Bảng Câu Hỏi Khảo Sát Final
Bảng Câu Hỏi Khảo Sát Final
Bảng Câu Hỏi Khảo Sát Final
We are a group of students from the Department of Marketing - International
Business, City University of Technology Ho Chi Minh. Currently, we are researching
the topic "Factors affecting the behavior of using La-vie natural mineral water
among students at the City University of Technology Ho Chi Minh". We hope
you can take some time to complete this survey. Your participation in the survey
means a lot to our research. Please note that there is no right or wrong answer, all your
answers are valuable for our research. We commit that the information you provide
will only be used for research purposes and will not be provided to any other third
parties. We look forward to receiving your enthusiastic support.
Please mark an X on the most correct suggestion.
Question 1. Are you a student at the City University of Technology Ho Chi Minh
(HUTECH) or not?
Yes (Continue) No (Stop survey)
Question 2. Have you ever used La-vie natural mineral water?
Ever (Continue) Never (Stop survey)
Please mark an X on the most correct suggestion.
Question 1. Gender
Male Female Other
Question 2. What year are you currently a student?
First-year Third year
Second-year Fourth year
Question 3. What is your income level?
Under 2 million From 2 to 4 million
From 4 to 6 million Over 6 million
Thank you very much for your cooperation! Wishing you good health and a good