Environmental Sanitation Practices in Sub-Sahara African Urban Centers: The Experience From Ondo, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology

Volume 6, Issue 11, 2019, PP 21-31

ISSN : 2349-476X

Environmental Sanitation Practices in Sub-Sahara African

urban Centers: The Experience from Ondo, Nigeria
Adewale Olufunlola YOADE*
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Wesley University Ondo, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author: Adewale Olufunlola YOADE, Department of Urban and Regional Planning,
Wesley University Ondo, Nigeria, Email: [email protected]

This study examined environmental sanitation practices in Ondo, Nigeria. Data were collected having
stratified the study area into the high, medium and low densities. Three political wards were randomly
selected from each zone. There are 2222 buildings in the selected wards with 879 in the high; 725 in the
medium and 618 in the low. Systematic sampling was used to select 10% of the buildings. A total of 222
copies of questionnaires were administered on household heads out of which 187 copies were retrieved and
analyzed. Findings showed that majority (66.8%) of respondents were owners of the buildings while 33.2%
were tenants. Finding revealed that 19.6% of waste storage facilities in the study area were covered refuse
bins while plastic containers accounted for 9.2%. Results of the findings showed that 21.67% of waste
storage facilities in the low density area were refuse bins. Findings showed that 22.9%, 21.2% and 33.3%
of residents in the high, medium and low densities, respectively stored/disposed waste in less than 5 days.
The predominant method of waste disposal in the high and medium density was burning, while the use of
disposal site was prevalent in the low density. The study concluded on the adoption of revitalization strategy
that involves community participation. This hinges on the understanding that community participation in
sanitation practices is one of the most important and essential means for solving the sanitation problems at
the present time.
Keywords: Solid waste; Sanitation; Urban center, Ondo Nigeria

INTRODUCTION by 33% (Mooijman 2003). Implementation of

latrines, providing safe excreta disposal options
Access to proper sanitation will have improved reduces diarrhoeal diseases by up to 36%
living conditions, in terms of increased health (Mooijman 2003; Cairncross & Kolsky 2003). This
and well-being and economic productivity dissertation aims to highlight the importance of
(Elledge, 2003). Not only does proper sanitation these issues and examine the viability and details of
reduce the burden of disease, but it provides available sanitation options.
secondary benefits such as increasing child school
attendance, increasing economic productivity of In its modern concept, environment includes not
communities, as well as assisting in the only water, air and soil but also the social and
empowerment of women (WHO et al., 2004). economic conditions under which we live (Park,
However, despite its importance, inadequate 2011). The key to man‟s health lies largely in his
sanitation impacts individuals and communities environment. In fact, much of man‟s ill-health can
worldwide. Every 15 seconds a child dies from be traced to adverse environmental factors such as
diseases largely due to poor water, sanitation and water, soil and air pollution, poor housing
hygiene, with nearly 40% of the global population conditions, presence of animal reservoir and insect
having no access to hygienic sanitation (WHO et vectors of diseases which pose threats to man‟s
al., 2004). Achieving targets towards improved health. Often, man is responsible for the pollution
sanitation coverage is a challenge for the global of his environment through urbanization,
community and this must be addressed with industrialization and other human activities.
urgency. The primary preventative method to According to the National Sanitation Foundation
address these issues is through the implementation of USA, the word sanitation is defined as a way of
of appropriate sanitation strategies and hygiene life that is expressed in the clean home, farm,
promotion. Better hygiene through hand washing business, neighborhoods and community (Park,
and food protection can reduce the impact of 2011). Also, World Health Organization (WHO)
diarrhoeal diseases resulting from poor sanitation defines sanitation as the provision of facilities and

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Environmental Sanitation Practices in Sub-Sahara African urban Centers: The Experience from Ondo,

services for the safe disposal of human urine and people in the world currently lack access to
faeces (UNICEF 2012; WHO, 2012). adequate sanitation and are forced to dispose of
their excreta in unimproved and unsanitary
Hence, inadequate sanitation is a major cause of
conditions. Those who suffer from this, lack most
disease world-wide and improving sanitation is
basic human needs and also tend to be victims of
known to have a significant beneficial impact on
poverty, ill health and an overall poor quality of
health both in households and across communities. life (WHO, 2013).
The word 'sanitation' also refers to the
maintenance of hygienic conditions through However, deposition of faecal matter near
services such as garbage collection and waste- homes, contamination of sources of drinking
water disposal. In addition, environmental water (sometimes caused by poorly designed or
sanitation according to World Health Organization maintained sewage system), dumping of refuse
is the control of all those factors in man‟s physical and sweeping into the gutters, defecating and
environment which exercise or may exercise a disposing of faces by the street corners and
deleterious effect on his physical development, waterways and selling of food stuffs and cooked
health and survival. It could also be seen as the food by the road side are all unwholesome
principle and practice of effecting healthful and practices that pose potential risk to the
hygienic conditions in the environment to promote development of diseases. Water quantity is as
public health and welfare, improve quality of life important as water quality. Washing of hands
after defecation and before preparing food is of
and ensure a sustainable environment (Alabi,
particular importance in reducing disease
2010). The essential components of environmental
transmission, as has been demonstrated by
sanitation include: solid waste management;
Nigeria‟s recent control over Ebola Viral
medical waste management; excreta and sewage
Disease. Poor housing also contributes to poor
management; food sanitation; sanitary inspection environmental health and its consequent input in
of premises; market and abattoir sanitation; the health of the urban dwellers. Measures for
adequate potable water supply; school sanitation; the prevention of cholera mostly consist of
pest and vector control; management of urban providing clean water and proper sanitation to
drainage; control of reared and stray animals; populations who do not yet have access to basic
disposal of the dead animals; weed and vegetation services. Health education and good food
control; hygiene education and promotion. hygiene are equally important.
In most developing countries, adequate The environmental sanitation-related diseases
environmental sanitation has not been strictly exacerbate poverty by diminishing productivity
adhered to. For example in some parts of Nigeria, and household income. In addition, the national
living with waste as part of the natural cost of lost productivity, reduced educational
environment has become a way of life. Although potential and huge curative health costs
there has been a remarkable improvement from constitute a major drain on the local and
what it used to be in the late eighties/early nineties, national economy. Besides, a dirty environment
there is still much to be done as Lagos, our with its attendant health consequences,
“Nigerian Centre of Excellence”, was depicted a prevailing in most of our cities, can discourage
vast slum (Alabi, 2010). In the United States, slum tourists/investors and undermine the economic
is often used to refer to marginalized benefit of tourism to the country. Consequently,
neighborhoods, but in developing countries it wide-ranging actions are required to solve
usually means a settlement built in or near a city Environmental Sanitation problems in order to
by residents themselves, without official reduce and avert their adverse health, economic
authorization or regulation. Such housing units are and developmental effects. Therefore, this study
typically substandard, and the infrastructure and evaluates the sanitation facilities and services
services range from non-existent to improvised. available in the residential areas of Ondo,
Furthermore, environmental hazards are Nigeria with a view to identifying the different
responsible for about a quarter of the total burden environmental sanitation behaviors emanating
of diseases worldwide and as much as 30% in from the level of adequacies of these amenities.
regions such as sub-Saharan Africa. As many as
13 million deaths can be prevented every year by
making our environments healthier. These facts The residential area of any settlement is one of
and figures highlight the impact of environmental the points of reception, the hub of activities and
factors on public health. More than 2.4 billion the distribution of internal and external goods

22 International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V6 ● I10 ● 2019
Environmental Sanitation Practices in Sub-Sahara African urban Centers: The Experience from Ondo,

and services (Tanimiwo, 2001). These features established that sanitation and good hygiene are
of the residential areas aggravate the fundamental to health, survival, growth and
unwholesome living condition of the residents. development. His main objective was to
Consequently, there are growing cases of water- examine the causes of the environmental
borne and filth related diseases especially sanitation conditions in Kumasi Metropolitan
diarrhea, cholera and malaria (Roland et al, Area and its effect on the health of the people.
2004). These contribute to loss of lives and
man-hour which results to colossal loss to Yani (1985) assessed the Environmental
economic growth and development. Olayiwola Sanitation Practices in Ikeja Local Government
and Omisore (2001) and Nwaka (2005) Area of Lagos State Nigeria. His thesis was
observed that such effects include poor primarily intended to highlight and stimulate the
accessibility, high occupancy ratio, and lack of increasing role of Environmental sanitation in
proper drainage, inadequate infrastructure and relation to deceases. Oweye (2013) and Adedeji
social amenities, environmental pollution and (2013) examined Poverty, Sanitation and Public
poor sanitation. Nwaka (2005) noted that Health aimed at investigating the inter-
residential neighbourhoods in the residential are relationship among poverty, environmental
being developed without effective planning and sanitation and public health, with a view to
adequate provision of basic services and establish its implication on residential
facilities including transportation, health, neighbourhoods of Akure urban centre. All
employment, security and sanitation facilities. these studies properly examined the sanitation
Urban environmental management addresses practices in each town and city, however, did
environmental issues that exist in the urban areas. not entirely provide a generalized environmental
Sanitation is one of the most basic services in sanitation practice that could be applicable in
human life. Improving environmental sanitation is other areas, available sanitary facilities, much
known to have a significant beneficial impact on emphasis was not laid on the resident‟s level of
health both in households and across communities. satisfaction and response to the inadequacies
However, the behaviour and attitude of the with the sanitary conditions and facilities as well
inhabitants towards sanitation do not augment this as the indebt strategies to improve the people‟s
effort. People do not seem to care about good health conditions in the environment.
environmental sanitation practices and constantly
litter indiscriminately without considering the The problems are worsened in developing
future effects of these poor sanitation practices on countries like Nigeria, where there are
their health. If appropriate efforts are not made to inadequate health facilities to alleviate the
halt such practices, the city will continue to spend problems (Nwaka, 2005). Of interest in this
the greater part of her resources in an attempt to study is to provide answers to some research
ensure good environmental sanitation without questions like: what are the sanitation facilities
success. Coupled with the high population growth in the core areas? How do the residents respond
is the lack of institutional capacity to formulate to inadequacies in the provision of these
and adopt strategies to ensure proper facilities? What is the health implication of non-
environmental management in Ondo. Several provision of these facilities?
authors have written on environmental sanitation
practices (some of which include)
Ondo is one of the major urban centres in Ondo
Phoebe (2006) examined the Assessment of
state. The town is located on latitude 06‟30‟N
Appropriate Sanitation Technologies in a
Development Context in Australia. The aim of and longitude 04‟45‟E. The town is bounded to
his study was to highlight the vitality of the north by Oluji/Okeigbo local government,
sanitation issues and encompasses a broad on the east by Idanre local government, on the
investigation of the processes associated with west and south by Odigbo local government.
water and sanitation international development The population of the town stood at 113,900
sector and asses the viability of available during the 1991 population census. Ondo falls
sanitation technologies which can be applied in within the tropical wet and dry climate with a
a development context. Acheampong (2010) relatively small dry season. Consequently,
examined the Environmental Sanitation in the rainfall in Ondo is seasonal in character with
Kumasi Metropolitan Area of Ghana. The study well-marked wet and dry seasons.

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Environmental Sanitation Practices in Sub-Sahara African urban Centers: The Experience from Ondo,

Figure1. Map of Ondo City showing the Study Area

Source: Adapted from Google map, 2017
The dry period comes between November and The study population for this study were the
February, while the wet season lasts for 8 months; residents‟ of Ondo town, spread across the twelve
from March to October; the mean annual rainfall is political wards, and subdivided into 3 basic
about 1561mm. the annual mean temperature is densities; low, medium and high density
27‟C, with a maximum of 30‟C. Ondo landscape residential areas. Therefore, Ondo town was
is made up of generally undulating hills of granitic categorized into three homogeneous groups (based
outcrop of igneous origin, and is marked by few on their residential densities); namely: high density
dome-shaped hills. These hills are found to be residential (for the low income earners), medium
developed over the basement complex of density residential (for the medium income
metamorphic rocks with their summits ranging earners) and the low density residential (for the
between 250 and 500 meters above sea level high income earners). Densities were therefore
(Akintola, 1982). The town has no major river; selected based on the 12 political wards in Ondo.
rather it is drained by several streams with fairly For high density, the target was Odotu from ward
wide flood plains. The most important of these 3, for medium density the target was Surulere
streams are Luwa, Lisaluwa, and Mode. The town from ward 10 and for low density, the target was
falls within the most/wet lowland forest, i.e. it has
Fagun from ward 11. In all, there are twelve
thick forested vegetation, but due to human
political wards in the study area.
activities, most of these original forests have been
replaced with secondary re-growth. Out of these twelve, three which fall under high,
low and medium density residential districts were
properly examined. Systematic sampling
Data for this study were from both primary and technique was used in selecting residents to be
secondary sources. The primary data were sampled. The first building at the street entrance
collected through field observation and was selected, then subsequent unit of
administration of questionnaire. The questionnaire investigation was every 10th residential building
administered on the residents addressed issues on in the area, representing 20% of all residential
residents‟ socioeconomic characteristics, level of buildings in the selected wards of the study area.
their participation, perception, satisfaction and Based on the pilot study, there are 2,222
factors influencing residents‟ level of satisfaction residential buildings in the sampled wards of the
with environmental sanitation practices in the selected areas. These comprised of 879 in Odotu;
study area. Also, in-depth interview was 725 in Surelere; and 618 in Fagun. The study
conducted on heads of community development administered structured questionnaire on the
associations in the area. oldest resident in each of the sampled buildings.

24 International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V6 ● I10 ● 2019
Environmental Sanitation Practices in Sub-Sahara African urban Centers: The Experience from Ondo,

The target person for the survey was the environmental sanitation practices in the study
household head. This is because household head area.Also, the study established that since the P
was able to provide information on urban renewal value is greater than 0.05, therefore it can be
projects implementation in the study area. Using deduced that the gender distribution of
this procedure, a total of 222 copies of respondents in each density in the study area is
questionnaires was administered out of which insignificant that is, their gender does not affect
187 copies were retrieved for the study. where they live.
Secondary data collected include map of Nigeria,
The summary of data collected and analyzed on
Ondo State, Ondo town gotten from Ministry of
marital status of the residents is as presented in
Physical Development, Ministry of Works, and
Table 2. Marital status was categorized into five:
number of residential buildings from National
single, married, divorced, widowed and
Population Commission (NPC).Data collected
were analyzed using both the descriptive and separated. It is revealed that most (35.3%) of the
inferential statistics based on the set objectives. residents were single, (47.6%) of the
respondents‟ are married, (10.7%) were divorced,
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION (3.2%) were both widowed and separated.
Unless where otherwise stated, the tables through It was deduced from the study that P value is
which facts and findings are summarized are the also greater than 0.05, hence it can therefore be
products of the survey carried out by the authors deduced that the marital status of respondents
and assisted by final year students of Urban and spread across the three residential densities is
Regional Planning undergraduate programme of insignificant, that is, their marital status does not
Wesley University, Ondo, Nigeria in 2017. affect the residential density. Analysis of data
Socio-Economic and Demographic collected on the educational attainment of
Characteristics of the Area residents as presented in Table 2 revealed that
(24.6%) of the residents have acquired primary
The socio-economic characteristics of
respondents‟ discussed in this section include education, (35.8%) have secondary education
the gender of residents‟, their age, marital status, and (39.6%) are having tertiary education. This
educational attainment and religious affiliation, proportional representation of respondents‟ with
among others. The gender distribution of the tertiary education may influence the residents‟
respondents across the selected cities is as response in the evaluation of the sanitation
contained in Table 2. The finding revealed that practices in the study area. This is because
both genders were well represented across the education tends to create awareness. There is
study area as, 51.9% of the residents were males every tendency to believe that a well-educated
while 48.1% were females.This proportional person may perceive his immediate environment
representation of the two genders may influence differently from a less educated fellow and this
the residents‟ response in the evaluation of is reflected in the result of the analysis.
Table1. Socio-economic background of the respondents
Variable High Density Medium Density Low Density Total
Male 56 (53.3) 26 (50.0) 15 (50.0) 97 (51.9)
Female 49 (47.7) 26(50.0) 15 (50.0) 98 (48.1)
Total 105 (56.2) 52 (27.8) 30 (16.0) 187 (100.0)
Marital status
Single 38 (36.2) 16 (30.8) 12 (40.0) 66 (35.3)
Married 50 (47.6) 26 (50.0) 13(43.3) 89 (47.6)
Divorced 11 (10.5) 6 (11.5) 3 (10.0) 20 (10.7)
Widow 3 (2.9) 2 (3.8) 1 (3.3) 6 (3.2)
Separated 3 (2.9) 2 (3.8) 1 (3.3) 6 (3.2)
Total 105 (56.2) 52 (27.8) 30 (16.0) 187 (100.0)
Education qualification of Respondents
Primary 30 (28.6) 12 (23.1) 4 (13.3) 46 (24.6)
Secondary 38 (36.2) 19 (36.5) 10 (33.3) 67 (35.8)
Tertiary 37 (35.2) 21 (40.4) 16 (53.3) 74 (39.6)
Total 105 (56.2) 52 (27.8) 30 (16.0) 187 (100.0)

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Environmental Sanitation Practices in Sub-Sahara African urban Centers: The Experience from Ondo,

Income distribution of respondents

Low 56 (53.3) 3 (5.8) 3 (10.0) 62 (33.2)
Medium 43 (41.0) 29 (55.8) 12 (40.0) 84 (44.9)
High 6 (5.7) 20 (38.5) 15 (50.0) 41 (21.9)
Total 105 (56.2) 52 (27.8) 30 (16.0) 187 (100.0)
Respondents’ Age distribution
20-30 14 (13.3) 7 (13.5) 4 (13.3) 25 (13.4)
31-40 23 (21.9) 11 (21.2) 7 (23.3) 41 (21.9)
41-50 26 (24.8) 12 (23.1) 8 (26.7) 46 (24.6)
51-60 30 (28.6) 15 (28.8) 8 (26.7) 53 (28.3)
61-70 12 (11.4) 7 (13.5) 3 (10.0) 22 (11.8)
Total 105 (56.2) 52 (27.8) 30 (16.0) 187 (100.0)
Occupation distribution of respondents
Civil Servant 7 (6.7) 13 (25.0) 8 (26,7) 28 (15.0)
Business & trading 22 (21.0) 14 (26.9) 9 (30.0) 45 (24.1)
Artisans 46 (43.8) 15 (28.8) 5 (16.7) 66 (35.5)
Professionals 13 (12,4) 6 (11.5) 6 (20.0) 25 (13.4)
Farming 17 (16.2) 4 (7.7) 2 (6,7) 23 (12.3)
Total 105 (56.2) 52 (27.8) 30 (16.0) 187 (100.0)
Type of House
Bungalow 10 (9.5) 16 (30.8) 11 (36.7) 37 (19.8)
Storey Bungalow 47 (44.8) 6 (11.5) 4 (13.3) 57 (30.5)
Flat 12 (11.4) 18 (34.6) 8 (26.7) 38 (20.8)
Storey Flat 3 (2.9) 10 (19.2) 6 (20.0) 19 (10.2)
Duplex 25 (23.8) 2 (3.8) 1 (3.3) 28 (15.0)
Traditional 8 (7.6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 8 (4.3)
Total 105 (56.2) 52 (27.8) 30 (16.0) 187 (100.0)
Length of Stay
Short Stay 6 (5.7) 29 (55.8) 15 (50.0) 50 (26.7)
Average Stay 43 (41.0) 3 (5.8) 12 (40.0) 58 (31.1)
Long Stay 56 (53.3) 20 (38.5) 3 (10.0) 79 (42.2)
Total 105 (56.2) 52 (27.8) 30 (16.0) 187 (100.0)
Household Size
Small 56 (53.3) 29 (55.8) 15 (50.0) 100 (53.5)
Medium 6 (5.7) 20 (38.5) 12 (40.0) 38 (20.3)
Large 43 (41.0) 3 (5.8) 3 (10.0) 49 (26.2)
Total 105 (56.2) 52 (27.8) 30 (16.0) 187 (100.0)
Type of Toilet
Water System 25 23.8 28 53.8 25 83.3 78 41.7
Covered Pit Latrine 37 35.2 17 32.7 5 16.7 59 31.6
Uncovered Pit 18 (17.1) 5 (9.6) 0 (0) (23 12.3)
Latrine 17 (16.2) 2 (3.8) 0 (0) (19 10.2)
Pale/Bucket System 8 (7.6) 0 (0) 0 (0) (8 4.3)
VIP Latrine 105 (56.2) 52 (27.8) 30 (16.0) 187 (100.0)
Type of Occupancy
Ownership 72 (68.6) 32 (61.5) 21 (70.0) 125 (66.8)
Tenancy 33 (31.4) 20 (38.5) 9 (30.0) 62 (33.2)
Total 105 (56.2) 52 (27.8) 30 (16.0) 187 (100.0)
The study revealed that 15% of the respondents‟ residential for high income earners, hence it is
are civil servants, 24% are business men and significant. The tenure of the respondents defines
women, 35.0% are artisans, 13% are the type of house occupancy as presented in
professionals and 12.3% are farmers in the study Table 4.6 below. The sturdy reveals that 66.8%,
area. The P value is exactly 0.05, therefore it can enjoy ownership, while 33.2% are tenants. Just as
be deduced that the occupation of respondents is mentioned above, based on the P value of 0.626,
directly proportional to their residential densities, it can therefore be deduced from the table above
that is, high density residential area for low that the type of occupancy does not affect the
income earners, medium density residential for residential density for the respondents, hence it
medium income earners and low density is insignificant.

26 International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V6 ● I10 ● 2019
Environmental Sanitation Practices in Sub-Sahara African urban Centers: The Experience from Ondo,

The summary of the type of houses occupied by Sanitation Practices

the residents across the residential zones are Sanitation issues examined in this study include
presented in Table 2. Findings revealed that various sources of water, cooking items,
19.8% of the residents live in bungalow building facilities, waste storage and waste
buildings, 30.5% live in storey buildings, 20.3% disposal. In order to examine these, respondents
live in flats, 10.2% live in storey flat, 15.0% live were to express their opinion using one of the
in duplexes and 4.3% live in traditional houses. three Likert scales of „Regularly‟ ; „Sometimes‟
All these indicate that there is variation in the (I) and „Never” for sources of water,
type of houses the residents occupy across the „adequacy‟; „inadequacy‟ and „not available for
selected zones of the study area. The Chi-square building facilities, “often”, “not often”, “very
tests results (χ2 = 70.348 and ρ< 0.001) rare‟ for waste disposal methods. To arrive at
established that there was a significant “Rating value”, a weighted eight value of 3, 2
association between the residential zones and and 1 were respectively attached. The rating
the type of houses occupied by the residents in value was arrived at by dividing the Summation
the study area. of Rating Value (SRV) by the total number of
Data on residents‟ age distribution were grouped responses. The SRV for each factor was
into five. It is revealed in Table 3 that (13%) of obtained through the addition of the product of
the respondents were from ages 20 to 30, the number of responses to each factor and the
(21.9%) were from ages 31 to 40, (24.6%) were respective weight value attached to each rating.
from ages 41 to 50, (28.3%) were from ages 51 This is mathematically expressed as:
to 60 and (11.8%) were from ages 61 to 70. This

proportional representation of the older
residents‟ may influence the residents‟ response
in the evaluation of the environmental sanitation
SRV = i 1 xiyi …………….. (1)
practices because of their past experiences and
their level of exposure in the study area. Where:
For the ease of analysis, residents were grouped SRV = Summation of Rating value;
into three based on the length of stay. These are xi = number of respondents rating i;
residents with short (< 5 years), average (6 to 10
years), long (> 10 years) stay. The study reveals yi = the weight assigned to a value (i=1, 2, 3).
that 26.7% of the respondents have the short The index for each thus takes a value of between
stay, 31.1% have the average stay and 42.2% 3 and 1.
have the long stay. 𝑆𝑅𝑉
Rating = …………….. (2)
For the purpose of this study, three household 3
groups were determined. These are household
with 6 members and below, household that 
i 1
contains 7 to 10 members and household with 𝑥𝑖
more than 10 members. These were respectively Therefore, the details of the findings are
regarded as the small, medium and large size summarized below.
household group. Income was grouped into low,
The summary presented in Table 2 showed that
medium and high income group. The numerical
there were various cooking facilities utilized in
monthly income of the groups was less than
the area. These include kerosene stove, electric
N60000, N61000 to N150000 and above stove, gas cooker, firewood, sawdust and
N150000 respectively. For low, the respondents charcoal. Information collected revealed that
were 33.2%, 44.9% for medium, and 21.9% for kerosene stove is used more regularly than the
high. The types of toilets in the study area were other methods. This is followed by the regular
divided into six groups based on table 4.12 use of gas cooker, while the use of electric stove
below. Findings revealed that 41.7% of ranked third. Few of the respondents also use
respondents use the water system/flush toilet, firewood and charcoal regularly. None of them
31.6% use covered latrines, 12.3% use uncovered use sawdust on a regular basis. The findings
latrines, 10.2% use the pail/bucker system and could be linked to the popularity of the methods
4.3% of the residents use VIP latrines. and availability of their components. It is a

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Environmental Sanitation Practices in Sub-Sahara African urban Centers: The Experience from Ondo,

general fact that the use of kerosene stove is are also common. Firewood and charcoal are
common in most western parts of the country often used during festivals and ceremonies due
due to the level of civilization. In cities like to the large number of persons to be served.
Lagos, the use of gas cooker and electric stove Thus they are not used regularly.
Table2. Sources of water and cooking item
High Density Medium Density Low density The three Densities
Sources Rating Sources Rating Sources Rating Sources Rating
Rain 2.49 Well 2.50 Borehole 2.50 Well 2.48
Purchase 2.43 Borehole 2.41 Well 2.43 Rain 2.44
Well 2.28 Rain 2.24 Purchase 2.33 Purchase 2.28
Stream 1.93 Stream 1.94 Stream 1.96 Stream 1.94
Borehole 1.80 Purchase 1.79 Rain 1.80 Borehole 1.80
Pipe born 1.60 Pipe born 1.58 Pipe born 1.56 Pipe born 1.59
Cooking item
Fire wood/ 2.51 Kerosene Stove 2.52 Gas cooker 2.43 Kerosene 2.50
Charcoal stove
Kerosene 2.21 Fire wood/ 2.24 Electric stove 2.33 Gas cooker 2.24
stove Charcoal
Electric stove 2.06 Electric stove 2.07 Kerosene 2.13 Electric 2.07
Stove stove
2.00 2.01 Fire wood/ 2.03 Fire wood/ 2.01
Gas cooker Gas cooker Charcoal Charcoal
From the summary presented in Table 3, to the other. From the analysis presented in
findings showed that the most adequate building Table 3, while the most adequate facility in the
facilities in the study area were toilet facility. high density zone was bathroom, findings showed
The adequacy rating computed was 2.54. Next that it was toilet and Kitchen, respectively in the
to this was kitchen facility with adequacy rating medium and low density residential areas.
of 2.45. The least in adequacy was septic tank However, findings revealed septic tank as the least
(1.59) and next to this was drainage facility adequate in the high, medium and low densities.
(1.80). Respondents were of the opinion that Similarly, drainage was rated second to the least
bathroom and soak away pit were moderately adequate in these three residential densities.
available or adequate. Adequacy of building Furthermore, soak away pit was placed third in the
facilities somehow varies from one density area least adequate in these three residential densities.
Table3. Adequacy of building facilities
High Density Medium Density Low density Ondo Town
Sources Rating Sources Rating Sources Rating Sources Rating
Bathroom 2.54 Toilet 2.46 Kitchen 2.52 Kitchen 2.45
Kitchen 2.47 Bathroom 2.42 Toilet 2.46 Toilet 2.54
Toilet 2.34 Kitchen 2.20 Bathroom 2.20 Bathroom 2.28
Soak away pit 1.95 Soak away pit 1.97 Soak away pit 1.91 Soak away pit 1.94
Drainage 1.80 Drainage 1.81 Drainage 1.81 Drainage 1.80
Septic tank 1.57 Septic tank 1.54 Septic tank 1.60 Septic tank 1.59
Table4. Waste Storage
Materials High Medium Low Total
No Percent No Percent No Percent No Percent
RD1 39 19.12 20 19.23 13 21.67 72 19.6
RD2 23 11.27 13 12.50 8 13.33 44 12.0
RD3 19 9.31 10 9.62 5 8.33 34 9.2
RD4 24 11.76 12 11.54 6 10.00 42 11.4
RD5 38 18.63 19 18.27 11 18.33 68 18.5
RD6 31 15.20 14 13.46 7 11.67 52 14.1
RD7 30 14.71 16 15.38 10 16.67 56 15.2
Total **204 100.00 **104 100.00 **60 100.00 368 100.0
Note: **Higher than total respondents because of multiple responses

28 International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V6 ● I10 ● 2019
Environmental Sanitation Practices in Sub-Sahara African urban Centers: The Experience from Ondo,

Where: RDI= Covered refuse bin, RD2= Metal container, RD3= Plastic container, RD4= Jerry can, RD5=
bucket, RD6= Paper cartons, RD7= Nylon/polythene bag
The findings from the survey showed that The frequency of waste collection is very
various storage receptacles were utilized in the important to the safety of the environment.
study area. These include covered refuse Results showed that 22.9%, 21.2% and 33.3% of
bin/RD1, metal container/drum/RD2, plastic residents in the high, medium and low densities
container/RD3, jerry can/RD4, abandoned respectively stored/disposed waste in less than 5
buckets/RD5, paper cartons/RD6 and days interval. Information contained in Table 5
nylon/polythene bag/RD7. Information showed that the most prominent duration of
contained in the Table above showed that the waste storage before disposal is between 5-7
waste storage receptacle mostly used in the area days. This could be linked to the fact that the
is the covered refuse bins representing 19.6%, waste disposal operators do collect waste items
12.0% for metal drum, 9.2% for plastic on a weekly basis. Respondents who claimed to
container, 11.4% for jerry can, 18.5% for store and dispose their waste items at a longer
abandoned bucket, 14.1% for paper cartons and duration could be those who do not generate
15.2% for nylon polythene bag. The use of much waste items or those that are not always
covered bins would reduce the pollution and available during their visits. The predominant
health risk attached to waste storage systems. method of waste disposal in the high and
Flies and other harmful insects are often medium density was burning, while the use of
attracted to waste bins if they are not covered. disposal site was prevalent in the low density.
Table5. Duration of Waste Storage before Collection/Disposal
Duration High Medium Low Total
Less than 5 days 24 11 10 45
22.9% 21.2% 33.3% 24.1%
5-7 days 29 12 15 56
27.6% 23.1% 50.0% 29.9%
2 weeks 18 11 2 31
17.1% 21.2% 6.7% 16.6%
3 weeks 22 11 3 36
21.0% 21.2% 10.0% 19.3%
above 3 weeks 9 6 0 15
8.6% 11.5% .0% 8.0%
Total 105 52 30 187
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Pearson Chi-Square Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
14.554a 10 .149
Table6. Methods of Waste Disposal
High Density Medium Density Low density Ondo Town
Sources Rating Sources Rating Sources Rating Sources Rating
Burning 4.54 Burning 4.46 Disposal site 4.52 Burning 4.46
Dumping 4.47 Burring 4.45 Burring 4.46 Dumping 3.54
Burring 4.34 Disposal site 3.21 Burning 3.21 Disposal site 3.29
Disposal site 3.95 Dumping 2.97 Dumping 2.91 Burring 2.95
Water bodies 2.80 Local Government 1.81 Local Government 2.85 Local Government 1.82
Local Government 2.57 Barrow Pusher 1.54 Barrow Pusher 1.60 Water bodies 1.59
Barrow Pusher 1.65 Water bodies 1.02 Water bodies 1.14 Barrow Pusher 1.23
Source: Field Survey, 2017
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION in sanitation practices is one of the most important
and essential means for solving the sanitation
As a way of improving the living conditions of
problem at the present time, since the people are
residents in the neighborhood, the research
acquainted with their actual needs, their abilities
emphasizes the adoption of revitalization strategy
and resources. Moreover, when there is the
that involves community participation. This hinges
expression of willingness on the part of the
on the understanding that community participation
residents to contribute in kind and cash towards the

International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V6 ● I11 ● 2019 29
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Citation: Adewale Olufunlola YOADE, "Environmental Sanitation Practices in Sub-Sahara African urban
Centers: The Experience from Ondo, Nigeria", International Journal of Research Studies in Science,
Engineering and Technology, vol. 6, no.11, pp. 21-31, 2019.
Copyright: © 2019 Adewale Olufunlola YOADE, This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V6 ● I11 ● 2019 31

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