch (AGB) phase, which is characterized by very high IR luminosities, high mass-loss
rates, and the production of carbon and nitrogen. Through PNe, this important phase of
stellar evolution is made observable across different galaxy types, and as far as ∼30 Mpc.
The progeny of LIMS in galaxies are especially important since LIMS are the major
producers of nitrogen in the universe, and they supply as much carbon as massive stars.
The knowledge of AGB and PN evolution in different environments, and, in particular, at
different metallicities, is essential to soundly constraint the models of stellar and Galactic
Planetary nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds have always been of great interests for
the metallicity baseline that the Clouds offer, Z ∼ 0.2–1 Z⊙ (Russell & Bessell 1989).
The population of Magellanic Cloud PNe is thus the benchmark for AGB studies at
moderately low metallicity, essential for the understanding of the integrated light in
unresolved galaxies (Maraston 2005). While the Magellanic Cloud PNe are typically 50
times farther away than their Galactic counterparts, their distance uncertainties are very
low, ∼ 5% compared to ∼ 50% or more for Galactic PNe (Stanghellini et al. 2008), making
the former the best absolute probes of LIMS evolution. Nonetheless, the Magellanic
Cloud PNe are close enough to be studied in much detail, both spectroscopically and via
imaging. Furthermore the low selective reddening toward the Clouds represent a further
advantage with respect to the Galactic PN population.
This paper is an overview of recent results in the field of Magellanic Cloud PNe, with
particular regard to space-based observations. In §2 we explore the advances in this field
since last Magellanic Cloud Symposium. In §3 we discuss PN morphology in the Clouds,
and how this physical property of PNe is correlated to stellar evolution. Section 4 deals
422 L. Stanghellini
with PN abundances and the study of their progenitor environment through the α-
elements, i.e., those elements whose yields do not change during LIMS evolution. Section
5 looks at the central stars (CS) of Magellanic Cloud PNe, who constitute the only CS
population of any significant size in the universe whose physical parameters, such as
luminosity and mass, are known in absolute terms. Section 6 gives an overview on recent
studies on dust in Magellanic Cloud PNe, based on Spitzer observations. Section 7 shows
how Magellanic Cloud PNe can forward the field of Galactic PNe also, by framing the
calibration of the Galactic PN distance scale. Finally, in §8, we present a summary and
future endeavors in this field.

2. Progress since the last IAU Symposium

In the last decade the field of Magellanic Cloud PNe has advanced greatly in several
directions. The use of systematic ground-based surveys has allowed the discovery and
spectroscopic confirmation of many more Magellanic Cloud PNe, more than doubling
their known population size. About 230 PNe were known in the LMC (Leisy et al. 1997)
at the time of the last Magellanic Clouds IAU Symposium (Dopita 1999), while recently
Reid & Parker (2006) have identified ∼700 PN candidates in the LMC, ∼300 of which
have been spectroscopically confirmed (Reid & Parker, this volume). In the SMC, Jacoby
& De Marco (2002) analyzed the ∼60 PNe that define a complete sample 6 magnitudes
down the planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF) cutoff for the central 2.8 deg2
of the SMC. This makes the SMC the first galaxy where PNe are resolved, and the
PNLF features can be studied and interpreted based on a magnitude-limited, complete
population. Ground-based spectroscopy is essential not only to confirm a target as a bona
fide PN, but also to analyze the plasma and determine the elemental abundances. In the
last decade, thanks especially to the work of Leisy & Dennefeld (2006), and Costa et al.
(2000), and Idiart et al. (2007) also, a large database of Magellanic Cloud PN abundances
has become available.
Space astronomy has been essential to forward the field of Magellanic Cloud PNe.
The extensive use of the HST, which has the capability of resolving them spatially,
allowed morphological studies of extragalactic PNe, and made their central stars directly
observable. Central stars of Magellanic Cloud PNe have been studied in detail by Villaver
et al. (see §5), and, given the known distances of Magellanic Cloud PNe, it had been
possible to locate quite accurately these stars on the HST diagram for direct comparison
with the stellar evolutionary tracks. Ultraviolet spectroscopy has allowed the detection
of carbon emission lines in Magellanic Cloud PNe (Stanghellini et al. 2005), and the
derivation of their carbon abundances.
As Spitzer has become available, the IR spectra of Magellanic Cloud PNe became
observable, affording dust studies both in imaging (Hora et al. 2008) and spectroscopy
(Stanghellini et al. 2007); furthermore, Spitzer spectroscopy reaches out to many atomic
transitions that are elusive in the optical, allowing precise abundance calculations
(Bernard-Salas et al. 2004, 2008). Another important aspect that has advanced in the
field of Magellanic Cloud PNe is the publication of sets of stellar models, both synthetic
(Marigo 2001, and this volume) and evolutionary (e.g., Karakas & Lattanzio 2007), based
on initial conditions that reflect those of the Magellanic Cloud populations. These mod-
els give the yields of the element of stellar evolution in relation to the few final thermal
pulses, when the PN is ejected, thus are readily comparable with the PN observations.
The wealth of new data and models make the Magellanic Cloud PNe the ideal lab-
oratory to study LIMS populations and evolution at various metallicities; these have
been used to explore, and trying to answer, some open questions in the field on PNe, in
Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae 423

Table 1. Magellanic Cloud PN morphology.

round 29% 35%
elliptical 17% 29%
bipolar 34% 6%
bipolar core 17% 24%
point-symmetric 3% 6%

particular, the focus has been on the different PN morphologies, and how these originate
and evolve; the chemistry of PNe as they evolve in different metallicity environments,
and how do they contribute to cosmic recycling; the evolution of the PN central stars
(CS); the PNLF in the Magellanic Clouds, and how can it be used to constrain and scale
the extragalactic distance scale; the role of dust in PNe in PN ejection, evolution, and
morphology, and the nature of dust in PNe of different metallicities; finally the use of
Magellanic Cloud PNe as calibrator of the Galactic PN distance scale. In the next few
sections we will explore several of these topics.

3. Magellanic Cloud PN morphology and the evolutionary connection

Planetary nebula morphology reveals the evolutionary history of the final phases of
the LIMS life. Magellanic Cloud PNe are on average 0.5 arcsec across, thus they are
spatially resolvable only with observations from space. In the last decade many samples of
Magellanic Cloud PN images have been acquired with the HST, forming a large database
to study the morphological evolutionary connection (Shaw et al. 2001; Stanghellini et al.
2003; Shaw et al. 2006). These studies include 114 LMC and 35 SMC PNe, representing
approximately 2/3 of all Magellanic Cloud PNe known at the time of these surveys,
and populate the 5 bright magnitude bins of the PNLF (in terms of mλ5007 ). Shapes of
Magellanic Cloud PNe can be grouped into four major classes, round, elliptical, bipolar,
and bipolar core (or ring) PNe, just as their Galactic counterparts. In Table 1 we show
the statistics of the morphological types of Magellanic Cloud PNe, where we enlarge the
sample described above by including the PNe already observed with the HST by Dopita,
Vassiliadis, and collaborators (see Dopita 1999) We note that asymmetric PNe (bipolar
PNe, and those ones showing other asymmetries such as bipolar cores) are much more
common in the LMC than the SMC, and, in particular, the number of bipolar PNe in
the SMC is very low.
The origin of PN morphology can be ascribed to the mechanism of mass ejection at the
tip of the AGB and to the condition of the circumstellar medium at that evolutionary
phase: The round and most elliptical shapes can be formed, according to hydrodynamic
models, via ballistic expansion. On the other hand, the evolution into bipolar shape of the
AGB ejecta needs the presence of an equatorial enhancement, at the time of the envelope
ejection. What creates the conditions for the enhancement is still controversial. Most of
the models for highly asymmetric PN evolution involve either rotation and magnetic fields
(Garcı́a-Segura 1997), or common-envelope (CE) processes (Morris 1981; Soker 1998).
The former set of models agree with a progenitor-mass dependency of morphological evo-
lution, while the latter set of models, those involving the CE evolution, are mass indepen-
dent, since the chance of close binary evolution unlikely depends on the progenitor mass.
The Magellanic Cloud data have helped to clarify that the process forming bipolar
PNe is necessarily mass dependent for the majority of observed bipolar PNe. It had
been shown that asymmetry is related to higher LIMS mass. From stellar evolution
424 L. Stanghellini
we know that the third dredge-up, and the hot bottom burning process, occur only in
the most massive AGB stars (M/M⊙ > 3–4). These processes have the net effect to
reduce carbon and enhance nitrogen (and N/O) both in the Magellanic Cloud and the
solar-metallicity models (Marigo 2001; Karakas & Lattanzio 2007). In Table 2 we show
the average abundances of the key evolutionary elements for those Magellanic Cloud
PNe whose morphology have been classified via the HST images. The abundances are
from Leisy & Dennefeld (2006) excluding uncertain values. Carbon abundances are also
from Stanghellini et al. (2005) and from new ACS prism spectra (Stanghellini et al., in
preparation). The averages are given for whole samples, and for the morphological groups
of symmetric (round and elliptical), and asymmetric (bipolar core and bipolar), PNe. For
the LMC, the sample of bipolar PNe is large enough to have a separate entry for this
specific type. It is evident that PN chemistry closely correlates to their morphology. A
look at the LMC averages in Table 2 shows that carbon is depleted in asymmetric PNe,
whereas nitrogen is strongly enriched.
Figure 1 shows the averages and ranges of the N/H ratios in SMC (Z = 0.004), LMC
(Z = 0.008), and Galactic (Z = 0.016) PNe, plotted against the galaxy metallicity. The
Galactic data are from Stanghellini et al. (2006). There is no doubt that, whatever makes
the asymmetric PNe acquire their shape, it has to be closely correlated with the nitrogen
yield, and this, in turn, is correlated with the progenitor mass, for all metallicities. There
are few bipolar PNe with low nitrogen (and/or high carbon) abundance. In these cases,
the mechanism forming the bipolarity is mass-independent, and could be ascribed to CE
evolution, following close binary interaction. Interestingly, binary evolutionary models
show that close binary evolution does not enhance nitrogen nor deplete carbon (Izzard

Figure 1. Average nitrogen abundances in the populations of SMC, LMC, and Galactic PNe
with known morphology, plotted against the mean galaxy metallicity. Averages are plotted with
filled circles and squares for symmetric (round and elliptical) and asymmetric (bipolar core and
bipolar) PNe respectively. Bars represent data ranges.
Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae 425

Table 2. Evolutionary connection.

<C/H> ×104
whole sample 2.49±2.18 3.71±3.66
round, elliptical 3.96±2.00 4.55±3.86
bipolar core, bipolar 2.10±2.13 2.00
bipolar 0.47±0.45 ...

<N/H> ×104
whole sample 1.48±1.75 0.29±0.33
round, elliptical 1.00±1.35 0.18±0.68
bipolar core, bipolar 2.30±1.99 0.65±0.87
bipolar 2.68±2.11 ...

round, elliptical 0.57±0.89 0.12±0.09
bipolar core, bipolar 1.31±1.45 ...
bipolar 1.54±1.61 ...

et al. 2006), thus can not describe the formation of the majority of SMC, LMC, and
Galactic bipolar PNe.

4. Abundances in Magellanic Cloud PNe, and metallicity gradients

The abundance of oxygen, neon, and other α-elements in Magellanic Cloud PNe probes
the chemical environment at the time of PN progenitor formation, since α-elements
can be considered primordial, as they are mostly produced in massive stars in primary
nucleosynthesis, and not in LIMS. From the literature selection described in the previous
section we looked at the primordial element distribution in Magellanic Cloud PNe. In
Figure 2 we show the distribution of oxygen and neon in the LMC (open symbols)
and the SMC (filled symbols) PNe, where morphological types have been also coded.
The correlation is well defined, as expected from elements in lockstep evolution. The
average Ne/O ratio is <Ne/O > = 0.17 ± 0.09 both for the LMC and the SMC, while
it is 0.27 in Galactic PNe (Stanghellini et al. 2006). The lower ratio at low metallicity
shows that oxygen and neon abundances do not always scale with metallicity in lockstep.
We have checked the PN abundance distribution of α-elements across the face of the
Clouds, looking for a metallicity gradient. We have not found a clear metallicity gradient
in either Cloud, nor a relation between α-element abundance and the location of the
star forming regions. The morphological type distribution across the LMC has also been
studied (Stanghellini et al. 2002) to show no particular morphological segregation, in
agreement with a short crossing time of these galaxies compared to the timeframe of
LIMS evolution.

5. Central stars of Magellanic Cloud PNe

The direct imaging of central stars (CS) of Magellanic Cloud PNe is only possible
through space imaging. Villaver et al. (2003, 2004, 2007) have analyzed ∼50 LMC and
SMC CS images acquired with STIS and WFC2 on the HST, and, by measuring their
luminosity and temperature (with the aid of ground-based spectroscopy), estimated the
426 L. Stanghellini
masses of ∼20 CS. Villaver et al. (2007) determined that <M/M⊙ >= 0.65±0.1 both
for the LMC and the SMC PNe, which is slightly higher than what has been estimated
for Galactic CS. The possible reason why Magellanic Cloud CS are more massive than
their Galactic counterparts is that, at lower metallicity, the mass loss at the TP-AGB
is less efficient (Villaver et al. 2003, 2004). Interestingly, Villaver et al. found no clear
cut relation between stellar mass and PN morphology, indicating that by the time the
superwind is over there is no longer memory of the initial stellar mass.
The CS of the Magellanic Cloud PNe are among the few CS with known distances. As
such, they offer the opportunity to test the PNLF, and, in particular, to see which type of
stars illuminates the PNe that populate the high luminosity cutoff of the PNLF, which is
used to calibrate the extragalactic distance scale. In Figure 3 we show the relation between
the measured PN radii and the CS luminosities in the Clouds. Stellar and nebular data
are from the papers quoted above. We see that the brightest CS are those hosted by
compact PNe in both the LMC and the SMC, with Rphot < 0.5 pc. This is expected,
as the evolution of central stars (on the HR diagram) follows a luminosity plateau right
after PN ejection, and then evolves toward the WD cooling line. Nonetheless, this effect
has never been shown empirically before, since the distance of Galactic PNe are too
uncertain for these types of studies. Central stars have masses between ∼0.55 and 1.4
M⊙ . We found that the stars populating the bright end of the PNLF are those with
M ∼ 0.65–0.7 M⊙ , rather than the most massive ones.

Figure 2. Neon vs. oxygen abundances, in log scale, for LMC (open symbols) and SMC (filled
symbols) PNe. Shape of symbol indicates morphological type; Circle: round, diamonds: elliptical,
triangles: bipolar core, squares: bipolar, and small circles: unknown morphology PNe.
Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae 427
6. Dust in Magellanic Cloud PNe
The study of dust in Magellanic Cloud PNe had become possible with the launch of the
Spitzer Space Telescope; only a few bright Magellanic Cloud PNe were within observing
reach with earlier technology. The IRS/Spitzer spectra in the 1–4 µm range had proven
essential to study both the circumstellar dust and gas (Bernard-Salas et al. 2004, 2008;
Stanghellini et al. 2007) at a distance of ∼50 kpc. The importance of studying dust in
PNe resides in the fact that mass loss occurring toward the end of the AGB phase is
still not completely understood. Theoretical studies indicate that the pressure on the
dust grains produces the mass loss at the AGB tip (Willson 2000), and that mass-loss
efficiency is directly proportional to metallicity, through the dependence of the absorption
coefficient. The data available to date seem to agree with this correlation: there are fewer
obscured AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds than in the Galaxy (Groenewegen et al.
2000); the C-rich to O-rich ratio of AGB stars is higher at lower metallicity (Cioni &
Habing 2003); and, as discussed in §3, there are fewer aspheric PNe in the SMC than in
the LMC, showing that asymmetry is rarer in lower metallicity environments.
On this basis, Stanghellini et al. (2007) examined a homogeneous sample of IRS spectra
to determine the IR/dust properties of the Magellanic Cloud PNe whose morphology had
been previously determined through the HST images. Half of the analyzed spectra are
featureless, except for the nebular emission lines and a weak dust continuum; the other
half shows dust features in the form of solid state emission superimposed on the dust
continuum. In most cases the solid state features are recognized as carbon-rich dust
emission such as SiC and PAH, while oxygen-rich dust signatures were observed only in
three PNe.

Figure 3. CS luminosities vs. PN physical radii, for LMC (open symbols) and SMC (filled
symbols) PNe. Shape of symbol indicates morphological type as in Fig. 2.
428 L. Stanghellini
In Figure 4 we show how the dust features in the IRS spectra correlate with the
chemistry of nebular gas, and with morphology. Both panels show the IR luminosity
(derived from a black-body fit of the dust continua, after subtracting the solid state
features and the nebular emission lines) versus the carbon abundance of the PNe. Symbols
in the left panel characterize the dust properties, while on the right panel they indicate
the different PN morphologies. Symbols in the right panel are the same as in Figures 2 and
3, while in the left panel triangles indicate featureless, diamonds carbon-rich dust, and
squares oxygen-rich dust PNe from the IRS spectra. In both panels, open symbols indicate
LMC, and filled symbols SMC, PNe. From the left panel we infer that most featureless
IRS spectra PNe (triangles) are in the lower luminosity part of the diagram, possibly
indicating the rather short time span in which solid state features can be observed after
PN ejection. This is also confirmed by the dependency of the features on the nebular
radii (Stanghellini et al. 2007). It is evident from the Figure that the carbon-rich dust
PNe (diamonds) correspond to higher carbon abundances, and oxygen-rich dust PNe
(squares) are those with low carbon. The right panel shows that all round and elliptical
PNe (circles and diamonds) correspond to carbon-rich dust, or featureless, IRS spectra,
and none of the oxygen-rich dust PNe are round or elliptical. The differences in gas
and morphology between LMC and SMC PNe is clear in Figure 4, where most of the
SMC PNe whose carbon abundances and IRS spectra are available are either round or
elliptical, with carbon-rich dust.
Comparison of the IRS data with the literature disclosed a sharp difference between
dust features in the Magellanic Cloud and Galactic PN populations, in that all observed
Galactic PNe show solid state features (Garcı́a-Lario et al., in preparation). The ratio of
carbon-rich dust to oxygen-rich dust PNe is ∼11 in the SMC, ∼4.5 in the LMC, while
it is estimated to be close to unity in the Galaxy (Garcı́a-Lario et al., in preparation),
indicating that the population metallicity has enormous impact on AGB dust formation.

Figure 4. IR Luminosity vs. carbon abundance of Magellanic Cloud PNe. Left panel: dust
properties (triangles: no dust features; diamonds: carbon-rich dust; and squares: oxygen-rich dust
PNe). Right panel: morphology (circles: round; diamonds: elliptical; squares: bipolar, triangles:
bipolar core PNe). In both panels, open symbols are for LMC, and filled symbols for SMC, PNe
(adapted from Stanghellini et al. 2007).
Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae 429
7. Magellanic Cloud PNe as distance calibrators
There are ∼1800 PNe in the Galaxy (Acker et al. 1992), but their distances are un-
certain with the exception of a few PNe where a cluster or binary membership could be
established. To get the distances of most Galactic PNe it is customary to use relations
between physical parameters, and calibrate these relations with the parameters of the
few PNe with known distances. The most recent calibrations of the surface-brightness to
ionized-mass scale (Daub 1982; Cahn et al. 1992) constitute the most used catalogs of
PN distances. Nonetheless, even the best calibrations are based on very few data points,
as model-independent Galactic PNe distances are few. On the other hand, there are more
than a hundred PNe in the Magellanic Clouds whose ionized-mass and surface-brightness
are available through HST observations, and they can be used to calibrate the Galactic
scale. Stanghellini et al. (2008) have shown that the re-calibration is reliable, and found
distances for hundreds of Galactic PNe with the new scale. The resulting distances are
in excellent agreement with the Galactic parallaxes and cluster membership distances.

8. Future endeavors
The past decade has proven incredibly productive in the field of Magellanic Cloud
PNe, especially thanks to space and ground-based surveys that have become available.
Large databases have allowed the exploration of the PN abundances, yields, central stars,
evolution and tracing of the different populations of PNe. Systematic studies of LMC
and SMC PNe disclose the tight connection between dust, gas, and morphology. Dust
production in AGB and post-AGB stars is directly related to metallicity. It seems that, for
the most part, symmetric PNe are the progeny of the lower end of the LIMS mass range,
while bipolarity is associated with the higher-mass progenitors, thus the mechanism that
produces bipolarity must depend on progenitor mass, in most observed cases.
An initial set of abundances have become available in this decade, and hopefully will
be expanded soon to include all known Magellanic Cloud PNe. The new abundance
databases will include the IR emission lines, thus be less dependent on the ionization
correction factor modeling that is typically used to obtain elemental concentrations. The
use of a refurbished HST will be very important to extent the morphological approach.
There are many other aspects of the Magellanic Cloud PN field that could not have been
explored in this paper, but in particular the comparison between the PN properties, and
those of their progenitors (AGB stars) and progeny (WD) in a complete evolutionary
scheme is the most interesting avenue for future discoveries. Models of the stars and
nebulae together, including dust, will eventually encompass observations of the whole life
and death of the LIMS at different metallicities, to directly understand the contribution
of LIMS to galaxies in terms of their mass, metallicity, and observing wavelength.

Thanks to the Organizers for a very interesting Symposium, and to my collaborators
for their input in the work presented here.

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