ABCs2018 Paper 156

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Feature Selection in Convolutional Neural Network with MNIST Handwritten

Zhuochen Wu

College of Engineering and Computer Science, Australian National University

[email protected]

Abstract. Feature selection is an important technique to improve neural network performances due to the redundant attributes and
the massive amount in original data sets. In this paper, a CNN with two convolutional layers followed by a dropout, then two fully
connected layers, is equipped with a feature selection algorithm. Accuracy rate of the networks with different attribute input weight
as zero are calculated and ranked so that the machine can decide which attribute is the least important for each run of the algorithm.
The algorithm repeats itself to remove multiple attributes. When the network will not achieve a satisfying accuracy rate as defined in
the algorithm, the process terminates and no more attributes to be removed. A CNN is chosen the image recognition task and one
dropout is applied to reduce the overfitting of training data. This implementation of deep learning method proves its ability to rise
accuracy and neural network performance with up to 80% less attributes fed in. This paper also compares the technique with other
the result of LeNet-5 to see the differences and common facts.

Keywords: CNN, Feature selection, Classification, Real world problem, Deep learning
1. Introduction
Feature selection has been a focus in many study domains like econometrics, statistics and pattern recognition.
It is a process to select a subset of attributes in given data and improve the algorithm performance in efficient
and accuracy, etc. It is commonly understood that the more features being fed into a neural network, the more
information machine could learn from in order to achieve a better outcome. However, among all given data,
especially from the real world, many of them could be noisy, redundant or invalid, which cannot accumulate
the correct rate for testing but being an interference for machine to recognise the real pattern from valid but
small amount data[6].
Furthermore, those useless data increase the time complexity of most algorithms and take up more storage
while computing[1]. Hence it is necessary and important to get rid of excessive features during classification.
The feature selection process can be considered as choosing the most useful N attributes from the original M
attributes, N<M, so that the classification result accuracy can be improved through reducing feature attributes.

A conventional neural network (CNN) with two convolution layers is chosen for the proposed task. This CNN
has two conventional layers followed by a dropout, then two fully connected layers. The outputs will be digits
from 0 to 9 to indicate the classification results. The CNN is defined to use Log SoftMax and then use the
Negative Log Likelihood as loss function. SGD rule is used to update network weights.

It is proposed that using the neural network alone first to carry out the classification task for 10 epochs to
complete training and record the results. Then implement the neural network with feature selection prior to
learning process and proceed another training, record the results again and compare with the first group to see
the performance difference.

To investigating a feature selection problem with handwriting classification, I believe the MNIST data set is
appropriate in terms of size, difficulty and application in the real world.

2. Method
2.1 Data Set Selection
The MNIST data set is chosen to practice a simple neural network for multiple reasons. First of all, it has a
training set of 60000 examples and a test set of 10000 examples. The data set has been normalized to 20x20
pixels and centered into 28x28 image, which is easy to handle when trying out a new technique using a CNN
without spending too much time for data preprocessing and formatting. Secondly, this particular data set is
widely used for image pattern recognition. It contains binary images and labels of them, which is suitable for
supervised machine learning. Quite amount of paper processing the data set by different machine learning
methods can be found and compared to get more insights of my own research. Thirdly, it can be a useful and
meaningful implementation in the real world to recognize and convert hand written on tablets to digital texts.

The raw data are hand written pictures of digits form 0 to 9 from approximately 250 writers. They are from
Special Database 3 and Special Database 1, and the former data are cleaner and easier to recognize. The
MNIST training set is consist of 30000 SD-3 patterns and 30000 SD-1 patterns. Similarly, the test set is
divided in half data from these 2 databases. It is also worth mentioning that the sets of writers of training and
test sets are selected to be disjoint to make sure the test result is at its most value.

The goal is to train the neural network with the dataset so that the machine can recognize handwritten digits
from test set correctly.

2.2 Neural Network Model Design

A CNN with 2 convolutional layers and a dropout is chosen for the proposed task. This network has kernels of
size 5 for each filter and take input of 2 channels since the MNIST dataset are black and white images. Two
pooling layers after convolutional layers are both set with max-pooling function to extract features. ReLU
function is used as the activation function for its simplicity to implement and advantage of faster convergence.
At the end of the network, we would like to use SoftMax function to output the possibilities of 10 different
labels as a result. However, we are using Negative Log Likelihood as our loss function so we just need to
adjust SoftMax to Log SoftMax so that they can be linked up with compatible date type.

To apply feature selection on this network, we also need a way to decide which attributes to be excluded from
all features. Here, a simple and straight forward algorithm is used. Given the trained network, accuracy rates
are computed when one attribute are excluded[4]. To exclude one attribute, we simply set the input weight of it
to zero. Then the accuracy rates of those networks are ranked. When the network can achieve an accuracy not
more than R% of decreasing with one more attribute removed, it will remove the attribute and computing
again. Else the algorithm will terminate.
Feature selection algorithm
1. Let A = {A1, A2, …An} be the set of input attributes to the CNN. Let R be the acceptable maximum drop
of accuracy rate of test set.
2. Train network N to minimise the loss value with A as input so that the accuracy rate of training set is
3. For all k = 1, 2, …n, network Nk has the weight from input Ak as zero and weights from other inputs
equal to weights of network N.
4. Compute the accuracy rates of training set (Rk) and test set (R’k) respectively.
5. Rank networks Nk by their accuracy rates of training set.
6. Compute the change of accuracy rate of test set, r, for each Nk from k = 1. If r <= R, remove Ak from
input set A, and N = N-1. If k < N, k = k+1 and go to repeat. Else stop the algorithm.

3. Result and Discussion

3.1 Result Comparison
Results generated from the original CNN is shown as tuples of average loss and accuracy rate of test set.

(0.2078, 94.08%), (0.1257, 96.20%), (0.0971, 97.07%), (0.0829, 97.49%), (0.0771, 97.67%),
(0.0659, 98.00%), (0.0599, 98.09%), (0.0594, 98.21%), (0.0543, 98.29%), (0.0496, 98.40%)
Learning rate = 0.01, channel = 2

(0.1105, 96.70%), (0.0784, 97.51%), (0.0639, 97.93%), (0.0560, 98.29%), (0.0544, 98.48%),
(0.0512, 98.53%), (0.0472, 98.56%), (0.0441, 98.70%), (0.0433, 98.66%), (0.0367, 98.78%)
Learning rate = 0.02, channel = 2

(0.1129, 96.54%), (0.0740, 97.79%), (0.0639, 98.03%), (0.0511, 98.50%), (0.0459, 98.65%),
(0.0481, 98.48%), (0.0369, 98.90%), (0.0399, 98.80%), (0.0359, 98.97%), (0.0327, 99.03%)
Learning rate = 0.02, channel = 3

It is proved that a slightly higher learning rate can improve the performance slightly but it remains curious that
the increase of input channel provided a better result. Given input channel as 3, the highest accuracy rate
increased to 99%, which is a good outcome. Considering the data is actually black white with grey scale, I can
only guess the reason is that adding one more channel to discriminate features has taken the level of greyness
into consideration.

Results from LeNet-5 constructed by LeCun are shown as follow. [11]

Figure 1. Test and training set error rate of LeNet-5. Convergence is attained after 10 to 12 passes through
the training set.

LeNet-5 is a CNN of 7 layers with input of 32x32 images. The larger input is used to capture more detailed
features like ending strokes. Convolutional layer1 has 6 feature maps of 28x28 size, sub-sampling layer 2 has 6
feature maps of 14x14 size and convolutional layer 3 has 16 feature maps. Then sub-sampling layer 4 also has
16 feature maps of 5x5 and convolutional layer 5 has 120 feature maps. The loss function used is Maximum A
Posteriori criterion. It can not only push down the penalty of correct class but also pull up the penalties of
incorrect classes. Then the gradient is computed by back-propagation.
For Regular Database in LeCun’s paper, which is the same size of 28x28 image, learning rates are tuned down
to 0.0005, 0.0002, 0.0001, 0.00005 and 0.00001. The training of the LeNet-5 was carried out for 20 iterations.

My CNN get a result from 96.54% to 99.03% through 10 iterations and LeNet-5 has a correct rate from
98.25% to 99.00%.

Comparing with LeCun’s results of LeNet-5, it is shown that the more complex CNN structure has an
advantage of starting from a higher standard and reaching the maximum correction rate earlier, at iteration 6.
This indicates that LeNet-5 is more stable and more capable of distinguishing patterns from the beginning.
However after reaching the 99%, it is hard to have further improvement due to some limitations, which results
in the same highest result as my network. But overall, it is relatively easy for MNIST to achieve a accuracy
rate above 98%, so it is the network’s learning speed, ability and stability that need to be improved in future

3.2 Related Work

Feature selection problem is getting more and more attention in machine learning field and many techniques
are developed. There are two types of methods to search for an optimal subset of features, exhaustive and
heuristic[2]. An example of exhaustive algorithms is FOCUS algorithm. It starts as an empty set and computes
exhaustively until it can find a minimal set of features representing the pattern. The algorithm can also be
heuristic, like Relief algorithm. It assigns a relevance weight to each attribute and update the weight. It does
not has the ability to remove redundant features[8] and always select most of original features. A probabilistic
approach[9] is also possible to filter out the optimal features but can be time consuming regarding to large data

Feature selection techniques are also classified into 3 types-embedded selection techniques, filter techniques
and wrapper techniques[10]. Embedded techniques like L1 regularization and decision tree are used to
optimize the performance of an algorithm or mode. Filter techniques select the features and then pass them on
to an induction algorithm. Such methods including information gain, chi-square test and variance threshold,
etc. In wrapper methods, feature selection algorithm works like a wrapper before an induction algorithm. They
are more computationally expensive than filter methods. This includes genetic algorithms, recursive feature
elimination and sequential feature selection, etc.

4. Conclusion and Future Work

4.1 Conclusion
During this experiment, we combined a simple convolution neural network with a basic feature selection
algorithm to achieve better performance.
Through the work described above, it is apparent that feature selection can be a huge favor for neural
network classification. In addition to risen the accuracy rate generally, it can usually reduce the feature
attributes up to 80%, which increases computation efficiency and suppress the complexity.
In this particular case, it is also hard to get higher accuracy result after reaching 99% for MNIST dataset.
Compared with LeNet-5, the latest CNN of LeNet structure, it is also evident that the performance of the
network is superior from the beginning, which indicates the feature extraction method of my network still
needs to be imporved.

4.2 Further Improvement

With knowing a clear advantage of feature selection in a real world problem, it can be explored that
combining different feature selection techniques like SBC with more complex convolutional neural
network to achieve a higher prediction accuracy. Construction of feature maps needs to be improved
further to look into deeper level features. In this way, the network can collect more detailed features to
increase the discrimination ability. Penalty functions may be introduced in this neural network so we can
have a better control of the timing to remove an attribute.

Apart from accuracy rate, algorithm complexity of time and space can also be compared. This may give us
a more comprehensive understanding of algorithms performance and their advantages and defects, which
help us apply them in difference cases appropriately.
[1]D. Aha, "Tolerating noisy, irrelevant and novel attributes in instance-based learning algorithms", International
Journal of Man-Machine Studies, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 267-287, 1992.

[2]H. Liu and R. Sationo, "Incremental Feature Selection", Applied Intelligence, vol. 9, pp. 217-230, 1998.

[3]C. Ratanamahatana and D. Gunopulos, "Scaling up the Naive Bayesian Classifier: Using Decision Trees for Feature

[4]R. Setiono and H. Liu, "Neural-network feature selector", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 8, no. 3, pp.
654-662, 1997.


[6]D. Koller and M. Sahami, "Toward optimal feature selection", Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth
International Conference, pp. 284-292, 1996.

[7]J. Schlimmer, "Concept Acquisition through Representational Adjustment", 1987.

[8]K. Kira and L. Rendell, "The feature selection problem: Traditional methods and a new algorithm", AAAI Press/The
MIT Press, pp. 129-134, 1992.

[9]H. Liu and L. Setiono, "A probabilistic approach to feature selection—a filter solution", Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, pp. 319-327, 1996.

[10]A. Blum and P. Langley, "Selection of relevant features and examples in machine learning", Artificial Intelligence,
vol. 97, no. 1-2, pp. 245-271, 1997.

[11]Y. Lecun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio and P. Haffner, "Gradient-based learning applied to document
recognition", Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 86, no. 11, pp. 2278-2324, 1998.

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