Validation of A High Cycle Fatigue Model
Validation of A High Cycle Fatigue Model
Validation of A High Cycle Fatigue Model
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: An in-house developed software is proposed to study structures made of cast alloy and subjected to high-
Received 24 July 2014 cycle fatigue. This in-house developed software is based on the implementation of a probabilistic two-
Received in revised form 10 December 2014 scale model for high cycle fatigue life prediction. To validate the proposed approach, calculation/test
Accepted 17 December 2014
comparisons at the scale of an engineering component (i.e., copper alloy sand cast ship propellers) have
Available online 31 December 2014
been performed.
So, the first part of the present paper concerns the description of the model for fatigue life prediction
and of the fatigue tests performed on two marine propellers. In a second part, the performance of the
Probabilistic two-scale model
Crack initiation
proposed model is estimated by comparing experimental and theoretical results in the case of full-scale
Casting defects fatigue tests. The results are then discussed and analyzed.
Sand cast aluminum bronze Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Full-scale fatigue tests
0142-1123/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Ezanno et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 74 (2015) 38–45 39
with k(M), the density of active sites for each point M in the consid-
ered domain, X.
In this paper, it is assumed that k(M) follows a power law of the
equivalent stress amplitude, R0 ðMÞ,
1 hR0 ðMÞ Q i
kðMÞ ¼ ; ð3Þ
V 0 S0 a pm ðMÞ
where V 0 Sm
0 , a , Q and m are four material parameters and hi is
Table 2 1
Characteristics of the population of defects on an analyzed surface of 98 mm2. pm ðMÞ ¼ TraceðRm Þ; ð5Þ
Area of analyzed Total number Mean size of Cumulated area of
surface (mm2) of defects defects (lm) defects (mm2)
where Rm is the average stress tensor depending on the cyclic load-
ing path, RðtÞ, and B is a fourth order operator given by
98 789 15.9 0.22
B ¼ J þ 2b K; ð6Þ
initial micro-flaws is taken into account by an indirect approach with b⁄ a material parameter. K and J are the projector operators in
(i.e., the shape, the size and the distribution are not ingredients
of the model). When a cyclic loading is applied to the material, hydrostatic and deviatoric spaces, respectively, defined by the
micro-plasticity appears around different cast defects. It is following equations
assumed that this micro-plasticity governs the fatigue damage ini- 1
tiation [20]. As shown by [20], none of the defects are identical so K:R¼ TraceðRÞI; ð7Þ
that the micro-plasticity appears for different stress levels around
the defects. Fig. 4 shows a schematic representation of the evolu- J : R ¼ R K : R; ð8Þ
tion of the mean number of active sites (i.e., defects all around
which micro-plasticity occurs) as a function of the loading where I is the unit tensor.
amplitude. In the present study, the weakest link theory is considered [25]
To describe the micro-plasticity activity, a set of elasto-plastic which is usually done in high-cycle fatigue domain. Thus, the prob-
inclusions (in the mechanical sense of the term), randomly distrib- ability of failure initiation, PF, is equal to the probability of finding
uted within an elastic matrix, is considered [21,22]. It is assumed at least one active site in the considered domain, given by
that a Poisson Point Process describes the activation of the sites.
Then, the probability, Pk(X), of finding k active sites in a domain
PF ¼ PkP1 ðXÞ ¼ 1 Pk¼0 ðXÞ: ð9Þ
X of volume VX is given by [23,24] By using Eq. (3), the probability of failure initiation reads
k m
V eff hRF Q i
Pk ðXÞ ¼ exp½NðXÞ; ð1Þ PF ¼ 1 exp ; ð10Þ
k! V 0 S0 a pmF
Number of active sites
Loading amplitude, Σ0
Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the activation of the sites versus the loading amplitude [11].
A. Ezanno et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 74 (2015) 38–45 41
where V eff ¼ V X Hm is the effective volume, pmF ¼ MaxX ðpm ðMÞÞ and
RF ¼ MaxX R0 ðMÞ , the maximum values, in the domain X, of the
hydrostatic pressure and the equivalent stress, respectively [26].
The stress heterogeneity factor, Hm, is given by
1 hR0 ðMÞ Q i S0 a pmF
Hm ¼ dV: ð11Þ
VX X hRF Q i S0 a pm ðMÞ
The mean fatigue limit, R1 , and the standard deviation, R1 , are
then given by, respectively
dPF V0 m 1
R1 ¼ RF
dRF ¼ ðS0 a pmF Þ C 1þ þ Q; ð12Þ
0 dRF V eff m
Z 1 dP
R1 ¼ R2F R1
2 dRF
0 dRF
1 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
V0 m 2 1
¼ ðS0 a pmF Þ C 1þ C 1þ ; ð13Þ
V eff m m
where CðpÞ ¼ 0 t p1 expðtÞdt is the gamma function [27]. Eqs.
(11) and (12) account for volume and stress heterogeneity effects
associated to the Weibull model [28,29].
Finally, the S–N–P curve (i.e., amplitude Stress–Number of
cycles to failure–Probability of failure) associated with a failure
probability, PF, is given by [11]
NðPF Þ ¼ ; ð14Þ
hR R1 ðPF Þi2
grating point of each finite element. The average stress is obtained where Ne is the finite element basis function and He the heterogene-
via a minimization procedure defined by ity factor determined at each node, j, of the considered finite ele-
2 0sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi13 ment and given by
Rm ¼ MinX 4Maxi¼f1;...;ng @ Ri X : B : ðRi XÞA5: ð15Þ !m
2 hR0 jj Q i S0 a pmF
H e jj ¼ : ð19Þ
hRF Q i S0 a pm jj
From the practical point of view, the algorithm proposed by
Yildirim [30] has been used to solve this minimization/maximiza- Finally, in the case where the probability, PF, is not null, the
tion problem. Then, the equivalent stress amplitude, R0 , can be number of cycles to fatigue initiation, Pu, is obtained by combining
calculated at each integrating point by Eqs. (10) and (14)
42 A. Ezanno et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 74 (2015) 38–45
This section deals with the description of the fatigue tests per- 5.2. Fatigue tests
formed on the two ship propellers. First, the experimental equip-
ment and the main technical choices are presented. It should be The high-cycle fatigue model proposed in this paper is based on
noted that the objective of these tests is not to reproduce a loading an initiation criterion. Consequently, the fatigue tests on the pro-
representative of the hydrodynamic loading seen by a ship propel- peller blades are carried out up to crack appearance. It implies
ler in service [13]. But our objective is to perform fatigue tests with the choice of a crack detection technique as well as the definition
well-controlled boundary conditions facilitating the comparisons of a critical crack length for the quantification of the number of
between experimental results and the numerical predictions. The cycles at initiation.
experimental set-up is then validated by comparison of some In this work, one considers initiation to be as soon as at least
experimental results under static or cyclic loading and elastic finite one crack of minimum length equal to 3 mm is detected. This cri-
element simulations. Finally, the results of fatigue tests obtained terion allows full-scale experimental fatigue results to be linked to
on the two ship propellers are given. model predictions obtained with small characterization specimens.
Among the existing different crack detection techniques, the
5.1. Experimental equipment and experimental setup only one able to respect this criterion, while keeping in mind that
the studied area is quite large, is penetrant testing. Fig. 10 illus-
The fatigue test consists in applying a cyclic bending loading on trates this technique applied in the case of a blade propeller.
each propeller blade separately thanks to two antagonist servo-
hydraulic actuators (Fig. 6). Each actuator is linked to the propeller
with a sling. Moreover, the direction of the loading (i.e., direction of
the axes of the hydraulic actuators) has been chosen to be normal
to the surface of the blade at force application point.
Fig. 7 shows the location of the force application point on the
blade. This point has been chosen as the intersection between
the blade reference line, which passes through the center of all
the sections of the blade, and the section at 0.7 times the maxi-
mum radius, R0, of the propeller (Fig. 7). For an average propeller,
it is in this section that the hydrodynamic thrust is maximum [31].
So particular attention has been paid to the design of the con-
nection between, on the one hand, the propeller and the bracket
stiffener and, on the other hand, the blade and the two slings
(Fig. 6). Fig. 7. Definition of the location of the force application point.
Fig. 6. Experimental setup for fatigue tests on a patrol boat propeller blade.
A. Ezanno et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 74 (2015) 38–45 43
ratio (Table 3). In the next part, these results are compared to the
predictions of the aforementioned high-cycle fatigue model.
Fig. 10. Penetrant testing on a blade for fatigue crack detection: suction side of a blade after 140 000 cycles under ±50 kN.
44 A. Ezanno et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 74 (2015) 38–45
Table 3
Experimental results of fatigue tests on propeller blades.
Propeller Loading ratio Amplitude loading Number of cycles to Total number of Number of initiated
number R (kN) initiation cycles cracks
Port propeller 1 1 ±50 – 135 000 2
2 1 ±50 105 000 140 000 4
3 1 ±45 165 000 220 000 5
4 1 ±40 600 000 700 000 10
Starboard 1 1 ±40 300 000 500 000 8
propeller 2 0.1 40 ± 33 600 000 700 000 9
3 0.1 41.5 ± 34 350 000 550 000 8
4 – – – – –
Table 4
The tests used for the calibration of the six material parameters.
Material parameters The tests used for the identification Identified value
V 0 Sm
Mean fatigue limit under torsion at Rr ¼ 1 6.5 1017 mm3 MPa7
Q S–N–P curve under tension–compression at Rr ¼ 1 26 MPa
m S–N–P curve under tension-compression at Rr ¼ 1 7
b⁄ S–N–P curve under tension-compression at Rr ¼ 1 0.1
A S–N–P curve under tension-compression at Rr ¼ 1 2.67 109 MPa2
a⁄ Mean fatigue limit under tension-compression at Rr ¼ 0:5 1.1
P =90%
Predicted number of cycles
PF=50% ous part of this paper. Indeed, for the two cyclic loadings with a
at initiation, N a exp
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