7 Simple Flow State Experiments
7 Simple Flow State Experiments
7 Simple Flow State Experiments
Manifestation Is Crazy—Right?
Manifestation sounds absurd, am I right? Plucking new cars and Mexican vacations out of
thin air—that’s just crazy, isn’t it? Nothing comes out of thin air. You can’t pray or wish or
No, don’t turn this off yet, I promise I’m not confused. Albert Einstein would absolutely
agree that you can’t get something from nothing. BUT, manifestation is not about getting
What’s NOT impossible is changing energy. And THAT’s what Einstein was all about.
Albert Einstein was the one who proved that matter and energy are actually the same thing,
even though we don’t perceive them that way. They’re just different forms of the basic
‘stuff,’ as you might call it. He also proved that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only
Yeah, ok, old news. Most of us learned E=MC squared in school. It means everything
around us is energy—and we are energy too. Even if we don’t feel like energy…especially
Now, Einstein might have begun this energy revolution, but it was quantum physicists who
really took it to the next level. Quantum physics experiments have proven that consciousness
can affect the outcome of experiments with particles. They’ve also established that entangled
particles can transmit information between with NO time-lapse, even when they’re miles
experiences, then:
This means that people, places, things, and time are all aspects of a whole—the totality of which I call
the ‘E-Field.’ The E-Field handily stands for both the ‘energy field’ and the ‘Einstein field’ (because we’re
It also means that our minds can influence the E-Field…which again, practically speaking, means the
people, places, and things around you. Even time is on the table, which is good news for those of us who
If you’ve been keeping up on science news, you’re probably nodding along. Or, if you’re familiar with
Here’s what other manifestation programs DON’T stress enough… There’s a difference between
knowing and knowing. It’s one thing to jot down the equation E=MC squared in your notebook.
It’s something else entirely to understand the implications of what that means. We might be able to
grasp complicated scientific studies, but then, you know, we’ve got to go pick up the kids from daycare,
and go grocery shopping, and cook dinner, and…by the time you’re browsing through the
approximately billion shows on Netflix, scientific theories stop feeling really relevant to your life.
You know them, but you don’t really understand them, apply them, or make use of them.
Actually, that’s not strictly true. Albert Einstein encountered this opportunity. Most people
try to figure out a subject intellectually, then come up with pretty pictures and examples to
pictures in his mind, and imagined elaborate scenarios. Then he worked out the math.
I was sitting on a chair in my patent office in Bern. Suddenly a thought struck me:
If a man falls freely, he would not feel his weight. I was taken aback. This simple
thought experiment made a deep impression on me. This led me to the theory of
Or consider the Gedankenexperiment he tried when he was only 16: he pictured himself
running alongside a beam of light, at the exact same speed as the beam. Theoretically,
since they are moving at the same speed, the light should appear frozen beside him—but
that violated certain laws of physics. How could that be? Years later, Einstein solved this
Now, you may wonder what these Einsteinian thought experiments have to do with more
‘ordinary’ manifestation as we understand it. Most people would like more money in the
bank, or better health, than they would like to crack the code of physics.
But let me ask you this—what do you think Einstein REALLY wanted? What did he devote
his whole life to? His whole BEING to? Physics. And it worked! He got the answers he
So the question is…what do you want with your entire being? And how can you use
I know some of you have tried manifestation before, and it hasn’t worked for you the
way you hoped. This is because most manifestation systems don’t address the difference
between knowing intellectually, and really grasping the concept at a gut level. For some of
us—most of us, in fact—mere knowledge is not enough. We have to get below that surface,
This surface mind is capable of great analysis and extraordinary functions throughout
your day, but it is NOT your friend when it comes to manifestation. Why? It tends to get
tangled up in the ‘how’ and the ‘why.’ Remember, we’re dealing with concepts that are
highly counterintuitive. Do you feel like waves of energy? I certainly don’t. But we are. Yet
the surface intellectual mind can’t square the facts with lived experience.
In other words, this is the part of your mind that stubbornly insists, “But a rich,
gorgeouspartner doesn’t just drop out of thin air!” That’s why I call that part of your mind, the
“Doubting Self.” The Doubting Self is death to manifestation. Your mind can influence
reality…but not when it’s busy wrestling with that Doubting Self, which blocks your integral
So how do we counteract the Doubting Self? We get Einsteinian about it. We use
visualizations, imagination, and play to get underneath the Doubting Self to the most powerful
There are a few other reasons why the Einsteinian approach is so effective:
as numbers, and some gifted psychics can see numbers or letters. But for the average
The E-Field responds to emotion. If you don’t feel it, you can’t achieve it. And the BEST
feeling is—play! This is the precise state you want to achieve for manifestation—
relaxed, happy, and a little mischievous (you know, ready to break the so-called ‘rules’
of reality).
The E-Field responds best to the subconscious, which is deeper and more powerful
than your conscious mind. You can use creativity to de-intellectualize your
manifestation, fool your Doubting Self, and unlock your unconscious mind.
How to Perform Manifestation Experiments
But don’t take my word for it—try it for yourself! I’ve organized 7 core manifestation
gedankenexperiments for you to enjoy. The key words here: ‘experiments’ and ‘enjoy.’ The
lighter you keep it, and the more fun you have, the more successful you will be.
The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.
– Albert Einstein
1) To begin using vivid visualizations to reach under the Doubting Self and tap into your
infinite imagination.
2) To announce, to your whole psyche, that you embrace the concept of the E-Field and are
BFind a quiet place. (Or as quiet as you can manage—parents with children, just do your
Close your eyes and take a few moments to sink into yourself. You’re aiming to feel relaxed,
Above all else, don’t be worried! Don’t concern yourself with doing it “right.” There is no
right way or wrong way. There’s just play and creativity. You can’t “play” wrong, therefore
you can’t “visualize” it wrong. Really, the only way to do it “wrong” is to not have fun with it!
Are you ready? If not, pause the recording. Ok, you’re ready. Let’s begin.
Count down with me from twenty. As you count, feel yourself going deep, deep, deeper.
20,19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
There’s a door in front of you. You open it, and step inside a dark room.
It’s empty, save for a single round table in the center. One bare lightbulb swings over the
table. You can see several people sitting around it. They appear to be playing poker.
Approach the table. Enter the circle of light. You recognize the people sitting around the
table. They are the people who most deeply influence your personal universe. They might
physical laws.
Whoever they are, they are the Movers and the Shakers of the E-Field. And they have been
You see now the empty chair at the table. You take that seat. They watch you, and wait for
you to speak.
Repeat after me: “All right, I know about the game now. I want you to deal me in.”
You hear the sentence echoing against the bare walls of this room. Repeat it five times now:
Deal me in. Deal me in. Deal me in. Deal me in. Deal me in.
The Movers and Shakers nod. The dealer rifles the cards, and then deals you five. You’re in.
Somebody says something, and everyone around the table starts to chuckle. You lean
Repeat after me. “What’s the joke? Tell me the joke. Tell me what’s so funny.”
The person next to you leans over, and whispers in your ear. “We will tell you the joke…in
the next 72 hours. Wait for it. You’ll see the joke.”
Then the person puts their arm around your shoulder. “Welcome to the game, kid.”
The room fades away, but the feeling it gave you remains, deep in your core. Count to
twenty with me, and rise to the surface as you count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
All right! Now you’ve dipped your big toe into the waters of visualization. Go to your journal
and write down everything you recall about the room, the people sitting around it, how you
In 72 hours, you WILL –and you don’t think this, you KNOW this—you WILL see, hear, feel,
or experience something hilarious. They WILL share that cosmic joke with you, and you will
“It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it
1) To imagine something silly and small. You may even visualize a toy you loved as a child.
3) To practice keeping your cravings at bay, as they can undermine the effectiveness of
For starters, you’ll need a quiet place where you can concentrate. Maybe you still have
those kids we talked about in Experiment #1? That’s fine—once again, just do you best.
Shut your eyes and prepare yourself. Breathe, stretch. Feel your feet on the floor, or your
back against the chair. You want to feel at ease, but you don’t want to fall asleep (well,
incorrectly—in other words, your picture is perfect, whatever it is, so long as it’s yours.
Now, if you’re ready, let’s count down from 20. Counting burns loads of calories…
Maybe. Or maybe not. I don’t really know. But it does help you get deeper.
As you count, feel your body grow heavy like it’s melting, melting, melting into a puddle on
the floor.
20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
There’s a meadow in front of you. It’s peaceful and serene. A bird chirps in the background.
You see a playground out of the corner of your eye. It’s an old-fashioned playground, the
kind made decades ago. The kind with steel slides that burned your skin on hot days. The
You walk over to the playground, and find a child sitting under the monkey bars.
The child looks familiar. The hair, the eyes, the clothes, the toys they’re playing with. You
step closer and recognize…yourself. Yourself at a tender and hopeful age, back when you
believed in magic.
You move towards your inner child a bit more and sit down. They don’t look up, but they
smile; they know you’re there. They reach over and grab a toy, and then hand it to you.
You remember it—it’s your favorite toy from years ago. Or perhaps it’s the toy you always
The child looks up at you. The chains of the swings clang against the metal pole, as your
Encapsulate the wish simply. If the toy is a purple horse, then you want to see a purple
horse. If it’s a red truck, then you want to see a red truck.
Repeat your desire five times now; for example, “I want to see a purple horse.” Go ahead,
The child—your inner child—smiles at you. They lean towards you, and whisper breathily in
your ear. “You’ll see your wish within 72 hours,” they whisper. “It’ll be like magic!”
The playground fades away, drifting into the background until it’s going, going, gone.
Count up to twenty with me, and slowly return to the present moment as you get closer:
0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Congratulations, you’ve completed the Inner Child’s Wish manifestation experiment. Now
grab your journal and write down everything and anything you can remember about the
meadow, about the playground, about the toys, about your childhood self. Don’t forget to
include how you felt. And be sure to mention the deadline, too: 72 hours.
In 72 hours, you WILL see your inner child’s wish in some form or fashion. You probably
don’t think you will, but just you wait! Be patient and be on the lookout.
Experiment #3: TIA (Thanks in Advance)
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
- Albert Einstein
2) To announce to the E-Field that you are ready to receive your desires.
Find a quiet place to sit with a blank piece of paper, your journal, and a pen.
Before we start this experiment, I want to address the issue of guilt. Ah, guilt. Not as much
fun as chocolate and wine, but somehow just as much of a staple in everyone’s life. Society
can make even the most deserving of people feel guilty for wanting more out of life.
But not you! Not anymore. You understand that when you have what you want, you will
be better able to serve those around you. An empty cup cannot fill the cups of others.
Likewise, when you are fulfilled, it is easier for you to fulfill others.
Time to get out your journal. Consider for a few minutes: what do you truly desire? What
would make your life easier, or make you feel more fulfilled, or simply bring you joy every
day? Probably a lot of things, am I right? But just choose one thing for now, and write it at
Now list ways that achieving your desire will help others. How will getting what you want
help your spiritual development? How will it serve your family relationships, your friends, or
And we’re back. You see? I’m sure you came up with at least a few reasons why getting
what you want will help others as well as yourself. So now that we have banished the guilt
fairy—poof! There she goes!—it’s time to get down to the serious business of play. Are you
Then close your eyes. Get comfy. Are you comfy yet? If you’re ready, count down with me
from ten. When you reach one, you will have achieved your desire. (Awesome, right? Talk
Imagine you now have exactly what you wrote down in your journal. Congratulations! How
does it feel?
Start imagining step by step what will happen when you receive your wish. What does your
life look like? Start with the morning. You wake up. What does the world around you look
like? What is the first thing you do? What does your home look like? Who is there?
Move through your day. Notice your habits, your work, and your relationships. Take several
minutes and walk through a whole day with your desire realized. How did that wish change
your life? Do you act differently now that you have what you want?
Pause the recording while you finish your visualization. When you get to bedtime in your
have. You are filled with a lightness of being. You are worthy of feeling this way every day.
Take up your journal and turn to a blank page. With your heart and mind still full of everything
you just experienced, I want you to write a thank you letter to the E-Field. Be specific about
what the E-Field has given you. If you want a healthy, loving relationship, thank the E-Field
for the partner you just saw. If you desire a new job, thank the E-Field for giving you a
Now pause the recording and place your thank you letter somewhere in your house. Ideally,
choose someplace where other people won’t find it…you know, like your underwear drawer.
Now, this is critical. For the next 72 hours, you need to behave like you have already gotten
what you wanted. Make believe that your desire has been met. Really go for it. I mean, don’t
Why am I stressing really getting into this make believe? As discussed earlier, play allows
us to get beneath the Doubting Self to the most powerful aspects of our psyche. Many adults
lose access to those potent parts of the mind because they stop playing and imagining.
Einstein, of course, is the notable exception to the rule—and look what he achieved! You,
like Einstein, have been getting back in touch with your imagination. It’s time to unleash
If you feel hesitant at any moment, remember how getting what you want helps you better
serve others. Remind yourself that you are worthy. Be excited for the days to come! You are
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art
and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder
and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. – Albert Einstein
1) To activate your most powerful emotional states and break through your Doubting Self.
3) To use play and imagination to activate your connection to the E-Field and the energy
of your desires.
You’ll need your journal (or pen and paper) to begin this exercise.
Find a quiet place and close your eyes. Visualize yourself standing on the edge of a dark
lake. The lake’s surface is entirely opaque. What lies beneath is a mystery to you. You may
doubt there is any life below. You may even fear what resides beneath the surface.
At your feet are smooth stones. You pick up a stone. It is cold in your palm. Feel the weight
For a moment, as the stone breaks the surface, you catch a glimpse of plants, fish and
other life teeming beneath the surface. Watch ripples form and vibrate outward. When the
Your mind is like that opaque lake. Beneath your doubting, conscious mind is a source of
energy and power teeming with potential. In this experiment, you will find things that break
Things that activate your most powerful emotional states will break the surface of your
Doubting Self. We will call these things your ‘switches’ because they activate an emotion
so powerful it switches you from your Doubting Self to your subconscious mind. Think of the
things that give you goosebumps, shivers or butterflies – those things that make you feel
Your shivers, goosebumps and butterflies can be thought of like the ripples in the lake.
They vibrate you out of your Doubting Self and into your subconscious.
Let’s do a little exercise to help you identify some of your switches. Get out your journal and
respond to the following prompts. If nothing comes to mind for some of the prompts, that’s
First, name a movie that makes you cry so hard you gasp for air. Now one that makes you
laugh out loud. How about one that scares you so badly, your blood runs cold?
Next, name a song that seems to penetrate your bones – not a song that makes you think,
but a song that makes you feel something deep in your core. The song could make you feel
Next, name a place that left you awestruck. It could be beautiful natural wonder, an
astonishing feat of human engineering, or a place that felt so eerie it covered your body in
goosebumps. What matters is that recalling the place transports you back to that emotional
Finally, think of a picture or a piece of artwork that evokes an undeniably strong feeling. Jot
Well done, you’ve identified several switches that dive deep beneath your Doubting Self.
Now, pick the thing that elicited the most potent emotional response. It doesn’t have to be
a purely positive response, but it probably shouldn’t be grief, rage, or terror. Those aren’t
as useful for manifestation as joy, awe, happy tears, fighting spirit, or what I personally call
Ok, figured out your switch? Time to go get it! If you chose a piece of artwork or a picture,
set it in front of you or pull up an image on your computer. If you chose a song, have it ready
to play. If you selected a movie, find a clip of the scene that most affected you online.
In a moment, you will press pause on this recording to look at, listen to, or watch the switch
you chose. But first, call to mind the desire you wish to manifest. Write your desire down
three times on a small piece of paper. Hold the paper in your hand while you look at, listen
to, or watch your switch. Really let yourself fully release into the emotional state the switch
brings forth within you. The emotional state will energetically charge your desire. Do this
Still feeling those goosebumps? Good! Look at your paper. Practice feeling that powerful
Well done! You’ve broken through your Doubting Self. Over the next 72 hours, your newly
energized subconscious will keep you more deeply tapped into the E-Field. Within 72-hours
you will be presented with an opportunity that aligns with the desire you wrote down.
Congrats! Many go through their whole lives never disturbing the Doubting Self. You have
not only become aware of your Doubting Self, but you’ve managed to slip beneath it. You
can activate the energy of your desire and manifest the life you truly want and deserve.
Experiment #5: Your Lucky Rabbit’s Foot
All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development
around you.
2) To start cultivating a lucky state of mind so you can create your own lucky experiences.
3) To use playful habits to adjust your attitude throughout the day in a way that empowers
Select a small lucky token for yourself. Your token could be a necklace, a special coin, even
an actual rabbit’s foot. What matters is that your token genuinely feels ‘lucky’ to you. Pause
Let the luck from your token expand, washing over you. Feel the luck rushing from your
token through your fingers and palms, up your arms, filling your body! You are glowing
with luck.
Again, feel the rush of luck from your toes to the top of your head. That little tingle in your
Tell yourself again: “I’ve got my lucky charm, and today is my lucky day!”
It’s true. Today is your lucky day. You have your lucky token. You have tapped into your
luck. You will notice and take advantage of all the unusual, unique, and downright fun
Count down with me from ten. As you count, feel yourself tingle with luck, tapping everdeeper
Open your eyes. You are now fully charged with luck, primed to receive all the fun
Throughout the day, periodically rub or touch your token. Feel that little thrill, warmth, or
glow that means luck to you. Every time you touch your token, you tap into the E-Field and
Repeat to yourself often: “I’ve got my lucky charm, and today is my lucky day!”
Touch your token before leaving the house, while at work, when you transition between
or time. Just have fun with it. Give yourself little bursts of luck throughout the day.
Don’t worry about whether or not your lucky charm is working. Don’t ask yourself why
View touching your token as one of those playful ways to “break the rules of reality.” You
have a pocket-sized (or smaller!) punch of personal power right at your fingertips.
Remember, you can’t play wrong, so have fun with it! Enjoy the zing of luck your token
gives you!
You ARE lucky. You ARE worthy of manifesting your desires. Your token WILL awaken your
Now that you are tapped into your luck get out there and see, in the words of Albert Einstein,
As usual, the deadline here is 72 hours. Within 72 hours, you WILL experience an
extraordinary run of luck, or perhaps one very unusually lucky event. Be sure to record
1) To use creative visualizations to get below the surface of your intellectual mind and
3) To tap into your imagination and the power of your unconscious mind.
Find a quiet place to sit or lie comfortably. Blink slowly five times. Each time you blink,
your eyelids grow heavier. On the final blink, your eyelids barely open and close. You drop
deeper into yourself with each slow, heavy blink. The outside world fades away.
Now gaze into the vastness behind your closed eyes. You walk into that vastness. It is dark,
but ahead you see a glowing light. As you approach the light, you realize it is a lamp by a
This door was meant for you. You reach out and grab the handle. The metal feels cool in
your hand. With a single tug, the door swings open. You step through the door into a new
It might be a beautiful white sand beach with clear blue water. It might be a lush grove full
of trees and flowers. Perhaps it’s a cool cavern beneath a thundering waterfall. Take in this
space. Fill in the details. What colors are present? What temperature is the air against your
Don’t worry about making this place “right” or perfect. It is solely for you. This is the place
physically lighter. Take a deep breath in and exhale out all your burdens and worries. While
As you walk around your space, you come to a table. On the table is a box. You feel a spark
of excitement. This box holds a gift that’s just for you. You carefully lift the lid off the box.
Inside the box is what you need to make your magic. Look at it carefully. It might be a wand,
a special potion, or a glowing orb. Whatever seems most magical to you is what’s inside
that box.
Pick it up. Hold it in your hands. Touch it carefully. What does it feel like? Is it heavy? Light?
Now, prepare to summon your magic. If your box held a wand, wave it. If your box contained
a potion, drink it. If your box held an orb, cradle it in your palms and feel its energy pulse
through you. Whatever your box held, use it to summon your magic.
Magical power blossoms inside you. You tingle all over with the power—or perhaps you
feel it as waves of energy, coursing up and down your spine. You are electric with power,
What do you desire? What do you want more than anything else in the world?
Feel your desire deep within your gut, like a flame igniting in your belly. Now speak your
desire. Say it now, in your mind. Speak it to your magic place, and to the magic object you
As you say your desire aloud in your magical place, a shiver, like a gentle shock, runs
up your spine and shoots out your fingers, your toes, and the crown of your head. Your
whole body shudders with sensation. Your desire is more than just a dream now. You have
You walk back to the ornate door through which you entered. You exit back into the vastness
behind your closed eyes. You stand in the cool darkness, soaking in your magic. When you
are ready, you slowly blink your eyes five times, becoming a little more alert with each blink.
The world looks a little different - a little brighter, a little more hopeful. You know beyond a
doubt that the next 72 hours will present you with an incredible opportunity.
Go to your journal and write down everything you remember about your magical place.
Detail the ritual that allowed you to tap into your magic, then make a note of your deadline:
72 hours from the time you first visited your magical place.
Within 72 hours, life WILL present you with an opportunity to achieve your desire. You will
Anytime you need to remember your power, return to your magical space where anything
2) Dodge your Doubting Self by getting away from words and into the language of the
For this experiment, you are going to create a sigil. But what is a sigil? A sigil is a way to
communicate a concept to the E-Field. Sigils don’t use regular language. A sigil is a potent
picture of your desire that breaks through your Doubting Self to awaken the power of the
Sigils follow the same method Einstein used for his scientific breakthroughs. Einstein started
with concepts, then did the math to support the concept. You’re going to do something
You’re going to start with a concept, then create a sigil to transmit that concept to the E-field
so it can manifest.
All you need for this experiment is a pen and paper. Don’t dismiss sigils because they use
simple tools! In fact, their simplicity is one of the things that make sigils so powerful.
Once you have your pen and paper, write out your most heartfelt desire. Use the present
author.” If you desire to have children, write: “I have children.” If you want to make 100,000
dollars a year, write: “I make $100,000 a year.” You get the idea.
Also, use positive language instead of negative language. You don’t want any “nots” or
“nevers” in your sigil. For example, if you desire to find love, don’t write: “I am not alone.”
Write your desire in a single, clear sentence. Then, cross out all the vowels.
Now, take all the remaining letters and mash them together. Combine them. Write them
on top of each other. Write them upside down, sideways, and backwards. You’re trying to
It probably looks pretty ugly, doesn’t it? That’s ok. We’re going to make pretty pictures now.
You’re going to work with that symbol until it’s pleasing to you. Add some dots, or stars, or
extra lines. Erase anything you don’t like. Don’t worry if you’re taking away letters, or if it
doesn’t even look like letters anymore—in fact, that’s exactly what you want.
Don’t worry if you feel uncertainty about your sigil. That’s normal. Even if you feel unsure
about your sigil, you are already releasing the energy of your desire into the E-field just
by starting this process. Remember that you’re getting away from the language of your
thoughts and into the language of the E-Field, which recognizes artistic symbols better than
letters or numbers.
Continue to work with the sigil until you like it, very much. There is no right or wrong answer
Now, draw a clean copy of your sigil on a blank piece of paper. Meditate on it. Don’t return
to the original language of your desire. Instead, focus only on the picture you have created.
Use some of the previous experiment techniques to activate the sigil. You might go to your
magic place, and picture the sigil taking flight there. You might play music that gives you
the shivers while you stare at the sigil. You might just meditate upon it quietly.
Whatever you do, there will be a moment of release. The sigil will feel more and more
special, more and more potent, and then…it won’t. When that happens, you know that the
sigil’s work is complete, and your desire has been released to the E-Field.
Now copy your sigil on several pieces of paper and put them around your house, office,
car, and anywhere that you might see them throughout the day. You don’t want them to
be too obvious. They should simply be around so that you might happen to notice them
When you spot your sigil throughout the next few days, acknowledge it with a small smile
and continue with whatever you were doing. Merely having your sigil around will continually
Once you’re done placing your sigil sheets, sit down with your journal. Only write your sigil
and the deadline for this experiment, which is 72 hours. Don’t write anything else. You want
Through your sigil, you WILL alter the E-Field to align more deeply with your desire. Look
forward to the ever-present communication of your sigil to the E-field over the next 72-hours.
You are already enabling the E-Field to manifest your desire. Be joyful knowing that the
What you should do now is carefully go over the results of each experiment. Consider—how
did you feel when you did the experiment? What seemed most successful? What worked
Then it’s time to get creative. Design your own 72-hour experiments! You can combine
techniques to manifest the best outcomes—for example, you could play eerie music while
visualizing your magical place, or rub your lucky token as you energize a sigil.
Keep trying! Keep practicing! It’s not an Einstein quote I’m afraid, but I can’t do better than
that old chestnut: “Practice makes perfect.” That was true of piano when you were five, and
it’s true now with manifestation. Because manifestation isn’t magic … it’s science. And you