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Central Naval Command

Professional Military Education

For Lieutenant (Junior Grade) to Lieutenant (Senior Grade) (Engineering Officer)
1. Fill in the blanks. (15 Marks)
1။ The fore part ends in the ………….. , the after part in the stern.( stem )
2။ Any line which runs lengthways in the ship is said to run fore-and-aft and the line joining the
middle of the stem to the middle of the stern is called the …………... (fore-and aft Centre line)
3။ The curved surface of the fore part is called the bow (port or starboard) and the curved surface of
the after part is called the quarter (port or starboard); the Centre part is referred to as …………...
(amidships )
4။ The continuous horizontal surfaces of a ship are called decks; if exposed they are called
…………... (weather decks)
5။ The highest complete deck (except in aircraft carriers) is known as the upper deck. Most modern
warships are …………... (flush-decked)
6။ A vessel moving sideways is said to be moving broadside-on (to port or starboard); if she is
making headway and at the same time being blown sideways by the wind, she is said to be
…………... (making leeway)
7။ When the wind is blowing from one side of the vessel, that
side is called the weather side; the other, sheltered, side is called the …………... (lee side )
8။ When two ships are moving on the same course and level with each other they are said to be
…………... (abreast )
9။ The bearing of an object from the ship may be given relative to …………... (true or magnetic
North )
10။ The distance of an object from the ship may be expressed in …………... (nautical miles )
11။ An anchor is a hook, attached to a length of chain or rope called a …………... (cable )
12။ A ship’s main anchors are called her …………... (bower anchors )
13။ Stream Anchor. This anchor, which is used by some ships (principally RFAs) as a stern anchor,
is stowed in a …………... (stern hawse pipe )
14။ The ………….. of warships are made of studded chain; the studs are closed in the links by
pressure and act to strengthen them and prevent the cable from kinking. (bower cables )
15။ The ………….., which are usually on the lowest deck and may
be sited so that one is abreast of or forward of the other, provide the stowage for the cables.
(cable lockers )

2. State True or False. (5 Marks)

1။ The horizontal plane (surface) passing through the fore-and-aft Centre line divides the ship into
two halves. ( F )
2။ The sides of a hull can be described generally as starboard or port, meeting under the bottom of
the ship at the keel. ( T )
3။ When the ship’s sides slope or curve inwards above the waterline they are said to chamber. ( F )
4။ When the uppermost deck of a ship is continuous from stem to stern, unbroken by any raised or
sunken portion (except upper works or superstructure), the ship is said to be Main-decked. ( F )
5။ A vessel is under way when she is neither anchored nor secured to a buoy, nor made fast to the
shore, nor aground. ( T )
6။ A ship is said to be adrift when broken away from her moorings and without means of
propulsion. ( T )
7။ When one ship is lying next to another or on a dock wall it is said to be abreast the other ship or
wall. ( F )
8။ A sea mile is the distance equivalent to one minute of arc measured
along the meridian at the latitude of measurement. ( T )
9။ A Birdlime Bridle is referred to when using a designated Man Made Fiber Cordage Bridle to
secure to a buoy. ( T )
10။ A bow anchor was traditionally an extra anchor carried for safety’s sake to back up the main
anchor or anchors. ( F )

3. Multiple Choice (5 Marks)

1။ ………….. is the height of the highest continuous watertight deck (usually known as the upper
deck) above the waterline at any point along the hull.
a) Sheer
b) Freeboard
c) Chamber
d) Tumble home
2။ The greatest width of the hull is …………..
a) Breath
b) Moulded
c) Beam
d) Stiffner
3။ ………….. is the curve given to the surface of a deck so that water will drain away to the
ship’s side.
a) Camber
b) Sheer
c) Tumble home
d) Flared
4။ …………..is a long projecting fin designed to decrease the rolling of a ship. It is normally
secured to the hull at the turn of the bilge.
a) Gardboard Strake
b) A Strake
c) Bilge Strake
d) Bilge Keel
5။ When the ship’s side curves outwards above the waterline they are said to be …………...
a) Camber
b) Sheer
c) Tumble home
d) Flared
6။ The cable is a unit for measuring short distances and equals ………….. of a nautical mile (608
feet or roughly 200 yards).
a) one-ninth
b) one-tenth
c) one-eleventh
d) one-twelfth
7။ A knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour (1.852
kilometers per hour or ………….. statute miles per hour).
a) 1
b) 1.15
c) 1.30
d) 1.45
8။ Studded chain cable is supplied in lengths of ………….. m and 13.75m, called shackles and
half shackles respectively.
a) 27
b) 27.5
c) 28
d) 28.5

9။ The shackles and joining shackles of a cable are numbered

consecutively from its outer to its inner end, the first joining shackle being that which joins the
………….. shackles together.
a) first and second
b) second and third
c) third and fourth
d) fourth and fifth
10။ The clench is tested to ………….. above the proof load of the cable.
a) 17 percent
b) 18 percent
c) 19 percent
d) 20 percent

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