Probate Complaint Filed For Damages & For Elder Abuse

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Nicholas D.

Yonano, CSB #157277 ALEO/ENDORSED

I oc�_22��
2 4944 Windplay Drive, Suite 119
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Tel: (916) 817-4422 By: K, Jot,, :..,,.n
o _____
o,p�ty ,;;erk
4 Fax: (916) 817-4433
E-mail: [email protected]
Attorney for Plaintiff MATTHEW J. BAKES



) CASE NO. �4�202 0-0 028 78 20

13 ____________ )
MATTHEW J. BAKES, an individual, ) AND INVALID
16 )
Plaintiff, )
17 )
vs. )
19 )
individual; and DOES 1 - 20, )
inclusive, )
11 )
Defendant. )
23 ) (Welfare & Institutions Code
) Sections 15610.30, 15610.07,
24 ) 15657.5)



COME NOW plaintiff MATTHEW J. BAKES ("plaintiff'), beneficiary of The
2 Trust (hereinafter "Trust"), and interested person of the estate of John J. Bakes
(hereinafter "decedent" and "settlor"), and hereby complains of damages for financial
elder abuse pursuant to Welfare & Institutions Code Section 15610.30 and 15657.5
and for judgment declaring trust revocation as void and invalid.
Standing and Jurisdiction

8 1. Plaintiff has standing to bring this action pursuant to Probate Code

9 sections 24, 48, and 17200, and Welfare & Institutions Code Section 15657.3. Plaintiff
10 is a beneficiary of the Trust and an interested person and heir of the decedent and
decedent's estate.
2. Venue and jurisdiction is proper in the County of Sacramento, State of
California, pursuant to Probate Code Sections 17000, 17003, 17004, and Code of Civil

Procedure Section 410.10, in that defendant resides and works in the County of

16 Sacramento, and decedent passed in the County of Sacramento, and further, there

17 are probate proceedings in the County of Sacramento for his estate.

18 Notices
3. The named beneficiaries of the Trust, relationship to settlor, and the last
known addresses, are:
a. Matthew J. Bakes, son
2031 Beckett Drive

24 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762



28 2

2 b. Christopher J. Bakes, son

1412 Mipaty Lane
Carmichael, CA 95608

C. Barbara Bakes, spouse

8 4130 61st Street

9 Sacramento, CA 95820
4. On or about September 25, 2019, settlor John J. Bakes ("settlor")

12 executed a declaration of trust titled and known as The 1994 Fennessy Family Trust

13 (hereinafter "Trust"). At the same time, settlor also executed a pour-over will, whereby
14 the residue of his estate would be transferred to the Trust. The named beneficiaries of
the Trust, provided they survived settlor, which they did, are plaintiff, as to the
distribution of the real property owned by settlor's trust at 4130 61st Street,
Sacramento, CA, and Barbara Bakes, his surviving spouse, as to personal property.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays judgment against defendants as herein set forth.



22 5. Plaintiff incorporate paragraphs 1 through 6 herein by reference and

further alleges:
6. Decedent was over the age of 65 and was and elder at all times relevant
to this action as defined in Welfare & Institutions ("W&I") Code Section 15610.27 for
purposes of W&I Code Section 15610.30.
28 3
and further, was under the undue influence of defendant. This instrument should be
2 declared to have no legal effect and the trust which it attempts to revoke should be
declared to be valid in all respects.
17. Attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein is a copy of the Trust

6 declaration. Attached as Exhibit B and incorporated herein is a copy of the Last Will,

7 described herein. Attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein is a copy of the

8 purported revocation of trust.

WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing, plaintiff respectfully prays:

11 1. For an Order of this Court finding that defendant CHRISTOPHERJ. BAKES

12 committed financial elder abuse upon settlor John J. Bakes, and for a finding
that said abuse was committed with malice and intent to defraud and for a
wrongful use.
2. For an Order of the Court declaring that the revocation described herein is
invalid and void as it was executed without capacity to do so and while the

18 settlor was under stress and the undue influence of defendant, and that

19 defendant shall be found to have predeceased settlor pursuant to Probate

20 Code Section 259;
3. For attorneys' fees and punitive and double damages as well as costs;
4. For such other relief in petitioner's favor as the Court deems proper.
Dated: October 22, 2020

. Yonano, Esq.
26 Attor e or Plaintiff
28 6
1 7. On or around June 24, 2020, defendant took steps to influence settler
2 and have him sign a revocation of his trust. It is unknown at this time if defendant
proceeded to have a revocation of the will executed as well, but defendant recently
flied a petition for letters of administration whereby he failed to indicate that there was
an existing valid will.
8. Settler passed away on June 28, 2020, just four days after the revocation

8 was purportedly signed. At the time that he purportedly signed the revocation, settler

9 was suffering from significant mental and physical deficits, and was diagnosed by
10 health care providers and others who were caring for him, to be unable to understand
what was going on or to understand and control his actions. In fact, settler was
exhibiting anger and impaired decision-making, as well as hallucinations, delusions,
and paranoid behavior. Settlor was also showing signs of forgetfulness, and memory
deficits, according to a Sutter Health visit report.

16 9. As a result of defendant's actions, settlor was damaged in that his trust

17 and prior estate plan which provided for distribution of his assets according to his
18 intentions, was purportedly revoked and his intentions for distribution of his assets was
10. Defendant took, secreted, appropriated, obtained, and retained property
of the settler for a wrongful use and with intent to defraud settlor. Defendant took these
actions in violation of Welfare & Institutions Code Section 15610.30, to settler's harm

24 as well as the harm of their children. As settler was incapacitated at the time of the

25 acts and died just four days later, the Trust was essentially irrevocable and had
26 confirmed settler's desire for distribution of property.

28 4
1 11. Defendant's above-described conduct is defined in and governed by,
among other provisions, California Welfare & Institutions Code ("W&I") Sections
15610.07, 15610.27, 15610.30, 15610.53, 15610.57, 15657.5, 15657.6, 15670.

5 12. As described herein, pursuant to W&I Code Sections 15610.07,

6 15610.30, and 15657.5, defendant committed financial elder abuse upon settlor.

7 13. As a legal and proximate result of the acts of defendant, settlor, the Trust
and plaintiff as the expected beneficiary, have suffered general damages in the sum of
at least $200,000.
14. The above-described conduct of defendant was willful and malicious and

12 was intended to cause injury to settlor and plaintiff. Plaintiff is therefore entitled to an
13 award of exemplary or punitive damages. Moreover, plaintiff is entitled to attorneys'
fees pursuant to Welfare & Institutions Code Section 15657 .5. Further, defendant
should be deemed to predecease settlor as a result of his actions, pursuant to Probate
Code Section 259.

18 WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays judgment against defendants as herein set forth.

15. Plaintiffs incorporate paragraphs 1 through 14 herein by reference and
further alleges:

24 16. The trust revocation purportedly executed by decedent and settlor shortly
25 before his passing should be declared void and invalid as decedent did not have the
capacity to understand and execute this document and was incompetent at the time,

28 5
I, Matthew J. Bakes, assert and state as follows:
I am a plaintiff in this action and a named beneficiary of the trust described in
the attached complaint. The matters contained in the foregoing complaint are true and
correct to the best of my own knowledge, except as to the matters stated therein on

8 information and belief or as allegations, and as to those matters, I believe them to be

9 true.
10 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct under
the laws of the State of California.
Executed on October ')...O, 2020 at El Dorado Hills, California.



16 Matthew J. Bakes










28 7
Exhibit A






;916i 674-2066

• I
Table of Contents

Article One Establishing My Trust ............................................... 1 ·1

Section 1.0 I Identifying My Trust.......................::....................: ...: ........... � .. 1-1
Section J .02 Third-Party Reliance on Affidavit or Certification of .
Trust ....................................................................................... 1-1
Sectioft 1.03 • Transferriqg Property to My Trust... ...................................... 1-1
Section 1.04 Distributions of Income and Principal ......... . ......................... 1-2
Section 1.05 Powers Reser"ed by Me as Settler......................................... 1-2

Article Two Famify Information ..................................................... 2-1

Section 2.01 My \1/ifc ...................................................... ........................... 2-1
Section 2.02 My Children and Descendants ............................................... 2-1
Section 2.03 Disinherited Natural Heirs ..................................................... 2-1

Article Three Trustee Succession ................................................... 3·1

Section 3.01 Definition of Incapacity ....................................................... .. 3- l
Section 3.02 Trustee Succession Outing Incapacity .............. ..................... .'- I
Section 3.03 Trustee Succession After Death ...................... ....................... 3-1
Section 3.04 Trustee Resignation, Removal, and Appointm�nt ................. J-1
Section 3.05 Prohibition Against SNT Beneficiary Serving as
Trustee.................................................................................... J-2

Article Four Administration of My Trust During Incapacity ........ 4-1

Section 4.01 Definition of My lnca. pacity ............. , ..... :.. ·.:... ::·.. :.::..:: ..... ;....... 4-1
Section 4.02 Dis�but,iµns;fpr.!viy Benefit .................................................. -t-1
Section 4.03 Intent to Return Home ........................................................... 4-2
Section 4.04 Distributions for Gitting Purposes .............................·............ -t-2

Article Five Administration Upon My Death ................................ 5-1

Section 5.01 hrevocability.......................................................................... 5-1
Section 5.02 Payment of My Claims and Expenses ..................... .............. 5- l

Article Six Specific Distributions and Tangible Personal

Property ...................................................................... 6-1
Section 6.0 l Specific Distribution to MATTHE\V BAKES ...................... (}- I

Section 6.02 Distribution of Remaining Tangible Personal Propi:ny ......... 6- l


MncFarlane Legal. Im:.

Estate Phmning. Probat{'. and Trust Admini:1lrati1'n
970 I Fair Oak:- 8(>ule,·ard. Suil,· I 00. F;iir Ouk;-;. C.·\ 9�62X. ,_:
, I

Plum,' \916) 674•:!066 • Fax· (91(,) 471-0495

• Section 6.03
Section 6.04
Section 6.05
Definition of Tangible Personal Property .............................. 6-1
Ademption.............................................................................. 6-1
Incidental Expenses and Encumbrances ................................ 6-1

Article Seven Residuary to Named Beneficiaries ........................... 7-1

Section 7.01 Division of My Residuary Trust Estate ................................. 7-1
Section 7.02 Funding Shares on a Non-Pro Rata Basis ............................. 7-1

Article Eight Remote Contingent Distribution ............................... 8-1

Article Nine Supplemental Needs Trust. ........................................ �-·1

Section 9.01 Distributions of Income and Principal........'..; .. ., ......., ............. 9-i
Section 9.02 Definition of Supplemental Needs ... : ............................. :....... lJ-2
Section 9.03 to ·Promote Independence of Beneficiary .............. 9-2
Section 9.04 Not Available Resource to Beneficiary ................................. 9-3
Section 9.05 Distribution Guidelines .......................................................... 9-4
Section 9.06 Use of Care Manager ............................................................. l>--l
Section 9.07 No Seeking of Order to Distribute ......................................... lJ-6

Section 9.08 Indemnification of Trustee When Acting in Good Faith ....... 1.J-6
Section 9.09 Termination and Distribution of Supplemental Needs
Trust ....................................................................................... 9-6
Section 9. I 0 Distribution Upon the Death of Beneficiary .......................... 9-7
Section 9.11 Waiver of Court Invasion of Principal ................................... 9-7
Section 9. 12 Prohibition Against Beneficiary Serving as Trustee .............. 9-7
Section 9.13 Limitation on Power to Remove and Replace Trustee .......... cJ. 7
Section 9 .14 No Power to Elect Optional Unirrust ..................................... CJ-8
Section 9.15 No General Power of Appointment ....................................... 9-8
Section 9.16 Application of Article ............................................................ lJ-8

Article Ten Administration of Trusts for Underage and

Incapacitated Beneficlariei;..... ;.'. .............................. 10 :- 1
Section l 0.01 Distributions for Underage and Incapacitated ..' ·
Beneficiaries .....·........ : ..............: ................. :.. :....... :.:::... .-.'..... I 0-1
Sectio� 10.02 Mer.hods of Distribu1f on.,:................................................... l ll-1
• •- • •• � \ i, :I I

Article Eleven Trust Administration, Trustee Powers, and

Trust Protector Provisions ...................................... 11-1
Section I 1.01 ApportionmentofDeath Taxes ............................................ I I-I
Section 11.02 Distributions to Bencficiarits .............................................. I I· I

Section I 1.03 f\o Court Proceedings .......................................................... 11-1


Macfarlane Legal. Inc.
Estate Planning. Probate, and Trust Admini�ralion
970 l Fair Oaks Boulevard, Suite l 00. Fair Oak�, CA 95628
Pho11<'. (916) 67+2066 • Fnc (916) 47J.0495
Table of Contents

Article One Establishing My Trust ............................................... 1 ·1

Section 1.0 I Identifying My Trust.......................::....................: ...: ........... � .. 1-1
Section J .02 Third-Party Reliance on Affidavit or Certification of .
Trust ....................................................................................... 1-1
Sectioft 1.03 • Transferriqg Property to My Trust... ...................................... 1-1
Section 1.04 Distributions of Income and Principal ......... . ......................... 1-2
Section 1.05 Powers Reser"ed by Me as Settler......................................... 1-2

Article Two Famify Information ..................................................... 2-1

Section 2.01 My \1/ifc ...................................................... ........................... 2-1
Section 2.02 My Children and Descendants ............................................... 2-1
Section 2.03 Disinherited Natural Heirs ..................................................... 2-1

Article Three Trustee Succession ................................................... 3·1

Section 3.01 Definition of Incapacity ....................................................... .. 3- l
Section 3.02 Trustee Succession Outing Incapacity .............. ..................... .'- I
Section 3.03 Trustee Succession After Death ...................... ....................... 3-1
Section 3.04 Trustee Resignation, Removal, and Appointm�nt ................. J-1
Section 3.05 Prohibition Against SNT Beneficiary Serving as
Trustee.................................................................................... J-2

Article Four Administration of My Trust During Incapacity ........ 4-1

Section 4.01 Definition of My lnca. pacity ............. , ..... :.. ·.:... ::·.. :.::..:: ..... ;....... 4-1
Section 4.02 Dis�but,iµns;fpr.!viy Benefit .................................................. -t-1
Section 4.03 Intent to Return Home ........................................................... 4-2
Section 4.04 Distributions for Gitting Purposes .............................·............ -t-2

Article Five Administration Upon My Death ................................ 5-1

Section 5.01 hrevocability.......................................................................... 5-1
Section 5.02 Payment of My Claims and Expenses ..................... .............. 5- l

Article Six Specific Distributions and Tangible Personal

Property ...................................................................... 6-1
Section 6.0 l Specific Distribution to MATTHE\V BAKES ...................... (}- I

Section 6.02 Distribution of Remaining Tangible Personal Propi:ny ......... 6- l


MncFarlane Legal. Im:.

Estate Phmning. Probat{'. and Trust Admini:1lrati1'n
970 I Fair Oak:- 8(>ule,·ard. Suil,· I 00. F;iir Ouk;-;. C.·\ 9�62X. ,_:
, I

Plum,' \916) 674•:!066 • Fax· (91(,) 471-0495

• Section 6.03
Section 6.04
Section 6.05
Definition of Tangible Personal Property .............................. 6-1
Ademption.............................................................................. 6-1
Incidental Expenses and Encumbrances ................................ 6-1

Article Seven Residuary to Named Beneficiaries ........................... 7-1

Section 7.01 Division of My Residuary Trust Estate ................................. 7-1
Section 7.02 Funding Shares on a Non-Pro Rata Basis ............................. 7-1

Article Eight Remote Contingent Distribution ............................... 8-1

Article Nine Supplemental Needs Trust. ........................................ �-·1

Section 9.01 Distributions of Income and Principal........'..; .. ., ......., ............. 9-i
Section 9.02 Definition of Supplemental Needs ... : ............................. :....... lJ-2
Section 9.03 to ·Promote Independence of Beneficiary .............. 9-2
Section 9.04 Not Available Resource to Beneficiary ................................. 9-3
Section 9.05 Distribution Guidelines .......................................................... 9-4
Section 9.06 Use of Care Manager ............................................................. l>--l
Section 9.07 No Seeking of Order to Distribute ......................................... lJ-6

Section 9.08 Indemnification of Trustee When Acting in Good Faith ....... 1.J-6
Section 9.09 Termination and Distribution of Supplemental Needs
Trust ....................................................................................... 9-6
Section 9. I 0 Distribution Upon the Death of Beneficiary .......................... 9-7
Section 9.11 Waiver of Court Invasion of Principal ................................... 9-7
Section 9. 12 Prohibition Against Beneficiary Serving as Trustee .............. 9-7
Section 9.13 Limitation on Power to Remove and Replace Trustee .......... cJ. 7
Section 9 .14 No Power to Elect Optional Unirrust ..................................... CJ-8
Section 9.15 No General Power of Appointment ....................................... 9-8
Section 9.16 Application of Article ............................................................ lJ-8

Article Ten Administration of Trusts for Underage and

Incapacitated Beneficlariei;..... ;.'. .............................. 10 :- 1
Section l 0.01 Distributions for Underage and Incapacitated ..' ·
Beneficiaries .....·........ : ..............: ................. :.. :....... :.:::... .-.'..... I 0-1
Sectio� 10.02 Mer.hods of Distribu1f on.,:................................................... l ll-1
• •- • •• � \ i, :I I

Article Eleven Trust Administration, Trustee Powers, and

Trust Protector Provisions ...................................... 11-1
Section I 1.01 ApportionmentofDeath Taxes ............................................ I I-I
Section 11.02 Distributions to Bencficiarits .............................................. I I· I

Section I 1.03 f\o Court Proceedings .......................................................... 11-1


Macfarlane Legal. Inc.
Estate Planning. Probate, and Trust Admini�ralion
970 l Fair Oaks Boulevard, Suite l 00. Fair Oak�, CA 95628
Pho11<'. (916) 67+2066 • Fnc (916) 47J.0495
• Section 11.04
Section 11.05
Section 11.06
Section 11.07
Section I 1.08
No Bond ............................................................................... I I - l
Trustee Exoneration ............................................................. I 1-1
Trustee Compensation ......................................................... J l -2
Exercise of Testamentary Power of Appointment ............... i 1-2
Detennination of Principal and Income ............................... I 1-2
Section 11.09 Appointment of Independent Trustee ............... :.................. r 1-2
Section 1 1.10 Funeral and Other Expenses of Beneficiary ........................ 11-2
Section 1 1.11 Infonnation to Beneficiaries ................................................ I 1-3
Section I I . J 2 ·
Action of Cotrustees ............................................................ 11-�
Section 1 I . I 3 Trustee Authority to Disclaim or Release Powers ............... 11-4
Section t 1.14 Appointment of a Cotrustee ................................................. I 1-4
Section I 1.15 Appointment of Agent......................................................... 1-4
Section 11.16 Additions to Separate Trusts ................................................ I 1-4
Section l 1.1 7 Authority to Tenninate Trusts ............................................. J 1-4
Section 11. J 8 Beneficiary·s Siatus ............................................................. 1-5
Section 11.19 Lending Po\vers ................................................................... I 1-5
Section 11.20 My Trustee's Pov.,ers ...............1 ...... , .................................... 11-5
Section 11.21 Waiver of Court-Ordered Invasion of Principal .................. I H,
Section I 1.22 No Power to Elect Optional Uni trust ....... ,. ..;.: .......: ....... : ...... 11-6
Section 11.23 Provisions t01 Trust.Protector.............. :............................... I i-6

• 't • ,: • • ••:••I•,,:, •� \ :• ! •, �- : . • 1- I

Article Twelve General Provisions .................................................. 12·1

Section 12.01 Maximum Term for Trusts...................................... ............. 12-1
Section 12.02 Spendthrift Provision ........................................................... 12-1
Section 12.03 Contest Provision ................................................................. 12-1
Section 12.04 Survivorship Presumption .................................................... 12-2
Section 12.05 Changing the Governing Law and Situs of
Administration ..................................................................... 12-1
Section 12.06 Definitions............................................................................ 12-2
Section 12.07 General Provisions and Rules of Construction .................... 12-S


Macfarlane, Inc.
Estate Planning, Proba1e. and Trust Administration
9701 fair Oaks Bouk,·,ml. Suitt! 100, fair Oaks. C.-\ 9562!<
Phom►: {916) 674-2066 • Fax: (9 l {,) .p 1-0-l95
• Section 11.04
Section 11.05
Section 11.06
Section 11.07
Section I 1.08
No Bond ............................................................................... I I - l
Trustee Exoneration ............................................................. I 1-1
Trustee Compensation ......................................................... J l -2
Exercise of Testamentary Power of Appointment ............... i 1-2
Detennination of Principal and Income ............................... I 1-2
Section 11.09 Appointment of Independent Trustee ............... :.................. r 1-2
Section 1 1.10 Funeral and Other Expenses of Beneficiary ........................ 11-2
Section 1 1.11 Infonnation to Beneficiaries ................................................ I 1-3
Section I I . J 2 ·
Action of Cotrustees ............................................................ 11-�
Section 1 I . I 3 Trustee Authority to Disclaim or Release Powers ............... 11-4
Section t 1.14 Appointment of a Cotrustee ................................................. I 1-4
Section I 1.15 Appointment of Agent......................................................... 1-4
Section 11.16 Additions to Separate Trusts ................................................ I 1-4
Section l 1.1 7 Authority to Tenninate Trusts ............................................. J 1-4
Section 11. J 8 Beneficiary·s Siatus ............................................................. 1-5
Section 11.19 Lending Po\vers ................................................................... I 1-5
Section 11.20 My Trustee's Pov.,ers ...............1 ...... , .................................... 11-5
Section 11.21 Waiver of Court-Ordered Invasion of Principal .................. I H,
Section I 1.22 No Power to Elect Optional Uni trust ....... ,. ..;.: .......: ....... : ...... 11-6
Section 11.23 Provisions t01 Trust.Protector.............. :............................... I i-6

• 't • ,: • • ••:••I•,,:, •� \ :• ! •, �- : . • 1- I

Article Twelve General Provisions .................................................. 12·1

Section 12.01 Maximum Term for Trusts...................................... ............. 12-1
Section 12.02 Spendthrift Provision ........................................................... 12-1
Section 12.03 Contest Provision ................................................................. 12-1
Section 12.04 Survivorship Presumption .................................................... 12-2
Section 12.05 Changing the Governing Law and Situs of
Administration ..................................................................... 12-1
Section 12.06 Definitions............................................................................ 12-2
Section 12.07 General Provisions and Rules of Construction .................... 12-S


Macfarlane, Inc.
Estate Planning, Proba1e. and Trust Administration
9701 fair Oaks Bouk,·,ml. Suitt! 100, fair Oaks. C.-\ 9562!<
Phom►: {916) 674-2066 • Fax: (9 l {,) .p 1-0-l95

Article One
Establish·1rig My ·Trust

The date of this revocable trust agreement is z

'.·;-: 'i ?_, .. '- , 20_. The partie�
to this agreement are JOHN J. BAKES (the •'Settlor") and JOHN J. BAKES and
MATTHEW BAKES (my "Trustees"}.
By this agreement, I intend to create a valid trust under the laws of California and under
the laws of any state in which any trust created under this agreement is administen:<l.

Section 1.01 Identifying My Trust

My trust is called the "JOHN J. BAKES LIVING TRUST." However. the fi.11lowing fnnnat
should be used for taking title to assets: "JOHN J. BAKES and MATTHEW BAKES.
Trustees of the JOHN J. BAKES LIVING TRUST, dated ::r-;· 2 S '.' .. . 20
and any amendments thc:rnto."

During any period that my trust is a Grantor Trust, the taxpayer identification 11umher 1.1 (
my trust may be my Social Security number, in accordance with Treasury Rcgul.ition
Sections 301.6109-1 (a)(2)(i)(B) and 1.6 7 l-4(h)l2)(i)(A) .
. .
Section 1.02 Third-Party Reliance on Affidavit or Certification of Trust
l'yiy Ti:u stees may provide an affidavit or <;ertification of trust to third pat1ics in lil.!u or
providing a copy of this agrttauet1u;;rhit�;:part1'es'lfrc exonerated from any liability for ;tCIS
or omissions in reliance on the affidavit or certification of trust, and for the applk;iti1.111 1ha1
my Trustees make of funds or other property delivered to my Trustees.

Section 1.03 Transferring Property to My Trust

By execution of this agreement, I transfer, convey, and assign to my Trustee. the 1rw,1
property described on Schedule A, attached to this agreement, and my Trustee accept:- ;md
agrees to hold such property under the terms of this agreement. My Trustee may accept
any additional property transferred to my trust, at any time, induding as the n.:�ult ,if a
beneficiary designation.
To the extent California law allows. any joint tenancy interest conv�yed to 111y tru�I wi 11
sever the joint tenancy. creating a separate propctty interest.
To the extent CaJifomia law aJlows, all community property conveyed to my tru:;t will
retain its character as cummuniry property to the same extent as jf it had nnt been �on, -:y\:'d
to my trust.

• JOH;--.; J. BAKES Ll\'l�G TRL'ST ·

:.. .. ., MacF.-:ufa;,� 't.egaJ,. It;�..
Esfai�'pfo�h�nf Pto�h�. a�d j-��I ,\clmini�tmtil1n
970 I Fair Oaks Boule,.:ard. Suite l 00, Fair Oaks.CA 956�};
Phun.•: (9 Io) 674-20M • fo.r. (916) 4 71-0495
• To the extent California law allows, all tenan-.y by the entirety property conveycJ to m�'
trust will retain its charucter as tenancy by the entirety property to the same extent a� if it
had not been conveyed to my trust.
Section 1.04 Distributions of Income and Principal
During my lifetime, my Trustee will dishibute to me or for my benefit. as much tif the
income and principal of my trust as I demand, or, in the absence of a demand. as mut:h as
my Trustee detennines. in my Trustee's sole, absolut�. and unrevicwabk disc.:retion.

Section 1.05 Powers Reserved by Me as Settlor

. �: . •. �. ·. ,·

I retain t_he powers set forth ,i.n·JhlS

. Sect➔�-'fo a'ddi{ion to any powt:rs that I rcsern: i n <.•tha
provisions of this agreement.
(a) Action on Behalf of My Trust
During any period that I am serving as a Trustee of my trust. I may act on
behalf of my trust without the consent of any other Trustee.
(b} Amendment, Restatement, or Revocation
By a signe<l writing, J may amend, restate, or revoke this agreement. in
whole or in part. for any purpose whatsoever, so long us neither my nor my
wife's rights and interests in community property are modifit.:d, unless my
,vife joins in the amendment or restatement.
An agent acting under a power of attorney for property may exercise the
powers in this subsection (b) to the extent the power of attorney s(1
authorizes. The agent's good-faith acts or omissions are t;onclusivc on all
persons interested in the trust and the agent will not be liable for the
(c) Addition or Removal of Trust Property
Without limitation, I may add and remove property from my trust:

;. ( d) Approv �;,' �f,J ?.r,,:!�,�,tP�fi.shms

l may review· and change my Trustee's investment decisions: howc\ er. my
Trustee is not required to seek. my c1pproval before making investm�nt


Mal'.Farlane Legal. Inc
Estate Pl.inning. Probate. and Trust Administration
9701 fair Oaks Boult�\·ard. Sulll.' 100. Fuir Oaks. CA Q562X
Phone. (916) 674-2066 • FcLr: <916)➔7 !-�95
• Section 2.01 My Wife
Article Two
Family Information

1 am married to BARBARA KIERBOW BAKES. We were man-ied on February 14 . .:!OOlJ.

Any reference in this agreement to ·•my wife'' is to BARBARA KIERBOW BAKES.
Section 2.02 My Children and Descendants
I have four children:
CHRISTOPHER BAKES (bom June 17. 1956)
WILLIAM BAKES (born December 13, 1958; deceased)
MATTHEW BAKES (born May 4, 1961)
:. ANNIE BA�E-� (bQ�_Fep�_9ry 2,f?,: 19.?�!.r -,
All references in this ag��e�c-�t to .. "rny·
children·· include all of these children. \\ h.:thcr
living or deceased.

In addition, "my children" includes any children subsequently born to or legally u,foptcJ
References to descendants" are to my children und their Jescendant� .
However, I am specifically disinheriting CHRISTOPHER BAKES and ANNIE BAKES
and their descendants. TI1erefore, for the purposes of this agreement, CHR ISTOPII ER
BAKES and ANN IE BAKES and their descendants are presumed to hav..: pn�dcl:\!ascd m1:.

Section 2.03 Disinherited Natural Heirs

and PA YTRA DAVIS are natural heirs, I intentionally have not named them .is
beneficiaries in this agreement.


MacFarlan� Legul. ltK.
Es1a1e Planning. Probate, and Trust :\dmmi,tratil)n
9701 Fair Oaks Boulevard. Suite I 00, Fair Oaki:. C,\ <J5t>2X
Phon,•: (916} 674-2066 • Fa.r: ('>16J- nl-(J495
• Section 3.01
Arti�J�- Thr�e
Trustee: Su-�c-ession
Definition of Incapacity
For purposes of this Article, any person, including me, is considered incapacitati:d if the
requirements of Section J.:!.06(e) arc satisfied.

Section 3.02 Trustee Succession During Incapacity

If I am incapacitated, I appoint the following. in the order named. 10 serve as Trustee of
my trust, replacing the serving Trustee:
Section 3.03 Trustee Succession After Death
After my death, r appoint the following. in the order named, lo serve as Trustc� of my 1ru�L
replacing the serving TJ"Ustee, and over any trust created under this agreement:

Second: BARBARA KIER BO\.\'._ �t' K1E� ;· .,
. . ·. . · ,'

Section 3.04 · ._Trustee Re'signation,. Removar, and Appointment

If f am serving as Trustee, l may resign and appoint a replacement at ,my time. Any t 1 1her
Trustee may resign by giving notice to me, or if I am incapncitated. Ill my agent. If I am
deceased, a resi1:,111ing Trustee will give notice to the income bcn�tkiark:,; of th� trust and
to any other Trustee then serving.
Any of the following may remo\'e and replace any Trustee and till a Trustee \'a�un<.:y, with
or without cause, at any time:
(i) me;
(ii) if I am incapacitated, a majority of my children that I have not disinherited under
other provisions of this agreemt!nt:
(iii) if l am incapacitated. the person acting as my agent under a JJl)Wcr tif ::itt,,rnl.':,. i'l,r
(iv) the Trust Protector;
(v) if I am incapacitatc<l. the person C()Urt-appointed for me as Conserntor:
(,·i) the primary beneficiary of any trust created undt!r this agreement as it r.:latc:; 11 1 ,h�
Trustc.:e of that trust; or

I •

MacFarlan� Legal. Inc.
Estate Planning. Pn1bu1c:. and Trust Adminisiratkm
9701 Fair Oaks l'h1ule,·,ud. Suite 100, fair Oaks. C:A '>561!!
Plume: 1916) 67-4-2066 • firx: (916) •Pl-0495
• (vii) a court, upon petition by a beneficiary, so long as the court do�s not acquire
jurisdiction over the trust in excess of that necessary for the uction requested.
Anyone listed may act and may negate the actions of those further down in the lis1. A
primary beneficiary may not be self-appointed as Trustee. A ·Trust Protector may ,wt he
self-appointed as Trustee and may not simultaneously sen·e as Trust Protector and Trustee.
The right to remove a Trustee under tl)is Section may riot be deemed to grant to any person
h,olding right any of.� of that trustee. If a beneficiary is a minor or is
incapacitated, the parent or legal representative of the beneficiary may act on bd1alfof th�
The replacement of a Trustee under this Section 3.04 does not invoke the Trustee
succession provisions of Section 3.02 or Section 3.03, rather the name of the nppl1i11tc<l
Trustee under this Section replaces the name of the removed Trustee under the Trustcl.'
succession provisions.
Notice of removal must be in writing and delivered to the Trustee being removed. to any
other Trustees then serving, and to the primary beneficiary of the trust. The remo,·al will
become etlective according to the provisions of the written notice.
Notice of appointment must be in writing and delivered to the appointed Trusrcc. to any
other Trustees then serving, and to the primary beneficiary of the trust. The ..ippnimment

will become effective at the time of acceptance by the appointed Trustee.
Other than me and anyone who otherwise has a then-exercisable generul power or
appointment over the trust in question. if any person holding the power lo remove anc.l
replace a Trustee or fill a Trustee vacancy is a transferor or beneficiary (as dcfim:d in
Section l 2.06(h)) of the trust in question, then a replacement �rustce or a Trust:ec to· tiH �
vacancy, may only be appointed with a Trustee that is .not related or subordinate fri thi:
. person within the meaning of Section 672.(�} ot)]l� Internal Revenue Code; and if .i Tru:-tc�
is rev:ioved and ·a replacem_ept ,T1;ustee. is appointed, the replacement Trustee must
co1nmcnce· service simultaneously with the ·removal of the removed Trusn.:c.

Section 3.05 Prohibition Against SNT Beneficiary Serving as Trustee

Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, under no circumstam:es may the
beneficiary of a share of my trust estate that is being administered pursuant to the l�rni:,; of
Article Nine. entitled •·Supplemental Needs Trust," ser\'c as Trustee of that share.


Macfarlane I . .:gal. Inc:.
Esta1.: Plaru1ing, Probate. und ·1 rust Ad111inis1rali1,n
9701 Fair Oaks aoulcrnid. ·suilc·I00, f;iir 0.1ks. CA 95.h28
. ''Plia,ii/ ·j91. �f674.-
- �IJ66 • 'F',i.�: i9
. I 6) 4? 1-0➔ 95
• Article Four
Administration of My Trust During Incapacity
While I am incapacitated, my Trustee will administer my trust and distribuh! its nc1 i111:omc
and principal as provided in this Article.
Section 4.01 Definition of My Incapacity
For purposes of this Article, I am considered incapacitated if I am unable to cfli!cti\·ely
manage my property or financial affairs because of age,. illness. n:icntal dis\1r<l1:r.
dependence on prescription medications or -other substances; or a'ny- ·�1thcr �uusl:'. -as
detennined by my Trusteet it� my Tru_stee;'s .. sQ,l,e, ���oltJte, and unreviewable discr�tion.
--��- · .... � .. � ,,:,,1 ':.: �' -�:�- ... �

Section 4.02 Distributions· for My Benefit

My Trustee may make distributions for my benef it to any one or more of the following:
(i) me. but only if I am able to munage the distributions:
(ii) other persons and enrities for my use and bt:nefit:

(iii) the person acting as my agent under a power of attorney for property: ,.tnd
(iv) the person court-appointed for me as Conservator.
My Trustee will distribute income and principal for my general welfare and comfort. In
particular, my Trustee may make distributions for any of the following:
(a) If I am Hospitalized
My Trustee may make distributions to ensure that I have a le!\·d of �an:
beyond that which would ordinarily be provided in a hospital. For examph:,
my Trustee may pay for a private room m other more lu:mrious
accommodations in the hospital. In addition, my Trustee may make
distributions to pay for registered or practical nurses, or other caregivers,
· · · u:-.
appropriate to supplement the regular l�vel of hospital care.
(b) If I Requir� Home Carft •· .. :, .... . . ·
., 1.
prefer to rc.fT!�j�--i�:-�y 'o";if'hoine
a�'d .rec�ivc care at home as long as
reasonably possible. My Trustee may make distributions to pay for :1id\,'l-.
caregivers, nursing care, home improwments. and medical ·equipmc:nt that
may be required for my care or to assist with daily living and to ensure that
I can independently and safely live at hum!!.
(c) If Assisted Living or Nursing Home is Required
If it is no longer safe or reasonable for me to n.:c�i, c care in my home. m�

Trustee may make distrihutions to pay for my care in an assisted lh·it1g


Macfarlane legal. In�.
Esune Planning. Probate, and Trust Adminis1r:11i0n
970 I Fair Oaks Boull!'v,1rd. Sui,� 100. Fair Ouks. CA CJ:-6.:!8
Phonl': 1916) 674-2066 • Fw:· (()It,) 471-0495
• facility, nursing home, or other residential-care facility. My Trustee will
personally monitor, or will hire, at the expense of the trust, a care manager
or other qualified person who will monitor, or supen·ise the monitoring of
my care to ensure that 1 am receiving the highest quality of care in the mo::;t
comfortable surroundings reasonably available.
(d) Caregivers to be Hired as Needed
IfI require assistance with my activities of daily living, whether at home. in
an assisted living facility, nursing home, or other facility, my Trustee may
use trust assets to hire supplemental nursr:s, aides. Hospice. or other
(e) Spiritual Needs
My Trustee may provide for the involvement of clergy or spiritual leaders
in my care. My Trustee may make distributions to pay for my memberships
in religious or spiritual organizations. Also, my Trustr:c may aml�ge and
pay for participation in activities of those organizations to dcJive comfbrt
and spiritual satisfaction.
Section 4.03 Intent to·Return:Hom·e

If I require care that prevents me from living at home. it is my intent to return homl.!.
regardless of the prognosis for being able to do so.

Section 4.04 Distributions for Gifting Purposes

My Trustee may make gifts to my wife and to my descendants. including my Truste1:. in
order to carry out my estate and long tenn care planning obj�ctivcs. Further. my Tru:;tcc
may make distributions to my agent under a power of attorney for property for the purpose
of making gifts as authorized in the power of attorney, or to assist my agent in carrying out
my estate and long term care planning objectives.


MacFarlanc l.cgal, Inc.
Estate Planning. Probate. and Trus1 A<lmini,1rntion
9701 Fair Oaks Uoulevard, Suite: 100. Fair Oak$, CA 9562X
Pho nL·· (916) 674-:?060 • Fax: l<>lo) 471-0495
• Section 5.01
Article Five
Administration Upon My Death
My trust wiU become irrevocable upon my death, and my Social Security number may no
longer be used to identify my trust. My Trustee will apply for a separate Taxpayer
Identification Number for my trust, as needed.
Section 5.02 Payment of My Claims and Expenses
My Trustee, in my Trustee's sole, absolute, and unreviewable discretion. is authori:,,.ed. hut
not directed, to pay:
(i) expenses of my last illness, funeral, and burial or cremation. including cxpcma:s of
memorials and memorial services:
(ii) legally enforceable claims against me or my estate;
(iii) expenses of administering my trust and my estate: and
(iv) court-ordered allowances for those dependent upon me.

No third party may enforce any claim or right to payment pgainst my trust by virtue of this
discretionary autho1ity. My Trustt:c may not pay any administrative �xpenscs from a�,er:.
passing to an organization that qualifies for the federal estate tax charitable deduction.
.. . ' f .
. ••· $o "'.. . .. . .
By authorizing my Trust_ee to.,mak.e payments described in this Section, I do not thl'r1.·by
waive'any-statutory or common l�w exemption atforded to any asset from s::1tisfoctio11 or
such payments (for example. from life insurance proceeds payable to my trust).

• ·.· , JOH.NJ ..... .- s-·tlVl!\'

.. ·. ,.:, .... .BAKES , · . G.1-RUST
MacFarlanl! L,:gal. In�.
Est:ite Planning. Probate. and Tru�t Administration
970 I fair Oak!- Boulevard. Suit� I 00. Fair Oak�. CA 95<i:!R
Phvne: (9l6) 67-1-2066 • F.n: {916) -i71-0-195
• Article Six
Specific Distributions and Tangible Personal Property
Section 6.01 Specific Distribution to MATTHEW BAKES
Upon my death. even ifmy wife survives me, my Trustee 1,.dll distribu_1e all my_right. 1itk
and interest in 4 I 30 61 st Street, Sacramento. CA 9582.0, APN .02 l-0064-005-0000, 'to
MA 17'HEW BAKES, outright. free o( tru�t. .. ff MATfHEW BAKES is not then Ii, ing.
my Trustee will distrioute•!he prti'p'erty ·stbjecfn:nhis' distribution to LAl\'DO� BAI,; ES.
Property passing under this Section will pass free of any administrative expenses or dcath

Section 6.02 Distribution of Remaining Tangible Personal Property

Upon my death, my Trustee will distribute my remaining tangible personal property to my
wife, if she survives me. If she does not survive me. my Trustee will distribute �ud,
property to BARBARA KIERBOW BAKES if she survives me. If she ckie� not sun iv�
me. the property will be distributed to MATTHEW BAKES.
Any tangible personal property distributed under this Section also includes any insur,tn<.:f..'

policies covering the property and any claims under those policies.

Section 6.03 Definition of Tangible Personal Property

For purposes of this Article, the tenn '"tangible personal property" includes, hut is not
limited to, household furnishings, appliances and fixtures, works of a11. motor \ d1id..:s.
pictures, collectibles, personal wearing apparel and jcwdry, books, sporting gonds. and
hobby paraphernalia. The term does not include any tangible property that my Trusl��- in
my Trustee's sole, absolute. and unreviewable discretion. detcrmin�s purl of any
business or business interes1 that l own at death.
. ·i .. ;
Section 6.04 · Ademption.• >,. ,, . ::,,;; • .·.
If property to be distributed under this Article becomes part of my trust estate in any manner
atler my death, then the gift will not adeem simply because it \\'as not a part of my trust
estate at my death. My Trustee will distribute the property as-a spcdtk gift in ai:�111'ttm1.:�
with this Article. But if property to be distributed under this Article is not part of my tru:.t
estate at my death and does not subsequently become part· of my trust estate, then 1hc
specific gift made in this Article is null and void. without any legal or binding dfo�t.

Section 6.05 Incidental Expenses and Encumbrances

Until property distributed in accordance with this Article is delivered to the appropriate
beneficiary or to the beneficiary's legal rcpn::st::ntutiv1:, my Trustci: will pay the rcaslin,1hlc

expenses of securing. storing. insuring, packing, transporting. and othm\"isc �aring f� ir the


Ma,Furlane Legal. Inc.
fatate Planning, Probate. auJ Tru�I Aclmin1s1riti\i11
9701 Fair Oaks 81,uk\·arJ. Su11.: 100. Fair Oak,-, C..A 95628
Pl,011,•: C9to) 674-2066 •/-in· (916) 471-0495
• propeny n� on udminisirofa,n c.,pcnsc: E�.:cp1 :is u1hcrn1se pro1 ,(led 111 1h 1 s ,11;.rc<'nwm •
tn) Tnistcc will t.lis1ribute rrvne1·ty unclcr:h,; Ar11de subJcc1 t,l ull lfe11s. .s,•uurit) i 11 1,·1D1,.
□nd ,,1her ,:ncurnbrnnc<;, on lh<: proper1,·,

• JOHJ\ J J3.-\Ki:!� Ll\'lf\.G TRI. �I

�L1, l'arl ..r1c- Leµl. fn1-
I <i.t:11c l 1fu11nul� l'ri..,ha!t. um! I ns -l ,\1 lm1m,41,1,i11i •
9701 r .ri� OJ;, .. J31.,u!\.'\1tnJ., 5.iHk IUU. I lll \ ,.,� .. (. ·\ •1 �,,�,
P/11m1• <''lhl(,-+�(J(1t1•F.H pltl,)J.-1---l.J\l.�
• · ..-1

Article Seven
Residuary to Named Beneficiaries

My residuary trust estate will be distributed to my beneficiaries pursuant to the terms �)f
this Article.

Section 7.01 Division of My Residuary Trust Estate

My Trustee will divide my residuary trust estate into shares as follows:

Name Relationship Share



My Trustee will distribute ench bcneticiury's share to the beneficiary outright. th..�c 111' tru:-t.
If BARBARA KfERBOW BAKES is de!;eascd. her share v.·ill be distributed pro rata tl• the
other beneficiaries named in thjs Article. l f there are no other named bencticiarie,. hi.:r

share will be administered as provided in Article Eight. entitled "Remote Coming,.mt
Distribution." · · ·

If MATTHEW BAKES is deceased, MATTHEW BAKES's share will he distrihukd 10

LANDON BAKES. If LANDON BAKES is deceased. this share will he distributed pni
rata to the other beneficiaries named in this Article. If there are no other named
beneficiaries, his share will be administered as provided in Article Eight. entitled "Ri:mtitc
Contingent Distribution.·•
Notwithstanding these provisions, if at the time of distribution, a beneficiar y i:- a
Supplemental Needs Person, then the beneficiary's share will he administered as 1mwidc<l
in Article Nine, entitled "Supplemental Needs Trust."

Section 7.02 Funding Shares on a Non-Pro Rata Basis

If my residuary trust estate i:;; divided into two or more shares. my Trustee may fund thl.!
shares on a non-pro rara basis, provided that funding i:- ba�ed tlll the total foir market , �tlue
of the assets when allocated.


�lacFarlanl.' Legal. Inc.
Estate Planning. Probat<!, and Trust Admini,tration
9701 Fair Oaks Boulcrnrd, Suite !00, Fair Oaks. CA 95628
Phone: {916) 67-t-2066 • fox. (91(,) �71-0495


Article Eight
Remote Contingent Distribution

If, at any time, the other provisions of this :agr\.>ement fail to provide for a beneficiary nf
any part·of my trust estate, then tha:t part will be distributed to those persons \vho \\ nuld
inherit it had rriy wife and I then died intestate with each of us owning onc;-hal f l>f th..:
property, as detennined and in the proportions provided by the laws of California then in
effect relating to the succession of separate property not acquired from a parl.!nt.
grandparent, or predeceased spouse.
BAKES, and PA YTRA DA VIS are natural heirs, I am specifically disinheriting them. and
the provisions of this Article will be interpreted as though they have predt:cease<l m�.
I have specifically disinh�rited CHRISTOPHER BAKES und ANNIE BAKES and their
descendants. Therefore, for the pu1voses of this Article, CHRISTOPHER BAKES and
A�NIE BAKES and their descendants are presumed to have predci.:cased me.

• I '



�focFuiiime [l'gai. "In�.
Estatl' Plilnn-ing. Proball', and Trust Admini�tration
9701 Fair Oaks Boul�,ard. Suite IOO. Fair Oaks. ('A 9562li
Phone: (91616i4-2066 • F,u. (9!/\}4?1·0495
• Article Nine
Supplemental Needs Trust

Trust property will be administered pursuant to the tem,s of this Supplemental Needs l rust
Article when:
(i) another Article of this agreement directs that the property is to be administt.·r1:d as
provided in this Supplemental Needs Trust Article� or
(ii). the beneficiary of the property under another Article of this ::igreemr.:nt. other than
:_ me and my wife. is a Supplementa1:Needs. Person, unless the other Article- Jir��ts
the beneficiary's interestto be distributed to a trust not created under this docu1rn.'nt.
"Beneficiary" under this Supplemental Needs Trust Article refers to the beneficiary of the
property under the other Article. The provisions of the other Article shall continue to apply
to the extent they do not conflict with the provisions of this Supplemental Needs 1 rust
Article; specifically, the provisions of this Supplemental Needs Trust Artidc shc1ll \!0111rol
the distributions of income and principal.
Section 9.01 Distributions of Income and Principal

The Trust�e shall collect income and, after deducting all charges and expenses attrihutcd
thereto, may apply for Beneficiary's benefit. in-kind. or in cash. so much of the inwm�
and principal (even to the extent of the whole) as the Trustee deems a<l,·isablc in the
Trustee's sole, absolute, and unr�viewable discrt!tion, subject to the limitations set forrh
below. The Trustee shall add the balance of net income not paid or applied IO the prinl.'
of the Supplemental Needs Trust.
(a) Maximize Benefits
Consistent with the purpose of the Supplemer�tal Needs Tru�t. bdor�
expending any amounts from the net income and\>r principal of this trust.
the Trustee shall consider the avaih1bility of all benefits from go\"crnment
or private as.sis,t_ance prpgrli\.tnS:.t�i: ,,�hic:p B�neJJciary may be eligibk. Thi:
Trustee, where appropr,iat_e :and· to.. the 'extent possible, shall cndc�vor w
maximize the collection and facilitate the distribution-of these:: ·bcnclits for
Beneficiary's benefit.
(b) No Reduction in Benefits
None of lhe income or principal of the Supplem�ntal Needs Trust shall be
applied in such a munner as to supplant. impair. or diminish any
gowmmental benefits or assistance for which Benetkiary m;iy bt:- digibk
or which Beneficiary may be receiving.


Macfarlane I .cgal. lnc.
Estate Planning, Pwbate. and rrus1 Admm,�rr:nion
()701 fair Oaks Boul<!\·arJ. Suite I 00. Fair Oaks. CA 9562S
Plu11w: (916) 674-2066 • Fct.r: (91()) 471-0495
..,· . .
.· ·-.i�:.. -. -+
•.. . ... -- .

• {c) No Assignment
Beneficiary shall not have the power to assign, encumber, dired, distribute.
or authorize distributions from the Supplemental Needs Trust.
(d) Supplemental Needs Trust Savings Clause
Notwithstanding any provision of any Article herein to the contrary. in the
event that the Supplemental Needs Trust is r..:hallenged or faces imminent
invasion by any governmental department or agency in such a way as 1!.i
affect Beneficiary's eligibility for benefits available under any
governmental program, the Trustee may amend the trust so as to maintain
Beneficiary's eligibility for benefits under such govemm�ntal program.
Section 9.02 Definition of Supplemental Need$
..Supplemental needs" refers to the requisites for maintainin·g the good health. safety. �md
welfare of Beneficiary when. in the sole, absolute, and unrcvicwable disi.:retion ,,r th\.·
Trust�. such requisjtes are.J19t l?eing,proyid.ed�b:y .any p·µblic agency. oftke. or dcpartnK·nl
of any ·state or of the United States.
Supplemental needs shall also include, but not be limited to, medical and dental \!Xpc:nscs,
annual independent checkups, clothing and equipment. programs of training. education.

treatment and rehabilitation, private residential care, transportation (including n::hid�
purchases), maintenance, insurance, and essential dietary needs. Supplemental needs 11i.1y
include additional food; clothing; electronic equipment. such as radio r:quipmcnt. rewrding
and playback equipment. television equipment, and computer equipment: camping:
vacations; athletic contests; movies; trips; and money to purchase appropriate gifts for
relatives and friends. However, in deciding whether to make these distributions the Tru�tcc
must first consider the impact on certain gu,.,emment benefits as is directed in Section 9.05,
entitled "Distribution Guidelines."
The Trustee shall have no obligation to expend trust assets for sw:h needs. but if the
Trustee, in the Trustee's sole, absolute, and unrevicwable discretion. de�id�s to cxpcnd
trust assets. under no circumstances should any amounts be paid to. or reimbursed to. the
federal government, any state, or any governmental □gency for any purpti�e. indudin� for
the care, support. and maintenance of Beneficiary.

Section 9.03 Objective to Promote Independence df Beneficiary

. .
While actions arc in the Trustee's sole, absolute, and unreviewable discrdion, the Tru�tc\'.
should be mindful thaf' it i�·rny wish iha{Beneticia"fy li\·e as independently. produ-:t1\dy.
• • f • •

and happily as possible..


Macfarlane Le-gal. In.:.
Es101c Planning. Probate. and Trust Admin1.strnrion
9701 Fair Onks Houlc,·ard, Suit\! 100, F:iir Oab. (.',.\ 9:,<,�S
Phcm,· l916) 674-�066 • F,,x: 1916H71-{µQ5
• Section 9.04
" !
Not•• Available Resource .to. eeneficiary

It is my intent to create a Suppkrhentar Needs Trust that conforms to Culi fomi..i hlw ( or i r
• • '• .• • • • I ... •' • � • • :.... ; : • t

Beneficiary is not a resident of California, to the law of the state where Beneficiary r�sidl·s).
in order to provide for Beneficiary's Supplemental Needs. I intend that the trust assets he
used to supplement, not supplant, impair, or diminish, any benefits or assiswni;I.! of any

• ,.,.
• •

Federal, state, county, city, or other governmental entity for which Beneficiary nrny
otherwise be eligible or which Beneficiary may be receiving.
Consistent with that intent, it is my desire that, before expending any amounts from net
income andlor principal of the trust, the Trustee consider the availability of all bcndits
from government or private assistance programs for which Beneficiary may be digibk and
that, where appropriate and to the extent possible, the Trustee endeavors to maximi;,i: th�
collection of such benefits and to facilitate the distribution of such benefits for the bi:m:tit
of Beneficiary. AU actions of the Trustee shall be directed toward carrying out this iml'!nt
and the discretion granted the Trustee under this agreement to curry out this int�111 is
For purposes of determining Beneficiary's eligibility for any such benefits. no part of the
principal or undistributed income of the Supplemental Needs Trust shall be considcn..•J
available to Beneficiary for public benefit purposes. Be!1cfo:iary shall not be considl.'r._.d
to have access to principal or income of the trust. and he or she hus no (�wnership. right:
authority, or power to convert any asset into cl:lsh for his or her uwn-us\!.
The Ttustee shall hold. administer, and.distrib�te all:pr;)perty allocated to the Suppkml.·nial
Needs Trust for the excfusivc Benefit ·c>f 's�neficiary during his or her lifetime. All
distributions from the trust are in the sole, absolute. and unre,·iewablc discretion of the
Trustee. and Beneficiary is lega11y restricted from demanding trust assets for his <ir her
support and maintenance.
In the event the Trustee is requested to release principal or income of the Supplcml.·ntal
Needs Trust to or on behalf of Beneficiary to pay for equipment. medication, or sen ices
that any government agency is authorized to pro"idc, or in the en:!nt th(! Tru�tL'C i:.
requested to petition a court or any other administmth·e agency for the release of trust
principal or income for this purpose. the Trustee is authorized lo deny such request a11J is
authorized in its sole, absolute.. and unr�vicwablc discrl.!tion to take whatl.·\·�r
administrative or judicial steps may be necessary to �ontinue Beneficiary's digibili1� for
benefits, including obtaining legal advice about Beneficiary's specific entitkment hi puhlit.:
benefits and obtaining instructions from a court ofcompctent jurisdiction rnling thnt neither
the trust corpus nor the trus1 income is available to Beneficiary filr cligihi!ity purp1 1 ,l!s.
Any 1!xpenses of the Trustee in this regard, including reasonable attorney's foes, sh:ill hl' ;1
proper charge to the Supplemental Needs Trust.


MacFarlan�· Legal. In-:.
Estate Plannin).!.. Probute, and Tru�t Administration
970 I Fair Oaks Boult'\·aro. Suitt" I 00, rair ( Jak�. C,\ lJ5h2�
Plw11,•: (9161674-:!0M • Fa.,.. (916) 471-049.5
• Section 9.05 Distribution Guidelines
Consistent with the purpose of the Supplemental Needs Trust, before expending any
amounts from the net income and/or principal of the trust, th� Trustee shall consider th\!
availability of all benefits from government or private··assistance pmgrams for ,,hir..:h
Beneficiary may be eligible. The Trustee. where approp.riate an� to the exteryt possible,
shall endeavor to maximize the collection and facilitate the distribution of these bcndits
for'· the benefit of Benefici_a'ry:' '_Ih_·
' . ·.making·
. 'cli;tribut1o'ris;•ihe Trustee will:
· (i) consider any other known income or resources of Beneficiary that arc rcason:ibly
(ii} take into consideration all entitlement benefits from any government agency. sui.:h
as Social Security Disability payments (SSDI), Medicaid, California Depnnmcnt
of Health Care Services. Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and any other sp�dal
purpose benefits for which Beneficiary is eligible;
(iii) take into consideration resource and incom� limit<1tions tif any such assistancl.!
(iv) make expenditures so that Beneficiary's standard ofliving will be an<l

(v) not be obligated or compelled to make specific payments:
(vi) not pay or reimburse any amounts to any governmental ugency or Jepartllh.'lll.
unless proper demand is made by such governmental agem:y an<l rl!imbursl.!nh.'nt is
required by the state; and
(vii) not be liable for any loss of benefits.

Section 9.06 Use of Care Manage,:

ihc Trustee shall have: th€ dptitln:iiuti�zihg r1ie'·;��iccs of a Care \,tanager to assi�t in
advising on how best to provide for Beneficiary's needs. The primary objective of the Care
Manager is to assist the Trustee in canying out the purposes of the Supplemcnt.1I ,l.'c.:ds
Trust to ensure that Beneficiary maintains a safe living situution. receives coun�t>ling
services when appropriate, and lives as independently as possible.
A Care Manager shall be a professional Clinical Licensed Social Worker, Profl'sl-i,inul
Conservator, or care management agency that has experience in the field of nssessmt>nt of
conditions similar to those of Bcneticiary and is familiar with the public benefits {() \\ hid,
Beneficiary may be entitled.
(a) Distribution Advisement
Jf the Trustee uses a Care Manager. the Care !vtanagcr shall ad\·isi: thl'
Trustee concerning discretionary disttibutions to he rnadr.! frc.1rn the trust th�n

• ,
\lacfarlanc Legal, In.:.
Estate Planning. Probate. and Trust Admini�1n11ion
9701 FairO:iks B011k\·aru. Si.tiie JOO. fair Oak�. C,\ 9�r,2S
· P/ujih•r:t9fr;f<>1:.i�-2066 •·fa.{·: (916) 471•0495
• are helpful and appropriate for Beneficiary's needs including payment for
medical care, counseling services, and daily support.
{b) Care Manager Account for Periodic Payments
Tf the Trustee uses a Care Manager. the Care Manager may from time lo
time establish periodic payments for part or all of the payments authorized
under this agreement and maintain a separate bank account for disbursement
by the Care Manager. Any account shall be carried in the name of the
Supplemental Needs Trust and shall have the trust's federal tax
identification number. At least monthly, the Care Manager �hall provide
infonnation on receipts and disbursements from this acc·ount to the Trustee.
This account shall contain no more than an amount reas1;mably necessa�-
� for Beneficiary.'s n�ds.for.a. peri@.<fof�i.X.\Y (60) days.

\ ;· •, 1 • .. • f • � .. - .. • • � ••

The· Trustee shail not be field' liable for any actions of the Care Manager
unless the Trustee has actual knowledge of and gave consent or apprornl of
the Care Manager's proposed actions before such actions were actually
taken. The Care Manager shall not make any distributions thut may
a reduction of public benefits unkss the Trustee has consented to tho.·
(c) Annual Care Plan
If the Trustee uses a Care Manager, the Care Manager shall provide lll the
Trustee, at least annually, a written care plan for purposes of evaluation t)f
Beneficiary's medical and psychosocial status. Th� care plan shall indude
recommendations concerning resources and services bcneticiul to
{d) Quarterly Assessments
If the Trustee uses a Care Manager. the Care Manager shall. at least
quarterly, visit Beneficiary lo assess his or her physical and emotional needs
including the appropriateness of present placemeht� monitoring attl'ndum
care, accessing required resources, . making and keeping·· medical
appointments, and accessing socialization activities.
.. . .., . .. . . . ' . '··•. : � ; ...;--. ·.�. .... ; . ' '.

(e). ·. _Compe�satio11 of the Care ·Manager

Jf the Trustee uses a Care Manager, the Care Manager shall be 1.:ntitlcd w
fair and reasonable compensation for the services it renders. The amount
of compensation shall be an amount equal to the customary and pre\·:iiling
charges for services of a similar nature during rhe same period of time and
in the same geographic locale.


Macf:irlan\! Legal. Inc.
E�tate Planning. Probate. and l ru,;t Adm,ui:•.tr:111011
9701 Fair Oab Buult-vurd. Suite 100. hur Oaks, C\ 95628
Plwnt': t916) 67-1-2066 • Fa:r: t916i 471-1)495
• (f) The Resignation of a Care Manager
Any Care Manager may resign by giving thirty (30) days' written noticl: to
the Trustee.
(g) Replacement of Care Manager
The Trustee may tenninate the Core Manager without cause and name a
replacement. If a Care Manager cannot sl:!rve for any reason, the Trustee
may name a replacement, which may begin to serve irnmediatdy. lf th1.'
Care Manager must be replaced. then the successor Care Manager shall also
be a professional Clinical Licensed Social Worker. Professional
Conservator, or care management agency who has experience in the field of
assessment of conditions similar to those of Beneficiary and is familiar with
the public benefits to which Beneficiary may be entitled.

Section 9.07 No Seeking of Order to Distribute

For purposes of detennining Beneficiary's state Medicaid program equivalent eli g.ihility.
no part of the principal or ui1distributed income of the Supplemental �•ecds Trust nrny b�
considered avai]oblc to Beneficiary . The.Trustee will deny any request hy B�ncli�1.u·� to:
• ;· . t ....

(i) refoase principal or inoon1e o'f the trust to or on behalf of Beneficiary tn r.i� fur

equipment, medication, or services that the state Medicaid program equi\ alcnt
would provide if the trust di<l not exist; or
(ii) petition a court or any other administrative agency for the relcn:;e nf trust prinL"ipal
or income for this purpose.
The Trustee may. in its sole, absolute. and unre\'icwablc discretion. take ll\.'Cc�sar�
administrative or legal steps to protect Beneficiary's state Medicaid program eligibility.
including obtaining a ruling from a cou1t of competent jurisdiction that the trust principal
is not available to Beneficiary for purposes of detcnnining eligibility. Expenses fi1r thi:;
purpose, including reasonable attorney's fees. are 11 proper charge t�) Bencficiary·s
Supplemental Needs Trust.

Section 9.08 Indemnification of Trustee When Acting in Good Faith

The Trustee shall be indemnified from the trust property for any loss or reduction (if puhlic
benefits sustained by Beneficiary as a result of th\.' Trustee e.tcrcising. in goc1d foith. the
authority granted to the Trustee under this Article.

Section 9.09 Termination and Distribution of Supplemental Needs Trust

ff the Trustee, in its sole: absolute; -aiid :unreviewablc discretion. determines thut
Beneficiary is no longer depcntlent on ·otl1ers and is able to provide independ..:nt suppt 111.
the Truste� shall distribute or retain the remuining Supplemental �ccds Trust prop<.:n)


Macfarlane Legal. Inc.
Estate Planning. Proba1�, and l'ru�t Admin1s1ra1i0n
970 l Fair Oaks Boulevard, Suite l 00, Fair Oaks.CA 95628
Pl1em<': (Q 16) 674-2066 • FIL\': (916) 471-049:;
• according to the other provisions of this agreement as though the provisions of this An h;k
had not been effective.

the· remaining property, then:. tne

. . , • "- 0• •

ff the other provisions-of this agreement dd nol·pio�ide for the distribution or rcicntion of
'trustee sl1all distribute.! the remaining prOpL-rty to
• ,

Beneficiary outright, free of trust.

"Independent support" shall be satisfied at such time as Beneficiary has been gainli.1lly
employed for thirty�three (33) months of a lhirtywsix (36) month period immediately
preceding the decision to tenninate the trust share.
The terms "gainful employment" and "gainfully employed'' shall bl.! construed to mcun
such full•time employment that produces sufficient net income to enable Bcnefkiary to
contribute not less than I 00 percent of the funds (exclusive of other sources of re\·�nuc)
that are necessary to provide for the independent care. support, maintenance, and cducalion
of Beneficiary. The Trustee, in its sole, absolute. and unreviewable discretitin. sh:111
determine whether or not Beneficiary has satisfied the condition of gainful employment.

Section 9.10 Distribution Upon the Death of Beneficiary

Upon lhe death of Beneficiary, the Trustee shall distribute or retain the rcmamrng
Supplemental Needs Trust property according to the other Article of this agreement that

directed the property to be held pursuant to this Article.
If the other Article does not providi: for distribution upon the de:llh of Bi:ne.t1ciar�'. tht.'ll ·lhl!
Trustee shall distribute or retain the remaini·ng Supplemental -Needs -Tmst prope1'1y ·a�
th(?ugh Beneficiary hag pre.�_e�.7:a�:q,.��- ,ii.,'. . 0 •• ,,. .

Section 9.11
. .
Waiver of Court Invasion of Principal

Under no circumstances shall Supplemental Needs Trust principal be subject to any �1,u11-
directed invasion pursuant to the provisions of the laws of California or any other ,;tatc.

Section 9.12 Prohibition Against Beneficiary Serving as Trustee

Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, under no circumstanl-�$ may
Beneficiary serve as Trustee of any share that is being administered for his or her b1.·111.:lit
under the provisions of this Supplemental Needs Trust Article.

Section 9.13 Limitation on Power to Remove and Replace Trustee

Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, Beneficiary does not have th�
power to remove or replace the Trustee of the Supplemental �eeds


MacFarlane Legal, Inc.
E:;tate Planning.. Probate, and Trust Admini�1r:11ion
970 I Fair O:iks Boulevard, Suite I 00. Fciir Oaks, CA 956�:<
Ph1111�: 1916 > 6 74-2066 • Ftn-. t'J Hi) -rn .wl>5
• Section 9.14 No Power to Elect Optional Unitrust
Notwithstanding any provision of this agreement or state Jaw to.the contrary, the Trust�e
may not elect to apply the optional unitrust provisions under California law k1 ;.my
Supplemental Needs Trust administered under this Article.
Section 9.15 No General Power of Appointment
Notwithstanding any provision of this agreement or state law to the contrary, Bend11:iary
shall not have a lifetime ,9r testame.nta(Y ,general...pov,-er
1 of appointment ns <lctincd in
Section 2041 of the Int�rnai'Reve'nu�.cod�;·or �s'de fined under California law, or th� bws
of any other state.
Section 9.16 Application of Article
Any decision made by the Trustee under this Article shall be final, ctmtrolling, and binding
upon all beneficiaries. subject to the provisions of this Article.


MacFarlan.: Legal. In.:.
E�tate Planrung. Probate, and Tru:;t Adminis1ration
970 I Fair Oaks Boukvard. Suite l 00. Fair Oab, CA 95b�X.
Phont•: (916) ti74-20M • Fm: (1Jl6) 47J.()4Q5
c.. ... .
• Article Ten
Administration of Trusts for Underage and Incapacitated

Section 10.01 Distributions for Underage and Incapacitated Beneficiaries

If under another provision of this agreement any pan of the trust property is direct�d or
required to be distributed outright to a person (other than me or my wifo) who has 1w1 yet
attained the age of 25 years or is incapacitated, then my Trustee may distribute or rdain
that part of the trust property as described in Section I 0.02, unless the proYisions of Arlicli.:
Nine, entitled "Supplemental Needs Trust," apply.
When making n distribution, I request. but do not require, that my Trus'tce <.:onsidcr the
ability that the benetkiary•d�mons_trat-ed in.managing prior distributions .
. . .. , . .
All decisions made by my Trustee under this Article are final. Ct)ntrolling, and oinding
upon all beneficiaries, subject to the provisions of this Article.

Section 10.02 Methods of Distribution

Property to which this Article applies may be-
(i} distributed directly to the beneficiary;
(ii) distributed to the bcnetidary's guardian, conservator, parent, fomily mcmb.:r. or
other person \vho has assumed responsibility for his or her care;
( iii) distributed to any person or entity, including my Trustee. as custodi:m for !ht;
beneficiary under the Unifonn Transfers to Minors Ad. or similar statute:
(iv) distributed to other persons or entities for the benefic of the benl!ticiary ;
(v) distributed to an agent authorized to ad for tl1i.: beneficiary under a pll\n:r t)f
attorney for property:
(\"i) retained in trust. distributing income and prini:ipul for any in any :mwunt.
using any of the methods described above. all in my Trustc�·s sole. ahsolut1.·. and
unreviewable discretion, and distributing the remainder outright to the bcnetil:i,1ry
when he or she attains the age of2 �,)'�rs (�nless he or she is incapadtatcdl. Jll<l
upon the benefici.ari's death. distribuHng" the· remainder OS appointed b: lhl.'
beneficiary, and if not appointed, as though the beneficiary had pn:<lecca�ed rnc:
(vii) retained in trust pursuant t<' the provi�ions of Artide Nini:. l'ntitled ··Suppk111l.'nt�d
Needs Trust," for the benefit of th� beneficiary; or
(viii) distributed or retained in any combination of one or more of the abo\·c.


Macfarl:ine Lo:!ga!. hK
b1111e Planning. Probate. and Tru�t Administralit>n
970 I Fair Oak.; B�1ukvard. Suit.: 100, F.tir Oak:-. C:'\ 95<,28
Phom'. (916) 674-2066 • F(/.\: (916> 4"1-tW>�
• Article Eleven
Trust Administration, Trustee Powers, and Trust
Protector Provisions

The tenns of this agreement supplement the provisions of California law, und to th� ext\!nt
they conflict, the tenns of this agreement prevail, unless the conflicting provisions of
CaJifomia law are mandatory and may not be waived. However, my Trustee is not limited
by California Probate Code section 16081 and a "broader power is intended."

Section 11.01 Apportionment of Death Taxes

Except as otherwise specified in this agreement, my Trustee 'will apportion death t.ixcs as
provided under the law of California in effect at the date of my death.

Section 11.02 Distributions to Beneficiaries

Whenever this agreement authorizes or directs my Trustee to muke a distribution of inwmc
or principal to a beneficiary, my Trustee may apply for the benefit of the benetit:i,11)· any
property that otherwise could be distributed directly to the-beneficiary:- My Trustee ha-. A11
r!.!sponsibility to inquire i_nto the b�nefici:ary· s ul1imiltc disposition of tht: di:-trihut�d

prop�rty unless specifically e1reded-oth�.;•isc·by this agreement.

Section 11.03 No Court Proceedings

My trust will be administered expeditiously, consistent with the prons1ons of this
agreement, free ofjudicial intervention. and without order, approval. or action of any Cliun.

Section 11.04 No Bond

My Trustee is not required to furnish any bond for th� faithful pcrfonnance of my Trush.'c ',;
duties, unless required by a court of competent jurisdiction and only if the \.'.Oun 1in<ls that
a bond is needed to protect the interests of the beneficiaries. >lo surety will be requireJ on
any bond required by any law or rule of court, unless the court specifies that a surety i:­

Section 11.05 Trustee Exoneration

No successor Trustee is obljgated to examine the accounts. records. or actions uf �my
previous Trustee or of the Personal Representative of my estate. '.\lo sul'.cessor Trustee ,di!
he in any way or manner responsible for any acr. omission, ot forbeanrncc on th�· p.1n ,ir
any previous Trustee or the Personal Representati\'C of ffi)' cstat�.

·, :'· .._ • l ·•• i •. ·•. :,·-:


I I-1
MacFnrli:mo.' l.. ci,:al. Inc.
Estate Planning. Pwbalc:. and ·rrust A<lminis1ra1inn
9701 Fnii- Oaks Boulevi1rd, Suite 100. Fair Oaks. CA 95628
Phone: (Ql6i 674-2006 • F,JX: (916)-Hl-0495
• Section 11.06 Trustee Compensation
My Trustee, other than me or my wife, will be entitled to fair and reasonabl� �ompcrJsatjt'lri
for the services rendered as a fiduciary. My TI1,Jstee may charge additional fees for ser,·iG�S
th�t are not within its duties as Trustee, such as fees for legal services, tax rctut.;,
preparation, and corpora�i;, fir.i:a,�cf' 9,r JJ\V��tih,ent banking services.
In addition to receiving compensation, my Trustee may be reimbursed for reusonabk i:liSI!.
and expenses incurred in carrying out its duties under this agreement.

Section 11.07 Exercise of Testamentary Power of Appointment

A testamentary power of appointment granted under this agreement may be exercised hy a
valid will that specifically refers to the power of appointment. The power holder may
exercise the power to appoint property among the pennissible appointees in ClJu;.iJ or
unequal proportions, and on such tenns and conditions, whether outright or in trust, a:- th�
power holder designates. Except where this agreement specifically provides otherwise. the
power holder may grant further powers of appointment to any person to whom prini.:ipal
may be appointed, including a presently exercisable limited or general power of
My Trustee may conclusively presume that any power of appointment granh'!d to ;my

beneficiary of a trust created under this agreement has not been exercised by the bcncticrary
if my Trustee has no knowledge of the existence of a valid will exercising the power within
IO days after the beneficiary's death .

Section 11.08 Determination of Principal and Income·

Beneficiaries' rights n�on� fl)_en;i_se).v�.s-}.n:_m�Jte.�s c<.i'nccrning principal and inl:Plllc .m.•
governed by California Unifon.i 'Prii1cipal and focoinc Act, Probate Code�� 16320ct :,,i.;4 ..
If California Uniform Principal and Income Act, Probate Code §§ 16320et seq. -:ontains
no provision concerning a particular item, then my Trustee will determine in a fair.
equitable, and practical manner what will be credited, charged, and apportioned bctm:en
principal and income.

Section 11.09 Appointment of Independent Trustee

If my Trustee is not an Independent Trustee, and another pro\'ision of this agn:c1111:nt
requires an Independent Trustee to act, then my Trustee may appoint an lndcpi.:nd�·nt
Trustee to act.

Section 11.10 Funeral and Other Expenses of Beneficiary

Upon the death of an income beneficiary of a trust created under this agrecmi:nt, my Trn:-tcc
may pay the funeral expenses, burial or cremation expt.!nses, enfor�eahk debts. ·and other
expenses incurred due to the dl!ath of the benefo.:iury from trust property. This S1.:ditltl

• '
11-2\I. , .
. .
. .: · .' :< -.:; �j�cl:·i!tlane .t�gat.:lnt!.
Es1a1e Plimning.'Prcibat�'. and ·1 ru�t Admini�tra1ion
9701 Fair Oak:;. Boult!vard, Suitt! 100. Fair Oak�. CA 9562�
Plume: (916) 674-2061> • f"ax: (916) 471-0495
only applies to the extent the income beneficiary has not e.xcrciscd any testamentary po" er
of appointment granted to him or her under this agreement.
My Trustee may rely upon any request by 1he personal rcprest!ntativc or member� Llr th..:
family of the deceased beneficiary for payment without verifying the validity or the
amounts and without being required to see to the application of the amounts so paid. �vi y
Trustee may make decisions under this Section without regard to any limitalion on payment
of expenses imposed by statute or rule of court and may be made without obtaining the
approval of any court having jurisdiction over the admi1i.istration of the deceased
beneficiary's estate.
• •

S�ction 11.11 lnformatr�r to:.B�neficiaiitis ·


My beneficiaries' privacy is imponant to me. This section establishes my Trustee· s dutic:;

to inform, account, and report to beneficiaries of various trusts created und�r 1his
a1:,rreemen1. and to other individuals during the tenn of any trust created undl.':r this
agreement. Except to the extent required by law. my Trustee is not required to �ornply
with a request to furnish a copy of this trust agreement to a Qualified Beneficiary at ;.my
time, and my Trustee is not required to send annual reports or rcpotts upon tenninati1111 of
the trust to any Permissible Distributec or Qualified Bendidary who requests the report.
If my Trustee decides, in my Trustee's sole, absolute, and unreviewablc discrt·tion. to

provide any information to a Permissible Distributec or Qualified Bcnctkiar y . my Tni:..t1.:..:
may exclude any information that my Trustee dctem1i11es is not directly applicabk Lo thl:'
beneficiary receiving the infonnation. Any decision by my Trustee to make infonna1ion
available to any beneficiary does not constitute an obligation to pro, itk :.iny infimna1it111 10
any beneficiary in the future.

Section 11.12 Action of Cotrustees

Unless otherwise specified, if two Trustees arc eligible to act with respec) to a gin!n mau..:r.
the concurrence of both is required; if more than two Trustees arc eligible to a�·t \\_iil1
respect to a given matter. the concurrence of a majority of the trustcl!s· is-required. · · ··
If an Interested Trustee joins _in an ac_tion v.:ith resp�et to- a given matter. then the uuthority
of the trustees for that ·acrfofi fflirll'fieaf8't�e'aut'ho'rity given to an Interested Trust ct>\\ ith
respect to the matter. ·
Even though an act may require the concurrence of more than one Trustee. any one Trusl-:c
mc:1y carry out the act on behalf of the trust with the same fi.>rce and ctlec:t as if all Tru�t1.:1:s
had done so. Persons dealing with the acting Trustee in good faith may rdy upon th\!
Trustee's authority to act on b�half of rhe trust without inquiry as lo the other Truskc.:s'
A nom;oncurring Trustee may dissent or abstain from any action c,1· the other Trnstc.:�· \ 11"
Trustees. The nonconcurring Trustc� is absolved from personal liability by regist..:ring l11S

or her dissent or abstention in the records of the trust. A tier doing s11, the noncon�urring


I 1-3
MacFarlane Legal. lnc.
E�tate Planning. Probate. and 'J'ru,;1 A<lmi111s1rali1.>n
9701 Fair Oab B1.•uk,·11rd. Suii..• WO. Fair Ouks. C.-\ 956.:!X
J>lwnc: (91(,) 67➔ -2066 • Fax. (9i6) 4'.'1-049�
• Trustee will then act with the other Trustees in any way neccssury or appropriate to
effectuate the action of the other Trustees.

Section 11.13 Trustee Authority to Disclaim or Release Powers

Notwithstanding any provision of this agreement to the contrary. any Trustee may ti isclaim
or release, in whole or in part. by an instrument in writing, any power held as Trush:l\
irrevocably or for any period of time that the Trustee may specily. The Trustee may muki:
the relinquishment of a power personal to the Trustee or may relinquish the power for all
subsequent Trustees.

Section 11.14 Appointment of a Cotrustee

My Trustee may appoint a Cotrustee to serve only while the appointing Trustee is Sl.!n·ing.
The appointing Trustee may revoke the appointment at any time, with or without cause.

Section 11.15 Appointment of Agent

My T�stee may execut� �, po\l.:er.= pf:nttp_�_v .ip.poi;iting any person or entity as hi� or her
agent to exercise any or ull o(th c rights, powers. and discretions that my Trush.·1.· ('<1u!d
have exercised.

Section 11.16 Additions to Separate Trusts
If upon my death, or upon the termination of any trust created under this agreement. a iinal
distribution is to be made to a person who is the primary beneficiary of another trust created
or provided for under this agreement, and there is no specitk indication whether rhc
distribution is to be made in trust or outright, free of trust, my Trustee will mah· the
distribution to the second trust instead of distributing the property to th� bendi\.'.1.1ry
outright. For purposes of administration, my Trustee will treat the distribution as thi•ugh
it had been an original part of the s�cond trust.

Section 11.17 Authority to Terminate Trusts

If, at any time, my Trustee determines that a tru!)l created under this agreement is n11 longer
economical or is otherwise inadvisable to administer as a trust, or if my Trust�c lkcms it
to be in the best interest of my beneficiaries. my Trustee. without further responsibility.
may terminate the trust and distribute the trust property. induding any undistnbutt.,'ll nd
i�come, in the following order of priority:
(i) to me, if l am then living; . .
• • ; • • I• "; ,\ ,. : . '-1! : •. :•.,,:1i; •!f ,.:\ t' ;·' •

(ii) ifl am not then living,· lO iny.wifc, if then a beneficiary of the trust;
(iii) if I am not then living and my wife i$ not then a bcneticiury nf the trust. tn the
beneficiaries then entitled to mandatory distributions of net income 1)f the 1rus1 .rnd
in the same proportions; and


11 �4
Macfarlane Legal. Int.
Estate Planning. Probate. und Trust Administrati1,n
970 I Fair O:iks Boulevard. Suite 100. Fair Oaks. CA lJ562io:
Phone: (916) 67•H066 • Fm· (916) 471-0-195
• (iv) if none of the ben�ficiaries ar� entitled to ml'!.ndatory distributions of net incomL'. to
the beneticiaiies then'�li.grbl�-to t��ei{fe cl1scretionary distributions of net inl.'1l1Tli:
of the trust, in such amounts and shares as my Trustee may detennine.
This power may only be exercised by an Independent Trustee. This power may n(•I bl'
exercised· as it relates to any trust to which the provisions of Artide Nine, 1.:nti1le<l
"Supplemental Needs Trust," apply (but the provisions of Sccti,,n 9.09, l!nlltkd
"Termination and Distribution of Supplemental Needs Trust,'' remain eftective).
Section 11.18 Beneficiary's Status
Until my Trustee receives notice of the incapacity, birth. marriage. death. or nthl'r 1c, c111
upon which a beneficiary's right to receive payments may depend, my Trustee will 11111 be
liable for acting or failing to acT with respect to the event or for disbursements madt: in
good faith to persons whose interest may have been affected by the event. L:nless oth�rn i:;.:
provided in this agreement, the parent or legal representath·e may act on hchal f of a
beneficiary who is a minor or is incapacitated.
My Trustee may rely on any information provided by a beneficiary with respect to the
beneficiary's assets and income. My Trustee has no independent duty to investigate 1hc
status of any beneficiary and will not incur any liability for failure to do so.

Section 11.19 Lending Powers
My Trys�e� may make se��r,�d-� �r.�9u1:�d)�ans.hra11y person (other thun a Suppkm�·
Needs Person·, but including any other beneficiary}, entity. trust. or cs1ate, f<)r any 1�nn or
payable on demand, with or without interest. My Trustee may enter into or modit�- the
te1111s of any mortgage or security agreement granted in connection with any loan and may
release or foreclose on the mortgage or security.
Without prejudice to the generality of the preceding provisions of this Section. and
notwithstanding any statutory or common law prohibition on self-dealing trustees. my
Trustee is expressly authorized and empowered to lo�n trust funds to himself or h\!r�d fin
an individual capacity, provided such loan transaction is made in good faith. The IPan
transaction will have been made in good faith if my Trustee borrov.·s money from th� trust
at the then-prevailing mark�t rate of interest and the loan is m�mrializcd by a wri1tell
promissory note setting forth a regular schedule for the repayment of loan principal ,ind
interest. Additionally, my Trustee must account annually to the income hcnclid.iri.:), of
the trust for the existence of the loan and the repayment of principal and interest of the hian
on an annual basis.

Section 11.20 My Trustee's Powers

My Trustee may exercise. without prior approval from any court. all thi.: powers co1,1frrrcd
by this a_greement and any powers conferred hy law, inc)uding. without limit::ni<..lll. thnsi.:
po�vers set forth under the common lqw or statutory law of California or any Dlher

;_,. :t·' ' ...


l l-5
�1acFarlane Lc:inL Inc·.
baall' Planning. Pwbate. and Trust Admmi�lratic;n
9701 Fair Oaks Boulernrd, Suiti: 100. F;ur O,;iks. CA <)5621i
Phone· ('il61 67-l-2066 • Fa.1 \9lfi) .r:'l-O-l9:-
• jurisdiction whose law applies to this agreement. The powers set forth in California
Probate Code §§ l6200-16249 are specifically incorporated imci this agr�emcnl. Th�
powers conferred upon my Trustee by law and those powers incorporated abon:. are
subject to any express limitations or contrary directions contained in this a_grcemi:nt.
�pecifically, my Trustee has the power to a�uire. sell, assigf!. convey, pledge, cncun,hcr,
lease, borrow, manage, and deal with real and personal property interests of all kinds.
incl udlng• accounts at fina�ci&I·
• • I

. , : . ,. . · ·
• �-

My Trustee will exercise these powers in the manner that my Trustee dl!tennincs to hi! in
the best interests of the beneficiaries. My Trustee may not exercise any power in a manm:r
that is inconsistent with the right of the beneficiaries to the beneficial �nj{1ymcnt llr the
property, in accordance with general legal principles of beneficiaries und fiduciaries.
My Trustee may have duties and responsibilities in addition to those describ.:d in this
agreement. I encourage my Trustee to obtain appropriate legal advice if my Trustee has
any questions concerning its duties and responsibilities as Trustee.

Section 11.21 Waiver of Court-Ordered Invasion of Principal

Under no circ1.1mstanccs may trust principal be subject to any courH.lirccw<l inv;1:-.io11
pursuant to any provision of California law, or the laws of any othl!r stat..:.

Section 11.22 No Power to Elect Optional Unitrust
Notwithstanding any provision of this agreement or state law to the contrary. my Trustee
may not elect to apply the optional unitrust provisions under California law for any tru!'>t
created hereunder.

Section 11.23 Provisions for Trust Protector

The fupction of the Tr�s� l'-rQ.t�9;to.r '. i� Trustee in mattl.!rs concerning. cht· 1 ru�t.
and to assist. if needed, in achiG\ing my objectives as manifosted by th� other pn1\ i:--il>ll�
of my estate plan.
In order to serve, any Trust Protector named or appointed under this S�<.:tiun mu:;t he a
corporate fiduciary or an individual who is not related or subordinate tu a transferor l)f any
beneficiary within the meaning of Section 672tc) of the Internal Revenue C'o<l�.
(a) Designation of Trust Protector
I make no appointment of Trust Protector at the time this agrceml.!nt i,;
executed. Rathl!r. a Trust Protector may be appointed pursuant lO puragruph
(<l) of this Section as needed.

• 9701
I 1-6
MacFarlaQe Legal, Inc.
Estate: Pl.inning. Pn•hate. and Tru:.t .-\Jmim�tra1itm
· · FairQ�,-1;}�•µ,leya�d,
•. Suir� lQ{)i F,\ir Oak:.. CA 95<,,?S
Pluim-.: [9J i') 67-l-2066 • Fax: (91 fi) 471-0495
• (b) Authority to Name Successor
The serving Trust· Protector may appoint a successor Trust Protel.!tor in
writing, which appointment will take effect upon the resignation.
incapacity, or death of the appointing Trust Protector.
(c) Resignation of Trust Protector
A Trust Protector may resign by giving notice as provided in paragraph (o}
below. A resigning Trust Protector will not be liable or responsible for the
acts or omissions of any successor Trust Protector.
(d) Default of a Designated Trust Protector ·
During any period in which a trust created under this agreement requires a
. : Trust Protector to·. �Gt•. an4 �-110.,..Ti-ust- · P-n)tector is serving. R. Dustin
Macfarlane may a'ppofot a"trust Protector.
If R. Dustin Macfarlane fails to make the appointment after 30 days. then
any beneficiary or trustee may petition a court of competent jurisdktion to
appoint a Trust Protector.
The court acting to appoint a Trust Protector will acquire jurisdiction or
authority over the trust only to the extent necessary to makl! the appointment
and may not subject the Hust to the continuing jurisdiction of the court.
If a beneficiary is a minor or is incapacitated. the parent or Legal
Representative of the beneficiary mny ad on bchal f of the beneficiary.
A Trust Protector appointed under this paragraph (d) may be rcmo,·ed by
the party or parties who made the appointment.
(e) Rights of Successor Trust Protectors
Any successor Trust Protector has all of the authority of any predeces:mr
Trust Protector, but will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the
· (f} Power to Remove and Appoint Trustees
The Trust P�ot.c;ctor. m.��'.· Jf� -�y� ,WJ,Y Tf1:!�t.e.e . �f U trust �reu1cd unJ�r thi�
· · · ·. · ·
Whenever the office of Trustee of a trust is vacant and no successor Trustet:
is effectively named. the Trust Protector may appoint an individunl or a
corporate fiduciary to serve as Trustee. No Trust Protector may he �cl t:_
appointed as a Trustee and may not simultaneously serve as both Trust
Protector and Trustee.


MacFarlant' Lt'gal. Im:.
fatale Planning. Probate!. and Trust Admini,tra,ion
9701 fair Oak� Boulevard, Suit� 100, fair O.iks. C.-\ 9562X
Plt11nt•: (916) 674-2066 • Fax (916)-rl-0-195

• Notwithstanding any other prov1s10n of this agreement, removal or

appointment of a Trustee will be effective upon giving n0tice as provided
in paragraph (o) below. No advance notice is required.
(g) Good Faith Standard Imposed
The authority of the Trust Protector is conferred in a non fiduciary l:apacity,
and the Trust Protector is not liable for any good-faith act, omission. or
forbearance. The Trust Protector will be reimbursed promptly for any costs
incurred in defending or settling any claim brought against the Trust
Protector acting in the capacity of Trust Protector, unless it is conclusively
established that the act, omission. or forbearance was motiYated by an actual
intent to harm the beneficiaries of the trust or was an act uf sclJ'.-d�aling li..1r
personal benefit.
(h) Power to Amend
During any time that I am incapacitated, and following my death, the Trust
Protector may amend any provision of this agreement as it applies to any
trust for which the Trust Protector is serving !Odo any of the following:
(i) altcr'the ad1-;,ini�tr�ti��- rin:c:i\�Vl!Stm�nt.powers ofmy Trustee:
(ii) grant a beneficiary of any trust created under this agreement the
te!>1amentary power to appoint all or part of the bendiciary · s tru�,
or trust share to the creditors of the beneficiary's estate:
(iii) correct ambiguities and scrivener errors that might otherwi:,;c rt::quirt
court construction or refonnation; and
(iv) reflect tax or other legal changes.
Any amendment made by the Trust Protector to correct u scrivener's cm)!'
in accordance with this Section is effective as of the original date M' the
trust Any other amendment made by the ·rrust Protector a� authnri7cd
above is effective as of the date of the trust, or the date of the amendment.
in the sole and absolute discretion of the Trust Protector. The decision of
the Trust Protector as to the effective date of any such amendment must he
set forth in the amendment.
In granting a testamentary power of appointment, 1hc Trust Pmtet:tor may
require, as a condition for the: beneficiary's i:xercis�. of the power,-that the
beneficiary first obtain 1he consent of the Trust Protector,.·. The Trust
Protector may revoke the power at any time .<luring. the lifetim.: of the
beneficiary 10 w��111 ·i1. ��-�-giyep:'_'.f �uggest, but do not require, that th.:
Trust Protector exercise' rths uuthority to subject trust property to estate ta.x
instead of the generation-skipping transfer tux when it appears that ii may

reduce overall taxes.


I 1-8
1'facfarlan\! Legal. In�.
btaLt' Planning. Probate:. and Tru:-l Administration
970 I Fair Oaks 13ouh:\·ard. Suite 100. l·air Oaks. C:\ 95f>2S
Phone•: (916) 674-�01\6 • fo.r: (9161 47 l-0-195
• The Trust Protector may not limit or alter the rights of' a be��ficiar):- in any
m' y
trust assets held by the trust before the amendment, nor a the Tru st
Protector rem�ve qr add any_ ind_ividual or entity as a beneficiary of trust
· ·
- '-'.•::.,•.::·,_.-:·<· · ·, ·· '·
The Trust Protector may not amend this agreement in any manner that
would result. in a reduction of
the estate tax charitable deduction to which
my estate would otherwise be entitled under Section 2055 of the lntt'rnal
Revenue Code. Any amendment made by the Trust Protector must be in a
signed written instrument. The Trust Protector must provide notice of the
amendment as provided in paragraph (o) below. along with a copy of the
(I) Authority to Terminate Trusts
it: at any time, the Trust Protector detennines that any trust created under
this agreement is no longer ei.:onomical or is otherwise inadvisable to
administer as a trust, or if the Trust Protector deems it to be in the best
interest of the beneficiaries. the Trust Protector. witlwut fut1her
responsibility, may tenninate the trust and distribute the trust prnpcrty.
including any undistributed net income, to the benefkiarics of trust

{j) Not a General Power of Appointment
The Trust Protector may not participate in the exercise of a power'·or
discretion· conferred under this •a_g"i'eement- that would Cause the Trust
Protectorto possess a-g�nerrt{p·0w·erofappointment within the meaning or
Sections 2041 and 2514 of the Internal Revenue Code. Specifically. the
Trust Protector may not use such powers for his or her personal hcncfit. nor
for the discharge of his or her financial obligations.
(k) Release of Powers
The Trust Protector, acting cm its own behalf and on behalf of all successor
Trust Protectors, may at any tim�, by a written instrument ddivered to my
Trustee, irrevocably release, renoun�e. suspend, or reduce any or all power:;
and discretions conferred on the Trust Protector hy this agrccmt'nl.
(f} No Duty to Monitor
The Trust Protector has no duty to monitor or supervise any Trustee or trust
created under this agreement. Further, the Trust Prot�ctor has no duty to be
informed us to the acts or omissions of others or t() take any action to pre\cnt
or minimize loss. Any exercise or non-�xercise of the powers and
discretions granted to the Trust Protect(ir is in the sole. absolute, and
unreviewable discretion of the Trust Protector.


-.·, •. · 11.9
Macfarlon� L�g11L Inc.
Estate: PlaMing, Prob.ite, and Tru;,;1 Admini�tratiun
9701 F:iir Oaks noule\·ard, Suite WO. bir Oaks. CA 95628
Ph()l11•: (916} 674-2066 • for· (9 I 6) 471-0495
• (m) Compensation
Any Trust Protector serving under this agreement is entitled to receive
reasonable compensation for services as detcnnined by my Trustee. The
Trust Protector is entitled to reimbursement for all expenses incurred in the
perfom1ance of its duties as Trust Protector, including travel expenses.
•. ,

Serving in the capacity of Trust Protector does not prevent the Trust
Protector from also providing legal, investment or accounting services -◊n
behalf of the trust;or. tlte tr.ust beneH.ciirr:ies: If the Trust Protector is
providing professional ser.vites, · the Trust· Protector may charge its typical
fees for professional services. and may also be compensated for its service�
as Trust Protector.
(n) Right to Examine
The books and records of each trust created under this agreement. including
all documentation, inventories, and accountings, must be open and uvailabk
for inspection by the Trust Protector at nil reasonable times.
(o) Notice
Unless otherwise specified, when notice is required by a provision of this

Section, 11oticc must be given in a signed written instrum<.!nt delivt!rcd t.o the
following or the personal representative of the followjng. tc, the extenl
(i) me;
(ii) the income beneficiaries of the tmst: and
(iii) all Trustees then serving .

. ..


MacFarlan� Legal. Inc.
Estate Planning. PrQbat.:. and Tru:-1 AJmimstrati\,n
9i0 I Fair Oak..,; Boulevard. Suire l 00. Fuir Oaks. CA '956.:?!1· ·
Phoni·: (916) 67-4-2066 • l-�1x: l9 I oJ 4 7 l -04lJ5
• Article Twelve
General Provisions

I Section 12.01 Maximum Term for Trusts

I Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement ro the contrary, unless tcnniuat<:<l
earlier under other provisions of this agreement, each trust created under this ugr�emcnt

terminates upon the expiration of the longest period thut prope11y may be held in tru�t und�r
this agreement without violating the applicable rule against perpetuities.

If the maximum term for trusts under the applicable rule against perpetuities is dctennined
by reference to the death of the last to die among a group of individuals, the group or
iodividuals will consist of the descendants of my maternal and paternaJ grandparent:; and
the descendants of my wifo's maternal �n� P.�te�al grandparents, who arc alin: at th�
relevant time. · ·. · .. · /'·· · · · ,.· ·
At that time, the remaining trust property will vest in and be distributed to the per.sons then
entitled to receive mandatory distributions of net income of the trust and in th1.· sa1m:
proportions to which they are entitled to receive the net income. l f no beneficiary is t.:ntillct.l
to receive mandatory distributions of net income, then the remaining trust property \,·ill

vest in and be distributed to the heneficiaries then entitled to receive disL:retionar y
distributions of net income of the trust, in equal shores.

Section 12.02 Spendthrift Provision

!'!either the income nor the principal of any trust creatt.'Cl under rhis agr�emcnt nrny bt.:
assigned, anticipated, encumbered, alienat�d. or otherwise voluntarily tronsforred in any
manner by any beneficiary. In addition, neither the income nor the principal of ,111) 11
created under this agrci:ment is subject to attachment, bankruptcy proceedings or any 111hcr
legal process, to the inti:rference or control of creditors or others, or otherwise �uhJl!i.:t to
any involuntary transfer.
This section does not restrict a beneficiary's right to disclaim any interest or the i:!xerdsi:
of any power of appointment granted in this agreement.

Section 12.03 Contest Provision

If, after receiving a copy of this Section, uny perst)n; in any manner, directly l'r indir1..· ..·:I�.
attempts to contest or oppose the·validity of this agreement (indutling .iny umcndm�n! ro
this agreement), or commences, continues. or prosecutes any legal proceeding tu :.1..·t thi�
agrecmt!nt aside, then such person shall folieit his or h!.!r share, cease tl) have any right l1r
interest in the property, and shall. for purposes of this agreement be dc(!mcd tP h;1,·�
predeceased me without surviving descendants.
This Section may not be applied so as to cause a forfeiture of any distribution othcn, is�

qualitYing for the charitable deduction.


MacForlanc! Li:gal, Inc.
Estate Planning, Pwbat�. and l rust A<lmmiiara11t,11
9701 Fair Oah Bl�Ult-\'aru. Sui1e 100, fair Oak�. CA 956:?i­
f'h ont:· (9161 <,74-:?0li6 • Fax: { 1Jl6) 471-0495
• However, if -California law go�·ems the foregoing prov1s1ons of this Section. then
California Probate Code Section 21311 applies, and the foregoing provisions t>f this
Section may only be enforced against the following types ofconrests:
(i) a direct contest that is brought without probable cause;
(ii) a pleading to challenge a transfer of property on the grounds that it wa!, not 11i�
transferor's property at the time of the transfer; and
(iii) the filing of a creditor's claim or prosecution of an action based on it.
The tcnns ''direct contest" and "pleading" have the sam� meanings as set forth in California
Probate Code Section 21310. All trusts created in this agreement arc ··prokctt:d
instruments" as provided in California Probate Code Section 213 I O(e).

Section 12.04 Survivorship Presumption

If my wife and I die under circumstances in which the order of our deaths cann<•l b�
established, then J will be deemed to have survived my wife. If any other bendil:iary dies
within 1 day after my death, then the beneficiary will be deemed to have predeccasl)d m�
for purposes of this agreement.
Section 12.05 Changing the Governing Law and Situs of Administration
My Truste.e or Trust Prot�ct�'r ma}:;'�-/��-;-time. �hange the goyerning law uf 1h1: 1ru-.1.
remove all or any part of the property or the situs of administration of the trust frum 1.111t:
jurisdiction to another, or both. My Trustee or Trust Protector may deer, hy tiling an
instrument with the trust records, that the trust will thereafter be construed. regulated. and
governed as to administration by the laws of the new jurisdiction, My Trustee or Trust
Protector may act under this Section for any purpose my Trustee or Trust Protector dt.·..:ms
appropriate, inc!uding the minimization of any taxes in rcspl!ct of th<.: trust or any
beneficiary of such trust, and may do so with or without pro,·iding notice h) ;my
If necessary, or if deemed advisable by my Trustl!c or Trust Protector, my Trustee nr ·1 rust
Protector will appoint an Independent Trustee to ser\'c us trustee in thl! nc,\ situs.
If necessary, und if my Trustee or Trust Protector does not appoint an lndcp�ndcnt T ru�tec
within 30 days of changing the governing law or situs of the trust, the beneficiaries �ntitk<l
to receive distributions of net income under the trust may, by majority consent, appnint a
corporate fiduciary in the new situs. If a beneficiary is a minor or is incapacitatt'd. the
parent or legal representative of the beneficiary may act on behalf of the beneficiary.

Section 12.06 Definitions

For pun,oses of this agreement. the followit)g t�nns baYc th<.: foik)\\·ingmeanings·:


MacF:irlan<.' l i:gal. In,·.
Es1a1c Planning, Pniha1c:. and lru�t Admini�1ra1ion
970 I f;m Onks Boulevard. Suite 100, fuir Oa!...:-:, CA 9:'ill2S
Phone: (9161 674-�0M •Fa.,·! 9 I 6) .r:· l ,{1495
• (a) Adopted and Afterborn Persons
A legally adopted person in any generation and his or h\!r descendanb.
including adopted descendants, has the same rights and shall be treated in
the same manner under this agree!11e�nt as would children born of the
adopting parent, provkfed -�uch:p_erson _is legally adopted prior to attaining
the age of 18 years. A person is deemed to he legally adopted if the adoption
was legal in the jurisdiction in which it occurred at the time that it oc�urrcd.
A fetus in utero that is later born alive shall be considered a person in being
dUfing the period of gestation.
(b) Agreement
The tenn "this agreement" means this trust agreement and includes all trust:­
created under the te1ms of this trust agreement.
(c) Community Property
The tern, ··community property" means property characterized as su,h
under the relevant state's property laws. The tcnn "community estate··
means that portion of the estate consisting of community property.
(d) Descendants
The tenn "descendants" means the lineal descendants of all gcnerntiom; of
the identified person, and includes children whose relationships with th!.!ir
parents arose from any of the following:
(i) natural birth;
(ii) legal·adoptioJJV: :-.. ·-·:•.·. r:,:·: :_, '· ,. ·
(iii) court declaration of parentage; and
(iv} recognition of parent-child relationship by state law for childrl"!n
born during a domestic partnership, civil union·. or marriage.
(e) Incapacity
Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, a person 1s decmt.:d
incapacitated in any one of the following circumstances.
(1) The Opinion of a Licensed Physician
An individual is deemed incapacitated whenc\ er, in the
opinion of a liccnseJ physidan. the individual is unable to
effoctively manage his or her property or financial affoirs.
whether as a result of age, illness. use of prescription
medications, drugs or other substances, or any othc:!r �ause.


-· ·, '· · .. : M.ii11Farfan,: Legal. ·Inc.
Estate Plan�ini. Probat.:. and Trust Administl"iltalJl
970 I Fair Oaks Boukrnrd. Suire IQO. fair Oaks. CA •)56::!�
Phone-: (9 J 6) 674-2066 • Fux: (9 !(,) 471-0495
• An individual is deemed restored to capacity whenever the
individual's personal or attending physician provides a
written opinion that the individual is able to effectively
manage his or her property and tinanc1al affairs.
(2) Court Determination
An individual is deemed incapacitated if a court of
competent jurisdiction has declared the individual 10 be
disabled, incompetent, or legally incapacitated.
(3) Disappearance, Abs�nce, or Detention
An i�d-ivid��(-i�• d�hleif'···incap'acitated whenever, in my
Trustee's sole, absolute, and unre\'iewable discretion, he or
she cannot effectively manage his or her property l)r
financial affairs due to disappearance. absen�c. or dctcmion
(including incarceration).
A person's disappearance, absence, or detention (including
incarceration), may be established by an affidavit of my
Trustee describing the relevant circumstances. A third pany
dealing in good faith with my Trustee may rely on the

affidavit as conclusive evidence of incapacity.
{f) Income Beneficiary
The· tenn "income beneficiary" means any beneficiary to whom the trust":­
net income may be distributed, whether the distributions are mandatory or
(g) Independent Trustee
The term ''Independent Trustee" means a Trustee who is not an Interested
Trustee as defined in subsection (h). \\'henevcr a powec is granteJ
exclusively to an Independent Trustee or t_he phrase .'·other than an
Interested Trus�ce" i:; used !�r s�milir prq}1ibiti,·� languagt'). then the power
or discretion may oc exercised' onl y hy an Independent Trustc;.•,
(h) Interested Trustee
The term "Interested Trustee" means a Trustee who ( l) is a transferor or
beneficiary� (2) is related or subordinate to a transferor cir bcnetkiary :
(3) can be removed and replaced by a transferor with either the tr:mstcmr
or a party who is related or subordinate to the transteror: or (4) cun be
removed and replaced by a beneficiary with either the beneficiary or a party
who is relat<.!d or subordinate to the bcncfo.:iary.


Ma�farlane Legal. Inc.
Estate Planning. Probate, and Trust Admini�Lration
970 I Fair Oaks Boukvard. Suite I 00, Fair Oak,. C..\ 456.!li
Phone: (916) 674-2066 • Fa.,.. (Q l 6J -171-0495
• For purposes of this subsection, (I) ··transferor" means a person wlw
transferred property to the trust, including a person whose disdaimer
resulted in property passing to the trust; (2) "beneficiary'' means a person
who is or in the future may be eligible to receive income or principal from
the trust pursuant to the tenns of the trust, even if such person has only a
remote contingent remainder interest in the trust, but not if the person ·sonly
interest is as a potential appointee under a pmver of appointment; and
(3) "related or subordinate" means related or subordinate within th 1:
meaning of Section 672(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(i) Internal Revenue Code and Treasury Regulations
References to the "Internal Revenue Code" or to its provisions are to th�
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
corresponding Treasury Regulations, if any. References to the "Treasury
Regulations" arc to the Treasury Regulations under the Internal Rt!vcnue
Code in effect from time to time .. If a .particular provision of the Internal
Revenue Code is.renum_bei::ed;· or;th.i rrrtcntal Revenue Code is supcrs1.:ded
by a subsequent tedcral tax la'w. any reference is deemed to be mad� to the
renumbered provision or to the corresponding provision of the suhsequ1.-nt
law, unless to do so would clearly be contrnry to my intent .is �xpr�ssc<l in

this agreement. The same rule applies to references 1.n 1hc Treasur�
(j) Per Stirpes
Whenever a distribution is to be made to a person's descendants "per
stirpes," the distribution will be divided into as many equal shares as there
are then-living children of the person and deceased children of the person
who left then-living descendants. Each then-living child will receive one
share and the share of each deceased child will he didded among such
child's descendants in the same manner.
(k) Permissible Distributee
..Permissible Distributee" means a beneficiary who i's currently eligible to
receive distributions of trust income or principal, whether the distrihuti0n i!<.
mandatory or discretionary.
(I) Primary Beneficiary
The primary.\)cncfi_ci,a.�{1t;i.l.!fU.l'\I c,�at� ti11der this agreement i.; thi.: oldest
income beneficiary of that trust unless some other individual is spccificall�
designated as the primary beneficiary of that separate tru!:it.


i\lacF;1rlani: Legal. Inc.
lstatt' Planning. Pwbah.>. and Trnst Admirns1ra1ion
970 t Fair Oak.� B<•ukvard, Suite 100. Fair Oak1-. Ct\ 95hl1'
Plwne: (916) 67-l--WM • Fc1x.· (916)471-0495
• (m) Qualified Beneficiary
•. .. ,_.�-:-!'.-j• .·' :. ;�!�-- .. _.;· :f.;.::!-
"The tenn "Qualified Beneficia ry" means a beneficiary who. on the date the
beneficiary's qualification is determined:
(i) is a distributee or Pennissible Distributee of trusr income or
�.;, ·,,·:

(ii) would be a distributce or Pennissiblc Distributee of trust income or
principal if the interests of the distributeecS described in
subparagraph (i} terminated on that date; or
(iii) would be a distributee or Pem1issible Distributee of trust income or
principal if the trust tenninated on that date.
(n) Qualified Retirement Plan
The term "qualified retirement plan" means a plan qualified under Section
401 of the Internal Revenue Code, an individual rctin:mcnt :irrnngemcnt
under Section 408 or Section 408A, or a tax-sheltered annuity under Section
403. The tenn "qualified retirement beni:fits" means the amounts ft(![o in l)r
distributed pursuant to a plan qualified under Section 40 I. an individual
retirement arrangement under Section 408 or Sect-ion 408A. u tax-shdtercJ

annuity under Section 403. or any other benefit subject to the disLribution
rules of Section 40 I (a)(9).
· ··-·· ,. · :' · •; -.:r! ..; ·<
(o).. Settlor
The tenn "Settlor•· has the same legal meaning as ··Grantor,'· "Trustor:
''Trustmaker, •• or any other term referring to the makt:r of a trusr.
(p) Shall, Must, and May
Unless otherwise specitkally provided in this agreement or by the context
in which used, the words ·•shall" and ··must" are used intcrch,mgeab]y t()
command, direct, or require. and the word "may" to allow or p�nnit, but nOI
require. In the context of my Trustee, the word '"may" is used to authorize
my Trustee to act in my Trustee's sole, absolute, and unrevicwabk
discretion unless othcr\vise stated. In addition, unless oth(;.'rwise speciticnll:-,
provided in this agreement or by the context in which used. the phrases
"shall not,'' ..must not," and "may not" arc used interchangeably w prohibit
or forbid.
(q} Supplemental Needs Person
The term "Supplemental Needs Person" means a person who:
(i) is disabled; or


Macfarlane Legal, Inc.:.
E�tate Planning. Probate. and Trust Admmi�tra1i�,n
9701 f'air Oak� Boult!Htrd. Suitt! 10!.i. Fatr Oaks. CA 9562/s
Plume· (916i 67-1-2066 • fox: 191()} 471-049�
• (ii) is receiving, or is eligible to receive. assistance or other benefits
under a means-based gowmrnent program (such as Medicaid or
Supplemental Security Income).
As used above, the tenn ''disabled" means disabled as defined in United
States Code Title 42. Section I 382c(a)(3), or any other federal l.l\�' rdalc<l
to means-based government programs for the disabled. or under California
law related to means-based·govemment:programs, or under the law related
to means-based go·vemment programs in the state where the person resides
if the person is not a resident of California.
As used above, the term "assistance" means assistance or medical assistance
as defined in United States Code Title 41, Section l 396d(a), or any other
federal law related to means-based government programs for the disabled.
or under California law related to means-based govemment programs. or
under the law related to means-based government programs in the state:
where the person resides if the person is not a resident of California.
As used above, a person is "eligible to receive" assistance or other benefit�
under a means-based government program if the person has been deemed
eligible by the agency overseeing the program, or if the Trustee. in the:
Trustee's sole, absolute, and unrcviewable discretion, detennincs that the

person would be eligible to receive such assistance or other benefits if an
application were ma<le.
(r) Trust
The tenns "trust." "my trust.'' "this trust," "this agreement." and sir;nilar
terms refer to this agreement and all tru�ts cre�ted under the_tcnus of this
(s} Trustee·· ·· · .. i--.: ,.: ' ,:·.' ,.'..':·,--: , ::. •· •

The tenns "Trustee.. and "my Trustee" refer to the Trustces named in
Article One, entitled "Establishing My Trust." and to any su,xessor.
substitute, replacement, or additional person. corporation, or other entity
that is from time to time acting as the Trustee of any trust created under th�
tenns of this agreement The term "Trustee'' refrn: to singular or plural J�
the context may require.
(t) Trust Estate and Trust Property
The tenns "trust estate'' and "trust property" mean all prop�rty (im:ome and
principal) held by my Trustee under this agrccml'nt. including all prop�11y
that my Trustee may ac4uirc from any sourct:.


Md.:Farl:m,: Lc:�,d. In.:.
Estalt! Planning. Pwb�ht, and Trus1 .-\dmini,tra1i,,n
.',!7Q I Fai� QaJ.;sJJ,-,ul�nir9, Sui\f IUD, I air t>ak�. l'A 956.:!S
h,on,·· {9 ,on,7➔-�066 • Fax. (916) .p] .()495
Section 12.07 General Provisions and Rules of Construction
• The folJowing general provisions and rules of construction apply to this agreeml.'nt:
(a) Singular and Plural; Gender
Unless the context requirt"S otherw ise, words denoting the singular may be
construed as plural and words of the plural may be construed as denoting
the singular. Words of one gender may be construed as denoting another
gender as is appropriate within the context.
(b} Headings of Articles, Sections, and Subsections
The headings of Articles, Sections, and sut:,scctions used -wi·thin this
agreement are included solely for t_he convenience and reference of the
r�a,der. They. ha\'.C ·n<>..�igni fo::an�� :in. the. interpretation or construction of
this agreement ·
(c) Governing Law
Unless the Situs of Administration is changed as provided in Section 12.05.
California law governs the validity and construction of thi::; agret:rn�nt.
(d} Severability

The invalidity or unenforceability of any pro,·ision of this agreement shall
not affect the validity or enforceability of :my other provision of this


Macfarlane l.. egal, Inc.
Estate Planning. Probate. and Trust Admini�1r,1tion
970 I Fair Oaks lfoulenrd, Suitl' 100. Fair Oc1k�. CA 956:?!s
Plwne.· (916) 674-.2066 • Fox. (916) 47 f-049.'i

.·-! ;,
,· ...

Settlor and Trustees

1 hereby execute this agreem�nt on __::_r \. __
2 _
5 ?:_·: _v ___. 20_
I certify that J have read this agreement, that J understand it, and that it correctly slate� the
provisions Wlder which the trust property is to be administered and distributed h� my

,------------------------------- - ·-·-
A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identit) of the ;
individual who signed the document to which this certificate is atta1:heJ. and not th\: '
truthfulness, accuracy, or val�id_if-"'y'-o_f__t ha_...:.J_d
. ....,o. _c_u--'n.1-
' _e n___________
t. _
State of California )
County of Sacramento )
On :·:::r 2 5 �:;'.� , 20_ before me, Anthony S. Fram:cschi, a Notar: Puhl ii.:.
personally appeared JOHN J. BAKES and MATTHEW BAKES, who proYc<l to mi.: on thi.:
basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is.'arc subscribed t1l thl'
within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sheithcy executed th� �:um: in
his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signaturc(s) on the
instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(�) uc.:ted. cxcru1...-d
the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY JURY under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing paragraph is

" ..


Macfarlane L<!gal. Im;.
Estate Planning. Pmbal<!. uncl Trusr Administrati1m
970 l r air Oak., Boule,·ard. Suite I Ou. Fair Oah. CA lJ 56.'.!l(
Pirone: (Ci I 6) 674-�066 • hr.I" /9161 -r1·1-0�95
• Schedule A
4130 61 st Street, Sacrame�ro; CA 95.820/AP:\f 02 'i'-0064-005-0000
Golden I Credit Union Savings. Money Market. and Checking A�counts. Accou111 \lo.
Any and all other financial accounts, wherever held and however titled


Ma�l-'arlan� Legal. Inc.
Es1a1c Planning. Probate. and Trust Admmi�tration
970 t Fnir Oaks Boulevard, Suite JOO. Fair Oaks. CA 95628
Phune: (9!6J 67-l-2066 • Fu.1 · t91M -Pl-0-l95
Exhibit B
1: ---· ,
... -•· -·---·----- -- •-· - ·------- .

.S.Ctic,n 2:,(J:I ·-,�t,·
i�•itillf.A�:to.Wi\ARA l(-1-EltOOW BAKES. WJ!'w.•mried on Febnutcy. Hk10V9.
Arty tereren<;y in JP.Y Will tn ��y wi��--i� � $AA��M t.ffiiJ:SQ\V 8.A.&#;S-,

s-..ti.,m .i-42.: if ,cittJdr..-n a.nd: O'escertd'ants

I have four children;,

; :{!� -��$
��]�f �Jt °t�r-) _.,
• WJJ.t.�M l:l��l!f{��r 4i,· 1��;-.d��

MAlTHEW- 8A�E-S :(b9nt May 4, t 96:.iJ
ANN!a �4�$ (!x!t:n �b.R!an' ;u�, l 96,$.,)
Ail te..f�c� ln tnY Wil-1 in •·my th.tldrtn.. lnctt;de·all:of thes.e·ch'ilditm, wl1�cr t¼villg vr

�n addition, -my_thiJdren" includes any cbildtcn, subsequent� bom.t\fo.r.tlcgaHy udi:\

- P,Ied
. .
bfii, ¢. ,
References to t'm.y descendants" are'to my children and their-.descc-ndana.

fi4».-�ver;. lam :sp¢e;ifj�l1y.:4.isinberifia!f('HRlSTO,Pft�R, :SA�S. ;md. �-\NN� ll.AKE-$

and· theiI d�8.�ts. · Th��- for lbe_ purposes ofn:iy. Wiif, CHR1ST0Pl:f ER BAKES

. .... ANNJ!
. . . 1\1\u;t'!s,_
q � an . _ d. .t....-:...-des.
UfG_� . . CCLdants
.l . .ar·e �.,,,.._.,
t<•-��� to. have·
. .·1J'
,� �eastd
. me
. 1

Po.ur-Over W:m of JOHN J. BAl<E.S

·Page 1
Macfarlane lnc,
Estarc·Planruns, P.rofulte, arufTnlS1 Adminh,tn1tiun
. 910 I Fair Olli_<$ -8.o�kvffll, Suik fO!). fltir 0.akl\\ CA .-9�621'. ·
Pl/u11¢.'.(916). 67+.79.<i� • Fu,,·: (9f�)' 471-049$
. - ,. ; . . :; 1;': �w:-� .;.,·.�� .:J:.-�.-t ,-'
··--- -.... ·- -----� ... ·- - . ' ":-...,

Se.ctte.n a:e.t- f�.r .
t ,w�Jlt.tfte.,f�iiowing, in t1te .6nfer nam� tp �e �''.mt�@tot�.
# · First! MArt»RWaf�S¥ ·- r
•. • .
�-. . '-' .

·'s��A; . '•�fiioihi��
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. .. . ·" .
.• ' •V'" •.• )��... ,� •• ·� • -�\"} • :I.-..
!J ...
'""· J.

t�OIJ 3..02 No·Bond· ·

My Execut\'>r··is not _rcq�ir� Jo: futitish ,ny bond fur the '.'faillif'td .:Pei:@tiuill.!.W pf mf
��qr's.du®st �iiiiles's ij:qPu-ed by a:court o:f��,illctt()i1 Q.ttdijnjy if.� �4.,ud
finds, fhat :a :bond-jJ ��� lQ Jm}�l th¢ intetQ16i of·lhe-benefieiari�. No _S\J1'-\Y- Wi1l bt

�gl.�::�b tiond ·requited by any Jaw or rt:Jl� 9-f¢qutt, m,J�-fu¢,�®l&-s lhat a
surety is.n��O'--

• $,�«�:,..oa tnlotmai Proce�m,gs

l'authorize my, �Qffl.l) t;�i"�$.�£atjv¢•tQ �minister my,probate estate U� �� 9mhtf!i�
lml¢pffl.dent Administration of Est�� ,t\:c\ "a.$ $e,· fqiiji :io :.thr· Pilifhmfa Pt.abate ("nde.
rnvisron 1,. §, �cgi'.Qjlimnvitii �eciiou 10400.. · ,.

$ection,"3..H .Anciffaty A�n.lsb'tf'qn

Ifa�y ��j).wy admmjstration n:qu1ted or desired and 111y 49m�ititu·y E�,�' is �tt.ijbfc.
or LinwilHng to act -� ap �Gil� 'nQi;rdacy, my ·dorrucilfary Exccuti.,r mq designate.
CQJUPCA.sate, din;� and remove, an aru:m�ry ti4�•m-, 1'11:e anc.itt�.fidu!!iruy• ItTay ctth�-r
be a m$lr3.f �cm ()ta. corp�ta.tion. My·d�rnieiJiary &ecutor may dele_gt\!� i�� ;\(lvi:ti�o;
fiducllicy· �¥ powe,rs. ��"�·WY:�(ciJ��x"\t.t<>r as: aw· domiciliary Execotor­
d.�j to,� J>.JVP�; ine.liJJ�1he rigbt t�. serve �i-tli�� ;bon�.-or w�t��� sur�ty on: hojl<J'.
1J1e net P,roceeds of th� ��lf.iry es.ta�� will � over--ta.the d()rntcd,ary Executo,•.
:bCl paid
. . .

• Poµr,,<;)ver·Wjll of" JO.RN J, BAKES

Mac:fadane Lept, Inc.
Est!!� Phlnnillg. Pro&ale, .and Ini:.1 Administration
· F11i,t Q�.;.�.1,11�.,.ard,.Suitc 100, f,ijFOll\-11. CA 9562$
Phone: (9161674-2066·• Faj:: (?-16) 47i-049S

Th� �� ofmJ! WilJ t._appl���� �'ll J'fflilis.h�� :g.f�fiwnri.{l.ltiW.. ilij( ta di� �t��
go,�fli�- tb.e': t�- �lm-fy �U ptWiii� -unless the tnnf.l_ictill& p�Yisit>OS of,(?ulf�r�:"fa�
�.tna11daiory ,an4 �) �t �� w��. .J:!!l�¢vq; ·roy'fRm�� filjt f®:\@ :b}' ('lditli�»a
1mltitl�-e.� se.cdon t6Q8t ari<la •'bh1aderpo,v.er1s inteml�.�

:&ection 4�01 · Apportkj;.n...�-o.f Q�tt, t�

i;i.,,,_,,t .as
·•� • __
.... .,i : ·.. ..&.Mj�-.,:A_
-.�.'.•1� in
.. .:m v wtui • m,
. :c;.....,.,t_oii'
. f .�'°' ".. - f' wiJ" 'iniv.lmi:uj. dejl_
' th ;,,.;_ ·. �;,.
�H. .. "<'�TT.$ .c;. ..• .. 'l .i.r.,,..,..�•11.U ·. -�
pto¥1deilliidet. the-1aw ·o.f.:C-afffornia 'in e� a�iliecdate,-0fmy. ·d�.•': · · · · ·: ·• -·
. ! .. • •.

-�� t;O�
• :i· ' -JC.. • • •
������Jq_ij,,�.i. ;. ·.,
- • .. • ' • •
MYEx�f.w.lll'.b.e eiitlt-led,'.tofa1t and. reasonable. compensation for:ihe-se-rvi:c�:-rte!ld�m
�s � fut�9!BQ'�- Mr��tot'l'!ll;Y 6�Jdd1tw�nu � (o���-�t'�tl6't1�Jrl�1iit$
·du.lies -as Execulori-SOch as fees for legal sen-ic�,· � �lg� �.,rml�� a�� ;Wf:Ptlmt�
ft.n�e..e. �t lllY�em b�rtt;s��- ··
In ·addition to receiving :compensaifon, my- £�tor :m._ay, ·be �•in)u,rs� for ;,req�o,ml:ik
® ......,.,..m
··!$ts.-�-· afiim ....Jn�
···· sts'. �-
- �u=- ,,_,...,,,. ou,.its,,,..--...<fia ,..___ dot,es,tmder
. . . . nf,f Will.

Mt-E��tor may �er-ctse, whheut prior •wrovai AnY eoutt..att lhe.pow¢acoJ\t1?rr�
lty. � Will and any !9W��-CQ_J)f� '� fa.�·, jpcJµ,(ft:pg, \Vitlio.u:l' li,m�l)R., mQse. nvw��
s� loith th, tnmm<>n law or statut�ty Jaw··afC.atifomia .-Ot any oihe.--1,wisdkii-tm
wli� la.w app-Ji� to·m:Y Will, The power,s �r f.o� io ¢.,dffli!"t.l� P�te. Coa� Pl�·i_sµ.m
1, Part s. b.¢ginning with Section ·96-0fl: ate speci=fieaHy incotpOrated mto 'lh.,y w:�tt.. Th�
powers CQnfeir-ed �fl ws -_g��tor by h1.w .wd' �Qse pPwer� �rpoJ;ate4 �i<!J. ure-­
s�bject ·ta aitf exptess.fintitatio.os of contrary directions: contained i�l-:J.nY )Yilt
$���'.ty,-my €&�«Jr J,a$,�e PO\!�r_to Jl�UJte. �eJi, �-�_'1.QQY�Y, pl�dg;; �n,��mP�1.
lease; hrur�w� man�e; and· deat with � 8:J'.l.d: pet$�al property- ·u;terests. of utl kind�.
i�l9�m.g �¢µms at nnan.cltd inst,tufiQ)l� . . · . .. .
M f��U!9.f :wm exerct�e �-:��·:lff��et· fixecucor,determincs it! be,

i1.1 the-:best interoSts '1f ·the. �dieiai:ie.s. My Ex�tot may M>t �.ereise $fi:Y .ptiWer i.n. a

P-bur1-0,"-Cr-WijJof./.OHN-J. BAK.Elli
_MacF11f'l.ane L� Inc.
Esiatc; P.Jar:inJ11_g. -�])al� �..TTU$l A-d.m111�.lAAA
910.1 ·.F•ifo.a.t:s �9�Ji:v:a}d, Sµ�� tP.O, flfir-Q�;-�.\ -956.!s
Phone: {-9·J�J 674,-2066 • F.a-r: (91iiJ 41l..o49i
.. •
GeneFat P.r-c,v.iJ1J•s1

:1: Wijll.4hal.� r��$ ;t,� •,·.a�4t1� with. '.U1, lmo.wp. �tt'®f.1�.t,;! 1�ff hy l�l�
· ·· . · ,. · . -or --:-'f· • f" -· - ···-; ·- tlimil:
•�.;, . -
": '1.8. �- w
. J;{l:cw lB',?. Jo �).' . � r. ?Mm- m"" .t�·., t ·biNe t'S.ffed
· .kl.;,; Hk __ � • · �u
..m· ··•e
;t;b,..$ ·' .
�M-'!v-w•. :�arw.p_g Mt,.. lltln'if
,,r... .t. ic•'
.. · .o"f-�·---- ..- 'tii.•�.��
..�,·� "'- t1mf
.. J· ;_�.;1;1 .
. · �;�JlJ!il' a.;;,,;, a�1�:y,
.u!'i. l;Ma!J:1.
-·�,r;'IT l!.a,

� •A2 �-P� Ptdvittao·
If. .a:fte�f� �- �W--0fihis_��Oti" an1.·�11r_ip i!W m.@iltt, directt1 �r, 'mdll�-�d�:.

�tnip# tQ con� ,Qr <,l!�S..e ttie validi,ly -of fflf Wffl:{bi�.& JTI-)' �m.enl fu �i'r
. , �1.-it
·. !J; .@.�v,;--,
·.-.i;..;· J?ddfinucs-ot ....f �ht 1J ....;.-t
...1. •.. P.t,·. -· . . atll
. · 4e� t!!.�P.J .lO seli
. .ffl}{. \\'i
��. . �!,!; �.ct,
tt� ms

�®b· p.e�n. AA,aH $1�it. oj; her �,. e:e.«so·to;haiz�f.ttm �$�� j.;r; i'�st.1n. t�
�j-�\stiidl, for pufPPll¢.� c;fmy Wfl�_:&;cr�� �- b�ie�;pitjttre�'!¢�fe;i� �•i11'i.�t
.;"=:2,•. ·•.. • �
_JY.J\llUg -ueseeg�1��..a.....1.. · - " · · ·
• ... •,; , , ,_

Thi"�.;�� .�B-1 no1.b_v�ff.if��l�U:i�rffii� Qf:nJiy dism.butt.9.n 'Otb�t\�isc

qu.iil� fur�e;•�&Je ded:uction;
. ' ". .. , -. ..
How��, it .Caji&mia law. S<>Y�: :the fcn:�gp{_n_g P-1QVlittons · of this' .$�(t6.!itJ., 1�i;ti
'°1tife.mia :Pmt,p� Ctfdt Sectfon_ 2-1 )J I -l� . mid '.fue: _fl?�� provisions -of. {tjs
$:�Qltmay'onJy- be ��:-�ainst.ffie tbH�wit)t; ��
·(il a �j.,. contest that isbro�f \fltb�utpmhau1e-��r
'(ij) ii" ple� -to �l�itge: IJ tronsf� _-qf p:ro� 6Ji Jh.e· armmds {n�l fr :(\:ifs -�ll;ll lhe
�f�r� pn;pert,: Qt1.��ttr4e¢.thet.ransl'en: iig.q ..
£iii) die filing ol"'!I ���r.'.s clilim or. p�t\9:.11 �·an: action b�� fl} ft.. .
'!]!e t�m� ·'d.� contest:" am.I \nl�.d�\}re sam.�m�i.n�; �1 in:��1:t.rtoi�
Pi:Obate Coo� $�n lllH>-. Alf� �l� in mt Will are ')11l)teCf� JJ'i�ii·· ,lti
prpYi�·itt Ciitif6mia 4robJt�d;-0d� $�ion 2 f.3-Hl(�};
• Section 5.03 General Provisions and R�les of Con�truction
The following general provisions and rules of co11Struction app)y to my Will:
(a) Singular and Plural; Gender
Unless the context requires othen.vise. words denoting the singular may be
construed as plural and words of the plural may be construed as denoting
the singu1�- Jords of one gender may be i.'!onstn.ied as denoting another
gender as is appropriate within the context. .
(b) Headings of Articles, Sections, and Subse�tioris �
, Th� headings of Aljli���-�j��d.�IJ.sections us.ed within my Will are
included solely for the·converi1ence and reference of the reader. They have
no significance in the interpretation or construction of my Will.
(c) Governing Law
California law governs the validity and construction Qf my WiU.
(d) Severabillty
The invalidity or w1enforceability of any provision of my Will shall not
affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of my Will.

[Remainder ofpage intentionally left blank] t ·•

•• Pour-Over WiJJ of JOHN J. BAKES

Mucfarlane Legal, Inc.
Estate Planning. Probate, and Trui;t Admi11il.1ration
9701 fairOaksBou!cvard,Suite 100. fairOak:l,CA9562K
Pho11,•.: (916) 674-.2066 •fo.,·. (916H71�0495

• • ' l ·•
• C
•; - .


Wt: deet����;�1tity J>fperjucy im.det the, Jaws of$he·$(a,�,,Qf�Ufqrtti.� t��t t.>tt ffi�
d,I.\Y an..dx.W-Wntten abo;e, .JOHN 4�- iA:1¢11�; w..WJ�ed a\l(i:i.fe�JatedlmsPo.ur..-Dver. \\�ir
' ,.•· J
.. _- ,...a;t_.···.•-.·Will
..J. .atl.
.. '·cl- �-�½,,.
....�."� . .. - ·· �·he.-:P�5'-
..fJ'.��!-i, a�-A.tmi:: Pour,
. ·• ::-OverWd1
- -. . ' m·.o.
......u ".·.-�
..,t I' .. , .. - � .. ,;t.""t,
��lf-P.f'!,$;.citOus- pres.ence'·antfDf ms �Q�. -�d m 4\e ��� Df1'11clh>tfter� sig;n Wt
names s att�stfog WI�$�- Wt a1sp dec1ate·thal ·eadt· .of us 1$ ll�W m:�r,� ,(ha"!'.j �gf,1t;l;il
Y�'QJ-:�e J).ri<i a,�petent
· ···

t' .

We alsc;>;;deelllf<:: �JtttHb-e time. tifq"iit ottestation ofthis.Pour:.Over W:tit-JOttlif J. ll AKES. j
was, tQ {,ijE,&est knt,wJetlg�,and belie(, 9f$Q�n!l •trii� jJtQ m.�ocy, �ghteeri year.s.·of'ngc
or· oll!�
�-a: ugd«· no. A'Qf�$,. m�&cc. bud. m-isrepresept�u.on� �v��liffll, or llntiW

.-, .

Pour-0\rer Will of-JOHN J.-BAKES

Ma�atJane L.eg11I, .I.oc.
Estate Planniqg, Pro,b111�; #lid Tl'il$t A�inisuat{Qn
9701 'Fait Qab Boukvarii. Swtc I00, Fair Oab, CA- 9��3
Pl1one: (-916) 674-2066 • Pax: (916-) 471�049$
Exhi bitC
. ,



BADS· LXVD1G TR.UST dated Septewiber 2s. �OU (•T.rwlt.,), �

revo1c.e· the !hust· aJ1 to all of IIIY pxq.e.cty aql eeparate

property interests. pursuant to· the au.1'iQnt-;y � to •

under Sectitm l;. OS (b) of the Tz:Ust •

WitnessJtine-t �le'-/
l 0Cc>4.0 f\'\cdhev- t,l\/a. 5le 20D
-,Y\o..i ner,. Ca.. QSlt>::>
. . �;.
9l<o 920-52.. �lo

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