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An Autonomous Institution under the aegis of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India

School of Corporate Law


This Certificate Course is aimed to enable ON CORPORATE LAW (ONLINE)
the participants in acquiring basic, yet
comprehensive understanding of the
concepts of Corporate Laws, with a flavor of August 2024 - January 2025
practical perspective wherever needed by
• Providing a wide angle overview of
• The Course delivery will be through virtual classes in the Learning Management System (LMS).
corporate laws in accordance with the
• Online classes are easily accessible on all devices including Smart Phones.
Companies Act, 2013 including the
latest Amendments, • No working experience required
• Much needed clarifications on • Comprehensive 120+ Hours of virtual classes.
corporate laws, rules and regulations. • Experienced Faculty of National and International Repute
• Enabling the development of critical • Well developed course material with Presentations.
and analytical abilities in the area of Application can be submitted over an e-mail at [email protected] cc to [email protected] in soft copy
Corporate Law. with all relevant enclosure. There is no need to send hard copy due to COVID 19. Payment through
DD has to be send by post or courier.

Seventeenth Batch : August 2024 - January 2025
Registration Open : 12 June 2024

Last Date for Registration : 28 July 2024


Commencement of Classes : 04 August 2024

More Details :


The Course is specifically designed for • Offered by Institute established by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (Government of India)
Lawyers, In-House Counsels, Chartered • Explore new career avenues with certificate course as a value addition to the resume.
Accountants, Company Secretaries, Cost & • Access to soft copy of structured course literature spreading into 45+Units and 10 Modules
Work Accountants, Government Officials, • Option to watch the recorded videos online
Academicians, Managers, Chief Executive • Online face to face introductory session of 6 hours on the first day of the course
Officers, Company Directors, Prospective • Continuous assessment and feedback with interactive learning through LMS
Entrepreneurs & Students. • Access to state of art IICA Campus during the course
• Access to in house faculty throughout the duration of course for clarification of doubts etc.
• Review after end of the each module by in house faculty of IICA. 1

Module-I Unit-1: Key differences between the Act of 1956 and 2013
Unit-2: Types of Companies
NATURE, INCORPORATION & Unit-3: MoA & AoA Related Principles
STRUCTURE OF COMPANY Unit-4: Incorporation of Company and Its procedure

Module-II Unit-1: Introduction to Corporate Finance

Unit-2: Share Capital
Unit-3: Debentures and Bonds
Unit-4: Raising of Capital & Prospectus
CORPORATE FINANCE Unit-5: Capital Markets: Introduction
Unit-6: Private Placement
Unit-7: Call of Shares, Dividends and Buyback of Securities

Module-III Unit-1: Introduction to Directors and Board Meeting

Unit-2: Shareholder's Meetings
Unit-3: Shareholder's Agreement and Related Party Transactions
MANAGEMENT AND Unit-4: Oppression and Mismanagement Including Class Action Suits
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Unit-5: Auditors: Appointment, Removal, Powers and Duties
Unit-6: Corporate Governance

Module-IV Unit-1: Introduction to CSR & CSR under Companies Act, 2013 and CSR Rules
CSR & E-GOVERNANCE Unit-2: CSR Project Appraisal and Accounting and E-governance initiatives in corporate
law (MCA 21)
(MCA 21)

Module-V Unit-1: Regulation of Stock Exchanges and Trading of Securities: Securities Contract
(Regulations) Act, 1956 (SCRA)
Unit-2: Introduction to SEBI and Securities Appellant Tribunal (SAT)
SEBI AND INVESTOR Unit-3: Securities in Electronic Form/DEMAT/Depositories Concept
PROTECTION Unit-4: Intermediaries and their regulation for investor protection

Module-VI Unit-1: Listing/De-Listing and Listing Regulations

Unit-2: IPO: Issue of Capital & Disclosure Requirements Regulations, 2009
CAPITAL MARKETS AND ITS Unit-3: Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999
Unit-4: Complaints Mechanism and Insider Trading

Module-VII Unit-1: General Principles of Corporate Liability

Unit-2: Liability of Directors and Key Managerial Persons (KMP) under Companies Act,
2013 Concept of Officer in Default.
Unit-3: Corporate Frauds
CORPORATE LIABILITY Unit-4: Investigation of Corporate Frauds by SFIO
Unit-5: Inspections and Inquiry
Unit-6: Penalties and Compounding of Offences

Module-VIII Unit-1: Restructuring & Re-Organization

Unit-2: Mergers & Amalgamation
Unit-3: Acquisition & Take-Over
RESTRUCTURING AND Unit-4: Winding Up: by National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) and Voluntary Winding up
WINDING UP Unit-5: Rehabilitation and Revival of Sick Companies
Unit-6: Official Liquidator: Role, Appointment & Responsibility

Module-IX Unit-1: Introduction to ADR: Concept, advantages etc.

Unit-2: Arbitration Clause/Agreement
ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE Unit-3: Arbitration Mechanism in Stock Exchanges
RESOLUTION Unit-4: International Commercial Arbitration

Module-X Unit-1: Fundamental of IPR

Unit-2: Protections available under IPR Regimes.
FUNDAMENTALS OF IPR AND Unit-3: Commercialization and Monetization Technology Transfer: Regulatory Issues
COMPETITION LAW Unit-4: Introduction to Competition Law

EXAMINATION & ASSESSMENT: # Subject to latest notification of Government of
The online certification in Corporate Law provides for a India on the date of the payment.
continuous assessment where the learners will get an
opportunity to learn, to understand and self-assess * Early Bird Discount: Candidates registering on or
their skills and knowledge. Thus, the learning will be th
before 11 July 2024 would get a discount of Rs.
holistic in nature through scheduled live-virtual 3,000/- i.e. if the fee is Rs. 35,400 with applicable
classes by the subject matter experts for each of 10
GST you have to pay Rs. 31,860/- with
applicable GST if the payment is made on or
The Assessment would be done on the following before 11th July 2024
parameters: ## Multiple Registration Discount only for
sponsored candidates: 20% discount on the course
S. NO. EXAMINATION WEIGHTAGE (%) fee for every next participant from the same
organization (for instance if ABC Co. recommends
1 Online MCQ exams (after end 20
of each module (10 tests) two candidates, fees paid would be Rs. 59,000/- for
2 Online Mid-Term Examination 20 the first candidate and Rs. 47,200/- for the second
(at the completion of 3 months and thereafter).
and / or 5 modules of the
at the end of six months

At the end of the course the learners would earn: Interested applicants may register themselves by
following the procedure as follows:
* Certificate of Participation (who complete the
whole course without online final examination)
1. To Register: CLICK HERE
* Certificate of Completion (who completes the
2. Make Payment. (Payment Mode: Online)
whole course including the online final 3. Update your profile post registration by clicking
examination at the end of the course) on the link given at the bottom of the registration
4. Email the copy of Bachelor’s Degree and Valid
Student ID* (in case of student category) to
The applicant must be a graduate in any stream [email protected]
(including 4th year students of 5 year professional
*Any Candidate registering in student category without
course in law) from any recognized University/
valid student ID will be registered in Individual Category
Educational Institute.
and have to pay the difference in fee amount
Tuition INR 48,000 INR 38,000 INR 28,000
For more details, Contact Us:
INR 2,000 INR 2,000 INR 2,000 Course Director, School of Corporate Law,
Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA)
Taxes# Plot No. 6,7,8, Sector -5, IMT Manesar,
INR 9,000 INR 7,200 INR 5,400
(18%) Gurugram, Haryana 122050
Phone: 0124 - 2640088/2640100
Total INR 59,000 INR 47,200 INR 35,400 Over an e-mail only @ [email protected] 3

Dr. T. K. Vishwanathan Mr. Parveen Kumar Adv. Anuroop Omkar & Dr. Naveen Sirohi
Chairperson, Partner,
Adv. Kritika Krishna Murthy, Head,
Bankruptcy Law Reform ASA & Associates LLP,
Committee, Govt. of India Mediators School of Finance, IICA
Chartered Accountant
Mr. Amit Pradhan Ms. Anjali Agarwal Dr. Garima Dadhich, Dr. Pyla Narayana Rao
Partner & Head Associate Professor, School of Associate Professor,
Executive Diector,
Capital Market & Business Environment, IICA School of Corporate Law,
IBBI Stock Exchange Services IICA
Prof. Sunderram Korivi Mr. N.K Jain Dr. Raman Mittal Mr. Mukesh Kumar
Associate Professor
National Institute of Partner, Sr. Program Executive,
Faculty of Law,
Securities Management Global FinServe LLP University of Delhi NFCSR, IICA

Mr. G. P. Madaan Mr. Manoj Kumar Sharma Mr. Kunal Mehri Mr. Ashish Makhija
Madaan Law Offices, STA, Partner, Dua Associates, Advocate,
New Delhi Ministry of Corporate Affairs Gurgaon Supreme Court of India

Mr. Bandopadhyay Mr. Anand Abhishek Mishra Mr. Vaibhav Gaggar

Mr. Deepak Kukreja
Regional Director, CS/Legal, Managing Partner,
Partner, DMK Associates
Eastern Region, MCA Arcelor Mittal Indian Pvt. Ltd. Gaggar and Associates

Prof. Ravi Agarwal Mr. Hemant Kumar Mr. Kartik Jain Mr. Amit Sikri
CICP, Associate,
Vice Dean (Academic), Associate Company Secretary,
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Jindal Global Business School India Pvt. Ltd. J Sagar & Asscoaites New Delhi

Ms. Kavita Rai Mr. Sanjay Shorey Mr. M. M. Juneja Dr. A.P Dash,
Company Secretary Director, Joint Director, CCI, Senior Faculty,
Ministry of Finance New Delhi NTPC School of Business
Dr. Niraj Gupta,
Mr. M. Sathya Kumar Mr. Satwinder Singh Mr. Aravind Venugopal Associate Professor & Head,
Chartered Accountant, Partner, Senior Associate, School of Corporate Governance
Chennai Vaish Associates Khaitan & Co. and Public Policy, IICA

*Subject to there availablity

The Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA), an autonomous institute, works under the aegis of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to deliver
opportunities for research, education, and advocacy. It is a think tank that curates a repository of data and knowledge for policy makers, regulators
as well as other stakeholders working in the domain of Corporate Affairs. Key activities carried out by IICA include induction and in-service training to
Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS) officers, capacity building and training programmes, policy advisory functions, public outreach and stakeholder
consultants through seminars, conference and forums. IICA also supports Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) initiatives on all matters relating to
Corporate Affairs. Anticipation of corporate needs for effective functioning, reviewing corporate laws for effective amendments to cater to evolving
business environments, exploring new paradigms such as investor education, and periodic reviews and updation of definitions, components and
activities related to corporate governance are other prominent initiatives of the Institute.


School of Corporate Law (SCL) is one of the five Schools at IICA that
has established a niche of scholarly research in the field of
corporate and allied laws by corralling renowned experts in the
field, professionals and academicians. SCL provides for policy
insights into government legislation on the edifice of the current
epoch of rapid economic expansion and strategic knowledge
dissemination in corporate Law. The school has a distinction of
organising colloquiums for Hon'ble members of National
CompanyLaw Tribunal (NCLT) and many training programs for
officers of the Ministry , SFIO and PSUs.

Course Coordinator Dr. Pyla Narayana Rao, Associate Professor
Pramod Jangra : 0124-2640088, 2640100
+91-9467334336 : +91-7042712183
[email protected] : [email protected]


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