Science MYP 2 Grade 7 CO For 23-24
Science MYP 2 Grade 7 CO For 23-24
Science MYP 2 Grade 7 CO For 23-24
Unit 1 - Things around us Unit 2 - Movement Unit 3 - Energy Transfer Unit 4 - Substances around us
Form, Function,
Related Energy, Transformation
Environment, interaction Consequences, movement
Identities and relationships - Human nature and Science and technical innovation: how humans use Globalization and sustainability - Conservation Orientation in Space and Time: discoveries
Global Context human dignity their understanding of scientific principles
AK Strands Ethics - Reflect on and critically evaluate their own Economics for Development: Understand the process of Pluralism: Collaborate with varied groups of people, Culture: Understand how cultural groups interact with,
choices and actions from an ethical perspective. decision-making that determines how resources are working collectively to reach a goal or solve a problem. influence and impact each other in different times and
allocated. places and the effects of these interactions.
Human interactions with the environment impact the Exploring the relationship between the nature of the A healthy relationship between the environment With discoveries of different materials and their
Statement functioning of the ecosystem. substance and the movement of charges through it
helps to innovate technology. and energy transformation systems leads to a forms and functional properties have helped
of Inquiry
sustainable society. humans to bring in change in lifestyle.
Thinking skills: Transfer skills: Thinking skills: Transfer skills: Communication Critical thinking skills
Communication skills: Communication Research: information literacy
Critical thinking Research Skills
Critical Thinking: Analysing and evaluating issues Social: Collaboration
and ideas.
Science - Curriculum Overview (2023 - 2024)
Subject A, B and D A, B and C A and C B and D